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 Electrolux Trilobite Robotic Vacuum

Electrolux Trilobite Robotic Vacuum: Kitchen & Dining


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Product Description

Electrolux Trilobite Robotic Vacuum: Kitchen & Dining. Trilobite will move from hard surfaces to carpet with ease. Imagine pushing a button, walking away, and having clean floors an hour later. That futuristic scenario is now here with the Trilobite, the hands-free, intelligent inch robotic vacuum first introduced in Europe by Electrolux. While it isn't the first robotic home vacuum, the Trilobite is a major leap in home robotic technology--one that is reflected in its price. Where other small, round semi-autonomous vacuums are essentially dumb inch robots that randomly move about a room, the Trilobite uses a type of radar that maps a room and then plots a course based on previous cleaning travels. Evolution in Revolution The name comes from the hard-shelled sea creature from the Paleozoic era (betwen 250 to 560 million years ago) that roamed the ocean floor during, feeding on particles and small animals. Sound familiar? Today's Trilobite has been in the works since 1997, when its prototype was introduced on the BBC technology program, Tomorrow's World, and it has been perfected at Electrolux's development facilities in Sweden. The round, red Trilobite uses ultrasound technology to see obstacles and avoid them. Much like a bat, which emits a high-pitched sound to create a personal sonar reading of its landscape, the Trilobite pings 60,000 Hz ultrasound vibrations at surfaces to create a map of the room and remember it for future assignments. This computer processing power is what raises the Trilobite's profile over the competition, whose vacuuming robots can only react to a situation (such as bumping into something) and cannot store data into memory. The Trilobite in Action The Trilobite mapping a new room. Start the Trilobite by pressing the power button and answering yes to the question, Start cleaning? that appears on its LCD screen. The Trilobite then moves to the nearest wall, following along the edges of the room to create an inner picture of the room. This wall phase (the Normal mode of operation) forms the basis for calculation of the time required for cleaning of the open spaces that follows. The sonar detects any obstacles--blocks left on the floor, chair legs, a dog's water bowl--and a new path is quickly calculated. Transition between hard floors and carpet takes place effortlessly. The Trilobite also offers two other operation modes. The Quick mode, which is good for a small room or last-minute tidying before the in-laws arrive, skips the wall measurement and moves about the room randomly for around 20 minutes. If you've just dumped a bag of flour on the floor or the kids have tracked an inordinate amount of dirt in from the backyard, the Spot mode can concentrate on an area about 3 feet (1 meter) square, covering every part in a maze-like pattern. You can also choose to clean via a timer for up to 60 minutes. An infrared sensor detects changes in elevation of four inches and greater to help it avoid falling down stairs. It also comes with special magnetic strips that can be placed in doorways, other openings, or elevation changes less than 4 inches to provide boundaries. The Trilobite can analyze and solve problems it encounters. For instance, if the unit vacuums up a sock left on the floor which stalls the brushroll, the unit will stop, reverse its brushroll to expel the obstruction and then continue with its task once the brusroll is once again operating freely. It carries two nickel-metal hydride batteries (NiMH) batteries on board, switching to the second as the first runs low on energy. As the second battery's power dips below the 50% point, the[4858] Trilobite is a fully automated vacuum cleaner just put it on the floor and it does the rest. Using its highly sophisticated ultra-sonic sensors, it will navigate around your furniture and even detect and avoid people or pets. And it does this while thoroughly vacuuming the floor, moving from hard surfaces to carpet with ease.The Trilobite is a fully automated vacuum cleaner. Just put it on the floor and it does the rest. Using its highly sophisticated sensors, it will navigate around objects, travel under chairs and even avoid stairs, all while thoroughly vacuuming the floor. And when it’s done, it will return to its docking station to automatically recharge itself.

Shipping Weight: 18 pounds

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