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UnMarketing: Stop Marketing. Start Engaging. (9780470617878): Scott Stratten: Books. From one of the leading experts in viral and social marketing-market your business effectively to today's customers For generations, marketing has been hypocritical. We've been taught to market to others in ways we hate being marketed to (cold-calling, flyers, ads, etc.). So why do we still keep trying the same stale marketing moves? UnMarketing shows you how to unlearn the old ways and consistently attract and engage the right customers. You'll stop just pushing out your message and praying that it sticks somewhere. Potential and current customers want to be listened to, validated, and have a platform to be heard-especially online. With UnMarketing, you'll create such a relationship with your customers, and make yourself the logical choice for their needs. Shows how to create a mindset and systems to roll out a new, 21st century marketing approach Marketing expert Scott Stratten focuses on a Pull & Stay method (pulling your market towards you and staying/engaging with them, leading them to naturally choose you for their needs) rather than Push & Pray Redefines marketing as all points of engagement between a company and its customers, not just a single boxed-in activity Traditional marketing methods are leading to diminishing returns and disaffected customers. The answer? Stop marketing, start UnMarketing! Seven Deadly Social Media Sins to Avoid Amazon-exclusive content from author Scott Stratten The thing that makes me shake my head the most in the world of social media is the fact that we try to over-complicate it. Although the tools may be new and virtual, nothing has changed. People do business first with those they like, know and trust. Social media is as simple as looking at it as a networking event without the need to drive there or the chance of getting cornered by the creepy guy with scotch. It's about connection and conversation. Even if you don't believe that, it's a heck of a listening tool to see what your target marketing/customers/competitors are talking about. If I offered you a tool 10 years ago that allowed you to do what social media does today, you would have paid $20,000 a month to access it and today it’s free. So just try to avoid these seven deadly social media sins, and you'll do just fine: Gluttony Everyone wants a truckload of followers, a mass-amount of Facebook fans, and a LinkedIn rolodex of thousands. But, especially if you're just starting out, trying to be everything everywhere at once will only dilute your presence and not allow for any momentum. Pick one social media platform and live there first. Build up your presence. Once you get comfortable and feel you have a good audience, then expand to a second one. Sloth Checking your Twitter account once a month won't cut it. Trying to have presence on Facebook without being present is a surefire way of having your page taken over by spammers. If you're going to jump into the social media pool, you need to have consistent presence. If you only can commit five hours a week to it, it's better to spend it 45 minutes every day than 5 hours once a week. If it takes you longer to reply to a tweet than it would to mail a letter, you're doing it wrong. Greed Social media isn't a new medium to try to push ineffective old marketing messages. It truly is a different world. People are there to build relationships, not buy your stuff (initially). Setting up an automated Twitter program to tweet for you and automatically add followers is a great way to say to people We don't actually care what you're s[6411] “(INSERT NAME HERE) has written a game changer for (INSERT INDUSTRY HERE). Drop everything and read this book!”—Famous author who hasn’t read this book“This author has paid $8,000 to be part of my ‘bestselling author program’ and he gets a testimonial as part of his fee. This is it.”—Bestselling author who has written a testimonial for every biz book out there“This book has a great amount of words.”—Fortune 500 CEO that was at an open-bar event with author and agreed to give testimonial“This book is the greatest business book in the world, besides mine.”—Author who only gives testimonials for people who give him one in returnDon’t believe every book testimonial you read.

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