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 The Idea Writers Could not connect to Amazon

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The Idea Writers: Copywriting in a New Media and Marketing Era (Advertising Age) (9780230613881): Teressa Iezzi: Books. The Idea Writers offers an in-depth look at the state of copywriting and brand creativity in today's marketplace. With insight on creative process and campaign development from the industry's leading creative's, the book provides solid advice for copywriters at all levels. It also provides a detailed examination of the changes that have completely remade the advertising industry, and is a useful guide for anyone looking to understand brand creativity today. - Advertising Age Teresa Iezzi aims to appeal to professional ad writers and those aspiring to their ranks. Both groups might profit from a look at The Idea Writers. Behind the cheeky tone and insider references is a useful guide to navigating in the digital wilds of online marketing and promotion. - The Wall Street JournalRecommended - ChoiceThe experts on copywriting: There is no point making advertising that is better than other advertising; that is not your competitor for people's time. You are up against all of the things they want to watch and read, the content they are seeking out. - Dave Bedwood, creative director and co-founder of U.K. digital agency Lean Mean Fighting Machine. It's one of the things that hasn't changed - finding that magic moment when you've come up with the insight that will make people think, I've thought of that a hundred times but I never thought of saying it like that. It's that moment of connection where people think there's a kindred spirit out there. - Bill Wright, ECD, Crispin Porter + Bogusky Unlike traditional storytelling where you complete the thing and you put it out there, it's a living thing that requires ongoing curation and involvement, on the part of storytellers and participants. - Ty Montague, former chief creative officer, JWT, founder of CoI highly recommend it. It's the first book I've seen that thinks through what passes for 'rules' in the new digital world. - Luke Sullivan, author of Hey Whipple, Squeeze This: A Guide to Creating Great Advertising

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