Are you Interested in Generating Some Extra Cash?



  1. 'The lazy Man's Way to Riches'
  2. 'How Mail Order Fortunes are Made'
  3. 'How to Get Rich in Main Order'
  4. 'The Joy of Mail Order'
  5. 'Million Dollar Sales letters'
  6. 'How You Can Make a Fortune Selling Information by Mail'

Promises, Promises, Promises..... That's perhaps all the above book titles really have in common; they provide to divulge the easy route to mail order fortunes, and assure us too that we'll enjoy ourselves ever˙.


'The lazy Man's Way to Riches'
'How Mail Order Fortunes are Made'

The answer, for those who returned to the boredom and restrictions of life working for someone else, might perhaps lie in the fact that the very same books were written for one purpose, and one purpose alone, that being to make money for their authors and distributors. Once they've accomplished that task of selling books to those of us desperate enough to believe even the most outrageous of promises, they move on to the next step in their wealth accumulating exercise, and publish another title, hoping we'll prove gullible enough to buy again, and again, and again.....

These broken promises, might be the answer by which to explain the high drop out rate amongst newcomers to mail order, but far more likely they comprise that excuse put forward by the failed entrepreneur him or herself, providing too a convenient means of shifting the blame from one's own doorstep to that of the faceless author and published.

Before we carry our task of apportioning blame but one step further, look around you at colleagues in the field of mail order, and in so doing, can you honestly deny that some of them actually do seem to have discovered the secret of success for themselves? Look at them again; the ones whose advertisements appear here, there and everywhere; the very same individuals who bombard you with new and exciting offers virtually every time the postman calls.

Remember all of those envelopes you hoed would contain orders and checks for you, but which in fact contained offers and proposals from them? And yet despite your obvious disappointment, you still didn't throw their correspondence into the rubbish bin along with your rapidly fading dreams. In fact, I'm willing to bet you even took them up on some of their offers, and were glad you did.

In reality then, it's admiration you feel for these successful mail order operators, not jealousy or bitterness. But what exactly is it you respect? Instead o merely sitting back and losing oneself in admiration for them and their rapidly increasing business fortunes, might a far more profitable exercise for ourselves not lie in analysing exactly what secrets lie behind the massive wealth and success many of them so obviously have achieved for themselves?

Once that secret of their success is identified, surely we can all apply the very same principles and techniques for ourselves. Can't we? Yes in actual fact we can, but to simply state the secret of success here at the outset, will go little way to actually showing you how that secret is applied to every single aspect of these enlightened dealers' thriving business concerns.

So, at this point, it's over to DOOM and DESTINY and to the very different stories of their own mail order business operations.


When one door closes another opens, or so they say, and this certainly was the case for DOOM and DESTINY, a little over a year ago both of whom exchanged jobs in someone else's organisation, for the world of self employment in mail order.

Perhaps at this point I should clarify that last statement a little, for whilst both men entered the hugely profitable world of mail order twelve months or so ago, one of them didn't stay the course, and DOOM is now back working on that '9 - 5' treadmill, the one he once couldn't wait to leave, but which now he views in a far different light. Boring - yes! Dead end - definitely! Well paid? Not particularly; in fact considering the long hours this man puts into his work, it's hardly surprising he has little time at the end of the day to enjoy whatever money might be left over after household bills have been paid.

But don't be misled, for this job has something mail order never offered DOOM - it's safe, it's reliable, and our man works for a reputable company; he has no worries or responsibilities, and mot certainly he is not required to make decisions, or take any risks. And he'll probably stay in this job for the rest of his life, now that he's tasted self employment and those pathetic promises that held not a grain of truth! How's that for security?

DESTINY on the other hand actually likes the challenges of his new found self employment, not that he hasn't made mistakes, and costly ones at that. But despite frequent frustrations and set-backs, he stayed the course in mail order, and he's jolly glad he did, for while DOOM works himself to exhaustion on the factory line for an admittedly adequate living wage, DESTINY works for himself: when he wants, if he wants, doing what he wants to do, and even though he doesn't put in as many ours as DOOM does, his rewards at the end of the week are ten times up on his friend's.

Luck was obviously on the side of DESTINY that day they both set their sights on making it to the top in mail order, wouldn't you say? I'm sorry but you really weren't supposed to agree, because little of what's been said actually possesses any great credibility, other that is than those mail order book titles, which in fact are entirely apt and appropriate to this mutual interest of ours.

Mail order is perhaps the world's most exciting business, immensely profitable, extremely satisfying, affording unlimited potential to those who discover the secret of success for themselves, a secret we'll now let the story of DOOM and DESTINY uncover for you.


That morning, DOOM's mail contained the usual assortment of business plans and projects, almost all of them wanting him to commit $100 or more a month to some scheme, invariably one which promised him a fortune, in return for ding nothing more than introducing a few more people to the scheme.

How anyone could be expected to shell out something like $100 every month, for nothing but a remote chance of recruiting other people to the scheme made no sense whatsoever, but it well explained the fact this scheme's promoters could afford to have their circular printed onto thick, posh paper with conspicuously matching envelopes. It's the promoters who win this particular game, DOOM had long since decided for himself - no room for the likes of those further down the line.

Jut as he was about to consign the whole lot to the rubbish bin, he caught sight of the words 'GET RICH QUICK'. Ah, this was more like it, this one isn't pretending to be something it isn't. DOOM could tell that by the quality of the paper, these people obviously weren't spending profits on useless fripperies, and peering closer through a particularly nasty smudge (these people were obviously too nice to complain too much to their printers), DOOM could see this plan cost just $20 a month. 'Ah yes, much better; $100 indeed; this one will do for me!'

There and then DOOM decided to take up the advice he'd been given in those many business manuals he'd read. DOOM was going to GO FOR IT.

DESTINY received the $20 monthly proposal in his post that very same morning, and before he threw it out with the rest of the junk mail, he made a note of the printer responsible for the typesetting on the circular, just to be sure he didn't inadvertently find himself sending work that firm's way. With sponsor's name and address added to the mailing list he was creating for himself, he turned his attentions to the rest of his mail.

A terribly expensive looking document came next. He considered it awhile. '$100' a month seems a lot he thought, but all I really need are two enrolment to this scheme and it's pure profit from thereon in. And yes, these circulars are impressive - spell quality all the way - hmmmm, yes I could be onto a winner here, if the plan proves as impressive as it's promotional literature. 'I'll definitely give this one a go'.


A few weeks later jut as DOOM clocked in to his old factory job, DESTINY checked his bank statement, just to make sure that all of those standing orders he'd told his bank manager were coming, had actually been put through. Yes, all was fine.

DESTINY felt particularly pleased with his efforts from this, the only business plan he had as yet become involved in. But from that very first week when two enrolments had guaranteed he was into profit, he'd been looking out for something new and exciting to promote. Not that he'd give the '$100' plan up of course. Oh no, he was well pleased with his results from that.

One thing did bother him however, this being the fact that because each distributor photocopies documentation for those further down the line, who in turn do the same for their own clients, by the time the paperwork reached DESTINY the quality of printing was not all it might be hoped to be, and he really had hoped to send only quality paperwork to those clients who had entrusted their faith and money to him.

DESTINY forgot his worries over printing standards for a while, and became engrossed in a new plan he'd received in the post that morning. More or less the same principles were involved, but wait a minute; this time for a small fee, the plan's originator sends original documentation direct to all clients. No more photocopying of rapidly fading documents. Strange, DOOM thought to himself, how jut one small change can make a world of difference to the entire plan.

This new plan played on DESTINY's mind the whole of the day; well with a name like 'Stepping Stones to Success' you're bound to remember it aren't you? The sponsor even relished under the auspicious and instantly recognisable name of 'Wealth Wise Publishing' - short, sweet and straight to the point, and if nothing else, that plan dropping through his box today had convinced DESTINY that his own intended business name 'Premier Publications' might well prove a winner. He'd set it up with his bank

When he'd enrolled to the 'Stepping Stones' plan, he'd got a call from the sponsor - just a chat - he wondered if there were any queries DESTINY might like to have answered before his business package was sent to him. There weren't any problems, but it was reassuring to talk to the man, and on reflection he felt sure he could approach him again, should he actually encounter any problems in the future. Nice touch that! He could most likely do the very same things for those people who join his own schemes and business plans.

Despite a particularly profitable day, DESTINY found it difficult to sleep that night. It w that damned plan which had started it, the one that had solved the photocopying problems he had been so concerned about. Now all he wanted was a good night's sleep, but instead all he could think of were hoards of business plans he's seen in the past, even those American proposals a friend had sent him a week or two ago. There'd been some ingenious ideas in that batch - trust the Americans to think of something it would have taken him a lifetime to come up with. Still it's a big place, America, and if they can't come up with some good ideas from a population as large as theirs, then Heaven help them!

Next morning, black coffee at the ready, DESTINY turned to his ever growing pile of correspondence, completely forgetting his sleepless night, when he realised that for one the number of new enrolments to the '$100 a month' plan had greatly exceeded the number of chain letters he'd received. He couldn't really understand why so many people join these illegal schemes, but even so he made a note of their names and addresses, just in case he could win them over to his own business plans and projects.

Even the thrill of today's massive increase in his fortunes couldn't force DESTINY to concentrate on anything but the very same problems to which he owed his present zombie-like existence. If only someone, somewhere could come up with a new scheme; one that had never been offered before; one which incorporated all of the best points of all the others, British, American, old plans, new plans........At least he could awake refreshed again..... .......that's when DESTINY realised the sleeplessness of the night before had not been entirely in vain, for someone was going to come up with a plan which combined all of the better features of the rest. That person was going to be HIM!

The response to 'EUREKA' proved phenomenal, exceeding even DESTINY'S wildest dreams. He'd recruited over 100 to the plan in the very first month alone, though to be air he had to admit these people were already promoters of other business plans. The whole recruitment exercise had proved simplicity itself, if only because DESTINY kept a record of every communication he received. Those promoting plans he'd kept separate, though for what reason he hadn't quite been certain, until that is he begun the task of promoting his own plan 'EUREKA'.

Now the orders were coming in for documentation in respect of recruits further down the line, and though he wasn't making a fortune from this particular part of the plan, he at least had the satisfaction of knowing that everyone engaged in the plan was receiving only the clearest and cleanest of documents. He was leaving nothing to chance, he was distributing all paperwork himself.

Everything was working like a charm, though to be honest DESTINY had found the task of telephoning all of his own recruits a bit of a time-consuming exercise, tough in retrospect he considered it a job well worth doing. Many of them had proved fairly new to mail order, and even though DESTINY didn't consider himself an expert, he had been able to answer few questions his clients had put to him.

Next morning's post brought news of brand new manual on business plans, and ways by which to promote them to best and most profitable effect. The manual itself, tough subsequently proving of great interest, wasn't what actually first caught DESTINY'S eye, as much as the novel means by which potential customers were intended to return their orders. No reply envelope was included, something which DESTINY always did, albeit considering the whole thing a very expensive necessity.

Instead, on the reverse of the order form, were printed a sequence of lines, which when folded, check inserted, and selloDVD added, formed an ideal means of transporting that all important order back to the product supplier. Ingenious, eh? As long of course as the customer didn't forget to carefully selloDVD the contents of the package into the 'envelope'.

It's like the hair clip really, and cat's eyes to light up the middle of the road - the simplest of ideas often prove invaluable when put to their intended use, and as far as DESTINY was concerned, that marvellous custom-made envelope idea was no less ingenious than anything else which had subsequently developed into a massive wealth creator for it designer.

Only one thing worried him though, this being the possibility of a check falling out in transit. That could indeed cause problems, not though in respect of business plans for the customer here was not required to send any cash with his or her order. All they were required to do was complete a standing order form giving instructions to the bank to credit a particular account each month, and if printed on the reverse of something similar to that folding envelope he'd come by today....... 'Business Plans ' Promoting for Profit' came a few days later, along with DESTINY'S certificate of reproduction rights. He'd decided to send a copy to everyone enrolled in 'EUREKA', just in case it might prove helpful to new mail order dealers. He'd read it first of course, just to make sure it was worth the cost and effort of sending it out in the first place.

It wasn't as well produced as DESTINY had hoped, although the content itself left little to criticise, except perhaps that he'd have preferred more mention of advertising techniques; oh yes, and standards of professionalism in general. Very important that; without setting a good first impression, you're hardly likely to convince people that the rest of the scheme is worth the money you're asking them to credit to your own bank account. He'd definitely have to get the manual typeset too if he's to live up to his own views on creating a favorable and professional first impression.

To compensate for what he considered omissions in the text, DESTINY decided to include a small note to the intended reader, just to point out these features he considered of n less importance than anything else included in the manual though why he should have to go to such trouble he really couldn't justify to even himself. He was no writer after all, any more than the person from whom he'd just bought 'Business Plans - Promoting for Profit'.

Not that the author of the guide had professed to literary talent of any great standing; in fact by his own admission he'd written the book for the very same reason DESTINY had purchased it, to offer to people he himself had recruited to many and varied business plans he'd promoted in the past, and to be fair there were a great many useful tips included, some of them new to DESTINY himself.

Oh yes, he'd learned quite a bit from that book, yet still his concerns about advertising techniques and standards of professionalism continued to gnaw, until that is he decided not to include that note to accompany 'Business Plans - Promoting for Profit'. He was going to write a guide himself, incorporating his own ideas, and those he himself had just learned from someone, who had after all, been in mail order long before he himself had discovered its virtually unlimited potential.


DESTINY's story actually has a long way further to go before he can truly claim to have made it to the top in mail order. Okay, so his 'Eureka' plan did result in annual profits far and away higher than the wages poor old DOOM (remember him?) was earning from his job on the treadmill, but even the rat race has its compensations, and poor old DESTINY was going to have to come up with many more varied and novel promotions, if he and his family were to continue enjoying the new-found improvement in their standard of living, which incidentally was entirely due to DESTINY's efforts in mail order.

So what's a man, or woman, supposed to do in a case such as this. Thank God for a 'One hit wonder'? Be eternally grateful for that one and only plan from which they accumulated a very handsome


DESTINY does, thankfully, go on to bigger and better things, eventually earning massive profits or but a few hours work each week. DESTINY today, rarely puts a foot wrong, so accurate are his predictions of what will prove marketable, and what will not.

No doubt everyone in a similar position has affluent parents and a good education to thank for their good fortunes? Good for them! If only we could all begin our ventures in mail order with the advantage of capital and education on our side, as did our enviable friend DESTINY.


Those who now think they have discovered the secret of DESTINY's success, stop reading immediately please, for what follows is of absolutely no interest at all to you.

Think again through the process to which our friend owes his by now massive wealth and fortune. Consider how ingenious was that 'EUREKA' plan he initiated.

Perhaps DESTINY's greatest claim to fame though, was the ease with which he wrote that new business manual, the one which subsequently went on to win many new clients to the 'Eureka' plan; the one which resulted in so low a drop-out rate amongst clients that even DESTINY was taken by surprise. And those telephone calls by which to reassure his new recruits? Time consuming? Oh, yes! But worthwhile? Definitely! In fact DESTINY hasn't looked back since the very day he decided to produce that 'Eureka' plan to which he owes his new-found wealth. And wouldn't we all like to come up with such a good idea?............?

For myself, I prefer to believe that DESTINY had an even greater claim to fame; a secret far and away more potent than even DESTINY himself realised, for at the risk of disappointing those amongst you who truly believe DESTINY may lay claim to attributes and characteristics the rest of us can but look upon in envy. I'm sorry to be the bearer of bad news, but in all truth he didn't.

What did he do that was so different from things you or I could well do for ourselves. Okay, he conceived a new business plan in its entirely! Didn't he?

He came upon the wonderfully reassuring idea of telephoning new clients, just to help with any problems they might encounter. How ingenious! Wasn't it?

And he wrote a manual by which to dispel any fears and explain any problems his new recruits might encounter. How original! Don't you think?

And in an ever-changing world isn't is good to know that the DESTINYs of the world are there to guide us through a myriad of tips and techniques, by which to instil that all-important ingredient of 'Uniqueness' into our own business enterprises? ISN'T IT JUST?


Seriousness now rules! Okay?

The whole of the foregoing exercise, in which the originality to which the rapidly increasing fortunes of DESTINY are owed, is empty almost to the point of futility, and as for that SECRET we promised you...........

The SECRET is this! DESTINY actually had no secret; no means by which to look into a crystal ball to discover what would be the next likely plan to take the public's imagination by storm; no preconceived notions as to how to attract and keep his own personal recruits to his own albeit entirely original 'Eureka' plan. 'Original'? Well, yes! 'Eureka' was DESTINY's own personal plan; it incorporated the good points, the benefits, the better parts of all of those to have proved successful before it. But in truth it was no more innovative than any potential plan to reinvent the wheel.

And DESTINY, discovering what DOOM never did from mail order, continued to analyse what comprised the best of plans and offers in the world of mail order, from which he went on to adapt, amend and modify those ideas, incorporating all into plans of his own making. Or were they.............. of is own making?