Title:   Further Considerations Concerning Raising the Value of Money


Author:   John Locke



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Further Considerations Concerning Raising the Value of Money

John Locke


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Table of Contents

Further Considerations Concerning Raising the Value of Money .................................................................1

John Locke ...............................................................................................................................................1

Further Considerations Concerning Raising the Value of Money



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Further Considerations Concerning Raising the

Value of Money

John Locke

Further Considerations Concerning Raising the Value of Money

Wherein Mr. Lowndes's Arguments for it in his late Report

concerning An Essay for the Amendment of Silver Coins, are

particularly Examined.

by John Locke

To the Right Honorable Sir John Sommers, Kt. Lord Keeper of the

great Seal of England, and one of His Majesties most Honourable

Privy Council.


THE Papers I here present your Lordship, are in Substance the  same with one which I delivered to you, in

Obedience to the  Commands I received by your Lordship, from their Excellencies,  the Lords Justices; and

with another, which I writ in Answer to  some questions your Lordship was pleased to propose to me

concerning our Coin. The Approbation your Lordship was pleased to  give them then, has been an

Encouragement to me, to revise them  now, and put them in an Order. fitter to comply with their  Desires, who

will needs have me print something at this time, on  this Subject: And could any thing of this Nature be

received with  Indifferency in this Age; the Allowance they have had from your  Lordship, whose great and

clear Judgment is, with general Consent  and Applause, acknowledged to be the just Measure of Right and

Wrong amongst us, might make me hope that they might pass in the  World without any great Dislike. 

However, since your Lordship thought they might be ofuse to  clear some Difficulties, and rectifie some

wrong Notions that are  taken up about Money, I have ventured them into the World,  desiring no Mercy to any

erroneous Positions or wrong Reasonings,  which shall be found in them. I shall never knowingly be of any,

but Truths and my Country's side; the former I shall always  gladly imbrace and own, whoever shews it me:

And in these Papers,  I am sure, I have no other Aim, but to do what little I can, for  the Service of my

Country. Your Lordship's so evidently  preferring that to all other Considerations, does in the Eyes of  all Men,

sit so well upon you, that my Ambition will not be  blamed; if I in this, propose to my self so great an

Example; and  in my little sphere am moved by the same Principle. 

I have a long time foreseen the Mischief and Ruine coming  upon us by clipp'd Money, if it were not timely

stopp'd: And had  Concern enough for the Publick, to make me print some Thoughts  touching our Coin some

Years since. The Principles I there went  on, I see no reason to alter: They have, if I mistake not, their

Foundation in Nature, and will stand: They have their Foundation  in Nature, and are clear; and will be so, in

all the Train of  their Consequences throughout this whole (as it is thought)  mysterious Business of Money, to

all those, who will but be at  the easie Trouble of stripping this Subject of hard, obscure and  doubtful Words,

wherewith Men are often misled and mislead  others. And now the Disorder is come to Extremity, and can no

longer be plaid with, I wish it may find a suddain and effectual  Cure; not a Remedy in Sound and

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Appearance, which may flatter us  on to Ruine in the Continuation of a growing Mischief, that calls  for

present Help. 

I wish too, that the Remedy may be as easie as possible; and  that the Cure of this Evil be not ordered so as to

lay a great  Part of the Burden unequally on those, who have had no particular  Hand in it. WestminsterHall is

so great a Witness of your  Lordship's unbiassed Justice, and steady Care to preserve to  every one their Right;

that the World will not wonder you should  not be for such a lessening our Coin, as will, without any  Reason,

deprive great Numbers of blameless Men of a Fifth Part of  their Estates, beyond the Relief of Chancery. I

hope this Age  will scape so great a Blemish. I doubt not but there are many,  who, for the Service of their

Countrey, and for the Support of  the Government, would gladly part with, not only one Fifth, but a  much

larger Portion of their Estates. But when it shall be taken  from them, only to be bestowed on Men in their,

and the common  Opinion, no better deserving of their Countrey than themselves;  (unless growing

exceedingly rich by the publick Necessities,  whilst every body else finds his Fortune streightned by them, be

a publick Merit, that deserves a publick and signal Reward;) This  Loss, of one Fifth of their Debts and

Income, will sit heavy on  them, who shallfeel it without the Alleviation of any Profit or  Credit, that will

thereby accrue to the Nation, by such a  lessening of our Coin. 

If any one ask, how I, a retired private Man, come at this  time to meddle with Money and Trade: For they are

inseparable; I  reply, that your Lordship, and the other great Men that put me  upon it, are answerable for it:

Whether what I say be to the  purpose or no, that I my self am answerable for. This I can  answer to all the

World, that I have not said any thing here,  without a full Perswasion of its Truth; nor with any other Motive

or Purpose than the clearing of this artificially perplexed,  rather than in it self mysterious Subject, as far as

my poor  Talent reaches. That which perhaps I shall not be so well able to  answer, to your Lordship and my

self, is the Liberty I have  taken, in such an Address as this, to profess that I am, 


Your Lordships most humble and most Obedient Servant 



THOUGH Mr. Lowndes and I differ in the Way, yet I assure  myself, our End is the same; and that we both

propose to our  selves the Service of our Country. He is a man known so able in  the post he is in; to which the

business ofmoney peculiarly  belongs: And has shewed himself so learned in the Records, and  matters of the

mint; and so exact in Calculations and  Combinations of Numbers relating to our Coin, either already in  use,

or designed by him, that I think I should have troubled the  Publick no more on this Subject, had not he

himself engaged me in  it; and brought it to that pass, that either I must be thought to  renounce my own

Opinion, or must publickly oppose his. 

Whilst his Treatise was yet a manuscript, and before it was  laid before those great Persons, to whom it was

afterwards  submitted, he did me the Favour to shew it to me; and made me the  Compliment, to ask me my

Opinion of it. Though we had some short  Discourse on the Subject, yet the multiplicity of his business,  whilst

I staid in Town; and my Health, which soon afterforced me  out of it, allowed us not an occasion to debate any

one point  throughly, and bring it to an issue. Before I returned to Town,  his Book was in the Press; and

finished before I had the  opportunity to see Mr. Lowndes again. And here he laid a new  Obligation on me,

not only in giving me one of them; but telling  me, when I received it from his Hands, that it was the first he

had parted with to any Body. I then went it over a second time,  and having more leisure to consider it, I found

there were a  great many Particulars in it drawn out of Ancient Records, not  commonly known, wherewith he

had obliged the World. These, which  very pleasingly entertained me, though they Prevail'd not on me  to be of

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his Opinion every where, yet joyn'd with the great  Civilities he had shewn me, left me in a disposition so little

inclined to oppose any thing in it, that I should rather have  chosen to acknowledge my self in Print, to be his

Convert, if his  Arguments had convinced me; than to have troubled the World with  the Reasons, why I

Dissent from him. 

In this Disposition my Pen rested,from medling any farther  with this Subject whilst I was in Town. Soon

after, my own  Health, and the Death of a Friend, forc'd me into the Country:  And the business occasion'd

thereby, and my own private Affairs,  took up all ny time, at my first coming thither; and had  continued on to

do so, had not several repeated intimations and  instances from London, not without some reproaches of my

backwardness, made me see, that the World concern'd me  particularly in Mr. Lowndes's Postscript, and

expected something  from me on that occasion. 

Though possibly I was not wholly out of his mind when Mr.  Lowndes writ that Invitation, yet I shall not

make my self the  Compliment, to think I alone am concern'd in it. The great  importance of the matter made

him desire every one to contribute  what he could to the clearing of it, and setting it in a true  light. And I must

do him this Right, to think, that he prefers  the publick Good to his private Opinion; and therefore is willing

his Proposals and Arguments should be with freedom examin'd to  the bottom, that if there be any mistake in

them, no body may be  misled by his Reputation and Authority, to the prejudice of his  Country. Thus I

understand his Poscscript, and thus I shall  endeavour to comply with it. I shall to the best of my skill,

examine his Arguments with all respect to him, and Fidelity to  Truth, as far as I can discover it. The

frankness of his  proceeding in particular with me, assures me he is so great a  Lover of Truth and Right, that

he will not think himself injur'd  when that is defended; and will be glad when it is made plain, by  whose

Hand soever it be. 

This is what has made me publish these Papers, without any  derogation to Mr. Lowndes, or so much as a

suspition that he will  take it amiss. I judge of him by my self. For I shall think my  self oblig'd to any one,

who shall shew me, or the Publick, any  material mistake in any thing I have here said, whereon any part  of


SILVER is the Instrument and Measure of Commerce in all the  Civilized and Trading parts of the World. 

It is the Instrument of Commerce by its intrinsick value. 

The intrinsick value of Silver consider'd as Money, is that  estimate which common consent has placed on it,

whereby it is  made Equivalent to all other things, and consequently is the  universal Barter or Exchange which

Men give and receive for other  things they would purchase or part with for a valuable  consideration: And

thus as the Wise Man tells us, Money answers  all things. 

Silver is the Measure of Commerce by its quantity, which is  the Measure also of its intrinsick value. If one

grain of Silver  has an intrinsick value in it, two grains of Silver have double  that intinsick value, and three

grains treble, and so on  proportionably. This we have daily Experience of, in common  buying and selling. For

if one Ounce of Silver will buy, i.e. is  of equal value to one Bushel of Wheat, two Ounces of Silver will  buy

two Bushels of the same Wheat, i.e. has double the value. 

Hence it is evident, that an equal quantity of Silver is  always of equal value to an equal quantity of Silver. 

This common Sense, as well as the Market, teaches us. For  Silver being all of the same nature and goodness,

having all the  same qualities, 'tis impossible but it should in the same  quantity have the same value. For if a

less quantity of any  Commodity be allowed to be equal in value to a greater quantity  of the same sort of

Commodity, it must be for some good quality  it has which the other wants. But Silver to Silver has no such


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Here it will be asked, is not some Silver finer than other? 

I answer, one mass of mixed Metal not discerned by the Eye to  be any thing but Silver, and therefore called

Silver, may have a  less mixture ofbaser Metal in it than another, and so in common  speech is said to be finer

Silver. So Ducatoons having a less  mixture of Copper in them than our English Coin has, are said to  be finer

Silver. But the truth is, the Silver that is in each is  equally fine, as will appear when the baser Metal is

separate  from it. And 'tis of this pure or fine Silver I must be  understood when I mention Silver; not regarding

the Copper or  Lead which may chance to be mixed with it. For example: Take an  Ounce of fine Silver, and

One fourth of an Ounce of Copper, and  melt them together, one may say of the whole mass, that it is not  fine

Silver, but it is true there is an Ounce of fine Silver in  it; and though this mass weighing one Ounce and a

quarter be not  of equal value to one Ounce and a quarter of fine Silver, yet the  Ounce of fine Silver in it is,

when separate from the Copper, of  equal value to any other Ounce of Silver. 

By this Measure of Commerce, viz. the quantity of Silver, Men  measure the value of all other things. Thus to

measure what the  value of Lead is to Wheat, and of either of them to a certain  fort of Linnen Cloath, the

quantity of Silver that each is valued  at or sells for, needs only be known. For if a Yard of Cloth be  sold for

half an Ounce of Silver, a Bushel of Wheat for one  Ounce, and an hundred weight of Lead for two Ounces,

any one  presently sees and says that a Bushel of Wheat is double the  value of a Yard of that Cloth, and but

half the value of an  hundred weight of Lead. 

Some are of opinion that this measure of Commerce, like all  other measures, is Arbitrary, and may at pleasure

be varied, by  putting more or fewer Grains of Silver in pieces of a known  denomination, v.g. by making a

Penny or a Shilling lighter or  heavier, in Silver, in a Country where these are known  denominations of pieces

of silver Money. But they will be of  another mind, when they consider that Silver is a measure of a  nature

quite different from all other. The Yard or Quart Men  measure by, may rest indifferently in the buyers or

sellers, or a  third Person's hands, it matters not whose it is. But it is not  so in Silver. It is the thing bargain'd

for, as well as the  measure of the bargain; and in Commerce passes from the buyer to  the seller, as being in

such a quantity equivalent to the thing  sold: And so it not only measures the value of the Commodity it  is

apply'd to, but is given in Exchange for it, as of equal  value. But this it does, (as is visible) only by its

quantity,  and nothing else. For it must be remenbred, that Silver is the  Instrument as well as Measure of

Commerce, and is given in  exchange for the things Traded for: And every one desiring to get  as much as he

can of it for any Commodity he sells, 'tis by the  quantity of Silver he gets for it in Exchange, and by nothing

else, that he measures the value of the Commodity he sells. 

The Coining of Silver, or making Money of it, is the  ascertaining of its quantity by a publick mark, the better

to fit  it for Commerce. 

In Coin'd Silver or Money there are these three Things, which  are wanting in other Silver. 1. Pieces of exactly

the same weight  and fineness. 2. A Stamp set on those pieces by the publick  Authority of that Country. 3. A

known denomination given to these  pieces by the same Authority. 

The Stamp is a mark, and as it were a publick voucher that a  piece of such a denomination is of such a

weight, and such a  fineness, i.e. has so much Silver in it. 

That precise weight and fineness, by Law appropriated to the  pieces of each denomination, is called the


Fine Silver is Silver without the mixture of any baser Metal. 

Allay is baser Metal mixed with it. 

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The Fineness of any Metal appearing to be Silver, and so  called, is the proportion of Silver is in it, compared

with what  there is in it of baser Metals. 

The Fineness of Standard Silver in England is eleven parts  Silver, and one part Copper, near: Or to speak

more exactly, the  proportion of Silver to Copper is as an hundred and eleven to  nine. Whatever piece or mass

has in it of baser Metal above the  proportion of 9 to 111, is worse or courser than Standard.  Whatever mass of

Metal has a less proportion than 9 to 111, of  baser Metal in it, is better or finer than Standard. 

Since Silver is the thing sought, and would better serve for  the measure of Commerce if it were unmixt, it

will possibly be  asked why any mixture of baser Metal is allowed in Money, and  what use there is of such

Allay, which serves to make the  quantity of Silver less known in the several Coins of different  Countries? 

Perhaps it would have been better for Commerce in general,  and more convenient for all their Subjects, if the

Princes every  where, or at least in this part of the World, would at first have  agreed on the fineness of the

Standard to have been just One  twelfth Allay, in round numbers; without those minuter Fractions  which are

to be found in the Allay of most of the Coin in the  several distinct Dominions of this part of the World.

Which  broken proportion of baser Metal to Silver, in the Standard of  the several Mints, seems to have been

introduced by the Skill of  Men imploy'd in Coining, to keep that Art (as all Trades are  call'd) a Mystery;

rather than for any use or necessity there was  of such broken numbers. But be that as it will, the Standard in

our Mint being now settled by Authority, and established by  Custom, known at home and abroad, and the

rules and methods of  Essaying suited to it; and all the wrought Plate as well as Coin  of England being made

by that measure; it is of great concernment  that it should remain unvariable. 

But to the question; What need is there of any mixture of  baser Metal with Silver in Money or Plate? I

answer, there is  great reason for it. For, 

1. Copper mixt with Silver makes it harder, and so wears and  wastes less in use than if it were fine Silver. 2.

It melts  easier. 3. Silver as it is drawn and melted from the Mine, being  seldom perfectly fine, it would be a

great charge by refining, to  separate all the baser Metals from it, and reduce it to perfectly  unmixt Silver. 

The use of Coin'd Silver or Money is, that every Man in the  Country where it is current by publick Authority,

may, without  the trouble of refining, essaying or weighing, be assured what  quantity of Silver he gives,

receives, or contracts for, under  such and such denominations. 

If this Security goes not along with the publick Stamp,  Coining is labour to no purpose, and puts no

difference between  coin'd Money and uncoin'd Bullion This is so obvious, that I  think no Government, where

Money is coin'd, ever overlooks it.  And therefore the Laws every where, when the quantity of Silver  has been

lessen'd in any piece carrying the publick Stamp, by  Clipping, Washing, Rounding, have taken off the

Authority of  the publick Stamp, and declar'd it not to be lawful Money. This  is known to be so in England,

and every one may not only refuse  any Money bearing the publick Stamp, if it be clip'd, or any ways  rob'd of

the due weight of its Silver; but he that offers it in  payment is liable to Indictment, Fine and Imprisonment.

From  whence we may see, that the use and end of the publick Stamp is  only to be a guard and voucher of the

quantity of Silver which  Men contract for. And the injury done to the publick Faith, in  this point, is that

which in Clipping and false Coining hightens  the Robbery into Treason. 

Men in their bargains contract not for denominations or  sounds, but for the intrinsick value; which is the

quantity of  Silver by publick Authority warranted to be in pieces of such  denominations. And 'tis by having a

greater quantity of Silver,  that Men thrive and grow richer, and not by having a greater  number of

denominations; Which when they come to have need of  their Money will prove but empty sounds, if they do

not carry  with them the real quantity of Silver is expected. 

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The Standard once settled by publick Authority, the quantity  of Silver establish'd under the several

denominations, (I humbly  conceive) should not be altred, till there were an absolute  necessity shewn of such

a change, which I think can never be. 

The reason why it should not be changed is this; because the  publick Authority is Guarantee for the

performance of all legal  Contracts. But Men are absolved from the performance of their  legal contracts, if the

quantity of Silver, under setled and  legal denominations be altred: As is evident, if borrowing 100 l.  or 400

Ounces of Silver to repay the same quantity of Silver (for  that is understood by the same sum, and so the Law

warrants it)  or taking a Lease of Land for years to come, at the like Rent of  100 l. they shall pay both the one

and the other in Money Coin'd  under the same denominations with One fifth less Silver in it,  than at the time

of the bargain. The Landlord here and Creditor  are each defrauded of 20 per Cent. of what they contracted

for,  and is their due. And I ask, How much juster it would be thus to  dissolve the Contracts they had made;

than to make a Law, that  from henceforth all Landlords and Creditors should be paid their  past Debts and the

Rents for Leases already made, in clip'd  Money, twenty per Cent. lighter than it should be? Both ways they

lose twenty per Cent. of their due, and with equal Justice. 

The case would be the same, and legal Contracts be voided, if  the Standard should be altred on the other side,

and each species  of our Coin be made One fifth heavier. For then he that had  borrow'd or contracted for any

Sum, could not be discharged by  paying the quantity he agreed for, but be liable to be forced to  pay 20 per

Cent. more than he bargained for, that is, more than  he ought. 

On the other side; Whether the Creditor be forced to receive  less, or the Debtor forced to pay more than his

Contract, the  damage and injury is the same, whenever a Man is defrauded of his  due. And whether this will

not be a publick failure of Justice,  thus arbitrarily to give one Man's Right and Possession to  another, without

any fault on the suffering Man's side, and  without any the least advantage to the publick, I shall leave to  be


Raising of Coin is but a specious word to deceive the unwary.  It only gives the usual denomination of a

greater quantity of  Silver to a less, (v.g. calling Four Grains of Silver a Penny to  day, when Five Grains of

Silver made a Penny yesterday) but adds  no worth or real value to the Silver Coin, to make amends for its

want of Silver. That is impossible to be done. For it is only the  quantity of the Silver in it that is, and eternally

will be, the  measure of its value. And to convince any one of this I ask,  whether he that is forced to receive

but 320 Ounces of Silver  under the denomination of 100 l. (for 400 Ounces of Silver which  he lent under the

like denominarion of 100 l.) will think these  320 Ounces of Silver, however denominated, worth those 400

Ounces  he lent? If any one can be supposed so silly, he need but go to  the next Market or Shop to be

convinced, that Men value not Money  by the denomination, but by the quantity of Silver that is in it.  One

may as rationally hope to lengthen a foot by dividing it into  Fifteen parts, instead of Twelve; and calling them

inches; as to  increase the value of the Silver that is in a Shilling, by  dividing it into Fifteen parts instead of

Twelve, and calling  them Pence. This is all that is done when a Shilling is raised  from Twelve to Fifteen


Clipping of Money is raising it without publick Authority;  the same denomination remaining to the piece,

that hath now less  Silver in it, than it had before. 

Altering the Standard, by Coining pieces under the same  denomination with less Silver in them than they

formerly had, is  doing the same thing by publick Authority. The only odds is, that  by Clipping the loss is not

forced on any one (for no body is  obliged to receive Clip'd Money;) By altering the Standard it is. 

Altering the Standard, by raising the Money, will not get to  the Publick or bring to the Mint to be Coin'd one

Ounce of  Silver: But will defraud the King, the Church, the Universities  and Hospitals, of so much of their

setled Revenue, as the  Money is raised, v.g. 20 per Cent. if the Money (as is propos'd)  be raised One fifth. It

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will weaken, if not totally destroy the  publick Faith, when all that have trusted the Publick, and  assisted our

present necessities, upon Acts of Parliament, in the  Million Lottery, Bank Act, and other Loans, shall be

defrauded of  20 per Cent. of what those Acts of Parliament were security for.  And to conclude, this raising

our Money will defraud all private  Men of 20 per Cent. in all their Debts and setled Revenues. 

Clipping by English Men is robbing the honest Man who  receives clip'd Money, and transferring the Silver,

i.e. the  value {which} is pared off from it into the Clippers pocket.  Clipping by Foreigners is robbing

England it self. And thus the  Spaniards lately rob'd Portugal of a great part of its Treasure  or Commodities

(which is the same thing) by importing upon them  clip'd Money of the Portugal stamp. 

Clipping, and clip'd Money, have besides this robbery of the  Publick other great inconveniencies: As the

disordering of Trade,  raising Foreign Exchange, and a general disturbance which every  one feels thereby in

his private Affairs. 

Clipping is so gainful, and so secret a Robbery, that  penalties cannot restrain it, as we see by experience. 

Nothing, I humbly conceive, can put a stop to Clipping, now  it is grown so universal, and Men become so

skilful in it, but  making it unprofitable. 

Nothing can make Clipping unprofitable, but making all light  Money go only for its weight. This stops

Clipping in a moment,  brings out all the mill'd and weighty Money, deprives us not of  any part of our clip'd

Money for the use of Trade. And brings it  orderly, and by degrees, and without force into the Mint to be


If clip'd Money be call'd in all at once, and stop'd from  passing by weight, I fear it will stop Trade, put our

Affairs all  at a stand, and introduce confusion. Whereas, if it be permitted  to pass by its weight, till it can by

degrees be Coin'd, (the  stamp securing its fineness as well then as now, and the Scales  determining its

weight) it will serve for the paying of great  Sums as commodiously almost as weighty Money, and the

weighty  Money being then brought out will serve for the Market Trade, and  less Payments, and also to weigh

the clip'd Money by. 

On the other side; If clip'd Money be allowed to pass current  by tale, till it be all recoin'd, one of these two

effects will  apparently follow: Either that we shall want Money for Trade, as  the clip'd Money decreases by

being Coin'd into weighty; (for  very few, if any body, who get weighty Money into their hands,  will part with

it, whilst clip'd Money, not of half the value is  current) Or if they do, the Coiners and Clippers will pick it up,

and new Coin and Clip it; whereby clip'd Money will be increased.  So that, by this way, either Money will be

wanting to trade, or  clip'd Money continued. If clip'd Money be stop'd all at once,  there is immediately a stop

of Trade. If it be permitted to pass  in tale, as if it were lawful weighty Money whilst it is  recoining, and till all

be recoin'd, that way also there will be  an end of Trade, or no end of clip'd Money. But if it be made to  pass

for its weight till it be all recoin'd, both these evils are  avoided, and the weighty Money which we want will

be brought out  to boot. 

Money is necessary to the carrying on of Trade. For where  Money fails, Men cannot buy, and Trade stops. 

Credit will supply the defect of it to some small degree for  a little while. But Credit being nothing but the

expectation of  Money within some limited time, Money must be had or Credit will  fail. 

Money also is necessary to us, in a certain proportion to the  plenty of it amongst our Neighbours. For if any

of our Neighbours  have it in a much greater abundance than we, we are many ways  obnoxious to them. 1.

They can maintain a greater force. 2. They  can tempt away our People, by greater wages, to serve them by

Land or Sea, or in any Labour. 3. They can command the Markets,  and thereby break our Trade, and make us

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poor. 4. They can on any  occasion ingross Naval and Warlike Stores, and thereby endanger  us. 

In Counties where Domestick Mines do not supply it, nothing  can bring in Silver but Tribute or Trade.

Tribute is the effect  of Conquest: Trade, of Skill and Industry. 

By Commerce Silver is brought in only by an overballance of  Trade. 

An Overballance of Trade, is when the quantity of  Commodities which we send to any Country do more

than pay for  those we bring from thence: For then the overplus is brought home  in Bullion. 

Bullion is Silver whose workmanship has no value. And thus  Foreign Coin hath no value here for its stamp,

and our Coin is  Bullion in Foreign Dominions. 

'Tis useless and labour in vain, to Coin Silver Imported into  any Country where it is not to stay. 

Silver Imported cannot stay in any Country in which, by an  overballance of their whole Trade, it is not made

theirs, and  doth not become a real increase of their Wealth. 

If by a general Balance of its Trade, England yearly sends  out Commodities to the value of four hundred

thousand Ounces of  Silver more than the Commodities we bring home from abroad cost  us; there is One

hundred thousand Pound every year clear gain:  Which will come home in Money, be a real increase of our

Wealth,  and will stay here. 

On the other side, if upon a general balance of our whole  Trade, we yearly import Commodities from other

parts to the value  of an hundred thousand Pound more than our Commodities exported  pay for, we every Year

grow an hundred thousand Pound poorer. And  if, besides that, we should also import a Million in Bullion

from  Spain every year, yet it is not ours; it is no increase to our  Wealth, nor can it stay here; but must be

Exported again every  grain of it with an hundred thousand Pound of our own Money to  boot. 

I have heard it propos'd as a way to keep our Money here,  that we should pay our Debts contracted beyond

Seas, by Bills of  Exchange. 

The Idleness of such a Proposition will appear, when the  nature of Exchange is a little consider'd. 

Foreign Exchange is the paying of Money in one Country, to  receive it in another. 

The Exchange is High, when a Man pays for Bills of Exchange  above the Par. It is Low when he pays less

than the Par. 

The Par is a certain number of pieces of the Coin of one  Country, containing in them an equal quantity of

Silver to that  in another number of pieces of the Coin of another Country: v.g.  supposing 36 Shillings of

Holland to have just as much Silver in  them as 20 English Shillings. Bills of Exchange drawn from  England

to Holland at the rate of 36 Shillings Dutch for each  pound Sterling, is according to the Par. He that pays the

Money  here, and receives it there, neither gets nor loses by the  Exchange; but receives just the same quantity

of Silver in the  one place, that he parts with in the other. But if he pays one  pound Sterling to receive but 30

Shillings in Holland, he pays  one sixth more than the Par, and so pays one sixth more Silver  for the

Exchange, let the Sum be what it will. 

The reason of High Exchange, is the buying much Commodities  in any Foreign Country, beyond the value of

what that Country  takes of ours. This makes English Men have need of great Sums  there, and this raises the

Exchange or Price of Bills. For what  grows more into demand, increases presently in price. 

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Returning Money by Exchange into Foreign parts, keeps not one  Farthing from going out: It only prevents

the more troublesome  and hazardous way of sending Money in specie forwards and  backwards. Bills of

Exchange more commodiously, by Scrips of  Paper, even the Accounts between particular Debtors and

Creditors  in different Countries, as far as the Commerce between those two  Places is equivalent: But where

the overballance, on either  side, demands Payment, there Bills of Exchange can do nothing;  but Bullion, or

Money in specie must be sent. For in a Country  where we owe Money, and have no Debts, owing to us, Bills

will  not find Credit; but for a short time, till Money can be sent to  reimburse those that paid them; unless we

can think Men beyond  Sea will part with their Money for nothing. If the Traders of  England owe their

Correspondents of Holland a hundred thousand  Pound, their Accounts with all the rest of the World standing

equal, and remaining so, one Farthing of this hundred thousand  Pound cannot be paid by Bills of Exchange.

For example, I owe a  thousand Pounds of it; And to pay that, buy a Bill of N. here,  drawn on John de Wit of

Amsterdam, to pay P. van Lore my  Correspondent there. The Money is paid accordingly, and thereby I  am

out of Van Lores Debt; but one Farthing of the Debt of England  to Holland is not thereby paid; for N. of

whom I bought the Bill  of Exchange, is now as much indebted to John de Wit, as I was  before to P. van Lore.

Particular Debtors and Creditors are only  changed by Bills of Exchange; but the Debt owing from one

Country  to the other, cannot be paid without real Effects sent thither to  that value, either in Commodities, or

Money. Where the ballance  of Trade barely pays for Commodities with Commodities, there  Money must be

sent, or else the Debt cannot be paid. 

I have spoke of Silver Coin alone, because that makes the  Money of Account, and measure of Trade, all

through the World.  For all Contracts are, I think, every where made, and Accounts  kept in Silver Coin. 

I am sure they are so in England, and the neighbouring  Countries. 

Silver therefore, and Silver alone, is the Measure of  Commerce. Two Metals, as Gold and Silver, cannot be

the Measure  of Commerce both together, in any Country: Because the Measure of  Commerce must be

perpetually the same, invariable, and keeping  the same proportion of value in all its parts. But so only one

Metal does, or can do to it self: So Silver is to Silver, and  Gold to Gold. An Ounce of Silver is always of

equal value to an  Ounce of Silver, and an Ounce of Gold to an Ounce of Gold; and  two Ounces of the one, or

the other, of double the value to an  Ounce of the same. But Gold and Silver change their value one to  another:

For supposing them to be in value as sixteen to one now;  perhaps the next Month they may be as fifteen and

three quarters,  or 15 and seven eighths to one. And one may as well make a  measure, v.g. a Yard, whose parts

lengthen and shrink, as a  Measure ofTrade of Materials, that have not always a setled  unvariable value to one


One Metal therefore alone can be the Money of Account and  Contract, and the Measure of Commerce in any

Country. The fittest  for this use, of all other, is Silver, for many reasons, which  need not here be mention'd. It

is enough that the World has  agreed in it, and made it their common Money; and as the Indians  rightly call it,

Measure. All other Metals, Gold, as well as  Lead, are but Commodities. 

Commodities are Moveables, valuable by Money, the common  measure. 

Gold, tho' not the Money of the World, and the Measure of  Commerce, nor fit to be so, yet may, and ought to

be coined, to  ascertain its Weight and Fineness; And such Coin may safely have  a Price as well as a Stamp

set upon it by publick Authority; so  the value set be under the Market price. For then such pieces  Coin'd, will

be a Commodity as passable as Silver Money, very  little varying in their price: As Guineas which were

Coin'd at  the value of 20 s. but passed usually for between 21 or 22  shillings, according to the current rate;

But not having so high  a value put upon them by the Law, no body could be forced to take  them to their Loss

at 21s. 6d. if the price of Gold should happen  at any time to be cheaper. 

From what has been said, I think it appears: 

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1. That Silver is that which mankind have agreed on to take,  and give in Exchange for all other Commodities,

as an Equivalent. 

2. That 'tis by the quantity of Silver they give or take, or  contract for, that they estimate the value of other

things, and  satisfie for them; and thus by its quantity Silver becomes the  Measure of Commerce. 

3. Hence it necessarily follows, that a greater quantity of  Silver has a greater value; a less quantity of Silver

has a less  value; and an equal quantity an equal value. 

4. That Money differs from uncoin'd Silver only in this, that  the quantity of Silver in each piece of Money, is

ascertain'd by  the Stamp it bears; which is set there to be a publick Voucher of  its weight and fineness. 

5. That Gold is Treasure as well as Silver, because it decays  not in keeping, and never sinks much in its value. 

6. That Gold is fit to be Coin'd as well as Silver, to  ascertain its quantity to those who have a mind to Traffick

in  it; but not fit to be joyn'd with Silver, as a Measure of  Commerce. 

7. That Jewels too are Treasure, because they keep without  decay; and have constantly a great value, in

proportion to their  Bulk: But cannot be used for Money, because their value is not  measur'd by their quantity;

nor can they, as Gold and Silver, be  divided, and keep their value. 

8. The other Metals are not Treasure, because they decay in  keeping, and because of their plenty; which

makes their value  little in a great bulk; and so unfit for Money, Commerce, and  Carriage. 

9. That the only way to bring Treasure into England, is the  wellordering our Trade. 

10. That the only way to bring Silver and Gold to the Mint,  for the increase of our Stock of Money and

Treasure, which shall  stay here, is an overbalance of our whole Trade. All other ways  to increase our Money

and Riches, are but Projects that will fail  us. 

These things premised, I shall now proceed to shew wherein I  differ from Mr. Lowndes, and upon what

grounds I do so. 

Mr. Lowndes proposes, that our Money should be raised (as it  is called) one fifth: that is, That all our present

denominations  of Money, as Penny, Shilling, Halfcrown, Crown, should each  have One fifth less Silver in

it, or be answered with Coin of One  fifth less value. How he proposes to have it done I shall  consider

hereafter. I shall at present only examine the Reasons  he gives for it. 

His first reason, p. 68. he gives us in these words, The  value of the Silver in the Coin ought to be raised to the

foot of  Six Shillings three Pence in every Crown; because the price of  Standard Silver in Bullion is risen to

Six Shillings five pence  an Ounce. 

This reason seems to me to labour under several great  mistakes, as 

1. That Standard Silver can rise in respect of it self. 

2. That Standard Bullion is now, or ever was worth, or sold  to the Traders in it for 6s. 5d. the Ounce, oflawful

Money of  England. For if that matter of fact holds not to be so, that an  Ounce of Sterling Bullion is worth 6s.

5d. of our mill'd weighty  Money, this reason ceases; And our weighty Crown pieces ought not  to be raised to

6s. 3d; because our light clip'd Money will not  purchase an Ounce of Standard Bullion, under the rate of 6s.

5d.  of that light Money. And let me add here, nor for that rate  neither. If therefore the Author means here, that

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an Ounce of  Standard Silver is risen to 6s. 5d. of our clip'd Money, I grant  it him, and higher too. But then

that has nothing to do with the  raising our Lawful Coin, which remains unclip'd; unless he will  say too, that

Standard Bullion is so risen, as to be worth, and  actually to sell for 6s. 5d. the Ounce of our weighty mill'd

Money. This I not only deny, but farther add, that it is  impossible to be so. For six shillings and five pence of

mill'd  Money, weighs an Ounce and a quarter near. Can it therefore be  possible, that one Ounce of any

Commodity, should be worth an  Ounce and quarter of the selfsame Commodity, and of exactly the  same

goodness? For so is Standard Silver to Standard Silver.  Indeed one has a mark upon it, which the other has

not: But it is  a mark that makes it rather more, than less valuable: Or if the  mark, by hindring its Exportation,

makes it less valuable for  that purpose, the Meltingpot can easily take it off. 

The complaint made of melting down our weighty Money, answers  this reason evidently. For can it be

suppos'd, that a Goldsmith  will give one Ounce and a quarter of Coin'd Silver, for one Ounce  of Bullion;

when by putting it into his Meltingpot, he can for  less than a Penny charge make it Bullion? (For 'tis always

to be  remembred, what I think is made clear, that the value of Silver,  considered as it is Money, and the

measure of Commerce, is  nothing but its quantity.) And thus a mill'd Shilling, which has  double the weight of

Silver in it to a current Shilling,  whereofhalfthe Silver is clip'd away, has double the value. And  to shew that

this is so, I will undertake, that any Merchant, who  has Bullion to sell, shall sell it for a great deal less number

of Shillings in tale, to any one, who will contract to pay him in  mill'd Money, than if he be paid in the current

clip'd Money. 

Those who say Bullion is Risen, I desire to tell me; What  they mean by Risen? Any Commodity, I think, is

properly said to  be Risen, when the same quantity will exchange for a greater  quantity of another thing; but

more particularly of that thing  which is the measure of Commerce in the Country. And thus Corn is  said to be

Risen amongst the English in Virginia, when a Bushel  of it will sell, or exchange for more pounds of

Tobacco; Amongst  the Indians, when it will sell for more yards of Wampompeak,  which is their Money; And

amongst the English here, when it will  exchange for a greater quantity of Silver, than it would before.  Rising

and falling of Commodities is always between several  Commodities of distinct worths. But no body can say

that Tobacco  (of the same goodness) is risen in respect of it self. One Pound  of the same goodness will never

exchange for a Pound and a  Quarter of the same goodness. And so it is in Silver: An Ounce of  Silver will

always be of equal value to an Ounce of Silver; nor  can it ever rise or fall in respect of it self: An Ounce of

Standard Silver can never be worth an Ounce and a Quarter of  Standard Silver; nor one Ounce of uncoin'd

Silver, exchange for  one Ounce and a Quarter of Coin'd Silver: The Stamp cannot so  much debase its value.

Indeed the stamp hindring its free  exportation, may make the Goldsmith (who profits by the return of  Money)

give one hundred and twentieth, or one sixtieth or perhaps  sometimes one thirtieth more (that is 5s. two Pence

Halfpenny,  5s. 3d. or 5s. 4d. the Ounce) of coin'd Silver for uncoin'd, when  there is need of sending Silver

beyond Seas; as there always is  when the balance of Trade will not supply our wants, and pay our  debts there.

But much beyond this, the Goldsmith will never give  for Bullion; since he can make it out of Coin'd Money

at a  cheaper rate. 

'Tis said Bullion is risen to 6s. 5d. the Ounce, i.e. that an  Ounce of uncoin'd Silver will exchange for an

Ounce and a Quarter  of Coin'd Silver. If any one can believe this, I will put this  short Case to him. He has of

Bullion or Standard uncoin'd Silver,  two round plates, each of the exact size and weight of a Crown  piece: He

has besides, of the same Bullion, a round plate of the  weight and size of a Shilling, and another yet less, of

the exact  weight and size of a Threepence. The two great Plates being of  equal weight, and fineness, I

suppose he will allow to be of  equal value, and that the two less, joyn'd to either of them,  make it one fifth

more worth than the other is by it self, they  having all three together one fifth more Silver in them. Let us

suppose then, one of the greater, and the two less plates to have  received the next moment, (by Miracle, or by

the Mill, it matters  not how) the mark or stamp of our Crown, our Shilling, and our  Threepence: Can any

body say, that now they have got the stamp  of our Mint upon them, they are so fallen in value, or the other

unstamp'd piece so Risen, that that unstamp'd piece which a  moment before was worth only one of the other

pieces, is now  worth them all three? Which is to say, that an Ounce of uncoin'd  Silver is worth an Ounce and

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a quarter of coin'd. This is what  men would persuade us, when they say, that Bullion is raised to  6s. 5d. [of

lawful Money] the Ounce, which I say is utterly  impossible. Let us consider this a little farther in another

instance. The present Mill'd Crown piece, say they, will not  exchange for an Ounce of Bullion, without the

addition of a  Shilling and a Threepence of weighty Coin added to it. Coin but  that Crown piece into 6s. and

3d. and then they say it will buy  an Ounce of Bullion, or else they give up their reason and  measure of raising

the Money. Do that which is allow'd to be  equivalent to Coining of a present Mill'd Crown piece into 6s.  3d.

(viz.) call it 75 Pence, and then also it must by this Rule  of raising buy an Ounce of Bullion. If this be so, the

selfsame  mill'd Crown piece will and will not exchange for an Ounce of  Bullion. Call it 60 pence, and it will

not: The very next moment  call it 75 pence, and it will. I am afraid no body can think  change of denomination

has such a power. 

Mr. Lowndes supports this his first reason with these words,  p. 68. This reason, which I humbly conceive will

appear  irrefragable, is grounded uPon a Truth so Apparent, that it may  well be compared to an Axiom, even

in Mathematical reasoning; to  wit, that Whensoever the intrinsick value of Silver in the Coin,  hath been, or

shall be less than the price of Silver in Bullion,  the Coin hath and will be melted down. 

This I think, tho' it be allowed Mr. Lowndes for as Apparent  a Truth, and as certain a Maxim as he could

wish, yet serves not  at all to his purpose of lessening the Coin. For when the Coin,  is as it should be,

according to the Standard (let the Standard  be what it will) weighty and unclip'd, it is impossible that the

value of Coin'd Silver should be less than the value or price of  Uncoin'd; Because, as I have shewn, the value

and quantity of  Silver are the same: And where the quantities are equal, the  values are equal; excepting only

the odds that may be between  Bullion that may be freely exported, and Coin'd Silver that may  not; The odds

whereof scarce ever amounts to above 2d. Per Ounce,  and rarely to above a penny or an halfpenny. And this

odds  (whatever it be) will equally belong to his raised mill'd Money,  which cannot be exported, as it will to

our present mill'd Money,  which cannot be Exported; As I shall have occasion to shew more  particularly

hereafter. All this disorder, and a thousand others,  comes from light and unlawful Money being current. For

then it is  no wonder that Bullion should be kept up to the value of your  clip'd Money; that is, that Bullion

should not be sold by the  Ounce for less than 6s. 5d. when that 6s. 5d. clip'd Money paid  for it, does not

Weigh above an Ounce. This instance therefore of  the present price of Bullion, proves nothing but that the

quantity of Silver in Money governs the value of it, and not the  denomination; as appears when clip'd Money

is brought to buy  Bullion. This is a fair Tryal: Silver is set against Silver, and  by that is seen whether clip'd

Money be of the same value with  weighty of the same denomination, or whether it be not the  quantity of

Silver in it that regulates its value. 

I cannot but wonder that Mr. Lowndes, a Man so well skill'd  in the Law, especially of the Mint, the

Exchequer, and of our  Money, should all along in this Argument speak of clip'd Money,  as if it were the

lawful Money of England; and should propose by  that (which is in effect by the Clippers Sheers) to regulate a

new sort of Coin to be introduced into England. And if he will  stand to that measure, and lessen the new Coin

to the rate of  Bullion sold in exchange for present current clip'd Money, to  prevent its being melted down; he

must make it yet much lighter  than he proposes, so that raising it, or to give it its due name,  that lessening of

it one fifth will not serve the turn: For I  will be bold to say, that Bullion now in England is no where to  be

bought by the Ounce for 6s. 5d. of our present current clip'd  Money. So that if his Rule be true, and nothing

can save the  weighty Coin from melting down, but reducing it to the weight  that clip'd Money is brought to,

he must lessen the Money in his  new Coin much more than one fifth; for an Ounce of Standard  Bullion will

always be worth an Ounce of clip'd Money, whether  that in tale amount to 6s. 5d. 6s. 6d. Ten Shillings, or

any  other number of Shillings or Pence of the nicknamed clip'd  Money. For a piece of Silver that was

Coin'd for a Shilling, but  has half the Silver clip'd off, in the Law and in Propriety of  speech is no more a

Shilling than a piece of Wood, which was once  a sealed Yard, is still a Yard when one half of it is broke off. 

Let us consider this Maxim a little further; which out of the  language of the Mint in plain English, I think,

amounts to thus  much, viz. That when an Ounce of Standard Bullion costs a greater  number of Pence in tale,

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than an Ounce of that Bullion can be  Coin'd into by the Standard of the Mint, the Coin will be melted  down. I

grant it, if Bullion should rise to 15 Pence the Ounce  above 5s. 2d. as is now pretended; which is to say, that

an Ounce  of Bullion cannot be bought for less than an Ounce and a quarter  of the like Silver Coin'd. But that,

as I have shew'd, is  impossible to be: And every one would be convinced of the  contrary, if we had none now

but lawful Money current. But 'tis  no wonder if the price and value of things be confounded and  uncertain,

when the Measure it self is lost. For we have now no  lawful Silver Money current among us: And therefore

cannot talk  nor judge right, by our present uncertain clip'd Money, of the  value and price of things, in

reference to our lawful regular  Coin, adjusted and kept to the unvarying Standard of the Mint.  The price of

Silver in Bullion above the value of Silver in Coin,  when Clipping has not defac'd our current Cash (for then

the odds  is very rarely above a Penny or two Pence the Ounce) is so far  from being a cause of melting down

our Coin, that this price  given above the value of the Silver in our Coin, is given only to  preserve our Coin

from being melted down: For no body buys  Bullion at above 5s. 2d. the Ounce, (which is just the value) for

any other reason, but to avoid the crime and hazard of melting  down our Coin. 

I think it will be agreed on all hands, that no body will  melt down our Money, but for profit. Now profit can

be made by  melting down our Money, but only in two cases. 

First, When the current Pieces of the same denomination are  unequal, and of different Weights; some heavier,

some lighter:  For then the Traders in Money, cull out the heavier, and melt  them down with profit. This is the

ordinary fault of Coining by  the Hammer; wherein it usually sufficed, That a Bar of Silver was  cut into as

many Halfcrowns, or Shillings, as answer'd its whole  weight; without being very exact in making each

particular piece  of its due weight; whereby some pieces came to be heavier, and  some lighter, than by the

Standard they should. And then the  heavier pieces were cull'd out, and there was profit to be made  (as one

easily perceives) in melting them down. But this cause of  melting down our Money is easily prevented, by

the exacter way of  Coining by the Mill, in which each single piece is brought to its  just weight. This

inequality of pieces of the same denomination,  is to be found in our Money, more than ever, since Clipping

has  been in fashion: And therefore 'tis no wonder, that in this  irregular State of our Money, one complaint is,

that the heavy  Money is melted down. But this also the making clip'd Money go at  present for its Weight,

(which is a suddain reducing it to the  Standard) and then, by degrees, recoining it into mill'd Money  (which is

the ultimate and more compleat reducing it to the  Standard) perfectly cures. 

The other case wherein our Money comes to be melted down, is  a losing Trade; Or, which is the same thing

in other words, an  overgreat Consumption of Foreign Commodities. Whenever the  overballance of Foreign

Trade makes it difficult for our  Merchants to get Bills of Exchange, the Exchange presently rises,  and the

Returns of Money raise them in proportion to the want of  Money English men have in any parts beyond Seas.

They who thus  furnish them with Bills, not being able to satisfie their  Correspondents on whom those Bills

are drawn, with the product of  our Commodities there, must send Silver from hence to reimburse  them, and

repay the Money they have drawn out of their hands.  Whilst Bullion may be had for a small price more than

the weight  of our current Cash, these Exchangers generally choose rather to  buy Bullion, than run the risque

of melting down our Coin, which  is Criminal by the Law. And thus the matter for the most part  went, whilst

mill'd and clipt Money passed promiscuously in  payment: For so long a clipt Halfcrown was as good here as

a  mill'd one, since one passed, and could be had as freely as the  other. But as soon as there began to be a

distinction between  clipt and unclipt Money, and weighty Money could no longer be had  for the light,

Bullion (as was natural) rose; And it would fall  again to morrow to the price it was at before, if there were

none  but weighty Money to pay for it. In short, whenever the whole of  our Foreign Trade and Consumption

exceeds our Exportation of  Commodities, our Money must go to pay our Debts so contracted,  whether

melted, or not melted down. If the Law makes the  Exportation of our Coin Penal, it will be melted down; if it

leaves the Exportation of our Coin free, as in Holland, it will  be carried out in specie. One way or other go it

must, as we see  in Spain; but whether melted down, or not melted down, it matters  little: Our Coin and

Treasure will be both ways equally  diminished, and can be restor'd only by an overbalance of our  whole

Exportation, to our whole Importation of consumable  Commodities. Laws made against Exportation of

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Money or Bullion,  will be all in vain. Restraint, or Liberty in that matter, makes  no Country Rich or Poor: As

we see in Holland; which had plenty  of Money under the free liberty of its Exportation; and Spain, in  great

want of Money under the severest penalties against carrying  of it out. But the Coining, or not Coining our

Money, on the same  foot it was before, or in bigger or less pieces, and under  whatsoever denominations you

please, contributes nothing to, or  against its melting down or Exportation, so our Money be all kept  each

species in its full weight of Silver, according to the  Standard: For if some be heavier, and some lighter

allow'd to be  current, so, under the same denomination the heavier will be  melted down, where the temptation

of profit is considerable,  which in well regulated Coin kept to the Standard, cannot be. But  this melting down

carries not away one Grain of our Treasure out  of England. The coming and going of that depends wholly

upon the  Balance of our Trade; and therefore it is a wrong Conclusion  which we find, p. 71. That continuing

either old or new Coins on  the present foot, will be nothing else but furnishing a Species  to melt down at an

extravagant profit, and will encourage a  violent Exportation of our Silver for sake of the gain only, till  we

shall have little or none left. For example; Let us suppose  all our light Money new Coin'd, upon the foot that

this Gentleman  would have it, and all our old mill'd Crowns going for 75 Pence,  as he proposes, and the rest

of the old mill'd Money  proportionably; I desire it to be shewed how this would hinder  the Exportation of one

Ounce of Silver, whilst our Affairs are in  the present posture. Again, on the other side, supposing all our

Money were now mill'd Coin upon the present foot, and our  Ballance of Trade changing, our Exportation of

Commodities were a  Million more than our Importation, and like to continue so  yearly'. whereof one halfwas

to Holland, and the other to  Flanders, there being an equal Ballance between England and all  other parts of

the World we Trade to; I ask, what possible gain  could any English Man make, by melting down and carrying

out our  Money to Holland and Flanders, when a Million was to come thence  hither, and English Men had

more there already than they knew how  to use there, and could not get home without paying dear there  for

Bills of Exchange? If that were the case of our Trade, the  Exchange would presently fall here, and rise there

beyond the Par  of their Money to ours, i.e. An English Merchant must give in  Holland more Silver for the

Bills he bought there, than he should  receive upon those Bills here, if the two Sums were weigh'd one  against

the other; or run the risque of bringing it home in  specie. And what then could any English man get by

Exporting of  our Money or Silver thither? 

These are the only two Cases, wherein our Coin can be melted  down with profit; and I challenge any one

living to shew me any  other. The one of them is removed only by a regular just Coin  kept equal to the

Standard; be that what it will, it matters not,  as to the point of melting down of the Money. The other is to be

removed only by the Balance of our Trade kept from running us  behindhand, and contracting Debts in

Foreign Counties by an  overconsumption of their Commodities. 

To those who say that the Exportation of our Money, whether  melted down, or not melted down, depends

wholly upon our  Consumption of Foreign Commodities, and not at all upon the Sizes  of the several Species

of our Money, which will be equally  Exported, or not Exported, whether Coin'd upon the old, or the  proposed

new Foot: Mr. Lowndes replies, p. 72. 

First, That the necessity of Foreign expence and Exportation  to answer the Balance of Trade, may be

diminished, but cannot in  any sense be augmented by raising the Value of our Money. 

I beg his pardon, If I cannot assent to this. Because the  necessity of our Exportation of Money depending

wholly upon the  Debts which we contract in Foreign Parts, beyond what our  Commodities Exported can pay;

the Coining our Money in bigger or  less pieces under the same or different denominations, or on the  present

or proposed Foot, in it self neither increasing those  Debts, nor the Expences that make them, can neither

augment nor  diminish the Exportation of our Money. 

2. He replies p. 72. That Melters of the Coin will have less  profit by Fourteen pence halfpenny in the Crown

when the Money  is Coined upon the new Foot. 

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To this I take liberty to say, that there will not be a  farthing more profit in melting down the Money, if it were

all  new mill'd Money upon the present Foot, than if it were all new  Coin'd, as is proposed One fifth lighter.

For whence should the  profit arise more in the one, than the other? But Mr. Lowndes  goes upon this

supposition; That Standard Bullion is now worth  Six Shillings and five Pence an Ounce, of mill'd Money and

would  continue to sell for six Shillings five Pence the Ounce, if our  Money were all weighty mill'd Money:

Both which I take to be  mistakes, and think I have proved them to be so. 

3. He says, 'Tis hoped that the Exchange to Holland may be  kept at a stand, or at least from falling much

lower. I hope so  too. But how that concerns this Argument, or the Coining of the  Money upon a new Foot, I

do not see. 

4. He says, p. 73. There is a great difference with regard to  the serive and disservice of the Publick, between

carrying out  Bullion or Coin,for necessart uses, Or for prohibited  Commodities. The gain to the Exporters,

which is that which makes  them melt it down and Export it, is the same in both Cases. And  the necessity of

Exporting it is the same. For 'tis to pay Debts,  which there is an equal necessity of paying, when once

contracted, though for useless things. They are the Goldsmiths  and Dealers in Silver that usually Export what

Silver is sent  beyond Sea, to pay the Debts they have contracted by their Bills  of Exchange. But those Dealers

in Exchange seldom know, or  consider, how they to whom they give their Bills, have or will  employ the

Money they receive upon those Bills. Prohibited  Commodities, 'tis true, should be kept out, and useless ones

Impoverish us by being brought in. But that is the fault of our  Importation: And there the mischief should be

cured, by Laws, and  our way of Living. For the Exportation of our Treasure is not the  cause of their

Importation, but the consequence. Vanity and  Luxury spends them: That gives them vent here: That vent

causes  their Importation: And when our Merchants have brought them, if  our Commodities will not be

enough, our Money must go to pay for  them. But what this Paragraph has in it against continuing our  Coin

upon the present Foot, or for making our Coin lighter, I  confess here again, I do not see. 

'Tis true what Mr. Lowndes observes here, the Importation of  Gold, and the going of Guineas at 30s. has been

a great prejudice  and loss to the kingdom. But that has been wholly owing to our  clip'd Money, and not at all

to our Money being Coin'd at five  Shillings two Pence the Ounce; nor is the Coining our Money  lighter, the

cure of it. The only remedy for that mischief, as  well as a great many others, is the putting an end to the

passing  of clip'd Money by Tale, as if it were lawful Coin. 

5. His fifth Head p. 74. is to answer those, who hold, that  by the lessening our Money one fifth, all People

who are to  receive Money upon Contracts already made, will be defrauded of  20 per Cent. of their due: And

thus all Men will lose one fifth  of their settled Revenues, and all men that have lent Money one  fifth of their

Principal and Use. To remove this Objection, Mr.  Lowndes says, that Silver in England is grown scarce, and

consequently dearer, and so is of higher price. Let us grant for  the present, it is of higher price (which how he

makes out I  shall examine by and by.) This, if it were so, ought not to annul  any Man's Bargain, nor make

him receive less in quantity than he  lent. He was to receive again the same Summ, and the Publick  Authority

was Guarantee that the same Summ should have the same  quantity of Silver under the same Denomination.

And the reason is  plain, why in justice he ought to have the same quantity of  Silver again, notwithstanding

any pretended rise of its value.  For if Silver had grown more plentiful, and by consequence (by  our Author's

Rule) cheaper, his Debtor wou'd not have been  compelled by the Publick Authority to have paid him, in

consideration of its cheapness, a greater quantity of Silver than  they contracted for. Cacao Nuts were the

Money of a part of  America, when we first came thither. Suppose then you had lent me  last Year 300, or

fifteenscore Cacao Nuts, to be repaid this  Year: Wou'd you be satisfied and think your self paid your due,  if

I shou'd tell you, Cacao Nuts were scarce this Year, and that  fourscore were of as much value this year as an

hundred the  last; and that therefore you were well and fully paid if I  restored to you only 240 for the 300 I

borrow'd? Would you not  think your self defrauded of one fifth of your Right by such a  payment? nor would

it make any amends for this to Justice, or  Reparation to you, that the Publick had (after your contract,  which

was made for fifteen Score) alter'd the denomination of  Score, and applyed it to sixteen instead of twenty.

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Examine it,  and you will find this just the Case, and the Loss proportionable  in them both: That is, a real Loss

of 20 per Cent. As to Mr.  Lowndes's proofs, that Silver is now one fifth more value than it  was, and therefore

a man has right donehim, if he receive one  fifth less than his contract, I fear none of them will reach Mr.

Lowndes's point. He saith p. 77. By daily experience nineteen  penny weight, and three tenths ofa penny

weight of Sterling  Silver which isjust the weight of a Crown piece, will purchase  more coined Money than

five unclip'd Shillings. I wish he had  told us where this daily experience he speaks of is to be found:  For I

dare say no body hath seen a Sum of unclip'd Shillings paid  for Bullion any where this twelve months, to go

no further back. 

In the next place, I wish he had told us how much more than  five lawful mild'd Shillings, Bullion of the

weight of a Crown  piece will purchase. If he had said it would purchase six  Shillings and three Pence weighty

Money, he had proved the matter  in question. And whoever has the weight of a Crown in Silver paid  him in

Mr. Lowndes's new Coin, instead of six Shillings and three  Pence of our present Money, has no inury done

him, if it will  certainly purchase him six Shillings and three Pence all unclip'd  of our present Money. But

every one at first sight perceives this  to be impossible, as I have already proved it. And I have in this  the

concurrence of Mr. Lowndes's new Scheme, to prove it tobe so.  For p. 62. he proposes that his Silver Unite

having the weight  and fineness of a present unclip'd Crown piece, should go for 75  Perce; and that the present

Shilling should go for 15 pence; by  which establishment there will be 75 Pence in his Unite, and 93  Pence

three Farthings in six Shillings three Pence, weighty Money  of the present Coin; which is an undeniable

confession, that it  is as impossible for his Silver Unite, (having no more Silver in  it than a present unclip'd

Crown) to be worth, and so to purchase  six unclip'd Shillings and three Pence, of our present Money, as  it is

for 75 Pence to be worth 93 of the same Pence, or 75 to be  equal to 93. 

If he means by more, that his Sterling Silver of the weight  of a Crown piece will purchase a Penny, or two

Pence more than  five unclip'd Shillings, which is the most, and which is but  accidental too; What is this rise

of its value to 15 Pence? And  what amends will One sixtieth (a little more or less) rise in  value, make for One

fifth diminished in weight and lost in the  quantity? which is all one as to say, that a Penny, or  thereabouts,

shall make amends for fifteen Pence taken away. 

Another way to recommend his New Coin, to those who shall  receive it instead of the present weightier Coin,

he tells them,  p. 77. it will pay as much Debt and purchase as much Commodities  as our present Money,

which is One fifth heavier: What he says of  Debts is true. But yet I would have it well considered by our

English Gentlemen, that tho' Creditors will lose One fifth of  their Principal and Use, and Landlords will lose

one fifth of  their Income, yet the Debtors and Tenants will not get it. It  will be asked, Who then will get it?

Those, I say, and those only  who have great Sums of weighty Money (whereof one sees not a  piece now in

Payments) hoarded up by them, will get by it. To  those by the proposed change of our Money will be an

increase of  one fifth added to their Riches, paid out of the Pockets of the  rest of the Nation. For what these

men received for Four  Shillings, they will pay again for Five. This weighty Money  hoarded up, Mr. Lowndes,

p. 105 computes at One Million and Six  hundred thousand Pounds. So that by raising our Money one fifth,

there will Three hundred and twenty thousand Pound be given to  those who have hoarded up our weighty

Money; which hoarding up of  Money is thought by many to have no other merit in it than the  prejudicing our

Trade and publick Affairs, and increasing our  necessities, by keeping so great a part of our Money from

coming  abroad, at a time when there was so great need of it. If the Sum  of unclip'd Money in the Nation, be

as some suppose, much  greater; then there will by this contrivance of the raising our  Coin, be given to these

rich Hoarders, much above the aforesaid  Sum of Three hundred and twenty thousand Pounds of our present

Money. No body else, but these Hoarders, can get a Farthing by  this proposed change of our Coin; unless

Men in Debt have Plate  by them, which they will Coin to pay their Debts. Those too, I  must confess, will get

One fifth by all the Plate of their own,  which they shall Coin and pay Debts with; valuing their Plate at

Bullion: But if they shall consider the fashion of their Plate,  what that cost when they bought it, and the

fashion that new  Plate will cost them, if they intend ever to have Plate again,  they will find this One fifth

seeming present profit in Coining  their Plate to pay their Debts, amount to little or nothing at  all. No body

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then but the Hoarders will get by this Twenty per  Cent. And I challenge any one to shew how any body else

(but that  little in the case of Plate Coin'd to pay Debts) shall get a  Farthing by it. It seems to promise fairest to

the Debtors; but  to them too it will amount to nothing. For he that takes up Money  to pay his Debts, will

receive this new Money, and pay it again  at the same rate he received it, just as he does now our present  Coin,

without any profit at all. And though Commodities (as is  natural) shall be raised in proportion to the lessening

of the  Money, no body will get by that, any more than they do now, when  all things are grown dearer. Only

he that is bound up by contract  to receive any Sum under such a denomination of Pounds, Shillings  and

Pence, will find his loss sensibly when he goes to buy  Commodities, and make new Bargains. The Markets

and the Shops  will soon convince him, that his Money, which is One fifth  lighter, is also one fifth worse;

when he must pay twenty per  Cent. more for all the Commodities he buys with the Money of the  new Foot,

than if he bought it with the present Coin. 

This Mr. Lowndes himself will not deny, when he calls to mind  what he himself, speaking of the

inconveniences we suffer by our  clip'd Money, says, p. 115. Persons before they conclude in any  bargains,

are necessitated first to settle the price or value of  the very Money they are to receive for their Goods; And if

it be  in clip'd or bad Money, they set the price of their Goods  accordingly: Which I think has been one great

cause of raising  the price, not only of Merchandizes, but even of Edibles, and  other necessaries for the

Sustenance of the common People, to  their great Grievance. That every one who receives Money after  the

raising our Money, on Contracts made before the change, must  lose twenty per Cent. in all he shall buy, is

Demonstration, by  Mr. Lownds's own Scheme. Mr. Lowndes proposes that there should  be Shillings Coin'd

upon the new Foot One fifth lighter than our  present Shillings, which should go for 12 Pence apiece; and that

the unclip'd Shillings of the present Coin should go for fifteen  Pence apiece, and the Crown for seventyfive

Pence. A Man who has  a Debt of an hundred Pounds owing him, upon Bond or Lease,  receives it in these

new Shillings, instead of lawful Money of  the present Standard: He goes to Market with twenty Shillings in

one Pocket of this new Money, which are valued at 240 Pence; and  in the other Pocket with Four mill'd

Crown pieces, (or Twenty  mill'd Shillings of the present Coin) which are valued at Three  hundred pence,

which is One fifth more: 'Tis Demonstration then  that he loses One fifth, or 20 per Cent. in all that he buys,

by  the receipt of this new Money, for the present Coin, which was  his due; unless those he deals with will

take four for five  Pence, or four Shillings for five Shillings. He buys, for  example, a Quart of Oyl for fifteen

Pence: If he pay for it with  the old Money in one Pocket, one Shilling will do it; if with the  new Money in the

other, he must add Three pence to it, or a  quarter of another Shilling; And so of all the rest that he pays  for,

with either the old Money which he should have received his  Debts in, or with the new, which he was forced

to receive for it.  Thus far it is Demonstration, he loses Twenty per Cent. by  receiving his Debt in a new

Money thus raised, when he uses it to  buy any thing. But to make him amends, Mr. Lowndes tells him,  Silver

is now dearer; and all things consequently will be bought  cheaper Twenty per Cent. And yet at the same time

he tells them  in the passage above cited out of p. 115. that all other things  are grown dearer. I am sure there is

no Demonstration that they  will be sold 20 per Cent. cheaper. And if I may credit  Housekeepers and

substantial Tradesmen, all sorts of Provisions  and Commodities are lately risen excessively; and

notwithstanding  the scarcity of Silver, begin to come up to the true Value of our  clip'd Money, every one

selling their Commodities so as to make  themselves amends in the Number of light Pieces for what they  want

in Weight. A Creditor ought to think the new light Money  equivalent to the present heavier, because itwill

buy as much  Commodities. But what if it should fail, as 'tis ten to one but  it will, what Security has he for it?

He is told so, and he must  be satisfied. The Salt, Wine, Oyl, Silk, NavalStores, and all  Foreign

Commodities, will none of them be sold us by Foreigners  for a less quantity of Silver than before, because we

have given  the name of more Pence to it, is I think Demonstration. All our  Names (if they are any more to us)

are to them but bare Sounds;  and our Coin, as theirs to us, but meer Bullion, valued only by  its Weight. And a

Swede will no more sell you his Hemp and Pitch,  or a Spaniard his Oyl, for less Silver; because you tell him

Silver is scarcer now in England, and therefore risen in value  One fifth; than a Tradesman of London will sell

his Commodity  cheaper to the Isle ofMan because they are grown poorer, and  Money is scarce there. 

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All Foreign Commodities must be shut out of the Number of  those that will fall, to comply with our raising

our Money. Corn  also, 'tis evident, does not rise or fall by the differences of  more or less plenty of Money,

but by the plenty and scarcity that  God gives. For our Money, in appearance, remaining the same, the  Price of

Corn is double one Year to what it was the precedent;  and therefore we must certainly make account that

since the Money  is One fifth lighter, it will buy One fifth less Corn Communibus  annis. And this being the

great Expence of the Poor, that takes  up almost all their Earnings; if Corn be Communibus annis sold  for One

fifth more Money in Tale, than before the change of our  Money, they too must have One fifth more in Tale of

the new Money  for their Wages, than they have now; and the DayLabourer must  have, not only twelve, but

fifteen Pence of the new Money a day,  which is the present Shilling, that he has now, or else he cannot  live.

So that all Foreign Commodities, with Corn and Labour,  keeping up their value to the quantity of Silver, they

sell for  now, and not complying in the fall of their real price with the  nominal raising of our Money; there is

not much left wherein  Landlords and Creditors are to expect the recompence of 20 per  Cent. abatement of

price in Commodities to make up their loss in  the lightness of our Money they are paid their Rents and Debts

in. 'Twould be easie to shew the same thing concerning our other  native Commodities, and make it clear, that

we have no reason to  expect they should abate of their present price, any more than  Corn and Labour. But

this is enough, and any one, who has a mind  to it, may trace the rest at his leisure. 

And thus I fear the hopes of cheaper Pennyworths, which  might beguile some Men into a belief, that

Landlords and  Creditors would receive no less by the proposed new Money, is  quite vanished. But if the

promise of better Pennyworths and a  fall of all Commodities Twenty per Cent. should hold true, this  would

not at all relieve Creditors and Landlords, and set them on  equal terms with their Neighbours: Because the

cheap Pennyworths  will not be for them alone; but every body else, as well as they,  will share in that

advantage; so that their Silver being  diminished One fifth in their Rents and Debts, which are paid  them, they

would still be Twenty per Cent. greater losers than  their unhoarding neighbours, and Forty per Cent. greater

losers  than the Hoarders of Money; Who will certainly get Twenty per  Cent. in the Money, whatever happens

in the price of things; And  Twenty per Cent. more in the cheapness of Commodities, if that  promised

recompence be made good to Creditors and Landlords. For  the Hoarders of Money (if the price of things

falls) will buy as  cheap as they. So that whatever is said of the cheapness of  Commodities, 'tis Demonstration,

(whether that proves true or no)  That Creditors, and Landlords, and all those who are to receive  Money upon

Bargains made before the proposed change of our Coin,  will unavoidably lose Twenty per Cent. 

One thing Mr. Lowndes says in this Paragraph very remarkable,  which I think decides the Question. His

words p. 78. are these,  That if the value of the Silver in the Coins (by an extrinsick  denomination) be raised

above the value or Market price of the  same Silver reduc'd to Bullion, the Subject would be  proportionably

injured and defrauded, as they wereformerly in the  case of base Moneys Coin'd by publique Authority. It

remains  therefore only to shew, that the Marketprice of Standard Bullion  is not one fifth above our Coin that

is to be raised, and then we  have Mr. Lowndes of our side too against its raising. I think it  is abundantly

proved already, that Standard Bullion neither is,  nor can be worth one fifth more than our Lawful weighty

Money:  And if it be not, by Mr. Lowndes's confession, there is no need  of raising our present legal mill'd

Money to that degree; and  'tis only our clip'd Money that wants amendment: And when that is  recoin'd and

reduced all to mill'd and lawful Money, that then  too will have no need of raising. This I shall now prove out

of  Mr. Lowndes's own words here. 

Mr. Lowndes in the forecited words compares the value of  Silver in our Coin, to the value of the same Silver

reduc'd to  Bullion; which he supposing to be as four to five, makes that the  measure of the raising our Money.

If this be the difference of  Value between Silver in Bullion, and Silver in Coin; and it be  true, that four

Ounces of Standard Bullion be worth five Ounces  of the same Silver Coin'd; Or, which is the same thing, that

Bullion will sell by the Ounce for six Shillings and five Pence  unclip'd Money; I will take the boldness to

advise His Majesty to  buy, or to borrow any where so much Bullion, or rather than be  without it, melt down

so much Plate, as is equal in weight to  Twelve hundred pounds Sterling of our present mill'd Money. This  let

him sell for mill'd Money. And according to our Author's  Rule, it will yield Fifteen hundred pounds. Let that

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Fifteen  hundred pounds be reduc'd into Bullion, and sold again, and it  will produce Eighteen hundred and

sixty pounds: Which Eighteen  hundred and sixty pounds of weighty Money being reduc'd to  Bullion, will still

produce One fifth more in weight of Silver,  being sold for weighty Money. And thus His Majesty may get at

least Three hundred and twenty thousand pounds by selling of  Bullion for weighty Money, and melring that

down into Bullion, as  fast as he receives it; till he has brought into his hands the  Million and Six hundred

thousand Pounds, which Mr. Lowndes  computes there is of weighty Monev left in England. 

I doubt not but every one who reads it, will think this a  very ridiculous Proposition. But he must think it

ridiculous for  no other reason, but because he sees 'tis impossible, that  Bullion should sell for One fifth above

its weight of the same  Silver Coin'd; That is, that an Ounce of Standard Silver should  sell for six Shillings

five Pence of our present weighty Money.  For if it will, 'tis no ridiculous thing that the King should  melt

down, and make that profit of his Money. 

If our Author's Rule, (p. 78. where he says, That the only  just and reasonable Foot upon which the Coins

should be current,  is the very price of the Silver thereof, in case it be molten in  the same place where Coins

are made current) be to be observed;  Our Money is to be raised but an Halfpenny, or at most a Penny in  five

Shillings; for that was the ordinary odds in the price  between Bullion and Coin'd Silver, before Clipping had

deprived  us, in Commerce, of all our mill'd and weighty Money. And Silver  in Standard Bullion would not be

in value one jot above the same  Silver in Coin, if clip'd Money were not current by Tale, and  Coin'd Silver

(as Mr. Lowndes proposes, p. 73.) as well as  Bullion, had the liberty of Exportation. For when we have no

clip'd Money, but all our current Coin is weight, according to  the Standard, all the odds of value that Silver in

Bullion has to  Silver in Coin, is only owing to the Prohibition of its  Exportation in Money; And never rises,

nor can rise, above what  the Goldsmith shall estimate the risque and trouble of melting it  down; which is so

little, that the Importers of Silver could  never raise it to above a Penny an Ounce, but at such times as  the East

India Company, or some Foreign Sale, calling for a great  quantity of Silver at a time, made the Goldsmith

scramble for it;  and so the Importers of Bullion raise its price upon them,  according to the present need of

great quantities of Silver,  which every Goldsmith (eager to ingross to himself as much as he  could) was

content to pay high for, rather than go without: His  present gains from those whom he furnish'd, and whom

otherwise he  could not furnish, making him amends. 

The natural value then between Silver in Bullion, and in  Coin, is (I say) every where equal; bating the charge

of Coinage,  which gives the advantage to the side of the Coin. The ordinary  odds here in England, between

Silver in Bullion, and the same in  our Coin, is by reason that the Stamp hinders its free  Exportation about a

Penny in the Crown. The accidental  difference, by reason of suddain occasions, is sometimes (but  rarely) two

pence in five Shillings, or somewhat more in great  urgencies. And since the ordinary rate of things is to be

taken  as the measure of their price, and Mr. Lowndes tells us, p. 78.  That if the value of the Silver in the

Coins should be raised  above the value, Or Market Price, of the same Silver reduced to  Bullion, the Subject

would be proportionably injured and  defrauded; I leave him to make the Inference, what will be the

consequence in England, if our Coin be raised here One fifth, or  Twenty per Cent. 

Mr. Lowndes says farther, p. 80. That Silver has a price. I  answer; Silver to Silver can have no other price,

but quantity  for quantity. If there be any other difference in value, it is or  can be nothing but one of these two:

First, Either the value of  the labour imploy'd about one parcel of Silver more than another,  makes a difference

in their price; and thus fashion'd Plate sells  for more than its weight of the same Silver; and in Counties  where

the Owners pay for the Coinage, Silver in Coin is more  worth than its weight in Bullion; but here, where the

Publick  pays the Coinage, they are of very near equal value, when there  is no need of Exportation: For then

there is no more odds than  the trouble of carrying the Bullion to the Mint, and fetching  again, is worth; or the

charge of refining so much of it, as will  bring it to Standard, if it be worse than Standard. 

Or Secondly, Some Priviledge belonging to one parcel of  Silver which is denied to another, viz. Here in

England a liberty  of Exportation allowed to Silver in Bullion, denied to Silver  Stamp'd. This, when there is

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need of Exportation of Silver, gives  some small advantage of value to uncoin'd Silver here, above  Coin'd; but

that is ordinarily very inconsiderable; and can never  reach to One fifth, nor half One fifth, as has been already

shewn. And this I think will answer all that is said about the  price of Silver in that place. 

'Tis true what Mr. Lowndes says in the next words, p. 81.  That five Shillings coin'd upon the Foot proposed,

will actually  contain more real and intrinsick value of Silver by a great deal,  than is in the current Money now

commonly applied to the Payment  of the said Rents, Revenues and Debts. But will he hence  conclude,

because there is now lost in those Rents, Revenues and  Debts, a great deal more than Twenty per Cent. under

the present  irregularity of our Coin, and the Robbery in clip'd Money,  without any the least neglect or

miscarriage in the Owner that  intitled him to that loss, that therefore it is just that the  loss of Twenty per Cent.

be establish'd on him by Law for the  future, in the reforming of our Coin? 

Mr. Lowndes's Second reason for lessening our Coin we have p.  82. in these words, The value of the Silver in

the Coin ought to  be raised, to encourage the ringing of Bullion to the Mint to be  Coin'd. This raising of

Money is in effect, as has been seen,  nothing but giving a denomination of more Pence to the same  quantity

of Silver, viz. That the same quantity of Silver shall  hereafter be called Seventyfive Pence, which is now

called but  sixty Pence. For that is all is done: As is manifest, when a  Crown piece which now goes but for

sixty Pence, shall be made to  go for seventyfive Pence; for 'tis plain, it contains nothing of  Silver or worth in

it, more than it did before. Let us suppose,  that all our Silver Coin now in England were Sixpences,

Shillings, Halfcrowns and Crowns, all mill'd Money full weight  according to the present Standard; And that it

should be ordered,  that for the future, the Crownpiece instead of going for sixty  pence, should go for

seventyfive pence, and so proportionably of  all the other Pieces; I ask then, how such a change of

denomination shall bring Bullion to the Mint to be Coin'd, and  from whence? I suppose this change of names,

or ascribing to it  more imaginary parts of any denomination, has no Charms in it to  bring Bullion to the Mint

to be Coin'd: For whether you call the  piece Coin'd twelve pence, or fifteen pence, sixty or  seventyfive, a

Crown or a Scepter, it will buy no more Silk,  Salt or Bread than it would before. That therefore cannot tempt

People to bring it to the Mint. And if it will pay more Debt,  that is perfect Defrauding, and ought not to be

permitted. Next,  I ask, from whence shall this raising fetch it? For Bullion  cannot be brought hither to stay

here, whil'st the Balance of our  Trade requires all the Bullion we bring in, to be Exported again,  and more

Silver out of our former Stock with it, to answer our  exigencies beyond Seas. And whilst it is so, the

Goldsmiths and  Returners of Money will give more for Bullion to Export, than the  Mint can give for it to

Coin; and so none of that will come to  the Mint. But says our Author, p. 83. An Halfpenny an Ounce  profit,

which will be in the proposed Coin, above the present  price of Sterling Bullion, will be an encouragement to

those who  have English Plate, to bring it in to be Coin'd. I doubt whether  there will be any such profit; for I

imagine that Standard  Bullion cannot now be bought per Ounce for Six Shillings and five  Pence of our clip'd

running Cash, which is the Measure whereby  Mr. Lowndes determines of the price of Sterling Silver. But

taking this Halfpenny an Ounce profit for granted, it will not  bring to the Mint any Plate, whose fashion is

valued by the Owner  at above an Halfpenny per Ounce; and how much then it is like to  bring to the Mint, is

easie to guess. 

The true and only good reason that brings Bullion to the Mint  to be Coin'd, is the same that brings it to

England to stay  there, viz. The gain we make by an overbalance of Trade. When  our Merchants carry

Commodities abroad, to a greater value than  those they bring home, the overplus comes to them in Foreign

Coin or Bullion, which will stay here, when we gain by the  Balance of our whole Trade. For then we can

have no Debts beyond  Sea to be paid with it: In this thriving posture of our Trade,  those to whose share this

Bullion falls, not having any use of it  whil'st it is in Bullion, choose to carry it to the Mint to have  it Coin'd

there, whereby it is of more use to them for all the  business of Silver in Trade, or purchasing Land; the Mint

having  ascertained the weight and fineness of it: So that on any  occasion, every one is ready to take it at its

known value,  without any scruple; a convenience that is wanting in Bullion.  But when our Trade runs on the

other side, and our Exported  Commodities will not pay for those Foreign ones we consume, our  Treasure

must go; and then it is in vain to bestow the labour of  Coining on Bullion that must be Exported again. To

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what purpose  is it to make it pass through our Mint, when it will away? The  less pains and charge it costs us,

the better. 

His Third reason p. 83. is, that this raising our Coin by  making it more in tale will make it more

commensurate to the  general need thereof, and thereby hinder the increase of  hazardous Papercredit, and the

inconveniency of Bartering. 

Just as the Boy cut his Leather into five quarters (as he  called them) to cover his Ball, when cut into four

quarters it  fell short: But after all his pains, as much of his Ball lay bare  as before. If the quantity of Coin'd

Silver employ'd in England  falls short, the arbitrary denomination of a greater number of  Pence given to it, or

which is all one, to the several Coin'd  pieces of it, will not make it commensurate to the size of our  Trade, or

the greatness of our occasions. This is as certain, as  that if the quantity of a Board which is to stop a Leak of a

Ship  fifteen Inches square, be but twelve Inches square, it will not  be made to do it, by being measured by a

Foot that is divided  into fifteen Inches instead of twelve, and so having a larger  Tale or number of Inches in

denomination given to it. 

This indeed would be a convincing Reason, if Sounds will give  weight to Silver, and the noise of a greater

number of Pence  (less in quantity proportionably as they are more in number) were  a larger supply of Money,

which our Author p. 84. says our  occasions require, and which he by an increase of the tale of  Pence hopes to

provide. But that Mistake is very visible, and  shall be further shewn in the business of Bartering. 

The necessity of Trust and Bartering is one of the many  inconveniencies springing from the want of Money.

This  inconvenience, the multiplying arbitrary denominations will no  more supply, nor any ways make our

scarcity of Coin commensurate  to the need there is of it, than if the Cloth which was provided  for clothing the

Army, falling short, one should hope to make it  commensurate to that need there is of it, by measuring it by a

Yard One fifth shorter than the Standard, or changing the  Standard of the Yard, and so getting the full

denomination of  Yards, necessary according to the present measure. For this is  all will be done by raising our

Coin, as is proposed. All it  amounts to, is no more but this, viz. That each piece, and  consequently our whole

Stock of Money, should be measured and  denominated by a Penny One fifth less than the Standard. 

Where there is not Coin'd Silver in proportion to the value  of the Commodities that daily change Owners in

Trade, there is a  necessity of Trust, or Bartering; i.e. changing Commodities for  Commodities, without the

intervention of Money. For Example, let  us suppose in Bermudos but an hundred pounds in ready Money; but

that there is every day there a transferring of Commodities from  one Owner to another, to the value of double

as much. When the  Money is all got into hands that have already bought all that  they have need of for that

day, whoever has need of any thing  else that day, must either go on tick, or barter for it; i.e.  give the

Commodities he can best spare, for the Commodities he  wants, v.g. Sugar for Bread, Now 'tis evident here,

that  changing the Denomination of the Coin they already have in  Bermudos, or Coining it over again under

new Denominations, will  not contribute in the least towards the removing this necessity  of Trust or Bartering.

For the whole Silver they have in Coin,  being but four hundred Ounces; and the exchange of the

Commodities made in a distance of time, wherein this Money is  paid, not above once, being to the value of

Eight hundred Ounces  of Silver; 'tis plain that one half of the Commodities that shift  hands, must of necessity

be taken upon Credit, or exchanged by  Barter; those who want them having not Money to pay for them. Nor

can any alteration of the Coin, or Denomination of these four  hundred Ounces of Silver help this: Because the

value of the  Silver, in respect of other Commodities, will not thereby be at  all increased; And the

Commodities changed, being (as in the  case) double in value to the four hundred Ounces of Coin'd Silver  to

be laid out in them; nothing can supply this want but a double  quantity, i.e. eight hundred Ounces of Coin'd

Silver; how  denominated it matters not, so there be a fit proportion of small  pieces to supply small payments. 

Suppose the Commodities passing every day in England, in  Markets and Fairs, between strangers, or such as

trust not one  another, were to the value of a Million of Ounces of Silver; and  there was but half a Million of

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Ounces of Coin'd Silver in the  hands of those who wanted those Commodities; 'tis Demonstration  they must

truck for them, or go without them. If then the Coin'd  Silver of England, be not sufficient to answer the value

of  Commodities moving in Trade amongst us, Credit or Barter must do  it. Where the Credit and Money fail,

Barter alone must do it:  Which being introduced by the want of a greater plenty of Coin'd  Silver, nothing but

a greater plenty of Coin'd Silver can remove  it. The increase of Denomination does, or can do nothing in the

case: For 'tis Silver by its quantity, and not Denomination, that  is the price of things, and measure of

Commerce; and 'tis the  weight of Silver in it, and not the name of the piece that Men  estimate Commodities

by, and exchange them for. 

If this be not so, when the necessity of our affairs abroad,  or ill husbandry at home, has carried away half our

Treasure; and  a moiety of our Money is gone out of England; 'tis but to issue a  Proclamation, that a Penny

shall go for Twopence, Sixpence for  a Shilling, half a Crown for a Crown, and immediately without  any

more ado we are as Rich as before. And when half the  remainder is gone, 'tis but doing the same thing again,

and  raising the Denomination anew, and we are where we were, and so  on: Where by supposing the

Denomination raised fifteen  sixteenths, every Man will be as Rich with an Ounce of Silver in  his Purse as he

was before when he had sixteen Ounces there; and  in as great plenty of Money, able to carry on his Trade,

without  Bartering; his Silver, by this short way of raising, being  chang'd, into the value of Gold: For when

Silver will buy sixteen  times as much Wine, Oyl, and Bread, to day as it would  yesterday (all other things

remaining the same but the  Denomination) it hath the real worth of Gold. 

This I guess every body sees cannot be so. And yet this must  be so, if it be true, that raising the Denomination

One fifth can  supply the want, or one jot raise the value of Silver in respect  of other Commodities; i.e. make a

less quantity of it to day, buy  a greater quantity of Corn, Oyl and Cloth, and all other  Commodities, than it

would yesterday, and thereby remove the  necessity of Bartering. For if raising the Denomination can thus

raise the value of Coin in exchange for other Commodities One  fifth, by the same reason it can raise it Two

fifths, and  afterwards Three fifths, and again, if need be, Four fifths, and  as much further as you please. So

that by this admirable  contrivance of raising our Coin, we shall be as Rich and as well  able to support the

charge of the Government, and carry on our  Trade without bartering or any other inconvenience for want of

Money, with sixty thousand Ounces of Coin'd Silver in England, as  if we had six or sixty Millions. If this be

not so, I desire any  one to shew me, why the same way of raising the denomination  which can raise the value

of Money in respect of other  Commodities, One fifth, cannot when you please raise it another  fifth, and so

on? I beg to be told where it must stop, and why at  such a degree without being able to go farther. 

It must be taken notice of, that the raising I speak of here,  is the raising of the value of our Coin in respect of

other  Commodities (as I call it all along) in contradistinction to  raising the Denomination. The confounding

of these in Discourses  concerning Money, is one great cause, I suspect, that this matter  is so little understood,

and so often talked of with so little  Information of the hearers. 

A Penny is a denomination no more belonging to eight than to  eighty, or to one single grain of Silver: And so

it is not  necessary that there should be sixty such Pence, no more nor  less, in an Ounce of Silver, i.e. twelve in

a piece called a  Shilling, and sixty in a piece called a Crown; such like  divisions being only extrinsical

denominations, are every where  perfectly arbritrary. For here in England there might as well  have been

twelve Shillings in a Penny, as twelve Pence in a  Shilling, i.e. the denomination of the less piece might have

been  a Shilling, and of the bigger a Penny. Again, the Shilling might  have been Coin'd ten times as big as the

Penny, and the Crown ten  times as big as the Shilling; whereby the Shilling would have had  but ten Pence in

it, and the Crown an hundred. But this, however  order'd, alters not one jot the value of the Ounce of Silver in

respect of other things, any more than it does its weight. This  raising being but giving of names at pleasure to

aliquot parts of  any piece, viz. that now the sixtieth part of an Ounce of Silver  shall be called a Penny, and to

morrow that the seventy fifth  part of an Ounce of Silver shall be called a Penny, may be done  with what

increase you please: And thus it may be ordered by a  Proclamation, that a Shilling shall go for twentyfour

Pence, an  Half Crown for sixty instead of thirty Pence, and so of the rest.  But that an HalfCrown shall be

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worth, or contain, sixty such  Pence as the Pence were before this change of denomination was  made, that no

Power on earth can do: Nor can any Power (but that  which can make the plenty or scarcity of Commodities)

raise the  value of our Money thus double in respect of other Commodities,  and make that the same piece, or

quantity of Silver, under a  double denomination, shall purchase double the quantity of  Pepper, Wine or Lead,

an instant after such Proclamation, to what  it would do an instant before. If this could be, we might, as  every

one sees, raise Silver to the value of Gold, and make our  selves as Rich as we pleased. But 'tis but going to

Market with  an Ounce of Silver of One hundred and twenty pence, to be  convinc'd that it will purchase no

more than an Ounce of Silver  of sixty Pence. And the ringing of the piece will as soon  purchase more

Commodities as its change of Denomination, and the  multiplied name of Pence, when it is call'd six score

instead of  sixty. 

'Tis propos'd, that the twelve Pence should be raised to  fifteen Pence, and the Crown to seventyfive pence,

and so  proportionably of the rest: But yet that the Pound Sterling  should not be raised. If there be any

advantage in raising, why  should not that be raised too? And as the Crown piece is raised  from sixty, to

seventyfive Pence, why should not the Pound  Sterling be raised in the same proportion, from Two hundred

and  forty pence, to Three hundred pence? 

Farther, If this raising our Coin can so stretch our Money  and enlarge our pared remainder of it, as to make it

more  commensurate to the general need thereof, for carrying on the  common Traffick and Commerce of the

Nation, and to answer  Occasions requiring a larger supply of Money, as Mr. Lowndes  tells us in his third

Reason p. 83. Why are we so niggardly to  our selves in this time of occasion, as to stop at One fifth? Why  do

we not raise it one full Moiety, and thereby double our Money?  If Mr. Lowndes's Rule p. 78 That if the value

of the Silver in  the Coin, should be raised above the Market price of the same  Silver reduc'd to Bullion; the

Subject would be proportionably  injured and defrauded, must keep us from this advantage and the  publick

care of Justice stop the raising of the Money at One  fifth, because if our Money be raised beyond the

Marketprice of  Bullion, it will be so much defrauding of the Subject: I then say  it must not be raised One

fifth, nor half One fifth, that is, it  must not be raised fifteen pence in the Crown; no nor five pence.  For I deny

that the Marketprice of Standard Bullion ever was, or  ever can be five Shillings seven Pence of lawful

weighty Money  the Ounce: So that if our present mill'd Money be raised One  fifth, the Subjects will by Mr.

Lowndes's Rule, be defrauded  Sixteen per Cent. nay, above Eighteen per Cent. For the  Marketprice of

Standard Bullion being ordinarily under five  Shillings four Pence the Ounce, when sold for weighty Money

(which is but One thirtieth) whatever our present mill'd Money is  raised above One thirtieth, it is by Mr.

Lowndes's Rule so much  defrauding the Subject. For the Marketprice of any thing, and so  of Bullion, is to

be taken from its ordinary rate all the Year  round; and not from the extraordinary rise of two or three

Marketdays in a Year. And that the Marketprice of Standard  Silver was not found, nor pretended to be

above five Shilling and  four Pence the Ounce, before Clipping had left none but light  running Cash to pay for

Bullion, or any thing else, is evident  from a Paper then publish'd, which I took the liberty to examine  in my

Consideration of the consequences of raising the value of  Money, Printed 1692. The Author of that Paper,

{who,} 'tis  manifest, was not ignorant of the price of Silver, nor had a  design to lessen its rate, set down the

highest price it then  bore. 

If then, Mr. Lowndes's Rule of Justice, and care of the  Subject, be to regulate the rise of our mill'd Money, it

must not  be raised above One thirtieth part. If the advantages he  promises, of making our Money, by raising it

One fifth, more  commensurate to the general need thereof, be to be laid hold on,  'tis reasonable to raise it

higher, to make it yet more  commensurate to the general need there is of it. Which ever of  the two Mr.

Lowndes will prefer, either reason of State, or rule  of Justice, One fifth must not be his measure of raising our

present mill'd Money. If the advantage of making our Money more  proportionate to our Trade, and other

necessities, be to govern  its proposed raising, every one will cry out to Mr. Lowndes, If  your way will do

what you say, the raising it One half will be  much better than One fifth, and therefore pray let a Half Crown

be raised to a Crown, and a Sixpence to a Shilling. If equity,  and the consideration of the Subjects Property

ought to govern in  the case, you must not raise our mill'd Crown to above five  Shillings and four Pence. 

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If it here be said to me, that I do then allow that our Money  may be raised One thirtieth, i.e. that the Crown

piece should be  raised to five Shillings and two Pence, and so proportionably of  the other species of our Coin;

I answer, he that infers so, makes  his Inference a little too quick. 

But let us for once allow the ordinary price of Standard  Silver to be five Shillings four Pence the Ounce, to be

paid for  in weighty Coin (for that must always be remembred, when we talk  of the rate of Bullion) and that

the rate of Bullion is the just  measure of raising our Money. This I say is no reason for the  raising our mill'd

Crown now to five Shillings four Pence, and  recoining all our clip'd Money upon that Foot; unless we intend,

as soon as that is done, to new raise, and Coin it again. For  whil'st our Trade and Affairs abroad require the

exportation of  Silver, and the exportation of our Coin'd Silver is prohibited,  and made penal by our Law,

Standard Bullion will always be sold  here for a little more than its weight of Coin'd Silver. So that  if we shall

endeavour to equal our weighty Coin'd Silver to  Standard Bullion, by raising it, whilst there is a necessity of

the exportation of Silver, we shall do no otherwise than a Child,  who runs to overtake and get up to the top of

his shadow, which  still advances at the same rate that he does. The priviledge that  Bullion has, to be exported

freely, will give it a little advance  in price above our Coin, let the Denomination of that be raised  or fallen as

you please, whilst there is need of its Exportation,  and the Exportation of our Coin is prohibited by Law. But

this  advance will be but little, and will always keep within the  bounds which the risque and trouble of melting

down our Coin  shall set to it in the estimate of the Exporter. He that will  rather venture to throw an hundred

Pound into his Meltingpot,  when no body sees him, and reduce it to Bullion, than give an  Hundred and Five

Pounds for the same weight of the like Bullion,  will never give five Shillings and five Pence of mill'd Money

for  an Ounce of Standard Bullion; nor buy at that price, when he can  have it near Five per Cent. cheaper,

without any risque, if he  will not accuse himself. And I think it may be concluded, that  very few, who have

Furnaces, and other conveniencies ready for  melting Silver, will give One per Cent. for Standard Bullion,

which is under Five Shillings and Three pence per Ounce, who can  only for the trouble of melting it, reduce

our Coin to as good  Bullion. 

The odds of the price in Bullion to Coin on this account  (which is the only one, where the Coin is kept to the

Standard)  can never be a reason for raising our Coin to preserve it from  melting down: Because this price

above its weight is given for  Bullion, only to avoid melting down our Coin; and so this  difference of price

between Standard Bullion and our Coin, can be  no cause of its melting down. 

These three Reasons which I have examin'd, contain the great  advantages, which our Author supposes the

propos'd raising of our  Coin will produce. And therefore I have dwelt longer upon them.  His remaining six

Reasons being of less moment, and offering most  of them, but some circumstantial conveniencies, as to the

computation of our Money, I shall more briefly pass over.  Only before I proceed to them, I shall here set

down the  different value of our Money, collected from our Authors History  of the several changes of our

Coin, since Edward the First's  Reign, quite down to this present time. A curious History indeed,  for which I

think my self and the World indebted to Mr. Lowndes's  great Learning in this sort of knowledge, and his

great exactness  in relating the particulars. I shall remark only the quantity of  Silver was in a Shilling in each

of those Changes; that so the  Reader may at first sight, without farther trouble, compare the  lessening, or

increase of the quantity of Silver upon every  change. For in propriety of speech, the adding to the quantity of

Silver in our Coin, is the true raising of its value; and the  diminishing the quantity of Silver in it, is the

sinking of its  value; however they come to be transpos'd and used in the quite  contrary sense. 

If my Calculations, from the Weight and Fineness I find set  down in Mr. Lowndes's Extract out of the

Indentures of the Mint,  have not misled me, the quantity of Silver to a Grain, which was  in a Shilling in every

Change of our Money, is set down in the  following Table.  One Shilling contain'd of Fine Silver 


28  Edward  1  264

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18  Edward  3  236 

27  Edward  3  213 

9  Henry  5  176 

1  Henry  6  142 

4  Henry  6  176 

49  Henry  6  142 

1  Henry  8  118 

34  Henry  8  100 

36  Henry  8  60 

37  Henry  8  40 

3  Edward  6  40 

5  Edward  6  20 

6  Edward  6  88 

2  Eliz.  89 

43  Eliz.  86 

And So it has remain'd from the 43 of Elizabeth to this day. 

Mr. Lowndes's  69 

Mr. Lowndes having given us the Fineness of the Standard  Silver in every Reign, and the number of pieces a

Pound Troy was  Coin'd into, closes this History with words to this purpose, p.  56. By this deduction it doth

evidently appear, that it hath been  a Policy constantly practised in the Mints of England, to raise  the value of

the Coin in its extrinsick Denomination from time to  time, as any exigence or occasion required, and more

especially  to encourage the bringing of Bullion into the Realm to be Coin'd.  This indeed, is roundly to

conclude for his Hypothesis. But I  could wish, that from the Histories of those Times, wherein the  several

changes were made, he had shew'd us the Exigences and  Occasions that produced the raising of the Coin, and

what effects  it had. 

If I mistake not, Henry the 8th's several raisings of our  Coin, brought little increase of Silver into England. As

the  several Species of our Coin lessened in their respective  quantities of Silver. so the Treasure of the Realm

decreased too:  And he that found the Kingdom Rich, did not, as I remember, by  all his raisings our Coin,

leave it so. 

Another thing, that (from this History) makes me suspect that  the raising the Denomination was never found

effectively to draw  Silver into England, is the lowering the Denomination, or adding  more Silver to the

several Species of our Coin, as in Hen. VI's  time, the Shilling was increased from One hundred forty two

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Grains of Silver, to One hundred seventy six. And in the 6th of  Edw. VI. in whose time raising the

Denomination seems to have  been tried to the utmost, when a Shilling was brought to Twenty  Grains of

Silver. And the great alteration that was then quickly  made on the other hand, from Twenty to Eighty Grains

at one leap,  seems to shew that this lessening the Silver in our Coin, had  proved highly prejudicial: For this is

a greater change in  sinking of the Denomination in proportion, than ever was made at  once in raising it; A

Shilling being made four Times weightier in  Silver in the 6th, than it was in the 5th Year of Edw. VI. his


Kingdoms are seldom found weary of the Riches they have, or  averse to the increase of their Treasure. If

therefore the  raising the Denomination did in reality bring Silver into the  Realm, it cannot be thought that

they would at any time sink the  Denomination, which by the Rule of contraries should be at least  suspected to

drive, or keep it out. 

Since therefore we are not from matter of Fact informed, what  were the true Motives that caused those

several changes in the  Coin; may we not with Reason suspect, that they were owing to  that Policy of the

Mint, set down by our Author, p. 83. in these  words, that the proposed advance is agreeable to the Policy that

in past Ages hath been practised, not only in our Mint, but in  the Mints of all Politick Governments; namely,

to raise the value  of Silver in the Coin to promote the work of the Mint? As I  remember, suitable to this

Policy of the Mint, there was, some  two Years since, a complaint of a worthy Gentleman, not ignorant  of it,

that the Mill in the Mint stood still; And therefore there  was a proposal offer'd for bringing Grist to the Mill. 

The business of Money, as in all times, even in this our  quicksighted Age, hath been thought a Mystery:

Those imploy'd in  the Mint must, by their places, be supposed to penetrate deepest  into it. 'Tis no impossible

thing then to imagine, that it was  not hard, in the Ignorance of past Ages, when Money was little,  and Skill in

the Turns of Trade less, for those versed in the  Business and Policy of the Mint, to perswade a Prince,

especially  if Money were scarce, that the Fault was in the Standard of the  Mint, and that the way to increase

the Plenty of Money, was to  raise (a well sounding Word) the Value of the Coin. This could  not but be

willingly enough hearkned to; when, besides the Hopes  of drawing an increase of Silver into the Realm, it

brought  present Gain by the Part which the king got of the Money, which  was hereupon all Coined anew, and

the Mint Officers lost nothing,  since it promoted the work of the Mint. 

This Opinion Mr. Lowndes himself gives sufficient ground for  in his Book, particularly p. 29. where we read

these Words,  Although the former Debasements of the Coins by publick  Authority, especially those in the

Reign of King Henry VIII. and  King Edward VI. might be projected for the Profit of the Crown,  and the

Projectors might measure that Profit by the excessive  Quantities of Allay that were mixed with the Silver and

the Gold  (and let me add, or by the Quantity of Silver lessened in each  Species, which is the same thing) And

though this was enterprized  by a Prince, who could stretch his Prerogative very far upon his  People; and was

done in Times when the Nation had very little  Commerce, Inland or Foreign, to be injured and prejudiced

thereby; yet Experience presently shewed, that the Projectors  were mistaken, and that it was absolutely

necessary to have the  base Money reformed. This at least they were not mistaken in,  that they brought Work

to the Mint, and a Part of the Money  Coin'd to the Crown for Seigniorage; in both which there was  Profit. Mr.

Lowndes tells us, p. 44. that Henry VIII. had to the  value of fifty Shillings for every Pound Weight of Gold

Coin'd: I  have met with it somewhere that formerly the King might take what  he pleased for Coinage. I know

not too but the flattering Name of  raising Money might prevail then as it does now; and impose so  far on

them, as to make them think the raising, i.e. diminishing  the Silver in their Coin, would bring it into the

Realm, or stay  it here when they found it going out. For if we may guess at the  other, by Henry VIII's raising,

it was probably when, by reason  of Expence in Foreign Wars, or ill managed Trade, they found  Money begin

to grow scarce. 

The having the Species of our Coin One fifth bigger, or One  fifth less than they are at present, would be

neither good nor  harm to England, if they had always been so. Our Standard has  continued in weight and

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fineness just as it is now, for very near  this hundred Years last past: And those who think the  Denomination

and Size of our Money have any Influence on the  State of our Wealth, have no reason to change the present

Standard of our Coin; since under that we have had a greater  Increase, and longer Continuance of Plenty of

Money, than perhaps  any other Country can shew; I see no reason to think, that a  little bigger or less Size of

the pieces Coin'd, is of any moment  one way or t'other. The Species of Money in any Country, of what  soever

Sizes, fit for Coining, if their Proportions to one  another be suited to Arithmetick and Calculations, in whole

Numbers, and the Ways of Account in that Country; if they are  adapted to small Payments, and carefully kept

to their just  Weight and Fineness, can have no Harm in them. The Harm comes by  the change, which

unreasonably and unjustly gives away and  transfers Mens properties, disorders Trade, Puzzels Accounts, and

needs a new Arithmetick to cast up Reckonings, and keep Accounts  in; besides a thousand other

Inconveniences; not to mention the  Charge ofrecoining the Money. For this may be depended on, that  if our

Money be raised, as is proposed, it will inforce the  recoining of all our Money, both old and new (except the

new  Shillings) to avoid the terrible Difficulty and Confusion there  will be in keeping Accounts in Pounds,

Shillings, and Pence (as  they must be) when the Species of our Money are so ordered, as  not to answer those

Denominations in round Numbers. 

This Consideration leads me to Mr. Lowndes's fifth and sixth  Reasons, p. 85. wherein he recommends the

raising our Money in  the Proportion proposed, for its Convenience, to our Accounting  by Pounds, Shillings,

and Pence. And for obviating Perplexity  among the common People, he proposes the present weighty Crown

to  go at six Shillings three Pence; and the new Scepter or Unite to  be Coin'd of the same Weight to go at the

same rate; and  Halfcrowns, Halfscepters, or HalfUnites, of the Weight of the  present Halfcrown, to go

for three Shillings one Penny  Halfpenny: By no number of which pieces can there be made an  even Pound

Sterling, or any Number of even Shillings under a  Pound; but they always fall into Fractions of Pounds and

Shillings, as may be seen by this following Table. 

£  s.  d.  1  HalfCrown, HalfScepter, or Halfunite piece  3  1 1/2  1  Crown, Scepter or Unite Piece  6  3  3

HalfCrown pieces  9  4 1/2  2  Crown pieces  12  6  5  HalfCrown pieces  15  7 1/2  3  Crown pieces  18  9  7

HalfCrown pieces  1  1  10  1/2  4  Crown pieces  1  5 

The present Shilling, and new Testoon going for 15 Pence, no  Number of them make any Number of even

Shillings, but five  Shillings, ten Shillings, fifteen Shillings, and twenty  Shillings; but in all the rest, they

always fall into Fractions. 

The like may be said of the present Sixpences, and future  half Testoons going for seven Pence Halfpenny;

the quarter  Testoons, which are to go for three Pence three Farthings; and  the Gross and Groats, which are to

go for five Pence; the half  Gross or Groat, which is to go for two Pence Halfpenny; and the  Prime, which is

to go for a Penny Farthing: Out of any Tale of  each of which Species there can no just Number of Shillings

be  made, as I think, but five Shillings, ten Shillings, fifteen  Shillings, and twenty Shillings; but they always

fall into  Fractions. The new intended Shilling alone seems to be suited to  our accounting in Pounds, Shillings

and Pence. The great Pieces,  as Scepters, and Half Scepters, which are made to serve for the  Payment of

greater Sums, and are for Dispatch in Tale, will not  in Tale fall into even Pounds. And I fear it will puzzle a

better  Arithmetician, than most Countrymen are, to tell, without Pen  and Ink, how many of the lesser pieces

(except the Shillings)  however combined, will make just sixteen or seventeen Shillings.  And I imagine there

is not one Countryman of three, but may have  it for his Pains, if he can tell an Hundred Pounds made up of

a  promiscuous Mixture of the Species of this new raised Money  (excluding the Shillings) in a days time. And

that which will  help to confound him, and every body else, will be the old  Crowns, Halfcrowns, Shillings,

and Sixpences current for new  numbers of Pence. So that I take it for granted, that if our Coin  be raised, as

is proposed, not only all our clip'd, but all our  weighty and mill'd Money must of necessity be recoin'd too; if

you would not have Trade disturbed, and People more diseased with  new Money, which they cannot tell, nor

keep Accounts in, than  with light and clip'd Money, which they are cheated with. And  what a Charge the new

Coining of all our Money will be to the  Nation, I have computed in another place. That I think is of some

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Consideration in our present Circumstances, though the Confusion  that this new raised Money, I fear, is like

to introduce; and the  want of Money, and stop of Trade, when the clip'd is called in,  and the weighty is to be

recoin'd; be of much greater. 

His Fourth, Eighth, and Ninth Reasons, p. 84. and 86. are  taken from the saving our present mill'd Money

from being cut and  recoin'd. The End I confess to be good: 'Tis very reasonable,  that so much excellent Coin,

as good as ever was in the World,  should not be destroyed. But there is, I think, a surer and  easier way to

preserve it, than what Mr. Lowndes proposes. 'Tis  past doubt, it will be in no danger ofrecoining, if our

Money be  kept upon the present Foot: But if it be raised, as Mr. Lowndes  proposes, all the present mill'd

Money will be in danger, and the  Difficulty of Counting it upon the new proposed Foot will inforce  it to be

recoin'd into new pieces of Crowns, HalfCrowns,  Shillings, and Sixpences, that may pass for the same

Number of  Pence the present do, viz. 60. 30. 12. and 6. as I have above  shewn. He says in his Fourth Reason,

that if pieces, having the  same Bigness, should have different Values, it might be difficult  for the common

People (especially those not skill'd in  Arithmetick) to compute how many of one kind will be equal to the

Summ of another. Such Difficulties and Confusion, in Counting  Money, I agree with him, ought carefully to

be avoided. And  therefore, since ifpieces having the same Bigness and Stamp,  which the People are

acquainted with, shall have new Values  different from those which People are accustomed to; and these  new

Values shall in Numbers of Pence not answer our way of  accounting by Pounds, and Shillings; it will be

difficult for the  common People (especially those not skill'd in Arithmetick) to  compute how many of anyone

kind will make any Summ they are to  pay or receive; Especially when the Numbers of any one kind of  pieces

will be brought into so few even Summs of Pounds, and  Shillings. And thus Mr. Lowndes's Argument here

turns upon  himself, and is against raising our Coin, to the value proposed  by him, from the Confusion it will


His 8th Reason, p. 86. we have in these Words, It is  difficult to conceive how any Design of amending the

clip'd  Money, can be compassed without raising the Value of the Silver  remaining in them, because of the

great Deficiency of the Silver  clip'd away which (upon recoining) must necessarily be defraid  and born one

way or other. 

'Tis no Difficulty to conceive, that clip'd Money, being not  lawful Money, should be prohibited to pass for

more than its  Weight. Next, it is no Difficulty to conceive, that clip'd Money,  passing for no more than its

Weight, and so being in the state of  Standard Bullion, which cannot be exported, should be brought to  the

Mint, and there exchanged for weighty Money. By this way, it  is no Difficulty to conceive how the amending

the clip'd Money  may be compassed, because this way the Deficiency of the Silver  clip'd away, will certainly

be defraid and born one way or other. 

And thus I have gone over all Mr. Lowndes's Reasons for  raising our Coin: Wherein, though I seem to differ

from him, yet  I flatter my self, it is not altogether so much as at first sight  may appear; since by what I find in

another Part of his Book, I  have reason to judge he is a great deal of my Mind. For he has  five very good

Arguments for continuing the present Standard of  Fineness, each of which is as strong for continuing also the

present Standard of Weight; i.e. continuing a Penny of the same  Weight of Standard Silver, which at present

it has. He that has a  mind to be satisfied of this, may read Mr. Lowndes's first five  Reasons for continuing the

present Standard of Fineness, which he  will find in his 29, 30, 31, 32, Pages of his Report. And when  Mr.

Lowndes himself has again considered what there is of Weight  in them, and how far it reaches, he will at

least not think it  strange if they appear to me and others, good Arguments against  putting less Silver into our

Coin of the same Denominations, let  that Diminution be made what way it will. 

What Mr. Lowndes says about Gold Coins, p. 88. appears to  me highly rational, and I perfectly agree with

him; excepting  only that I do not think Gold is in regard of Silver risen One  third in England; which I think

may be thus made out. A Guinea  weighing five Penny Weight and nine Grains; or One hundred and

twentynine Grains; and a Pound Sterling weighing One thousand  eight hundred and sixty Grains; A Guinea

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at twenty Shillings is  as One hundred and twenty nine to One thousand eight hundred and  sixty; that is, as

one to fourteen and an half. 

A Guinea at two and twenty Shillings, is as One hundred and  twenty nine, to Two thousand forty two, i.e. as

One to Sixteen. 

A Guinea at thirty Shillings, is as One hundred twenty nine  to Two thousand seven hundred eighty four, i.e.

as One to Twenty  one and an half, near. 

He therefore that receives twenty Shillings mill'd Money for  a Guinea, receives One thousand eight hundred

and sixty Grains  Standard Silver, for One hundred twenty nine Grains of Standard  Gold, i.e. Fourteen and an

half for One. 

He who receives two and twenty Shillings mill'd Money for a  Guinea, has Two thousand forty two Grains

Standard Silver, for  One hundred twenty nine Grains Standard Gold, i.e. Sixteen for  One. 

He who receives thirty Shillings mill'd Money for a Guinea,  has Two thousand seven hundred eighty four

Grains Standard  Silver, for One hundred twenty nine Grains of Gold, i.e. Twenty  one and an half for One. 

But the current Cash being (upon Tryals made about Midsummer  last) computed by Mr. Lowndes p 108. to

want half its Standard  weight, and not being mended since, it is evident he who receives  thirty Shillings of

our present clip'd Money, for a Guinea, has  but One thousand three hundred ninety two Grains of Standard

Silver, for One hundred twenty nine Grains of Gold, i.e. has but  Ten and three quarters of Silver for One of


I have left out the utmost precisions of Fractions in these  Computations, as not necessary in the present Case,

these whole  Numbers shewing well enough the difference of the value of  Guineas at those several Rates. 

If it be true what I here assert, viz. That he who receives  thirty Shillings in our Current clip'd Money for a

Guinea,  receives not eleven Grains of Silver for one of Gold; whereas the  value of Gold to Silver in all our

Neighbouring Countries is  about fifteen to one, which is about a Third part more; It will  probably be

demanded, how comes it to pass that Foreigners, or  others, import Gold; when they do not receive as much

Silver for  it here, as they may have in all other Countries? The reason  whereof is visibly this, that they

exchange it not here for  Silver, but for our Commodities; And our Bargains for Commodities  as well as all

other Contracts being made in Pounds Shillings and  Pence, our clip'd Money retains amongst the People

(who know not  how to count but by Current Money) a part ofits legal value,  whilst it passes for the

satisfaction of legal Contracts, as if  it were Lawful Money. As long as the king receives it for his  Taxes, and

the Landlord for his Rent, 'tis no wonder the Farmer  and Tenant should receive it for his Commodities: And

this  perhaps would do well enough, if our Money and Trade were to  Circulate only amongst our Selves, and

we had no Commerce with  the rest of the World, and needed it not. But here lies the loss,  when Foreigners

shall bring over Gold hither, and with that Pay  for our Commodities at the rate of Thirty Shillings the Guinea,

when the same quantity of Gold that is in a Guinea is not beyond  Sea worth more Silver than is in twenty, or

one and twenty and  six Pence of our mill'd and lawful Money: By which way of paying  for our Commodities

England loses near One third of the value of  all the Commodities it thus sells. And 'tis all one as if  Foreigners

paid for them in Money Coin'd and clip'd beyond Sea,  wherein was One third less Silver than there ought to

be. And  thus we lose near One third in all our Exportation, whilst  Foreign Gold Imported is received in

Payment for Thirty Shillings  a Guinea. To make this appear, we need but trace this way of  Commerce a lirrle,

and there can be no doubt of the loss we  suffer by it. 

Let us suppose, for Example, a Bale of Holland Linnen worth  there, One hundred and eighty Ounces of our

Standard Silver; And  a Bale of Serge here worth also the same weight of One hundred  eighty Ounces of the

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same Standard Silver: 'Tis evident, these  two Bales are exactly of the same value. Mr. Lowndes tell us, p.  88.

That at this time the Gold that is in a Guinea (if it were  carried to Spain, Italy, Barbary, and some other

places,) would  not purchase so much Silver there, as is equal to the Standard of  twenty of our Shillings, i.e.

would be in value there to Silver  scarce as one to fourteen and an half: And I think, I may say,  that Gold in

Holland is, or lately was, as one to fifteen, or not  much above: Taking then Standard Gold in Holland to be in

proportion to Standard Silver, as one to about fifteen, or a  little more; Twelve Ounces of our Standard Gold,

or as much Gold  as is in Forty four Guineas and an half, must be given for that  Bale of HollandLinnen, if

any one will pay for it there in Gold:  But if he buys that Bale of Serge here for One hundred and eighty

Ounces of Silver, which is Forty eight Pounds Sterling, if he  pays for it in Gold at Thirty Shillings the

Guinea, two and  Thirty Guineas will pay for it. So that in all the Goods that we  sell beyond Seas for Gold

Imported, and Coin'd into Guineas,  unless the Owners raise them One third above what they would Sell  them

for in mill'd Money, we lose twelve in Forty four and an  half, which is very near One third. 

This loss is wholly owing to the permitting clip'd Money in  Payment. And this loss we must unavoidably

suffer whilst clip'd  Money is Current amongst us. And this robbing of England of near  One third of the value

of the Commodities we Sell out, will  continue whilst People had rather receive Guineas at Thirty  Shillings,

than Silver Coin (no other being to be had) that is  not worth half what they take it for: And yet this clip'd

Money,  as bad as it is, and however unwilling People are to be charg'd  with it, will always have Credit

enough to pass, whilst the  Goldsmiths and Bankers receive it; and they will always receive  it, whilst they can

pass it over again to the King with  advantage, and can have hopes to prevail, that at last when it  can be born

no longer, but must be call'd in, no part of the loss  of light Money, which shall be found in their hands shall

fall  upon them, though they have for many Years dealt in it, and by  reason of its being clip'd have had all the

running Cash of the  Kingdom in their Hands, and made profit of it. I say, clip'd  Money, however bad it be,

will always pass whilst the King's  Receivers, the Bankers of any kind, and at last the Exchequer  takes it. For

who will not receive clip'd Money, rather than have  none for his necessary Occasions, whilst he sees the great

Receipt of the Exchequer admits it, and the Bank and Goldsmiths  will take it of him, and give him Credit for

it, so that he needs  keep no more of it by him than he pleases. In this State, whilst  the Exchequer receives

clip'd Money, I do not see how it can be  stop'd rom passing. A clip'd Half Crown that goes at the  Exchequer,

will not be refused by any one who has hopes by his  own or others hands to convey it thither, and who, unless

he take  it, cannot trade, or shall not be paid. Whilst therefore the  Exchequer is open to clip'd Money, it will

pass, and whilst  clip'd Money passes, Clippers will certainly be at work; and what  a gap this leaves to

Foreigners, if they will make use of it to  pour in clip'd Money upon us (as its Neighbours did into  Portugal) as

long as we have either Goods or weighty Money left  to be carri'd away at fifty per Cent. or greater profit, its

easie to see. 

I will suppose the King receives clip'd Money in the  Exchequer, and at half or three quarters loss Coins it into

mill'd Money. For if he receives all, how much soever clip'd, I  suppose the Clippers Sheers are not so

squemish as not to pare  away above half. 'Twill be a wonderful conscientiousness in them,  no where, that I

know, to be parallell'd, if they will content  themselves with less profit than they can make, and will leave

seven penny worth of Silver in an Half Crown, if six Penny worth  and the Stamp be enough to make it pass

for Half a Crown. When  his Majesty hath Coin'd this into mill'd Money of Standard  weight, and paid it out

again to the Bankers, Goldsmiths or  others, what shall then become of it? Either they will lay it up  to get rid

of their clip'd Money, for no Body will part with  heavy Money, whilst he has any light; nor will any heavy

Money  come abroad whilst there is light left; for whoever has clip'd  Money by him, will sell good Bargains,

or borrow at any Rate of  those who are willing to part with any weighty, to keep that by  him, rather than the

clip'd Money he has in his hands. So that as  far as this reaches, no mill'd Money, how much soever be Coin'd

will appear abroad, or if it does, will it long scape the Coiners  and Clippers hands, who will be at work

presently upon it to  furnish the Exchequer with more clip'd Money at fifty, sixty,  seventy, or I know not what

advantage. Though this be enough to  cut off the hopes of mill'd Money appearing in payment whilst any

clip'd is current. Yet to this we may add, that Gold imported at  an overvalue will sweep it away as fast as it

is Coin'd whilst  clip'd Money keeps up the rate of Guineas above their former  value. This will be the

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circulation of our Money, whilst clip'd  is permitted any way to be Current. And if store enough of clip'd

Money from at home or abroad, can be but provided (as 'tis more  than probable it may now the Trade is so

Universal, and has been  so long practised with great advantage, and no great danger, as  appears by the few

have suffer'd in regard of the great number  'tis evident are ingaged in the Trade, and the vent of it here in

England is so known and sure) I do not see how in a little while  we shall have any Money or Goods at all left

in England, if  Clipping be not immediately stop'd. And how Clipping can be  stop'd, but by an immediate

positive total Prohibition, whereby  all clip'd Money shall be forbid to pass in any Payment  whatsoever, or to

pass for more than its weight, I would be glad  to learn. Clipping is the great Leak, which for some time past

has contributed more to Sink us, than all the Force of our  Enemies could do. 'Tis like a Breach in the

Seabank, which  widens every moment till it be stop'd. And my timerous Temper  must be pardon'd if I am

frighted with the Thoughts of clip'd  Money being Current one moment longer, at any other value but of

warrant'd Standard Bullion. And therefore there can be nothing  more true and reasonable, nor that deserves

better to be  consider'd, than what Mr. Lowndes says in his Corollary. p. 90. 

Whoever desires to know the different ways of Coining Mony by  the Hammer and by the Mill, may inform

himself in the exact  Account Mr. Lowndes has given of both, under his second general  Head: Where we may

also see the probablest guess that has been  made of the quantity of our clip'd Money, and the Silver  deficient

in it; and an Account of what Silver Money was Coin'd  in the Reigns of Queen Elizabeth, King James the

first, and  Charles the first, more exact than is to be had any where else.  There is only one thing which I shall

mention, since Mr. Lowndes  does it here again under this Head p. 100 and that is, melting  down our Coin;

concerning which I shall venture humbly to propose  these following Questions. 

1. Whether Bullion be any thing but Silver, whose Workmanship  has no value? 

2. Whether that Workmanship, which can be had for nothing,  has, or can have any value? 

3. Whether, whilst the Money in our Mint is Coin'd for the  Owners, without any cost to them, our Coin can

ever have any  value above Standard Bullion? 

4. Whether, whilst our Coin is not of value above Standard  Bullion, Goldsmiths and others, who have need of

Standard Silver,  will not take what is by the Free labour of the Mint ready essaid  and adjusted to their use,

and melt that down, rather than be at  the trouble of melting, mixing, and essaying of Silver for the  uses they


5. Whether the only cure for this wanton, though criminal  melting down our Coin, be not, that the Owners

should pay one  Moiety of the Sixteenpence Halfpenny, that is, which is paid  per Pound Troy for Coinage

of Silver, which the King now pays  all? 

6. Whether by this means Standard Silver in Coin will not be  more worth than Standard Silver in Bullion, and

so be preserved  from this wanton melting down, as soon as an overbalance of our  Trade shall bring us Silver

to stay here? For till then it is in  vain to think of preserving our Coin from melting down, and  therefore to no

purpose till then to change that Law. 

7. Whether any Laws, or any Penalties can keep our Coin from  being carried out, when Debts contracted

beyond Seas call for it? 

8. Whether it be any odds to England, whether it be carried  out, melted down into Bullion, or in Specie? 

9. Whether, whilst the Exigences of our Occasions and Trade  call for it abroad, it will not always be melted

down for the  conveniency of Exportation, so long as the Law prohibits its  Exportation in Specie? 

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10. Whether Standard Silver in Coin and in Bullion, will not  immediately be of the same value as soon as the

Prohibition of  carrying out Money in Specie is taken off? 

11. Whether an Ounce of Silver the more would be carried out  in a Year, if that Prohibition were taken off? 

12. Whether Silver in our Coin will not always, during the  Prohibition of its Exportation, be a little less worth

than  Silver in Bullion, whilst the Consumption of Foreign Commodities  beyond what ours pay for, makes the

Exportation of Silver  necessary? and so, during such a state, Raise your Money as much  and as often as you

will, Silver in the Coin will never fetch as  much as the Silver in Bullion, as Mr. Lowndes expresses it, p.  100. 

As to the Inconveniencies and Damages we sustain by clip'd  Money passing by Tale, as if it were Lawful,

nothing can be more  true, more judicious, nor more weighty, than what Mr. Lowndes  says under his third

General Head; wherein I perfectly agree with  him, excepting only where he builds any thing upon the

proposed  raising our Coin one fifth. And to what he says, p. 114.  concerning our being deprived of the use of

Our heavy Money, by  mens hoarding it, in prospect that the Silver contained in those  weighty pieces will turn

more to their Profit, than lending it at  Interest, Purchasing or Trading therewith; I crave leave to add,  That

those Hoarders of Money, a great many of them drive no less,  but rather a greater Trade by hoarding the

weighty Money, than if  they let it go abroad. For, by that means all the current Cash  being light, clip'd, and

hazardous Money, 'tis all tumbled into  their Hands, which gives credit to their Bills, and furnishes  them to

trade for as much as they please, whilst every body else  scarce Trades at all (but just as necessity forces) and

is ready  to stand still. 

Where he says p. 114. 'Tis not likely the weighty Moneys will  soon appear abroad without raising their value

and recoining the  clip'd Moneys: I should agree with him, if it ran thus; Without  recoining the clip'd, and in

the mean time making it go for its  weight. For that will, I humbly conceive, bring out the heavy  Money,

without raising its value, as effectually and sooner; for  it will do it immediately: His will take up some time.

And I  fear, if clip'd Money be not stopt all at once, and presently,  from passing any way in Tale, the Damage

it will bring will be  irreparable. 

Mr Lowndes's Fourth General Head is to propose the means that  must be observed, and the proper methods to

be used in, and for  the Reestablishment of the Silver Coins. 

The first is, That the Work should be finished in as little  time as may be; not only to obviate a farther Damage

by clipping  in the interim, but also that the needful advantages of the new  Money may be the sooner obtained

for the service of the Nation. 

These I agree with him, are very good and necessary Ends; but  they are both to be attain'd, I conceive, much

sooner by making  clip'd Money go for its weight, than by the Method Mr. Lowndes  proposes. For this

immediately puts an end to Clipping, and  obviates all further Damage thereby. Next, it immediately brings

out all the hoarded weighty Money, and so that advantage will be  sooner obtain'd for the service of the

Nation, than it can any  other way besides. Next it preserves the use of clip'd Money for  the Service of the

Nation in the interum, till it can be  Recoin'd all at the Tower. 

His Second Proposition is, That the loss, Or the greatest  part ofit, ought to be born by the Publick, and not by

particulars, who being very numerous will be prejudiced against a  Reformation for the publick benefit, if it be

to be effected at  the cost of particular Men. 

A Tax given to make good the defect of Silver in clip'd  Money, will be paid by particulars; and so the loss

will be born  by particular men: And whether these particulars be not more  numerous, or at least a greater

number of innocent men of them  more sensibly burden'd that way, than if it takes its chance in  the hands of

those men, who have profited by the having it in  their hand, will be worth considering. And I wish it were

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well  weigh'd, which of the two ways the greater number of men would be  most dangerously prejudic'd

against this Reformation. But as Mr.  Lowndes orders the matter, every Body will I fear, be prejudic'd  against

this Reformation, when (as he divides it p. 133, 134.)  the Owners will bear near one half of the loss in the

price of  his clip'd Money, and every body else his part of the remainder  in a Tax levied on them for it. I wish

a remedy could be found  without any Bodies loss. Most of those ways I have heard proposed  to make

Reparation to every particular man for the clip'd Money  shall be found in his hands, do so delay the remedy,

if not  entail Clipping upon us, that I fear such a care of particulars  indangers the whole. And if that suffer, it

will go but ill with  particulars. I am not for hindring those who have clip'd Money  from any recompence

which can be provided and made them. The  question here, is not whether the honest Country Man shall bear

the loss of his clip'd Money without any more ado, or pay a Tax  to recompence himself. That which I humbly

conceive the Nation is  most concern'd in, is, that Clipping should be finally stop'd,  and that the Money which

remains should go according to its true  Value, for the carrying on of Commerce, and the present supply of

Peoples Exigences, till that part of it which is defac'd, can by  the Mint be brought to its legal and due Form.

And therefore I  think it will be the rational desire of all particulars, that the  shortest and surest way, not

interfering with Law or Equity,  should be taken to put an effectual end to an Evil, which every  moment it

continues works powerfully toward a general ruin. 

His Fourth Proposition, that no room must be left for  Jealousie. I acknowledge to be a good one, if there can

be a way  found to attain it. 

I cannot but wonder to find these words p. 124. That no  Person whatsoever shall hereafter be oblig'd to accept

in legal  Payments any Money whatsoever, that is already clip'd or may  hereafter be clip'd or diminish'd; and

that no Person shall  tender or receive any such Money in Payment, under some small  Penalty to be made

easily recoverable,  

As if any man now were obliged to receive clip'd Money in  legal Payment, and there were not already a Law

with severe  Penalties against those who tendered clip'd Money in Payment? 

'Tis a doubt to me, whether the Warden, Masterworker, of  the Mint at the Tower, could find Fit and Skilful

Persons enough  to set nine other Mints at work in other parts of England in a  quarter of a Year, as Mr.

Lowndes proposes p. 127. Besides, Mr.  Lowndes tells us p. 96. that the Engines which put the Letters  upon

the Edges of the larger Silver Pieces, and mark the Edges of  the rest with a Graining, are wrought secretly.

And indeed this  is so great a Guard against Counterfeiting as well as Clipping  our Money, that it deserves

well to be kept a Secret, as it has  been hitherto. But how that can be, if Money be to be Coin'd in  nine other

Mints, set up in several Parts, is hard to conceive.  And lastly, perhaps some may apprehend it may be of ill

consequence to have so many men instructed and employ'd in the  Art of Coining, only for a short job, and

then turn'd loose again  to shift for themselves by their own skill and industry, as they  can. 

The Provision made in his fourth Rule, p. 136. to prevent the  Gain of subtile Dealers by culling out the

heaviest of the clip'd  pieces, though it be the Product of great Sagacity and Foresight,  exactly calculated, and

as well contrived as in that case it can  be; yet I fear is too subtile for the Apprehension and Practice  of

Country Men, who, many of them, with their little quickness in  such matters, have also but small Summs of

Money by them, and so  neither having Arithmetick, nor choice of clip'd Money to adjust  it to the Weight

there required, will be hardly made to  understand it. But I think the Clippers have, or will take care  that there

will not be any great need of it. 

To conclude, I confess my self not to see the least Reason  why our present mil'd Money should be at all

altered in Fineness,  Weight, or Value. I look upon it to be the best and safest from  counterfeiting,

adulterating, or any ways being fraudulently  diminished, of any that ever was coined. It is adjusted to our

legal Payments, Reckonings, and Accounts, to which our Money must  be reduced: The raising its

Denomination will neither add to its  Worth, nor make the Stock we have, more proportionate to our

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Occasions, nor bring one Grain of Silver the more into England,  or one Farthing Advantage to the publick: It

will only serve to  defraud the King, and a great number of his Subjects, and perplex  all, and put the kingdom

to a needless Charge of recoining all,  both mill'd as well as clip'd Money. 

If I might take upon me to offer any thing new, I would  humbly propose, that since Market and Retail Trade

requires less  Divisions than six pences, a sufficient quantity of Four penny,  Four pence half penny, and Five

penny Pieces should be coined.  These in change will answer all the Fractions between Six pence  and a

Farthing, and thereby supply the Want of small Monies,  whereof I believe no body ever saw enough common

to answer the  Necessity of small Payments. Whether, either because there was  never a sufficient quantity of

such pieces coined, or because of  their Smallness they are apter to be lost out of any Hands, or  because they

oftner falling into Childrens Hands, they lose them,  or lay them up; so it is, there is always a visible Want of

them:  To supply which without the Inconveniencies attending very small  Coin, the proposed pieces, I humbly

conceive, will serve. 

If it be thought fit for this end to have Four pence, Four  pence half penny, and Five penny pieces coined, it

will, I  suppose, be convenient that they should be distinguished from six  pences, and from one another by a

deep and very large plain  difference in the Stamp on both sides, to prevent Mistakes, and  Loss of Time in

telling of Money. The Four pence half penny, has  already the Harp for a known Distinction, which may be fit

to be  continued: The Five pence may have the Feathers, and the Four  pence this Mark IV of four on the

Reverse, and on the other side  they may each have the king's Head with a Crown on it, to shew on  that side

too, that the Piece so coined is one of those under a  Six pence; and with that they may each on that side also

have  some Marks of Distinction one from another, as the Five penny  piece this Mark of V the Four pence half

penny a little Harp, and  the Fourpence nothing. 

These, or any other better Distinctions, which his Majesty  shall order, will in Tale readily discover them, if

by chance any  of them fall into larger Payments, for which they are not  designed. 

And thus I have, with as much Brevity and Clearness as I  could, complied with what Mr. Lowndes professes

to be the end of  printing his Report, in these Words, viz. That any Persons who  have considered an Affair of

this nature, may (if they please)  communicate their Thoughts for rendring the Design here aimed at,  more

perfect, or more agreeable to the publick Service. It must  be confessed that my Considerations have led me to

Thoughts in  some Parts of this Affair, quite opposite to Mr. Lowndes's: But  how far this has been from any

Desire to oppose him, or to have a  Dispute with a Man, no otherwise known to me but by his  Civilities, and

whom I have a very great esteem for, will appear  by what I printed about raising the Value of Money, above

three  Years since. All that I have said here in answer to him, being  nothing but the applying the Principles, I

then went on,  particularly now to Mr. Lowndes's Arguments, as they came in my  way; that so thereby others

might judge what will, or will not be  the Consequences of such a Change of our Coin, as he proposes;  The

only way, I think, of rendring his Design more agreeable to  the publick Service. 


Further Considerations Concerning Raising the Value of Money

Further Considerations Concerning Raising the Value of Money 34



1. Table of Contents, page = 3

2. Further Considerations Concerning Raising the Value of Money, page = 4

   3. John Locke, page = 4