Title:   Euthydemus


Author:   Plato



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Table of Contents




EUTHYDEMUS ......................................................................................................................................7




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Translated by Benjamin Jowett




The Euthydemus, though apt to be regarded by us only as an  elaborate jest,  has also a very serious purpose.  It

may fairly claim  to be the oldest  treatise on logic; for that science originates in the  misunderstandings  which

necessarily accompany the first efforts of  speculation.  Several of  the fallacies which are satirized in it

reappear in the Sophistici Elenchi  of Aristotle and are retained at  the end of our manuals of logic.  But if  the

order of history were  followed, they should be placed not at the end  but at the beginning of  them; for they

belong to the age in which the human  mind was first  making the attempt to distinguish thought from sense,

and to  separate  the universal from the particular or individual.  How to put  together  words or ideas, how to

escape ambiguities in the meaning of terms  or  in the structure of propositions, how to resist the fixed

impression of  an 'eternal being' or 'perpetual flux,' how to distinguish between  words  and thingsthese were

problems not easy of solution in the  infancy of  philosophy.  They presented the same kind of difficulty to  the

half  educated man which spelling or arithmetic do to the mind of  a child.  It  was long before the new world

of ideas which had been  sought after with  such passionate yearning was set in order and made  ready for use.

To us  the fallacies which arise in the preSocratic  philosophy are trivial and  obsolete because we are no

longer liable to  fall into the errors which are  expressed by them.  The intellectual  world has become better

assured to us,  and we are less likely to be  imposed upon by illusions of words. 

The logic of Aristotle is for the most part latent in the dialogues  of  Plato.  The nature of definition is explained

not by rules but by  examples  in the Charmides, Lysis, Laches, Protagoras, Meno, Euthyphro,  Theaetetus,

Gorgias, Republic; the nature of division is likewise  illustrated by  examples in the Sophist and Statesman; a

scheme of  categories is found in  the Philebus; the true doctrine of  contradiction is taught, and the fallacy  of

arguing in a circle is  exposed in the Republic; the nature of synthesis  and analysis is  graphically described in

the Phaedrus; the nature of words  is analysed  in the Cratylus; the form of the syllogism is indicated in the

genealogical trees of the Sophist and Statesman; a true doctrine of  predication and an analysis of the sentence

are given in the Sophist;  the  different meanings of one and being are worked out in the  Parmenides.  Here  we

have most of the important elements of logic, not  yet systematized or  reduced to an art or science, but

scattered up and  down as they would  naturally occur in ordinary discourse.  They are of  little or no use or

significance to us; but because we have grown out  of the need of them we  should not therefore despise them.

They are  still interesting and  instructive for the light which they shed on the  history of the human mind. 

There are indeed many old fallacies which linger among us, and new  ones are  constantly springing up.  But

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they are not of the kind to  which ancient  logic can be usefully applied.  The weapons of common  sense, not

the  analytics of Aristotle, are needed for their overthrow.  Nor is the use of  the Aristotelian logic any longer

natural to us.  We no longer put  arguments into the form of syllogisms like the  schoolmen; the simple use of

language has been, happily, restored to  us.  Neither do we discuss the  nature of the proposition, nor extract

hidden truths from the copula, nor  dispute any longer about nominalism  and realism.  We do not confuse the

form with the matter of knowledge,  or invent laws of thought, or imagine  that any single science  furnishes a

principle of reasoning to all the rest.  Neither do we  require categories or heads of argument to be invented for

our use.  Those who have no knowledge of logic, like some of our great  physical  philosophers, seem to be

quite as good reasoners as those who  have.  Most of the ancient puzzles have been settled on the basis of

usage  and common sense; there is no need to reopen them.  No science should  raise  problems or invent forms

of thought which add nothing to  knowledge and are  of no use in assisting the acquisition of it.  This  seems to

be the natural  limit of logic and metaphysics; if they give  us a more comprehensive or a  more definite view of

the different  spheres of knowledge they are to be  studied; if not, not.  The better  part of ancient logic appears

hardly in  our own day to have a separate  existence; it is absorbed in two other  sciences:  (1) rhetoric, if  indeed

this ancient art be not also fading away  into literary  criticism; (2) the science of language, under which all

questions  relating to words and propositions and the combinations of them  may  properly be included. 

To continue dead or imaginary sciences, which make no signs of  progress and  have no definite sphere, tends

to interfere with the  prosecution of living  ones.  The study of them is apt to blind the  judgment and to render

men  incapable of seeing the value of evidence,  and even of appreciating the  nature of truth.  Nor should we

allow the  living science to become confused  with the dead by an ambiguity of  language.  The term logic has

two  different meanings, an ancient and a  modern one, and we vainly try to  bridge the gulf between them.

Many  perplexities are avoided by keeping  them apart.  There might certainly  be a new science of logic; it

would not  however be built up out of the  fragments of the old, but would be distinct  from themrelative to

the  state of knowledge which exists at the present  time, and based chiefly  on the methods of Modern

Inductive philosophy.  Such a science might  have two legitimate fields:  first, the refutation and  explanation of

false philosophies still hovering in the air as they appear  from the  point of view of later experience or are

comprehended in the  history  of the human mind, as in a larger horizon:  secondly, it might  furnish  new forms

of thought more adequate to the expression of all the  diversities and oppositions of knowledge which have

grown up in these  latter days; it might also suggest new methods of enquiry derived from  the  comparison of

the sciences.  Few will deny that the introduction  of the  words 'subject' and 'object' and the Hegelian

reconciliation of  opposites  have been 'most gracious aids' to psychology, or that the  methods of Bacon  and

Mill have shed a light far and wide on the realms  of knowledge.  These  two great studies, the one destructive

and  corrective of error, the other  conservative and constructive of truth,  might be a first and second part of

logic.  Ancient logic would be the  propaedeutic or gate of approach to  logical science,nothing more.  But to

pursue such speculations further,  though not irrelevant, might  lead us too far away from the argument of the


The Euthydemus is, of all the Dialogues of Plato, that in which he  approaches most nearly to the comic poet.

The mirth is broader, the  irony  more sustained, the contrast between Socrates and the two  Sophists,  although

veiled, penetrates deeper than in any other of his  writings.  Even  Thrasymachus, in the Republic, is at last

pacified,  and becomes a friendly  and interested auditor of the great discourse.  But in the Euthydemus the

mask is never dropped; the accustomed irony  of Socrates continues to the  end... 

Socrates narrates to Crito a remarkable scene in which he has  himself taken  part, and in which the two

brothers, Dionysodorus and  Euthydemus, are the  chief performers.  They are natives of Chios, who  had settled

at Thurii,  but were driven out, and in former days had  been known at Athens as  professors of rhetoric and of

the art of  fighting in armour.  To this they  have now added a new  accomplishmentthe art of Eristic, or

fighting with  words, which they  are likewise willing to teach 'for a consideration.'  But  they can  also teach

virtue in a very short time and in the very best  manner.  Socrates, who is always on the lookout for teachers

of virtue, is  interested in the youth Cleinias, the grandson of the great  Alcibiades, and  is desirous that he


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should have the benefit of their  instructions.  He is  ready to fall down and worship them; although the

greatness of their  professions does arouse in his mind a temporary  incredulity. 

A circle gathers round them, in the midst of which are Socrates,  the two  brothers, the youth Cleinias, who is

watched by the eager eyes  of his lover  Ctesippus, and others.  The performance begins; and such  a

performance as  might well seem to require an invocation of Memory  and the Muses.  It is  agreed that the

brothers shall question  Cleinias.  'Cleinias,' says  Euthydemus, 'who learn, the wise or the  unwise?'  'The wise,'

is the reply;  given with blushing and  hesitation.  'And yet when you learned you did not  know and were not

wise.'  Then Dionysodorus takes up the ball:  'Who are  they who learn  dictation of the grammarmaster; the

wise or the foolish  boys?'  'The  wise.'  'Then, after all, the wise learn.'  'And do they  learn,' said  Euthydemus,

'what they know or what they do not know?'  'The  latter.'  'And dictation is a dictation of letters?'  'Yes.'  'And

you know  letters?'  'Yes.'  'Then you learn what you know.'  'But,' retorts  Dionysodorus, 'is not learning

acquiring knowledge?'  'Yes.'  'And you  acquire that which you have not got already?'  'Yes.'  'Then you learn

that  which you do not know.' 

Socrates is afraid that the youth Cleinias may be discouraged at  these  repeated overthrows.  He therefore

explains to him the nature of  the  process to which he is being subjected.  The two strangers are not  serious;

there are jests at the mysteries which precede the  enthronement, and he is  being initiated into the mysteries of

the  sophistical ritual.  This is all  a sort of horseplay, which is now  ended.  The exhortation to virtue will

follow, and Socrates himself  (if the wise men will not laugh at him) is  desirous of showing the way  in which

such an exhortation should be carried  on, according to his  own poor notion.  He proceeds to question Cleinias.

The result of the  investigation may be summed up as follows: 

All men desire good; and good means the possession of goods, such  as  wealth, health, beauty, birth, power,

honour; not forgetting the  virtues  and wisdom.  And yet in this enumeration the greatest good of  all is  omitted.

What is that?  Good fortune.  But what need is there  of good  fortune when we have wisdom already:in

every art and  business are not the  wise also the fortunate?  This is admitted.  And  again, the possession of

goods is not enough; there must also be a  right use of them which can only  be given by knowledge:  in

themselves  they are neither good nor evil  knowledge and wisdom are the only  good, and ignorance and

folly the only  evil.  The conclusion is that  we must get 'wisdom.'  But can wisdom be  taught?  'Yes,' says

Cleinias.  The ingenuousness of the youth delights  Socrates, who is at  once relieved from the necessity of

discussing one of  his great  puzzles.  'Since wisdom is the only good, he must become a  philosopher, or lover

of wisdom.'  'That I will,' says Cleinias. 

After Socrates has given this specimen of his own mode of  instruction, the  two brothers recommence their

exhortation to virtue,  which is of quite  another sort. 

'You want Cleinias to be wise?'  'Yes.'  'And he is not wise yet?'  'No.'  'Then you want him to be what he is not,

and not to be what he  is?not to  bethat is, to perish.  Pretty lovers and friends you  must all be!' 

Here Ctesippus, the lover of Cleinias, interposes in great  excitement,  thinking that he will teach the two

Sophists a lesson of  good manners.  But  he is quickly entangled in the meshes of their  sophistry; and as a

storm  seems to be gathering Socrates pacifies him  with a joke, and Ctesippus then  says that he is not reviling

the two  Sophists, he is only contradicting  them.  'But,' says Dionysodorus,  'there is no such thing as

contradiction.  When you and I describe the  same thing, or you describe one thing and I  describe another, how

can  there be a contradiction?'  Ctesippus is unable  to reply. 

Socrates has already heard of the denial of contradiction, and  would like  to be informed by the great master

of the art, 'What is the  meaning of this  paradox?  Is there no such thing as error, ignorance,  falsehood?  Then

what  are they professing to teach?'  The two Sophists  complain that Socrates is  ready to answer what they said

a year ago,  but is 'nonplussed' at what  they are saying now.  'What does the word  "nonplussed" mean?'


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Socrates is  informed, in reply, that words are  lifeless things, and lifeless things  have no sense or meaning.

Ctesippus again breaks out, and again has to be  pacified by Socrates,  who renews the conversation with

Cleinias.  The two  Sophists are like  Proteus in the variety of their transformations, and he,  like Menelaus  in

the Odyssey, hopes to restore them to their natural form. 

He had arrived at the conclusion that Cleinias must become a  philosopher.  And philosophy is the possession

of knowledge; and  knowledge must be of a  kind which is profitable and may be used.  What  knowledge is

there which  has such a nature?  Not the knowledge which  is required in any particular  art; nor again the art of

the composer  of speeches, who knows how to write  them, but cannot speak them,  although he too must be

admitted to be a kind  of enchanter of wild  animals.  Neither is the knowledge which we are  seeking the

knowledge  of the general.  For the general makes over his prey  to the statesman,  as the huntsman does to the

cook, or the taker of quails  to the keeper  of quails; he has not the use of that which he acquires.  The  two

enquirers, Cleinias and Socrates, are described as wandering about in a  wilderness, vainly searching after the

art of life and happiness.  At  last  they fix upon the kingly art, as having the desired sort of  knowledge.  But  the

kingly art only gives men those goods which are  neither good nor evil:  and if we say further that it makes us

wise, in  what does it make us wise?  Not in special arts, such as cobbling or  carpentering, but only in itself:  or

say again that it makes us good,  there is no answer to the question,  'good in what?'  At length in  despair

Cleinias and Socrates turn to the  'Dioscuri' and request their  aid. 

Euthydemus argues that Socrates knows something; and as he cannot  know and  not know, he cannot know

some things and not know others, and  therefore he  knows all things:  he and Dionysodorus and all other men

know all things.  'Do they know shoemaking, etc?'  'Yes.'  The  sceptical Ctesippus would like  to have some

evidence of this  extraordinary statement:  he will believe if  Euthydemus will tell him  how many teeth

Dionysodorus has, and if  Dionysodorus will give him a  like piece of information about Euthydemus.  Even

Socrates is  incredulous, and indulges in a little raillery at the  expense of the  brothers.  But he restrains himself,

remembering that if the  men who  are to be his teachers think him stupid they will take no pains  with  him.

Another fallacy is produced which turns on the absoluteness of  the verb 'to know.'  And here Dionysodorus is

caught 'napping,' and is  induced by Socrates to confess that 'he does not know the good to be  unjust.'  Socrates

appeals to his brother Euthydemus; at the same time  he  acknowledges that he cannot, like Heracles, fight

against a Hydra,  and even  Heracles, on the approach of a second monster, called upon  his nephew  Iolaus to

help.  Dionysodorus rejoins that Iolaus was no  more the nephew of  Heracles than of Socrates.  For a nephew is

a  nephew, and a brother is a  brother, and a father is a father, not of  one man only, but of all; nor of  men only,

but of dogs and  seamonsters.  Ctesippus makes merry with the  consequences which  follow:  'Much good has

your father got out of the  wisdom of his  puppies.' 

'But,' says Euthydemus, unabashed, 'nobody wants much good.'  Medicine is a  good, arms are a good, money

is a good, and yet there  may be too much of  them in wrong places.  'No,' says Ctesippus, 'there  cannot be too

much  gold.'  And would you be happy if you had three  talents of gold in your  belly, a talent in your pate, and a

stater in  either eye?'  Ctesippus,  imitating the new wisdom, replies, 'And do  not the Scythians reckon those  to

be the happiest of men who have  their skulls gilded and see the inside  of them?'  'Do you see,'  retorts

Euthydemus, 'what has the quality of  vision or what has not  the quality of vision?'  'What has the quality of

vision.'  'And you  see our garments?'  'Yes.'  'Then our garments have the  quality of  vision.'  A similar play of

words follows, which is successfully  retorted by Ctesippus, to the great delight of Cleinias, who is  rebuked by

Socrates for laughing at such solemn and beautiful things. 

'But are there any beautiful things?  And if there are such, are  they the  same or not the same as absolute

beauty?'  Socrates replies  that they are  not the same, but each of them has some beauty present  with it. 'And

are  you an ox because you have an ox present with you?'  After a few more  amphiboliae, in which Socrates,

like Ctesippus, in  selfdefence borrows the  weapons of the brothers, they both confess  that the two heroes are

invincible; and the scene concludes with a  grand chorus of shouting and  laughing, and a panegyrical oration

from  Socrates: 


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First, he praises the indifference of Dionysodorus and Euthydemus  to public  opinion; for most persons would

rather be refuted by such  arguments than  use them in the refutation of others.  Secondly, he  remarks upon

their  impartiality; for they stop their own mouths, as  well as those of other  people.  Thirdly, he notes their

liberality,  which makes them give away  their secret to all the world:  they should  be more reserved, and let no

one be present at this exhibition who  does not pay them a handsome fee; or  better still they might practise  on

one another only.  He concludes with a  respectful request that they  will receive him and Cleinias among their


Crito tells Socrates that he has heard one of the audience  criticise  severely this wisdom,not sparing

Socrates himself for  countenancing such  an exhibition.  Socrates asks what manner of man  was this

censorious  critic.  'Not an orator, but a great composer of  speeches.'  Socrates  understands that he is an

amphibious animal, half  philosopher, half  politician; one of a class who have the highest  opinion of

themselves and a  spite against philosophers, whom they  imagine to be their rivals.  They are  a class who are

very likely to  get mauled by Euthydemus and his friends,  and have a great notion of  their own wisdom; for

they imagine themselves to  have all the  advantages and none of the drawbacks both of politics and of

philosophy.  They do not understand the principles of combination, and  hence are ignorant that the union of

two good things which have  different  ends produces a compound inferior to either of them taken  separately. 

Crito is anxious about the education of his children, one of whom  is  growing up.  The description of

Dionysodorus and Euthydemus  suggests to him  the reflection that the professors of education are  strange

beings.  Socrates consoles him with the remark that the good in  all professions are  few, and recommends that

'he and his house' should  continue to serve  philosophy, and not mind about its professors. 


There is a stage in the history of philosophy in which the old is  dying  out, and the new has not yet come into

full life.  Great  philosophies like  the Eleatic or Heraclitean, which have enlarged the  boundaries of the human

mind, begin to pass away in words.  They  subsist only as forms which have  rooted themselves in

languageas  troublesome elements of thought which  cannot be either used or  explained away.  The same

absoluteness which was  once attributed to  abstractions is now attached to the words which are the  signs of

them.  The philosophy which in the first and second generation was  a great  and inspiring effort of reflection,

in the third becomes  sophistical,  verbal, eristic. 

It is this stage of philosophy which Plato satirises in the  Euthydemus.  The fallacies which are noted by him

appear trifling to us  now, but they  were not trifling in the age before logic, in the  decline of the earlier  Greek

philosophies, at a time when language was  first beginning to perplex  human thought.  Besides he is

caricaturing  them; they probably received  more subtle forms at the hands of those  who seriously maintained

them.  They are patent to us in Plato, and we  are inclined to wonder how any one  could ever have been

deceived by  them; but we must remember also that there  was a time when the human  mind was only with

great difficulty disentangled  from such fallacies. 

To appreciate fully the drift of the Euthydemus, we should imagine  a mental  state in which not individuals

only, but whole schools during  more than one  generation, were animated by the desire to exclude the

conception of rest,  and therefore the very word 'this' (Theaet.) from  language; in which the  ideas of space,

time, matter, motion, were  proved to be contradictory and  imaginary; in which the nature of  qualitative

change was a puzzle, and even  differences of degree, when  applied to abstract notions, were not  understood;

in which there was  no analysis of grammar, and mere puns or  plays of words received  serious attention; in

which contradiction itself  was denied, and, on  the one hand, every predicate was affirmed to be true  of every

subject, and on the other, it was held that no predicate was true  of  any subject, and that nothing was, or was

known, or could be spoken.  Let us imagine disputes carried on with religious earnestness and more  than

scholastic subtlety, in which the catchwords of philosophy are  completely  detached from their context.


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(Compare Theaet.)  To such  disputes the  humour, whether of Plato in the ancient, or of Pope and  Swift in the

modern  world, is the natural enemy.  Nor must we forget  that in modern times also  there is no fallacy so gross,

no trick of  language so transparent, no  abstraction so barren and unmeaning, no  form of thought so

contradictory to  experience, which has not been  found to satisfy the minds of philosophical  enquirers at a

certain  stage, or when regarded from a certain point of view  only.  The  peculiarity of the fallacies of our own

age is that we live  within  them, and are therefore generally unconscious of them. 

Aristotle has analysed several of the same fallacies in his book  'De  Sophisticis Elenchis,' which Plato, with

equal command of their  true  nature, has preferred to bring to the test of ridicule.  At first  we are  only struck

with the broad humour of this 'reductio ad  absurdum:' gradually  we perceive that some important questions

begin  to emerge.  Here, as  everywhere else, Plato is making war against the  philosophers who put words  in the

place of things, who tear arguments  to tatters, who deny  predication, and thus make knowledge impossible,  to

whom ideas and objects  of sense have no fixedness, but are in a  state of perpetual oscillation and  transition.

Two great truths seem  to be indirectly taught through these  fallacies:  (1) The uncertainty  of language, which

allows the same words to  be used in different  meanings, or with different degrees of meaning:  (2)  The

necessary  limitation or relative nature of all phenomena.  Plato is  aware that  his own doctrine of ideas, as well

as the Eleatic Being and Not  being, alike admit of being regarded as verbal fallacies.  The sophism  advanced

in the Meno, 'that you cannot enquire either into what you  know or  do not know,' is lightly touched upon at

the commencement of  the Dialogue;  the thesis of Protagoras, that everything is true to him  to whom it seems

to be true, is satirized.  In contrast with these  fallacies is maintained  the Socratic doctrine that happiness is

gained  by knowledge.  The  grammatical puzzles with which the Dialogue  concludes probably contain

allusions to tricks of language which may  have been practised by the  disciples of Prodicus or Antisthenes.

They  would have had more point, if  we were acquainted with the writings  against which Plato's humour is

directed.  Most of the jests appear to  have a serious meaning; but we have  lost the clue to some of them, and

cannot determine whether, as in the  Cratylus, Plato has or has not  mixed up purely unmeaning fun with his


The two discourses of Socrates may be contrasted in several  respects with  the exhibition of the Sophists:  (1)

In their perfect  relevancy to the  subject of discussion, whereas the Sophistical  discourses are wholly

irrelevant:  (2) In their enquiring sympathetic  tone, which encourages the  youth, instead of 'knocking him

down,'  after the manner of the two  Sophists:  (3) In the absence of any  definite conclusionfor while

Socrates and the youth are agreed that  philosophy is to be studied, they  are not able to arrive at any  certain

result about the art which is to  teach it.  This is a question  which will hereafter be answered in the  Republic;

as the conception of  the kingly art is more fully developed in  the Politicus, and the  caricature of rhetoric in

the Gorgias. 

The characters of the Dialogue are easily intelligible.  There is  Socrates  once more in the character of an old

man; and his equal in  years, Crito,  the father of Critobulus, like Lysimachus in the Laches,  his fellow

demesman (Apol.), to whom the scene is narrated, and who  once or twice  interrupts with a remark after the

manner of the  interlocutor in the  Phaedo, and adds his commentary at the end;  Socrates makes a playful

allusion to his moneygetting habits.  There  is the youth Cleinias, the  grandson of Alcibiades, who may be

compared  with Lysis, Charmides,  Menexenus, and other ingenuous youths out of  whose mouths Socrates

draws  his own lessons, and to whom he always  seems to stand in a kindly and  sympathetic relation.  Crito will

not  believe that Socrates has not  improved or perhaps invented the answers  of Cleinias (compare Phaedrus).

The name of the grandson of  Alcibiades, who is described as long dead,  (Greek), and who died at  the age of

fortyfour, in the year 404 B.C.,  suggests not only that  the intended scene of the Euthydemus could not have

been earlier than  404, but that as a fact this Dialogue could not have been  composed  before 390 at the

soonest.  Ctesippus, who is the lover of  Cleinias,  has been already introduced to us in the Lysis, and seems

there  too to  deserve the character which is here given him, of a somewhat  uproarious young man.  But the

chief study of all is the picture of  the two  brothers, who are unapproachable in their effrontery, equally

careless of  what they say to others and of what is said to them, and  never at a loss.  They are 'Arcades ambo et


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cantare pares et respondere  parati.'  Some  superior degree of wit or subtlety is attributed to  Euthydemus, who

sees  the trap in which Socrates catches Dionysodorus. 

The epilogue or conclusion of the Dialogue has been criticised as  inconsistent with the general scheme.  Such

a criticism is like  similar  criticisms on Shakespeare, and proceeds upon a narrow notion  of the variety  which

the Dialogue, like the drama, seems to admit.  Plato in the abundance  of his dramatic power has chosen to

write a  play upon a play, just as he  often gives us an argument within an  argument.  At the same time he takes

the opportunity of assailing  another class of persons who are as alien from  the spirit of  philosophy as

Euthydemus and Dionysodorus.  The Eclectic, the  Syncretist, the Doctrinaire, have been apt to have a bad

name both in  ancient and modern times.  The persons whom Plato ridicules in the  epilogue  to the Euthydemus

are of this class.  They occupy a  borderground between  philosophy and politics; they keep out of the  dangers

of politics, and at  the same time use philosophy as a means of  serving their own interests.  Plato quaintly

describes them as making  two good things, philosophy and  politics, a little worse by perverting  the objects of

both.  Men like  Antiphon or Lysias would be types of  the class.  Out of a regard to the  respectabilities of life,

they are  disposed to censure the interest which  Socrates takes in the  exhibition of the two brothers.  They do

not  understand, any more than  Crito, that he is pursuing his vocation of  detecting the follies of  mankind,

which he finds 'not unpleasant.'  (Compare Apol.) 

Education is the common subject of all Plato's earlier Dialogues.  The  concluding remark of Crito, that he has

a difficulty in educating  his two  sons, and the advice of Socrates to him that he should not  give up  philosophy

because he has no faith in philosophers, seems to  be a  preparation for the more peremptory declaration of the

Meno that  'Virtue  cannot be taught because there are no teachers.' 

The reasons for placing the Euthydemus early in the series are:  (1) the  similarity in plan and style to the

Protagoras, Charmides,  and Lysis;the  relation of Socrates to the Sophists is still that of  humorous

antagonism,  not, as in the later Dialogues of Plato, of  embittered hatred; and the  places and persons have a

considerable  family likeness; (2) the Euthydemus  belongs to the Socratic period in  which Socrates is

represented as willing  to learn, but unable to  teach; and in the spirit of Xenophon's Memorabilia,  philosophy

is  defined as 'the knowledge which will make us happy;' (3) we  seem to  have passed the stage arrived at in

the Protagoras, for Socrates is  no  longer discussing whether virtue can be taughtfrom this question he  is

relieved by the ingenuous declaration of the youth Cleinias; and  (4) not  yet to have reached the point at which

he asserts 'that there  are no  teachers.'  Such grounds are precarious, as arguments from  style and plan  are apt

to be (Greek).  But no arguments equally strong  can be urged in  favour of assigning to the Euthydemus any

other  position in the series. 



Socrates, who is the narrator of the Dialogue.

Crito, Cleinias, Euthydemus, Dionysodorus, Ctesippus.

SCENE:  The Lyceum. 

CRITO: Who was the person, Socrates, with whom you were  talking yesterday  at the Lyceum?  There was

such a crowd around you  that I could not get  within hearing, but I caught a sight of him over  their heads, and

I made  out, as I thought, that he was a stranger with  whom you were talking:  who  was he? 

SOCRATES: There were two, Crito; which of them do you mean? 




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CRITO: The one whom I mean was seated second from you on the  righthand  side.  In the middle was

Cleinias the young son of  Axiochus, who has  wonderfully grown; he is only about the age of my  own

Critobulus, but he is  much forwarder and very goodlooking:  the  other is thin and looks younger  than he is. 

SOCRATES: He whom you mean, Crito, is Euthydemus; and on my  left hand  there was his brother

Dionysodorus, who also took part in  the conversation. 

CRITO: Neither of them are known to me, Socrates; they are a  new  importation of Sophists, as I should

imagine.  Of what country are  they,  and what is their line of wisdom? 

SOCRATES: As to their origin, I believe that they are  natives of this part  of the world, and have migrated

from Chios to  Thurii; they were driven out  of Thurii, and have been living for many  years past in these

regions.  As  to their wisdom, about which you ask,  Crito, they are wonderful  consummate!  I never knew

what the true  pancratiast was before; they are  simply made up of fighting, not like  the two Acarnanian

brothers who fight  with their bodies only, but this  pair of heroes, besides being perfect in  the use of their

bodies, are  invincible in every sort of warfare; for they  are capital at fighting  in armour, and will teach the art

to any one who  pays them; and also  they are most skilful in legal warfare; they will plead  themselves and

teach others to speak and to compose speeches which will  have an  effect upon the courts.  And this was only

the beginning of their  wisdom, but they have at last carried out the pancratiastic art to the  very  end, and have

mastered the only mode of fighting which had been  hitherto  neglected by them; and now no one dares even to

stand up  against them:  such is their skill in the war of words, that they can  refute any  proposition whether true

or false.  Now I am thinking,  Crito, of placing  myself in their hands; for they say that in a short  time they can

impart  their skill to any one. 

CRITO: But, Socrates, are you not too old? there may be  reason to fear  that. 

SOCRATES: Certainly not, Crito; as I will prove to you, for  I have the  consolation of knowing that they

began this art of  disputation which I  covet, quite, as I may say, in old age; last year,  or the year before, they

had none of their new wisdom.  I am only  apprehensive that I may bring the  two strangers into disrepute, as I

have done Connus the son of Metrobius,  the harpplayer, who is still  my musicmaster; for when the boys

who go to  him see me going with  them, they laugh at me and call him grandpapa's  master.  Now I should  not

like the strangers to experience similar  treatment; the fear of  ridicule may make them unwilling to receive

me; and  therefore, Crito,  I shall try and persuade some old men to accompany me to  them, as I  persuaded

them to go with me to Connus, and I hope that you will  make  one:  and perhaps we had better take your sons

as a bait; they will  want to have them as pupils, and for the sake of them willing to  receive  us. 

CRITO: I see no objection, Socrates, if you like; but first  I wish that  you would give me a description of

their wisdom, that I  may know beforehand  what we are going to learn. 

SOCRATES: In less than no time you shall hear; for I cannot  say that I did  not attendI paid great attention

to them, and I  remember and will  endeavour to repeat the whole story.  Providentially  I was sitting alone in

the dressingroom of the Lyceum where you saw  me, and was about to depart;  when I was getting up I

recognized the  familiar divine sign:  so I sat down  again, and in a little while the  two brothers Euthydemus

and Dionysodorus  came in, and several others  with them, whom I believe to be their  disciples, and they

walked about  in the covered court; they had not taken  more than two or three turns  when Cleinias entered,

who, as you truly say,  is very much improved:  he was followed by a host of lovers, one of whom  was

Ctesippus the  Paeanian, a wellbred youth, but also having the wildness  of youth.  Cleinias saw me from the

entrance as I was sitting alone, and at  once  came and sat down on the right hand of me, as you describe; and

Dionysodorus and Euthydemus, when they saw him, at first stopped and  talked  with one another, now and

then glancing at us, for I  particularly watched  them; and then Euthydemus came and sat down by  the youth,

and the other by  me on the left hand; the rest anywhere.  I  saluted the brothers, whom I had  not seen for a long




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time; and then I  said to Cleinias:  Here are two wise  men, Euthydemus and Dionysodorus,  Cleinias, wise not

in a small but in a  large way of wisdom, for they  know all about war,all that a good general  ought to know

about the  array and command of an army, and the whole art of  fighting in armour:  and they know about law

too, and can teach a man how  to use the  weapons of the courts when he is injured. 

They heard me say this, but only despised me.  I observed that they  looked  at one another, and both of them

laughed; and then Euthydemus  said:  Those,  Socrates, are matters which we no longer pursue  seriously; to us

they are  secondary occupations. 

Indeed, I said, if such occupations are regarded by you as  secondary, what  must the principal one be; tell me,

I beseech you,  what that noble study  is? 

The teaching of virtue, Socrates, he replied, is our principal  occupation;  and we believe that we can impart it

better and quicker  than any man. 

My God! I said, and where did you learn that?  I always thought, as  I was  saying just now, that your chief

accomplishment was the art of  fighting in  armour; and I used to say as much of you, for I remember  that you

professed  this when you were here before.  But now if you  really have the other  knowledge, O forgive me:  I

address you as I  would superior beings, and ask  you to pardon the impiety of my former  expressions.  But are

you quite sure  about this, Dionysodorus and  Euthydemus? the promise is so vast, that a  feeling of incredulity

steals over me. 

You may take our word, Socrates, for the fact. 

Then I think you happier in having such a treasure than the great  king is  in the possession of his kingdom.

And please to tell me  whether you intend  to exhibit your wisdom; or what will you do? 

That is why we have come hither, Socrates; and our purpose is not  only to  exhibit, but also to teach any one

who likes to learn. 

But I can promise you, I said, that every unvirtuous person will  want to  learn.  I shall be the first; and there is

the youth Cleinias,  and  Ctesippus:  and here are several others, I said, pointing to the  lovers of  Cleinias, who

were beginning to gather round us.  Now  Ctesippus was sitting  at some distance from Cleinias; and when

Euthydemus leaned forward in  talking with me, he was prevented from  seeing Cleinias, who was between us;

and so, partly because he wanted  to look at his love, and also because he  was interested, he jumped up  and

stood opposite to us:  and all the other  admirers of Cleinias, as  well as the disciples of Euthydemus and

Dionysodorus, followed his  example.  And these were the persons whom I  showed to Euthydemus,  telling him

that they were all eager to learn:  to  which Ctesippus and  all of them with one voice vehemently assented, and

bid  him exhibit  the power of his wisdom.  Then I said:  O Euthydemus and  Dionysodorus,  I earnestly request

you to do myself and the company the  favour to  exhibit.  There may be some trouble in giving the whole

exhibition;  but tell me one thing,can you make a good man of him only who  is  already convinced that he

ought to learn of you, or of him also who is  not convinced, either because he imagines that virtue is a thing

which  cannot be taught at all, or that you are not the teachers of it?  Has  your  art power to persuade him, who

is of the latter temper of mind,  that virtue  can be taught; and that you are the men from whom he will  best

learn it? 

Certainly, Socrates, said Dionysodorus; our art will do both. 

And you and your brother, Dionysodorus, I said, of all men who are  now  living are the most likely to

stimulate him to philosophy and to  the study  of virtue? 




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Yes, Socrates, I rather think that we are. 

Then I wish that you would be so good as to defer the other part of  the  exhibition, and only try to persuade

the youth whom you see here  that he  ought to be a philosopher and study virtue.  Exhibit that, and  you will

confer a great favour on me and on every one present; for the  fact is I and  all of us are extremely anxious that

he should become  truly good.  His name  is Cleinias, and he is the son of Axiochus, and  grandson of the old

Alcibiades, cousin of the Alcibiades that now is.  He is quite young, and  we are naturally afraid that some one

may get  the start of us, and turn his  mind in a wrong direction, and he may be  ruined.  Your visit, therefore, is

most happily timed; and I hope that  you will make a trial of the young man,  and converse with him in our

presence, if you have no objection. 

These were pretty nearly the expressions which I used; and  Euthydemus, in a  manly and at the same time

encouraging tone, replied:  There can be no  objection, Socrates, if the young man is only willing  to answer


He is quite accustomed to do so, I replied; for his friends often  come and  ask him questions and argue with

him; and therefore he is  quite at home in  answering. 

What followed, Crito, how can I rightly narrate?  For not slight is  the  task of rehearsing infinite wisdom, and

therefore, like the poets,  I ought  to commence my relation with an invocation to Memory and the  Muses.

Now  Euthydemus, if I remember rightly, began nearly as  follows:  O Cleinias,  are those who learn the wise or

the ignorant? 

The youth, overpowered by the question blushed, and in his  perplexity  looked at me for help; and I, knowing

that he was  disconcerted, said:  Take  courage, Cleinias, and answer like a man  whichever you think; for my

belief  is that you will derive the  greatest benefit from their questions. 

Whichever he answers, said Dionysodorus, leaning forward so as to  catch my  ear, his face beaming with

laughter, I prophesy that he will  be refuted,  Socrates. 

While he was speaking to me, Cleinias gave his answer:  and  therefore I had  no time to warn him of the

predicament in which he was  placed, and he  answered that those who learned were the wise. 

Euthydemus proceeded:  There are some whom you would call teachers,  are  there not? 

The boy assented. 

And they are the teachers of those who learnthe grammarmaster  and the  lyremaster used to teach you

and other boys; and you were the  learners? 


And when you were learners you did not as yet know the things which  you  were learning? 

No, he said. 

And were you wise then? 

No, indeed, he said. 

But if you were not wise you were unlearned? 




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You then, learning what you did not know, were unlearned when you  were  learning? 

The youth nodded assent. 

Then the unlearned learn, and not the wise, Cleinias, as you  imagine. 

At these words the followers of Euthydemus, of whom I spoke, like a  chorus  at the bidding of their director,

laughed and cheered.  Then,  before the  youth had time to recover his breath, Dionysodorus cleverly  took him

in  hand, and said:  Yes, Cleinias; and when the  grammarmaster dictated  anything to you, were they the wise

boys or  the unlearned who learned the  dictation? 

The wise, replied Cleinias. 

Then after all the wise are the learners and not the unlearned; and  your  last answer to Euthydemus was


Then once more the admirers of the two heroes, in an ecstasy at  their  wisdom, gave vent to another peal of

laughter, while the rest of  us were  silent and amazed.  Euthydemus, observing this, determined to  persevere

with the youth; and in order to heighten the effect went on  asking another  similar question, which might be

compared to the double  turn of an expert  dancer.  Do those, said he, who learn, learn what  they know, or what

they  do not know? 

Again Dionysodorus whispered to me:  That, Socrates, is just  another of the  same sort. 

Good heavens, I said; and your last question was so good! 

Like all our other questions, Socrates, he repliedinevitable. 

I see the reason, I said, why you are in such reputation among your  disciples. 

Meanwhile Cleinias had answered Euthydemus that those who learned  learn  what they do not know; and he

put him through a series of  questions the  same as before. 

Do you not know letters? 

He assented. 

All letters? 


But when the teacher dictates to you, does he not dictate letters? 

To this also he assented. 

Then if you know all letters, he dictates that which you know? 

This again was admitted by him. 




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Then, said the other, you do not learn that which he dictates; but  he only  who does not know letters learns? 

Nay, said Cleinias; but I do learn. 

Then, said he, you learn what you know, if you know all the  letters? 

He admitted that. 

Then, he said, you were wrong in your answer. 

The word was hardly out of his mouth when Dionysodorus took up the  argument, like a ball which he caught,

and had another throw at the  youth.  Cleinias, he said, Euthydemus is deceiving you.  For tell me  now, is not

learning acquiring knowledge of that which one learns? 

Cleinias assented. 

And knowing is having knowledge at the time? 

He agreed. 

And not knowing is not having knowledge at the time? 

He admitted that. 

And are those who acquire those who have or have not a thing? 

Those who have not. 

And have you not admitted that those who do not know are of the  number of  those who have not? 

He nodded assent. 

Then those who learn are of the class of those who acquire, and not  of  those who have? 

He agreed. 

Then, Cleinias, he said, those who do not know learn, and not those  who  know. 

Euthydemus was proceeding to give the youth a third fall; but I  knew that  he was in deep water, and

therefore, as I wanted to give him  a respite lest  he should be disheartened, I said to him consolingly:  You

must not be  surprised, Cleinias, at the singularity of their mode  of speech:  this I  say because you may not

understand what the two  strangers are doing with  you; they are only initiating you after the  manner of the

Corybantes in the  mysteries; and this answers to the  enthronement, which, if you have ever  been initiated, is,

as you will  know, accompanied by dancing and sport; and  now they are just prancing  and dancing about you,

and will next proceed to  initiate you; imagine  then that you have gone through the first part of the  sophistical

ritual, which, as Prodicus says, begins with initiation into  the  correct use of terms.  The two foreign

gentlemen, perceiving that you  did not know, wanted to explain to you that the word 'to learn' has  two

meanings, and is used, first, in the sense of acquiring knowledge  of some  matter of which you previously

have no knowledge, and also,  when you have  the knowledge, in the sense of reviewing this matter,  whether

something  done or spoken by the light of this newlyacquired  knowledge; the latter is  generally called

'knowing' rather than  'learning,' but the word 'learning'  is also used; and you did not see,  as they explained to




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you, that the term  is employed of two opposite  sorts of men, of those who know, and of those  who do not

know.  There  was a similar trick in the second question, when  they asked you  whether men learn what they

know or what they do not know.  These parts  of learning are not serious, and therefore I say that the

gentlemen  are not serious, but are only playing with you.  For if a man had  all  that sort of knowledge that ever

was, he would not be at all the wiser;  he would only be able to play with men, tripping them up and

oversetting  them with distinctions of words.  He would be like a  person who pulls away  a stool from some one

when he is about to sit  down, and then laughs and  makes merry at the sight of his friend  overturned and laid

on his back.  And you must regard all that has  hitherto passed between you and them as  merely play.  But in

what is  to follow I am certain that they will exhibit  to you their serious  purpose, and keep their promise (I

will show them  how); for they  promised to give me a sample of the hortatory philosophy,  but I  suppose that

they wanted to have a game with you first.  And now,  Euthydemus and Dionysodorus, I think that we have

had enough of this.  Will  you let me see you explaining to the young man how he is to  apply himself  to the

study of virtue and wisdom?  And I will first  show you what I  conceive to be the nature of the task, and what

sort  of a discourse I  desire to hear; and if I do this in a very inartistic  and ridiculous  manner, do not laugh at

me, for I only venture to  improvise before you  because I am eager to hear your wisdom:  and I  must therefore

ask you and  your disciples to refrain from laughing.  And now, O son of Axiochus, let  me put a question to

you:  Do not all  men desire happiness?  And yet,  perhaps, this is one of those  ridiculous questions which I am

afraid to  ask, and which ought not to  be asked by a sensible man:  for what human  being is there who does  not

desire happiness? 

There is no one, said Cleinias, who does not. 

Well, then, I said, since we all of us desire happiness, how can we  be  happy?that is the next question.  Shall

we not be happy if we  have many  good things?  And this, perhaps, is even a more simple  question than the

first, for there can be no doubt of the answer. 

He assented. 

And what things do we esteem good?  No solemn sage is required to  tell us  this, which may be easily

answered; for every one will say  that wealth is a  good. 

Certainly, he said. 

And are not health and beauty goods, and other personal gifts? 

He agreed. 

Can there be any doubt that good birth, and power, and honours in  one's own  land, are goods? 

He assented. 

And what other goods are there? I said.  What do you say of  temperance,  justice, courage:  do you not verily

and indeed think,  Cleinias, that we  shall be more right in ranking them as goods than in  not ranking them as

goods?  For a dispute might possibly arise about  this.  What then do you  say? 

They are goods, said Cleinias. 

Very well, I said; and where in the company shall we find a place  for  wisdomamong the goods or not? 

Among the goods. 




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And now, I said, think whether we have left out any considerable  goods. 

I do not think that we have, said Cleinias. 

Upon recollection, I said, indeed I am afraid that we have left out  the  greatest of them all. 

What is that? he asked. 

Fortune, Cleinias, I replied; which all, even the most foolish,  admit to be  the greatest of goods. 

True, he said. 

On second thoughts, I added, how narrowly, O son of Axiochus, have  you and  I escaped making a

laughingstock of ourselves to the  strangers. 

Why do you say so? 

Why, because we have already spoken of goodfortune, and are but  repeating  ourselves. 

What do you mean? 

I mean that there is something ridiculous in again putting forward  good  fortune, which has a place in the list

already, and saying the  same thing  twice over. 

He asked what was the meaning of this, and I replied:  Surely  wisdom is  goodfortune; even a child may

know that. 

The simpleminded youth was amazed; and, observing his surprise, I  said to  him:  Do you not know, Cleinias,

that fluteplayers are most  fortunate and  successful in performing on the flute? 

He assented. 

And are not the scribes most fortunate in writing and reading  letters? 


Amid the dangers of the sea, again, are any more fortunate on the  whole  than wise pilots? 

None, certainly. 

And if you were engaged in war, in whose company would you rather  take the  riskin company with a wise

general, or with a foolish one? 

With a wise one. 

And if you were ill, whom would you rather have as a companion in a  dangerous illnessa wise physician,

or an ignorant one? 

A wise one. 

You think, I said, that to act with a wise man is more fortunate  than to  act with an ignorant one? 




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He assented. 

Then wisdom always makes men fortunate:  for by wisdom no man would  ever  err, and therefore he must act

rightly and succeed, or his wisdom  would be  wisdom no longer. 

We contrived at last, somehow or other, to agree in a general  conclusion,  that he who had wisdom had no

need of fortune.  I then  recalled to his mind  the previous state of the question.  You  remember, I said, our

making the  admission that we should be happy and  fortunate if many good things were  present with us? 

He assented. 

And should we be happy by reason of the presence of good things, if  they  profited us not, or if they profited


If they profited us, he said. 

And would they profit us, if we only had them and did not use them?  For  example, if we had a great deal of

food and did not eat, or a  great deal of  drink and did not drink, should we be profited? 

Certainly not, he said. 

Or would an artisan, who had all the implements necessary for his  work, and  did not use them, be any the

better for the possession of  them?  For  example, would a carpenter be any the better for having all  his tools

and  plenty of wood, if he never worked? 

Certainly not, he said. 

And if a person had wealth and all the goods of which we were just  now  speaking, and did not use them,

would he be happy because he  possessed  them? 

No indeed, Socrates. 

Then, I said, a man who would be happy must not only have the good  things,  but he must also use them; there

is no advantage in merely  having them? 


Well, Cleinias, but if you have the use as well as the possession  of good  things, is that sufficient to confer


Yes, in my opinion. 

And may a person use them either rightly or wrongly? 

He must use them rightly. 

That is quite true, I said.  And the wrong use of a thing is far  worse than  the nonuse; for the one is an evil,

and the other is  neither a good nor an  evil.  You admit that? 

He assented. 




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Now in the working and use of wood, is not that which gives the  right use  simply the knowledge of the


Nothing else, he said. 

And surely, in the manufacture of vessels, knowledge is that which  gives  the right way of making them? 

He agreed. 

And in the use of the goods of which we spoke at firstwealth and  health  and beauty, is not knowledge that

which directs us to the right  use of  them, and regulates our practice about them? 

He assented. 

Then in every possession and every use of a thing, knowledge is  that which  gives a man not only

goodfortune but success? 

He again assented. 

And tell me, I said, O tell me, what do possessions profit a man,  if he  have neither good sense nor wisdom?

Would a man be better off,  having and  doing many things without wisdom, or a few things with  wisdom?

Look at the  matter thus:  If he did fewer things would he not  make fewer mistakes? if  he made fewer mistakes

would he not have fewer  misfortunes? and if he had  fewer misfortunes would he not be less  miserable? 

Certainly, he said. 

And who would do leasta poor man or a rich man? 

A poor man. 

A weak man or a strong man? 

A weak man. 

A noble man or a mean man? 

A mean man. 

And a coward would do less than a courageous and temperate man? 


And an indolent man less than an active man? 

He assented. 

And a slow man less than a quick; and one who had dull perceptions  of  seeing and hearing less than one who

had keen ones? 

All this was mutually allowed by us. 




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Then, I said, Cleinias, the sum of the matter appears to be that  the goods  of which we spoke before are not to

be regarded as goods in  themselves, but  the degree of good and evil in them depends on whether  they are or

are not  under the guidance of knowledge:  under the  guidance of ignorance, they are  greater evils than their

opposites,  inasmuch as they are more able to  minister to the evil principle which  rules them; and when under

the  guidance of wisdom and prudence, they  are greater goods:  but in themselves  they are nothing? 

That, he replied, is obvious. 

What then is the result of what has been said?  Is not this the  result  that other things are indifferent, and that

wisdom is the  only good, and  ignorance the only evil? 

He assented. 

Let us consider a further point, I said:  Seeing that all men  desire  happiness, and happiness, as has been

shown, is gained by a  use, and a  right use, of the things of life, and the right use of  them, and good  fortune

in the use of them, is given by  knowledge,the inference is that  everybody ought by all means to try  and

make himself as wise as he can? 

Yes, he said. 

And when a man thinks that he ought to obtain this treasure, far  more than  money, from a father or a guardian

or a friend or a suitor,  whether citizen  or strangerthe eager desire and prayer to them that  they would

impart  wisdom to you, is not at all dishonourable,  Cleinias; nor is any one to be  blamed for doing any

honourable service  or ministration to any man, whether  a lover or not, if his aim is to  get wisdom.  Do you

agree? I said. 

Yes, he said, I quite agree, and think that you are right. 

Yes, I said, Cleinias, if only wisdom can be taught, and does not  come to  man spontaneously; for this is a

point which has still to be  considered,  and is not yet agreed upon by you and me 

But I think, Socrates, that wisdom can be taught, he said. 

Best of men, I said, I am delighted to hear you say so; and I am  also  grateful to you for having saved me from

a long and tiresome  investigation  as to whether wisdom can be taught or not.  But now, as  you think that

wisdom can be taught, and that wisdom only can make a  man happy and  fortunate, will you not acknowledge

that all of us ought  to love wisdom,  and you individually will try to love her? 

Certainly, Socrates, he said; I will do my best. 

I was pleased at hearing this; and I turned to Dionysodorus and  Euthydemus  and said:  That is an example,

clumsy and tedious I admit,  of the sort of  exhortations which I would have you give; and I hope  that one of

you will  set forth what I have been saying in a more  artistic style:  or at least  take up the enquiry where I left

off, and  proceed to show the youth whether  he should have all knowledge; or  whether there is one sort of

knowledge  only which will make him good  and happy, and what that is.  For, as I was  saying at first, the

improvement of this young man in virtue and wisdom is  a matter which  we have very much at heart. 

Thus I spoke, Crito, and was all attention to what was coming.  I  wanted to  see how they would approach the

question, and where they  would start in  their exhortation to the young man that he should  practise wisdom

and  virtue.  Dionysodorus, who was the elder, spoke  first.  Everybody's eyes  were directed towards him,

perceiving that  something wonderful might  shortly be expected.  And certainly they  were not far wrong; for




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the man,  Crito, began a remarkable discourse  well worth hearing, and wonderfully  persuasive regarded as an

exhortation to virtue. 

Tell me, he said, Socrates and the rest of you who say that you  want this  young man to become wise, are you

in jest or in real  earnest? 

I was led by this to imagine that they fancied us to have been  jesting when  we asked them to converse with

the youth, and that this  made them jest and  play, and being under this impression, I was the  more decided in

saying  that we were in profound earnest.  Dionysodorus  said: 

Reflect, Socrates; you may have to deny your words. 

I have reflected, I said; and I shall never deny my words. 

Well, said he, and so you say that you wish Cleinias to become  wise? 


And he is not wise as yet? 

At least his modesty will not allow him to say that he is. 

You wish him, he said, to become wise and not, to be ignorant? 

That we do. 

You wish him to be what he is not, and no longer to be what he is? 

I was thrown into consternation at this. 

Taking advantage of my consternation he added:  You wish him no  longer to  be what he is, which can only

mean that you wish him to  perish.  Pretty  lovers and friends they must be who want their  favourite not to be,

or to  perish! 

When Ctesippus heard this he got very angry (as a lover well might)  and  said:  Stranger of Thuriiif

politeness would allow me I should  say, A  plague upon you!  What can make you tell such a lie about me  and

the  others, which I hardly like to repeat, as that I wish Cleinias  to perish? 

Euthydemus replied:  And do you think, Ctesippus, that it is  possible to  tell a lie? 

Yes, said Ctesippus; I should be mad to say anything else. 

And in telling a lie, do you tell the thing of which you speak or  not? 

You tell the thing of which you speak. 

And he who tells, tells that thing which he tells, and no other? 

Yes, said Ctesippus. 

And that is a distinct thing apart from other things? 




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And he who says that thing says that which is? 


And he who says that which is, says the truth.  And therefore  Dionysodorus,  if he says that which is, says the

truth of you and no  lie. 

Yes, Euthydemus, said Ctesippus; but in saying this, he says what  is not. 

Euthydemus answered:  And that which is not is not? 


And that which is not is nowhere? 


And can any one do anything about that which has no existence, or  do to  Cleinias that which is not and is


I think not, said Ctesippus. 

Well, but do rhetoricians, when they speak in the assembly, do  nothing? 

Nay, he said, they do something. 

And doing is making? 


And speaking is doing and making? 

He agreed. 

Then no one says that which is not, for in saying what is not he  would be  doing something; and you have

already acknowledged that no  one can do what  is not.  And therefore, upon your own showing, no one  says

what is false;  but if Dionysodorus says anything, he says what is  true and what is. 

Yes, Euthydemus, said Ctesippus; but he speaks of things in a  certain way  and manner, and not as they really


Why, Ctesippus, said Dionysodorus, do you mean to say that any one  speaks  of things as they are? 

Yes, he saidall gentlemen and truthspeaking persons. 

And are not good things good, and evil things evil? 

He assented. 




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And you say that gentlemen speak of things as they are? 


Then the good speak evil of evil things, if they speak of them as  they are? 

Yes, indeed, he said; and they speak evil of evil men.  And if I  may give  you a piece of advice, you had better

take care that they do  not speak evil  of you, since I can tell you that the good speak evil  of the evil. 

And do they speak great things of the great, rejoined Euthydemus,  and warm  things of the warm? 

To be sure they do, said Ctesippus; and they speak coldly of the  insipid  and cold dialectician. 

You are abusive, Ctesippus, said Dionysodorus, you are abusive! 

Indeed, I am not, Dionysodorus, he replied; for I love you and am  giving  you friendly advice, and, if I could,

would persuade you not  like a boor to  say in my presence that I desire my beloved, whom I  value above all

men, to  perish. 

I saw that they were getting exasperated with one another, so I  made a joke  with him and said:  O Ctesippus, I

think that we must  allow the strangers  to use language in their own way, and not quarrel  with them about

words,  but be thankful for what they give us.  If they  know how to destroy men in  such a way as to make good

and sensible men  out of bad and foolish ones  whether this is a discovery of their  own, or whether they

have learned from  some one else this new sort of  death and destruction which enables them to  get rid of a bad

man and  turn him into a good oneif they know this (and  they do know thisat  any rate they said just now

that this was the secret  of their  newlydiscovered art)let them, in their phraseology, destroy the  youth and

make him wise, and all of us with him.  But if you young men  do  not like to trust yourselves with them, then

fiat experimentum in  corpore  senis; I will be the Carian on whom they shall operate.  And  here I offer  my old

person to Dionysodorus; he may put me into the  pot, like Medea the  Colchian, kill me, boil me, if he will

only make  me good. 

Ctesippus said:  And I, Socrates, am ready to commit myself to the  strangers; they may skin me alive, if they

please (and I am pretty  well  skinned by them already), if only my skin is made at last, not  like that of

Marsyas, into a leathern bottle, but into a piece of  virtue.  And here is  Dionysodorus fancying that I am angry

with him,  when really I am not angry  at all; I do but contradict him when I  think that he is speaking

improperly  to me:  and you must not confound  abuse and contradiction, O illustrious  Dionysodorus; for they

are  quite different things. 

Contradiction! said Dionysodorus; why, there never was such a  thing. 

Certainly there is, he replied; there can be no question of that.  Do you,  Dionysodorus, maintain that there is


You will never prove to me, he said, that you have heard any one  contradicting any one else. 

Indeed, said Ctesippus; then now you may hear me contradicting  Dionysodorus. 

Are you prepared to make that good? 

Certainly, he said. 




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Well, have not all things words expressive of them? 


Of their existence or of their nonexistence? 

Of their existence. 

Yes, Ctesippus, and we just now proved, as you may remember, that  no man  could affirm a negative; for no

one could affirm that which is  not. 

And what does that signify? said Ctesippus; you and I may  contradict all  the same for that. 

But can we contradict one another, said Dionysodorus, when both of  us are  describing the same thing?  Then

we must surely be speaking the  same thing? 

He assented. 

Or when neither of us is speaking of the same thing?  For then  neither of  us says a word about the thing at all? 

He granted that proposition also. 

But when I describe something and you describe another thing, or I  say  something and you say nothingis

there any contradiction?  How  can he who  speaks contradict him who speaks not? 

Here Ctesippus was silent; and I in my astonishment said:  What do  you  mean, Dionysodorus?  I have often

heard, and have been amazed to  hear, this  thesis of yours, which is maintained and employed by the  disciples

of  Protagoras, and others before them, and which to me  appears to be quite  wonderful, and suicidal as well as

destructive,  and I think that I am most  likely to hear the truth about it from you.  The dictum is that there is no

such thing as falsehood; a man must  either say what is true or say nothing.  Is not that your position? 

He assented. 

But if he cannot speak falsely, may he not think falsely? 

No, he cannot, he said. 

Then there is no such thing as false opinion? 

No, he said. 

Then there is no such thing as ignorance, or men who are ignorant;  for is  not ignorance, if there be such a

thing, a mistake of fact? 

Certainly, he said. 

And that is impossible? 

Impossible, he replied. 

Are you saying this as a paradox, Dionysodorus; or do you seriously  maintain no man to be ignorant? 




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Refute me, he said. 

But how can I refute you, if, as you say, to tell a falsehood is  impossible? 

Very true, said Euthydemus. 

Neither did I tell you just now to refute me, said Dionysodorus;  for how  can I tell you to do that which is not? 

O Euthydemus, I said, I have but a dull conception of these  subtleties and  excellent devices of wisdom; I am

afraid that I hardly  understand them, and  you must forgive me therefore if I ask a very  stupid question:  if

there be  no falsehood or false opinion or  ignorance, there can be no such thing as  erroneous action, for a man

cannot fail of acting as he is actingthat is  what you mean? 

Yes, he replied. 

And now, I said, I will ask my stupid question:  If there is no  such thing  as error in deed, word, or thought,

then what, in the name  of goodness, do  you come hither to teach?  And were you not just now  saying that you

could  teach virtue best of all men, to any one who was  willing to learn? 

And are you such an old fool, Socrates, rejoined Dionysodorus, that  you  bring up now what I said at

firstand if I had said anything last  year, I  suppose that you would bring that up toobut are nonplussed

at the words  which I have just uttered? 

Why, I said, they are not easy to answer; for they are the words of  wise  men:  and indeed I know not what to

make of this word  'nonplussed,' which  you used last:  what do you mean by it,  Dionysodorus?  You must mean

that I  cannot refute your argument.  Tell  me if the words have any other sense. 

No, he replied, they mean what you say.  And now answer. 

What, before you, Dionysodorus? I said. 

Answer, said he. 

And is that fair? 

Yes, quite fair, he said. 

Upon what principle? I said.  I can only suppose that you are a  very wise  man who comes to us in the

character of a great logician,  and who knows  when to answer and when not to answerand now you will  not

open your mouth  at all, because you know that you ought not. 

You prate, he said, instead of answering.  But if, my good sir, you  admit  that I am wise, answer as I tell you. 

I suppose that I must obey, for you are master.  Put the question. 

Are the things which have sense alive or lifeless? 

They are alive. 

And do you know of any word which is alive? 




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I cannot say that I do. 

Then why did you ask me what sense my words had? 

Why, because I was stupid and made a mistake.  And yet, perhaps, I  was  right after all in saying that words

have a sense;what do you  say, wise  man?  If I was not in error, even you will not refute me,  and all your

wisdom will be nonplussed; but if I did fall into error,  then again you  are wrong in saying that there is no

error,and this  remark was made by  you not quite a year ago.  I am inclined to think,  however,

Dionysodorus  and Euthydemus, that this argument lies where it  was and is not very likely  to advance:  even

your skill in the  subtleties of logic, which is really  amazing, has not found out the  way of throwing another

and not falling  yourself, now any more than of  old. 

Ctesippus said:  Men of Chios, Thurii, or however and whatever you  call  yourselves, I wonder at you, for you

seem to have no objection to  talking  nonsense. 

Fearing that there would be high words, I again endeavoured to  soothe  Ctesippus, and said to him:  To you,

Ctesippus, I must repeat  what I said  before to Cleiniasthat you do not understand the ways of  these

philosophers from abroad.  They are not serious, but, like the  Egyptian  wizard, Proteus, they take different

forms and deceive us by  their  enchantments:  and let us, like Menelaus, refuse to let them go  until they  show

themselves to us in earnest.  When they begin to be in  earnest their  full beauty will appear:  let us then beg and

entreat  and beseech them to  shine forth.  And I think that I had better once  more exhibit the form in  which I

pray to behold them; it might be a  guide to them.  I will go on  therefore where I left off, as well as I  can, in the

hope that I may touch  their hearts and move them to pity,  and that when they see me deeply  serious and

interested, they also may  be serious.  You, Cleinias, I said,  shall remind me at what point we  left off.  Did we

not agree that  philosophy should be studied? and was  not that our conclusion? 

Yes, he replied. 

And philosophy is the acquisition of knowledge? 

Yes, he said. 

And what knowledge ought we to acquire?  May we not answer with  absolute  truthA knowledge which will

do us good? 

Certainly, he said. 

And should we be any the better if we went about having a knowledge  of the  places where most gold was

hidden in the earth? 

Perhaps we should, he said. 

But have we not already proved, I said, that we should be none the  better  off, even if without trouble and

digging all the gold which  there is in the  earth were ours?  And if we knew how to convert stones  into gold,

the  knowledge would be of no value to us, unless we also  knew how to use the  gold?  Do you not remember? I


I quite remember, he said. 

Nor would any other knowledge, whether of moneymaking, or of  medicine, or  of any other art which knows

only how to make a thing,  and not to use it  when made, be of any good to us.  Am I not right? 




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He agreed. 

And if there were a knowledge which was able to make men immortal,  without  giving them the knowledge of

the way to use the immortality,  neither would  there be any use in that, if we may argue from the  analogy of

the previous  instances? 

To all this he agreed. 

Then, my dear boy, I said, the knowledge which we want is one that  uses as  well as makes? 

True, he said. 

And our desire is not to be skilful lyremakers, or artists of that  sort  far otherwise; for with them the art

which makes is one, and  the art which  uses is another.  Although they have to do with the  same, they are

divided:  for the art which makes and the art which  plays on the lyre differ widely  from one another.  Am I not


He agreed. 

And clearly we do not want the art of the flutemaker; this is only  another  of the same sort? 

He assented. 

But suppose, I said, that we were to learn the art of making  speeches  would that be the art which would

make us happy? 

I should say, no, rejoined Cleinias. 

And why should you say so? I asked. 

I see, he replied, that there are some composers of speeches who do  not  know how to use the speeches which

they make, just as the makers  of lyres  do not know how to use the lyres; and also some who are of  themselves

unable to compose speeches, but are able to use the  speeches which the  others make for them; and this proves

that the art  of making speeches is  not the same as the art of using them. 

Yes, I said; and I take your words to be a sufficient proof that  the art of  making speeches is not one which

will make a man happy.  And yet I did  think that the art which we have so long been seeking  might be

discovered  in that direction; for the composers of speeches,  whenever I meet them,  always appear to me to be

very extraordinary  men, Cleinias, and their art  is lofty and divine, and no wonder.  For  their art is a part of the

great  art of enchantment, and hardly, if at  all, inferior to it:  and whereas the  art of the enchanter is a mode  of

charming snakes and spiders and  scorpions, and other monsters and  pests, this art of their's acts upon  dicasts

and ecclesiasts and  bodies of men, for the charming and pacifying  of them.  Do you agree  with me? 

Yes, he said, I think that you are quite right. 

Whither then shall we go, I said, and to what art shall we have  recourse? 

I do not see my way, he said. 

But I think that I do, I replied. 




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And what is your notion? asked Cleinias. 

I think that the art of the general is above all others the one of  which  the possession is most likely to make a

man happy. 

I do not think so, he said. 

Why not? I said. 

The art of the general is surely an art of hunting mankind. 

What of that? I said. 

Why, he said, no art of hunting extends beyond hunting and  capturing; and  when the prey is taken the

huntsman or fisherman cannot  use it; but they  hand it over to the cook, and the geometricians and

astronomers and  calculators (who all belong to the hunting class, for  they do not make  their diagrams, but

only find out that which was  previously contained in  them)they, I say, not being able to use but  only to

catch their prey,  hand over their inventions to the  dialectician to be applied by him, if  they have any sense in


Good, I said, fairest and wisest Cleinias.  And is this true? 

Certainly, he said; just as a general when he takes a city or a  camp hands  over his new acquisition to the

statesman, for he does not  know how to use  them himself; or as the quailtaker transfers the  quails to the

keeper of  them.  If we are looking for the art which is  to make us blessed, and which  is able to use that which

it makes or  takes, the art of the general is not  the one, and some other must be  found. 

CRITO: And do you mean, Socrates, that the youngster said  all this? 

SOCRATES: Are you incredulous, Crito? 

CRITO: Indeed, I am; for if he did say so, then in my  opinion he needs  neither Euthydemus nor any one else

to be his  instructor. 

SOCRATES: Perhaps I may have forgotten, and Ctesippus was  the real  answerer. 

CRITO: Ctesippus! nonsense. 

SOCRATES: All I know is that I heard these words, and that  they were not  spoken either by Euthydemus or

Dionysodorus.  I dare  say, my good Crito,  that they may have been spoken by some superior  person:  that I

heard them  I am certain. 

CRITO: Yes, indeed, Socrates, by some one a good deal  superior, as I  should be disposed to think.  But did

you carry the  search any further, and  did you find the art which you were seeking? 

SOCRATES: Find! my dear sir, no indeed.  And we cut a poor  figure; we were  like children after larks,

always on the point of  catching the art, which  was always getting away from us.  But why  should I repeat the

whole story?  At last we came to the kingly art,  and enquired whether that gave and  caused happiness, and

then we got  into a labyrinth, and when we thought we  were at the end, came out  again at the beginning,

having still to seek as  much as ever. 




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CRITO: How did that happen, Socrates? 

SOCRATES: I will tell you; the kingly art was identified by  us with the  political. 

CRITO: Well, and what came of that? 

SOCRATES: To this royal or political art all the arts,  including the art  of the general, seemed to render up

the supremacy,  that being the only one  which knew how to use what they produce.  Here  obviously was the

very art  which we were seekingthe art which is the  source of good government, and  which may be

described, in the language  of Aeschylus, as alone sitting at  the helm of the vessel of state,  piloting and

governing all things, and  utilizing them. 

CRITO: And were you not right, Socrates? 

SOCRATES: You shall judge, Crito, if you are willing to hear  what  followed; for we resumed the enquiry,

and a question of this sort  was  asked:  Does the kingly art, having this supreme authority, do  anything for  us?

To be sure, was the answer.  And would not you,  Crito, say the same? 

CRITO: Yes, I should. 

SOCRATES: And what would you say that the kingly art does?  If medicine  were supposed to have supreme

authority over the  subordinate arts, and I  were to ask you a similar question about that,  you would sayit

produces  health? 

CRITO: I should. 

SOCRATES: And what of your own art of husbandry, supposing  that to have  supreme authority over the

subject artswhat does that  do?  Does it not  supply us with the fruits of the earth? 

CRITO: Yes. 

SOCRATES: And what does the kingly art do when invested with  supreme  power?  Perhaps you may not be

ready with an answer? 

CRITO: Indeed I am not, Socrates. 

SOCRATES: No more were we, Crito.  But at any rate you know  that if this  is the art which we were

seeking, it ought to be useful. 

CRITO: Certainly. 

SOCRATES: And surely it ought to do us some good? 

CRITO: Certainly, Socrates. 

SOCRATES: And Cleinias and I had arrived at the conclusion  that knowledge  of some kind is the only


CRITO: Yes, that was what you were saying. 




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SOCRATES: All the other results of politics, and they are  many, as for  example, wealth, freedom,

tranquillity, were neither good  nor evil in  themselves; but the political science ought to make us  wise, and

impart  knowledge to us, if that is the science which is  likely to do us good, and  make us happy. 

CRITO: Yes; that was the conclusion at which you had  arrived, according to  your report of the conversation. 

SOCRATES: And does the kingly art make men wise and good? 

CRITO: Why not, Socrates? 

SOCRATES: What, all men, and in every respect? and teach  them all the  arts,carpentering, and cobbling,

and the rest of them? 

CRITO: I think not, Socrates. 

SOCRATES: But then what is this knowledge, and what are we  to do with it?  For it is not the source of any

works which are neither  good nor evil, and  gives no knowledge, but the knowledge of itself;  what then can it

be, and  what are we to do with it?  Shall we say,  Crito, that it is the knowledge  by which we are to make other

men  good? 

CRITO: By all means. 

SOCRATES: And in what will they be good and useful?  Shall  we repeat that  they will make others good,

and that these others will  make others again,  without ever determining in what they are to be  good; for we

have put aside  the results of politics, as they are  called.  This is the old, old song  over again; and we are just as

far  as ever, if not farther, from the  knowledge of the art or science of  happiness. 

CRITO: Indeed, Socrates, you do appear to have got into a  great  perplexity. 

SOCRATES: Thereupon, Crito, seeing that I was on the point  of shipwreck, I  lifted up my voice, and

earnestly entreated and called  upon the strangers  to save me and the youth from the whirlpool of the

argument; they were our  Castor and Pollux, I said, and they should be  serious, and show us in sober  earnest

what that knowledge was which  would enable us to pass the rest of  our lives in happiness. 

CRITO: And did Euthydemus show you this knowledge? 

SOCRATES: Yes, indeed; he proceeded in a lofty strain to the  following  effect:  Would you rather, Socrates,

said he, that I should  show you this  knowledge about which you have been doubting, or shall I  prove that you

already have it? 

What, I said, are you blessed with such a power as this? 

Indeed I am. 

Then I would much rather that you should prove me to have such a  knowledge;  at my time of life that will be

more agreeable than having  to learn. 

Then tell me, he said, do you know anything? 

Yes, I said, I know many things, but not anything of much  importance. 




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That will do, he said:  And would you admit that anything is what  it is,  and at the same time is not what it is? 

Certainly not. 

And did you not say that you knew something? 

I did. 

If you know, you are knowing. 

Certainly, of the knowledge which I have. 

That makes no difference;and must you not, if you are knowing,  know all  things? 

Certainly not, I said, for there are many other things which I do  not know. 

And if you do not know, you are not knowing. 

Yes, friend, of that which I do not know. 

Still you are not knowing, and you said just now that you were  knowing; and  therefore you are and are not at

the same time, and in  reference to the  same things. 

A pretty clatter, as men say, Euthydemus, this of yours! and will  you  explain how I possess that knowledge

for which we were seeking?  Do you  mean to say that the same thing cannot be and also not be; and  therefore,

since I know one thing, that I know all, for I cannot be  knowing and not  knowing at the same time, and if I

know all things,  then I must have the  knowledge for which we are seekingMay I assume  this to be your

ingenious  notion? 

Out of your own mouth, Socrates, you are convicted, he said. 

Well, but, Euthydemus, I said, has that never happened to you? for  if I am  only in the same case with you and

our beloved Dionysodorus, I  cannot  complain.  Tell me, then, you two, do you not know some things,  and not

know others? 

Certainly not, Socrates, said Dionysodorus. 

What do you mean, I said; do you know nothing? 

Nay, he replied, we do know something. 

Then, I said, you know all things, if you know anything? 

Yes, all things, he said; and that is as true of you as of us. 

O, indeed, I said, what a wonderful thing, and what a great  blessing!  And  do all other men know all things or


Certainly, he replied; they cannot know some things, and not know  others,  and be at the same time knowing

and not knowing. 




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Then what is the inference?  I said. 

They all know all things, he replied, if they know one thing. 

O heavens, Dionysodorus, I said, I see now that you are in earnest;  hardly  have I got you to that point.  And

do you really and truly know  all things,  including carpentering and leathercutting? 

Certainly, he said. 

And do you know stitching? 

Yes, by the gods, we do, and cobbling, too. 

And do you know things such as the numbers of the stars and of the  sand? 

Certainly; did you think we should say No to that? 

By Zeus, said Ctesippus, interrupting, I only wish that you would  give me  some proof which would enable

me to know whether you speak  truly. 

What proof shall I give you? he said. 

Will you tell me how many teeth Euthydemus has? and Euthydemus  shall tell  how many teeth you have. 

Will you not take our word that we know all things? 

Certainly not, said Ctesippus:  you must further tell us this one  thing,  and then we shall know that you are

speak the truth; if you  tell us the  number, and we count them, and you are found to be right,  we will believe

the rest.  They fancied that Ctesippus was making game  of them, and they  refused, and they would only say in

answer to each  of his questions, that  they knew all things.  For at last Ctesippus  began to throw off all

restraint; no question in fact was too bad for  him; he would ask them if  they knew the foulest things, and

they, like  wild boars, came rushing on  his blows, and fearlessly replied that  they did.  At last, Crito, I too was

carried away by my incredulity,  and asked Euthydemus whether Dionysodorus  could dance. 

Certainly, he replied. 

And can he vault among swords, and turn upon a wheel, at his age?  has he  got to such a height of skill as


He can do anything, he said. 

And did you always know this? 

Always, he said. 

When you were children, and at your birth? 

They both said that they did. 

This we could not believe.  And Euthydemus said:  You are  incredulous,  Socrates. 




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Yes, I said, and I might well be incredulous, if I did not know you  to be  wise men. 

But if you will answer, he said, I will make you confess to similar  marvels. 

Well, I said, there is nothing that I should like better than to be  self  convicted of this, for if I am really a

wise man, which I never  knew  before, and you will prove to me that I know and have always  known all

things, nothing in life would be a greater gain to me. 

Answer then, he said. 

Ask, I said, and I will answer. 

Do you know something, Socrates, or nothing? 

Something, I said. 

And do you know with what you know, or with something else? 

With what I know; and I suppose that you mean with my soul? 

Are you not ashamed, Socrates, of asking a question when you are  asked one? 

Well, I said; but then what am I to do? for I will do whatever you  bid;  when I do not know what you are

asking, you tell me to answer  nevertheless,  and not to ask again. 

Why, you surely have some notion of my meaning, he said. 

Yes, I replied. 

Well, then, answer according to your notion of my meaning. 

Yes, I said; but if the question which you ask in one sense is  understood  and answered by me in another, will

that please youif I  answer what is  not to the point? 

That will please me very well; but will not please you equally  well, as I  imagine. 

I certainly will not answer unless I understand you, I said. 

You will not answer, he said, according to your view of the  meaning,  because you will be prating, and are an


Now I saw that he was getting angry with me for drawing  distinctions, when  he wanted to catch me in his

springes of words.  And I remembered that  Connus was always angry with me when I opposed  him, and then

he neglected  me, because he thought that I was stupid;  and as I was intending to go to  Euthydemus as a pupil,

I reflected  that I had better let him have his way,  as he might think me a  blockhead, and refuse to take me.  So

I said:  You  are a far better  dialectician than myself, Euthydemus, for I have never  made a  profession of the

art, and therefore do as you say; ask your  questions  once more, and I will answer. 

Answer then, he said, again, whether you know what you know with  something,  or with nothing. 

Yes, I said; I know with my soul. 




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The man will answer more than the question; for I did not ask you,  he said,  with what you know, but whether

you know with something. 

Again I replied, Through ignorance I have answered too much, but I  hope  that you will forgive me.  And now

I will answer simply that I  always know  what I know with something. 

And is that something, he rejoined, always the same, or sometimes  one  thing, and sometimes another thing? 

Always, I replied, when I know, I know with this. 

Will you not cease adding to your answers? 

My fear is that this word 'always' may get us into trouble. 

You, perhaps, but certainly not us.  And now answer:  Do you always  know  with this? 

Always; since I am required to withdraw the words 'when I know.' 

You always know with this, or, always knowing, do you know some  things with  this, and some things with

something else, or do you know  all things with  this? 

All that I know, I replied, I know with this. 

There again, Socrates, he said, the addition is superfluous. 

Well, then, I said, I will take away the words 'that I know.' 

Nay, take nothing away; I desire no favours of you; but let me ask:  Would  you be able to know all things, if

you did not know all things? 

Quite impossible. 

And now, he said, you may add on whatever you like, for you confess  that  you know all things. 

I suppose that is true, I said, if my qualification implied in the  words  'that I know' is not allowed to stand; and

so I do know all  things. 

And have you not admitted that you always know all things with that  which  you know, whether you make the

addition of 'when you know them'  or not? for  you have acknowledged that you have always and at once

known all things,  that is to say, when you were a child, and at your  birth, and when you were  growing up, and

before you were born, and  before the heaven and earth  existed, you knew all things, if you  always know

them; and I swear that you  shall always continue to know  all things, if I am of the mind to make you. 

But I hope that you will be of that mind, reverend Euthydemus, I  said, if  you are really speaking the truth, and

yet I a little doubt  your power to  make good your words unless you have the help of your  brother

Dionysodorus;  then you may do it.  Tell me now, both of you,  for although in the main I  cannot doubt that I

really do know all  things, when I am told so by men of  your prodigious wisdomhow can I  say that I know

such things, Euthydemus,  as that the good are unjust;  come, do I know that or not? 

Certainly, you know that. 




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What do I know? 

That the good are not unjust. 

Quite true, I said; and that I have always known; but the question  is,  where did I learn that the good are


Nowhere, said Dionysodorus. 

Then, I said, I do not know this. 

You are ruining the argument, said Euthydemus to Dionysodorus; he  will be  proved not to know, and then

after all he will be knowing and  not knowing  at the same time. 

Dionysodorus blushed. 

I turned to the other, and said, What do you think, Euthydemus?  Does not  your omniscient brother appear to

you to have made a  mistake? 

What, replied Dionysodorus in a moment; am I the brother of  Euthydemus? 

Thereupon I said, Please not to interrupt, my good friend, or  prevent  Euthydemus from proving to me that I

know the good to be  unjust; such a  lesson you might at least allow me to learn. 

You are running away, Socrates, said Dionysodorus, and refusing to  answer. 

No wonder, I said, for I am not a match for one of you, and a  fortiori I  must run away from two.  I am no

Heracles; and even  Heracles could not  fight against the Hydra, who was a sheSophist, and  had the wit to

shoot up  many new heads when one of them was cut off;  especially when he saw a  second monster of a

seacrab, who was also a  Sophist, and appeared to have  newly arrived from a seavoyage, bearing  down

upon him from the left,  opening his mouth and biting.  When the  monster was growing troublesome he  called

Iolaus, his nephew, to his  help, who ably succoured him; but if my  Iolaus, who is my brother  Patrocles (the

statuary), were to come, he would  only make a bad  business worse. 

And now that you have delivered yourself of this strain, said  Dionysodorus,  will you inform me whether

Iolaus was the nephew of  Heracles any more than  he is yours? 

I suppose that I had best answer you, Dionysodorus, I said, for you  will  insist on askingthat I pretty well

knowout of envy, in order  to prevent  me from learning the wisdom of Euthydemus. 

Then answer me, he said. 

Well then, I said, I can only reply that Iolaus was not my nephew  at all,  but the nephew of Heracles; and his

father was not my brother  Patrocles,  but Iphicles, who has a name rather like his, and was the  brother of


And is Patrocles, he said, your brother? 

Yes, I said, he is my halfbrother, the son of my mother, but not  of my  father. 

Then he is and is not your brother. 




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Not by the same father, my good man, I said, for Chaeredemus was  his  father, and mine was Sophroniscus. 

And was Sophroniscus a father, and Chaeredemus also? 

Yes, I said; the former was my father, and the latter his. 

Then, he said, Chaeredemus is not a father. 

He is not my father, I said. 

But can a father be other than a father? or are you the same as a  stone? 

I certainly do not think that I am a stone, I said, though I am  afraid that  you may prove me to be one. 

Are you not other than a stone? 

I am. 

And being other than a stone, you are not a stone; and being other  than  gold, you are not gold? 

Very true. 

And so Chaeredemus, he said, being other than a father, is not a  father? 

I suppose that he is not a father, I replied. 

For if, said Euthydemus, taking up the argument, Chaeredemus is a  father,  then Sophroniscus, being other

than a father, is not a father;  and you,  Socrates, are without a father. 

Ctesippus, here taking up the argument, said:  And is not your  father in  the same case, for he is other than my


Assuredly not, said Euthydemus. 

Then he is the same? 

He is the same. 

I cannot say that I like the connection; but is he only my father,  Euthydemus, or is he the father of all other


Of all other men, he replied.  Do you suppose the same person to be  a  father and not a father? 

Certainly, I did so imagine, said Ctesippus. 

And do you suppose that gold is not gold, or that a man is not a  man? 

They are not 'in pari materia,' Euthydemus, said Ctesippus, and you  had  better take care, for it is monstrous to

suppose that your father  is the  father of all. 

But he is, he replied. 




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What, of men only, said Ctesippus, or of horses and of all other  animals? 

Of all, he said. 

And your mother, too, is the mother of all? 

Yes, our mother too. 

Yes; and your mother has a progeny of seaurchins then? 

Yes; and yours, he said. 

And gudgeons and puppies and pigs are your brothers? 

And yours too. 

And your papa is a dog? 

And so is yours, he said. 

If you will answer my questions, said Dionysodorus, I will soon  extract the  same admissions from you,

Ctesippus.  You say that you  have a dog. 

Yes, a villain of a one, said Ctesippus. 

And he has puppies? 

Yes, and they are very like himself. 

And the dog is the father of them? 

Yes, he said, I certainly saw him and the mother of the puppies  come  together. 

And is he not yours? 

To be sure he is. 

Then he is a father, and he is yours; ergo, he is your father, and  the  puppies are your brothers. 

Let me ask you one little question more, said Dionysodorus, quickly  interposing, in order that Ctesippus

might not get in his word:  You  beat  this dog? 

Ctesippus said, laughing, Indeed I do; and I only wish that I could  beat  you instead of him. 

Then you beat your father, he said. 

I should have far more reason to beat yours, said Ctesippus; what  could he  have been thinking of when he

begat such wise sons? much good  has this  father of you and your brethren the puppies got out of this  wisdom

of  yours. 

But neither he nor you, Ctesippus, have any need of much good. 




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And have you no need, Euthydemus? he said. 

Neither I nor any other man; for tell me now, Ctesippus, if you  think it  good or evil for a man who is sick to

drink medicine when he  wants it; or  to go to war armed rather than unarmed. 

Good, I say.  And yet I know that I am going to be caught in one of  your  charming puzzles. 

That, he replied, you will discover, if you answer; since you admit  medicine to be good for a man to drink,

when wanted, must it not be  good  for him to drink as much as possible; when he takes his medicine,  a

cartload of hellebore will not be too much for him? 

Ctesippus said:  Quite so, Euthydemus, that is to say, if he who  drinks is  as big as the statue of Delphi. 

And seeing that in war to have arms is a good thing, he ought to  have as  many spears and shields as possible? 

Very true, said Ctesippus; and do you think, Euthydemus, that he  ought to  have one shield only, and one


I do. 

And would you arm Geryon and Briareus in that way?  Considering  that you  and your companion fight in

armour, I thought that you would  have known  better...Here Euthydemus held his peace, but Dionysodorus

returned to the  previous answer of Ctesippus and said: 

Do you not think that the possession of gold is a good thing? 

Yes, said Ctesippus, and the more the better. 

And to have money everywhere and always is a good? 

Certainly, a great good, he said. 

And you admit gold to be a good? 

Certainly, he replied. 

And ought not a man then to have gold everywhere and always, and as  much as  possible in himself, and may

he not be deemed the happiest of  men who has  three talents of gold in his belly, and a talent in his  pate, and a

stater  of gold in either eye? 

Yes, Euthydemus, said Ctesippus; and the Scythians reckon those who  have  gold in their own skulls to be the

happiest and bravest of men  (that is  only another instance of your manner of speaking about the  dog and

father),  and what is still more extraordinary, they drink out  of their own skulls  gilt, and see the inside of them,

and hold their  own head in their hands. 

And do the Scythians and others see that which has the quality of  vision,  or that which has not? said


That which has the quality of vision clearly. 




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And you also see that which has the quality of vision? he said.  (Note:  the ambiguity of (Greek), 'things visible

and able to see,'  (Greek), 'the  speaking of the silent,' the silent denoting either the  speaker or the  subject of the

speech, cannot be perfectly rendered in  English.  Compare  Aristot. Soph. Elenchi (Poste's translation): 

'Of ambiguous propositions the following are instances: 

'I hope that you the enemy may slay. 

'Whom one knows, he knows.  Either the person knowing or the person  known  is here affirmed to know. 

'What one sees, that one sees:  one sees a pillar:  ergo, that one  pillar  sees. 

'What you ARE holding, that you are:  you are holding a stone:  ergo, a  stone you are. 

'Is a speaking of the silent possible?  "The silent" denotes either  the  speaker are the subject of speech. 

'There are three kinds of ambiguity of term or proposition.  The  first is  when there is an equal linguistic

propriety in several  interpretations; the  second when one is improper but customary; the  third when the

ambiguity  arises in the combination of elements that  are in themselves unambiguous,  as in "knowing letters."

"Knowing" and  "letters" are perhaps separately  unambiguous, but in combination may  imply either that the

letters are  known, or that they themselves have  knowledge.  Such are the modes in which  propositions and

terms may be  ambiguous.' 

Yes, I do. 

Then do you see our garments? 


Then our garments have the quality of vision. 

They can see to any extent, said Ctesippus. 

What can they see? 

Nothing; but you, my sweet man, may perhaps imagine that they do  not see;  and certainly, Euthydemus, you

do seem to me to have been  caught napping  when you were not asleep, and that if it be possible to  speak and

say  nothingyou are doing so. 

And may there not be a silence of the speaker? said Dionysodorus. 

Impossible, said Ctesippus. 

Or a speaking of the silent? 

That is still more impossible, he said. 

But when you speak of stones, wood, iron bars, do you not speak of  the  silent? 

Not when I pass a smithy; for then the iron bars make a tremendous  noise  and outcry if they are touched:  so

that here your wisdom is  strangely  mistaken; please, however, to tell me how you can be silent  when




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speaking  (I thought that Ctesippus was put upon his mettle  because Cleinias was  present). 

When you are silent, said Euthydemus, is there not a silence of all  things? 

Yes, he said. 

But if speaking things are included in all things, then the  speaking are  silent. 

What, said Ctesippus; then all things are not silent? 

Certainly not, said Euthydemus. 

Then, my good friend, do they all speak? 

Yes; those which speak. 

Nay, said Ctesippus, but the question which I ask is whether all  things are  silent or speak? 

Neither and both, said Dionysodorus, quickly interposing; I am sure  that  you will be 'nonplussed' at that


Here Ctesippus, as his manner was, burst into a roar of laughter;  he said,  That brother of yours, Euthydemus,

has got into a dilemma;  all is over with  him.  This delighted Cleinias, whose laughter made  Ctesippus ten

times as  uproarious; but I cannot help thinking that the  rogue must have picked up  this answer from them; for

there has been no  wisdom like theirs in our  time.  Why do you laugh, Cleinias, I said,  at such solemn and

beautiful  things? 

Why, Socrates, said Dionysodorus, did you ever see a beautiful  thing? 

Yes, Dionysodorus, I replied, I have seen many. 

Were they other than the beautiful, or the same as the beautiful? 

Now I was in a great quandary at having to answer this question,  and I  thought that I was rightly served for

having opened my mouth at  all:  I  said however, They are not the same as absolute beauty, but  they have

beauty present with each of them. 

And are you an ox because an ox is present with you, or are you  Dionysodorus, because Dionysodorus is

present with you? 

God forbid, I replied. 

But how, he said, by reason of one thing being present with  another, will  one thing be another? 

Is that your difficulty? I said.  For I was beginning to imitate  their  skill, on which my heart was set. 

Of course, he replied, I and all the world are in a difficulty  about the  nonexistent. 

What do you mean, Dionysodorus? I said.  Is not the honourable  honourable  and the base base? 

That, he said, is as I please. 




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And do you please? 

Yes, he said. 

And you will admit that the same is the same, and the other other;  for  surely the other is not the same; I

should imagine that even a  child will  hardly deny the other to be other.  But I think,  Dionysodorus, that you

must have intentionally missed the last  question; for in general you and  your brother seem to me to be good

workmen in your own department, and to  do the dialectician's business  excellently well. 

What, said he, is the business of a good workman? tell me, in the  first  place, whose business is hammering? 

The smith's. 

And whose the making of pots? 

The potter's. 

And who has to kill and skin and mince and boil and roast? 

The cook, I said. 

And if a man does his business he does rightly? 


And the business of the cook is to cut up and skin; you have  admitted that? 

Yes, I have admitted that, but you must not be too hard upon me. 

Then if some one were to kill, mince, boil, roast the cook, he  would do his  business, and if he were to

hammer the smith, and make a  pot of the potter,  he would do their business. 

Poseidon, I said, this is the crown of wisdom; can I ever hope to  have such  wisdom of my own? 

And would you be able, Socrates, to recognize this wisdom when it  has  become your own? 

Certainly, I said, if you will allow me. 

What, he said, do you think that you know what is your own? 

Yes, I do, subject to your correction; for you are the bottom, and  Euthydemus is the top, of all my wisdom. 

Is not that which you would deem your own, he said, that which you  have in  your own power, and which you

are able to use as you would  desire, for  example, an ox or a sheepwould you not think that which  you

could sell  and give and sacrifice to any god whom you pleased, to  be your own, and  that which you could not

give or sell or sacrifice  you would think not to  be in your own power? 

Yes, I said (for I was certain that something good would come out  of the  questions, which I was impatient to

hear); yes, such things,  and such  things only are mine. 

Yes, he said, and you would mean by animals living beings? 




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Yes, I said. 

You agree then, that those animals only are yours with which you  have the  power to do all these things which

I was just naming? 

I agree. 

Then, after a pause, in which he seemed to be lost in the  contemplation of  something great, he said:  Tell me,

Socrates, have  you an ancestral Zeus?  Here, anticipating the final move, like a  person caught in a net, who

gives  a desperate twist that he may get  away, I said:  No, Dionysodorus, I have  not. 

What a miserable man you must be then, he said; you are not an  Athenian at  all if you have no ancestral gods

or temples, or any other  mark of  gentility. 

Nay, Dionysodorus, I said, do not be rough; good words, if you  please; in  the way of religion I have altars

and temples, domestic and  ancestral, and  all that other Athenians have. 

And have not other Athenians, he said, an ancestral Zeus? 

That name, I said, is not to be found among the Ionians, whether  colonists  or citizens of Athens; an ancestral

Apollo there is, who is  the father of  Ion, and a family Zeus, and a Zeus guardian of the  phratry, and an

Athene  guardian of the phratry.  But the name of  ancestral Zeus is unknown to us. 

No matter, said Dionysodorus, for you admit that you have Apollo,  Zeus, and  Athene. 

Certainly, I said. 

And they are your gods, he said. 

Yes, I said, my lords and ancestors. 

At any rate they are yours, he said, did you not admit that? 

I did, I said; what is going to happen to me? 

And are not these gods animals? for you admit that all things which  have  life are animals; and have not these

gods life? 

They have life, I said. 

Then are they not animals? 

They are animals, I said. 

And you admitted that of animals those are yours which you could  give away  or sell or offer in sacrifice, as

you pleased? 

I did admit that, Euthydemus, and I have no way of escape. 

Well then, said he, if you admit that Zeus and the other gods are  yours,  can you sell them or give them away

or do what you will with  them, as you  would with other animals? 




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At this I was quite struck dumb, Crito, and lay prostrate.  Ctesippus came  to the rescue. 

Bravo, Heracles, brave words, said he. 

Bravo Heracles, or is Heracles a Bravo? said Dionysodorus. 

Poseidon, said Ctesippus, what awful distinctions.  I will have no  more of  them; the pair are invincible. 

Then, my dear Crito, there was universal applause of the speakers  and their  words, and what with laughing

and clapping of hands and  rejoicings the two  men were quite overpowered; for hitherto their  partisans only

had cheered  at each successive hit, but now the whole  company shouted with delight  until the columns of the

Lyceum returned  the sound, seeming to sympathize  in their joy.  To such a pitch was I  affected myself, that I

made a speech,  in which I acknowledged that I  had never seen the like of their wisdom; I  was their devoted

servant,  and fell to praising and admiring of them.  What  marvellous dexterity  of wit, I said, enabled you to

acquire this great  perfection in such a  short time?  There is much, indeed, to admire in your  words,

Euthydemus and Dionysodorus, but there is nothing that I admire more  than your magnanimous disregard of

any opinionwhether of the many,  or of  the grave and reverend seigniorsyou regard only those who are

like  yourselves.  And I do verily believe that there are few who are  like you,  and who would approve of such

arguments; the majority of  mankind are so  ignorant of their value, that they would be more  ashamed of

employing them  in the refutation of others than of being  refuted by them.  I must further  express my approval

of your kind and  publicspirited denial of all  differences, whether of good and evil,  white or black, or any

other; the  result of which is that, as you say,  every mouth is sewn up, not excepting  your own, which

graciously  follows the example of others; and thus all  ground of offence is taken  away.  But what appears to

me to be more than  all is, that this art  and invention of yours has been so admirably  contrived by you, that in

a very short time it can be imparted to any one.  I observed that  Ctesippus learned to imitate you in no time.

Now this  quickness of  attainment is an excellent thing; but at the same time I would  advise  you not to have

any more public entertainments; there is a danger  that  men may undervalue an art which they have so easy an

opportunity of  acquiring; the exhibition would be best of all, if the discussion were  confined to your two

selves; but if there must be an audience, let him  only  be present who is willing to pay a handsome fee;you

should be  careful of  this;and if you are wise, you will also bid your  disciples discourse with  no man but

you and themselves.  For only what  is rare is valuable; and  'water,' which, as Pindar says, is the 'best  of all

things,' is also the  cheapest.  And now I have only to request  that you will receive Cleinias  and me among

your pupils. 

Such was the discussion, Crito; and after a few more words had  passed  between us we went away.  I hope that

you will come to them  with me, since  they say that they are able to teach any one who will  give them money;

no  age or want of capacity is an impediment.  And I  must repeat one thing  which they said, for your especial

benefit,that the learning of their art  did not at all interfere with  the business of moneymaking. 

CRITO: Truly, Socrates, though I am curious and ready to  learn, yet I fear  that I am not likeminded with

Euthydemus, but one  of the other sort, who,  as you were saying, would rather be refuted by  such arguments

than use them  in refutation of others.  And though I  may appear ridiculous in venturing  to advise you, I think

that you may  as well hear what was said to me by a  man of very considerable  pretensionshe was a

professor of legal oratory  who came away from  you while I was walking up and down.  'Crito,' said he  to

me, 'are you  giving no attention to these wise men?'  'No, indeed,' I  said to him;  'I could not get within hearing

of themthere was such a  crowd.'  'You would have heard something worth hearing if you had.'  'What  was

that?' I said.  'You would have heard the greatest masters of the art  of rhetoric discoursing.'  'And what did you

think of them?' I said.  'What  did I think of them?' he said:'theirs was the sort of  discourse which  anybody

might hear from men who were playing the fool,  and making much ado  about nothing.'  That was the

expression which he  used.  'Surely,' I said,  'philosophy is a charming thing.'  'Charming!' he said; 'what

simplicity!  philosophy is nought; and I  think that if you had been present you would  have been ashamed of




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your  friendhis conduct was so very strange in  placing himself at the  mercy of men who care not what they

say, and fasten  upon every word.  And these, as I was telling you, are supposed to be the  most eminent

professors of their time.  But the truth is, Crito, that the  study  itself and the men themselves are utterly mean

and ridiculous.'  Now  censure of the pursuit, Socrates, whether coming from him or from  others,  appears to

me to be undeserved; but as to the impropriety of  holding a  public discussion with such men, there, I confess

that, in  my opinion, he  was in the right. 

SOCRATES: O Crito, they are marvellous men; but what was I  going to say?  First of all let me

know;What manner of man was he who  came up to you and  censured philosophy; was he an orator who

himself  practises in the courts,  or an instructor of orators, who makes the  speeches with which they do  battle? 

CRITO: He was certainly not an orator, and I doubt whether  he had ever  been into court; but they say that he

knows the business,  and is a clever  man, and composes wonderful speeches. 

SOCRATES: Now I understand, Crito; he is one of an  amphibious class, whom  I was on the point of

mentioningone of those  whom Prodicus describes as  on the borderground between philosophers  and

statesmenthey think that  they are the wisest of all men, and  that they are generally esteemed the  wisest;

nothing but the rivalry  of the philosophers stands in their way;  and they are of the opinion  that if they can

prove the philosophers to be  good for nothing, no one  will dispute their title to the palm of wisdom,  for that

they are  themselves really the wisest, although they are apt to be  mauled by  Euthydemus and his friends,

when they get hold of them in  conversation.  This opinion which they entertain of their own wisdom  is  very

natural; for they have a certain amount of philosophy, and a  certain  amount of political wisdom; there is

reason in what they say,  for they  argue that they have just enough of both, and so they keep  out of the way  of

all risks and conflicts and reap the fruits of their  wisdom. 

CRITO: What do you say of them, Socrates?  There is  certainly something  specious in that notion of theirs. 

SOCRATES: Yes, Crito, there is more speciousness than truth;  they cannot  be made to understand the nature

of intermediates.  For  all persons or  things, which are intermediate between two other  things, and participate

in  both of themif one of these two things is  good and the other evil, are  better than the one and worse than

the  other; but if they are in a mean  between two good things which do not  tend to the same end, they fall

short  of either of their component  elements in the attainment of their ends.  Only in the case when the  two

component elements which do not tend to the  same end are evil is  the participant better than either.  Now, if

philosophy and political  action are both good, but tend to different ends,  and they participate  in both, and are

in a mean between them, then they are  talking  nonsense, for they are worse than either; or, if the one be good

and  the other evil, they are better than the one and worse than the other;  only on the supposition that they are

both evil could there be any  truth in  what they say.  I do not think that they will admit that  their two pursuits

are either wholly or partly evil; but the truth is,  that these philosopher  politicians who aim at both fall short

of both  in the attainment of their  respective ends, and are really third,  although they would like to stand  first.

There is no need, however,  to be angry at this ambition of theirs  which may be forgiven; for  every man

ought to be loved who says and  manfully pursues and works  out anything which is at all like wisdom:  at  the

same time we shall  do well to see them as they really are. 

CRITO: I have often told you, Socrates, that I am in a  constant difficulty  about my two sons.  What am I to

do with them?  There is no hurry about the  younger one, who is only a child; but the  other, Critobulus, is

getting on,  and needs some one who will improve  him.  I cannot help thinking, when I  hear you talk, that there

is a  sort of madness in many of our anxieties  about our children:in the  first place, about marrying a wife of

good  family to be the mother of  them, and then about heaping up money for them  and yet taking no  care

about their education.  But then again, when I  contemplate any of  those who pretend to educate others, I am

amazed.  To  me, if I am to  confess the truth, they all seem to be such outrageous  beings:  so  that I do not know

how I can advise the youth to study  philosophy. 




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SOCRATES: Dear Crito, do you not know that in every  profession the  inferior sort are numerous and good

for nothing, and  the good are few and  beyond all price:  for example, are not gymnastic  and rhetoric and

money  making and the art of the general, noble arts? 

CRITO: Certainly they are, in my judgment. 

SOCRATES: Well, and do you not see that in each of these  arts the many are  ridiculous performers? 

CRITO: Yes, indeed, that is very true. 

SOCRATES: And will you on this account shun all these  pursuits yourself  and refuse to allow them to your


CRITO: That would not be reasonable, Socrates. 

SOCRATES: Do you then be reasonable, Crito, and do not mind  whether the  teachers of philosophy are

good or bad, but think only of  philosophy  herself.  Try and examine her well and truly, and if she be  evil seek

to  turn away all men from her, and not your sons only; but  if she be what I  believe that she is, then follow her

and serve her,  you and your house, as  the saying is, and be of good cheer. 





1. Table of Contents, page = 3

2. Euthydemus, page = 4

   3. Plato, page = 4

   4. INTRODUCTION., page = 4

   5. EUTHYDEMUS, page = 10