Title:   The Deerslayer; or, The First Warpath


Author:   James Fenimore Cooper



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The Deerslayer; or, The First Warpath 

James Fenimore Cooper


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Table of Contents

The Deerslayer; or, The First Warpath  ...........................................................................................................1

James Fenimore Cooper ...........................................................................................................................1

Chapter I ...................................................................................................................................................1

Chapter II.................................................................................................................................................9

Chapter III. .............................................................................................................................................17

Chapter IV. .............................................................................................................................................27

Chapter V. ..............................................................................................................................................35

Chapter VI ..............................................................................................................................................45

Chapter VII............................................................................................................................................53

Chapter VIII. ..........................................................................................................................................61

Chapter IX. .............................................................................................................................................70

Chapter X ...............................................................................................................................................79

Chapter XI. .............................................................................................................................................89

Chapter XII............................................................................................................................................98

Chapter XIII. ........................................................................................................................................108

Chapter XIV. ........................................................................................................................................118

Chapter XV..........................................................................................................................................127

Chapter XVI .........................................................................................................................................131

Chapter XVII.......................................................................................................................................140

Chapter XVIII......................................................................................................................................150

Chapter XVIX ......................................................................................................................................156

Chapter XX..........................................................................................................................................165

Chapter XXI. ........................................................................................................................................174

Chapter XXII.......................................................................................................................................183

Chapter XXIII......................................................................................................................................191

Chapter XXIV ......................................................................................................................................201

Chapter XXV.......................................................................................................................................212

Chapter XXVI ......................................................................................................................................223

Chapter XXVII .....................................................................................................................................234

Chapter XXVIII...................................................................................................................................245

Chapter XXIX. .....................................................................................................................................255

Chapter XXX.......................................................................................................................................264

Chapter XXXI. .....................................................................................................................................271

Chapter XXXII. ....................................................................................................................................276

Chapter XXXIII...................................................................................................................................284

Chapter XXXIV ...................................................................................................................................291

The Deerslayer; or, The First Warpath 



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The Deerslayer; or, The First Warpath 

James Fenimore Cooper

Chapter I 

Chapter II. 

Chapter III. 

Chapter IV. 

Chapter V. 

Chapter VI 

Chapter VII. 

Chapter VIII. 

Chapter IX. 

Chapter X 

Chapter XI. 

Chapter XII. 

Chapter XIII. 

Chapter XIV. 

Chapter XV 

Chapter XVI 

Chapter XVII 

Chapter XVIII 

Chapter XVIX 

Chapter XX 

Chapter XXI. 

Chapter XXII. 

Chapter XXIII. 

Chapter XXIV 

Chapter XXV 

Chapter XXVI 

Chapter XXVII 

Chapter XXVIII. 

Chapter XXIX. 

Chapter XXX. 

Chapter XXXI. 

Chapter XXXII. 

Chapter XXXIII. 

Chapter XXXIV  

Chapter I

"There is a pleasure in the pathless woods,  There is a rapture on  the lonely shore.  There is society where none

intrudes,  By the deep  sea, and music in its roar :  I love not man the less, but nature more,  From these our

interviews, in which I steal  From all I may be, or  have been before,  To mingle with the universe, and feel

What I can  ne'er express, yet cannot all conceal" 

Childe Harold. 

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On the human imagination events produce the effects of time.  Thus,  he who  has travelled far and seen much

is apt to fancy that he has  lived long; and  the history that most abounds in important incidents  soonest

assumes the  aspect of antiquity.  In no other way can we  account for the venerable air  that is already gathering

around  American annals.  When the mind reverts to  the earliest days of  colonial history, the period seems

remote and obscure,  the thousand  changes that thicken along the links of recollections, throwing  back  the

origin of the nation to a day so distant as seemingly to reach the  mists of time; and yet four lives of ordinary

duration would suffice  to  transmit, from mouth to mouth, in the form of tradition, all that  civilized  man has

achieved within the limits of the republic. Altbough  New York alone  possesses a population materially

exceeding that of  either of the four  smallest kingdoms of Europe, or materially  exceeding that of the entire

Swiss  Confederation, it is little more  than two centuries since the Dutch commenced  their settlement,

rescuing the region from the savage state.  Thus, what  seems venerable  by an accumulation of changes is

reduced to familiarity when  we come  seriously to consider it solely in connection with time. 

This glance into the perspective of the past will prepare the  reader to look  at the pictures we are about to

sketch, with less  surprise than he might  otherwise feel ; and a few additional  explanations may carry him

back in  imagination to the precise  condition of society that we desire to delineate.  It is matter of  history that

the settlements on the eastern shores of the  Hudson, such  as Claverack, Kinderhook, and even Poughkeepsie,

were not  regarded as  safe from Indian incursions a century since; and there is still  standing on the banks of

the same river, and within musketshot of the  wharves of Albany, a residence of a younger branch' of the

Van  Rensselaers,  that has loopholes constructed for defence against the  same crafty enemy,  although it dates

from a period scarcely so  distant.  Other similar memorials  of the infancy of the country are to  be found,

scattered through what is now  deemed the very centre of  American civi2ization, affording the plainest  proofs

that all we  possess of security from invasion and hostile violence is  the growth  of but little more than the time

that is frequently fulfilled by a  single human life. 

The incidents of this tale occurred between the years 1740 and  I745, when the  settled portions of the colony

of New York were  confined to the four Atlantic  counties, a narrow belt of country on  each side of the

Hudson, extending from  its mouth to the falls near  its head, and to a few advanced "neighborhoods"  on the

Mohawk and the  Schoharie. Broad belts of the virgin wilderness not  only reached the  shores of the first river,

but they even crossed it,  stretching away  into New England, and affording forest covers to the  noiseless

moccasin of the native warrior, as he trod the secret and bloody  warpath. A bird'seye view of the whole

region east of the  Mississippi must  then have offered one vast expanse of woods, relieved  by a comparatively

narrow fringe of cultivation along the sea, dotted  by the glittering surfaces  of lakes, and intersected by the

waving  lines of river.  In such a vast  picture of solemn solitude, the  district of country we design to paint sinks

into insignificance,  though we feel encouraged to proceed by the conviction  that, with  slight and immaterial

distinctions, he who succeeds in giving an  accurate idea of any portion of this wild region must necessarily

convey a  tolerably correct notion of the whole. 

Whatever may be the changes produced by man, the eternal round of  the seasons  is unbroken.  Summer and

winter, seedtime and harvest,  return in their  stated order with a sublime precision, affording to  man one of

the noblest of  all the occasions he enjoys of proving the  high powers of his farreaching  mind, in compassing

the laws that  control their exact uniformity, and in  calculating their neverending  revolutions.  Centuries of

summer suns had  warmed the tops of the same  noble oaks and pines, sending their heats even to  the tenacious

roots,  when voices were heard calling to each other, in the  depths of a  forest, of which the leafy surface lay

bathed in the brilliant  light  of a cloudless day in June, while the trunks of the trees rose in  gloomy grandeur in

the shades beneath.  The calls were in different  tones,  evidently proceeding from two men who had lost their

way, and  were searching  in different directions for their path.  At length a  shout proclaimed  success, and

presently a man of gigantic mould broke  out of the tangled  labyrinth of a small swamp, emerging into an

opening that appeared to have  been formed partly by the ravages of the  wind, and partly by those of fire.  This

little area, which afforded a  good view of the sky, although it was  pretty well filled with dead  trees, lay on the

side of one of the high hills,  or low mountains,  into which nearly the whole surface of the adjacent country

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was  broken. 

"Here is room to breathe in! " exclaimed the liberated forester, as  soon as  he found himself under a clear sky,

shaking his huge frame  like a mastiff  that has just escaped from a snowbank. "Hurrah!  Deerslayer; here is

daylight,  at last, and yonder is the lake." 

These words were scarcely uttered when the second forester dashed  aside the  bushes of the swamp, and

appeared in the area.  After making  a hurried  adjustment of hisarms and disordered dress, he joined his

companion, who had  already begun his disposition for a halt. 

"Do you know this spot!" demanded the one called Deerslayer," or do  you shout  at the sight of the sun? " "

Both, lad, both; I know the  spot, and am not  sorry to see so useful a fri'nd as the sun.  Now we  have got the

p'ints of  the compass in our minds once more, and 't will  be our own faults if we let  anything turn them

topsyturvy ag'in, as  has just 'happened.  My name is not  Hurry; Harry, if this be not the  very spot where the

landhunters 'camped the  last summer, and passed a  week.  See I yonder are the dead bushes of their  bower,

and here is  the spring.  Much as I like the sun, boy, I've no occasion  for it to  tell me it is noon; this stomach of

mine is as good a timepiece as  is  to be found in the colony, and it already p'ints to halfpast twelve.  So  open

the wallet, and let us wind up for another six hours' run." 

At this suggestion, both set themselves about making the  preparations  necessary for their usual frugal but

hearty meal. We will  profit by this  pause in the discourse to give the reader some idea of  the appearance of

the  men, each of whom is destined to enact no  insignificant part in our legend.  It would not have been easy to

find  a more noble specimen of vigorous manhood  than was offered in the  person of him who called himself

Hurry Harry.  His  real name was Henry  March but the frontiersmen having caught the practice of  giving

sobriquets from the Indians, the appellation of Hurry was far oftener  applied to him than his proper

designation, and not unfrequently he  was  termed Hurry Skurry, a nickname he had obtained from a dashing,

reckless  offhand manner, and a physical restlessness that kept him so  constantly on  the move, as to cause him

to be known along the whole  line of scattered  habitations that lay between the province and the  Canadas.  The

stature of  Hurry Harry exceeded six feet four, and being  unusually well proportioned,  his strength fully

realized the idea  created by his gigantic frame.  The face  did no discredit to the rest  of the man, for it was both

goodhumored and  handsome.  His air was  free, and though his manner necessarily partook of the  rudeness of

a  border life, the grandeur that pervaded So noble a physique  prevented  it from becoming altogether vulgar. 

Deerslayer, as Hurry called his companion, was a very different  person in  appearance, as well as in character.

In stature he stood  about six feet in  his moccasins, but his frame was comparatively light  and slender,

showing  muscles, however, that promised unusual agility,  if not unusual strength.  His face would have had

little to recommend  it except youth, were it not for  an expression that seldom failed to  win upon those who

had leisure to examine  it, and to yield to the  feeling of confidence it created.  This expression  was simply that

of  guileless truth, sustained by an earnestness of purpose,  and a  sincerity of feeling, that rendered it

remarkable.  At times this air  of integrity seemed to be so simple as to awaken the suspicion of a  want of  the

usual means to discriminate between artifice and truth;  but few came in  serious contact with the man, without

losing this  distrust in respect for his  opinions and motives. 

Both these frontiersmen were still young, Hurry having reached the  age of six  or eight and twenty, while

Deerslayer was several years his  junior.  Their  attire needs no particular description, though it may  be well to

add that it  was composed in no small degree of dressed  deerskins, and had the usual  signs of belonging to

those who pass  their Lime between the skirts of  civilized society and the boundless  forests.  There was,

notwithstanding,  some attention to smartness and  the picturesque in the arrangements of  Deerslayer's dress,

more  particularly in the part connected with his arms and  accoutrements.  His rifle was in perfect condition, 

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the handle of his huntingknife was neatly carved, his powderhorn  was  ornamented with suitable device

slightly cut into the material,  and his shot  pouch was decorated with wampum. On the other hand,  Hurry

Harry, either from  constitutional recklessness, or from a secret  consciousness how little his  appearance

required artificial aids, wore  everything in a careless, slovenly  manner, as if he felt a noble scorn  for the

trifling accessories of dress and  ornaments. Perhaps the  peculiar effect of his fine form and great stature was

increased  rather than lessened, by this unstudied and disdainful air of  indifference. 

"Come, Deerslayer, fall to, and prove that you have a Delaware  stomach, as  you say you have had a Delaware

edication," cried Hurry,  setting the example  by opening his mouth to receive a slice of cold  venison steak that

would have  made an entire meal for a European  peasant; " fall to, lad, and prove your  manhood on this poor

devil of  a doe with your teeth, as you 've already done  with your ride." 

"Nay, nay, Hurry, there's little manhood in killing a doe, and that  too out  of season; though there might be

some in bringing down a  painter or a  catamount," returned the other, disposing himself to  comply.  "The

Delawares  have given me my name, not so much on account  of a bold heart, as on account  of a quick eye,

and an actyve foot.  There may not be any cowardyce in  overcoming a deer, but sartain it  is, there 's no great


"The Delawares themselves are no heroes," muttered Hurry through  his teeth,  the mouth being too full to

permit it to be fairly opened,  " or they would  never have allowed them loping vagabonds, the Mingos,  to

make them women. " 

"That matter is not rightly understoodhas never been rightly  explained,"  said Deerslayer earnestly, for he

was as zealous a friend  as his companion  was dangerous as an enemy; "the Mengwe fill the woods  with their

lies, and  misconstruct words and treaties.  I have now  lived ten years with the  Delawares, and know them to

be as manful as  any other nation, when the proper  time to strike comes." 

"Harkee, Master Deerslayer, since we are on the subject, we may as  well open  our minds to each other in a

manto man way; answer me one  question; you have  had so much luck among the game as to have gotten a

title, it would seem, but  did you ever hit anythinghuman or  intelligible: did you ever pull trigger on  an inimy

that was capable  of pulling one upon you ?" 

This question produced a singular collision between mortification  and correct  feeling, in the bosom of the

youth, that was easily to be  traced in the  workings of his ingenuous countenance. The struggle was  short,

however;  uprightness of heart soon getting the better of false  pride and frontier  boastfulness. 

"To own the truth, I never did," answered Deerslayer; "seeing that  a fitting  occasion never offered. The

Delawares have been peaceable  since my sojourn  with 'em, and I hold it to be ontawful to take the  life of

man, except in  open and generous warfare." 

"What! did you never find a fellow thieving among pour traps and  skins, and  do the law on him with your

own hands, by way of saving the  magistrates  trouble in the settlements, and the rogue himself the cost  of the


"I am no trapper, Hurry," returned the young man proudly: " I live  by the  ride, a we'pon at which I will not

turn my back on any man of  my years,  atween the Hudson and the St. Lawrence. I never offer a skin  that has

not a  hole in its head besides them which natur' made to see  with or to breathe  through." 

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"Ay, ay, this is all very well, in the animal way, though it makes  but a poor  figure alongside of scalps and

ambushes. Shooting an Indian  from an ambush is  acting up to his own principles, and now we have  what you

call a lawful war  on our hands, the sooner you wipe that  disgrace off your character, the  sounder will be your

sleep; if it  only come from knowing there is one inimy  the less prowling in the  woods.  I shall not ~frequent

your society long,  friend Natty, unless  you look higher than fourfooted beasts to practice your  ride on." 

"Our journey is nearly ended, you say, Master March, and we can  part to  night, if you see occasion. I have a

fri'nd waiting for me,  who will think it  no disgrace to consort with a fellowcreatur,' that  has never yet slain

his  kind.'' 

"I wish I knew what has brought that skulking Delaware ware into  this part of  the country so early in the

season," muttered Hurry to  himself, in a way to  show equally distrust and a recklessness of its  betrayal.  "

Where did you  say the young chief was to give you the  meeting!" 

"At a small round rock, near the foot of the lake, where they tell  me, the  tribes are given to resorting to make

their; treaties, and to  bury their  hatchets.  This rock have f often heard the Delawares  mention, though lake

and rock are equally strangers to me. The country  is claimed by both Mangos  and Mohicans, and is a sort of

common  territory to fish and hunt through, in  time of peace, though what it  may become in wartime, the

Lord only knows I " 

"Common territory" exclaimed Hurry, laughing aloud. " I should like  to know  what Floating Tom Hutter

would say to that!  He claims the  lake as his own  property, in vartue of fifteen years' possession, and,  will not

be likely to  give it up to either Mingo or Delaware without a  battle for it" 

" And what will the colony say to such a quarrel! All this country  must have  some owner, the gentry pushing

their cravings into the  wilderness, even where  they never dare to ventur', in their own  persons, to look at the

land  they own." 

"That may do in other quarters of the colony, Deerslayer, but it  will not do  here.  Not a human being, the Lord

excepted, owns a foot  of sile in this part  of the country. Pen was never put to paper  consarning either hill or

valley  hereaway, as I 've heard old Tom say  time and ag'in, and so be claims the  best right to it of any man

breathing; and what Tom claims, he'll be very  likely to maintain." 

"By what I've heard you say, Hurry, this Floating Tom must be an  oncommon  mortal; neither Mingo,

Delaware, nor paleface.  His  possession, too, has  been long, by your tell, and altogether beyond  frontier

endurance.  What's  the man's history and natur'?" 

"Why, as to old Tom's human natur', it is not much like other men's  human  natur', but more like a muskrat's

human  natar', seeing that he  takes more to the ways of that animal than to the ways  of any other

fellowcreatur'. Some think he was a free liver on the salt  water, in  his youth, and a companion of a sartain

I(Kidd, who was hanged for  piracy, long afro you and I were born or acquainted, and that he came  up into

these regions, thinking that the king's cruisers could never  cross the  mountains, and that he might enjoy the

plunder peaceably in  the woods." 

"Then he was wrong, Hurry; very wrong. A man can enjoy plunder  peaceably  nowhere.'' 

"That's much as his turn of mind may happen to be. I've known them  that never  could enjoy it at all, unless it

was in the midst of a  jollification, and  them again that enjoyed it best in a corner.  Some  men have no peace if

they  don't find plunder, and some if they do.  Human nature' is crooked in these  matters.  Old Tom seems to

belong  to neither set, as he enjoys his, if  plunder he has really got, with  his darters, in a very quiet and

comfortable  way, and wishes for no  more." 

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"Ay, he has darters, too; I've heard the Delawares, who've hunted  this a way,  tell their histories of these

young women. Is there no  mother, Hurry?" 

" There was once, as in reason; but she has now been dead and sunk  these two  good years.'' 

" Anan? " said Deerslayer, looking up at his companion in a little  surprise. 

" Dead and sunk, I say, and I hope that's good English. The old  fellow  lowered his wife into the lake, by way

of seeing the last of  her, as I can  testify, being an eyewitness of the ceremony; but  whether Tom did it to

save  digging, which is no easy job among roots,  or out of a consait that water  washes away sin sooner than

'arth, is  more than I can say." 

" Was the poor woman oncommon wicked, that her husband should take  so much  pains with her body ? " 

"Not onreasonable; though she had her faults. I consider Judith  Hutter to  have been as graceful, and about as

likely to make a good  ind as any woman  who had lived so long beyond the sound of church  bells I and I

conclude old  Tom sunk her as much by way of saving  pains, as by way of taking it.  There  was a little steel in

her  temper, it's true, and, as old Hutter is pretty  much flint, they  struck out sparks onceandawhile; but, on

the whole, they  might be  said to live amicable like. When they did kindle, the listeners got  some such insights

into their past lives, as one gets into the darker  parts  of the woods, when a stray gleam of sunshine finds its

way down  to the roots  of the trees. But Judith I shall always esteem, as it's  recommend enough to  one woman

to be the mother of such a creator' as  her darter, Judith Hutter! " 

"Ay, Judith was the name the Delawares mentioned, though it was  pronounced  after a fashion of their own.

From their discourse, I do  not think the girl  would much please my fancy." 

"Thy fancy!" exclaimed March, taking fire equally at the  indifference and at  the presumption of his

companion, " what the devil  have you to do with a  fancy, and that, too, consarning one like  Judith? You are

but a boya  sapling, that has scarce got root. Judith  has had men among her suitors, ever  since she was

fifteen; which is  now near five years; and will not be apt even  to cast a look upon a  halfgrown creatur' like

you ! " 

"It is June, and there is not a cloud atween us and the sun, Hurry,  so all  this heat is not wanted," answered the

other, altogether  undisturbed ; " any  one may have a fancy, and a squirrel has a right  to make up his mind

touching  a catamount.'' 

"Ay, but it might not be wise, always, to let the catamount  knowit." growled  March. "But you're young and

thoughtless, and I'll  overlook your ignorance.  Come, Deerslayer," he added, with a  goodnatured laugh, after

pausing a  moment to reflect, "come,  Deerslayer, we are sworn friends, and will not  quarrel about a

lightminded, jilting jade, just because she happens to be  handsome;  more especially as you have never seen

her. Judith is only for a  man  whose teeth show the full marks, and it 's foolish to be afford of a  boy.  What did

the Delawares say of the hussy' for an Indian, after  all, has his  notions of womankind, as well as a white


"They said she was fair to look on, and pleasant of speech; but  overgiven to  admirers, and lightminded." 

"They are devils incarnate!  After all, what schoolmaster is a  match for an  Indian, in looking into  nature' !

Some people think  they are only good on a  trail or the warpath, but I say that they are  philosophers, and

understand a  man as well as they understand a  beaver, and a woman as well as they  understand either. Now

that's  Judith's character to a ribbon !  To own the  truth to you, Deerslayer,  I should have married the gal two

years since, if  it had not been for  two particular things, one of which was this very  lightmindedness.'' 

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" And what may have been the other?" demanded the hunter, who  continued to  eat like one that took very

little interest in the  subject. 

" T'other was an insartainty about her having me. The hussy is  handsome, and  she knows it.  Boy, not a tree

that is growing in these  hills is straighter,  or waves in the wind with an easier bend, nor did  you ever see the

doe that  bounded with a more nat'ral motion.  If that  was all, every tongue would  sound her praises ; but she

has such  failings that I find it hard to overlook  them, and sometimes I Swear  I'll never visit the lake again." 

" Which is the reason that you always come back? Nothing is ever  made more  sure by swearing about it.'' 

" Ah, Deerslayer, you are a novelty in these particulars; keeping  as true to  education as if you had never left

the settlements.  With  me the case is  different, and I never want to clinch an idee, that I  do not feel a wish to

swear about it. If you know'd all that I know  consarning Judith, you 'd find  a justification for a little cussing.

Now, the officers sometimes stray over  to the lake, from the forts on  the Mohawk, to fish and hunt, and then

the  creator' seems beside  herself!  You can see in the manner which she wears her  finery, and  the airs she

gives herself with the gallants." 

" That is unseemly in a poor man's darter," returned Deerslayer  gravely, "  the officers are all gentry, and can

only look on such as  Judith with evil  intentions." 

"There's the unsartainty, and the damper! I have my misgivings  about a  particular captain, and Jude has no

one to blame but her own  folly, if I'm  right.  On the whole, I wish to look upon her as modest  and becoming,

and yet  the clouds that drive among these hills are not  more unsartain. Not a dozen  white men have ever laid

eyes upon her  since she was a child, and yet her  airs, with two or three of these  officers, are extinguishers! "  "

I would think no more of such a  woman, but turn my mind altogether to the  forest; that will not  deceive you,

being ordered and ruled by a hand that  never wavers." 

" If you know'd Judith, you would see how much easier it is to say  this than  it would be to do it.  Could I bring

my mind to be easy  about the officers,  I would carry the gal off to the Mohawk by force,  make her marry me

in spite  of her whiffling, and leave old Tom to the  care of Hefty, his other child,  who, if she be not as

handsome or as  quickwitted as her sister, is much the  most dutiful." 

" Is there another bird in the same nest! "  asked Deerslayer,  raising his  eyes with a species of halfawakened

curiosity," the  Delawares spoke to me  only of one.'' 

That's nat'ral enough, when Judith Hutter and Hefty Hutter are in  question.  Hefty is only comely, while her

sister, I tell thee, boy, is  such another as  is not to be found attain this and the sea: Judith is  as full of wit, and

talk, and cunning, as an old Indian orator, while  poor Hefty is at the best  but ' compass meant us.' " " Anan?''

inquired, again, the Deerslayer. 

" Why, what the officers call 'compass meant us,' which I  understand to  signify' that she means always to go

in the right  direction, but sometimes  does not know how.  'Compass'for the p'int,  and 'meant us' for the

intention.  No, poor Hetty is what I call on the  verge of ignorance, and sometimes she  stumbles on one side of

the  line, and sometimes on toothier." 

" Them are beings that the Lord has in his 'special care," said  Deerslayer,  solemnly; " for he looks carefully to

all who fall short  of their proper  share of reason. The redskins honor and respect them  who are so gifted,

knowing that the  Evil Spirit delights more to  dwell in an artful body, than in one that has no  cunning to work


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"I'11 answer for it, then, that he will not remain long with poor  Kitty; for  the child is just'compass meant us,'

as I have told you.  Old Tom has a  feeling for the gal, and so has Judith, quickwitted  and glorious as she is

herself; else would I not answer for her being  altogether safe among the sort  of men that sometimes meet on

the lake  shore." 

" I thought this water an unknown and littlefrequented sheet,"  observed the  Deerslayer, evidently uneasy at

the idea of being too  near the world. 

" It's all that, lad, the eyes of twenty white men never having  been laid on  it; still, twenty truebred

frontiersmen hunters and  trappers, and scouts,  and the like,can do a deal of mischief if they  try.  'T

would be an awful  thing to me, Deerslayer, did I and Judith  married, after an absence of six  months !" 

"Have you the gal's faith, to encourage you to hope otherwise?"  "  Not at all. I know not how it is: I'm

goodlooking, boy,that much I  can  see in any spring on which the sun shines,and yet I could not  get the

hussy  to a promise, or even a cordial willing smile, though  she will laugh by the  hour.  If she has dared to

marry in my absence,  she'd be like to know the  pleasures of widowhood afore she is twenty  !" 

" You would not harm the man she has chosen, Hurry, simply because  she found  him more to her liking than

yourself! " 

" Why not! If an enemy crosses my path, will I not beat him out of  it !  Look  at me ! am I a man like to let any

sneaking, crawling,  skintrader get the  better of me in a matter that touches me as near  as the kindness of

Judith  Hutter!  Besides, when we live beyond law,  we must be our own judges and  executioners.  And if a man

should be  found dead in the woods, who is there  to say who slew him, even  admitting that the colony took the

matter in hand  and made a stir  about it?" 

I  '5 

"If that  man  should  be Judith  Hutter's  husband,  after what  has passed,  I might tell enough, at least, to put the

colony on the  trail." 

"You!halfgrown, venisonhunting battling! You dare to think of  informing  against Hurry Harry in so

much as a matter touching a mink  or a woodchuck ! "  "I would dare to speak truth, Hurry, consarning you  or

any man that ever  lived." 

March looked at his companion, for a moment, in silent amazement;  then  seizing him by the throat with both

hands, he shook his  comparatively slight  frame with a violence that menaced the  dislocation of some of the

bones. Nor  was this done jocularly, for  anger hashed from the giant's eyes, and there  were certain signs that

seemed to threaten much more earnestness than the  occasion would  appear to call for.  Whatever might be the

real intention of  March,  and it is probable there was none settled in his mind, it is certain  that he was

unusually aroused; and most men who found themselves  throttled by  one of a mould so gigantic, in such a

mood, and in a  solitude so deep and  helpless, would have felt intimidated, and  tempted to yield even the

right.  Not so, however, with Deerslayer.  His countenance remained unmoved ;his hand  did not shake, and his

answer was given in a voice that did not resort to the  artifice of  louder tones, even by way of proving its

owner's resolution. 

"You may shake, Hurry, until you bring down the mountain," he said  quietly, "  but nothing beside truth will

you shake from me. It is  probable that Judith  Hutter has no husband to slay, and you may never  have a chance

to waylay one,  else would I tell her of your threat, in  the first conversation I held with  the gal." 

March released his gripe, and sat regarding the other in silent  astonishment. 

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"I thought we had been friends," he at length added; "but you've  got the last  secret of mine that will ever enter

your ears." 

" I want none, if they are to be like this. I know we live in the  woods,  Hurry, and are thought to be beyond

human  laws,and perhaps  we are so, in fact, whatever it may be in right,but  there is a law  and a

lawmaker, that rule across the whole continent.  He  that flies  in the face of either need not call me a friend." 

" Damme, Deerslayer, if I do not believe you are at heart a  Moravian, and no  fairminded, plaindealing

hunter, as you've  pretended to be ! " 

" Fairminded or not, Hurry, you will find me as plaindealing in  deeds as I  am in words.  But this giving way

to sudden anger is  foolish, and proves how  little you have sojourned with the redden.  Judith Hutter no doubt

is still  single, and you spoke but as the  tongue ran, and not as the heart felt.  There's my hand, and we will  say

and think no more about it.'' 

Hurry seemed more surprised than ever; then he burst forth in a  loud, good  natured laugh, which brought

tears to his eyes.  After  this he accepted the  offered hand, and the parties became friends. 

"'T would have been foolish to quarrel about an idee," March cried,  as he  resumed his meal, " and more like

lawyers in the towns than like  sensible men  in the woods. They tell me, Deerslayer, much illblood  grows

out of idees  among the people in the lower counties, and that  they sometimes get to  extremities upon them." 

" That do they,that do they; and about other matters that might  better be  left to take care of themselves.  I

have heard the Moravians  say that there  are lands in which men quarrel even consarning their  religion; and if

they  can get their tempers up on such a subject,  Hurry, the Lord have Marcy on  'em.  Howsoever, there is no

occasion  for our following their example, and  more especially about a husband  that this Judith Hutter may

never see, or  never wish to see. For my  part, I feel more cur'osity about the feeblewitted  sister than about

your beauty.  There's something that comes close to a  man's feelin's,  when he meets with a fellow· creatur' that

has all the  outward show of  an accountable mortal, and who fails of being what he seems,  only  through a lack

of reason.  This is bad enough in a man, but when it  comes to a woman, and she a young, and maybe a

winning creature' it  touches  all the pitiful thoughts his natur' has.  God knows, Hurry,  that such poor  things be

defenceless enough with all their wits about  'em; but it's a cruel  fortun' when that great protector and guide

fails 'em.'' " Hark, Deerslayer,  you know what the hunters, and  trappers, and peltrymen in, general be;

and  their best friends will  not deny that they are headstrong and given to having  their own way,  without much

bethinking 'em of other people's rights or  feline's,and  yet I don't think the man is to be found, in all this

region,  who  would harm  Hetty Hutter, if he could; no, not even a redskin." 

"Therein, fri'nd Hurry, you do the Delawares, at least, and all  their allied  tribes, only justice, for a redskin

looks  upon a being  thus struck by God's power as especially under his care.  I  rejoice to  hear what you say,

however, I rejoice to hear it; but as the sun  is  beginning to turn towards the afternoon's sky, had we not better

strike  the trail again, and make forward, that we may get an opportunity of  seeing  these wonderful sisters" 

Harry March giving a cheerful assent, the remnants of the  meal  were soon collected; then the travelers

shouldered their packs, resumed  their arms, and, quitting the little area of light, they again plunged  into  the

deep shadows of the forest. 

Chapter II.

"Thou'rt passing from the lake's green side,

And the hunter's hearth away;

For the time of flowers, for the summer's pride,

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Daughter! thou canst not stay."

Mrs. Hemans, 'Edith. A Tale of the Woods" II. 19194

Our two adventurers had not far to go. Hurry knew the direction, as  soon as  he had found the open spot and

the spring, and he now led on  with the  confident step of a man assured of his object. The forest was  dark, as a

matter of course, but it was no longer obstructed by  underbrush, and the  footing was firm and dry. After

proceeding near a  mile, March stopped, and  began to cast about him with an inquiring  look, examining the

different  objects with care, and occasionally  turning his eyes on the trunks of the  fallen trees, with which the

ground was well sprinkled, as is usually the  case in an American wood,  especially in those parts of the

country where  timber has not yet  become valuable. 

"This must be the place, Deerslayer," March at length observed; "  here is a  beech by the side of a hemlock,

with three pines at hand,  and yonder is a  white birch with a broken top; and yet I see no rock,  nor any of the

branches  bent down, as I told you would be the case." 

"Broken branches are onskilful landmarks, as the least exper'enced  know that  branches don't often break of

themselves," returned the  other; " and they  also lead to suspicion and discoveries.  The  Delawares never trust

to broken  branches, unless it is in friendly  times, and on an open trail. As for the  beeches, and pines, and

hemlocks, why, they are 

to be seen on all sides of us, not only by twos and threes, but by  forties,  and fifties, and hundreds." 

"Very true, Deerslayer, but you never calculate on position.  Here  is a beech  and a hemlock'' 

"Yes, and there is another beech and a hemlock, as loving as two  brothers,  or, for that matter, more loving

than some brothers; and  yonder are others,  for neither tree is a rarity in these woods.  fear  me, Hurry, you are

better  at trapping beaver and shooting bears, than  at leading on a blindish sort of  a trail.  Ha! there's what you

wish  to end, a'ter all!" 

"Now, Deerslayer, this is one of your Delaware pretensions, for  hang me if I  see anything but these trees,

which do seem to start up  around Us in a most  onaccountable and perplexing manner." 

"Look this a way, Hurryhere, in a line with the black oakdon't  you see the  crooked sapling that is hooked

up in the branches of the  basswood, near it 1  Now, that sapling was once snowridden, and got  the bend by

its weight ; but  it never straightened itself, and  fastened itself in among the basswood  branches in the way

you see.  The hand of man did that act of kindness for  it." 

"That hand was mine!" exclaimed Hurry; "I found the slender young  thing bent  to the airth, like an

unfortunate creatur' borne down by  misfortune, and  stuck it up where you see it. After all, Deerslayer, I  must

allow, you're  getting to have an oncommon good eye for the woods  !" 

T'is improving, Hurry t'is improving I will acknowledge ; but 't  is only a  child's eye, compared to some I

know. There's Tamenund, now,  though a man so  old that few remember when he was in his prime,  Tamenund

lets nothing escape  his look, which is more like the scent of  a hound than the sight of an eye.  Then Uncas, the

father of  Chingachgook, and the lawful chief of the Mohicans,  is another that it  is almost hopeless to pass

unseen.  I'm improving, I will  allowI'm  improving, but far from being perfect, as yet." 

"And who is this Chingachgook, of whom you talk so much,  Deerslayer! " asked  Hurry, as he moved off in

the direction of the  righted sapling; " a loping  redskin, at the best, I make no question." 

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"Not so, Hurry, but the best of loping redskins, as you call'em.  If he had  his rights, he would be a great chief;

but, as it is, he is  only a brave and  justminded Delaware; respected, and even obeyed in  some things,'tis true,

but of a fallen race, and belonging to a fallen  people.  Ah! Harry March,  'twould warm the heart within you to

sit in  their lodges of a winter's night,  and listen to the traditions of the  ancient greatness and power of the


"Karkee, fri'nd Nathaniel," said Hurry, stopping short to face his  companion, in order that his words might

carry greater weight with  them, "if  a man believed all that other people choose to say in their  own favor, he

might get an oversized opinion of them, and an  undersized opinion of himself.  These redskins are notable

boasters,  and I set down more than half of their  traditions as pure talk." 

"There is truth in what you say, Hurry, I'll not deny it, for I've  seen it,  and believe it. They do boast, but then

that is a gift from  natur'; and it's  sinful to withstand nat'ral gifts.  See; this is the  spot you come to find !"  This

remark cut short the discourse, and both  the men now gave all their  attention to the object immediately before

them.  Deerslayer pointed out to  his companion the trunk of a huge  linden, or basswood, as it is termed in  the

language of the country,  which had filled its time, and fallen by its own  weight.  This tree,  like so many

millions of its brethren, lay where it had  fallen, and  was mouldering under the slow but certain influence of

the  seasons.  The decay, however, had attacked its centre, even while it stood  erect in the pride of vegetation,

bellowing out its heart, as disease  sometimes destroys the vitals of animal life, even while a fair  exterior is

presented to the observer.  As the trunk lay stretched for  near a hundred  feet along the earth, the quick eye of

the hunter  detected this peculiarity,  and. from this and other circumstances, he  knew it to be the tree of which

March was in search. 

"Ay, here we have what we want," cried Hurry, looking in at the  larger end of  the linden; "everything is as

snug as if it had been  left in an old woman's  cupboard Come, lend me a hand, Deerslayer, and  we'll be afloat

in half an  hour." 

At this call the hunter joined his companion, and the two went to  work  deliberately and regularly, like men

accustomed to the sort of  thing in which  they were employed. In the first place, Hurry removed  some pieces

of bark  that lay before the large opening in the tree, and  which the other declared  to be disposed in a way that

would have been  more likely to attract attention  than to conceal the cover, had any  straggler passed that way.

The two then  drew out a bark canoe,  containing its seats, paddles, and Other appliances,  even to  fishinglines

and rods.  This vessel was by no means small; but such  was its comparative lightness, and so gigantic was the

strength of  Hurry,  that the latter shouldered it with seeming ease, declining all  assistance,  even in the act of

raising it to the awkward position in  which he was obliged  to hold it. 

"Lead ahead, Deerslayer," said March, "and open the bushes; the  rest I can do  for myself." 

The other obeyed, and the men left the spot, Deerslayer  clearing  the way for his companion, and inclining to

the right or to the  left,  as the latter directed  In about ten minutes they both broke suddenly  into the brilliant

light of the sun, on a low gravelly point, that was  washed  by water on quite half its outline. 

An exclamation of surprise broke from the lips of Deerslayer, an  exclamation  that was low and guardedly

made, however, for his habits  were much more  thoughtful and regulated than those of the reckless  Hurry,

when on reaching  the margin of the lake, he beheld the view  that unexpectedly met his gaze. It  was, in truth,

sufficiently  striking to merit a brief description. On a level  with the point lay a  broad sheet of water, so placid

and limpid that it  resembled a bed of  the pure mountain atmosphere, compressed  into a setting of hills and

woods.  Its length was  about three leagues, while its breadth was  irregular, expanding to half a  league, or even

more, opposite to the  point, and contracting to less than half that distance, more to the  southward. Of course,

its margin was irregular, being indented by  bays, and  broken by many projecting, low points.  At its northern,

or  nearest end, it  was bounded by an isolated mountain, lower land  falling off east and west,  gracefully

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relieving the sweep of the  outline.  Still the character of the  country was mountainous; high  hills, or low

mountains, rising abruptly from  the water, on quite nine  tenths of its circuit.  The exceptions, indeed, only

served a little  to vary the scene; and even beyond the parts of the shore  that were  comparatively low, the

background was high, though more distant. 

But the most striking peculiarities of this scene were its solemn  solitude  and sweet repose.  On all sides,

wherever the eye turned,  nothing met it but  the mirrorlike surface of the lake, the placid  view of heaven, and

the dense  setting of woods.  So rich and fleecy  were the outlines of the forest, that  scarce an opening could be

seen,  the whole visible earth, from the rounded  mountaintop to the water's  edge, presenting one unvaried

hue of unbroken  verdure. As if  vegetation were not satisfied with a triumph so complete, the  trees  overhung

the lake itself, shooting out towards the light; and there  were miles along its eastern shore, where a boat might

have pulled  beneath  the branches of dark Rembrandtlooking hemlocks, " quivering  aspens," and  melancholy

pines.  In a word, the hand of man had never  yet defaced or  deformed any part of this native scene, which lay

bathed in the sunlight, a  glorious picture of affluent  forestgrandeur, softened by the balminess of June, and

relieved by  the  beautiful variety afforded by the presence of so broad an expanse  of water. 

"This is grand! 't is solemn!'t is an edication of itself, to  look upon!"  exclaimed Deerslayer, as he stood

leaning on his rifle,  and gazing to the  right and left, north and south, above and beneath,  in whichever

direction  his eye passed into a setting of hills and  woods. about three leagues, while  its breadth could wander;

" not a  tree disturbed even by redskin hand, as I  can discover, but everything  left in the ordering of the Lord,

to live and  die according to his own  designs and laws!  Hurry, your Judith ought to be a  moral and well

disposed young woman, if she has passed half the time you  mention in  the centre of a spot so favored." 

"That's naked truth; and yet the gal has the vagaries. All her time  has not  been passed here, howsoever, old

Tom having the custom, afore  I know'd him,  of going to spend the winters in the neighborhood of the  settlers,

or under  the guns of the forts.  No, no, Jude has caught  more than is for her good  from the settlers, and

especially from the  gallantifying officers." 

"If she hasif she has, Hurry, this is a school to set her mind  right ag'in.  But what is this I see off here,

abreast of us, that  seems too small for an  island, and too large for a boat, though it  stands in the midst of the


"Why, that is what these galantine gentry from the forts call  Muskrat Castle;  and old Tom himself will grin at

the name, though it  bears so hard on his own  nature' and character. 'T is the stationary  house, there being two;

this,  which never moves, and the other, that  floats, being sometimes in one part of  the lake and sometimes in

another. The last goes by the name of the ark,  though what may be the  meaning of the word is more than I

can tell you.'' "  It must come from  the missionaries, Hurry, whom I have heard speak and read  of such a  thing.

They say that the 'arth was once covered with water, and  that  Noah, with his children, was saved from

drowning by building a vessel  called an ark, in which he embarked in season.  Some of the Delawares  believe

this tradition, and some deny it ; but it behooves you and me,  as white men  born, to put our faith in its truth.

Do you see anything  of this ark! 

"'T is down south, no doubt, or anchored in some of the bays. But  the canoe  is ready, and fifteen minutes will

carry two such paddles as  your'n and mine  to the castle." 

At this suggestion, Deerslayer helped his companion to place the  different  articles in the canoe, which was

already boat.  This was no  sooner done than  the two frontiermen embarked, and by a vigorous push  sent the

light bark some  tight or ten rods from the shore.  Hurry now  took the seat in the stern,  while Deerslayer placed

himself forward,  and by leisurely but steady strokes  of the paddles, the canoe glided  across the placid sheet,

towards the  extraordinarylooking structure  that the former had styled Muskrat Castle.  Several times the men

ceased paddling, and looked about them at the scene, as  new glimpses  opened from behind points, enabling

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them to see farther down the  lake,  or to get broader views of the wooded mountains.  The only changes,

however, were in the new forms of the hills, the varying curvature of  the  bays, and the wider reaches of the

valley south; the whole earth  apparently  being clothed in a galadress of leaves. 

"This is a sight to warm the heart! " exclaimed Deerslayer, when  they had  thus stopped for the fourth or fifth

time; " the lake seems  made to let us  get an insight into the noble forests; and land and  water alike stand in

the  beauty of God's providence! Do you say,  Hurry, that there is no man who calls  himself lawful owner of

all  these glories? '' 

"None but the King, lad. He may pretend to some right of that  nature', but he  is so far away that his claim will

never trouble old  Tom Hutter, who has got  possession, and is like to keep it as long as  his life lasts. Tom is no

squatter, not being on land; I call him a  floater." 

"I invy that man ! I know it's wrong, and I strive again the  feline', but I  invy that man!  Don't think, Hurry, that

I'm consorting  any plan to put  myself in his moccasins, for such a thought does n't  harbor in my mind; but I

can't help a little invy? 'Tis a nat'ral  feelin', and the best of us are but  nat'ral, a'ter all, and give way  to such

feelin's at times." 

"You've only to marry Hetty to inherit half the estate," cried  Hurry,  laughing; "the gal is comely; nay, if it

was n't for her  sister's beauty she  would be even handsome ; and then her wits are so  small that you may

easily  convart her into one of your own way of  thinking, in all things. Do you take  Hetty off the old fellow's

hands,  and I'11 engage  he'll give you an interest in every deer you can knock  over within five miles  of his


"Does game abound!" suddenly demanded the other, who paid but  little  attention to March's raillery. 

"It has the country to itself.  Scarce a trigger is pulled on it;  and as for  the trappers, this is not a region they

greatly frequent.  I ought not to be  so much here myself, but Jude pulls one way, while  the beaver pulls

another.  More than a hundred Spanish dollars has that  creatur' zest me the last two  seasons, and yet I could

not forego the  wish to look upon her face once  more." 

"Do the redmen often visit this lake, Hurry!" continued Deerslayer,  pursuing  his own train of thought. 

"Why, they come and go; sometimes in parties, and sometimes singly.  The  country seems to belong to no

native tribe in particular; and so  it has  fallen into the hands of the Hutter tribe. The old man tells me  that

some  sharp ones have been wheedling the Mohawks for an Indian  deed, in order to  get a title out of the

colony ; but nothing has come  of it, seeing that no  one heavy enough for such a trade has yet  meddled with

the matter.  The  hunters have a good lifelease still of  this wilderness." "So much the  better, so much the

better, Hurry. If I  was King of England, the man that  felled one of these trees without  good occasion for the

timber, should be  banished to a desarted and  forlorn region, in which no fourfooted animal ever  trod. Right

glad am  I that Chingachgook app'inted our meeting on this lake,  for hitherto  eye of mine never looked on

such a glorious spectacle."  " That's  because you've kept so much among the Delawares, in whose country

there are no lakes.  Now, farther north and farther west these bits of  water  abound; and you're young, and may

yet live to see'em.  But  though there be  other lakes, Deerslayer, there's no other Judith  Hutter !"  At this remark

his companion smiled, and then he dropped his  paddle into the  water, as if in consideration of a lover's haste.

Both now pulled vigorously  until they got within a hundred yards of  the "castle," as Hurry  familiarly called

the house of Hutter, when  they again ceased paddling; the  admirer of Judith restraining his  impatience the

more readily, as he  perceived that the building was  untenanted, at the moment. This new pause was  to enable

Deerslayer to  survey the singular edifice, which was of a  construction so novel as  to merit a particular


The Deerslayer; or, The First Warpath 

Chapter II. 13


Page No 16

Muskrat Castle, as the house had been facetiously named by some  waggish  officer, stood in the open lake, at

a distance of fully a  quarter of a mile  from the nearest shore. On every other side the  water extended much

farther,  the precise position being distant about  two miles from the northern end of  the sheet, and near, if not

quite,  a mile from its eastern shore.  As there  was not the smallest  appearance of any island, but the house

stood on piles,  with the water  flowing beneath it, and Deerslayer had already discovered that  the  lake was of a

great depth, he was fain to ask an explanation of this  singular circumstance.  Hurry solved the difficulty by

telling him  that on  this spot alone, a long, narrow shoal, which extended for a  few hundred yards  in a north

and south direction, rose within six or  eight feet of the surface  of the lake, and that Hutter had driven  piles

into it, and placed his  habitation on them, for the purpose of  security. 

"The old fellow was burnt out three times, atween the Indians and  the  hunters; and in one affray with the

redskins he lost his only son,  since  which time he has taken to the water for safety.  No one can  attack him

here,  without coming in a boat, and the plunder and scalps  would scarce be worth  the trouble of digging out

canoes. Then it's by  no means sartain which would  whip in such a scrimmage, for old Tom is  well supplied

with arms and  ammunition, and the castle, as you may  see, is a tight breastwork agin light  shot." 

Deerslayer had some theoretical knowledge of frontier warfare,  though he had  never yet been called on to

raise his hand in anger  against a fellow  creature.  He saw that Hurry did not overrate the  strength of this

position  in a military point of view, since it would  not be easy to attack it without  exposing the assailants to

the fire  of the be~  besieged A good deal of art had also been manifested in the  disposition of  the timber of

which the building was constructed and  which afforded a  protection much greater than was usual to the

ordinary logcabins of the  frontier. The sides and ends were composed  of the trunks of large  pines, cut about

nine feet long, and placed  upright, instead of being laid  horizontally, as was the practice of  the country. These

logs were squared on  three sides, and had large  tenons on each end. Massive sills were secured on  the heads

of the  piles, with suitable grooves dug out of their upper  surfaces, which  had been squared for the purpose,

and the lower tenons of the  upright  pieces were placed in these grooves, giving them secure fastening  below.

Plates bad been laid on the upper ends of the upright logs,  and were  kept in their places by a similar

contrivance; the several  corners of the  structure being well fastened by scarfing and pinning  the sills and

plates.  The doors were made of smaller logs, similarly  squared, and the roof was  composed of light poles,

firmly united, and  well covered with bark. The  effect of this ingenious arrangement was  to give its owner a

house that could  be approached only by water, the  sides of which were composed of logs closely  wedged

together, which  were two feet thick in their thinnest parts, and which  could be  separated only by a deliberate

and laborious use of human hands, or  by  the slow operation of time. The outer surface of the building was

rude  and  uneven, the logs being of unequal sizes; but the squared surfaces  within gave  both the sides and

door as uniform an appearance as was  desired, either for  use or show.  The chimney was not the least  singular

portion of the castle,  as Hurry made his companion observe,  while he explained the process by which  it had

been made.  The  material was a stiff clay, properly worked, which had  been put  together in a mould of sticks,

and suffered to harden, a foot or two  at a time, commencing at the bottom.  When the entire chimney had thus

been  raised, and had been properly bound in with outward props, a  brisk ~e was  kindled, and kept going until

it was burned to something  like a brickred  This had not been an easy operation, nor had it  succeeded

entirely ; but by  dint of filling the cracks with fresh  clay, a safe fireplace and chimney had  been obtained in

the end.  This  part of the work stood on the logdoor,  secured beneath by an extra  pile.  There were a few

other peculiarities about  this dwelling, which  will better appear in the course of the narrative. 

"Old Tom is full of contrivances," added Hurry, " and he set his  heart on  the success of his chimney, which

threatened more than once  to give out  altogether; but perseverance will even overcome smoke; and  now he

has a  comfortable cabin of it, though it did promise, at one  time, to be a chinky  sort of a due to carry flames

and fire." "You  seem to know the whole history  of the castle, Hurry, chimney and  sides," said Deerslayer,

smiling; "is love  so overcoming that it  causes a man to study the story of his sweetheart's  habitation ! " 

The Deerslayer; or, The First Warpath 

Chapter II. 14


Page No 17

"Partly that, lad, and partly eyesight," returned the goodnatured  giant,  laughing; " there was a large gang of

us in the lake, the  summer the old  fellow built, and we helped him along with the job.  I  raised no small part  of

the weight of them uprights with my own  shoulders, and the axes hew, I can  inform you, Master Natty, while

we  were beein it among the trees ashore.  The old de no way stingy about  food, and as we had often eat at

his hearth,  we thought we would just  house him comfortably, afore we went to Albany with  our skins.  Yes,

many is the meal I've swallowed in Tom Hutter's cabins; and  Hetty,  though so weak in the way of wits, has a

wonderful particular way  about a fryingpan or a gridiron ! 

" While the parties were thus discoursing, the canoe had been  gradually  drawing nearer to the "castle," and

was now so close as to  require but a  single stroke of a paddle to reach the landing.  This  was at a floored

platform in front of the entrance, that might have  been some twenty feet  square. 

"Old Tom calls this sort of a wharf his dooryard," observed Hurry,  as he  fastened the canoe, after he and his

Companion had left it: "and  the gallants  from the forts have named it the castle court though what  a 'court'

can have  to do here is more than I can tell you, seeing that  there is no law. Tis as I  supposed; not a soul

within, but the whole  family is off on a v'y'ge of  discovery ! " While Hurry was bustling  about the

"dooryard," examining the  fishingspears, rods, nets, and  other similar appliances of a frontier cabin,

Deerslayer, whose manner  was altogether more rebuked and quiet, entered the  building with a  curiosity that

was not usually exhibited by one so long  trained in  Indian habits. The interior of the "castle" was as

faultlessly  neat as  its exterior was novel. The entire space, some twenty feet by forty,  was subdivided into

several  small  sleepingrooms;  the apartment  into  which he first entered, serving equally for the ordinary uses

of  its inmates,  and for a kitchen. The furniture was of the strange  mixture that it is not  uncommon to find in

the remotely situated  logtenements of the interior. Most  of it was rude, and to the last  degree rustic; but

there was a clock, with a  handsome case of dark  wood, in a corner, and two or three chairs, with a  table and

bureau,  that had evidently come from some dwelling of more than  usual  pretension.  The clock was

industriously ticking, but its leaden  looking hands did no discredit to their dull aspect, for they pointed  to

the  hour of eleven, though the sun plainly showed it was some time  past the turn  of the day. There was also a

dark, massive chest. The  kitchen utensils were  of the simplest kind, and far from numerous, but  every article

was in its  place, and showed the nicest care in its  condition. 

After Deerslayer had cast a look about him in the outer room, he  raised a  wooden latch, and entered a narrow

passage that divided the  inner end of the  house into two equal parts.  Frontier usages being no  way scrupulous,

and his  curiosity being strongly excited, the young  man now opened a door, and found  himself in a bedroom.

A single  glance sufficed to show that the apartment  belonged to females. The  bed was of the feathers of wild

geese, and filled  nearly to  overflowing; but it lay in a rude bunk, raised only a foot from the  door.  On one side

of it were arranged, on pegs, various dresses, of a  quality much superior to what end one would expect to

meet in such a  place,  with ribbons and other similar articles to correspond.  Pretty  shoes, with  handsome silver

buckles, such as were then worn by females  in easy  circumstances, were not wanting; and no less than six

fans, of  gay colors,  were placed half open, in a way to catch the eye by their  conceits and bees.  Even the

pillow, on this side of the bed, was  covered with finer linen than  its companion, and it was ornamented  with a

small ruffle. A cap, coquettishly  decorated with ribbons, hung  above it, and a pair of long gloves, such as

were rarely used in those  days by persons of the laboring classes, were  pinned ostentatiously to  it, as if with

an intention to exhibit them there,  if they could not  be shown on the owner's arms. 

All this Deerslayer saw, and noted' with a degree of minuteness  that would  have done credit to the habitual

observation of his Mends,  the Delawares.  Nor did he fail to perceive the distinction that  existed between the

appearances on the different sides of the bed, the  head of which stood  against the wall. On that opposite to the

one just  described, everything was  homely and uninviting, except through its  perfect neatness. The few

garments  that were hanging from the pegs  were of the coarsest materials and of the  commonest forms, while

nothing seemed made for show.  Of ribbons there was  not one; nor was  there either cap or Kerchief beyond

those which Hutter's  daughters  might be fairly entitled to wear. 

The Deerslayer; or, The First Warpath 

Chapter II. 15


Page No 18

It was now several years since Deerslayer had been in a spot  especially  devoted to the uses of females of his

own color and race.  The sight brought  back to his mind a rush of childish recollections;  and he lingered in the

room with a tenderness of feeling to which he  had long been a stranger.  He  bethought him of his mother,

whose  homely vestments he remembered to have  seen hanging on pegs like those  which he felt must belong

to Hetty Hutter;  and he bethought himself of  a sister, whose incipient and native taste for  finery had exhibited

itself somewhat in the manner of that of Judith, though  necessarily in  a less degree. These little resemblances

opened a long hidden  vein of  sensations; and as he quitted the room, it was with a saddened mien.  He looked

no further, but returned slowly and thoughtfully towards the  "  dooryard." 

If Old Tom has taken to a  new calling, and has been trying his  hand at the  traps," cried Hurry, who had been

coolly examining the  borderer's implements;  "if that is his humor, and you're disposed to  remain in these

parts, we can  make an oncoming comfortable season of  it; for, while the old man and I out  knowledge the

beaver, you can  fish, and knock down the deer, to keep body and  soul together. I've  always give the poorest

hunters half a share, but one as  actyve and  sartain as yourself might expect a full one." "Thank'ee, Hurry;

thank'ee, with all my heartbut I do a little beavering for myself as  occasions offer.  'Tie true, the Delawares

call me Deerslayer, but  it's not  so much  because I'm pretty fatal with the venison as because  that while I kill

so  many bucks and does, I've never yet taken the  life of a fellowcreatur'. They  say their traditions do not tell

of  another who had shed so much blood of  animals that had not shed the  blood of man.'' 

"I hope they don't account you chickenhearted, lad!  A  fainthearted man is  like a notailed beaver." "I don't

believe,  Hurry, that they account me as  outof theway timorsome, even though  they may not account me as

outofthe  way brave. But I'm not  quarrelsome; and that goes a great way towards keeping  blood off the

hands, among the hunters and redskins; and then, Harry March,  it keeps  blood off the conscience, too." 

"Well, for my part I account game, a redskin, and a Frenchman as  pretty much  the same thing; though I'm as

onquarrelsome a man, too,  as there is in all the colonies. I despise a  quarreller as I do a  curdog; but one has

no need to be overscrupulsome when  it's the  right time to show the flint." 

'' I look upon him as the most of a man who acts nearest the right,  Hurry.  But this is a glorious spot, and my

eyes never aweary looking  at it !" Tis  your first acquaintance with a lake; and these ideas come  over us all at

such  times.  Lakes have a gentle character, as I say,  being pretty much water and  land, and points and bays." 

As this definition by no means met the feelings that were uppermost  in the  mind of the young hunter, he

made no immediate answer, but  stood gazing at  the dark hills and the glassy water in silent  enjoyment. 

"Have the Governor's or the King's people given this lake a name?"  he  suddenly asked, as if struck with a

new idea. " If they've not  begun to blaze  their trees, and set up their compasses, and line off  their maps, it's

likely  they've not bethought them to disturb natur'  with a name. " 

''They've not got to that, yet; and the last time I went in with  skins, one  of the King's surveyors was

questioning me consarning all  the region  hereabouts. He had heard that there was a lake in this  quarter, and

had got  some general notions about it, such as that there  was water and hills; but  how much of either, he

know'd no more than  you know of the Mohawk tongue. I  did n't open the trap any wider than  was necessary,

giving him but poor  encouragement in the way of farms  and clearings. In short, I left on his mind  some such

opinion of this  country, as a man gets of a spring of dirty water,  with a path to it  that is so muddy that one

mires afore he sets out. He told  me they  had'n't got the spt down, yet on their maps, though I conclude that  is

a mistake, for he showed me his parchment, and there is a lake donw on  it,  where there is no lake in fact, and

which is about fifty miles  from the place  where it ought to be, if they meant it for this. I  don't think any

account  will encourage him to mark down another, by  way of improvement." 

The Deerslayer; or, The First Warpath 

Chapter II. 16


Page No 19

Here Hurry laughed heartily, such tricks being particularly  grateful to a  set of men who dreaded the

approaches of civilization as  a curtailment of  their own lawless empire. The egregious errors that  existed in

the maps of  the day, all of which were made in Europe,  were, more~er, a standing topic of  ridicule among

them; for, if they  had not science enough to make any better  themselves, they had  sufficient local information

to detect the gross  blunders contained in  those that existed.  Any one who will take the trouble  to compare

these unanswerable evidences of the topographical skill of our  fathers  a century since, with the more accurate

sketches of our own time,  will  at once percieve that the men of the woods had a sufficient  justifcation  for all

their criticism on this branch of the skill of  the colonial  governments, which did not at all hesitate to place a

rivet or a lake a  degree or two out of the way, even though they lay  within a day's march of  the inhabited

parts of the Colony glad it has  no name," resumed Deerslayer, "  or at least, no paleface name; for  their

christenings always foretell waste  and destruction.  No doubt,  howsoever, the redskins have their modes of

knowing it, and the  hunters and trappers, too; they are likely to call the  place by  something reasonable and


' As for the tribes, each has its tongue, and its own way of  calling things;  and they treat this part of the world

just as they  treat all others.  Among  ourselves, we've got to calling the place  the'Glimmerglass,' seeing that its

whole basin is so often hinged with  pines, cast upward to its face  as if it  would throw hack the hills  that hang

over it." 

"There is an outlet, I know, for all lakes have outlets, and the  rock at  which I am to meet Chingachgook

stands near an outlet.  Has  that no colony  name yet ? 

" In that particular they've got the advantage of us, having one  end, and  that the biggest, in their own keeping:

they've given it a  name which has  found its way up to its source; names nat'rally working  up stream.  No

doubt,  Deerslayer, you've seen the Susquehannah, down  in the Delaware country " 

"That have I, and hunted along its banks a hundred  times. That and  this are the same in fact, and, I suppose,

the same in sound.  I am  glad they've been compelled to keep the redmen's name, for it would be  too hard to

rob them of both land and name I " 

Deerslayer made no answer; but he stood leaning on his rifle,  gazing at the  view which so much delighted

him. The reader is not to  suppose, however, that  it was the picturesque alone which so strongly  attracted his

attention.  The spot was very lovely, of a truth, and it  was then seen in one of its most  favorable moments, the

surface of the  late being as smooth as glass and as  limpid as pure air, throwing back  the mountains, clothed in

dark pines, along  the whole of its eastern  boundary, the points thrusting forward their trees  even to nearly

horizontal lines, while the bays were seen glittering through  an  occasional arch beneath, left by a vault fretted

with branches and  leaves.  It was the air of deep reposethe solitudes, that spoke of  scenes and  forests

untouched by the hands of manthe reign of nature,  in a word, that  gave so much pure delight to one of his

habits and  turn of mind. Still, he  felt, though it was unconsciously, like a poet  also.  If he found a pleasure  in

studying this large, and to him  unusual opening into the mysteries and  forms of the woods, as one is  gratified

in getting broader views of any  subject that has long  occupied his thoughts, he was not insensible to the

innate loveliness  of such a landscape neither, but felt a portion of that  soothing of  the spirit which is a

common attendant of a scene so thoroughly  pervaded by the holy cairn of nature. 

Chapter III.

"Come, shall we go and kill us venison?

And yet it irks me, the poor dappled foals,

Being native burghers of this desert city,

Should, in their own confines, with forked heads

Have their round haunches gored."

The Deerslayer; or, The First Warpath 

Chapter III. 17


Page No 20

As You Like It, II.i.2125

Hurry Harry thought more of the beauties of Judith Hutter than of  those of  the Glimmerglass and its

accompanying scenery. As soon as he  had taken a  sufficiently intimate survey of floating Tom's implements,

therefore, he  summoned his companion to the canoe, that they might go  down the lake in  quest of the family.

Previously to embarking,  however, Hurry carefully  examined the whole of the northern end of the  water with

an indifferent  ship's glass, that formed a part of Hutter's  effects. In this scrutiny, no  part of the shore was

overlooked; the  bays and points in particular being  subjected to a closer inquiry than  the rest of the wooded


T'is as I thought," said Hurry, laying aside the glass, "the old  fellow is  drifting about the south end this fine

weather, and has left  the castle to  defend itself. Well, now we know that he is not up  thisaway, 'twill be but

a small matter to paddle down and hunt him  up in his hidingplace. 

'Does Master Hutter think it necessary to burrow on this lake?"  inquired  Deerslayer, as he followed his

companion into the canoe; 'to  my eye it is  such a solitude as one might open his whole soul in, and  fear no

one to  disarrange his thoughts or his worship." 

'You forget your friends the Mingos, and all the French savages. Is  there a  spot on 'arth, Deerslayer, to which

them disquiet rogues don't  go? Where is  the lake, or even the deer lick, that the blackguards  don't find out,

and  having found out, don't, sooner or later,  discolour its water with blood.' 

'I hear no good character of 'em, sartainly, friend Hurry, though  I've never  been called on, yet, to meet them, r

any other mortal, on  the warpath. I dare  to say that such a lovely spot as this, would not  be likely to be

overlooked  by such plunderers, for, though I've not  been in the way of quarreling with  them tribes myself, the

Delawares  give me such an account of 'em that I've  pretty much set 'em down in  my own mind, as thorough


"You may do that with a safe conscience, or for that matter, any  other savage  you may happen to meet.: 

Here Deerslayer protested, and as they went paddling down the lake,  a hot  discussion was maintained

concerning the respective merits of  the palefaces  and the redskins. Hurry had all the prejudices and

antipathies of a white  hunter, who generally regards the Indian as a  sort of natural competitor, and  not

unfrequently as a natural enemy.  As a matter of course, he was loud,  clamorous, dogmatical and not ver

argumentative. Deerslayer, on the other  hand, manifested a very  different temper, proving by the moderation

of his  language, the  fairness of his views, and the simplicityof his distinctions,  that he  possessed every

disposition to hear reason, a strong, innate desire  to  dojustice, and an ingenuousness that was singularly

indisposed to have  recourse to sophism to maintain an argument; or to defend a prejudice.  Still  he was not

altogether free from the influence of the latter  feeling. This  tyrant of the human mind, which ruses on it prey

through  a thousand avenues,  almost as soon as men begint to think and feel,  and which seldom relinquishes

its iron sway until they cease to do  either, had made some impression on even  the just propensities of this

individual, who probably offered in these  particulars, a fair specimen  of what absence from bad example, the

want of  temptation to go wrong,  and native good feeling can render youth. 

"You will allow, Deerslayer, that a Mingo is more than half devil,"  cried  Hurry, following up the discussion

with an animation that  touched closely on  ferocity, "though you want to overpersuade me that  the Delaware

tribe is  pretty much made up of angels. Now, I gainsay  that proposal, consarning white  men, even. All white

men are not  fault-less, and therefore all Indians can't  be faultless. And so your  argument is out at the elbow in

the start. But this  is what I call  reason. Here 's three colors on 'arth: white, black, and red.  White is  the highest

color, and therefore the best man; black comes next, and  is put to live in the neighborhood of the white man,

as tolerable, and  fit to  be made use of; and red comes last, which shows that those that  made 'em  never

The Deerslayer; or, The First Warpath 

Chapter III. 18


Page No 21

expected an Indian to be accounted as more than half  human." 

"God made all three alike, Hurry." 

"Alike! Do you call a nigger like a white man, or me like an  Indian?" 

"You go off at halfcock, and don't hear me out. God made us all,  white,  black, and red; and, no doubt, had

his own wise intentions in  coloring us  differently. Still, he made us, in the main, much the same  in feelin's;

though I'll not deny that he gave each race its gifts. A  white man s gifts  are Christianized, while a redskin's

are more for  the wilderness. Thus, it  would be a great offence for a white man to  scalp the dead; whereas it 's

a  signal vartue in an Indian. Then  ag'in, a white man cannot amboosh women and  children in war, while a

redskin may. 'T is cruel work, I '11 allow; but for  them it 's lawful  work; while for us, it would be grievous


"That depends on your inimy. As for scalping, or even skinning a  savage, I  look upon them pretty much the

same as cutting off the ears  of wolves for the  bounty, or stripping a bear of its hide. And then  you 're out

significantly,  as to taking the poll of a redskin in hand,  seeing that the very colony has  offered a bounty for

the job; all the  same as it pays for wolves' ears and  crows' heads."  "Ay, and a bad  business it is, Hurry. Even

the Indians themselves cry shame  on it,  seeing it's ag'in a white man's gifts. I do not pretend that all that  white

men do, is prop-erly Christianized, and according to the lights  given  them, for then they would be what they

ought to be; which we  know they are  not; but I will maintain that tradition, and use, and  color, and laws,

make  such a difference in races as to amount to  gifts. I do not deny that there  are tribes among the Indians

that are  nat'rally pervarse and wicked, as there  are nations among the whites.  Now, I account the Mingos as

belonging to the  first, and the  Frenchers, in the Canadas, to the last. In a state of lawful  warfare,  such as we

have lately got into, it is a duty to keep down all  com-passionate feelin's, so far as life goes, ag'in either; but

when  it comes  to scalps, it '5 a very different matter." 

"Just hearken to reason, if you please, Deerslayer, and tell me if  the colony  can make an onlawful law? Isn't

an onlawful law more ag'in  natur' than  scalpin' a savage? A law can no more be onlawful, than  truth can be a


"That sounds reasonable; but it has a most onreasonable bearing,  Hurry. Laws  don't all come from the same

quarter. God has given us his  'n, and some come  from the colony, and others come from the King and

Parliament. When the  colony's laws, or even the King's laws, run ag'in  the laws of God, they get  to be

onlawful, and ought not to be obeyed.  I hold to a white man's  respecting white laws, so long as they do not

cross the track of a law comm'  from a higher authority; and for a  redman to obey his own red-skin usages,

under the same privilege. But,  't is useless talking, as each man will think  fir himself, and have  his say

agreeable to his thoughts. Let us keep a good  lookout for your  friend Floating Tom, lest we pass him, as he

lies hidden  under this  bushy shore." 

Deerslayer had not named the borders of the lake amiss. Along their  whole  length, the smaller trees overhung

the water, with their  branches often  dipping in the transparent element The banks were  steep, even from the

narrow  ple, the want of temptation to go wrong,  and native good feeling, can render  youth. 

"You will allow, Deerslayer, that a Mingo is more than half devil,"  cried  Hurry, following up the discussion

with an animation that  touched closely on  ferocity, "though you want to overpersuade me that  the Delaware

tribe is  pretty much made up of angels. Now, I gainsay  that proposal, consarning white  men, even. All white

men are not  fault-less, and therefore all Indians can't  be faultless. And so your  argument is out at the elbow in

the start. But this  is what I call  reason. Here 's three colors on 'arth: white, black, and red.  White is  the highest

color, and therefore the best man; black comes next, and  is put to live in the neighborhood of the white man,

as tolerable, and  fit to  be made use of; and red comes last, which shows that those that  made 'em  never

The Deerslayer; or, The First Warpath 

Chapter III. 19


Page No 22

expected an Indian to be accounted as more than half  human." 

"God made all three alike, Hurry." 

"Alike! Do you call a nigger like a white man, or me like an  Indian?" 

"You go off at halfcock, and don't hear me out. God made us all,  white,  black, and red; and, no doubt, had

his own wise intentions in  coloring us  differently. Still, he made us, in the main, much the same  in feelin's;

though I'll not deny that he gave each race its gifts. A  white man s gifts  are Christianized, while a redskin's

are more for  the wilderness. Thus, it  would be a great offence for a white man to  scalp the dead; whereas it 's

a  signal vartue in an Indian. Then  ag'in, a white man cannot amboosh women and  children in war, while a

redskin may. 'T is cruel work, I '11 allow; but for  them it 's lawful  work; while for us, it would be grievous


"That depends on your inimy. As for scalping, or even skinning a  savage, I  look upon them pretty much the

same as cutting off the ears  of wolves for the  bounty, or stripping a bear of its hide. And then  you 're out

significantly,  as to taking the poll of a redskin in hand,  seeing that the very colony has  offered a bounty for

the job; all the  same as it pays for wolves' ears and  crows' heads."  "Ay, and a bad  business it is, Hurry. Even

the Indians themselves cry shame  on it,  seeing it 's ag'in a white man's gifts. I do not pretend that all that

white men do, is prop-erly Christianized, and according to the lights  given  them, for then they would be what

they ought to be; which we  know they are  not; but I will maintain that tradition, and use, and  color, and laws,

make  such a difference in races as to amount to  gifts. I do not deny that there  are tribes among the Indians

that are  nat'rally pervarse and wicked, as there  are nations among the whites.  Now, I account the Mingos as

belonging to the  first, and the  Frenchers, in the Canadas, to the last. In a state of lawful  warfare,  such as we

have lately got into, it is a duty to keep down all  com-passionate feelin's, so far as life goes, ag'in either; but

when  it comes  to scalps, it 's a very different matter." 

"Just hearken to reason, if you please, Deerslayer, and tell me if  the colony  can make an onlawful law? Isn't

an onlawful law more ag'in  natur' than  scalpin' a savage? A law can no more be onlawful, than  truth can be a


"That sounds reasonable; but it has a most onreasonable bearing,  Hurry. Laws  don't all come from the same

quarter. God has given us his  'n, and some come  from the colony, and others come from the King and

Parliament. When the  colony's laws, or even the King's laws, run ag'in  the laws of God they get to  be strand;

and, as vegetation invariably  struggles towards the light, the  effect was precisely that at which  the lover of the

picturesque would have  aimed, had the ordering of  this glorious setting of forest been submitted to  his

control. The  points and bays, too, were sufficiently numerous to render  the outline  broken and diversified. As

the canoe kept close along the western  side  of the lake, with a view, as Hurry had explained to his

companion, of  reconnoitring for ene-mies, before he trusted himself too openly in  sight,  the expectations of

the two adventurers were kept constantly on  the stretch,  as neither could foretell what the next turning of a

point might reveal.  Their progress was swift, the gigantic strength of  Hurry enabling him to play  with the

light bark as if it had been a  feather, while the skill of his  companion almost equalized their  usefulness,

notwithstand-ing the disparity  in natural means. 

Each time the canoe passed a point, Hurry turned a look behind him,  expecting  to see the "ark" anchored, or

beached in the bay. He was  fated to be  disappointed, how-ever; and they had got within a mile of  the southern

end of  the lake, or a distance of quite two leagues from  the "castle," which was now  hidden from view by half

a dozen  intervening projections of the land, when he  suddenly ceased paddling,  as if uncertain in what

direction next to steer. 

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"It is possible that the old chap has dropped into the river," said  Hurry,  after looking carefully along the

whole of the eastern shore,  which was about  a mile distant, and open to his scrutiny for more than  half its

length; "for  he has taken to trapping considerable, of late,  and, barring floodwood, he  might drop down it a

mile or so; though he  would have a most scratching time  in getting back again I" 

"Where is this outlet?" asked Deerslayer; "I see no opening in the  banks or  the trees, that looks as if it would

let a river like the  Susquehannah run  through it." 

"Ay, Deerslayer, rivers are like human mortals; having small  beginnings, and  ending with broad shoulders

and vide mouths. You don't  see the outlet,  because it passes atween high. steep banks; and the  pines, and

hemlocks and  basswoods hang over it, as a roof hangs over  a house. [f old Tom is not in  the 'Rat's Cove,' he

must have bur-rowed  in the river ; we '11 look for him  first in the cove, and hen we '11  cross to the outlet." 

As they proceeded, Hurry explained that there was a shallow bay,  formed by a  long, low point, that had got

the name of the "Rat's  Cove," from the  circumstance of its being a favorite haunt of the  muskrat; and which

offered  so complete a cover for the "ark," that its  owner was fond f lying in it,  whenever he found it


"As a man never knows who may be his visitors, in this part of the  country,"  continued Hurry, "it 's a great

advan-tage to get a good  look at 'em afore  they come too near. Now it 's war, such caution is  more than

commonly useful,  since a Canada man or a Mingo might get  into his hut afore he invited 'em.  But Hutter is a

firstrate  lookouter, and can pretty much scent danger, as a  hound scents the  deer." 

"I should think the castle so open, that it would be sar-tain to  draw  inimies, if any happened to find the lake; a

thing onlikely  enough, I will  allow, as it 's off the trail of the forts and  settlements." 

"Why, Deerslayer, I'ye got to believe that a man meets with inimies  easier  than he meets with fri'nds. It 's

skear-ful to think for how  many causes one  gets to be your inimy, and for how few your fri'nd.  Some take up

the hatchet  because you don't think just as they think;  other some because you run ahead  of 'em in the same

idees; and I once  know'd a vagabond that quarrelled with a  fri'nd because he did n't  think him handsome.

Now, you 're no monument in the  way of beauty,  yourself, Deerslayer, and yet you would n't be so

onreasonable  as to  become my inimy for just saying so." 

"I'm as the Lord made me; and I wish to be accounted no better, nor  any  worse. Good looks I may not have;

that is to say, to a degree that  the light  minded and vain crave; but I hope I 'm not altogether  without some

ricom-mend  in the way of good conduct. There '5 few  nobler looking men to be seen than  yourself, Hurry;

and I know that I  am not to expect any to turn their eyes on  me, when such a one as you  can be gazed on; but

I do not know that a hunter  is less expart with  the rifle, or less to be relied on for food, because he  does n't

wish  to stop at every shining spring he may meet, to study his own  countenance in the water."  Here Hurry

burst into a fit of loud  laughter; for while he was too reckless  to care much about his own  manifest physical

superiority, he was well aware  of it, and, like most  men who derive an advantage from the accidents of birth

or nature, he  was apt to think complacently on the subject, whenever it  happened to  cross his mind. 

"No, no, Deerslayer, you 're no beauty, as you will own yourself,  if you '11  look over the side of the canoe,"

he cried; "Jude will say  that to your face,  if you start her, for a parter tongue is n't to be  found in any gal's

head,  in or out of the settlements, if you provoke  her to use it. My advice to you  is, never to aggravate Judith;

though  you may tell anything to Hetty, and  she'll take it as meek as a lamb.  No, Jude will be just as like as not

to  tell you her opinion  consarning your looks." 

"And if she does, Hurry, she will tell me no more than you have  said already  " 

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"You're not thick'ning up about a small remark, I hope, Deerslayer,  when no  harm is meant. You are not a

beauty, as you must know, and why  should n't  fri'nds tell each other these little trifles? If you was  handsome,

or ever  like to be, I 'd be one of the first to tell you of  it; and that ought to  content you. Now, if Jude was to

tell me that I  'm as ugly as a sinner, I 'd  take it as a sort of obligation, and try  not to believe her." 

"It's easy for them that natur' has favored, to jest about such  matters,  Hurry, though it is sometimes hard for

others. I 11 not deny  but I 've had my  cravings towards good looks; yes, I have; but then I  've always been

able to  get them down by considering how many I 've  known with fair out-sides, who  have had nothing to

boast of inwardly.  I '11 not deny, Hurry, that I often  wish I 'd been created more comely  to the eye, and more

like such a one as  yourself in  them particulars;  but then I get the feelin' under by remembering how much

better off I  am, in a great many respects, than some fellowmortals. I might  have  been born lame, and onfit

even for a squirrelhunt, or blind, which  would have made me a burden on myself as well as on my fri'nds; or

without  hearing, which would have totally onqualified me for ever  campaigning or  scouting; which I look

forward to as part of a man's  duty in troublesome  times. Yes, yes; it 's not pleasant, I will allow,  to see them

that 's more  comely, and more sought a'ter, and honored  than yourself; but it may all be  borne, if a man looks

the evil in the  face, and don't mistake his gifts and  his obligations." 

Hurry, in the main, was a goodhearted as well as goodnatured  fellow; and  the selfabasement of his

companion completely got the  better of the passing  feeling of personal vanity. He regretted the  allusion he

had made to the  other's appearance, and endeavored to  express as much, though it was done in  the uncouth

manner that  belonged to the habits and opinions of the frontier. 

"I meant no harm, Deerslayer," he answered, in a deprecating  manner, "and  hope you '11 forget what I 've

said. If you 're not  downright handsome, you  've a sartain look that says, plainer than any  words, that all 's

right  within. Then you set no valie by looks, and  will the sooner forgive any  little slight to your appearance. I

will  not say that Jude will greatly  admire you, for that might raise hopes  that would only breed disapp'

intment;  but there! s Hetty, now, would  be just as likely to find satisfaction in  looking at you, as in  looking at

any other man. Then you 're altogether too  grave and  consideratelike, to care much about Judith; for, though

the gal is  oncommon, she is so general in her admiration, that a man need not be  exalted  because she happens

to smile. I sometimes think the hussy  loves herself  better than she does anything else breathin' 

"If she did, Hurry, she'd do no more, I'm afeard, than most queens  on their  thrones, and ladies in the towns,

answered Deerslayer,  smiling, and turning  back towards his companion with every trace of  feeling banished

from  his honestlooking and frank countenance. "I  never yet know' d even a  Delaware of whom you might

not say that much.  But here is the end of the long  p'int you men tioned, and the 'Rat's  Cove' can't be far off." 

This point, instead of thrusting itself forward, like all the  others, ran in  a line with the main shore of the lake,

which here  swept within it, in a deep  and retired bay, circling round south  again, at the distance of a quarter

of  a mile, and crossed the valley,  forming the southern termination of the  water. In this bay Hurry felt  almost

certain of finding the ark, since,  anchored behind the trees  that covered the narrow strip of the point, it  might

have lain  concealed from prying eyes an entire summer. So com-plete,  indeed, was  the cover, in this spot, that

a boat hauled close to the beach,  within  the point, and near the bottom of the bay, could by any possibility be

seen from only one direction; and that was from a densely wooded shore  within  the sweep of the water,

where strangers would be little apt to  go. 

"We shall soon see the ark," said Hurry, as the canoe glided round  the  extremity of the point, where the water

was so deep as actually to  appear  black; " he loves to burrow up among the rushes, and we shall  be in his nest

in five minutes, although the old fellow may be off  among the traps himself." 

March proved a false prophet. The canoe completely doubled the  point, so as  to enable the two travellers to

command a view of the  whole cove or bay, for  it was more properly the last, and no object,  but those that

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nature had  placed there, became visible. The placid  water swept round in a graceful  curve, the rushes bent

gently towards  its sur-face, and the trees overhung it  as usual; but all lay in the  soothing and sublime solitude

of a wilderness.  The scene was such as a  poet or an artist would have delighted in, but it had  no charm for

Hurry Harry, who was burning with impatience to get a sight of  his  lightminded beauty. 

The motion of the canoe had been attended with little or no noise,  the  frontiermen habitually getting

accustomed to caution in most of  their  movements, and it now lay on the glassy water appearing to float  in

air,  partaking of the breathing stillness that seemed to pervade  the entire scene.  At this instant a dry stick was

heard cracking on  the narrow strip of land  that concealed the bay from the open lake.  Both the adventurers

started, and  each extended a hand towards his  rifle, the weapon never being out of reach  of the arm. 

"'Twas too heavy for any light creatur'," whispered Hurry, "and it  sounded  like the tread of a man!" 

"Not sonot so," returned Deerslayer; "'t was, as you say, too  heavy for one,  but it was too light for the other.

Put your paddle in  the water, and send  the canoe in, to that log; I 'll land and cut off  the creatur's retreat up  the

p'int, be it a Mingo, or be it a  muskrat." 

As Hurry complied, Deerslayer was soon on the shore, advancing into  the  thicket with a moccasined foot, and

a caution that prevented the  least noise.  In a minute he was in the centre of the narrow strip of  land, and

moving  slowly down towards its end, the bushes rendering  extreme watchfulness  necessary. Just as be

reached the centre of the  thicket the dried twigs  cracked again, and the noise was repeated at  short intervals,

as if some  creature having life walked slowly towards  the point. Hurry heard these  sounds also, and pushing

the canoe off  into the bay, he seized his rifle to  watch the result. A breathless  minute succeeded, after which a

noble buck  walked out of the thicket,  pro-ceeded with a stately step to the sandy  extremity of the point,  and

began to slake his thirst from the water of the  lake. Hurry  hesitated an instant; then raising his rifle hastily to

his  shoulder,  he took sight and fired. The effect of this sudden interruption of  the  solemn stillness of such a

scene was not its least striking  peculiarity.  The report of the weapon had the usual sharp, short sound  of the

rifle: but  when a few moments of silence had succeeded the  sudden crack, during which  the noise was

floating in air across the  water, it reached the rocks of the  opposite mountain, where the  vibrations

accumulated, and were rolled from  cavity to cavity for  miles along the hills, seeming to awaken the sleeping

thunders of the  woods. The buck merely shook his head at the report of the  rifle and  the whistling of the

bullet, for never before had he come in  contact  with man; but the echoes of the hills awakened his distrust,

and  leaping forward, with his four legs drawn under his body, he fell at  once  into deep water, and began to

swim towards the foot of the lake.  Hurry  shouted and dashed forward in chase, and for one or two minutes

the water  foamed around the pursuer and the pursued. The former was  dashing past the  point, when

Deerslayer appeared on the sand and  signed to him to return. 

"'Twas inconsiderate to pull a trigger, afore we had re conn'itred  the shore,  and made sartain that no inimies

harbored near it," said  the latter, as his  companion slowly and reluctantly complied. "This  much I have l'arned

from the  Delawares, in the way of schooling and  traditions, even though I've never yet  been on a warpath.

And,  moreover, venison can hardly be called in season  now, and we do not  want for food. They call me

Deerslayer, I'll own, and  perhaps I  desarve the name, in the way of understanding the creatur's habits,  as  well

as for some sartainty in the aim, but they can't accuse me of  killing  an animal when there is no occasion for

the meat, or the skin.  I may be a  slayer, it's true, but I'm no slaughterer." 

"'Twas an awful mistake to miss that buck!" exclaimed Hurry,  doffing his cap  and running his fingers through

his handsome but  matted curls, as if he would  loosen his tangled ideas by the process.  "I've not done so

onhandy a thing  since I was fifteen." 

"Never lament it, as the creatur's death could have done neither of  us any  good, and might have done us harm.

Them echoes are more awful  in my ears,  than your mistake, Hurry, for they sound like the voice of  natur'

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calling out  ag'in a wasteful and onthinking action." 

"You'll hear plenty of such calls, if you tarry long in this  quarter of the  world, lad," returned the other

laughing. "The echoes  repeat pretty much all  that is said or done on the Glimmerglass, in  this calm summer

weather. If a  paddle falls  you hear of it sometimes,  ag'in and ag'in, as if the hills were mocking your

clumsiness, and a  laugh, or a whistle, comes out of them pines, when they're  in the  humour to speak, in a way

to make you believe they can r'ally  convarse." 

"So much the more reason for being prudent and silent. I do not  think the  inimy can have found their way into

these hills yet, for I  do'nt know what  they are to gain by it, but all the Delawares tell me  that, as courage is a

warrior's first varme, so is prudence his  second. One such call from the moun  tains, is enough to let a whole

tribe into the secret of our arrival." 

"If it does no other good, it will warn old Tom to put the pot  over, and let  him know visiters are at hand.

Come, lad; get into the  canoe, and we will  hunt the ark up, while there is yet day." 

Deerslayer complied, and the canoe left the spot. Its head was  turned  diagonally across the lake, pointing

towards the southeastern  curvature of  the sheet. In that direction, the dis tance to the shore,  or to the

termination of the lake, on the course the two were now  steering, was not  quite a mile, and, their progress

being always  swift, it was fast lessening  under the skilful, but easy sweeps of the  paddles. When about half

way  across, a slight noise drew the eyes of  the men towards the nearest land, and  they saw that the buck was

just  emerg ing from the lake and wading towards  the beach. In a minute, the  noble animal shook the water

from his flanks,  gazed up ward at the  covering of trees, and, bounding against the bank,  plunged into the


"That creatur' goes off with gratitude in his heart," said  Deerslayer, "for  natur' tells him he has escaped a great

dan ger. You  ought to have some of  the same feelin's, Hurry, to think your eye  was'n't true, or that your hand

was onsteady, when no good could come  of a shot that was intended on  meaningly rather than in reason." 

"I deny the eye and the hand," cried March with some heat. "You've  got a  little character, down among the

Delawares, there, for quickness  and  sartainty, at a deer, but I should like to see you behind one of  them pines,

and a full painted Mingo behind another, each with a  cock'd rifle and  astriving for the chance! Them's the

situations,  Nathaniel, to try the sight  and the hand, for they begin with trying  the narves. I never look upon

killing a creatur' as an explite; but  killing a savage is. The time will come  to try your hand, now we've  got to

blows ag'in, and we shall soon know what a  ven'son reputation  can do in the field. I deny that either hand or

eye was  onsteady; it  was all a miscalculation of the buck, which stood still when he  ought  to have kept in

motion, and so I shot ahead of him." 

"Have it your own way, Hurry; all I contend for is, that it 's  lucky. I dare  say I shall not pull upon a human

mortal as steadily or  with as light a  heart, as I pull upon a deer." 

"Who 's talking of mortals, or of human beings at all, Deerslayer?  I put the  matter to you on the supposition

of an Injin. I dare say any  man would have  his feelin's when it got to be life or death, ag'in  another human

mortal; but  there would be no such scruples in regard to  an Inj in; nothing but the  chance of his hitting you, or

the chance of  your hitting him." 

"I look upon the redmen to be quite as human as we are ourselves,  Hurry. They  have their gifts, and their

religion, it's true; but that  makes no difference  in the end, when each will be judged according to  his deeds,

and not  accord-ing to his skin." 

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"That 's downright missionary, and will find little favor up in  this part of  the country, where the Moravians

don't congregate. Now,  skin makes the man.  This is reason; else how are people to judge of  each other. The

skin is put  on, over all, in order when a creatur', or  a mortal, is fairly seen, you may  know at once what to

make of him.  You know a bear from a hog, by his skin,  and a gray squirrel from a  black." 

"True, Hurry," said the other looking back and smiling,  "nevertheless, they  are both squirrels." 

"Who denies it? But you '11 not say that a redman and a white man  are both  Injins?" 

" but I do say they are both men. Men of different races and  colors, and  having different gifts and traditions,

but, in the main,  with the same  natur'. Both have souls; and both will be held  accountable for their deeds in

this life." 

Hurry was one of those theorists who believed in the inferiority of  all the  human race who were not white.

His notions on the subject were  not very  clear, nor were his definitions at all well settled; but his  opinions

were  none the less dogmatical or fierce. His conscience  accused him of sundry  lawless acts against the

Indians, and he had  found it an exceedingly easy  mode of quieting it, by putting the whole  family of redmen,

incontinently,  without the category of human rights.  Nothing angered him sooner than to deny  his

proposition, more  especially if the denial were accompanied by a show of  plausible  argument; and he did not

listen to his companion's remarks with  much  composure of either manner or feeling. 

"You're a boy, Deerslayer, misled and misconsaited by Delaware  arts, and  missionary ignorance," he

exclaimed, with his usual  indifference to the forms  of speech, when excited. " You may account  yourself as a

redskin's brother,  but I hold 'em all to be animals;  with nothing human about 'em but cunning.  That they have,

I '11  allow:but so has a fox, or even a bear. I 'm older than  you, and have  lived longer in the woodsor, for

that matter, have lived  always  there, and am not to be told what an Injin is or what he is not. If  you wish to be

considered a savage, you 've only to say so, and I '11  name  you as such to Judith and the old man, and then

we '11 see how  you '11 like  your welcome." 

Here Hurry's imagination did his temper some service, since, by  conjuring up  the reception his semiaquatic

acquaintance would be  likely to bestow on one  thus intro-duced, he burst into a hearty fit  of laughter.

Deerslayer too well  knew the uselessness of attempting to  convince such a being of anything  against his

prejudices, to feel a  desire to undertake the task; and he was  not sorry that the approach  of the canoe to the

southeastern curve of the  lake gave a new  direction to his ideas. They were now, indeed. quite near the  place

that March had pointed out for the position of the outlet, and both  began to look for it with,a curiosity that

was increased by the  expectation  of the ark. 

It may strike the reader as a little singular, that the place where  a stream  of any size passed through banks that

had an elevation of  some twenty feet,  should be a matter of doubt with men who could not  now have been

more than  two hundred yards distant from the precise  spot. It will be recollected,  however, that the trees and

bushes here,  as else-where, fairly overhung the  water, making such a fringe to the  lake, as to conceal any little

variations  from its genera] outline. 

"I've not been down at this end of the lake these two summers,"  said Hurry,  standing up in the canoe, the

better to look about him.  "Ay, there 's the  rock, showing its chin above the water, and I know  that the river

begins in  its neighborhood." 

The men now plied the paddles again, and they were presently within  a few  yards of the rock, floating

towards it, though their efforts  were suspended.  This rock was not large, being merely some five or six  feet

high, only half  of which elevation rose above the lake. The  incessant wash-ing of the water  for centuries had

so rounded its  summit, that it resembled a large beehive in  shape, its form being  more than usually regular

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and even. Hurry remarked, as  they floated  slowly past, that this rock was well known to all the Indians in  that

part of the country, and that they were in the practice of using it as  a  mark to designate the place of meeting,

when separated by their  hunts and  marches. 

"And here is the river, Deerslayer," he continued, "though so shut  in by  trees and bushes as to look more like

an andbush, than the  outlet of such a  sheet as the Glimmerglass." 

Hurry had not badly described the place, which did truly seem to be  a stream  lying in ambush. The high

banks might have been a hundred  feet asunder; but,  on the west-ern side, a small bit of low land  extended so

far forward as to  diminish the breadth of the stream to  half that width 

As the bushes hung in the water beneath, and pines that had the  stature of  churchsteeples, rose in tall

columns above, all inclining  towards the light,  until their branches intermingled, the eye, at a  little distance,

could not  easily detect any opening in the shore, to  mark the egress of the water. In  the forest above, no traces

of this  outlet were to be seen from the lake, the  whole presenting the same  con-nected and seemingly

interminable carpet of  leaves. As the canoe  slowly advanced, sucked in by the current, it entered  beneath an

arch  of trees, through which the light from the heavens struggled  by casual  openings, faintly relieving the

gloom beneath. 

"This is a nat'ral andbush," half whispered Hurry, as if he felt  that the  place was devoted to secresy and

watch-fulness; "depend on  it, old Tom has  burrowed with the ark somewhere in this quarter. We  will drop

down with the  current a short distance, and ferret him out." 

"This seems no place for a vessel of any size," returned the other;  "it  appears to me that we shall have hardly

room enough for the  canoe." 

Hurry laughed at the suggestion, and, as it soon appeared, with  reason; for  the fringe of bushes immediately

on the shore of the lake  was no sooner  passed, than the adventur-ers found themselves in a  narrow stream, of

a  sufficient depth of limpid water, with a strong  current, and a canopy of  leaves upheld by arches composed

of the limbs  of hoary trees. Bushes lined  the shores, as usual, but they left  suffi-cient space between them to

admit  the passage of anything that  did not exceed twenty feet in width, and to  allow of a perspective  ahead of

eight or ten times that distance. 

Neither of our two adventurers used his paddle, except to keep the  light bark  in the centre of the current, but

both watched each turning  of the stream, of  which there were two or three within the first  hundred yards, with

jealous  vigilance. Turn after turn, however, was  passed, and the canoe had dropped  down with the current

some little  dis-tance, when Hurry caught a bush, and  arrested its move~ ment so  suddenly and silently as to

denote some unusual  motive for the act.  Deerslayer laid his hand on the stock of his rifle as  soon as he noted

this proceeding, but it was quite as much with a hunter's  habit as  from any feeling of alarm. 

"There the old fellow is!" whispered Hurry, pointing with a finger,  and  laughing heartily, though he carefully

avoided making a noise,  "ratting it  away, just as I sup-posed; up to his knees in the mud and  water, looking to

the traps and the bait. But for the life of me I can  see nothing of the ark;  though I '11 bet every skin I take this

season, Jude is n't trusting her  pretty little feet in the  neigh-borhood of that black mud. The gal's more  likely

to be braiding  her hair by the side of some spring, where she can see  her own good  looks, and collect scornful

feelings ag'in us men." 

"You overjudge young womenyes, you do, Hurry who as often  bethink them of  their failings as they do

of their perfections. I dare  to say this Judith,  now, is no such admirer of herself, and no such  scorner of our

sex as you  seem to. think; and that she is quite as  likely to be sarving her father in  the house, wherever that

may be, as  he is to be sarving her among the traps." 

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"It's a pleasure to hear truth from a man's tongue, if it be only  once in a  girl's life," cried a pleasant, rich, and

yet soft female  voice, so near the  canoe as to make both the listeners start. "As for  you, Master Hurry, fair

words are so apt to choke you, that I no  longer expect to hear them from your  mouth; the last you uttered

sticking in your throat, and coming near to  death. But I 'm glad to  see you keep better society than formerly,

and that  they who know how  to esteem and treat women are not ashamed to journey in  your company."  As

this was said, a singularly handsome and youthful female face was  thrust  through an opening in the leaves,

within reach of Deerslayer's  paddle. Its  owner smiled graciously on the young man; and the frown  that she

cast on  Hurry, though simulated and pettish, had the effect  to render her beauty more  striking, by exhibiting

the play of an  expressive but capricious countenance;  one that seemed to change from  the soft to the severe,

the mirthful to the  reproving, with facility  and indifference. 

A second look explained the nature of the surprise. Unwittingly,  the men had  dropped alongside of the ark,

which had been purposely  concealed in bushes  cut and arranged for the purpose; and Judith  Hutter had

merely pushed aside  the leaves that lay before a window, in  order to show her face, and speak to  them. 

Chapter IV.

"And that timid fawn starts not with fear,

When I steal to her secret bower;

And that young May violet to me is dear,

And I visit the silent streamlet near,

To look on the lovely flower."

Bryant, "An Indian Story," ii.1115

The ark, as the floating habitation of the Hutters was generally  called, was  a very simple contriv-ance. A

large flat, or scow,  composed the buoy-ant part  of the vessel; and in its centre,  occupy-ing the whole of its

breadth, and  about two thirds of its  length, stood a low fabric, resembling the castle in  construction,  though

made of materials so light as barely to be bul-let  proof. As  the sides of the scow were a little higher than

usual, and the  interior of the cabin had no more elevation than was necessary for  comfort,  this unusual

addition had neither a very clumsy nor a very  obtrusive  appearance. It was, in short, little more than a modern

canalboat. though  more rudely constructed, of greater breadth than  common, and bearing about it  the signs

of the wilderness, in its  barkcovered posts and roof. The scow,  however, had been put together  with some

skill, being comparatively light,  for its strength, and  sufficiently manageable. The cabin was divided into two

apartments,  one of which served for a parlor, and the sleepingroom of the  father,  and the other was

appropriated to the uses of the daughters. A very  simple arrangement sufficed for the kitchen, which was in

one end of  the  scow, and removed from the cabin, standing in the open air; the  ark being  altogether a summer


The "andbush," as Hurry in his ignorance of English termed it, is  quite as  easily explained. In many parts of

the lake and river, where  the banks were  steep and high, the smaller trees and larger bushes, as  has been

already  men-tioned, fairly overhung the stream, their  branches not unfrequently  dipping into the water. In

some instances  they grew out in nearly horizontal  lines, for thirty or forty feet.  The water being uniformly

deepest near the  shores, where the banks  were highest and the nearest to a perpen-dicular,  Hutter had found

no  difficulty in letting the ark drop under one of these  covers, where it  had been anchored with a view to

conceal its position;  security  requiring some such precautions, in his view of the case. Once  beneath  the trees

and bushes, a few stones fastened to the ends of me  branches  had caused them to bend sufficiently to dip into

the river; and a  few  severed bushes, properly disposed, did the rest. The reader has seen  that  this cover was so

com-plete as to deceive two men accustomed to  the woods,  and who were actually in search of those it

concealed; a  cir-cumstance that  will be easily understood by those who are familiar  with the matted and wild

luxuriance of a virgin American forest, more  especially in a rich soil. The  discovery of the ark produced very

different effects on our two adventurers.  As soon as the canoe could  be got round to the proper opening,

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Hurry leaped  on board, and in a  minute was closely engaged in a gay, and a sort of  recriminating  discourse

with Judith, apparently forgetful of the existence of  all  the rest of the world. Not so with Deerslayer. He

entered the ark with  a  slow, cautious step, examining every arrangement of the cover with  curious  and

scrutinizing eyes. It is true, he cast one admiring glance  at Judith,  which was extorted by her brilliant and

singular beauty;  but even this could  detain him but a single instant from the  indulgence of his interest in

Hutter's contrivances. Step by step did  he look into the construction of the  singular abode, investigate its

fastenings and strength, ascertain its means  of defence, and make  every inquiry that would be likely to and

make every  inquiry that  would be likely tof occur to one whose thoughts dwelt  principally on  such

expedients. Nor was .the cover neglected. Of this he  examined the  whole minutely, his commendation

escaping him more than once in  audible comments. Frontier usages admitting of this familiarity, he  passed

through the rooms, as he had previously done at the 'Castle',  and opening a  door issued into the end of the

scow opposite to that  where he had left Hurry  and Judith. Here he found the other sister,  employed at some

coarse needle  work, seated beneath the leafy canopy  of the cover. 

As Deerslayer's examination was by this time ended, he dropped the  butt of  his rifle, and, leaning on the

barrel, with both hands, he  turned towards the  girl with an interest the singular beauty of her  sister had not

awakened. He  had gathered from Hurry's remarks that  Hetty was considered to have less  intellect than

ordinarily falls to  the share of human beings, and his  education among Indians had taught  him to treat those

who were thus afflicted  by Providence, with more  than common tenderness. Nor was there any thing in  Hetty

Hurter's  appearance, as so often happens, to weaken the interest her  situation  excited. An idiot she could not

properly be termed, her mind being  just enough enfeebled to lose most of those traits that are connected  with

the more artful qualities, and to retain its ingenuousness and  love of truth.  It had often been remarked of this

girl, by the few who  had seen her, and who  possessed sufficient knowledge to discriminate,  that her

perception of the  right seemed almost intuitive, while her  aversion to the wrong formed so  distinctive a

feature of her mind, as  to surround her with an atmosphere of  pure morality; peculiarities  that are not

infrequent with persons who are  termed feebleminded; as  if God had forbidden the evil spirits to invade a

precinct so  defenceless, with the benign purpose of extending a direct  protection  to those, who had been left

without the usual aids of humanity.  Her  person, too, was agreeable, having a strong resemblance to that of her

sister's, of which it was a subdued and humble copy. If it had none of  the  brilliancy of Judith's, the calm,

quiet, almost holy expression of  her meek  countenance, seldom failed to win on the observer, and few  noted

it long,  that did not begin to feel a deep and lasting interest  in the girl. She had  no colour, in common, nor

was her simple mind apt  to present images that  caused her cheek to brighten, though she  retained a modesty

so innate, that  it almost raised her to the  unsuspecting purity of a being superior to human  infirmities.

Guileless, innocent, and without distrust, equally by nature and  from  her mode of life, providence had,

nevertheless, shielded her from harm,  by a halo of moral light, as it is said 'to temper the wind to the  shorn


"You are Hetty Hutter said Deerslayer, in the way one puts a  question,  unconsciously to himself assuming a

kindness of tone and  manner that were  singularly adapted to win the confidence of her he  addressed. "Hurry

Harry  has told me of you, and I know you must be the  child?" 

"Yes, I'm Hetty Hutter returned the girl in a low, sweet voice,  which nature,  aided by some education, had

preserved from vulgarity of  tone and utterance  "I'm Hetty; Judith Hurter's sister; and Thomas  Hurter's

youngest daughter."  "I know your history, then, for Hurry  Harry talks considerable, and he is  free of speech

when he can find  other people's consarns to dwell on. You pass  most of your life on the  lake, Hetty." 

"Certainly. Mother is dead; father is gone atrapping, and Judith  and I stay  at home. What's your name?" 

"That's a question more easily asked than it is answered, young  woman, seeing  that I'm so young, and yet

have borne more names than  some of the greatest  chiefs in all America." 

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"But you've got a nameyou don't throw away one name, before you  come  honestly by another?" 

"I hope not, galI hope not. My names have come nat'rally, and I  suppose the  one I bear now, will be of no

great lasting, since the  Delawares seldom  settle on a man's ra'al title, until such time as he  has an opportunity

of  showing his true natur', in the council, or on  the warpath; which has never  behappened me; seeing firstly,

because  I'm not born a red skin and have no  right to sit in their  councillings, and am much too humble to be

called on  for opinions from  the great of my own colour; and, secondly, because this is  the first  war that has

befallen in my time, and no inimy has yet inroaded far  enough into the colony, to be reached by an arm even

longer than  mine." 

"Tell me your names," added Hetty, looking up at him artlessly,  "and, maybe,  I 'll tell you your character." 

"There is some truth in that, I 'll not deny, though it often  fails. Men are  deceived in other men's characters,

and frequently give  'em names they by no  means desarve. You can see the truth of this in  the Mingo names,

which, in  their own tongue, signify the same things  as the Dela-ware names, at least,  so they tell me, for I

know little  of that tribe, unless it be by report,and  no one can say they are as  honest or as upright a nation. I

put no great  dependence, therefore,  on names." 

"Tell me all your names," repeated the girl, earnestly, for her  mind was too  simple to separate things from

pro-fessions, and she did  attach importance to  a name; "I want to know what to think of you." 

"Well, sartain; I 've no objection, and you shall hear them all. In  the first  place, then, I 'in Christian, and

whiteborn, like yourself,  and my parents  had a name that came down from father to son, as is a  part of their

gifts. My  father was called Bumppo; and I was named  after him, of course, the given  name being Nathaniel,

or Natty, as  most people saw fit to tarm it." 

"Yes, yes  Natty  and Hetty' 'interrupted the girl quickly, and  looking up  from her work again, with a

smile: "you are Natty, and I  'in Hettythough you  are Bumppo, and I 'm Hutter. Bumppo isn't as  pretty as

Hutter, is it?' 

"Why, that's as people fancy. Bumppo has no lofty sound, I admit;  and yet men  have bumped through the

world with it. I did not go by  this name, howsever,  very long; for the Delawares soon found out, or  thought

they found out, that  I was not given to lying, and they called  me, firstly, 'Straighttongue.'" 

"That's a good name, ' interrupted Hetty, earnestly, and 

at her. Even Hurry Harry is n't more pleasant to look at though she  is a  woman, and he is a man." 

Deerslayer regarded the girl for a moment with concern. Her pale  face had  flushed a little, and her eye,

usually so mild and serene,  brightened as she  spoke, in the way to betray the inward impulses. 

"Ay, Hurry Harry," he muttered to himself, as he walked through the  cabin  towards the other end of the boat;

"this comes of good looks, if  a light  tongue has had no consarn in it. It 's easy to see which way  that poor

creatur's feelin's are leanin', whatever may be the case  with your Jude's." 

But an interruption was put to the gallantry of Hurry, the coquetry  of his  intros, the thoughts of Deerslayer,

and the gentle feeling~  Hetty, by the  sudden appearance of the canoe of the ark's owner, in  the narrow

opening  among the bushes that served as a sort of moat to  his position. It would seem  that Hutter, or Floating

Tom, as he was  famil-iarly called by all the hunters  who knew his habits, recognized  the canoe of Hurry, for

he expressed no  surprise at finding him in the  scow. On the contrary, his reception was such  as to denote not

only  gratification, but a pleasure, mingled with a little  disappointment at  his not having made his appearance

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some days sooner. 

"I looked for you last week," he said, in a halfgrum-bling,  halfwelcoming  manner; "and was disappointed

uncommonly that you did  n't arrive. There came  a runner through, to warn all the trappers and  hunters that

the colony and  the Canadas were again in trouble; and I  felt lonesome, up in these  mountains, with three

scalps to see to, and  only one pair of hands to protect  them." 

"That 's reasonable," returned March; "and 't was feel-ing like a  parent. No  doubt, if I had two sucb darters as

Judith and Hetty, my  exper'ence would  tell the same story, though in gin'ral I am just as  well satisfied with

having the nearest neighbor fifty miles off, as  when he is within call.'' 

"Notwithstanding, you did n' t choose to come into the wilderness  alone, now  you knew that the Canada

savages are likely to be  stirring," returned Hutter,  giving a sort of distrustful, and at the  same time inquiring

glance at Deer.  slayer. 

"Why should I? They say a bad companion, on a journey, helps to  shorten the  path; and this young man I

account to be a reasonably good  one. This is  Deerslayer, old Tom, a noted hunter among the Delawares,  and

Christianborn,  and Christianedicated, too, like you and me The  lad is not parfect, perhaps,  but there 's

worse men in r the country  that he came from, and it 's likely  he 'll find some that's no better,  in this part of

the world. Should we have  occasion to defend our  traps, and the territory, he '11 be useful in feeding  us all;

for he  's a reg'lar dealer in ven'son." 

"Young man, you are welcome, 'growled Tom, thrusting a hard, bony  hand  towards the youth, as a pledge of

his sincerity; "in such times,  a white face  is a friend's, and I count on you as a support. Children  sometimes

make a  stout heart feeble, and these two daughters of mine  give me more concern than  all my traps, and

skins, and rights in the  country."  "That's nat'ral l" cried Hurry. "Yes, Deerslayer, you e and  I don't know it  yet

by experience; but, on the whole, I consider that  as nat'ral. If we had  darters, it 's more than probable we

should have  some such feelin's; and I  honor the man that owns 'em. As for Judith,  old man, I enlist, at once,

as  her soldier, and here is Deerslayer to  help you to take care of' Hetty." 

"Many thanks to you, Master M[arch," returned the beauty, in a  full, rich  voice, and with an accuracy of

intonations tioti and  utterance that she  shared in common with her sister, and which showed  that she had been

better  taught than her father's life and appearance  would give reason to expect  "many thanks to you; but

Judith Hutter has  the spirit and the experience that  will make her depend more on  herself than on

goodlooking rovers like you.  Should there be need to  face the savages, do you land with my father, instead

of burrowing in  the huts, under the show of defending us females and'" 

"Girlgirl," interrupted the father, "quiet that glib tongue of  thine, and  hear the truth. There are savages on

the lake shore  already, and no man can  say how near to us they may be at this very  moment, or when we may

hear more  from them!" 

"If this be true, Master Hutter," said Hurry, whose change of  countenance  denoted how serious he deemed the

information, though it  did not denote any  unmanly alarm, "if this be true, your ark is in a  most misfortunate

position,  for, though the cover did deceive  Deerslayer and myself, it would hardly be  overlooked by a

fullblooded  Injin, who was out seriously in s' arch of  scalps!" 

"I think as you do, Hurry, and wish, with all my heart, we lay  anywhere else,  at this moment, than in this

narrow, crooked stream,  which has many  advantages to hide in, but which is almost fatal to  them that are

discovered.  The savages are near us, moreover, and the  difficulty is, to get out of the  river without being shot

down like  deer standing at a lick!"  "Are you sartain, Master Hutter, that the  redskins you dread are ra'al

Canadas?" asked Deerslayer, in a modest  but earnest manner. "Have you seen  any, and can you describe their

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"I have fallen in with the signs of their being in the  neighborhood, but have  seen none of 'em. I was down

stream a mile or  so, looking to my traps, when I  struck a fresh trail, crossing the  corner of a swamp, and

moving northward.  The man had not passed an  hour; and I know'd it for an Indian footstep, by  the size of the

foot,  and the intoe, even before I found a worn moccasin,  which its owner  had dropped as useless. For that

matter, I found the spot  where he  halted to make a new one, which was only a few yards from the place

where he had dropped the old one." 

"That does n't look much like a redskin on the war path!" returned  the other,  shaking his head. "An

exper'enced warrior, at least, would  have burned, or  buried, or sunk in the river such signs of his  passage; and

your bail is,  quite likely, a peaceable trail. But the  moccasin may greatly relieve my  mind, if you bethought

you of bringing  it off. I've come here to meet a young  chief my. self; and his course  would be much in the

direction you've  mentioned. The trail may have  been his'n." 

"Hurry Harry, you 're well acquainted with this young man, I hope,  who has  meetings with savages in a part

of the country where he has  never been  before?" demanded Hutter, in a tone and in a manner that  sufficiently

indi-cated the motive of the question; these rude beings  seldom hesitating,  on the score of delicacy, to betray

their feelings.  "Treachery is an Indian  virtue; and the whites, that live much in  their tribes, soon catch their

ways  and practices." 

"Truetrue as the Gospel, old Tom; but not personable to  Deerslayer, who 's a  young man of truth, if he has

no other ricommend.  I'll answer for his  honesty, whatever I may do for his valor in  battle." 

"I should like to know his errand in this strange quar-ter of the  country." 

"That is soon told, Master Hutter," said the young man, with the  composure of  one who kept a clean

conscience. "I think, moreover,  you've a right to ask  it. The father of two such darters, who occupies  a lake,

after your fashion,  has just the same right to inquire into a  stranger's business in his  neighborhood, as the

colony would have to  demand the reason why the Frenchers  put more rijiments than common  along the lines.

No, no, I '11 not deny your  right to know why a  stranger comes into your habitation or country, in times  as

serious as  these." 

"If such is your way of thinking, friend, let me hear your story  without more  words." 

"'T is soon told, as I said afore; and shall be honestly told. I 'm  a young  man, and, as yet, have never been on

a warpath; but no sooner  did the news  come among the Delawares, that wampum and a hatchet were  about

to be sent in  to the tribe, than they wished me to go out among  the people of my own color,  and get the exact

state of things for 'em.  This I did, and, after delivering  my talk to the chiefs, on my return,  I met an officer of

the crown on the  Schoharie. who had messages to  send to some of the fri'ndly tribes that live  farther west.

Thiw was  thought a good occasion for Chingachgook, a young  chief who has never  struck a foe, and myself;

to go on our first war path in  company, and  an app'intment was made for us, by an old Delaware, to meet at

the  rock near the foot of this lake. I'll not deny that Chingachgook has  another object in view, but it has no

consarn with any here, and is  his  secret and not mine; therefore I'll say no more about it." 

"'Tis something about a young woman," interrupted Judith hastily,  then  laughing at her own impetuosity, and

even having the grace to  colour a  little, at the manner in which she had betrayed her readiness  to impute such

a motive. "If 'tis neither war, nor a hunt, it must be  love." 

"Ay, it comes easy for the young and handsome, who hear so much of  them  feelin's, to suppose that they lie

at the bot tom of most  proceedin's; but,  on that head, I say nothin'. Chingachgook is to meet  me at the rock,

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an hour  afore sunset tomorrow evening, after which we  shall go our way to gether,  molesting none but the

king's inimies, who  are law fully our own. Knowing  Hurry of old, who once trapped in our  hunting grounds,

and falling in with  him on the Scho harie, just as he  was on the p'int of starting for his summer  ha'nts, we

agreed to  journey in company; not so much from fear of the Mingos,  as from good  fellowship, and, as he

says, to shorten a long road." 

"And you think the trail I saw may have been that of your friend,  ahead of  his time?" said Hurter. 

"That's my idee, which may be wrong, but which may be right. If I  saw the  moccasin, howsever, I could tell,

in a min ute, whether it is  made in the  Delaware fashion, or not." 

"Here it is, then," said the quick witted Judith, who had already  gone to the  canoe in quest of it. "Tell us what

it says; friend or  enemy. You look  honest, and I believe all you say, whatever father may  think." 

"That's the way with you, Jude; forever finding out friends,  where  I distrust foes," grumbled Tom: "but, speak

out, young man, and tell us  what you think of the moccasin." 

"That's not Delaware made," returned Deerslayer, examining the worn  and  rejected covering for the foot with

a cautious eye. "I'm too young  on a war  path to be positive, but I should say that moccasin has a  northern

look, and  comes from beyond the Great Lakes." 

"If such is the case, we ought not to lie here a minute longer than  is  necessary," said Hutter, glancing through

the leaves of his cover,  as if he  already distrusted the presence of an enemy on the opposite  shore of the

narrow and sinuous stream. "It wants but an hour or so of  night, and to move  in the dark will be impossible,

without making a  noise that would betray us.  Did you hear the echo of a piece in the  mountains,

halfanhour since?" 

"Yes, old man, and heard the piece itself," answered Hurry, who now  felt the  indiscretion of which he had

been guilty, "for the last was  fired from my own  shoulder."  "I feared it came from the French  Indians; still it

may put them on the look  out, and be a means of  discovering us. You did wrong to fire in wartime,  unless

there was  good occasion. 

"So I begin to think myself, Uncle Tom; and yet, if a man can't  trust himself  to let off his rifle in a wilderness

that is a thousand  miles square, lest  some inimy should hear it, where 's the use in  carrying one?" 

Hutter now held a long consultation with his two guests, in which  the parties  came to a true understanding of

their situation. He  explained the difficulty  that would exist in attempting to get the ark  out of so swift and

narrow a  stream, in the dark, without making a  noise that could not fail to attract  Indian ears. Any strollers in

their vicinity would keep near the river or the  lake; but the former  had swampy shores in many places, and

was both so  crooked and so  fringed with bushes, that it was quite pos-sible to move by  daylight  without

incurring much danger of being seen. More was to be  apprehended, perhaps, from the ear than from the eye,

especially as  long as  they were in the short, straitened, and canopied reaches of  the stream. 

"I never drop down into this cover, which is handy to my traps, and  safer  than the lake, from curious eyes,

without providing the means of  getting out  ag'in," continued this singular being; "and that is easier  done by a

pull  than a push. My anchor is now lying above the suction,  in the open lake; and  here is a line, you see, to

haul us up to it.  Without some such help, a  single pair of bands would make heavy work  in forcing a scow

like this up  stream. I have a sort of a crab, too,  that lightens the pull, on occasion.  Jude can use the oar astern

as  well as my-self; and when we fear no enemy, to  get out of the river  gives us but little trouble." 

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"What should we gain, Master Hutter, by changing the position?"  asked  Deerslayer, with a good deal of

earnest ness; "this is a safe  cover, and a  stout defence might be made from the inside of this  cabin. I 've never

fou't  unless in the way of tradition; but it seems  to me we might beat off twenty  Mingos, with palisades like

them afore  us." 

"Ay, ay; you 've never fought except in traditions, that 's plain  enough,  young man! Did you ever see as broad

a sheet of water as this  above us,  before you came in upon it with Hurry?" 

"I can't say that I ever did," Deerslayer answered, modestly.  "Youth is the  time to l'arn; and I 'm far from

wishing to raise my  voice in counsel, afore  it is justified by exper'ence." 

"Well, then, I'll teach you the disadvantage of fighting in this  position,  and the advantage of taking to the

open lake. Here, you may  see, the savages  will know where to aim every shot; and it would be  too much to

hope that some  would not find their way through the  crevices of the logs. Now, on the other  hand, we should

have nothing  but a forest to aim at. Then we are not safe  from fire, here, the bark  of this roof being little

better than so much  kindlingwood. The  castle, too, might be entered and ransacked in my absence,  and all

my  possessions overrun and destroyed. Once in the lake, we can be  attacked only in boats or on raftsshall

have a fair chance with the  enemy  and can protect the castle with the ark. Do you unmediated this

reasoning,  youngster?" 

"It sounds wellyes, it has a rational sound; and I'll not gainsay  it." 

"Well, old Tom," cried Hurry, "If we are to move, the sooner we  make a  beginning, the sooner we shall know

whether we are to have our  scalps for  nightcaps, or not." 

As this proposition was selfevident, no one denied its justice.  The three  men, after a short preliminary

explanation now set about  their preparations  to move the ark in earnest. The slight fastenings  were quickly

loosened; and,  by hauling on the line, the heavy craft  slowly emerged from the cover. It was  no sooner free

from the  incumbrance of the branches, than it swung into the  stream, sheering  quite close to the western

shore, by the force of the  current. Not a  soul on board heard the rustling of the branches, as the cabin  came

against the bushes and trees of the western bank, without a feeling of  uneasiness; for no one knew at what

moment, or in what place, a secret  and  murderous  enemy might unmask himself. Perhaps the gloomy light

that still struggled  through the impending canopy of leaves, or found  its way through the narrow,  ribbonlike

opening, which seemed to mark,  in the air above, the course of  the river that flowed beneath, aided  in

augmenting the appearance of the  danger; for it was little more  than sufficient to render objects visible,

without giving up all their  outlines at a glance. Although the sun had not  absolutely set, it had  withdrawn its

direct rays from the valley; and the  hues Of evening  were beginning to gather around objects that stood

uncovered,  rendering those within the shadows of the re woods still more sombre  and  gloomy. 

No interruption followed the movement, however, and, as the men  continued to  haul on the line, the ark

passed steadily ahead, the  great breadth of the  scow preventing its sinking into the water, and  from offering

much resistance  to the progress of the swift element  beneath its bottom. Hutter, too, had  adopted a precaution

suggested by  ex-perience, which might have done credit  to a seaman, and which  completely prevented any of

the annoyances and  obstacles which  otherwise would have attended the short turns of the river.  As the ark

descended, heavy stones, attached to the line, were dropped in the  centre of the stream, forming local

anchors, each of which was kept  from  dragging by the assistance of those above it, until the  up-permost of all

was  reached, which got its "backing" from the  anchor, or grapnel, that lay well  out in the lake. In

consequence of  this expedient, the ark floated clear of  the incumbrances of the  shore, against which it would

otherwise have been  unavoidably hauled  at every turn, producing embarrassments that Hutter,  singlehanded,

would have found it very difficult to overcome. Favored by  this  foresight, and stimulated by the apprehension

of discovery, Floating  Tom  and his two athletic companions hauled the ark ahead with quite as  much

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rapid-ity as comported with the strength of the line. At every  turn in the  stream, a stone was raised from the

bottom, when the  direction of the scow  changed to one that pointed towards the stone  that lay above. In this

manner,  with the channel buoyed out for him,  as a sailor might term it, did Hutter  move forward, occasionally

urging his friends, in a low and guarded voice, to  increase their  exertions, and then, as occasions offered,

warning them  against  efforts that might, at particular moments, endanger all by too much  zeal. In spite of

their long familiarity with the woods, the gloomy  character  of the shaded river added to the uneasiness that

each felt;  and when the ark  reached the first bend in the Susquehannah, and the  eye caught a glimpse of  the

broader expanse of the lake, all felt a  relief, that perhaps none would  have been willing to confess. Here the

last stone was raised from the bottom,  and the line led directly  towards the grapnel, which, as Hutter had

explained, was dropped above  the suction of the current. 

"Thank God!" ejaculated Hurry, "there is daylight, and we shall  soon have a  chance of seeing our inimies, if

we are to feel 'em." 

"That is more than you or any man can say," growled Hutter. "There  is no spot  so likely to harbor a party as

the shore around the outlet,  and the moment we  clear these trees and get into open water, will be  the most

trying time,  since it will leave the enemy a cover, while it  puts us out of one. Judith,  girl, do you and Hetty

leave the oar to  take care of itself; and go within  the cabin; and be mindful not to  show your faces at a

window; for they who  will look at them won't stop  to praise their beauty. And now, Hurry, we 'll  step into

this outer  room ourselves, and haul through the door, where we  shall all be safe,  from a surprise, at least.

Friend Deerslayer, as the  current is  lighter, and the line has all the strain on it that is prudent, do  you  keep

moving from window to window, taking care not to let your head be  seen, if you set any value on life. No one

knows when or where we  shall hear  from our neighbors." 

Deerslayer complied, with a sensation that had nothing in common  with fear,  but which had all the interest of

a perfectly novel and a  most exciting  situation. For the first time in his life he was in the  vicinity of enemies,

or had good reason to think so; and that, too,  under all the thrilling  circumstances of Indian surprises and

Indian  arti-fices. As he took his stand  at the window, the ark was just  passing through the narrowest part of

the  stream, a point where the  water first entered what was properly termed the  river, and where the  trees fairly

interlocked overhead, causing the current  to rush into an  arch of verdure; a feature as appropriate and peculiar

to the  country,  perhaps, as that of Switzerland, where the rivers come rushing  liter-ally from chambers of ice. 

The ark was in the act of passing the last curve of this leafy  entrance, as  Deerslayer, having examined all that

could be seen of the  eastern bank of the  river, crossed the room to look from the opposite  window, at the

western. His  arrival at this aperture was most  opportune, for he had no sooner placed his  eye at a crack, than a

sight met his gaze that might well have alarmed a  sentinel so young  and inexperienced. A sapling overhung

the water, in nearly  half a  circle, having first grown towards the light, and then been pressed  down into this

form by the weight of the snows; a circumstance of  common  occurrence in the Amer ican woods. On this no

less than six  Indians had  already appeared, others standing ready to follow them, as  they left the  room; each

evidently bent on running out on the trunk,  and dropping on the  roof of the ark as it passed beneath. This

would  have been an exploit of no  great difficulty, the inclination of the  tree admitting of an easy passage,  the

adjoining branches offering  ample support for the hands, and the fall  being too trifling to be  apprehended.

When Deerslayer first saw this party,  it was just  unmasking itself, by ascending the part of the tree nearest to

the  earth, or that which was much the most difficult to overcome; and his  knowledge of Indian habits told

him at once that they were all in  their war  paint, and belonged to a hostile tribe. 

Pull, Hurry," he cried; " pull for your life, and as you love  Judith Hutter!  Pull, man, pull !" 

This call was made to one that the young man knew had the strength  of a  giant. It was so earnest and solemn,

that both Hutter and March  felt it was  not idly given, and they applied all their force to the  line

simultaneously,  and at a most critical moment. The scow redoubled  its motion, and seemed to  glide from

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under the tree as if conscious of  the danger that was impending  overhead. Perceiving that they were

discovered, the Indians uttered the  fearful warwhoop, and running  forward on the tree, leaped des-perately

towards their fancied prize.  There were six on the tree, and each made the  effort. All but their  leader fell into

the river more or less distant from  the ark, as they  came, sooner or later, to the leapingplace. The chief, who

had taken  the dangerous post in advance, having an earlier opportunity than  the  others, struck the scow just

within the stern. The fall proving so much  greater than he had anticipated, he was slightly stunned, and for a

moment he  remained half bent and unconscious of his situa-tion. At  this instant Judith  rushed from the cabin,

her beauty heightened by  the excitement that produced  the bold act, which flushed her cheek to  crimson, and,

throwing all her  strength into the effort, she pushed  the intruder over the edge of the scow,  headlong into the

river. This  decided feat was no sooner accomplished than  the woman resumed her  sway; Judith looked over

the stern to ascertain what  had become of the  man, and the expression of her eyes softened to concern,  next,

her  cheek crimsoned between shame and surprise, at her own temerity,  and  then she laughed in her own

merry and sweet manner. All this occupied  less than a minute, when the arm of Deerslayer was thrown

around her  waist,  and she was dragged swiftly within the protection of the cabin.  This retreat  was not effected

too soon. Scarcely were the two in  safety, when the forest  was filled with yells, and bullets and began  to

patter against the logs. 

The ark being in swift motion all this while, it was beyond the  danger of  pursuit by the time these little events

had occurred; and  the savages, as  soon as the first burst of their anger had subsided,  ceased firing, with the

conscious-ness that they were expending their  ammunition in vain. When the  scow came up over her grapnel,

Hutter  tripped the latter, in a way not to  impede the motion; and being now  beyond the influence of the

current, the  vessel continued to drift  ahead, until fairly in the open lake, though still  neat enough to the  land

to render exposure to a riflebullet dan-gerous.  Hutter and March  got out two small sweeps, and, covered by

the cabin, they  soon urged  the ark far enough. from the shore to leave no inducement to their  enemies to

make any further attempt to injure them. 

Chapter V.

"Why, let the strucken deer go weep,

The hart ungalled play,

For some must watch, while some must sleep,

Thus runs the world away."

Hamlet, III.ii.27174

Another consultation took place in the forward part of the scow, at  which  both Judith and Hetty were present.

As no danger could now  approach unseen,  immediate uneasiness had given place to he concern  which

attended the  conviction that enemies were in considerable force  on the shores of the lake,  and that they might

be sure no practicable  means of accomplishing their own  destruction would be neglected. As a  matter of

course Hutter felt these  truths the deepest, his daughters  having an habitual reliance on his  resources, and

knowing too little  to appreciate fully all the risks they ran;  while his male companions  were at liberty to quit

him at any moment they saw  fit. His first  remark showed that he had an eye to the latter circumstance,  and

might  have betrayed, to a keen observer, the apprehension that was just  then  uppermost. 

"We 'ye a great advantage over the Iroquois, or the enemy, whoever  they are,  in being afloat," he said. 

"There 's not a canoe on the lake that I don't know where it 's  hid; and now  yours is here. Hurry, there are but

three more on the  land, and they 're so  snug in hollow logs that I don't believe the  Indians could find them, let

them try ever so long." 

"There's no telling thatno one can say that," put in Deerslayer;  "a hound is  not more sartain on the scent than

a redskin, when he  expects to get anything  by it. Let this party see scalps afore 'em, or  plunder, or honor

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accordin' to  their idees of what honor is, and 't  will be a tight log that hides a canoe  from their eyes." 

"You're right, Deerslayer," cried Harry March; "you're downright  Gospel in  this matter, and I rej 'ice that my

bunch of bark is safe  enough here, within  reach of my arm. I calcilate they '11 be at all  the rest of the canoes

afore  tomorrow night, if they are in ra' al  'arnest to smoke you out, old Tom, and  we may as well overhaul

our  paddles for a pull." 

Hutter made no immediate reply. He looked about him in silence for  quite a  minute, examining the sky, the

lake, and the belt of forest  which inclosed  it, as it might be hermetically, like one consulting  their signs. Nor

did he  find any alarming symptoms. The boundless  woods were sleeping in the deep  repose of nature, the

heavens were  placid, but still luminous with the light  of the retreating sun, while  the lake looked more lovely

and calm than it had  before done that day.  It was a scene altogether soothing, and of a character  to lull the

passions into a species of holy calm. How far this effect was  produced, however, on the party in the ark, must

appear in the  progress of  our narrative. 

"Judith," called out the father, when he had taken this close but  short  survey of the omens, "night is at hand;

find our friends food; a  long march  gives a sharp appetite." 

"We're not starving, Master Hutter," March observed, "for we filled  up just  as we reached the lake, and for

one, I prefar the company of  Jude even to her  supper. This quiet evening is very agreeable to sit  by her side." 

"Natur' is natur'," objected Hutter, "and must be fed. Judith, see  to the  meal, and take your sister to help you. I

've a little  discourse to hold with  you, friends," he continued, as soon as his  daughters were out of hearing,

"and  wish the girls away. You see my  situation, and I should like to hear your  opinions concerning what is

best to be done. Three times have I been burnt  out already, but that  was on the shore; and I 've considered

myself as pretty  safe  ever  since I got the castle built, and the ark afloat. My other accidents,  however,

happened in peaceable times, being nothing more than such  flurries  as a man must meet with, in the woods;

but this matter looks  serious, and  your  ideas would greatly relieve my mind." 

"It's my notion, old Tom, that you, and your huts, and your traps,  and your  whole possessions, hereaway, are

in  desperate jippardy,"  returned the matteroffact Hurry, who  saw no use in concealment.  "Accordin' to my

idees of valie,  they 're altogether not worth half as  much today as they  was yesterday, nor would I give more

for 'em,  taking the  pay in skins." 

"Then I've children!" continued the father, making the  allusion in  a way that it might have puzzled even an

indifferent  observer to say  was intended as a bait, or as an  exclamation of paternal concern,  "daughters, as

you know,  Hurry, and good girls too, I may say, though  I am their  father." 

"A man may say anything, Master Hutter, particularly  when pressed  by time and circumstances. You've

darters,  as you say, and one of them  hasn't her equal on the frontiers  for good looks, whatever she may  have

for good behavior.  As for poor Hetty, she's Hetty Hutter, and  that's as much  as one can say about the poor

thing. Give me Jude, if  her  conduct was only equal to her looks!" 

"I see, Harry March, I can only count on you as a fair  weather  friend; and I suppose that your companion

will be  of the same way of  thinking," returned the other, with a  slight show of pride, that was  not altogether

without dig  nity; "well, I must depend on Providence,  which will not  turn a deaf ear, perhaps, to a father's


"If you 've understood Hurry, here, to mean that he intends to  desart you,"  said Deerslayer, with an earnest

simplicity that gave  double assurance of its  truth, "I think you do him injustice, as I  know you do me, in

supposing I  would follow him, was he so  ontruehearted as to leave a family of his own  color in such a strait

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as this. I 've come on this at take, Master Hutter, to  rende'vous a  fri'nd, and I only wish hehe was here

himself, as I make no  doubt he  will be at  sunset tomorrow, when you 'd have another rifle to aid  you;  an

inexper'enced one, I '11 allow, like my own, but one that  has  proved true so often ag'in the game, big and

little, that  I ll answer  for its sarvice ag'in mortals." 

May I depend on you to stand by me and my daughters,  then,  Deerslayer?" demanded the old man, with a

father's  anxiety in his  countenance. 

"That may you, Floating Tom, if that's your name; and  e, as a  brother would stand by a sister, a husband his

wife, or a suitor his  sweetheart. In this strait you may count on  me, through all  advarsities; and I think Hurry

does dis  credit to his natur' and  wishes, if you can't count on him." 

"Not he," cried Judith, thrusting her handsome face out  of the  door; "his nature is hurry, as well as his name,

and  he '11 hurry off,  as soon as he thinks his fine figure in danger. Neither  'old Tom,' nor  his 'gals,' will

depend much on  Master March, now they know him, but  you they will rely  on, Deerslayer; for your honest

face and honest  heart tell us  that what you promise you will perform." 

This was said, as much, perhaps, in affected scorn for  Hurry, as  in sincerity. Still, it was not said without

feeling. The fine face  of  Judith sufficiently proved the latter circumstance; and if the  conscious  March fancied

that he had never seen in it a stronger  display of contempta  feeling in which the beauty was apt to

indulgethan while she was looking at  him, it certainly seldom  exhibited more of  a womanly softness and

sensibility, than when her  speaking  a blue eyes were turned on his travelling companion. 

"Leave us, Judith," Hutter ordered sternly, before either  of the  young men could reply; "leave us; and do not

return until you come  with the venison and fish. The girl  has been spoilt by the flattery of  the officers, who

sometimes  find their way up here, Master March, and  you '11 not think  any harm of her silly words." 

"You never said truer syllable, old Tom," retorted Hurry,  who  smarted under Judith's observations; "the

devil  tongued youngsters of  the garrison have proved her undo'  ing. I scarce know Jude any longer,  and

shall soon take to  admiring her sister, who is getting to be much  more to my  fancy." 

"I 'm glad to hear this, Harry, and look upon it as a sign that  you're coming  to your right senses. Hetty would

make a much safer and  more rational  companion than Jude, and would be much the most likely  to listen to

your  suit, as the officers have, I greatly fear,  unsettled her sister's mind." 

"No man needs a safer wife than Hetty," said Hurry,  laughing,  "though I 'U not answer for her being of the

most  rational. But no  matter; Deerslayer has not misconceived  me, when he told you I should  be found at my

post. I '11  not quit you, Uncle Tom, just now, whatever  may be my  feelin's and intentions respecting your

eldest darter." 

Hurry had a respectable reputation for prowess among his  associates, and Hurter heard this pledge with a

satisfaction  that was  not concealed. Even the great personal strength of  such an aid became  of moment, in

moving the ark, as well as  in the species of  handtohand conflicts, that were not unfre'  quent in the woods;

and  no commander who was hard  pressed could feel more joy at hearing of  the arrival of  reinforcements, than

the borderer experienced at being  told  this important auxiliary was not about to quit him. A  minute  before,

Hutter would have been well content to com  promise his  danger, by entering into a compact to act only  on

the defensive; but  no sooner did he feel some security on  this point, than the  restlessness of man induced him

to think  of the means of carrying the  war into the enemy's country. 

"High prices are offered for scalps on both sides." he observed,  with a grim  smile, as if he felt the force of the

inducement, at the  very time he wished  to affect a superiority to earning money by means  that the ordinary

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feelings  of those who aspire to be civilized men  repudiated, even while they were  adopted. "It isn't right,

perhaps, to  take gold for human blood; and yet,  when mankind is busy in killing  one another, there can be no

great harm in  adding a little bit of skin  to the plunder. What 's your sentiments, Hurry,  touching these  p'ints?" 

"That you've made a vast mistake, old man, in calling  savage blood  human blood, at all. I think no more of a

redskin's scalp than I do of  a pair of wolf's ears; and  would just as lief finger money for the one  as for the

other.  With white people 't is different, for they 've a  nat'ral  avarsion to being scalped; whereas your Indian

shaves his  head in readiness for the knife, and leaves a lock of hair  by way of  braggadocio, that one can lay

hold of in the  bargain." 

"That 's manly, however, and I felt from the first that  we had  only to get you on our side, to have your heart

and hand," returned  Tom, losing all his reserve, as he  gained a renewed confidence in the  disposition of his

companions. "Something more may turn up from this  inroad of the redskins than they bargained for.

Deerslayer,  I  conclude you 're of Hurry's way of thinking, and look  upon money  'arued in this way as being as

likely to pass  as money 'arned in  trapping or hunting." 

"I've no such feelin', nor any wish to harbor it, not I,"  returned  the other. " My gifts are not scalpers' gifts, but

such as belong to  my religion and color. I '11 stand by you,  old man, in the ark or in  the castle, the canoe or

the woods,  but I '11 not unhumanize my natur'  by falling into ways  that God intended for another race. If you

and  Hurry  have got any thoughts that lean towards the colony's gold,  go  by yourselves in s'arch of it, and

leave the females to  my care. Much  as I must differ from you both on all  gifts that do not properly  belong to a

white man, we shall  agree that it is the duty of the  strong to take care of the  weak, especially when the last

belong to  them that natur'  intended man to protect and console by his gentleness  and  strength." 

"Hurry Harry, that is a lesson you might learn and  practise on to  some advantage," said the sweet, but spirited

voice of Judith, from  the cabin; a proof that she had over  heard all that had hitherto been  said. 

"No more of this, Jude," called out the father angrily.  "Move  farther off; we are about to talk of matters unfit

for a woman to  listen to." 

Hutter did not take any steps, however, to ascertain  whether he  was obeyed or not; but dropping his voice a

little, he pursued the  discourse. 

"The young man is right, Hurry," he said; "and we  can leave the  children in his care. Now, my idea is just

this; and I think you '11  agree that it is rational and correct.  There 's a large party of these  savages on shore

and, though  I did n't tell it before the girls, for  they 're womanish, and  apt to be troublesome when anything

like real  work is to  be done, there 's women among 'em. This I know from  moccasin prints; and 't is likely

they are hunters, after all,  who  have been out so long that they know nothing of the  war, or of the  bounties." 

"In which case, old Tom, why was their first salute an  attempt to  cut our throats?" 

"We don't know that their design was so bloody. It 'S  natural and  easy for an Indian to fall into ambushes and

sur  prises; and, no  doubt they wished to get on hoard the ark  first, and to make their  conditions afterwards.

That a dis  app' inted savage should fire at  us, is in rule; and I think  nothing of that. Besides, how often they

burned me out,  and robbed my trapsay, and pulled trigger on me, in  the  most peaceful times?" 

"The blackguards will do such things, I must allow;nd we pay 'em  off pretty  much in their own time. Women

would not be on the warpath,  sartainly; and,  so far,there 's reason in your idee.'' 

"Nor would a hunter be in his warpaint," returned  Deerslayer. "I  saw the Mingos, and know that they are  out

on the trail of mortal men;  and not for beaver or deer." 

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"There you have it ag'in, old fellow," said Hurry. "In  the way of  an eye, now, I 'd as soon trust this young

man,  as trust the oldest  settler in the colony; if he says paint,  why paint it was." 

"Then a huntingparty and a warparty have met, for  women must  have been with 'em. It 's only a few days

since the runner went  through with the tidings of the  troubles; and it may be that warriors  have come out to

call  in their women and children, to get an early  blow." 

"That would stand the courts, and is just the truth  cried Hurry;  "you 'ye got it now, old Tom, and I should  like

to hear what you mean  to make out of it." 

we "The bounty," returned the other, looking up at his  attentive  companion, in a cool, sullen manner, in

which,  ct.however, heartless  cupidity and indifference to the means  were far more conspicuous than  any

feelings of animosity  or revenge. 

"If there's women, there 's children; and big to and little have  scalps; the  colony pays for all alike." 

"More shame to it, that it should do so," interrupted  Deerslayer;  "more shame to it, that it don't understand its

gifts, and pay greater  attention to the will of God." 

"Hearken to reason, lad, and don't cry out afore you  understand a  case," returned the unmoved Hurry; "the

savages scalp your fri'nds,  the Delawares, or Mohicans  whichever they may be, among the rest; and  why

shouldn't  ur we scalp? I will own, it would be ag'in right for  you and  me now, to go into the settlements and

bring out scalps,  but  it '5 a very different matter as concerns Indians A man  shouldn't take  scalps, if he is n't

ready to be scalped, him  self, on fitting  occasions. One good turn desarves another,  the all the world over.

That 's reason, and I believe it to be good  religion." 

"Ay, Master Hurry," again interrupted the rich voice  of Judith,  "is it religion to say that one bad turn deserves


"I '11 never reason ag'in you, Judy, for you beat me with  ned  beauty, if you can't with sense. Here 's the

Canadas  paying their  Injins for scalps, and why not we pay" 

"Our Indians !" exclaimed the girl, laughing with a  'In sort of  melancholy merriment. "Father, father! think no

more of this, and  listen to the advice of Deerslayer, who  int, has a conscience; which  is more than I can say or

think of  Harry  March." 

Hutter now rose, and, entering the cabin, he compelled  his  daughters to go into the adjoining room, when he

the secured both the  doors, and returned. Then he and Hurry  call pursued the subject; but,  as the purport of all

that was material in  this discourse will appear  in the imrrative, it need not be related here in  detail. The

reader,  however,  can have no difficulty in comprehending the morality that  presided over their conference. It

was, in truth, that  which, in some  form or other, rules most of the acts of men,  and in which the  controlling

principle is that one wrong  will justify another. Their  enemies paid for scalps, and this was sufficient  to

justify the colony  for retaliating. It is true, the French used the same  argument, a  circumstance,as Hurry took

occasion to observe in answer to one  of  Deerslayer's objections, that proved its truth, as mortal enemies

would  not be likely to have recourse to the same reason unless it were a  good one.  But neither Hutter nor

Hurry was a man likely to stick at  trifles in matters  connected with the right of the aborigines, since  it is one

of the  consequences of aggression that it hardens the  conscience, as the only means  of quieting it. In the most

peaceable  state of the country, a species of warfare was  carried on between the  Indians, especially those of

the  Canadas, and men of their caste; and  the moment an  actual and recognized warfare existed, it was

regarded  as  the means of lawfully revenging a thousand wrongs, real  and  imaginary. Then, again, there was

some truth, and a  good deal of  expediency, in the principle of retaliation, of  which they both  availed

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themselves, in particular, to answer  the objections of their  justerminded and more scrupulous  companion. 

"You must fight a man with his own we'pons, Deerslayer," cried  Hurry, in his  uncouth dialect, and in his

dogmatical manner of  disposing of all oral  propositions; "if he's f"erce you must be  f'ercer; if he's stout of

heart,  you must be stouter. This is the way  to get the better of  Christian or savage: by keeping up to this trail,

you'll get  soonest to the ind of your journey." 

"That's not Moravian doctrine, which teaches that all  are to be  judged according to their talents or l'arning;

the  Injin like an  Injin; and the white man like a white man.  Some of their teachers say,  that if you're struck on

the cheek,it's a duty to  turn the other side  of the face, and take another blow, instead of seeking  revenge,

whereby I understand" 

"That's enough !" shouted Hurry; "that's all I want,  to prove a  man's doctrine! How long would it take to  kick

a man through the  colonyin at one ind and out at  the other, on that principle?" 

"Don't mistake me, March," returned the young hunter,  with  dignity; "I don't understand by this any more

than  that it 's best to  do this, if possible. Revenge is an Injin  gift, and forgiveness a  white man's. That 's all.

Overlook  all you can is what 's meant; and  not revenge all you can.  As for kicking, Master Hurry," and

Deerslayer's sunburnt  cheek flushed as he continued, "into the colony,  or out of  the colony, that's neither here

nor there, seeing no one  proposes it, and no one would be likely to put up with it.  What I  wish to say is, that a

redskin's scalping don't justify a paleface's  scalping." 

"Do as you 're done by, Deerslayer; that 's ever the  Christian  parson's doctrine." No, Hurry, I 'ye asked the

Moravians consarning  that;and it 's altogether different. 'Do as you would be done by,'  they tell  me, is the true

saying, while men practyse the false. They  think all the  colonies wrong that offer bounties for scalps, and

believe no blessing will  follow the measures. Above all things, they  forbid revenge." 

"That for your Moravians!" cried March, snapping his  fingers;  "they 're the next thing to Quakers; and if

you'd  believe all they  tell you, not even a 'rat would be skinned,  out of marcy. Who ever  heard of marcy on a


The disdainful manner of Hurry prevented a reply, and  he and the  old man resumed the discussion of their

plans in  a more quiet and  confidential manner. This confidence  lasted until Judith appeared,  bearing the

simple but savory  supper. March observed, with a little  surprise, that she  placed the choicest bits before

Deerslayer, and  that in the  little nameless attentions it was in her power to bestow,  she quite obviously

manifested a desire to let it be seen that she  deemed him the honored guest.  Accustomed, however, to Lhe

waywardness  and coquetry of the beauty, this  discovery gave him little concern,  and he ate with an appetite

that was in no  degree disturbed by any  moral causes. The easilydigested food of the forests  offering the

fewest possible obstacles to the gratification of this great  animal  indulgence, Deerslayer, notwithstanding the

hearty meal both had taken  in the woods, was in no manner behind his companion in doing justice  to the


An hour later the scene had greatly changed. The lake  was still  placid and glassy, but the gloom of the hour

had  succeeded to the soft  twilight of a summer evening, and all  within the dark setting of the  woods lay in the

quiet repose  of night. The forests gave up no song,  or cry, or even  murmur, but looked down from the hills on

the lovely  basin  they encircled, in solemn stillness; and the only sound that  was audible was the regular dip of

the sweeps, at which  Hurry and  Deerslayer lazily pushed, impelling the ark  towards the castle. Hutter  had

withdrawn to the stern of  the scow, in order to steer, but,  finding that the young men  kept even strokes, and

held the desired  course by their own  skill, he permitted the oar to drag in the water,  took a seat on the end of

the vessel, and lighted his pipe. He had not  been thus placed many minutes,  ere Hetty came stealthily out of

the  cabin, or house, as they usually termed  that part of the ark, and  placed herself at his feet, on a little bench

The Deerslayer; or, The First Warpath 

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that  she brought with  her. As this movement was by no  means unusual in his feebleminded  child, the old

man paid  no other attention to it than to lay his hand  kindly on her  head, in an affectionate and approving

manner; an act of  grace that the girl received in meek silence. 

After a pause of several minutes, Hetty began to sing.  Her voice  was low and tremulous, but it was earnest

and  solemn. The words and  the tune were of the simplest form,  the first being a hymn that she  had been

taught by her  mother, and the last one of those natural  melodies that find  favor with all classes, in every age,

coming from  and being  addressed to the feelings. Hutter never listened to this  simple strain without finding

his heart and manner softened; facts  that his  daughter well knew, and by which she had often profited,

through the sort of  holy instinct that  enlightens the weak of mind,  more especially in their aims  toward good. 

Hetty's low, sweet tones had not been raised many  moments, when  the dip of the oars ceased, and the holy

strain arose singly on the  breathing silence of the wilder  ness. As if she gathered courage with  the theme,

her pow  ers appeared to increase as she proceeded; and  though  nothing vulgar or noisy mingled in her

melody, its strength  and melancholy tenderness grew on the ear, until the air  was filled  with this simple

homage of a soul that seemed  almost spotless. That  the men forward were not indifferent  to this touching

interruption,  was proved by their inaction;  nor did their oars again dip until the  last of the sweet sounds had

actually  died among the remarkable  shores, which, at that witching hour, would waft  even the lowest

modulations of the human voice more than a mile. Hutter was  much  affected; for rude as he was by early

habits, and even ruthless as he  had got to be by long exposure to the practices of the wilderness, his  nature

was of that fearful mixture of good and evil that so generally  enters into  the moral composition of man. 

"You are sad tonight, child," said the father, whose  manner and  language usually assumed some of the

gentle  ness and elevation of the  civilized life he had led in youth, when he thus  communed with this

particular child; "we have just escaped from enemies, and  ought rather  to  rejoice." 

"You can never do it, father!" said Hetty, in a low,  remonstrating  manner, taking his hard, knotty hand into

both her own; "you have  talked long with Harry March;  but neither of you have the heart to do  it!" 

"This is going beyond your means, foolish child; you  must have  been naughty enough to have listened, or you

could know nothing of our  talk." 

"Why should you and Hurry kill peopleespecially  women and  children?" 

"Peace, girl, peace; we are at war, and must do to our  enemies as  our enemies would do to us." 

"That 's not it, father! I heard Deerslayer say how it  was. You  must do to your enemies as you wish your

enemies  would do to you. No  man wishes his enemies to kill him." 

"We kill our enemies in war, girl, lest they should kill  us. One  side or the other must begin; and them that

begin  first, are most apt  to get the victory. You know nothing  about these things, poor Hetty,  and had best say


"Judith says it is wrong, father; and Judith has sense  though I  have none." 

"Jude understands better than to talk to me of these  matters; for  she has sense, as you say, and knows I '11 not

bear it. Which would  you prefer, Hetty; to have your own  scalp taken, and sold to the  French, or that we

should kill  our enemies, and keep them from harming  us?" 

"That 's not it, father! Don't kill them, nor let them  kill us.  Sell your skins, and get more, if you can; but  don't

sell human  blood." 

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"Come, come, child; let us talk of matters you under  stand. Are  you glad to see our old friend, March, back

again? You like Hurry, and  must know that one day he  may be your brotherif not something  nearer." 

"That can't be, father," returned the girl, after a consid  erable  pause; "Hurry has had one father, and one

mother;  and people never  have two." 

"So much for your weak mind, Hetty. When Jude  marries, her  husband's father will be her father, and her

husband's sister her  sister. If she should marry Hurry,  then he will be your brother." 

"Judith will never have Hurry," returned the girl mildly.  but  positively; "Judith don't like Hurry."  "That's

more than you can know,  Hetty. Harry March  is the handsomest, and the strongest, and the  boldest young

man that ever visits the lake; and, as Jude is the  greatest  beauty, I don't see why they shouldn't come together.

He  has  as much as promised that he will enter into this job with me, on  condition that I'11 consent." 

Hetty began to move her body back and forth, and other  wise to  express mental agitation; but she made no

answer  for more than a  minute. Her father, accustomed to her  manner, and suspecting no  immediate cause of

concern, con  tinued to smoke with the apparent  phlegm which would  seem to belong to that particular

species of  enjoyment. 

"Hurry is handsome, father," said Hetty, with a simple  emphasis,  that she might have hesitated about using,

had  her mind been more  alive to the inferences of others. 

"I told you so, child," muttered old Hutter, without  removing the  pipe from between his teeth; "he's the

likeliest youth in these parts;  and Jude is the likeliest  young woman I've met with since her poor  mother was

in her best days." 

"Is it wicked to be ugly, father?'" 

"One might be guilty of worse thingsbut you 're by no  means ugly;  though not so comely as Jude." 

"Is Judith any happier for being so handsome?" 

"She may be, child, and she may not be. But talk of  other matters  now, for you hardly understand these, poor

Hetty. How do you like our  new acquaintance, Deer  slayer?" 

"He isn't handsome, father. Hurry is far handsomer than  Deerslayer." 

"That's true; but they say he is a noted hunter! His  fame had  reached me before I ever saw him; and I did

hope  he would prove to be  as stout a warrior as he is dexterous  with the deer. All men are not  alike,

howsever, child; and  it takes time, as I know by experience, to  give a man a true  wilderness heart." 

"Have I got a wilderness heart, fatherand Hurry, is  his heart  true wilderness?" 

"You sometimes ask queer questions, Hetty! Your  heart is good,  child, and fitter for the settlements than for

the woods;  while your  reason is fitter for the woods than for the settlements." 

"Why has Judith more reason than I, father?" 

"Heaven help thee, child: this is more than I can an  swer God  gives sense, and appearance, and all these

things; and he grants them  as he seeth fit. Dost thou  wish for more sense?" 

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"Not I. The little I have troubles me; for when I  think the  hardest, then I feel the unhappiest. I don't  believe

thinking is good  for me, though I do wish I was as  handsome as Judith !" 

"Why so, poor child? Thy sister's beauty may cause  her trouble, as  it caused her mother before her. It's no

advantage, Hetty, to be so  marked for anything as to her  come an object of envy, or to be sought  after more

than  others." 

"Mother was good, if she was handsome," returned the  girl, the  tears staffing to her eyes, as usually happened

when she adverted to  her deceased parent. Old Hutter, if not  equally affected, was moody  and silent at this

allusion to his wife.  He continued smoking, without  appearing disposed to make any answer,  until his

simpleminded  daughter repeated her remark, in a way to  show that she felt  uneasiness lest he might be

inclined to deny  her assertion. Then he  knocked the ashes out of his pipe, and  laying his hand in a sort of

rough kindness on the girl's  head, he made a reply. 

"Thy mother was too good for this world," he said;  "though others  might not think so. Her good looks did  not

befriend her; and you have  no occasion to mourn that  you are not as much like her as your sister.  Think less

of  beauty, child, and more of your duty, and you '11 be as  happy on this lake as you could be in the king's


"I know it, father; but Hurry says beauty is everything  in a young  woman." 

Hutter made an ejaculation expressive of dissatisfaction,  and went  forward, passing through the house, in

order to  do so. Hetty's simple  betrayal of her weakness in behalf  of March gave him uneasiness on a  subject

concerning  which he had never felt before, and he determined  to come  to an explanation at once with his

visitor; for directness  of  speech and decision in conduct were two of the best  qualities of this  rude being, in

whom the seeds of a better  education seemed to be  constantly struggling upwards, to  be choked by the fruits

of a life in  which his hard struggles  for subsistence and security had steeled his  feelings and  indurated his

nature. When he reached the forward end of  the  scow, he manifested an intention to relieve Deerslayer at  the

oar, directing the latter to take his own place aft By  these changes,  the old man and Hurry were again left

alone,  while the young hunter  was transferred to the other end of the ark. 

Hetty had disappeared when Deerslayer reached his new  post, and  for some little time he directed the course

of the  slowmoving craft  by himself. It was not long, however,  before Judith came out of the  cabin, as if

disposed to do  the honors of the place to a stranger  engaged in the service  of her family. The starlight was

sufficient to  permit objects  to be plainly distinguished when near at hand, and the  bright  eyes of the girl had

an expression of kindness in them, when  they met those of the youth, that the latter was easily enabled  to

discover. Her rich hair shaded her spirited and yet soft  countenance,  even at that hour rendering it the more

beautiful  as the rose is  loveliest when reposing amid the shadows and  contrasts of its native  foliage. Little

ceremony is used in  the intercourse of the woods; and  Judith had acquired a  readiness of address, by the

admiration that she  so generally  excited, which, if it did not amount to forwardness,  certainly  in no degree

lent to her charms the aid of that retiring  modesty  on which poets love to dwell. 

"I thought I should have killed myself with laughing,  Deerslayer,"  the beauty abruptly, but coquettishly com

menced, when I saw that  Indian dive into the river! He  was a goodlooking savage, too," the  girl always

dwelt on  personal beauty as a sort of merit, "and yet one  could n't  stop to consider whether his paint would

stand water!" 

"And I thought they would have killed you with their  we'pons,  Judith," returned Deerslayer; "it was an awful

risk for a female to  run in the face of a dozen Mingos!" 

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"Did that make you come out of the cabin, in spite of  their  rifles, too?" asked the girl, with more real interest

than she would  have cared to betray, though with an indif  ference of manner that was  the result of a good

deal of prac  tice united to native readiness. 

"Men ar'n't apt to see females in danger, and not come  to their  assistance. Even a Mingo knows that." 

This sentiment was uttered with as much simplicity of  wanner as of  feeling, and Judith rewarded it with a

smile so  that literally knew no  guile. To answer without saying  more or less than he wished, was

consequently a delicate  duty. 

"March has his say of all things in whether of  fri'nd or foe,"  slowly and cautiously rejoined the hunter.  "He's

one of them that  speak as they feel while the  tongue's agoing, and that's sometimes  different from what

they'd speak if they took time to consider. Give  me a  Delaware, Judith, for one that reflects and ruminates on

his  idees! Inmity has made him thoughtful, and a loose  tongue is no  ricommend at their council fires." 

"I dare say March's tongue goes free enough when it gets  on the  subject of Judith Hutter and her sister," said

the  girl, rousing  herself as if in careless disdain. "Young  women's good names are a  pleasant matter of

discourse with  some that would n't dare be so  openmouthed if there was a  brother in the way. Master March

may find  it pleasant to  traduce us, but sooner or later he '11 repent. 

"Nay, Judith, this is taking the matter up too much in  'arnest.  Hurry has never whispered a syllable ag'in the

good name of Hetty, to  begin with" 

"I see how it isI see how it is," impetuously interrupted  Judith.  "I am the one he sees fit to scorch with his

withering tongue! Hetty,  indeed! Poor Hetty!" she  continued, her voice sinking into low, husky  tones, that

seemed nearly to stifle her in the utterance; "she is  beyond  and above his slanderous malice! Poor Hetty! If

God has  created her feebleminded, the weakness lies altogether on  the side  of errors of which she seems to

know nothing. The  earth never held a  purer being than Hetty Hutter,  Deerslayer." 

"I can believe ityes, I can believe that, Judith, and I  hope  'arnestly that the same can be said of her handsome


There was a soothing sincerity in the voice of Deerslayer,  which  touched the girl's feelings; nor did the

allusion to  her beauty lessen  the effect with one who only knew too  well the power of her personal  charms.

Nevertheless, the  still, small voice of conscience was not  hushed, and it prompted the  answer which she

made, after giving  herself time to reflect. 

"I can believe ityes, I can believe tha, Judith, and I  hope  'arnestly that the same can be said of her handsome


There was a soothing sincerity in the voice of Deerslayer,  which  touched the girl's feelings; nor did the

allusion  to her beauty lessen  the effect with one who only knew  too well the power of her personal  charms.

Nevertheless,  the still, small voice of conscience was not  hushed, and  it prompted the answer which she made

after giving herself  time to reflect. 

"I dare say Hurry had some of his vile hints about the  people of  the garrisons," she added. "He knows they are

gentlemen, and can never  forgive any one for being what he  feels he can never become himself." 

"Not in the sense of a king's officer, Judith, sartainly,  for  March has no turn thataway; but in the sense of

reality,  why may not a  beaverhunter be as respectable as a governor?  Since you speak of it  yourself, I'11 not

deny that he did  complain of one as humble as you  being so much in the  company of scarlet coats and silken

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sashes. But  't was jeal  ousy that brought it out of him, and I do think he  mourned  over his own thoughts as a

mother would have mourned  over her  child." 

Perhaps Deerslayer was not aware of the full meaning  that his  earnest language conveyed. It is certain that he

did not see the color  that crimsoned the whole of Judith's  fine face, nor detect the  uncontrollable distress that

immediately after changed its hue to  deadly paleness.  A minute or two elapsed in profound stillness, the

splash  of the water seeming to occupy all the avenues of sound;  and  then Judith arose, and grasped the hand

of the hunter,  almost  convulsively, with one of her own. 

"Deerslayer," she said, hurriedly, "I'm glad the ice is  broke  between us. They say that sudden friendships lead

to long enmities,  but I do not believe it will turn out so  with us. I know not how it  isbut you are the first man

I  ever met, who did not seem to wish to  flatterto wish my  ruinto be an enemy in disguisenever mind; say

nothing to  Hurry, and another time we '11 talk together again." 

As the girl released her grasp, she vanished in the house,  leaving  the astonished young man standing at the

steering  oar, as motionless  as one of the pines on the hills. So  abstracted, indeed, had his  thoughts become,

that he was  hailed by Hutter to keep the scow's head  in the right  direction, before he remembered his actual


Chapter VI

"So spake the apostate Angel, though in pain,

Vaunting aloud, but racked with deep despair.'

Paradise lost, I.12526.

Shortly after the disappearance of Judith, a light southerly  air  arose, and Hutter set a large square sail, that

had once  been the  flying topsail of an Albany sloop, but which having  become threadbare  in catching the

breezes of Tappan, had been  condemned and sold. He had  a light, tough spar of tamarack that  he could raise

on occasion, and  with a little contrivance, his  duck was spread to the wind in a  sufficiently professional

manner. The effect on the ark was such as to  supersede the  necessity of rowing; and in about two hours the

castle  was seen,  in the darkness, rising out of the water, at the distance  of a hundred yards. The sail was then

lowered, and by slow degrees  the scow drifted up to the building, and was secured. No one  had  visited the

house since Hurry and his com-panion left it.  The place  was found in the quiet of midnight, a sort of type  of

the solitude of  a wilderness. As an enemy was known to be  near, Hutter directed his  daughters to abstain from

the use of  lights, luxuries in which they  seldom indulged during the warm  months, lest they might prove

beacons  to direct their foes where  they might be found. 

"In open daylight I shouldn't fear a host of savages behind these  stout logs, and they without any cover to

skulk into," added Hutter,  when he had explained to his guests the reasons why he forbade the  use of light;

"for I 'ye three or four trusty weapons always loaded,  and Killdeer, in particular, is a piece that never misses

But it's a  different thing at night. A canoe might get upon us unseen, in the  dark; and the savages have so

many cunning ways of attacking, that  I  look upon it as bad enough to deal with 'em under a bright sun.  I  built

this dwelling in order to have 'em at arm's length, in case  we  should ever get to blows again. Some people

think it's too open  and  exposed, but I'm for anchoring out here, clear of underbrush  and  thickets, as the surest

means of making a safe berth." 

"You was once a sailor, they tell me, old Tom?" said Hurry, in his  abrupt manner, struck by one or two

express-ions that the other had  just used, "and some people believe you could give us strange accounts  of

inimies and ship-wrecks, if you 'd a mind to come out with all you  know?" 

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"There are people in this world, Hurry," returned the other,  evasively,  "who live on other men's thoughts; and

some such often find  their way  into the woods. What I 'ye been, or what I 'ye seen in  youth, is of  less matter

now than what the savages are. It 's of more  account to find  out what will happen in the next twentyfour

hours  than to talk over  what happened twentyfour years since." 

"That's judgment, Deerslayer; yes, that's sound judg-ment. Here's  Judith  and Hetty to take care of, to say

nothing of our own topknots;  and,  for my part, I can sleep as well in the dark as I could under a  noonday

sun. To me it's no great matter whether there is light or not,  to see  to shut my eyes by." 

As Deerslayer seldom thought it necessary to answer his companion's  peculiar vein of humor, and Hutter was

evidently indisposed to dwell  longer on the subject, it's dis-cussion ceased with this remark. The  latter had

something more on his mind, however, than recollections.  His daugh-ters had no sooner left them, with an

expressed intention of  going to bed, than he invited his two companions to follow him again  into the scow.

Here the old man opened his pro-ject, keeping back the  portion that he had reserved for execution by Hurry

and himself. 

"The great object for people posted like ourselves is to command  the  water," he commenced. "So long as

there is no other craft on the  lake,  a bark canoe is as good as a man ofwar, since the castle will  not be  easily

taken by swimming. Now, there are but five canoes  remaining in  these parts, two of which are mine, and one

is Hurry's.  These three  we have with us here; one being fastened in the canoedock  beneath  the house, and

the other two being alongside the scow. The  other  canoes are housed on the shore, in hollow logs, and the

savages,  who are such venomous enemies, will leave no likely place unexamined  in the morning, if they 're

serious in s'arch of bounties" 

"Now, friend Hutter," interrupted Hurry, "the Indian don't live  that  can find a canoe that is suitably wintered.

I 'ye done something  at  this business before now, and Deer-slayer here knows that I am one  that  can hide a

craft in such a way that I can't find it myself." 

"Very true, Hurry," put in the person to whom the appeal had been  made,  "but you overlook the sarcumstance

that if you could n't see the  trail  of the man who did the job, I could. I 'm of Master Hutter's  mind, that  it 's far

wiser to mistrust a savage's ingenuity, than to  build any  great expectations on his want of eyesight. If these

two  canoes can  be got off to the castle, therefore, the sooner it 's done  the better." 

"Will you be of the party that's to do it?" demanded Hutter, in a  way  to show that the proposal both surprised

and pleased him. 

"Sartain. I 'm ready to enlist in any enterprise that 's not ag'in  a  white man's lawful gifts. Natur' orders us to

defend our lives, and  the lives of others, too, when there 's occasion and opportunity.  I  '11 follow you,

Floating Tom, into the Mingo camp, on such an arr'nd,  and will strive to do my duty, should we come to

blows; though, never  having been tried in battle, I don't like to promise more than I may  be able to perform.

We all know our wishes, but none know their might  till put to the proof." 

"That's modest and suitable, lad," exclaimed Hurry. "You've never  yet  heard the crack of an angry rifle; and,

let me tell you, 't is as  different from the persuasion of one of your venison speeches, as the  laugh of Judith

Hutter, in her best humor, is from the scolding of a  Dutch house keeper on the Mohawk. I don't expect you'll

prove much of  a warrior, Deerslayer, though your equal with the bucks and the does  don't exist in all these

parts. As for the ra'al sarvice, however,  you'll turn out rather rearward, according to my consait." 

"We'll see, Hurry, we '11 see," returned the other, meekly; so far  as  human eye could discover, not at all

disturbed by these expressed  doubts  concerning his conduct on a point on which men are sensitive,  precisely

in the degree that they feel the consciousness of demerit;  "having never  been tried, I '11 wait to know, before

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I form any  opinion of myself; and  then there '11 be sartainty, instead of  bragging. I've beard of them that  was

valiant afore the fight, who did  little in it; and of them that waited  to know their own tempers, and  found that

they were n't as bad as some  expected, when put to the  proof." 

"At any rate, we know you can use a paddle, young man," said  Hutter, "and  that 's all we shall ask of you

to-night. Let us waste no  more time, but  get into the canoe, and do, in place of talking." 

As Hutter led the way, in the execution of his project, the boat  was  soon ready, with Hurry and Deerslayer at

the paddles. Before the  old  man embarked himself, however, he held a conference of several  minutes  with

Judith, entering the house for that purpose; then,  returning, he  took his place in the canoe, which left the side

of the  ark at the next  instant. 

Had there been a temple reared to God, in that solitary wilderness,  its  clock would have told the hour of

midnight as the party set forth  on their  expedition. The darkness had increased, though the night was  still

clear,  and the light of the stars sufficed for all the purposes  of the adventurers.  Hutter alone knew the places

where the canoes were  hid, and he directed the  course, while his two athletic companions  raised and dipped

their paddles  with proper caution, lest the sound  should be carried to the ears of their  enemies, across that

sheet of  placid water, in the stillness of deep night.  But the bark was too  light to require any extraordinary

efforts, and skill  supplying the  place of strength, in about half an hour they were approaching  the  shore, at a

point near a league from the castle. 

"Lay on your paddles, men," said Hutter, in a low voice, "and let  us look  about us for a moment. We must

now be all eyes and ears, for  these vermin  have noses like blood-hounds." 

The shores of the lake were examined closely, in order to discover  any  glimmering of light that might have

been left in a camp; and the  men  strained their eyes, in the obscurity, to see if some thread of  smoke  was not

still stealing along the mountainside, as it arose from  the  dying embers of a fire. Nothing unusual could be

traced; and as  the  position was at some distance from the outlet, or the spot where  the  savages had been met,

it was thought safe to land. The paddles  were  plied again, and the bows of the canoe ground upon the gravelly

beach  with a gentle motion, and a sound barely audible. Hutter and  Hurry  immediately landed, the former

carrying his own and his friend's  rifle,  leaving Deerslayer in charge of the canoe. The hollow log lay a  little

distance up the side of the mountain, and the old man led the  way towards  it, using so much caution as to stop

at every third or  fourth step, to  listen if any tread betrayed the presence of a foe.  The same deathlike

stillness, however, reigned on the midnight scene,  and the desired place  was reached without an occur-rence

to induce  alarm. 

"This is it," whispered Hutter, laying a foot on the trunk of a  fallen  linden; "hand me the paddles first, and

draw the boat out with  care, for  the wretches may have left it for a bait, after all." 

"Keep my rifle handy, butt towards me, old fellow," answered March.  "If they attack me loaded, I shall want

to unload the piece at 'em, at  least. And feel if the pan is full." 

"All 's right," muttered the other; "move slow, when you get your  load,  and let me lead the way." 

The canoe was drawn out of the log with the utmost care, raised by  Hurry to his shoulder, and the two began

to 'return to the shore,  moving  but a step at a time, lest they should tumble down the steep  declivity.  The

distance was not great, but the descent was extremely  difficult; and,  towards the end of their little journey,

Deerslayer  was obliged to land  and meet them, in order to aid in lifting the  canoe through the bushes.  With

his assistance the task was  successfully accomplished, and the light  craft soon floated by the  side of the other

canoe. This was no sooner done,  than all three  turned anxiously towards the forest and the mountain,

expecting an  enemy to break out of the one, or to come rushing down the  other.  Still the silence was

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unbroken, and they all embarked with the  caution  that had been used in coming ashore. 

Hutter now steered broad off towards the centre of the lake. Having  got  a sufficient distance from the shore,

he cast his prize loose,  knowing  that it would drift slowly up the lake before the light  southerly air,  and

intending to find it on his return. Thus relieved  of his tow, the  old man held his way down the lake, steering

towards  the very point  where Hurry had made his fruitless attempt on the life  of the deer.  As the distance

from this point to the outlet was less  than a mile, it  was like entering an enemy's country; and redoubled

caution became  necessary. They reached the extremity of the point,  however, and landed  in safety on the little

gravelly beach already  mentioned. Un-like the  last place at which they had gone ashore, here  was no acclivity

to ascend,  the mountains looming up in the darkness  quite a quarter of a mile  farther west, leaving a margin

of level  ground between them and the  strand. The point itself, though long, and  covered with tall trees, was

nearly flat, and for some distance only a  few yards in width. Hutter and  Hurry landed as before, leaving their

companion in charge of the boat. 

In this instance, the dead tree that contained the canoe of which  they  had come in quest lay about halfway

be. between the extremity of  the narrow  slip of land and the place where it joined the main shore;  and

knowing that  there was water so near him on his left, the old man  led the way along the  eastern side of the

belt with some confidence  walking boldly, though still  with caution. He had landed at the point  expressly to

get a glimpse into the  bay. and to make certain that the  coast was clear; otherwise he would have  come ashore

directly abreast  of the hollow tree. There was no difficulty in  finding the latter,  from which the canoe was

drawn as before, and instead  of carrying it  down to the place where Deerslayer lay, it was launched at  the

nearest  favorable spot. As soon as it was in the water, Hurry entered  it, and  paddled round to the point,

whither Hutter also proceeded, following  the beach. As the three men had now in their possession all the

boats  on  the lake, their confidence was greatly increased, and there was no  longer  the same feverish desire to

quit the shore, or the same  necessity for  extreme caution. Their position on the ex-tremity of the  long, narrow

bit of  land, added to the feeling of security, as it  permitted an enemy to approach  in only one direction, that in

their  front, and under circumstances that  would render discovery, with their  habitual vigilance, almost certain.

The  three now landed together, and  stood grouped in consultation on the gravelly  point. 

"We 'ye fairly tree'd the scamps," said Hurry, chuckling at their  success;  "if they wish to visit the castle, let

'em wade or swim! Old  Tom, that idee  of your'n, in burrow-ing out in the lake, was high  proof, and carries a

fine  bead. There be men who would think the land  safer than the water; but, after  all, reason shows it isn't; the

beaver, and rats, and other l'arned creatur's  taking to the last when  hard pressed. I call our position now,

entrenched,  and set the Can  adas at defiance." 

"Let us paddle along this south shore," said Hutter, "and see if  there 's no  sign of an encampment; but, first,

let me have a better  look into the bay,  for no one has been far enough round the inner  shore of the point to

make  suit of that quarter yet." 

As Hutter ceased speaking, all three moved in the direction he had  named.  Scarce had they fairly opened the

bottom of the bay, when a  general start  proved that their eyes had lighted on a common object at  the same

instant. It  was no more than a dying brand, giving out its  flickering and failing light;  but at that hour, and in

that place, it  was at once as conspicuous as "a good deed in a naughty world." There  was not  a shadow of

doubt that this fire had been kindled at an  encampment of the  Indians. The situ-ation, sheltered from

observation  on all sides but one, and  even on that except for a very short  distance, proved that more care had

been  taken to conceal the spot  than would be used for ordinary purposes, and  Hutter, who knew that a  spring

was near at hand, as well as one of the best  fishingstations  on the lake, immediately inferred that this

encamp-ment  contained the  women and children of the party. 

"That's not a warrior's encampment," he growled to Hurry; "and  there 's  bounty enough sleeping round that

fire to make a heavy  division of head  money. Send the lad to the canoes, for there '11  come no good of him

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in such  an onset, and let us take the matter in  hand at once, like men."  "There 's judgment in your notion, old

Tom,  and I like it to the backbone.  Deerslayer, do you get into the canoe,  lad, and paddle off into the lake

with  the spare one, and set it  adrift, as we did with the other; after which you  can float along  shore, as near as

you can get to the head of the bay, keeping  outside  the point, howsever, and outside the rushes, too. You can

hear us  when  we want you; and if there's any delay, I '11 call like a loonyes, that  'll do it the call of a loon

shall be the signal. If you hear rifles,  and  feel like sogering, why, you may close in, and see if you can make

the same  hand with the savages that you do with the deer." 

"If my wishes could be followed, this matter would not be  undertaken, Hurry" 

"Quite truenobody denies it, boy; but your wishes can't be  followed; and  that inds the matter. So just canoe

yourself off into  the middle of the lake,  and by the time you get back there'11 be  movements in that camp !" 

The young man set about complying with great reluctance and a heavy  heart. He  knew the prejudices of the

frontiermen too well, however, to  attempt a  remonstrance. The latter, indeed, under the circumstances,  might

prove  dangerous, as it would certainly prove useless. He paddled  the canoe,  therefore, silently, and with the

former caution, to a spot  near the centre  of the placid sheet of water, and set the boat just  recovered adrift, to

float towards the castle, before the light  southerly air. This expedient had  been adopted, in both cases, under

the certainty that the drift could not  carry the light barks more than  a league or two, before the return of light,

when they might easily be  overtaken In order to prevent any wandering savage  from using them, by

swimming off and getting possession, a possible but  scarcely a  probable event, all the paddles were retained. 

No sooner had he set the recovered canoe adrift, than Deerslayer  turned the  bows of his own towards the

point on the shore that had  been indicated by  Hurry. So light was the movement of the little  craft, and so

steady the sweep  of its master's arm, that ten minutes  had not elapsed ere it was again  approaching the land,

having, in that  brief time, passed over fully half a  mile of distance. As soon as  Deerslayer's eye caught a

glimpse of the  rushes, of which there were  many growing in the water a hundred feet from the  shore, he

arrested  the motion of the canoe, and anchored his boat by holding  fast to the  delicate but tenacious stem of

one of the drooping plants. Here  he  remained, awaiting, with an intensity of suspense that can be easily

imagined, the result of the hazardous enterprise. 

It would be difficult to convey to the minds of those who have  never  witnessed it, the sublimity that

characterizes the silence of a  solitude as  deep as that which now reigned over the Glimmerglass. In  the

present  instance, this sublimity was increased by the gloom of  night, which threw its  shadowy and fantastic

forms around the lake,  the forest, and the hills. It is  not easy, indeed, to conceive of any  place more favorable

to heighten these  natural impressions, than that  Deerslayer now occupied. The size of the lake  brought all

within the  reach of human senses, while it displayed so much of  the imposing  scene at a single view, giv-ing

up, as it might be, at a glance,  a  sufficiency to produce the deepest impressions. As has been said, this  was  the

first lake Deerslayer had ever seen. Hitherto, his experience  was at once  as conspicuous as "a good deed in a

naughty world." There  was not a shadow of  doubt that this fire had been kindled at an  encampment of the

Indians. The  situation sheltered from observation on  all sides but one, and even on that  except for a very short

distance,  proved that more care had been taken to  conceal the spot than would be  used for ordinary purposes,

and Hutter, who  knew that a spring was  near at hand, as well as one of the best fishing  stations on the lake,

immediately inferred that this encamp-ment contained  the women and  children of the party. 

"That's not a warrior's encampment," he growled to Hurry; "and  there 's  bounty enough sleeping round that

fire to make a heavy  division of head  money. Send the lad to the canoes, for there '11  come no good of him

in such  an onset, and let us take the matter in  hand at once, like men." 

"There 's judgment in your notion, old Tom, and I like it to the  backbone.  Deerslayer, do you get into the

canoe, lad, and paddle off  into the lake with  the spare one, and set it adrift, as we did with  the other; after

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which you  can float along shore, as near as you can  get to the head of the bay, keeping  outside the point,

howsever, and  outside the rushes, too. You can hear us  when we want you; and if  there's any delay, I '11 call

like a loonyes, that  '11 do it the  call of a loon shall be the signal. If you hear rifles, and  feel like  sogering,

why, you may close in, and see if you can make the same  hand  with the savages that you do with the deer."" 

"If my wishes could be followed, this matter would not be  undertaken, Hurry" 

"Quite truenobody denies it, boy; but your wishes can't be  followed; and  that inds the matter. So just canoe

yourself off into  the middle of the lake,  and by the time you get back there '11 be  movements in that camp." 

The young man set about complying with great reluctance and a heavy  heart. He  knew the prejudices of the

frontiermen too well, however, to  attempt a  remonstrance. the latter, indeed, under the circumstances,  might

prove  dangerous, as it would certainly prove useless. He paddled  the canoe,  therefore, silently, and with the

former caution, to a spot  near the centre  of the placid sheet of water, and set the boat just  recovered adrift, to

float towards the castle, before the light  southerly air. This expedient had  been adopted, in both cases, under

the certainty that the drift could not  carry the light barks more than  a league or two, before the return of light,

when they might easily be  overtaken. In order to prevent any wandering savage  from using them,  by

swimming off and getting possession, a possible, but  scarcely a  probable event, all the paddles were retained. 

No sooner had he set the recovered canoe adrift, than Deerslayer  turned the  bows of his own towards the

point on the shore that had  been indicated by  Hurry. So light was the movement of the little  craft, and so

steady the sweep  of its master's arm, that ten minutes  had not elapsed ere it was again  approaching the land,

having, in that  brief time, passed over fully half a  mile of distance. As soon as  Deer-slayer's eye caught a

glimpse of the  rushes, of which there were  many growing in the water a hundred feet from the  shore, he

arrested  the motion of the canoe, and anchored his boat by holding  fast to the  delicate but tenacious stem of

one of the drooping plants. Here  he  remained, awaiting, with an intensity of suspense that can be easily

imagined, the result of the hazardous enterprise. 

It would be difficult to convey to the minds of those who have  never  witnessed it, the sublimity that

characterizes the silence of a  solitude as  deep as that which now reigned over the Glimmerglass. In  the

present  instance, this sublimity was increased by the gloom of  night, which threw its  shadowy and fantastic

forms around the lake,  the forest, and the hills. It is  not easy, indeed, to conceive of any  place more favorable

to heighten these  natural impressions, than that  Deerslayer now occupied. The size of the lake  brought all

within the  reach of human senses, while it dis-played so much of  the imposing  scene at a single view, giv-ing

up, as it might be, at a glance,  a  sufficiency to produce the deepest impressions. As has been said, this  was  the

first lake Deerslayer had ever seen. Hitherto, his experience  had been  limited to the courses of rivers and

smaller streams, and  never before had he  seen so much of that wilderness, which he so well  loved, spread

before his  gaze. Accustomed to the forest, however, his  mind was capable of portraying  all its hidden

mysteries, as he looked  upon its leafy surface. This was also  the first time he had been on a  trail where human

lives depended on the  issue. His ears had often  drunk in the traditions of frontier warfare, but he  had never

yet been  confronted with an enemy. 

The reader will readily understand, therefore, how intense must  have been the  expectation of the young man,

as be sat in his solitary  canoe, endeavoring to  catch the smallest sound that might denote the  course of things

on shore. His  training had been perfect, so far as  theory could go, and his self  possession, notwithstanding

the high  excitement, that was the fruit of  novelty, would have done credit to a  veteran. The visible evidences

of the  existence of the camp, or of the  fire could not be detected from the spot  where the canoe lay, and he

was compelled to depend on the sense of hearing  alone. He did not feel  impatient, for the lessons he had

heard taught him the  virtue of  patience, and, most of all, inculcated the necessity of wariness in  conducting

any covert assault on the Indians. Once he thought he heard  the  cracking of a dried twig, but expectation was

so intense it might  mislead  him. In this manner minute after minute passed, until the  whole time since he  left

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his companions was extended to quite an hour.  Deerslayer knew not  whether to rejoice in or to mourn over

this  cautious delay, for, if it  augured security to his associates, it  foretold destruction to the feeble and


It might have been an hour and a half after his companions and he  had parted,  when Deerslayer was aroused

by a sound that filled him  equally with concern  and surprise. The quavering call of a loon arose  from the

opposite side of  the lake, evidently at no great distance  from its outlet. There was no  mistaking the note of

this bird, which  is so familiar to all who know the  sounds of the American lakes.  Shrill, tremulous, loud, and

sufficiently  prolonged, it seems the very  cry of warning. It is often raised, also, at  night, an exception to  the

habits of most of the other feathered inmates of  the wilderness; a  circumstance which had induced Hurry to

select it as his  own signal.  There had been sufficient time, certainly, for the two  adventurers to  make their

way by land from the point where they had been left  to that  whence the call had come, but it was not

proba-ble that they would  adopt such a course. Had the camp been deserted they would have  summoned

Deerslayer to the shore, and, did it prove to be peopled,  there could be no  sufficient motive for circling it, in

order to  reembark at so great a  distance. Should he obey the signal, and be  drawn away from the landing,

the  lives of those who depended on him  might be the forfeitand, should he  neglect the call, on the

supposition that it had been really made, the  conse-quences might be  equally disastrous, though from a

differ-ent cause. In  this indecision  he waited, trusting that the call, whether feigned or  natural, would  be

speedily renewed. Nor was he mistaken. A very few minutes  elapsed  before the same shrill warning cry was

repeated, and from the same  part of the lake. This time, being on the alert, his senses were not  deceived.

Although he had often heard admirable imitations of this  bird, and  was no mean adept himself in raising its

notes, he felt  satisfied that Hurry,  to whose efforts in that way he had attended,  could never so completely and

closely follow nature. He determined,  therefore, to disre-gard that cry, and  to wait for one less perfect  and

nearer at hand. 

Deerslayer had hardly come to this determination, when the profound  stillness  of night and solitude was

broken by a cry so startling, as  to drive all  recollection of the more mel-ancholy call of the loon  from the

listener's  mind. It was a shriek of agony, that came either  from one of the female sex,  or from a boy so young

as not yet to have  attained a manly voice. This appeal  could not be mistaken. Heart  rending terrorif not

writhing agonywas in the  sounds, and the  anguish that had awakened them was as sudden as it was  fearful.

The  young man released his hold of the rush, and dashed his paddle  into  the water; to do, he knew not

whatto steer, he knew not whither. A  very  few moments, however, removed his indecision. The breaking of

branches, the  cracking of dried sticks, and the fall of feet were  distinctly audible; the  sounds appearing to

approach the water though  in a direction that led  diagonally towards the shore, and a little  farther north than

the spot that  Deer-slayer had been ordered to keep  near. Following this clue, the young man  urged the canoe

ahead, paying  but little attention to the manner in which he  might betray its  presence. He had reached a part

of the shore, where its  im-mediate  bank was tolerably high and quite steep. Men were evidently  threshing

through the bushes and trees on the summit of this bank, following  the  line of the shore, as if those who fled

sought a favorable place for  descending. Just at this instant five or six rifles flashed, and the  oppo-site hills

gave back, as usual, the sharp reports in prolonged  rolling  echoes. One or two shrieks, like those which

escape the  bravest when suddenly  overcome by unexpected anguish and alarm,  followed; and then the

threshing  among the bushes was renewed, in a  way to show that man was grappling with  man. 

"Slippery devil!" shouted Hurry with the fury of dis-appointment"  his skin's  greased! I sha'n't grapple! Take

that for your cunning!" 

The words were followed by the fall of some heavy object among the  smaller  trees that fringed the bank,

appearing to Deerslayer as if his  gigantic  associate had hurled an enemy from him in this unceremonious

manner. Again  the flight and pursuit were renewed, and then the young  man saw a human form  break down

the hill, and rush several yards into  the water. At this critical  moment the canoe was just near enough to  the

spot to allow this movement,  which was accompanied by no little  noise, to be seen, and feeling that there  he

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must take in his  companion, if anywhere, Deer-slayer urged the canoe  forward to the  rescue. His paddle had

not been raised twice, when the voice  of Hurry  was heard filling the air with imprecations, and he rolled on

the  narrow beach, literally loaded down with enemies. While prostrate, and  almost  smothered with his foes,

the athletic frontierman gave his  looncall, in a  manner that would have excited laughter under  circumstances

less terrific.  The figure in the water seemed suddenly  to repent his own flight, and rushed  to the shore to aid

his  companion, but was met and immediately overpowered by  half a dozen  fresh pursuers, who, just then,

came leaping down the bank. 

"Let up, you painted riptyleslet up!" cried Hurry, too hard  pressed to be  particular about the terms he used;

"isn't it enough  that I am withed like a  sawlog that ye must choke too!" 

This speech satisfied Deerslayer that his friends were prisoners,  and that to  land would be to share their fate

He was already within a  hundred feet of the  shore, when a few timely strokes of the paddle not  only arrested

his advance,  but forced him off to six or eight times  that distance from his enemies.  Luckily for him, all of the

Indians  had dropped their rifles in the pursuit,  or this retreat might not  have been effected with impunity;

though no one had  noted the canoe in  the first confusion of the melee. 

"Keep off the land, lad," called out Hutter; "the girls depend only  on you,  now; you will want all your caution

to escape these savages.  Keep off, and  God prosper you, as you aid my children!" 

There was little sympathy in general between Hutter and the young  man, but  the bodily and mental anguish

with which this appeal was made  served at the  moment to conceal from the latter the former's faults.  He saw

only the father  in his sufferings, and resolved at once to give  a pledge of fidelity to its  interests, and to be

faithful to his word. 

"Put your heart at ease, Master Hutter," he called out; "the gals  shall be  looked to, as well as the castle. The

inimy has got the  shore, 't is no use  to deny, but he hasn't got the water. Providence  has the charge of all, and

no one can say what will come of it; but,  if goodwill can sarve you and your  'n, depend on that much. My

exper'-ence is small, but my will is good." 

"Ay, ay, Deerslayer," returned Hurry, in this stentorian voice,  which was  losing some of its heartiness,

notwith' standing," Ay, ay,  Deerslayer. you  mean well enough 

believed himself to have reached a point in a line with that where  he had set  the last canoe adrift, he changed

his direc-tion northward,  keeping the light  air as nearly on his back as possible. After  paddling a quarter of a

mile in  this direc-tion, a dark object became  visible on the lake, a little to the  right; and turning on one side

for the purpose, he had soon secured his lost  prize to his own boat.  Deerslayer now examined the heavens, the

course of the  air, and the  position of the two canoes. Finding nothing in either to induce  a  change of plan, he

lay down, and prepared to catch a few hours' sleep,  that  the morrow might find him equal to its exigencies. 

Although the hardy and the tired sleep profoundly, even in scenes  of danger,  it was some time before

Deerslayer lost his recollection.  His mind dwelt on  what had passed, and his halfconscious faculties  kept

figuring the events of  the night, in a sort of waking dream.  Suddenly he was up and alert, for he  fancied he

heard the preconcerted  signal of Hurry summoning him to the shore.  But all was still as the  grave again. The

canoes were slowly drifting  northward, the thoughtful  stars were glimmering in their mild glory over his

head, and the  forestbound sheet of water lay embedded between its mountains,  as  calm and melancholy as if

never troubled by the winds, or brightened by  a  noonday sun. Once more the loon raised his tremulous cry,

near the  foot of  the lake, and the mystery of the alarm was explained.  Deerslayer adjusted his  hard pillow,

stretched his form in the bottom  of the canoe, and slept. 

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Chapter VII.

"Clear, placid Leman I Thy contrasted lake

With the wild world I dwelt in, is a thing

Which warns me, with its stillness, to forsake

Earth's troubled waters for a purer spring.

This quiet sail is as a noiseless wing

To waft me from distraction; once I loved

Torn ocean's roar, but thy soft murmuring

Sounds sweet as if a sister's voice reproved,

That I with stern delights should e'er have been so moved."


Day had fairly dawned before the young man, whom we have left in  the  situation described in the last

chapter, again opened his eyes.  This was no  sooner done, than he started up, and looked about him with  the

eagerness of  one who suddenly felt the impor-tance of accurately  ascertaining his precise  position. His rest

had been deep and  undisturbed; and when he awoke, it was  with a clearness of intellect  and a readiness of

resources that were very  much needed at that  particular moment. The sun had not risen, it is true, but  the vault

of  heaven was rich with the winning softness that "brings and shuts  the  day," while the whole air was filled

with the carols of birds, the  hymns  of the feathered tribe. These sounds first told Deerslayer the  risks he ran.

The air, for wind it could scarce be called, was still  light, it is true, but  it had increased a little in the course of

the  night, and as the canoes were  feathers on the water, they had drifted  twice the expected distance; and,

what was still more dangerous, had  approached so near the base of the  mountain that here rose  precipitously

from the eastern shore, as to render  the carols of the  birds plainly audible. This was not the worst. The third

canoe had  taken the same direction, and was slowly drifting towards a point  where it must inevitably touch,

unless turned aside by a shift of  wind, or  human hands. In other respects, nothing presented itself to  attract

attention, or to awaken alarm. The castle stood on its shoal,  nearly abreast  of the canoes, for the drift had

amounted to miles in  the course of the  night, and the ark lay fastened to its piles, as  both had been left so

many  hours before. 

As a matter of course, Deerslayer's attention was first given to  the canoe  ahead. It was already quite near the

point, and a very few  strokes of the  paddle sufficed to tell him that it must touch before  he could possibly

overtake it. Just at this moment, too, the wind  inopportunely freshened,  rendering the drift of the light craft

much  mote rapid than certain. Feeling  the impossibility of preventing a  contact with the land, the young man

wisely  determined not to heat  himself with unnecessary exertions; but first looking  to the priming  of his

piece, he proceeded slowly and warily towards the  point, taking  care to make a little circuit, that he might be

exposed on only  one  side, as he approached. 

The canoe adrift being directed by no such intelligence, pursued  its proper  way, and grounded on a small

sunken rock, at the distance  of three or four  yards from the shore. Just at that moment, Deerslayer  had got

abreast of the  point, and turned the bows of his own boat to  the land; first casting loose  his tow, that his

movements might be  unencumbered. The canoe hung an instant  to the rock; then it rose a  hair's breadth on an

almost imperceptible swell  of the water, swung  round, floated clear, and reached the strand. All this  the

young man  noted, but it neither quickened his pulses, nor hastened his  hand. If  any one had been lying in wait

for the arrival of the waif, he must  be  seen, and the utmost caution in approaching the shore became

indispensable; if no one was in ambush, hurry was unnecessary. The  point  being nearly diagonally opposite

to the Indian encampment, he  hoped the last,  though the former was not only possible, but probable;  for the

savages were  prompt in adopting all the expedients of their  particular modes of warfare,  and quite likely had

many scouts  searching the shores for craft to carry them  off to the castle. As a  glance at the lake from any

height or projection  would expose the  smallest object on its surface, there was little hope that  either of  the

canoes would pass unseen; and Indian sagacity needed no  instruction to tell which way a boat or a log would

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drift, when the  direction  of the wind was known. As Deerslayer drew nearer and nearer  to the land, the  stroke

of his paddle grew slower, his eye became more  watchful, and his ears  and nostrils almost dilated with the

effort to  detect any lurking danger. 'T  was a trying moment for a novice, nor  was there the encouragement

which even  the timid sometimes feel, when  conscious of being observed and commended. He  was entirely

alone,  thrown on his own resources, and was cheered by no  friendly eye,  emboldened by no encourag-ing

voice. Notwithstanding all these  circumstances, the most experienced veteran in forest warfare could  not have

behaved better. Equally free from recklessness and  hesita-tion, his advance  was marked by a sort of

philosophical  prudence that appeared to render him  superior to all motives but those  which were best

calculated to effect his  purpose. Such was the  commencement of a career in forest exploits, that  afterwards

rendered  this man, in his way, and under the limits of his habits  and  opportunities, as renowned as many a

hero whose name has adorned the  pages of works more celebrated than legends simple as ours can ever


When about a hundred yards from the shore, Deerslayer rose in the  canoe, gave  three or four vigorous strokes

with the paddle, sufficient  of themselves to  impel the bark to land, and then quickly laying aside  the

instrument of  labor, he seized that of war. He was in the very act  of raising the rifle,  when a sharp report was

followed by the buzz of  a bullet that passed so near  his body as to cause him involuntarily to  start. The next

instant Deerslayer  staggered, and fell his whole  length in the bottom of the canoe. A yellit  came from a

single  voicefollowed, and an Indian leaped from the bushes upon  the open  area of the point, bounding

towards the canoe. This was the moment  the  young man desired. He rose on the instant, and levelled his own

rifle  at  his uncovered foe; but his finger hesitated about pulling the  trigger on one  whom he held at such a

disadvantage. This little delay,  probably, saved the  life of the Indian, who bounded back into the  cover as

swiftly as he had  broken out of it. In the meantime  Deerslayer had been swiftly approaching the  land, and his

own canoe  reached the point just as his enemy disappeared. As  its movements had  not been directed, it

touched the shore a few yards from  the other  boat; and though the rifle of his foe had to be loaded, there was

not  time to secure his prize, and carry it beyond danger, before he would  be  exposed to another shot. Under

the circumstances, therefore, he did  not pause  an instant, but dashed into the woods and sought a cover. 

On the immediate point there was a small open area, partly in  native grass,  and partly beach, but a dense

fringe of bushes lined its  upper side. This  narrow belt of dwarf vegetation passed, one issued  immediately

into the high  and gloomy vaults of the forest. The land  was tolerably level for a few  hundred feet, and then it

rose  precipitously in a mountainside. The trees  were tall, large, and so  free from underbrush, that they

resembled vast  columns, irregularly  scattered, upholding a dome of leaves. Although they  stood tolerably

close together, for their ages and size, the eye could  penetrate to  considerable distances; and bodies of men,

even, might have  engaged  beneath their cover, with concert and intelligence. 

Deerslayer knew that his adversary must be employed in reloading,  unless he  had fled. The former proved

to be the case, for the young  man had no sooner  placed himself behind a tree, than he caught a  glimpse of the

arm of the  Indian, his body being concealed by an oak,  in the very act of forcing the  leathered bullet home.

Nothing would  have been easier than to spring forward,  and decide the affair by a  close assault on his

unprepared foe; but every  feeling of Deer-slayer  revolted at such a step, although his own life had  just been

attempted  from a cover. He was yet unpracticed in the ruthless  expedients of  savage warfare, of which he

knew nothing except by tradition  and  theory, and it struck him as unfair advantage to assail an unarmed foe.

His color had heightened, his eye frowned, his lips were compressed,  and all  his energies were collected and

ready; but, instead of  advancing to fire, he  dropped his rifle to the usual position of a  sportsman in readiness

to catch  his aim, and muttered to himself,  unconscious that he was speaking 

"No, nothat may be redskin warfare, but it's not a  Christian's  gifts. Let the miscreant charge, and then we'll

take it out like  men;  for the canoe he must not, and shall not have. No, no; let him have  time  to load, and God

will take care of the right!" 

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All this time the Indian had been so intent on his own movements,  that he was  even ignorant that his enemy

was in the woods. His only  apprehension was,  that the canoe would be recovered and carried away  before he

might be in  readiness to prevent it. He had sought the cover  from habit, but was within a  few feet of the

fringe of bushes, and  could be at the margin of the forest in  readiness to fire in a moment.  The distance

between him and his enemy was  about fifty yards, and the  trees were so arranged by nature that the line of

sight was not  interrupted, except by the particular trees behind which each  party  stood. 

His rifle was no sooner loaded, than the savage glanced around him,  and  advanced incautiously as regarded

the real, but stealthily as  respected the  fancied position of his enemy, until he was fairly  exposed. Then

Deerslayer  stepped from behind its own cover, and hailed  him. 

"This a way, redskin; this a way, if you're looking for me," he  called out.  "I'm young in war, but not so young

as to stand on an open  beach to be shot  down like an owl, by daylight. It rests on yourself  whether it's peace

or war  atween us; for my gifts are white gifts, and  I'm not one of them that thinks  it valiant to slay human

mortals,  singly, in the woods." 

The savage was a good deal startled by this sudden discovery of the  danger he  ran. He had a little knowledge

of English, however, and  caught the drift of  the other's mean-ing. He was also too well  schooled to betray

alarm, but,  dropping the butt of his rifle to the  earth, with an air of con-fidence, he  made a gesture of lofty

courtesy. All this was done with the ease and self  possession of one  accustomed to consider no man his

superior. In the midst of  this  consummate acting, however, the volcano that raged within caused his  eyes to

glare, and his nostrils to dilate, like those of some wild  beast that  is suddenly prevented from taking the fatal


"Two canoes," he said, in the deep guttural tones of his race,  holding up the  number of fingers he mentioned,

by way of preventing  mistakes; "one for you  one for me." 

"No, no, Mingo, that will never do. You own neither; and neither  shall you  have, as long as I can prevent it. I

know it's war atween  your people and  mine, but that's no reason why human mortals should  slay each other,

like  savage creatur's that meet in the woods; go your  way, then, and leave me to  go mine. The world is large

enough for us  both; and when we meet fairly in  battle, why, the Lord will order the  fate of each of us." 

"Good!" exclaimed the Indian; "my brother mission-arygreat talk;  all about  Manitou." 

"Not sonot so, warrior. I'm not good enough for the Moravians, and  am too  good for most of the other

vagabonds that preach about in the  woods. No, no;  I'm only a hunter, as yet, though afore the peace is  made, 't

is like enough  there'll be occasion to strike a blow at some  of your people. Still, I wish  it to be done in fair

fight, and not in  a quarrel about the ownership of a  miserable canoe." 

"Good I My brother very youngbut he is very wise. Little  warriorgreat  talker. Chief, sometimes, in


" I don't know this, nor do I say it, Injin," returned Deerslayer,  coloring a  little at the illconcealed sarcasm of

the other's manner;  "I look forward to  a life in the woods, and I only hope it may be a  peaceable one. All

young men  must go on the warpath, when there's  occasion, but war is n't needfully  massacre. I've seen

enough of the  last, this very night, to know that  Providence frowns on it; and I now  invite you to go your own

way, while I go  mine; and hope that we may  part frinds." 

"Good! My brother has two scalpgray hair under 'other. Old  wisdomyoung  tongue." 

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Here the savage advanced with confidence, his hand extended, his  face  smiling, and his whole bearing

denoting amity and respect.  Deerslayer met his  offered friendship in a proper spirit, and they  shook hands

cordially, each  endeavoring to assure the other of his  sincerity and desire to be at peace. 

All have his own," said the Indian; "my canoe, mine; your canoe,  your'n. Go  look; if your'n, you keep; if

mine, I keep." 

"That's just, redskin; thought you must be wrong in thinking the  canoe your  property. Howsever, seem' is

believin ', and we'll go down  to the shore,  where you may look with your own eyes; for it's likely  you'll object

to  trustin' altogether to mine." 

The Indian uttered his favorite exclamation of "Good!" and then  they walked  side by side, towards the shore.

There was no apparent  distrust in the manner  of either, the Indian moving in advance, as if  he wished to show

his  com-panion that he did not fear turning his back  to him. As they reached the  open ground, the former

pointed towards  Deerslayer' s boat, and said  emphatically "No minepaleface canoe.  This redman's. No

want other man's  canoewant his own." 

"You're wrong, redskin, you 're altogether wrong. This canoe was  left in old  Hutter's keeping, and is his'n

according to law, red or  white, till its owner  comes to claim it. Here's the seats and the  stitching of the bark to

speak  for themselves. No man ever know'd an  Injin to turn off such work." 

"Good! My brother little oldbig wisdom. Injin no make him. White  man's  work." 

"I'm glad you think so, for holding out to the contrary might have  made ill  blood atween us, every one having

a right to take possession  of his own. I'll  just shove the canoe out of reach of dispute at once,  as the quickest

way of  settling difficulties." 

While Deerslayer was speaking, he put a foot against the end of the  light  boat, and giving a vigorous shove,

he sent it out into the lake  a hundred  feet or more, where, taking the true current, it would  necessarily float

past  the point, and be in no further danger of  coming ashore. The savage started  at this ready and decided

expedient,  and his companion saw that he cast a  hurried and fierce glance at his  own canoe, or that which

contained the  paddles. The change of manner,  however, was but momentary, and then the  Iroquois resumed

his air of  friendliness, and a smile of satisfaction. 

"Good !" he repeated, with stronger emphasis than ever. "Young  head, old  mind. Know how to settle quarrel.

Farewell, brother. He go  to house in water  muskrat house Injin go to camp; tell chiefs no  find canoe." 

Deerslayer was not sorry to hear this proposal, for he felt anxious  to join  the females, and he took the offered

hand of the Indian very  willingly. The  parting words were friendly, and while the redman  walked calmly

towards the  wood, with the rifle in the hollow of his  arm, without once looking back in  uneasiness or distrust,

the white  man moved towards the remaining canoe,  carrying his piece in the same  pacific manner, it is true,

but keeping his  eye fastened on the  movements of the other. This distrust, however, seemed to  be  altogether

uncalled for, and as if ashamed to have entertained it, the  young man averted his look, and stepped carelessly

up to his boat.  Here he  began to push the canoe from the shore, and to make his other  preparations  for

departing. He might have been thus employed a minute,  when, happening to  turn his face towards the land,

his quick and  certain eye told him, at a  glance, the imminent jeopardy in which his  life was placed. The black,

ferocious eyes of the savage were glancing  on him, like those of the  crouching tiger, through a small opening

in  the bushes, and the muzzle of his  rifle seemed already to be opening  in a line with his own body. 

Then, indeed, the long practice of Deerslayer, as a hun-ter did him  good  service. Accustomed to fire with the

deer on the bound, and often  when the  precise position of the animal's body had in a manner to be  guessed at,

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he  used the same expedients here. To cock and poise his  rifle were the acts of a  single moment and a single

motion: then  aiming almost without sighting, he  fired into the bushes where he knew  a body ought to be, in

order to sustain  the appalling countenance  which alone was visible. There was not time to  raise the piece any

higher, or to take a more deliberate aim. So rapid were  his movements  that both parties discharged their

pieces at the same instant,  the  concussions mingling in one report. The mountains, indeed, gave back  but  a

single echo. Deerslayer dropped his piece, and stood with head  erect,  steady as one of the pines in the calm of

a June morning,  watching the  result; while the savage gave the yell that has become  historical for its

appalling influence, leaped through the bushes, and  came bounding across the  open ground, flourishing a

tomahawk. Still  Deerslayer moved not, but stood  with his unloaded rifle fallen against  his shoulders, while,

with a hunter's  habits, his hands were  mechanically feeling for the powderhorn and charger.  When about

forty  feet from his enemy, the savage hurled his keen weapon; but  it was  with an eye so vacant, and a hand so

unsteady and feeble, that the  young man caught it by the handle as it was flying past him. At that  instant  the

Indian staggered and fell his whole length on the ground. 

"I know' d itI know' d it!" exclaimed Deerslayer, who was already  preparing  to force a fresh bullet into his

rifle; "I know'd it must  come to this, as  soon as I had got the range from the creatur's eyes.  A man sights

sud-denly,  and fires quick when his own life's in danger;  yes, I know'd it would come to  this. I was about the

hundredth part of  a second too quick for him, or it  might have been bad for me! The  riptyle's bullet has just

grazed my side but  say what you will for or  ag'in 'em, a redskin is by no means as sartain with  powder and

ball as  a white man. Their gifts don't seem to lie that a way.  Even  Chingachgook, great as he is in other

matters, isn't down-right deadly  with the rifle." 

By this time the piece was reloaded, and Deerslayer, after tossing  the  tomahawk into the canoe, advanced to

his victim, and stood over  him, leaning  on his rifle, in melancholy attention. It was the first  instance in which

he  ha seen a man fall in battleit was the first  fellowcreature against whom he  had ever seriously raised his

own  hand. The sensations were novel; and  regret, with the freshness of our  better feelings, mingled with his

triumph.  The Indian was not dead,  though shot directly through the body. He lay on his  back motionless,  but

his eyes, now full of consciousness, watched each action  of his  victoras the fallen bird regards the

fowlerjealous of every  movement. The man probably expected the fatal blow which was to  precede the  loss

of his scalp; or perhaps he anticipated that this  latter act of cruelty  would precede his death. Deer-slayer read

his  thoughts; and he found a  melancholy satis-faction in relieving the  apprehensions of the helpless  savage. 

"No, no, redskin," he said; "you've nothing more to fear from me. I  am of a  Christian stock, and scalping is

not of my gifts. I '11 just  make sartain of  your rifle, and then come back and do you what sarvice  I can.

Though here I  can't stay much longer, as the crack of three  rifles will be apt to bring  some of your devils

down upon me." 

The close of this was said in a sort of a soliloquy, as the young  man went in  quest of the fallen rifle. The

piece was found where its  owner had dropped  it, and was imme-diately put into the canoe. Laying  his own

rifle at its  side, Deerslayer then returned and stood over the  Indian again. 

"All inmity atween you and me's at an ind redskin," he said; "and  you may set  your heart at rest on the score

of the scalp, or any  further injury. My gifts  are white, as I 'ye told you; and I hope my  conduct will be white


Could looks have conveyed all they meant, it is probable  Deerslayer's  innocent vanity on the subject of color

would have been  rebuked a little; but  he comprehended the grati-tude that was  expressed in the eyes of the

dying  savage, without in the least  detecting the bitter sarcasm that struggled with  the better feeling. 

"Water !" ejaculated the thirsty and unfortunate creature; "give  poor Injin  water." 

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"Ay, water you shall have, if you drink the lake dry. I'll just  carry you  down to it that you may take your fill.

This is the way,  they tell me, with all wounded people water is their  greatest comfort  and delight." 

So saying, Deerslayer raised the Indian in his arms, and carried  him to the  lake. Here he first helped him to

take an attitude in which  he could appease  his burning thirst; after which he seated himself on  a stone, and

took the  head of his wounded adversary in his own lap,  and endeavored to soothe his  anguish in the best

manner he could. 

"It would be sinful in me to tell you your time had n't come,  warrior," he  commenced, "and therefore I '11 not

say it. You 'ye  passed the middle age  already, and, considerin' the sort of lives ye  lead, your days have been

pretty well filled The principal thing now,  is to look forward to what comes  next. Neither redskin nor

paleface,  on the whole, calculates much on  sleepin' forever; but both expect to  live in another world. Each

has his  gifts, and will be judged by 'em,  and I suppose you 'ye thought these matters  over enough not to stand

in need of sarmons when the trial comes. You '11  find your happy  huntinggrounds, if you 'ye been a just

Injin; if an onjust,  you'll  meet your desarts in another way. I'ye my own idees about these  things; but you're

too old and exper'enced to need any explanations  from one  as young as I."  "Good!" ejaculated the Indian,

whose voice  retained its depth even as life  ebbed away; "young headold wisdom I" 

"It's sometimes a consolation, when the ind comes, to know that  them we 'ye  harmed, or tried to harm,

forgive us. I suppose natur'  seeks this relief, by  way of getting a pardon on 'arth; as we never  can know

whether He par-dons,  who is all in all, till judgment itself  comes. It's soothing to know that any  pardon at

such times; and that,  I conclude, is the secret. Now, as for  myself, I overlook altogether  your designs ag'in my

life; first, because no  harm came of 'em; next,  because it 's your gifts, and natur', and trainin',  and I ought not

to  have trusted you at all; and, finally and chiefly, because  I can bear  no illwill to a dying man, whether

heathen or Christian. So put  your  heart at ease, so far as I'm consarned; you know best what other  matters

ought to trouble you, or what ought to give you satisfaction  in so trying a  moment." 

It is probable that the Indian had some of the fearful glimpses of  the  unknown state of being which God, in

mercy, seems at times to  afford to all  the human race; but they were necessarily in conformity  with his habits

and  prejudices Like most of his people, and like too  many of our own, he thought  more of dying in a way to

gain applause  among those he left than to secure a  better state of existence  hereafter. While Deerslayer was

speaking, his mind  was a little  bewildered, though he felt that the intention was good; and when  he  had done,

a regret passed over his spirit that none of his own tribe  were  present to witness his stoicism, under extreme

bodily suffering,  and the  firmness with which he met his end. With the high innate  courtesy that so  often

distinguishes the Indian warrior before he  becomes corrupted by too  much intercourse with the worst class of

the  white men, he endeavored to  express his thankfulness for the other's  good intentions, and to let him

understand that they were appreciated. 

"Good!" he repeated, for this was an English word much used by the  savages,  "good! young head ; young

heart, too. Old heart tough; no  shed tear. Hear  Indian when he die, and no want to liewhat he call  him?" 

"Deerslayer is the name I bear now, though the Dela-wares have said  that when  I get back from this

warpath, I shall have a more manly  title, provided I  can am one." 

"That good name for boypoor name for warrior. He get better quick.  No fear  there, "the savage had

strength sufficient, under the strong  excitement he  felt, to raise a hand and tap the young man on his  breast,"

eye sartain  finger lightningaim, deathgreat warrior soon.  No Deerslayer Hawkeye

HawkeyeHawkeye. Shake hand." 

Deerslayeror Hawkeye, as the youth was then first named, for in  after years  he bore the appellation

throughout all that  regionDeerslayer took the hand  of the savage, whose last breath was  drawn in that

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attitude, gazing in  admiration at the countenance of a  stranger, who had shown so much readiness,  skill, and

firmness, in a  scene that was  equally trying and novel. When the reader remembers it  is the highest

gratification an Indian can receive to see his enemy  betray weakness, he will  be better able to appreciate the

conduct  which had extorted so great a  concession at such a moment. 

"His spirit has fled!" said Deerslayer, in a suppressed, melancholy  voice.  "Ah's me! Well, to this we must all

come, sooner or later; and  he is  happiest, let his skin be what color it may, who is best fitted  to meet it.  Here

lies the body of no doubt a brave warrior, and the  soul is already  flying towards its heaven or hell, whether

that be a  happy huntingground, a  place scant of game, regions of glory,  according to Moravian doctine, or

flames of fire! So it happens  too,  as regards other matters! Here have old  Hutter and Hurry Harry got

themselves into difficulty, if they have n't got  themselves into  torment and death, and all for a bounty that

luck offers to  me in what  many would think a lawful and suitable manner. But not a farthing  of  such money

shall cross my hand. White I was born, and white will I die;  clinging to color to the last, even though the

King's majesty, his  governors,  and all his councils, both at home and in the colonies,  forget from what they

come, and where they hope to go, and all for a  little advantage in war-fare.  No, no, warrior, hand of mine

shall  never molest your scalp, and so your soul  may rest in peace on the  p'int of making a decent appearance

when the body  comes to join it, in  your own land of spirits." 

Deerslayer arose as soon as he had spoken. Then he placed the body  of the  dead man in a sitting posture, with

its back against the little  rock, taking  the necessary care to prevent it from falling or in any  way settling into

an  attitude that might be thought unseemly by the  sensitive, though wild notions  of a savage. When this duty

was  performed, the young man stood gazing at the  grim countenance of his  fallen foe, in a sort of melancholy

abstraction. As  was his practice,  however, a habit gained by living so much alone in the  forest, he then  began

again to give utterance to his Thoughts and feelings  aloud. 

"I didn't wish your life, redskin," he said "but you  left me no  choice atween killing or being killed. each party

acted according  to  his gifts, I suppose, and blame can light on neither. You were  treacherous, according to

your natur' in war, and I was a little  oversightful, as I'm apt to be in trusting others. Well, this is my  first

battle with a human mortal, though it's not likely to be the  last. I have  fou't most of the creatur's of the forest,

such as bears,  wolves, painters,  and catamounts, but this is the beginning with the  redskins. If I was Injin

born, now, I might tell of this, or carry in  the scalp, and boast of the  expl'ite afore the whole tribe; or, if my

inimy had only been even a bear, 't  would have been nat'ral and proper  to let everybody know what had

happened;  but I don't well see how I'm  to let even Chingachgook into this secret, so  long as it can be done

only by boasting with a white tongue. And why should I  wish to boast  of it a'ter all? It's slaying a human,

although he was a  savage; and  how do I know that he was a just Injin; and that he has not been  taken  away

sud-denly to anything but happy huntinggrounds. When it 's  onsartain whether good or evil has been done,

the wisest way is not to  be  boastfulstill, I should like Chingachgook to know that I haven't  discredited  the

Delawares, or my training!" 

Part of this was uttered aloud, while part was merely muttered  between the  speaker's teeth; his more confident

opinions enjoying the  first advantage,  while his doubts were expressed in the latter mode.  Soliloquy and

reflection  received a startling interruption, however,  by the sudden appearance of a  second Indian on the lake

shore, a few  hundred yards from the point. This  man, evidently another scout, who  had probably been drawn

to the place by the  reports of the rifles,  broke out of the forest with so little caution that  Deerslayer caught  a

view of his person before he was himself discovered. When  the latter  event did occur, as was the case a

moment later, the savage gave a  loud yell, which was answered by a dozen voices from different parts  of the

mountainside. There was no longer any time for delay; in  another minute the  boat was quitting the shore

under long and steady  sweeps of the paddle. 

As soon as Deerslayer believed himself to be at a safe distance he  ceased his  efforts, permitting the little bark

to drift, while he  leisurely took a  survey of the state of things. The canoe first sent  adrift was floating  before

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the air, quite a quarter of a mile above  him, and a little nearer to  the shore than he wished, now that he knew

more of the savages were so near  at hand. The canoe shoved from the  point was within a few yards of him, he

having directed his own course  towards it on quitting the land. The dead  Indian lay in grim quiet  where he

had left him, the warrior who had shown  himself from the  forest had already vanished, and the woods

themselves were  as silent  and seemingly deserted as the day they came fresh from the hands of  their great

Creator. This profound stillness, however, lasted but a  moment.  When time had been given to the scouts of

the enemy to  reconnoitre, they  burst out of the thicket upon the naked point,  filling the air with yells of  fury

at discovering the death of their  companion. These cries were  immedi-ately succeeded by shouts of  delight

when they reached the body and  clustered eagerly around it.  Deerslayer was a sufficient adept in the usages

of the natives to  understand the reason of the change. The yell was the  customary  lamentation at the loss of a

warrior, the shout a sign of rejoicing  that the conqueror had not been able to secure the scalp; the trophy,

without  which a victory is never consid-ered complete. The distance at  which the  canoes lay proba-bly

prevented any attempts to injure the  conqueror, the  American Indian, like the panther of his own woods,

seldom making any effort  against his foe unless tolerably certain it  is under circumstances that may  be

expected to prove effective. 

As the young man had no longer any motive to remain near the point,  he  prepared to collect his canoes, in

order to tow them off to the  castle. That  nearest was soon in tow, when he proceeded in quest of  the other,

which was  all this time floating up the lake. The eye of  Deerslayer was no sooner  fastened on this last boat,

than it struck  him that it was nearer to the  shore than it would have been had it  merely followed the course of

the gentle  current of air. He began to  suspect the influence of some unseen current in  the water, and he

quickened his exertions, in order to regain possession of  it before it  could drift into a dangerous proximity to

the woods. On getting  nearer, he thought that the canoe had a perceptible motion through the  water,  and, as it

lay broadside to the air, that this motion was  taking it towards  the land. A few vigorous strokes of the paddle

carried him still nearer, when  the mystery was explained. Something  was evidently in motion on the offside

of the canoe, or that which  was farthest from himself, and closer scrutiny  showed that it was a  naked human

arm. An Indian was lying in the bottom of  the canoe, and  was pro-pelling it slowly but certainly to the shore,

using  his hand  as a paddle. Deerslayer understood the whole artifice at a glance. A  savage had swum off to

the boat while he was occupied with his enemy  on the  point, got possession, and was using these means to

urge it to  the shore. 

Satisfied that the man in the canoe could have no arms, Deerslayer  did not  hesitate to dash close alongside of

the retiring boat, without  deeming it  necessary to raise his own rifle. As soon as the wash of  the water, which

he  made in approaching, became audible to the  prostrate savage, the latter  sprang to his feet, and uttered an

exclamation that proved how completely he  was taken by surprise. 

"If you've enj'yed yourself enough in that canoe, red-skin,"  Deerslayer  coolly observed, stopping his own

career in sufficient time  to prevent an  absolute collision between the two boats," if you 'ye  enj'yed yourself

enough in that canoe, you 'Il do a prudent act by  taking to the lake ag'in.  I'm reasonable in these matters, and

don't  crave your blood, though there 's  them about that would look upon you  more as a duebill for the

bounty than a  human mortal. Take to the  lake this minute, afore we get to hot words." 

The savage was one of those who did not understand a word of  English, and he  was indebted to the gestures

of Deerslayer, and to the  expression of an eye  that did not often deceive, for an imperfect  comprehension of

his mean-ing.  Perhaps, too, the sight of the rifle  that lay so near the hand of the white  man quickened his

decision. At  all events, he crouched like a tiger about to  take his leaps uttered a  yell, and the next instant his

naked body  disap-peared in the water.  When he rose to take breath, it was at the  distance of several yards

from the canoe, and the hasty glance he threw  behind him denoted how  much he feared the arrival of a fatal

messenger from  the rifle of his  foe. But the young man made no indication of any hostile  inten-tion.

Deliberately securing the canoe to the others, he began to paddle  from  the shore; and by the time the Indian

reached the land, and had shaken  himself, like a spaniel, on quitting the water, his dreaded enemy was

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already  beyond rifleshot on his way to the castle. As was so much his  practice,  Deerslayer did not fail to

soliloquize on what had just  occurred, while  steadily pursuing his course towards the point of  destination. 

"Well, well,' 'he commenced," 't would have been wrong to kill a  human  mortal without an object. Scalps

are of no account with me, and  life is  sweet, and ought not to be taken marcilessly by them that have  white

gifts.  The savage was a Mingo, it 's true; and I make no doubt  he is, and will be as  long as he lives, a ta"l' al

riptyle and  vaga-bond; but that's no reason I  should forget my gifts and color.  No, no,let him go; if ever we

meet ag'in,  rifle in hand, why then  'twill be seen which has the stoutest heart and the  quickest eye.  Hawkeye!

That's not a bad name for a warrior, sounding much  more  manful and valiant than Deerslayer! 'T wouldn't be

a bad title to begin  with, and it has been fairly arned. If 't was Chingachgook, now, he  might go  home and

boast of his deeds, and the chiefs would name him  Hawkeye in a  minute; but it don't become white blood to

brag, and 't  is n't easy to see  how the matter can be known unless I do. Well,  well,everything is in the  hands

of Providence; this affair as well as  another; I'11 trust to that for  getting my desarts in all things." 

Having thus betrayed what might be termed his weak spot, the young  man  continued to paddle in silence,

making his way diligently, and as  fast as his  tows would allow him, towards the castle. By this time the  sun

had not only  risen, but it had appeared over the eastern  mountains, and was shedding a  flood of glorious light

on this as yet  unchristened sheet of water. The whole  scene was radiant with beauty;  and no one

unaccustomed to the ordinary  history of the woods would  fancy it had so lately witnessed incidents so

ruthless and barbarous.  As he approached the building of old Hutter,  Deerslayer thought, or  rather felt that its

appearance was in singular  harmony with all the  rest of the scene. Although nothing had been consulted  but

strength  and security, the rude, massive logs, covered with their rough  bark,  the projecting roof, and the form,

would contribute to render the  building picturesque in almost any situation, while its actual  position added

novelty and piquancy to its other points of interest. 

When Deerslayer drew nearer to the castle, however, objects of  interest  presented themselves that at once

eclipsed any beauties that  might have  distinguished the scenery of the lake, and the site of the  singular

edifice.  Judith and Hetty stood on the platform before the  door, Hurry's door-yard  awaiting his approach with

manifest 'anxiety;  the former, from time to time,  taking a survey of his person and of  the canoes through the

old ship's spy  glass that has been already  mentioned. Never probably did this girl seem more  brilliantly

beautiful than at that moment; the flush of anxiety and alarm  increasing her color to its rich-est tints, while

the softness of her  eyes, a  charm that even poor Hetty shared with her, was deepened by  intense con-cern.

Such, at least, without pausing or pretending to  analyze motives, or to draw  any other very nice distinction

between  cause and effect, were the opinions  of the young man as his canoes  reached the side of the ark,

where he  carefully fastened all three  before he put his foot on the platform. 

Chapter VIII.

"His words are bonds, his oaths are oracles;

His love sincere, his thoughts immaculate;

His tears pure messengers sent from his heart;

His heart as far from fraud as heaven from earth."

Two Gentle men of Verona, II.vii,7578

Neither of the girls spoke as Deerslayer stood before them alone,  his  countenance betraying all the

apprehension he felt on account of  two absent  members of their party. 

"Father!" Judith at length exclaimed, succeeding in uttering the  word, as it  might be by a desperate effort. 

He 's met with misfortune, and there 's no use in con-cealing it,"  answered  Deerslayer, in his direct and

simple-minded manner. "He and  Hurry are in  Mingo hands, and Heaven only knows what's to be the

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tarmination. I 'ye got  the canoes safe, and that's a consolation,  since the vagabonds will have to  swim for it, or

raft off, to come  near this p1ace. At sunset we '11 be  reinforced by Chin-gachgook, if I  can manage to get

him into a canoe; and  then, I think, we two can  answer for the ark and the caste, till some of the  officers in the

garrisons hear of this warpath, which sooner or later must  be the  case, when we may look for succor from

that quarter, if from no  other." 

"The officers!" exclaimed Judith, impatiently, her color deepening,  and her  eye expressing a lively but

passing emotion. "Who thinks or  speaks of the  heartless gallants now? We are sufficient of ourselves  to

defend the castle.  But what of my father, and of poor Hurry Harry?" 

"'T is natural you should feel this consarn for your own parent,  Judith, and  I suppose it 's equally so that you

should feel it for  Hurry Harry, too." 

Deerslayer then commenced a succinct but clear narrative of all  that occurred  during the night, in no manner

conceal-ing what had  befallen his two  companions, or his own opinion of what might prove to  be the

consequences.  The girls listened with profound attention, but  neither betrayed that  feminine apprehension and

concern which would  have followed such a  communication when made to those who were less  accustomed to

the hazards and  accidents of a frontier life. To the  surprise of Deerslayer, Judith seemed  the most distressed,

Hetty  listening eagerly, but appearing to brood over the  facts in melancholy  silence, rather than betraying any

outward signs of  feeling. The  former's agitation, the young man did not fail to attribute to  the  interest she felt

in Hurry, quite as much as to her filial love, while  Hetty's apparent indifference was ascribed to that mental

darkness  which, in  a measure, obscured her intellect, and which possibly  prevented her from  foreseeing all

the consequences. Little was said,  however, by either, Judith  and her sister busying themselves in making  the

prepara-tions for the morning  meal, as they who habitually attend  to such matters toil on mechanically even

in the midst of suffering  and sorrow. The plain but nutritious breakfast was  taken by all three  in sombre

silence. The girls ate little, but Deerslayer  gave proof of  possessing one material requisite of a good soldier,

that of  preserving his appetite in the midst of the most alarming and  embarrassing  circum-stances. The meal

was nearly ended before a  syllable was uttered;  then, however, Judith spoke in the convulsive  and hurried

manner in which  feeling breaks through restraint, after  the latter has become more painful  than even the

betrayal of emotion. 

"Father would have relished this fish " she exclaimed; "he says the  salmon of  the lakes is almost as good as

the salmon of the sea." 

"Your father has been acquainted with the sea, they tell me,  Judith,"  returned the young man., who could not

for  bear throwing a  glance of inquiry at the girl; for in common with all who  knew Hutter,  he had some

curiosity on the subject of his early history.  "Hurry  Harry tells me he was once a sailor." 

Judith first looked perplexed; then, influenced by feelings that  were novel  to her, in more ways than one, she

became suddenly  communicative, and  seemingly much interested in the discourse. 

"If Hurry knows anything of father's history, I would he had told  it to me!"  she cried. "Sometimes I think, too,

he was once a sailor,  and then again I  think he was not. If that chest were open, or if it  could speak, it might

let  us into his whole history. But its  fastenings are too strong to be broken  like packthread." 

Deerslayer turned to the chest in question, and for the first time  examined  it closely. Although discolored, and

bearing proofs of having  received much  illtreatment, he saw that it was of materials and  workmanship

altogether  superior to anything of the same sort he had  ever before beheld. The wood was  dark, rich, and had

once been highly  polished, though the treatment it had  received left little gloss on  its surface, and various

scratches and  inden-tations proved the rough  collisions that it had encountered with  substances still harder

than  itself. The corners were firmly bound with  steel, elaborately and  richly wrought, while the locks, of

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which it had no  less than three,  and the hinges, were of a fashion and workmanship that would  have  attracted

attention even in a warehouse of curious furniture. This  chest  was quite large; and when Deerslayer arose,

and endeavored to  raise an end by  its massive handle, he found that the weight fully  corresponded with the

external appearance. 

"Did you never see that chest opened, Judith?" the young man  demanded with  frontier freedom, for delicacy

on such subjects was  little felt among the  people on the verge of civilization, in that  age, even if it be today. 

"Never. Father has never opened it in my presence, if he ever opens  it at  all. No one here has ever seen its lid

raised, unless it be  father; nor do I  even know that he has ever seen it." 

"Now you're wrong, Judith, "Hetty quietly answered. "Father has  raised the  lid, and I've seen him do it." 

A feeling of manliness kept the mouth of Deerslayer shut; for,  while he would  not have hesitated about going

far beyond what would be  thought the bounds of  propriety, in questioning the older sister, he  had just

scruples about taking  what might be thought an advantage of  the feeble intellect of the younger.  Judith, being

under no such  restraint, howevever, turned quickly to the last  speaker and continued  the discourse. 

"When and where did you ever see that chest opened, Hetty?" 

"Here, and again and again.  Father often opens it when you are  away, though  he don't in the least mind my

being by, and seeing all he  does, as well as  hearing all he says." 

"And what is it that he does, and what does he say?" 

"That I cannot tell youU, Judith," returned the other in a low but  resolute  voice.  "Father's secrets are not my


"Secrets!  This is stranger still, Deerslayer, that father should  tell them  to Hetty, and not tell them to me!" 

"There's a good reason for that, Judith, though you"re not to know  it.  Father's not here to answer for himself,

and I'll say no more  about it." 

Judith and Deerslayer looked surprised, and for a minute the first  seemed  pained.  But, suddenly recollecting

herself, she turned away  from her sister,  as if in pity for her weakness and addressed the  young man. 

"You've told but half your story," she said, "breaking off at the  place where  you went to sleep in the canoe

or rather where you rose  to listen to the  cry of the loon.  we heard the call of the loons,  too, and thought their

cries might bring a storm, though we are little  used to tempests on this lake  at this season of the year." 

"The winds blow and the tempests howl as God pleases; sometimes at  one  season, and sometimes at another,"

answered Deerslayer; "and the  loons speak  accordin' to their natur'.  Better would it be if men were  as honest

and  frank.  After I rose to listen to the birds, finding it  could not be Hurry's  signal, I lay down and slept.  When

the day  dawned I was up and stirring, as  usual, and then I went in chase of  the two canoes, lest the Mingos

should lay  hands on 'em." 

"You have not told us all, Deerslayer," said Judith earnestly.  "We  heard  rifles under the eastern mountain; the

echoes were full and  long, and came so  soon after the reports, that the pieces must have  beenfied on or quite

near  to the shore.  Our ears are used to these  sigs, and are no to be deceived." 

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"They've done their duty, gal, this tiime; yes, they've done their  duty.  Rifles have been sighted this morning,

ay, and triggers pulled,  too, thoug  not as often a they might have been.  One warrior has gone  to his happy

huntinggrounds, and that's the whole of it.  A man of  white blood and white  gifts is not to be expected to

boast of his  expl'ites and to flourish  scalps." 

Judith listened almost beathlessly; and when Deerslayer, in his  quiet, modest  manner, seemed disposed to

quit the subject, she rose,  and crossing the room,  took a seat by his side.  The manner of the  girl had nothing

forward about i,  though it betrayed the quick  instinct of a female's affection, and the  sympathizing kindness

of a  woman's heart.  She even took the hard hand of the  hunter, and pressed  it in both her own, unconsciously

to herself, perhaps,  while she  looked earnestly and even reproachfully into his sun burnt face. 

"You have been fighting the savages, Deerslayer, sinly and by  yourself!" she  said.  "In your wish to take care

of usof Hetty  of  me, perhaps, you've  fought the enemy bravely, with no eye to encourage  your deeds,

or o witness  your fall, had it pleased Providence to  suffer so great a calamity!" 

"I've fou't, Judith; yes, I have fou't the inimy, and thattoo, for  the first  time in my life.  These thins must be,

and they bring with  'em a mixed  feelin' of sorrow and triumph.  Human natur' is a  fightin'natur', I suppose,,  as

all nations kill in battle, and we must  be true to our rights and gifts.  What has yet been done is no great

matter, but should Chingachgook come to  the rock this  evening, as is  agreed atween us, and I get him off it

onbe known to the  savages or,  if known to them, ag'in their wishes and designs, then may we all  look  to

something like warfare, afore the Mingos shall get possession of  either the castle, or the ark, or yourselves." 

"Who is this Chingachgook; from what place does he come, and why  does he come  here ?" 

"The questions are nat'ral and right, I suppose, though the youth  has a great  name, already, in his own part of

the country.  Chingachgook is a Mohican by  blood, consorting with the Delawares by  usage, as is the case

with most of  his tribe, which has long been  broken up by the increase of our color. He is  of the family of the

great chiefs; Uncas, his father, having been the  considerablest  warrior and counsellor of his people. Even old

Tamenund honors  Chingachgook, though he is thought to be yet too young of lead in war;  and  then the nation

is so disparsed and diminished, that  chieftain-ship among 'em  has got to be little more than a name. 

Well, this war having commenced in 'arnest, the Delaware and I  rendezvous'd  an app'intment, to meet this

evening at sunset on the  rendezvousrock at the  foot of this very lake, intending to come out  on our first

hostile expedition  ag'in the Mingos. Why we come exactly  this a way is our own secret; but  thoughtful young

men on the  warpath, as you may suppose, do nothing without  a calculation and a  design." 

"A Delaware can have no unfriendly intentions towards us," said  Judith, after  a moment's hesitation, "and we

know you to be friendly." 

"Treachery is the last crime I hope to be accused of," returned  Deerslayer,  hurt at the gleam of distrust that

had shot through  Judith's mind; "and least  of all, treachery to my own color." 

"No one suspects you, Deerslayer," the girl impetuously cried.  "Nonoyour  honest countenance would be

suffi-cient surety for the  truth of a thousand  hearts! If all men had as honest tongues, and no  more promised

what they did  not mean to perform, there would be less  wrong done in the world, and fine  feathers and scarlet

cloaks would  not be excuses for baseness and deception.' 

Tne girl spoke with strong, nay, even with convulsed feel' ing, and  her fine  eyes, usually so soft and alluring,

flashed fire as she  concluded. Deerslayer  could not but observe this extraordinary  emotion; but with the tact

of a  courtier, he avoided not only any  allusion to the circumstance, but succeeded  in concealing the effect  of

his discovery on him-self. Judith gradually grew  calm again, and as  she was obviously anxious to appear to

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advantage in the  eyes of the  young man, she was soon able to renew the conversation as  composedly  as if

nothing had occurred to disturb her. 

"I have no right to look into your secrets, or the secrets of your  friend,  Deerslayer," she continued, "and am

ready to take all you say  on trust. If we  can really get another male ally to join us at this  trying moment, it

will  aid us much; and I am not without hope that  when the savages find that we are  able to keep the lake, they

will  offer to give up their prisoners in exchange  for skins, or at least  for the keg of powder that we have in the


The young man had the words scalps,'' and ''bounty," on his lips,  but a  reluctance to alarm the feelings of the

daughters prevented him  from making  the allusion he had intended to the probable fate of their  father. Still,

so  little was he practised in the arts of deception,  that his expressive  countenance was, of itself, understood by

the  quickwitted Judith, whose  intelligence had been sharpened by the  risks and habits of her life. 

"I understand what you mean," she continued, hurriedly, "and what  you would  say, but for the fear of hurting

me us, I mean ; for Hetty  loves her father  quite as well as I do. But this is not as we think of  Indians. They

never  scalp an unhurt prisoner, but would rather take  him away alive, unless,  indeed, the fierce wish for

totturing should  get the mastery of them. I fear  nothing for my father's scalp, and  little for his life. Could they

steal on  us in the night, we should  all probably suffer in this way; but men taken in  open strife are  seldom

injured; not, at least, until the time of torture  comes." 

"That's tradition, I'11 allow. and it's accordin' to practicebut,  Judith, do  you know the arr'nd on which your

father and Hurry went  ag'in the savages?" 

"I do; and a cruel errand it was! But what will you have? Men will  be men,  and some even that flaunt in their

gold and silver, and carry  the King's  commission in their pockets, are not guiltless of equal  cruelty." Judith's

eye again flashed, but by a desperate struggle she  resumed her composure. "I  get warm when I think of all the

wrong that  men do," she added, affecting to  smile, an effort in which she only  succeeded indifferently well.

"All this is  silly. What is done is  done, and it cannot be mended by complaints. But the  Indians think so  little

of the shedding of blood, and value men so much for  the  boldness of their undertakings, that, did they know

the business on  which  their prisoners came, they would be more likely to honor than to  injure them  for it." 

"For a time, Judith; yes, I allow that, for a time. But when that  feelin'  dies away, then will come the love of

revenge. We must  indivor, Chingachgook  and I,we must indivor to see what we can do to  get Hurry and

your father  free; for the Mingos will no doubt hover  about this lake some days, in order  to make the most of

their  success." 

"You think this Delaware can be depended on, Deer-slayer?" demanded  the girl,  thoughtfully. 

"As much as I can myself. You say you do not suspect me, Judith?" 

"You!" taking his hand again, and pressing it between her own, with  a warmth  that might have awakened the

vanity of one less  simpleminded, and more  disposed to dwell on his own good qualities, '  I would as soon

suspect a  brother! I have known you but a day,  Deerslayer, but it has awakened the  confidence of a year.

Your name,  how-ever, is not unknown to me; for the  gallants of the garrisons  frequently speak of the lessons

you have given them  in hunting, and  all proclaim your honesty." 

''Do they ever talk of the shooting, gal?" inquired the other  eagerly, after,  however, laughing in a silent but

heart-felt manner.  "Do they ever talk of  the shooting? I want to hear nothing about my  own, for if that is n't

sartified to by this time, in all these parts,  there's little use in being  skilful and sure; but what do the officers

say of their ownyes, what do they  say of their own? Arms, as they  call it, is their trade, and yet there 's  some

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among 'em that know  very little how to use 'em !" 

"Such I hope will not be the case with your friend Chingachgook, as  you call  himwhat is the English of his

Indian name?" 

"Big Sarpentso called for his wisdom and cunning, Uncas is his  ra'al name  all his family being called

Uncas. until they get a title  that has been  'arned by deeds." 

"If he has all this wisdom, we may expect a useful friend in him,  unless his  own business in this part of the

country should prevent him  from serving us." 

"I see no great harm in telling you his arr'nd, a'ter all, and, as  you may  find means to help us, I will let you

and Hetty into the whole  matter,  trusting that you '11 keep the secret as if it was your own.  You must know

that Chin-gachgook is a comely Injin, and is much looked  upon and admired by  the young women of his

tribe, both on account of  his family, and on account  of himself. Now, there is a chief that has  a daughter

called WahtaWah,  which is intarpreted into HistohHist,  in the English tongue, the rarest gal  among the

Delawares, and the one  most sought a'ter and craved for a wife by  all the young warriors of  the nation. Well,

Chingachgook, among others, took  a fancy to  Wahta-Wab, and WahtaWah took a fancy to him." Here

Deer-slayer  paused an instant; for, as lie got thus far in his tale, Hetty Hutter  arose,  approached, and stood

attentive at his knee, as a child draws  near to listen  to the legends of its mother. "Yes, he fancied her, and  she

fancied him,"  resumed Deerslayer, casting a friendly and approving  glance at the innocent  and interested girl;

"and when that is the  case, and all the elders are  agreed, it does not often happen that the  young couple keep

apart.  Chingachgook could n' t well carry off such a  prize without making inimies  among them that wanted

her as much as he  did himself. A sartain Briarthorn,  as we call him in English, or  Yocommon, as he is tarmed

in Injin, took it  most to heart, and we  mistrust him of having a hand in all that followed.  WahtaWah went

with her father and mother, two moons ago, to fish for salmon  on the  western streams, where it is agreed by

all in these parts that fish  most abounds, and while thus empl'yed the gal vanished. For several  weeks we

could get no tidings of her; but' here, ten days since, a  runner, that came  through the Delaware country,

brought us a message,  by which we learn that  WahtaWah was stolen from her people, we  think, but do not

know it, by  Briarthorn's sarcumventions,and that  she was now with the inimy, who had  adopted her, and

wanted her to  marry a young Mingo. The message said that the  party intended to hunt  and forage through this

region for a month or two,  afore it went back  into the Canadas, and that if we could contrive to get on  a scent

in  this quarter, something might turn up that would lead to our  getting  the maiden off." 

"And how does that concern you, Deerslayer?" demanded Judith, a  little  anxiously. 

"It consarns me, as all things that touches a fri'nd con-sarns a  fri'nd. I 'm  here as Chingachgook's aid and

helper, and if we can get  the young maiden he  likes back ag'in, it will give me almost as much  pleasure as if I

had got  back my own sweetheart." 

"And where, then, is your sweetheart, Deerslayer?"  "She 's in the  forest, Judithhanging from the boughs of

the trees, in a soft  rainin  the dew on the open grass the clouds that float about in the blue  heavensthe birds

that sing in the woodsthe sweet springs where I  slake my  thirstand in all the other glorious gifts that come

from  God's Providence!" 

"You mean that, as yet, you've never loved one of my sex, but love  best your  haunts, and your own manner of


"That's itthat's just it. I am whitehave a white heart and can't,  in  reason, love a redskinned maiden, who

must have a redskin heart  and  feelin's. No, no, I 'm sound enough in them partic'lars, and hope  to remain  so,

at least till this war is over. I find my time too much  taken up with  Chingachgook's affair, to wish to have one

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of my own on  my hands afore that  is settled." 

"The girl that finally wins you, Deerslayer, will at least win an  honest  heart,one without treachery or guile;

and that will be a  victory that most  of her sex ought to envy." 

As Judith uttered this, her beautiful face had a resentful frown on  it; while  a bitter smile lingered around a

mouth that no derangement  of the muscles  could render anything but handsome. Her companion  observed the

change, and  though little skilled in the workings of the  female heart, he had sufficient  native delicacy to

understand that it  might be well to drop the subject. 

As the hour when Chingachgook was expected still re-mained distant,  Deerslayer had time enough to

examine into the state of the defences,  and to  make such additional arrangements as were in his power, and

the  exigency of  the moment seemed to require. The experience and  fore-sight of Hutter had  left little to be

done in these particu-lars;  still, several precautions  suggested themselves to the young man, who  may be said

to have studied the  art of frontier warfare, through the  traditions and legends of the people  among whom he

had so long lived.  The dis-tance between the castle and the  nearest point on the shore,  prevented any

apprehension on the subject of  riflebullets thrown from  the land. The house was within musketshot in one

sense, it was true,  but aim was entirely out of the question, and even Judith  professed a  perfect disregard of

any danger from that source. So long, then,  as  the party re-mained in possession of the fortress, they were

safe,  unless  their assailants could find the means to come off and carry it  by fire or  storm, or by some of the

devices of Indian cunning and  Indian treachery.  Against the first source of danger Hutter had made  ample

provision, and the  build-ing itself, the bark roof excepted, was  not very combustible. The floor  was scuttled in

several places, and  buckets pro-vided with ropes were in  daily use, in readiness for any  such emergency. One

of the girls could easily  extinguish any fire that  might be lighted, provided it had not time to make  much

headway.  Judith, who appeared to under-stand all her father's schemes of  defence, and who had the 

into the building, when Deerslayer had ended his task, even  allowing the  assailants the use of any tools but

the axe, and to be  unresisted. This  attention to security arose from Hutter's having been  robbed once or twice

by  the lawless whites of the frontiers, during  some of his many absences from  home. 

As soon as all was fast in the inside of the dwelling, Deerslayer  appeared at  a trap, from which he descended

into the canoe of Judith.  When this was done,  he fastened the door with a massive staple and  stout padlock.

Hetty was then  received in the canoe, which was shoved  outside of the palisadoes. The next  precaution was to

fasten the gate,  and the keys were carried into the ark.  The three were now fastened  out of the dwelling,

which could only be entered  by violence, or by  following the course taken by the young man in quitting  it.

The glass  had been brought outside as a preliminary step, and Deerslayer next  took a careful survey of the

entire shore of the lake, as far as his  own  position would allow. Not a living thing was visible, a few birds

excepted,  and even the last fluttered about in the shades of the  trees, as if unwilling  to encounter the heat of a

sultry afternoon.  All the nearest points, in  particular, were subjected to severe  scrutiny, in order to make

certain that  no raft was in prepa-ration;  the result everywhere giving the same picture of  calm solitude. A few

words will explain the greatest embarrassment belonging  to the  situation of our party. Exposed themselves to

the observation of any  watchful eyes, the movements of their enemies were concealed by the  drapery  of a

dense forest. While the imagination would be very apt to  people the  latter with more warriors than it really

contained, their  own weakness must  be too apparent to all who might chance to cast a  glance in their


Nothing is stirring, howsever," exclaimed Deerslayer, as he finally  lowered  the glass, and prepared to enter

the ark. "If the vagabonds do  harbor  mischief in their minds, they are too cunning to let it be seen  ; it 's true,  a

raft may be in preparation in the woods, but it has  not yet been brought  down to the lake. They can't guess

that we are  about to Quit the castle, and,  if they did, they 'ye no means of  knowing where we intend to go." 

The Deerslayer; or, The First Warpath 

Chapter VIII. 67


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"This is so true, Deerslayer," returned Judith, "that now all is  ready, we  may proceed at once, boldly, and

with. out the fear of being  followed; else  we shall be behind our time." 

"No, no; the matter needs management; for, though the savages are  in the dark  as to Chingachgook and the

rock, they they 'ye eyes and  legs, and will see in  what direction we steer, and will be sartain to  follow us. I

shall strive to 

baffle 'em, howsever, by heading the scow in all manner of ways,  first in one  quarter and then in another,

until they get to be  alegweary, and tired of  tramping a'ter us." 

So far as it was in his power, Deerslayer was as good as his word.  In less  than five minutes after this speech

was made, the whole party  was in the ark,  and in motion. There was a gentle breeze from the  north, and

boldly hoisting  the sail, the young man laid the bead of  the unwieldy craft in such a  direction, as, after

making a liberal but  necessary allowance for leeway,  would have brought it ashore a couple  of miles down

the lake, and on its  eastern side. The sailing of the  ark was never very swift, though, floating  as it did on the

surface,  it was not difficult to get it in motion, or to  urge it along over the  water at the rate of some three or

four miles in the  hour. The  distance between the castle and the rock was a little more than two  leagues.

Knowing the punctuality of an Indian, Deerslayer had made his  calcula-tions closely, and had given himself a

little more time than  was  necessary to reach the place of rendezvous, with a view to delay  or to press  his

arrival, as might prove most expedient.  . When he  hoisted the sail, the  sun lay above the western hills, at an

elevation  that promised rather more  than two hours of day; and a few minutes  satisfied him that the progress

of  the scow was such as to equal his  expectations. 

It was a glorious June afternoon, and never did that soli-tary  sheet of water  seem less like an arena of strife

and bloodshed. The  light air scarce  descended as low as the bed of the lake, hovering  over it, as if unwilling

to  disturb its deep tranquillity, or to  ruffle its mirrorlike surface Even the  forests appeared to be  slumbering

in the sun, and a few piles of fleecy  clouds had lain for  hours along the northern horizon like fixtures in the

atmosphere,  placed there purely to embellish the scene. A few aquatic fowls  occasionally skimmed along the

water, and a single raven was visible,  sailing  high above the trees, and keeping a watchful eye on the forest

beneath him,  in order to detect anything having life that the  mysterious woods might offer  as prey. 

The reader will probably have observed, that, amidst the frankness  and  abruptness of manner which marked

the fron-tier habits of Judith,  her  language was superior to that used by her male companions, her own  father

included. This difference extended as well to pronunciation as  to the choice  of words and phrases. Perhaps

nothing so soon betrays  the education and  association as the modes of speech; and few  accomplishments so

much aid the  charm of female beauty as a graceful  and even utterance, while nothing so  soon pro-duces the

disenchantment  that necessarily follows a discre-pancy  between appearance and manner,  as a mean

intonation of voice, or a vulgar use  of words. Judith and  her sister were marked exceptions to all the girls of

their class,  along that whole frontier; the officers of the nearest garrison  having  often flattered the former with

the belief that few ladies of the  towns acquitted themselves better than herself, in this important  particular.

This was far from being literally true, but it was  sufficiently near the fact  to give birth to the compliment. The

girls  were indebted to their mother for  this proficiency, having acquired  from her, in childhood, an advantage

that  no subsequent study or labor  can give without a drawback, if neglected beyond  the earlier periods  of life.

Who that mother was, or rather had been, no one  but Hutter  knew. She had now been dead two sum-mers,

and, as was stated by  Hurry,  she had been buried in the lake; whether in indulgence of a prejudice,  or from a

reluctance to take the trouble to dig her grave, had  fre-quently  been a matter of discussion between the rude

beings of  that region. Judith  had never visited the spot, but Hetty was present  at the interment, and she  often

paddled a canoe, about sunset. or by  the light of the moon, to the  place, and gazed down into the limpid

water, in the hope of being able to  catch a glimpse of the form that  she had so tenderly loved from infancy to

the sad hour of their  parting. 

The Deerslayer; or, The First Warpath 

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"Must we reach the rock exactly at the moment the sun sets?" Judith  demanded  of the young man, as they

stood near each other, Deerslayer  holding the  steeringoar, and she working with a needle at some  ornament

of dress, that  much exceeded her station in life, and was  altogether a novelty in the woods.  "Will a few

minutes, sooner or  later, alter the the matter? it will be very  hazardous to remain long  as near the shore as that


"That's it, Judith; that 's the very difficulty! The rock 's within  p'int  blank for a shotgun, and 'twill never do

to hover about it too  close and too  long. When you have to deal with an Injin, you must  calculate and

manage, for  a red natur' dearly likes sarcumvention. Now  you see, Judith, that I do not  steer towards the rock

at all, but here  to the eastward of it, whereby the  savages will be tramping off in  that direction, and get their

legs awearied,  and all for no  advantage." 

"You think, then, they see us, and watch our move-ments,  Deerslayer? I was in  hopes they might have fallen

back into the woods,  and left us to ourselves  for a few hours." 

"That's altogether a woman's consait. There 's no letup in an  Injin's  watchfulness when he 's on a warpath,

and eyes are on us at  this minute,  'though the lake presarves us. We must draw near the rock  on a calculation,

and indivor to get the miscreants on a false scent.  The Mingos have good  noses, they tell me; but a white

man's reason  ought always to equalize their  instinct." 

Judith now entered into a desultory discourse with Deerslayer, in  which the  girl betrayed her growing interest

in the young man; an  interest that his  simplicity of mind and her decision of character,  sustained as it was by

the  conscious-ness awakened by the  consideration her personal charms so  universally produced, rendered  her

less anxious to conceal than might  otherwise have been the case.  She was scarcely forward in her manner,

though  there was sometimes a  freedom in her glances that it required all the aid of  her exceeding  beauty to

prevent from awakening suspicions unfavorable to her  discretion, if not to her morals. With Deerslayer,

however, these  glances  were rendered less obnox-ious to so unpleasant a construction;  for she seldom  looked

at him without discovering much of the sincerity  and nature that  accompany the purest emotions of woman. It

was a  little remarkable that, as  his captivity lengthened, neither of the  girls manifested any great concern  for

her father; but, as has been  said already, their habits gave them  confidence, and they looked  forward to his

liberation, by means of a ransom,  with a confidence  that might, in a great degree, account for their apparent

indifference. Once before, Hutter had been in the hands of the  Iroquois, and  a few skins had readily effected

his release. This  event, however, unknown to  the sisters, had occurred in a time of  peace between Eng-land

and France, and  when the savages were  restrained, in-stead of being encouraged to commit  their excesses, by

the policy of the different colonial governments. While  Judith was  loquacious and caressing in her man-ner,

Hetty remained thoughtful  and  silent. Once, indeed, she drew near to Deerslayer, and questioned him a  little

closely as to his intentions, as well as concerning the mode of  effecting his purpose; but her wish to converse

went no further. As  soon as  her simple queries were answered and answered they all were,  in the fullest  and

kindest mannershe withdrew to her scat, and  continued to work on a  coarse garment that she was making for

her  father, sometimes humming a low  melancholy air, and frequently  sighing. 

In this manner the time passed away; and when the sun was beginning  to glow  behind the fringe of the pines

that bounded the western hill,  or about twenty  minutes before it actually set, the ark was nearly as  low as the

point where  Hutter and Hurry had been made prisoners. By  sheering first to one side of  the lake, and then to

the other,  Deer-slayer managed to create an uncertainty  as to his object; and,  doubtless, the savages, who

were unquestionably  watching his  movements, were led to believe that his aim was to communicate  with

them, at or near this spot, and would hasten in that direction, in  order  to be in readiness t, profit by

circumstances. This artifice was  well  managed; since the sweep of the bay, the curvature of the lake,  and the

low  marshy land that intervened, would probably al-low the ark  to reach the rock  before its pursuers, if really

collected near this  point, could have time to  make the circuit that would be required to  get there by land. With

a view to  aid this deception, Deerslayer stood  as near the western shore as was at all  prudent; and then

The Deerslayer; or, The First Warpath 

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causing  Judith and Hetty to enter the house, or cabin, and  crouching himself  so as to conceal his person by

the frame of the scow, he  suddenly  threw the head of the latter round, and began to make the best of  his  way

towards the outlet. Favored by an increase in the wind, the  progress  of the ark was such as to promise the

complete success of  this plan, though  the crablike movement of the craft compelled the  helmsman to keep

its head  looking in a direction very different from  that in which it was actually  moving. 

Chapter IX.

"Yet art thou prodigal of smiles

Smiles, sweeter than thy frowns are stern:

Earth sends from all her thousand isles,

A shout at thy return.

The glory that comes down from thee

Bathes, in deep joy, the land and sea."

Bryant, 'The Firmament," 11.1924

It may assist the reader in understanding the events we are about  to record,  if he has a rapidly sketched

picture of the scene, placed  before his eyes at  a single view. It will be remembered that the lake  was an

irregularly shaped  basin, of an outline that, in the main, was  oval, but with bays and points to  relieve its

formality and ornament  its shores. The surface of this beautiful  sheet of water was now  glittering like a gem,

in the last rays of the evening  sun, and the  setting of the whole, hills clothed in the richest forest  verdure, was

lighted up with a sort of radiant smile, that is best described  in the  beautiful lines we have placed at the head

of this chapter. As the  banks, with few exceptions, rose abruptly from the water, even where  the  mountain did

not immediately bound the view, there was a nearly  unbroken  fringe of leaves overhanging the placid lake,

the trees  starting out of the  acclivities, inclining to the light, until, in  many instances they extended  their long

limbs and straight trunks some  forty or fifty feet beyond the line  of the perpendicular. In these  cases we

allude only to the giants of the  forest, pines of a hundred  or a hundred and fifty feet in height, for of the

smaller growth, very  many inclined so far as to steep their lower branches in  the water.  In the position in

which the Ark had now got, the castle was concealed  from  view by the projection of a point, as indeed was

the northern  extremity of  the lake itself. A respectable moun-tain, forest clad,  and rounded, like all  the rest,

limited the view in that direction,  stretching immediately across  the whole f the fair scene, with the  exception

of a deep bay that passed the  western end, lengthening the  basin, for more than a mile. 

The manner in which the water flowed out of the lake, beneath the  leafy  arches of the trees that lined the

sides of the stream, has  already been  mentioned, and it has also been said that the rock, which  was a favorite

place of rendezvous throughout all that region, and  where Deerslayer now  expected to meet his friend, stood

near this  outlet, and at no great distance  from the shore. It was a large,  isolated stone that rested on the bottom

of  the lake, apparently left  there when the waters tore away the earth from  around it, in forcing  for themselves

a passage down the river, and which had  obtained its  shape from the action of the elements, during the slow

progress  of  centuries. The height of this rock could scarcely equal six feet, and,  as  has been said, its shape

was not unlike that which is usually given  to  bee-hives, or to a haycock. The latter, indeed, gives the best

idea not only  of its form, but of its dimensions. It stood, and still  stands, for we are  writing of real scenes,

within fifty feet of the  bank, and in water that was  only two feet in depth, though there were  seasons in which

its rounded apex,  if such a term can properly be  used, was covered by the lake. Many of the  trees stretched so

far  forward, as almost to blend the rock with the shore,  when seen from a  little distance, and one tall pine in

particular overhung it  in a way  to form a noble and ap-propriate canopy to a seat that had held many  a  forest

chief-tain, during the long succession of unknown ages, in which  America, and all it contained, had existed

apart, in mysterious  solitude, a  world by itself; equally without, a familiar history, and  without an origin  that

the annals of man can reach. 

The Deerslayer; or, The First Warpath 

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When distant some two or three hundred feet from the shore,  Deerslayer took  in his sail. He dropped his

grapnel, as soon as he  found the Ark had drifted  in a line that was directly to windward of  the rock. The

motion of the scow  was then checked, when it was brought  head to wind, by the action of the  breeze. As soon

as this was done,  Deerslayer "paid out line," and suffered  the vessel to "set down" upon  the rock, as fast as

the light air could force  it to leeward. Floating  entirely on the surface, this was soon effected, and  the young

man  checked the drift when he was told that the stern of the scow  was  within fifteen or eighteen feet of the

desired spot. 

In executing this maneuver, Deerslayer had proceeded promptly, for,  while he  did not in the least doubt that

he was both watched and  followed by the foe,  he believed he distracted their movements, by the  apparent

uncertainty of his  own, and he knew they could have no means  of ascertaining that the rock was  his aim,

unless indeed one of their  prisoners had betrayed him; a chance so  improbable in itself, as to  give him no

concern. Notwithstanding the celerity  and decision his  movements, he did not, however, venture so near the

shore  without  taking due precautions to effect a retreat, in the event of its  becoming necessary. He held the

line in his hand, and Judith was  stationed at  a loop, on the side of the cabin next the shore, where  she could

watch the  beach and the rock, and give timely notice of the  approach of either friend  or foe. Hetty was also

placed on watch, but  it was to keep the trees over  head in view, lest some enemy might  ascend one, and, by

completely commanding  the interior of the scow  render the defence of the hut, or cabin, useless. 

The sun had disappeared from the lake and valley, when Deerslayer  checked the  Ark, in the manner

mentioned. Still it wanted a few  minutes to the true  sunset, and he knew Indian punctuality too well to

anticipate any unmanly  haste in his friend. The great question was,  whether, by enemies as he was  known to

be, he had escaped their toils.  The occurrences of the last twenty  four hours must be a secret to  him, and like

himself, Chingachgook was yet  young on a path. It was  true, he came prepared to encounter the party that

withheld his  promised bride, but he had no means ascertaining the extent of  the  danger he run, or the precise

positions occupied by either friends, or  foes. In a word, the trained sagacity, and untiring caution of an  Indian

were  had to rely on, amid the critical risks he unavoidably  ran. 

"Is the rock empty, Judith?" enquired Deerslayer, as soon as he had  checked  the drift of the Ark, deeming it

imprudent to venture  unnecessarily near the  shore. "Is any thing to be seen of the Delaware  chief?" 

"Nothing, Deerslayer. Neither rock, shore, trees, nor lake seems to  have ever  held a human form." 

'Keep close, Judithkeep close, Hettya rifle has a prying eye, a  nimble  foot, and a desperate fatal tongue.

Keep close then, but keep  up actyve  looks, and be on the alart T would grieve me to the heart,  did any harm

befal  either of you.' 

"And you Deerslayer" exclaimed Judith, turning her handsome face  from the  loop, to bestow a gracious and

grate-ful look on the young  man  "do you  'keep close', and have a proper care that the savages do  not catch a

glimpse  of you! A bullet might be as fatal to you as to  one of us; and the blow that  you felt, would be felt by

us all." 

"No fear of me, Judithno fear of me, my good gal. Do not look  thisaway,  although you look so pleasant

and comely, but keep your  eyes on the rock, and  the shore, and the" 

Deerslayer was interrupted by a slight exclamation from the girl,  who, in  obedience to his hurried gestures, as

much as in obedience to  his words, had  immediately bent her looks again, in the opposite  direction. 

"What is't? What is't, Judith?" he hastily demanded"Is any thing  to be  seen?" 

"There is a man on the rock!  An Indian warrior, in his paintand  armed!" 

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Chapter IX. 71


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"Where does he wear his hawk's feather?" eagerly added Deerslayer,  relaxing  his hold of the line, in readiness

to drift nearer to the  place of  rendezvous. "Is it fast to the warlock, or does he carry it  above the left  ear?" 

Tis as you say, above the left ear; he smiles, too, and mutters the  word  'Mohican.'" 

"God be praised, 'tis the Sarpent, at last!" exclaimed the young  man,  suffering the line to slip through his

hands, until hearing a  light bound, in  the other end of the craft, he instantly checked the  rope, and began to

haul  it in, again, under the assurance that his  object was effected.  At that moment the door of the cabin was

opened  hastily, and, a warrior,  darting through the little room, stood at  Deerslayer's side, simply uttering  the

exclamation "Hutty!" At the  next instant, Judith and Hetty shrieked, and  the air was  filled with  the yell of

twenty savages, who came leaping  through the branches,  down the bank, some actually falling headlong into

the  water, in their  haste. 

"Pull, Deerslayer," cried Judith, hastily barring the door, in  order to  prevent an inroad by the passage through

which the Delaware  had just entered;  "pull, for life and deaththe lake is full of  savages, wading after us!" 

The young men  for Chingachgook immediately came to his friend's  assistance  needed no second bidding,

but they applied themselves to  their task in a way  that showed how urgent they deemed the occasion.  The

great difficulty was in  suddenly overcoming the  inertia of so  large a mass, for, once in motion, it  was easy to

cause the scow to  skim the water, with all the necessary speed. 

"Pull, Deerslayer, for Heaven's sake!" cried Judith, again at the  loop"These  wretches rush into the water like

hounds following their  prey! Ah  the scow  moves! and now, the water deepens, to the armpits  of the

foremost, but they  reach for-ward, and will seize the Ark!" 

A slight scream, and then a joyous laugh followed from the girl;  the first  produced by a desperate effort of

their pursuers, and the  last by its  failure; the scow, which had now got fairly in motion  gliding ahead into

deep  water, with a velocity that set the designs of  their enemies at nought. As  the two men were prevented by

the position  of the cabin, from seeing what  passed astern, they were compelled to  enquire of the girls, into the

state of  the chase. 

"What now, Judith?  What next?  Do the Mingos still follow, or  are we quit  of'em, for the present,"

demanded Deer-slayer, when he  felt the rope yielding  as if the scow was going fast ahead, and heard  the

scream and the laugh of  the girl, almost in the same breath. 

"They have vanished! Onethe lastis just burying himself in the  bushes of  the bank  There, he has

disappeared in the shadows of the  trees! You have  got your friend, and we are all safe!" 

The two men now made another great effort, pulled the Ark up  swiftly to the  grapnel, tripped it, and when the

scow had shot some  distance, and lost its  way, they let the anchor drop again. Then, for  the first time since

their  meeting, they ceased their efforts. As the  floating house now lay several  hundred feet from the shore,

and  offered a complete protection against  bullets, there was no longer any  danger, or any motive for

im-mediate  exertion. 

The manner in which the two friends now recognised each other, was  highly  characteristic. Chingachgook, a

noble, tall, handsome and  athletic young  Indian warrior, first examined his rifle, with care,  opening the pan to

make  sure that the priming was not wet, and,  assured of this important fact, he  next cast furtive but observant

glances around him, at the strange  habitation, and at the two girls.  Still he spoke not, and most of all, did he

avoid the betrayal of a  womanish curiosity, by asking questions. 

The Deerslayer; or, The First Warpath 

Chapter IX. 72


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"Judith and Hetty" said Deerslayer, with an untaught, natural  courtesy"this  is the Mohican chief of whom

you've heard me speak;  Chingachgook as he is  called; which signifies Big Sarpent; so named  for his wisdom

and prudence,  and cun-ning, and my 'arliest and latest  fri'nd. I know'd it must be he, by  the hawk's feather,

over the left  ear, most other warriors wearing 'em on the  warlock." 

As Deerslayer ceased speaking, he laughed heartily, excited more  perhaps by  the delight of having got his

friend safe at his side,  under circumstances so  trying, than by any conceit that happened to  cross his fancy,

and exhibiting  this outbreaking of feeling in a  manner that was a little remarkable, since  his mer-riment was

not  accompanied by any noise. Although Chin-gachgook both  understood and  spoke English, he was

unwill-ing to communicate his thoughts  in it,  like most Indians, and when he had met Judith's cordial shake

of the  hand, and Hetty's milder salute, in the courteous manner that became a  chief,  he turned away,

apparently to await the moment when it might  suit his friend  to enter into an explanation of his future

intentions,  and to give a  narrative of what had passed since their separation. The  other understood his

meaning, and discovered his own mode of  reasoning. in the matter, by  ad-dressing the girls.  "This wind will

soon die away altogether, now the sun is down," he said, "and  there is  no need for rowing ag'in it. In half an

hour, or so, it will either  be  a flat calm, or the air will come off from the south shore, when we  will  begin our

journey back ag'in to the castle; in the mean while,  the Delaware  and I will talk over matters, and get correct

idees of  each other's notions  consarning the course we ought to take." 

No one opposed this proposition, and the girls withdrew into the  cabin to  prepare the evening meal, while the

two young men took their  seats on the  head of the scow and began to con-verse. The dialogue was  in the

language of  the Delawares. As that dialect, however, is but  little understood, even by  the  learned, we shall,

not only on this,  but on all subsequent occasions  render such parts, as it may be  necessary to give closely,

into liberal  English; preserving, as far as  possible, the idion' and peculiarities of the  respective speakers, by

way of presenting the pictures in the most graphic  forms to the minds  of the readers. 

It is unnecessary to enter into the details first related by  Deerslayer, who  gave a brief narrative of the facts

that an already  familiar to those who  have read our pages. In relating these events,  however, it may be well to

say  that the speaker touched only on the  outlines, more particularly abstaining  from saying .any thing about

his encounter with, and victory over the  Iroquois, as well as to his  own exertions in behalf of the two deserted

young  women. When  Deerslayer ended, the Delaware took up the narrative, in turn,  speaking sententiously

and with grave dignity. His account was both  clear and  short, nor was it embellished by any incidents that did

not  directly concern  the history of his departure from the villages of his  people, and his arrival  in the valley of

the Susquehannah. On reaching  the latter, which was at a  point only half a mile south of the outlet,  he had

soon struck a trail, which  gave him notice of the probable  vicinity of enemies. Being prepared for such  an

occurrence, the object  of the expedition calling him directly into the  neighborhood of the  party of Iroquois

that was known to be out, he considered  the  discovery as fortunate, rather than the reverse, and took the usual

precautions to turn it to account. First following the river to its  source,  and ascertaining the position of the

rock, he met another  trail, and had  actually been hovering for hours on the flanks of his  enemies, watching

equally for an opportunity to meet his mistress, and  to take a scalp; and it  may be questioned which he most

ardently  desired. He kept near the lake, and  occasionally he ventured to some  spot, where he could get a view

of what was  passing on its suffice.  The Ark had been seen and watched, from the mo-ment  it hove in sight,

though the young chief was necessarily ignorant that it was  to be the  instrument of his effecting the desired

junction with his friend.  The  uncertainty of its movements, and the fact that it was unquestionably  managed

by white men, soon led him to conjecture the truth, however,  and he  held himself in readiness to get on board

whenever a  suitable  occasion might offer. As the sun drew near the horizon he repaired  to  the rock, where, on

emerging from the forest, he was gratified in  finding  the Ark lying, apparently in readiness to receive him.

The  manner of his  appearance, and of his entrance into the craft is known. 

Although Chingachgook had been closely watching his enemies for  hours, their  sudden and close pursuit, as

he reached the scow, was as  much a matter of  surprise to himself, as it had been to his friend. He  could only

The Deerslayer; or, The First Warpath 

Chapter IX. 73


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account for  it, by the fact of their being more numerous  than he had at first supposed,  and by their having out

parties of the  existence of which he was ig-norant.  Their regular, and permanent  encampment, if the word

permanent can be applied  to the residence of a  party that intended to remain out, in all probability,  but a few

weeks, was not far from the spot where Hutter and Hurry had fallen  into their hands, and, as a matter of

course, near a spring. 

"Well, Sarpent," asked Deerslayer, when the other had ended his  brief but  spirited narrative, speaking always

in the Delaware tongue,  which for the  reader's convenience only we render into the peculiar  vernacular of the

speaker"Well, Sar-pent, as you've been scouting  around these Mingos, have  you any thing to tell us of their

captyves,  the father of these young women,  and of another, who, I somewhat  conclude, is the lovyer of one of


"Ghingachgook has seen them. An old man, and a young warrior the  falling  hemlock and the tall pine." 

"You're not so much out, Delaware; you're not so much out. Old  Hutter is  decaying, of a sartainty, though

many solid blocks might be  hewn out of his  trunk yet, and, as for Hurry Harry, so far as heighth,  and strength

and  comliness go, he may be called the pride of the human  forest. Were the men  bound, or, in any manner,

suffering torture? I  ask on account of the young  women, who, I dare to say, would be glad  to know." 

"It is not so, Deerslayer. The Mingos are too many to cage their  game. Some  watch; some sleep; some scout;

some hunt. The pale faces  are treated like  brothers today; tomorrow they will lose their  scalps." 

"Yes, that's red natur', and must be submitted to! Judith and  Hetty, here's  comforting tidings for you, the

Delaware telling me that  neither your father  nor Hurry Harry is in suffering, but, bating the  loss of liberty, as

well  off, as we are ourselves. Of course they are  kept in the camp; otherwise they  do much as they please." 

"I rejoice to hear this, Deerslayer," returned Judith, "and now we  are joined  by your friend, I make no manner

of ques-tion that we shall  find an  opportunity to ransom the prisoners. If there are any women in  the camp, I

have articles of dress that will catch their eyes, and,  should the worst come  to the worst, we can open the

great chest,  which, I think will be found to  hold things that may tempt the  chiefs." 

"Judith," said the young man, looking up at her, with a smile, and  an  expression of earnest curiosity, that,

spite of the growing  obscurity did not  escape the watchful looks of the girl, "can you find  it in your heart, to

part with your own finery, to release prisoners;  even though one be your own  father, and the other is your

sworn suitor  and lovyer?" 

The flush on the face of the girl arose in part from resent-ment,  but more  perhaps from a gentler and a novel

feeling, that, with the  capricious  waywardness of taste, had been rapidly rendering her more  sensitive to the

good opinion of the youth who questioned her, than to  that of any other  person. Suppressing the angry

sensation, with  instinctive quickness, she  answered with a readiness and truth, that  caused her sister to draw

near to  listen, though the obtuse intellect  of the latter was far from comprehending  the workings of a heart as

treacherous, as uncertain, and as impetuous in its  feelings, as that  of the spoiled and flattered beauty.

"Deerslayer," answered Judith,  after a moment's pause, "I shall be honest  with you. I confess, that  the time

'has been when what you call finery, was  to me the dearest  thing on earth; but I begin to feel differently.

Though  Hurry Harry is  nought to me nor ever can be, I would give all I own to set  him free.  If I would do

this, for blustering, bullying, talking Hurry, who  has  nothing but good looks to recommend him, you may

judge what I would do  for my own father." 

"This sounds well, and is according to woman's gifts. Ah's, me! The  same  feelin's is to be found among the

young women of the Delawares.  I've known  'em, often and often, sacrifice their vanity to their  hearts. Tis as it

should be'tis as it should be I suppose, in both  colours. Woman was created  for the feelin's, and is pretty

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much ruled  by feelin'." 

"Would the savages let father go, if Judith and I give them all our  best  things?" demanded Hetty, in her

innocent, mild, manner. 

"Their women might interfere, good Hetty; yes, their women might  interfere  with such an ind in view. But,

tell me, Sarpent, how is it  as to squaws among  the knaves; have they many of their own women in  the camp?" 

The Delaware heard, and understood all that passed, though with  Indian  gravity and finesse he had sat, with

averted face, seemingly  inattentive to a  discourse in which he had no direct concern. Thus  appealed to,

however, he  answered his friend in his ordinary  sententious manner. 

"Six" he said, holding up all the fingers of one hand, and the  thumb of the  other, "beside this." The last

number denoted his  betrothed, whom, with the  poetry and truth of nature, he described by  laying his hand on

his own heart. 

"Did you see her, chief did you get a glimpse of her pleas-ant  countenance,  or come close enough to her ear,

to sing in it the song  she loves to hear?" 

"No, Deerslayer the trees were too many, and leaves covered their  boughs  like clouds hiding' the heavens, in

a storm. But" and the  young warrior  turned his dark face towards his friend, with a smile on  it that

illuminated  its fiercelooking paint, and naturally stern  lineaments, with a bright gleam  of human feeling,

"Ghingachgook heard  the laugh of WahtaWah, and knew it  from the laugh of the women of  the Iroquois.

It sounded in his ears, like the  chirp of the wren." 

"Ay, trust a lovyer's ear for that, and a Delaware's ear for all  sounds that  are ever heard in the woods. I know

not why it is so,  Judith, but when young  men and I dares to say it may be all the same  with young women,

too  but  when they get to have kind feelin's  towards each other, it's wonderful how  pleas-ant the laugh, or

the  speech becomes, to the other person. I've seen  grim warriors listening  to the chattering and the laughing

of young gals, as  if it was church  music, such as is heard in the old Dutch church that stands  in the  great street

of Albany, where I've been, more than once, with peltry  and game." 

"And you, Deerslayer," said Judith quickly, and with more  sensibility than marked her usually light and

thoughtless manner,  "have you  never felt how pleasant it is to listen to the laugh of the  girl you love?" 

"Lord bless you gal! Why I've never lived enough among my own  colour to drop  into them sort of feelin's, 

no never! I dares to say,  they are nat'ral and  right, but to me there's no music so sweet as the  sighing of the

wind in the  tree tops, and the rippling of a stream  from a full; sparkling, natyve  fountain of pure forest

waterunless,  indeed," he continued, dropping his  head for an instant in a  thoughtful manner"unless indeed

it be the open  mouth of a sartain  hound, when I'm on the track of a fat buckAs for  unsartain dogs, I  care

little for their cries, seem' they are as likely to  speak when  the deer is not in sight, as when it is." 

Judith walked slowly and pensively away, nor was there any of her  ordinary  calculating coquetry, in the light

tremulous sigh, that,  unconsciously to  herself, arose to her lips. On the other hand Hetty  listened with

guileless  attention, though it struck her simple mind as  singular that the young man  should prefer the melody

of the woods, to  the songs of girls, or even to the  laugh of innocence and joy.  Accustomed, however, to defer,

in most things, to  her sister, she soon  followed Judith into the cabin, where she took a seat,  and remained

pondering intensely over some occurrence, or resolution, or  opinionwhich was a secret to all but herself.

Left alone, Deerslayer  and his  friend resumed their discourse. 

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"Has the young paleface hunter been long on this lake?" demanded  the  Delaware, after courteously waiting

for the other to speak first. 

"Only since yesterday noon, Sarpent, though that has been long  enough to see  and do much." The gaze that

the Indian fastened on his  companion was so keen  that it seemed to mock the gathering darkness of  the night.

As the other  furtively returned his look, he saw the two  black eyes glistening on him,  like the balls of the

panther, or those  of the penned wolf. He understood the  meaning of this glowing gaze,  and answered

evasively, as he fancied would  best become the modesty of  a white man's gifts. 

"Tis as you suspect, Sarpent; yes, 'tis somewhat thataway.  I  have fell in with the inimy, and I suppose it

may be said I've fou't  them,  too." 

An exclamation of delight and exultation escaped the In-dian, and  then laying  his hand eagerly on the arm of

his friend, he asked if  there were any scalps  taken. 

"That I will maintain in the face of all the Delaware tribe, old  Tamenund,  and your own father, the great

Uncas, as well as the rest,  is ag'in white  gifts! My scalp is on my head, as you can see, Sarpent,  and that was

the only  scalp that was in danger, when one side was  altogether Christian and white." 

"Did no warrior fall?  Deerslayer did not get his name, by being  slow of  sight, or clumsy with the rifle!" 

"In that particular, chief, you're nearer reason, and therefore  nearer being  right. I may say one Mingo fell." 

"A chief'." demanded the other with startling vehemence. 

"Nay, that's more than I know, or can say. He was artful, and  treacherous,  and stouthearted, and may well

have gained popularity  enough with his people  to be named to that rank. The man fou't well,  though his eye

was'n't quick  enough for one who had had his schooling  in your company, Delaware."  "My brother and friend

struck the body?" 

"That was uncalled for, seeing that the Mingo died in my arms. The  truth may  as well be said, at once; he

fou't like a man of red gifts,  and I fou't like  a man with gifts of my own colour. God gave me the  victory; I

coul'n't fly in  the face of his Providence by forgetting my  birth and natur'. White he made  me, and white I

shall live and die." 

"Good! Deerslayer is a pale face, and has paleface hands. A  Delaware will  look for the scalp, and hang it on

a pole, and sing a  song in his honour,  when we go back to our people. The glory belongs  to the tribe; it must

not be  lost."  "This is easy talking, but 'twill  not be as easy doing. The Mingo's body is  in the hands of his

fri'nds,  and, no doubt, is hid in some hole, where  Delaware cunning will never  be able to get at the scalp." 

The young man then gave his friend a succinct, but clear ac-count,  of the  event of the morning, concealing

nothing of any moment, and yet  touching on  every thing modestly and with a careful attention to avoid  the

Indian habit  of boasting.Chingachgo ok again expressed his  satisfaction at the honour won  by his friend, and

then both arose, the  hour having arrived when it became  prudent to move the Ark further  from the land. 

It was now quite dark, the heavens having become clouded, and the  stars hid.  The north wind had ceased, 

as was usual with the setting  of the sun, and a  light air arose from the south. This change favoring  the design

of  Deerslayer, he lifted his grapnel, and the scow  immediately and quite  perceptibly began to drift more into

the lake.  The sail was set, when the  motion of the craft increased to a rate not  much less than two miles in the

hour. As this superseded the necessity  of rowing, an occupation that an  Indian would not be likely to desire,

Deerslayer, Chingachgook and Judith  seated themselves in the stern of  the scow, where they first governed its

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movements by holding the oar.  Here they discoursed on their future movements,  and on the means that  ought

to be used in order to effect the liberation of  their friends. 

In this dialogue Judith held a material part, the Delaware readily  understanding all she said, while his own

replies and remarks, both of  which  were few and pithy, were occasionally rendered into English by  his friend.

Judith rose greatly in the estimation of her companions,  in the half hour  that followed. Prompt of resolution

and firm of  purpose, her suggestions and  expedients partook of her spirit and  sagacity, both of which were of

a  character to find favor with men of  the frontier. The events that had  occurred since their meeting, as  well as

her isolated and dependant  situation, induced the girl to feel  towards Deerslayer like the friend of a  year

instead of an  acquaintance of a day, and so completely had she been won  by his  guileless truth of character

and of feeling, pure novelties in our  sex, as respected her own experience, that his peculiarities excited  her

curiosity, and created a confidence that had never been awakened  by any other  man. Hitherto she had been

com-pelled to stand on the  defensive, in her  intercourse with men, with what success was best  known to

herself, but here  had she been suddenly thrown into the  society, and under the protec-tion of a  youth, who

evidently as little  contemplated evil towards herself, as if he  had been her brother. The  freshness of his

integrity, the poetry and truth of  his feelings, and  even the quaintness of his forms of speech, all had their

influence,  and aided in awakening an interest that she found as pure as it  was  sudden and deep. Hurry's fine

face and manly form had never compensated  for his boisterous and vulgar tone, and her inter-course with the

officers  had prepared her to make comparisons under which even his  great natural  advantages suffered. But

this very intercourse with the  officers who  occasionally came upon the lake to fish and hunt, had an  effect in

producing  her present sentiments towards the young stranger.  With them, while her  vanity had been gratified,

and her selflove  strongly awakened, she had many  causes deeply to regret the  acquain-tanceif not to mourn

over it, in secret  sorrowfor it was  im-possible for one of her quick intellect not to perceive  how hollow  was

the association between superior and inferior, and that she  was  regarded as the play thing of an idle hour,

rather than as an equal and  a  friend, by even the best intentioned and least designing of her  scarletclad

admirers. Deerslayer, on the other hand, had a window in  his breast, through  which the light of his honesty

was ever shining;  and even his indifference to  charms that so rarely failed to produce a  sensation, piqued the

pride of the  girl, and gave him an interest that  another, seemingly more favored by  nature, might have failed

to  excite. 

In this manner half an hour passed, during which time the Ark had  been slowly  stealing over the water, the

darkness thickening around  it; though it was  easy to see that the gloom of the forest at the  southern end of the

lake, was  getting to be distant, while the  mountains that lined the sides of the  beautiful basin were

overshadowing it, nearly from side to side. There was,  indeed, a  narrow stripe of water, in the centre of the

lake where the dim  light  that was still shed from the heavens, fell upon its surface in a line  extending north

and south; and along this faint track, a sort of  inverted  milky way, in which the obscurity was not quite as

dense as  in other places,  the scow held her course, he who steered well knowing  that it led in the  direction he

wished to go. The reader is not to  suppose, however, that any  difficulty could exist as to the course.  This

would have been determined by  that of the air, had it not been  possible to distinguish the mountains, as  well

as by the dim opening  to the south, which marked the position of the  valley in that quarter,  above the plain of

tall trees, by a sort of  lessened obscurity; the  difference between the darkness of the forest, and  that of the

night,  as seen only in the air. The peculiarities at length  caught the  attention of Judith and the Deerslayer, and

the conversation  ceased,  to allow each to gaze at the solemn stillness and deep repose of  nature. 

"Tis a gloomy night" observed the girl, after a pause of several  minutes"I  hope we may be able to find the


"Little fear of our missing that, if we keep this path, in the  middle of the  lake," returned the young man.

"Natur' has mad us a road  here, and, dim as it  is, there'll be little difficulty following it." 

"Do you hear nothing, Deerslayer?  It seemed as if the water was  stirring  quite near us!" 

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"Sartainly something did move the water, oncommon like; must have  been a  fish. Them creatur's prey upon

each other like men, and animals  on the land;  one has leaped into the ail and fallen hard, back into  his own

element. Tis  of little us Judith, for any to strive to get out  of their elements, since it  natur' to stay in 'em, and

natur' will  have its way. Ha! That sounds like a  paddle, used with more than  common caution! 

At this moment the Delaware bent forward, and pointed significantly  into the  boundary of gloom, as if some

object had suddenly caught his  eye. Both  Deerslayer and Judith followed the direction of his gesture,  and

each got a  view of a canoe a the same instant. The glimpse of this  startling neighbor  was dim, and to eyes less

practised, it might have  been uncertain though to  those in the Ark, the object was evidently a  canoe with a

single individual  in it; the latter, standing erect, and  paddling. How many lay concealed in  its bottom, of

course could not be  known. Flight, by means of oars, from a  bar: canoe impelled by  vigorous and skilful

hands, was utterly im  practicable, and each of  the men seized his rifle, in expectation of a  conflict. 

"I can easily bring down the paddler," whispered Deer slayer, "but  we'll  first hail him, and ask his ar'n'd."

Then raising his voice, he  continued in  a solemn manner"hold! I ye come nearer, I must fire,  though

contrary to my  wishes and then sartain death will follow. Stop  paddling, and answer." 

"Fire, and slay a poor, defenceless, girl," returned a soft  tremulous female  voice. "And God will never forgive

you! Go your way,  Deerslayer, and let me  go mine." 

"Hetty!" exclaimed the young man and Judith in a breath; and the  former  sprang instantly to the spot where

he had left the canoe they  had been  towing. It was gone, and he under-stood the whole affair. As  for the

fugitive, frightened at the menace, she ceased paddling, and  remained dimly  visible, resembling a spectral

outline of a human form,  standing on the  water. At the next moment, the sail was lowered, to  prevent the Ark

from  passing the spot where the canoe lay. This last  expedient, however, was not  taken in time, for the

momentum of so  heavy a craft, and the impulsion of the  air, soon set her by, bringing  Hetty directly to

windward, though still  visible, as the change in the  positions of the two boats, now placed her in  that species

of milky  way which has been mentioned. 

"What can this mean, Judith?" demanded Deerslayer "Why has your  sister taken  the canoe, and left us?" 

"You know she is feebleminded, poor girl!  and she has her own  ideas of  what ought to be done. She loves

her father more than most  children love  their parents  and  then " 

"Then, what, gal? This is a trying moment; one in which truth must  be  spoken!" 

Judith felt a generous and womanly regret at betraying her sister,  and she  hesitated ere she spoke again. But

once more urged by  Deerslayer, and  conscious herself of all the risks the whole party was  running by the

indiscretion of Hetty, she could refrain no longer. 

"Then, I fear, poor, weakminded, Hetty has not been altogether  able to see  all the vanity, and rudeness and

folly, that lie hid  behind the handsome face  and fine form of Hurry Harry. She talks of  him, in her sleep, and

sometimes  betrays the inclination, in her  waking moments." 

"You think, Judith, that your sister is now bent on some mad scheme  to serve  her father and Hurry, which

will, in all likelihood, give  them riptyles the  Mingos, the mastership of a canoe?" 

"Such, I fear, will turn out to be the fact, Deerslayer: Poor Hetty  has  hardly sufficient cunning to outwit a


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All this while, the canoe, with the form of Hetty, erect in one end  of it,  was dimly perceptible, though the

greater drift of the Ark,  rendered it, at  each instant, less and less distinct. It was evident  no time was to be

lost,  lest it should altogether disappear. The  rifles were now laid aside, as  useless, the two men seizing the

oars,  and sweeping the head of the scow  round, in the direction of the  canoe. Judith, accustomed to the office,

flew  to the other end of the  Ark, and placed herself at what might be called the  helm. Hetty took  the alarm, at

these preparations, which could not be made  without  noise, and started off like a bird, that had been suddenly

put up by  the ap-proach of unexpected danger. 

As Deerslayer and his companion rowed with the energy of those who  felt the  necessity of straining every

nerve, and Het-ty's strength was  impaired by a  nervous desire to escape, the chase would have quickly

terminated in the  capture of the fugitive, had not the girl made  several short and unlookedfor  deviations in

her course. These  turnings gave her time, and they had also the  effect of gradually  bringing both canoe and

Ark within the deeper gloom, cast  by the  shadows from the hills. They also gradually increased the distance

between the fugitive and her pursuers, until Judith called out to her  companions to cease rowing, for she had

completely lost sight  of the  canoe. 

When this mortifying announcement was made, Hetty was actually so  near as to  understand every syllable

her sister ut-tered, though the  latter had used the  precaution of speaking as low as circumstances  would allow

her to do, and to  make herself heard. Hetty stopped  paddling at the same moment, and waited the  result with

an impatience  that was breathless, equally from her late  exertions, and her desire  to land. A dead silence

im-mediately fell on the  lake, during which  the three in the Ark were using their senses differently,  in order to

detect the posi-tion of the canoe. Judith bent forward to listen,  in  the hope of catching some sound that might

betray the direction in  which  her sister was stealing away, while her two companions brought  their eyes, as

near as possible, to a level with the water, in order  to detect any object  that might be floating on its surface.

All was  vain, however, for neither  sound, nor sight, rewarded their efforts.  All this time Hetty, who had not

the cunning to sink into the canoe,  stood erect, a finger pressed on her  lips, gazing in the direction in  which

the voices had last been heard,  resembling a statue of profound  and timid atten-tion. Her ingenuity had  barely

sufficed to enable her  to seize the canoe and to quit the Ark, in the  noiseless manner  related, and then it

appeared to be momentarily exhausted.  Even the  doublings of the canoe had been as much the consequence

of an  uncertain hand, and of nervous agitation, as of any craf-tiness, or  calculation. 

The pause continued several minutes, during which Deer-slayer and  the  Delaware conferred together, in the

language of the latter. Then  the oars  dipped, again, and the Ark moved away, rowing with as little  noise as

possible. It steered westward, a little southerly, or in the  direction of the  encamp-ment of the enemy. Having

reached a point, at  no great distance from  the shore, and where the obscurity was intense,  on account of the

proximity  of the land, it lay there near an hour, in  waiting for the expected approach  of Hetty, who, it was

thought, would  make the best of her way, to that spot,  as soon as she believed  herself released from the

danger of pur-suit. No  success rewarded this  little blockade, however, neither appearance nor sound  denoting

the  passage of the canoe. Disappointed at this failure, and  conscious of  the im-portance of getting possession

of the fortress, before it  could  be seized by the enemy, Deerslayer now took his way towards the castle,  with

the apprehension that all his foresight in securing the canoes  would be  defeated, by this unguarded and

alarming movement on the part  of the feeble  minded Hetty. 

Chapter X

"But who in this wild wood

May credit give to either eye, or ear?

From rocky precipice or hollow cave,

'Midst the confused sound of rustling leaves;,

And creaking boughs, and cries of nightly birds,

Returning seeming answer!"

The Deerslayer; or, The First Warpath 

Chapter X 79


Page No 82

Joanna Baihie, Rayner: A Tragedy, II.L34, 6g.

Fear as much as calculation, had induced Hetty to cease paddling,  when she  found that her pursuers did not

know in which direction to  proceed. She  remained stationary until the Ark had pulled in near the

encampment, as has  been related in the preceding chapter, when she  resumed the paddle and with  cautious

strokes made the best of her way  towards the western shore. In order  to avoid her pursuers, however,  who,

she rightly suspected, would soon be  rowing along that shore  themselves, the head of the canoe was pointed

so far  north, as to  bring her to land on a point that thrust itself into the lake,  at the  distance of near a league

from the outlet. Nor was this altogether the  result of a desire to escape, for, fee-ble minded as she was, Hetty

Hutter  had a good deal of that instinctive caution which so often  keeps those whom  God has thus visited from

harm. She was perfectly  aware of the impor-tance of  keeping the canoes from falling into the  hands of the

Iroquois, and long  familiarity with the lake had  suggested one of the simplest expedients, by  which this great

object  could be rendered compatible with her own purpose. 

The point in question, was the first projection that offered on  that side of  the lake, where a canoe, if set adrift

with a southerly  air would float clear  of the land, and where it would be no great  violation of probabilities to

suppose it might even hit the castle;  the latter lying above it, almost in a  direct line with the wind. Such  then

was Hetty's intention, and she landed on  the extremity of the  gravelly point, beneath an overhanging oak,

with the  express intention  of shoving the canoe off from the shore, in order that it  might drift  up towards her

father's insulated abode. She knew, too, from the  logs  that occasionally floated about' the lake, that did it miss

the castle,  and its appen-tages tje wind would be likely to change before the  canoe could  reach the northern

extremity of the lake, and that  Deerslayer might have an  opportunity of regaining it, in the morning,  when no

doubt he would be  earnestly sweeping the  surface of the  water, and the whole of its wooded  shores, with

glass. In all this,  too, Hetty was less governed by any chain of  reasoning than by her  habits, the latter often

supplying the of mind, in  human beings, as  they perform the same for animals of the inferior classes. 

The girl was quite an hour finding her way to the point, the  distance and the  obscurity equally detaining her,

but she was no  sooner on the gravelly beach,  than she prepared to set the canoe  adrift, in the manner

mentioned. While in  the act of pushing it from  her, she heard low voices, that seemed to come  among the

trees behind  her. Startled at this unexpected danger Hetty was on  the point of  springing into the canoe in

order to seek safety in flight, when  she  thought she recognised the tones of Judith's melodious voice. Bending

for-ward, so as to catch the sounds more directly, they evidently came  from  the water, and then she

understood that the Ark Was approaching  from the  south, and so close in with the western shore, as

necessarily  to cause it. to  pass the point, within twenty yards of the spot where  she stood. Here, then,  was all

she could desire; the canoe was shoved  off into the lake, leaving its  late occupant alone on the narrow  strand. 

When this act of selfdevotion was performed, Hetty did not retire.  The  foliage of the overhanging trees and

bushes would have almost  concealed her  person, had there been light, but in that obscurity, it  was utterly

impossible to discover any object thus shaded, at the  distance of a few feet.  Flight, too, was perfectly easy, as

twenty  steps would effectually bury her  in the forest. She remained,  therefore, watching with intense anxiety

the  result of her expedient,  intending to call the attention of the others to the  canoe, with her  voice, should

they appear to pass without observing it. The  Ark  approached under its sail, again, Deerslayer standing in its

bow, with  Judith near him, and the Delaware at the helm. It would seem that, in  the bay  below, it had got too

close to the shore, in the lingering  hope of  ntercepting Hetty, for, as it caine nearer, the latter  distinctly heard

the  directions that the young man forward, gave to  his companion aft, in order to  clear the point. 

"Lay her head more off the shore, Delaware," said Deer-slayer for  the third  time, speaking in English that his

fair com-panion might  understand his  words"Lay her head well off shore. We have got embayed  here, and

needs keep  the mast clear of the trees. Judith, there's a  canoe!" 

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The last words were uttered with great earnestness, and  Deerslayer's hand was  on his rifle, ere they were

fairly out of his  mouth. But the truth flashed on  the mind of the quick-witted girl, and  she instantly told her

companion that  the boat must be that in which  her sister had fled. 

"Keep the scow straight, Delaware; steeras straight as your bullet  flies  when sent agin a buck  There,  I

have it." 

The canoe was seized, and immediately secured again to the side of  the Ark.  At the next moment the sail was

lowered, and the motion of  the Ark arrested,  by means of the oars. 

"Hetty!" called Qut Judith, concern, even affection betraying  itself in her  tones. "Are you within hearing,

sister for God's sake  answer, and let me  bear the sound of your voice, again! Hetty! dear  Hetty." 

"I'm here, Judith  here on the shore, where it will be useless to  follow me,  as I will hide in the woods." 

"Oh! Hetty what is't you 4o! Remember 'tis drawing near midnight,  and that  the woods are filled with savages

and wild beasts!" 

"Neither will harm a poor halfwitted girl, Judith. God is as much  with me,  here, as he would be in the Ark or

in the hut. I am going to  help my father,  and poor Hurry Harry, who will be tortured and slain,  unless some

one cares  for them." 

"We all care for them, and intend tomorrow to,send them a flag of  truce, to  buy their' ransom. Come back

then, sister; trust to us, who  have better heads  than you, and who will do all we can for father." 

"1 know your head is better than mine, Judith, for mine is very  weak; to be  sure; but, I must go to father and

poor Hurry. Do y~u and  Deerslayer keep the  castle, sister; leave me in the hands of God." 

"God is with us all, Hettyin the castle, or on the shore  father  as well as  ourselves, and it is sinful not to

trust to his goodness.  You can do nothing  in the dark; will lose your way in the forest, and  perish for want of

food."  "God will not let that happen to a poor  child that goes to serve her father,  sister. I must try and find the


"Come back for this night only; in the morning, we will put you  ashore, and  leave you to do as you may think


"You say so, Judith, and you think so; but you would not. Your  heart would  soften, and you'd see tomahawks

and scalp-ing knives, in  the air. Besides,  I've got a thing to tell the Indian chief that will  answer all our

wishes,  and I'm afraid I may forget it, if I do'n't  tell it to him at once. You'll  see that he will let father go, as

soon  as he hears it!" 

"Poor Hetty! What can you say to a ferocious savage that will be  likely to  change his bloody purpose!" 

"That which will frighten him, and make him let father go"  returned the  simple minded girl, positively.

"You'll see, sister;  you'll see, how soon it  will bring him to, like a gentle child!" 

"Will you tell me, Hetty, what you intend to say?' asked  DeerSlayer. "I know  the savages well, and can form

some idee how far  fair words will be likely,  or not, to work on their bloody natux's. If  it~ not suited to the

gifts of a  red skin, twill, be of no use; for  reason goes by gifts, as well as conduct." 

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"Well, then," answered Hetty, dropping her voice to a low,  confidential,  tone, for the stillness of the night,

and the nearness  of the Ark, permitted  her to do this, and still to be heard"Well,  then, Deerslayer, as you

seem a  good and honest young man I will  tellyeu. I mean not to say a word to any of  the savages until I get

face to face with their head chief, let them plague  me with as many  questions as they please I'll answer none

of them, unless it  be to  tell them to lead me to their wisest manThen, Deerslayer, I'll tell  him that God will

not forgive murder, and thefts; and that if father  and  Hurry did go after the scalps of the Iroquois, he must

return good  for evil,  for so the bible commands, else he will go into everlasting  punishment. When  he hears

this, and feels it to be true, as feel it he  must, how long will it  be before he sends father, and Hurry, and me to

the shore, opposite the  castle, telling us all three to go our way in  peace?" 

The last question was put in a triumphant manner, and then the  simple minded  girl laughed at the impression

she never doubted that  her project had made on  her auditors. Deerslayer was dumbfounded at  this proof of

guileless  feebleness of mind, but Judith had suddenly  bethought her of a means of  counteracting this wild

project, by acting  on the very feelings that had  given it birth. Without adverting to the  closing ques-tion, or

the laugh,  therefore, she hurriedly called to  her sister by name, as one suddenly  impressed with the

importance of  what she had to say. But no answer was given  to the call. 

By the snapping of twigs, and the rustling of leaves, Hetty had  evidently  quitted the shore, and was already

burying her-self in the  forest. To follow  would have been bootless, since the darkness, as  well as the dense

cover that  the woods every where. offered, would  have rendered her capture next to  im-possible, and there

was also the  never ceasing danger of falling into the  hands of their enemies. After  ~ short and melancholy

discussion, therefore,  the sail was again set,  and the Ark pursued its course towards its habitual  moorings,

Deerslayer silently felicitating himself on the recovery of the  canoe,  and brooding over his plans for the

morrow. The wind rose as the party  quitted the point, and in less than an hour they reached the castle.  Here

all  was found, as it had been left, and the reverse of the  ceremonies had to be  taken, in entering the building,

that had been  used on quitting it. Judith  occupied a solitary bed that nights  bedewing the pillow with her

tears, as  she thought of the innocent and  hitherto neglected creature, who had been~  her companion, from

childhood, and bitter regrets came over her mind, from  more causes  than one, as the weary hours passed

away, making it nearly  morning  before' she lost her recollection in sleep. Deerslayer and the  Delaware took

their rest in the Ark, where we shall leave them  enjoying the  deep sleep of the honest, the healthful and

fearless, to  return to the girl  we have last seen in the midst of the forest. 

When Hetty left the shore, she took her way unhesitatingly into the  woods,  with a nervous apprehension of

being followed. Luckily, this  course was the  best she could have hit on to effect her own purpose,  since it was

the only  one that led her from the point. The night was  so intensely dark, beneath the  bran-ches of the trees,

that her  progress was very slow, and the direction  she went altogether a matter  of chance, after the first few

yards. The  formation of the ground,  however, did not per-mit her to deviate far from the  line in which she

desired to pro-ceed. On one hand it was soon bounded by the  acclivity  of the hill, while the lake, on the other,

served as a guide. For  two  hours did this singlehearted and simpleminded girl toil through the  mazes of the

forest, sometimes finding herself on the brow of the bank  that  bounded the water, and at others struggling up

an ascent that  warned her to  go no farther in that direction, since it necessarily  ran at right angles to  the

course on which she wished to proceed. Her  feet often slid from beneath  her, and she got many falls, though

none  to do her in-jury; but, by the end  of the period mentioned, she had  become so weary as to want strength

to go  any farther. Rest was  in-dispensable, and she set about preparing a bed, with  the readiness  and coolness

of one to whom the wilderness presented no  unnecessary  terrors. She knew that wild beasts roamed through

all the  adjacent  forest, but animals that preyed on the human species were rare, and  of  dangerous serpents

there were literally none. These facts had been  taught  her by her father, and whatever her feeble mind

received at  all, it received  so confidingly as to leave her no uneasiness from any  doubts, or scepticism.  To her

the sublimity of the solitude in which  she was placed, was soothing,  rather than appalling, and she gathered  a

bed of leaves, with as much  indifference to the circumstances that  would have driven the thoughts of  sleep

entirely from the minds of  most of her sex, as if she had been  preparing her place of nightly  rest, beneath the

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paternal roof.  As soon as Hetty had collected a  sufficient number of the dried leaves to  protect her person

from the  damps of the ground, she kneeled beside the  humble pile, clasped her  raised hands in an attitude of

deep devotion, and in  a soft, low, but  audible voice repeated the Lord's Prayer. This was followed  by those

simple and devout verses, so familiar to children, in which she  recommended her soul to God, should it be

called away to another state  of  existence, ere the returirof morning. This duty done, she lay down  and

disposed herself to sleep. The attire of the girl, though suited  to the  season, was sufficiently 'warm for all

ordinary purposes, but  the forest is  ever cool, and the nights of that elevated region of  country, have always a

freshness about them, that renders clothing  more necessary than is commonly  the case in the summers of a

low  latitude. This had been foreseen by Hetty,  who had brought with her, a  coarse heavy mantle, which, when

laid over her  body, answered all the  useful purposes of a blanket Thus pro-tected, she  dropped asleep, in a

few minutes, as tranquilly as if watched over by the  guardian care of  that mother, who had so recently been

taken from her  forever,  affording in this par-tirular, a most striking contrast between her  own humble couch,

and the sleepless pillow of her sister. 

Hour passed after hour, in a tranquility as undisturbed and a rest  as sweet,  as if angels, expressly

commissioned for that object,  watched around the bed  of Hetty Hutter. Not once did her soft eyes  open, until

the grey of the dawn  came struggling through the tops of  the trees, falling on their lids, and,  united to the

freshness of a  summer's morning, giving the usual sum-mons to  awake. Ordinarily,  Hetty was up ere the rays

of the sun tipped the summits of  the  mountains, but on this occasion her fatigue had been so great, and her

rest was so profound, that the customary warnings failed of their  effect. The  girl mur-mured in her sleep,

threw an arm forward, smiled  as gently as an  infant in its cradle, but still slumbered. In making  this

un-conscious  gesture, her hand fell on some object that was warm,  and in the half  unconsciouss state in which

she lay, she con-nected  the circumstance with her  habits. At the next moment, a rude attack  was made on her

side, as if a  rooting animal were thrusting its snout  beneath, with a desire to force her  position, and then,

uttering the  name of "Judith" she awoke. As the startled  girl arose to a sitting  attitude she perceived that some

dark object sprang  from her,  scattering the leaves and soap-ing the fallen twigs in its haste.  Opening her eyes,

and recover-ing from the first confusion and  astonishment  of her situation, Hetty perceived a cub, of the

common  American brown bear,  balancing itself on its hinder legs, and still  looking towards her, as if  doubtful

whether it would be safe to trust  itself near her person again. The  first impulse of Hetty, who had been

mistress of several of these cubs, was  to run and seize the little  creature as a prize, but a loud growl warned

her  of the danger of such  a procedure. Recoiling a few steps, the girl looked  hur-ly round, and  perceived the

dam, watching her move-ftts, with fiery eyes,  at no  great distance. A hollow tree; that once been the home of

bees, having  recently fallen, the ther with two more cubs, was feasting on the  dainty food  it this accident had

placed within her reach; while the  firsta jealous eye on  the situation of its truant and reckless young. 

It would exceed all the means of human knowledge to pre-sume to  analyze the  influences that govern the acts

of the lower animals. On  this occasion, the  dam, though proverbially fierce when its young is  thought to be in

danger,  manifested no in-tention to attack the girl.  It quitted the honey, and  advanced to a place within twenty

feet of  her, where it raised itself on its  hind legs, and balanced its body in  a sort of angry, growling

discontent, but  approached no nearer.  Happily, Hetty did not fly. On the contrary, though not  without  terror,

she knelt with' her face towards the animal, and with clasped  hands and uplifted eyes, repeated the prayer of

the previous night.  This act  of devotion was not the result of alarm, but it was a duty  she ne4~'er  neglected to

perform ere she slept, and w~hen the return  of consciousness  awoke her to the business of the day. As the girl

arose from her knees, the  bear dropped on its feet again, and  collecting its cubs around her, permitted  them to

draw their natural  sustenance. Hetty was delighted with this proof of  tenderness in an  animal that has but a

very indutThrent reputation for the  gentler  feelings, and as a cub would quit its mother to frisk and leap about

in wantonness, she felt a strong desireagaintocatchitupinherarms,  anciplaywithit. Butad-monished by the

growl, she had self command  sufficient  not to put this dangerous project in execution, and  recollecting her

errand  among the hills, she tore herself away from  the group, and proceeded on her  course, along the margin

of the lake,  of which she now caught glimpses again  through the trees. To her  surprise, though not to her

alarm, the family of  bears arose and  followed her steps, keeping a short distance behind her;  appaiently

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watching every movement as if they had a near in-terest in all she  did. 

In this manner, escorted by the dam and cubs, the girl pro-ceeded  nearly a  mile, thrice the distance she had

been able to achieve in the  darkness,  during the same period of time. She then reached a brook  that had dug a

channel for itself into the earth, and went brawling  into the lake, between  steep and high banks, covered with

trees. Here,  Hetty performed her  ablu-tions; then drinking of the pure mountain  water, she went her way,

refreshed and lighter of heart, still  attended by her singular companions.  Her course now lay along a broad

and nearly level terrace, which stretched  from the top of the bank  that bounded the water, to a low acclivity

that rose  to a second and  irregular platform above. This was at a part of the valley  where the  mountains ran

obliquely, forming the commence-ment of a plain that  spread between the hills, southward of the sheet of

water. JIetty  knew, by  this circumstance, that she was getting near to the  encampment, and had she  not, the

bears would have given her warning of  the vicinity of human beings.  Snuffing the air, the dam refused to

follow any further, though the girl  looked back and invited her to  come by childish signs, and even by direct

appeals made in her own  sweet voice. It was while making her way slowly  through some bushes,  in this

manner, with averted face and eyes riveted on  the immovable  animals, that the girl suddenly foundher steps

arrested by a  human  hand, that was laid lightly on her shoulder. 

"Where go? " said a soft female voice, speaking hurriedly, and in  concern.  "Indian redmansavage

wicked war-rior thataway." 

This unexpected salutation alarmed the girl no more than the  presence of the  fierce inhabitants of the woods.

It took her a little  by surprise, it is  true, but she was in a measure prepared for some  such meeting, and the

creature who stopped her, was aslittle likely  to excite terror as any who  ever ap-peared in the guise of an

Indian.  It was a girl, not much older than  herself, whose smile was sunny  asJudith's in her brightest moments,

whose  voice was melody itself,  and whose accents and manner had all the rebuked  gentleness that

characterizes the sex among a peQple, who habitually treat  their women  as the attendants and servitors of the

warriors. Beauty among the  women of the aboriginal Americans, before they have become exposed to  the

hardships of wives and mothers, is by no means uncommon. In this  particular,  the original owners of the

coun-try were not unlike their  more civilized  successors, nature appearing to have bestowed that  delicacy of

mien and  outline that forms so great a charm in the  youthful female, but of which they  are so early deprived;

and that,  too, as much by~the habits of domestic life,  as from any other cause. 

The girl who had so suddenly arrested the steps of Hetty was  dressed in a  calico mantle that effectually

protected all the up-per  part of her person,  while a short petticoat of blue cloth edged with  gold lace, that fell

no  lower than her knees, leggings of the same,  and moccasins of deerskin,  completed her attire. Her hair fell

in  long dark braids down her shoulders  and back, and was parted above a  low smooth forehead, in a way to

soften the  expression of eyes that  were full bf archness and natural feel-ing. Her face  was oval, with  delicate

features, the teeth were even and white, while the  mouth  expressed a melancholy tenderness, as if it wore this

peculiar meaning  in intuitive perception of the fate of a being who was doomed from  birth to  endure a

woman's sufferings, relieved by a woman's  affections. Her voice, as  has been already intimated, was soft as

the  sighing of the night air, a  characteristic of the females of her race,  but which was so conspicuous in

herself as to have pro-duced for her  the name of Wahta!Wah; which rendered  into English means


In a word, this was the betrothed of Chingachgook, who having  succeeded in  lulling their suspicions, was

permitted to wander around  the encampment of  her captors. This in-dulgence w~s in accordance with  the

general policy of  the red man, who well knew, moreover, that her  trail could have been easily  followed in the

event of flight. It will  also be remembered that the  Iroquois, or Hurons, as it would be  bet-ter to call them,

were entirely  ignorant of the proximity of her  lover, a fact, indeed, that she did not know  herself. 

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It is not easy to say which manifested the most selfpossession at  this  unexpected meeting; the pale face, or

the redgirl. But, though a  little  surprised, Wahta!Wah was the most willing to speak, and far  the readier in

foreseeing conse-quences, as well as in devising means  to avert them. Her  father, during her childhood, had

been much  employed as a warrior by the  authorities of the Colony, and dwelling  for several years near the

forts, she  had caught a knowledge of~he  English tongue, which she spoke in the usual,  abbreviated manner of

an  Indian, but fluently, and without any of the  or-dinary reluctance of  her people. 

"Where go?" repeated Wahta!Wah, returning the smile of Hetty, in  her own  gentle, winning, manner 

"wicked warrior thataway  good  warrior, far  off." 

"What's your name?" asked Hetty, with the simplicity of a child. 

"Wahta! Wah. I no Mingo  good Delaware  Yengeese friend. Mingo  cruel, and  love scalp, for blood

Delaware love him, for honor. Come  here, where no  eyes." 

Wahta!Wah now led her companion towards the lake, descending the  bank so as  to place its overhanging

trees and bushes between them, and  any probable  observers. Nor did she stop until they were both seated,

side by side, on a  fallen log, one end of which actually lay buried in  the water. 

"Why you come for?" the young Indian eagerly inquired "Where you  come for?"  Hetty told her tale in her

own simple and truthloving  man-ner. She explained  the situation of her father, and stated her  desire to serve

him, and if  possible to procure his release. 

"Why your fader come to Mingo 'camp in night?" asked the Indian  girl, with a  directness, which if not

borrowed from the other, partook  largely of its  sincerity. "He know it wartime, and he no boy  he no  want

beard  no want  to be told Iro-quois carry tomahawk, and knife,  and rifle. Why he come night  time, seize me

by hair, and try to scalp,  Delaware girl?" 

"You!" said Hetty, almost sickening with horror"Did he seize  youdid he try  to scalp you?" 

"Why no? Delaware scalp sell for much as Mingo scalp. Governor no  tell  difference. Wicked t'ing for pale

face to scalp. No his gifts, as  the good  Deerslayer alway tell me." 

"And doyou know the Deerslayer?" said Hetty, coloring with delight  and  surprise; forgetting her regrets, at

the moment, in the influence  of this new  feeling. "I know him, too. He is now in the Ark, with  Judith and a

Delaware  who is called the Big Serpent. A bold and  handsome warrior is this Serpent,  too!"  Spite of the rich

deep colour  that nature had bestowed on the Indian beauty,  the telltale blood  deepened on her cheeks, until

the blush gave new  animation and  intelligence to her jetblack eyes. Raising a finger in an  attitude of

warning, she dropped her voice, already so soft and sweet, nearly  to a  whisper, as she continued the


"Chingachgook!" returned the Delaware girl, sighing out the harsh  name, in  sounds so softly guttural, as to

cause it to reach the ear in  melody  "His  father, Uncasgreat chief of the Mahicanni  next to old

Tamenund!  More as  warrior, not so much gray hair, and less at  Council Fire. You know Serpent?" 

"He joined us last evening, and was in the Ark with me, for two or  three  hours before I left it. I'm afraid,

Hist" Hetty could not  pronounce the  Indian name of her new friend, but having heard  Deerslayer give her

this  familiar appellation, she used it without any  of the ceremony of civilized  life  "I'm afraid Hist, he has

come  after scalps, as well as my poor father  and Hurry Harry." 

"Why he should'n't  ha? Chingachgook red warrior  very redscalp  make his  honorBe sure he take him." 

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"Then," said Hetty, earnestly, "he will be as wicked as any other.  God will  not pardon in a redman, what he

will not par-don in a white  man. 

"No true" returned the Delaware girl, with a warmth, that nearly  amounted to  passion. "No true, I tell you!

The Manitou smile and  pleased when he see  young warrior come back from the war path, with  two, ten,

hundred scalp on a  pole! Chin-gachgook father take scalp   grandfather take scalp  all old  chief take scalp,

and Chingachgook  take as many scalp as he can carry,  himself" 

"Then, Hist, his sleep, of nights, must be terrible to think of No  one can be  cruel, and hope to be forgiven." 

"No cruelplenty forgiven" returned Wahta!Wah, stamping her  little foot on  the stony strand, and

shaking her head in a way to show  how completely  feminine feeling, in one of its aspects, had gotten the

better of feminine  feeling in another. "I tell you, Serpent brave; he  go home, this time, with  four, yestwo


"And is that his errand, here?  Did he really come all this  distance, across  mountain, and valley, rivers and

lakes, to tor-ment  his fellow creatures, and  do so wicked a thing?" 

This question at once appeased the growing ire of the  half-offended Indian  beauty. It completely got the

better of the  pre-judices of education, and  turned all her thoughts to a gentler and  more feminine channel. At

first, she  looked around her, suspiciously,  as if distrusting eavesdroppers; then she  gazed wistfully into the

face of her attentive companion; after which this  exhibition of  girlish coquetry and womanly feeling,

terminated by her  covering her  face with both her hands, and laughing in a strain that might  well be  termed

the melody of the woods. Dread of discovery, however, soon put  a stop to this naive exhibition of feeling, and

removing her hands,  this  creature of impulses, gazed again wistfully into the face of her  companion,  as if

inquiring how far she might trust a stranger with her  secret. Although  Hetty had no claims to her sister's

extraordinary  beauty, many thought her  countenance the most winning of the two. It  expressed all the

undisguised  sincerity of her character, and it was  totally free from any of the  unpleasant physical

accompaniments, that  so frequently attend mental  imbecility. It is true that one accustomed  to closer

observations than  common, might have detected the proofs of  her feebleness of intellect in the  language of

her sometimes vacant  eyes, but they were signs that attracted  sympathy by their total want  of guile, rather

than by any other feeling. The  effect on Hist, to use  the English and more familiar translation of the name,

was favorable,  and yielding to an impulse of tenderness, she threw her arms  around  Hetty, and embraced her

with an outpouring emotion, so natural that it  was only equalled by its warmth. 

"You good" whispered the young Indian"you good, I know; it so  long since  Wahta!Wah have a frienda

sisterany body to speak her  heart to! You Hist  friend; do'n't I say trut'?" 

"I never had a friend," answered Hetty returning the warm embrace  with  unfeigned earnestness. "I've a sister,

but no friend. Judith  loves me, and I  love Judith; but that's natural, and as we are taught  in the biblebut I

should like to have a friend! I'll be your friend,  with all my heart, for I  like your voice and your smile, and

your way  of thinking in every thing,  ex-cept about the scalps" 

"No t'ink more of himno say more of scalp" interrupted Hist,  soothingly  "You pale face, I red skin; we

bring up dif-ferent  fashion. Deerslayer and  Chingachgook great friend,  and no the same  colour, Hist

andwhat your name, pretty pale face?" 

"I am called Hetty, though when they spell the name in the bible,  they always  spell it, Esther." 

"What that make?no good, no harm. No need to spell name at  allMoravian try  to make Wahta!Wah

spell, but no won't let him. No  good for Delaware girl to  know too muchknow more than warrior some  time;

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that great shame. My name  Wahta!Wahthat say Hist in your  tongue; you call him, HistI call him,


These preliminaries settled to their mutual satisfaction, the two  girls began  to discourse of their several hopes

and projects. Hetty  made her new friend  more fully acquainted with her in-tentions in  behalf of her father,

and, to  one in the least ad-dicted to prying  into the affairs, Hist would have  betrayed her own feelings and

expectations in connection with the young  warrior of her own tribe.  Enough was revealed on both sides,

however, to let  each party get a  tolerable insight into the views of the other, though enough  still  remained in

mental reserva-tion, to give rise to the following  questions and answers, with which the interview in effect

closed. As  the  quickest witted, Hist was the first with her interrogatories.  Folding an arm  about the waist of

Hetty, she bent her head so as to  look up playfully into  the face of the other, and, laughing, as if her  meaning

were to be extracted  from her looks, she spoke more plainly. 

"Hetty got broder, as well as fader?" she said"Why no talk of  broder, as  well as fader?" 

"I have no brother, Hist. I had one once, they say, but he is dead  many a  year, and lies buried in the lake, by

the side of my mother." 

"No got broder got a young warrior Love him, almost as much as  fader, eh?  Very handsome, and

bravelooking; fit to be chief, if he  good as he seem to  be." 

"It's wicked to love any man as well as I love my father, and so I  strive not  to do it, Hist," returned the

conscientious Hetty. who knew  not how to  conceal an emotion, by an approach to an untruth as venial  as an

evasion,  though powerfully tempted by female shame to err,  "though I sometimes think  wickedness 

will get the better of me, if Hurry comes so often to the lake. I  must tell  you the truth, dear Hist, because you

ask me, but I  should  fall down and  die in the woods, if he knew it!" 

"Why he no ask you, himself?Brave lookingwhy not bold speaking?  Young  warrior ought to ask young

girl, no make young girl speak first.  Mingo girls  too shame for that." 

This was said indignantly, and with the generous warmth a young  female of  spirit would be apt to feel, at

what she deemed an invasion  of her sex's most  valued privilege. It had little in-fluence on the

simpleminded, but also  justminded Hetty, who, though inherently  feminine in all her impulses, was  much

more alive to the workings of  her own heart, than to any of the usages  with which convention has  protected

the sen-sitiveness of her sex. 

"Ask me what?' the startled girl demanded, with a sudden-ness that  proved how  completely her fears had

been aroused. 'Ask me, if I like  him as well as I do  my own father! Oh! I hope he will never put such a

question to me, for I  should have to answer, and that would kill me!" 

"Nonono kill, quitealmost," returned the other, aughing in spite  of  herself. "Make blush come  make

shame come too: but he no stay  great while;  then feel happier than ever Young warrior must tell young  girl he

want to  make Nife, else never can live in his wigwam." 

"Hurry do'n't want to marry me No body will ever want to marry me,  Hist." 

"How you can know? P'raps every body want to marry you, and  byandbye,  tongue say what heart feel.

Why nobody want to marry you?"  "I am not full witted, they say. Father often tells me this; and so  does

Judith, sometimes, when she is vexed; but I hould'n't so much  mind them, as I  did mother. She said so once

and then she cried as if  her heart would break;  and, so, I know I'm not full witted." 

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Hist gazed at the gentle, simple, girl, for quite a minute vithout  speaking,  and then the truth appeared to flash

all at nce on the mind  of the young  Indian maid. Pity, reverence Lnd tenderness seemed  struggling together in

her  breast, and hen rising, suddenly, she  indicated a wish to her companion hat  she would accompany her to

the  camp, which was situated at no great distance.  This unexpected change  from the precau-tions that Hist

had previously  manifested a desire to  use, in order to prevent being seen, to an open  exposure of the person  of

her friend, arose from the perfect conviction that  no Indian would  harm a being whom the Great Spirit had

disarmed, by depriving  it of  its strongest defence, reason. In this respect, nearly all  unsophisticated nations

resemble each other, ap-pearing to offer  spontaneously, by a feeling creditable to human nature, that

protection by  their own forbearance, which has been withheld by the  inscrutable wisdom of  Pro-vidence.

Wahta!Wah, indeed, knew that, in  many tribes, the mentally  imbecile and the mad, were held in a species

of religious reverence,  receiving from these untutored inhabitants of  the forest respect and honors,  instead of

the contumely and neglect  that it is their fortune to meet with,  among the more pretending and  sophisticated. 

Hetty accompanied her new friend without apprehension, or  reluctance. It was  her wish to reach the camp,

and, sustained by her  motives, she felt no more  concern for the consequences, than did her  companion

herself, now the latter  was apprized of the character of the  protection that the pale face maiden  car-ried with

her. Still, as they  proceeded slowly along a shore that was  tangled with overhanging  bushes, Hetty continued

the discourse, assuming the  office of  interrogating, which the other had instantly dropped, as soon as  she

ascertained the character of the mind to which her questions had been  addressed. 

"But you are not halfwitted," said Hetty, and there's no reason  why the  Serpent should not marry you. 

"Hist prisoner, and Mingo got big ear. No speak of Chin-gachgook  when they  by. Promise Hist that, good


"I knowI know" returned Hetty, halfwhispering, in her eagerness  to let the  other see she understood the

necessity of caution. "I  knowDeerslayer and the  Serpent mean to get you away from the  Iroquois, and you

wish me not to tell  the secret. 

"How you know?" said Hist, hastily, vexed at the moment, that the  other was  not even more feeble minded

than was ac-tually the case.  "How you know?  Better not talk of any but fader and Hurry Mingo  understand

dat; he no  understand t'udder. Promise you no talk about  what you no understand." 

"But I do understand this, Hist, and so I must talk about it.  Deerslayer as  good as told father all about it, in

my presence, and as  nobody told me not  to listen, I overheard it all, as I did Hurry and  father's discourse

about  the scalps." 

"Very bad for pale faces to talk about scalps, and very bad for  young woman  to hear! Now you love Hist, I

know, Hetty, and so, among  Injins, when love  hardest never talk most." 

"That's not the way among white people, who talk most about them  they love  best. I suppose it's because I'm

only half-witted that I  do'n't see the  reason why it should be so different among red people." 

"That what Deerslayer call gift. One gift to talk; t'udder gift to  hold  tongue. Hold tongue your gift, among

Mingos. If Sar-pent want to  see Hist, so  Hetty want to see Hurry. Good girl never tell secret of  friend." 

Hetty understood this appeal, and she promised the Delaware girl  not to make  any allusion to the presence of

Chingachgook, or to the  motive of his visit  to the lake. 

"Maybe he get off Hurry and fader, as well as Hist, if let him have  his way,"  whispered Wah~ta~~Wah to her

compa-nion, in a confiding  flattering way, just  as they got near enough to the encampment to hear  the voices

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of several of  their  own sex, who were apparently occupied  in the usual toils of women of their  class. "Tink of

dat, Hetty, and  put two, twenty finger on mouth. No get  friend free without Sarpent do  it. 

A better expedient could not have been adopted, to secure the  silence and  discretion of Hetty, than that which

was now presented to  her mind. As the  liberation of her father and the young frontier man  was the great

object of  her adventure, she felt the connection between  it and the services of the  Delaware, and with an

innocent laugh, she  nodded her head, and in the same  suppressed manner, promised a due  attention to the

wishes of her friend. Thus  assured, Hist tarried no  longer, but immediately and openly led the way into  the

encampment of  her captors. 

Chapter XI.

"The great King of Kings

Hath in the table of his law commanded,

That thou shalt do no murder.

Take heed; for he holds vengeance in his hand,

To hurl upon their heads that break his law."

Richard III, I.iv.i9597 199200.

That the party to which Hist compulsorily belonged was not one that  was  regularly on the war path, was

evident by the presence of females.  It was a  small fragment of a tribe that had been hunting and fishing  within

the  English limits, where it was found by the commencement of  hostilities, and,  after pass-ing the winter and

spring by living on  what was strictly the  property of its enemies, it chose to strike a  hostile blow before it

finally  retired. There was also deep Indian  sagacity in the manoeuvre which had led  them so far into the

territory  of their foes. When the runner arrived who  announced the breaking out  of hostilities between the

English and Frencha  struggle that was  certain to carry with it all the tribes that dwelt within  the  influence of

the respective belligerents  this particular party of the  Iroquois were posted on the shores of the Oneida, a

lake that lies  some fifty  miles nearer to their own frontier than that which is the  scene of our tale.  To have

fled in a direct line for the Ganadas would  have exposed them to the  dangers of a direct pursuit, and the

chiefs  had determined to adopt the  expedient of penetrating deeper into a  region that had now become

dangerous,  in the hope of being able to  retire in the rear of their pursuers, instead of  having them on their

trail. The presence of the women had induced the attempt  at this ruse,  the strength of these feebler members

of the party being  unequal to  the effort of escaping from the pursuit of warriors. When the  reader  remembers

the vast extent of the American wilderness, at that early  day, he will perceive that it was possi-ble for even a

tribe to remain  months  undiscovered in par-ticular portions of it; nor was the danger  of  encountering a foe,

the usual precautions being observed, as great  in the  woods, as it is on the high seas, in a time of active


The encampment being temporary, it offered to the eye no more than  the rude  protection of a bivouac,

relieved in some slight degree by  the ingenious  expedients which suggested themselves to the readiness  of

those who passed  their lives amid similar scenes. One fire, that  had been kindled against the  roots of a living

oak, sufficed for the  whole party; the weather being too  mild to require it for any purpose  but cook-ing.

Scattered around this centre  of attraction, were some  fif-teen or twenty low huts, or perhaps kennels  would be

a better  word, into which their different owners crept at night, and  which were  also intended to meet the

exigencies of a storm. 

These little huts were made of the branches of trees, put together  with some  ingenuity, and they were

uniformly topped with bark that had  been stripped  from fallen trees; of whichevery virgin forest possesses

hundreds, in all  stages of decay. Of furniture they had next to none.  Cooking utensils of the  simplest sort

were lying near the fire, a few  articles of clothing were to be  seen in, or around the huts, rifles,  horns, and

pouches leaned against the  trees, or were suspended from  the lower branches, and the carcases of two or  three

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deer were  stretched to view on the same natural shambles. 

As the encampment was in the midst of a dense wood, the eye could  not take in  its tout ensemble at a glance,

but hut after hut started  out of the gloomy  picture, as one gazed about him in quest of objects.  There was no

centre,  unless the fire might be so considered, no open  area where the possessors of  this rude village might

congregate, but  all was dark, covert and cunning,  like its owners. A few children  strayed, from hut to hut,

giving the spot a  little of the air of  domestic life, and the suppressed laugh, and low voices  of the women

occasionally broke in upon the deep stillness of the sombre  forest. As  for themen, they either ate, slept, or

examined their arms. They  con-versed but little, and then usually apart, or in groups withdrawn  from  the

females, whilst an air of untiring, innate, watchfulness and  apprehension  of danger seemed to be blended

even with their slumbers. 

As the two girls came near the encampment, Hetty uttered a slight  exclamation, on catching a view of the

person of her father. He was  seated on  the ground, with his back to a tree, and Hurry stood near  him,

indolently  whittling a twig. Ap-parently they were as much at  liberty as any others in,  or about the camp, and

one unaccustomed to  Indian usages would have mistaken  them for visiters, instead of  supposing them to be

captives. Wahta!Wah led  her new friend quite  near them, and then modestly withdrew, that her own

presence might be  no restraint on her feelings. But Hetty was not  sufficiently familiar  with caresses, or

outward demonstra-tions of fondness,  to indulge in  any outbreaking of feeling. She merely approached and

stood at  her  father's side without speaking, resembling a silent statue of filial  affection. The old man

expressed neither alarm, nor surprise, at her  sudden  ap-pearance. In these particulars, he had caught the

stoicism  of the Indians,  well knowing that there was no more certain mode of  securing their respect  than by

imitating their selfcommand. Nor did  the savages themselves betray  the least sign of surprise at this  sudden

appearance of a stranger among  them. In a word, this arrival  produced much less visible sensa-tion, though

occurring under  circumstances so peculiar, than would be seen in a village of  higher  pretensions to

civilization, did an ordinary traveller drive up to the  door of its principal inn. Still a few warriors collected,

and it was  evident  by the manner in which they glanced at Hetty as they conversed  together, that  she was the

subject of their discourse, and pro-bable  that the reasons of her  unlookedfor appearance were matters of

discussion. This phlegm of manner is  characteristic of the North  American Indian  some say of his white

successor  also  but, in this  case much should be attributed to the peculiar situation  in which the  party was

placed. The force in the Ark, the presence of  Ghingachgook  excepted, was well known, no tribe or body of

troops was  believed to  be near, and vigilant eyes were posted round the entire lake,  watching, day and night,

the slightest movement of those whom it would  not be  exaggerated now to term the besieged. 

Hutter was inwardly much moved by the conduct of Hetty, though he  affected so  much indifference of

manner. He recollected her gentle  appeal to him, before  he left the Ark, and misfortune rendered that of

weight, which might have  been forgotten amid the triumph of success.  Then he knew thesimple, single

hearted fidelity of his child, and  understood why she had come, and the total  disregard of self that  reigned in

all her acts. 

"This is not well, Hetty," he said, deprecating the conse-quences  to the girl  herself, more than any other evil.

"These are fierce  Iroquois, and are as  little apt to forget an injury, as a favor." 

"Tell me, father" returned the girl, looking furtively about her,  as if  fearful of being overheard, "did God let

you do the cruel errand  on which you  came? I want much to know this, that I may speak to the  Indians

plainly, if  he did not." 

"You should not have come hither, Hetty; these brutes will not  understand  your nature, or your intentions!" 

"How was it, father; neither you, nor Hurry, seems to have any  thing that  looks like scalps." 

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"If that will set your mind at peace, child, I can answer you, no.  I had  caught the young creatur' who came

here with you, but her  screeches soon  brought down upon me a troop of the wild cats, that was  too much for

any  single christian to with-stand. If that will do you  any good, we are as  innocent of hav-ing taken a scalp,

this time, as I  make no doubt we shall  also be innocent of receiving the bounty." 

"Thank god for that, father! Now I can speak boldly to the  Iroquois, and with  an easy conscience. I hope

Hurry, too, has not been  able to harm any of the  Indians?" 

"Why, as to that matter, Hetty," returned the individual in  question, "you've  put it pretty much in the natyve

character of the  religious truth. Hurry has  not been able, and that is the long and  short of it. I've seen many

squalls,  old fellow, both on land and on  the water, but never did I feel one as lively  and as snappish as that

which come down upon us, night afore last, in the  shape of an Indian  hurrahboys! Why, Hetty, you're no

great matter at a  reason, or an  idee that lies a little deeper than common, but you're human,  and have  some

human notions now, I'll just ask you to look at them  circumstances. Here was old Tom, your father, and

myself, bent on a  legal  operation, as is to be seen in the words of the law and the  proclomation;  thinking no

harm; when we were set upon by critturs that  were more like a  pack of hungry wolves, than mortal savages

even,and  there they had us  tethered like two sheep, in less time than it has  taken me to tell you the  story." 

"You are free, now, Hurry," returned Hetty, glancing timidly at the  fine  unfettered limbs of the young

giant"You have no cords, or  withes, to pain  your arms, or legs, now. 

"Not I, Hetty. Natur' is natur', and freedom is natur', too. My  limbs have a  free look, but that's pretty much the

amount of it, sin'  I can't use them in  the way I should like. Even these trees have eyes;  ay, and tongues too;

for  was the old man, here, or I, to start one  single rod beyond our gaol limits,  sar-vice would be put on the

bail  afore we could 'gird up our loins' for a  race, and, like as not, four  or five rifle bullets would be travelling

arter  us, carrying so many  invitations to curb our impatience. There is'n't a gaol  in the colony  as tight as this,

we are now in; for I've tried the vartues of  two or  three on 'em, and I know the mater'als they are made of, as

well as  the men that made 'em; takin' down being the next step in schoolin',  to  puttin' up, in all such


Lest the reader should get an exaggerated opinion of Hurry's  demerits, from  this boastful and indiscreet

revelation, it may be well  to say that his  offences were confined to assaults and batteries, for  several of which

he had  been imprisoned, when, as he has just said, he  often escaped by demonstrating  the flimsiness of the

constructions in  which he was confined, by opening for  himself doors, in spots where  the architects had

neglected to place them. But  Hetty had no knowledge  of gaols, and little of the nature of crimes, beyond  what

her  unadul-terated and almost instinctive perceptions of right and wrong  taught her, and this sally of the rude

being who had spoken, was lost  upon  her. She understood his general meaning, how-ever, and answered  in

reference  to that alone. 

"It's so best, Hurry," she said. "It is best father and you should  be quiet  and peaceable, 'till I have spoken to

the Iro-quois, when all  will be well  and happy. I do'n't wish either of you to follow, but  leave me to myself.

As  soon as all is settled, and you are at liberty  to go back to the castle, I  will come and let you know it." 

Hetty spoke with so much simple earnestness, seemed so confident of  success,  and wore so high an air of

moral feelingand truth, that both  the listeners  felt more disposed to attach an importance to her  mediation,

than might  otherwise have happened. When she manifested an  intention to quit them,  therefore, they offered

no obstacle, though  they saw she was about to join  the group of chiefs who were consulting  apart, seemingly

on the manner and  motive of her own sudden  ap-pearance. 

When Histfor so we love best, to call herquitted her companion,  she strayed  near one or two of the elder

warriors, who had shown her  most kindness in her  captivity, the prin-cipal man of whom, had even  offered to

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adopt her as his  child, if she would consent to become a  Huron. In taking this direc-tion, the  shrewd girl did

so to invite  inquiry. She was too well trained in the habits  of her people, to  obtrude the opinions of one of her

sex and years on men and  warriors,  but nature had furnished a tact and ingenuity that enabled her to  attract

the attention she desired, without wounding the pride of those  to  whom it was her duty to defer, and respect.

Even her affected  indifference  stimulated curiosity, and Hetty had hardly reached the  side of her father,

before the Delaware girl was brought within the  circle of the warriors, by a  secret but significant gesture.

Here she  was questioned as to the person of  her com-panion, and the motives  that had brought her to the

camp. This was  all that Hist desired. She  explained the manner in which she had detected the  weakness of

Hetty's  reason, rather exaggerating than lessening the deficiency  in her  intellect, and then she related, in

general terms, the object of the  girl in ven-turing among her enemies. The effect was all that the  speaker

expected, her account investing the person and character of  their visiter  with a sacredness and respect, that

she well knew would  prove her protection.  As soon as her own purpose was attained, Hist  withdrew to a

distance, where,  with female con-sideration, and a  sisterly tenderness she set about the  prepara-tion of a meal,

to be  offered to her new friend, as soon as the  latter might be at liberty  to partake of it. While thus occupied,

however,  the ready girl in no  degree relaxed in her watch-fulness, noting every change  of  countenance among

the chiefs, every movement of Hetty's, and the  smallest  occurrence that could be likely to affect her own

interests,  or that of her  new friend. 

As Hetty approached the chiefs, they opened their little cir-cle,  with an  ease and deference of manner, that

would have done credit to  men of more  courtly origin. A fallen tree lay near, and the oldest of  the warriors

made a  quiet sign for the girl to be seated on it, taking  his place at her side,  with the gentleness of a father.

The others  arranged themselves around the  two, with grave dignity, and then the  girl, who had suffi-cient

observation  to perceive that such a course  was expected of her, began to reveal the  object of her visit. The

moment she opened her mouth to speak, however, the  old chief gave a  gen-tle sign for her to forbear, said a

few words to one of  his  juniors, and then waited in silent patience until the latter had  summoned  Hist to the

party. This interruption proceeded from the  chief's having  discovered that there existed a necessity for an

interpreter, few of the  Hurons present understanding the English  language, and they but imperfectly. 

Wahta!Wah was not sorry to be called upon to be present at the  interview,  and least of all in the character

in which she was now  wanted. She was aware  of the hazards she run in at-tempting to deceive  one or two of

the party, but  was none the less resolved to use every  means that offered, and to practice  every artifice that an

Indian  education could supply, to con-ceal the facts  of the vicinity of her  betrothed, and of the errand on

which he had come. One  unpractised in  the expedients and opinions of savage life, would not have  suspected

the readiness of invention, the wariness of action, the high  resolution, the noble impulses, the deep

selfdevotion, and the  feminine  disregard of self when the affections were concerned, that  lay concealed

beneath the demure looks, the mild eyes, and the sunny  smiles of this young  Indian beauty. As she

approached them, the grim  old warriors regarded her  with pleasure, for they had a secret pride  in the hope of

engrafting so rare  a scion on the stock of their own  nation; adoption being as regularly  practised, and as

distinctly  recognized among the tribes of America, as it  ever had been among  those nations that submit to the

sway of the Civil Law. 

As soon as Hist was seated by the side of Hetty, the old chief  desired her to  ask "the fair young paleface"

what had brought her  among the Iroquois, and  what they could do to serve her. 

"Tell them, Hist, who I amThomas Hutter's youngest daughter;  Thomas Hutter,  the oldest of their two

prisoners; he who owns the  castle and the Ark, and  who has the best right to be thought the owner  of these

hills, and that lake,  since he has dwelt so long, and trapped  so long, and fished so long, among  them  They'll

know whom you mean  by Thomas Hutter, if you tell them, that.  And then tell them that I've  come here to

con-vince them they ought not to  harm father, and Hurry,  but let them go, in peace, and to treat them as

brethren, rather than  as enemies. Now tell them all this plainly, Hist, and  fear nothing for  yourself, or me.

God will protect us. 

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Wahta!Wah did as the other desired, taking care to render the  words of her  friend as literally as possible

into the Iroquois tongue,  a language she used  with a readiness almost equal to that with which  she spoke her

own. The  chiefs heard this open-ing explanation, with  grave decorum, the two who had a  little knowledge of

English,  intimating their satisfaction with the  in-terpreter, by furtive but  significant glances of the eyes. 

"And, now, Hist," continued Hetty, as soon as it was in-timated to  her that  she might proceed, "and, now,

Hist, I wish you to tell these  red men, word  for word, what I am about to say. Tell them first, that  father and

Hurry came  here with an intention to take as many scalps as  they could, for the wicked  governor and the

province have offered  money for scalps, whether of warriors,  or women, men or children, and  the love of

gold was too strong for their  hearts to withstand it. Tell  them this, dear Hist, just as you have heard it  from

me, word for  word." 

Wahta!Wah hesitated about rendering this speech as literally as  had been  desired, but detecting the

intelligence of those who  understood English, and  apprehending even a greater knowledge than  they actually

possessed she found  herself compelled to comply.  Contrary to what a civilized man would have  expected, the

admission of  the motives and of the errands of their prisoners,  produced no visible  effect, on either the

countenances or the feelings of the  listeners.  They pro-bably considered the act meritorious, and that which

neither  of them would have hesitated to perform in his own person, he would  not be apt to censure in another. 

"And, now, Hist," resumed Hetty, as soon as she perceived that her  first  speeches were understood by the

chiefs, "you can tell them more.  They know  that father and Hurry did not suc-ceed, and therefore they  can

bear them no  grudge for any harm that has been done. If they had  slain their children and  wives, ii would not

alter the matter, and I'm  not certain that what I am  about to tell them would not have more  weight had there

been mischief done.  But ask them first, Hist, if they  know there is a God, who reigns over the  whole earth,

and is ruler and  chief of all who live, let them be red, or  white, or what color they  may?"  Wahta!Wah

looked a little surprised at this question, for the  idea of the  Great Spirit is seldom long absent from the mind

of an  Indian girl. She put  the question, as literally as possible, however,  and received a grave answer  in the


"This is right," continued Hetty, "and my duty will now be light.  This Great  Spirit, as you call our God, has

caused a book to be  written, that we call a  bible, and in this book have been set down all  his commandments,

and his holy  will and pleasure, and the rules by  which all men are to live, and  direc-tions how to govern the

thoughts  even, and the wishes, and the will.  Here, this is one of these holy  books, and you must tell the chiefs

what I am  about to read to them,  from its sacred pages." 

As Hetty concluded, she reverently unrolled a small English bible  from its  envelope of coarse calico, treating

the volume with the sort  of external  respect that a Roman ist would be apt to show to a  religious relic. As she

slowly proceeded in her task the grim warriors  watched each movement with  riveted eyes, and when they saw

the little  volume appear a slight expression  of surprise escaped one or two of  them. But Hetty held it out

towards them,  in triumph as if she  expected the sight would produce a visible miracle, and  then, without

betraying either surprise or mortification at the Stoicism of  the  Indian, she turned eagerly to her new friend,

in order to renew the  discourse. 

"This is the sacred volume, Hist," she said"and these words, and  lines, and  verses, and chapters, all came

from God." 

"Why Great Spirit no send book to Injin, too?" demanded Hist, with  the  directness of a mind that was totally

un-sophisticated.  "Why?'  answered Hetty, a little bewildered by a question so unexpected.  "Why?Ah! you

know the Indians do'n't know how to read." 

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If Hist was not satisfied with this explanation, she did not deem  the point  of sufficient importance to be

pressed. Simply bending her  body, in a gentle  admission of the truth of what she heard, she sat  patiently

awaiting the  further arguments of the paleface enthusiast. 

"You can tell these chiefs that throughout this book, men are  ordered to  forgive their enemies; to treat them as

they would  brethren; and never to  injure their fellow creatures, more especially  on account of revenge, or any

evil passions. Do you think you can tell  them this, so that they will  understand ii, Hist?' 

"Tell him well enough, but he no very easy to understand." Hist  then conveyed  the ideas of Hetty, in the best

manner she could, to the  attentive Indians,  who heard her words, with some such surprise as an  American of

our own times  would be apt to betray at a suggestion that  the great modern, but vacillating  ruler of things

human, public  opinion, might be wrong. One or two of their  number, however, having  met with missionaries,

said a few words in  explanation, and then the  group gave all its attention to the communications  that were to

follow. Before Hetty resumed she enquired earnestly of Hist if  the  chiefs had understood her, and receiving

an evasive answer, was fain to  be satisfied. 

"I will now read to the warriors some of the verses that it is good  for them  to know,' continued the girl, whose

manner grew more solemn  and earnest as  she proceeded  "and they will remember that they are  the very

words of the  Great Spirit. First, then, ye are commanded to  'love thy neighbor as thyself'  Tell them that, dear


"Neighbor, for Injin, no mean pale face,' answered the Delaware  girl, with  more decision than she had

hitherto thought it necessary to  use. "Neighbor  mean Iroquois for Iro-quois, Mohican for Mohican, Pale  face

for pale face. No  need tell chief any thing else.' 

"You forget, Hist, these are the words of the Great Spirit, and the  chiefs  must obey them as well as others.

Here is another  commandment'Whasoever  shall smite thee on the right cheek, turn to  him the other aLso.~" 

"What that mean?' demanded Hist, with the quickness of lightning. 

Hetty explained that it was an order not to resent injuries, but  rather to  submit to receive fresh wrongs from

the offender. 

"And hear this, too, Hist," she added. " 'Love your enemies, bless  them that  curse you, do good to them that

hate you, and pray for them  which  despitefully use you and persecute you.'' 

By this time Hetty had become excited; her eye gleamed with the  earnestness  of her feelings, her cheeks

flushed, and her voice,  usually so low and  modulated, became stronger and more impressive.  With the bible

she had been  early made familiar by her mother, and she  now turned from passage to  passage, with surprising

rapidity, taking  care to cull such verses as taught  the sublime lessons of christian  charity and christian

forgiveness. To  translate half she said, in her  pious earnestness, Wahta!Wah would have  found

impracticable, had she  made the effort, but wonder held her tongue  tied, equally with the  chiefs, and the

young, simpleminded en-thusiast had  fairly become  exhausted with her own efforts, before the other opened

her  mouth,  again, to utter a syllable. Then, indeed, the Delaware girl gave a  brief translation of the substance

of what had been both read and  said,  confining herself to one or two of the more striking of the  verses, those

that had struck her own imagination as the most  paradoxical, and which  certainly would have been the most

applicable  to the case, could the  uninstructed minds of the listeners embrace the  great moral truths they


It will be scarcely necessary to tell the reader the effect that  such novel  duties would be likely to produce

among a group of Indian  warriors, with whom  it was a species of religious princi-ple never to  forget a benefit,

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or to  forgive an injury. Fortunately, the previous  explanations of Hist had  prepared the minds of the Hurons

for  something extravagant, and most of that  which to them seemed  inconsistent and paradoxical, was

accounted for by the  fact that the  speaker possessed a mind that was con-stituted differently from  those  of

most of the human race. Still there were one or two old men who had  heard similar doctrines from the

missionaries, and these felt a desire  to  occupy an idle moment by pursuing a subject that they found so


"This is the Good Book of the pale faces," observed one of these  chiefs,  taking the volume from the

unresisting hands of Hetty, who  gazed anxiously at  his face, while he turned the leaves, as if she  expected to

witness some  visible results from the circumstance. "This  is the law by which my white  brethren professes to


Hist, to whom this question was addressed, if it might be  considered as  addressed to any one, in particular,

answered simply in  the affirmative;  adding that both the French of the Canadas, and the  Yengeese of the

British  provinces equally admitted its authority, and  affected to revere its  principles. 

"Tell my young sister," said the Huron, looking directly at Hist,  "that I  will open my mouth and say a few


"The Iroquois chief go to speakMy pale face friend listen,' said  Hist. 

"I rejoice to hear it!" exclaimed Hetty. "God has touched his  heart, and he  will now let father and Hurry go." 

"This is the pale face law," resumed the chief. 'It tells him to do  good to  them, that hurt him, and when his

brother asks him for his  rifle to give him  the powder horn, too. Such is the pale face law?" 

"Not sonot so" answered Hetty earnestly, when these words had  been  interpreted  "There is not a word

about rifles in the whole  book, and powder  and bullets give offence to the Great Spirit." 

"Why then does the pale face use them? If he is ordered to give  double to him  that asks only for one thing,

why does he take double  from the poor Indian  who ask for no thing. He comes from beyond the  rising sun,

with this book in  his hand, and he teaches the red man to  read it, but why does he forget  himself all it says?

When the Indian  gives, he is never satisfied; and now he  offers gold for the scalps of  our women and

children, though he calls us  beasts if we take the scalp  of a warrior killed in open war. My name is


When Hetty had got this formidable question fairly presented to her  mind in  the translation, and Hist did her

duty with more than usual  readiness on this  occasion, it scarcely need be said that she was  sorely perplexed.

Abler heads  than that of this poor girl have  frequently been puzzled by questions of a  similar drift, and it is

not  surprising that with all her own earnestness and  sincerity she did not  know what answer to make. 

"What shall I tell them, Hist," she asked imploringly  "I know  that all I  have read from the book is true, and

yet it would'n't seem  so, would it, by  the conduct of those to whom the book was given?" 

"Give 'em paleface reason," returned Hist, ironically "that  always good for  one side; though he bad for


"NonoHist there can't be two sides to truthand yet it does seem  strange!  I'm certain I have read the verses

right, and no one would be  so wicked as to  print the word of God wrong. That can never be, Hist." 

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"Well, to poor Injin girl, it seem every thing can be to pale  faces,"  returned the other, coolly. "One time 'ey

say white, and one  time 'ey say  black. Why never can be?" 

Hetty was more and more embarrassed, until overcome with the  apprehension  that she had failed in her

object, and that the lives of  her father and Hurry  would be the forfeit of some blunder of her own,  she burst

into tears. From  that mo-ment the manner of Hist lost all  its irony and cool indifference, and  she became the

fond caressing  friend, again. Throwing her arms around the  afflicted girl, she  attempted to soothe her

sorrows, by the scarcely ever  failing remedy  of feniale sym-pathy. 

"Stop cryno cry" she said, wiping the tears from the face of  Hetty, as she  would have performed the same

office for a child, and  stopping to press her  occasionally to her own warm bosom with the  affection of a

sister. "Why you  so trouble? You no make he book, if he  be wrong, and you no make he pale face  if he

wicked. There wicked red  man, and wicked white man  no colour all good   no colour all wicked.  Chiefs

know that well enough." 

Hetty soon recovered from this sudden burst of grief, and then her  mind  reverted to the purpose of her visit,

with all its singlehearted  earnestness. Perceiving that the grim looking  196 The Deerslayer 

chiefs were still standing around her in grave attention, she hoped  that  another effort to convince them of the

right might be successful.  "Listen, Hist," she said, struggling to suppress her sobs, and to  speak  distinctly 

"Tell the chiefs that it matters not what the  wicked doright is  rightThe words of The Great Spirit are the

words  of The Great Spirit  and  no one can go harmless for doing an evil  act, because another has done it

before him. 'Render good for evil,'  says this book, and that is the law for  the red man as well as for the  white


"Never hear such law among Delaware, or among Iro-quois" answered  Hist  soothingly. "No good to tell

chiefs any such laws as dat. Tell  'em somet'ing  they believe." 

Hist was about to proceed, notwithstanding, when a tap on the  shoulder, from  the finger of the oldest chief

caused her to look up.  She then perceived that  one of the warriors had left the group, and  was already

returning to it with  Hutter and Hurry. Understanding that  the two last were to become parties in  the inquiry,

she became mute,  with the unhesitating obe-dience of an Indian  woman. In a few seconds  the prisoners stood

face to face with the principal  men of the  captors. 

"Daughter," said the senior chief to the young Delaware, "ask this  grey beard  why he came into our camp?" 

The question was put by Hist, in her own imperfect Eng-lish, but in  a way  that was easy to be understood.

Hutter was too stern and  obdurate by nature,  to shrink from the conse-quences of any of his  acts, and he was

also too  familiar with the opinions of the savages  not to understand that nothing was  to be gained by

equivocation or an  unmanly dread of their anger. Without  hesitating, therefore, he avowed  the purpose with

which he had landed, merely  justifying it by the fact  that the government of the province had bid high  for

scalps. This  frank avowal was received by the Iroquois, with evident  satisfaction,  not so much, however, on

account of the advantage it gave them  in a  moral point of view, as by its proving that they had captured a man

worthy of occupying their thoughts and of becoming a subject of their  revenge. Hurry, when inter-rogated,

confessed the truth, though he  would have  been more disposed to concealment than his sterner  companion,

did  thecircumstances very well admit of its adoption. But  he had tact enough to  discover that equivocation

would be useless, at  that moment, and he made a  merit of necessity by imitating a  frankness, which, in the

case of Hutter,  was the offspring of habits  of indifference acting on a disposition that was  always ruthless,

and  reckless of personal consequences. 

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As soon as the chiefs had received the answers to their ques-tions,  they  walked away, in silence, like men

who deemed the matter disposed  of, all  Hetty's dogmas being thrown away on beings trained in  violence,

from infancy  to manhood. Hetty and Hist were now left alone  with Hutter and Hurry, no  visible restraint

being placed on the  movements of either; though all four,  in fact, were vigilantly and  unceasingly watched.

As respects the men, care  was had to prevent them  from getting possession of any of the rifles, that  lay

scattered  about, their own included; and there all open manifestations of  watch-fulness ceased. But they, who

were so experienced in Indian  practices,  knew too well how great was the distance between  appearances and

reality, to  become the dupes of this seeming  carelessness. Although both thought  incessantly of the means of

escape, and this without concert, each was aware  of the uselessness of  attempting any project of the sort that

was not deeply  laid, and  promptly executed. They had been long enough in the encampment, and  were

sufficiently observant to have ascertained that Hist, also, was a  sort  of captive, and, presuming on the

circumstance, Hutter spoke in  her presence,  more openly than he might otherwise have thought it  prudent to

do; inducing  Hurry to be equally unguarded by his exam-ple. 

"I'll not blame you, Hetty, for coming on this errand, which was  well meant  if not very wisely planned,"

commenced the father, seating  himself by the  side of his daughter, and taking her hand; a sign of  affection

that this rude  being was ac-customed to manifest to this  particular child. "But preaching,  and the bible, are

not the means to  turn an Indian from his ways. Has  Deerslayer sent any message; orhas  he any scheme by

which he thinks to get us  free?" 

Ay, that's the substance of it!" put in Hurry. "If you can help us,  gal, to  half a mile of freedom, or even a good

start of a short  quarter, I'll answer  for the rest. Perhaps the old man may want a  little more, but for one of my

height and years that will meet all  objections."  Hetty looked distressed, turning her eyes from one to the

other, but she had  no answer to give to the question of the reckless  Hurry. 

"Father," she said, "neither Deerslayer, nor Judith knew of my  coming, until  I had left the Ark. They are

afraid the Iroquois will  make a raft, and try to  get off to the hut, and think more of  defending that, than of

coming to aid  you." 

"Nonono" said Hist hurriedly, though in a low voice, and with  her face  bent towards the earth, in order to

conceal from those whom  she knew to be  watching them the fact of her speaking at all. "No  no   no 

Deerslayer  different man. He no t'ink of defending 'self, with  friend in danger. Help  one another, and all get

to hut." 

"This sounds well, old Tom," said Hurry, winking and laughing,  though he too  used the precaution to speak

low"Give me a ready witted  squaw for a fri'nd,  and though I'll not downright defy an Iroquois, I  think I

would defy the  devil." 

"No talk loud," said Hist. "Some Iroquois got Yengeese  tongue, and  all got Yengeese ear." 

"Have we a friend in you, young woman?" enquired Hutter with an  increasing  interest in the conference. "If

so, you may calculate on a  solid reward, and  nothing will be easier than to send you to your own  tribe, if we

can once  fairly get you off with us to the castle. Give  us the Ark and the canoes, and  we can command the

lake, spite of all  the savages in the Canadas. Nothing but  artillery could drive us out  of the castle, if we can

get back to it. 

"'S'pose 'ey come ashore to take scalp?" retorted Hist, with cool  irony, at  which the girl appeared to be more

expert than is common for  her sex. 

"Ay  ay  that was a mistake; but there is little use in  lamentations, and less still, young woman, in

flings."'Father," said  Hetty,  "Judith thinks of breaking open the big chest, in hopes of  finding something  in

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that which may buy your freedom of the savages." 

A dark look came over Hutter at the announcement of this fact, and  he  muttered his dissatisfaction in a way to

render it intelligible  enough. 

'What for no break open chest?" put in Hist. "Life sweeter than old  chest   scalp sweeter than old chest. If no

tell darter to break him  open, Wahta!  Wah no help him to run away." 

"Ye know not what ye askye are but silly girls, and the wisest way  for ye  both is to speak of what ye

understand and to speak of nothing  else. I little  like this cold neglect of the savages, Hurry; it's a  proof that

they think of  something serious, and if we are to do any  thing, we must do it soon. Can we  count on this

young woman, think  you?" 

"Listen" said Hist quickly, and with an earnestness that proved  how much her  feelings were

concerned"Wahta!Wah no Iroquois  All  over Delaware  got  Delaware heart  Delaware feeling. She

prisoner,  too. One prisoner help  t'udder prisoner. No good to talk more, now.  Darter stay with fader 

Wahta!  Wah come and see friendall look  right Then tell what he do." 

This was said in a low voice, but distinctly, and in a manner to  make an  impression. As soon as it was uttered

the girl arose, and left  the group,  walking composedly towards the hut she occupied, as if she  had no further

interest in what might pass between the palefaces. 

Chapter XII.

"She speaks much of her father; says she hears,

There's tricks i' the world; and hems, and beats her breast;

Spurns enviously at straws; speaks things in doubt,

That carry but half sense; her speech is nothing,

Yet the unshaped use of it doth move

The hearers to collection; Hamlet, IV.v.49.

We left the occupants of the castle and the ark, buried in sleep.  Once, or  twice, in the course of the night, it is

true, "Deerslayer,  or the Delaware,  arose and looked out upon the ranquil lake; when,  finding all safe, each

returned to his and slept like a man who was  not easily deprived of his  pallet,  natural rest. At the first signs  of

the dawn, the former arose, however, and  made his personal  arrangements for the day; though his companion,

whose  nights had not  been tranquil, or without disturbances, of late, continued on  his  blanket, until the sun

had fairly risen; Judith too, was later than  common, that morning, for the earlier hours of the night had

brought  her  little of either refreshment, or sleep. But ere the sun had shown  himself  over the eastern hills,

these too were up and afoot, even the  tardy in that  region seldom remaining on their pallets, after the

appearance of the great  luminary.  Ghingachgook was in the act of  arranging his forest toilet, when Deerslayer

entered the cabin of the  Ark and threw him a few coarse but light summer  vestments that  belonged to Hutter. 

"Judith hath given me them for your use, chief," said the lat-ter,  as he cast  the jacket and trousers at the feet

of the Indian, 'for  it's ag'in all  prudence and caution to be seen in your war dress and  paint. Wash off all  them

fiery streaks from your cheeks, put on these  garments, and here is a  hat, such as it is, that will give you an

awful oncivilized sort .of  civilization, as the missionaries call it.  Remember that Hist is at hand, and  what we

do for the maiden, must be  done while we are doing for others. I know  it's ag'in your gifts and  your natur' to

wear clothes, unless they are cut  and carried in a red  man's fashion,but make a vartue of necessity, and put

these on, at  once, even if they do rise a little in your throat." 

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Chingachgook, or the Serpent, eyed the vestments with strong  disgust; but he  saw the usefulness of the

disguise, if not its  absolute necessity. Should the  Iroquois discover a redman, in or  about the Castle, it

might, indeed, place  them more on their guard,  and give their suspicions a direction towards their  female

captive.  Any thing was better than a failure as it regarded his  betrothed, and,  after turning the different

garments round and round,  examining them  with a species of grave irony, affecting to draw them on in a  way

that  defeated itself, and otherwise manifesting the reluctance of a young  savage to confine his limbs in the

usual appliances of civilized life,  the  chief submitted to the directions of his companion, and finally  stood

forth,  so far as the eye could detect, a red man in colour  alone. Little was to be  apprehended from this last

peculiarity,  however, the distance from the shore,  and the want of glasses  preventing any very close scrutiny,

and Deerslayer,  himself, though of  a brighter and fresher tint, had a countenance that was  burnt by the  sun to

a hue scarcely less red than that of his Mohican  companion. The  awkwardness of the Delaware in his new

attire, caused his  friend to  smile, more than once that day, but he carefully abstained from the  use of any of

those jokes, which would have been bandied among white  men on  such an occasion, the habits of a chief, the

dignity of a  warrior on his  first path, and the gravity of the cir-cumstances in  which they were placed,  uniting

to render so much levity out of  season. 

The meeting at the morning meal of the three islanders, if we may  use the  term, was silent, grave and

thoughtful. Judith showed by her  looks that she  had passed an unquiet night, while the two men had the

future before them,  with its unseen and unknown events. A few words of  courtesy passed between  Deerslayer

and the girl, in the course of the  breakfast, but no allusion was  made to their situation. At length  Judith,

whose heart was full, and whose  novel feelings disposed her to  enter-tain sentiments more gentle and tender

than common, in-troduced  the subject, and this in a way to show how much of  her thoughts it had  occupied,

in the course of the last sleepless night. 

"It would be dreadful, Deerslayer,' the girl abruptly exclaimed,  "should any  thing serious befall my father and

Hetty! We cannot remain  quietly here, and  leave them if: the hands of the Iroquois, without  bethinking us of

some means  of serving them." 

"I'm ready, Judith, to sarve them, and a11 others who are in  trouble, could  the way to do it be p'inted out. It's

no trifling  matter to fall into redskin  hands, when men set out on an ar'n'd like  that which took Hutter and

Hurry  ashore; that I know as well as  another, and 1 would'n't wish my worst inimy  in such a strait, much  less

them with whom I've journeyed, and eat, and  slept. Have you any  scheme, that you would like to have the

Sarpent and me,  indivour to  carry out?' 

"I know of no other means to release the prisoners, than by bribing  the  Iroquois. They are not proof against

presents, and we might offer  enough,  perhaps, to make them think it better to carry away what to  them will be

rich  gifts, than to carry away poor prisoners; if,  indeed, they should carry them  away at all!" 

"This is well enough, Judith; yes, it's well enough, if the inimy  is to be  bought, and we can find articles to

make the purchase with.  Your father has a  convenient lodge, and it is most cunningly placed,  though it

does'n't seem  overstock'd with riches that will be likely to  buy his ransom. There's the  piece he calls Killdeer,

might count for  something, and I understand there's  a keg of powder about, which might  be a make weight,

sprain; and yet two able  bodied men are not to be  bought off for a trifle besides " 

"Besides what?'' demanded Judith impatiently, observ'ing that the  other  hesitated to proceed, probably from a

reluctance to distress  her. 

'Why, Judith, the Frenchers offer bounties as well as our own side,  and the  price of two scalps would

purchase a keg of powder, and a  rifle; though 1'11  not say one of the latter altogether as good as  Killdeer,

there, which your  father va'nts as uncommon, and unequalled,  like. But fair powder, and a  pretty captain rifle;

then the red men  are not the expartest in fire arms,  and do'n't always know the  difference atwixt that  which is

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ra'al, and that which is seeming." 

''This is horriblel' muttered the girl, struck by the homely manner  in which  her companion was accustomed to

state his facts. "But you  overlook my own  clothes, Deerslayer, and they, I think, might go far  with the women

of the  Iroquois." 

"No doubt they would; no doubt they would. Judith," returned the  other,  looking at her keenly, as if he would

ascertain whether she  were really  capable of making such a sacrifice. 'But, are you sustain,  gal, you could and

it in your heart, to part with your own finery for  such a purpose? Many is  the man who has thought he was

valiant 'till  danger stared him in the face;  l've known them, too, that conspired  they were kind and ready to

give away  all they had to the poor, when  they've been listening to other people's hard  learnedness; but whose

fists have clench'd as tight as the riven hickory when  it came to  downright offerings of their own. Besides,

Judith, you're  handsome  uncommon in that way, one might observe and do no harm to the  truth  and they

that have beauty, like to have that which will adorn it. Are  you bargain you could find it in your heart to part

with your own  finery?' 

The soothing allusion to the personal charms of the girl, was well  timed, to  counteract the effect produced by

the distrust that the  young man expressed  of Judith's devotion to her filial duties. Had  another said as much as

Deerslayer, the compliment would most probably  have been overlooked in the  indignation awakened by the

doubts, but  even the unpolished sincerity, that  so often made this simple minded  hunter bare his thoughts, had

a charm for  the girl; and, while she  colored, and, for an instant her eyes flashed fire,  she could not find  it in

her heart to be really angry with one whose very  soul seemed  truth and manly kindness. Look her reproaches

she did, but  conquering  the desire to retort, she succeeded in answering in a mild and  friendly manner. 

"You must keep all your favorable opinions, for the Delaware girls,  Deerslayer, if you seriously think thus of

those of your own colour,"  she  said, affecting to laugh. 'But, try me; if you find that I regret  either  hibbard or

feather, silk or muslin, then may you think what you  please of my  heart, and say what you think." 

"That's justice! The rarest thing to find on 'arth, is a truly  just man. So  says Tamenund, the wisest prophet of

the Delawares, and  so all must think,  that have occasion to see, and talk and act among  Mankind. I love a just

man,  Sargent. His eyes are never covered with  darkness towards his unifies, while  they are all sunshine and

brightness towards his fri'nds. He uses the reason  that God has given  him, and he uses it with ' a feelin' of his

being ordered  to look at,  and to consider things as they are, and not as he wants them to  be.  It's easy enough

to find men who call themselves just, but it's  wonderful  oncommon to find them that are the very thing, in

fact. How  often have I seen  Indians; gal, who believed they were lookin' into a  matter agreeable to the  will of

the Great Spirit, when, in truth, they  were only striving to act up  to their own will and pleasure, and this,  half

the time, with a temptation to  go wrong that could no more be  seen by themselves, than the stream that runs

in the next valley, can  be seen by us through yonder mountain', though any  looker on might  have discovered

it, as plainly as we can discover the parch  that are  swimming around this hull' 

"Very true, Deerslayer," rejoined Judith, losing every trace of  displeasure  in a bright smile "very true, and I

hope to see you act  on this love of  justice, in all matters in which I am concerned. Above  all, I hope you will

judge for yourself, and not believe every evil  story that a prating idler,  like Hurry Harry, may have to tell, that

goes to touch the good name of any  young woman, who may not happen to  have the same opinion of his face

and  person that the blustering  gallant has of himself." 

"Hurry Harry's idlees do not pass for gospel with me, Judith; but  even worse  than he may have eyes and

ears", returned the other  gravely.  " 

"Enough of this" exclaimed Judith, with flashing eye and a flush  that mounted  to her temples, "and more of

my father and his ransom.  "T' s you say,  Deerslayer; the Indians will not be likely to give up  their prisoners,

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without a heavier bribe than my clothes can offer,  and father's rifle and  powder. There is the chest." 

"Ay, there is, the chest, as you say. Judith, and when the question  gets to  be between a secret and a scalp, I

should think most men would  prefer keeping  the last. Did your father ever give you any downright

commands conserving  that chist?" 

'Never. He has always appeared to think its locks, and its steel  bands, and  its strength, its best protection." 

"T'is a rare chest, and altogether of curious build," returned  Deerslayer,  rising and approaching the thing in

question, on which he  seated himself,  with a view to examine it with greater ease.  "Chingachgook, this is no

wood  that comes of any forest that you or I  have ever trailed through! 'T'is'n't  the black walnut, and yet it's

quite as comely, if not more so, did the smoke  and the treatment give  it fair play.'' 

The Delaware drew near, felt of the wood, examined its grain,  endeavored to  indent the surface with a nail,

and passed his hand  curiously over the steel  bands, the heavy padlocks, and the other  novel peculiarities of

the massive  box. "No nothing like this grows  in these regions, "resumed Deerslayer.  "I've seen all the oaks,

both  the maples, the elms, the bass woods, all the  walnuts, the butternuts,  and every tree that has a substance

and colour,  wrought into some form  or other, but never have I before seen such a wood as  this! Judith,  the

chest itself, would buy your father's freedom, or Iroquois  cur'osity isn't as strong as redskin cur'osity, in

general; especially  in the  matter of woods." 

"The purchase might be cheaper made, perhaps, Deerslayer. The chest  is full,  and it would be better to part

with half than to part with  the whole.  Besides, father l know not why but, father values that  chest highly." 

"He would seem to prize what it holds more than the chest, itself,  judging by  the manner in which he treats

the outside, and secures the  inside. Here are  three locks, Judith; is there no key?' 

"I've never seen one; and yet key there must be, since Hetty told  us, she had  often seen the chest opened." 

"Keys no more lie in the air, or float on the water, than humans,  gal; if  there is a key, there must be a place in

which it is kept." 

''That is true, and it might not be difficult to find it, did we  dare to  search! 

''This is for you, Judith; it is altogether for you. The chist is  your'n, or  your father's; and Hutter is your father,

not mine.  Cur'osity is a woman's,  and not a man's failing, and there you have  got all the reasons before you.  If

the chist has articles for ransom,  it seems to me they would be wisely  used in redeem-ing their owner's  life, or

even in saving his scalp; but that  is a matter for your  judgment, and not for ourn. When the lawful owner of a

trap, or a  buck, or a canoe, is'n't present, his next of kin becomes his  riprisentyve by all the laws of the woods.

We therefore leave you to  say  whether the chist shall, or shall not be opened." 

"I hope you do not believe I can hesitate, when my father's life's  in danger,  Deerslayer'" 

"Why, it's pretty much putting a scolding ag'in tears and mourning.  It's not  onreasonable to foretell that old

Tom may find fault with  what you've done,  when he sees himself, once more, in his hut, here,  but there's

nothing  unusual in men s falling out with what has been  done for their own good; I  dare to say that even the

moon would seem a  different thing from what it now  does, could we look at it from the  other side." 

"Deerslayer, if we can find the key, I will authorize you to open  the chest,  and to take such things from it, as

you may think will buy  father's ransom."  "First find the key, gal; we'll talk of the rest  a'terwards. Sar-pent,

you've  eyes like a fly, and a judgment that's  seldom out; can you help us, in  calculating where Floating Tom

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would  be apt to keep the key of a chist that  he holds to be as private as  this." 

The Delaware had taken no part in the discourse, until he was thus  directly  appealed to, when he quitted the

chest, which had continued  to attract his  attention, and cast about him for the place in which a  key would be

likely to  be concealed, under such circumstances. As  Judith and Deerslayer were not  idle, the while, the

whole three were  soon engaged in an anxious and spirited  search. As it was certain that  the desired key was

not to be found in any of  the common drawers, or  closets, of which there were several in the building,  none

looked  there, but all turned their enquiries to those places that struck  them  as ingenious hiding places, and

more likely to be used for such a  purpose. In this manner the outer room was thoroughly but fruitlessly

examined, when they entered the sleeping apart-ment of H utter. This  part of  the rude building was better

fur-nished than the rest of the  structure,  containing several articles that had been especially  devoted to the

service  of the deceased wife, of its owner, but as  Judith had all the rest of the  keys, it was soon rummaged,

without  bringing to light the particular key  desired. 

They now entered the bed room of the daughters. Chin-gachgook was  immediately  struck with the contrast

between the articles, and the  arrangement, of that  side of the room that might be called Judith's  and that

which more properly  belonged to Hetty. A slight exclamation  escaped him, and pointing in each  direction he

alluded to the fact in  a low voice, speaking to his friend in  the Delaware tongue. 

"Tis as you think, Sarpent," answered Deerslayer, whose remarks we  always  translate into English,

preserving as much as possible of the  peculiar  phraseology and manner of the man, "Tis just so, as any one

may see, and 'tis  all founded in natur'. One sister loves finery, some  say overmuch; while  t'other is as meek

and lowly as God ever created  goodness and truth. Yet,  after all, I dare say that Judith has her  vartues, and

Hetty has her  failin's." 

"And the 'FeebleMind' has seen the chist opened?" inquired  Chingachgook,  with curiosity in his glance. 

"Sartain; that much I've heard from her own lips; and, for that  matter, so  have you. It seems her father does'n't

misgive her  discretion, though he does  that of his eldest darter." 

"Then, the key is hid only from the Wild Rose'?" for so  Chin-gachgook had  begun gallantly to term Judith, in

his private  discourse with his friend.  "That's it! That's just it! One he trusts,  and the other he does'n't. There's

red and white in that, Sarpent, all  tribes and nations agreeing in trusting  some, and refusing to trust  other

some. It depends on character and  judgment." 

"Where could a key be put, so little likely to be found by the Wild  Rose, as  among coarse clothes?" 

Deerslayer started, and turning to his friend, with admira-tion  expressed in  every lineament of his face, he

fairly laughed, in his  silent but hearty  manner, at the ingenuity and readiness of the  conjecture. 

"Your name's well bestowed, Sarpent yes, 'tis well bestowed! Sure  enough,  where would a lover of finery be

so little likely to s'arch,  as among  garments as coarse and onseemly as these of poor Hetty's. I  dares to say,

Judith's delicate fingers have'n't touched a bit of  cloth as rough and  oncomely as that petticoat, now, since she

first  made acquaintance with the  officers! Yet, who knows? The key may be as  likely to be on the same peg,

as  in any other place. Take down the  garment, Delaware, and let us see if you  are ra'ally a prophet."

Chingachgook did as desired, but no key was found. A coarse pocket,  apparently empty, hung on the

adjoining peg, and this was next  examined. By  this time, the attention of Judith was called in that  direction,

and she  spoke hurriedly and like one who wished to save  unnecessary trouble. 

"Those are only the clothes of poor Hetty, dear simple girl!" she  said,  "nothing we seek, would be likely to be


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The words were hardly out of the handsome mouth of the speaker,  when  Chingachgook drew the desired key

from the pocket. Judith was too  quick of  apprehension, not to under-stand the reason a hiding place so  simple

and  exposed, had been used. The blood rushed to her face, as  much with  resent-ment perhaps, as with shame,

and she bit her lip,  though she continued  silent. Deerslayer and his friend now discovered  the delicacy of men

of  native refinement, neither smiling or even by a  glance betraying how  completely he understood the

motives and  ingenuity of this clever artifice.  The former, who had taken the key  from the Indian, led the way

into the  adjoining room, and applying it  to a lock ascertained that the right  in-strument had actually been

found. There were three pad-locks, each of  which however was easily  opened by this single key. Deerslayer

removed them  all, loosened the  hasps, raised the lid a little to make certain it was  loose, and then  he drew

back from the chest, several feet, signing to his  friend to  follow. 

"This is a family chist, Judith," he said, "and 'tis like to hold  family  secrets. The Sarpent and I will go into the

Ark, and look to  the canoes, and  paddles, and oars, while you can ex-amine it by  yourself, and find out

whether any thing that will be a make weight in  a ransom, is, or is not,  among the articles. When you've got

through,  give us a call, and we'll all  sit in council, together, touching the  valie of the articles." 

"Stop, Deerslayer," exclaimed the girl, as he was about to  withdraw. "Not a  single thing will I touch  I will

not even raise the  lidunless you are  present. Father and Hetty have seen fit to keep the  inside of this chest a

secret from me, and I am much too proud to pry  into their hidden treasures,  unless it were for their own good.

But,  on no account, will I open the chest  alone. Stay with me, then; I want  witnesses of what I do." 

"I rather think, Sarpent, that the gal is right! Confidence and  reliance  beget security, but suspicion is like to

make us all wary.  Judith has a right  to ask us to be present, and should the chist hold  any of Master Hutter's

secrets, they will fall into the keeping of two  as close mouthed young men as  are to be found. We will stay

with you,  Judith  but, first let us take a  look at the lake and the shore, for  this chist will not be emptied in a


The two men now went out on the platform, and Deerslayer swept the  shore with  the glass, while the Indian

gravely turned his eye on the  water and the  woods, in quest of any sign that might betray the  machinations of

their  enemies. Nothing was visible, and assured of  their temporary security, the  three col-lected around the

chest,  again, with the avowed object of open-ing  it.  Judith had held this  chest, and its unknown contents, in a

species of  reverence as long as  she could remember. Neither her father, nor her mother,  ever mentioned  it, in

her presence, and there appeared to be a silent  convention,  that in naming the different objects that

occasionally stood near  it,  or even lay on its lid, care should be had to avoid any allusion to the  chest itself.

Habit had rendered this so easy, and so much a matter of  course, that it was only quite recently the girl had

began even to  muse on  the singularity of the circumstance. But there had never been  sufficient  intimacy

between Hutter and his eldest daughter to invite  confidence. At  times he was kind, but in general, with her

more  especially, he was stern and  morose. Least of all had his authority  been exercised in a way to embolden

his child to venture on the  liberty she was about to take, without many  misgivings of the  consequences,

al-though the liberty proceeded from a desire  to serve  himself. Then Judith was not altogether free from a

little  superstition, on the subject of this chest, which had stood a sort of  tabooed  relic before her eyes, from

childhood to the present hour.  Nevertheless the  time had come when it would seem that this  mystery  was to

be explained, and that under circumstances, too, which left  her  very little choice in the matter. 

Finding that both her companions were watching her movements, in  grave  silence, Judith placed a hand on

the lid, and endeavored to  raise it. Her  strength, however, was insuffi-cient, and it appeared to  the girl, who

was  fully aware that all the fastenings were removed,  that she was resisted in an  unhallowed attempt by some

supernatural  power. 

"I cannot raise the lid, Deerslayer!" she said"Had we not better  give up the  attempt, and find some other

means of releasing the  prisoners?"  "Not soJudith; not so, gal. No means are as sartain and  easy, as a good

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bribe," answered the other. "As for the lid, 'tis held  by nothing but its own  weight, which is prodigious for so

small a  piece of wood, loaded with iron as  it is." 

As Deerslayer spoke, he applied his own strength to the ef-fort,  and  succeeded in raising the lid against the

timbers of the house,  where he took  care to secure it, by a sufficient prop. Judith fairly  trembled, as she cast

her first glance at the in-terior, and she felt  a temporary relief in  discovering that a piece of canvass, that was

carefully tucked in, around the  edges, effectually concealed all  beneath it. The chest was ap-parently well

stored, however, the  canvass lying within an inch of The lid. 

"Here's a full cargo," said Deerslayer, eyeing the arrange-ment,  "and we had  needs go to work leisurely, and

at our ease. Sarpent,  bring some stools,  while I spread this blanket on the floor, and then  we'll begin work

orderly,  and in comfort." 

The Delaware complied, Deerslayer civilly placed a stool for  Judith, took one  himself, and commenced the

removal of the canvas  covering. This was done  deliberately, and in as cautious a manner, as  if it were

believed that  fabrics of a delicate construction lay hidden  beneath. When the canvass was  removed, the first

articles that came in  view were some of the habiliments of  the male sex. They were of fine  materials, and,

according to the fashions of  the age, were gay in  colours, and rich in ornaments. One coat in particular  was of

scarlet,  and had button holes worked in gold thread. Still it was not  military,  but was part of the attire of a

civilian of condition, at a period  when social rank was rigidly respected in dress. Chingachgook could  not

refrain from an exclamation of pleasure, as soon as Deerslayer  opened this  coat, and held it up to view, for,

notwithstanding all his  trained self  command, the splen-dor of the vestment was too much for  the

philosophy of an  In-dian. Deerslayer turned quickly, and he  regarded his friend with momentary  displeasure,

as this burst of  weakness escaped him, and then he soliloquized  as was his practice,  whenever any strong

feeling suddenly got the ascendant. 

"Tis his gift! yes, 'tis the gift of a redskin to love finery, and  he is not  to be blamed. This is an extr'ornary

garment, too, and  extr'ornary things get  up extr'ornary feelin's. I think this will do,  Judith, for the Indian heart

is hardly to be found in all America,  that can withstand, colours like these,  and glit-ter like that. If  this coat

was ever made for your father, you've  come honestly by the  taste for finery, you have." 

'That coat was never made for father," answered the girl,  quickly"it is much  too long, while father is short

and square." 

"Cloth was plenty if it was, and glitter cheap," answered  Deerslayer, with  his silent, joyous laugh. "Sarpent,

this gar-ment was  made for a man of your  size, and I should like to see it on your  shoulders." 

Chingachgook, nothing loth, submitted to the trial, throw-ing aside  the  coarse and thread bare jacket of

Hutter, to deck his person in a  coat that  was originally intended for a gentleman. The transformation  was

ludicrous,  but as men are seldom struck with incongruities in  their own appearance, any  more than in their

own conduct, the Delaware  studied this change in a common  glass, by which Hutter was in the  habit of

shaving, with grave interest. At  that moment he thought of  Hist, and we owe it to truth, to say, though it may

militate a lit-tle  against the stern character of a warrior to avow it, that  he wished he  could be seen by her, in

his present improved aspect. 

"Off with it, Sarpentoff with it," resumed the inflexible  Deerslayer. "Such  garments as little become you, as

they would become  me. Your gifts are for  paint, and hawk's feathers, and blankets, and  wampum, and mine

are for  doub-lets of skins, tough leggings, and  sarviceable moccasins. I say  moccasins, Judith, for though

white,  living as I do in the woods, it's  necessary to take to some of the  practyces of the woods, for comfort's

sake,  and cheapness." 

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"I see no reason, Deerslayer, why one man may not wear a scarlet  coat, as  well as another," returned the girl.

"I wish I could see you  in this handsome  garment." 

"See me in a coat fit for a Lord! Well, Judith, if you wait till  that day,  you'll wait until you see me beyond

reason and memory.  Nonogal, my gifts  are my gifts, and I'll live and die in 'em, though  I never bring down

another  deer, or spear another salmon. What have I  done that you should wish to see  me in such a flaunting

coat, Judith." 

"Because I think, Deerslayer, that the falsetongued and  falsehearted young  gallants of the garrisons, ought

not alone to  appear in fine feathers, but  that truth and honesty have their claims  to be honored and exalted." 

"And what exaltification " the reader will have remarked that  Deerslayer had  not very critically studied his

dictionary"and what  exaltification would it  be to me,Judith, to be bedizzened and  bescarleted like a Mingo

chief that has  just got his presents up from  Quebec? No  no  I'm well as I am; and if not,  I can be no better.

Lay the coat down on the blanket, Sarpent, and let us  look farther  into the chist." 

The tempting garment, one surely that was never intended for  Hutter, was laid  aside, and the examination

proceeded. The male  attire, all of which  corresponded with the coat in quality, was soon  exhausted, and then

succeeded  female. A beautiful dress of brocade, a  little the worse from negligent  treatment, followed, and this

time  open exclamations of delight escaped the  lips of Judith. Much as the  girl had been addicted to dress, and

favorable as  had been her  opportunities of seeing some little pretension in that way,  among the  wives of the

different commandants, and other ladies of the forts,  never before had she beheld a tissue, or tints, to equal

those that  were now  so unexpectedly placed before her eyes. Her rapture was  almost childish, nor  would she

allow the enquiry to proceed, until she  had attired her person in a  robe so un-suited to her habits and her

abode. With this end, she with-drew  into her own room, where with  hands practised in such offices, she soon

got  rid of her own neat gown  of linen, and stood forth in the gay tints of the  brocade. The dress 

happened to fit the fine, full, person of Judith, and certainly it  had never  adorned a being, better qualified by

natural gifts, to do  credit to its  really rich hues and fine texture. When she returned,  both Deerslayer and

Chingachgook, who had passed the brief time of her  absence, in taking a  second look at the male garments,

arose in  surprise, each permitting  ex-clamations of wonder and pleasure to  escape him, in a way so

unequivocal  as to add new lustre to the eyes  of Judith, by flushing her cheeks with a  glow of triumph.

Affecting,  however, not to notice the impression she had  made, the girl seated  herself with the stateliness of a

queen, desiring that  the chest might  be looked into, further. 

"I do'n't know a better way to treat with the Mingos, gal," cried  Deerslayer,  "than to send you ashore, as you

be, and to tell 'em that  a queen has arrived  among 'em! They'll give up old Hutter, and Hurry,  and Hetty, too,

at such a  spectacle!" 

"I thought your tongue too honest to flatter, Deerslayer," returned  the girl,  gratified at this admiration more

than she would have cared  to own. "One of  the chief reasons of my respect for you, was your love  for truth." 

"And 'tis truth, and solemn truth, Judith, and nothing else. Never  did eyes  of mine gaze on as glorious a

lookin' creatur', as you be  yourself, at this  very moment! I've seen beauties in my time too; both  white and

red; and them  that was renowed and talk'd of, far and near;  but never have I beheld one  that could hold any

comparison with what  you are at this blessed instant,  Judith; never."  The glance of  delight which the girl

bestowed on the frankspeaking hunter,  in no  degree lessened the effect of her charms, and as the humid eyes

blended  with it a look of sen-sibility, perhaps Judith never appeared more  truly  lovely, than at what the young

man had called that "blessed  instant." He  shook his head, held it suspended a moment over the open  chest,

like one in  doubt, and then proceeded with the examina-tion. 

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Several of the minor articles of female dress came next, all of a  quality to  correspond with the gown. These

were laid at Judith's feet,  in silence, as if  she had a natural claim to their possession. One or  two, such as

gloves, and  lace, the girl caught up, and appended to her  already rich attire in affected  playfulness, but with

the real design  of decorating her person as far as  circumstances would allow. When  these two remark-able

suits, male and female  they might be termed,  were removed, another canvass covering separated the

remainder of the  articles from the part of the chest which they had occupied.  As soon  as Deerslayer perceived

this arrangement, he paused, doubtful of the  propriety of proceeding any further. 

"Every man has his secrets, I suppose," he said, "and all men have  a right to  their enj'yment. We've got low

enough in this chist, in my  judgment to answer  our wants, and it seems to me we should do well by  going no

farther; and by  letting Master Hutter have to himself, and  his own feelin's, all that's  beneath this cover. 

"Do you mean, Deerslayer, to offer these clothes to the Iro-quois,  as  ransom?" demanded Judith, quickly. 

"Sartain. What are we prying into another man's chist for, but to  sarve its  owner, in the best way we can. This

coat, alone, would be  very apt to gain  over the head chief of the rip-tyles, and if his wife  or darter should

happen  to be out with him, that there gownd would  soften the heart of any woman that  is to be found atween

Albany and  Montreal. I do not see that we want a larger  stock in trade than them  two articles." 

"To you it may seem so, Deerslayer," returned the disap-pointed  girl, "but of  what use could a dress like this

be to any Indian woman?  She could not wear  it among the branches of the trees, the dirt and  smoke of the

wigwam would  soon soil it, and how would a pair of red  arms appear, thrust through these  short, laced


"All very true, gal, and you might go on and say, it is altogether  out of  time, and place and season, in this

region at all. What is it  to us how the  finery is treated, so long as it answers our wishes? I  do not see that your

father can make any use of such clothes, and it's  lucky he has things that  are of no valie to himself, that will

bear a  high price with others. We can  make no better trade for him, than to  offer these duds for his liberty.

We'll  throw in the light  frivol'ties, and get Hurry off in the bargain." 

"Then you think, Deerslayer, that Thomas Hutter has no one in his  family  no  child  no daughter, to whom

this dress may be thought  becoming, and whom you  could wish to see in it, once and awhile, even  though it

should be at long  intervals, and only in playfulness?" 

"I understand you, Judithyes, I now understand your meaning, and I  think I  can say, your wishes. That you

are as glorious, in that dress,  as the sun  when it rises, or sets, in a soft October day, I'm ready to  allow, and

that  you greatly become it, is a good deal more sartain  than that it becomes you.  There's gifts in clothes, as

well as in  other things. Now I do not think that  a warrior on his first path,  ought to lay on the same awful

paints as a chief  that has had his  virtue tried, and knows from exper'ence he will not disgrace  his  pretensions.

So it is with all of us, red or white. You are Thomas  Hutter's darter, and that gownd was made for the child of

some  gover-nor, or  a lady of high station, and it was intended to be worn  among fine furniture,  and in rich

company. In my eyes, Judith, a  modest maiden never looks more  becoming, than when becomingly clad,  and

nothing is suitable that is out of  character. Besides, gal, if  there's a creatur' in the colony that can afford  to do

without finery,  and to trust to her own good looks, and sweet  countenance, it's  yourself." 

"I'll take off the rubbish this instant, Deerslayer," cried the  girl,  springing up to leave the room, "and never do

I wish to see it  on any human  being, again." 

"So it is with 'em, all, Sarpent," said the other, turning to his  friend and  laughing, as soon as the beauty had

disappeared. "They like  finery, but they  like their natyve charms most of all. I'm glad the  gal has consented to

lay  aside her furbelows, howsever, for it's ag'in  reason for one of her class to  wear em; and then she is

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handsome  enough, as I call it, to go alone. Hist  would show oncommon likely,  too, in such a gownd,


"Wahta!Wah is a red skin girl, Deerslayer," returned the Indian,  "like the  young of the pigeon, she is to be

known by her own feathers.  I should pass by  without knowing her, were she dressed in such a skin.  It's wisest

always to  be so clad that our friends need not ask us for  our names. The 'Wild Rose' is  very pleasant, but she

is no sweeter for  so many colours." 

"That's it!  that's natur', and the true foundation for love and  protection.  When a man stoops to pick a wild

strawberry, he does not  expect to find a  melon; and when he wishes to gather a melon, he's  disapp'inted if it

proves  to be a squash; 

though squashes be often brighter to the eye than melons. That's  it, and it  means, stick to your gifts, and your

gifts will stick to  you." 

The two men had now a little discussion together, touching the  propriety of  penetrating any farther into the

chest of Hut-ter, when  Judith reappeared,  divested of her robes, and in her own simple,  linen frock again. 

"Thank you, Judith," said Deerslayer, taking her kindly by the  hand"for I  know it went a little ag'in the

nat'ral cravings of woman,  to lay aside so  much finery, as it might be in a lump. But you're more  pleasing to

the eye as  you stand, you be, than if you had a crown on  your head, and jewels dangling  from your hair. The

question now is,  whether to lift this cover-ing, to see  what will be ra'ally the best  bargain we can make for

Master Hutter, for we  must do as we think he  would be willing to do, did he stand here in our  places." 

Judith looked very happy. Accustomed as she was to adula-tion, the  homely  homage of Deerslayer had given

her more true satisfaction, than  she had ever  yet received from the tongue of man. It was not the terms  in

which this  admiration had been expressed, for they were simple  enough, that produced so  strong an

impression; nor yet their novelty,  or their warmth of manner, nor  any of those peculiarties that usually  give

value to praise; but the  unflinching truth of the speaker, that  carried his words so directly to the  heart of the

listener. This is  one of the great advantages of plain dealing  and frankness. The  habitual and wily flatterer

may succeed until his  practises recoil on  himself, and like other sweets his aliment cloys by its  excess; but he

who deals honestly, though he often necessarily offends,  possesses a  power of praising that no quality but

sincerity can bestow, since  his  words go directly to the heart, finding their support in the  understanding. Thus

it was with Deerslayer and Judith. So soon and so  deeply  did this simple hunter impress those who knew him,

with a  convictionof his  unbending honesty, that all he uttered in  commendation was as certain to  please, as

all he uttered in the way of  rebuke was as certain to rankle and  excite enmity, where his character  had not

awakened a respect and affection,  that in another sense  rendered it painful. In after life, when the career of

this un-tutored  being brought him in contact with officers of rank, and  others  entrusted with the care of the

interests of the state, this same  influence was exerted on a wider field, even generals listening to his

commendations with a glow of pleasure, that it was not always in the  power of  their official superiors to

awaken. PerhapsJudith was the  first individual of  his own col-our, who fairly submitted to this  natural

consequence of truth  and fairdealing, on the part of  Deerslayer. She had actually pined for his  praise, and

she had now  received it, and that in the form which was most  agreeable to her  weaknesses and habits of

thought. The result will appear in  the course  of the narrative. 

'If we knew all that chest holds, Deerslayer," returned the girl,  when she  had a little recovered from the

immediate effect produced by  his  commendations of her personal appearance, "we could better  determine on

the  course we ought to take." 

"That's not onreasonable, gal, though it's more a paleface than a  redskin  gift to be prying into other

people's secrets." 

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"Curiosity is natural, and it is expected that all human be-ings,  should have  human failings. Whenever I've

been at the garrisons, I've  found that most, in  and about them, had a long-ing to learn their  neighbor's


"Yes, and sometimes to fancy them, when they could'n't find 'em  out! That's  the difference atween an Indian

gentleman, and a white  gentleman. The  Sarpent, here, would turn his head aside, if he found  himself

onknowingly  lookin' into another chief's wigwam, whereas, in  the settlements while all  pretend to be great

people, most prove  they've got betters, by the manner in  which they talk of their  consarns. I'll be bound,

Judith, you would'n't get  the Sarpent, there,  to confess there was another in the tribe so much greater  than

himself, as to become the subject of his idees, and to empl'y his  tongue  in conversations about his

movements, and ways, and food, and  all the other  little matters that occupy a man when he's not empl'y'd  in

his greater  duties. He who does this, is but little better than a  blackguard, in the  grain, and them that

en-courages him, is pretty  much of the same kidney, let  them wear coats as fine as they may, or  of what dye

they please." 

"But this is not another man's wigwam; it belongs to my father,  these are his  things, and they are wanted in

his service." 

"That's true, gal; that's true, and it carries weight with it. 

Well, when all is before us, we may, indeed, best judge, which to  offer for  the ransom, and which to


Judith was not altogether as disinterested in her feelings, as she  affected  to be. She remembered that the

curiosity of Hetty had been  indulged, in  connection with this chest, while her own had been  disregarded, and

she was  not sorry to possess an opportunity of being  placed on a level with her less  gifted sister, in this one

particular.  It appearing to be admitted all round,  that the enquiry into the  contents of the chest ought to be

renewed,  Deerslayer proceeded to  remove the second covering of canvass. 

The articles that lay uppermost, when the curtain was again raised  on the  secrets of the chest, were a pair of

pistols, curiously inlaid  with silver.  Their value would have been con-siderable, in one of the  towns, though

as  weapons, in the woods, they were a species of arms  seldom employed; never,  indeed, unless it might be by

some officer  from Europe, who visited the  colonies, as many were then wont to do,  so much impressed with

the  superiority of the usages of London, as to  fancy they were not to be laid  aside on the frontiers of America.

What  occurred on the discovery of these  weapons, will appear, in the  succeeding chapter. 

Chapter XIII.

"An oaken, broken, elbowchair;

A caudlecup without an ear;

A battered, shattered ash bedstead;

A box of deal without a lid;

A pair of tongs, but out of joint;

A backsword poker, without point;

A dish which might good meat afford once;

An Ovid, and an old Concordance."

Thomas Sheridan, "A True and Faithful Inventory of the Goods belonging to Dr.

Swift," ll.i6, 1314.

No sooner did Deerslayer raise the pistols, than he turned to the  Delaware  and held them up, for his


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"Child gun," said the Serpent, smiling, while he handled one of the  instruments as if it had been a toy.  "Not it,

Sarpent; not itt'was  made for a man and would satisfy a giant, if  rightly used. But stop;  white men are

remarkable for their carelessness in  putting away fire  arms, in chists and corners. Let me look if care has been

given to  these." 

As Deerslayer spoke, he took the weapon from the hand of his  friend, and  opened the pan. The last was filled

with prim-ing, caked  like a bit of  cinder, by time, moisture and compres-sion. An  application of the ramrod

showed that both the pistols were charged,  although Judith could testify that  they had prob-ably lain for years

in the chest. It is not easy to portray the  sur-prise of the Indian,  at this discovery, for he was in the practice of

renewing his priming  daily, and of looking to the contents of his piece, at  other short  intervals. 

"This is white neglect," said Deerslayer, shaking his head, "and  scarce a  season goes by, that some one, in the

settlements does n't  suffer from it.  It's extr'ornary too, Judithyes, it's downright  extr'ornary that the owner

shall fire his piece at a deer, or some  other game, or perhaps at an inimy,  and twice out of three times he'll

miss; but let him catch an accident with  one of these forgotten  charges, and he makes it sartain death to a

child, or  a brother, or a  fri'nd! Well, we shall do a good turn to the owner if we fire  these  pistols for him, and

as they're novelties to you and me, Sarpent, we'll  try our hands at a mark. Freshen that priming, and I'll do the

same  with  this, and then we'll see who is the best man with a pistol; as  for the rifle,  that's long been settled

atween us." 

Deerslayer laughed heartily, at his own conceit, and, in a minute  or two,  they were both standing on the

platform, selecting some object  in the Ark for  their target. Judith was led by curiosity to their  side. 

"Stand back, gal, stand a little back; these we'pons have been long  loaded,"  said Deerslayer, "and some

accident may happen in the  discharge."  "Then you shall not fire them! Give them both to the  Delaware; or it

would be  better to unload them, without firing." 

"That's ag'in usageand some people say, ag'in manhood; though I  hold to no  such silly doctrine. We must

fire 'em, Judith; yes, we must  fire 'em; though  I foresee that neither will have any great reason to  boast of his

skill."  Judith, in the main, was a girl of great personal  spirit, and her habits  prevented her from feeling any of

the terror  that is apt to come over her  sex, at the report of fire arms. She had  discharged many a rifle, and had

even been known to kill a deer, under  circumstances that were favorable to  the effort. She submitted

therefore, falling a little back by the side of  Deerslayer, giving the  Indian the front of the platform to himself.

Chingachgook raised the  weapon several times, en-deavored to steady it by  using both hands,  changed his

at-titude, from one that was awkward, to  another still  more so, and finally drew the trigger with a sort of

desperate  indif-ference, without having, in reality, secured any aim at all. The  consequence was, that instead

of hitting the knot which had been  selected for  the mark, he missed the ark altogether; the bullet  skipping

along the water,  like a stone that was thrown by hand. 

"Well done  Sarpent  well done " cried Deerslayer laughing, with  his  noiseless glee, "you've hit the lake,

and that's an expl'ite for  some men! I  know'd it, and as much as said it, here, to Judith; for  your short we'pons

do'n't belong to red skin gifts. You've hit the  lake, and that's better than  only hitting the air! Now, stand back

and  let us see what white gifts can do  with a white we'pon. A pistol  is'n't a rifle, but colour is colour." 

The aim of Deerslayer was both quick and steady, and the report  followed  almost as soon as the weapon rose.

Still the pistol hung  fire, as it is  termed, and fragments of it flew in a dozen directions,  some falling on the

roof of the castle, others in the Ark, and one in  the water. Judith screamed,  and when the two men turned

anxiously  towards the girl, she was as pale as  death, trembling in every limb. 

"She's wownded  yes, the poor gal's wownded  Sarpent, though one  could'n't  foresee it, standing where she

did. We'll lead her in to a  seat, and we must  do the best for her, that our knowledge and skill  can afford." 

The Deerslayer; or, The First Warpath 

Chapter XIII. 109


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Judith allowed herself to be supported to a seat, swallowed a  mouthful of the  water that the Delaware offered

her in a gourd, and,  after a violent fit of  trembling, that seemed ready to shake her fine  frame to dissolution,

she  burst into tears. 

"The pain must be borne, poor Judithyes, it must be borne," said  Deerslayer,  soothingly, "though I am far

from wishing you not to weep;  for weeping often  lightens galish feelin's. Where can she be hurt,  Sarpent?  I

see no signs of  blood, nor any rent of skin, or  garments?" 

'I am uninjured, Deerslayer" stammered the girl, through her  tears. "It's  frightnothing more, I do assure

you, and, God be  praised! no one, I find,  has been harmed by the acci-dent." 

"This is extr'ornary!" exclaimed the unsuspecting and simple minded  hunter"I  thought, Judith, you'd been

above settle-ment weaknesses,  and that you was a  gal not to be frightened by the sound of a bursting  we'pon

No  I didn't  think you so skeary! Hetty might well have been  startled; but you've too much  judgment and

reason to be frightened  when the danger's all over. They're  pleasant to the eye, chief, and  changeful, but very

unsartain in their  feelin's!" 

Shame kept Judith silent. There had been no acting in her  agitation, but all  had fairly proceeded from sudden

and  uncon-trollable alarm  an alarm that  she found almost as  inex-plicable to herself, as it proved to be to

her  companions. Wip-  ing away the traces of tears, however, she smiled again, and  was soon  able to join in

the laugh at her own folly. 

"And you, Deerslayer," she at length succeeded in saying"are you,  indeed,  altogether unhurt? It seems

almost miraculous that a pistol  should have burst  in your hand, and you escape without the loss of a  limb, if

not of life!" 

"Such wonders ar'n't oncommon, at all, among worn out arms. The  first rifle  they gave me play'd the same

trick, and yet I liv'd  through it, though not as  onharmless as I've got out of this affair.  Thomas Hutter is

master of one  pistol less than he was this morning,  but, as it happened in trying to sarve  him, there's no

ground of  complaint. Now, draw near, and let us look farther  into the inside of  the chist." 

Judith, by this time, had so far gotten the better of her  agita-tion as to  resume her seat, and the examination

went on. The  next article that offered  was enveloped in cloth, and on open-ing it,  it proved to be one of the

mathematical instruments that were then in  use among seamen, possessing the  usual or-naments and

fastenings in  brass. Deerslayer and Chingach-gook  expressed their admiration and  surprise at the ap-pearance

of the unknown  instrument, which was  bright and glittering, having apparently been well  cared for. 

"This goes beyond the surveyors, Judith!" Deerslayer ex-claimed,  after  turning the instrument several times

in his hands. "I've seen  all their tools  often, and wicked and heartless enough are they, for  they never come

into the  forest but to lead the way to waste and  destruction; but none of them have as  designing a look as this!

I fear  me, after all, that Thomas Hutter has  journeyed into the wilderness  with no fair intentions towards its

happiness.  Did you ever see any of  the cravings of a surveyor about your father, gal?" 

"He is no surveyor, Deerslayer, nor does he know the use of that  instrument,  though he seems to own it. Do

you suppose that Thomas  Hutter ever wore that  coat? It is as much too large for him, as this  instrument is

beyond his  learning." 

"That's itthat must be it, Sarpent, and the old fellow, by some  onknown  means, has fallen heir to another

man's goods! They say he has  been a  mariner, and no doubt this chist, and all it holds  ha! What  have we

here?   This far out does the brass and black wood of the  tool!" 

The Deerslayer; or, The First Warpath 

Chapter XIII. 110


Page No 113

Deerslayer had opened a small bag, from which he was tak-ing, one  by one, the  pieces of a set of chessmen.

They were of ivory, much  larger than common,  and exquisitely wrought. Each piece represented  the

character, or thing after  which it is named; the knights being  mounted, the castles stood on elephants,  and

even the pawns possessed  the heads and busts of men. The set was not  complete, and a few  fractures betrayed

bad usage; but all that was left had  been carefully  put away and preserved. Even Judith expressed wonder, as

these  novel  objects were placed before her eyes, and Chingachgook fairly forgot his  Indian dignity in

admiration and delight. The latter took up each  piece, and  examined it with never tiring satisfaction, pointing

out to  the girl, the  more ingenious and striking portions of the workmanship.  But the elephants  gave him the

greatest pleasure. The "Hugh's!" that  he uttered, as he passed  his fingers over their trunks, and ears, and  tails,

were very distinct, nor  did he fail to note the pawns, which  were armed as archers. This exhibition  lasted

several minutes, dur-ing  which time Judith and the Indian had all the  rapture to themselves.  Deerslayer sate

silent, thoughtful, and even gloomy,  though his eyes  followed each movement of the two principal actors,

noting  every new  peculiarity about the pieces as they were held up to view. Not an  exclamation of pleasure,

nor a word of condemnation passed his lips.  At  length his com-panions observed his silence, and, then, for

the  first time  since the chess men had been discovered, did he speak. 

'Judith," he asked earnestly, but with a concern that amounted  almost to  tenderness of manner, "did your

parents ever talk to you of  religion?" 

The girl coloured, and the flashes of crimson that passed over her  beautiful  countenance were like the

wayward tints of a Neapolitan sky  in November.  Deerslayer had given her so strong a taste for truth,

however, that she did  not waver in her answer, replying simply and  with sincerity. 

"My mother did often," she said, "my father never. I thought it  made my  mother sorrowful to speak of our

prayers and duties, but my  father has never  opened his mouth on such matters, before or since her  death." 

"That I can believethat I can believe. He has no Godno such God  as it  becomes a man of white skin to

worship, or even a redskin. Them  things are  idols!" 

Judith started, and for a moment she seemed seriously hurt. Then  she  reflected, and in the end she laughed.

"And you think, Deerslayer,  that these  ivory toys are my father's Gods? I have heard of idols, and  know what

they  are." 

"Them are idols!" repeated the other, positively. "Why should your  father  keep 'em, if he does'n't worship


"Would he keep his gods in a bag, and locked up in a chest? No  no    Deerslayer; my poor father carries his

God with him, wherever he  goes, and  that is in his own cravings. These things may really be  idols  I think

they  are myself, from what I have heard and read of  idolatry, but they have come  from some distant country,

and like all  the other articles, have fallen into  Thomas Hutter's hands, when he  was a sailor." 

"I'm glad of itI am downright glad to hear it, Judith, for I do  not think I  could have mustered the resolution

to strive to help a  white idolater out of  his difficulties! The old man is of my colour  and nation and I wish to

sarve  him, but as one who denied all his  gifts, in the way of religion, it would  have come hard to do so. That

animal seems to give you great satisfac-tion,  Sarpent, though it's an  idolatrous beast at the best." 

"It is an elephant," interrupted Judith. "I've often seen pic-tures  of such  animals, at the garrisons, and mother

had a book in which  there was a printed  account of the creature. Father burnt that with  all the other books, for

he  said Mother loved reading too well. This  was not long before mother died, and  I've sometimes thought that

the  loss hastened her end." 

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Chapter XIII. 111


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This was said equally without levity and without any very deep  feeling. It  was said without levity, for Judith

was saddened by her  recollections, and  yet she had been too much accustomed to live for  self, and for the

indulgence  of her own vanities, to feel her mother's  wrongs very keenly. it required  extraor-dinary

circumstances to awaken  a proper sense of her situa-tion, and  to stimulate the better feelings  of this beautiful,

but misguided girl, and  those circumstances had not  yet occurred in her brief existence. 

"Elephant, or no elephant, t'is an idol," returned the hunter, "and  not fit  to remain in christian keeping." 

"Good for Iroquois!" said Chingachgook, parting with one of the  castles with  reluctance, as his friend took it

from him to replace it  in the bag"Elephon  buy whole tribeBuy Delaware, almost!" 

"Ay, that it would, as any one who comperhends redskin natur' must  know,"  answered Deerslayer, "but the

man that passes false money,  Sarpent, is as bad  as he who makes it. Did you ever know a just Injin  that

would'n't scorn to  sell a 'coon skin, for the true marten, or to  pass off a mink for a beaver. I  know that a few

of these idols,  perhaps one of them elephants, would go far  towards buying Thomas  Hutter's liberty, but it

goes ag'in conscience to pass  such  counterfeit money. Perhaps no Injin tribe, hereaway, is downright  idolators

but there's some that come so near it, that white gifts  ought to be  par-ticular about encouraging them in their


"If idolatry is a gift, Deerslayer, and gifts are what you seem to  think  them, idolatry in such people can hardly

be a sin," said Judith  with more  smartness than discrimination. 

'God grants no such gifts to any of his creatur's, Judith,"  returned the  hunter, seriously. "He must be adored,

under some name or  other, and not  creatur's of brass or ivory. It matters not whether the  Father of All is

called God , or Manitou, Deity or Great Spirit, he is  none the less our  com-mon maker and master; nor does it

count for much  whether the souls of the  just go to Paradise, or Happy Hunting  Grounds, since He may send

each his own  way, as suits his own pleasure  and wisdom; but it curdles my blood, when I  find human mortals

so  bound up in darkness and consait, as to fashion the  'arth, or wood, or  bones, things made by their own

hands, into motionless,  senseless  iffigies, and then fall down afore them, and worship 'em as a  Deity!" 

"After all, Deerslayer, these pieces of ivory may not be idols, at  all. I  remember, now, to have seen one of the

officers, at the  garrison, with a set  of fox and geese made in some such a design as  these, and here is

something  hard, wrapped in cloth, that may belong  to your idols." 

Deerslayer took the bundle the girl gave him, and unrolling it, he  found the  board within. Like the pieces it

was large, rich, and inlaid  with ebony and  ivory. Putting the whole in conjunc-tion, the hunter,  though not

without many  misgivings, slowly came over to Judith's  opinion, and finally admitted that  the fancied idols

must be merely  the curiously carved men of some unknown  game. Judith had the tact to  use her victory with

great moderation, nor did  she once, even in the  most indirect manner, allude to the ludicrous mistake  of her


This discovery of the uses of the extraordinarylooking little  images,  settled the affair of the proposed

ransom. It was agreed  generally, and all  understood the weaknesses and tastes of Indians,  that nothing could

be more  likely to tempt the cupidity of the  Iroquois, than the elephants, in  particular. Luckily the whole of the

castles were among the pieces, and these  four towerbearing animals it  was finally determined should be the

ransom  offered. The remainder of  the men, and, indeed, all the rest of the articles  in the chest, were  to be kept

out of view, and to be resorted to only as a  last appeal.  As soon as these preliminaries were settled, every

thing but  those  intended for the bribe was carefully replaced in the chest, all the  covers were 'tucked in', as

they had been found, and it was quite  possible,  could Hutter have been put in possession of the castle  again,

that he might  have passed the remainder of his days in it,  without even suspecting the  invasion that had been

made on the privacy  of the chest. The rent pistol  would have been the most likely to  reveal the secret, but this

The Deerslayer; or, The First Warpath 

Chapter XIII. 112


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was placed by  the side of its fellow, and  all were pressed down as before, some half a  dozen packages in the

bottom of the chest not having been opened at all. When  this was done,  the lid was lowered, the padlocks

replaced, and the key  turned. The  latter was then replaced in the pocket from which it had been  taken. 

More than an hour was consumed in settling the course prop-er to be  pursued,  and in returning every thing to

its place. The pauses to  converse were  frequent, and Judiih, who ex-perienced a lively pleasure  in the open,

undisguised admira-tion, with which Deerslayer's honest  eyes gazed at her  hand-some face, found the means

to prolong the  interview, with a dexterity  that seems to be innate in female  coquetry. Deerslayer, indeed,

appeared to  be the first who was  conscious of the time that had been thus wasted, and to  call the  attention of

his companions to the necessity of doing something  towards putting the plan of ransoming into execution.

Chingachgook had  remained in Hutter's bed room, where the elephants were laid, to feast  his  eyes with the

images of animals so wonderful, and so novel.  Perhaps an  instinct told him that his presence would not be as

acceptable to his  companions, as this holding himself aloof, for  Judith had not much reserve in  the

manifestations of her preferences,  and the Delaware had not got so far as  one betrothed without acquiring

some knowledge of the symptoms of the master  passion. 

"Well, Judith," said Deerslayer, rising, after the interview had  lasted much  longer than even he himself

suspected, "t'is pleasant  convarsing with you,  and settling all these matters, but duty calls us  another way. All

this time,  Hurry and your father, not to say Hetty  The word was cut short in the  speaker's mouth, for, at that

critical  moment, a light step was heard on the  platform, or 'courtyard', a  human figure darkened the

doorway, and the  person last mentioned  stood before him. The low exclamation that escaped  Deerslayer and

the  slight scream of Judith were hardly uttered, when an  Indian youth,  between the ages of fif-teen and

seventeen, stood beside her.  These  two entrances had been made with moccasined feet, and consequently

almost without noise, but, unexpected and stealthy as they were, they  had not  the effect to disturb

Deerslayer's self possession. His first  measure was to  speak rapidly in Delaware to his friend, cautioning him

to keep out of sight,  while he stood on his guard; the second was to  step to the door to ascertain  the ex-tent of

the danger. No one else,  however, had come, and a simple  contrivance, in the shape of a raft,  that lay floating

at the side of the  Ark, at once explained the means  that had been used in bringing Hetty off.  Two dead and

dry, and  conse-quently buoyant, logs of pine were bound together  with pins and  withes and a little platform

of riven chestnut had been rudely  placed  on their surfaces. Here Hetty had been seated, on a billet of wood,

while the young Iroquois had rowed the primitive, and slowmoving, but  perfectly safe, craft, from the shore. 

As soon as Deerslayer had taken a close survey of this raft, and  satisfied  himself nothing else was near, he

shook his head, and  muttered in his  soliloquizing way "This comes of prying into another  man's chist! Had

we  been watchful, and keen eyed, such a surprise  could never have happened, and,  getting this much from a

boy, teaches  us what we may expect when the old  warriors set themselves fairly  about their sarcumventions.

It opens the way,  howsever, to a treaty  for the ransom, and I will hear what Hetty has to say. 

Judith, as soon as her surprise and alarm had a little abated,  discovered a  proper share of affectionate joy, at

the return of her  sister. She folded her  to her bosom, and kissed her, as had been her  wont in the days of their

childhood and innocence. Hetty herself was  less affected, for to her there  was no surprise, and her nerves

were  sustained by the purity and holiness of  her purpose. At her sister's  request she took a seat, and entered

in-to an  account of her  adventures since they had parted. Her tale commenced just as  Deerslayer returned, and

he also became an attentive listener, while  the  young Iroquois stood near the door, seemingly as indifferent to

what was  passing, as one of its posts. 

The narrative of the girl was sufficiently clear, until she reached  the time  where we left her in the camp, after

the inter-view with the  chiefs, and, at  the moment when Hist quitted her, in the abrupt manner  already related.

The  sequel of the story may be told in her own  language. 

The Deerslayer; or, The First Warpath 

Chapter XIII. 113


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"When I read the texts to the chiefs, Judith, you could not have  seen that  they made any changes on their

minds," she said, "but if  seed is planted, it  will grow. God planted the seeds of all these  trees" 

"Ay that did hethat did he" muttered Deerslayer"and a goodly  harvest has  followed." 

"God planted the seeds of all these trees," continued Hetty, after  a moment's  pause, "and you see to what a

height and shade they have  grown! So it is with  the bible. You may read a verse this year, and  forget it, and it

will come  back to you a year hence, when you least  expect to remember it." 

"And did you find any thing of this, among the savages, poor  Hetty."  "Yes, Judith, and sooner, and more fully

than I had even  hoped. I did not  stay long with father and Hurry, but went to get my  breakfast with Hist. As

soon as we had done, the chiefs came to us,  and then we found the fruits of  the seed that had been planted.

They  said what I had read from the good book  was right it must be right  it sounded right; like a sweet bird

singing in  their ears; and they  told me to come back and say as much to the great  warrior who had  slain one

of their braves; and to tell it to you, and to say  how happy  they should be to come to church here, in the

castle, or to come  out  in the sun, and hear me read more of the sacred volume  and to tell  you  that they wish

you would lend them some canoes that they can bring  father and  Hurry, and their women to the castle, that

we might all sit  on the platform  there, and listen to the singing of the Pale Face  Manitou . There, Judith;  did

you ever know of any thing that so  plainly shows the power of the bible,  as that!" 

"If it were true 't would be a miracle, indeed, Hetty. But all this  is no  more than Indian cunning and Indian

treachery, striving to get  the better of  us by management, when they find it is not to be done by  force." 

"Do you doubt the bible, sister, that you judge the savages so  harshly!" 

"I do not doubt the bible, poor Hetty, but I much doubt an Indian  and an  Iroquois. What do you say to this

visit, Deerslayer?" 

"First let me talk a little with Hetty," returned the party  ap-pealed to;  "Was the raft made a'ter you had got

your breakfast,  gal, and did you walk  from the camp to the shore opposite to us,  here?" 

'Oh! no, Deerslayer. The raft was ready made and in the watercould  that have  been by a miracle, Judith!" 

"Yes yes an Indian miracle" rejoined the hunter "They're expart  enough in  them sort of miracles. And

you found the raft ready made to  your hands, and  in the water, and in waiting like for its cargo?" 

"It was all as you say. The raft was near the camp, and the Indians  put me on  it, and had ropes of bark, and

they dragged me to the place  opposite to the  castle, and then they told that young man to row me  off, here." 

'And the woods are full of the vagabonds, waiting to know what is  to be the  upshot of the miracle. We

comperhend this affair, now,  Judith, but I'll first  get rid of this young Canada blood sucker, and  then we'll

settle our own  course. Do you and Hetty leave us together,  first bringing me the elephants,  which the Sarpent

is admiring, for  'twill never do to let this loping deer be  alone a minute, or he'll  borrow a canoe without


Judith did as desired, first bringing the pieces, and retiring with  her  sister into their own room. Deerslayer had

acquired some knowledge  of most of  the Indian dialects of that region, and he knew enough of  the Iroquois to

hold a dialogue in the language. Beckoning to the lad,  therefore, he caused  him to 

take a seat on the chest, when he placed two of the castles  sud-denly before  him. Up to that moment, this

youthful savage had not  expressed a single  intelligible emotion, or fancy. There were many  things, in and

The Deerslayer; or, The First Warpath 

Chapter XIII. 114


Page No 117

about the  place, that were novelties to him, but he had  maintained his selfcommand  with philosophical

composure. It is true,  Deerslayer had detected his dark  eye scanning the defences and the  arms, but the

scrutiny had been made with  such an air of innocence, in  such a gaping, indolent, boyish manner, that no  one

but a man who had  himself been taught in a similar school, would have  even suspected his  object. The

instant, however, the eyes of the savage fell  upon the  wrought ivory, and the images of the wonderful,

unknown, beasts,  surprise and admiration got the mastery of him. The manner in which  the  natives of the

South Sea Islands first beheld the toys of  civilized life has  been often described, but the reader is not to

confound it with the manner of  an American Indian, under similar  circumstances. In this particular case, the

young Iroquois or Huron,  permit-ted an exclamation of rapture to escape him,  and then he  checked himself

like one who had been guilty of an indecorum.  After  this, his eyes ceased to wander, but became riveted on

the elephants,  one of which, after a short hesitation, he even presumed to handle.  Deerslayer did not interrupt

him for quite ten minutes, knowing that  the lad  was taking such note of the curiosities, as would enable him

to give the most  minute and accurate description of their appearance,  to his seniors, on his  return. When he

thought sufficient time had  been allowed to produce the  desired effect, the hunter laid a finger  on the naked

knee of the youth and  drew his attention to himself. 

"Listen" he said"I want to talk with my young friend from the  Canadas. Let  him forget that wonder for a


"Where t'other pale brother?" demanded the boy, looking up and  letting the  idea that had been most

prominent in his mind, previously  to the introduction  of the chess men, escape him in-voluntarily. 

"He sleeps, or if he is'n't fairly asleep, he is in the room,  where the men  do sleep" returned Deerslayer.

"How did my young friend  know there was  another?" 

"See him from the shore. Iroquois have got long eyes see beyond  the clouds  see the bottom of the Great


"Well, the Iroquois are welcome. Two pale faces are prisoners in  the camp of  your fathers, boy." 

The lad nodded, treating the circumstance with great ap-parent  indifference;  though a moment after, he

laughed as if exulting in the  superior address of  his own tribe. 

"Can you tell me, boy, what your chiefs intend to do with these  captyves, or  have'n't they yet made up their


The lad looked, a moment, at the hunter with a little sur-prise.  Then he  coolly put the end of his fore finger on

his own head, just  above the left  ear, and passed it round his crown with an accuracy and  readiness that

showed  how well he had been drilled in the peculiar art  of his race. 

"When" demanded Deerslayer, whose gorge rose at this cool  demonstration of  indifference to human life.

"And why not take them to  your wigwams?"  "Road too long, and full of pale faces. Wigwam full,  and scalps

sell high.  Small scalp, much gold." 

"Well that explains ityes, that does explain it. There's no need  of being  any plainer. Now, you know, lad,

that the oldest of your  prisoners, is the  father of these two young women, and the other is  the suitor of one of

them.  The gals nat'rally wish to save the scalps  of such fri'nds, and they will  give them two ivory creaturs, as

ransom. One for each scalp. Go back and tell  this to your chiefs, and  bring me the answer before the sun sets. 

The boy entered zealously into this project, and with a sincerity  that left  no doubt of his executing his

commission with intelligence  and promptitude.  For a moment he forgot his love of honor, and all his  clannish

The Deerslayer; or, The First Warpath 

Chapter XIII. 115


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hostility to  the British and their Indians, in his wish to  have such a treasure in his  tribe, and Deerslayer was

satisfied with  the impression he had made. It is  true the lad proposed to carry one  of the elephants with him,

as a specimen  of the other, but to this his  brother negotiator was too sagacious to  consent; well knowing that

it  might never reach its destination if confided  to such hands. This  little difficulty was soon arranged, and the

boy prepared  to depart.  As he stood on the platform, ready to step aboard of the raft, he  hesitated, and turned

short with a proposal to bor-row a canoe, as the  means  most likely to shorten the negotia-tions. Deerslayer

quietly  refused the  request, and, after lingering a little longer, the boy  rowed slowly away from  the castle,

taking the direction of a thicket  on the shore, that lay less  than half a mile distant. Deerslayer  seated himself

on a stool, and watched  the progress of the ambassador,  sometimes closely scanning the whole line of  shore,

as far as eye  could reach, and then placing an elbow on a knee, he  remained a long  time with his chin resting

on the hand. 

During the interview between Deerslayer and the lad, a dif-ferent  scene took  place in the adjoining room.

Hetty had en-quired for the  Delaware, and being  told why and where he re-mained concealed, she  joined him.

The reception  which Chin-gachgook gave his visiter was  respectful and gentle. He understood  her character,

and, no doubt, his  disposition to be kind to such a being was  increased by the hope of  learning some tidings

of his betrothed. As soon as  the girl entered,  she took a seat, and invited the Indian to place himself  near her;

then she continued silent, as if she thought it decorous for him to  question her, before she consented to speak

on the subject she had on  her  mind. But, as Chingachgook did not under-stand this feeling, he  remained

respectfully attentive to any thing she might be pleased to  tell him. 

"You are Chingachgook, the Great Serpent of the Dela-wares, ar'n't  you?" the  girl at length commenced, in

her own simple way losing her  selfcommand in  the desire to proceed, but anxious first to make sure  of the

individual.  "Chingachgook," returned the Delaware with grave  dignity. "That say Great  Sarpent, in

Deerslayer tongue." 

"Well, that is my tongue. Deerslayer, and father, and Judith, and  I, and poor  Hurry Harrydo you know

Henry March, Great Serpent? I know  you do'n't,  however, or he would have spoken of you, too." 

"Did any tongue name Chingachgook, DroopingLily"? for so the chief  had named  poor Hetty. "Was his

name sung by a little bird among  Iroquois?" 

Hetty did not answer at first, but, with that indescribable feeling  that  awakens sympathy and intelligence

among the youthful and  unpractised of her  sex, she hung her head, and the blood suffused her  cheek ere she

found her  tongue. It would have exceeded her stock of  intelligence to explain this  embarrassment, but, though

poor Hetty  could not reason, on every emergency,  she could always feel. The  colour slowly receded from her

cheeks, and the  girl looked up archly  at the In-dian, smiling with the innocence of child,  mingled with the

interest of a woman. 

"My sister, the Drooping Lily hear such bird!" Chingach-gook added,  and this  with a gentleness of tone and

manner that would have  astonished those who  sometimes heard the discordant cries that often  came from the

same throat;  these transitions from the harsh and  guttural, to the soft and melodious not  being infrequent in

ordinary  Indian dialogues. "My sister's ears were open  has she lost her  tongue?" 

"You are Chingachgookyou must be; for there is no other red man  here, and  she thought Chingachgook

would come." 

"Chin  gach  gook " pronouncing the name slowly, and dwelling on  each  syllable"Great Sarpent,

Yengeese * tongue." 

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"Chin gach gook" repeated Hetty, in the same deliberate manner.  "Yes, so  Hist called it, and you must be

the chief." 

"Wah  ta!  Wah " added the Delaware. 

"Wah  ta!  Wah, or Hist  oh!  Hist. I think Hist prettier than  Wah, and  so I call her Hist." 

"Wah! very sweet in Delaware ears!" 

"You make it sound differently from me. But, never mind; I did hear  the bird  you speak of sing, Great


"Will my sister say words of song. What she sing mosthow she look   often  she laugh?" 

(("it is singular there should be any question concerning the  origin of  the  well known sobriquet of "Yankees."

Nearly all the old  writers,  who speak of the  Indians first known to the Colonists, make  them pronounce  the

word "English," as "Yengeese." Even at this day, it  is a provincialism of  New England to say "English"

instead of  "Inglish" and there is a close  conformity of sound between "English"  and "Yengeese," more

especially if the  latter word, as was probably  the case, be pronounced short. The transition  from "Yengeese,'

thus  pronounced, to "Yankees' is quite easy. If the former  is pronounced  "Yangis" it is almost identical with

"Yankees," and Indian  words have  seldom been spelt as they are pronounced. Thus the scene of this  tale  is

spelt "Otsego," and is properly pronounced "Otsago." The liquids of  the Indians would easily convert "En"

into "Yen." [1841]) 

"She sang Chingachgook oftener than any thing else; and she  laughed  heartily, when I told how the

Iroquois waded into the water  after us, and  could'n't catch us. I hope these logs have'n't ears,  Serpent!" 

"No fear logs; fear sister next roomNo fear Iroquois; Deerslayer  stuff his  eyes and ears, with strange beast." 

"I understand you, Serpent, and I understood Hist. Sometimes I  think I'm not  half as feeble minded as they

say I am. Now, do you look  up at the roof, and  I'll tell you all. But you frighten me you look so  eager, when I

speak of  Hist." 

The Indian controlled his looks, and affected to comply with the  simple  request of the girl. 

"Hist told me to say, in a very low voice, that you must'n't trust  the  Iroquois in any thing. They are more

artful than any Indians she  knows. Then  she says that there is a large bright star that comes over  the hill,

about an  hour after dark,  (Hist had pointed out the planet  Jupiter, without knowing  it)  and just as that star

comes in sight,  she will be on the point, where I  landed last night, and that you must  come for her, in a


"GoodChingachgook understand well enough, now; but he understand  better if  my sister sing him, ag'in." 

Hetty repeated her words, more fully explaining what star was  meant, and  mentioning the part of the point

where he was to venture  ashore. She now  proceeded in her own unsophis-ticated way to relate  her intercourse

with the  Indian maid, and to repeat several of her  expressions and opinions that gave  great delight to the heart

of her  betrothed. She particularly renewed her  injunctions to be on their  guard against treach-ery, a warning

that was  scarcely needed, however,  as addressed to men as wary as those to whom it was  sent. She also

explained, with sufficient clearness, for on all such subjects  the  mind of the girl seldom failed her, the present

state of the enemy, and  the movements they had made since morning. Hist had been on the raft  with  her, until

it quitted the shore, and was now somewhere in the  woods, opposite  to the castle, and did not intend to return

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to the  camp, until night  approached; when she hoped to be able to slip away  from her companions, as  they

followed the shore on their way home, and  conceal her-self on the point.  No one appeared to suspect the

presence  of Chingachgook, though it was  necessarily known that an In-dian had  entered the Ark, the previous

night,  and it was suspected that he had  since appeared in, and about the castle, in  the dress of a paleface.

Still some little doubt existed on the latter  point, for, as this was  the season when white men might be

expected to  arrive, there was some  fear that the garrison of the castle was increasing by  these ordinary  means.

All this had Hist communicated to Hetty while the  Indians were  dragging them along shore, the distance,

which exceeded six  miles,  af-fording abundance of time. 

"Hist do'n't know, herself, whether they suspect her, or not; or,  whether  they suspect you, but she hopes

neither is the case. And now,  Serpent, since  I have told you so much from your betrothed," continued  Hetty,

unconsciously  taking one of the Indian's hands, and playing  with the fingers, as a child is  often seen to play

with those of a  parent, "you must let me tell you  something from myself. When you  marry Hist, you must be

kind to her, and  smile on her, as you do now  on me, and not look cross as some of the chiefs  do at their

squaws.  Will you promise this?" 

"Alway good to Wah!  too tender to twist hard; else she break." 

"Yes, and smile, too; you do'n't know how much a girl craves smiles  from them  she loves. Father scarce

smiled on me once, while I was with  himand, Hurry  yes Hurry talked loud and laughed, but I do'n't think

he smiled once either.  You know the difference between a smile and a  laugh?" 

"Laugh, best. Hear Wah! laugh, think bird sing!" 

"I know that; her laugh is pleasant, but you must smile. And then,  Serpent,  you must'n't make her carry

burthens and hoe corn, as so many  Indians do; but  treat her more as the pale faces treat their wives." 

"Wahta!Wah no pale facegot red skin; red heart, red feelin's.  All red; no  pale. Must carry papoose." 

"Every woman is willing to carry her child," said Hetty smil-ing,  "and there  is no harm in that. But you must

love Hist, and be gentle,  and good to her;  for she is gentle and good herself." 

Chingachgook gravely bowed, and then he seemed to think this part  of the  subject might be dismissed.

Before there was time for Hetty to  resume her  communications, the voice of Deerslayer was heard calling  on

his friend, in  the outer room. At this summons the Serpent arose to  obey, and Hetty joined  her sister. 

Chapter XIV.

"'A stranger animal,' cries one,

'Sure never liv'd beneath the sun;

A lizard's body lean and long,

A fish's head, a serpent's tongue,

Its foot, with triple claw disjoined;

And what a length of tail behind!'"

James Merrick, "The Chameleon," 11.2126.

THE first act of the Delaware, on rejoining his friend, was to  proceed  gravely to disencumber himself of his

civilized attire, and to  stand forth an  Indian warrior again. The protest of Deerslayer was met  by his

communicating  the fact that the presence of an Indian in the  hut, was known to the  Iroquois, and that

maintaining the disguise  would be more likely to direct  suspicions to his real object, than if  he came out

openly as a member of a  hostile tribe. When the latter  understood the truth, and was told that he had  been

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deceived in  supposing the chief had succeeded in entering the Ark  undiscovered, he  cheerfully consented to

the change, since further attempt at  concealment was useless. A gender feeling than the one avowed,

however, lay  at the bottom of the Indian's desire to appear as a son  of the forest. He had  been told that Hist

was on the op-posite shore,  and nature so far triumphed  over all distinctions of habit, and tribes  and people,

as to reduce this  young savage warrior to the level of a  feeling which would have been found in  the most

refined inhabitant of  a town, under similar cir-cumstances. There  was a mild satisfaction in  believing that she

he loved could see him, and as  he walked out on the  platform in his scanty, native attire, an Apollo of the

wilderness, a  hun-dred of the tender fancies that fleet through lovers'  brains,  beset his imagination and

softened his heart.  All this was lost on  Deerslayer, who was no great adept in the mysteries of  Cupid, but

whose mind was far more occupied with the concerns that forced  themselves on his attention, than with any

of the truant fancies of  love. He  soon recalled his 

companion, therefore, to a sense of their actual condition, by  summoning him  to a sort of council of war, in

which they were to  settle their future  course. In the dialogue that followed, the parties  mutually made each

other  acquainted with what had passed in their  several interviews. Ghingachgook was  told the history of the

treaty  about the ransom, and Deerslayer heard the  whole of Hetty's  communications. The latter listened with

generous interest  to his  friend's hopes, and promised cheerfully all the assistance he could  lend.  "Tis our main

ar'n'd, Sarpent, as you know, this battling for  the castle and  old Hutter's darters, coming in as a sort of

accident.  Yesyes I'll be  actyve in helping little Hist, who's not only one of  the best and handsomest

maidens of the tribe, but the very best and  handsomest. I've always  encouraged you, chief, in that liking, and

it's proper, too, that a great and  an-cient race like your'n shouldn't  come to an end. If a woman of red skin  and

red gifts could get to be  near enough to me to wish her for a wife, I'd  s'arch for just such  another, but that can

never be; no, that can never be.  I'm glad Hetty  has met with Hist, howsever, for though the first is a little

short of  wit and under-standing, the last has enough for both. Yes, Sarpent"  laughing heartily"put 'em

together, and two smarter gals is'n't to be  found  in all York Colony!" 

"I will go to the Iroquois camp," returned the Delaware, gravely.  "No one  knows Chingachgook but Wah1,

and a treaty for lives and scalps  should be made  by a chiefi Give me the strange beasts, and let me take  a


Deerslayer dropped his head, and played with the end of a fishpole  in the  water, as he sate dangling his legs

over the edge of the  platform, like a man  who was lost in thought, by the sudden occurrence  of a novel idea.

Instead of  directly answer-ing the proposal of his  friend, he began to soliloquize, a  cir-cumstance however

that in no  manner rendered his words more true, as he  was remarkable for saying  what he thought, whether

the remarks were addressed  to himself, or to  any one else. 

"Yes yes" he said "this must be what they call love! I've heard  say that  it sometimes upsets reason

altogether, leav-ing a young man  as helpless, as  to calculation and caution, as a brute beast. To think  that the

Sarpent  should be so lost to 

season, and cunning, and wisdom! We must, sartainly, manage to get  Hist off,  and have 'em married as soon

as we get back to the tribe, or  this war will be  of no more use to the chief, than a hunt a little  oncommon

extr'ornary. Yes  yeshe'll never be the man he was, till  this matter is off his mind, and he  comes to his

senses like all the  rest of mankind. Sarpent, you can't be in  airnest, and therefore I  shall say but little to your

of-fer. But you're a  chief, and will soon  be sent out on the war-path at head of the parties, and  I'll just ask  if

you'd think of putting your forces into the inimy's hands,  afore  the battle is fou't?" 

"Wah!" ejaculated the Indian. 

"Ay  Wah!  I know well enough it's Wah!, and altogether Wab!   Ra'ally,  Sarpent, I'm consamed and

mortified about you! I never heard  so weak an idee  come from a chief, and he, too, one that's already got  a

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name for being wise,  young and inexper'enced as he is. Canoe you  sha'n't have, so long as the  v'ice of

fri'ndship and warning can count  for any thing." 

"My paleface friend is right. A cloud came over the face of  Chingachgook,  and weakness got into his mind,

while his eyes were dim.  My brother has a  good memoiy for good deeds, and a weak memory for  bad. He

will forget." 

"Yes, that's easy enough. Say no more about it chief, but if  another of them  clouds blow near you, do your

endivours to get out of  its way. Clouds are bad  enough in the weather, but when they come to  the reason, it

gets to be  serious. Now, sit down by me here, and let  us calculate our movements a  little, for we shall soon

either have a  truce and a peace, or we shall come  to an ac"yve, and bloody war. You  see the vagabonds can

make logs sarve their  turn, as well as the best  raftsmen on the rivers, and it would be no great  expl'ite for

them to  invade us in a body. I've been thinking of the wisdom of  putting all  old Tom's stores into the Ark, of

barring and locking up the  Cas-tle,  and of taking to the Ark, altogether. That is moveable, and by  keeping  the

sail up, and shifting places, we might worry through a great many  nights, without them Canada wolves

finding a way into our sheep fold!" 

Chingachgook listened to this plan, with approbation. Did the  negotiation  fail, there was now little hope that

the night would pass  without an assault,  and the enemy had sagacity enough to understand  that, in carrying

the castle,  they would probably become masters of  all it contained, the offered ran-som  included, and still

retain the  advantages they had hitherto gained. Some  precaution of the sort  appeared to be absolutely

necessary, for now the  numbers of the  Iroquois were known, a night attack could scarcely be  successfully

met. It would be im-possible to prevent the enemy from getting  possession of the canoes and the Ark, and the

latter itself would be a  hold  in which the assailants would be as effectually protected against  bullets as  were

those in the building. For a few minutes, both the men  thought of  sinking the Ark, in the shallow water, of

bringing the  canoes into the house,  and of depending altogether on the castle for  protection. But reflection

satisfied them that, in the end, this  expedient would fail. It was so easy to  collect logs on the shore, and  to

construct a raft of almost any size, that  it was certain the  Iroquois, now they had turned their attention to such

means, would  resort to them seriously, so long as there was the certainty of  success by perseverance. After

deliberating maturely, and placing all  the  considerations fairly before them, the two young beginners in the

art of  forest warfare, settled down into the opinion that the Ark  offered the only  available means of security.

This decision was no  sooner come to, than it was  communicated to Judith. The girl had no  serious objection

to make, and all  four set about the measures  necessary to carrying the plan into execution.  The reader will

readily  understand that Floating Tom's worldly goods were of  no great amount.  A couple of beds, some

wearing apparel, the arms and  ammunition, a few  cook-ing utensils, with the mysterious and but half

examined chest  formed the principal items. These were all soon removed, the  Ark  having been hauled on the

eastern side of the building, so that the  transfer could be made without being seen from the shore. It was

thought  unnecessary to disturb the heavier and coarser articles of  furniture, as they  were not required in the

Ark, and were of but  little value in themselves. As  great cau-tion was necessary in  removing the different

objects, most of which  were passed out of a  window with a view to conceal what was going on, it  required

two or  three hours before all could be effected. By the expiration  of that  time, the raft made its appearance,

moving from the shore. Deerslayer  immediately had recourse to the glass, by the aid of which he  perceived

that  two warriors were on it, though they appeared to be  unarmed. The progress of  the raft was slow, a

circumstance that formed  one of the great advantages  that would be possessed by the scow, in  any future

collision between them,  the movements of the latter being  comparatively swift and light. As there was  time to

make the  dispositions for the reception of the two dangerous  visiters, every  thing was prepared for them, long

before they had got near  enough to  be hailed. The Serpent, and the girls retired into the building,  where  the

former stood near the door, well pro-vided with rifles, while  Judith watched the proceedings without through

a loop. As for  Deerslayer, he  had brought a stool to the edge of the platform, at the  point towards which  the

raft was advancing, and taken his seat with  his rifle leaning carelessly  between his legs. 

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As the raft drew nearer, every means possessed by the party in the  castle was  resorted to, in order to ascertain

if their visiters had  any fire arms.  Neither Deerslayer nor Chingach-gook could discover  any, but Judith,

unwilling to trust to sim-ple eyesight, thrust the  glass through the loop,  and directed it towards the hemlock

boughs  that lay between the two logs of  the raft, forming a sort of flooring,  as well as a seat for the use of the

rowers. When the heavy moving  craft was within fifty feet of him, Deerslayer  hailed the Hurons,  directing

them to cease rowing, it not being his intention  to permit  them to land. Compliance, of course, was necessary,

and the two  grimlooking warriors instantly quitted their seats, though the raft  continued slowly to approach,

until it had driven in much nearer to  the  platform. 

"Are ye chiefs?" demanded Deerslayer with dignity"Are ye chiefs?  Or have  the Mingos sent me warriors

without names, on such an ar'n'd?  If so, the  sooner ye go back, the sooner them will be likely to come  that a

warrior can  talk with."  "Hugh!" exclaimed the elder of the two  on the raft, rolling his glowing eyes  over the

different objects that  were visible in and about the Castle, with a  keenness that showed how  little escaped

him. "My brother is very proud, but  Rivenoak (we use  the literal translation of the term, writing as we do in

English) is a  name to make a Delaware turn pale." 

"That's true, or it's a lie, Rivenoak, as it may be; but I am not  likely to  turn pale, seeing that I was born pale.

What's your ar'n'd,  and why do you  come among light bark canoes, on logs that are not even  dug out?" 

"The Iroquois are not ducks, to walk on water! Let the pale faces  give them a  canoe, and they'll come in a


"That's more rational, than likely to come to pass. We have but  four canoes,  and being four persons that's

only one for each of us. We  thank you for the  offer, howsever, though we ask leave not to accept  it. You are

welcome,  Iroquois, on your logs." 

"Thanks My young pale face warrior he has got a name  how do the  chiefs  call him?" 

Deerslayer hesitated a moment, and a gleam of pride and human  weakness came  over him. He smiled,

muttered be-tween his teeth, and  then looking up  proudly, he said "Mingo, like all who are young and

actyve, I've been known  by different names, at different times. One of  your warriors whose spirit  started for

the Happy Grounds of your  people, as lately as yesterday morning,  thought I desarved to be known  by the

name of Hawkeye, and this because my  sight happened to be  quicker than his own, when it got to be life or

death,  at-ween us." 

Chingachgook, who was attentively listening to all that passed,  heard and  understood this proof of passing

weakness in his friend, and  on a future  occasion he questioned him more closely concerning the  transaction

on the  point, where Deer-slayer had first taken human  life. When he had got the  whole truth, he did not fail to

communicate  it to the tribe, from which time  the young hunter was universally  known among the Delawares,

by an appellation  so honorably earned. As  this, however, was a period posterior to all the  incidents of this

tale, we shall continue to call the young hunter by the  name under  which he has been first introduced to the

reader. Nor was the  Iroquois  less struck with the vaunt of the white man. He knew of the death of  his

comrade, and had no dif-ficulty in understanding the allusion, the  intercourse between the conqueror and his

victim on that occasion,  having  been seen by several savages on the shore of the lake, who had  been stationed

at different points just within the margin of bushes to  watch the drifting  canoes, and who had not time to

reach the scene of  action, ere the victor had  retired. The effect on this rude being of  the forest, was an

exclamation of  surprise; then such a smile of  courtesy, and wave of the hand, succeeded, as  would have done

credit  to Asiatic diplomacy. The two Iro-quois spoke to each  other, in low  tones, and both drew near the end

of the raft that was closest  to the  platform. 

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"My brother, Hawkeye, has sent a message to the Hurons," resumed  Rivenoak,  "and it has made their hearts

very glad. They hear he has  images of beasts  with two tails! Will he show them to his friends." 

"Inimies would be truer," returned Deerslayer, "but sound is n't  sense, and  does little harm. Here is One of the

images; I toss it to  you under faith of  treaties. If it's not returned, the ri-fle will  settle the p'int atween us." 

The Iroquois seemed to acquiesce in the conditions, and Deerslayer  arose and  prepared to toss one of the

elephants to the raft, both  parties using all the  precaution that was necessary to prevent its  loss. As practice

renders men  expert in such things, the little piece  of ivory was soon successfully  transferred from one hand to

the other,  and then followed another scene on  the raft, in which astonishment and  delight got the mastery of

Indian  stoicism. These two grim old  war-riors manifested even more feeling, as they  examined the curiously

wrought chessman, than had been betrayed by the boy;  for, in the case  of the latter, recent schooling had

inter-posed its  influence; while  the men, like all who are sustained by well established  characters,  were not

ashamed to let some of their emotions be discovered. For  a  few minutes they ap-parently lost the

consciousness of their situation,  in  the intense scrutiny they bestowed on a material so fine, work so  highly

wrought, and an animal so extraordinary. The lip of the moose  is, perhaps,  the nearest approach to the trunk

of the elephant that is  to be found in the  American forest, but this resemblance was far from  being sufficiently

striking to bring the new creature within the range  of their habits and  ideas, and the more they studied the

image, the  greater was their  astonishment. Nor did these children of the forest  mistake the structure on  the

back of the elephant for a part of the  animal. They were familiar with  horses and oxen, and had seen towers  in

the Canadas, and found nothing  surprising in creatures of burthen.  Still, by a very natural association,  they

supposed the carving meant  to represent, that the animal they saw, was  of a strength sufficient  to carry a fort

on its back; a circumstance that, in  no degree,  lessened their wonder. 

"Has my pale face brother any more such beasts?" at last the senior  of the  Iroquois asked, in a sort of

petitioning manner. 

"There's more where them came from, Mingo," was the answer; "one is  enough,  howsever, to buy off fifty


"One of my prisoners is a great warriortall as a pine strong as  the moose  active as a deerfierce as the

panther! Some day he'll be a  great chief, and  lead the army of King George!" 

"TuttutMingo; Hurry Harry is Hurry Harry, and you'll never make  more than a  corporal of him, if you do

that. He's tall enough, of a  sartainty; but that's  of no use, as he only hits his head ag'in the  branches as he goes

through the  forest. He's strong too, but a strong  body is'n't a strong head, and the  king's generals are not

chosen for  their sinews; he's swift, if you will, but  a rifle bullet is swifter;  and as for f'erceness, it's no great

ricommend to  a soldier; they that  think they feel the stoutest, often givin' out at the  pinch.  Nonoyou'll niver

make Hurry's scalp pass for more than a good head  of curly hair, and a rattle pate beneath it!" 

"My old prisoner very wise  king of the lake  great war-rior,  wise  counsellor!" 

"Well, there's them that might gainsay all this, too, Mingo. A very  wise man  would'n't be apt to be taken in so

foolish a manner as befel  Master Hutter,  and if he gives good counsel, he must have listened to  very bad, in

that  affair. There's only one king of this lake, and he's  a long way off, and  is'n't likely ever to see it. Floating

Tom is some  such king of this region,  as the wolf that prowls through the woods,  is king of the forest. A beast

with two tails is well worth two such  scalps!" 

"But my brother has another beast?  He will give two holding up  as many  fingers"for old father?" 

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"Floating Tom is no father of mine, but he'll fare none the worse  for that.  As for giving two beasts for his

scalp, and each beast with  two tails, it is  quite beyond reason. Think yourself well off, Mingo,  if you make a

much worse  trade."  By this time the selfcommand of  Rivenoak had got the bet-ter of his wonder,  and he

began to fall back  on his usual habits of cunning, in order to drive  the best bargain he  could. It would be

useless to relate more than the  substance of the  desultory dialogue that followed, in which the Indian

manifested no  little management, in endeavoring to recover the ground lost  under the  influence of surprise.

He even af-fected to doubt whether any  original  for the image of the beast existed, and asserted that the oldest

Indian had never heard a tradition of any such animal. Little did  either of  them imagine, at the time, that long

ere a century elapsed,  the progress of  civilization would bring even much more extraordinary  and rare

animals into  that region, as curiosities to be gazed at by  the curious, and that the  particular beast, about which

the disputants  contended, would be seen laying  its sides, and swimming in the very  sheet of water, on which

they had met. *  As is not uncommon on such  occasions, one of the parties got a little warm,  in the course of

the  discussion, for Deerslayer met all the arguments and  prevarication of  his subtle opponent, with his own

cool directness of manner,  and  unmoved love of truth. What an elephant was he knew little better than  the

savage, but he perfectly understood that the carved pieces of  ivory must  have some such value in the eyes of

an Iroquois, as a bag  of gold, or a  package of beaver skins would in those of a trader.  Under the

circumstances,  therefore, he felt it to be pru-dent not to  concede too much at first, since  there existed a nearly

unconquerable  obstacle to making the transfers, even  after the contracting parties  had actually agreed upon

the terms. Keeping  this difficulty in view,  he held the extra chess-men in reserve, as a means  of smoothing

any  difficulty in the moment of need. 

At length the savage pretended that further negotiation was  useless, since he  could not be so unjust to his

tribe as to part with  the honor and emoluments  of two excellent, full grown, male, scalps  for a consideration

so trifling as  a toy like that he had seen, and he  prepared to take his departure. Both  parties now felt as men

are wont  to feel, when a bargain that each is anxious  to conclude, is on the  eve of being broken off, in

con-sequence of too much  pertinacity in  the way of management. The effect of the disappointment was  very

different, however, on the respective individuals. Deerslayer was  mortified, and filled with regret, for he not

only felt for the  prisoners,  but he also felt deeply for the two girls. The conclusion  of the treaty,  therefore, left

him melancholy and full of regret. With  the savage, his  defeat produced the desire of revenge. In a mo-ment

of  excitement, he had  loudly announced his intention to say no more, and  he felt equally enraged  with himself

and with his cool opponent, that  he had permitted a pale face to  manifest more indifference and

selfcommand than an Indian chief. When he  began to urge his raft away  from the platform, his countenance

lowered, and  his eye glowed,even  while he af-fected a smile of amity and a gesture of  courtesy, at  parting. 

It took some little time to overcome the inertia of the logs, and  while this  was being done by the silent Indian,

Rivenoak stalked over  the hemlock boughs  that lay between the logs, in sullen ferocity,  eyeing keenly the

while, the  hut, the platform, and the person of his  late disputant. Once he spoke in  low, quick tones to his

companion,  and he stirred the boughs with his feet,  like an animal that is  restive. At that moment, the

watchfulness of  Deerslayer had a little  abated, for he sat mus-ing on the means of renewing  the negotiation

without giving too much advantage to the other side. It was  perhaps  fortunate  for him that the keen and bright

eyes ofJudith were as  vigilant as ever. At  the instant when the young man was least on his  guard, and his

enemy was the  most on the alert, she called out, in a  warning voice, to the former, most  opportunely, giving

the alarm. 

"Be on your guard, Deerslayer," the girl cried "I see rifles with  the glass,  beneath the hemlock brush, and

the Iroquois is loosening  them with his feet!"  It would seem that the enemy had carried their  artifices so far as

to employ  an agent who understood English. The  pre-vious dialogue had taken place in  his own language, but

it was  evident, by the sudden manner in which his feet  ceased their  treacherous occupation, and in which the

countenance of Rivenoak  changed from sullen ferocity to a smile of courtesy, that the call of  the  girl was

understood. Signing to his companion  to cease his  efforts to set  the logs in motion, he advanced to the end of

the raft  which was nearest to  the platform, and spoke. 

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"Why should Rivenoak and his brother leave any cloud be-tween  them," he said.  "They are both wise, both

brave, and both generous;  they ought to part  friends. One beast shall be the price of one  prisoner." 

"And, Mingo," answered the other, delighted to renew the  negotiations on  almost any terms, and determined

to clinch the bargain  if possible by a  little extra liberality, "you'll see that a pale face  knows how to pay a full

price, when he trades with an open heart, and  an open hand. Keep the beast  that you had forgotten to give

back to  me, as you was about to start, and  which I forgot to ask for, on  account of consarn at parting in anger.

Show it  to your chiefs. When  you bring us our fri'nds, two more shall be added to it   and"  hesitating a

moment in distrust of the expediency of so great a  concession; then, deciding in its favor "and, if we see

them afore  the sun  sets, we may find a fourth to make up an even number." 

This settled the matter. Every gleam of discontent vanished from  the dark  countenance of the Iroquois, and he

smiled as graciously, if  not as sweetly,  as Judith Hutter, herself. The piece already in his  possession was

again  examined, and an ejaculation of pleasure, showed  how much he was pleased with  this unexpected

termination of the  affair. In point of fact, both he and  Deerslayer had momentarily  forgotten what had become

of the subject of their  discussion, in the  warmth of their feelings, but such had not been the case  with

Rivenoak's companion. This man retained the piece, and had fully made  up  his mind, were it claimed under

such circumstances as to  render  its return  necessary, to drop it in the lake, trusting to his being  able to find it,

again, at some future day. This  desperate expedient,  however, was no longer  necessary, and after repeating

the terms of  agreement, and professing to  understand them, the two Indians finally  took their departure, ving

slowly  towards the shore. 

any faith be put in such wretches?" asked Judith, when she and  Hetty had come  out on the platform, and were

stand-ing at the side of  Deerslayer, watching  the dull movement of the logs. "Will they not  rather keep the toy

they have,  and send us off some bloody proofs of  their getting the better of us in  cunning, by way of

boasting? I've  heard of acts as bad as this." 

"No doubtJudith; no manner of doubt, if it was'n't for In-dian  natur'. But  I'm no judge of a red skin, if that

two tail'd beast  does'n't set the whole  tribe in some such stir, as a stick raises in a  beehive! Now, there's the

Sarpent; a man with narves like flint, and  no more cur'osity in every day  consarns, than is befitting prudence;

why he was so overcome with the sight  of the creatur', carved as it is  in bone, that I felt ashamed for him!

That's  just their gifts,  howsever, and one can't well quarrel with a man for his  gifts, when  they are lawful.

Chin-gachgook will soon get over his weakness,  and  remember that he's a chief, and that he comes of a great

stock, and has  a  renowned name to support and uphold; but, as for yonder scamps,  there'll be  no peace among

'em, until they think they've got  possession of every thing of  the natur' of that bit of carved bone,  that's to be

found among Thomas  Hutter's stores!" 

"They only know of the elephants, and can have no hopes about the  other  things." 

"That's true, Judith; still, covetousness is a craving feelin'!  They'll say,  if the pale faces have these cur'ous

beasts with two  tails, who knows but  they've got some with three, or, for that matter,  with four! That's what

the  schoolmasters call nat'ral arithmetic, and  t'will be sartain to beset the  feelin's of savages. They'll never be

easy, till the truth is known." 

"Do you think, Deerslayer," inquired Hetty, in her simple and  innocent  manner, "that the Iroquois wo'n't let

father and Hurry go?I  read to them  several of the very best verses in the whole bible, and  you see what they

have done, already."  The hunter, as he always did,  listened kindly and even affectionately to  Hetty's remarks;

then he  mused a moment in silence. There was something like  a flush on his  cheek, as he answered, after

quite a minute had passed. 

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"I do'n't know whether a white man ought to be ashamed, or not, to  own he  can't read, but such is my case,

Judith. You are skilful, I  find, in all such  matters, while I have only studied the hand of God,  as it is seen in

the  hills and the valleys, the mountaintops, the  streams, the forests and the  springs. Much l'arning may be

got in this  way, as well as out of books; and,  yet, I sometimes think it is a  white man's gift to read! When I

hear from the  mouths of the  Moravians, the words of which Ijetty speaks, they raise a  longing in  my mind,

and I then think I will know how to read 'em myself; but  the  game in sum-mer, and the traditions, and lessons

in war, and other  matters, have always kept me behind hand." 

"Shall I teach you, Deerslayer?" asked Hetty, earnestly. "I'm  weakminded,  they say, but I can read as well as

Judith. It might save  your life to know  how to read the bible to the savages, and it will  certainly save your

soul;  for mother told me that, again and again!" 

"Thankee, Hettyyes, thankee, with all my heart. These are like to  be too  stirring times for much idleness,

but, after it's peace, and I  come to see  you ag'in on this lake, then I'll give myself up to it, as  if 'twas pleasure

and profit, in a single business. Perhaps I ought to  be ashamed, Judith, that  'tis so; but truth is truth. As for

these  Iroquois, tis'n't very likely  they'll forget a beast with two tails,  on account of a varse or two from the

bible. I rather expect they'll  give up the prisoners, and trust to some  sarcumvenion, or other, to  get 'em back,

ag'in, with us and all in the castle  and the Ark, in the  bargain. Howsever, we must humour the vagabonds,

first to  get your  father and Hurry out of their hands, and next to keep the peace  atween  us, until such time as

the Sarpent there, can make out to get off his  betrothed wife. If there's any sudden outbreakin' of anger and

ferocity, the  Indians will send off all their women and children to  the camp, at once,  whereas, by keeping 'em

calm and trustful, we may  manage to meet Hist, at the  spot she has mentioned. Rather than have  the bargain

fall through, now, I'd  throw in haifa dozen of them effigy  bowandarrow men, such as we've in  plenty in the


Judith cheerfully assented, for she would have resigned even the  flowered  brocade, rather than not redeem

her father and Please  Deerslayer. The  prospects of success were now so encouraging, as to  raise the spirits of

all  in the castle, though a due watchfulness, of  the movements of the enemy was  maintained. Hour passed

after hour,  notwithstanding, and the sun had once  more begun to fall towards the  summits of the western

hills, and yet no signs  were seen of the return  of the raft. By dint of sweeping the shore with the  glass,

Deerslayer  at length discovered a place in the dense and dark woods,  where, he  entertained no doubt, the

Iroquois were assembled in considerable  numbers. It was near the thicket whence the raft had issued, and a

little  rill that trickled into the lake, announced the vicinity of a  spring. Here,  then, the savages were probably

holding their  consulta-tion, and the decision  was to be made that went to settle the  question of life or death

for the  prisoners. There was one ground for  hope in spite of the delay, however, that  Deerslayer did not fail to

place before his anxious companions. It was far  more probable that the  Indians had left their prisoners in the

camp, than  that they had  encumbered themselves by causing them to follow through the  woods, a  party that

was out on a merely temporary excursion. If such was the  fact, it required considerable time to send a

messenger the necessary  distance, and to bring the two white men to the spot where they were  to  embark.

Encouraged by these reflections, a new stock of pa-tience  was  gathered, and the declension of the sun was

viewed with less  alarm. 

The result justified Deerslayer's conjecture. Not long before the  sun had  finally disappeared, the two logs

were seen coming out of the  thicket, again,  and, as it drew near, Judith announced that her father  and Hurry,

both of  them pinioned, lay on the bushes in the centre. As  before, the two Indians  were rowing. The latter

seemed to be conscious  that the lateness of the hour  demanded unusual exertions, and contrary  to the habits

of their people, who  are ever averse to toil, they  labored hard at the rude substitutes for oars.  In consequence

of this  diligence, the raft occupied its old station, in about  half the time  that had been taken in the previous


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Even after the conditions were so well understood, and mat-ters had  proceeded  so far, the actual transfer of

the prisoners was not a duty  to be executed  without difficulty. The Iroquois were compelled to  place great

reliance on  the good faith of their foes, though it was  reluctantly given; and was  yielded to necessity rather

than to  confidence. As soon as Hutter and Hurry  should be released, the party  in the castle numbered 

two to one, as opposed to those on the raft, and escape by flight  was out of  the question, as the former had

three bark canoes, to say  nothing of the  defences of the house and the Ark. All this was  understood by both

parties,  and it is probable the arrange-ment never  could have been completed, had not  the honest countenance

and manner  of Deerslayer wrought their usual ef-fect  on Rivenoak. 

"My brother knows I put faith in him" said the latter, as he  advanced with  Hutter, whose legs had been

released to enable the old  man to ascend to the  platform. "One scalpone more beast." 

"StopMingo" interrupted the hunter "keep your prisoner a moment.  I have to  go and seek the means of


This excuse, however, though true in part, was principally a fetch.  Deerslayer left the platform, and entering

the house, he directed  Judith to  collect all the arms, and to conceal them in her own room.  He then spoke

earnestly to the Delaware, who stood on guard as before,  near the entrance of  the building, put the three

remaining castles in  his pocket, and returned. 

"You are welcome back, to your old abode, Master Hutter," said  Deerslayer, as  he helped the other up on the

platform, slily passing  into the hand of  Rivenoak, at the same time, another of the castles.  "You'll find your

darters  right glad to see you, and here's Hetty come  herself, to say as much in her  own be-half."  Here the

hunter stopped  speaking and broke out into a hearty fit of his  silent and peculiar  laughter. Hurry's legs were

just released, and he had  been placed on  his feet. So tightly had the ligatures been drawn, that the  use of his

limbs was not im-mediately recovered, and the young giant  presented,  in good sooth, a very helpless and a

somewhat ludicrous picture.  It  was this unusual spectacle, particularly the bewildered countenance,  that

excited the merriment of Deerslayer. 

'You look like a girdled pine in a clearin', Hurry Harry, that is  rocking in  a gale," said Deerslayer, checking

his unseason-able mirth,  more from  delicacy to the others, than from any respect to the  liberated captive. "I'm

glad, howsever, to see that you have'n't had  your hair dressed by any of the  Iro-quois barbers, in your late

visit  to their camp." 

"Harkee, Deerslayer," returned the other a little fiercely, "it  will be  prudent for you to deal less in mirth, and

more in friendship,  on this  occasion. Act like a christian, for once, and not like a  laughing gal, in a  country

school, when the master's back is turned,  and just tell me whether  there's any feet, or not, at the end of these

legs of mine. I think I can see  them, but as for feelin' they might as  well be down on the banks of the

Mohawk, as be where they seem to be." 

"You've come off whole, Hurry, and that's not a little," answered  the other,  secretly passing to the Indian the

re-mainder of the  stipulated ransom, and  making an earnest sign, at the same moment, for  him to commence

his retreat.  "You've come off whole, feet and all, and  are only a little numb, from a  tight fit of the withes.

Natur'll soon  set the blood in motion, and then you  may begin to dance, to celebrate  what I call a most

wonderful and onexpected  deliverance from a den of  wolves." 

Deerslayer released the arms of his friends, as each landed, and  the two were  now stamping and limping

about on the plat-form, growling  and uttering  denunciations, as they endea-vored to help the returning

circulation. They  had been tethered too long, however, to regain the  use of their limbs in a  moment, and the

Indians being quite as  diligent on their return, as on their  advance, the raft was fully a  hundred yards from the

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castle, when Hurry,  turning accidentally in  that direction, discovered how fast it was getting  beyond the reach

of  his vengeance. By this time, he could move with tolerable  facility,  though still numb and awkward.

Without considering his own  situation,  however, he seized the rifle that leaned against the shoulder of

Deerslayer, and attempted to cock and present it. The young hunter was  too  quick for him. Seizing the piece

he wrenched it from the hands of  the giant,  not, however, until it had gone off in the struggle, when  pointed

directly  upward. It is probable that Deerslayer could have  prevailed in such a  contest, on account of the

condition of Hurry's  limbs, but the instant the  gun went off, the latter yielded, and  stumped towards the

house, raising his  legs at each step, quite a foot  from the ground, from an uncertainty of the  actual position of

his  feet. But he had been anticipated by Judith. The whole  stock of  Hutter's arms, which had been left in the

building, as a resource in  the event of a sudden outbreaking of hostilities, had been removed,  and were

already secreted, agreeably to Deerslayer's directions. In  consequence of  this precaution, no means offered by

which March could  put his designs in  execution. 

Disappointed in his vengeance, Hurry seated himself, and like  Hutter, for  half an hour, he was too much

occupied in endeavoring to  restore the  circulation, and in regaining the use of his limbs, to  indulge in any

other  reflections. By the end of this time the raft had  disappeared, and night was  beginning to throw her

shadows once more  over the whole silvan scene. Before  darkness had completely set in,  and while the girls

were preparing the  evening meal, Deerslayer  related to Hutter an outline of events that had  taken place, and

gave  him a history of the means he had adopted for the  security of his  children and property. 

Chapter XV

'As long as Edwarde rules thys lande,

Ne quiet you wylle ye know ;

Your sonnes and husbandes shall be slayne,

And brooked with bloode shall 'flowe.'

'You leave youre geode and lawfulle kynge,

Wbenne ynne adversity ;

Like me. untoe the true cause styckke.

And for the true cause dye.'


The calm of evening was again in singular contrast, while its  gathering gloom  was in as singular unison, with

the passions of men.  The sun was set, and the  rays of the retiring luminary had ceased to  gild the edges of the

few clouds  that had sufficient openings to admit  the passage of its fading light. Tne  canopy overhead was

heavy and  dense, promising another night of darkness, but  the surface of the  lake was scarcely disturbed by a

ripple. There was a  little air,  though it scarce deserved to be termed wind. Still, being damp  and  heavy, it had

a certain fore. ne party in the castle were as gloomy and  silent as the scene The two ransomed prisoners felt

humbled and  discoloured,  but their humility partook of the rancour of revenge.  They were far more  disposed

to remember the indignity with which they  had been treated during  the last few hours of their captivity, than

to  feel grateful for the previous  indulgence. Then that keensighted  monitor conscience, by reminding them of

the retributive justice of  all they had endured, goaded them, rather to turn  the tables  on their  enemies, than to

accuse themselves. As for the other they were  thoughtful equally from regret and joy. Deerslayer and Judith

felt  most of  the former sensation, though from very' different causes,  while Hetty for the  moment was

perfectly happy. The Delaware had also  lively pictures of felicity  in the  prospect of so soon regaining his

betrothed. Under such circumstandes, and in  this mood, all were taking  the evening meal. 

'Old Tom!' cried Hurry, bursting into a fit of boisterous laughter,  "you  look'd amazin'ly like  tethered bear, as

you was stretched on  them hemlock  boughs, and I only wonder you didn't growl more. Well,  it's over, and

syth's  lamentations won't mend the matter! There's the  blackguard Rivenoak, he that  brought us off has an

oncommon scalp, and  I 'd give as much for it myself as  the Colony.much tor it myself as  the Colony. Yes, l

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feel as rich as the  governor, in these matters now,  and will lay down with them doubloon for  doubloon.

Judith, darling,  did you mourn for me much, when I was in the hands  of the  Philipsteins.'  The last were a

family of German descent on the Mohawk,  to whom Hurry had a  great antipathy, and whom he had

confounded with  the enemies of Judea. 

"Our tears have raised the lake, Hurry March, as you might have  seen by the  shore !' returned Judith, with a

feigned levity that she  was far from  feeling. "That Hetty and I should have grieved for  father, was to be

expected  ; but we fairly rained tears for you.' 

"We were sorry for poor Hurry, as well as tor father, Judith !' put  in her  innocent and unconscious sister. 

'True, girl, true ; but we feel sorrow for everybody that's in  trouble, you  know,' returned the other in a quick,

admonitory manner.  and a low tone.  "Nevertheless, we are glad to see you, Master March,  and out of the

hands of  the Philipsteins, too." 

"Yes,  they're a bad set, and so is the other brood of 'em, down on  the  river. It's a wonderment to me, how you

got us off, Deerslayer ;  and l  forgive you the interference that prevented my doin' justice on  that  vagabond,

for this small service. Let us into the secret, that we  may do you  the same good turn, at need. Was it by lying,

or by coaxing  ?' 

'By neither, Hurry, but by buying. We paid a ransom for you both,  and that,  too, at a price so high, you had

well be on your guard ag'in  another  captyvement, lest our stock of goods shouldn't hold out.' 

'A ransom !  Old Tom has paid the fiddler, then, for nothing of  mine would  have bought off the hair, much

less the skin. I didn't  think men as keen set  as them vagabonds, would let a airflow up so  easy, when they had

him fairly  at a close hug, and Moored. But money  is money, and somehow it's unnat'ral  hard to withstand.

Indian! or  white man. 'tis pretty much the same. It must  be owned, Judith,  there's a considerable of human

natur' in mankind  generally, after all  !' 

Hutter now rose, and signing to Deerslayer, he led him to an inner  room,  where, in answer to his questions, he

first learned the price  that had been  paid for his release. The old man expressed neither  resentment nor

surprise  at the inroad that had been made on his chest,  though he did manifest some  curiosity to know how far

the  investigation of its contents had been carried.  He also inquired where  the key had been found. The

habitual frankness of  Deerslayer prevented  any prevarication, and the conference soon terminated by  the

return of  the two to the outer room, or that which served for the double  purpose  of parlour and kitchen. 

'1 wonder if it's peace or war, between us and the savages !'  exclaimed  Hurry, just as Deerslayer, who had

paused for a single  instant, listened  attentively, and was passing through the outer door  without stopping.

This  givin' up captives has a friendly look, and  when men have traded together, on  a fair and honourable

footing, they  ought to part fri'nds, for that occasion,  at least. Come back,  Deerslayer, and let us have your

judgment, for I'm  beginnin' to think  more of you, since your late behav iour, than l used to  do.' 

There's an answer to your question, Hurry, since you're in such  haste to come  ag'in to blows.' 

As Deerslayer spoke, he threw on the table, on which the other was  reclining  with one elbow? a sort of

miniature fagot, composed of a  dozen sticks bound  tightly together with a deer skin thong. March  seized it

eagerly, and  holding it close to a blazing knot of pine that  lay on the hearth! and which  gave out all the light

there was in the  room? ascertained that the ends of  the several sticks had been dipped  in blood. 

"lf this isn't plain English,' said the reckless frontier man,  "it's plain  Indian ! Here's what they call a

declination of war, down  at York, Judith.  How did you come by this defiant, Deerslayer ?'  'Fairly enough. It

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lay not a  minot' since, in what you call Floatin'  Tom's door yard.' How came it there ?  It never fell from the

clouds,  Judith, as little toads sometimes do, and then  it don't rain. You must  prove t where it come from,

Deerslayer, or we shall  suspect some  design to skear them that would have lost their wits long ago,  if fear

could drive 'em away.' 

Deerslayer had approached a window, and cast a glance out of it, on  the dark  aspect of the lake. As if

satisfied with what he beheld, he  drew near Hurry,  and took the bundle of sticks into his own hand,

examining it attentively. 

'Yes, this is an indian declination of war, sure enough,' he said,  'and it's  a proof how little you're suited to be

on the path it has  travelled, Harry  March, that it has got here, and you never the wiser  as to the means. The

savages may have left the scalp on your head, but  they must have taken off  the ears ; else you'd have heard

the stirring  of the water made by the lad as  he come off ag'n on his two logs. His  ar'n'd was to throw these

sticks at our  door, as much as to say, we've  struck the warpool since the trade, and the  next thing will be to

strike you. 

' 'The prowling wolves ! But hand me that rifle, Judith, and 1'11  send an  answer back to the vagabonds

through their messenger.' 

'Not while l stand by, Master March,' coolly put in Deerslayer,  motioning for  the other to forbear. 'Faith is

faith, whether given to  a redskin, or to a  Christian. The lad lighted a knot, and came off  fairly, under its

blaze, to  give us this warning ; and no man here  should harm him, while empl'yed on  such an ar'n'd. There's

no use in  words, for the boy is too cunning to leave  the knot burning, now his  business is done and  the night

is already too dark  for a rifle to  have any sartainty. 

'That may be true enough, as to a gun, but there's virtue still in  a canoe,'  answered Hurry, passing towards the

door with enormous  strides, carrying a  rifle in his hands. "T'he being doesn't live that  shall stop me from

following and bringing back that riptyle's scalp.  The more on 'em that you  crush in the egg, the fewer there'll

be to  dart at you in the woods !' 

Judith trembled like the aspen, she scarce knew why herself, though  there was  the prospect of a scene of

violence ; for if Hurry was  fierce and overbearing  in the consciousness of his Vast strength,  Deerslayer had

about him the calm  determination that promises greater  perseverance, and a resolution more  likely to effect

its object. It  was the stern, resolute eye of the latter,  rather than the noisy  vehemence of the first, that excited

her apprehensions.  Hurry soon  reached the spot where the canoe Was fastened, but not before  Deerslayer had

spoke in a quick, earnest voice to the Serpent, in  Delaware.  The latter had been the frst, in truth, to hear the

sounds  of the oars, and  he nae gone upon the platform in jealous  watchfulness. The light satisfied  him that a

message was coming, and  when the boy cast his bundle of sticks at  his feet, it neither moved  his anger. nor

induced surprise. He merely stood  at watch, rifle in  hand, to make certain that no treachery lay behind the

defiance. As  Deerslayer now called to him, he stepped into the canoe, and  quick as  thought removed the

paddles. Hurry was furious when he found that he  was deprived of the means of proceeding. He frst

approached the Indian  with  loud menaces, and even Deerslayer stood aghast at the probable  consequences.

March shook his sledgehammer fists, and flourished his  arms, as he drew neat  the Indian, and all expected

he would attempt to  fell the Delaware to the  earth ; one of them, at least, was well award  that such an

experiment would  be followed by immediate bloodshed. But  even Hurry was awed by the stern  composure of

the chief, and he, too,  knew that such a man was not to be  outraged with impunity ; he,  therefore, turned to

vent his rage on  Deerslayer, where he foresaw no  consequences so terrible What might have been  the result

of this  second demonstration if completed, is unknown, since it  was never  made. 

"Hurry," said a gentle, soothing voice at his elbow, "it's wicked  to be so  angry, and God will not overlook it.

The Iroquois treated you  well, and they  didn't take your scalp, though you and father wanted to  take theirs.' 

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The influence of mildness on passion is well known. Hetty, too, had  earned a  sort of consideration, that had

never before been enjoyed by  her, through the  selfdevotion and decision of her recent conduct.  Perhaps her

established  mental imbecility by removing all distrust of  a wish to control aided her  influence. Let the cause

be as  questionable as it might, the effect we  sufficiently certain. Instead  of throttling his old fellowtraveler,

Hurry  turned to the girl, and  poured out a portion o discontent, if none of his  anger, in her  attentive ears. 

"Tis too bad, Hetty !'  he exclaimed ; "as bad as a county gaol or  a lack of  beaver, to get a creator' into your

very trap '' then to see  it get off. As  much as six firrst quality skins, in valie,  has  paddled off on them clumsy

logs, when twenty strokes of a  wellturned  paddle, would overtake 'em. I say  in valie, for as to  the boy in the

way of natur', he is only a boy, and is  worth  neither more nor less  than one. Deerslayer. you've been ontru to

your fri'nds  in letting  such a chance slip through my fingers well as your own.' 

The answer was given quietly, but with a voice as steady as a  fearless  nature, and the consciousness of

rectitude could make It. "I  should have been  untrue to the right, had I done otherwise,' returned  the

Deerslayer, steadily  ; "and neither you, nor any other man has  authority to demand that much of  me. The lad

came on a lawful  business, and the meanest redskin that roams  the woods, would be  ashamed of not

respecting his ar'n'd. But he' now far  beyond your  reach, Master March, and there's little use in talking, like a

couple  of women, of what can no longer be helped.' 

So saying, Deerslayer turned away, like one resolved to waste no  more words  on the subject, while Hutter

pulled Harry by the sleeve,  and led him into the  ark. There they sat long in private conference.  In the mean

time, the Indian  and his friend had their secret  consultation; for, though it wanted some  three or four hours to

the  rising of the star, the former could not abstain  from canvassing his  scheme, and from opening his heart to

the other. Judith,  too, yielded  to her softer feelings, and listened to the whole of Hetty's  artless  narrative of

what occurred after she landed. The woods had few  terrors  for either of these girls, educated as they had

been, and accustomed.  as they were to look out daily at their rich expanse or to wander  beneath  their dark

shades ; but the elder sister felt that she would  have hesitated  about thus venturing alone into an Iroquois

camp.  Concerning Hist, Hetty was  not very communicative. She spoke of her  kindness, and gentleness and of

the  meeting in the forest; but the  secret of Chingachgook was guarded with a  shrewdness and fidelity,  that

many a sharperwitted girl might have failed to  display. 

At length the several conferences were broken up by the  reappearance of  Hutter on the platform. Here he

assembled the Whole  party, and communicated  as much of his intentions as he deemed  expedient. Of the

arrangement made by  Deerslayer, to Abandon the  castle during the night and to take refuge in the  ark, he

entirely  approved. It struck him as it had the others, as toe only  effectual  means of escaping destruction. Now

that the savages had turned  their  attention to the construction of rafts, no doubt could exist of their,  at least,

making an attempt to carry the building, and the message of  the  bloody sticks sufficiently showed their

confidence in their own  success. In  short, the old man viewed the night as critical, and he  called on all to t

ready as soon as possible, in order to abandon the  dwellings uporarily at  least, if not forever. 

These communications made, everything proceeded promptly and with  intelligence ; the castle was secured in

the manner  ready described,  the canoes were withdrawn from the dock kd fastened to the  ark by the  side of

the other ; the few necessaries that had been left in the  house, were transferred to the cabin, the fire was

extinguished and  all  embarked. 

The vicinity of the hills, with their drapery of pines, had the  fact to  render nights that were obscure, darker

than common on the  lake. As usual,  however, a belt of comparative light was retched  through the centre of

the  sheet, while it was within the dadoes of the  mountains, that the gloom rested  most heavily on the water.

Thee  island, or castle, stood in this belt of  imperative light, but still  the night was so dark, as to cover the

aperture  of the ark. At the  distance of an observer on the shore, her movements could  not be seen  at all, more

particularly as a background of dark hillside tilled  up  the perspective of every view that was taken diagonally

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or directly  across  the water. The prevailing wind on the lakes of that region is  west, but owing  to be avenues

formed by the mountains, it is  frequently impossible to tell  the true direction of the currents, as  they often

vary within, short  distances, and brief differences of  time. This is truer in light fluctuating  puffs of air, than in

steady  breezes; thou the squalls of even the latter are  familiarly known to  be uncertain and baffling in all

mountainous regions and  narrow  raters. On the present occasion, Hutter himself. (as he shoved the ark  from

her berth, at the side of the platform,) was at a loss to  pronounce  which way the wind blew. In common, this

difficulty was  solved by the clouds,  which, floating high above no hill tops, as a  matter of course obeyed the

currents; but now the whole vault of  heaven seemed a mass of gloomy wall. Not  an opening of any son was

visible, and Chingachgook we already trembling lest  the nonappearance  of the star might prevent his

betrothed from being  punctual to her  appointment. Under these circumstances, Hutter hoisted his  sail,

seemingly with the sole intention of getting away from the castle, as  it might be dangerous to remain much

longer in its vicinity. The air  soon  filled the cloth, and when the scow was got under command, and  the sail

was  properly trimmed, it was found that the direction was  southerly, inclining  towards the eastern shore. No

better course  offering for the purposes of the  party, the singular craft was  suffered to skim the surface of the

water in  this direction for more  than hour, when a change in the currents of the air  drove them over  towards

the camp. 

Deerslayer watched all the movements of Hutter and Harry with  jealous  attention. At first, he did not know

whether to ascribe the  course they held  to accident, or to design ; but he now began to  suspect the latter.

Familiar  as Hutter was with the lake, it was easy  to deceive one who had little  practice on the water; and let

his  intentions be what they might, it was  evident, ere two hours had  elapsed, that the ark had got sufficient

space to  be within a hundred  rods of the shore, directly abreast of the known position  of the camp.  For a

considerable time previously to reaching this point,  Hurry, who  had some knowledge of the Algonquin

language, had been in close  conference with the Indian, and the result was now announced by the  latter to

Deerslayer, who had been a cold, not to say distrusted,  lookeron of all that  passed. 

"My old father, and my young brother, the Big Pine,'  for so the  Delaware  had named March  "want  to see

Huron scalps at their belts,'  said  Chingachgook to his friend. "There is room for some on the girdle  of the

Sarpent, and his people will look for them when he goes back to  his village.  Their eyes must not be left long

in a fog, but they must  see what they look  for. I know that my brother has a white hand ; he  will not strike

even the  dead. He will wait for us ; when we come  back, he will not hide his face from  shame for his friend.

The great  Serpent of the Mohicans must be worthy to go  on the warpath with  Hawkeye.' 

"Ay, ay, Sarpent, I see how it is ; that name's to stick, and in  time I shall  get to be known by it instead of

Deerslayer ; well, if  such honours will  come, the humblest of us all must be willing to  abide by 'em. As for

your  looking for scalps, it belongs to your  gifts, and I see no harm in it. Be  merciful. Sarpent, howsever ; be

merciful, I beseech of you. It surely can do  no harm to a redskin's  honour to show a little mare. As for the

Old man, the  father of two  young women, who might ripen better feelin's in his heart, and  Harry  March, here,

who, pine as he is, might better bear the fruit of a more  christianized tree, as 

Chapter XVI

"I hear thee babbling to the vale

Of sunshine and of flowers,

But unto me thou bring'st a tale

Of visionary hours.'


One discovery mentioned at the close of the preceding chapter, was  of great  moment in the eyes of

Deerslayer and his friend. In the First  place, there  was the danger, almost the certainty, that Huger and  Hurry

would make a fresh  attempt on this camp, should they awake and  ascertain its position. Then  there was the

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increased risk of landing  to bring off Hist; and there were the  general uncertainty and  additional hazards that

must follow from the  circumstance that their  enemies had begun to change their positions. As the  Delaware

was aware  that the hour was near when he ought to repair to the  rendezvous, he  no longer thought of trophies

torn from his foes, and one of  the first  things arranged between him and his associate, was to permit the  two

others to sleep on, lest they should disturb the execution of their  plans  by substituting some of their own. ne

ark moved slowly, and it  would have  taken fully a quarter of an hour to reach the point, at the  rate at which

they were going, thus affording time for a little  forethought. The Indians,  in the wish to conceal their fire

from those  who were thought to be still in  the castle. had placed it so near the  southern side of the point, as to

render it extremely difficult to  shut it in by the bushes, though Deerslayer  varied the direction of  the scow

both to the right and to the left, in the  hope of being able  to effect that object. 

'There's one advantage, Judith, in Ending that fire so near the  water,' he  said, while executing these little

manœuvres, since it  shows the Mingos  believe we are in the hut, and our coming on 'em from  this quarter,

will be  an unlooked for event. But it's lucky Harry  March and your father are asleep,  else we should have 'em

prowling  after scalps ag'in. Ha! there  the bushes  are beginning to shut in  the fire  and now it can't be seen

at all !'  Deerslayer waited a  little to make certain that he had at last gained the  desired  position, when he gave

the signal agreed on, and Chingachgook let go  the grapnel, and lowered the sail. The situation in which the

ark now  lay had  its advantages and its disadvantages. The fire had been hid by  sheering  towards the shore,

and the latter was nearer, perhaps, than  was desirable.  Still, the water was known to be very deep further off

in the lake, and  anchoring in deep water, under the circumstances in  which the party was  placed, was to be

avoided, if possible. It was  also believed no raft could be  within mites ; and though the trees in  the darkness

appeared almost to  overhang the scow, it would not be  easy to get off to her without using a  boat. The intense

darkness that  prevailed so close in with the forest, too,  served as an effectual  screen, and so long as care was

had not to make a  noise, there was  little or no danger of being detected. All these things  Deerslayer  pointed

out to Judith, instructing her as to the course she was to  follow in the event of an alarm ; for it was thought to

the last  degree  inexpedient to arouse the sleepers, unless it might be in the  greatest  emergency. 

"And now, Judith, as we understand one another, it is time the  Sarpent and I  had taken to the canoe," the

hunter concluded. 'The star  has not risen yet,  it's true, but it soon must, though none of us are  likely to be any

the wiser  for it tonight, on account of the clouds.  Howsever, Hist has a ready mind,  and she's one of them

that doesn't  always need to have a thing afore her, to  see it. "I'll warrant you  she'll not be either two minutes

or two feet out of  the way, unless  them jealous vagabonds, the Mingos, have taken the alarm, and  put her  as a

stoolpigeon to catch us, or have hid her away, in order to  prepare her mind for a Huron instead of a Mohican


'Deerslayer,' interrupted the girl, earnestly ; this is a most  dangerous  service ; why do you go on it, at all ?' 

"Anan !  Why you know, gal, we go to bring off Hist, the Sarpent's  betrothed   the maid he means to marry,

as soon as we get back to the  tribe." 

"That is all right for the indian  but you do not mean to marry  Hist  you  are not betrothed, and why should

two risk their lives and  liberties, to do  that which one can just as well perform ?' 

"Ah now l understand you, Judith  yes, now I begin to take the  idee. You  think as Hist is the Sarpent's

betrothed, as they call it,  and not mine, it's  altogether his affair ; and as one man can paddle a  canoed he

ought to be  left to go after his gal alone ! But you forget  this is our ar'n'd here, on  the lake, and it would not

tell well to  forget an ar'n'd just as the pinch  came. Allen, if love does count for  so much with some people,

particularly  with young women, fri'ndship  counts for some thing, too, with other some. l  dares to say, the

Delaware can paddle a canoe by himself, and can bring off  Hist by  himself, and perhaps he would like that

quite as well, as to have me  with him ; but he couldn't sarcumvent sarcumventions, or stir up an  ambushment,

or light with the savages, and get his sweetheart at the  same  time, as well by himself as if he had a fri'nd with

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him to depend  on, even if  that fri'nd is no better than myself. No  no  Judith,  you wouldn't desert  one that

counted on you, at such a moment, and you  can't, in reason, expect  me to do it. 

"I fear  I believe you are right, Deerslayer, and yet I wish you  were not to  go ! Promise me one thing, at

least, and that is, not to  trust yourself among  the savages, or to do anything more than to save  the girl. That

will be  enough for once, and with that you ought to be  satisfied.' 

"Lord bless you! gal; one would thik it was Hetty that;s talking,  and not the  quickwitted, and wonderful

Judith Hutter! But fright  makes the wise silly,  and the strong weak. Yes, I've seen proofs of  that, time and

ag'in ! Well,  it's kind and softhearted in you, Judith,  to feel this consign for a fellow  creator', and I shall

always say  that you are kind and of true feelings, let  them that envy your good  looks, tell as many idle stories

of you as they  may.' 

'Deerslayer !' hastily said the girl, interrupting him, though  nearly choked  by her own emotions ; "do you

believe all you hear about  a poor, motherless  girl ? Is the foul tongue of Harry Hurry to blast  my life ?' 

'Not it, Judith  not it. I've told Hurry it wasn't manful to  backbite them  he couldn't win by fair means ; and

that even an indian  is always tender,  touching a young woman's good name.' 

'lf I had a brother, he wouldn't dare to do it !' exclaimed Judith,  with  eyes flashing lire. "But, Ending me

without any protector but an  old man,  whose ears are getting to be as dull as his feelings, he has  his way as he

pleases !' 

"Not exactly that, Judith ; no, not exactly that, neither ! No man,  brother  or stranger, would stand by and see

as fair a gal as yourself  hunted down,  without saying a word in her behalf. Hurry's in 'arnest  in wanting to

make  you his wife, and the little he does let out ag'in  you, comes more from  jealousy, like, than from any

thing else. Smile  on him when he awakes, and  squeeze his hand only half as hard as you  squeezed mine a bit

ago, and my  life on it, the poor fellow will  forget every thing but your comeliness. Hot  words don't always

come  from the heart, but oftener from the stomach, than  anywhere else. Try  him, Judith, when he awakes,

and see the virtue of a  smile.' 

Deerslayer laughed, in his own manner, as he concluded, and then he  intimated  to the patientlooking, but

really impatient Chingachgook,  his readiness to  proceed. As the young man entered the canoe, the girl  stood

immoveable as  stone, lost in the musings that the language and  manner of the other were  likely to produce.

The simplicity of the  hunter had completely put her at  fault ; for, in her narrow sphere,  Judith was an expert

manager of the other  sex ; though in the present  instance she was far more actuated by impulses,  in all she

had said  and done, than by calculation. We shall not deny that  some of Judith's  reflections were bitter, though

the sequel of the tale must  be  referred to, in order to explain how merited, or how keen were her  sufferings. 

Chingachgook, and his paleface friend, set forth on their  hazardous and  delicate enterprise, with a coolness

and method that  would have done credit  to men who were on their twentieth. instead of  being on their first,

war  path. As suited his relation to the pretty  fugitive, in whose service they  were engaged, the Indian took

his  place in the head of the canoe ; while  Deerslayer guided its movements  in the stern. By this arrangement,

the former  would be the first to  land, and of course? the first to meet his mistress.  The latter had  taken his

post, without comment, but in secret influenced by  the  reflection that one who had so much at stake as the

indian, might not  possibly guide the canoe with the same steadiness and intelligence, as  another who had

more command of his feelings. From the instant they  left thc  side of the ark, the movements of the two

adventurers were  like the  manoeuvred of highlydrilled soldiers, who, for the first  time were called on  to

meet the enemy in the held. As yet,  Chingachgook had never fired a shot in  anger, and the debut of his

companion in warfare, is known to the reader. It  is true, the indian  had been hanging about his enemy's camp

for a few hours,  on his first  arrival, and he had even once entered it, as related in the last  chapter, but no

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consequences had followed either experiment. Now, it  was  certain that an important result was to be effected,

or a  mortifying failure  was to ensue. The rescue, or the continued  captivity of Hist, depended on the

enterprise. In a word, it was  virtually the maiden expedition of these two  ambitious young forest  soldiers ;

and while one of them set forth, impelled  by sentiments  that usually carry men so far, both had all their

feelings of  pride  and manhood enlisted in their success. 

Instead of steering in a direct line to the point, then distant  from the ark  less than a quarter of a mile,

Deerslayer laid the head  of his canoe  diagonally towards the centre of the lake, with a view to  obtain a

position,  from which he might approach the shore, having his  enemies in his front only.  The spot where  Hetty

had landed, and where  Hist had promised to meet them, moreover, was on  the upper side of the  projection,

rather than on the lower ; and to reach it,  would have  required the two adventurers to double nearly the whole

point,  close  in with the shore, had not this preliminary step been taken. So well  was the  necessity for this

measure understood, that Chingachgook  quietly paddled on,  although it was adopted without consulting him,

and apparently was taking him  in a direction nearly opposite to that  one might think he most wished to go.  A

few  minutes sufficed,  however, to carry the canoe the necessary distance, when  both the  young men ceased

paddling as it were by instinctive consent, and the  boat became stationary. The darkness increased rather than

diminished,  but it  was still possible, from the place where the adventurers lay,  to distinguish  the outlines of

the mountains. In vain did the Delaware  turn his head  eastward, to catch a glimpse of the promised star ; for,

notwithstanding the  clouds broke a little near the horizon, in that  quarter of the heavens, the  curtain continued

so far drawn as  effectually to conceal all behind it. In  front, as was known by  the  formation of land above and

behind it. lay the point, at the distance  of  about a thousand feet. No signs of the castle could Fe seen, nor

could any  movement in that quarter of the lake reach the ear. The  latter circumstance  might have been equally

owing to the distance,  which was several mites, or to  the fact that nothing was in motion. As  for the ark,

though scarcely farther  from the canoe than the point, it  lay so completely buried in the shadows of  the shore,

that it would  not have been visible even had there been many  degrees more of light  than actually existed. 

The adventurers now held a conference in low voices, consult ing  together as  to the probable time.

Deerslayer thought it wanted yet  some minutes to the  rising of the star, while the impatience of the  chief

caused him to fancy the  night further advanced, and to believe  that his betrothed was already waiting  his

appearance on the shore. As  might have been expected, the opinion of the  latter prevailed, and his  friend

disposed himself to steer for the place of  rendezvous. ne  utmost skill and precaution now became necessary

in the  management of  the canoe. ne paddles were lifted, and returned to the water in  a  noiseless manner ; and

when within a hundred yards of the beach,  Chingachgook took in his, altogether laying his hand on his rifle

in  its  stead. As they got still more within the belt of darkness that  girded the  wolds, it was seen that they were

steering too far north,  and the course was  altered accordingly. ne canoe now seemed to move by  instinct, so

cautious and  deliberate were all its motions. Still it  continued to advance, until its  bows grated on the gravel

of the  beach, at the precise spot where Hetty had  landed, and whence her  voice had issued, the previous night,

as the ark was  passing. There  was, as usual, a narrow strand, but bushes fringed the wolds,  and in  most places

overhung the water. 

Chingachgook stepped upon the beach, and cautiously examined it,  for some  distance, on each side of the

canoe. In order to do this, he  was often  obliged to wade to his knees in the lake, but no Hist  rewarded his

search.  When he returned, he found his friend also on the  shore. They next conferred  in whispers, the Indian

apprehending that  they must have mistaken the place  of rendezvous. But Deerslayer  thought it was probable

they had mistaken the  hour. While he was yet  speaking, he grasped the arm of the Delaware, caused  him to

turn his  head in the direction of the lake, and pointed towards the  summits of  the eastern mountains. ne

clouds had broken a little, apparently  behind rather than above the hills, and the evening star was  glittering

among  the branches of a pine. This was every way a  flattering omen, and the young  men leaned on their

rifles, listening  intently! for the sound of approaching  footsteps. Voices they often  heard, and mingled with

them were the suppressed  cries of children,  and the low but sweet laugh of indian women. As the native

Americans  are habitually cautious, and seldom break out in loud conversation,  the adventurers knew by these

The Deerslayer; or, The First Warpath 

Chapter XVI 134


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facts, that they must be very near the  encampment. It was easy to perceive that there was a fire within the

wolds,  by the manner in which some of the upper branches of the trees  were  illuminated. but it was not

possible, where they stood, to  ascertain exactly  how near it was to themselves. Once or twice, it  seemed as if

stragglers from  around the fired were approaching the  place of rendezvous ; but these sounds  were either

altogether  illusion, or those who had drawn near, returned again  without coming  to the shore. A quarter of an

hour was passed in this state of  intense  expectation and anxiety, when Deerslayer proposed that they should

circle the point in the canoe ; and by getting a position close in,  where the  camp could be seen, reconnoitre

the Indians, and thus enable  themselves to  form some plausible conjectures for the nonappearance  of Hist.

The Delaware,  however, resolutely refused to quit the spot,  reasonably enough offering as a  reason, the

disappointment of the  girl, should she arrive in his absence.  Deerslayer felt for his  friend's concern, and

offered to make the circuit of  the point by  himself, leaving the latter concealed in the bushes to await the

occurrence of any fortunate event that might favour his views. With  this  understanding, then, the parties


As soon as Deerslayer was at his post again, in the stern of the  canoe, he  left the shore with the same

precautions, and in the same  noiseless manner,  as he had approached it. On this occasion he did not  go far

from the land,  the bushes affording a sufficient cover, by  keeping as close in as possible.  Indeed, it would not

have been easy  to devise any means more favourable to  reconnoitring round an indian  camp, than those

afforded by the actual state  of things. The formation  of the point permitted the place to be circled on  three of

its sides,  and the progress of the boat was so noiseless as to  remove any  apprehensions from an alarm through

sound. The most practised and  guarded foot might stir a bunch of leaves, or snap a dried stick in  the dark,  but

a bark canoe could be made to float over the surface of  smooth water,  almost with the instinctive readiness,

and certaininly  with the noiseless  movements of an aquatic bird. 

Deerslayer had got nearly in a line between the camp and the ark,  before he  caught a glimpse of the fire. This

came upon him suddenly,  and a little  unexpectedly, at first causing an alarm, lest he had  incautiously

ventured  within the circle of light it cast. But  perceiving at a second glance, that  he was certainly safe from

detection, so long as the Indians kept near the  centre of the  illumination, he brought the canoe to a state of

rest, in the  most  favourable position he could find, and commenced his observations. 

We have written much, but in vain, concerning this extraordinary  being, if  the reader requires now to be told,

that, untutored as he  was in the learning  of the world, and simple as he ever showed himself  to be in all

matters  touching the subtleties of conventional taste, he  was a man of strong,  native, poetical feeling. He

loved the wolds for  their freshness, their  sublime solitudes, their vastness, and the  impress that they

everywhere bore  of the divine hand of their creator.  He seldom moved through them, without  pausing to

dwell on some  peculiar beauty that gave him pleasure, though  seldom attempting to  investigate the causes ;

and never did a day pass  without his  communing in spirit, and this, too, without the aid of forms or  language,

with the infinite source of all he saw, felt, and beheld.  Thus  consti tuted, in a moral sense, and of a

steadiness that no  danger could  appal, or any crisis disturb, it is not surprising that  the hunted felt a  pleasure

at looking on the scene he now beheld, that  momentarily caused him  to forget the object of his visit. This ,

will  more fully appear when we  describe the scene. .: The canoe lay in  front of a natural vista, not only

through the bushes that lined the  shore, but of the trees also, that afforded  a  clear view of the camp.  It was by

means of this same opening that the  light had been first  seen from the ark. In consequence t f their recent

change of ground,  the Indians had not yet retired to to their huts, but had  been delayed  by their preparations,

which t included lodging as well as food.  A  large fire had been made, as ) much to answer the purpose of

torches as  for  the use of their  simple cookery ; and at this precise moment it  was blazing  high and bright,

having recently received a large supply  of dried  brush. the  effect was to illuminate the arches of the  forest,

and to render the whole  area occupied by the camp as light as  if hundreds of tapers were burning.  Most of the

toil had ceased, and  even the hungriest child had satisfied its  appetite. In a word, the  time was that moment of

relaxation and general  indolence which is apt  to succeed a hearty meal. and when the labours of the  day have

ended.  ne hunters and the fishermen had been ttally successful ; and  food,  that one great requisite of savage

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life, being abundant, every other  care appeared to have subsided in the sense of enjoyment dependent on  this

allimportant fact. 

Deerslayer saw at a glance that many of the warriors were absent.  His  acquaintance Rivenoak, however, was

present, being seated in the  foreground  of a picture that Salvator Rosa would have delighted to  draw, his

swarthy  features illuminated as much by pleasure as by the  torchlike flame, while he  showed another of the

tribe one of the  elephants that had caused so much  sensation among his people. A boy  was looking over his

shoulder, in dull  curiosity, completing the  group. More in the background eight or ten warriors  lay half

recumbent  on the ground, or sat with their backs reclining against  trees, so  many types of indolent repose.

Their arms were near them all,  sometimes leaning against the same trees as themselves, or were lying  across

their bodies in careless preparation. But the group that most  attracted the  attention of Deerslayer was that

composed of the women  and children. A1l the  females appeared to be collected together, and,  almost as a

matter of course,  their young were near them. The former  laughed and chatted in their rebuked  and quiet

manner, though one who  knew the habits of the people might have  detected that every thing was  not going on

in its usual train. Most of the  young women seemed to be  lighthearted enough ; but one old hag was seated

apart with a  watchful soured aspect, which the hurter at once knew betokened  that  some duty of an unpleasant

character had been assigned her by the  chiefs. What that duty was, he had no means of knowing ; but he felt

satisfied it must be, in some measure connected with her own sex, the  aged  among the women generally

being chosen for such offices and no  other. 

As a matter of course, Deerslayer looked eagerly and anxiously for  the form  of Hist. She was nowhere

risibles though tee light penetrated  to considerable  distances in all directions around the fire. Once or  twice he

started, as he  thought he recognized her laugh; but his ears  were deceived by the soft  melody that is so

common to the indian  female voice. At length the old woman  spoke loud and angrily, and then  he caught a

glimpse of one or two dark  figures in the background of  trees, which turned as if obedient to the  rebuke, and

walked more  within the circle of the light. A young warrior's  form first came  fairly into view; then followed

two youthful females, one of  whom  proved to be the Delaware girl. Deerslayer now comprehended it all.  Hist

was watched, possibly by her young companion, certainly by the  old woman. The  youth was probably some

suitor of either her or her  companion; but even his  discretion was distrusted under the influence  of his

admiration. ne known  vicinity of those who might be supposed to  be her friends, and the arrival of  a strange

redman on the lake had  induced more than the usual care, and the  girl had not been able to  slip away from

those who watched her? in order to  keep her  appointment. Deerslayer traced her uneasiness, by her

attempting  once  or twice to look up through the branches of the trees, as if  endeavouring to get glimpses of

the star she had herself named as the  sign  for meeting. All was vain however, and after strolling about the

camp a  little longer, in affected indifference, the two girls quitted  their male  escort, and took seats among

their own sex. As soon as this  was done, the old  sentinel changed her place to one more agreeable to  herself,

a certain proof  that she had hitherto been exclusively on  watch. 

Deerslayer now felt greatly at a loss how to proceed. He well knew  that  Chingachgook could never be

persuaded to return to the ark,  without making  some desperate effort for the recovery of his mistress,  and his

own generous  feelings well disposed him to aid in such an  undertaking. He thought he saw  the signs of an

intention among the  females to retire for the night; and  should he remain, and the fire  continue to give out its

light, he might  discover the particular hut  or arbour under which Hist reposed ; a  circumstance that would be

of  infinite use in their future proceedings.  Should he remain, however,  much longer where he was, there was

great danger  that the impatience  of his friend would drive him into some act of  imprudence. At each  instant,

indeed, he expected to see the swarthy form of  the Delaware  appearing in the background, like the tiger

prowling around the  fold.  Taking all things into consideration, therefore, he came to the  conclusion it would

be better to rejoin his friend, and endeavour to  temper  his impetuosity by some of his own coolness and

discretion. It  required but a  minute or two to put this plan in execution, the canoe  returning to the  strand some

ten or fifteen minutes after it had left  it. 

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Contrary to his expectations, perhaps, Deerslayer found the Indian  at his  post, from which he had not stirred,

fearful that his betrothed  might arrive  during his absence. A conference followed, in which  Chingachgook

was made  acquainted with the state of things in the camp.  When Hist named the point as  the place of

meeting, it was with the  expectation of making her escape from  the old position, and of  repairing to a spot

that she expected to find  without any occupants;  but the sudden change of localities had disconcerted  all her

plans. A  much greater degree of vigilance than had been previously  required was  now emissary; and the

circumstance that an aged woman was on  watch,  also denoted some special grounds of alarm. All these

considerations,  and many more that will readily suggest them selves to the reader?  were  briefly discussed

before the young men came to any decision. The  occasion,  however, being one that required act: instead of

words, the  course to be  pursued was soon chosen. 

Disposing of the canoe in such a manner that Hist must see it,  should she  come to the place of meeting

previously to their return,  the young men looked  to their arms. and prepared to enter the wood.  The whole

projection into the  lake contained about two acres of land;  and the part that formed the point,  and on which

the camp was placed,  did not compose a surface of more than half  that size. It was  principally covered with

oaks, which, as is usual in the  American  forests, grew to a great height without throwing out a branch, and

then arched in a dense and rich foliage. Beneath, except the fringe of  thick  bushes along the shore, there was

very little underbrush;  though, in  consequence of their shape, the trees were closer together  than is common

in  regions where the axe has been freely used,  resembling tall, straight, rustic  columns, upholding the usual

canopy  of leaves. The surface of the land was  tolerably even, but it had a  small rise near its centre, which

divided it  into a northern and  southern half. On the latter, the Hurons had built their  fire,  profiting by the

formation to conceal it from their enemies, who, it  will be remembered, were supposed to be in the castle,

which bore  northerly.  A brook also came brawling down the sides of the adjacent  hills, and found  its way into

the lake on the southern ' Side of the  point. It had cut for  itself a deep passage through Some of the higher

portions of the ground, and,  in later days, When this spot has become  subjected to the uses of  civilization, by

its windings and shaded  banks, it has become no mean  accessory in contributing to the beauty  of the place.

This brook lay west of  the encampment, and its waters  found their way into the great reservoir of  that region

on the same  side, and quite near to the spot chosen for the fire.  All these  peculiarities, so far as circumstances

allowed, had been noted by  Deerslayer, and explained to his friend. 

The reader will understand that the little rise in the ground, that  lay  behind the Indian encampment, greatly

favoured the secret advance  of the two  adventurers. It prevented the light of the fire diffusing  itself on the

ground directly in the rear, although the land fell away  towards the water,  so as to leave what might be

termed the left, or  eastern flank of the  position unprotected by this covering. We have  said unprotected ,

though that  is not properly the word since the  knoll behind the huts and the Ere, offered  a cover for those who

were  now stealthily approaching, rather than any  protection to the Indians.  Deerslayer did not break through

the fringe of  bushes immediately  abreast of the canoe, which might have brought him too  suddenly within  the

influence of the light, since the hillock did not extend  to the  water; but he followed the beach northerly: until

he had got nearly on  the opposite side of the tongue of land, which brought him under the  shelter  of the low

acclivity, and consequently more in the shadow. . 

As soon as the friends emerged from the bushes, they stopped  to  reconnoitre.  The fire was still blazing behind

the little ridge  casting its light upward,  into the tops of the trees, producing an l  effect that was more pleasing

than  advantageous. Still the glare had  its uses; for, while the background was in  obscurity, the foreground

was in strong light; exposing the savages and  concealing their foes.  Profiting by the latter circumstance, '1

evinced  cautiously towards  the ridge, Deerslayer dfc young men a in front, for he  insisted on  this

arrangement, lest the Delaw should be led by his feelings  into  some indiscretion. It required but a moment to

reach the foot of the  little ascent, and commenced the most critical part of the enterprise.  Moving  with

exceeding caution, and trailing his rifle, both to keep  its barrel out  of view, and in readiness for service, the

hunter put  before foot, until he  had got sufficiently high to overlook summit,  his own head being alone

brought into the ' Chingachgook was at his  side and both paused to take  another close examination of the

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camp. In  order, however, to protect  themselves against any straggler in the  rear, they placed their bodies

against the trunk of an oak, standing  on the side next the fire. 

The view that Deerslayer now obtained of the camp, was exactly the  reverse of  that he had perceived from

the water. The dim figures which  he had formerly  discovered must have been on the summit of the ridge,  a

few feet in advance  of the spot where he was now posted. The lire  was still blazing brightly and  around it

were seated on logs, thirteen  warriors, which accounted for all  whom he had seen from the canoe.  They were

conversing, with much earnestness  among themselves, the  image of the elephant passing from hand to hand.

The  first burst of  savage wonder had abated, and the question now under  discussion, was  the probable

existence, the history and the habits of so  extraordinary  an animal. We have not leisure to record the opinions

of these  rude  men on a subject so consonant to their lives and experience; but little  is hazarded in saying that

they were quite as plausible, and far more  ingenious, than half the conjectures that precede the

demonstrations  of  science. However much they may have been at fault, as to their  conclusions  and inferences,

it is certain that they discussed the  questions with a  zealous and most undivided attention. For the time  being,

all else was  forgotten, and our adventurers could not have  approached at a more fortunate  instant. 

The females were collected near each other, much as Deer slayer had  last seen  them, nearly in a line between

the place where he now stood  and the fire. The  distance from the oak against which the young men  leaned,

and the warriors,  was about thirty yards; the women may have  been half that number of yards  nigher. The

latter, indeed, were so  near as to make the utmost  circumspection, as to motion and noise,  indispensable.

Although they  conversed in their low, soft voices, it  was Possible, in the profound  stillness of the wolds, even

to catch  Passages of the discourse; and the  lighthearted laugh that escaped  the girls, might occasionally have

reached  the canoe. Deerslayer felt  the tremolo that passed through the frame of his  friend when the  latter first

caught the sweet sounds that issued from the  plump,  pretty lips of Hist. He even laid a hand on the shoulder

of the  Indian, as a sort of admonition to command himself. As the  conversation grew  more earnest, each

leaned forward to listen. 

"The Hurons have more curious beasts than that,' said one of the  girls,  contemptuously, for, like the men, they

conversed of the  elephant and his  qualities. 'The Delawares will think this creature  wonderful, but tomorrow

no  Huron tongue will talk of it. Our young men  will End him if the animals dare  to come near our wigwams !' 

This was, in fact, addressed to Wahta Wah, though she who spoke  uttered her  words with an assumed

diffidence and humility, that  prevented her looking at  the other. 

The Delawares are so far from letting such creatures come into  their  country,' returned Hist, "that no one has

even seen their images  there !  Their young men would frighten away the images as well as the  beasts.' 

"The Delaware young men!  the nation is women  even the deer walk  when they  hear their hunters

coming! Who has ever heard the name of a  young Delaware  warrior ?' 

This was said in goodhumour, and with a laugh; but it was  also  said bitingly. That Hist so felt it, was

apparent by the spirit  betrayed in her answer. 

'Who has ever heard the name of a young Delaware ?' she repeated  earnestly.  Tamenund, himself, though

now as old as the pines on the  hill, or as the  eagles in the air, was once young; his name was heard  from the

great salt  lake, to the sweet waters of the west. What is the  family of Uncas? Where is  another as  great,

though the palefaces have  ploughed up its grates, and trodden on its  bones ? Do the eagles fly  as high, is the

deer as swift or the panther as  brave ? Is there no  young warrior of that Let the Huron maidens open their

eyes wider, and  they may see one called Chingachgook, who is as stately as a  young  ash, and as tough as the


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As the girl used her figurative language and told her companions to  topes  their eyes, and they would see' the

Delaware, Deerslayer thrust  his angers  into the sides of his friend, and indulged in a fit of his  hearty,

benevolent  laughter, tne other smiled ; but the language of  the speaker was too  flattering, and  the tones of her

voice too sweet  for him to be led away by any accidental  coincidence, however  ludicrous. The speech of Hist

produced a retort, and the  dispute,  though conducted in goodhumour, and without any of the coarse  violence

of tone and gesture that often impairs the charms of the sex  in what  is called civilized life, grew warm and

slightly clamorous. In  the midst of  this scene, the Delaware caused his friend to stoop, so  as completely to

conceal himself, and then he made a noise so closely  resembling the little  chirrup of the smallest species of

the American  squirrel, that Deerslayer  himself, though he had heard the imitation a  hundred times, actually

thought  it came from one of the little animals  skipping about, over his head. ne  sound is so familiar in the

woods,  that none of the Hurons paid it the least  attention. Hist, however,  instantly ceased talking, and sat

motionless. Still  she had sufficient  selfcommand to abstain from turning her head. She had  heard the  signal

by which her lover so often called her from the wigwam to  the  stolen interview, and it came over her senses

and her heart, as the  serenade affects the maiden in the land of song. 

From that moment, Chingachgook felt certain that his presence was  known. This  was effecting much, and he

could now hope for a bolder  line of conduct on the  part of his mistress than she might dare to  adopt under an

uncertainty of his  situation. It left no doubt of her  endeavouring to aid him in his effort to  release her.

Deerslayer arose  as soon as the signal was given, and though he  had never held that  sweet communion which

is known only to lovers, he was not  slow to  detect the great change that had come over the manner of the girl.

She  still affected to dispute, though it was no longer with spirit and  ingenuity, but what she said was uttered

more as a lure to draw her  antagonists on to an easy conquest, than with any hopes of succeeding  herself.

Once or twice, it is true, her native readiness suggested a  retort,  or an argument that raised a laugh, and gave

her a. momentary  advantage; but  these little sallies, the offspring of motherwit,  served the better to  conceal

her real feelings, and to give to the  triumph of the other party a  more natural air than it might have  possessed

without them. At length the  disputants became wearied, and  they rose in a body as if about to separate.  It was

now that Hist, for  the first time, ventured to turn her face in the  direction whence the  signal had come. In

doing this, her movements were  natural, but  guarded, and she stretched her arm and yawned, as if overcome

with a  desire to sleep. The Chirrup was again heard, and the girl felt  satisfied as to the Position of her lover,

though the strong light in  which  she herself Was placed, and the comparative darkness in which  the

adventurers  stood, prevented her from seeing their heads, the only  portions of their  forms that appeared above

the ridge at all. The tree  against which they were  posted had a dark shadow cast upon it by the  intervention of

an enormous pine  that grew  between it and the fire, a  circumstance which alone would have rendered  objects

within its cloud  invisible at any distance. This Deerslayer well  knew, and it was one  of the reasons why he

had  selected this particular tree. 

The moment was near when it became necessary for Hist to act. She  was to  sleep in a small hut, or bower,

that had been built near where  she stood, and  her companion was the aged hag already mentioned. Once

within the hut, with  this sleepless old woman stretched across the  entrance, as was her nightly  pratice, the

hope of escape was nearly  destroyed, and she might at any moment  be summoned to her bed.  Luckily, at this

instant, one of the warriors called  to the old woman  by name, and bade her bring him water to drink. There

was a  delicious  spring on the northern side of the point, and the hag took a gourd  from a branch, and

summoning Hist to her side, she moved towards the  summit  of the ridge, intending to descend and cross the

point to the  natural  fountain. All this was seen and understood by the adventurers,  and they fell  back into the

obscurity, concealing their persons by  trees, until the two  females had passed them. In walking, Hist was  held

tightly by the hand. As  she moved by the tree that hid  Chingachgook and his friend: the former felt  for his

tomahawk, with  the intention to bury it in the brain of the woman.  But the other saw  the hazard of such a

measure, since a single scream might  bring all  the warriors upon them, and he was averse to the act on

considerations  of humanity. His hand, therefore, prevented the blow. Still as  the two  moved past, the chirrup

was repeated, and the Huron woman stopped and  faced the tree whence the sounds seemed to proceed,

standing, at the  moment,  within six feet of her enemies. She expressed her surprise  that a squirrel  should be in

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motion at so late an hour, and said it  boded evil. Hist answered  that she had heard the same squirrel three

times within the last twenty  minutes, and that she supposed it was  waiting to obtain '  some of the crumbs left

from the late supper. This  explanation appeared  satisfactory, and they moved towards the spring,  the men

following stealthily  and closely. The gourd was filled, and  the old woman was hurrying back, her  hand still

grasping the wrist of  the girl, when she was suddenly seized so  violently by the throat as  to cause her to

release her captive, and to  prevent her making any  other sound than a sort of gurgling, suffocating else.  The

Serpent  passed his arm round the waist of his mistress and dashed through  the  bushes with her, on the north

side of the point. Here he immediately  turned along the beach, and ran towards the canoe. A more direct

course could  have been taken,  but it might have led to a discovery of  the place of embarking. 

Deerslayer kept playing on the throat of the old woman like tile  keys of an  organ, occasionally allowing her

to breathe, and then  compressing his angers  again nearly to strangling. The brief intervals  for breath,

however, were  well improved, and the hag succeeded in  letting out a screech or two that  served to alarm the

camp. Tne tramp  of the warriors, as they sprang from the  fire, was plainly audible,  and, at the next moment

three or four of them  appeared on the top of  the ridge, drawn against the hackground of light,  resembling the

dim  shadows of the phantasmagoria. It was now quite time for  the hunter to  retreat.  Tripping up the heels of

his captive, and giving her throat a  parting  squeeze, quite as much in resentment at her indomitable  efforts to

sound the  alarm as from any policy, he left her on her  back, and moved towards the  bushes, his rifle at a

poise, and his head  over his shoulders, like a lion at  bay. 

Chapter XVII

There, ye wise saints, behold your light, your star,

Ye would be dupes and victims and ye are.

Is it enough? or, must I, while a thrill

Lives in your sapient bosoms, cheat you still?"

Thomas Moore, Lalla Rookh, "The Veiled Prophet of Khorassan,

The fire, the canoe, and the spring, near which Deer-slayer  commenced his  retreat, would have stood in the

angles of a triangle of  tolerably equal  sides. The distance from the fire to the boat was a  little less than the

distance from the fire to the spring, while the  distance from the spring to  the boat, was about equal to that

between  the two points first named. This,  however, was in straight lines, a  means of escape to which the

fugitives  could not resort. They were  obliged to have recourse to a detour in order to  get the cover of the

bushes, and to follow the curvature of the beach. Under  these  disadvantages, then, the hunter commenced his

retreat, disadvantages  that he felt to be so much the greater from his knowledge of the  habits of  all Indians,

who rarely fail in cases of sudden alarms, more  especially when  in the midst of cover, immediately to throw

out  flankers, with a view to meet  their foes at all points, and if  possible to turn their rear. That some such

course was now adopted he  believed from the tramp of feet, which not only  came up the ascent, as  related,

but were also heard, under the first impulse,  diverging not  only towards the hill in the rear, but towards the

extremity of  the  point, in a direction opposite to that he was about to take himself.  Promptitude, consequently

became a matter of the last importance, as  the  parties might meet on the strand, before the fugitive could

reach  the canoe. 

Notwithstanding the pressing nature of the emergency, Deerslayer  hesitated a  single instant, ere he plunged

into the bushes that lined  the shore. His  feelings had been awakened by the whole scene, and a  sternness of

purpose had  come over him, to which he was ordinarily a  stranger. Four dark figures  loomed on the ridge,

drawn against the  brightness of the fire, and an enemy  might have been sacrificed at a  glance. The In-dians

had paused to gaze into  the gloom, in search of  the screeching hag, and with many a man less given to

reflection than  the hunter, the death of one of them would have been  cer-tain. Luckily  he was more prudent.

Although the rifle dropped a little  towards the  foremost of his pursuers, he did not aim or fire, but

disappeared  in  the cover. To gain the beach, and to follow it round to the place where  Chingachgook was

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already in the canoe, with Hist, anxiously waiting  his  appearance, oc-cupied but a moment. Laying his rifle in

the bottom  of the  canoe, Deerslayer stooped to give the latter a vigorous shove  from the shore,  when a

powerful Indian leaped through the bushes,  alighting like a panther on  his back. Every thing was now

suspended by  a hair; a false step ruining all.  With a generosity that would have  rendered a Roman illustrious

throughout all  time, but which, in the  career of one so simple and humble, would have been  forever lost to  the

world but for this unpretending legend, Deerslayer threw  all his  force into a desperate effort, shoved the

canoe off with a power that  sent it a hundred feet from the shore, as it might be in an instant,  and fell  forward

into the lake, himself, face downward; his assailant  necessarily  following him. 

Although the water was deep within a few yards of the beach, it was  not more  than breast high, as close in, as

the spot where the two  combatants fell.  Still this was quite sufficient to destroy one who  had sunk, under the

great  disadvantages in which Deerslayer was  placed. His hands were free, however,  and the savage was

compelled to  relinquish his hug, to keep his own face  above the surface. For half a  minute there was a

desperate struggle, like the  floundering of an  alligator that has just seized some powerful prey, and then  both

stood  erect, grasping each other's arms, in order to prevent the use of  the  deadly knife, in the darkness. What

might have been the issue of this  severe personal struggle cannot be known, for half a dozen savages  came

leaping into the water to the aid of their friend, and,  Deerslayer yielded  himself a prisoner, with a dignity that

was as  remarkable as his self  devotion. 

To quit the lake and lead their new captive to the fire, oc-cupied  the  Indians but another minute. So much

engaged were they all with the  struggle  and its consequences, that the canoe was unseen, though it  still lay so

near  the shore as to render every syllable that was  uttered, perfectly  intelligible to the Delaware and his

betrothed; and  the whole party left the  spot, some continuing the pursuit after Hist,  along the beach, though

most  proceeded to the light. Here Deerslayer's  an-tagonist so far recovered his  breath and his recollection, for

he  had been throttled nearly to  strangulation, as to relate the manner in  which the girl had got off. It was  now

too late to assail the other  fugitives, for no sooner was his friend led  into the bushes, than the  Delaware

placed his paddle into the water, and the  light canoe glided  noiselessly away, holding its course towards the

centre of  the lake,  until safe from shot, after which it sought the Ark.When Deerslayer  reached the fire, he

found himself sur-rounded by no less than eight  grim  savages, among whom was his old acquaintance

Rivenoak. As soon as  the latter  caught a glimpse of the captive's countenance, he spoke  apart to his

companions, and a low, but general exclamation of  pleasure and surprise  escaped them. They knew that the

conqueror of  their late friend, he who had  fallen on the opposite side of the lake,  was in their hands, and

subject to  their mercy, or vengeance. There  was no little admiration mingled in the  ferocious looks that were

thrown on the prisoner; an admira-tion that was as  much excited by his  present composure, as by his past

deeds. This scene may  be said to  have been the com-mencement of the great and terrible reputation  that

Deerslayer, or Hawkeye, as he was afterwards called, enjoyed among all  the tribes of New York and

Canada; a reputation that was certainly  more  limited in its territorial and numerical extent, than those which

are  possessed in civilized life, but which was compensated for what it  wanted in  these par-ticulars, perhaps,

by its greater justice, and the  total absence of  mystification and management. 

The arms of Deerslayer were not pinioned, and he was left the free  use of his  hands, his knife having been

first removed. The only  precaution that was  taken to secure his person was untiring  watchfulness, and a

strong rope of  bark that passed from ancle to  ancle, not so much to prevent his walking, as  to place an

obstacle in  the way of his attempting to escape by any sudden  leap. Even this  extra provision against flight

was not made, until the  captive had  been brought to the light, and his character ascertained. It was,  in  fact, a

compliment to his prow-ess, and he felt proud of the  distinction.  That he might be bound when the warriors

slept he thought  probable, but to be  bound in the moment of capture, showed that he was  already, and thus

early,  attaining a name. While the young Indians  were fastening the rope, he  wondered if Chingachgook

would have been  treated in the same manner, had he  too fallen into the hands of the  enemy. Nor did the

reputation of the young  pale face rest altogether  on his success in the previous combat, or in his

discriminating and  cool manner of managing the late negotiation, for it had  received a  great accession by the

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occur-rences of the night. Ignorant of the  movements of the Ark, and of the accident that had brought their

fire  into  view, the Iro-quois attributed the discovery of their new camp to  the  vigilance of so shrewd a foe.

The manner in which he ventured upon  the point,  the abstraction or escape of Hist, and most of all the

selfdevotion of the  prisoner, united to the readiness with which he  had sent the canoe adrift,  were so many

impor-tant links in the chain  of facts, on which his growing  fame was founded. Many of these  circumstances

had been seen, some had been  explained, and all were  understood. 

While this admiration, and these honors were so unreservedly  bestowed on  Deerslayer, he did not escape

some of the penalties of his  situation. He was  permitted to seat himself on the end of a log, near  the fire, in

order to dry  his clothes, his late adversary standing  opposite, now holding articles of  his own scanty

vestments to the  heat, and now feeling his throat, on which  the marks of his enemy's  fingers were still quite

visi-ble. The rest of the  warriors consulted  together, near at hand, all those who had been out having  returned

to  report that no signs of any other prowlers near the camp were to  be  found. In this state of things, the old

woman, whose name was Shebear,  in  plain English, approached Deerslayer, with her fists clenched and  her

eyes  flashing fire. Hitherto, she had been occupied with  screaming, an employment  at which she had played

her part with no  small degree of success, but having  succeeded in effectually alarming  all within reach of a

pair of lungs that  had been strengthened by long  practice, she next turned her atten-tion to the  injuries her

own  person had sustained in the strug-gle. These were in no  manner  material, though they were of a nature to

arouse all the fury of a  woman who had long ceased to attract by means of the gentler  qualities, and  who was

much disposed to revenge the hardships she had  so long endured, as  the neglected wife and mother of

savages, on all  who came within her power.  If Deerslayer had not permanently injured  her, he had

temporarily caused her  to suffer, and she was not a person  to overlook a wrong of this nature, on  account of

its motive. 

"Skunk of the palefaces " commenced this exasperated and  semipoetic fury,  shaking her fist under the

nose of the im-passable  hunter, "you are not even  a woman. Your friends the Delawares are only  women, and

you are their sheep.  Your own people will not own you, and  no tribe of red men would have you in  their

wigwams; you skulk among  petticoated war-riors. You slay our brave  friend who has left us?   No his great

soul scorned to fight you, and left  his body rather than  have the shame of slaying you! But the blood that you

spilt when the  spirit was not looking on, has not sunk into the ground. It  must be  buried in your groans. What

music do I hear? Those are not the  wailings of a red man!  no red war-rior groans so much like a hog.  They

come  from a pale face throat  a Yengeese bosom, and sound as  pleasant as girls  singing  Dog  skunk 

woodchuck  mink   hedgehog pigtoadspider  yengee " 

Here the old woman having expended her breath, and ex-hausted her  epithets,  was fain to pause a moment,

though both her fists were shook  'in the  prisoner's face, and the whole of her wrinkled countenance was  filled

with  fierce resentment. Deer-slayer looked upon these impotent  attempts to arouse  him, as indifferently as a

gentleman in our own  state of society, regards the  vituperative terms of a blackguard: the  one party feeling

that the tongue of  an old woman could never injure a  warrior, and the other knowing that  mendacity and

vulgarity can only  permanently affect those who resort to their  use; but he was spared  any further attack at

present, by the interposi-tion  of Rivenoak, who  shoved aside the hag, bidding her quit the spot, and  prepared

to take  his seat at the side of his prisoner. The old woman  withdrew, but the  hunter well understood that he

was to be the subject of all  her means  of an-noyance, if not of positive injury, so long as he remained in  the

power of his enemies, for nothing rankles so deeply as the  con-sciousness  that an attempt to irritate has been

met by con-tempt,  a feeling that is  usually the most passive of any that is harbored in  the human breast.

Rivenoak quietly took the seat we have mentioned,  and, after a short pause,  he commenced a dialogue, which

we translate  as usual, for the benefit of  those readers who have not studied the  North American languages. 

"My paleface friend is very welcome," said the Indian, with a  familiar nod,  and a smile so covert that it

required all Deerslayer's  vigilance to detect,  and not a little of his philosophy to detect  unmoved"he is

welcome. The  Hurons keep a hot fire to dry the white  man's clothes by." 

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"I thank you, Huronor Mingo, as I most like to call you" returned  the  other"I thank you for the welcome,

and I thank you for the fire.  Each is  good in its way, and the last is very good, when one has been  in a spring

as  cold as the Glimmerglass. Even Huron warmth may be  pleasant, at such a time,  to a man with a Delaware


"The palefacebut my brother has a name? So great a warrior would  not have  lived without a name?" 

"Mingo," said the hunter, a little of the weakness of human nature  exhibiting  itself in the glance of his eye,

and the colour on his  cheek"Mingo, your  brave, called me Hawkeye, I sup-pose on account of  a quick and

sartain aim,  when he was lying with his head in my lap,  afore his spirit started for the  Happy Hunting


"Tis a good name! The hawk is sure of his blow. Hawkeye is not a  woman; why  does he live with the


"I understand you, Mingo, but we look on all that as a  sarcumvention of some  of your subtle devils, and deny

the charge.  Providence placed me among the  Delawares young, and, 'bating what  christian usages demand of

my colour and  gifts, I hope to live and die  in their tribe. Still I do not mean to throw  away altogether, my

natyve rights, and shall strive to do a pale face's duty,  in red skin  society." 

"Good; a Huron is a red skin, as well as a Delaware. Hawkeye is  more of a  Huron than of a woman." 

"I suppose you know, Mingo, your own meaning; if you do'n't I make  no  question t'is well known to Satan.

But if you wish to get any thing  out of  me, speak plainer, for bargains can not be made blindfolded, or  tongue


"Good; Hawkeye has not a forked tongue, and he likes to say what he  thinks.  He is an acquaintance of the

Muskrat;" this was the name by  which all the  Indians designated Hut-ter"and has lived in his wigwam.  But

he is not a  friend. He wants no scalps, like a miserable Indian,  but fights like a stout  hearted pale face. The

Muskrat is neither  white, nor red. Neither a beast nor  a fish. He is a water snake;  sometimes in the spring and

sometimes on the  land. He looks for  scalps, like an outcast. Hawkeye can go back and tell him  how he has

out-witted the Hurons, how he has escaped, and when his eyes are  in a  fog, when he ca'n't see as far as from

his cabin to the shore, then  Hawkeye can open the door for the Hurons. And how will the plunder be  divided?

Why, Hawkeye, will carry away the most, and the Hurons will  take  what he may choose to leave behind him.

The scalps can go to  Canada, for a  paleface has no satisfaction in them." 

"Well, well, Rivenoakfor so I hear 'em tarm youThis is plain  English,  enough, though spoken in Iroquois. I

under-stand all you  mean, now, and must  say it outdevils even Mingo deviltry! No doubt,  twould be easy

enough to go  back and tell the Muskrat, that I had got  away from you, and gain some  credit, too, by the


"Good. That is what I want the paleface to do." 

"Yes  yes  That's plain enough. I know what you want me to do,  without more  words. When inside the

house, and eating the Muskrat's  bread, and laughing  and talking with his pretty darters, I might put  his eyes

into so thick a  fog, that he could'n't even see the door,  much less the land." 

"Good! Hawkeye should have been born a Huron! His blood is not more  than half  white!"  "There you're out,

Huron; yes,' there you're as  much out, as if you mistook a  wolf for a catamount. I'm white in  blood, heart,

natur' and gifts, though a  little red skin in feelin's  and habits. But when old Hutters eyes are well  befogged,

and his  pretty darters perhaps in a deep sleep, and Hurry Harry,  the Great  Pine as you Indians tarm him, is

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dreaming of any thing but  mischief,  and all suppose Hawkeye is acting as a faithful sentinel, all I  have  to do

is set a torch somewhere in sight for a signal, open the door,  andet in the Hurons, to knock 'em all on the


"Surely my brother is mistaken he cannot be white! He is worthy to  be a great  chief among the Hurons!" 

"That is true enough, I dares to say, if he could do all this. Now,  harkee,  Huron, and for once hear a few

honest words from the mouth of  a plain I am I  am christian born, and them that come of such a stock  and that

listen to the  words that were spoken to their fathers and  will be spoken to their children,  until 'arth, and all it

holds  perishes, can never lend themselves to such  wickedness Sarcumventions  in war, may be, and are,

lawful; but  sarcumventions, and deceit, and  treachery, among fri'inds are fit only for  the paleface devils. I

know that there are white men enough, to give you  this wrong idee of  our natur', but suchre ontrue to their

blood and gifts,  and ought to  be, if they are not, out casts and vagabonds. No upright pale  face  could do

what you wish, and to be as plain with you as I wish to be in  my judgment no upright Delaware either. With a

Mingo it may be  different." 

The Huron listened to this rebuke with obvious disgust, but he had  his ends  in view and was too wily to lose

all chance of effecting  them, by a  precipitate avowal of resentment. Affecting to smile, he  seemed to listen

eagerly, and he then pondered on what he had heard. 

"Does Hawkeye love the Muskrat he abruptly demanded. "Or does he  love his  daughters  "Neither, Mingo.

Old Tom is not a man to gain my  love, and, as for the  darters, the are comely enough to gain the  lik-ing of

any young man but  here's reason ag'in any very great love  for either. Hetty is a god soul, but  natur' has laid a

heavy hand on  her mind, poor thing 

"And the Wild Rose!" exclaimed the Huron for the fame of Judith's  beauty had  spread among those who

could travel the wilderness, as well  as the highway by  means of old eagles' nests, rocks, and riven trees

known to them by report  and tradition, as well as among the white  borderers, "And the Wild Rose; is  she not

sweet enough to be put in  the bosom of my brother?" 

Deerslayer had far too much of the innate gentleman to in-sinuate  aught  against the fair fame of one who, by

nature and position was so  helpless, and  as he did not choose to utter an untruth, he preferred  being silent.

The  Huron mistook the motive, and supposed that  disappointed affection lay at the  bottom of his reserve. Still

bent on  corrupting, or bribing his captive, in  order to obtain possession of  the treasures with which his

imagination filled  the Castle, he  persevered in his at-tack. 

"Hawkeye is talking with a friend," he continued. "He knows that  Rivenoak is  a man of his word, for they

have traded together, and  trade opens the soul.  My friend has come here, on account of a littlie  string held by

a girl, that  can pull the whole body of the sternest  warrior?" 

"You are nearer the truth, now, Huron, than you've been afore,  since we began  to talk. This is true. But one

end of that string was  not fast to my heart,  nor did the Wild Rose hold the other." 

"This is wonderful! Does my brother love in his head, and not in  his heart?  And can the Feeble Mind pull so

hard against so stout a  warrior?" 

"There it is ag'in; sometimes right, and sometimes wrong! The  string you  mean, is fast to the heart of a great

Delaware; one of  Mohican stock in fact,  living among the Delawares since the disparsion  of his own people,

and of the  family of Un-cas  Chingachgook by name,  or Great Sarpent. He has come here,  led by the string,

and I've  followed, or rather come afore, for I got here  first, pulled by  nothing stronger than fri'ndship; which

is strong enough for  such as  are not niggardly of their feelin's, and are willing to live a little  for their fellow

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creatur's, as well as for themselves." 

"But a string has two ends  one is fast to the mind of a Mohican;  and the  other?" "Why the other was here

close to the fire, half an  hour since. Wah  ta!Wah held it in her hand, if she did'n't hold it  to her heart." 

"I understand what you mean, my brother," returned the Indian  gravely, for  the first time catching a direct

clue to the adventures  of the evening. "The  Great Serpent, being strongest, pulled the  hardest, and Hist was

forced to  leave us. 

"I do'n't think there was much pulling about it," answered the  other,  laughing, always in his silent manner,

with as much heartiness  as if he were  not a captive, and in danger of torture or death"I  do'n't think there was

much pulling about it; no I do'n't. Lord help  you, Huron! He likes the gal,  and the gal hikes him, and it

surpassed  Huron sarcumventions to keep two  young people, apart, where there was  so strong a feelin' to bring

'em  together." 

"And Hawkeye and Chingachgook came into our camp on this errand,  only?" 

"That's a question that'll answer itself, Mingo! Yes, if a question  could  talk it would answer itself, to your

parfect satisfaction. For  what else  should we come? And yet, it Is'n't exactly so, neither; for  we did'n't come

into your camp at all, but only as far as that pine,  there, that you see on  the other side of the ridge, where we

stood  watching your movements, and  conduct, as long as we liked. When we  were ready, the Sarpent gave

his  signal, and then all went just as it  should, down to the moment when yonder  vagabond leaped upon my

back.  Sartain; we come for that, and for no other  purpose, and we got what  we come for; there's no use in

pretending  other-wise. Hist is off with  a man who's the next thing to her hus-band, and  come what will to me,

that's one good thing detar-mined." 

"What sign, or signal, told the young maiden that her lover was  nigh?" asked  the Huron with more curiosity

than it was usual for him  to betray. 

Deerslayer laughed again, and seem'd to enjoy the success of the  exploit,  with as much glee, as if he had not

been its vic-tim. 

"Your squirrels are great gadabouts, Mingo," he cried still  laughing"yes,  they're sartainly, great gadabouts!

When other folk's  squirrels are at home  and asleep, yourn keep in motion among the  trees, and chirrup and

sing, in a  way that even a Delaware gal can  understand their musick! Well, there's four  legged squirrels, and

there's two legged squirrels, and give me the last,  when there's a  good tight string atween two hearts. If one

brings 'em  together,  t'other tells when to pull hardest!" 

The Huron look'd vexed, though he succeeded in suppress-ing any  violent  exhibition of resentment. He now

quitted his prisoner, and  joining the rest  of the warriors, he com-municated the substance of  wheat he had

learned. As  in his own case, admiration was mingled with  anger, at the boldness and  success of their enemies.

Three or four of  them ascended the little acclivity  and gazed at the tree where it was  understood the

adventurers had posted  themselves, and one even  des-cended to it, and examined for foot prints  around its

roots, in  order to make sure that the statement was true. The  result confirmed  the story of the captive, and

they all returned to the fire,  with  increased wonder and respect. The messenger who had arrived with some

communication from the party above, while the two adventurers were  watching  the camp, was now

despatched with some answer, and doubtless  bore with him  the intelligence of all that had happened. 

Down to this moment, the young Indian who had been seen walking in  company  with Hist and another

female, had made no advances to any  communication with  Deerslayer. He had held himself aloof from his

friends even, passing near the  bevy of younger women, who were  clustering together, apart as usual, and

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conversed in low tones on the  subject of the escape of their late companion.  Perhaps it would be  true to say,

that these last were pleased as well as  vexed at what had  just occurred. Their female sympathies were with

the  lovers, while  their pride was bound up in the success of their own tribe. It  is  possible too, that the superior

personal advantages of Hist, rendered  her  dangerous to some of the younger part of the group, and they were

not sorry  to find she was no longer in the way of their own  ascendency. On the whole,  however, the better

feeling was most  prevalent, for neither the wild  condi-tion in which they lived, the  clannish prejudices of

tribes, nor their  hard fortunes as Indian women  , could entirely conquer the inextinguishable  leaning of their

sex to  the affections. One of the girls even laughed at the  disconsolate look  of the swain who might fancy

himself deserted, a  circumstance that  seemed suddenly to arouse his energies, and induce him to  move

towards  the log, on which the prisoner was still seated, drying his  clothes. 

"This is Gatamount!" said the Indian, striking his hand boastfully  on his  naked breast, as he uttered the words

in a manner to show how  much weight he  expected them to carry.  "This is Hawkeye " quietly  returned

Deerslayer, adopting the name by which  he  knew he would be  known in future, among all the tribes of the

Iroquois. "My  sight is  keen is my brother's leap long?" 

"From here to the Delaware villages. Hawkeye has stolen my wife   he must  bring her back, or his scalp will

hang on a pole, and dry in  my wigwam." 

"Hawkeye has stolen nothing, Huron. He does'n't come of a thieving  breed, nor  has he thieving gifts. Your

wife, as you call Wahta!Wah,  will never be the  wife of any red skin of the Canadas; her mind is in  the

cabin of a Delaware,  and her body has gone to find it. The  catamount is actyve I know, but its  legs can't keep

pace with a  woman's wishes." 

"The Serpent of the Delawares is a doghe is a poor bullpout, that  keeps in  the water; he is afraid to stand

on the hard earth, like a  brave Indian!" 

"Well, well, Huron, that's pretty impudent, considering it's not an  hour  since the Sarpent stood within a

hundred feet of you, and would  have tried  the toughness of your skin with a ri-fle bullet, when I  pointed .you

out to  him, had'n't I laid the weight of a little  judgment on his hand. You may take  in timersome gals in the

settlements, with your catamount whine, but the ears  of a man can tell  truth from ontruth." 

"Hist laughs at him! She sees he is lame, and a poor hunter, and he  has never  been on a war path. She will

take a man for a husband, and  not a fish." 

"How do you know that, Catamount; how do you know that," returned  Deerslayer  laughing. "She has gone

into the lake, you see, and may be  she prefars a  trout to a mongrel cat. As for war paths, neither the  Sarpent

nor I, have  much ex-per'ence, we are ready to own, but if you  do n't call this one, you  must tarm it, what the

gals in the  settlements tarm it, the high road to  matrimony. Take my advice  Catamount, and s'arch for a wife

among the Huron  women; you'll never  get one, with a willing mind, from among the Delawares." 

Catamount's hand felt for his tomahawk, and when thee fingers  reached the  handle, they worked

convulsively, as if their owner  hesitated between policy  and resentment. At this critical moment  Rivenoak

approached, and by a gesture  of authority, induced the young  man to retire, assuming his former position,

himself, on thee log, at  the side of Deerslayer. Here he continued silent for  a little time,  maintaining the grave

reserve of an Indian chief. 

"Hawkeye is right" the Iroquois at length began; "his sight is so  strong  that he can see truth in a dark night,

and our eyes have been  blinded. He is  an owl, darkness hiding nothing from him. He ought not  to strike his

friends.  He is right." 

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"I'm glad you think so, Mingo," returned the other, "for a traitor,  in my  judgment, is worse than a coward. I

care as little for the  Muskrat, as one  pale face ought to care for another, but I care too  much for him, to

ambush  him in the way you wished. In short, according  to my idees, any  sarcumventions, except openwar

sarcumventions, are  ag'in both law, and what  we whites call 'gospel', too." 

"My paleface brother is right; he is no Indian, to forget his  Manitou and  his colour. The Hurons know that

they have a great warrior  for their  prisoner, and they will treat him as one. If he is to be  tortured, his  torments

shall be such as no com-mon man can bear; if he  is to be treated as  a friend, it will be the friendship of


As the Huron uttered this extraordinary assurance of  con-sideration, his eye  furtively glanced at the

countenance of his  listener, in order to discover  how he stood the compliment, though his  gravity and

apparent sincerity would  have prevented any man but one  practised in artifices, from detec-ting his  motives.

Deerslayer  belonged to the class of the un-suspicious, and  acquainted with the  Indian notions of what

constitutes respect, in matters  connected with  the treatment of captives, he felt his blood chill at the

announcement, even while he maintained an aspect so steeled that his  quick  sighted enemy could discover in

it, no signs of weakness. 

"God has put me in your hands, Huron," the captive at length  answered, "and I  suppose you will act your will

on me. I shall not  boast of what I can do,  under torment, for I've never been tried, and  no man can say 'till he

has  been; but I'll do my endivours not to  disgrace the people among whom I got my  training. Howsever, I

wish you  now to bear witness that I'm altogether of  white blood, and, in a  nat'ral way of white gifts too; so,

should I be  overcome and forget  myself, I hope you'll lay the fault where it properly  belongs, and, in  no

manner put it on the Delawares, or their allies and  friends the  Mohicans. We're all created with more or less

weakness, and I'm  afeard  it's a pale face's to give in, under great bodily torment, when a red  skin will sing his

songs, and boast of his deeds in the very teethe of  his  foes." 

"We shall see. Hawkeye has a good countenance, and he is toughBut  why should  he be tormented, when the

Hurons love him?  He is not born  their enemy, and  the death of one warrior will not cast a cloud  between

them forever." 

"So much the better, Huron; so much the better. Still I do'n't wish  to owe  any thing to a mistake about each

other's meaning. It is so  much the better  that you bear no malice for thee loss of a warrior who  fell in war, and

yet  it is ontrue that there is no inmity  lawful  inmity I mean  atween us. So  far as I have red skin feelin's at

all,  I've Delaware feelin's, and I leave  you to judge for yourself how far  they are likely to be fri'ndly to the

Mingos" Deerslayer ceased, for  a sort of spectre stood before him, that put  a stop to his words, and,  indeed,

caused him for a mo-ment to doubt the  fidelity of his boasted  vision. Hetty Hutter was standing at the side of

the  fire as quietly  as if she belonged to the tribe. 

As the hunter and the Indian sat watching the emotions that were  betrayed in  each other's countenance, the

girl had ap-proached  unnoticed, doubtless  ascending from the beach on the southern side of  the point, or that

next to  the spot where the Ark had anchored, and  had advanced to the fire with the  fearlessness that belonged

to her  simplicity, and which was certainly  justified by the treatment  formerly received from the Indians. As

soon as  Rivenoak perceived the  girl, she was recognised, and calling to two or three  of the younger  wariors,

thee chief sent them out to reconnoitre, lest her  appearance  should be the forerunner of another attack. He

then motioned to  Hetty  to draw near. 

"I hope your visit is a sign that the Sarpent and Hist are in  safety, Hetty,"  said Deerslayer, as soon as the girl

had complied with  the Huron's request.  "I do'n't think you'd come ashore ag'in, on the  ar'n'd that brought you

here  afore." 

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"Judith told me to come this time, Deerslayer," Hetty replied,  ."she paddled  me ashore herself, in a canoe as

soon as the Serpent had  shown her Hist, and  told his story. How hand-some Hist is tonight,  Deerslayer, and

how much  happier she looks than when she was with the  Hurons!" 

"That's natur' gal; yes, that may be set down as human natur'.  She's with her  betrothed, and no longer fears a

Mingo husband. In my  judgment, Judith,  herself, would lose most of her beauty if she  thought she was to

bestow it  all on a Mingo! Content is a great  fortifier of good looks, and I'll warrant  you, Hist is contented

enough, now she is out of the hands of these  miscreants, and with her  chosen warrior! Did you say that Judith

told you to  come ashore  why  should your sister do that?" 

"She bid me come to see you, and to try and persuade the savages to  take more  elephants to let you off, but

I've brought the bible with me   that will do  more than all the elephants in father's chest!" 

"And your father, good little Hettyand Hurry; did they know of  your ar'n'd?" 

"Not they. Both are asleep, and Judith and the Serpent thought it  best they  should not be woke, lest they

might want to come again after  scalps, when  Hist had told them how few warriors, and how many women

and children there  were in the camp. Judith would give me no peace,  'till I had come ashore to  see wheat had

happened to you." 

"Well, that's remarkable as consarns Judith! Whey should she feel  so much  unsartainty about me?  Ah   I

see how it is , now; yes, I  see into the  whole matter, now. You must under-stand, Hetty, that your  sister is

oneasy  lest Harry March should wake, and come blundering  here into the hands of the  inimy ag'in, under

some idee that, being a  travelling comrade, he ought to  help me in this matter! Hurry is a  blunderer, I will

allow, but I do n't  think he'd risk as much for my  sake, as he would for his own." 

"Judith do n't care for Hurry, though Hurry cares for her," replied  Hetty  innocently, but quite positively. 

"I've heard you say as much as that afore; yes, I've heard that  from you,  afore, gal, and yet it is'n't true. One

don't live in a  tribe, not to see  something of the way in which liking works in a  woman's heart. Though no

way  given to marrying myself, i've been a  looker on among the Delawares, and this  is a mat-ter in which

paleface and red skin gifts are all as one as the  same. When the  feelin' begins, the young woman is

thought-ful, and has no  eyes or  ears onless for the warrior that has taken her fancy; then follows  melancholy

and sighing, and such sort of actions; after which,  especially if  matters don't come to plain discourse, she

often flies  round to back biting  and fault finding, blaming the youth for the very  things she likes best in  him.

Some young creatur's are forward in this  way of showing their love, and  I'm of opinion, Judith is one of 'em.

Now, I've heard her as much as deny  that Hurry was goodlooking, and  the young woman who could do that,

must be  far gone indeed!" 

"Thee young woman who liked Hurry would own that he is handsome. I  think  Hurry very handsome,

Deerslayer, and I'm sure every body must  think so, that  has eyes. Judith do n't like Harry March, and that's

the reason she finds  fault with him." 

"Well  well  my good little Hetty, have it your own way. If we  should talk  from now 'till winter, each

would think as at present, and  there's no use in  words. I must believe that Judith is much wrapped up  in

Hurry, and that,  sooner or later, she'll have him; and this, too,  all the more from the manner  in which she

abuses him; and I dare to  say, you think just the contrary. But  mind what I now tell you, gal,  and pretend not

to know it" continued this  being, who was so obtuse  on a point on which men are usually quick enough to

make discoveries,  and so acute in matters that would baffle the observation  of much the  greater portion of

mankind, "I see how it is, with them  vagabonds.  Rivenoak has left us, you see, and is talking yonder with his

young  men, and though too far to be heard, I can see what he is telling them.  Their orders is to watch your

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movements, and to find where thee canoe  is to  meet you, to take you back to the 'Ark, and then to seize all

and what they  can. I'm sorry Judith sent you, for I suppose she wants  you to go back  ag'in." 

"All that's settled, Deerslayer," returned the girl, in a low,  confidential  and meaning manner, "and you may

trust me to outwit the  best Indian of them  all. I know lam feeble minded, but I've got some  sense, and you'll

see how  I'll use it, in getting back, when my errand  is done!" 

"Ahs! me, poor girl; I'm afeard all that's easier said than done.  They're a  venomous set of riptyles and their

p'ison's none the milder,  for the loss of  Hist. Well, I'm glad the Sarpent was the one to get  off with the gal, for

now  there'll be two happy at least, whereas had  he fallen into thee hands of thee  Mingos, there'd been two

miserable,  and another far from feelin' as a man  likes to feel." 

"Now you put me in mind of a part of my errand, that I had almost  forgotten,  Deerslayer. Judith told me to

ask you, what you thought the  Hurons would do  with you, if you could'n't be bought off, and what she  had

best do to serve  you. Yes, this was the most important part of the  errand  what she had best  do, in Order to

serve you?" 

"That's as you think, Hetty; but it's no matter. Young women are  apt to lay  most stress on wheat most touches

their feelin's; but no  matter; have it your  own way, so you be but careful not to let the  vagabonds get the

mastery of a  canoe. When you get back to the Ark,  tell 'em to keep close, and to keep  moving too, most

especially at  night. Many hours can't go by, without the  troops on the river hearing  of this party, and then

your fri'nds may look for  relief. Tis but a  day's march from the nearest garrison, and true soldiers  will never

lie idle with the foe in their neighborhood. This is my advice,  and  you may say to your father and Hurry, that

scalphunting will be a poor  business now, as the Mingos are up and awake, and nothing can save  'em, 'till

the troops come, except keeping a good belt of water atween  'em and the  savages." 

"What shall I tell Judith about you, Deerslayer; 1 know she will  send me back  again, if I don't bring her the

truth about you." 

"Then tell her the truth. I see no reason Judith Hutter should n't  hear the  truth about me, as well as a lie. I'm a

captyve in Indian  hands, and  Providence only knows what will come of it! Harkee, Hetty"  dropping his

voice and speaking still more confidentially, "you are a  little weak minded,  it must be allowed, but you know

something of  Injins. Here I am in their  hands, after having slain one of their  stoutest warriors, and they've

been  endivouring to work upon me  through fear of consequences, to betray your  father, and all in the  Ark. I

understand the blackguards as well as if they'd  told it all out  plainly, with their tongues. They hold up avarice

afore me,  on one  side, and fear on t'other, and think honesty will give way, atween 'em  both. But let your

father and Hurry know, 'tis all useless; as for the  Sarpent, he knows it already." 

"But what shall I tell Judith? She will certainly send me back, if  I don't  satisfy her mind." 

"Well, tell Judith the same. No doubt the savages will try the  torments, to  make me give in, and to revenge

the loss of their  warrior, but I must hold  out ag'in nat'ral weakness in the best manner  I can. You may tell

Judith to  feel no consarn on my account it will  come hard I know, seeing that a white  man's gifts don't run to

boasting and singing under torment, for he generally  feels smallest  when he suffers mostbut you may tell

her not to have any  consarn. I  think I shall make out to stand it, and she may rely on this, let  me  give in, as

much as I may, and prove completely that I am white, by  wailings, and howl-ings, and even tears, yet I'll

never fall so far as  to  betray my fri'nds. When it gets to burning holes in the flesh, with  heated  ramrods, and

to hacking the body, and tearing the hair out by  the roots,  natur' may get the upperhand, so far as groans, and

complaints are consarned,  but there the triumph of the vagabonds will  ind; nothing short of god's  abandoning

him to the devils, can make an  honest man ontrue to his colour and  duty. 

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Hetty listened with great attention, and her mild but speak-ing  countenance  manifested a strong sympathy in

the an-ticipated agony of  the supposititious  sufferer. At first she seemed at a loss how to act;  then, taking a

hand of  Deerslayer's she af-fectionately recommended to  him to borrow her bible, and  to read it, while the

savages were  inflicting their torments. When the other  honestly admitted that it  exceeded his power to read,

she even volunteered to  remain with him,  and to perform this holy office in person. Thee offer was  gently

declined, and Rivenoak being about to join them, Deerslayer requested  the girl to leave him, first enjoining

her again, to tell those in the  Ark to  have full confidence in his fidelity. Hetty now walked away,  and

approached  the group of females, with as much confidence and  selfpossession, as if she  were a native of the

tribe. On the other  hand thee Huron resumed his seat by  the side of his prisoner the one  continuing to ask

questions with all the  wily ingenuity of a practised  Indian counsellor, and thee other baffling him  by thee very

means that  are known to be the most efficacious in defeating the  finesse of the  more pretending diplomacy of

civilisation or by confining his  answers  to the truth, and thee truth only. 

Chapter XVIII

"Thus died she; never more on her

Shall sorrow light, or shame. She was not made

Through years or moons the inner weight to bear,

Which colder hearts endure till they are laid

By age in earth; her days and pleasure were

Brief but delightful  such as had not stayed

Long with her destiny; but she sleeps well

By the seashore whereon she loved to dwell."

Byron.  Don Juan,IV,lxxi.

The young men who had been sent out to reconnoitre, on the sudden  appearance  of Hetty soon returned to

report their want of success in  making any  discovery. One of them had even been along the beach as far  as

the spot  opposite to the ark, but the darkness had completely  concealed that vessel  from his notice. Others

had examined in  different directions, and everywhere  the stillness of night was added  to the silence and

solitude of the woods. 

It was consequently believed that the girl had come alone, as on  her former  visit, and on some similar errand.

The Iroquois were  ignorant that the ark  had left the castle, and there were movements  projected, if not in the

course  of actual execution, by this time,  which also greatly added to the sense of  security. A watch was set,

therefore, and all but the sentinels disposed  themselves to sleep.  Sufficient care was had to the safe keeping

of the  captive,  without  inflicting on him any unnecessary suffering; and, as for Hetty, she  was permitted to

find a place among the Indian girls in the best  manner she  could. She did not find the friendly offices of Hist,

though her character  not only bestowed impunity from pain and  captivity, but it procured for her a

consideration and an attention  that placed her, on the score of comfort,  quite on a level with the  wild but

gentle beings around her. She was supplied  with  a skin, and  made her own bed on a pile of boughs a little

apart from the  huts.  Here she was soon in a profound sleep, like all around her. 

There were now thirteen men in the party, and three kept watch at a  time. One  remained in shadow, not far

from the fire. however. His duty  was to guard the  captive, to take care that the fire neither blazed up  so as to

illuminate the  spot, nor yet become wholly extinguished, and  to keep an eye generally or the  state of the

camp. Another passed from  one beach to the other, crossing the  base of the point, while the  third kept moving

slowly around the strand on  its outer  extremity, to  prevent a repetition of the surprise that had already taken

place that  night. This arrangement was far from being usual among savages,  who  ordinarily rely more on the

secrecy of their movements, than or  vigilance  of this nature; but it had been called for by the  peculiarity of

the  circumstances in which the Hurons were now placed.  Their position was known  to their foes, and it could

not easily be  changed at an hour which demanded  rest. Perhaps, too, they placed most  of their confidence on

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the knowledge of  what they believed to be  passing higher up the lake, and which, it was  thought would fully

occupy the whole of the palefaces, who were at liberty,  with their  solitary Indian ally. It was, also, probable

Rivenoak was aware,  that,  in holding his  captive, he had in his own hands the most dangerous of  all his


The precision with which those accustomed to watchfulness, or lives  of  disturbed rest, sleep, is not the least

of the phenomena of our  mysterious  being. The head is no sooner on the pillow than  consciousness is lost;

and  yet, at a necessary hour, the mind appears  to arouse the body, as promptly as  if it had stood entinel the

while  over it. There can be no doubt that they  who are thus roused, awake by  the influence of thought over

matter, though  the mode in which  this  influence is exercised must remain hidden from our curiosity until it

shall be explained, should that hour ever arrive, by the entire  enlightenment  of the soul on the subject of all

human mysteries. Thus  it was with Hetty  Hutter. Feeble as the immaterial portion of her  existence was

thought to be,  it was sufficiently active to cause her  to open her eyes at midnight. At that  hour she awoke, and

leaving her  bed of skin and boughs she walked innocently  and openly to the embers  of the fire, stirring the

latter, as the coolness of  the night and the  woods, in connection with an exceedingly unsophisticated  bed, had

a  little chilled her. As the flame shot up, it lighted the swarthy  countenance of the Huron on watch, whose

dark  eyes glistened under  its light  like the balls of the panther that is pursued to his den  with burning brands.

But Hetty felt no fear, and she approached the  spot where the Indian stood.  Her movements were so natural,

and so  perfectly devoid of any of the  stealthiness of cunning or deception,  that he imagined she had merely

arisen  on account of the coolness of  the night, a common occurrence in a bivouac,  and the one of all  others,

perhaps, the least likely to excite suspicion. Hetty spoke to  him, but he  understood no English. She then

gazed near a minute at the  sleeping captive,  and moved slowly away in a sad and melancholy  manner.  The

girl took no pains  to conceal her movements. Any  ingenious expedient of this nature, quite  likely exceeded

her powers;  still her step was habitually light, and scarcely  audible. As she took  the direction of the extremity

of the  point, or the  place where she  had landed in the first adventure, and where Hist had  embarked, the

sentinel saw her light form gradually disappear in the gloom  without  uneasiness or changing his own

position. He knew that others were on  the lookout, and he did not believe that one who had twice come into

the  camp voluntarily, and had already left it openly, would take  refuge in  flight. In short, the conduct of the

girl excited no more  attention that that  of any person of feeble intellect would excite in  civilized society,

while  her person met with more consideration and  respect. 

Hetty certainly had no very distinct notions of the localities, but  she found  her way to the beach, which she

reached on the same side of  the point as that  on which the camp had been made. By following the  margin of

the water, taking  a northern direction, she soon encountered  the Indian who paced the strand as  sentinel. This

was a young warrior,  and when he heard her light tread coming  along the gravel, he  approached swiftly,

though with any thing but menace in  his manner.  The darkness was so intense that it was not easy to discover

forms  within the shadows of the woods at the distance of twenty feet, and  quite impossible to distinguish

persons until near enough to touch  them. The  young Huron manifested disappointment when he found whom

he  had met;  for, truth to say, he was expecting his favourite, who had  promised to  relieve the ennui of a

midnight watch with her presence.  This man was also  ignorant of English, but he was at no loss to  understand

why the girl should  be up at that hour. Such things were  usual in an Indian village and camp,  where sleep is

as irregular as  the meals. Then poor Hetty's known imbecility  as in most things  connected with the savages,

stood her friend on this  occasion. Vexed  at his disappointment, and impatient of the presence of one  he

thought  an intruder the young warrior signed for the girl to move forward,  holding the direction of the beach.

Hetty complied; but, as she walked  away,  she spoke aloud in  English in her usual soft tones, which the

stillness of the night made  audible at some little distance. 'If you  took me for a Huron girl, warrior,'  she said,

'I don't wonder you are  so little pleased. I am Hetty Hutter,  Thomas Hutter's daughter, and  have never met

any man at night, for mother  always said it was wrong,  and modest young women should never do it; modest

young women of the  palefaces, I mean; for customs are different in different  parts of  the world, I know. No,

no; I'm Hetty  Hutter, and wouldn't meet even  Harry Hurry, though he should fall down on his knees and ask

me!  mother said  it was wrong.' 

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By the time Hetty had said this, she reached the place where the  canoes had come ashore, and, owing to the

curvature of the land and  the  bushes, would have been completely hid from the sight of the  sentinel, had it

been broad day. But another footstep had caught the  lover's ear, and he was  already nearly beyond the sound

of the girl's  silvery voice. Still Hetty,  bent only on her own thoughts and  purposes, continued to speak, though

the  gentleness of her tones  prevented the sounds from penetrating far into the woods. On the water  they  were

more widely diffused 'Here I am, Judith,' she added, 'and  there is no  one near me. The  Huron on watch has

gone to meet his  sweetheart, who is an  Indian girl you know, and never had a Christian  mother to tell her how

wrong  it is to meet a man at night ' 

Hetty's voice was hushed by a 'hist!' that came from the Water, and  then she  caught a dim view of the canoe,

which approached noiselessly,  and soon grated  on the shingle with its bow. The moment the weight of  Hetty

was felt in the  light craft, the canoe withdrew, stern foremost,  as if possessed of life and  Volition until it was

a hundred yards from  the shore. Then it turned, and,  making a  wide sweep, as much to  prolong the passage as

to get beyond the sound of  voices, it held its  way towards the ark. For several minutes nothing was  uttered;

but,  believing herself to be in a favourable position to confer with  her  sister, Judith, who alone sat in the

stern, managing the canoe with a  skill little short of that of a man, began a discourse which she had  been

burning to commence ever since they had quitted the point. 

'Here we are safe, Hetty,' she said, 'and may talk without the fear  of being  overheard. You must speak low,

however, for sounds are heard  far on the water  in a still night. I was so close to the point some of  the time

while you were  on it, that I have heard the voices of the  warriors, and I heard your shoes  on the gravel of the

beach, even  before you spoke.' 

'I don't believe, Judith, the Hurons know I have left them.' 'Quite  likely  they do not, for a lover makes a poor

sentry, unless  it be to  watch for his  sweetheart! But tell me, Hetty, did you see and speak  with Deerslayer?' 

'Oh, yes  there he was seated near the fire, with his legs tied,  though they  left his arms free, to move them as

he pleased.' 'Well,  what did he tell you,  child? Speak quick; I am dying to know what  message he sent me.' 

'What did he tell me? why, what do you think, Judith; he told me  that he  couldn't read! Only think of that! a

white man, and not know  how to read his  Bible even! He never could have had a mother, sister!' 

'Never mind that, Hetty. All men can't read; though mother knew so  much and  taught us so much, father

knows very little about books, and  he can barely  read the Bible you know.' 

'Oh! I never thought fathers could read much, but mothers ought all  to read,  else how can they teach their

children? Depend on it, Judith,  Deerslayer  could never have had a mother, else he would know how to  read.' 

'Did you tell him I sent you ashore, Hetty, and how much concern I  feel for  his misfortune?' asked the other,


'I believe I did, Judith; but you know I am feebleminded, and I  may have  forgotten. I did tell him you

brought me ashore. And he told  me a great deal  that I was to say to you, which I remember well, for  it made

my blood run  cold to hear him. He told me to say that his  friends  I suppose you are one  of them, sister?' 

'How can you torment me thus, Hetty! Certainly, I am one of the  truest  friends he has on earth.' 

'Torment you! yes, now I remember all about it. I am glad you used  that word,  Judith, for it brings it all back

to my mind. Well, he said  he might be  tormented by the savages, but he would try to bear it as  becomes a

Christian  white man, and that no one need be afeard  why  does Deerslayer call it  afeard, when mother

always taught us to say  afraid?' 

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'Never mind, dear Hetty, never mind that, now,' cried the other  almost  gasping for breath. 'Did Deerslayer

really tell you that he  thought the  savages would put him to the torture? Recollect now, well,  Hetty, for this is

a most awful and serious thing.' 

'Yes he did; and I remember it by your speaking about my tormenting  you. Oh!  I felt very sorry for him, and

Deerslayer took all so quietly  and without  noise! Deerslayer is not as handsome as Harry Hurry,  Judith, but

he is more  quiet.' 

'He's worth a million Hurrys! yes, he's worth all the young men who  ever came upon the lake put together,'

said Judith, with an energy  and positiveness that caused her sister to wonder. 'He is true.   There is no lie

about Deerslayer. You, Hetty, may not know what a  merit it is in a man to have truth, but when you get  no

I hope you  will never know it. Why should one like you be ever made to learn  the  hard lesson to distrust

and hate!' 

Judith bowed her face, dark as it was, and unseen as she must have  been, by any eye but that of Omniscience,

between her hands, and  groaned. This sudden paroxysm of feeling, however, lasted but for a  moment, and she

continued more calmly, still speaking frankly to her  sister, whose intelligence, and whose discretion in any

thing that  related to herself, she did not in the least distrust. Her voice,  however,  was low and husky, instead

of baying its former clearness  and  animation. 

'It is a hard thing to fear truth, Hetty,' she said, 'and yet do I  more  dread Deerslayer's truth, than any enemy!

One cannot tamper with  such truth  so much honesty  such obstinate uprightness! But we are  not altogether

unequal, sister  Deerslayer and I? He is not  altogether  my superior ?' 

It was not usual for Judith so far to demean herself as to appeal  to  Hetty's judgment. Nor did she often

address her by the title of  sister,  a distinction that is commonly given by the junior to the  senior, even  where

there is perfect equality in all other respects. As  trifling  departures from habitual deportment oftener strike the

imagination  than more important changes, Hetty perceived the  circumstances,  and wondered at them in her

own simple way.  Her  ambition was a  little quickened, and the answer was as much out of the  usual course  of

things, as the question; the poor girl attempting to  refine beyond  her strength. 

'Superior, Judith!' she repeated with pride. 'In what can  Deerslayer be your superior? Are you not mother's

child  and  does he  know how to read  and wasn't mother before any  woman  in all this  part of the world? I

should think, so far from supposing  himself your  superior, he would hardly  believe himself mine. You  are

handsome, and  he is ugly ' 

'No, not ugly, Hetty,' interrupted Judith. 'Only plain. But his  honest  face has a look in it, that is far better than

beauty. In my  eyes, Deerslayer  is handsomer than Harry Hurry.' 

'Judith Hutter! you frighten me. Hurry is the handsomest mortal in  the world   even handsomer than you are

yourself;  because a man's  good looks, you  know, are always better than  a woman's good looks.' 

This little innocent touch of natural taste did not please the  elder sister  at the moment, and she did not scruple

to betray it.  'Hetty, you now speak  foolishly, and had better say  no more, on this  subject,' she answered.

'Hurry is not the handsomest mortal in the  world, by many; and there are  officers in the garrisons  ' Judith

stammered at the words  'there are  officers in the garrisons, near  us, far comelier than he. But, why do you

think me the equal of  Deerslayer  speak of that, for I do not like to hear  you show so much  admiration of a

man like Hurry Harry, who has neither  feelings,  manners, nor conscience. You are too good for him, and he

ought to  be  told it, at once.' 

'I! Judith, how you forget! Why I am not beautiful, and am  feebleminded.' 

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'You are good, Hetty, and that is more than can be said of Henry  March. He  may have a face, and a body, but

he has no heart. But enough  of this, for the  present. Tell me what raises me to an equality  with  Deerslayer.' 

'To think of you asking me this, Judith! He can't read, and you  can. He don't  know how to talk, but speaks

worse than Hurry even;   for, sister, Harry  doesn't always pronounce his words right! Did you  ever notice

that ?' 

'Certainly, he is as coarse in speech as in every  thing else. But,  I fear  you flatter me, Hetty, when you think I

can be justly called  the equal of a  man like Deerslayer. It is true, I have been better  taught; in one sense am

more comely; and perhaps might look higher;  but then his truth  his truth   makes a fearful difference

between  us! Well, I will talk no more of this; and  we will bethink us of the  means of getting him out of the

hands of the  Hurons. We have father's  chest in the ark, Hetty, and might try the  temptation of more  elephants;

though I fear such baubles will not buy the  liberty of a  man like Deerslayer. I am afraid father and Hurry will

not be  as  willing to ransom Deerslayer, as Deerslayer was to ransom them!' 

'Why not, Judith? Hurry and Deerslayer are friends, and  friends  should  always help one another.' 

'Alas! poor Hetty, you little know mankind! Seeming friends are  often more to  be dreaded than  open enemies;

particularly by females.  But you'll have to  land in the morning, and try again what can be done  for

Deerslayer. Tortured  he shall not be, while Judith Hutter lives,  and can find means to prevent  it.' The

conversation now grew  desultory, and was drawn out, until the  elder sister had extracted  from the younger

every fact that the feeble  faculties of the latter  permitted her to retain, and to communicate.  When Judith was

satisfied   though she could never be said to be satisfied,  whose feelings  seemed to be so interwoven with all

that related to the  subject, as to  have excited a nearly inappeasable curiosity  but, when  Judith could  think of

no more questions to ask, without resorting to  repetition,  the canoe was paddled towards the scow. The

intense darkness of  the  night, and the deep shadows which the hills and forest cast upon the  water, rendered it

difficult to find the vessel, anchored, as it had  been, as  close to the shore as a regard to safety rendered

prudent.  Judith was expert  in the management of a bark canoe, the lightness of  which demanded skill  rather

than strength; and she forced her own  little vessel swiftly over the  water, the moment she had ended her

conference with Hetty, and had come to  the determination to return.  Still no ark was seen. Several times the

sisters  fancied they saw it,  looming up in the obscurity, like a low black rock; but  on each  occasion it was

found to be either an optical illusion, or some swell  of the foliage on the shore. After a search that lasted half

an hour,  the  girls were forced to the unwelcome conviction that the ark had  departed. Most  young women

would have felt the awkwardness of their  situation, in a physical  sense, under the circumstances in which the

sisters were left, more than any  apprehensions of a different nature.  Not so with Judith, however; and even

Hetty felt more concern about  the motives that might have influenced her  father and Hurry, than any  fears for

her own safety. 

'It cannot be, Hetty,' said Judith, when a thorough search had  satisfied them  both that no ark was to be found;

'it cannot be that  the Indians have rafted,  or swum off and surprised our friends as they  slept ?' 

'I don't believe that Hist and Chingachgook would sleep until they  had told  each other all they had to say after

so long a separation –  do you, sister ?' 

'Perhaps not, child. There was much to keep them awake, but one  Indian may  have been surprised even when

not asleep, especially as his  thoughts may have  been on other things. Still we should have heard a  noise; for

in a night like  this, an oath of Harry Hurry's would have  echoed in the eastern hills like a  clap of thunder.' 

'Hurry is sinful and thoughtless about his words, Judith,' Hetty  meekly and  sorrowfully answered. 

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'No  no; 'tis impossible the ark could be taken and I not hear the  noise. It  is not an hour since I left it, and the

whole time I have  been attentive to  the smallest sound. And yet, it is not easy to  believe a father would

willingly abandon his children!' 

'Perhaps father has thought us in our cabin asleep, Judith, and has  moved  away to go home. You know we

often move the ark in the night.' 

'This is true, Hetty, and it must be as you suppose. There is a  little more  southern air than there was, and they

have gone up the  lake ' Judith  stopped, for, as the last word was on her tongue, the  scene was suddenly

lighted, though only for a single instant, by a  flash. The crack of a rifle  succeeded, and then followed the roll

of  the  echo along the eastern  mountains. Almost at the same moment a  piercing female cry rose in the air in  a

prolonged shriek. The awful  stillness that succeeded was, if possible, more  appalling than the  fierce and

sudden interruption of the deep silence of  midnight.  Resolute as she was both by nature and habit, Judith

scarce  breathed,  while poor Hetty hid her face and trembled. 

'That was a woman's cry, Hetty,' said the former solemnly, 'and it  was a cry  of anguish! If the ark has moved

from this spot it can only  have gone north  with this air, and the gun and shriek came from the  point. Can any

thing have  befallen Hist?' 

'Let us go and see, Judith; she may want our assistance  for,  besides  herself, there are none but men in the


It was not a moment for hesitation, and ere Judith had ceased  speaking her  paddle was in the water. The

distance to the point, in a  direct line, was not  great, and the impulses under which the girls  worked were too

exciting to  allow them to waste the precious moments  in useless precautions. They paddled  incautiously for

them, but the  same excitement kept others from noting their  movements. Presently a  glare of light caught the

eye of Judith through an  opening in the  bushes, and steering by it, she so directed the canoe as to  keep it

visible, while she got as near the land as was either prudent or  necessary. 

The scene that was now presented to the observation of the girls  was within  the woods, on the side of the

declivity so often mentioned,  and in plain view  from the boat. Here all in the camp were collected,  some six

or eight  carrying torches of fatpine, which cast a strong  but funereal light on all  beneath the arches of the

forest. With her  back supported against a tree, and  sustained on one side by the young  sentinel whose

remissness had suffered  Hetty to escape, sat the female  whose expected visit had produced his  delinquency.

By the glare of the  torch that was held near her face, it was  evident that she was in the  agonies of death, while

the blood that trickled  from her bared bosom  betrayed the nature of the injury she had received. The  pungent,

peculiar smell of gunpowder, too, was still quite perceptible in the  heavy, damp night air. There could be no

question that she had been  shot.  Judith understood it all at a glance. The streak of light had  appeared on the

water a short distance from the point, and either the  rifle had been  discharged from a canoe hovering near the

land, or it  had been fired from the  ark in passing. An incautious exclamation, or  laugh, may have produced

the  assault, for it was barely possible that  the aim had been assisted by any  other agent than sound. As to the

effect, that was soon still more apparent,  the head of the victim  dropping, and the body sinking in death. Then

all the  torches but one  were extinguished  a measure of prudence; and the melancholy  train  that bore the

body to the camp was just to be distinguished by the  glimmering light that remained. Judith sighed heavily

and shuddered,  as her  paddle again dipped, and the canoe moved cautiously around the  point. A sight  had

afflicted her senses, and now haunted her  imagination, that was still  harder to be borne, than even the

untimely  fate and passing agony of the  deceased girl. 

She had seen, under the strong glare of all the torches, the erect  form of  Deerslayer, standing with

commiseration, and as she thought,  with shame,  depicted on his countenance, near the dying female. He

betrayed neither fear  nor backwardness himself; but it was apparent by  the glances cast at him by  the

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warriors, that fierce passions were  struggling in their bosoms. All this  seemed to be unheeded by the  captive,

but it remained impressed on the memory  of Judith throughout  the night. No canoe was met hovering near the

point. A  stillness and  darkness, as complete as if the silence of the forest had never  been  disturbed, or the sun

had never shone on that retired region,  now  reigned on the point, and on the gloomy water, the  slumbering

woods,  and  even the murky sky. No more could be  done, therefore, than to  seek a place  of safety; and this

was only  to be found in the centre  of the lake. Paddling  in silence to that  spot, the canoe was suffered  to drift

northerly, while  the girls  sought such repose as their  situation and feelings would permit.  dropping, and the

body sinking in  death. Then all the torches but one were  extinguished  a measure of  prudence; and the

melancholy train that bore the  body to the camp was  just to be distinguished by the glimmering light that


Judith sighed heavily and shuddered, as her paddle again dipped,  and the canoe moved cautiously around the

point. A sight had  afflicted her senses, and now haunted her imagination, that was still  harder  to be borne,

than even the untimely fate and passing agony of  the deceased  girl. She had seen, under the strong glare of all

the  torches, the erect form  of Deerslayer, standing with commiseration,  and as she thought, with shame,

depicted on his countenance, near the  dying female. He betrayed neither fear  nor backwardness himself; but  it

was apparent by the glances cast at him by  the warriors, that  fierce passions were struggling in their bosoms.

All this  seemed to be  unheeded by the captive, but it remained impressed on the memory  of  Judith throughout

the night.  No canoe was met hovering near the point.  A  stillness and darkness, as complete as if the silence of

the forest  had never  been disturbed, or the sun had never shone on that retired  region, now  reigned on the

point, and on the gloomy water, the  slumbering woods, and even  the murky sky. No more could be done,

therefore, than to seek a place of  safety; and this was only to be  found in the centre of the lake, paddling in

silence to that spot, the  canoe was suffered to drift northerly, while the  girls sought such  repose as their

situation and feelings would permit. 

Chapter XVIX

"Stand to your arms, and guard the door all's lost

Unless that fearful bell be silenced soon.

The officer hath miss'd his path, or purpose,

Or met some unforeseen and hideous obstacle.

Anselmo, with thy company proceed

Straight to the tower; the rest remain with me."

Byron, Marino Faliero, lV.ii.23o35.

The conjecture of Judith Hutter, concerning the manner in which the  Indian  girl had met her death, was

accurate in the main. After  sleeping several  hours, her father and March awoke. This occurred a  few minutes

after she had  left the Ark to go in quest of her sister,  and when of course Chingachgook  and his betrothed

were on board. From  the Delaware the old man learned the  position of the camp, and the  recent events, as

well as the absence of his  daughters. The latter  gave him no concern, for he relied greatly on the  sagacity of

the  elder, and the known impunity with which the younger passed  among the  savages. Long familiarity with

danger, too, had blunted his  sensibilities. Nor did he seem much to regret the captivity of  Deerslayer,  for,

while he knew how material his aid might be in a  defence, the difference  in their views on the morality of the

woods,  had not left much sympathy  between them. He would have rejoiced to  know the position of the camp

before  it had been alarmed by the escape  of Hist, but it would be too hazardous now  to venture to land, and

he  reluctantly relinquished for the night, the  ruthless designs that  cupidity and revenge had excited him to

entertain. In  this mood Hutter  took a seat in the head of the scow, where he was quickly  joined by  Hurry,

leaving the Serpent and Hist in quiet possession of the  other  extremity of the vessel. 

"Deerslayer has shown himself a boy, in going among the savages at  this hour,  and letting himself fall into

their hands like a deer that  tumbles into a  pit," growled the old man, perceiving as usual the mote  in his

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neighbor's  eyes, while he overlooked the beam in his own; "if  he is left to pay for' his  stupidity with his own

flesh, he can blame  no one but himself." 

"That's the way of the world, old Tom," returned Hurry. "Every man  must meet  his own debts, and answer for

his own sins. I'm amazed,  howsever, that a lad  as skilful and watchful as Deerslayer, should  have been caught

in such a  trap! Didn't he know any better than to go  prowling about a Huron camp, at  midnight, with no place

to retreat to,  but a lake; or did he think himself a  buck, that by taking to the  water could throw off the scent

and swim himself  out of difficulty. I  had a better opinion of the boy's judgment, I'll own;  but we must

overlook a little ignorance in a raw hand. I say, Master Hutter,  do  you happen to know what has become of

the gals  I see no signs of  Judith,  or Hetty, though I've been through the Ark, and looked into  all its living


Hutter briefly explained the manner in which his daughters had  taken to the  canoe, as it had been related by

the Delaware, as well as  the return of  Judith after landing her sister, and her second  departure. 

"This comes of a smooth tongue, Floating Tom," exclaimed Hurry,  grating his  teeth in pure resentment"This

comes of a smooth tongue,  and a silly gal's  inclinations, and you had best look into the matter!  You and I

were both  prisoners Hurry could recal that circumstance now   "you and I were both  prisoners and yet

Judith never stirred an inch  to do us any sarvice! She is  bewitched with this lanklooking  Deerslayer, and he,

and she, and you, and  all of us, had best look to  it. I am not a man to put up with such a wrong  quietly, and I

say, all  the parties had best look to it! Let's up kedge, old  fellow, and move  nearer to this p'int, and see how

matters are getting on. 

Hutter had no objections to this movement, and the Ark was got  under way, in  the usual manner; care being

taken to make no noise. The  wind was passing  northward, and the sail soon swept the scow so far up  the lake,

as to render  the dark outlines of the trees that clothed the  point, dimly visible.  Floating Tom steered, and he

sailed along as  near the land, as the depth of  the water, and the overhanging branches  would allow. It was

impossible to  distinguish any thing that stood  within the shadows of the shore, but the  forms of the sail and of

the  hut, were discerned by the young sentinel on the  beach, who has  already been mentioned. In the moment

of sudden surprise, a  deep  Indian exclamation escaped him. In that spirit of recklessness and  ferocity that

formed the essence of Hurry's character, this man  dropped his  rifle and fired. The ball was sped by accident,

or by that  overruling  providence which decides the fates of all, and the girl  fell. Then followed  the scene with

the torches, which has just been  described. 

At the precise moment when Hurry committed this act of unthinking  cruelty,  the canoe of Judith was within a

hundred feet of the spot  from which the Ark  had so lately moved. Her own course has been  described, and it

has now become  our office to follow that of her  father and his companions. The shriek  announced the effects

of the  random shot of March, and it also proclaimed  that the victim was a  woman. Hurry himself was startled

at these unlooked for  consequences,  and for a moment he was sorely disturbed by conflicting  sensations. At

first he laughed, in reckless and rudeminded exultation; and  then  conscience, that monitor planted in our

breasts by God, and which  receives its more general growth from the training bestowed in the  tillage of

childhood, shot a pang to his heart. For a minute, the mind  of this creature  equally of civilization and of

barbarism, was a sort  of chaos as to feeling,  not knowing what to think of its own act; and  then the obstinacy

and pride of  one of his habits, interposed to  assert their usual ascendency. He struck the  butt of his rifle on the

bottom of the scow, with a species of defiance, and  began to whistle a  low air with an affectation of

indifference. All this time  the Ark was  in motion, and it was already opening the bay above the point,  and

was  consequently quitting the land. 

Hurry's companions did not view his conduct with the same  indulgence, as that  with which he appeared

disposed to regard it  himself. Hutter growled out his  dissatisfaction, for the act led to no  advantage, while it

threatened to  render the warfare more vindictive  than ever, and none censure motiveless  departures from the

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right, more  severely than the mercenary and unprincipled.  Still he commanded  himself, the captivity of

Deerslayer rendering the arm of  the offender  of double consequence to him at that moment. Chingachgook

arose,  and  for a single instant the ancient animosity of tribes was forgotten, in  a  feeling of colour; but he

recollected himself in season to prevent  any of the  fierce consequences that, for a passing moment, he

certainly meditated. Not  so with Hist. Rushing through the hut, or  cabin, the girl stood at the side  of Hurry,

almost as soon as his  rifle touched the bottom of the scow, and  with a fearlessness that did  credit to her heart,

she poured out her  reproaches with the generous  warmth of a woman. 

"What for you shoot?" she said. "What Huron gal do, dat you kill  him? What  you t'ink Manitou say? What

you t'ink Manitou, feel? What  Iroquois do? No get  honour no get camp  no get prisoner  no get  battle 

no get scalp  no get  not'ing at all! Blood come after blood!  How you feel, your wife killed? Who  pity you,

when tear come for  moder, or sister? You big as great pine  Huron  gal little slender  birch  why you fall on

her and crush her! You t'ink Huron  forget it?  No; red skin never forget! Never forget friend; never forget

enemy.  Red man Manitou in dat. Why you so wicked, great paleface?" 

Hurry had never been so daunted as by this close and warm attack of  the  Indian girl. It is true that she had a

powerful ally in his  conscience and  while she spoke earnestly, it was in tones so feminine  as to deprive him

of  any pretext for unmanly anger. The softness of  her voice added to the weight  of her remonstrance, by

lending to the  latter an air of purity and truth.  Like most vulgar minded men, he had  only regarded the Indians

through the  medium of their coarser and  fiercer characteristics. It had never struck him  that the affections  are

human, that even high principles modified by habits  and  prejudices, but not the less elevated within their

circlecan exist in  the savage state, and that the warrior who is most ruthless in the  field, can  submit to the

softest and gentlest influences, in the  moments of domestic  quiet. In a word, it was the habit of his mind to

regard all Indians as being  only a slight degree removed from the wild  beasts that roamed the woods, and  to

feel disposed to treat them  accordingly, whenever interest or caprice  supplied a motive, or an  impulse. Still,

though daunted by these reproaches,  the handsome  barbarian could hardly be said to be penitent. He was too

much  rebuked  by conscience to suffer an outbreak of temper to escape him, and  perhaps he felt that he had

already committed an act that might justly  bring  his manhood in question. Instead of resenting, or answering

the  simple but  natural appeal of Hist, he walked away, like one who  disdained entering into  a controversy

with a woman. 

In the mean while, the Ark swept onward, and by the time the scene  with the  torches, was enacting beneath

the trees, it had reached the  open lake,  Floating Tom causing it to sheer further from the land,  with a sort of

instinctive dread of retaliation. An hour now passed in  gloomy silence, no  one appearing disposed to break it.

Hist had  retired to her pallet, and  Chingachgook lay sleeping in the forward  part of the scow. Hutter and

Hurry  alone remained awake, the former at  the steering oar, while the latter  brooded over his own conduct,

with  the stubbornness of one little given to a  confession of his errors,  and the secret goadings of the worm

that never  dies. This was at the  moment when Judith and Hetty reached the centre of the  lake, and had  lain

down to endeavor to sleep, in their drifting canoe. 

The night was calm, though so much obscured by clouds. The season  was not one  of storms, and those which

did occur in the month of June,  on that embedded  water, though frequently violent were always of short

continuance.  Nevertheless, there was the usual current of heavy, damp  night air, which,  passing over the

summits of the trees, scarcely  appeared to descend as low as  the surface of the glassy lake, but kept  moving a

short distance above it,  saturated with the humidity that  constantly arose from the woods, and  apparently

never proceeding far  in any one direction. The currents were  influenced by the formation of  the hills, as a

matter of course, a  circumstance that rendered even  fresh breezes baffling, and which reduced the  feebler

efforts of the  night air to be a sort of capricious and fickle  sighings of the woods.  Several times the head of

the Ark pointed east, and  once it was  actually turned towards the south, again; but, on the whole, it  worked  its

way north; Hutter making always a fair wind, if wind it could be  be a wish called, his principal motive

appearing to keep in motion, in  order  to defeat any treacherous design of his enemies. He, now, felt  some

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little  concern about his daughters, and perhaps as much about the  canoe; but, on the  whole, this uncertainty

did not much disturb him,  as he had the reliance  already mentioned on the intelligence of  Judith. 

It was the season of the shortest nights, and it was not long  before the deep  obscurity which precedes the day

began to yield to the  returning light. If  any earthly scene could be presented to the senses  of man that might

soothe  his passions and temper his ferocity, it was  that which grew upon the eyes of  Hutter and Hurry, as the

hours  advanced, changing night to morning. There  were the usual soft tints  of the sky, in which neither the

gloom of darkness  nor the brilliancy  of the sun prevails, and under which objects appear more  unearthly and

we might add holy, than at any other portion of the twenty four  hours.  The beautiful and soothing calm of

even tide has been extolled by a  thousand poets, and yet it does not bring with it, the farreaching  and

sublime thoughts of the half hour that precedes the rising of a  summer sun.  In the one case the panorama is

gradually hid from the  sight, while in the  other, its objects start out from the unfolding  picture, first dim and

misty;  then marked in, in solemn back ground;  next seen in the witchery of an  increasing, a thing as different

as  possible from the decreasing twilight,  and finally mellow, distinct  and luminous, as the rays of the great

centre of  light diffuse  themselves in the atmosphere. The hymns of birds, too, have no  moral  counterpart in

the retreat to the roost, or the flight to the nest, and  these invariably accompany the advent of the day, until

the appearance  of the  sun itself "Bathes in deep joy, the land and sea. 

All this, however, Hutter and Hurry witnessed without experiencing  any of  that calm delight, which the

spectacle is wont to bring, when  the thoughts  are just, and the aspirations pure. They not only  witnessed it,

but they  witnessed it under circumstances that had a  tendency to increase its power,  and to heighten its

charms. Only one  solitary object became visible in the  returning light, that had  received its form or uses from

human taste, or  human desires which as  often deform as beautify a landscape. This was the  castle, all the  rest

being native, and fresh from the hand of God. That  singular  residence, too, was in keeping with the natural

objects of the view,  starting out from the gloom, quaint, picturesque, and ornamental.  Nevertheless the whole

was lost on the observers, who knew no feeling  of  poetry, had lost their sense of natural devotion in lives of

obdurate and  narrow selfishness, and had little other sympathy with  nature, than that  which originated with

her lowest wants. 

As soon as the light was sufficiently strong to. allow of a  distinct view of  the lake, and more particularly of

its shores, Hutter  turned the head of the  Ark directly towards the castle, with the  avowed intention of taking

possession, for the day at least, as the  place most favorable for meeting his  daughters, and for carrying on  his

operations against the Indians. By this  time, Chingachgook was up,  and Hist was heard stirring among the

furniture of  the kitchen. The  place for which they steered was distant only a mile, and  the air was  sufficiently

favorable to permit it to be reached by means of the  sail. At this moment, too, to render the appearances

generally  auspicious,  the canoe of Judith was seen floating northward in the  broadest part of the  lake; having

actually passed the scow in the  darkness, in obedience to no  other power than that of the elements.  Hutter got

his glass, and took a long  and anxious survey, to ascertain  if his daughters were in the light craft, or  not, and a

slight  exclamation like that of joy escaped him, as he caught a  glimpse of  what he rightly conceived to be a

part of Judith's dress above the  top  of the canoe. At the next instant the girl arose, and was seen gazing  about

her, like one assuring herself of her situation. A minute later,  Hetty  was seen on her knees, in the other end of

the canoe, repeating  the prayers  that had been taught her, in childhood, by a misguided but  repentant mother.

As Hutter laid down the glass, still drawn to its  focus, the Serpent raised  it to his eye, and turned it towards

the  canoe. It was the first time he had  ever used such an instrument, and  Hist understood by his "hugh!," the

expression of his face, and his  entire mien, that something wonderful had  excited his admiration. It  is well

known that the American Indians, more  particularly those of  superior characters and stations, singularly

maintain  their  selfpossession and stoicism, in the midst of the flood of marvels that  present themselves in

their occasional visits to the abodes of  civilization,  and Chingachgook had imbibed enough of this

impassibility to suppress any  very undignified manifestation of  surprise. With Hist, however, no such law

was binding, and when her  lover managed to bring the glass in a line with a  canoe, and her eye  was applied to

the smaller end, the girl started back in  alarm; then  she clapped her hands with delight, and a laugh, the usual

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attendant  of untutored admiration, followed. A few minutes sufficed to enable  this quick witted girl to

manage the instrument for herself, and she  directed  it at every prominent object that struck her fancy. Finding

a  rest in one of  the windows, she and the Delaware first surveyed the  lake; then the shores,  the hills, and,

finally, the castle attracted  their attention. After a long  steady gaze at the latter, Hist took  away her eye, and

spoke to her lover in  a low' earnest manner.  Chingachgook immediately placed his eye to the glass,  and his

look  even exceeded that of his betrothed in length and intensity.  Again  they spoke together, confidentially,

appearing to compare opinions,  after which the glass was laid aside, and the young warrior quitted  the cabin

to join Hutter and Hurry. 

The Ark was slowly but steadily advancing, and the castle was  materially  within half a mile, when

Ghingachgook joined the two white  men in the stern  of the scow. His manner was calm, but it was evident  to

the others, who were  familiar with the habits of the Indians, that  he had something to  communicate. Hurry

was generally prompt to speak  and, according to custom, he  took the lead on this occasion. 

"Out with it, redskin," he cried, in his usual rough manner. "Have  you  discovered a chipmunk in a tree, or

is there a salmontrout  swimming under  the bottom of the scow? You find what a paleface can  do in the

way of eyes,  now, Sarpent, and must n't wonder that they can  see the land of the Indians  from afar off." 

"No good to go to Castle," put in Chingachgook with emphasis, the  moment the  other gave him an

opportunity of speaking. "Huron there." 

"The devil he is!  If this should turn out to be true, Floating  Tom, a  pretty trap were we about to pull down

on our heads! Huron,  there! Well,  this may be so; but no signs can I see of any thing,  near or about the old

hut, but logs, water, and barkbating two or  three windows, and one door." 

Hutter called for the glass, and took a careful survey of the spot,  before he  ventured an opinion, at all; then he

somewhat cavalierly  expressed his  dissent from that given by the Indian. 

"You've got this glass wrong end foremost, Delaware," continued  Hurry.  "Neither the old man, nor I can see

any trail in the lake."  "No trail  water make no trail," said Hist, eagerly. "Stop boat  no  go too  near. Huron

there! " 

"Ay, that's it!  Stick to the same tale, and more people will  believe you. I  hope Sarpent, you and your gal

will agree in telling  the same story arter  marriage, as well as you do now. 'Huron, there!'  Whereabouts is he

to be  seenin the padlock, or the chains, or the  logs. There is n't a gaol in the  colony that has a more lock up

look  about it, than old Tom's chiente, and, I  know something about gaols  from exper'ence. " 

"No see moccasin" said Hist, impatiently"why no look and see  him." 

"Give me the glass, Harry," interrupted Hutter, "and lower the  sail. It is  seldom that an Indian woman

meddles, and when she does,  there is generally a  cause for it. There is, truly, a moccasin  floating against one

of the piles,  and it may, or may not be a sign  that the castle has n't escaped visitors, in  our absence. Moccasins

are no rarities, however, for I wear 'em myself; and  Deerslayer wears  'em, and you wear 'em, March, and, for

that matter so does  Hetty,  quite as often as she wears shoes, though I never yet saw Judith trust  her pretty foot

in a moccasin." 

Hurry had lowered the sail, and by this time the Ark was within two  hundred  yards of the castle, setting in,

nearer and nearer, each  moment, but at a  rate too slow to excite any uneasiness. Each now took  the glass in

turn, and  the castle, and every thing near it, was  subjected to a scrutiny still more  rigid than ever. There the

moccasin  lay, beyond a question, floating so  lightly, and preserving its form  so well, that it was scarcely wet.

It had  caught by a piece of the  rough bark of one of the piles, on the exterior of  the waterpalisade  that

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formed the dock already mentioned, which circumstance  alone  prevented it from drifting away before the air.

There were many modes,  however, of accounting for the presence of the moccasin, without  supposing it  to

have been dropped by an enemy. It might have fallen  from the platform,  even while Hutter was in possession

of the place,  and drifted to the spot  where it was now seen, remaining unnoticed  until detected by the acute

vision  of Hist. It might have drifted from  a distance, up or down the lake, and  accidentally become attached

to  the pile, or palisade. It might have been  thrown from a window, and  alighted in that particular place; or it

might  certainly have fallen  from a scout, or an assailant, during the past night,  who was obliged  to abandon it,

to the lake, in the deep obscurity which then  prevailed. 

All these conjectures passed from Hutter to Hurry, the former  appearing  disposed to regard the omen as a

little sinister, while the  latter treated it  with his usual reckless disdain. As for the Indian,  he was of opinion

that  the moccasin should be viewed as one would  regard a trail in the woods, which  might, or might not,

equally, prove  to be threatening. Hist, however, had  something available to propose.  She declared her

readiness to take a canoe,  to proceed to the palisade  and bring away the moccasin, when its ornaments  would

show whether it  came from the Canadas or not. Both the white men were  disposed to  accept this offer, but the

Delaware interfered to prevent the  risk. If  such a service was to be undertaken, it best became a warrior to

expose himself in its execution, and he gave his refusal to let his  betrothed  proceed, much in the quiet but

brief manner in which an  Indian husband issues  his commands. 

"Well then, Delaware, go yourself if you're so tender of your  squaw," put in  the unceremonious Hurry. "That

moccasin must be had, or  Floating Tom will  keep off, here, at arm's length, till the hearth  cools in his cabin.

It's but  a little deerskin, a'ter all, and cut  thisaway or thataway, it's not a  skearcrow to frighten true

hunters from their game. What say you, Sarpent,  shall you or I canoe  it?" 

"Let red man go.  Better eyes than paleface know Huron trick  better, too." 

"That I'll gainsay, to the hour of my death! A white man's eyes,  and a white  man's nose, and for that matter

his sight and ears are all  better than an  Injin's when fairly tried. Time and ag'in have I put  that to the proof,

and  what is proved is sartain. Still I suppose the  poorest vagabond going,  whether Delaware or Huron, can

find his way to  yonder hut and back ag'in, and  so, Sarpent, use your paddle and  welcome." 

Chingachgook was already in the canoe, and he dipped the implement  the other  named into the water, just as

Hurry's limber tongue ceased.  Wahta!Wah saw  the departure of her warrior on this occasion, with  the

submissive silence of  an Indian girl, but with most of the  misgivings and apprehensions of her sex.

Throughout the whole of the  past night, and down to the moment, when they  used the glass together  in the

hut, Chingachgook had manifested as much manly  tenderness  towards his betrothed, as one of the most

refined sentiment could  have  shown under similar circumstances, but now every sign of weakness was  lost in

an appearance of stern resolution. Although Hist timidly  endeavored  to catch his eye, as the canoe left the

side of the Ark,  the pride of a  warrior would not permit him to meet her fond and  anxious looks. The canoe

departed and not a wandering glance rewarded  her solicitude. 

Nor were the Delaware's care and gravity misplaced, under the  impressions  with which he proceeded on this

enterprise. If the enemy  had really gained  possession of the building, he was obliged to put  himself under the

very  muzzles of their rifles, as it were, and this  too without the protection of  any of that cover, which forms

so  essential an ally in Indian warfare. It is  scarcely possible to  conceive of a service more dangerous, and had

the  Serpent been  fortified by the experience of ten more years, or had his friend  the  Deerslayer been present,

it would never have been attempted; the  advantages in no degree compensating for the risk. But the pride of

an  Indian  chief was acted on by the rivalry of colour, and it is not  unlikely that the  presence of the very

creature from whom his ideas of  manhood prevented his  receiving a single glance, overflowing as he was

with the love she so well  merited, had no small influence on his  determination. 

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Chingachgook paddled steadily towards the palisades, keeping his  eyes on the  different loops of the building.

Each instant he expected  to see the muzzle  of a rifle protruded, or to hear its sharp crack;  but he succeeded in

reaching the piles in safety. Here he was, in a  measure, protected, having  the heads of the palisades between

him and  the hut, and the chances of any  atempt on his life while thus covered,  were greatly diminished. The

canoe had  reached the piles with its head  inclining northward, and at a short distance  from the moccasin.

Instead of turning to pick up the latter, the Delaware  slowly made the  circuit of the whole building,

deliberately examining every  object  that should betray the presence of enemies, or the commission of

violence. Not a single sign could he discover, however, to confirm the  suspicions that had been awakened.

The stillness of desertion pervaded  the  building; not a fastening was displaced, not a window had been

broken. The  door looked as secure as at the hour when it was closed by  Hutter, and even  the gate of the dock

had all the customary  fastenings. In short, the most  wary and jealous eye could detect no  other evidence of

the visit of enemies,  than that which was connected  with the appearance of the floating moccasin. 

The Delaware was now greatly at a loss how to proceed. At one  moment, as he  came round in front of the

castle, he was on the point  of stepping up on the  platform, and of applying his eye to one of the  loops, with a

view of taking  a direct personal inspection of the state  of things within; but he hesitated.  Though of little

experience in  such matters, himself, he had heard so much of  Indian artifices  through traditions, had listened

with such breathless  interest to the  narration of the escapes of the elder warriors, and, in  short, was so  well

schooled in the theory of his calling, that it was almost  as  impossible for him to make any gross blunder on

such an occasion, as it  was for a well grounded scholar, who had commenced correctly, to fail  in  solving his

problem in mathematics. Relinquishing the momentary  intention to  land, the chief slowly pursued his course

round the  palisades. As he  approached the moccasin, having now nearly completed  the circuit of the  building,

he threw the ominous article into the  canoe, by a dexterous and  almost imperceptible movement of his

paddle.  He was now ready to depart, but  retreat was even more dangerous than  the approach, as the eye could

no longer  be riveted on the loops. If  there was really any one in the castle, the  motive of the Delaware in

reconnoitring must be understood, and it was the  wisest way, however  perilous it might be, to retire with an

air of  confidence, as if all  distrust were terminated by the examination. Such,  accordingly, was  the course

adopted by the Indian, who paddled deliberately  away,  taking the direction of the Ark, suffering no nervous

impulse to  quicken the motions  of his arms, or to induce him to turn even a  furtive glance behind him. 

No tender wife, reared in the refinements of the highest  civilization, ever  met a husband on his return from

the field, with  more of sensibility in her  countenance, than Hist discovered, as she  saw the Great Serpent of

the  Delawares, step, unharmed, into the Ark.  Still she repressed her emotion,  though the joy that sparkled in

her  dark eyes, and the smile that lighted her  pretty mouth, spoke a  language that her betrothed could


"Well, Sarpent," cried Hurry, always the first to speak, "what news  from the  muskrats? Did they shew their

teeth, as you surrounded their  dwelling?" 

"I no like him" sententiously returned the Delaware. "Too still.  So still,  can see silence!"  "That's downright

Injinas if any thing  could make less noise than nothing!  If you've no better reason than  this to give, old Tom

had better hoist his  sail, and go and get his  breakfast under his own roof. What has become of the  moccasin?" 

"Here," returned Chingachgook, holding up his prize for the general  inspection. The moccasin was examined,

and Hist confidently pronounced  it to  be Huron, by the manner in which the porcupine's quills were  arranged

on its  front. Hutter and the Delaware, too, were decidedly of  the same opinion.  Admitting all this, however, it

did not necessarily  follow that its owners  were in the castle. The moccasin might have  drifted from a

distance, or it  might have fallen from the foot of some  scout, who had quitted the place when  his errand was

accomplished. In  short it explained nothing, while it awakened  so much distrust. 

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Under the circumstances, Hutter and Hurry were not men to be long  deterred  from proceeding by proofs as

slight as that of the moccasin.  They hoisted the  sail again, and the Ark was soon in motion, heading  towards

the castle. The  wind, or air continued light, and the movement  was sufficiently slow, to  allow of a deliberate

survey of the  building, as the scow approached. The  same deathlike silence reigned,  and it was difficult to

fancy that any thing  possessing animal life  could be in or around the place. Unlike the Serpent,  whose

imagination  had acted through his traditions, until he was ready to  perceive an  artificial, in a natural stillness,

the others saw nothing to  apprehend in a tranquility that, in truth, merely denoted the repose  of  inanimate

objects. The accessories of the scene, too, were soothing  and calm,  rather than exciting. The day had not yet

advanced so far as  to bring the sun  above the horizon, but the heavens, the atmosphere,  and the woods and

lake  were all seen under that softened light which  immediately precedes his  appearance, and which perhaps is

the most  witching period of the four and  twenty hours. It is the moment, when  every thing is distinct, even

the  atmosphere seeming to possess a  liquid lucidity, the hues appearing gray and  softened, with the  outlines

of objects defined, and the perspective just as  moral truths,  that are presented in their simplicity, without the

meretricious aids  of ornament, or glitter. In a word, it is the moment when  the senses  seem to recover their

powers, in the simplest and most accurate  forms,  like the mind emerging from the obscurity of doubts, into

the  tranquility and peace of demonstration. Most of the influence that  such a  scene is apt to produce on those

who are properly constituted  in a moral  sense, was lost on Hutter and Hurry; but both the  Delawares, though

too much  accustomed to witness the loveliness of  morningtide, to stop to analyze  their feelings, were

equally sensible  of the beauties of the hour, though it  was probably in a way unknown  to themselves. It

disposed the young warrior to  peace, and never had  he felt less longings for the glory of the combat, than

when he joined  Hist in the cabin, the instant the scow rubbed against the  side of the  platform. From the

indulgence of such gentle emotions, however,  he was  aroused by a rude summons from Hurry, who called on

him to come forth,  and help to take in the sail, and to secure the Ark. 

Chingachgook obeyed, and by the time he had reached the head of the  scow,  Hurry was on the platform,

stamping his feet, like one glad to  touch what, by  comparison, might be called terra firma, and  proclaiming

his indifference to  the whole Huron tribe, in his  customary noisy, dogmatical, manner. Hutter had  hauled a

canoe up to  the head of the scow, and was already about to undo the  fastenings of  the gate, in order to enter

within the 'dock.' March had no  other  motive in landing than a senseless bravado, and having shaken the

door,  in a manner to put its solidity to the proof, he joined Hutter in the  canoe,  and began to aid him in

opening the gate. The reader will  remember that this  mode of entrance was rendered necessary by the  manner

in which the owner of  this singular residence habitually  secured it, whenever it was left empty;  more

particularly at moments  when danger was apprehended. Hutter had placed a  line in the  Delaware's hand, on

entering the canoe, intimating that the other  was  to fasten the Ark to the platform and to lower the sail.

Instead of  following these directions, however, Chingachgook left the sail  standing, and  throwing the bight of

the rope over the head of a pile,  he permitted the Ark  to drift round, until it lay against the  defences, in a

position where it  could be entered only by means of a  boat, or by passing along the summits of  the palisades;

the latter  being an exploit that required some command of the  feet, and which was  not to be attempted in the

face of a resolute enemy. 

In consequence of this change in the position of the scow, which  was effected  before Hutter had succeeded in

opening the gate of his  dock, the Ark and the  Castle, lay, as sailors would express it,  yardarm and yardarm,

kept asunder  some ten or twelve feet, by means  of the piles. As the scow pressed close  against the latter, their

tops  formed a species of breast work, that rose to  the height of a man's  head, covering in a certain degree, the

parts of the  scow that were  not protected by the cabin. The Delaware surveyed this  arrangement  with great

satisfaction, and, as the canoe of Hutter passed  through  the gate, into the dock, he thought that he might

defend his position  against any garrison in the castle, for a sufficient time, could he  but have  had the helping

arm of his friend Deerslayer. As it was, he  felt  comparatively secure, and no longer suffered the keen

apprehensions he had  lately experienced in behalf of Hist. 

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A single shove sent the canoe from the gate, to the trap beneath  the castle.  Here Hutter found all fast, neither

pad lock nor chain,  nor bar, having been  molested. The key was produced, the locks  removed, the chain

loosened, and  the trap pushed upward. Hurry now  thrust his head in at the opening; the arms  followed, and

the colossal  legs rose without any apparent effort. At the next  instant, his heavy  foot was heard stamping in

the passage above; that which  separated the  chambers of the father and daughters, and into which the trap

opened.  He then gave a shout of triumph. 

"Come on, old Tom," the reckless woodsman called out from within  the  building"here's your tenement, safe

and sound; ay, and as empty  as a nut  that has passed half an hour in the paws of a squirrel! The  Delaware

brags of  being able to see silence; let him come here, and he  may feel it, in the  bargain." 

"Any silence where you are, Hurry Harry," returned Hutter,  thrusting his head  in at the hole, as he uttered the

last word, which  instantly caused his voice  to sound smothered to those without"Any  silence where you are,

ought to be  both  seen and felt, for it's  unlike any other silence." 

"Comecomeold fellow; hoist yourself up, and we'll open doors and  windows  and let in the fresh air to

brighten up matters. Few words in  troublesome  times, make men the best fri'nds. Your by her late  conduct,

that it wouldn't  take a speech as long as the ten  commandments to send me off to the river,  leaving you and

your traps,  your Ark and your children, your man servants and  your maid servants,  your oxen and your asses,

to fight this battle with the  Iroquois, by  yourselves. Open that window, Floating Tom, and I'll blunder  through

and do the same job to the front door." 

A moment of silence succeeded, and a noise like that produced by  the fall of  a heavy body followed. A deep

execration from Hurry  succeeded, and then the  whole interior of the building seemed alive.  The noises that

now so suddenly,  and we may add so unexpectedly even  to the Delaware, broke the stillness  within, could not

be mistaken.  They resembled those that would be produced by  a struggle between  tigers in a cage. Once or

twice the Indian yell was given,  but it  seemed smothered, and as if it proceeded from exhausted or

compressed  throats, and, in a single instance, a deep and another shockingly  revolting  execration came from

the throat of Hurry. It appeared as if  bodies were  constantly thrown upon the floor with violence, as often

rising to renew the  struggle. Chingachgook felt greatly at a loss what  to do. He had all the arms  in the Ark,

Hutter and Hurry having  proceeded without their rifles, but there  was no means of using them,  or of passing

them to the hands of their owners.  The combatants, were  literally caged, rendering it almost as impossible

under  the  circumstances to get out, as to get into the building. Then there was  Hist to embarrass his

movements, and to cripple his efforts. With a  view to  relieve himself from this disadvantage, he told the girl

to  take the  remaining canoe, and to join Hutter's daughters, who were  incautiously but  deliberately

approaching, in order to save herself,  and to warn the others of  their danger. But the girl positively and  firmly

refused to comply. At that  moment, no human power, short of an  exercise of superior physical force,  could

have induced her to quit  the Ark. The exigency of the moment did not  admit of delay, and the  Delaware

seeing no possibility of serving his  friends, cut the line  and by a strong shove forced the scow some twenty

feet,  clear of the  piles. Here he took the sweeps and succeeded in getting a short  distance to windward, if any

direction could be thus termed in so  light an  air, but neither the time, nor his skill at the oars, allowed  the

distance to  be great. When he ceased rowing, the Ark might have  been a hundred yards from  the platform,

and half that distance to the  southward of it, the sail being  lowered. Judith and Hetty had now  discovered that

something was wrong, and  were stationary a thousand  feet farther north. 

All this while the furious struggle continued within the house. In  scenes  like these, events thicken in less time

than they can be  related. From the  moment when the first fall was heard within the  building to that when the

Delaware ceased his awkward attempts to row,  it might have been three or four  minutes, but it had evidently

served  to weaken the combatants. The oaths and  execrations of Hurry were no  longer heard, and even the

struggles had lost  some of their force and  fury. Nevertheless they still continued with unabated  perseverance.

At  this instant the door flew open, and the fight was  transferred to the  platform, the light and the open air. A

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Huron had undone  the  fastenings of the door, and three or four of his tribe rushed after him  upon the. narrow

space, as if glad to escape from some terrible scene  within.  The body of another followed, pitched headlong

through the  door, with  terrific violence. Then March appeared, raging like a lion  at bay, and for an  instant

free'd from his numerous enemies. Hutter  was already a captive and  bound. There was now a pause in the

struggle, which resembled a lull in a  tempest. The necessity of  breathing was common to all, and the

combatants  stood watching each  other, like mastiffs that have been driven from their  holds, and are  waiting

for a favorable opportunity of renewing them. We shall  profit  by this pause to relate the manner in which the

Indians had obtained  possession of the castle, and this the more willingly because it may  be  necessary to

explain to the reader why a conflict which had been so  close and  fierce, should have also been so

comparatively bloodless. 

Rivenoak and his companion, particularly the latter who had  appeared to be a  subordinate and occupied

solely with his raft, had  made the closest  observations in their visits to the castle. Even the  boy had brought

away  minute and valuable information. By these means  the Hurons obtained a general  idea of the manner in

which the place  was constructed and secured, as well as  of details that enabled them  to act intelligently in the

dark.  Notwithstanding the care that Hutter  had taken to drop the Ark on the east  side of the building when he

was  in the act of transferring the furniture  from the former to the  latter, he had been watched in a way to

render the  precaution useless.  Scouts were on the lookout on the eastern, as well as on  the western,  shore of

the lake, and the whole proceeding had been noted. As  soon as  it was dark, rafts like that already described,

approached from both  shores to reconnoitre, and the Ark had passed within fifty feet of one  of  them, without

its being discovered; the men it held lying at their  length on  the logs, so as to blend themselves and their slow

moving  machine with the  water. When these two sets of adventurers drew near  the castle they  encountered

each other, and after communicating their  respective  observations, they unhesitatingly approached the

building.  As had been  expected, it was found empty. The rafts were immediately  sent for a  reinforcement to

the shore, and two of the savages remained  to profit by  their situation. These men succeeded in getting on the

roof, and by removing  some of the bark, in entering what might be  termed the garret. Here they were  found

by their companions. Hatchets  now opened a hole through the squared  logs of the upper floor, through  which

no less than eight of the most  athletic of the Indians dropped  into the rooms beneath. Here they were left,  well

supplied with arms  and provisions, either to stand a siege, or to make a  sortie, as the  case might require. The

night was passed in sleep, as is usual  with  Indians in a state of inactivity. The returning day brought them a

view  of the approach of the Ark through the loops, the only manner in which  light  and air were now admitted,

the windows being closed most  effectually with  plank, rudely fashioned to fit. As soon as it was  ascertained

that the two  white men were about to enter by the trap,  the chief who directed the  proceedings of the Hurons

took his measures  accordingly. He removed all the  arms from his own people, even to the  knives, in distrust

of savage ferocity  when awakened by personal  injuries, and he hid them where they could not be  found,

without a  search. Ropes of bark were then prepared, and taking their  stations in  the three different rooms,

they all waited for the signal to fall  upon  their intended captives. As soon as the party had entered the

building,  men without replaced the bark of the roof, removed every sign of their  visit,  with care, and then

departed for the shore. It was one of these  who had  dropped his moccasin, which he had not been able to find,

again, in the dark.  Had the death of the girl been known, it is  probable nothing could have saved  the lives of

Hurry and Hutter but  that event occurred after the ambush was  laid, and at a distance of  several miles from

the encampment near the castle  Such were the means  that had been employed to produce the state of things

we  shall  continue to describe. 

Chapter XX

"Now all is done that man can do, And all is done in vain!

My love! my native land, adieu

For I must cross the main, My dear,

For I must cross the main."

Robert Burns, "It was a' for our Rightfu' King," II. 712.

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THE LAST CHAPTER we left the combatants breathing in their narrow  lists.  Accustomed to the rude sports

of wrestling, and jumping, then  so common in  America, more especially on the frontiers, Hurry  possessed an

advantage, in  addition to his prodigious strength, that  had rendered the struggle less  unequal than it might

otherwise appear  to be. This alone had enabled him to  hold out so long, against so many  enemies, for the

Indian is by no means  remarkable for his skill, or  force, in athletic exercises. As yet, no one had  been

seriously hurt,  though several of the savages had received severe falls,  and he, in  particular, who had been

thrown bodily upon the platform, might be  said to be temporarily hors de combat. Some of the rest were

limping,  and  March himself had not entirely escaped from bruises, though want  of breath  was the principal

loss that both sides wished to repair. 

Under circumstances like those in which the parties were placed, a  truce, let  it come from what cause it

might, could not well be of long  continuance. The  arena was too confined, and the distrust of  treachery, too

great, to admit of  this. Contrary to what might be  expected, in his situation, Hurry was the  first to

recommence  hostilities. Whether this proceeded from policy, an idea  that he might  gain some advantage by

making a sudden and unexpected assault  or was  the fruit of irritation and his undying hatred of an Indian, it is

impossible to say. His onset was furious, however, and at first it  carried  all before it. He seized the nearest

Huron by the waist,  raised him entirely  from the platform, and hurled him into the water,  as if he had been a

child.  In half a minute, two more were at his  side, one of whom received a grave  injury by the friend who had

just  preceded him. But four enemies remained,  and, in a hand to hand  conflict, in which no arms were used

but those which  nature had  furnished, Hurry believed himself fully able to cope with that  number  of redskins 

"Hurrah! Old Tom," he shouted"The rascals are taking to the lake,  and I'll  soon have 'em all swimming!" As

these words were uttered a  violent kick in  the face sent back the injured Indian, who had caught  at the edge of

the  platform. and was endeavoring to raise himself to  its level, helplessly and  hopelessly into the water. When

the affray  was over, his dark body was seen,  through the limpid element of the  Glimmerglass, lying, with

outstretched  arms, extended on the bottom of  the shoal on which the Castle stood, clinging  to the sands and

weeds,  as if life were to be retained by this frenzied grasp  of death. A blow  sent into the pit of another's

stomach doubled him up like a  worm that  had been trodden on, and but two able bodied foes remained to be

dealt  with. One of these, however, was not only the largest and strongest, of  the Hurons, but he was also the

most experienced of their warriors  present,  and that one whose sinews were the best strung in fights, and  by

marches on  the warpath. This man fully appreciated the gigantic  strength of his  opponent, and had carefully

husbanded his own. He was  also equipped in the  best manner for such a conflict, standing in  nothing but his

breechcloth,  the model of a naked and beautiful  statue of agility and strength. To grasp  him required

additional  dexterity and unusual force. Still Hurry did not  hesitate, but the  kick that, had actually destroyed

one fellow creature was  no sooner  given, than he closed in with this formidable antagonist,  endeavoring  to

force him into the water, also. The struggle that succeeded  was  truly frightful. So fierce did it immediately

become, and so quick and  changeful were the evolutions of the athletes, that the remaining  savage had  no

chance for interfering, had he possessed the desire; but  wonder and  apprehension held him spell bound. He

was an inexperienced  youth, and his  blood curdled as he witnessed the fell strife of human  passions, exhibited

too, in an unaccustomed form. 

Hurry first attempted to throw his antagonist. With this view he  seized him  by the throat, and an arm, and

tripped with the quickness  and force of an  American borderer. The effect was frustrated by the  agile

movements of the  Huron, who had clothes to grasp by, and whose  feet avoided the attempt with a  nimbleness

equal to that with which it  was made. Then followed a sort of  mêlée, if such a term can be applied  to a

struggle between two, in which no  efforts were strictly visible,  the limbs and bodies of the combatants

assuming so many attitudes and  contortions, as to defeat observation. This  confused but fierce rally  lasted

less than a minute, however; when, Hurry,  furious at having his  strength baffled y the agility and nakedness

of his  foe, made a  desperate effort, which sent the Huron from him, hurling his body  violently against the

logs of the hut. The concussion was so great  momentarily to confuse the latter's faculties. The pain, too, orted

a  deep  groan; an unusual concession to agony, to ape a red man in the  heat of  battle. Still he rushed forward

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gain, to meet his enemy,  conscious that his  safety rested on it's resolution. Hurry now seized  the other by the

waist,  raised him bodily from the platform, and fell  with his own great weight on  the form beneath. This

additional shock  so stunned the sufferer, that his  gigantic white opponent now had him  completely at his

mercy. Passing his  hands around the throat of his  victim, he compressed them with the strength  of a vice,

fairly  doubling the head of the Huron over e edge of the platform,  until the  chin was uppermost, with the

infernal strength he expended. An  instant  sufficed to show the consequences. The eyes of the sufferer seemed

to  start forward, his tongue protruded, and his nostrils dilated nearly  to  splitting. At this instant a rope of bark,

having an eye, was  passed  dexterously within the two arms of Hurry, the end threaded the  eye, forming a

noose, and his elbows were drawn together behind his  back, with a power that  all his gigantic strength could

not resist.  Reluctantly, even under such  circumstances, did the exasperated  borderer see his hands drawn from

their  deadly grasp, for all the evil  passions ;Were then in the ascendant. Almost  at the same instant, a  similar

fastening secured his ancles, and his body was  rolled to 4the  centre of the platform as helplessly, and as

cavalierly, as if  it Were  a log of wood. His rescued antagonist, however, did not rise, for  while he began again

to breathe, his head still hung helplessly over  the edge  of the logs, and it was thought at first that his neck was

dislocated. He  recovered gradually only, and it was hours before he  could walk. Some fancied  that neither his

body, nor his mind, ever  totally recovered from this near  approach to death. 

Hurry owed his defeat and capture to the intensity with which he  had  concentrated all his powers, on his

fallen foe While thus  occupied, the two  Indians he had hurled into the water mounted to the  heads of the

piles, along  which they passed, and joined their  companion on the platform. The latter had  so far rallied his

faculties  as to have gotten the ropes, which were in  readiness for use as the  others appeared, and they were

applied in the manner  related, as Hurry  lay pressing his enemy down with his whole weight, intent  only on

the  horrible office of strangling him. Thus were the tables turned,  in a  single moment; he who had been so

near achieving a victory that would  have been renowned for ages, by means of traditions, throughout all  that

region, lying, helpless, bound and a captive. So fearful had been  the efforts  of the pale face, and so prodigious

the strength he  exhibited, that even as  he lay, tethered like a sheep before them,  they regarded him with

respect,  and not without dread. The helpless  body of their stoutest warrior was still  stretched on the platform,

and, as they cast their eyes towards the lake, in  quest of the comrade  that had been hurled into it so

unceremoniously, and of  whom they had  lost sight in the confusion of the fray, they perceived his  lifeless

form clinging to the grass on the bottom, as already described.  These  several circumstances contributed to

render the victory of the Hurons  almost as astounding to themselves, as a defeat. 

Chingachgook, and his betrothed, witnessed the whole of this  struggle from  the Ark. When the three Hurons

were about to pass the  cords around the arms  of the prostrate Hurry, the Delaware sought his  rifle, but, before

he could  use it, the white man was bound, and the  mischief was done. He might still  bring down an enemy,

but to obtain  the scalp was impossible, and the young  chief, who would so freely  risk his own life, to obtain

such a trophy,  hesitated about taking  that of a foe, without such an object in view. A  glance at Hist,  and  the

recollection of what might follow, checked any  transient wish or  revenge. The reader has been told that

Chingachgook could  scarcely be  said to know how to manage the oars of the Ark at all, however  expert  he

might be in the use the paddle. Perhaps there is no manual labor,  at which men are so bungling and awkward,

as in their first attempts  to pull  oar, even the experienced mariner, or boat man, breaking down  in his efforts

to figure with the celebrated rullock of the gondollier  In short it is,  temporarily, an impracticable thing for a

new beginner  to succeed with a  single oar, but, in this case it was necessary to  handle two, at the same  time,

and those of great size. Sweeps, or  large oars, however, are sooner  rendered of use by the raw hand, than

lighter implements, and this was the  reason that the Delaware had  succeeded in moving the Ark as well as he

did,  in a first trial. That  trial, notwithstanding, sufficed to produce distrust,  and he was fully  aware of the

critical situation in which Hist and himself  were now  placed, should the Hurons take to the canoe that was

still lying  beneath the trap, and come against them. At the moment he thought of  putting  Hist into the canoe

in his own possession, and of taking to  the eastern  mountain, in the hope of reaching the Delaware villages by

direct flight. But  many considerations suggested themselves to put a  stop to this indiscreet  step. It was almost

certain that scouts  watched the lake on both sides, and  no canoe could possibly approach  shore without being

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seen from the hills.  Then a trail could not be  concealed from Indian eyes, and the strength of  Hist was

unequal to a  flight sufficiently sustained, to outstrip the pursuit  of trained  warriors. This was a part of

America in which the Indians did not  know  the use of horses, and every thing would depend on the physical

energies  of the fugitives. Last, but far from being least, were the  thoughts connected  with the situation of

Deerslayer, a friend who was  not to be deserted in his  extremity. 

Hist in some particulars, reasoned, and even felt, differently  though she  arrived at the same conclusions. Her

own anger disturbed  her less than her  concern for the two sisters, whose behalf her  womanly sympathies were

now  strongly enlisted The canoe of the girls,  by the time the struggle on the  platform had ceased, was within

three  hundred yards of the castle, and here  Judith ceased paddling, the  evidences strife first becoming

apparent to the  eyes. She and Hetty  were standing erect, anxiously endeavoring to ascertain  what had

occurred, but unable to satisfy their doubts from the circum stance  that the building, in a great measure,

concealed the scene of action. 

The parties in the Ark, and in the canoe, were indebted to the  ferocity of  Hurry's attack for their momentary

security In any  ordinary case, the girls  would have been immediately captured, a  measure easy of execution

now the  savages had a canoe, were it not for  the rude check the audacity of the  Hurons had received, in the

recent  struggle. It required some little time to  recover from the effects of  this violent scene, and this so much

the more,  because the principal  man of the party, in the way of personal prowess at  least, had been so  great a

sufferer. Still it was of the last importance that  Judith and  her sister should seek immediate refuge in the Ark,

where the  defences  offered a temporary shelter at least, and the first step was to  devise  the means of inducing

them to do so. Hist showed herself in the stern  of the scow, and made many gestures and signs, in vain, in

order to  induce  the girls to make a circuit to avoid the Castle, and to  approach the Ark from  the eastward. But

these signs were distrusted or  misunderstood. It is  probable Judith was not yet sufficiently aware of  the real

state of things to  put full confidence in either party.  Instead of doing as desired, she rather  kept more aloof,

paddling  slowly back to the north, or into the broadest part  of the lake, where  she could command the widest

view, and had the fairest  field for  flight before her. At this instant the sun appeared above the pines  of  the

eastern range of mountains and a light southerly breeze arose, as  was  usual enough, at that season and hour

Chingachgook lost no time in  hoisting  the sail. Whatever might be in reserve for him, there could  be no

question  that it was every way desirable to get the Ark at such  a distance from the  castle, as to reduce his

enemies to the necessity  of approaching the former  in the canoe, which the chances of war had  so

inopportunely for his wishes  and security, thrown into their hands.  The appearance of the opening duck

seemed first to arouse the Hurons  from their apathy, and by the time the head  of the scow had fallen off

before the wind, which it did unfortunately in the  wrong direction,  bringing it within a few yards of the

platform, Hist found  it  necessary to warn rlover of the importance of covering his person  against the rifles of

his foes. This was a danger to be avoided under  all  circumstances, and so much the more, because the

Delaware found  that Hist  would not take to the cover herself, so long as he remained  exposed.  Accordingly,

Chingachgook abandoned the scow to its own  movements, forced  Hist into the cabin the doors of which he

immediately secured, and then he  looked about him for the rifles. The  situation of the parties was now so

singular as to merit a particular  description. The Ark was within sixty yards  of the castle, a little to  the

southward, or to windward of it, with its sail  full, and the  steering oar abandoned. The latter, fortunately, was

loose, so  that it  produced no great influence on the crab like movements of the  unwieldy  craft. The sail being

as sailors term it, flying, or having no  braces,  the air forced the yard forward, though both sheets were fast.

The  effect was threefold on a boat with a bottom that was perfectly flat,  and  which drew merely some three or

four inches water. It pressed the  head slowly  round to leeward, it forced the whole fabric bodily in the  same

direction at  the e time, and the water that unavoidably gathered  under the gave the scow  also a forward

movement. All these changes  were exceedingly slow, however,  for the wind was not only light, but  it was

baffling as usual, and twice or  thrice the sail shook. Once it  was absolutely taken aback. 

Had there been any keel to the Ark, it would inevitably ye run foul  of the  platform, bows on, when it is

probable thing could have  prevented the Hurons  from carrying it; more particularly as the sail  would have

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enabled them to  approach under cover. As it was, the scow  wore slowly round, barely clearing  that part of the

building. The  piles projecting several feet, they were not  cleared, but the head of  the slow moving craft

caught between two of them, by  one of its square  corners, and hung. At this moment the Delaware was

vigilantly watching  through a loop, for an opportunity to fire, while the  Hurons kept  within the building,

similarly occupied. The exhausted warrior  reclined against the hut, there having been no time to remove him,

and  Hurry  lay, almost as helpless as a log, tethered like a sheep on its  way to the  slaughter, near the middle of

the platform. Chingachgook  could have slain the  first, at any moment, but his scalp would have  been safe,

and the young chief  disdained to strike a blow that could  lead to neither honor nor advantage. 

"Run out one of the poles, Sarpent, if Sarpent you be," said Hurry,  amid the  groans that the tightness of the

ligatures was beginning to  extort from him  "run out one of the poles, and shove the head of the  scow off,

and you'll  drift clear of usand, when you've done that good  turn for yourself just  finish this gagging

blackguard for me." 

The appeal of Hurry, however, had no other effect, than to draw the  attention  of Hist to his situation. This

quick witted creature  comprehended it at a  glance. His ancles were bound with several turns  of stout bark

rope, and his  arms, above the elbows, were similarly  secured behind his back; barely  leaving him a little play

of the hands  and wrists. Putting her mouth near a  loop she said in a low but  distinct voice "Why you do n't

roll here, and  fall in scow?  Chingachgook shoot Huron, if he chace!" 

"By the Lord, gal, that's a judgematical thought, and it shall be  tried, if  the starn of your scow will come a

little nearer. Put a bed  at the bottom,  for me to fall on." 

This was said at a happy moment, for, tired of waiting, all the  Indians made  a rapid discharge of their rifles,

almost simultaneously,  injuring no one;  though several bullets passed through the loops. Hist  had heard part

of  Hurry's words, but most of what he said was lost in  the sharp reports of the  firearms. She undid the bar of

the door that  led to the stern of the scow,  but did not dare to expose her person.  All this time, the head of the

Ark  hung, but by a gradually decreasing  hold as the other end swung slowly round,  nearer and nearer to the

platform. Hurry, who now lay with his face towards  the Ark,  occasionally writhing and turning over like one

in pain, evolutions  he  had performed ever since he was secured, watched every change, and, at  last, he saw

that the whole vessel was free, and was beginning to  grate  slowly along the sides of the piles. The attempt

was desperate,  but it seemed  to be the only chance for escaping torture and death,  and it suited the  reckless

daring of the man's character. Waiting to  the last moment, in order  that the stern of the scow might fairly rub

against the platform, he began to  writhe again, as if in intolerable  suffering, execrating all Indians in  general,

and the Hurons in  particular, and then he suddenly and rapidly  rolled over and over,  taking the direction of

the stem of the cow.  Unfortunately, Hurry's  shoulders required more space to revolve m than his  feet, and, by

the  time he reached the edge of the platform his direction had  so far  changed as to carry him clear of the Ark

altogether, and the rapidity  of his revolutions and the emergency admitting of no delay, he fell  into the  water.

At this instant, Chingachgook, by an understanding  with his betrothed  drew the fire of the Hurons, am, not a

man of whom  saw the manner in which  one, horn they knew to be effectually  tethered, had disappeared. But

Hist 's  feelings were strongly  interested in the success of so bold a scheme, and she  watched the  movements

of Hurry, the cat watches the mouse. The moment he was  in  motion she foresaw the consequences, and this

the more readily, as the  scow was now beginning to move with some steadiness, and she bethought  her of  the

means of saving him. With a sort of instinctive readiness,  she opened the  door, at the very moment the rifles

were ringing in her  ears, and, protected  by the intervening cabin, she stepped into the  stem of the scow, time

to  witness the fall of Hurry into the lake. Her  foot was unconsciously placed on  the end of one of the sheets of

the  sail, which was fastened aft, and  catching up all the spare rope with  the awkwardness, but also with the

generous resolution, of a woman,  she threw it in the direction of the  helpless Hurry. The line fell on  the head

and body of the sinking man and he  not only succeeded in  grasping separate parts of with his hands, but he

actually got a  portion of it between his teeth. Hurry was an expert swimmer,  and,  tethered as he was he

resorted to the very expedient that philosophy  and  reflection would have suggested. He had fallen on his

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back, ad  instead of  floundering and drowning himself by desperate efforts to  walk on the water,  he permitted

his body to sink as low as possible,  and was already submerged,  with the exception of his face, when the  line

reached him. In this situation  might possibly have remained until  rescued by the Hurons, using his hands as

fishes use their fins, had  he received no other succour, but the movement of  the Ark soon  tightened the rope,

and of course he was dragged gently ahead  holding  even pace with the scow. The motion aided in keeping his

face above  the surface of the water, and it would have been possible for one  accustomed  to endurance, to

have been towed a mile in this singular  but simple manner. 

It has been said that the Hurons did not observe the sudden  disappearance of  Hurry. In his present situation,

he was not only hid  from view, by the  platform, but, as the Ark drew slowly ahead,  impelled by a sail that

was now  filled, he received the same friendly  service from the piles. The Hurons,  indeed, were too intent on

endeavoring to slay their Delaware foe, by sending  a bullet through  some one of the loops or crevices of the

cabin, to bethink  them at  all, of one whom they fancied so thoroughly tied. Their great concern  was the

manner in which the Ark rubbed past the piles, although its  motion  was lessened at least one half by the

friction, and they passed  into the  northern end of the castle, in order to catch opportunities  of firing through

the loops of that part of the building. Chingachgook  was similarly occupied,  and remained as ignorant as his

enemies, of  the situation of Hurry. As the  Ark grated along, the rifles sent their  little clouds of smoke from

one cover  to the other, but the eyes and  movements of the opposing parties were too  quick to permit any

injury  to be done. At length one side had the  mortification, and the other  the pleasure of seeing the scow

swing clear of  the piles altogether,  when it immediately moved away, with a materially  accelerated motion,

towards the north. 

Chingachgook now first learned from Hist, the critical condition of  Hurry. To  have exposed either of their

persons in the stern of the  scow, would have  been certain death, but, fortunately, the sheet to  which the man

clung, led  forward to the foot of the sail. The Delaware  found means to unloosen it from  the cleet aft, and

Hist, who was  already forward for that purpose,  immediately began to pull upon the  line. At this moment

Hurry was towing  fifty or sixty feet astern, with  nothing but his face above water. As he was  dragged out

clear of the  castle and the piles, he was first perceived by the  Hurons, who raised  a hideous yell, and

commenced a fire on, what may very  well be termed,  the floating mass. It was at same instant, that Hist

began to  pull  upon the line for a circumstance that probably saved Hurry's life,  aided  by his own

selfpossession and border readiness. The first  bullet struck the  water directly on the spot, where the broad

chest of  the young giant was  visible through the pure element might have  pierced his heart, had the angle  at

was fired, been less acute.  Instead of penetrating the ~ever, it glanced  from its smooth surface,  rose, and

buried itself in the logs of the cabin,  near the spot at  Chingachgook had shown himself the minute before, the

line  from the  cleet. A second, and a third, fourth bullet followed, all meeting  with  the same resistance of the

water, though Hurry sensibly the blows they  struck upon the lake so and so near his breast. Discovering their

now  changed  their plan, and aimed at the uncovered face but by this time  Hist was pulling  on the line the

target advanced and the deadly  missiles still fell upon the  water. In another moment the body was  dragged the

tow and became concealed.  As for the Delaware and Hist,  they worked perfectly covered by the cabin and  in

less time than it  requires to tell it, they had hauled the huge frame of  Harry to the  place they occupied.

Chingachgook stood in readiness with his  keen  knife, and bending over the side of the scow he soon severed

the bark  that bound the limbs of the borderer. To raise him high enough to  reach the  edge of the boat, and to

aid him in entering were less easy  as Hurry's arms  were still nearly useless, but both were done in time  when

the liberated man  staggered forward, and fell exhausted and  helpless into the bottom of the  scow. Here we

shall leave him to  recover his  strength and the due  circulation of his blood, while we  proceed with the

narrative of events that  crowd upon us too fast to  admit of any postponement. The moment the Hurons  lost

sight of the  body of Hurry, they gave a common yell of disappointment  and three of  the most active of their

number ran to the trap and entered the  canoe.  It required some little delay, however, to embark with their

weapons,  to find the paddles and, if we may use a phrase so purely technical,  "to get  out of dock." By this

time Hurry was in the scow, and the  Delaware had his  rifles, again, in readiness. As the Ark necessarily  sailed

before the wind,  it had got by this time quite two hundred  yards from the castle, and was  sliding away each

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instant, farther and  farther, though with a motion so easy  as scarcely to stir the water.  The canoe of the girls

was quite a quarter of  a mile distant from the  Ark, obviously keeping aloof, in ignorance of what  had

occurred, and  in apprehension of the consequences of venturing too near.  They had  taken the direction of the

eastern shore, endeavoring at the same  time  to get to windward of the Ark, and in a manner between the two

parties,  as if distrusting which was to be considered a friend, and which an  enemy.  The girls, from long habit,

used the paddles with great  dexterity, and  Judith, in particular, had often sportively gained  races, in trials of

speed  with the youths that occasionally visited  the lake. 

When the three Hurons emerged from behind the palisades, and found  themselves  on the open lake, and

under the necessity of advancing  unprotected on the  Ark, if they persevered in the original design,  their ardor

sensibly cooled.  In a bark canoe, they were totally  without cover, and Indian discretion was  entirely opposed

to such a  sacrifice of life as would most probably follow  any attempt to assault  an enemy, entrenched as

effectually as the Delaware.  Instead of  following the Ark therefore, these three warriors inclined towards  the

eastern shore, keeping at a safe distance from the rifles of  Chingachgook. But this manoeuvre rendered the

position of the girls  exceedingly critical. It threatened to place them if not between two  fires,  at least between

two dangers, or what they conceived to be  dangers, and,  instead of permitting the Hurons to enclose her, in

what  she fancied a sort  of net, Judith immediately commenced her retreat,  in a southern direction, at  no very

great distance from the shore. She  did not dare to land; if such an  expedient were to be resorted to at  all, she

could only venture on it, in the  last extremity. At first the  Indians paid little or no attention to the other  canoe,

for, fully  apprised of its contents, they deemed its capture of  comparatively  little moment, while the Ark, with

its imaginary treasures, the  persons of the Delaware and of Hurry, and its means of movement on a  large

scale, was before them. But this Ark had its dangers as well as  its  temptations, and after wasting near an hour,

in vacillating  evolutions,  always at a safe distance from the rifle, the Hurons  seemed suddenly to take  their

resolution, and began to display it by  giving eager chase to the girls. 

When this last design was adopted, the circumstances of all  parties, as  connected with their relative positions,

were materially  changed. The Ark had  sailed and drifted quite half a mile, and was  nearly that distance due

north  of the castle. As soon as the Delaware  perceived that the girls avoided him,  unable to manage his

unwieldy  craft, and knowing that flight from a bark  canoe, in the event of  pursuit, would be a useless

expedient if attempted, he  had lowered his  sail, in the hope it might induce the sisters to change their  plan,

and to seek refuge in the scow. This demonstration produced no other  effect than to keep the Ark nearer to

the scene of action, and to  enable  those in her to become witnesses of the chase. The canoe of  Judith was

about  a quarter of a mile south of that of the Hurons, a  little nearer to the east  shore, and about the same

distance to the  southward of the castle, as it was  from the hostile canoe, a  circumstance which necessarily put

the last nearly  abreast of Hurter's  fortress. With the several parties thus situated the  chase commenced. 

At the moment when the Hurons so suddenly changed their mode of  attack their  canoe was not in the best,

possible, racing trim. There  were but two paddles,  and the third man so much extra and useless  cargo. Then

the difference in  weight, between the sisters and the  other two men, more especially in vessels  so extremely

light, almost  neutralized any  :e that might proceed from the greater strength of the  and rendered the trial  of

speed far from being as unequal, as it might  seem. Judith did not commence  her exertions, until the near

approach  of the other canoe, rendered object of  the movement certain, and then  she exhorted Hetty to aid her

with her utmost  skill and strength. 

"Why should we run, Judith?" asked the simple minded L. "The Hurons  have  never harmed me, nor do I

think they ever will." 

"That may be true as to you, Hetty, but it will prove very  different with me.  Kneel down and say your prayer,

and then rise, and  do your utmost to help  escape. Think of me, dear girl, too, as you  pray." 

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Judith gave these directions from a mixed feeling; first because  she knew  that her sister ever sought the

support of her great ally in  trouble, and  next because a sensation of feebleness and dependance  suddenly

came over her  own proud spirit, in that moment of apparent  desertion and trial. The prayer  was quickly said,

however, and the  canoe was soon in rapid motion. Still,  neither party resorted to their  greatest exertions from

the outset, both  knowing that the chase was  likely to be arduous and long. Like two vessels of  war that are

preparing for an encounter, they seemed desirous of first  ascertaining  their respective rates of speed, in order

that they might know  how to  graduate their exertions, previously to the great effort. A few  minutes sufficed

to show the Hurons that the girls were expert, and  that it  would require all their skill and energies to overtake


Judith had inclined towards the eastern shore, at the commencement  of the  chase, with a vague determination

of landing and flying to the  woods, as a  last resort, but as she approached the land, the certainty  that scouts

must  be watching her movements, made her reluctance to  adopt such an expedient  unconquerable. Then she

was still fresh, and  had sanguine hopes of being able  to tire out her pursuers. With such  feelings she gave a

sweep with her  paddle, and sheered off from the  fringe of dark hemlocks beneath the shades  of which she

was so near  entering, and held her way, again, more towards the  centre of the  lake. This seemed the instant

favorable for the Hurons to make  their  push, as it gave them the entire breadth of the sheet to do it in; and  this

too in the widest part, as soon as they had got between the  fugitives  and the land. The canoes now flew,

Judith making up for what  she wanted in  strength, by her great dexterity and self command. For  half a mile

the  Indians gained no material advantage, but the  continuance of so great  exertions for so many minutes

sensibly  affected all concerned. Here the  Indians resorted to an expedient that  enabled them to give one of

their party  time to breathe, by shifting  their paddles from hand to hand, and this too  without sensibly  relaxing

their efforts. 

Judith occasionally looked behind her, and she saw this expedient  practised.  It caused her immediately to

distrust the result, since her  powers of  endurance were not likely to hold out against those of men  who had the

means  of relieving each other. Still she persevered,  allowing no very visible  consequences immediately to

follow the  change. 

As yet the Indians had not been able to get nearer to the girls,  than two  hundred yards, though they were what

seamen would term 'in  their wake'; or in  a direct line behind them, passing over the same  track of water. This

made  the pursuit what is technically called a  "stern chase", which is proverbially  a "long chase": the meaning

of  which is that, in consequence of the relative  positions of the  parties, no change becomes apparent except

that which is a  direct gain  in the nearest possible approach. "Long" as this species of chase  is  admitted to be,

however, Judith was enabled to perceive that the Hurons  were sensibly drawing nearer and nearer, before she

had gained the  centre of  the lake. She was not a girl to despair, but there was an  instant when she  thought of

yielding, with the wish of being carried  to the camp where she  knew the Deerslayer to be a captive; but the

considerations connected with  the means she hoped to be able to  employ, in order to procure his release,

immediately interposed, in  order to stimulate her to renewed exertions. Had  there been any one  there to note

the progress of the two canoes, he would  have seen that  of Judith flying swiftly away from its pursuers, as

the girl  gave it  freshly impelled speed, while her mind was thus dwelling on her own  ardent and generous

schemes. So material, indeed, was the difference  in the  rate of going between the two canoes, for the next five

minutes, that the  Hurons began to be convinced all their powers must  be exerted, or they would  suffer the

disgrace of being baffled by  women. Making a furious effort, under  the mortification of such a  conviction,

one of the strongest of their party  broke his paddle at  the very moment when he had taken it from the hand of

a  comrade, to  relieve him. This at once decided the matter, a canoe containing  three  men and having but one

paddle, being utterly unable to overtake  fugitives like the daughters of Thomas Hutter. 

"There, Judith!" exclaimed Hetty, who saw the accident "I hope,  now, you  will own, that praying is useful!

The Hurons have broke a  paddle, and they  never can overtake us." 

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"I never denied it, poor Hetty, and sometimes wish, in bitterness  of spirit,  that I had prayed more myself, and

thought less of my  beauty! As you say, we  are now safe and need only go a little south,  and take breath." 

This was done; the enemy giving up the pursuit, as suddenly as a  ship that  has lost an important spar, the

instant the accident  occurred. Instead of  following Judith's canoe, which was now lightly  skimming over the

water  towards the south, the Hurons turned their  bows towards the castle, where  they soon arrived and

landed. The  girls, fearful that some spare paddles  might be found in, or about the  buildings, continued on, nor

did they stop,  until so distant from  their enemies as to give them every chance of escape,  should the chase  be

renewed. It would seem that the savages meditated no such  design,  but at the end of an hour their canoe,

filled with men, was seen  quitting the castle, and steering towards the shore. The girls were  without  food, and

they now drew nearer to the buildings and the Ark,  having finally  made up their minds, from its manoeuvres,

that the  latter contained friends. 

Notwithstanding the seeming desertion of the castle, Judith  approached it  with extreme caution. The Ark was

now quite a mile to  the northward, but  sweeping up towards the buildings, and this, too,  with a regularity of

motion  that satisfied Judith a white man was at  the oars. When within a hundred  yards of the building, the

girls began  to encircle it, in order to make sure  that it was empty. No canoe was  nigh, and this emboldened

them, to draw  nearer and nearer, until they  had gone round the piles, and reached the  platform. 

"Do you go into the house, Hetty," said Judith, "and see that the  savages are  gone. They will not harm you,

and if any of them are still  here, you can give  me the alarm. I do not think they will fire on a  poor defenceless

girl, and I  at least may escape, until I shall be  ready to go among them of my own  accord." 

Hetty did as desired, Judith retiring a few yards from the  platform, the  instant her sister landed, in readiness

for flight. But  the last was  unnecessary, not a minute elapsing before Hetty returned  to communicate that  all

was safe. 

"I've been in all the rooms, Judith," said the latter earnestly,  "and they  are empty, except father's; he is in his

own chamber,  sleeping, though not as  quietly as we could wish." 

"Has any thing happened to father?" demanded Judith, as her foot  touched the  platform; speaking quick, for

her nerves were in a state  to be easily  alarmed. 

Hetty seemed concerned, and she looked furtively about her, as if  unwilling  any one but a child should hear

what she had to communicate,  and even that  she should learn it abruptly. 

"You know how it is with father, sometimes, Judith," she said,  "When  overtaken with liquor he does n't

always know what he says, or  does, and he  seems to be overtaken with liquor, now." 

"That is strange!Would the savages have drunk with him, and then  leave him  behind? But tis a grievous

sight to a child, Hetty, to  witness such a failing  in a parent, and we will not go near him 'till  he wakes." 

A groan from the inner room, however, changed this resolution, and  the girls  ventured near a parent, whom it

was no unusual thing for  them to find in a  condition that lowers a man to the level of brutes.  He was seated,

reclining  in a corner of the narrow room, with his  shoulders supported by the angle,  and his head fallen

heavily on his  chest. Judith moved forward, with a sudden  impulse, and removed a  canvass cap that was

forced so low on his head as to  conceal his face,  and indeed all but his shoulders. The instant this obstacle

was taken  away, the quivering and raw flesh, the bared veins and muscles, and  all the other disgusting signs

of mortality, as they are revealed by  tearing  away the skin, showed he had been scalped, though still  living. 

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Chapter XXI.

"Lightly they'll talk of the spirit that's gone, And o'er his cold ashes

upbraid him;

But nothing he'll reck, if they'll let him sleep on, In the grave where a

Briton has laid him."

Charles Wolfe, "The Burial of Sir John Moore," vi.

The reader must imagine the horror that daughters would experience,  at  unexpectedly beholding the shocking

spectacle that was placed  before the eyes  of Judith and Esther, as related in the close of the  last chapter. We

shall  pass over the first emotions, the first acts of  filial piety, and proceed  with the narrative, by imagining

rather than  relating most of the revolting  features of the scene. The mutilated  and ragged head was bound up,

the  unseemly blood was wiped from the  face of the sufferer, the other appliances  required by appearances and

care were resorted to, and there was time to  enquire into the more  serious circumstances of the case. The facts

were never  known until  years later, in all their details, simple as they were, but they  may  as well be related

here, as it can be done in a few words. In the  struggle with the Hurons, Hutter had been stabbed by the knife

of the  old  warrior, who had used the discretion to remove the arms of every  one but  himself. Being hard

pushed by his sturdy foe, his knife had  settled the  matter. This occurred just as the door was opened, and

Hurry burst out upon  the platform, as has been previously related.  This was the secret of neither  party's

having appeared in the  subsequent struggle; Hutter having been  literally disabled, and his  conqueror being

ashamed to be seen with the  traces of blood about him,  after having used so many injunctions to convince  his

young warriors  of the necessity of taking their prisoners alive. When the  three  Hurons returned from the

chase, and it was determined to abandon the  castle, and join the party on the land, Hutter was simply scalped,

to  secure  the usual trophy, and was left to die by inches, as has been  done in a  thousand similar instances, by

the ruthless warriors of this  part of the  American continent. Had the injury of Hutter been  confined to his

head, he  might have recovered, however, for it was  the blow of the knife that proved  mortal. There are

moments of vivid  consciousness, when the stern justice of  God stands forth in colours  so prominent, as to

defy any attempts to veil  them from the sight,  however unpleasant they may appear, or however anxious  we

may be to  avoid recognising it. Such was now the fact with Judith and  Hetty, who  both perceived the decrees

of a retributive Providence, in the  manner  of their father's suffering, as a punishment for his own recent

attempts on the Iroquois. This was seen and felt by Judith with the  keenness  of perception and sensibility that

were suited to her  character, while the  impression made on the simpler mind of her sister  was perhaps less

lively,  though it might well have proved more  lasting. 

"Oh! Judith" exclaimed the weak minded girl, as soon as their  first care had  been bestowed on the went for

scalps, himself, and now  where is his own? The  bible might have foretold this dreadful  punishment!" 

"HushHettyhush, poor sisterHe opens his eyes; he may hear and  understand  you. Tis as you say and

think, but 'tis too dreadful to  speak." 

"Water" ejaculated Hutter, as it might be by a desperate effort,  that  rendered his voice frightfully deep and

strong, for one as near  death as he  evidently was"Waterfoolish girls will you let me die of  thirst." 

Water was brought and administered to the sufferer; the first he  had tasted  in hours of physical anguish. It had

the double effect of  clearing his  throat, and of momentarily reviving his sinking system.  His eyes opened with

that anxious, distended gaze, which is apt to  accompany the passage of a soul  surprised by death, and he

seemed  disposed to speak. 

"Father" said Judith, inexpressibly pained by his deplorable  situation, and  this so much the more from her

ignorance of what  remedies ought to be  applied"Father, can we do any thing for you?Can  Hetty and I

relieve your  pain?" 

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"Father!" slowly repeated the old man. "NoJudith no  Hetty   I'm no  father. She was your mother, but

I'm no father. Look in the  chest  Tis all  there  give me more water." 

The girls complied, and Judith, whose early recollections extended  farther  back than her sister's, and who, on

every account, had more  distinct  impressions of the past, felt an uncontrollable impulse of  joy, as she heard

these words. There had never been much sympathy  between her reputed father  and herself, and suspicions of

this very  truth had often glanced across her  mind, in consequence of dialogues  she had overheard between

Hutter and her  mother. It might be going too  far to say she had never loved him, but it is  not so to add, that

she  rejoiced it was no longer a duty. With Hetty the  feeling was  different. Incapable of making all the

distinctions of her  sister, her  very nature was full of affection, and she had loved her reputed  parent, though

far less tenderly than the real parent, and it grieved  her,  now, to hear him declare he was not naturally entitled

to that  love. She felt  a double grief, as if his death and his words together,  were twice depriving  her of

parents. Yielding to her feelings, the  poor girl went aside and wept. 

The very opposite emotions of the two girls, kept both silent for a  long  time. Judith gave water to the sufferer

frequently, but she  forbore to urge  him with questions, in some measure out of  consideration for his

condition,  but, if truth must be said, quite as  much, lest something he should add, in  the way of explanation,

might  disturb her pleasing belief that she was not  Thomas Hutter's child. At  length Hetty dried her tears, and

came and seated  herself on a stool  by the side of the dying man, who had been placed at his  length on the

floor, with his head supported by some coarse vestments that  had been  left in the house. 

"Father" she said"you will let me call you father, though you say  you are  not one  Father shall I read the

bible to you mother always  said the bible  was good for people in trouble. She was often in  trouble herself,

and then  she made me read the bible to her for  Judith wasn't as fond of the bible as  I amand it always did

her good.  Many is the time I've known mother begin to  listen with the tears  streaming from her eyes, and end

with smiles and  gladness. Oh! father,  you don't know how much good the bible can do, for  you've never tried

it Now, I'll read a chapter, and it will soften your  heart, as it  softened the hearts of thee Hurons ' 

While poor Hetty had so much reverence for, and faith in, the  virtues of the  bible, her intellect was too

shallow to enable her  fully to appreciate its  beauties, or to fathom its profound, and  sometimes mysterious

wisdom. That  instinctive sense of right, which  appeared to shield her from the commission  of wrong, and

even cast a  mantle of moral loveliness and truth around her  character, could not  penetrate abstrusities, or trace

the nice affinities  between cause and  effect, beyond their more obvious and indisputable  connection, though

she seldom failed to see all the latter, and to defer to  all their  just consequences. In a word, she was one of

those who feel and act  correctly, without being able to give a logical reason for it, even  admitting  revelation

as her authority. Her selections from the bible,  therefore, were  commonly distinguished by the simplicity of

her own  mind, and were oftener  marked for containing images of known and  palpable things, than for any of

the higher cast of moral truths with  which the pages of that wonderful book  abound  wonderful, and

unequalled, even without referring to its divine  origin, as a work  replete with the profoundest philosophy,

expressed in the  noblest  language. Her mother, with a connection that will probably strike the  reader, had

been fond of the book of Job, and Hetty had, in a great  measure,  learned to read by the frequent lessons she

had received from  the different  chapters of this venerable and sublime poem  now  believed to be the oldest

book in the world. On this occasion the poor  girl was submissive to her  training, and she turned to that well

known  part of the sacred volume, with  the readiness with which the practised  counsel would cite his

authorities  from the stores of legal wisdom. In  selecting the particular chapter, she was  influenced by the

caption,  and she chose that which stands in our English  version as "Job  excuseth his desire of death." This she

read steadily, from  beginning  to end, in a sweet, low and plaintive voice; hoping devoutly that  the  allegorical

and abstruse sentences might convey to the heart of the  sufferer the consolation he needed. It is another

peculiarity of the  comprehensive wisdom of the bible, that scarce a chapter, unless it be  strictly narration, can

be turned to, that does not contain some  searching  truth that is applicable to the condition of every human

heart, as well as to  the  temporal state of its owner, either through  the workings of that heart, or  even in a still

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more direct form. In  this instance, the very opening sentence   "Is there not an appointed  time to man on

earth?' was startling, and as  Hetty proceeded, Hutter  applied, or fancied he could apply many aphorisms and

figures to his  own worldly and mental condition. As life is ebbing fast, the  mind  clings eagerly to hope when

it is not absolutely crushed by despair.  The  solemn words "I have sinned; what shall I do unto thee, 0 thou

preserver of  men? Why hast thou set me as a mark against thee, so that  I am a burden to  myself," struck

Hutter more perceptibly than the  others, and, though too  obscure for one of his blunted feelings and  obtuse

mind either to feel or to  comprehend in their fullest extent,  they had a directness of application to  his own

state that caused him  to wince under them. 

"Don't you feel better now, father?" asked Hetty, closing the  volume. "Mother  was always better when she

had read the bible." 

"Water' returned Hutter"give me water, Judith. I wonder if my  tongue will  always be so hot! Hetty, isn't

there something in the  bible about cooling the  tongue of a man who was burning in Hell fire?" 

Judith turned away shocked, but Hetty eagerly sought the passage,  which she  read aloud to the conscience

stricken victim of his own  avaricious longings.  "That's it poor Hetty yes that's it. My tongue  wants

cooling, nowwhat  will it be here after!" 

This appeal silenced even the confiding Hetty, for she had no  answer ready  for a confession so fraught with

despair. Water, so long  as it could relieve  the sufferer, it was in the power of the sisters  to give, and, from

time to  time, it was offered to the lips of the  sufferer, as he asked for it. Even  Judith prayed. As for Hetty, as

soon as she found that her efforts to make  her father listen to her  texts were no longer rewarded with success,

she  knelt at his side, and  devoutly repeated the words which the Saviour has left  behind him, as  a model for

human petitions. This she continued to do, at  intervals,  as long as it seemed to her that the act could benefit

the dying  man.  Hutter, however, lingered longer than the girls had believed possible,  when they first found

him. At times he spoke intelligibly, though his  lips  oftener moved in utterance of sounds that carried no

distinct  impressions to  the mind. Judith listened intently, and she heard the  words  "husband'  "death' 

"pirate"  "law'  "scalps'  and several  others of similar import,  though there was no sentence to tell the

precise connection in which they  were used. Still they were  sufficiently expressive to be understood by one

whose ears had not  escaped all the rumours that had been circulated to her  reputed  father's discredit, and

whose comprehension was as quick, as her  faculties were attentive. 

During the whole of the painful hour that succeeded, neither of the  sisters  bethought her sufficiently of the

Hurons, to dread their  return. It seemed as  if their desolation and grief placed them above  the danger of such

an  interruption, and when the sound of oars was at  length heard, even Judith,  who alone had any reason to

apprehend the  enemy, did not start, but at once  understood that the Ark was near.  She went upon the platform

fearlessly, for  should it turn out that  Hurry was not there, and that the Hurons were masters  of the scow  also,

escape was impossible. Then she had the sort of confidence  that  is inspired by extreme misery. But there was

no cause for any new  alarm,  Chingachgook, Hist, and Hurry all standing in the open part of  the scow,

cautiously examining the building to make certain of the  absence of the  enemy. They, too, had seen the

departure of the Hurons,  as well as the  approach of the canoe of the girls to the castle, and  presuming on the

latter  fact, March had swept the scow up to the  platform. A word sufficed to explain  that there was nothing to

be  apprehended, and the Ark was soon moored in her  old berth. 

Judith said not a word concerning the condition of her father, but  Hurry knew  her too well, not to understand

that something was more  than usually wrong.  He led the way, though with less of his confident  bold manner

than usual,  into the house, and penetrating to the inner  room, found Hutter lying on his  back, with Hetty

sitting at his side,  fanning him with pious care. The events  of the morning had sensibly  changed the manner

of Hurry. Notwithstanding his  skill as a swimmer,  and the readiness with which he had adopted the only

expedient that  could possibly save him, the helplessness of being in the  water, bound  hand and foot, had

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produced some such effect on him, as the near  approach of punishment is known to produce on most

criminals, leaving  a vivid  impression of the horrors of death upon his mind, and this too  in connection  with a

picture of bodily helplessness; the daring of  this man being far more  the offspring of vast physical powers,

than of  the energy of the will, or  even of natural spirit. Such heroes  invariably lose a large portion of their

courage with the failure  of  their strength, and, though Hurry was now  unfettered and as vigorous  as ever

events were too recent to permit the  recollection of his late  deplorable condition to be at all weakened. Had

he  lived a century,  the occurrences of the few momentous minutes during which he  was in  the lake, would

have produced a chastening effect on his character, if  not always on his manner. 

Hurry was not only shocked when he found his late associate in this  desperate  situation, but he was greatly

surprised. During the struggle  in the building,  he had been far too much occupied himself, to learn  what had

befallen his  comrade, and, as no deadly weapon had been used  in his particular case, but  every effort had

been made to capture him  without injury, he naturally  believed that Hutter had been overcome,  while he

owed his own escape to his  great bodily strength, and to a  fortunate concurrence of extraordinary

circumstances. Death, in the  silence and solemnity of a chamber, was a  novelty to him. Though  accustomed

to scenes of violence, he had been unused  to sit by the  bedside, and watch the slow beating of the pulse, as it

gradually grew  weaker and weaker. Notwithstanding the change in his feelings,  the  manners of a life could

not be altogether cast aside in a moment, and  the  unexpected scene extorted a characteristic speech from the


"How now! old Tom,' he said, "have the vagabonds got you at an  advantage,  where you're not only down, but

are likely to be kept down!  I thought you a  captyve it's true, but never supposed you so hard run  as this!' 

Hutter opened his glassy eyes, and stared wildly at the speaker. A  flood of  confused recollections rushed on

his wavering mind, at the  sight of his late  comrade. It was evident that he struggled with his  own images, and

knew not  the real from the unreal. 

"Who are you?' he asked in a husky whisper, his failing strength  refusing to  aid him in a louder effort of his


"Who are you?You look like the mate of 'The Snow'he was a giant,  too, and  near overcoming us.' 

"I'm your mate, Floating Tom, and your comrade, but have nothing to  do with  any snow. It's summer now ,

and Harry March always quits the  hills, as soon  after the frosts set in, as is convenient. 

"I know you  Hurry Skurry  I'll sell you a scalp!  a sound one,  and of a  full grown man  What'1l you


"Poor Tom! That scalp business hasn't turned out at all profitable,  and I've  pretty much concluded to give it

up; and to follow a less  bloody calling.'  "Have you got any scalp? Mine's gone  How does it  feel to have a

scalp?  I  know how it feels to lose one  Fire and  flames about the brainand, a  wrenching at the heart

nonokill  first, Hurry, and scalp, afterwards.' 

"What does the old fellow mean, Judith? He talks like one  that is  getting tired of the business as well as

myself. Why have 'you bound  up his head; or, have the savages tomahawked him about the brains.' 

"They have done that for him, which you and he, Harry March, would  have so  gladly done for them. His skin

and hair have been torn from  his head to gain  money from the governor of Canada, as you would have  torn

theirs from the  heads of the Hurons, to gain money from the  governor of York.' 

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Judith spoke with a strong effort to appear composed, but it was  neither in  her nature, nor in the feeling of the

moment to speak  altogether without  bitterness. The strength of her emphasis, indeed,  as well as her manner

caused Hetty to look up reproachfully. 

"These are high words to come from Thomas Hutter's darter, as  Thomas Hutter  lies dying before her eyes,'

retorted Hurry. 

"God be praised for that!  whatever reproach it may bring on my  poor mother,  I am not Thomas Hutter's


"Not Thomas Hutter's darter!  Don't disown the old fellow in his  last  moments, Judith, for that's a sin the

Lord will never overlook.  If you're not  Thomas Hutter's darter, whose darter be you?' 

This question rebuked the rebellious spirit of Judith, for, in  getting rid of  a parent, whom she felt it was a

relief to find she  might own she had never  loved, she overlooked the important  circumstance that no

substitute was ready  to supply his place. 

"I cannot tell you, Harry, who my father was,' she answered more  mildly; "I  hope he was an honest man, at

least. ' 

"Which is more than you think was the case, with old Hutter? Well,  Judith,  I'll not deny that hard stories were

in circulation consarning  Floating Tom,  but who is there that doesn't get a scratch, when an  inimy holds the

rake?  There's them that say hard things of me, and  even you, beauty as you be,  don't always escape." 

This was said with a view to set up a species of community of  character  between the parties, and, as the

politicians are wont to  express it, with  ulterior intentions. What might have been the  consequences with one

of  Judith's known spirit, as well as her assured  antipathy to the speaker, it is  not easy to say, for, just then,

Hutter gave unequivocal signs that his last  moment was nigh. Judith  and Hetty had stood by the dying bed of

their mother,  and neither  needed a monitor to warn them of the crisis, and every sign of  resentment vanished

from the face of the first. Hutter opened his  eyes, and  even tried to feel about him with his hands, a sign that

sight was failing. A  minute later, his breathing grew ghastly; a pause  totally without respiration  followed;

and, then, succeeded the last,  long drawn sigh, on which the spirit  is supposed to quit the body.  This sudden

termination of the life of one who  had hitherto filled so  important a place in the narrow scene on which he

had  been an actor,  put an end to all discussion. 

The day passed by without further interruption, the Hurons, though  possessed  of a canoe, appearing so far

satisfied with their success as  to have  relinquished all immediate designs on the castle. It would not  have been

a  safe undertaking, indeed, to approach it under the rifles  of those it was now  known to contain, and it is

probable that the  truce was more owing to this  circumstance than to any other. In the  mean while the

preparations were made  for the interment of Hutter. To  bury him on the land was impracticable, and  it was

Hetty's wish that  his body should lie by the side of that of her  mother, in the lake.  She had it in her power to

quote one of his speeches, in  which he  himself had called the lake the "family burying around.' and luckily

this was done without the knowledge of her sister, who would have  opposed the  plan, had she known it, with

unconquerable disgust. But  Judith had not  meddled with the arrangement, and every necessary  disposition

was made  without her privity or advice. 

The hour chosen for the rude ceremony, was just as the sun was  setting, and a  moment and a scene more

suited to paying the last  offices to one of calm and  pure spirit could not have been chosen.  There are a

mystery and a solemn  dignity in death, that dispose the  living to regard the remains of even a  malefactor with

a certain  degree of reverence. All worldly distinctions have  ceased; it is  thought that the veil has been

removed, and that the character  and  destiny of the departed are now as much beyond human opinions, as they

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are beyond human ken. In nothing is death more truly a leveller than  in this,  since, while it may be impossible

absolutely to confound the  great with the  low, the worthy with the unworthy, the mind feels it to  be arrogant

to assume  a right to judge of those who are believed to be  standing at the judgment  seat of God. When Judith

was told that all  was ready, she went upon the  platform, passive to the request of her  sister, and then she first

that had  been taken from the fire place,  were enclosed with it, took heed of the  arrangement. The body was in

the scow, enveloped in a sheet, and quite a  hundred weight of stones,  in order that it might sink. No other

preparation seemed to be thought  necessary, though Hetty carried her bible beneath her arm. 

When all were on board the Ark, the singular habitation of the man  whose body  it now bore to its final abode,

was set in motion. Hurry  was at the oars. In  his powerful hands, indeed, they seemed little  more than a pair of

sculls,  which were wielded without effort, and, as  he was expert in their use, the  Delaware remained a passive

spectator  of the proceedings. The progress of the  Ark had something of the  stately solemnity of a funeral

procession, the dip  of the oars being  measured, and the movement slow and steady. The wash of the  water, as

the blades rose and fell, kept time with the efforts of Hurry, and  might have been likened to the measured

tread of mourners. Then the  tranquil  scene was in beautiful accordance with a rite that ever  associates with

itself the idea of God. At that instant, the lake had  not even a single  ripple, on its glassy surface, and the

broad  panorama of woods seemed to look  down on the holy tranquillity of the  hour and ceremony in

melancholy  stillness. Judith was affected to  tears, and even Hurry, though he hardly  knew why, was troubled.

Hetty  preserved the outward signs of tranquillity,  but her inward grief  greatly surpassed that of her sister,

since her  affectionate heart  loved more from habit and long association, than from the  usual  connections of

sentiment and taste. She was sustained by religious  hope, however, which in her simple mind usually

occupied the space  that  worldly feelings filled in that of Judith, and she was not  without an  expectation of

witnessing some open manifestation of divine  power, on an  occasion so solemn. Still she was neither

mystical nor  exaggerated; her  mental imbecility denying both. Nevertheless her  thoughts had generally so

much of the purity of a better world about  them that it was easy for her to  forget earth altogether, and to think

only of heaven. Hist was serious,  attentive and interested, for she  had often seen the interments of the pale

faces, though never one  that promised to be as peculiar as this; while the  Delaware, though  grave, and also

observant, in his demeanor was stoical and  calm. 

Hetty acted as pilot, directing Hurry how to proceed, to find that  spot in  the lake, which she was in the habit

of terming "mother's  grave.' The reader  will remember that the castle stood near the  southern extremity of a

shoal  that extended near half a mile  northerly, and it was at the farthest end of  this shallow water that  Floating

Tom had seen fit to deposit the remains of  his wife and  child. His own were now in the course of being

placed at their  side.  Hetty had marks on the land by which she usually found the spot,  although the position of

the buildings, the general direction of the  shoal,  and the beautiful transparency of the water all aided her, the

latter even  allowing the bottom to be seen. By these means the girl  was enabled to note  their progress, and at

the proper time, she  approached March, whispering  "Now, Hurry you can stop rowing. We have  passed the

stone on the bottom, and  mother's grave is near. ' 

March ceased his efforts, immediately dropping the kedge, and  taking the warp  in his hand, in order to check

the scow. The Ark  turned slowly round, under  this restraint, and when looking over the  scow, and gazing

through the water  at the body. "He was a brave  companion on a scout, and a notable hand with  traps. Don't

weep,  Judith, don't be overcome Hetty, for the righteousest of  us all must  die; and when the time comes,

lamentations and tears can't bring  the  dead to life. Your father will be a loss to you, no doubt; most fathers  are

a loss, especially to onmarried darters; but there's a way to cure  that  evil, and you're both too young and

handsome to live long without  finding it  out. When it's agreeable to hear what an honest and  onpretending

man has to  say, Judith, I should like to talk a little  with you, apart. ' 

Judith had scarce attended to this rude attempt of Hurry's at  consolation,  although she necessarily understood

its general drift,  and had a tolerably  accurate notion of its manner. She was weeping at  the recollection of her

mother's early tenderness, and painful images  of long forgotten lessons and  neglected precepts were crowding

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her  mind. The words of Hurry, however,  recalled her to the present time,  and abrupt and unseasonable as was

their  import, they did not produce  those signs of distaste that one might have  expected from the girl's

character. On the contrary, she appeared to be  struck with some sudden  idea, gazed intently for a moment at

the young man,  dried her eyes,  and led the way to the other end of the scow, signifying her  wish for  him to

follow. Here she took a seat and motioned for March to place  himself at her side. The decision and

earnestness with which all this  was  done, a little intimidated her companion, and Judith found it  necessary to

open the subject herself. 

"You wish to speak to me of marriage, Harry March,' she said, "and  I have  come here, over the grave of my

parents, as it might be no  no over the  grave of my poor, dear dear, mother, to hear what you  have to

say.'  "This is oncommon, and you have a skearful way with you,  this evening,  Judith,' answered Hurry, more

disturbed than he would  have cared to own, "but  truth is truth, and it shall come out, let  what will follow. You

well know,  gal, that I've long thought you the  comeliest young woman my eyes ever  beheld, and that I've

made no  secret of that fact, either here on the lake,  out among the hunters  and trappers, or in the settlements. ' 

"Yesyes, I've heard this before, and I suppose it to be true, '  answered  Judith with a sort of feverish


"When a young man holds such language of any particular young  woman, it's  reasonable to calculate he sets

store by her.' 

"True  true, Hurry  all this you've told me, again and again.' 

"Well, if it's agreeable, I should think a woman coul'n't hear it  too often.  They all tell me this is the way with

your sex, that  nothing pleases them  more than to repeat over and over, for the  hundredth time, how much you

like  'em, unless it be to talk to 'em of  their good looks!' 

"No doubtwe like both, on most occasions, but this is an uncommon  moment,  Hurry, and vain words should

not be too freely used. I would  rather hear you  speak plainly.' 

"You shall have your own way, Judith, and I some suspect you always  will.  I've often told you that I not only

like you better than any  other young  woman going, or, for that matter, better than all the  young women going,

but  you must have obsarved, Judith, that I've never  asked you, in up and down  tarms, to marry me. 

"I have observed both,' returned the girl, a smile struggling about  her  beautiful mouth, in spite of the singular

and engrossing  intentness which  caused her cheeks to flush and lighted her eyes with  a brilliancy that was

almost dazzling "I have observed both, and have  thought the last remarkable  for a man of Harry March's

decision and  fearlessness. ' 

"There's been a reason, gal, and it's one that troubles me even  nownay,  don't flush up so, and look fiery like,

for there are  thoughts which will  stick long in any man's mind, as there be words  that will stick in his

throatbut, then, ag'in, there's feelin's that  will get the better of 'em  all, and to these feelin's I find I must

submit. You've no longer a father,  or a mother, Judith, and it's  morally unpossible that you and Hetty could

live here, alone, allowing  it was peace and the Iroquois was quiet; but, as  matters stand, not  only would you

starve, but you'd both be prisoners, or  scalped, afore  a week was out. It's time to think of a change and a

husband,  and, if  you'll accept of me, all that's past shall be forgotten, and there's  an end on't ' 

Judith had difficulty in repressing her impatience until this rude  declaration and offer were made, which she

evidently wished to hear,  and  which she now listened to with a willingness that might well have  excited  hope.

She hardly allowed the young man to conclude, so eager  was she to bring  him to the point, and so ready to


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"There  Hurry  that's enough" she said, raising a hand as if to  stop him  "I understand you as well, as if

you were to talk a month.  You prefer me to  other girls, and you wish me to become your wife.' 

"You put it in better words than I can do, Judith, and I wish you  to fancy  them said, just as you most like to

hear ~em. ' 

"They're plain enough, Harry, and 'tis fitting they should be so.  This is no  place to trifle or deceive in. Now,

listen to my answer,  which shall be, in  every tittle, as sincere as your offer. There is a  reason, March, why I

should never "I suppose I understand you,  Judith, but if I'm willing to  overlook that reason, it's no one's

consarn but mine  Now, don't brighten up  like the sky at sundown, for  no offence is meant, and none should

be taken. ' 

"I do not brighten up, and will not take offence," said Judith,  struggling to  repress her indignation, in a way

she had never found it  necessary to exert  before. "There is a reason why I should not,  cannot, ever be your

wife,  Hurry, that you seem to overlook, and which  it is my duty now to tell you, as  plainly as you have asked

me to  consent to become so. I do not, and I am  certain that I never shall,  love you well enough to marry you.

No man can  wish for a wife who does  not prefer him to all other men, and when I tell you  this frankly, I

suppose you yourself will thank me for my sincerity.' 

"Ah! Judith, them flaunting, gay, scarletcoated officers of the  garrisons,  have done all this mischief' 

"Hush, March; do not calumniate a daughter over her mother's grave!  Do not,  when I only wish to treat you

fairly, give me reason to call  for evil on your  head in bitterness of heart! Do not forget that I am  a woman,

and that you  are a man; and that I have neither father, nor  brother, to revenge your  words!"  "Well, there is

something in the  last, and I'll say no more. Take time,  Judith, and think better on  this.' 

"I want no timemy mind has long been made up, and I have only  waited for you  to speak plainly, to answer

plainly. We now understand  each other, and there  is no use in saying any more. '  '  The  impetuous earnestness

of the girl awed the young man, for never before  had he seen her so serious and determined. In most of their

previous  interviews she had met his advances with evasion , or sarcasm, but  these  Hurry had mistaken for

female coquetry, and had supposed might  easily be  converted into consent. The struggle had been with

himself,  about offering,  nor had he ever seriously believed it possible that  Judith would refuse to  become the

wife of the handsomest man on all  that frontier. Now that the  refusal came, and that in terms so  decided, as to

put all cavilling out of  the question, if not  absolutely dumbfounded, he was so much mortified and  surprised,

as to  feel no wish to attempt to change her resolution. 

"The Glimmerglass has now no great call for me,' he exclaimed~  after a  minutes silence. "Old Tom is gone,

the Hurons are as plenty on  the shore, as  pigeons in the woods, and altogether it is getting to be  an onsuitable

place.  ' 

"Then leave it. You see it is surrounded by dangers, and  there is  no reason  why you should risk your life for

others. Nor do I know that  you can be of  any service to us. Go, tonight; ' we'll never accuse you  of having

done any  thing forgetful, or unmanly.' 

"If I do go, 'twill be with a heavy heart on your account , Judith;  I would  rather take you with me.' 

"That is not to be spoken of any longer March; but, I will  land  you in one of the canoes, as soon as it is dark

and you can  strike a  trail for the nearest garrison. When you reach the fort ,  if you send  a party ' 

Judith smothered the words, for she felt that it was humiliating to  be thus  exposing herself to the comments

and reflections of one who  was not disposed  to view her conduct in, connection with all in those  garrisons,

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with an eye  of favor.  Hurry however, caught the idea, and,  without perverting it, as the  girl dreaded, he

answered to the  purpose. 

"I understand what you would say, and why you don't say it.' he  replied. "If  I get safe to the fort. a party shall

start on the trail  of these vagabonds,  and I'll come with it, myself, for I should like  to see you, and Hetty, in a

place of safety, before we part forever.' 

"Ah, Harry March, had you always spoken thus, felt thus, my  feelings towards  you might have been


"Is it too late, now, Judith? I'm rough and a woodsman, but we all  change  under different treatment from

what we have been used to.' 

"It is too late, March. I can never feel towards you, or any other  man but  one, as you would wish to have me.

There, I've said enough,  surely, and you  will question me no further. As soon as it is dark, I,  or the Delaware

will  put you on the shore. You will make the best of  your way to the Mohawk, and  the nearest garrison, and

send all you can  to our assistance. And, Hurry, we  are now friends, and I may trust in  you, may I not?' 

"Sartain, Judith; though our fri'ndship would have been all the  warmer, could  you look upon me, as I look

upon you. ' 

Judith hesitated, and some powerful emotion was struggling within  her. Then,  as if determined to look down

all weaknesses, and  accomplish her purposes, at  every hazard, she spoke more plainly. 

"You will find a captain of the name of Warley at the nearest  post," she  said, pale as death, and even

trembling as she spoke; "I  think it likely he  will wish to head the party, but I would greatly  prefer it should be

another.  If Captain Warley can be kept back, 't  would make me very happy!' 

"That's easier said than done, Judith, for these officers do pretty  much as  they please. The Major will order,

and captains, and  lieutenants, and ensigns  must obey. I know the officer you mean, a red  faced, gay, oh! be

joyful sort  of a gentleman, who swallows madeira  enough to drown the Mohawk, and yet a  pleasant talker.

All the gals in  the valley admire him, and they say he  admires all the gals. I don't  wonder he is your dislike,

Judith, for he's a  very gin'ral lover, if  he isn't a gin'ral officer." 

Judith did not answer, though her frame shook, and her colour  changed from  pale to crimson, and from

crimson back again to the hue  of death. 

trail of these vagabonds, and I'll come with it, myself, for I  should like to  see you, and Hetty, in a place of

safety, before we  part forever.' 

"Ah, Harry March, had you always spoken thus, felt thus, my  feelings towards  you might have been


"Is it too late, now, Judith? I'm rough and a woodsman, but we all  change  under different treatment from

what we have been used to.' 

"It is too late, March. I can never feel towards you, or any other  man but  one, as you would wish to have me.

There, I've said enough,  surely, and you  will question me no further. As soon as it is dark, I,  or the Delaware

will  put you on the shore. You will make the best of  your way to the Mohawk, and  the nearest garrison, and

send all you can  to our assistance. And, Hurry, we  are now friends, and I may trust in  you, may I not?' 

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"Sartain, Judith; though our fri'ndship would have been all the  warmer, could  you look upon me, as I look

upon you. ' 

Judith hesitated, and some powerful emotion was struggling within  her. Then,  as if determined to look down

all weaknesses, and  accomplish her purposes, at  every hazard, she spoke more plainly. 

"You will find a captain of the name of Warley at the nearest  post," she  said, pale as death, and even

trembling as she spoke; "I  think it likely he  will wish to head the party, but I would greatly  prefer it should be

another.  If Captain Warley can be kept back, 't  would make me very happy!' 

"That's easier said than done, Judith, for these officers do pretty  much as  they please. The Major will order,

and captains, and  lieutenants, and ensigns  must obey. I know the officer you mean, a red  faced, gay, oh! be

joyful sort  of a gentleman, who swallows madeira  enough to drown the Mohawk, and yet a  pleasant talker.

All the gals in  the valley admire him, and they say he  admires all the gals. I don't  wonder he is your dislike,

Judith, for he's a  very gin'ral lover, if  he isn't a gin'ral officer." 

Judith did not answer, though her frame shook, and her colour  changed from  pale to crimson, and from

crimson back again to the hue  of death. 

"Alas! my poor mother!" she ejaculated mentaally instead of  utterint it  aloud, "We are over thy grave, but

litttle dost thou know  how much thy  lessons have been forgotten; thy care neglected; thy love  defeated!" 

As this goading of the worm that never dies was felt, she arose and  signified  to Hurry, that she had no more

to communicate. 

Chapter XXII.

" That point

In misery, which makes the oppressed man

Regardless of his own life, makes him too

Lord of the oppressor's."

Coleridge, Remorse, V.i.20104.

All this time Hetty had remained seated in the head of the scow,  looking  sorrowfully into the water which

held the body of her mother,  as well as that  of the man whom she had been taught to consider her  father. Hist

stood near  her in gentle quiet, but had no consolation to  offer in words. The habits of  her people taught her

reserve in this  respect, and the habits of her sex  induced her to wait patiently for a  moment when she might

manifest some  soothing sympathy by means of  acts, rather than of speech. Chingachgook held  himself a little

aloof,  in grave reserve, looking like a warrior, but feeling  like a man. 

Judith joined her sister with an air of dignity and solemnity it  was not her  practice to show, and, though the

gleamings of anguish  were still visible on  her beautiful face, when she spoke it was firmly  and without

tremor. At that  instant Hist and the Delaware withdrew,  moving towards Hurry, in the other  end of the boat. 

"Sister," said Judith kindly, "I have much to say to you; we will  get into  this canoe, and paddle off to a

distance from the Ark  The  secrets of two  orphans ought not to be heard by every ear. 

"Certainly, Judith, by the ears of their parents? Let Hurry lift  the grapnel  and move away with the Ark, and

leave us here, near the  graves of father and  mother, to say what we may have to say. " 

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"Father!" repeated Judith slowly, the blood for the first time  since her  parting with March mounting to her

cheeks"He was no father  of ours, Hetty!  That we bad from his own mouth, and in his dying  moments." 

"Are you glad, Judith, to find you had no father! He took care of  us, and fed  us, and clothed us, and loved us;

a father could have done  no more. I do'n't  understand why he was'n't a father." 

"Never mind, dear child, but let us do as you have said. It may be  well to  remain here, and let the Ark move a

little away. Do you  prepare the canoe,  and I will tell Hurry and the Indians our wishes." 

This was soon and simply done, the Ark moving, with measured  strokes of the  sweeps a hundred yards from

the spot, leaving the girls  floating, seemingly  in air, above the place of the dead; so buoyant  was the light

vessel that  held them, and so limpid the element by  which it was sustained. 

"The death of Thomas Hutter," Judith commenced, after a short pause  had  prepared her sister to receive her

communications, "has altered  all our  prospects, Hetty. If he was not our father, we are sisters,  and must feel

alike and live together." 

"How do I know, Judith, that you would n't be as glad to find I am  not your  sister, as you are in finding that

Thomas Hutter, as you call  him, was not  your father. I am only half witted, and few people like  to have

halfwitted  relations; and then I'm not handsomeat least, not  as handsome as you and  you may wish a

handsomer sister." 

"NonoHetty. You and you only are my sistermy heart, and my love  for you  tell me thatand mother was

my mother of that too am I glad,  and proud; for  she was a mother to be proud ofbut father was not  father!" 

"Hush, Judith! His spirit may be near; it would grieve it to hear  his  children talking so, and that, too, over his

very grave. Children  should  never grieve parents, mother often told me, and especially when  they are  dead!" 

"Poor Hetty! They are happily removed beyond all cares on our  account.  Nothing that I can do or say, will

cause mother any sorrow  nowthere is some  consolation in that, at least! and nothing  you can  say or do will

make her smile, as she used to smile on your good  conduct when living." 

"You do n't know that, Judith. Spirits can see, and mother may see  as well as  any spirit. She always told us

that God saw all we did, and  that we should do  nothing to offend him; and now she has left us, I  strive to do

nothing that  can displease her. Think how her spirit  would mourn and feel sorrow, Judith,  did it see either of

us doing  what is not right; and spirits may see, after  all; especially the  spirits of parents that feel anxious

about their  children.~ 

"Hetty  Hetty  you know not what you say!" murmured Judith,  almost livid  with emotion  "The dead

cannot see, and know nothing of  what passes, here!  But, we will not talk of this any longer. The  bodies of

Mother and Thomas  Hutter lie together in the lake, and we  will hope that the spirits of both  are with God.

That we, the children  of one of them, remain on earth is  certain; it is now proper to know  what we are to do in


"If we are not Thomas Hutter's children, Judith, no one will  dispute our  right to his property. We have the

castle and the Ark, and  the canoes, and  the woods, and the lakes, the same as when he was  living, and what

can  prevent us from staying here, and passing our  lives just as we ever have  done." 

"Nonopoor sisterthis can no longer be. Two girls would not be  safe here,  even should these Hurons fail in

getting us into their  power. Even father had  as much as he could sometimes do, to keep peace  upon the lake,

and we should  fail altogether. We must quit this spot,  Hetty, and remove into the  settlements." 

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"I am sorry you think so, Judith," returned Hetty, dropping her  head on her  bosom, and looking thoughtfully

down at the spot where the  funeral pile of  her mother could just be seen. "I am very sorry to  hear it. I would

rather  stay here, where, if I was n't born, I've  passed my life. I do n't like the  settlements  they are full of

wickedness and heart burnings, while God  dwells unoffended in these  hills! I love the trees, and the

mountains, and  the lake, and the  springs; all that his bounty has given us, and it would  grieve me  sorely,

Judith, to be forced to quit them. You are handsome, and  not  at all halfwitted, and one day you will marry,

and then you wiil have  a  husband, and I a brother to take care of us, if women can't really  take care  of

themselves in such a place as this." 

"Ah! if this could be so, Hetty, then, indeed, I could now be a  thousand  times happier in these woods, than in

the settlements. Once,  I did not feel  thus, but now I do. Yet where is the man to turn this  beautiful place into

such a garden of Eden, for us?" 

"Harry March loves you, sister," returned poor Hetty, unconsciously  picking  the bark off the canoe as she

spoke. "He would be glad to be  your husband,  I'm sure, and a stouter and a braver youth is not to be  met with

the whole  country round." 

"Harry March and I understand each other, and no more need be said  about him.  There is onebut no matter.

It is all in the hands of  providence, and we must  shortly come to some conclusion about our  future manner of

living. Remain  here  that is, remain here, alone, we  cannot  and perhaps no occasion will  ever offer for

remaining in the  manner you think of. It is time, too, Hetty,  we should learn all we  can concerning our

relations and family. It is not  probable we are  altogether without relations, and they may be glad to see us.

The old  chest is now our property, and we have a right to look into it, and  learn all we can by what it holds.

Mother was so very different from  Thomas  Hutter, that, now I know we are not his children, I burn with a

desire to  know whose children we can be. There are papers in that  chest, I am certain,  and those papers may

tell us all about our  parents and natural  friends." 

"Well, Judith, you know best, for you are cleverer than common,  mother always  said, and I am only

halfwitted. Now father and mother  are dead, I do n't  much care for any relation but you, and do n't  think I

could love them I  never saw, as well as I ought. If you do n't  like to marry Hurry, I do n't  see who you can

choose for a husband,  and then I fear we shall have to quit  the lake, after all." 

"What do you think of Deerslayer, Hetty?" asked Judith, bending  forward like  her unsophisticated sister, and

endeavoring to conceal  her embarrassment in a  similar manner. "Would he not make a  brotherinlaw to

your liking?" 

"Deerslayer!" repeated the other, looking up in unfeigned surprise.  "Why,  Judith, Deerslayer is n't, in the

least, comely, and is  altogether unfit for  one like you!" 

"He is not illlooking, Hetty, and beauty in a man is not of much  matter." 

"Do you think so, Judith?  I know that beauty is of no great  matter, in man  or woman, in the eyes of God,

for mother has often told  me so, when she  thought I might have been sorry I was not as handsome  as you,

though she need  n't have been uneasy on that account, for I  never coveted any thing that is  yours, sister;but,

tell me so she  didstill, beauty is very pleasant to the  eye, in both! I think, if I  were a man, I should pine more

for good looks,  than I do as a girl. A  handsome man is a more pleasing sight, than a handsome  woman." 

"Poor child!  You scarce know what you say, or what you mean!  Beauty in our  sex is something, but in

men, it passes for little. To  be sure, a man ought  to be tall, but others are tall, as well as  Hurry; and

activeand I think I  know those that are more active;  and  strong; well, he has n't all the  strength in the

world  and brave  I  am certain I can name a youth who is  braver!" 

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"This is strange, Judith!  I did n't think the earth held a  handsomer, or a  stronger, or a more active or a

braver man than Hurry  Harry! I'm sure, I  never met his equal, in either of these things. " 

"WellwellHettysay no more of this. I dislike to hear you talking  in this  manner. Tis not suitable to your

innocence, and truth, and  warmhearted  sincerity. Let Harry March go. He quits us tonight, and  no regret

of mine  will follow him, unless it be that he has staid so  long, and to so little  purpose." 

"Ah! Judith; that is what I've long fearedand I did so hope he  might be my  brotherinlaw!" 

"Never mind it now. Let us talk of our poor motherand of Thomas  Hutter." 

"Speak kindly then, sister, for you can't be quite certain that  spirits do  n't both hear and see. If father was n't

father, he was  good to us, and gave  us food and shelter. We can't put any stones over  their graves, here in the

water, to tell people all this, and so we  ought to say it with our tongues." 

"They will care little for that, girl. 'Tis a great consolation to  know,  Hetty, that if mother ever did commit any

heavy fault when  young, she lived  sincerely to repent of it; no doubt her sins were  forgiven her." 

"Tis n't right, Judith, for children to talk of their parents'  sins. We had  better talk of our own." 

"Talk of your sins, Hetty!  If there ever was a creature on earth  without  sin, it is you! I wish I could say, or

think the same of  myself; but we shall  see. No one knows what changes affection for a  good husband, can

make in a  woman's heart. I do n't think, child, I  have even now the same love for  finery I once had." 

"It would be a pity, Judith, if you did think of clothes, over your  parents'  graves! We will never quit this spot,

if you say so, and will  let Hurry go  where he pleases." 

"I am willing enough to consent to the last, but cannot answer for  the first,  Hetty. We must live, in future, as

becomes respectable  young women, and  cannot remain here, to be the talk and jest of all  the rude and foul

tongu'd  trappers and hunters that may come upon the  lake. Let Hurry go by himself,  and then I'll find the

means to see  Deerslayer, when the future shall be soon  settled. Come, girl, the sun  has set, and the Ark is

drifting away from us;  let us paddle up to the  scow, and consult with our friends. This night I  shall look into

the  chest, and tomorrow shall determine what we are to do.  As for the  Hurons, now we can use our stores

without fear of Thomas Hutter,  they  will be easily bought off. Let me get Deerslayer once out of their  hands,

and a single hour shall bring things to an understanding." 

Judith spoke with decision, and she spoke with authority, a habit  she had  long practised towards her

feebleminded sister. But, while  thus accustomed  to have her way, by the aid of manner and a readier

command of words, Hetty  occasionally checked her impetuous feelings  and hasty acts by the aid of  those

simple moral truths, that were so  deeply engrafted in all her own  thoughts and feelings; shining through  both,

with a mild and beautiful  lustre, that threw a sort of holy halo  around so much of what she both said  and did.

On the present occasion,  this healthful ascendancy of the girl of  weak intellect, over her of a  capacity that, in

other situations, might have  become brilliant and  admired, was exhibited in the usual simple and earnest


"You forget, Judith, what has brought us here," she said  reproachfully. "This  is mother's grave, and we have

just laid the body  of father by her side. We  have done wrong to talk so much of ourselves  at such a spot, and

ought now to  pray God to forgive us, and ask him  to teach us where we are to go, and what  we are to do." 

Judith involuntarily laid aside her paddle, while Hetty dropped on  her knees,  and was soon lost in her devout

but simple petitions. Her  sister did not  pray. This she had long ceased to do directly, though  anguish of spirit

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frequently wrung from her mental and hasty appeals  to the great source of  benevolence for support, if not for

a change of  spirit. Still she never  beheld Hetty on her knees, that a feeling of  tender recollection, as well as  of

profound regret at the deadness of  her own heart, did not come over her.  Thus had she herself done in

childhood, and even down to the hour of her ill  fated visits to the  garrisons, and she would willingly have

given worlds, at  such moments,  to be able to exchange her present sensations, for the  confiding  faith, those

pure aspirations, and the gentle hope that shone  through  every lineament and movement of her, otherwise,

less favored sister.  All she could do, however, was to drop her head to her bosom, and  assume in  her attitude

some of that devotion in which her stubborn  spirit refused to  unite.  When Hetty rose from her knees, her

countenance had a  glow and serenity  that rendered a face that was  always agreeable, positively handsome.

Her mind  was at peace, and her  conscience acquitted her, of a neglect of duty. 

"Now, you may go, if you want to, Judith," she said, ~for God has  been kind  to me, and lifted a burden off

my heart. Mother had many  such burdens, she  used to tell me, and she always took them off in  this way. Tis

the only way,  sister, such things can be done. You may  raise a stone, or a log, with your  hands; but the heart

must be  lightened by prayer. I do n't think you pray as  often as you used to  do, when younger, Judith!" 

"Never mindnever mind, child" answered the other huskily"'tis no  matter,  now. Mother is gone, and

Thomas Hutter is gone, and the time  has come when we  must think and act for ourselves." 

As the canoe moved slowly away from the place, under the gentle  impulsion of  the elder sister's paddle, the

younger sat musing, as was  her wont, whenever  her mind was perplexed by any idea more abstract  and

difficult of  comprehension than common. 

"I don't know what you mean by 'future', Judith," she at length,  suddenly  observed. "Mother used to call

Heaven the future, but you  seem to think it  means next week, or tomorrow!" 

"It means both, dear sister every thing that is yet to come,  whether in this  world or another. It is a solemn

word, Hetty, and most  so, I fear, to them  that think the least about it. Mother's future is  eternity; ours may yet

mean  what will happen while we live in this  world  Is not that a canoe just  passing behind the castlehere,

more  in the direction of the point, I mean;  it is hid, now; but certainly I  saw a canoe stealing behind the logs!" 

"I've seen it some time," Hetty quietly answered, for the Indians  had few  terrors for her, "but I didn't think it

right to talk about  such things over  mother's grave! The canoe came from the camp, Judith,  and was paddled

by a  single man. He seemed to be Deerslayer, and no  Iroquois." 

"Deerslayer!" returned the other, with much of her native  impetuosity"That  cannot be! Deerslayer is a

prisoner, and I have been  thinking of the means of  setting him free. Why did you fancy it  Deerslayer, child?" 

"You can look for yourself, sister, for there comes the canoe in  sight,  again, on this side of the hut." 

Sure enough, the light boat had passed the building, and was now  steadily  advancing towards the Ark; the

persons on board of which were  already  collecting in the head of the scow, to receive their visiter.  A single

glance  sufficed to assure Judith that her sister was right,  and that Deerslayer was  alone in the canoe. His

approach was so calm  and leisurely, however, as to  fill her with wonder, since a man who  had effected his

escape from enemies,  by either artifice or violence,  would not be apt to move with the steadiness  and

deliberation with  which his paddle swept the water. By this time the day  was fairly  departing, and objects

were already seen dimly under the shores.  In  the broad lake, however, the light still lingered, and around the

immediate scene of the present incidents, which was less shaded than  most of  the sheet, being in its broadest

part, it cast a glow that  bore some faint  resemblance to the warm tints of an Italian or Grecian  sunset. The

logs of  the hut and Ark had a sort of purple hue, blended  with the growing obscurity,  and the bark of the

hunter's boat was  losing its distinctness in colours  richer, but more mellowed, than  those it showed under a

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bright sun. As the  two canoes approached each  other for Judith and her sister had plied their  paddles so as to

intercept the unexpected visiter ere he reached the Arkeven  Deerslayer's sunburned countenance wore a

brighter aspect than  common, under  the pleasing tints that seemed to dance in the  atmosphere. Judith fancied

that delight at meeting her had some share  in this unusual and agreeable  expression. She was not aware that

her  own beauty appeared to more advantage  than common, from the same  natural cause, nor did she

understand, what it  would have given her so  much pleasure to know, that the young man actually  thought her,

as she  drew nearer, the loveliest creature of her sex, his eyes  had ever  dwelt  on. 

"Welcome welcome, Deerslayer!" exclaimed the girl, as the canoes  floated at  each other's side; "we have

had a melancholya frightful  daybut your return  is, at least, one misfortune the less! Have the  Hurons

become more human, and  let you go; or have you escaped from the  wretches, by your own courage and


"Neither, Judithneither one nor t'other. The Mingos are Mingos  still, and  will live and die Mingos; it is not

likely their natur's  will ever undergo  much improvement. Well! They've their gifts, and  we've our'n, Judith,

and it  does'n't much become either to speak ill  of what the Lord has created;  though, if the truth must be said,

I  find it a sore trial to think kindly, or  to talk kindly of them  vagabonds. As for outwitting them, that might

have  been done, and it  was done, too, atween the Sarpent, yonder, and me, when we  were on the  trail of

Hist" here the hunter stopped to laugh in his own  silent  fashion  "but it's no easy matter to sarcumvent the

sarcumvented.  Even the fa'ans get to know the tricks of the hunters afore a single  season  is over, and an

Indian whose eyes have once been opened by a  sarcumvention  never shuts them ag'in in precisely the same

spot. I've  known whites to do  that, but never a red skin. What they l'arn comes  by practice, and not by  books,

and of all schoolmasters exper'ence  gives lessons that are the longest  remembered." 

"All this is true, Deerslayer, but if you have not escaped from the  savages,  how came you here?" 

"That's a nat'ral question, and charmingly put. You are wonderful  handsome  this evening, Judith, or, Wild

Rose, as the Sarpent calls  you, and I may as  well say it, since I honestly think it! You may well  call them

Mingos,  savages too, for savage enough do they feel, and  savage enough will they act,  if you once give them

an opportunity.  They feel their loss here, in the late  skrimmage, to their hearts'  cores, and are ready to

revenge it on any  creatur' of English blood  that may fall in their way. Nor, for that matter do  I much think

they  would stand at taking their satisfaction out of a Dutch  man." 

"They have killed father; that ought to satisfy their wicked  cravings for  blood," observed Hetty reproachfully. 

"I know it, gal  I know the whole story  partly from what I've  seen from  the shore, since they brought me

up from the point, and  partly from their  threats ag'in myself, and their other discourse.  Well, life is unsartain

at  the best, and we all depend on the breath  of our nostrils for it, from day to  day. If you've lost a staunch

fri'nd, as I make no doubt you have, Providence  will raise up new ones  in his stead, and since our

acquaintance has begun in  this oncommon  manner, I shall take it as a hint that it will be a part of my  duty in

futur', should the occasion offer, to see you don't suffer for want  of  food in the wigwam. I can't bring the dead

to life, but as to feeding  the  living, there's few on all this frontier can outdo me, though I  say it in the  way of

pity and consolation, like, and in no particular,  in the way of  boasting." 

"We understand you, Deerslayer," returned Judith, hastily, "and  take all that  falls from your lips, as it is

meant, in kindness and  friendship. Would to  Heaven all men had tongues as true, and hearts as  honest!" 

"In that respect men do differ, of a sartainty, Judith. I've known  them that  was n't to be trusted any farther

than you can see them; and  others ag'in  whose messages, sent with a small piece of wampum,  perhaps, might

just as  much be depended on, as if the whole business  was finished afore your face.  Yes, Judith, you never

said truer word,  than when you said some men might be  depended on, and other some might  not." 

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"You are an unaccountable being, Deerslayer," returned the girl,  not a little  puzzled with the childish

simplicity of character that  the hunter so often  betrayeda simplicity so striking that it  frequently appeared to

place him  nearly on a level with the fatuity of  poor Hetty, though always relieved by  the beautiful moral truth

that  shone through all that this unfortunate girl  both said and did"You  are a most unaccountable man, and I

often do not know  how to  understand you. But never mind, just now; you have forgotten to tell  us by what

means you are here." 

"I! Oh' That's not very onaccountable, if I am myself, Judith. I'm  out on  furlough." 

"Furlough!  That word has a meaning among the soldiers that I  understand;  but I cannot tell what it signifies

when used by a  prisoner." 

"It means just the same. You're right enough; the soldiers do use  it, and  just in the same way as I use it. A

furlough is when a man has  leave to quit  a camp, or a garrison for a sartain specified time; at  the end of which

he is  to come back and shoulder his musket, or submit  to his torments, just as he  may happen to be a soldier,

or a captyve.  Being the last, I must take the  chances of a prisoner." 

"Have the Hurons suffered you to quit them in this manner, without  watch or  guard." 

"Sartain  I woul'n't have come in any other manner, unless indeed  it had  been by a bold rising, or a


"What pledge have they that you will ever return?" 

"My word," answered the hunter simply. "Yes, I own I gave 'em that,  and big  fools would they have been to

let me come without it! Why in  that case, I  should n't have been obliged to go back and ondergo any

deviltries their fury  may invent, but might have shouldered my rifle,  and made the best of my way  to the

Delaware villages. But, Lord!  Judith, they know'd this, just as well  as you and I do, and would no  more let me

come away, without a promise to go  back, than they would  let the wolves dig up the bones of their fathers!" 

"Is it possible you mean to do this act of extraordinary  selfdestruction and  recklessness?" 


"I ask if it can be possible that you expect to be able to put  yourself again  in the power of such ruthless

enemies, by keeping your  word." 

Deerslayer looked at his fair questioner for a moment, with stern  displeasure. Then the expression of his

honest and guileless face  suddenly  changed, lighting as by a quick illumination of thought,  after which he

laughed in his ordinary manner. 

"I didn't understand you, at first, Judith; no, I did n't! You  believe that  Chingachgook and Hurry Harry won't

suffer it; but you do  n't know mankind  thoroughly yet, I see. The Delaware would be the last  man on 'arth to

offer  any objections to what he knows is a duty, and,  as for March, he doesn't care  enough about any creatur'

but himself to  spend many words on such a subject.  If he did, 'twould make no great  difference howsever; but

not he, for he  thinks more of his gains than  of even his own word. As for my promises, or  your'n, Judith, or

any  body else's, they give him no consarn. Don't be under  any oneasiness,  therefore, gal; I shall be allowed to

go back according to  the  furlough; and if difficulties was made, I've not been brought up, and  edicated as one

may say, in the woods, without knowing how to look 'em  down." 

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Judith made no answer for some little time. All her feelings as a  woman, and  as a woman who, for the first

time in her life was  beginning to submit to  that sentiment which has so much influence on  the happiness or

misery of her  sex, revolted at the cruel fate that  she fancied Deerslayer was drawing down  upon himself,

while the sense  of right, which God has implanted in every  human breast, told her to  admire an integrity as

indomitable and as  unpretending as that which  the other so unconsciously displayed. Argument,  she felt

would be  useless, nor was she, at that moment, disposed to lessen  the dignity  and high principle that were so

striking in the intentions of the  hunter, by any attempt to turn him from his purpose. That something  might

yet  occur to supersede the necessity for this self immolation  she tried to hope,  and then she proceeded to

ascertain the facts in  order that her own conduct  might be regulated by her knowledge of  circumstances. 

"When is your furlough out, Deerslayer," she asked, after both  canoes were  heading towards the Ark, and

moving, with scarcely a  perceptible effort of  the paddles, through the water. 

"Tomorrow noon; not a minute afore; and you may depend on it,  Judith, I  shan't quit what I call christian

company, to go and give  myself up to them  vagabonds, an instant sooner than is downright  necessary. They

begin to fear  a visit from the garrisons, and would  n't lengthen the time a moment, and  it's pretty well

understood atween  us, that, should I fail in my ar'n'd, the  torments are to take place  when the sun begins to

fall, that they may strike  upon their home  trail as soon as it is dark." 

This was said solemnly, as if the thought of what was believed to  be in  reserve duly weighed on the prisoner's

mind, and yet so simply,  and without a  parade of suffering, as rather to repel than to invite  any open

manifestations of sympathy. 

"Are they bent on revenging their losses?" Judith asked faintly,  her own high  spirit yielding to the influence

of the other's quiet but  dignified integrity  of purpose. 

"Downright, if I can judge of Indian inclinations, by the symptoms.  They  think howsever I don't suspect their

designs, I do believe, but  one that has  lived so long among men of red skin gifts, is no more  likely to be

misled in  Injin feelin's, than a true hunter is like to  lose his trail, or a stanch  hound his scent. My own

judgment is  greatly ag'in my own escape, for I see  the women are a good deal  enraged on behalf of Hist,

though I say it,  perhaps, that shouldn't  say it, seein' that I had a considerable hand myself  in getting the  gal

off. Then there was a cruel murder in their camp last  night, and  that shot might just as well have been fired

into my breast.  Howsever,  come what will, the Sarpent and his wife will be safe, and that is  some happiness

in any case." 

"Oh! Deerslayer, they will think better of this, since they have  given you  until tomorrow noon to make up

your mind!" 

"I judge not, Judith; yes, I judge not. An Injin is an Injin, gal,  and it's  pretty much hopeless to think of

swarving him, when he's got  the scent and  follows it with his nose in the air. The Delawares, now,  are a half

christianized tribenot that I think such sort of  christians much better than  your whole blooded

onbelieversbut,  nevertheless, what good half  christianizing can do to a man, some  among 'em have got, and

yet revenge  clings to their hearts like the  wild creepers here to the tree! Then, I slew  one of the best and

boldest of their warriors, they say, and it is too much  to expect that  they should captivate the man who did

this deed, in the very  same  scouting on which it was performed, and they take no account of the  matter. Had a

month, or so, gone by, their feelin's would have been  softened  down, and we might have met in a more

friendly way, but it  is, as it is,  Judith, this is talking of nothing but myself, and my  own consarns, when you

have had trouble enough, and may want to  consult a fri'nd a little about your  own matters. Is the old man laid

in the water, where I should think his body  would like to rest?" 

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"It is, Deerslayer," answered Judith, almost inaudibly. "That duty  has just  been performed. You are right in

thinking that I wish to  consult a friend;  and that friend is yourself. Hurry Harry is about to  leave us; when he

is  gone, and we have got a little over the feelings  of this solemn office, I  hope you will give me an hour

alone. Hetty  and I are at a loss what to do." 

"That's quite nat'ral, coming as things have, suddenly and  fearfully. But  here's the Ark, and we'll say more of

this, when there  is a better  opportunity. 

Chapter XXIII.

"The winde is great upon the highest hilles;

The quiet life is in the dale below;

Who tread on ice shall slide against their willes;

They want not cares, that curious arts should know.

Who lives at ease and can content him so,

Is perfect wise, and sets us all to schoole:

Who hates this lore may well be called a foole."

Thomas Churchyard, "Shore's Wife," xlvii.

The meeting between Deerslayer and his friends in the Ark was grave  and  anxious. The two Indians, in

particular, read in his manner that  he was not a  successful fugitive, and a few sententious words sufficed  to let

them  comprehend the nature of what their friend had termed his  'furlough.'  Chingachgook immediately

became thoughtful, while Hist, as  usual, had no  better mode of expressing her sympathy than by those  little

attentions which  mark the affectionate manner of woman. 

In a few minutes, however, something like a general plan for the  proceedings  of the night was adopted, and to

the eye of an  uninstructed observer things  would be thought to move in their  ordinary train. It was now

getting to be  dark, and it was decided to  sweep the Ark up to the castle, and secure it in  its ordinary berth.

This decision was come to, in some measure on account of  the fact that  all the canoes were again in the

possession of their proper  owners,  but principally, from the security that was created by the  representations of

Deerslayer. He had examined the state of things  among the  Hurons, and felt satisfied that they meditated no

further  hostilities during  the night, the loss they had met having indisposed  them to further exertions  for the

moment. Then, he had a proposition  to make; the object of his visit;  and, if this were accepted, the war  would

at once terminate between the  parties; and it was improbable  that the Hurons would anticipate the failure  of a

project on which  their chiefs had apparently set their hearts, by having  recourse to  violence previously to the

return of their messenger.  As soon as  the  Ark was properly secured, the different members of the party

occupied  themselves in their several peculiar manners, haste in council, or in  decision, no more

characterizing the proceedings of these border  whites, than  it did those of their red neighbors. The women

busied  themselves in  preparations for the evening meal, sad and silent, but  ever attentive to the  first wants of

nature. Hurry set about repairing  his moccasins, by the light  of a blazing knot; Chingachgook seated  himself

in gloomy thought, while  Deerslayer proceeded, in a manner  equally free from affectation and concern,  to

examine 'Killdeer', the  rifle of Hutter that has been already mentioned,  and which  subsequently became so

celebrated, in the hands of the individual  who  was now making a survey of its merits. The piece was a little

longer  than  usual, and had evidently been turned out from the work shops of  some  manufacturer of a superior

order. It had a few silver ornaments,  though, on  the whole, it would have been deemed a plain piece by most

frontier men, its  great merit consisting in the accuracy of its bore,  the perfection of the  details, and the

excellence of the metal. Again  and again did the hunter  apply the breech to his shoulder, and glance  his eye

along the sights, and as  often did he poise his body and raise  the weapon slowly, as if about to catch  an aim at

a deer, in order to  try the weight, and to ascertain its fitness  for quick and accurate  firing. All this was done,

by the aid of Hurry's  torch, simply, but  with an earnestness and abstraction that would have been  found

touching by any spectator who happened to know the real situation of  the man. 

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"Tis a glorious we'pon, Hurry!" Deerslayer at length exclaimed,  "and it may  be thought a pity that it has

fallen into the hands of  women. The hunters  have told me of its expl'ites, and by all I have  heard, I should set

it down  as sartain death in exper'enced hands.  Hearken to the tick of this locka  wolf trap has'n't a livelier

spring; pan and cock speak together, like two  singing masters  undertaking a psalm in meetin'. I never did see

so true a  bore, Hurry,  that's sartain!" 

"Ay, Old Tom used to give the piece a character, though he was n't  the man to  particularize the ra'al natur' of

any sort of tire arms, in  practise,"  returned March, passing the deer's thongs through the  moccasin with the

coolness of a cobbler. "He was no marksman, that we  must all allow; but he  had his good p'ints, as well as his

bad ones. I  have had hopes that Judith  might consait the idee of giving Killdeer  to me." 

"There's no saying what young women may do, that's a truth, Hurry,  and I  suppose you're as likely to own the

rifle as another. Still,  when things are  so very near perfection, it's a pity not to reach it  entirely." 

"What do you mean by that?  Would not that piece look as well on  my  shoulder, as on any man's?" 

"As for looks, I say nothing. You are both goodlooking, and might  make what  is called a goodlooking

couple. But the true p'int is as to  conduct. More  deer would fall in one day, by that piece, in some man's

hands, than would  fall in a week in vour'n, Hurry! I've seen you try;  yes, remember the buck  t'other day." 

"That buck was out of season, and who wishes to kill venison out of  season. I  was merely trying to frighten

the creatur', and I think you  will own that he  was pretty well skeared, at any rate." 

"Well, well, have it as you say. But this is a lordly piece, and  would make a  steady hand and quick eye the

King of the Woods!" 

"Then keep it, Deerslayer, and become King of the Woods," said  Judith,  earnestly, who had heard the

conversation, and whose eye was  never long  averted from the honest countenance of the hunter. "It can  never

be in better  hands than it is, at this moment, and there I hope  it will remain these fifty  years. 

"Judith you can't be in 'arnest!" exclaimed Deerslayer, taken so  much by  surprise, as to betray more emotion

than it was usual for him  to manifest on  ordinary occasions. "Such a gift would be fit for a  ra'al King to make;

yes,  and for a ra'al King to receive." 

"I never was more in earnest, in my life, Deerslayer, and I am as  much in  earnest in the wish as in the gift." 

"Well, gal, well; we'll find time to talk of this ag'in. You must  n't be down  hearted, Hurry, for Judith is a

sprightly young woman, and  she has a quick  reason; she knows that the credit of her father's  rifle is safer in

my hands,  than it can possibly be in yourn; and,  therefore, you must n't be down  hearted. In other matters,

more to  your liking, too, you'll find she'll give  you the preference." 

Hurry growled out his dissatisfaction, but he was too intent on  quitting the  lake, and in making his

preparations, to waste his breath  on a subject of  this nature. Shortly after, the supper was ready, and  it was

eaten in silence  as is so much the habit of those who consider  the table as merely a place of  animal

refreshment. On this occasion,  however, sadness and thought  contributed their share to the general  desire not

to converse, for Deerslayer  was so far an exception to the  usages of men of his cast, as not only to wish  to

hold discourse on  such occasions, but as often to create a similar desire  in his  companions. 

The meal ended, and the humble preparations removed, the whole  party  assembled on the platform to hear the

expected intelligence from  Deerslayer  on the subject of his visit. It had been evident he was in  no haste to

make  his communication, but the feelings of Judith would  no longer admit of delay.  Stools were brought

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from the Ark and the  hut, and the whole six placed  themselves in a circle, near the door,  watching each

other's countenances, as  best they could, by the scanty  means that were furnished by a lovely star  light

night. Along the  shores, beneath the mountains, lay the usual body of  gloom, but in the  broad lake no shadow

was cast, and a thousand mimic stars  were dancing  in the limpid element, that was just stirred enough by the

evening air  to set them all in motion. 

"Now, Deerslayer," commenced Judith, whose impatience resisted  further  restraint"now, Deerslayer, tell us

all the Hurons have to  say, and the  reason why they have sent you on parole, to make us some  offer." 

"Furlough, Judith; furlough is the word; and it carries the same  meaning with  a captyve at large, as it does

with a soldier who has  leave to quit his  colors. In both cases the word is past to come back,  and now I

remember to  have heard that's the ra'al signification;  'furlough' meaning a 'word' passed  for the doing of any

thing of the  like. Parole I rather think is Dutch, and  has something to do with the  tattoos of the garrisons. But

this makes no  great difference, since  the vartue of a pledge lies in The the idee, and not  in the word.  Well,

then, if the message must be given, it must; and perhaps  there  is no use in putting it off. Hurry will soon be

wanting to set out on  his journey to the river, and the stars rise and set, just as if they  cared  for neither Injin

nor message. Ah's! me; Tis n't a pleasant, and  I know it's  a useless ar'n'd, but it must be told." 

"Harkee, Deerslayer," put in Hurry, a little authoritatively  "You're a  sensible man in a hunt, and as good a

fellow on a march, as  a sixtymilera  day could wish to meet with, but you're oncommon slow  about

messages;  especially them that you think won't be likely to be  well received. When a  thing is to be told, why

tell it; and do n't  hang back like a Yankee lawyer  pretending he can't  understand a  Dutchman's English, just to

get a double fee out of him." 

"I understand you, Hurry, and well are you named tonight, seeing  you've no  time to lose. But let us come at

once to the p'int, seeing  that's the object  of this council for council it may be called,  though women have

seats among  us. The simple fact is this. When the  party came back from the castle, the  Mingos held a council,

and hitter  thoughts were uppermost, as was plain to be  seen by their gloomy  faces. No one likes to be beaten,

and a red skin, as  little as a pale  face. Well, when they had smoked upon it, and made their  speeches, and

their council fire had burnt low, the matter came out. It seems  the  elders among 'em consaited I was a man to

be trusted on a furlough  They're wonderful obsarvant, them Mingos; that their worst mimics must  allow

but they consaited I was such a man; and it is n't often"  added the hunter,  with a pleasing consciousness that

his previous life  justified this implicit  reliance on his good faith"it is'n't often  they consait any thing so good

of  a pale face; but so they did with  me, and, therefore, they did n't hesitate  to speak their minds, which  is just

this:  You see the state of things. The  lake, and all on it,  they fancy, lie at their marcy. Thomas Hutter is

deceased, and, as for  Hurry, they've got the idee he has been near enough to  death today,  not to wish to take

another look at him, this summer.  Therefore, they  account all your forces as reduced to Chingachgook and

the  two young  women, and, while they know the Delaware to be of a high race, and  a  born warrior, they

know he's now on his first war path. As for the  gals, of  course they set them down much as they do women in


"You mean that they despise us!" interrupted Judith, with eyes that  flashed  so brightly as to be observed by

all present. 

"That will be seen in the end They hold that all on the lake lies  at their  marcy, and, therefore, they send by me

this belt of wampum,"  showing the  article in question to the Delaware, as he spoke, "with  these words. 'Tell

the Sarpent, they say, that he has done well for a  beginner; he may now  strike across the mountains, for his

own  villages, and no one shall look for  his trail. If he has found a  scalp, let him take it with him, for the

Huron  braves have hearts, and  can feel for a young warrior who does n't wish to go  home  emptyhanded. If

he is nimble, he is welcome to lead out a party in  pursuit. Hist, howsever, must go back to the Hurons, for,

when she  left there  in the night, she carried away, by mistake, that which does  n't belong to  her"  "That can't

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be true!" said Hetty earnestly. "Hist  is no such girl, but one  that gives every body his due" 

How much more she would have said, in remonstrance, cannot be  known, inasmuch  as Hist, partly laughing,

and partly hiding her face  in shame, past her own  hand across the speaker's mouth, in a way to  check the


"You do n't understand Mingo messages, poor Hetty "resumed  Deerslayer,  "which seldom mean what lies

exactly uppermost. Hist has  brought away with  her the inclinations of a young Huron, and they want  her back

again, that the  poor young man may find them where he last  saw them! The Sarpent they say is  too promising

a young warrior not to  find as many wives as he wants, but this  one he cannot have. That's  their meaning, and

nothing else, as I understand  it." 

"They are very obliging and thoughtful, in supposing a young woman  can forget  all her own inclinations in

order to let this unhappy youth  find his!" said  Judith, ironically; though her manner became more  bitter as she

proceeded. "I  suppose a woman is a woman, let her colour  be white, or red, and your chiefs  know little of a

woman's heart,  Deerslayer, if they think it can ever forgive  when wronged, or ever  forget when it fairly loves. 

"I suppose that's pretty much the truth, with some women, Judith,  though I've  known them that could do both.

The next message is to you.  They say the  Muskrat, as they called your father, has dove to the  bottom of the

lake; that  he will never come up again, and that his  young will soon be in want of  wigwams if not of food.

The Huron huts  they think, are better than the huts  of York, and they wish you to  come and try them. Your

colour is white, they  own, but they think  young women who've lived so long in the woods, would lose  their

way in  the clearin's. A great warrior among them, has lately lost his  wife,  and he would be glad to put the

Wild Rose on her bench at his fireside.  As for the Feeble Mind, she will always be honored and taken care of

by red  warriors. Your father's goods they think ought to go to enrich  the tribe, but  your own property, which

is to include every thing of a  female natur', will  go like that of all wives, into the wigwam of the  husband.

Moreover, they've  lost a young maiden by violence, lately,  and 'twill take two pale faces to  fill her seat." 

"And do you bring such a message to me.~" exclaimed Judith, though  the tone  in which the words were

uttered, had more in it of sorrow  than of anger. "Am  I a girl to be an Indian's slave?" 

"If you wish my honest thoughts on this p'int, Judith, I shall  answer that I  do n't think you'll, willingly, ever

become any man's  slave; redskin or  white. You're not to think hard, howsever, of my  bringing the message,

as  near as I could, in the very words in which  it was given to me. Them was the  conditions on which I got my

furlough, and a bargain is a bargain, though it  is made with a  vagabond. I've told you what they've said, but

I've not yet  told you  what I think you ought, one and all, to answer." 

"Ay; let's hear that, Deerslayer," put in Hurry. "My cur'osity is  up on that  consideration, and I should like,

right well, to hear your  idees of the  reasonableness of the reply. For my part, though, my own  mind is pretty

much  settled, on the p'int of my own answer, which  shall be made known as soon as  necessary. 

"And so is mine, Hurry, on all the different heads, and on no one  is it more  sartainly settled that on yourn. If I

was you, I should  say'Deerslayer, tell  them scamps, they don't know Harry March! He is  human; and having

a white  skin, he has also a white natur', which  natur' won't let him desart females  of his own race and gifts, in

their greatest need. So set me down as one that  will refuse to come  into your treaty, though you should smoke

a hogshead of  tobacco over  it.' " 

March was a little embarrassed at this rebuke, which was uttered  with  sufficient warmth of manner, and with

a point that left no doubt  of the  meaning. Had Judith encouraged him, he would not have hesitated  about

remaining to defend her and her sister, but under the  circumstances, a  feeling of resentment rather urged him

to abandon  them. At all events, there  was not a sufficiency of chivalry in Hurry  Harry to induce him to hazard

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the  safety of his own erson, unless he  could see a direct connection between the  probable consequences and

his own interests. It is no wonder, therefore, that  his answer partook  equally of his intention,and of the

reliance he so  boastingly placed  on his gigantic strength, which if i did not always make  him  outrageous,

usually made him impudent, as respects those with whom he  conversed. 

"Fair woods make long friendships, Master Deerslayer," he said a  little  nemacingly. "You're but a stripling

and you know by exper'ence,  what you are  in the hands of a may. As you're not me, but only a go  between,

sent by the  savages to us christians, you may tell your  emply'ers that they do know Harry  March, which is a

proof of their  sense, as well as his. He's human enough to  follow human natur', and  that tells him to see the

folly of one man's  fighting a whole tribe.  If females desart him, they must expect to be  desarted by him,

whether  they're of his own gifts, or another man's figts.  Should Judith see  fit to change her mind, she's

welcome to my company to the  river, and  Hetty with her; but shouldn't she come to this conclusion,, I  start as

soon as I think the cncmy's scouts are beginning to nestle  themselves  in among the brush and leaves, for the


"Judith will not change her mind, and she does not ask your  company, Master  March," returned the girl, with


"That p'int's settled, then,' resumed Deerslayer, unmoved by the  other's  warmth. "Hurry Harry must act for

himself, and do that which  will be most  likely to suit his own fancy. The course he means to take  will give

him an  easy race, if it don't give him an easy conscience.  Next comes the question  with Hist  what say you

gal?  Will you  desart your duty, too, and go back  to the Mingos and take a Huron  husband, and all not for

the love of the man  you're tomarry, but for  the love of your own scalp 

"Why you talk so to Hist!" demanded the girl halfoffended. "You  t'ink a red  skin girl made like captain's

lady, to laugh and joke  with any officer that  come." 

"What I think, Hist, is neither here nor there, in this matter. I  must carry  back your answer, and in order to do

so it is necessary  that you should lend  it. A faithful messenger gives his ar'n'd, word  for word." 

Hist no longer hesitated to speak her mind fully. In the excitement  she rose  from her bench, and naturally

recurring to that language in  which she  expressed herself the most readily, she delivered her  thoughts and

intentions, beautifully and with dignity, in the tongue  of her own people. 

"Tell the Hurons, Deerslayer," she said, 'that they are as ignorant  as moles;  they do n't know the wolf from

the dog. Among my people, the  rose dies on the  stem where it budded, the tears of the child fall on  the graves

of its  parents; the corn grows where the seed has been  planted. The Delaware girls  are not messengers to be

sent, like belts  of wampum, from tribe to tribe.  They are honeysuckles, that are  sweetest in their own woods;

their own young  men carry them away in  their bosoms, because they are fragrant; they are  sweetest when

plucked from their native stems. Even the robin and the martin  come  back, year after year, to their old nests;

shall a woman be less true  hearted than a bird? Set the pine in the clay and it will turn yellow;  the  willow will

not flourish on the hill; the tamarack is healthiest  in the  swamp; the tribes of the sea love best to hear the

winds that  blow over the  salt water. As for a Huron youth, what is he to a maiden  of the Lenni Lenape.  He

may be fleet, but her eyes to not follow him  in the race; they look back  towards the lodges of the Delawares.

He  may sing a sweet song for the girls  of Canada, but there is no music  for Wah, but in the tongue she has

listened  to from childhood. Were  the Huron born of the people that once owned the  shores of the salt  lake, it

would be in vain, unless he were of the family of  Uncas. The  young pine will rise to be as high as  any of its

fathers. Wahta!Wah  has but one heart, and it can love but one  husband." 

Deerslayer listened to this characteristic message, which was given  with an  earnestness suited to the feelings

from which it sprung, with  undisguised  delight, meeting the ardent eloquence of the girl, as she  concluded,

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with one  of his own heartfelt, silent, and peculiar fits of  laughter. 

'That's worth all the wampum in the woods!" he exclaimed. "You  don't  understand it, I suppose, Judith, but if

you'll look into your  feelin's, and  fancy that an inimy had sent to tell you to give up the  man of your ch'ice,

and to take up with another that was n't the man  of your ch'ice, you'll get  the substance of it, I'll warrant! Give

me  a woman for ra'al eloquence, if  they'll only make up their minds to  speak what they feel. By speakin', I do

n't mean chatterin', howsever;  for most of them will do that by the hour; but  comm' out with their  honest,

deepest, feelin's in proper words. And now,  Judith, having got  the answer of a red skin girl, it is fit I should

get that  of a pale  face, if, indeed, a countenance that is as blooming as your'n can  in  any wise, so be tarmed.

You are well named the Wild Rose, and so far as  colour goes, Hetty ought to be called the Honeysuckle." 

'Did this language come from one of the garrison gallants, I should  deride  it, Deerslayer, but coming from

you, I know it can be depended  on," returned  Judith, deeply gratified by his unmeditated and  characteristic

compliments.  "It is too soon, however, to ask my  answer; the Great Serpent has not yet  spoken." 

'The Sarpent! Lord; I could carry back his speech without hearing a  word of  it! I did n't think of putting the

question to him at all, I  will allow;  though 'twould be hardly right either, seeing that truth  is truth, and I'm

bound to tell these Mingos the fact and nothing  else. So, Chingachgook, let  us hear your mind on this

matterare you  inclined to strike across the hills  towards your village, to give up  Hist to a Huron, and to tell

the chiefs at  home, that, if they're  actyve and successful, they may possibly get on the  end of the  Iroquois trail

some two or three days a'ter the iniiny has got off  of  it?" 

Like his betrothed, the young chief arose, that his answer might be  given  with due distinctness and dignity.

Hist had spoken with her  hands crossed  upon her bosom, as if to suppress the emotions within,  but the

warrior  stretched an arm before him with a calm energy that  aided in giving emphasis  to his expressions.

"Wampum should be sent  for wampum," he said; "a message must be answered by a  message. Hear  what the

Great Serpent of' the Delawares has to say to the  pretended  wolves from the great lakes, that are howling

through our woods.  They  are no wolves; they are dogs that have come to get their tails and ears  cropped by

the hands of the Delawares. They are good at stealing young  women;  bad at keeping them. Chingachgook

takes his own where he finds  it; he asks  leave of' no cur from the Canadas. If' he has a tender  feeling in his

heart,  it is no business of the Hurons. He tells it to  her who most likes to know  it; he will not bellow it in the

forest,  for the ears of those that only  understand yells of terror. What  passes in his lodge is not for the chiefs

of  his own people to know;  still less for Mingo rogues" 

"Call 'em vagabonds, Sarpent" interrupted Deerslayer, unable to  restrain his  delight"yes, just call 'em

upanddown vagabonds, which  is a word easily  intarpreted, and the most hateful of' all to their  ears, it's so

true. Never  fear me; I'll give em your message, syllable  for syllable, sneer for sneer,  idee for idee, scorn for

scorn, and  they desarve no better at your hands  only call 'em vagabonds, once or  twice, and that will set the

sap mounting in  'em, from their lowest  roots to the uppermost branches!" 

"Still less for Mingo vagabonds," resumed Chingachgook, quite  willingly  complying with his friend's request.

"Tell the Huron dogs to  howl louder, if  they wish a Delaware to find them in the woods, where  they burrow

like foxes,  instead of hunting like warriors. When they  had a Delaware maiden in their  camp, there was a

reason for hunting  them up; now they will be forgotten  unless they make a noise.  Chingachgook do n t like

the trouble of going to  his villages for more  warriors; he can strike their runaway trail; unless  they hide it

under ground, he will follow it to Canada alone. He will keep  Wahta!Wah with him to cook his game; they

two will be Delawares  enough to  scare all the Hurons back to their own country ." 

"That's a grand despatch, as the officers call them things!" cried  Deerslayer; 'twill set all the Huron blood in

motion; most  particularily that  part where he tells 'em Hist, too, will keep on  their heels, 'till they're  fairly

driven out of the country. Ahs! me;  big words ain't always big deeds,  notwithstanding! The Lord send that  we

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be able to be only one half as good as  we promise to be! And now,  Judith, it's your turn to speak, for them

miscreants will expect an  answer from each person, poor Hetty, perhaps,  excepted." 

"And why not Hetty, Deerslayer? She often speaks to the purpose;  the Indians  may respect her words, for

they feel for people in her  condition." 

"That is true, Judith, and quickthoughted in you. The redskins do  respect  misfortunes of all kinds, and

Hetty's in particular. So,  Hetty, if you have  any thing to say, I'll carry it to the Hurons as  faithfully as if it was

spoken by a schoolmaster, or a missionary. 

The girl hesitated a moment, and then she answered in her own  gentle, soft,  tones, as earnestly as any who

had preceded her. 

"The Hurons can't understand the difference between white people  and  themselves," she said, 'or they would

n't ask Judith and me to go  and live in  their villages. God has given one country to the red men  and another to

us.  He meant us to live apart. Then mother always said  that we should never dwell  with any but christians, if

possible, and  that is a reason why we can't go.  This lake is ours, and we wo'n't  leave it. Father and mother's

graves are in  it, and even the worst  Indians love to stay near the graves of their fathers.  I will come and  see

them, again, if they wish me to, and read more out of the  bible to  them, but I can't quit father's and mother's


"That will dothat will do, Hetty, just as well as if you sent them  a message  twice as long," interrupted the

hunter. "I'll tell 'em all  you've said, and  all you mean, and I'll answer for it, that they'll be  easily satisfied.

Now,  Judith, your turn comes next, and then this  part of my ar'n'd will be  tarminated, for the night." 

Judith manifested a reluctance to give her reply, that had awakened  a little  curiosity in the messenger.

Judging from her known spirit, he  had never  supposed the girl would be less true her feelings and  principles

than Hist,  or Hetty, and yet there was a visible wavering  of purpose that rendered him  slightly uneasy. Even

now when directly  required to speak, she seemed to  hesitate, nor did she open her lips,  until the profound

silence told her how  anxiously her words were  expected. Then, indeed, she spoke, but it was  doubtingly and

with  reluctance. 

"Tell me, first  tell us, first, Deerslayer," she commenced,  repeating the  words merely to change the

emphasis"what effect will  our answers have on  your fate? If you are to be the sacrifice of our  spirit, it would

have been  better had we all been more wary as to the  language we use. What, then, are  likely to be the

consequences to  yourself?" 

"Lord, Judith, you might as well ask me which way the wind will  blow next  week, or what will be the age of

the next deer that will be  shot! I can only  say that their faces look a little dark upon me, but  it does n't thunder

every time a black cloud rises, nor does every  puff of wind blow up rain.  That's a question, therefore, much

more  easily put than answered." 

"So is this message of the Iroquois to me," answered Judith rising,  as if she  had determined on her own

course for the present. "My answer  shall be given,  Deerslayer, after you and I have talked together  alone,

when the others have  laid themselves down for the night." 

There was a decision in the manner of the girl, that disposed  Deerslayer to  comply, and this he did the more

readily as the delay  could produce no  material consequences, one way or the other. The  meeting now broke

up, Hurry  announcing his resolution to leave them  speedily. During the hour that was  suffered to intervene, in

order  that the darkness might deepen, before the  frontierman took his  departure, the different individuals

occupied  themselves in their  customary modes, the hunter, in particular, passing most  of the time  in making

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further enquiries into the perfection of the rifle  already  mentioned. 

The hour of nine soon arrived, however, and then it had been  determined that  Hurry should commence his

journey. Instead of making  his adieus frankly, and  in a generous spirit, the little he thought it  necessary to say

was uttered  sullenly and in coldness. Resentment at  what he considered Judith's  obstinacy, was blended with

mortification  at the career he had since reaching  the lake, and, as is usual with  the vulgar and

narrowminded, he was more  disposed to reproach others  with his failures, than to censure himself.  Judith

gave him her hand,  but it was quite as much in gladness, as with  regret, while the two  Delawares were not

sorry to find he was leaving them.  Of the whole  party, Hetty alone betrayed any real feeling. Bashfulness, and

the  timidity of her sex and character, kept even her aloof, so that Hurry  entered the canoe, where Deerslayer

was already waiting for him,  before she  ventured near enough to be observed. Then, indeed, the girl  came

into the  Ark, and approached its end, just as the little bark was  turning from it,  with a movement so light and

steady as to be almost  imperceptible. An impulse  of feeling now overcame her timidity, and  Hetty spoke. 

"Goodbye Hurry" she called out, in her sweet voice "good bye,  dear Hurry.  Take care of yourself in the

woods, and don't stop once,  'till you reach the  garrison. The leaves on the trees are scarcely  plentier than the

Hurons round  the lake, and they'll not treat a  strong man like you, as kindly as they  treat me." 

The ascendency which March had obtained over this feebleminded, but  right  thinking, and rightfeeling

girl, arose from a law of nature.  Her senses had  been captivated by his personal advantages, and her  moral

communications with  him had never been sufficiently intimate to  counteract an effect that must  have been

otherwise lessened, even with  one whose mind was as obtuse as her  own. Hetty's instinct of right, if  such a

term can be applied to one who  seemed taught by some kind  spirit how to steer her course with unerring

accuracy, between good  and evil, would have revolted at Hurry's character, on  a thousand  points, had there

been opportunities to enlighten her, but while  he  conversed and trifled with her sister, at a distance from

herself, his  perfection of form and feature had been left to produce their  influence on  her simple imagination,

and naturally tender feelings,  without suffering by  the alloy of his opinions and coarseness. It is  true, she

found him rough and  rude; but her father was that, and most  of the other men she had seen, and  that which

she believed to belong  to all of the sex, struck her less  unfavorably in Hurry's character,  than it might

otherwise have done. Still,  it was not absolutely love  that Hetty felt for Hurry, nor do we wish so to  portray it,

but merely  that awakening sensibility and admiration, which,  under more  propitious circumstances, and

always supposing no untoward  revelations  of character on the part of the young man, had supervened to

prevent  it, might soon have ripened into that engrossing feeling. She felt  for  him an incipient tenderness, but

scarcely any passion. Perhaps the  nearest approach to the latter, that Hetty had manifested, was to be  seen in

the sensitiveness which had caused her to detect March's  predilection for her  sister, for, among Judith's many

admirers, this  was the only instance in  which the dull mind of the girl had been  quickened into an observation

of the  circumstances. 

Hurry received so little sympathy at his departure, that the gentle  tones of  Hetty, as she thus called after him,

sounded soothingly. He  checked the  canoe, and with one sweep of his powerful arm brought it  back to the

side of  the Ark. This was more than Hetty, whose courage  had risen with the departure  of her hero, expected,

and she now shrunk  timidly back at this unexpected  return. 

"You're a good gal, Hetty, and I can't quit you without shaking  hands," said  March kindly. "Judith, a'ter all, is

n't worth as much as  you, though she may  be a trifle better looking. As to wits, if honesty  and fair dealing

with a  young man is a sign of sense in a young woman,  you're worth a dozen Judiths;  ay, and for that matter,

most young  women of my acquaintance." 

"Don't say any thing against Judith, Harry," returned Hetty  imploringly.  "Father's gone, and mother's gone,

and nobody's left but  Judith and me, and  it is n't right for sisters to speak evil, or to  hear evil of each other.

Father's in the lake, and so is mother, and  we should all fear God, for we do  n't know when we may be in the

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lake,  too." 

"That sounds reasonable, child, as does most you say. Well, if we  ever meet  ag'in, Hetty, you'll find a fri'nd in

me, let your sister do  what she may. I  was no great fri'nd of your mother I'll allow, for we  did n't think alike

on  most p'ints, but then your father, Old Tom, and  I, fitted each other as  remarkably as a buckskin garment

will fit any  reasonablebuilt man. I've  always been unanimous of opinion that Old  Floating Tom Hutter, at

the bottom,  was a good fellow, and will  maintain that ag'in all inimies for his sake, as  well as for your'n." 

"Good bye, Hurry," said Hetty, who now wanted to hasten the young  man off, as  ardently as she had wished

to keep him only the moment  before, though she  could give no clearer account of the latter than of  the former

feeling; "good  bye, Hurry; take care of yourself in the  woods; do n't halt 'till you reach  the garrison. I'll read a

chapter  in the bible for you, before I go to bed,  and think of you in my  prayers. 

This was touching a point on which March had no sympathies, and  without more  words, he shook the girl

cordially by the hand, and  reentered the canoe. In  another minute the two adventurers were a  hundred feet

from the Ark, and half  a dozen had not elapsed before  they were completely lost to view. Hetty  sighed

deeply, and rejoined  her sister and Hist. 

For some time Deerslayer and his companion paddled ahead in  silence. It had  been determined to land Hurry

at the precise point  where he is represented,  in the commencement of our tale, as having  embarked, not only

as a place  little likely to be watched by the  Hurons, but because he was sufficiently  familiar with the signs of

the  woods, at that spot, to thread his way through  them in the dark.  Thither, then, the light craft proceeded,

being urged as  diligently,  and as swiftly, as two vigorous and skilful canoemen could force  their little vessel

through, or rather over, the water. Less than a  quarter  of an hour sufficed for the object, and, at the end of that

time, being  within the shadows of the shore, and quite near the point  they sought, each  ceased his efforts in

order to make their parting  communications out of ear  shot of any straggler who might happen to be  in the


"You will do well to persuade the officers at the garrison to lead  out a  party ag'in these vagabonds, as soon as

you git in, Hurry,"  Deerslayer  commenced; "and you'll do better if you volunteer to guide  it up yourself.  You

know the paths, and the shape of the lake, and the  natur' of the land,  and can do it better than a common,

gin'ralizing  scout. Strike at the Huron  camp first, and follow the signs that will  then show themselves. A few

looks  at the hut and the Ark will satisfy  you, as to the state of the Delaware and  the women, and, at any rate,

there'll be a fine opportunity to fall on the  Mingo trail, and to make  a mark on the memories of the

blackguards that  they'll be apt to carry  with 'em a long time. It won't be likely to make much  difference with

me, since that matter will be detarmined afore tomorrow's sun  has set,  but it may make a great change in

Judith and Hetty's hopes and  prospects!" 

"And as for yourself, Nathaniel," Hurry enquired with more interest  than he  was accustomed to betray in the

welfare of others"And, as for  yourself, what  do you think is likely to turn up. 

"The Lord, in his wisdom, only can tell, Henry March! The clouds  look black  and threatening, and I keep my

mind in a state to meet the  worst. Vengeful  feelin's are uppermost in the hearts of the Mingos,  and any little

disapp'intment about the plunder, or the prisoners, or  Hist, may make the  torments sartan. The Lord, in his

wisdom, can only  detarmine my fate, or  yourn!" 

"This is a black business, and ought to be put a stop to in some  way or  other" answered Hurry, confounding

the distinctions between  right and wrong,  as is usual with selfish and vulgar men. "I heartily  wish old Hutter

and I  had scalped every creatur' in their camp, the  night we first landed with that  capital object! Had you not

held back,  Deerslayer, it might have been done,  and then you would n't have found  yourself, at the last

moment, in the  desperate condition you mention." 

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"Twould have been better had you said, you wished you had never  attempted to  do what it little becomes any

white man's gifts to  undertake; in which case,  not only might we have kept from coming to  blows, but

Thomas Hutter would now  have been living, and the hearts of  the savages would be less given to  vengeance.

The death of that young  woman, too, was oncalled for, Henry  March, and leaves a heavy load on  our names

if not on our consciences!" 

This was so apparent, and it seemed so obvious to Hurry himself, at  the  moment, that he dashed his paddle

into the water, and began to  urge the canoe  towards the shore, as if bent only on running away from  his own

lively  remorse. His companion humoured this feverish desire  for change, and, in a  minute or two, the bows of

the boat grated  lightly on the shingle of the  beach. To land, shoulder his pack and  rifle, and to get ready for

his march  occupied Hurry but an instant,  and with a growling adieu, he had already  commenced his march,

when a  sudden twinge of feeling brought him to a dead  stop, and immediately  after to the other's side. 

"You cannot mean to give yourself up ag'in to them murdering  savages,  Deerslayer!" he said, quite as much

in angry remonstrance, as  with generous  feeling. "Twould be the act of a madman or a fool!" 

"There's them that thinks it madness to keep their words, and  there's them  that don't, Hurry Harry. You may

be one of the first, but  I'm one of the  last. No red skin breathing shall have it in his power  to say, that a Mingo

minds his word more than a man of white blood and  white gifts, in any thing  that consarns me. I'm out on a

furlough, and  if I've strength and reason,  I'll go in on a furlough afore noon  tomorrow!" 

"What's an Injin, or a word passed, or a furlough taken from  creatur's like  them, that have neither souls, nor


"If they've got neither souls nor reason, you and I have both,  Henry March,  and one is accountable for the

other. This furlough is  not, as you seem to  think, a matter altogether atween me and the  Mingos, seeing it is a

solemn  bargain made atween me and God. He who  thinks that he can say what he  pleases, in his distress, and

that  twill all pass for nothing, because 'tis  uttered in the forest, and  into red men's ears, knows little of his

situation, and hopes, and  wants. The woods are but the ears of the Almighty,  the air is his  breath, and the light

of the sun is little more than a glance  of his  eye. Farewell, Harry; we may not meet ag'in, but I would wish

you  never to treat a furlough, or any other solemn thing, that your  christian God  has been called on to

witness, as a duty so light that  it may be forgotten  according to the wants of the body, or even  accordin' to the

cravings of the  spirit." 

March was now glad again to escape. It was quite impossible that he  could  enter into the sentiments that

ennobled his companion, and he  broke away from  both with an impatience that caused him secretly to  curse

the folly that  could induce a man to rush, as it were, on his  own destruction. Deerslayer,  on the contrary,

manifested no such  excitement. Sustained by his principles,  inflexible in the purpose of  acting up to them,

and superior to any unmanly  apprehension, he  regarded all before him, as a matter of course, and no more

thought of  making any unworthy attempt to avoid it, than a Mussulman thinks  of  counteracting the decrees of

Providence. He stood calmly on the shore,  listening to the reckless tread with which Hurry betrayed his

progress  through the bushes, shook his head in dissatisfaction at the want of  caution,  and then stepped quietly

into his canoe. Before he dropped  the paddle again  into the water, the young man gazed about him, at the

scene presented by the  starlit night. This was the spot where he had  first laid his eyes on the  beautiful sheet

of water on which he  floated. If it was then glorious in the  bright light of a summer's  noontide, it was now

sad and melancholy under the  shadows of night.  The mountains rose around it like black barriers to exclude

the outer  world, and the gleams of pale light that rested on the broader  parts  of the basin, were no bad

symbols of the faintness of the hopes that  were so dimly visible in his own future. Sighing heavily, he pushed

the canoe  from the land, and took his way, back, with steady diligence  towards the Ark  and the castle. 

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Chapter XXIV

"Thy secret pleasure turns to open shame;

Thy private feasting to a public fast;

Thy smoothing titles to a ragged name;

Thy sugar'd tongue to bitter worm wood taste:

Thy violent vanities can never last."

Shakespeare, Rape of Lucrece, 11. 89094.

Judith was waiting the return of Deerslayer on the platform, with  stifled  impatience, when the latter reached

the hut. Hist and Hetty  were both in a  deep sleep, on the bed usually occupied by the two  daughters of the

house,  and the Delaware was stretched on the floor of  the adjoining room, his rifle  at his side, and a blanket

over him,  already dreaming of the events of the  last few days. There was a lamp  burning in the Ark, for the

family was  accustomed to indulge in this  luxury on extraordinary occasions, and  possessed the means, the

vessel  being of a form and material to render it  probable it had once been an  occupant of the chest. 

As soon as the girl got a glimpse of the canoe, she ceased her  hurried walk  up and down the platform, and

stood ready to receive the  young man, whose  return she had now been anxiously expecting for some  time.

She helped him to  fasten the canoe, and by aiding in the other  little similar employ ments,  manifested her

desire to reach a moment  of liberty as soon as possible. When  this was done, in answer to an  inquiry of his,

she informed him of the manner  in which their com  panions had disposed of themselves. He listened

attentively, for the  manner of the girl was so earnest and impressive as to  apprise him  that she had something

on her mind of more than common concern. 

"And now, Deerslayer," Judith continued, "you see I have lighted  the lamp,  and put it in the cabin of the Ark.

That is never done with  us, unless on  great occasions, and I consider this night as the most  important of my

life.  Will you follow me and see what I have to show  youhear what I have to say."  The hunter was a little

surprised, but,  making no objec tions, both were soon  in the scow, and in the room  that contamed the light.

Here two stools were  placed at the side of  the chest, with the lamp on another, and a table near  by to receive

the different articles as they might be brought to view. This  arrangement had its rise in the feverish

impatience of the girl, which  could  brook no delay that it was in her power to obviate. Even all the  padlocks

were removed, and it only re mained to raise the heavy lid,  again, to expose  all the treasures of this long

secreted hoard. 

"I see, in part, what all this means," observed Deerslayer "yes, I  see  through it, in part. But why is not Hetty

present; now, Thomas  Hurter is  gone, she is one of the owners of these cur'osities, and  ought to see them

opened and handled." 

"Hetty sleeps" answered Judith, huskily. "Happily for her, fine  clothes and  riches have no charms. Besides

she has this night given  her share of all that  the chest may hold, to me, that I may do with it  as I please." 

"Is poor Hetty composs enough for that, Judith?" de manded the  justminded  young man. "It's a good rule

and a righteous one, never to  take when them  that give don't know the valie of their gifts; and such  as god has

visited  heavily in their wits, ought to be dealt with as  carefully as children that  have n't yet come to their


Judith was hurt at this rebuke, coming from the person it did, but  she would  have felt it far more keenly had

not her conscience fully  acquitted her of  any unjust intentions to wards her feebleminded but  confiding

sister. It was  not a moment, however, to betray any of her  usual mountings of the spirit,  and she smothered

the passing sensation  in the de sire to come to the great  object she had in view. 

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"Hetty will not be wronged," she mildly answered; "she even knows  not only  what I am about to do,

Deerslayer, but why I do it. So take  your seat, raise  the lid of the chest, and this time we will go to the

bottom. I shall be  disappointed if something is not found to tell us  more of the history of  Thomas Hurter and

my mother." 

"Why Thomas Hutter, Judith, and not your father? The I dead ought  to meet  with as much reverence as the


"I have long suspected that Thomas Hutter was not my father, though  I did  think he might have been Hetty's,

but now we know he was the  father of  neither. He acknowledged that much in his dying moments. I  am old

enough to  remember better things than we have seen on this  lake, though they are so  faintly impressed on my

memory, that the  earlier part of my life seems like a  dream." 

"Dreams are but miserable guides when one has to detar mine about  realities,  Judith," returned the other,

admonish ingly. "Fancy  nothing, and hope nothing  on their account, though I've known chiefs  that thought

'em useful." 

"I expect nothing for the future, from them, my good friend, but  cannot help  remembering what has been.

This is idle, however, when  half an hour of  examination may tell us all, or even more than I want  to know." 

Deerslayer, who comprehended the girl's impatience, now took his  seat, and  proceeded once more to bring to

light the different articles  that the chest  contained. As a matter of course, all that had been  previously

examined were  found where they had been last deposited, and  they excited much less  interest, or comment,

than when formerly  exposed to view. Even Judith laid  aside the rich brocade with an air  of indifference, for

she had a far higher  aim before her than the  indulgence of vanity, and was impatient to come at  the still

hidden,  or rather unknown, treasures. 

"All these we have seen before," she said, "and will not stop to  open. The  bundle under your hand,

Deerslayer, is a fresh one; that we  will look into.  God send it may contain something to tell poor Hetty  and

myself, who we  really are!" 

"Ay, if some bundles could speak, they might tell wonderful  secrets,"  returned the young man deliberately

undoing the folds of  another piece of  course canvass, in order to come at the contents of  the roll that lay on

his  knees: "though this doesn't seem to be one of  that family, seeing 'tis  neither more nor less than a sort of

flag,  though of what nation, it passes  my l'arnin' to say." 

"That flag must have some meaning to it" Judith hurriedly  interposed. "Open  it wider, Deerslayer, that we

may see the colours." 

"Well, I pity the ensign that has to shoulder this cloth, and to  parade it  about on the field. Why 'tis large

enough, Judith,to make a  dozen of them  colours the King's officers set so much store by These  can be no

ensign's  colours, but a gin'ral's!" 

"A ship might carry it, Deerslayer, and ships I know do use such  things. Have  you never heard any fearful

stories about Thomas Hurter's  having once been  concerned with the peo ple they call buccaneers?" 

"Buckahnear! Not Inot II never heard him mentioned as good at a  buck far  off, or near by. Hurry Harry

did till me something about its  being supposed  that he had formerly, in some way or other, dealings  with

sartain sea rob  bers, but, Lord, Judith, it can't surely give you  any satisfaction to make  out that ag'in your

mother's own hus band,  though he isn't your father." 

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"Any thing will give me satisfaction that tells me who I am, and  helps to  explain the dreams of childhood. My

mother's husband! Yes, he  must have been  that, though why a woman like her, should have chosen a  man like

him, is more  than mortal reason can explain. You never saw  mother, Deerslayer, and can't  feel the vast, vast

difference there was  between them!" 

"Such things do happen, howsever;yes, they do happen; though why  providence  lets them come to pass, is

more than I understand. I've  knew the f'ercest  warriors with the gentlest wives of any in the  tribe, and awful

scolds fall  to the lot of Injins fit to be  missionaries." 

"That was not it, Deerslayer; that was not it. Oh! if it should  prove that  no; I can not wish she should not

have been his wife at  all. That no daughter  can wish for her own mother! Go on, now, and let  us see what the

square  looking bundle holds." 

Deerslayer complied, and he found that it contained a small trunk  of pretty  workmanship, but fastened. The

next point was to find a key;  but, search  proving ineffectual, it was determined to force the lock.  This

Deerslayer  soon effected by the aid of an iron instrument, and it  was found that the  interior was nearly filled

with papers. Many were  letters; some fragments of  manuscripts, memorandums, accounts, and  other similar

documents. The hawk  does not pounce upon the chicken  with a more sudden swoop, than Judith sprang

forward to seize this  mine of hitherto concealed knowledge. Her education, as  the reader  will have perceived,

was far superior to her situation in life,  and  her eye glanced over page after page of the letters, with a

readiness  that her schooling supplied, and with an avidity that found its origin  in her  feelings. At first, it was

evident that the girl was gratified;  and we may  add with reason, for the letters written by females, in

innocence and  affection, were of a character to cause her to feel  proud of those with whom  she had every

reason to think she was closely  connected by the ties of blood.  It does not come within the scope of  our plan

to give more of these epistles,  however, than a general idea  of their contents, and this will best be done by

describing the effect  they produced on the manner, appearance, and feeling of  her who was so  eagerly

perusing them. 

It has been said, already, that Judith was much gratified with the  letters  that first met her eye. They contained

the correspondence of  an affectionate  and inteffigent mother, to an absent daughter, with  such allusions to the

answers, as served, in a great measure, to fill  up the vacuum left by the  replies. They were not without

admonitions  and warnings, however, and Judith  felt the blood mounting to her  temples, and a cold shudder

succeeding, as she  read one in which the  propriety of the daughter's indulging in as much  intimacy, as had

evidently been described in one of the daughter's own  letters, with an  officer "who came from Europe, and

who could hardly be  supposed to  wish to form an honorable connection in America," was rather  coldly

commented on by the mother. What rendered it singular, was the fact  that the signatures had been carefully

cut from every one of these  letters,  and wherever a name occurred in the body of the epistles, it  had been

erased  with so much diligence as to render it impossible to  read it. They had all  been enclosed in envelopes,

according to the  fashion of the age, and not an  address either was to be found. Still  the letters themselves had

been  religiously pre served, and Judith  thought she could discover traces of tears  remaining on several. She

now remembered to have seen the little trunk in her  mother's keeping,  previously to her death, and she

supposed it had first been  deposited  in the chest, along with the other forgotten, or concealed objects,  when

the letters could no longer contribute to that parent's grief or  happiness. 

Next came another bundle, and these were filled with the  protestations of  love, written with passion certainly,

but also with  that deceit which men so  often think it justifiable to use to the  other sex. Judith had shed tears

abundantly over the first packet, but  now she felt a sentiment of indignation  and pride better sustaining  her.

Her hand shook, however, and cold shivers  again passed through  her frame, as she discovered a few points of

strong  resemblance  between these letters and some it had been her own fate to  receive.  Once, indeed, she laid

the packet down, bowed her head to her knees,  and seemed nearly convulsed. All this time Deerslayer sat a

silent,  but  attentive observer of every thing that passed. As Judith read a  letter, she  put it into his hands to

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hold, until she could peruse the  next; but this  served in no degree to enlighten her companion, as he  was

totally unable to  read. Nevertheless he was not entirely at fault,  in discovering the passions  that were

contending in the bosom of the  fair creature by his side, and, as  occasional sentences escaped her in  murmurs,

he was nearer the truth, in his  divinations, or conjectures,  than the girl would have been pleased at


Judith had commenced with the earliest letters, luckily for a ready  comprehension of the tale they told, for

they were carefully arranged  in  chronological order, and to any one who would take the trouble to  peruse

them, would have revealed a sad history of gratified passion,  coldness, and  finally of aversion. As she

obtained the clue to their  import, her impatience  would not admit of delay, and she soon got to  glancing her

eyes over a page,  by way of coming at the truth, in the  briefest manner possible. By adopting  this expedient,

one to which all  who are eager to arrive at results, without  encumbering themselves  with details, are so apt to

resort, Judith made a  rapid progress in  these melancholy revelations of her mother's failing and  punishment.

She saw that the period of her own birth was distinctly referred  to,  and even learned that the homely name she

bore, was given her by the  father, of whose person she retained so faint an impression as to  resemble a  dream.

This name was not obliterated from the text of the  letters, but stood  as if nothing was to be gained by erasing

it.  Hetty's birth was mentioned  once, and in that instance the name was  the mother's, but ere this period was

reached came the signs of  coldness, shadowing forth the desertion that was so  soon to follow. It  was in this

stage of the correspondence that her mother  had recourse  to the plan of copying her own epistles. They were

but few, but  were  eloquent with the feelings of blighted affection, and contrition.  Judith  sobbed over them,

until again and again she felt compelled to  lay them aside  from sheer physical in a inability to see; her eyes

being literally obscured  with tears. Still she returned to the task,  with increasing interest, and  finally

succeeded in reaching the end of  the latest communication that had  probably ever passed between her  parents. 

All this occupied fully an hour, for near a hundred letters were  glanced at,  and some twenty had been closely

read. The truth now shone  clear upon the  acute mind of Judith, so far as her own birth and that  of Hetty, were

concerned. She sickened at the conviction, and for the  moment the rest of the  world seemed to be cut off from

her, and she  had now additional reasons for  wishing to pass the remainder of her  life on the lake, where she

had already  seen so many bright and so  many sorrowing days. 

There yet remained more letters to examine. Judith found these were  a  correspondence between her mother

and Thomas Hovey. The originals of  both  parties were carefully arranged, letter and answer, side by side;  and

they  told the early history of the connection between the  illassorted pair far  more plainly than Judith wished

to learn it. Her  mother made the advances  towards a marriage, to the surprise, not to  say horror of her

daughter, and  she actually found a relief when she  discovered traces of what struck her as  insanity or a

morbid  desperation, bordering on that dire calamity in the  earlier letters  of that illfated woman. The

answers of Hovey were coarse and  illiterate, though they manifested a sufficient desire to obtain the  hand of  a

woman of singular personal attractions, and whose great  error he was  willing to overlook for the advantage of

possessing one,  every way so much  his superior, and, who, it also appeared was not  altogether destitute of

money. The remainder of this part of the  correspondence was brief, and it was  soon confined to a few

communications on business, in which the miserable  wife hastened the  absent husband in his preparations to

abandon a world,  which there was  a sufficient reason to think was as dangerous to one of the  parties,  as it was

disagreeable to the other. But a sincere expression had  escaped her mother, by which Judith could get a clue

to the motives  that had  induced her to marry Hovey, or Hutter, and this she found was  that feeling of

resentment which so often tempts the injured to  inflict wrongs on themselves,  by way of heaping coals on the

heads of  those through whom they have  suffered. Judith had enough of the spirit  of that mother, to

comprehend this  sentiment, and for a moment did she  see the exceeding folly which permitted  such

revengeful feelings to  get the ascendancy. 

There, what may be called the historical part of the papers ceased.  Among the  loose fragments, however, was

an old newspaper that  contained a proclamation  offering a reward for the apprehension of  certain

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freebooters by name, among  which was that of Thomas Hovey.  The attention of the girl was drawn to the

proclamation and to this  particular name, by the circumstance that black  lines had been drawn  under both, in

ink. Nothing else was found among the  papers that could  lead to a discovery of either the name or the place

of  residence of  the wife of Hurter. All the dates, signatures, and addresses,  had been  cut from the letters, and

wherever a word occurred in the body of  the  communications, that might furnish a clue, it was scrupulously

erased.  Thus Judith found all her hopes of ascertaining who her parents were,  defeated, and she was obliged

to fall back on her own resources and  habits  for every thing connected with the future. Her recollection of  her

mother's  manners, conversation, and sufferings filled up many a  gap in the historical  facts she had now

discovered, and the truth, in  its outlines, stood  sufficiently distinct before her, to take away all  desire, indeed,

to possess  any more details. Throwing herself back in  her seat, she simply desired her  companion to finish the

examination  of the other articles in the chest, as it  might yet contain something  of importance. 

"I'll do it, Judith; I'll do it," returned the patient Deerslayer,  "but if  there's many more letters to read, we shall

see the sun ag'in,  afore you've  got through with the reading of communications on  business, in which the

miserable wife hastened the absent husband in  his preparations to abandon a  world, which there was a

sufficient  reason to think was as dangerous to one  of the parties, as it was  disagreeable to the other. But a

sincere expression  had escaped her  mother, by which Judith could get a clue to the motives that  had  induced

her to marry Hovey, or Hutter, and this she found was that  feeling of resentment which so often tempts the

injured to inflict  wrongs on  themselves, by way of heaping coals on the heads of those  through whom they

have suffered. Judith had enough of the spirit of  that mother, to comprehend  this sentiment, and for a moment

did she  see the exceeding folly which  permitted such revengeful feelings to  get the ascendancy. 

There, what may be called the historical part of the papers ceased.  Among the  loose fragments, however, was

an old newspaper that  contained a proclamation  offering a reward for the apprehension of  certain

freebooters by name, among  which was that of Thomas Hovey.  The attention of the girl was drawn to the

proclamation and to this  particular name, by the circumstance that black  lines had been drawn  under both, in

ink. Nothing else was found among the  papers that could  lead to a discovery of either the name or the place

of  residence of  the wife of Hurter. All the dates, signatures, and addresses,  had been  cut from the letters, and

wherever a word occurred in the body of  the  communications, that might furnish a clue, it was scrupulously

erased.  Thus Judith found all her hopes of ascertaining who her parents were,  defeated, and she was obliged

to fall back on her own resources and  habits  for every thing connected with the future. Her recollection of  her

mother's  manners, conversation, and sufferings filled up many a  gap in the historical  facts she had now

discovered, and the truth, in  its outlines, stood  sufficiently distinct before her, to take away all  desire, indeed,

to possess  any more details. Throwing herself back in  her seat, she simply desired her  companion to finish the

examination  of the other articles in the chest, as it  might yet contain something  of importance. 

"I'll do it, Judith; I'll do it," returned the patient Deerslayer,  "but if  there's many more letters to read, we shall

see the sun ag'in,  afore you've  got through with the reading of much as if the bargain  was made, and

Rivenoak, or any of the other vagabonds, was here to  accept and close the  treaty, there's two principal reasons

why it can  never come to pass, which  may be as well told at once, in order no  onlikely ex pectations may be

raised  in you, or any onjustiflable  hopes in me." 

"What reason can there be, if Hetty and I are willing to part with  the  trifles for your sake, and the savages are

willing to receive  them?" 

"That's it, Judithyou've got the idees, but they're a little out  of their  places, as if a hound should take the

back'ard instead of the  leading scent.  That the Mingos will be willing to receive them things,  or any more like

'em,  you may have to offer is probable enough, but  whether they'll pay valie for  'em, is quite another matter.

Ask  yourself, Judith, if any one should send  you a message to say that,  for such or such a price, you and

Hetty might have  that chist and all  it holds, whether you'd think it worth your while to waste  many words  on

the bargain?" 

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"But this chest and all it holds, are already ours; there is no  reason why we  should purchase what is already

our own." 

"Just so the Mingos caculate! They say the chist is theirn,  already; or, as  good as theirn, and they'll not thank

anybody for the  key." 

"I understand you, Deerslayer; surely we are yet in posses sion of  the lake,  and we can keep possession of it,

until Hurry sends troops  to drive off the  enemy. This we may certainly do, provided you will  stay with us,

instead of  going back and giving yourself up a prisoner,  again, as you now seem deter  mined on". 

"That Hurry Harry should talk in thisaway, is nat'ral, and  according to the  gifts of the man. He knows no

better, and, therefore,  he is little likely to  feel, or to act any better; but, Judith, I put  it to your heart and

consciencewould you, could you think of me as  favorably, as I hope and  believe you now do, was I to forget

my  furlough and not go back to the camp?" 

"To think more favorably of you than I now do, Deerslayer, would  not be easy;  but I might continue to think

as favor ablyat least it  seems soI hope I  could, for, a world would n't tempt me to let you do  any thing that

might  change my real opinion of you." 

"Then do n't try to entice me to overlook my furlough, gal! A  furlough is a  sacred thing among warriors and

men that carry their  lives in their hands, as  we of the forests do, and what a grievous  disapp'intment would it

be to old  Tamenund, and to Uncas, the father  of the Sarpent, and to my other fri'nds in  the tribe, if I was so to

disgrace myself, on my very first warpath? This  you will pairceive,  moreover, Judith, is without laying any

stress on nat'ral  gifts, and a  white man's duties, to say nothing of conscience. The last is  king  with me, and I

try never to dispute his orders." 

"I believe you are right, Deerslayer," returned the girl, after a  little  reflection and in a saddened voice: "a man

like you, ought not  to act, as the  selfish and dishonest would be apt to act; you must,  indeed, go back. We will

talk no more of this, then. Should I persuade  you to any thing for which you  would be sorry hereafter, my

own regret  would not be less than yours. You  shall not have it to say, JudithI  scarce know by what name to

call myself,  now!" 

"And why not?Why not, gal? Children take the names of their  parents,  nat'rally, and by a sort of gift, like,

and why should n't  you and Hetty do,  as others have done afore ye? Hutter was the old  man's name, and

Hurter  should be the name of his darters; at least  until you are given away in  lawful and holy wedlock." 

"I am Judith, and Judith only," returned the girl posi  tively"until the law  gives me a right to another name.

Never will I  use that of Thomas Hurter  again; nor, with my consent, shall Hetty!  Hurter was not even his own

name, I  find, but had he a thousand rights  to it, it would give none to me. He was  not my father, thank

heaven;  though I may have no reason to be proud of him  that was!" 

"This is strange!" said Deerslayer, looking steadily at the excited  girl,  anxious to know more, but unwilling to

inquire into matters that  did not  properly concern him; "yes, this is very strange and oncommon!  Thomas

Hurter  was n't Thomas Hurter, and his darters were n't his  darters! Who, then, could  Thomas Hurter be, and

who are his darters?" 

"Did you never hear any thing whispered against the former life of  this  person, Deerslayer?" demanded

Judith "Passing, as I did, for his  child, such  reports reached even me." 

"I'll not deny it, Judith; no, I'll not deny it. Sartain things  have been  said, as I've told you, but I'm not very

credible as to  reports. Young as I  am, I've lived long enough to l'am there's two  sorts of characters in the

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worldthem that is 'arned by deeds, and  them that is 'arned by tongues, and  so I prefar to see and judge for

myself, instead of letting every jaw that  chooses to wag become my  judgment. Hurry Harry spoke pretty

plainly of the  whole family, as we  journeyed thisaway, and he did hint something  consarning Thomas

Hutter's having been a freeliver on the water, in his  younger days.  By freeliver, I mean that he made free to

live on other men's  goods." 

"He told you he was a piratethere is no need of mincing matters  between  friends. Read that, Deerslayer, and

you will see that he told  you no more  than the truth. This Thomas Hovey was the Thomas Hutter  you knew,

as is seen  by these letters." 

As Judith spoke, with a flushed cheek and eyes dazzling with the  brilliancy  of excitement, she held the

newspaper towards her  companion, pointing to the  proclamation of a Colonial Governor,  already mentioned. 

"Bless you, Judith!" answered the other laughing, "you might as  well ask me  to print thator, for that matter

to write it. My  edication has been  altogether in the woods; the only book I read, or  care about reading, is the

one which God has opened afore all his  creatur's in the noble forests, broad  lakes, rolling rivers, blue  skies,

and the winds and tempests, and sunshine,  and other glorious  marvels of the land! This book I can read, and I

find it  full of  wisdom and knowledge." 

"I crave your pardon, Deerslayer," said Judith, earnestly, more  abashed than  was her wont, in finding that she

had in advertently made  an appeal that  might wound her compan ion's pride. "I had forgotten  your manner of

life, and  least of all did I wish to hurt your  feelings." 

"Hurt my feelin's?Why should it hurt my feelin's to ask me to  read, when I  can't read. I'm a hunterand I

may now begin to say a  warrior, and no  missionary, and therefore books and papers are of no  account with

such as I  No, noJudith," and here the young man laughed  cordially, "not even for wads,  seeing that your

true deerkiller always  uses the hide of a fa'a'n, if he's  got one, or some other bit of  leather suitably prepared.

There's some that do  say, all that stands  in print is true, in which case I'll own an unl'arned  man must be

somewhat of a loser; nevertheless, it can't be truer than that  which  God has printed with his own hand, in the

sky, and the woods, and the  rivers, and the springs." 

"Well, then, Hutter, or Hovey, was a pirate, and being no father of  mine, I  cannot wish to call him one. His

name shall no longer be my  name."  "If you dislike the name of that man, there's the name of your  mother,

Judith. Hem may sarve you just as good a turn." 

"I do not know it. I've look'd through those papers, Deerslayer,  in the hope  of finding some hint, by which I

might discover who my  mother was, but there  is no more trace of the past, in that respect,  than the bird leaves

in the  air." 

"That's both oncommon, and onreasonable. Parents are bound to give  their  offspring a name, even though

they give 'em nothing else. Now I  come of a  humble stock, though we have white gifts and a white narur',  but

we are not  so poorly off, as to have no name. Bumppo we are  called, and I've heard it  said" a touch of

human vanity glowing on  his cheek, "that the time has been  when the Bumppos had more standing  and note

among mankind, than they have  just now." 

"They never deserved them more, Deerslayer, and the name is a good  one;  either Herty, or myself, would a

thousand times rather be called  Hetty  Bumppo, or Judith Bumppo, than to be called Hetty or Judith  Hutter." 

"That's a moral impossible," returned the hunter, good humouredly,  "onless  one of you should so far demean

herself as to marry me." 

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Judith could not refrain from smiling, when she found how simply  and  naturally the conversation had come

round to the very point at  which she had  aimed to bring it. Although far from unfeminine or  forward, either in

her  feelings, or her habits, the girl was goaded by  a sense of wrongs not  altogether merited, incited by the

hopelessness  of a future that seemed to  contain no resting place, and still more  influenced by feelings that

were as  novel to her, as they proved to be  active and engrossing. The opening was too  good, therefore, to be

neglected, though she came to the subject with much of  the  indirectness and perhaps, justifiable, address of a


"I do not think Hetty will ever marry, Deerslayer," she said, "and  if your  name is to be borne by either of us,

it must be borne by me." 

"There's been handsome women too, they tell me, among the Bumppos,  Judith,  afore now, and should you

take up with the name, oncommon as  you be, in this  particular, them that knows the family won't be

altogether surprised." 

"This is not talking as becomes either of us, Deerslayer, for  whatever is  said on such a subject, between man

and woman, should be  said seriously, and  in sincerity of heart. Forgetting the shame that  ought to keep girls

silent,  until spoken to, in most cases, I will  deal with you as frankly as I know one  of your generous nature

will  most like to be dealt by. Can you do you think,  Deerslayer, that you  could be happy with such a wife as

a woman like myself  would make?" 

"A woman like you, Judith! But where's the sense in trifling about  such a  thing?A woman like you, that is

handsome enough to be a  captain's lady, and  fine enough, and so far as I know edicated enough,  would be

little apt to  think of be coming my wife. I suppose young  gals that feel themselves to be  smart, and know

themselves to be  handsome, find a sartain satisfaction in  passing their jokes ag'in  them that's neither, like a

poor Delaware hunter." 

This was said good naturedly, but not without a betrayal of feeling  which  showed that some thing like

mortified sensibility was blended  with the reply.  Nothing could have occurred more likely to awaken all

Judith's generous  regrets, or to aid her in her purpose, by adding the  stimulant of a  disinterested desire to

atone, to her other impulses,  and cloaking all under  a guise so winning and natural, as greatly to  lessen the

unpleasant feature  of a forwardness unbecoming the sex. 

"You do me injustice if you suppose I have any such thought, or  wish," she  answered, earnestly. "Never was I

more serious in my life,  or more willing to  abide by any agreement, that we may make tonight.  I have had

many suit ors,  Deerslayernay, scarce an unmarried trapper  or hunter has been in at the Lake  these four

years, who has not  offered to take me away with him, and I fear  some that were married,  too" 

"Ay, I'll warrant that!" interrupted the other"I'll warrant all  that! Take  'em as a body, Judith, 'arth don't hold

a set of men more  given to  theirselves, and less given to God and the law." 

"Not one of them would Icould I listen to; happily for myself  perhaps, has  it been that such was the case.

There have been well  looking youths among  them too, as you may have seen in your  acquaintance, Henry


"Yes, Harry is sightly to the eye, though, to my idees, less so to  the  judgment. I thought, at first, you meant to

have him, Judith, I  did; but  afore he went, it was easy enough to verify that the same  lodge would n't be  big

enough for you both." 

"You have done me justice in that at least, Deerslayer. Hurry is a  man I  could never marry, though he were

ten times more comely to the  eye, and a  hundred times more stout of heart, than he really is." 

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"Why not, Judith, why not? I own I'm cur'ous to know why a youth  like Hurry  should n't find favor with a

maiden like you?" 

"Then you shall know, Deerslayer," returned the girl, gladly  availing herself  of the opportunity of indirectly

extol ling the  qualities which had so  strongly interested her in her listener; hoping  by these means covertly to

approach the sub ject nearest her heart.  "In the first place, looks in a man  are of no importance with a woman,

provided he is manly, and not disfigured,  or deformed." 

"There I can't altogether agree with you," returned the other  thoughtfully,  for he had a very humble opinion of

his own personal  appearance; "I have  noticed that the comeliest warriors commonly get  the bestlooking

maidens of  the tribe, for wives, and the Sarpent,  yonder, who is sometimes won derful in  his paint, is a

gineral  favorite with all the Delaware young women, though he  takes to Hist,  himself, as if she was the only

beauty on 'arth!" 

"It may be so with Indians; but it is different with white girls.  So long as  a young man has a straight and

manly frame, that promises  to make him able to  protect a woman, and to keep want from the door,  it is all

they ask of the  figure. Giants like Hurry may do for  grenadiers, but are of little account as  lovers. Then as to

the face,  an honest look, one that answers for the heart  within, is of more  value than any shape or colour, or

eyes, or teeth, or  trifles like  them. The last may do for girls, but who thinks of them at all,  in a  hunter, or a

warrior, or a husband? If there are women so silly,  Judith  is not among them." 

"Well, this is wonderful! I always thought that handsome liked  handsome, as  riches love riches!" 

"It may be so with you men, Deerslayer, but it is not always so  with us  women. We like stouthearted men,

but we wish to see them  modest; sure on a  hunt, or the warpath, ready to die for the right,  and unwilling to

yield to  the wrong. Above all we wish for  honestytongues that are not used to say  what the mind does not

mean,  and hearts that feel a little for others, as  well as for themselves. A  truehearted girl could die for such a

husband!  while the boaster, and  the doubletongued suitor gets to be as hateful to the  sight, as he is  to the


Judith spoke bitterly, and with her usual force, but her listener  was too  much struck with the novelty of the

sensations he experienced  to advert to  her manner. There was something so soothing to the  humility of a man

of his  temperament, to hear qualities that he could  not but know he possessed  himself, thus highly extolled by

the  loveliest female he had ever beheld,  that, for the moment, his  faculties seemed suspended in a natural and

excusable pride. Then it  was that the idea of the possibility of such a  creature as Judith  becoming his

companion for life, first crossed his mind.  The image was  so pleasant, and so novel, that he continued

completely  absorbed by  it, for more than a minute, totally regardless of the beautiful  reality that was seated

before him, watching the expression of his  upright  and truthteffing countenance with a keenness that gave

her a  very fair, if  not an absolutely accurate clue to his thoughts. Never  before had so pleasing  a vision

floated before the mind's eye of the  young hunter, but, accustomed  most to practical things, and little  addicted

to submitting to the power of  his imagination, even while  possessed of so much true poetical feeling in

connection with natural  objects in particular, he soon recovered his reason,  and smiled at his  own weakness,

as the fancied picture faded from his mental  sight, and  left him the simple, untaught, but highly moral being

he was,  seated  in the Ark of Thomas Hurter, at midnight, with the lovely countenance  of its late owner's

reputed daughter, beaming on him with anxious  scrutiny,  by the light of the solitary lamp. 

"You're wonderful handsome, and enticing, and pleasing to look on,  Judith!"  he exclaimed, in his simplicity,

as fact resumed its  ascendency over fancy.  "Wonderful! I do n't remember ever to have seen  so beautiful a

gal, even  among the Delawares; and I'm not astonished  that Hurry Harry went away soured  as well as


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"Would you have had me, Deerslayer, become the wife of such a man  as Henry  March?" 

"There's that which is in his favor, and there's that which is  ag'in him. To  my taste, Hurry would n't make the

best of husbands, but  I fear that the  tastes of most young women, hereaway, would n't be so  hard upon him." 

"NonoJudith without a name, would never consent to be called  Judith March!  Any thing would be better

than that." 

"Judith Bumppo would n't sound as well, gal; and there's many names  that  would fall short of March, in

pleasing the ear." 

"Ah! Deerslayer, the pleasantness of the sound, in such cases, does  n't come  through the ear, but through the

heart. Every thing is  agreeable, when the  heart is satisfied. Were Natty Bumppo, Henry  March, and Henry

March, Natty  Bumppo, I might think the name of March  better than it is; or were he, you, I  should fancy the

name of Bumppo,  horrible!" 

"That's just ityes, that's the reason of the matter. Now, I'm  nat'rally  avarse to sarpents, and I hate even the

word, which, the  missionaries tell  me, comes from human natur', on account of a sartain  sarpent at the

creation  of the 'arth, that outwitted the first woman;  yet, ever since Chingachgook  them! Two good hours

have you been  looking at them bits of papers!" 

"They tell me of my parents, Deerslayer, and have settled my plans  for life.  A girl may be excused who reads

about her own father and  mother, and that too  for the first time in her life. I am sorry to  have kept you


"Never mind me, gal, never mind me. It matters little whether I  sleep or  watch; but, though you be pleasant to

look at, and are so  handsome, Judith,  it is not altogether agreeable to sit so long to  behold you shedding tears.

I  know that tears do n't kill, and that  some people are better for shedding a  few, now and then, especially

women, but I'd rather see you smile, any time,  Judith, than see you  weep." 

This gallant speech was rewarded with a sweet, though a melancholy  smile, and  then the girl again desired

her companion to finish the  examination of the  chest. The search necessarily continued some time,  during

which Judith  collected her thoughts, and regained her  composure. She took no part in the  search, leaving

every thing to the  young man, looking listlessly, herself, at  the different articles that  came uppermost.

Nothing further of much interest,  or value, however,  was found. A sword or two, such as were then worn by

gentlemen, some  buckles of silver, or so richly plated as to appear silver,  and a few  handsome articles of

female dress composed the principal  discoveries.  It struck both Judith and the Deerslayer notwithstanding,

that  some  of these things might be made useful in effecting a negotiation with  the  Iroquois, though the latter

saw a difficulty in the way that was  not so  apparent to the former. The conversation was first renewed in

connection with  this point. 

"And now, Deerslayer," said Judith, "we may talk of yourself, and  of the  means of getting you out of the

hands of the Hurons. Any part,  or all of what  you have seen in the chest will be cheerfully given by  me and

Hetty, to set  you at liberty." 

"Well, that's ginerousyes, 'tis downright freehearted, and  freehanded, and  ginerous. This is the way with

women; when they take  up a fri'ndship, they do  nothing by halves, but are as willing to part  with their

property, as if it  had no valie in their eyes. Howsever,  while I thank you both, just as natur'  gives in the free

air, and the  forestnow, if both these men stood here, as  suitors for your  feelin's, which do you think would

win your favor?" 

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Judith's fine face flushed, for the picture that her compan. ion  had so  simply drawn of a gay officer of the

garrisons had once been  particularly  grateful to her imagination, though experience and  disappointment had

not  only chilled all her affections, but given them  a backward current, and the  passing image had a

momentary influence on  her feelings; but the mounting  colour was succeeded by a paleness so  deadly, as to

make her appear ghastly. 

"As God is my judge," the girl solemnly answered, "did both these  men stand  before me, as I may say one of

them does, my choice, if I  know my own heart,  would be the latter. I have no wish for a husband  who is any

way better than  myself." 

"This is pleasant to listen to, and might lead a young man in time,  to forget  his own onworthiness, Judith!

Howsever, you hardly think all  that you say. A  man like me is too rude and ignorant for one that has  had such

a mother to  teach her. Vanity is nat'ral, I do believe, but  vanity like that, would  surpass reason." 

"Then you do not know of what a woman's heart is capable! Rude you  are not,  Deerslayer, nor can one be

called ignorant that has studied  what is before  his eyes as closely as you have done. When the  affections are

concerned, all  things appear in their pleasantest  colors, and trifles are overlooked, or are  forgotten. When the

heart  feels sunshine, nothing is gloomy, even dull  looking objects, seeming  gay and bright, and so it would be

between you and  the woman who  should love you, even though your wife might happen, in some  matters,  to

possess what the world calls the advantage over you."  "Judith, you  come of people altogether above mine, in

the world, and onequal  matches, like onequal fri'ndships can't often tarminate kindly. I  speak of  this matter

altogether as a fanciful thing, since it's not  very likely that  you, at least, would be apt to treat it as a matter

that can ever come to  pass." 

Judith fastened her deep blue eyes on the open, frank countenance  of her  companion, as if she would read his

soul. Nothing there  betrayed any covert  meaning, and she was obliged to admit to herself,  that he regarded

the  conversation as argumentative, rather than  positive, and that he was still  without any active suspicion that

her  feelings were seriously involved in the  issue. At first, she felt  offended; then she saw the injustice of

making the  selfabasement and  modesty of the hunter a charge against him, and this novel  difficulty  gave a

piquancy to the state of affairs that rather increased her  interest in the young man. At that critical instant, a

change of plan  flashed  on her mind, and with a readiness of invention that is  peculiar to the quick  witted and

ingenious, she adopted a scheme by  which she hoped effectually to  bind him to her person. This scheme

partook equally of her fertility of  invention, and of the decision and  boldness of her character. That the

conversation might not terminate  too abruptly, however, or any suspicion of  her design exist, she  answered

the last remark of Deerslayer, as earnestly  and as truly, as  if her original intention remained unaltered. 

"I, certainly, have no reason to boast of parentage, after what I  have seen  this night," said the girl, in a

saddened voice. "I had a  mother, it is true;  but of her name even, I am ignorantand, as for my  father, it is

better,  perhaps, that I should never know who he was,  lest I speak too bitterly of  him!" 

"Judith," said Deerslayer, taking her hand kindly, and with a manly  sincerity  that went directly to the girl's

heart, "tis better to say  no more tonight.  Sleep on what you've seen and felt; in the morning  things that now

look  gloomy, may look more che'rful. Above all, never  do any thing in bitterness,  or because you feel as if

you'd like to  take revenge on yourself, for other  people's backslidings. All that  has been said, or done, atween

us, this  night, is your secret, and  shall never be talked of by me, even with the  Sarpent, and you may be

sartain if he can't get it out of me no man can. If  your parents have  been faulty, let the darter be less so;

remember that  you're young,  and the youthful may always hope for better times; that you're  more

quickwitted than usual, and such gin'rally get the better of  difficulties, and that, as for beauty, you're

oncommon, which is an  advantage  with all. It is time to get a little rest, for tomorrow is  like to prove a

trying day to some of us." 

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Deerslayer arose as he spoke, and Judith had no choice but to  comply. The  chest was closed and secured, and

they parted in silence,  she to take her  place by the side of Hist and Hetty, and he to seek a  blanket on the floor

of  the cabin he was in. It was not five minutes  crc the young man was in a deep  sleep, but the girl continued

awake  for a long time. She scarce knew whether  to lament, or to rejoice, at  having failed in making herself

understood. On  the one hand, were her  womanly sensibilities spared; on the other was the  disappointment of

defeated, or at least of delayed expectations, and the  uncertainty of  a future that looked so dark. Then came

the new resolution,  and the  bold project for the morrow, and when drowsiness finally shut her  eyes, they

closed on a scene of success and happiness, that was  pictured by  the fancy, under the influence of a sanguine

temperament,  and a happy  invention. 

Chapter XXV

"Thy secret pleasure turns to open shame;

Thy private feasting to a public fast;

Thy smoothing titles to a ragged name;

Thy sugar'd tongue to bitter worm wood taste:

Thy violent vanities can never last."

Shakespeare, Rape of Lucrece, 11. 89094.

Judith was waiting the return of Deerslayer on the platform, with  stifled  impatience, when the latter reached

the hut. Hist and Hetty  were both in a  deep sleep, on the bed usually occupied by the two  daughters of the

house,  and the Delaware was stretched on the floor of  the adjoining room, his rifle  at his side, and a blanket

over him,  already dreaming of the events of the  last few days. There was a lamp  burning in the Ark, for the

family was  accustomed to indulge in this  luxury on extraordinary occasions, and  possessed the means, the

vessel  being of a form and material to render it  probable it had once been an  occupant of the chest. 

As soon as the girl got a glimpse of the canoe, she ceased her  hurried walk  up and down the platform, and

stood ready to receive the  young man, whose  return she had now been anxiously expecting for some  time.

She helped him to  fasten the canoe, and by aiding in the other  little similar employments,  manifested her

desire to reach a moment of  liberty as soon as possible. When  this was done, in answer to an  inquiry of his,

she informed him of the manner  in which their  companions had disposed of themselves. He listened

attentively, for  the manner of the girl was so earnest and impressive as to  apprise him  that she had something

on her mind of more than common concern. 

"And now, Deerslayer," Judith continued, "you see I have lighted  the lamp,  and put it in the cabin of the Ark.

That is never done with  us, unless on  great occasions, and I consider this night as the most  important of my

life.  Will you follow me and see what I have to show  youhear what I have to say." 

The hunter was a little surprised, but, making no objections, both  were soon  in the scow, and in the room that

contamed the light. Here  two stools were  placed at the side of the chest, with the lamp on  another, and a table

near  by to receive the different articles as they  might be brought to view. This  arrangement had its rise in the

feverish impatience of the girl, which could  brook no delay that it  was in her power to obviate. Even all the

padlocks  were removed, and  it only re mained to raise the heavy lid, again, to expose  all the  treasures of this

long secreted hoard. 

"I see, in part, what all this means," observed Deerslayer "yes, I  see  through it, in part. But why is not Hetty

present; now, Thomas  Hurter is  gone, she is one of the owners of these cur'osities, and  ought to see them

opened and handled." 

"Hetty sleeps" answered Judith, huskily. "Happily for her, fine  clothes and  riches have no charms. Besides

she has this night given  her share of all that  the chest may hold, to me, that I may do with it  as I please." 

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"Is poor Hetty composs enough for that, Judith?" demanded the  justminded  young man. "It's a good rule and

a righteous one, never to  take when them  that give don't know the valie of their gifts; and such  as god has

visited  heavily in their wits, ought to be dealt with as  carefully as children that  have n't yet come to their


Judith was hurt at this rebuke, coming from the person it did, but  she would  have felt it far more keenly had

not her conscience fully  acquitted her of  any unjust intentions to wards her feebleminded but  confiding

sister. It was  not a moment, however, to betray any of her  usual mountings of the spirit,  and she smothered

the passing sensation  in the de sire to come to the great  object she had in view. 

"Hetty will not be wronged," she mildly answered; "she even knows  not only  what I am about to do,

Deerslayer, but why I do it. So take  your seat, raise  the lid of the chest, and this time we will go to the

bottom. I shall be  disappointed if something is not found to tell us  more of the history of  Thomas Hurter and

my mother." 

"Why Thomas Hutter, Judith, and not your father? The I dead ought  to meet  with as much reverence as the


"I have long suspected that Thomas Hutter was not my father, though  I did  think he might have been Hetty's,

but now we know he was the  father of  neither. He acknowledged that much in his dying moments. I  am old

enough to  remember better things than we have seen on this  lake, though they are so  faintly impressed on my

memory, that the  earlier part of my life seems like a  dream." 

"Dreams are but miserable guides when one has to detar mine about  realities,  Judith," returned the other,

admonish ingly. "Fancy  nothing, and hope nothing  on their account, though I've known chiefs  that thought

'em useful." 

"I expect nothing for the future, from them, my good friend, but  cannot help  remembering what has been.

This is idle, however, when  half an hour of  examination may tell us all, or even more than I want  to know." 

Deerslayer, who comprehended the girl's impatience, now took his  seat, and  proceeded once more to bring to

light the different articles  that the chest  contained. As a matter of course, all that had been  previously

examined were  found where they had been last deposited, and  they excited much less  interest, or comment,

than when formerly  exposed to view. Even Judith laid  aside the rich brocade with an air  of indifference, for

she had a far higher  aim before her than the  indulgence of vanity, and was impatient to come at  the still

hidden,  or rather unknown, treasures. 

"All these we have seen before," she said, "and will not stop to  open. The  bundle under your hand,

Deerslayer, is a fresh one; that we  will look into.  God send it may contain something to tell poor Hetty  and

myself, who we  really are!" 

"Ay, if some bundles could speak, they might tell wonderful  secrets,"  returned the young man deliberately

undoing the folds of  another piece of  course canvass, in order to come at the contents of  the roll that lay on

his  knees: "though this doesn't seem to be one of  that family, seeing 'tis  neither more nor less than a sort of

flag,  though of what nation, it passes  my l'arnin' to say." 

"That flag must have some meaning to it" Judith hurriedly  interposed. "Open  it wider, Deerslayer, that we

may see the colours." 

"Well, I pity the ensign that has to shoulder this cloth, and to  parade it  about on the field. Why 'tis large

enough, Judith,to make a  dozen of them  colours the King's officers set so much store by These  can be no

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ensign's  colours, but a gin'ral's!" 

"A ship might carry it, Deerslayer, and ships I know do use such  things. Have  you never heard any fearful

stories about Thomas Hurter's  having once been  concerned with the peo ple they call buccaneers?" 

"Buckahnear! Not Inot II never heard him mentioned as good at a  buck far  off, or near by. Hurry Harry

did till me something about its  being supposed  that he had formerly, in some way or other, dealings  with

sartain sea rob  bers, but, Lord, Judith, it can't surely give you  any satisfaction to make  out that ag'in your

mother's own hus band,  though he isn't your father." 

"Any thing will give me satisfaction that tells me who I am, and  helps to  explain the dreams of childhood. My

mother's husband! Yes, he  must have been  that, though why a woman like her, should have chosen a  man like

him, is more  than mortal reason can explain. You never saw  mother, Deerslayer, and can't  feel the vast, vast

difference there was  between them!" 

"Such things do happen, howsever;yes, they do happen; though why  providence  lets them come to pass, is

more than I understand. I've  knew the f'ercest  warriors with the gentlest wives of any in the  tribe, and awful

scolds fall  to the lot of Injins fit to be  missionaries." 

"That was not it, Deerslayer; that was not it. Oh! if it should  prove that  no; I can not wish she should not

have been his wife at  all. That no daughter  can wish for her own mother! Go on, now, and let  us see what the

square  looking bundle holds." 

Deerslayer complied, and he found that it contained a small trunk  of pretty  workmanship, but fastened. The

next point was to find a key;  but, search  proving ineffectual, it was determined to force the lock.  This

Deerslayer  soon effected by the aid of an iron instrument, and it  was found that the  interior was nearly filled

with papers. Many were  letters; some fragments of  manuscripts, memorandums, accounts, and  other similar

documents. The hawk  does not pounce upon the chicken  with a more sudden swoop, than Judith sprang

forward to seize this  mine of hitherto concealed knowledge. Her education, as  the reader  will have perceived,

was far superior to her situation in life,  and  her eye glanced over page after page of the letters, with a

readiness  that her schooling supplied, and with an avidity that found its origin  in her  feelings. At first, it was

evident that the girl was gratified;  and we may  add with reason, for the letters written by females, in

innocence and  affection, were of a character to cause her to feel  proud of those with whom  she had every

reason to think she was closely  connected by the ties of blood.  It does not come within the scope of  our plan

to give more of these epistles,  however, than a general idea  of their contents, and this will best be done by

describing the effect  they produced on the manner, appearance, and feeling of  her who was so  eagerly

perusing them. 

It has been said, already, that Judith was much gratified with the  letters  that first met her eye. They contained

the correspondence of  an affectionate  and inteffigent mother, to an absent daughter, with  such allusions to the

answers, as served, in a great measure, to fill  up the vacuum left by the  replies. They were not without

admonitions  and warnings, however, and Judith  felt the blood mounting to her  temples, and a cold shudder

succeeding, as she  read one in which the  propriety of the daughter's indulging in as much  intimacy, as had

evidently been described in one of the daughter's own  letters, with an  officer "who came from Europe, and

who could hardly be  supposed to  wish to form an honorable connection in America," was rather  coldly

commented on by the mother. What rendered it singular, was the fact  that the signatures had been carefully

cut from every one of these  letters,  and wherever a name occurred in the body of the epistles, it  had been

erased  with so much diligence as to render it impossible to  read it. They had all  been enclosed in envelopes,

according to the  fashion of the age, and not an  address either was to be found. Still  the letters themselves had

been  religiously pre served, and Judith  thought she could discover traces of tears  remaining on several. She

now remembered to have seen the little trunk in her  mother's keeping,  previously to her death, and she

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supposed it had first been  deposited  in the chest, along with the other forgotten, or concealed objects,  when

the letters could no longer contribute to that parent's grief or  happiness. 

Next came another bundle, and these were filled with the  protestations of  love, written with passion certainly,

but also with  that deceit which men so  often think it justifiable to use to the  other sex. Judith had shed tears

abundantly over the first packet, but  now she felt a sentiment of indignation  and pride better sustaining  her.

Her hand shook, however, and cold shivers  again passed through  her frame, as she discovered a few points of

strong  resemblance  between these letters and some it had been her own fate to  receive.  Once, indeed, she laid

the packet down, bowed her head to her knees,  and seemed nearly convulsed. All this time Deerslayer sat a

silent,  but  attentive observer of every thing that passed. As Judith read a  letter, she  put it into his hands to

hold, until she could peruse the  next; but this  served in no degree to enlighten her companion, as he  was

totally unable to  read. Nevertheless he was not entirely at fault,  in discovering the passions  that were

contending in the bosom of the  fair creature by his side, and, as  occasional sentences escaped her in  murmurs,

he was nearer the truth, in his  divinations, or conjectures,  than the girl would have been pleased at


Judith had commenced with the earliest letters, luckily for a ready  comprehension of the tale they told, for

they were carefully arranged  in  chronological order, and to any one who would take the trouble to  peruse

them, would have revealed a sad history of gratified passion,  coldness, and  finally of aversion. As she

obtained the clue to their  import, her impatience  would not admit of delay, and she soon got to  glancing her

eyes over a page,  by way of coming at the truth, in the  briefest manner possible. By adopting  this expedient,

one to which all  who are eager to arrive at results, without  encumbering themselves  with details, are so apt to

resort, Judith made a  rapid progress in  these melancholy revelations of her mother's failing and  punishment.

She saw that the period of her own birth was distinctly referred  to,  and even learned that the homely name she

bore, was given her by the  father, of whose person she retained so faint an impression as to  resemble a  dream.

This name was not obliterated from the text of the  letters, but stood  as if nothing was to be gained by erasing

it.  Hetty's birth was mentioned  once, and in that instance the name was  the mother's, but ere this period was

reached came the signs of  coldness, shadowing forth the desertion that was so  soon to follow. It  was in this

stage of the correspondence that her mother  had recourse  to the plan of copying her own epistles. They were

but few, but  were  eloquent with the feelings of blighted affection, and contrition.  Judith  sobbed over them,

until again and again she felt compelled to  lay them aside  from sheer physical in a inability to see; her eyes

being literally obscured  with tears. Still she returned to the task,  with increasing interest, and  finally

succeeded in reaching the end of  the latest communication that had  probably ever passed between her  parents.

All this occupied fully an hour, for near a hundred letters  were glanced at,  and some twenty had been closely

read. The truth now  shone clear upon the  acute mind of Judith, so far as her own birth and  that of Hetty, were

concerned. She sickened at the conviction, and for  the moment the rest of the  world seemed to be cut off from

her, and  she had now additional reasons for  wishing to pass the remainder of  her life on the lake, where she

had already  seen so many bright and so  many sorrowing days. 

There yet remained more letters to examine. Judith found these were  a  correspondence between her mother

and Thomas Hovey. The originals of  both  parties were carefully arranged, letter and answer, side by side;  and

they  told the early history of the connection between the  illassorted pair far  more plainly than Judith wished

to learn it. Her  mother made the advances  towards a marriage, to the surprise, not to  say horror of her

daughter, and  she actually found a relief when she  discovered traces of what struck her as  insanity or a

morbid  desperation, bordering on that dire calamity in the  earlier letters  of that illfated woman. The

answers of Hovey were coarse and  illiterate, though they manifested a sufficient desire to obtain the  hand of  a

woman of singular personal attractions, and whose great  error he was  willing to overlook for the advantage of

possessing one,  every way so much  his superior, and, who, it also appeared was not  altogether destitute of

money. The remainder of this part of the  correspondence was brief, and it was  soon confined to a few

communications on business, in which the miserable  wife hastened the  absent husband in his preparations to

abandon a world,  which there was  a sufficient reason to think was as dangerous to one of the  parties,  as it was

The Deerslayer; or, The First Warpath 

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disagreeable to the other. But a sincere expression had  escaped her mother, by which Judith could get a clue

to the motives  that had  induced her to marry Hovey, or Hutter, and this she found was  that feeling of

resentment which so often tempts the injured to  inflict wrongs on themselves,  by way of heaping coals on the

heads of  those through whom they have  suffered. Judith had enough of the spirit  of that mother, to

comprehend this  sentiment, and for a moment did she  see the exceeding folly which permitted  such

revengeful feelings to  get the ascendancy.  There, what may be called the historical part of  the papers ceased.

Among the  loose fragments, however, was an old  newspaper that contained a proclamation  offering a reward

for the  apprehension of certain freebooters by name, among  which was that of  Thomas Hovey. The attention

of the girl was drawn to the  proclamation  and to this particular name, by the circumstance that black  lines had

been drawn under both, in ink. Nothing else was found among the  papers  that could lead to a discovery of

either the name or the place of  residence of the wife of Hurter. All the dates, signatures, and  addresses,  had

been cut from the letters, and wherever a word occurred  in the body of  the communications, that might

furnish a clue, it was  scrupulously erased.  Thus Judith found all her hopes of ascertaining  who her parents

were,  defeated, and she was obliged to fall back on  her own resources and habits  for every thing connected

with the  future. Her recollection of her mother's  manners, conversation, and  sufferings filled up many a gap

in the historical  facts she had now  discovered, and the truth, in its outlines, stood  sufficiently  distinct before

her, to take away all desire, indeed, to possess  any  more details. Throwing herself back in her seat, she simply

desired her  companion to finish the examination of the other articles in the  chest, as it  might yet contain

something of importance. 

"I'll do it, Judith; I'll do it," returned the patient Deerslayer,  "but if  there's many more letters to read, we shall

see the sun ag'in,  afore you've  got through with the reading of communications on  business, in which the

miserable wife hastened the absent husband in  his preparations to abandon a  world, which there was a

sufficient  reason to think was as dangerous to one  of the parties, as it was  disagreeable to the other. But a

sincere expression  had escaped her  mother, by which Judith could get a clue to the motives that  had  induced

her to marry Hovey, or Hutter, and this she found was that  feeling of resentment which so often tempts the

injured to inifict  wrongs on  themselves, by way of heaping coals on the heads of those  through whom they

have suffered. Judith had enough of the spirit of  that mother, to comprehend  this sentiment, and for a moment

did she  see the exceeding folly which  permitted such revengeful feelings to  get the ascendancy. 

There, what may be called the historical part of the papers ceased.  Among the  loose fragments, however, was

an old newspaper that  contained a proclamation  offering a reward for the apprehension of  certain

freebooters by name, among  which was that of Thomas Hovey.  The attention of the girl was drawn to the

proclamation and to this  particular name, by the circumstance that black  lines had been drawn  under both, in

ink. Nothing else was found among the  papers that could  lead to a discovery of either the name or the place

of  residence of  the wife of Hurter. All the dates, signatures, and addresses,  had been  cut from the letters, and

wherever a word occurred in the body of  the  communications, that might furnish a clue, it was scrupulously

erased.  Thus Judith found all her hopes of ascertaining who her parents were,  defeated, and she was obliged

to fall back on her own resources and  habits  for every thing connected with the future. Her recollection of  her

mother's  manners, conversation, and sufferings filled up many a  gap in the historical  facts she had now

discovered, and the truth, in  its outlines, stood  sufficiently distinct before her, to take away all  desire, indeed,

to possess  any more details. Throwing herself back in  her seat, she simply desired her  companion to finish the

examination  of the other articles in the chest, as it  might yet contain something  of importance. 

"I'll do it, Judith; I'll do it," returned the patient Deerslayer,  "but if  there's many more letters to read, we shall

see the sun ag'in,  afore you've  got through with the reading of much as if the bargain  was made, and

Rivenoak, or any of the other vagabonds, was here to  accept and close the  treaty, there's two principal reasons

why it can  never come to pass, which  may be as well told at once, in order no  onlikely ex pectations may be

raised  in you, or any onjustiflable  hopes in me." 

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"What reason can there be, if Hetty and I are willing to part with  the  trifles for your sake, and the savages are

willing to receive  them?" 

"That's it, Judithyou've got the idees, but they're a little out  of their  places, as if a hound should take the

back'ard instead of the  leading scent.  That the Mingos will be willing to receive them things,  or any more like

'em,  you may have to offer is probable enough, but  whether they'll pay valie for  'em, is quite another matter.

Ask  yourself, Judith, if any one should send  you a message to say that,  for such or such a price, you and

Hetty might have  that chist and all  it holds, whether you'd think it worth your while to waste  many words  on

the bargain?" 

"But this chest and all it holds, are already ours; there is no  reason why we  should purchase what is already

our own." 

"Just so the Mingos caculate! They say the chist is theirn,  already; or, as  good as theirn, and they'll not thank

anybody for the  key." 

"I understand you, Deerslayer; surely we are yet in posses sion of  the lake,  and we can keep possession of it,

until Hurry sends troops  to drive off the  enemy. This we may certainly do, provided you will  stay with us,

instead of  going back and giving yourself up a prisoner,  again, as you now seem deter  mined on". 

"That Hurry Harry should talk in thisaway, is nat'ral, and  according to the  gifts of the man. He knows no

better, and, therefore,  he is little likely to  feel, or to act any better; but, Judith, I put  it to your heart and

consciencewould you, could you think of me as  favorably, as I hope and  believe you now do, was I to forget

my  furlough and not go back to the camp?" 

"To think more favorably of you than I now do, Deerslayer, would  not be easy;  but I might continue to think

as favor ablyat least it  seems soI hope I  could, for, a world would n't tempt me to let you do  any thing that

might  change my real opinion of you." 

"Then do n't try to entice me to overlook my furlough, gal! A  furlough is a  sacred thing among warriors and

men that carry their  lives in their hands, as  we of the forests do, and what a grievous  disapp'intment would it

be to old  Tamenund, and to Uncas, the father  of the Sarpent, and to my other fri'nds in  the tribe, if I was so to

disgrace myself, on my very first warpath? This  you will pairceive,  moreover, Judith, is without laying any

stress on nat'ral  gifts, and a  white man's duties, to say nothing of conscience. The last is  king  with me, and I

try never to dispute his orders." 

"I believe you are right, Deerslayer," returned the girl, after a  little  reflection and in a saddened voice: "a man

like you, ought not  to act, as the  selfish and dishonest would be apt to act; you must,  indeed, go back. We will

talk no more of this, then. Should I persuade  you to any thing for which you  would be sorry hereafter, my

own regret  would not be less than yours. You  shall not have it to say, JudithI  scarce know by what name to

call myself,  now!" 

"And why not?Why not, gal? Children take the names of their  parents,  nat'rally, and by a sort of gift, like,

and why should n't  you and Hetty do,  as others have done afore ye? Hutter was the old  man's name, and

Hurter  should be the name of his darters; at least  until you are given away in  lawful and holy wedlock." 

"I am Judith, and Judith only," returned the girl positively"until  the law  gives me a right to another name.

Never will I use that of  Thomas Hutter  again; nor, with my consent, shall Hetty! Hurter was not  even his own

name, I  find, but had he a thousand rights to it, it  would give none to me. He was  not my father, thank

heaven; though I  may have no reason to be proud of him  that was!" 

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"This is strange!" said Deerslayer, looking steadily at the excited  girl,  anxious to know more, but unwilling to

inquire into matters that  did not  tproperly concern him; "yes, this is very strange and  oncommon! Thomas

Hutter  was n't Thomas Hutter, and his darters were  n't his darters! Who, then, could  Thomas Hurter be, and

who are his  darters?" 

"Did you never hear any thing whispered against the former life of  this  person, Deerslayer?" demanded

Judith "Passing, as I did, for his  child, such  reports reached even me." 

"I'll not deny it, Judith; no, I'll not deny it. Sartain things  have been  said, as I've told you, but I'm not very

credible as to  reports. Young as I  am, I've lived long enough to l'am there's two  sorts of characters in the

worldthem that is 'arned by deeds, and  them that is 'arned by tongues, and  so I prefar to see and judge for

myself, instead of letting every jaw that  chooses to wag become my  judgment. Hurry Harry spoke pretty

plainly of the  whole family, as we  journeyed thisaway, and he did hint something  consarning Thomas

Hutter's having been a freeliver on the water, in his  younger days.  By freeliver, I mean that he made free to

live on other men's  goods." 

"He told you he was a piratethere is no need of mincing matters  between  friends. Read that, Deerslayer, and

you will see that he told  you no more  than the truth. This Thomas Hovey was the Thomas Hutter  you knew,

as is seen  by these letters." 

As Judith spoke, with a flushed cheek and eyes dazzling with the  brilliancy  of excitement, she held the

newspaper towards her  companion, pointing to the  proclamation of a Colonial Governor,  already mentioned. 

"Bless you, Judith!" answered the other laughing, "you might as  well ask me  to print thator, for that matter

to write it. My  edication has been  altogether in the woods; the only book I read, or  care about reading, is the

one which God has opened afore all his  creatur's in the noble forests, broad  lakes, rolling rivers, blue  skies,

and the winds and tempests, and sunshine,  and other glorious  marvels of the land! This book I can read, and I

find it  full of  wisdom and knowledge." 

"I crave your pardon, Deerslayer," said Judith, earnestly, more  abashed than  was her wont, in finding that she

had in advertently made  an appeal that  might wound her compan ion's pride. "I had forgotten  your manner of

life, and  least of all did I wish to hurt your  feelings." 

"Hurt my feelin's?Why should it hurt my feelin's to ask me to  read, when I  can't read. I'm a hunterand I

may now begin to say a  warrior, and no  missionary, and therefore books and papers are of no  account with

such as I  No, noJudith," and here the young man laughed  cordially, "not even for wads,  seeing that your

true deerkiller always  uses the hide of a fa'a'n, if he's  got one, or some other bit of  leather suitably prepared.

There's some that do  say, all that stands  in print is true, in which case I'll own an unl'arned  man must be

somewhat of a loser; nevertheless, it can't be truer than that  which  God has printed with his own hand, in the

sky, and the woods, and the  rivers, and the springs." 

"Well, then, Hurter, or Hovey, was a pirate, and being no father of  mine, I  cannot wish to call him one. His

name shall no longer be my  name."  "If you dislike the name of that man, there's the name of your  mother,

Judith. Hem may sarve you just as good a turn." 

"I do not know it. I've look'd through those papers, Deerslayer,  in the hope  of finding some hint, by which I

might discover who my  mother was, but there  is no more trace of the past, in that respect,  than the bird leaves

in the  air." 

"That's both oncommon, and onreasonable. Parents are bound to give  their  offspring a name, even though

they give 'em nothing else. Now I  come of a  humble stock, though we have white gifts and a white narur',  but

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we are not  so poorly off, as to have no name. Bumppo we are  called, and I've heard it  said" a touch of

human vanity glowing on  his cheek, "that the time has been  when the Bumppos had more standing  and note

among mankind, than they have  just now." 

"They never deserved them more, Deerslayer, and the name is a good  one;  either Herty, or myself, would a

thousand times rather be called  Hetty  Bumppo, or Judith Bumppo, than to be called Hetty or Judith  Hutter." 

"That's a moral impossible," returned the hunter, good humouredly,  "onless  one of you should so far demean

herself as to marry me." 

Judith could not refrain from smiling, when she found how simply  and  naturally the conversation had come

round to the very point at  which she had  aimed to bring it. Although far from unfeminine or  forward, either in

her  feelings, or her habits, the girl was goaded by  a sense of wrongs not  altogether merited, incited by the

hopelessness  of a future that seemed to  contain no resting place, and still more  influenced by feelings that

were as  novel to her, as they proved to be  active and engrossing. The opening was too  good, therefore, to be

neglected, though she came to the subject with much of  the  indirectness and perhaps, justifiable, address of a


"I do not think Hetty will ever marry, Deerslayer," she said, "and  if your  name is to be borne by either of us,

it must be borne by me." 

"There's been handsome women too, they tell me, among the Bumppos,  Judith,  afore now, and should you

take up with the name, oncommon as  you be, in this  particular, them that knows the family won't be

altogether surprised." 

"This is not talking as becomes either of us, Deerslayer, for  whatever is  said on such a subject, between man

and woman, should be  said seriously, and  in sincerity of heart. Forgetting the shame that  ought to keep girls

silent,  until spoken to, in most cases, I will  deal with you as frankly as I know one  of your generous nature

will  most like to be dealt by. Can you do you think,  Deerslayer, that you  could be happy with such a wife as

a woman like myself  would make?" 

"A woman like you, Judith! But where's the sense in trifling about  such a  thing?A woman like you, that is

handsome enough to be a  captain's lady, and  fine enough, and so far as I know edicated enough,  would be

little apt to  think of be coming my wife. I suppose young  gals that feel themselves to be  smart, and know

themselves to be  handsome, find a sartain satisfaction in  passing their jokes ag'in  them that's neither, like a

poor Delaware hunter." 

This was said good naturedly, but not without a betrayal of feeling  which  showed that some thing like

mortified sensibility was blended  with the reply.  Nothing could have occurred more likely to awaken all

Judith's generous  regrets, or to aid her in her purpose, by adding the  stimulant of a  disinterested desire to

atone, to her other impulses,  and cloaking all under  a guise so winning and natural, as greatly to  lessen the

unpleasant feature  of a forwardness unbecoming the sex. 

"You do me injustice if you suppose I have any such thought, or  wish," she  answered, earnestly. "Never was I

more serious in my life,  or more willing to  abide by any agreement, that we may make tonight.  I have had

many suit ors,  Deerslayernay, scarce an unmarried trapper  or hunter has been in at the Lake  these four

years, who has not  offered to take me away with him, and I fear  some that were married,  too" 

"Ay, I'll warrant that!" interrupted the other"I'll warrant all  that! Take  'em as a body, Judith, 'arth don't hold

a set of men more  given to  theirselves, and less given to God and the law." 

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"Not one of them would Icould I listen to; happily for myself  perhaps, has  it been that such was the case.

There have been well  looking youths among  them too, as you may have seen in your  acquaintance, Henry


"Yes, Harry is sightly to the eye, though, to my idees, less so to  the  judgment. I thought, at first, you meant to

have him, Judith, I  did; but  afore he went, it was easy enough to verify that the same  lodge would n't be  big

enough for you both." 

"You have done me justice in that at least, Deerslayer. Hurry is a  man I  could never marry, though he were

ten times more comely to the  eye, and a  hundred times more stout of heart, than he really is." 

"Why not, Judith, why not? I own I'm cur'ous to know why a youth  like Hurry  should n't find favor with a

maiden like you?" 

"Then you shall know, Deerslayer," returned the girl, gladly  availing herself  of the opportunity of indirectly

extol ling the  qualities which had so  strongly interested her in her listener; hoping  by these means covertly to

approach the sub ject nearest her heart.  "In the first place, looks in a man  are of no importance with a woman,

provided he is manly, and not disfigured,  or deformed."  "There I  can't altogether agree with you," returned

the other thoughtfully,  for  he had a very humble opinion of his own personal appearance; "I have  noticed that

the comeliest warriors commonly get the bestlooking  maidens of  the tribe, for wives, and the Sarpent,

yonder, who is  sometimes won derful in  his paint, is a gineral favorite with all the  Delaware young women,

though he  takes to Hist, himself, as if she was  the only beauty on 'arth!" 

"It may be so with Indians; but it is different with white girls.  So long as  a young man has a straight and

manly frame, that promises  to make him able to  protect a woman, and to keep want from the door,  it is all

they ask of the  figure. Giants like Hurry may do for  grenadiers, but are of little account as  lovers. Then as to

the face,  an honest look, one that answers for the heart  within, is of more  value than any shape or colour, or

eyes, or teeth, or  trifles like  them. The last may do for girls, but who thinks of them at all,  in a  hunter, or a

warrior, or a husband? If there are women so silly,  Judith  is not among them." 

"Well, this is wonderful! I always thought that handsome liked  handsome, as  riches love riches!" 

"It may be so with you men, Deerslayer, but it is not always so  with us  women. We like stouthearted men,

but we wish to see them  modest; sure on a  hunt, or the warpath, ready to die for the right,  and unwilling to

yield to  the wrong. Above all we wish for  honestytongues that are not used to say  what the mind does not

mean,  and hearts that feel a little for others, as  well as for themselves. A  truehearted girl could die for such a

husband!  while the boaster, and  the doubletongued suitor gets to be as hateful to the  sight, as he is  to the


Judith spoke bitterly, and with her usual force, but her listener  was too  much struck with the novelty of the

sensations he experienced  to advert to  her manner. There was something so soothing to the  humility of a man

of his  temperament, to hear qualities that he could  not but know he possessed  himself, thus highly extolled by

the  loveliest female he had ever beheld,  that, for the moment, his  faculties seemed suspended in a natural and

excusable pride. Then it  was that the idea of the possibility of such a  creature as Judith  becoming his

companion for life, first crossed his mind.  The image was  so pleasant, and so novel, that he continued

completely  absorbed by  it, for more than a minute, totally regardless of the beautiful  reality that was seated

before him, watching the expression of his  upright  and truthteffing countenance with a keenness that gave

her a  very fair, if  not an absolutely accurate clue to his thoughts. Never  before had so pleasing  a vision

floated before the mind's eye of the  young hunter, but, accustomed  most to practical things, and little  addicted

to submitting to the power of  his imagination, even while  possessed of so much true poetical feeling in

connection with natural  objects in particular, he soon recovered his reason,  and smiled at his  own weakness,

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as the fancied picture faded from his mental  sight, and  left him the simple, untaught, but highly moral being

he was,  seated  in the Ark of Thomas Hurter, at midnight, with the lovely countenance  of its late owner's

reputed daughter, beaming on him with anxious  scrutiny,  by the light of the solitary lamp. 

"You're wonderful handsome, and enticing, and pleasing to look on,  Judith!"  he exclaimed, in his simplicity,

as fact resumed its  ascendency over fancy.  "Wonderful! I do n't remember ever to have seen  so beautiful a

gal, even  among the Delawares; and I'm not astonished  that Hurry Harry went away soured  as well as


"Would you have had me, Deerslayer, become the wife of such a man  as Henry  March?" 

"There's that which is in his favor, and there's that which is  ag'in him. To  my taste, Hurry would n't make the

best of husbands, but  I fear that the  tastes of most young women, hereaway, would n't be so  hard upon him." 

"NonoJudith without a name, would never consent to be called  Judith March!  Any thing would be better

than that." 

"Judith Bumppo would n't sound as well, gal; and there's many names  that  would fall short of March, in

pleasing the ear." 

"Ah! Deerslayer, the pleasantness of the sound, in such cases, does  n't come  through the ear, but through the

heart. Every thing is  agreeable, when the  heart is satisfied. Were Natty Bumppo, Henry  March, and Henry

March, Natty  Bumppo, I might think the name of March  better than it is; or were he, you, I  should fancy the

name of Bumppo,  horrible!" 

"That's just ityes, that's the reason of the matter. Now, I'm  nat'rally  avarse to sarpents, and I hate even the

word, which, the  missionaries tell  me, comes from human natur', on account of a sartain  sarpent at the

creation  of the 'arth, that outwitted the first woman;  yet, ever since Chingachgook  them! Two good hours

have you been  looking at them bits of papers!" 

"They tell me of my parents, Deerslayer, and have settled my plans  for life.  A girl may be excused who reads

about her own father and  mother, and that too  for the first time in her life. I am sorry to  have kept you


"Never mind me, gal, never mind me. It matters little whether I  sleep or  watch; but, though you be pleasant to

look at, and are so  handsome, Judith,  it is not altogether agreeable to sit so long to  behold you shedding tears.

I  know that tears do n't kill, and that  some people are better for shedding a  few, now and then, especially

women, but I'd rather see you smile, any time,  Judith, than see you  weep." 

This gallant speech was rewarded with a sweet, though a melancholy  smile, and  then the girl again desired

her companion to finish the  examination of the  chest. The search necessarily continued some time,  during

which Judith  collected her thoughts, and regained her  composure. She took no part in the  search, leaving

every thing to the  young man, looking listlessly, herself, at  the different articles that  came uppermost.

Nothing further of much interest,  or value, however,  was found. A sword or two, such as were then worn by

gentlemen, some  buckles of silver, or so richly plated as to appear silver,  and a few  handsome articles of

female dress composed the principal  discoveries.  It struck both Judith and the Deerslayer notwithstanding,

that  some  of these things might be made useful in effecting a negotiation with  the  Iroquois, though the latter

saw a difficulty in the way that was  not so  apparent to the former. The conversation was first renewed in

connection with  this point. 

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"And now, Deerslayer," said Judith, "we may talk of yourself, and  of the  means of getting you out of the

hands of the Hurons. Any part,  or all of what  you have seen in the chest will be cheerfully given by  me and

Hetty, to set  you at liberty." 

"Well, that's ginerousyes, 'tis downright freehearted, and  freehanded, and  ginerous. This is the way with

women; when they take  up a fri'ndship, they do  nothing by halves, but are as willing to part  with their

property, as if it  had no valie in their eyes. Howsever,  while I thank you both, just as natur'  gives in the free

air, and the  forestnow, if both these men stood here, as  suitors for your  feelin's, which do you think would

win your favor?" 

Judith's fine face flushed, for the picture that her compan. ion  had so  simply drawn of a gay officer of the

garrisons had once been  particularly  grateful to her imagination, though experience and  disappointment had

not  only chilled all her affections, but given them  a backward current, and the  passing image had a

momentary influence on  her feelings; but the mounting  colour was succeeded by a paleness so  deadly, as to

make her appear ghastly. 

"As God is my judge," the girl solemnly answered, "did both these  men stand  before me, as I may say one of

them does, my choice, if I  know my own heart,  would be the latter. I have no wish for a husband  who is any

way better than  myself." 

"This is pleasant to listen to, and might lead a young man in time,  to forget  his own onworthiness, Judith!

Howsever, you hardly think all  that you say. A  man like me is too rude and ignorant for one that has  had such

a mother to  teach her. Vanity is nat'ral, I do believe, but  vanity like that, would  surpass reason." 

"Then you do not know of what a woman's heart is capable! Rude you  are not,  Deerslayer, nor can one be

called ignorant that has studied  what is before  his eyes as closely as you have done. When the  affections are

concerned, all  things appear in their pleasantest  colors, and trifles are overlooked, or are  forgotten. When the

heart  feels sunshine, nothing is gloomy, even dull  looking objects, seeming  gay and bright, and so it would be

between you and  the woman who  should love you, even though your wife might happen, in some  matters,  to

possess what the world calls the advantage over you."  "Judith, you  come of people altogether above mine, in

the world, and onequal  matches, like onequal fri'ndships can't often tarminate kindly. I  speak of  this matter

altogether as a fanciful thing, since it's not  very likely that  you, at least, would be apt to treat it as a matter

that can ever come to  pass." 

Judith fastened her deep blue eyes on the open, frank countenance  of her  companion, as if she would read his

soul. Nothing there  betrayed any covert  meaning, and she was obliged to admit to herself,  that he regarded

the  conversation as argumentative, rather than  positive, and that he was still  without any active suspicion that

her  feelings were seriously involved in the  issue. At first, she felt  offended; then she saw the injustice of

making the  selfabasement and  modesty of the hunter a charge against him, and this novel  difficulty  gave a

piquancy to the state of affairs that rather increased her  interest in the young man. At that critical instant, a

change of plan  flashed  on her mind, and with a readiness of invention that is  peculiar to the quick  witted and

ingenious, she adopted a scheme by  which she hoped effectually to  bind him to her person. This scheme

partook equally of her fertility of  invention, and of the decision and  boldness of her character. That the

conversation might not terminate  too abruptly, however, or any suspicion of  her design exist, she  answered

the last remark of Deerslayer, as earnestly  and as truly, as  if her original intention remained unaltered. 

"I, certainly, have no reason to boast of parentage, after what I  have seen  this night," said the girl, in a

saddened voice. "I had a  mother, it is true;  but of her name even, I am ignorantand, as for my  father, it is

better,  perhaps, that I should never know who he was,  lest I speak too bitterly of  him!" 

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"Judith," said Deerslayer, taking her hand kindly, and with a manly  sincerity  that went directly to the girl's

heart, "tis better to say  no more tonight.  Sleep on what you've seen and felt; in the morning  things that now

look  gloomy, may look more che'rful. Above all, never  do any thing in bitterness,  or because you feel as if

you'd like to  take revenge on yourself, for other  people's backslidings. All that  has been said, or done, atween

us, this  night, is your secret, and  shall never be talked of by me, even with the  Sarpent, and you may be

sartain if he can't get it out of me no man can. If  your parents have  been faulty, let the darter be less so;

remember that  you're young,  and the youthful may always hope for better times; that you're  more

quickwitted than usual, and such gin'rally get the better of  difficulties, and that, as for beauty, you're

oncommon, which is an  advantage  with all. It is time to get a little rest, for tomorrow is  like to prove a

trying day to some of us." 

Deerslayer arose as he spoke, and Judith had no choice but to  comply. The  chest was closed and secured, and

they parted in silence,  she to take her  place by the side of Hist and Hetty, and he to seek a  blanket on the floor

of  the cabin he was in. It was not five minutes  crc the young man was in a deep  sleep, but the girl continued

awake  for a long time. She scarce knew whether  to lament, or to rejoice, at  having failed in making herself

understood. On  the one hand, were her  womanly sensibilities spared; on the other was the  disappointment of

defeated, or at least of delayed expectations, and the  uncertainty of  a future that looked so dark. Then came

the new resolution,  and the  bold project for the morrow, and when drowsiness finally shut her  eyes, they

closed on a scene of success and happiness, that was  pictured by  the fancy, under the influence of a sanguine

temperament,  and a happy  invention. 

Chapter XXVI

"Thy secret pleasure turns to open shame;

Thy private feasting to a public fast;

Thy smoothing titles to a ragged name;

Thy sugar'd tongue to bitter worm wood taste:

Thy violent vanities can never last."

Shakespeare, Rape of Lucrece, 11. 89094.

Judith was waiting the return of Deerslayer on the platform, with  stifled  impatience, when the latter reached

the hut. Hist and Hetty  were both in a  deep sleep, on the bed usually occupied by the two  daughters of the

house,  and the Delaware was stretched on the floor of  the adjoining room, his rifle  at his side, and a blanket

over him,  already dreaming of the events of the  last few days. There was a lamp  burning in the Ark, for the

family was  accustomed to indulge in this  luxury on extraordinary occasions, and  possessed the means, the

vessel  being of a form and material to render it  probable it had once been an  occupant of the chest. 

As soon as the girl got a glimpse of the canoe, she ceased her  hurried walk  up and down the platform, and

stood ready to receive the  young man, whose  return she had now been anxiously expecting for some  time.

She helped him to  fasten the canoe, and by aiding in the other  little similar employ ments,  manifested her

desire to reach a moment  of liberty as soon as possible. When  this was done, in answer to an  inquiry of his,

she informed him of the manner  in which their  companions had disposed of themselves. He listened

attentively, for  the manner of the girl was so earnest and impressive as to  apprise him  that she had something

on her mind of more than common concern. 

"And now, Deerslayer," Judith continued, "you see I have lighted  the lamp,  and put it in the cabin of the Ark.

That is never done with  us, unless on  great occasions, and I consider this night as the most  important of my

life.  Will you follow me and see what I have to show  youhear what I have to say."  The hunter was a little

surprised, but,  making no objec tions, both were soon  in the scow, and in the room  that contamed the light.

Here two stools were  placed at the side of  the chest, with the lamp on another, and a table near  by to receive

the different articles as they might be brought to view. This  arrangement had its rise in the feverish

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impatience of the girl, which  could  brook no delay that it was in her power to obviate. Even all the  padlocks

were removed, and it only re mained to raise the heavy lid,  again, to expose  all the treasures of this long

secreted hoard. 

"I see, in part, what all this means," observed Deerslayer "yes, I  see  through it, in part. But why is not Hetty

present; now, Thomas  Hurter is  gone, she is one of the owners of these cur'osities, and  ought to see them

opened and handled." 

"Hetty sleeps" answered Judith, huskily. "Happily for her, fine  clothes and  riches have no charms. Besides

she has this night given  her share of all that  the chest may hold, to me, that I may do with it  as I please." 

"Is poor Hetty composs enough for that, Judith?" de manded the  justminded  young man. "It's a good rule

and a righteous one, never to  take when them  that give don't know the valie of their gifts; and such  as god has

visited  heavily in their wits, ought to be dealt with as  carefully as children that  have n't yet come to their


Judith was hurt at this rebuke, coming from the person it did, but  she would  have felt it far more keenly had

not her conscience fully  acquitted her of  any unjust intentions to wards her feebleminded but  confiding

sister. It was  not a moment, however, to betray any of her  usual mountings of the spirit,  and she smothered

the passing sensation  in the de sire to come to the great  object she had in view. 

"Hetty will not be wronged," she mildly answered; "she even knows  not only  what I am about to do,

Deerslayer, but why I do it. So take  your seat, raise  the lid of the chest, and this time we will go to the

bottom. I shall be  disappointed if something is not found to tell us  more of the history of  Thomas Hurter and

my mother." 

"Why Thomas Hutter, Judith, and not your father? The I dead ought  to meet  with as much reverence as the


"I have long suspected that Thomas Hurter was not my father, though  I did  think he might have been Hetty's,

but now we know he was the  father of  neither. He acknowledged that much in his dying moments. I  am old

enough to  remember better things than we have seen on this  lake, though they are so  faintly impressed on my

memory, that the  earlier part of my life seems like a  dream." 

"Dreams are but miserable guides when one has to detar mine about  realities,  Judith," returned the other,

admonishingly. "Fancy nothing,  and hope nothing  on their account, though I've known chiefs that  thought

'em useful." 

"I expect nothing for the future, from them, my good friend, but  cannot help  remembering what has been.

This is idle, however, when  half an hour of  examination may tell us all, or even more than I want  to know." 

Deerslayer, who comprehended the girl's impatience, now took his  seat, and  proceeded once more to bring to

light the different articles  that the chest  contained. As a matter of course, all that had been  previously

examined were  found where they had been last deposited, and  they excited much less  interest, or comment,

than when formerly  exposed to view. Even Judith laid  aside the rich brocade with an air  of indifference, for

she had a far higher  aim before her than the  indulgence of vanity, and was impatient to come at  the still

hidden,  or rather unknown, treasures. 

"All these we have seen before," she said, "and will not stop to  open. The  bundle under your hand,

Deerslayer, is a fresh one; that we  will look into.  God send it may contain something to tell poor Hetty  and

myself, who we  really are!"  "Ay, if some bundles could speak,  they might tell wonderful secrets,"  returned

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the young man  deliberately undoing the folds of another piece of  course canvass, in  order to come at the

contents of the roll that lay on his  knees:  "though this doesn't seem to be one of that family, seeing 'tis  neither

more nor less than a sort of flag, though of what nation, it  passes  my l'arnin' to say." 

"That flag must have some meaning to it" Judith hurriedly  interposed. "Open  it wider, Deerslayer, that we

may see the colours." 

"Well, I pity the ensign that has to shoulder this cloth, and to  parade it  about on the field. Why 'tis large

enough, Judith,to make a  dozen of them  colours the King's officers set so much store by These  can be no

ensign's  colours, but a gin'ral's!" 

"A ship might carry it, Deerslayer, and ships I know do use such  things. Have  you never heard any fearful

stories about Thomas Hurter's  having once been  concerned with the people they call buccaneers?" 

"Buckahnear! Not Inot II never heard him mentioned as good at a  buck far  off, or near by. Hurry Harry

did till me something about its  being supposed  that he had formerly, in some way or other, dealings  with

sartain sea rob  bers, but, Lord, Judith, it can't surely give you  any satisfaction to make  out that ag'in your

mother's own husband,  though he isn't your father." 

"Any thing will give me satisfaction that tells me who I am, and  helps to  explain the dreams of childhood. My

mother's husband! Yes, he  must have been  that, though why a woman like her, should have chosen a  man like

him, is more  than mortal reason can explain. You never saw  mother, Deerslayer, and can't  feel the vast, vast

difference there was  between them!" 

"Such things do happen, howsever; yes, they do happen; though why  providence  lets them come to pass, is

more than I understand. I've  knew the f'ercest  warriors with the gentlest wives of any in the  tribe, and awful

scolds fall  to the lot of Injins fit to be  missionaries." 

"That was not it, Deerslayer; that was not it. Oh! if it should  prove that  no; I can not wish she should not

have been his wife at  all. That no daughter  can wish for her own mother! Go on, now, and let  us see what the

square  looking bundle holds." 

Deerslayer complied, and he found that it contained a small trunk  of pretty  workmanship, but fastened. The

next point was to find a key;  but, search  proving ineffectual, it was determined to force the lock.  This

Deerslayer  soon effected by the aid of an iron instrument, and it  was found that the  interior was nearly filled

with papers. Many were  letters; some fragments of  manuscripts, memorandums, accounts, and  other similar

documents. The hawk  does not pounce upon the chicken  with a more sudden swoop, than Judith sprang

forward to seize this  mine of hitherto concealed knowledge. Her education, as  the reader  will have perceived,

was far superior to her situation in life,  and  her eye glanced over page after page of the letters, with a

readiness  that her schooling supplied, and with an avidity that found its origin  in her  feelings. At first, it was

evident that the girl was gratified;  and we may  add with reason, for the letters written by females, in

innocence and  affection, were of a character to cause her to feel  proud of those with whom  she had every

reason to think she was closely  connected by the ties of blood.  It does not come within the scope of  our plan

to give more of these epistles,  however, than a general idea  of their contents, and this will best be done by

describing the effect  they produced on the manner, appearance, and feeling of  her who was so  eagerly

perusing them. 

It has been said, already, that Judith was much gratified with the  letters  that first met her eye. They contained

the correspondence of  an affectionate  and intelligent mother, to an absent daughter, with  such allusions to the

answers, as served, in a great measure, to fill  up the vacuum left by the  replies. They were not without

admonitions  and warnings, however, and Judith  felt the blood mounting to her  temples, and a cold shudder

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succeeding, as she  read one in which the  propriety of the daughter's indulging in as much  intimacy, as had

evidently been described in one of the daughter's own  letters, with an  officer "who came from Europe, and

who could hardly be  supposed to  wish to form an honorable connection in America," was rather  coldly

commented on by the mother. What rendered it singular, was the fact  that the signatures had been carefully

cut from every one of these  letters,  and wherever a name occurred in the body of the epistles, it  had been

erased  with so much diligence as to render it impossible to  read it. They had all  been enclosed in envelopes,

according to the  fashion of the age, and not an  address either was to be found. Still  the letters themselves had

been  religiously pre served, and Judith  thought she could discover traces of tears  remaining on several. She

now remembered to have seen the little trunk in her  mother's keeping,  previously to her death, and she

supposed it had first been  deposited  in the chest, along with the other forgotten, or concealed objects,  when

the letters could no longer contribute to that parent's grief or  happiness. 

Next came another bundle, and these were filled with the  protestations of  love, written with passion certainly,

but also with  that deceit which men so  often think it justifiable to use to the  other sex. Judith had shed tears

abundantly over the first packet, but  now she felt a sentiment of indignation  and pride better sustaining  her.

Her hand shook, however, and cold shivers  again passed through  her frame, as she discovered a few points of

strong  resemblance  between these letters and some it had been her own fate to  receive.  Once, indeed, she laid

the packet down, bowed her head to her knees,  and seemed nearly convulsed. All this time Deerslayer sat a

silent,  but  attentive observer of every thing that passed. As Judith read a  letter, she  put it into his hands to

hold, until she could peruse the  next; but this  served in no degree to enlighten her companion, as he  was

totally unable to  read. Nevertheless he was not entirely at fault,  in discovering the passions  that were

contending in the bosom of the  fair creature by his side, and, as  occasional sentences escaped her in  murmurs,

he was nearer the truth, in his  divinations, or conjectures,  than the girl would have been pleased at


Judith had commenced with the earliest letters, luckily for a ready  comprehension of the tale they told, for

they were carefully arranged  in  chronological order, and to any one who would take the trouble to  peruse

them, would have revealed a sad history of gratified passion,  coldness, and  finally of aversion. As she

obtained the clue to their  import, her impatience  would not admit of delay, and she soon got to  glancing her

eyes over a page,  by way of coming at the truth, in the  briefest manner possible. By adopting  this expedient,

one to which all  who are eager to arrive at results, without  encumbering themselves  with details, are so apt to

resort, Judith made a  rapid progress in  these melancholy revelations of her mother's failing and  punishment.

She saw that the period of her own birth was distinctly referred  to,  and even learned that the homely name she

bore, was given her by the  father, of whose person she retained so faint an impression as to  resemble a  dream.

This name was not obliterated from the text of the  letters, but stood  as if nothing was to be gained by erasing

it.  Hetty's birth was mentioned  once, and in that instance the name was  the mother's, but ere this period was

reached came the signs of  coldness, shadowing forth the desertion that was so  soon to follow. It  was in this

stage of the correspondence that her mother  had recourse  to the plan of copying her own epistles. They were

but few, but  were  eloquent with the feelings of blighted affection, and contrition.  Judith  sobbed over them,

until again and again she felt compelled to  lay them aside  from sheer physical in a inability to see; her eyes

being literally obscured  with tears. Still she returned to the task,  with increasing interest, and  finally

succeeded in reaching the end of  the latest communication that had  probably ever passed between her  parents. 

All this occupied fully an hour, for near a hundred letters were  glanced at,  and some twenty had been closely

read. The truth now shone  clear upon the  acute mind of Judith, so far as her own birth and that  of Hetty, were

concerned. She sickened at the conviction, and for the  moment the rest of the  world seemed to be cut off from

her, and she  had now additional reasons for  wishing to pass the remainder of her  life on the lake, where she

had already  seen so many bright and so  many sorrowing days. 

There yet remained more letters to examine. Judith found these were  a  correspondence between her mother

and Thomas Hovey. The originals of  both  parties were carefully arranged, letter and answer, side by side;  and

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they  told the early history of the connection between the  illassorted pair far  more plainly than Judith wished

to learn it. Her  mother made the advances  towards a marriage, to the surprise, not to  say horror of her

daughter, and  she actually found a relief when she  discovered traces of what struck her as  insanity or a

morbid  desperation, bordering on that dire calamity in the  earlier letters  of that illfated woman. The

answers of Hovey were coarse and  illiterate, though they manifested a sufficient desire to obtain the  hand of  a

woman of singular personal attractions, and whose great  error he was  willing to overlook for the advantage of

possessing one,  every way so much  his superior, and, who, it also appeared was not  altogether destitute of

money. The remainder of this part of the  correspondence was brief, and it was  soon confined to a few

communications on business, in which the miserable  wife hastened the  absent husband in his preparations to

abandon a world,  which there was  a sufficient reason to think was as dangerous to one of the  parties,  as it was

disagreeable to the other. But a sincere expression had  escaped her mother, by which Judith could get a clue

to the motives  that had  induced her to marry Hovey, or Hutter, and this she found was  that feeling of

resentment which so often tempts the injured to  inflict wrongs on themselves,  by way of heaping coals on the

heads of  those through whom they have  suffered. Judith had enough of the spirit  of that mother, to

comprehend this  sentiment, and for a moment did she  see the exceeding folly which permitted  such

revengeful feelings to  get the ascendancy. 

There, what may be called the historical part of the papers ceased.  Among the  loose fragments, however, was

an old newspaper that  contained a proclamation  offering a reward for the apprehension of  certain

freebooters by name, among  which was that of Thomas Hovey.  The attention of the girl was drawn to the

proclamation and to this  particular name, by the circumstance that black  lines had been drawn  under both, in

ink. Nothing else was found among the  papers that could  lead to a discovery of either the name or the place

of  residence of  the wife of Hurter. All the dates, signatures, and addresses,  had been  cut from the letters, and

wherever a word occurred in the body of  the  communications, that might furnish a clue, it was scrupulously

erased.  Thus Judith found all her hopes of ascertaining who her parents were,  defeated, and she was obliged

to fall back on her own resources and  habits  for every thing connected with the future. Her recollection of  her

mother's  manners, conversation, and sufferings filled up many a  gap in the historical  facts she had now

discovered, and the truth, in  its outlines, stood  sufficiently distinct before her, to take away all  desire, indeed,

to possess  any more details. Throwing herself back in  her seat, she simply desired her  companion to finish the

examination  of the other articles in the chest, as it  might yet contain something  of importance. 

"I'll do it, Judith; I'll do it," returned the patient Deerslayer,  "but if  there's many more letters to read, we shall

see the sun ag'in,  afore you've  got through with the reading of communications on  business, in which the

miserable wife hastened the absent husband in  his preparations to abandon a  world, which there was a

sufficient  reason to think was as dangerous to one  of the parties, as it was  disagreeable to the other. But a

sincere expression  had escaped her  mother, by which Judith could get a clue to the motives that  had  induced

her to marry Hovey, or Hutter, and this she found was that  feeling of resentment which so often tempts the

injured to inflict  wrongs on  themselves, by way of heaping coals on the heads of those  through whom they

have suffered. Judith had enough of the spirit of  that mother, to comprehend  this sentiment, and for a moment

did she  see the exceeding folly which  permitted such revengeful feelings to  get the ascendancy. 

There, what may be called the historical part of the papers ceased.  Among the  loose fragments, however, was

an old newspaper that  contained a proclamation  offering a reward for the apprehension of  certain

freebooters by name, among  which was that of Thomas Hovey.  The attention of the girl was drawn to the

proclamation and to this  particular name, by the circumstance that black  lines had been drawn  under both, in

ink. Nothing else was found among the  papers that could  lead to a discovery of either the name or the place

of  residence of  the wife of Hurter. All the dates, signatures, and addresses,  had been  cut from the letters, and

wherever a word occurred in the body of  the  communications, that might furnish a clue, it was scrupulously

erased.  Thus Judith found all her hopes of ascertaining who her parents were,  defeated, and she was obliged

to fall back on her own resources and  habits  for every thing connected with the future. Her recollection of  her

mother's  manners, conversation, and sufferings filled up many a  gap in the historical  facts she had now

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discovered, and the truth, in  its outlines, stood  sufficiently distinct before her, to take away all  desire, indeed,

to possess  any more details. Throwing herself back in  her seat, she simply desired her  companion to finish the

examination  of the other articles in the chest, as it  might yet contain something  of importance. 

"I'll do it, Judith; I'll do it," returned the patient Deerslayer,  "but if  there's many more letters to read, we shall

see the sun ag'in,  afore you've  got through with the reading of much as if the bargain  was made, and

Rivenoak, or any of the other vagabonds, was here to  accept and close the  treaty, there's two principal reasons

why it can  never come to pass, which  may be as well told at once, in order no  onlikely expectations may be

raised  in you, or any onjustiflable hopes  in me." 

"What reason can there be, if Hetty and I are willing to part with  the  trifles for your sake, and the savages are

willing to receive  them?" 

"That's it, Judithyou've got the idees, but they're a little out  of their  places, as if a hound should take the

back'ard instead of the  leading scent.  That the Mingos will be willing to receive them things,  or any more like

'em,  you may have to offer is probable enough, but  whether they'll pay valie for  'em, is quite another matter.

Ask  yourself, Judith, if any one should send  you a message to say that,  for such or such a price, you and

Hetty might have  that chist and all  it holds, whether you'd think it worth your while to waste  many words  on

the bargain?" 

"But this chest and all it holds, are already ours; there is no  reason why we  should purchase what is already

our own." 

"Just so the Mingos caculate! They say the chist is theirn,  already; or, as  good as theirn, and they'll not thank

anybody for the  key." 

"I understand you, Deerslayer; surely we are yet in posses sion of  the lake,  and we can keep possession of it,

until Hurry sends troops  to drive off the  enemy. This we may certainly do, provided you will  stay with us,

instead of  going back and giving yourself up a prisoner,  again, as you now seem deter  mined on". 

"That Hurry Harry should talk in thisaway, is nat'ral, and  according to the  gifts of the man. He knows no

better, and, therefore,  he is little likely to  feel, or to act any better; but, Judith, I put  it to your heart and

consciencewould you, could you think of me as  favorably, as I hope and  believe you now do, was I to forget

my  furlough and not go back to the camp?" 

"To think more favorably of you than I now do, Deerslayer, would  not be easy;  but I might continue to think

as favor ablyat least it  seems soI hope I  could, for, a world would n't tempt me to let you do  any thing that

might  change my real opinion of you." 

"Then do n't try to entice me to overlook my furlough, gal! A  furlough is a  sacred thing among warriors and

men that carry their  lives in their hands, as  we of the forests do, and what a grievous  disapp'intment would it

be to old  Tamenund, and to Uncas, the father  of the Sarpent, and to my other fri'nds in  the tribe, if I was so to

disgrace myself, on my very first warpath? This  you will pairceive,  moreover, Judith, is without laying any

stress on nat'ral  gifts, and a  white man's duties, to say nothing of conscience. The last is  king  with me, and I

try never to dispute his orders." 

"I believe you are right, Deerslayer," returned the girl, after a  little  reflection and in a saddened voice: "a man

like you, ought not  to act, as the  selfish and dishonest would be apt to act; you must,  indeed, go back. We will

talk no more of this, then. Should I persuade  you to any thing for which you  would be sorry hereafter, my

own regret  would not be less than yours. You  shall not have it to say, JudithI  scarce know by what name to

call myself,  now!"  "And why not?Why not,  gal? Children take the names of their parents,  nat'rally, and by a

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sort of gift, like, and why should n't you and Hetty do,  as others  have done afore ye? Hutter was the old man's

name, and Hurter  should  be the name of his darters; at least until you are given away in  lawful and holy

wedlock."  "I am Judith, and Judith only," returned  the girl positively"until the law  gives me a right to

another name.  Never will I use that of Thomas Hurter  again; nor, with my consent,  shall Hetty! Hurter was

not even his own name, I  find, but had he a  thousand rights to it, it would give none to me. He was  not my

father,  thank heaven; though I may have no reason to be proud of him  that  was!" 

"This is strange!" said Deerslayer, looking steadily at the excited  girl,  anxious to know more, but unwilling to

inquire into matters that  did not  properly concern him; "yes, this is very strange and oncommon!  Thomas

Hurter  was n't Thomas Hurter, and his darters were n't his  darters! Who, then, could  Thomas Hurter be, and

who are his darters?" 

"Did you never hear any thing whispered against the former life of  this  person, Deerslayer?" demanded

Judith "Passing, as I did, for his  child, such  reports reached even me." 

"I'll not deny it, Judith; no, I'll not deny it. Sartain things  have been  said, as I've told you, but I'm not very

credible as to  reports. Young as I  am, I've lived long enough to l'am there's two  sorts of characters in the

worldthem that is 'arned by deeds, and  them that is 'arned by tongues, and  so I prefar to see and judge for

myself, instead of letting every jaw that  chooses to wag become my  judgment. Hurry Harry spoke pretty

plainly of the  whole family, as we  journeyed thisaway, and he did hint something  consarning Thomas

Hutter's having been a freeliver on the water, in his  younger days.  By freeliver, I mean that he made free to

live on other men's  goods." 

"He told you he was a piratethere is no need of mincing matters  between  friends. Read that, Deerslayer, and

you will see that he told  you no more  than the truth. This Thomas Hovey was the Thomas Hutter  you knew,

as is seen  by these letters." 

As Judith spoke, with a flushed cheek and eyes dazzling with the  brilliancy  of excitement, she held the

newspaper towards her  companion, pointing to the  proclamation of a Colonial Governor,  already mentioned. 

"Bless you, Judith!" answered the other laughing, "you might as  well ask me  to print thator, for that matter

to write it. My  edication has been  altogether in the woods; the only book I read, or  care about reading, is the

one which God has opened afore all his  creatur's in the noble forests, broad  lakes, rolling rivers, blue  skies,

and the winds and tempests, and sunshine,  and other glorious  marvels of the land! This book I can read, and I

find it  full of  wisdom and knowledge." 

"I crave your pardon, Deerslayer," said Judith, earnestly, more  abashed than  was her wont, in finding that she

had in advertently made  an appeal that  might wound her compan ion's pride. "I had forgotten  your manner of

life, and  least of all did I wish to hurt your  feelings." 

"Hurt my feelin's?Why should it hurt my feelin's to ask me to  read, when I  can't read. I'm a hunterand I

may now begin to say a  warrior, and no  missionary, and therefore books and papers are of no  account with

such as I  No, noJudith," and here the young man laughed  cordially, "not even for wads,  seeing that your

true deerkiller always  uses the hide of a fa'a'n, if he's  got one, or some other bit of  leather suitably prepared.

There's some that do  say, all that stands  in print is true, in which case I'll own an unl'arned  man must be

somewhat of a loser; nevertheless, it can't be truer than that  which  God has printed with his own hand, in the

sky, and the woods, and the  rivers, and the springs." 

"Well, then, Hutter, or Hovey, was a pirate, and being no father of  mine, I  cannot wish to call him one. His

name shall no longer be my  name."  "If you dislike the name of that man, there's the name of your  mother,

Judith. Hem may sarve you just as good a turn." 

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"I do not know it. I've look'd through those papers, Deerslayer,  in the hope  of finding some hint, by which I

might discover who my  mother was, but there  is no more trace of the past, in that respect,  than the bird leaves

in the  air." 

"That's both oncommon, and onreasonable. Parents are bound to give  their  offspring a name, even though

they give 'em nothing else. Now I  come of a  humble stock, though we have white gifts and a white narur',  but

we are not  so poorly off, as to have no name. Bumppo we are  called, and I've heard it  said" a touch of

human vanity glowing on  his cheek, "that the time has been  when the Bumppos had more standing  and note

among mankind, than they have  just now." 

"They never deserved them more, Deerslayer, and the name is a good  one;  either Hetty, or myself, would a

thousand times rather be called  Hetty  Bumppo, or Judith Bumppo, than to be called Hetty or Judith  Hutter." 

"That's a moral impossible," returned the hunter, good humouredly,  "onless  one of you should so far demean

herself as to marry me." 

Judith could not refrain from smiling, when she found how simply  and  naturally the conversation had come

round to the very point at  which she had  aimed to bring it. Although far from unfeminine or  forward, either in

her  feelings, or her habits, the girl was goaded by  a sense of wrongs not  altogether merited, incited by the

hopelessness  of a future that seemed to  contain no resting place, and still more  influenced by feelings that

were as  novel to her, as they proved to be  active and engrossing. The opening was too  good, therefore, to be

neglected, though she came to the subject with much of  the  indirectness and perhaps, justifiable, address of a


"I do not think Hetty will ever marry, Deerslayer," she said, "and  if your  name is to be borne by either of us,

it must be borne by me." 

"There's been handsome women too, they tell me, among the Bumppos,  Judith,  afore now, and should you

take up with the name, oncommon as  you be, in this  particular, them that knows the family won't be

altogether surprised." 

"This is not talking as becomes either of us, Deerslayer, for  whatever is  said on such a subject, between man

and woman, should be  said seriously, and  in sincerity of heart. Forgetting the shame that  ought to keep girls

silent,  until spoken to, in most cases, I will  deal with you as frankly as I know one  of your generous nature

will  most like to be dealt by. Can you do you think,  Deerslayer, that you  could be happy with such a wife as

a woman like myself  would make?" 

"A woman like you, Judith! But where's the sense in trifling about  such a  thing?A woman like you, that is

handsome enough to be a  captain's lady, and  fine enough, and so far as I know edicated enough,  would be

little apt to  think of be coming my wife. I suppose young  gals that feel themselves to be  smart, and know

themselves to be  handsome, find a sartain satisfaction in  passing their jokes ag'in  them that's neither, like a

poor Delaware hunter." 

This was said good naturedly, but not without a betrayal of feeling  which  showed that some thing like

mortified sensibility was blended  with the reply.  Nothing could have occurred more likely to awaken all

Judith's generous  regrets, or to aid her in her purpose, by adding the  stimulant of a  disinterested desire to

atone, to her other impulses,  and cloaking all under  a guise so winning and natural, as greatly to  lessen the

unpleasant feature  of a forwardness unbecoming the sex. 

"You do me injustice if you suppose I have any such thought, or  wish," she  answered, earnestly. "Never was I

more serious in my life,  or more willing to  abide by any agreement, that we may make tonight.  I have had

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many suit ors,  Deerslayernay, scarce an unmarried trapper  or hunter has been in at the Lake  these four

years, who has not  offered to take me away with him, and I fear  some that were married,  too" 

"Ay, I'll warrant that!" interrupted the other"I'll warrant all  that! Take  'em as a body, Judith, 'arth don't hold

a set of men more  given to  theirselves, and less given to God and the law." 

"Not one of them would Icould I listen to; happily for myself  perhaps, has  it been that such was the case.

There have been well  looking youths among  them too, as you may have seen in your  acquaintance, Henry


"Yes, Harry is sightly to the eye, though, to my idees, less so to  the  judgment. I thought, at first, you meant to

have him, Judith, I  did; but  afore he went, it was easy enough to verify that the same  lodge would n't be  big

enough for you both." 

"You have done me justice in that at least, Deerslayer. Hurry is a  man I  could never marry, though he were

ten times more comely to the  eye, and a  hundred times more stout of heart, than he really is." 

"Why not, Judith, why not? I own I'm cur'ous to know why a youth  like Hurry  should n't find favor with a

maiden like you?" 

"Then you shall know, Deerslayer," returned the girl, gladly  availing herself  of the opportunity of indirectly

extol ling the  qualities which had so  strongly interested her in her listener; hoping  by these means covertly to

approach the subject nearest her heart. "In  the first place, looks in a man  are of no importance with a woman,

provided he is manly, and not disfigured,  or deformed." 

"There I can't altogether agree with you," returned the other  thoughtfully,  for he had a very humble opinion of

his own personal  appearance; "I have  noticed that the comeliest warriors commonly get  the bestlooking

maidens of  the tribe, for wives, and the Sarpent,  yonder, who is sometimes wonderful in  his paint, is a gineral

favorite  with all the Delaware young women, though he  takes to Hist, himself,  as if she was the only beauty

on 'arth!" 

"It may be so with Indians; but it is different with white girls.  So long as  a young man has a straight and

manly frame, that promises  to make him able to  protect a woman, and to keep want from the door,  it is all

they ask of the  figure. Giants like Hurry may do for  grenadiers, but are of little account as  lovers. Then as to

the face,  an honest look, one that answers for the heart  within, is of more  value than any shape or colour, or

eyes, or teeth, or  trifles like  them. The last may do for girls, but who thinks of them at all,  in a  hunter, or a

warrior, or a husband? If there are women so silly,  Judith  is not among them." 

"Well, this is wonderful! I always thought that handsome liked  handsome, as  riches love riches!" 

"It may be so with you men, Deerslayer, but it is not always so  with us  women. We like stouthearted men,

but we wish to see them  modest; sure on a  hunt, or the warpath, ready to die for the right,  and unwilling to

yield to  the wrong. Above all we wish for  honestytongues that are not used to say  what the mind does not

mean,  and hearts that feel a little for others, as  well as for themselves. A  truehearted girl could die for such a

husband!  while the boaster, and  the doubletongued suitor gets to be as hateful to the  sight, as he is  to the


Judith spoke bitterly, and with her usual force, but her listener  was too  much struck with the novelty of the

sensations he experienced  to advert to  her manner. There was something so soothing to the  humility of a man

of his  temperament, to hear qualities that he could  not but know he possessed  himself, thus highly extolled by

the  loveliest female he had ever beheld,  that, for the moment, his  faculties seemed suspended in a natural and

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excusable pride. Then it  was that the idea of the possibility of such a  creature as Judith  becoming his

companion for life, first crossed his mind.  The image was  so pleasant, and so novel, that he continued

completely  absorbed by  it, for more than a minute, totally regardless of the beautiful  reality that was seated

before him, watching the expression of his  upright  and truthtelling countenance with a keenness that gave

her a  very fair, if  not an absolutely accurate clue to his thoughts. Never  before had so pleasing  a vision

floated before the mind's eye of the  young hunter, but, accustomed  most to practical things, and little  addicted

to submitting to the power of  his imagination, even while  possessed of so much true poetical feeling in

connection with natural  objects in particular, he soon recovered his reason,  and smiled at his  own weakness,

as the fancied picture faded from his mental  sight, and  left him the simple, untaught, but highly moral being

he was,  seated  in the Ark of Thomas Hurter, at midnight, with the lovely countenance  of its late owner's

reputed daughter, beaming on him with anxious  scrutiny,  by the light of the solitary lamp. 

"You're wonderful handsome, and enticing, and pleasing to look on,  Judith!"  he exclaimed, in his simplicity,

as fact resumed its  ascendency over fancy.  "Wonderful! I do n't remember ever to have seen  so beautiful a

gal, even  among the Delawares; and I'm not astonished  that Hurry Harry went away soured  as well as


"Would you have had me, Deerslayer, become the wife of such a man  as Henry  March?" 

"There's that which is in his favor, and there's that which is  ag'in him. To  my taste, Hurry would n't make the

best of husbands, but  I fear that the  tastes of most young women, hereaway, would n't be so  hard upon him." 

"NonoJudith without a name, would never consent to be called  Judith March!  Any thing would be better

than that." 

"Judith Bumppo would n't sound as well, gal; and there's many names  that  would fall short of March, in

pleasing the ear." 

"Ah! Deerslayer, the pleasantness of the sound, in such cases, does  n't come  through the ear, but through the

heart. Every thing is  agreeable, when the  heart is satisfied. Were Natty Bumppo, Henry  March, and Henry

March, Natty  Bumppo, I might think the name of March  better than it is; or were he, you, I  should fancy the

name of Bumppo,  horrible!" 

"That's just ityes, that's the reason of the matter. Now, I'm  nat'rally  avarse to sarpents, and I hate even the

word, which, the  missionaries tell  me, comes from human natur', on account of a sartain  sarpent at the

creation  of the 'arth, that outwitted the first woman;  yet, ever since Chingachgook  them! Two good hours

have you been  looking at them bits of papers!" 

"They tell me of my parents, Deerslayer, and have settled my plans  for life.  A girl may be excused who reads

about her own father and  mother, and that too  for the first time in her life. I am sorry to  have kept you


"Never mind me, gal, never mind me. It matters little whether I  sleep or  watch; but, though you be pleasant to

look at, and are so  handsome, Judith,  it is not altogether agreeable to sit so long to  behold you shedding tears.

I  know that tears do n't kill, and that  some people are better for shedding a  few, now and then, especially

women, but I'd rather see you smile, any time,  Judith, than see you  weep." 

This gallant speech was rewarded with a sweet, though a melancholy  smile, and  then the girl again desired

her companion to finish the  examination of the  chest. The search necessarily continued some time,  during

which Judith  collected her thoughts, and regained her  composure. She took no part in the  search, leaving

every thing to the  young man, looking listlessly, herself, at  the different articles that  came uppermost.

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Nothing further of much interest,  or value, however,  was found. A sword or two, such as were then worn by

gentlemen, some  buckles of silver, or so richly plated as to appear silver,  and a few  handsome articles of

female dress composed the principal  discoveries.  It struck both Judith and the Deerslayer notwithstanding,

that  some  of these things might be made useful in effecting a negotiation with  the  Iroquois, though the latter

saw a difficulty in the way that was  not so  apparent to the former. The conversation was first renewed in

connection with  this point. 

"And now, Deerslayer," said Judith, "we may talk of yourself, and  of the  means of getting you out of the

hands of the Hurons. Any part,  or all of what  you have seen in the chest will be cheerfully given by  me and

Hetty, to set  you at liberty." 

"Well, that's ginerousyes, 'tis downright freehearted, and  freehanded, and  ginerous. This is the way with

women; when they take  up a fri'ndship, they do  nothing by halves, but are as willing to part  with their

property, as if it  had no valie in their eyes. Howsever,  while I thank you both, just as natur'  gives in the free

air, and the  forestnow, if both these men stood here, as  suitors for your  feelin's, which do you think would

win your favor?" 

Judith's fine face flushed, for the picture that her companion had  so simply  drawn of a gay officer of the

garrisons had once been  particularly grateful  to her imagination, though experience and  disappointment had

not only chilled  all her affections, but given them  a backward current, and the passing image  had a

momentary influence on  her feelings; but the mounting colour was  succeeded by a paleness so  deadly, as to

make her appear ghastly. 

"As God is my judge," the girl solemnly answered, "did both these  men stand  before me, as I may say one of

them does, my choice, if I  know my own heart,  would be the latter. I have no wish for a husband  who is any

way better than  myself." 

"This is pleasant to listen to, and might lead a young man in time,  to forget  his own onworthiness, Judith!

Howsever, you hardly think all  that you say. A  man like me is too rude and ignorant for one that has  had such

a mother to  teach her. Vanity is nat'ral, I do believe, but  vanity like that, would  surpass reason." 

"Then you do not know of what a woman's heart is capable! Rude you  are not,  Deerslayer, nor can one be

called ignorant that has studied  what is before  his eyes as closely as you have done. When the  affections are

concerned, all  things appear in their pleasantest  colors, and trifles are overlooked, or are  forgotten. When the

heart  feels sunshine, nothing is gloomy, even dull  looking objects, seeming  gay and bright, and so it would be

between you and  the woman who  should love you, even though your wife might happen, in some  matters,  to

possess what the world calls the advantage over you." 

"Judith, you come of people altogether above mine, in the world,  and onequal  matches, like onequal

fri'ndships can't often tarminate  kindly. I speak of  this matter altogether as a fanciful thing, since  it's not very

likely that  you, at least, would be apt to treat it as a  matter that can ever come to  pass." 

Judith fastened her deep blue eyes on the open, frank countenance  of her  companion, as if she would read his

soul. Nothing there  betrayed any covert  meaning, and she was obliged to admit to herself,  that he regarded

the  conversation as argumentative, rather than  positive, and that he was still  without any active suspicion that

her  feelings were seriously involved in the  issue. At first, she felt  offended; then she saw the injustice of

making the  selfabasement and  modesty of the hunter a charge against him, and this novel  difficulty  gave a

piquancy to the state of affairs that rather increased her  interest in the young man. At that critical instant, a

change of plan  flashed  on her mind, and with a readiness of invention that is  peculiar to the quick  witted and

ingenious, she adopted a scheme by  which she hoped effectually to  bind him to her person. This scheme

partook equally of her fertility of  invention, and of the decision and  boldness of her character. That the

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conversation might not terminate  too abruptly, however, or any suspicion of  her design exist, she  answered

the last remark of Deerslayer, as earnestly  and as truly, as  if her original intention remained unaltered. 

"I, certainly, have no reason to boast of parentage, after what I  have seen  this night," said the girl, in a

saddened voice. "I had a  mother, it is true;  but of her name even, I am ignorantand, as for my  father, it is

better,  perhaps, that I should never know who he was,  lest I speak too bitterly of  him!" 

"Judith," said Deerslayer, taking her hand kindly, and with a manly  sincerity  that went directly to the girl's

heart, "tis better to say  no more tonight.  Sleep on what you've seen and felt; in the morning  things that now

look  gloomy, may look more che'rful. Above all, never  do any thing in bitterness,  or because you feel as if

you'd like to  take revenge on yourself, for other  people's backslidings. All that  has been said, or done, atween

us, this  night, is your secret, and  shall never be talked of by me, even with the  Sarpent, and you may be

sartain if he can't get it out of me no man can. If  your parents have  been faulty, let the darter be less so;

remember that  you're young,  and the youthful may always hope for better times; that you're  more

quickwitted than usual, and such gin'rally get the better of  difficulties, and that, as for beauty, you're

oncommon, which is an  advantage  with all. It is time to get a little rest, for tomorrow is  like to prove a

trying day to some of us." 

Deerslayer arose as he spoke, and Judith had no choice but to  comply. The  chest was closed and secured, and

they parted in silence,  she to take her  place by the side of Hist and Hetty, and he to seek a  blanket on the floor

of  the cabin he was in. It was not five minutes  crc the young man was in a deep  sleep, but the girl continued

awake  for a long time. She scarce knew whether  to lament, or to rejoice, at  having failed in making herself

understood. On  the one hand, were her  womanly sensibilities spared; on the other was the  disappointment of

defeated, or at least of delayed expectations, and the  uncertainty of  a future that looked so dark. Then came

the new resolution,  and the  bold project for the morrow, and when drowsiness finally shut her  eyes, they

closed on a scene of success and happiness, that was  pictured by  the fancy, under the influence of a sanguine

temperament,  and a happy  invention. 

Chapter XXVII

"But, mother, now a shade has past,

Athwart my brightest visions here,

A cloud of darkest gloom has wrapt,

The remnant of my brief career!

No song, no echo can I win,

The sparkling fount has died within."

Margaret Davidson, "To my Mother," 11. 712.

Hist and Hetty arose with the return of light, leaving Judith still  buried in  sleep. It took but a minute for the

first to complete her  toilet. Her long  coalblack hair was soon adjusted in a simple knot,  the calico dress

belted  tight to her slender waist, and her little  feet concealed in their gaudily  ornamented moccasins. When

attired,  she left her companion employed in  household affairs, and went herself  on the platform to breathe the

pure air  of the morning. Here she found  Chingachgook studying the shores of the lake,  the mountains and the

heavens, with the sagacity of a man of the woods, and  the gravity of  an Indian. 

The meeting between the two lovers was simple, but affectionate.  The chief  showed a manly kindness,

equally removed from boyish  weakness and haste,  while the girl betrayed, in her smile and half  averted looks,

the bashful  tenderness of her sex. Neither spoke,  unless it were with the eyes, though  each understood the

other as  fully as if a vocabulary of words and  protestations had been poured  out. Hist seldom appeared to

more advantage,  than at that moment, for  just from her rest and ablutions, there was a  freshness about her

youthful form and face, that the toils of the wood do not  always  permit to be exhibited, by even the juvenile

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and pretty. Then Judith  had not only imparted some of her own skill in the toilet, during  their short

intercourse, but she had actually bestowed a few well  selected ornaments from  her own stores, that

contributed not a little  to set off the natural graces  of the Indian maid. All this the lover  saw and felt, and for a

moment his  countenance was illuminated with a  look of pleasure, but it soon grew. 

"The Great Spirit may soften their hearts, and not suffer them to  be so  bloody minded. I have lived among the

Hurons, and know them.  They have  hearts, and will not forget their own children, should they  fall into the

hands of the Delawares." 

"A wolf is forever howling; a hog will always eat. They have lost  warriors;  even their women will call out for

vengeance. The pale face  has the eyes of  an eagle, and can see into a Mingo's heart; he looks  for no mercy.

There is a  cloud over his spirit, though it is not  before his face." 

A long, thoughtful pause succeeded, during which Hist stealthily  took the  hand of the chief, as if seeking his

support, though she  scarce ventured to  raise her eyes to a countenance that was now  literally becoming

terrible,  under the conflicting passions, and stern  resolution that were struggling in  the breast of its owner. 

"What will the Son of Uncas do?" the girl at length timidly asked.  "He is a  chief, and is already celebrated in

council, though so young;  what does his  heart tell him is wisest; does the head, too, speak the  same words as

the  heart?" 

"What does Wahta!Wah say, at a moment when my dearest friend is  in such  danger. The smallest birds

sing the sweetest; it is always  pleasant, to  hearken to their songs. I wish I could hear the Wren of  the Woods

in my  difficulty; its note would reach deeper than the ear. 

Again Hist experienced the profound gratification that the language  of praise  can always awaken, when

uttered by those we love. The  'Honeysuckle of the  Hills' was a term often applied to the girl, by  the young

men of the  Delawares, though it never sounded so sweet in  her ears, as from the lips of  Chingachgook; but

the latter alone had  ever styled her the Wren of the Woods.  With him, however, it had got  to be a familiar

phrase, and it was past  expression pleasant to the  listener, since it conveyed to her mind the idea  that her

advice and  sentiments were as acceptable to her future husband, as  the tones of  her voice and modes of

conveying them were agreeable; uniting  the two  things most prized by an Indian girl, as coming from her

betrothed,  admiration for a valued physical advantage, with respect for her  opinion. She  pressed the hand she

held, between both her own, and  answered 

"The palefaces know every thing," he said; "can they tell us why  the sun  hides his face, when he goes back,

at night." 

"Ay, that is downright redskin l'arnin'," returned the other,  laughing,  though he was not altogether insensible

to the pleasure of  proving the  superiority of his race, by solving the difficulty, which  he set about doing,  in

his own peculiar manner. "Harkee, Sarpent," he  continued more gravely,  though too simply for affectation;

"this is  easierly explained than an Indian  brain may fancy. The sun, while he  seem's to keep travelling in the

heavens,  never budges, but it is the  'arth that turns round, and any one can  understand, if he is placed on  the

side of a millwheel, for instance, when  it's in motion, that he  must some times see the heavens, while he is at

other  times under  water. There's no great secret in that; but plain natur'; the  difficulty being in setting the 'arth

in motion." 

"How does my brother know that the earth turns round?" demanded the  Indian.  "Can he see it?" 

"Well, that's been a puzzler, I will own, Delaware, for I've often  tried, but  never could fairly make it out.

Sometimes I've consaited  that I could; and  then ag'in, I've been obliged to own it an  onpossibility. Howsever,

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turn it  does, as all my people say, and you  ought to believe 'em, since they can  foretel eclipses, and other

prodigies, that used to fill the tribes with  terror, according to your  own traditions of such things." 

"Good. This is true; no redman will deny it. When a wheel turns,  my eyes can  see itthey do not see the

earth turn." 

"Ay, that's what I call sense obstinacy! Seeing is believing, they  say, and  what they can't see, some men won't

in the least give credit  to.  Nevertheless, chief, that isn't quite as good reason as it may at  first seem.  You

believe in the Great Spirit, I know, and yet, I  conclude, it would puzzle  you to show where you see him!" 

"Chingachgook can see Him every whereevery where in good things   the Evil  Spirit in bad. Here, in the

lake; there, in the forest;  yonder, in the  clouds; in Hist, in the Son of Uncas, in Tamenund, in  Deerslayer. The

Evil  Spirit is in the Mingos. That I see; I do not see  the earth turn round." 

"I don't wonder they call you the Sarpent, Delaware; no, I don't!  There's  always a meaning in your words, and


"Wahta!Wah says that neither she nor the Great Serpent could ever  laugh,  again, or ever sleep without

dreaming of the Hurons, should the  Deerslayer  die under a Mingo tomahawk, and they do nothing to save

him. She would rather  go back, and start on her long path alone, than  let such a dark cloud pass  before her


"Good! The husband and the wife will have but one heart; they will  see with  the same eyes, and feel with the

same feelings." 

What further was said, need not be related here. That the  conversation was of  Deerslayer, and his hopes, has

been seen already,  but the decision that was  come to, will better appear in the course of  the narrative. The

youthful pair  were yet conversing when the sun  appeared above the tops of the pines, and  the light of a

brilliant  American day streamed down into the valley, bathing  "in deep joy" the  lake, the forests and the

mountain sides. Just at this  instant  Deerslayer came out of the cabin of the Ark, and stepped upon the

platform. His first look was at the cloudless heavens, then his rapid  glance  took in the entire panorama of land

and water, when he had  leisure for a  friendly nod at his friends, and a cheerful smile for  Hist. 

"Well," he said, in his usual, composed manner, and pleasant voice,  "he that  sees the sun set in the west, and

wakes 'arly enough in the  morning will be  sartain to find him coming back ag'in in the east,  like a buck that is

hunted  round his ha'nt. I dare say, now, Hist,  you've beheld this, time and ag'in,  and yet it never entered into

your  galish mind to ask the reason?" 

Both Chingachgook and his betrothed looked up at the luminary, with  an air  that betokened sudden wonder,

and then they gazed at each  other, as if to  seek the solution of the difficulty. Familiarity  deadens the

sensibilities,  even as connected with the gravest natural  phenomena, and never before had  these simple beings

thought of  enquiring into a movement that was of daily  occurrence, however  puzzling it might appear on

investigation. When the  subject was thus  suddenly started, it struck both alike, and at the same  instant, with

some such force, as any new and brilliant proposition in the  natural  sciences would strike the scholar.

Chingachgook alone saw fit to  answer. 

"The palefaces know every thing," he said; "can they tell us why  the sun  hides his face, when he goes back,

at night." 

"ay, that is downright redskin l'arnin'" returned the other,  laughing,  through he was not altogether insensible

to the pleasure of  proving the  superiority of his race, by solving the difficulty, which  he set aout doing,  in hiw

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own peculiar manner. "Harkee, Sarpent," he  continued more gravely,  though too simply for affectation; "this

is  easierly explained than an Indian  brain may fancy. The sun, while he  seems to keep traveling in the

heavens,  never budges, but it is the  'arth that turns roun, and any one can  understand, if he is placed on  the

side of a millwhel, for instance, when  it's in motion, that he  must some times see the heavens, while he is at

other  times under  water. There's no great secret in that; but plain natur'; the  difficulty being in setting the 'arth

in motion." 

"How does my brother know hat the earth turns round?" demanded the  Indina.  "Can he see it?" 

"Well, that's been a puzzler, I will own, Delaware, for I've often  tried, but  never could fairly make it out.

Sometimes I've often tried,  but never could  fairly make it out. Sometimes I've consaited that I  could; and then

ag'in,  I've been obliged to own it an onpossibility.  Howsever, turn it does, as all  my people say, and you

ought to believe  'em, since they can foretell  eclipses, and other prodigies, that used  to fill the tribes with

terror,  according to your owntraditions of  such things." 

"Good. This is true; no redman will deny it. When a wheel turns,  my eyes can  see it  they do not see the

earth turn." 

"y, that's what I call sense obstinacy! Seeing is believing, they  say, and  what they cann't see, some men won't

in the least give credit  to.  Neverthless, chief, that isn't quite as good reason as itmayat  first seem.  You believe

in the Great Sppirit, I know, and yet, I  conclude, it would  puzzle you to show you where you see him!" 

"Chingachgook can see Him every where  every where in good things  the Evil  Spirit in bad. Here, in the

lake; there, in the forest;  yonder, in the  clounds; in Hist, in the Son of Uncas, in Tannenund, in  Deerslayer.

The Evil  Spirit is in the Mingos. That I see; I do not see  the earth turn round." 

"I so n't wonder they call you the Sarpent, Delaware; no, I do n't!  There's  always a meaning in your words,

and there's often a meaning in  your  countenance, too! Notwithstanding, your answers does n't quite  meet my

idée.  ThatGod is observable in all nat'ral objects is  allowable, but then he is not  perceptible in the way I

mean. You know  there is a Great Spirit by his works,  and the pale faces know that the  'arth turns round by its

works. This is the  reason of the matter,  though how it is to be explained, is more than I  exactly tell you.  This I

know; all my people consait that fact, and what all  the  palefaces consait, is very likely to be true." 

"When the sun is in the top of that pine tomorrow, where will my  brother  Deerslayer be?" 

The hunter started, and he looked intently, though totally without  alarm, at  his friend. Then he signed for him

to follow, and led the  way into the Ark,  where he mght pursue the subject unheard by those,  whose feelings

he feared  might get the mastery over their reason. Here  he stopped, and pursued the  conversation in amore

confidential tone. 

"'Twas a little onreasonable in you Sarpent," he said, "to bring up  such a  subject afore Hist, and when the

young women of my own colour  might overhear  what was said. Yes, 'twas a little more onreasonable  than

most things that  you do. No matter; Hist did n"t comprehind, and  the other din n't hear.  Howsever, the

questionis easier put than  answered. No mortal can say where he  will be when the sun rises  tomorrow. I will

ask you the same question,  Sarpent, and should like  to hear what answer you can give. 

"Chingachgook will be with his friend Deerslayer  if he be in the  land of  spirits, the Great Serpent will crawl

at his side; if beneath  yonder sun, its  warmth and light shall fall on both." 

"I understand you Delaware," returned the other, touched with the  simple  selfdevotion of his friend, "Such

language is as plain in one  tongue as in  another. I comes from the heart, and goes to the heart,  too. 'Tis well to

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think so, and it may be well to say so, for that  matter, but it would not be  well to do so, Sarpent. You are no

longer  alone in life, for though you have  the lodges to change, and other  ceremonies to go through, afore Hist

becomes  you lawful wife, yet are  you as good as married, in all that bears on the  feelin's, and joy,  and misery.

No  no  Hist must not be desarted, because a  cloud is  passing atween you and me, a little onexpectedly and

a little darker  than we may have looked for." 

"Hist is a daughter of the Mohicans. She knows how to obey her  husband. Where  he goes, she will follow.

Both will be with the Great  Hunter of the  Delawares, when the sun shall be in the pine tomorrow." 

"The Lord bless and protect you!  Chief; this is downright  madness. Can  either, or both of you, alter a

Mingo natur'. Will your  grand looks, or  Hist's tears and beauty, change a wolf into a  squirrel, or make a

catamount  as innocent as a fa'an? NoSarpent, you  will think better of this matter, and  leave me in the hands

of God.  A'ter all, it's by no means sartain that the  scamps design the  torments, for they may yet be pitiful, and

bethink them of  the  wickedness of such a course  though it is but a hopeless expectation  to  look forward to a

Mingo's turning aside from evil, and letting  marcy get  uppermost in his heart  Nevertheless, no one knows

to a  sartainty what will  happen, and young creatur's, like Hist, an't to be  risked on onsartainties.  This

marrying is altogether a different  undertaking from what some young men  fancy. Now, if you was single, or

as good as single, Delaware, I should  expect you to be actyve and  stirring about the camp of the vagabonds,

from  sunrise to sunset,  sarcumventing and contriving, as restless as a hound off  the scent,  and doing all

manner of things to help me, and to distract the  inimy,  but two are oftener feebler than one, and we must take

things as they  are, and not as we want 'em to be." 

"Listen, Deerslayer," returned the Indian with an emphasis so  decided as to  show how much he was in

earnest. "If Chingachgook was in  the hands of the  Hurons, what would my paleface brother do? Sneak off  to

the Delaware  villages, and say to the chiefs, and old men, and  young warriors'see, here  is Wahta!Wah;

she is safe, but a little  tired; and here is the Son of  Uncas, not as tired as the Honeysuckle,  being stronger, but

just as safe.'  Would he do this?" 

"Well, that's oncommon ingen'ous; it's cunning enough for a Mingo,  himself!  The Lord only knows what put

it into your head to ask such a  question. What  would I do?Why, in the first place, Hist wouldn't be  likely to

be in my  company at all, often a meaning in your  countenance, too! Notwithstanding,  your answers doesn't

quite meet my  idee. That God is obsarvable in al]  nat'ral objects is allowable, but  then he is not parceptible in

the way I  mean. You know there is a  Great Spirit by his works, and the pale faces know  that the 'arth  turns

round by its works. This is the reason of the matter,  though how  it is to be explained, is more than I can

exactly tell you. This I  know; all my people consait that fact, and what all the palefaces  consait,  is very

likely to be true." 

"When the sun is in the top of that pine tomorrow, where will my  brother  Deerslayer be?" 

The hunter started, and he looked intently, though totally without  alarm, at  his friend. Then he signed for him

to follow, and led the  way into the Ark,  where he might pursue the subject unheard by those,  whose feelings

he feared  might get the mastery over their reason. Here  he stopped, and pursued the  conversation in a more

confidential tone. 

"'Twas a little onreasonable in you, Sarpent," he said, "to bring  up such a  subject afore Hist, and when the

young women of my own  colour might overhear  what was said. Yes, 'twas a little more  onreasonable than

most things that  you do. No matter; Hist didn't  comprehind, and the other didn't hear.  Howsever, the question

is  easier put than answered. No mortal can say where  he will be when the  sun rises tomorrow. I will ask you

the same question,  Sarpent, and  should like to hear what answer you can give." 

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"Chingachgook will be with his friend Deerslayer If he be in the  land of  spirits, the Great Serpent will crawl

at his side; if beneath  yonder sun, its  warmth and light shall fall on both." 

"I understand you Delaware," returned the other, touched with the  simple  selfdevotion of his friend. "Such

language is as plain in one  tongue as in  another. It comes from the heart, and goes to the heart,  too. Tis well

to  think so, and it may be well to say so, for that  matter, but it would not be  well to do so, Sarpent. You are

no longer  alone in life, for though you have  the lodges to change, and other  ceremonies to go through, afore

Hist becomes  your lawful wife, yet are  you as good as married, in all that bears on the  feelin's, and joy,  and

misery. No noHist must not be desarted, because a  cloud is  passing at for she would stay as near you as

possible, and therefore  all that part about her couldn't be said, without talking nonsense. As  for  her being

tired, that would fall through, too, if she didn't go,  and no part  of your speech would be likely to come from

me; so, you  see, Sarpent, reason  is ag'in you, and you may as well give it up,  since to hold out ag'in reason,  is

no way becoming a chief of your  character and repitation." 

"My brother is not himself; he forgets that he is talking to one  who has sat  at the Council Fire of his nation,"

returned the other  kindly. "When men  speak, they should say that which does not go in at  one side of the head

and  out at the other. Their words shouldn't be  feathers, so light that a wind  which does not ruffle the water,

can  blow them away. He has not answered my  question; when a chief puts a  question, his friend should not

talk of other  things." 

"I understand you, Delaware; I understand well enough what you  mean, and  truth won't allow me to say

otherwise. Still it's not as  easy to answer as  you seem to think, for this plain reason. You wish  me to say what

I would do  if I had a betrothed as you have, here, on  the lake, and a fri'nd yonder in  the Huron camp, in

danger of the  torments. That's it, isn't it?" 

The Indian bowed his head silently, and always with unmoved  gravity, though  his eye twinkled at the sight of

the other's  embarrassment. 

"Well, I never had a betrothednever had the kind of feelin's  toward any  young woman, that you have

towards Hist, though the Lord  knows my feelin's  are kind enough towards 'em all! still my heart, as  they call

it, in such  matters, isn't touched, and therefore I can't  say what I would do. A fri'nd  pulls strong, that I know

by exper'ence,  Sarpent, but, by all that I've seen  and heard consarning love, I'm led  to think that a betrothed

pulls stronger." 

"True; but the betrothed of Chingachgook does not pull towards the  lodges of  the Delawares; she pulls

towards the camp of the Hurons." 

"She's a noble gal, for all her little feet, and hands that an't  bigger than  a child's, and a voice that is as pleasant

as a mocker's;  she's a noble gal,  and like the stock of her sires! Well, what is it,  Sarpent; for I conclude  she

hasn't changed her mind, and means to give  herself up, and turn Huron  wife. What is it you want?" 

"Wahta!Wah will never live in the wigwam of an Iroquois,"  answered the  Delaware drily. "She has little

feet, but they can carry  her to the villages  of her people; she has small hands, too, but her  mind is large. My

brother  will see what we can do, when the time shall  come, rather than let him die  under Mingo torments." 

"Attempt nothing heedlessly, Delaware," said the other earnestly;  "I suppose  you must and will have your

way; and, on the whole it's  right you should, for  you'd neither be happy, unless something was  undertaken.

But attempt nothing  heedlesslyI didn't expect you'd quit  the lake, while my matter remained in  unsartainty,

but remember,  Sarpent, that no torments that Mingo ingenuity can  invent, no  ta'ntings, and revilings; no

burnings, and roastings and nail  tearings, nor any other onhuman contrivances can so soon break down my

spirit, as to find that you and Hist, have fallen into the power of  the  inimy, in striving to do something for my

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"The Delawares are prudent. The Deerslayer will not find them  running into a  strange camp, with their eyes


Here the dialogue terminated. Hetty announced that the breakfast  was ready,  and the whole party was soon

seated around the simple  board, in the usual  primitive manner of borderers. Judith was the last  to take her

seat, pale,  silent, and betraying in her countenance that  she had passed a painful, if  not a sleepless, night. At

this meal  scarce a syllable was exchanged, all the  females manifesting want of  appetites, though the two men

were unchanged in  this particular. It  was early when the party arose, and there still remained  several hours

before it would be necessary for the prisoner to leave his  friends.  The knowledge of this circumstance, and

the interest all felt in his  welfare, induced the whole to assemble on the platform again, in the  desire  to be

near the expected victim, to listen to his discourse, and  if possible  to show their interest in him, by

anticipating his wishes.  Deerslayer,  himself, so far as human eyes could penetrate, was wholly  unmoved,

conversing  cheerfully and naturally, though he avoided any  direct allusions to the  expected and great event of

the day. If any  evidence could be discovered of  his thought's reverting to that  painful subject at all, it was in

the manner  in which he spoke of  death and the last great change. 

"Grieve not, Hetty," he said, for it was while consoling this  simpleminded  girl for the loss of her parents that

he thus betrayed  his feelings, "since  God has app'inted that all must die. Your  parents, or them you fancied

your  parents, which is the same thing,  have gone afore you; this is only in the  order of natur', my good gal,

for the aged go first, and the young follow.  But one that had a mother  like your'n, Hetty, can be at no loss to

hope the  best, as to how  matters will turn out in another world. The Delaware, here,  and Hist,  believe in

happy hunting grounds, and have idees befitting their  notions and gifts, as red skins, but we who are of white

blood hold  altogether to a different doctrine. Still, I rather conclude our  heaven is  their land of spirits, and

that the path which leads to it  will be travelled  by all colours alike. Tis onpossible for the wicked  to enter on

it, I will  allow, but fri'nds can scarce be separated,  though they are not of the same  race on 'arth. Keep up your

spirits,  poor Hetty, and look forward to the day  when you will meet your mother  ag'in, and that without pain,

or sorrowing." 

"I do expect to see mother," returned the truthtelling and simple  girl, "but  what will become of father?" 

"That's a nonplusser, Delaware," said the hunter, in the Indian  dialect  "yes, that is a downright

nonplusser! The Muskrat was not a  saint on 'arth,  and it's fair to guess he'll not be much of one, here  after!

Howsever,  Hetty," dropping into the English by an easy  transition, "howsever, Hetty, we  must all hope for

the best. That is  wisest, and it is much the easiest to the  mind, if one can only do it.  I ricommend to you,

trusting to God, and putting  down all misgivings  and fainthearted feelin's. It's wonderful, Judith, how

different  people have different notions about the futur', some fancying one  change, and some fancying

another. I've known white teachers that have  thought all was spirit, hereafter, and them, ag'in, that believed

the  body  will be transported to another world, much as the redskins  themselves  imagine, and that we shall

walk about, in the flesh, and  know each other, and  talk together, and be fri'nds there, as we've  been fri'nds


"Which of these opinions is most pleasing to you, Deerslayer?"  asked the  girl, willing to indulge his

melancholy mood, and far from  being free from  its influence herself. "Would it be disagreeable to  think that

you should  meet all  who are now on this platform in  another world? Or have you known enough of us  here,

to be glad to see  us no more. 

"The last would make death a bitter portion; yes it would. It's  eight good  years since the Sarpent and I began

to hunt together, and  the thought that we  were never to meet ag'in, would be a hard thought  to me. He looks

forward to  the time when he shall chase a sort of  spiritdeer, in company, on plains  where there's no thorns,

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or  brambles, or marshes, or other hardships to  overcome, whereas I can't  fall into all these notions, seeing that

they  appear to be ag'in  reason. Spirits can't eat, nor have they any use for  clothes, and deer  can only rightfully

be chased to be slain, or slain, unless  it be for  the venison, or the hides. Now, I find it hard to suppose that

blessed  spirits can be put to chasing game, without an object, tormenting the  dumb animals just for the

pleasure and agreeableness of their own  amusements.  I never, yet, pulled a trigger on buck or doe, Judith,

unless when food or  clothes was wanting." 

"The recollection of which, Deerslayer, must now be a great  consolation to  you.  "It is the thought of such

things, my fri'nds,  that enables a man to keep his  furlough. It might be done without it,  I own; for the worst

red skins,  sometimes do their duty in this  matter; but it makes that which might  otherwise be hard, easy, if not

altogether to our liking. Nothing truly makes  a bolder heart, than a  light conscience." 

Judith turned paler than ever, but she struggled for selfcommand,  and  succeeded in obtaining it. The conflict

had been severe, however,  and it left  her so little disposed to speak, that Hetty pursued the  subject. This was

done in the simple manner natural to the girl. 

"It would be cruel to kill the poor deer," she said, "in this  world, or any  other, when you don't want their

venison, or their  skins. No good whiteman,  and no good red man would do it. But it's  wicked for a christian

to talk  about chasing any thing in heaven. Such  things are not done before the face  of God, and the

missionary that  teaches these doctrines, can't be a true  missionary. He must be a wolf  in sheep's clothing. I

suppose you know what a  sheep is, Deerslayer." 

"That I do, gal, and a useful creatur' it is, to such as like  cloths better  than skins, for winter garments. I

understand the natur'  of sheep, though  I've had but little to do with 'em, and the natur' of  wolves too, and can

take the idee of a wolf in the fleece of a sheep,  though I think it would be  like to prove a hot jacket for such a

beast, in the warm months!" 

"And sin, and hypocrisy are hot jackets, as they will find, who put  them on,"  returned Hetty, positively, "so

the wolf would be no worse  off than the  sinner. Spirits don't hunt, nor trap, nor fish, nor do  any thing that

vain  men undertake, since they've none of the longings  of this world to feed. Oh!  Mother told me all that,

years ago, and I  don't wish to hear it denied." 

"Well, my good Hetty, in that case you'd better not broach your  doctrine to  Hist, when she and you are alone,

and the young Delaware  maiden is inclined  to talk religion. It's her fixed idee, I know, that  the good warriors

do  nothing but hunt, and fish in the other world,  though I don't believe that  she fancies any of them are

brought down  to trapping, which is no empl'yment  for a brave. But of hunting and  fishing, accordin' to her

notion, they've  their fill, and that, too,  over the most agreeablest hunting grounds, and  among game that is

never out of season, and which is just actyve and  instinctyve enough  to give a pleasure to death. So I wouldn't

ricommend it to  you to  start Hist on that idee." 

"Hist can't be so wicked as to believe any such thing," returned  the other,  earnestly. "No Indian hunts after he

is dead." 

"No wicked Indian, I grant you; no wicked Indian, sartainly. He is  obliged to  carry the ammunition, and to

look on without sharing in the  sport, and to  cook, and to light the fires, and to do every thing that  isn't manful.

Now,  mind; I don't tell you these are my idees, but they  are Hist's idees, and,  therefore, for the sake of peace

the less you  say to her ag'in 'em, the  better." 

"And what are your ideas of the fate of an Indian, in the other  world?"  demanded Judith, who had just found

her voice. 

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"Ah! gal, any thing but that! I am too christianized to expect any  thing so  fanciful, as hunting and fishing

after death, nor do I  believe there is one  Manitou for the red skin and another for a pale  face. You find

different  colours on 'arth, as any one may see, but you  don't find different natur's.  Different gifts, but only one


"In what is a gift different from a nature? Is not nature itself a  gift from  God?" 

"Sartain; that's quickthoughted, and creditable, Judith, though  the main  idee is wrong. A natur' is the creatur'

itself; its wishes,  wants, idees and  feelin's, as all are born in him. This natur' never  can be changed, in the

main, though it may undergo some increase, or  lessening. Now, gifts come of  sarcumstances. Thus, if you put

a man in  a town, he gets town gifts; in a  settlement, settlement gifts; in a  forest, gifts of the woods. A soldier

has  soldierly gifts, and a  missionary preaching gifts. All these increase and  strengthen, until  they get to fortify

natur', as it might be, and excuse a  thousand acts  and idees. Still the creatur' is the same at the bottom; just  as

a man  who is clad in regimentals is the same as the man that is clad in  skins. The garments make a change to

the eye, and some change in the  conduct,  perhaps; but none in the man. Herein lies the apology for  gifts;

seein' that  you expect different conduct from one in silks and  satins, from one in  homespun; though the Lord,

who didn't make the  dresses, but who made the  creatur's themselves, looks only at his own  work. This isn't

ra'al missionary  doctrine, but it's as near it, as a  man of white colour need be. Ah's! me;  little did I think to be

talking of such matters, today, but it's one of our  weaknesses never  to know what will come to pass. Step

into the Ark with me,  Judith, for  a minute; I wish to convarse with you." 

Judith complied with a willingness she could scarce conceal.  Following the  hunter into the cabin, she took a

seat on a stool, while  the young man  brought Killdeer, the rifle she had given him, out of a  corner, and placed

himself on another, with the weapon laid upon his  knees. After turning the  piece round and round, and

examining its lock  and its breech with a sort of  affectionate assiduity, he laid it down  and proceeded to the

subject which  had induced him to desire the  interview. 

"I understand you, Judith, to say that you gave me this rifle," he  said. "I  agreed to take it, because a young

woman can have no  particular use for fire  arms. The we'pon has a great name, and it  desarves it, and ought

of right to  be carried by some known and sure  hand, for the best repitation may be lost  by careless and

thoughtless  handling." 

'Can it be in better hands than those in which it is now,  Deerslayer. Thomas  Hutter seldom missed with it;

with you it must turn  out to be" 

"Sartain death!" interrupted the hunter, laughing. "I once know'd a  beaver  man that had a piece he called by

that very name, but 'twas  all boastfulness,  for I've seen Delawares that were as true with  arrows, at a short

range.  Howsever, I'll not deny my giftsfor this is  a gift, Judith, and not natur'  but, I'll not deny my gifts,

and  therefore allow that the rifle couldn't well  be in better hands than  it is at present. But, how long will it be

likely to  remain there?  Atween us, the truth may be said, though I shouldn't like to  have it  known to the

Sarpent and Hist; but, to you the truth may be spoken,  since your feelin's will not be as likely to be tormented

by it, as  those of  them that have known me longer and better. How long am I like  to own this  rifle or any

other? That is a serious question for our  thoughts to rest on,  and should that happen which is so likely to

happen, Killdeer would be  without an owner." 

Judith listened with apparent composure, though the conflict within  came near  overpowering her.

Appreciating the singular character of her  companion,  however, she succeeded in appearing calm, though,

had not  his attention been  drawn exclusively to the rifle, a man of his  keenness of observation could  scarce

have failed to detect the agony  of mind with which the girl had  hearkened to his words. Her great

selfcommand, notwithstanding, enabled her  to pursue the subject in a  way still to deceive him. 

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"What would you have me do with the weapon," she asked "should  that which  you seem to expect, take


"That's just what I wanted to speak to you about, Judith; that's  just it.  There's Chingachgook, now, though far

from being parfect  sartainty, with a  riflefor few red skins ever get to be that though  far from being parfect

sartainty, he is respectable, and is coming on.  Nevertheless, he is my  fri'nd, and all the better fri'nd, perhaps,

because there never can be any  hard feelin's atween us, touchin' our  gifts, his'n hein' red, and mine bein'

altogether white. Now, I should  like to leave Killdeer to the Sarpent, should  any thing happen to keep  me

from doing credit and honor to your precious  gift, Judith." 

"Leave it to whom you please, Deerslayer. The rifle is your own, to  do with  as you please. Chingachgook

shall have it, should you never  return to claim  it, if that he your wish." 

"Has Hetty been consulted in this matter?Property goes from the  parent to  the children, and not to one child,

in partic'lar!" 

"If you place your right on that of the law, Deerslayer, I fear  none of us  can claim to be the owner. Thomas

Hutter was no more the  father of Esther,  than he was the father of Judith. Judith and Esther  we are truly,

having no  other name!" 

"There may be law in that, but there's no great reason, gal.  Accordin' to the  custom of families, the goods are

your'n, and there's  no one here to gainsay  it. If Hetty would only say that she is  willing, my mind would be

quite at  ease in the matter. It's true,  Judith, that your sister has neither your  beauty, nor your wit; hut we

should he the tenderest of the rights and  welfare of the most  weakminded." 

The girl made no answer but placing herself at a window, she  summoned her  sister to her side. When the

question was put to Hetty,  that simpleminded  and affectionate creature cheerfully assented to  the proposal to

confer on  Deerslayer a full right of ownership to the  muchcoveted rifle. The latter  now seemed perfectly

happy, for the  time being at least, and after again  examining and reexamining his  prize, he expressed a

determination to put its  merits to a practical  test, before he left the spot. No boy could have been  more eager

to  exhibit the qualities of his trumpet, or his crosshow, than  this  simple forester was to prove those of his

rifle. Returning to the  platform, he first took the Delaware aside, and informed him that this  celebrated piece

was to become his property, in the event of any thing  serious befalling himself. 

"This is a new reason why you should he wary, Sarpent, and not run  into any  oncalculated danger," the hunter

added, "for, it will he a  victory of itself,  to a tribe to own such a piece as this! The Mingos  will turn green

with envy,  and, what is more, they will not ventur'  heedlessly near a village where it  is known to he kept. So,

look well  to it, Delaware, and remember that you've  now to watch over a thing  that has all the valie of a

creatur', without its  failin's. Hist may  he, and should he precious to you, hut Killdeer will have  the love and

veneration of your whole people." 

"One rifle like another, Deerslayer," returned the Indian, in  English, the  language used by the other, a little

hurt at his friend's  lowering his  betrothed to the level of a gun. "All kill; all wood and  iron. Wife dear to

heart; rifle good to shoot." 

"And what is a man in the woods without something to shoot with?a  miserable  trapper, or a forlorn broom

and basket maker, at the best.  Such a man may hoe  corn, and keep soul and body together, but he can  never

know the savory  morsels of venison, or tell a bear's ham from a  hog's. Come, my fri'nd, such  another

occasion may never offer ag'in,  and I feel a strong craving for a  trial with this celebrated piece.  You shall

bring out your own rifle, and I  will just sight Killdeer in  a careless way, in order that we may know a few  of

its secret  vartues." 

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As this proposition served to relieve the thoughts of the whole  party, by  giving them a new direction, while it

was likely to produce  no unpleasant  results, every one was willing to enter into it; the  girls bringing forth the

firearms with an alacrity, bordering on  cheerfulness. Hutter's armory was  well supplied, possessing several

rifles, all of which were habitually kept  loaded, in readiness to meet  any sudden demand for their use. On the

present  occasion, it only  remained to freshen the primings, and each piece was in a  state for  service. This was

soon done, as all assisted in it, the females  being  as expert in this part of the system of defence, as their male


"Now, Sarpent, we'll begin in a humble way, using Old Tom's  commoners first,  and coming t6 your we'pon

and Killdeer as the winding  up observations," said  Deerslayer, delighted to he again, weapon in  hand, ready

to display his  skill. "Here's birds in abundance, some in,  and some over the lake, and they  keep at just a good

range, hovering  round the hut. Speak your mind, Delaware,  and p'int out the creatur'  you wish to alarm.

Here's a diver nearest in, off  to the eastward, and  that's a creatur' that buries itself at the flash, and  will he like

enough to try both piece and powder." 

Chingachgook was a man of few words. No sooner was the bird pointed  out to  him, than he took his aim and

fired. The duck dove at the  flash, as had been  expected, and the bullet skipped harmlessly along  the surface of

the lake,  first striking the water within a few inches  of the spot where the bird had  so lately swam. Deerslayer

laughed,  cordially and naturally, hut, at the same  time, he threw himself into  an attitude of preparation, and

stood keenly  watching the sheet of  placid water. Presently a dark spot appeared, and then  the duck arose  to

breathe, and shook its wings. While in this act, a bullet  passed  directly through its breast, actually turning it

over lifeless, on its  hack. At the next moment, Deerslayer stood with the breech of his  rifle on  the platform, as

tranquil as if nothing had happened, though  laughing in his  own peculiar manner. 

"There's no great trial of the pieces in that!" he said, as if  anxious to  prevent a false impression of his own

merir. "No, that  proof's neither for,  nor ag'in the rifles, seeing it was all quickness  of hand and eye. I took the

bird at a disadvantage, or he might have  got under, again, afore the bullet  reached him. But the Sarpent is too

wise to mind such tricks, having long  been used to them. Do you  remember the time, chief, when you thought

yourself  sartain of the  wildgoose, and I took him out of your very eyes, as it might  be with  a little smoke!

Howsever, such things pass for nothing. atween  fri'nds, and young folk will have their fun, Judith. Ay; here's

just  the bird  we want, for it's as good for the fire, as it is for the aim,  and nothing  should be lost that can be

turned to just account. There,  further north,  Delaware." 

The latter looked in the required direction, and he soon saw a  large black  duck floating in stately repose on

the water. At that  distant day, when so  few men were present to derange the harmony of  the wilderness, all

the  smaller lakes with which the interior of New  York so abounds, were places of  resort for the migratory

aquatic  birds, and this sheet like the others had  once been much frequented by  all the varieties of the duck, by

the goose, the  gull, and the loon.  On the appearance of Hutter, the spot was comparatively  deserted for  other

sheets, more retired and remote, though some of each  species  continued to resort thither, as indeed they do to

the present hour.  At  that instant, a hundred birds were visible from the castle, sleeping on  the water, or laying

their feathers in the limpid element, though no  other  offered so favorable a mark as that Deerslayer had just

pointed  out to his  friend. Chingachgook as usual, spared his words, and  proceeded to execution.  This time his

aim was more careful than  before, and his success in  proportion. The bird had a wing crippled,  and fluttered

along the water  screaming, materially increasing its  distance from its enemies. 

"That bird must be put out of pain," exclaimed Deerslayer, the  moment the  animal endeavored to rise on the

wing, "and this is the  rifle and the eye to  do it."  The duck was still floundering along,  when the fatal bullet

overtook it,  severing the head from the neck as  neatly as if it had been done with an axe.  Hist had indulged in

a low  cry of delight at the success of the young Indian,  but now she  affected to frown and resent the greater

skill of his friend. The  chief, on the contrary, uttered the usual exclamation of pleasure, and  his  smile proved

how much he admired, and how little he envied. 

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"Never mind the gal, Sarpent, never mind Hist's feelin's, which  will neither  choke, nor drown, slay nor

beautify," said Deerslayer,  laughing. "'Tis  nat'ral for women to enter into their hushand's  victories and

defeats, and  you are as good as man and wife, so far as  prejudyce and fri'ndship go. Here  is a hird over head

that will put  the pieces, to the proof. I challenge you  to an upward aim, with a  flying target. That's a ra'al

proof, and one that  needs sartain  rifles, as well as sartain eyes." 

The species of eagle that frequents the water, and lives on fish,  was also  present, and one was hovering at a

considerable height above  the hut,  greedily watching for an opportunity to make a swoop; its  hungry young

elevating their heads from a nest that was in sight, in  the naked summit of a  dead pine. Chingachgook silently

turned a new  piece against this bird, and  after carefully watching his time, fired.  A wider circuit than

common,  denoted that the messenger had passed  through the air, at no great distance  from the bird though it

missed  its object. Deerslayer, whose aim was not more  true than it was quick,  fired as soon as it was certain

his friend had  missed, and the deep  swoop that followed left it momentarily doubtful whether  the eagle was

hit or not. The marksman himself, however, proclaimed his own  want of  success, calling on his friend to

seize another rifle, for he saw  signs on the part of the bird of an intention to quit the spot. 

"I made him wink, Sarpent, I do think his feathers were ruffled,  but no blood  has yet been drawn, nor is that

old piece fit for so nice  and quick a sight.  Quick, Delaware, you've now a better rifle, and,  Judith, bring out

Killdeer,  for this is the occasion to try his  merits, if he has 'em." 

A general movement followed, each of the competitors got ready, and  the girls  stood in eager expectation of

the result. The eagle had made  a wide circuit  after his low swoop, and fanning his way upward, once  more

hovered nearly  over the hut, at a distance even greater than  before. Chingachgook gazed at  him, and then

expressed his opinion of  the impossibility of striking a bird  at that great height, and while  he was so nearly

perpendicular, as to the  range. But a low murmur from  Hist, produced a sudden impulse and he fired.  The

result showed how  well he had calculated, the eagle not even varying his  flight, sailing  round and round in his

airy circle, and looking down, as if  in  contempt, at his foes. 

"Now, Judith," cried Deerslayer, laughing, with glistening and  delighted  eyes, "we'll see if Killdeer isn't

Killeagle, too! Give me  room Sarpent, and  watch the reason of the aim, for by reason any thing  may be


A careful sight followed, and was repeated again and again, the  bird  continuing to rise higher and higher.

Then followed the flash and  the report.  The swift messenger sped upward, and, at the next instant,  the bird

turned on  its side, and came swooping down, now struggling  with one wing and then with  the other,

sometimes whirling in a  circuit, next fanning desperately as if  conscious of its injury,  until, having described

several complete circles  around the spot, it  fell heavily into the end of the Ark. On examining the  body, it was

found that the bullet had pierced it about half way between one  of its  wings and the breastbone. 

Chapter XXVIII.

"Upon two stony tables, spread before her,

She lean'd her bosom, more than stony hard,

There slept th' impartial judge, and strict restorer

Of wrong, or right, with pain or with reward;

There hung the score of all our debts, the card

Where good, and bad, and life, and death, were painted;

Was never heart of mortal so untainted,

But when the roll was read, with thousand terrors fainted."

Giles Fletcher, Christ's Victory in Heaven, lxv.

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We've done an unthoughtful thing, Sarpentyes, Judith, we've done  an  unthoughtful thing in taking life with

an object no better than  vanity!"  exclaimed Deerslayer, when the Delaware held up the enormous  bird, by its

wings, and exhibited the dying eyes riveted on its  enemies with the gaze that  the helpless ever fasten on their

destroyers. "Twas more becomin' two boys to  gratify their feelin's, in  this onthoughtful manner, than two

warriors on a  war path, even though  it be their first. Ah's! me; well, as a punishment I'll  quit you at  once, and

when I find myself alone with them bloodyminded  Mingos,  it's more than like I'll have occasion to

remember that life is  sweet,  even to the beasts of the woods and the fowls of the air. There,  Judith; there's

Kildeer; take him back, ag'in, and keep him for some  hand  that's more desarving to own such a piece." 

"I know of none as deserving as your own, Deerslayer," answered the  girl in  haste; "none but yours shall keep

the rifle." 

"If it depended on skill, you might be right enough, gal, but we  should know  when to use firearms, as well

as how to use 'em. I have  n't l'arnt the first  duty yet, it seems; so keep the piece till I  have. The sight of a dyin'

and  distressed creatur', even though it be  only a bird, brings wholesome thoughts  to a man who don't know

how  soon his own time may come, and who is pretty  sartain that it will  come afore the sun sets; I'd give back

all my vain  feelin's, and  rej'icin's in hand and eye, if that poor eagle was only on its  nest  ag'in, with its young,

praisin' the Lord, for any thing that we can  know  about the matter, for health and strength!" 

The listeners were confounded with this proof of sudden repentance  in the  hunter, and that too for an

indulgence so very common, that men  seldom stop  to weigh its consequences, or the physical suffering it

may bring on the  unoffending and helpless. The Delaware understood  what was said, though he  scarce

understood the feelings which had  prompted the words, and by way of  disposing of the difficulty, he drew  his

keen knife, and severed the head of  the sufferer from its body. 

"What a thing is power!" continued the hunter, 'and what a thing it  is, to  have it, and not to know how to use

it. It's no wonder, Judith,  that the  great so often fail of their duties, when even the little and  the humble find  it

so hard to do what's right, and not to do what's  wrong. Then, how one evil  act brings others a'ter it! Now,

wasn't it  for this furlough of mine, which  must soon take me back to the Mingos,  I'd find this creatur's nest, if

I  travelled the woods a forthnight  though an eagle's nest is soon found by  them that understands the  bird's

natur',  but I'd travel a fortnight rather  than not find it,  just to put the young, too, out of their pain." 

"I'm glad to hear you say this, Deerslayer," observed Hetty, "and  God will be  more apt to remember your

sorrow for what you've done,  than the wickedness  itself. I thought how wicked it was to kill  harmless birds,

while you were  shooting, and meant to tell you so;  but, I do n'm know how it happened,  I  was so curious to

see if you  could hit an eagle at so great a height, that I  forgot altogether to  speak, 'till the mischief was done." 

"That's it; that's just it, my good Hetty. We can all see our  faults and  mistakes when it's too late to help them!

Howsever I'm glad  you did n't  speak, for I do n't think a word or two would have stopped  me, just at that

moment, and so the sin stands in its nakedness, and  not aggravated by any  unheeded calls to forbear. Well,

well, bitter  thoughts are hard to be borne  at all times, hut there's times when  they're harder than at others." 

Little did Deerslayer know, while thus indulging in feelings that  were  natural to the man, and so strictly in

accordance with his own  unsophisticated and just principles, that, in the course of the  inscrutable  providence,

which so uniformly and yet so mysteriously  covers all events with  its mantle, the very fault he was disposed

so  severely to censure, was to be  made the means of determining his own  earthly fate. The mode and the

moment  in which he was to feel the  influence of this interference, it would be  premature to relate, but  both

will appear in the course of the succeeding  chapters. As for the  young man, he now slowly left the Ark, like

one  sorrowing for his  misdeeds, and seated himself in silence on the platform. By  this time  the sun had

ascended to some height, and its appearance, taken in  connection with his present feelings, induced him to

prepare to  depart. The  Delaware got the canoe ready for his friend, as soon as  apprised of his  intention, while

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Hist busied herself in making the few  arrangements that were  thought necessary to his comfort. All this was

done without ostentation, but  in a way that left Deerslayer fully  acquainted with, and equally disposed to

appreciate, the motive. When  all was ready, both returned to the side of  Judith and Hetty, neither  of whom

had moved from the spot where the young  hunter sat. 

'The best fri'nds must often part," the last began, when he saw the  whole  party grouped around him"yes,

fri'ndship can't alter the ways  of Providence,  and let our feelin's be as they may, we must part. I've  often

thought there's  moments when our words dwell longer on the mind  than common, and when advice  is

remembered, just because the mouth  that gives it, is n't likely to give it  ag'in. No one knows what will  happen

in this world, and therefore it may be  well, when fri'nds  separate under a likelihood that the parting may be

long,  to say a few  words in kindness, as a sort of keepsakes. If all but one will  go into  the Ark, I'll talk to each

in turn, and what is more, I'll listen to  what you may have to say back ag'in, for it's a poor counsellor that

won't  take as well as give." 

As the meaning of the speaker was understood, the two Indians  immediately  withdrew as desired, leaving the

sisters, however, still  standing at the  young mans side. A look of Deerslayer's induced Judith  to explain. 

"You can advise Hetty as you land," she said hastily, 'for I intend  that she  shall accompany you to the shore." 

"Is this wise, Judith? It's true, that under common sarcumstances a  feeble  mind is a great protection among

redskins, but when their  feelin's are up,  and they're bent on revenge, it's hard to say what  may come to pass.

Besides  " 

"What were you about to say, Deerslayer?" asked Judith, whose  gentleness of  voice and manner amounted

nearly to tenderness, though  she struggled hard to  keep her emotions and apprehensions in  subjection. 

"Why, simply that there are sights and doin's that one even as  little gifted  with reason and memory as Hetty

here, might better not  witness. So, Judith,  you would do well to let me land alone, and to  keep your sister


"Never fear for me, Deerslayer," put in Hetty, who comprehended  enough of the  discourse to know its

general drift, "I'm feeble minded,  and that they say is  an excuse for going any where; and what that  won't

excuse, will be overlooked  on account of the bible I always  carry. It is wonderful, Judith, how all  sorts of

men; the trappers as  well as the hunters; redmen as well as white;  Mingos as well as  Delawares do

reverence and fear the bible!" 

"I think you have not the least ground to fear any injury, Hetty,"  answered  the sister, 'and therefore I shall

insist on your going to  the Huron camp  with our friend. Your being there can do no harm, not  even to

yourself, and  may do great good to Deerslayer." 

"This is not a moment, Judith, to dispute, and so have the matter  your own  way," returned the young man.

"Get yourself ready, Hetty, and  go into the  canoe, for I've a few parting words to say to your sister,  which can

do you  no good." 

Judith, and her companion, continued silent, until Hetty had so far  complied,  as to leave them alone, when

Deerslayer took up the subject,  as if it had  been interrupted by some ordinary occurrence, and in a  very matter

of fact  way. 

"Words spoken at parting, and which may be the last we ever hear  from a  fri'nd are not soon forgotten," he

repeated, "and so Judith, I  intend to  speak to you like a brother, seem' I'm not old enough to be  your father. In

the first place, I wish to caution you ag'in your  inimies, of which two may  be said to ha'nt your very footsteps,

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and to  beset your ways. The first is  oncommon goodlooks, which is as  dangerous a foe to some young

women, as a  whole tribe of Mingos could  prove, and which calls for great watchfulness  not to admire and

praise but to distrust and sarcumvent. Yes, good looks may  be  sarcumvented, and fairly outwitted, too. In

order to do this you've  only  to remember that they melt like the snows, and, when once gone,  they never

come back ag'in. The seasons come and go, Judith, and if we  have winter, with  storms and frosts, and spring

with chills and  leafless trees, we have summer  with its sun and glorious skies, and  fall with its fruits, and a

garment  thrown over the forest, that no  beauty of the town could rummage out of all  the shops in America.

'Arth is in an etarnal round, the goodness of God,  bringing back the  pleasant when we've had enough of the

onpleasant. But it's  not so with  good looks. They are lent for a short time in youth, to be used  and  not abused,

and, as I never met with a young woman to whom providence  has  been as bountiful, as it has to you, Judith,

in this partic'lar, I  warn you,  as it might be with my dyin' breath, to beware of the  inimyfri'nd, or inimy,  as

we deal with the gift." 

It was so grateful to Judith to hear these unequivocal admissions  of her  personal charms, that much would

have been forgiven to the man,  who made  them, let him be who he might. But, at that moment, and from  a far

better  feeling, it would not have been easy for Deerslayer  seriously to offend her,  and she listened with a

patience, which, had  it been foretold only a week  earlier, it would have excited her  indignation to hear. 

'I understand your meaning, Deerslayer," returned the girl, with a  meekness  and humility that a little surprised

her listener, "and hope  to be able to  profit by it. But, you have mentioned only one of the  enemies I have to

fear;  who, or what is the other." 

"The other is givin' way afore your own good sense and judgment, I  find,  Judith; yes, he's not as dangerous as

I supposed. Howsever,  havin' opened the  subject, it will be as well to end it honestly. The  first inimy you

have to  be watchful of, as I've already told you,  Judith, is oncommon goodlooks, and  the next is an

oncommon knowledge  of the sarcumstance. If the first is bad,  the last does n't, in any  way, mend the matter,

so far as safety and peace of  mind are  consarned." 

How much longer the young man would have gone on in his simple and  unsuspecting, but well intentioned

manner, it might not be easy to  say, had  he not been interrupted by his listener's bursting into  tears, and

giving way  to an outbreak of feeling, which was so much the  more violent from the fact  that it had been with

so much difficulty  suppressed. At first her sobs were  so violent and uncontrollable that  Deerslayer was a little

appalled, and he  was abundantly repentant from  the instant that he discovered how much greater  was the

effect  produced by his words, than he had anticipated. Even the  austere and  exacting are usually appeased by

the signs of contrition, but the  nature of Deerslayer did not require proofs of intense feelings so  strong in

order to bring him down to a level with the regrets felt by  the girl herself.  He arose, as if an adder had stung

him, and the  accents of the mother that  soothes her child were scarcely more gentle  and winning than the

tones of his  voice, as he now expressed his  contrition at having gone so far. 

"It was well meant, Judith," he said, "but it was not intended to  hurt your  feelin's so much. I have overdone

the advice, I see; yes,  I've overdone it,  and I crave your pardon for the same. Fri'ndship's  an awful thing!

Sometimes  it chides us for not having done enough; and  then, ag'in it speaks in strong  words for havin' done

too much.  Howsever, I acknowledge I've overdone the  matter, and as I've a ra'al  and strong regard for you, I

rej'ice to say it,  inasmuch as it proves  how much better you are, than my own vanity and  consaits had made

you  out to be." 

Judith now removed her hands from her face, her tears had ceased,  and she  unveiled a countenance so

winning with the smile which  rendered it even  radiant, that the young man gazed at her, for a  moment, with

speechless  delight. 

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'Say no more, Deerslayer," she hastily interposed; "it pains me to  hear you  find fault with yourself. I know

my own weakness, all the  better, now I see  that you have discovered it; the lesson, bitter as I  have found it for

a  moment, shall not be forgotten. We will not talk  any longer, of these things,  for I do not feel myself brave

enough for  the undertaking, and I should not  like the Delaware, or Hist, or even  Hetty, to notice my

weakness. Farewell,  Deerslayer; may God bless and  protect you as your honest heart deserves  blessings and

protection,  and as I must think he will." 

Judith had so far regained the superiority that properly belonged  to her  better education, high spirit, and

surpassing personal  advantages, as to  preserve the ascendancy she had thus accidentally  obtained, and

effectually  prevented any return to the subject that was  as singularly interrupted, as it  had been singularly

introduced. The  young man permitted her to have every  thing her own way, and when she  pressed his hard

hand in both her own, he  made no resistance, but  submitted to the homage as quietly, and with quite as  matter

of course  a manner, as a sovereign would have received a similar  tribute from a  subject, or the mistress from

her suitor. Feeling had flushed  the face  and illuminated the whole countenance of the girl, and her beauty  was

never more resplendant than when she cast a parting glance at the  youth.  That glance was filled with anxiety,

interest and gentle pity.  At the next  instant, she darted into the hut and was seen no more,  though she spoke to

Hist from a window, to inform her that their  friend expected her appearance. 

"You know enough of red skin natur', and red skin usages,  Wahta!Wah, to see  the condition I am in on

account of this  furlough," commenced the hunter in  Delaware, as soon as the patient  and submissive girl of

that people had moved  quietly to his side; "you  will therefore best onderstand how onlikely I am  ever to talk

with you  ag'in. I've but little to say; but that little comes  from long livin'  among your people, and from havin'

obsarved and noted their  usages.  The life of a woman is hard at the best, but I must own, though I'm  not

opinionated in favor of my own colour, that it is harder among the  red  men than it is among the pale faces.

This is a p'int on which  christians may  well boast, if boasting can be set down for  christianity in any manner

or  form, which I rather think it cannot.  Howsever, all women have their trials.  Red women have their'n in

what  I should call the nat'ral way, while white  women take 'em innoculated  like. Bear your burthen, Hist,

becomingly, and  remember if it be a  little toilsome, how much lighter it is than that of most  Indian  women. I

know the Sarpent well  what I call cordially  and he will  never be a tyrant to any thing he loves, though he

will expect to be  treated  himself like a Mohican Chief. There will be cloudy days in  your lodge I  suppose, for

they happen under all usages, and among all  people, but, by  keepin' the windows of the heart open there will

always be room for the sun  shine to enter. You come of a great stock  yourself, and so does Chingachgook.

It's not very likely that either  will ever forget the sarcumstance and do any  thing to disgrace your  forefathers.

Nevertheless, likin' is a tender plant,  and never thrives  long when watered with tears. Let the 'arth around

your  married  happiness be moistened by the dews of kindness." 

"My pale brother is very wise; Wah will keep in her mind all that  his wisdom  tells her." 

"That's judicious and womanly, Hist. Care in listening, and  stoutheartedness  in holding to good counsel, is a

wife's great  protection. And, now, ask the  Sarpent to come and speak with me, for a  moment, and carry away

with you all  my best wishes and prayers. I  shall think of you Hist, and of your intended  husband, let what

may  come to pass, and always wish you well, here and  hereafter, whether  the last is to be according to Indian

idees, or christian  doctrines." 

Hist shed no tear at parting. She was sustained by the high  resolution of one  who had decided on her course,

but her dark eyes  were luminous with the  feelings that glowed within, and her pretty  countenance beamed

with an  expression of determination that was in  marked and singular contrast to its  ordinary gentleness. It was

but a  minute ere the Delaware advanced to the  side of his friend with the  light, noiseless tread of an Indian. 

"Come, thisaway, Sarpent, here more out of sight of the women,"  commenced  the Deerslayer, "for I've

several things to say that must  n't so much as be  suspected, much less overheard. You know too well  the

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natur' of furloughs and  Mingos to have any doubts or misgivin's  consarnin' what is like to happen,  when I get

back to the camp. On  them two p'ints therefore, a few words will  go a great way. In the  first place, chief, I

wish to say a little about Hist,  and the manner  in which you red men treat your wives. I suppose it's  accordin'

to the  gifts of your people that the women should work, and the men  hunt; but  there's such a thing as

moderation in all matters. As for huntin',  I  see no good reason why any limits need be set to that, but Hist

comes  of  too good a stock to toil like a common drudge. One of your means  and standin'  need never want for

corn, or potatoes, or any thing that  the fields yield;  therefore, I hope the hoe will never be put into the  hands

of any wife of  yourn. You know I am not quite a beggar, and all  I own, whether in  ammunition, skins, arms,

or calicoes, I give to  Hist, should I not come back  to claim them by the end of the season.  This will set the

maiden up, and will  buy labor for her, for a long  time to come. I suppose I need n't tell you to  love the young

woman,  for that you do already, and whomsoever the man ra'ally  loves, he'll  be likely enough to cherish.

Nevertheless, it can do no harm to  say  that kind words never rankle, while bitter words do. I know you're a

man,  Sarpent, that is less apt to talk in his own lodge, than to speak  at the  Council Fire; but forgetful

moments may overtake us all, and  the practyse of  kind doin', and kind talkin', is a wonderful advantage  in

keepin' peace in a  cabin, as well as on a hunt." 

"My ears are open," returned the Delaware gravely; "the words of my  brother  have entered so far that they

never can fall out again. They  are like rings,  that have no end, and cannot drop. Let him speak on;  the song of

the wren and  the voice of a friend never tire." 

"I will speak a little longer, chief, but you will excuse it for  the sake of  old companionship, should I now talk

about myself. If the  worst comes to the  worst, it's not likely there'll be much left of me  but ashes, so a grave

would be useless, and a sort of vanity. On that  score I'm no way partic'lar,  though it might be well enough to

take a  look at the remains of the pile, and  should any bones, or pieces be  found, 'twould be more decent to

gather them  together, and bury them,  than to let them lie for the wolves to gnaw at, and  howl over. These

matters can make no great difference in the mind, but men of  white  blood and christian feelin's have rather a

gift for graves." 

"It shall be done as my brother says," returned the Indian,  gravely. "If his  mind is full, let him empty it in the

bosom of a  friend." 

"I thank you, Sarpent; my mind's easy enough; yes, it's tolerable  easy. Idees  will come uppermost that I'm not

apt to think about in  common, it's true, but  by striving ag'in some, and lettin' other some  out, all will come

right, in  the long run. There's one thing,  howsever, chief, that does seem to me to be  onreasonable, and ag'in

natur', though the missionaries say it's true, and  bein' of my  religion and colour I feel bound to believe them.

They say an  Injin  may torment and tortur' the body to his heart's content, and scalp, and  cut, and tear, and

burn, and consume all his inventions and  deviltries, until  nothin' is left but ashes, and they shall be  scattered

to the four winds of  heaven, yet when the trumpet of God  shall sound, all will come together  ag'in, and the

man will stand  forth in his flesh, the same creatur' as to  looks, if not as to  feelin's, that he was afore he was


"The missionaries are good men  mean well," returned the Delaware  courteously; "they are not great

medicines. They think all they say,  Deerslayer; that is no reason why warriors and orators should be all  ears.

When Chingachgook shall see the father of Tamenund standing in  his scalp, and  paint, and war lock, then

will he believe the  missionaries." 

"Seem' is believin', of a sartainty; ahs! meand some of us may see  these  things sooner than we thought. I

comprehind your meanin' about  Tamenund's  father, Sarpent, and the idee's a close idee. Tamenund is  now an

elderly man,  say eighty every day of it, and his father was  scalped, and tormented, and  burnt, when the

present prophet was a  youngster. Yes, if one could see that  come to pass, there would n't be  much difficulty

in yieldin' faith to all  that the missionaries say.  Howsever, I am not ag'in the opinion now, for you  must

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know, Sarpent,  that the great principle of christianity is to believe  without seeing,  and a man should always

act up to his religion and  principles, let  them be what they may." 

"That is strange for a wise nation!" said the Delaware with  emphasis. "The  red man looks hard, that he may

see and understand."  "Yes, that's plauserble, and is agreeable to mortal pride, but it's  not as  deep as it seems.

If we could understand all we see, Sarpent  there might be  not only sense, but safety, in refusin' to give faith  to

any one thing that  we might find oncomperhensible; but when there's  so many things, about which,  it may be

said, we know nothin' at all,  why, there's little use, and no  reason, in bein' difficult touchin'  any one in

partic'lar. For my part,  Delaware, all my thoughts have n't  been on the game, when outlyin' in the  hunts and

scoutin's, of our  youth. Many's the hour I've passed, pleasantly  enough too, in what is  tarmed conterplation by

my people. On such occasions  the mind is  actyve, though the body seems lazy and listless. An open spot on  a

mountain side, where a wide look can be had at the heavens and the  'arth,  is a most judicious place for a man

to get a just idee of the  power of the  Manitou, and of his own littleness. At such times, there  is n't any great

disposition to find fault with little difficulties,  in the way of  comperhension, as there are so many big ones to

hide  them. Believin' comes  easy enough to me, at such times, and, if the  Lord made man first out  of'arth, as

they tell me it is written in the  bible; then turns him into  dust, at death; I see no great difficulty  in the way to

bringin' him back in  the body, though ashes be the only  substance left. These things lie beyond  our

understandin', though they  may and do lie so close to our feelin's. But,  of all the doctrines,  Sarpent, that

which disturbs me, and disconsarts my  mind the most, is  the one which teaches us to think that a pale face

goes to  one heaven,  and a red skin to another; it may separate in death, them which  lived  much together, and

loved each other well, in life!"  "Do the  missionaries teach their white brethren to think it is so?" demanded

the Indian, with serious earnestness. 'The Delawares believe that good  men  and brave warriors will hunt

together in the same pleasant woods,  let them  belong to whatever tribe they may; that all the unjust  Indians

and cowards,  will have to sneak in with the dogs and the  wolves, to get venison for their  lodges." 

"Tis wonderful how many consaits mankind have consarnin' happiness  and  misery, here after!" exclaimed the

hunter, borne away by the power  of his own  thoughts. 'Some believe in burnin's and flames, and some  think

punishment is  to eat with the wolves and dogs. Then, ag'in, some  fancy heaven to be only  the carryin' out of

their own 'arthly  longin's, while others fancy it all  gold and shinin' lights! Well,  I've an idee of my own, in

that matter, which  is just this, Sarpent.  Whenever I've done wrong, I've ginirally found 'twas  owin' to some

blindness of the mind, which hid the right from view, and when  sight  has returned, then has come sorrow and

repentance. Now, I consait that,  after death, when the body is laid aside or, if used at all, is  purified and

without its longin's, the spirit sees all things in their  ra'al lights and  never becomes blind to truth and justice.

Such bein'  the case, all that has  been done in life, is beheld as plainly as the  sun is seen at noon; the good

brings joy, while the evil brings  sorrow. There's nothin' onreasonable in  that, but it's agreeable to  every man's


"I thought the pale faces believed all men were wicked; who then  could ever  find the white man's heaven?" 

"That's ingen'ous, but it falls short of the missionary teachin's.  You'll be  christianized one day, I make no

doubt, and then 'twill all  come plain  enough. You must know, Sarpent, that there's been a great  deed of

salvation  done, that, by God's help, enables all men to find a  pardon for their  wickednesses, and that is the

essence of the white  man's religion. I can't  stop to talk this matter over with you any  longer, for Hetty's in the

canoe,  and the furlough takes me away, but  the time will come I hope, when you'll  feel these things; for, after

all, they must be felt rather than reasoned  about. Ah's! me; well,  Delaware, there's my hand; you know it's

that of a  fri'nd, and will  shake it as such, though it never has done you one half the  good its  owner wishes it


The Indian took the offered hand, and returned its pressure warmly.  Then  falling back on his acquired

stoicism of manner, which so many  mistake for  constitutional indifference, he drew up in reserve, and

prepared to part from  his friend with dignity. Deerslayer, however,  was more natural, nor would he  have at all

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cared about giving way to  his feelings, had not the recent  conduct and language of Judith given  him some

secret, though ill defined  apprehensions of a scene. He was  too humble to imagine the truth concerning  the

actual feelings of that  beautiful girl, while he was too observant not to  have noted the  struggle she had

maintained with herself, and which had so  often led  her to the very verge of discovery. That something

extraordinary  was  concealed in her breast, he thought obvious enough, and, through a  sentiment of manly

delicacy that would have done credit to the highest  human  refinement, he shrunk from any exposure of her

secret that might  subsequently  cause regret to the girl, herself. He, therefore,  determined to depart, now,  and

that without any further manifestations  of feeling either from him, or  from others. 

"God bless you! SarpentGod bless you!" cried the hunter, as the  canoe left  the side of the platform. "Your

Manitou and my God, only  know when and where  we shall meet agin; I shall count it a great  blessing, and a

full reward for  any little good I may have done on  'art, if we shall be permitted to know  each other, and to

consort  together, hereafter, as we have so long done in  these pleasant woods  afore us!" 

Chingachgook waved his hand. Drawing the light blanket he wore over  his head,  as a Roman would conceal

his grief in his robes, he slowly  withdrew into the  Ark, in order to indulge his sorrow and his musings,  alone.

Deerslayer did  not speak again, until the canoe was halfway to  the shore. Then he suddenly  ceased paddling,

at an interruption that  came from the mild, musical voice of  Hetty. 

"Why do you go back to the Hurons, Deerslayer?" demanded the girl.  "They say  I am feebleminded, and

such they never harm, but you have  as much sense as  Hurry Harry; and more too, Judith thinks, though I

don't see how that can  well be." 

"Ah! Hetty, afore we land I must convarse a little with you child,  and that  too on matters touching your own

welfare, principally. Stop  paddlingor,  rather, that the Mingos need n't think we are plotting  and contriving,

and so  treat us accordingly, just dip your paddle  lightly, and give the canoe a  little motion and no more.

That's just  the idee and the movement; I see  you're ready enough at an appearance,  and might be made useful

at a  sarcumvention if it was lawful now to  use one that's just the idee and the  movement! Ah's! me. Desait

and a  false tongue are evil things, and altogether  onbecoming our colour,  Hetty, but it is a pleasure and a

satisfaction to  outdo the  contrivances of a redskin in the strife of lawful warfare. My path  has been short,

and is like soon to have an end, but I can see that  the  wanderings of a warrior ar n't altogether among

brambles and  difficulties.  There's a bright side to a warpath, as well as to most  other things, if  we'll only

have the wisdom to see it, and the  ginerosity to own it." 

"And why should your war path, as you call it, come so near to an  end,  Deerslayer?" 

"Because, my good girl, my furlough comes so near to an end.  They're likely  to have pretty much the same

tarmination, as regards  time, one following on  the heels of the other, as a matter of course." 

"I don't understand your meaning, Deerslayer" returned the girl,  looking a  little bewildered. "Mother always

said peopIe ought to speak  more plainly to  me than to most other persons, because I'm  feebleminded. Those

that are  feeble minded, don't understand as  easily, as those that have sense." 

"Well then, Hetty, the simple truth is this. You know that I'm now  a captyve  to the Hurons, and captyves can't

do, in all things, as they  please" 

"But how can you be a captive," eagerly interrupted the girl"when  you are  out here on the lake, in father's

best canoe, and the Indians  are in the  woods with no canoe at all? That can't be true,  Deerslayer!" 

"I wish with all my heart and soul, Hetty, that you was right, and  that I was  wrong, instead of your bein' all

wrong, and I bein' only  too near the truth.  Free as I seem to your eyes, gal, I'm bound hand  and foot in

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"Well it is a great misfortune not to have sense! Now, I can't see,  or  understand that you are a captive, or

bound in any manner. If you  are bound,  with what are your hands and feet fastened?" 

"With a furlough, gal; that's a thong that binds tighter than any  chain. One  may be broken, but the other can't.

Ropes and chains allow  of knives, and  desait, and contrivances; but a furlough can be neither  cut, slipped nor


"What sort of a thing is a furlough, then, if it be stronger than  hemp or  iron? I never saw a furlough." 

"I hope you may never feel one, gal; the tie is altogether in the  feelin's,  in these matters, and therefore is to be

felt and not seen.  You can  understand what is is to give a promise, I dare to say, good  little Hetty?" 

"Certainly. A promise is to say you will do a thing, and that binds  you to be  as good as your word. Mother

always kept her promises to me,  and then she  said it would be wicked if I did n't keep my promises to  her,

and to every  body else." 

"You have had a good mother, in some matters, child, whatever she  may have  been in other some. That is a

promise, and as you say it must  be kept. Now, I  fell into the hands of the Mingos last night, and they  let me

come off to see  my fri'nds and send messages in to my own  colour, if any such feel consarn on  my account,

on condition that I  shall be back, when the sun is up today, and  take whatever their  revenge and hatred can

contrive, in the way of torments,  in  satisfaction for 

the life of a warrior that fell by my rifle, as well as for that of  the young  woman shot by Hurry, and other

disapp'intments met with on  and about this  lake. What is called a promise atween mother and  darter, or even

atween  strangers in the settlements is called a  furlough when given by one soldier  to another, on a warpath.

And now I  suppose you understand my situation,  Hetty." 

The girl made no answer for some time, but she ceased paddling  altogether, as  if the novel idea distracted her

mind too much to admit  of other employment.  Then she resumed the dialogue earnestly and with  solicitude. 

"Do you think the Hurons will have the heart to do what you say,  Deerslayer?"  she asked. "I have found them

kind and harmless." 

"That's true enough as consarns one like you, Hetty, but it's a  very  different affair, when it comes to an open

inimy, and he too the  owner of a  pretty sartain rifle. I don't say that they bear me special  malice on account  of

any expl'ites already performed, for that would  be bragging, as it might  be, on the varge of the grave, but it's

no  vanity to believe that they know  one of their bravest and cunnin'est  chiefs fell by my hands. Such bein' the

case, the tribe would reproach  them if they failed to send the spirit of a  pale face to keep the  company of the

spirit of their red brother; always  supposin' that he  can catch it. I look for no marcy, Hetty, at their hands;  and

my  principal sorrow is that such a calamity should befal me on my first  warpath: that it would come sooner

or later, every soldier counts on  and  expects. 

"The Hurons shall not harm you, Deerslayer," cried the girl, much  excited  "Tis wicked as well as cruel; I

have the bible, here, to tell  them so. Do you  think I would stand by and see you tormented?" 

"I hope not, my good Hetty, I hope not; and, therefore, when the  moment  comes, I expect you will move off,

and not be a witness of what  you can't  help, while it would grieve you. But, I have n't stopped the  paddles to

talk  of my own afflictions and difficulties, but to speak a  little plainly to you,  gal, consarnin' your own


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"What can you have to say to me, Deerslayer! Since mother died, few  talk to  me of such things." 

"So much the worse, poor gal; yes, 'tis so much the worse, for one  of your  state of mind needs frequent

talking to, in order to escape  the snares and  desaits of this wicked world. You have n't forgotten  Hurry Harry,

gal, so  soon, I calculate?" 

"I!  I forget Henry March!" exclaimed Hetty, starting. "Why should  I forget  him, Deerslayer, when he is our

friend, and only left us last  night. Then,  the large bright star that mother loved so much to gaze  at, was just

over the  top of yonder tall pine on the mountain, as  Hurry got into the canoe; and  when you landed him on

the point, near  the east bay, it was n't more than the  length of Judith's handsomest  ribbon above it." 

"And how can you know how long I was gone, or how far I went to  land Hurry,  seem' you were not with us,

and the distance was so great,  to say nothing of  the night?" 

"Oh! I know when it was, well enough," returned Hetty  positively"There's  more ways than one for counting

time and distance.  When the mind is engaged,  it is better than any clock. Mine is feeble,  I know, but it goes

true enough,  in all that touches poor Hurry Harry.  Judith will never marry March,  Deerslayer." 

"That's the p'int, Hetty; that's the very p'int I want to come to.  I suppose  you know, that it's nat'ral for young

people to have kind  feelin's for one  another, more especially when one happens to be a  youth and t'other a

maiden.  Now, one of your years and mind, gal, that  has neither father nor mother, and  who lives in a

wilderness  frequented by hunters and trappers, needs be on her  guard against  evils she little dreams of." 

"What harm can it be to think well of a fellow creature," returned  Hetty  simply, though the conscious blood

was stealing to her cheeks in  spite of a  spirit so pure that it scarce knew why it prompted the  blush, "the bible

tells us to 'love them who despitefully use' us, and  why should n't we like  them that do not." 

"Ah! Hetty, the love of the missionaries is n't the sort of likin'  I mean.  Answer me one thing, child; do you

believe yourself to have  mind enough to  become a wife, and a mother?" 

"That's not a proper question to ask a young woman, Deerslayer, and  I'll not  answer it," returned the girl, in a

reproving mannermuch as  a parent rebukes  a child for an act of indiscretion. "If you have any  thing to say

about  Hurry, I'll hear thatbut you must not speak evil  of him; he is absent, and  'tis unkind to talk evil of the


"Your mother has given you so many good lessons, Hetty, that my  fears for  you, are not as great as they

were. Nevertheless, a young  woman without  parents, in your state of mind, and who is not without  beauty,

must always be  in danger in such a lawless region as this. I  would say nothin' amiss of  Hurry, who, in the

main, is not a bad man  for one of his callin', but you  ought to know one thing, which it may  not be altogether

pleasant to tell you,  but which must be said. March  has a desperate likin' for your sister Judith." 

"Well, what of that? Every body admires Judith, she's so handsome,  and Hurry  has told me, again and again,

how much he wishes to marry  her. But that will  never come to pass, for Judith don't like Hurry.  She likes

another, and talks  about him in her sleep; though you need  not ask me who he is, for all the  gold in King

George's crown, and all  the jewels too, would n't tempt me to  tell you his name. If sisters  can't keep each

other's secrets, who can?" 

"Sartainly, I do not wish you to tell me, Hetty, nor would it be  any  advantage to a dyin' man to know. What

the tongue says when the  mind's  asleep, neither head nor heart is answerable for." 

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"I wish I knew why judith talks so much in her sleep, about  officers, and  honest hearts, and false tongues, but

I suppose she  don't like to tell me, as  I'm feeble minded. Is n't it odd,  Deerslayer, that Judith don't like Hurry

he, who is the bravest  looking youth that ever comes upon the lake, and is as  handsome as she  is herself.

Father always said they would be the comeliest  couple in  the country, though mother did n't fancy March any

more thanj  Judith.  There's no telling what will happen, they say, until things actually  come to pass." 

"Ahs! mewell, poor Hetty, 'tis of no great use to talk to them  that can't  understand you, and so I'll say no

more about what I did  wish to speak of,  though it lay heavy on my mind. Put the paddle in  motion, ag'in, gal,

and  well push for the shore, for the sun is nearly  up, and my furlough is almost  out." 

The canoe now glided ahead, holding its way towards the point where  Deerslayer well knew that his enemies

expected him, and where he now  began to  be afraid he might not arrive in season to redeem his  plighted faith.

Hetty  perceiving his impatience, without very clearly  comprehending its cause,  however, seconded his

efforts, in a way that  soon rendered their timely  return no longer a matter of doubt. Then,  and then only, did

the young man  suffer his exertions to flag, and  Hetty began, again, to prattle in her  simple confiding manner,

though  nothing farther was uttered that it may be  thought necessary to  relate. 

Chapter XXIX.

"Thou hast been busy, Death, this day, and yet

But half thy work is done! The gates of hell

Are thronged, yet twice ten thousand spirits more

Who from their warm and healthful tenements

Fear no divorce; must, ere the sun go down,

Enter the       world of woe!"

Southey, Roderick, the Last of the Goths, XXIV, i6.

One experienced in the signs of the heavens, would have seen that  the sun  wanted but two or three minutes of

the zenith, when Deerslayer  landed on the  point, where the Hurons were now encamped, nearly  abreast of the

castle. This  spot was similar to the one already  described, with the exception that the  surface of the land was

less  broken, and less crowded with trees. Owing to  these two circumstances,  it was all the better suited to the

purpose for  which it had been  selected, the space beneath the branches bearing some  resemblance to a

densely wooded lawn. Favoured by its position and its  spring, it had  been much resorted to by savages and

hunters, and the natural  grasses  had succeeded their fires, leaving an appearance of sward in places,  a  very

unusual accompaniment of the virgin forest. Nor was the margin of  water fringed with bushes, as on so much

of its shore, but the eye  penetrated  the woods immediately on reaching the strand, commanding  nearly the

whole  area of the projection. 

If it was a point of honor with the Indian warrior to redeem his  word, when  pledged to return and meet his

death at a given hour, so  was it a point of  characteristic pride to show no womanish impatience,  but to

reappear as  nearly as possible at the appointed moment. It was  well not to exceed the  grace accorded by the

generosity of the enemy,  but it was better to meet it  to a minute. Something of this dramatic  effect mingles

with most of the  graver usages of the American  aborigines, and no doubt, like the prevalence  of a similar

feeling  among people more sophisticated and refined, may be  referred to a  principle of nature. We all love the

wonderful, and when it  comes  attended by chivalrous selfdevotion and a rigid regard to honor, it  presents

itself to our admiration in a shape doubly attractive. As  respects  Deerslayer, though he took a pride in

showing his white  blood, by often  deviating from the usages of the redmen, he  frequently dropped into their

customs, and oftener into their  feelings, unconsciously to himself, in  consequence of having no other  arbiters

to appeal to, than their judgments  and tastes. On the present  occasion, he would have abstained from

betraying a  feverish haste by a  too speedy return, since it would have contained a tacit  admission  that the time

asked for, was more than had been wanted; but, on the  other hand, had the idea occurred to him, he would

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have quickened his  movements a little, in order to avoid the dramatic appearance of  returning at  the precise

instant set as the utmost limit of his  absence. Still, accident  had interfered to defeat the last intention,  for

when the young man put his  foot on the point, and advanced with a  steady tread towards the group of  chiefs

that was seated in grave  array on a fallen tree, the oldest of their  number cast his eye  upward, at an opening in

the trees, and pointed out to  his companions  the startling fact that the sun was just entering a space that  was

known to mark the zenith. A common, but low exclamation of surprise and  admiration, escaped every mouth,

and the grim warriors looked at each  other,  some with envy and disappointment, some with astonishment at

the precise  accuracy of their victim, and others with a more generous  and liberal  feeling. The American

Indian always deemed his moral  victories the noblest,  prizing the groans and yielding of his victim  under

torture, more than the  trophy of his scalp; and the trophy  itself more than his life. To slay, and  not to bring off

the proof of  victory, indeed, was scarcely deemed honorable,  even these rude and  fierce tenants of the forest,

like their more nurtured  brethren of the  court and the camp, having set up for themselves imaginary  and

arbitrary points of honor, to supplant the conclusions of the right,  and  the decisions of reason. 

The Hurons had been divided in their opinions concerning the  probability of  their captive's return. Most

among them, indeed, had  not expected it possible  for a paleface to come back voluntarily, and  meet the

known penalties of an  Indian torture; but a few of the  seniors expected better things from one who  had

already shown himself  so singularly cool, brave and upright. The party  had come to its  decision, however,

less in the expectation of finding the  pledge  redeemed, than in the hope of disgracing the Delawares by

casting into  their teeth the delinquency of one bred in their villages. They would  have  greatly preferred that

Chingachgook should be their prisoner, and  prove the  traitor, but the paleface scion of the hated stock was

no  bad substitute,  for their purposes, failing in their designs against  the ancient stem. With a  view to render

their triumph as signal as  possible, in the event of the  hour's passing without the reappearance  of the hunter,

all the warriors and  scouts of the party had been  called in, and the whole band, men, women and  children,

was now  assembled at this single point, to be a witness of the  expected scene.  As the castle was n plain view,

and by no means distant, it  was easily  watched y daylight, and, it being thought that its inmates were  now

limited to Hurry, the Delaware and the two girls, no apprehensions were  felt, of their being able to escape

unseen. A large raft having a  breastwork  of logs, had been prepared, and was in actual readiness to  be used

against  either Ark or castle as occasion might require, so  soon as the fate of  Deerslayer was determined, the

seniors of the  party having come to the  opinion that it was getting to be hazardous  to delay their departure for

Canada, beyond the coming night. In short  the band waited merely to dispose  of this single affair, ere it

brought matters with those in the Castle to a  crisis, and prepared to  commence its retreat towards the distant

waters of  Ontario. 

It was an imposing scene, into which Deerslayer now found himself  advancing.  All the older warriors were

seated on the trunk of the  fallen tree, waiting  his approach with grave decorum. On the right,  stood the young

men, armed,  while left was occupied by the women and  children. In the centre was an open  space of

considerable extent,  always canopied by yes, but from which the  underbrush, dead wood, and  other obstacles

had been carefully removed. The  more open area had  probably been much used by former parties, for this

was  place where  the appearance of a sward was the most decided. e arches of the  woods,  even at high noon,

cast their sombre shadows on the spot, which the  brilliant rays of the sun that struggled through the leaves

contributed to  mellow, and, if such an expression can be used, to  illuminate. It was  probably from a similar

scene that the mind of man  first got its idea of the  effects of gothic tracery and churchly hues,  this temple of

nature producing  some such effect, so far as light and  shadow were concerned, as the well  known offspring

of human  invention. 

As was not unusual among the tribes and wandering bands of the  Aborigines,  two chiefs shared, in nearly

equal degrees, the principal  and primitive  authority that was wielded over these children of the  forest. There

were  several who might claim the distinction of being  chief men, but the two in  question were so much

superior to all the  rest in influence, that, when they  agreed, no one disputed their  mandates, and when they

were divided the band  hesitated, like men who  had lost their governing principle of action. It was  also in

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conformity with practice, perhaps we might add in conformity with  nature, that one of the chiefs was

indebted to his mind for his  influence,  whereas the other owed his distinction altogether to  qualities that were

physical. One was a senior, well known for  eloquence in debate, wisdom in  council, and prudence in

measures;  while his great competitor, if not his  rival, was a brave  distinguished in war, notorious for ferocity,

and  remarkable, in the  way of intellect, for nothing but the cunning and  expedients of the  war path. The first

was Rivenoak, who has already been  introduced to  the reader, while the last was called le Panth'ere, in the

language of  the Canadas, or the Panther, to resort to the vernacular of the  English colonies. The appellation of

the fighting chief was supposed  to  indicate the qualities of the warrior, agreeably to a practice of  the red

man's nomenclature, ferocity, cunning and treachery being,  perhaps, the  distinctive features of his character.

The title had been  received from the  French, and was prized so much the more from that  circumstance, the

Indian  submitting profoundly to the greater  intelligence of his pale face allies, in  most things of this nature.

How well the sobriquet was merited, will be seen  in the sequel. 

Rivenoak and the Panther sat side by side awaiting the approach of  their  prisoner, as Deerslayer put his

moccasined foot on the strand,  nor did either  move, or utter a syllable, until the young man had  advanced into

the centre  of the area, and proclaimed his presence with  his voice. This was done  firmly, though in the simple

manner that  marked the character of the  individual. 

"Here I am, Mingos," he said, in the dialect of the Delawares, a  language  that most present understood; "here

I am, and there is the  sun. One is not  more true to the laws of natur', than the other has  proved true to his

word.  I am your prisoner; do with me what you  please. My business with man and  'arth is settled; nothing

remains now  but to meet the white man's God,  accordin' to a white man's duties and  gifts." 

A murmur of approbation escaped even the women at this address,  and, for an  instant there was a strong and

pretty general desire to  adopt into the tribe,  one who owned so brave a spirit. Still there  were dissenters from

this wish,  among the principal of whom might be  classed the Panther, and his sister, Ic  Sumach, so called

from the  number of her children, who was the widow of le  Loup Cervier, now  known to have fallen by the

hand of the captive. Native  ferocity held  one in subjection, while the corroding passion of revenge  prevented

the other from admitting any gentler feeling at the moment. Not so  with Rivenoak. This chief arose, stretched

his arm before him, in a  gesture  of courtesy, and paid his compliments with an ease and dignity  that a prince

might have envied. As, in that band, his wisdom and  eloquence were  confessedly without rivals, he knew that

on himself  would properly fall the  duty of first replying to the speech of the  paleface. 

"Paleface, you are honest," said the Huron orator. "My people are  happy in  having captured a man, and not

a skulking fox. We now know  you; we shall  treat you like a brave. If you have slain one of our  warriors, and

helped to  kill others, you have a life of your own ready  to give away in return. Some  of my young men

thought that the blood of  a pale face was too thin; that it  would refuse to run under the Huron  knife. You will

show them it is not so;  your heart is stout, as well  as your body. It is a pleasure to make such a  prisoner;

should my  warriors say that the death of Ic Loup Cervier ought not  to be  forgotten, and that he cannot travel

towards the land of spirits alone,  that his enemy must be sent to overtake him, they will remember that  he fell

by the hand of a brave, and send you after him with such signs  of our  friendship as shall not make him

ashamed to keep your company.  I have spoken;  you know what I have said." 

"True enough, Mingo, all true as the gospel," returned the simple  minded  hunter, 'you have spoken, and I do

know not only what you have  said, but,  what is still more important, what you mean. I dare to say  your

warrior the  Lynx, was a stouthearted brave, and worthy of your  fri'ndship and respect,  but I do not feel

unworthy to keep his  company, without any passport from  your hands. Nevertheless, here I  am, ready to

receive judgment from your  council, if, indeed, the  matter was not detarmined among you, afore I got  back." 

"My old men would not sit in council over a pale face until they  saw him  among them," answered Rivenoak,

looking around him a little  ironically; "they  said it would be like sitting in council over the  winds; they go

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where they  will, and come back as they see fit, and not  otherwise. There was one voice  that spoke in your

favor, Deerslayer,  but it was alone, like the song of the  wren' whose mate has been  struck by the hawk." 

"I thank that voice whosever it may have been, Mingo, and will say  it was as  true a voice, as the rest were

lying voices. A furlough is  as binding on a  paleface, if he be honest, as it is on a red skin,  and was it not so,

I  would never bring disgrace on the Delawares,  among whom I may be said to have  received my edication.

But words are  useless, and lead to braggin' feelin's;  here I am; act your will on  me." 

Rivenoak made a sign of acquiescence, and then a short conference  was  privately held among the chiefs. As

soon as the latter ended,  three or four  young men fell back from among the armed group, and  disappeared.

Then it was  signified to the prisoner that he was at  liberty to go at large on the point,  until a council was held

concerning his fate. There was more of seeming, than  of real  confidence, however, in this apparent liberality,

inasmuch as the  young men mentioned, already formed a line of sentinels across the  breadth of  the point,

inland, and escape from any other part was out  of the question.  Even the canoe was removed beyond this line

of  sentinels, to a spot where it  was considered safe from any sudden  attempt. These precautions did not

proceed from a failure of  confidence, but from the circumstance that the  prisoner had now  complied with all

the required conditions of his parole, and  it would  have been considered a commendable and honorable

exploit to escape  from his foes. So nice, indeed, were the distinctions drawn by the  savages,  in cases of this

nature, that they often gave their victims a  chance to evade  the torture, deeming it as creditable to the captors

to overtake, or to out  wit a fugitive, when his exertions were  supposed to be quickened by the  extreme

jeopardy of his situation, as  it was for him to get clear from so  much extraordinary vigilance. 

Nor was Deerslayer unconscious of, or forgetful, of his rights, and  of his  opportunities. Could he now have

seen any probable opening for  an escape, the  attempt would not have been delayed a minute. But the  case

seem'd desperate.  He was aware of the line of sentinels, and felt  the difficulty of breaking  through it,

unharmed. The lake offered no  advantages, as the canoe would have  given his foes the greatest  facilities for

overtaking him; else would he have  found it no  difficult task to swim as far as the castle. As he walked about

the  point, he even examined the spot to ascertain if it offered no place of  concealment, but its openness, its

size, and the hundred watchful  glances  that were turned towards him, even while those who made them

affected not to  see him, prevented any such expedient from succeeding.  The dread and disgrace  of failure had

no influence on Deerslayer, who  deemed it even a point of  honor to reason and feel like a white man,  rather

than as an Indian, and who  felt it a sort of duty, to do all he  could, that did not involve a  dereliction from

principle, in order to  save his life. Still he hesitated  about making the effort, for he also  felt that he ought to

see the chance of  success before he committed  himself. 

In the mean time the business of the camp appeared to proceed in  its regular  train. The chiefs consulted apart,

admitting no one but  the Sumach to their  councils, for she, the widow of the fallen  warrior, had an exclusive

right to  be heard on such an occasion. The  young men strolled about in indolent  listlessness, awaiting the

result  with Indian patience, while the females  prepared the feast that was to  celebrate the termination of the

affair,  whether it proved fortunate,  or otherwise, for our hero. No one betrayed  feeling, and an  indifferent

observer, beyond the extreme watchfulness of the  sentinels, would have detected no extraordinary movement

or sensation  to  denote the real state of things. Two or three old women put their  heads  together, and it

appeared unfavorably to the prospects of  Deerslayer, by  their scowling looks, and angry gestures; but a group

of Indian girls were  evidently animated by a different impulse, as was  apparent by stolen glances  that

expressed pity and regret. In this  condition of the camp, an hour soon  glided away. 

Suspense is perhaps the feeling of all others that is most  difficult to be  supported. When Deerslayer landed,

he fully expected  in the course of a few  minutes to undergo the tortures of an Indian  revenge, and he was

prepared to  meet his fate, manfully; but, the  delay proved far more trying than the  nearer approach of

suffering,  and the intended victim began seriously to  meditate some desperate  effort at escape, as it might be

from sheer anxiety  to terminate the  scene, when he was suddenly summoned, to appear once more in  front of

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his judges, who had already arranged the band in its former order,  in  readiness to receive him. 

"Killer of the Deer," commenced Rivenoak, as soon as his captive  stood before  him, 'my aged men have

listened to wise words; they are  ready to speak. You  are a man whose fathers came from beyond the  rising

sun; we are children of  the setting sun; we turn our faces  towards the Great Sweet Lakes, when we  look

towards our villages. It  may be a wide country and full of riches  towards the morning, but it  is very pleasant

towards the evening. We love  most to look in that  direction. When we gaze at the east, we feel afraid,  canoe

after canoe  bringing more and more of your people in the track of the  sun, as if  their land was so full as to run

over. The red men are few  already;  they have need of help. One of our best lodges has lately been  emptied,

by the death of its master; it will be a long time before his  son  can grow big enough to sit in his place. There

is his widow; she  will want  venison to feed her and her children, for her sons are yet  like the young of  the

robin, before they quit the nest. By your hand  has this great calamity  befallen her. She has two duties; one to

le  Loup Cervier, and one to his  children. Scalp for scalp, life for life,  blood for blood, is one law; to  feed her

young, another. We know you,  Killer of the Deer. You are honest;  when you say a thing, it is so.  You have

but one tongue, and that is not  forked, like a snake's. Your  head is never hid in the grass; all can see it.  What

you say, that  will you do. You are just. When you have done wrong, it is  your wish  to do right, again, as soon

as you can. Here, is the Sumach; she is  alone in her wigwam, with children crying around her for

foodyonder  is a  rifle; it is loaded and ready to be fired. Take the gun, go forth  and shoot a  deer; bring the

venison and lay it before the widow of Le  Loup Cervier, feed  her children; call yourself her husband. After

which, your heart will no  longer be Delaware, but Huron; le Sumach's  ears will not hear the cries of  her

children; my people will count the  proper number of warriors." 

"I fear'd this, Rivenoak," answered Deerslayer, when the other had  ceased  speaking"yes, I did dread that it

would come to this.  Howsever, the truth is  soon told, and that will put an end to all  expectations on this head.

Mingo,  I'm white and christian born; 't  would ill become me to take a wife, under  redskin forms, from

among  heathen. That which I wouln't do, in peaceable  times, and under a  bright sun, still less would I do

behind clouds, in order  to save my  life. I may never marry; most likely Providence in putting me, up  here, in

the woods, has intended I should live single, and without a  lodge of  my own; but should such a thing come to

pass, none but a  woman of my own  colour and gifts shall darken the door of my wigwam.  As for feeding the

young  of your dead warrior, I would do that  cheerfully, could it be done without  discredit; but it cannot,

seeing  that I can never live in a Huron village.  Your own young men must find  the Sumach in venison, and

the next time she  marries, let her take a  husband whose legs are not long enough to overrun  territory that do

n't belong to him. We fou't a fair battle, and he fell; in  this, there  is nothin' but what a brave expects, and

should be ready to meet.  As  for getting a Mingo heart, as well might you expect to see gray hairs  on a  boy, or

the blackberry growing on the pine. No noHuron; my  gifts are white  so far as wives are consarned; it is

Delaware, in all  things touchin'  Injins." 

These words were scarcely out of the mouth of Deerslayer, before a  common  murmur betrayed the

dissatisfaction with which they had been  heard. The aged  women, in particular, were loud in their expressions

of disgust, and the  gentle Sumach, herself, a woman quite old enough  to be our hero's mother, was  not the

least pacific in her  denunciations. But all the other manifestations  of disappointment and  discontent were

thrown into the background, by the  fierce resentment  of the Panther. This grim chief had thought it a

degradation to permit  his sister to become the wife of a pale face of the  Yengeese, at all,  and had only given a

reluctant consent to the arrangement  one by no  means unusual among the Indians, howeverat the earnest

solicitations  of the bereaved widow; and it goaded him to the quick to find  his  condescension slighted, the

honor he had with so much regret been  persuaded to accord, contemned. The animal from which he got his

name,  does  not glare on his intended prey, with more frightful ferocity,  than his eyes  gleamed on the captive,

nor was his arm backward in  seconding the fierce  resentment that almost consumed his breast. 

"Dog of the pale faces!" he exclaimed in Iroquois, "go yell among  the curs of  your own evil hunting


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The denunciation was accompanied by an appropriate action. Even  while  speaking his arm was lifted, and the

tomahawk hurled. Luckily  the loud tones  of the speaker had drawn the eye of Deerslayer towards  him, else

would that  moment have probably closed his career. So great  was the dexterity with which  this dangerous

weapon was thrown, and so  deadly the intent, that it would  have riven the scull of the prisoner,  had he not

stretched forth an arm, and  caught the handle in one of its  turns, with a readiness quite as remarkable,  as the

skill with which  the missile had been hurled. The projectile force was  so great,  notwithstanding, that when

Deerslayer's arm was arrested, his hand  was  raised above and behind his own head, and in the very attitude

necessary  to return the attack. It is not certain whether the  circumstance of finding  himself unexpectedly in

this menacing posture  and armed, tempted the young  man to retaliate, or whether sudden  resentment

overcame his forbearance and  prudence. His eye kindled,  however, and a small red spot appeared on each

cheek, while he cast  all his energy into the effort of his arm, and threw  back the weapon  at his assailant. The

unexpectedness of this blow contributed  to its  success, the Panther neither raising an arm, nor bending his

head to  avoid it. The keen little axe struck the victim in a perpendicular  line with  the nose, directly between

the eyes, literally braining him  on the spot.  Sallying forward, as the serpent darts at its enemy even  while

receiving its  own death wound, this man of powerful frame, fell  his length into the open  area formed by the

circle, quivering in  death. A common rush to his relief  left the captive, in a single  instant, quite without the

crowd, and, willing  to make one desperate  effort for life, he bounded off, with the activity of a  deer. There

was but a breathless instant, when the whole band, old and young,  women and children, abandoning the

lifeless body of the Panther, where  it  lay, raised the yell of alarm and followed in pursuit. 

Sudden as had been the event which induced Deerslayer to make this  desperate  trial of speed, his mind was

not wholly unprepared for the  fearful emergency.  In the course of the past hour, he had pondered  well on the

chances of such  an experiment, and had shrewdly calculated  all the details of success and  failure. At the first

leap, therefore,  his body was completely under the  direction of an intelligence that  turned all its efforts to the

best account,  and prevented every thing  like hesitation or indecision at the important  instant of the start.  To

this alone was he indebted for the first great  advantage, that of  getting through the line of sentinels unharmed.

The manner  in which  this was done, though sufficiently simple, merits a description. 

Although the shores of the point were not fringed with bushes, as  was the  case with most of the others on the

lake, it was owing  altogether to the  circumstance that the spot had been so much used by  hunters and

fishermen.  This fringe commenced on what might be termed  the main land, and was as dense  as usual,

extending in long lines both  north and south. In the latter  direction, then, Deerslayer held his  way, and, as the

sentinels were a little  without the commencement of  this thicket, before the alarm was clearly  communicated

to them, the  fugitive had gained its cover. To run among the  bushes, however, was  out of the question, and

Deerslayer held his way, for  some forty or  fifty yards, in the water, which was barely knee deep, offering  as

great an obstacle to the speed of his pursuers, as it did to his own.  As  soon as a favorable spot presented, he

darted through the line of  bushes, and  issued into the open woods. Several rifles were discharged  at

Deerslayer  while in the water, and more followed as he came out  into the comparative  exposure of the clear

forest. But the direction  of his line of flight, which  partially crossed that of the fire, the  haste with which the

weapons had been  aimed, and the general confusion  that prevailed in the camp prevented any  harm from

being done. Bullets  whistled past him, and many cut twigs from the  branches at his side,  but not one touched

even his dress. The delay caused by  these  fruitless attempts was of great service to the fugitive, who had

gained  more than a hundred yards on even the leading men of the Hurons, ere  something like concert and

order had entered into the chase. To think  of  following with rifles in hand, was out of the question, and after

emptying  their pieces in vague hopes of wounding their captive, the  best runners of  the Indians threw them

aside, calling out to the women  and boys to recover  and load them, again, as soon as possible. 

Deerslayer knew too well the desperate nature of the struggle in  which he was  engaged to lose one of the

precious moments. He also knew  that his only hope  was to run in a straight line, for as soon as he  began to

turn, or double,  the greater number of his pursuers would put  escape out of the question. He  held his way

therefore, in a diagonal  direction up the acclivity, which was  neither very high nor very  steep, in this part of

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the mountain, but which was  sufficiently  toilsome for one contending for life, to render it painfully

oppressive. There, however, he slackened his speed, to recover breath,  proceeding even at a quick walk, or a

slow trot, along the more  difficult  parts of the way. The Hurons were whooping and leaping  behind him, but

this  he disregarded, well knowing they must overcome  the difficulties he had  surmounted, ere they could

reach the elevation  to which he had attained. The  summit of the first hill was now quite  near him, and he saw,

by the formation  of the land, that a deep glen  intervened, before the base of a second hill  could be reached.

Walking  deliberately to the summit, he glanced eagerly  about him, in every  direction, in quest of a cover.

None offered in the  ground, but a  fallen tree lay near him, and desperate circumstances required  desperate

remedies. This tree lay in a line parallel to the glen, at  the brow  of the hill. To leap on it, and then to force his

person as  close as  possible, under its lower side, took but a moment. Previously  to disappearing  from his

pursuers, however, Deerslayer stood on the  height, and gave a cry of  triumph, as if exulting at the sight of the

descent that lay before him. In  the next instant he was stretched  beneath the tree. 

No sooner was this expedient adopted, than the young man  ascertained how  desperate had been his own

efforts, by the violence of  the pulsations in his  frame. He could hear his heart beat, and his  breathing was like

the action of  a bellows, in quick motion. Breath  was gained, however, and the heart soon  ceased to throb, as if

about  to break through its confinement. The footsteps  of those who toiled up  the opposite side of the acclivity

were now audible,  and presently  voices and treads announced the arrival of the pursuers. The  foremost

shouted as they reached the height; then, fearful that their enemy  would escape under favor of the descent,

each leaped upon the fallen  tree,  and plunged into the ravine, trusting to get a sight of the  pursued, ere he

reached the bottom. In this manner, Huron followed  Huron, until Natty began  to hope the whole had passed.

Others  succeeded, however, until quite forty  had leaped over the tree, and  then he counted them, as the surest

mode of  ascertaining how many  could be behind. Presently all were in the bottom of  the glen, quite a  hundred

feet below him, and some had even ascended part of  the  opposite hill, when it became evident an inquiry was

making, as to the  direction he had taken. This was the critical moment, and one of  nerves less  steady, or of a

training that had been neglected, would  have seized it to  rise, and fly. Not so with Deerslayer. He still lay

quiet, watching with  jealous vigilance every movement below, and fast  regaining his breath. 

The Hurons now resembled a pack of hounds, at fault. Little was  said, but  each man ran about, examining the

dead leaves, as the hound  hunts for the  lost scent. The great number of moccasins that had  passed made the

examination difficult, though the intoe of an Indian  was easily to be  distinguished from the freer and wider

step of a  white man. Believing that no  more pursuers remained behind, and hoping  to steal away unseen,

Deerslayer  suddenly threw himself over the tree,  and fell on the upper side. This  achievement appeared to be

effected  successfully, and hope beat high in the  bosom of the fugitive. 

Rising to his hands and feet, after a moment lost in listening to  the sounds  in the glen, in order to ascertain if

he had been seen, the  young man next  scrambled to the top of the hill, a distance of only  ten yards, in the

expectation of getting its brow between him and his  pursuers, and himself so  far under cover. Even this was

effected, and  he rose to his feet, walking  swiftly but steadily along the summit, in  a direction opposite to that

in  which he had first fled. The nature of  the calls in the glen, however, soon  made him uneasy, and he sprang

upon the summit, again, in order to  reconnoitre. No sooner did he  reach the height than he was seen, and the

chase renewed. As it was  better footing, on the level ground, Deerslayer now  avoided the side  hill, holding

his flight along the ridge; while the Hurons,  judging  from the general formation of the land, saw that the ridge

would soon  melt into the hollow, and kept to the latter, as the easiest mode of  heading  the fugitive. A few, at

the same time, turned south, with a  view to prevent  his escaping in that direction, while some crossed his  trail

towards the  water, in order to prevent his retreat by the lake,  running southerly. 

The situation of Deerslayer was now more critical than it ever had  been. He  was virtually surrounded on three

sides, having the lake on  the fourth. But  he had pondered well on all the chances, and took his  measures with

coolness,  even while at the top of his speed. As is  generally the case, with the  vigorous border men, he could

outrun any  single Indian among his pursuers,  who were principally formidable to  him, on account of their

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numbers, and the  advantages they possessed in  position, and he would not have hesitated to  break off, in a

straight  line, at any spot, could he have got the whole band  again, fairly  behind him. But no such chance did,

or indeed could now offer,  and  when he found that he was descending towards the glen, by the melting  away

of the ridge, he turned short, at right angles to his previous  course,  and went down the declivity with

tremendous velocity, holding  his way towards  the shore. Some of his pursuers, came panting up the  hill, in

direct chase,  while most still kept on, in the ravine,  intending to head him at its  termination. 

Deerslayer had now a different, though a desperate project in view.  Abandoning all thoughts of escape by the

woods, he made the best of  his way  towards the canoe. He knew where it lay; could it be reached,  he had only

to  run the gauntlet of a few rifles, and success would be  certain. None of the  warriors had kept their weapons,

which would have  retarded their speed, and  the risk would come either from the  uncertain hands of the

women, or from  those of some well grown boy;  though most of the latter were already out in  hot pursuit.

Every thing  seemed propitious to the execution of this plan, and  the course being  a continued descent, the

young man went over the ground at a  rate that  promised a speedy termination to his toil. 

As Deerslayer approached the point, several women, and children  were passed,  but, though the former

endeavoured to cast dried branches  between his legs,  the terror inspired by his bold retaliation on the

redoubted Panther, was so  great, that none dared come near enough  seriously to molest him. He went by  all

triumphantly, and reached the  fringe of bushes. Plunging through these,  our hero found himself once  more in

the lake, and within fifty feet of the  canoe. Here he ceased  to run, for he well understood that his breath was

now  all important  to him. He even stooped, as he advanced, and cooled his parched  mouth,  by scooping water

up in his hand, to drink. Still the moments pressed,  and he soon stood at the side of the canoe. The first glance

told him  that  the paddles had been removed! This was a sore disappointment,  after all his  efforts, and, for a

single moment, he thought of  turning, and of facing his  foes by walking with dignity into the  centre of the

camp, again. But an  infernal yell, such as the American  savage alone can raise, proclaimed the  quick

approach of the nearest  of his pursuers, and the instinct of life  triumphed. Preparing himself  duly, and giving

a right direction to its bows,  he ran off into the  water bearing the canoe before him, threw all his  strength and

skill  into a last effort, and cast himself forward so as to fall  into the  bottom of the light craft, without

materially impeding its way. Here  he remained on his back, both to regain his breath, and to cover his  person

from the deadly rifle. The lightness, which was such an  advantage in paddling  the canoe, now operated

unfavorably. The  material was so like a feather, that  the boat had no momentum, else  would the impulse in

that smooth and placid  sheet have impelled it to  a distance from the shore, that would have rendered  paddling

with the  hands safe. Could such a point once be reached, Deerslayer  thought he  might get far enough out to

attract the attention of Chingachgook  and  Judith, who would not fail to come to his relief, with other canoes a

circumstance that promised every thing. As the young man lay in the  bottom of  the canoe, he watched its

movements, by studying the tops of  the trees on the  mountainside, and judged of his distance by the time  and

the motions. Voices  on the shore were now numerous, and he heard  something said about manning the  raft,

which, fortunately for the  fugitive, lay at a considerable distance, on  the other side of the  point. 

Perhaps the situation of Deerslayer had not been more critical that  day, than  it was at this moment. It certainly

had not been one half as  tantalizing. He  lay perfectly quiet, for two or three minutes,  trusting to the single

sense  of hearing, confident that the noise in  the lake would reach his ears, did  any one venture to approach by

swimming. Once or twice, he fancied that the  element was stirred by  the cautious movement of an arm, and

then he perceived  it was the wash  of the water on the pebbles of the strand; for, in mimicry of  the  ocean, it is

seldom that those little lakes are so totally tranquil, as  not to possess a slight heaving and setting on their

shores. Suddenly  all the  voices ceased, and a death like stillness pervaded the spot: A  quietness as  profound

as if all lay in the repose of inanimate life.  By this time, the  canoe had drifted so far as to render nothing

visible to Deerslayer, as he  lay on his back, except the blue void of  space, and a few of those brighter  rays,

that proceed from the  effulgence of the sun, marking his proximity. It  was not possible to  endure this

uncertainty long. The young man well knew  that the  profound stillness foreboded evil, the savages never

being so  silent,  as when about to strike a blow; resembling the stealthy foot of the  panther ere he takes his

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leap. He took out a knife, and was about to  cut a  hole through the bark, in order to get a view of the shore,

when  he paused  from a dread of being seen, in the operation, which would  direct the enemy  where to aim

their bullets. At this instant a rifle  was fired, and the ball  pierced both sides of the canoe, within  eighteen

inches of the spot where his  head lay. This was close work,  but our hero had too lately gone throughthat

which was closer to be  appalled. He lay still half a minute longer, and then  he saw the  summit of an oak

coming slowly within his narrow horizon. 

Unable to account for this change, Deerslayer could restrain his  impatience  no longer. Hitching his body

along, with the utmost  caution, he got his eye  at the bullet hole, and fortunately commanded  a very tolerable

view of the  point. The canoe, by one of those  imperceptible impulses that so often decide  the fate of men as

well as  the course of things, had inclined southerly, and  was slowly drifting  down the lake. It was lucky that

Deerslayer had given it  a shove  sufficiently vigorous to send it past the end of the point, ere it  took this

inclination, or it must have gone ashore again. As it was,  it  drifted so near it, as to bring the tops of two or

three trees  within the  range of the young man's view, as has been mentioned, and,  indeed, to come in  quite as

close proximity with the extremity of the  point, as was at all safe.  The distance could not much have

exceeded a  hundred feet, though fortunately  a light current of air, from the  southwest, began to set it slowly

off shore. 

Deerslayer now felt the urgent necessity of resorting to some  expedient to  get farther from his foes, and if

possible to apprise his  friends of his  situation. The distance rendered the last difficult,  while the proximity to

the point rendered the first indispensable. As  was usual in such craft, a  large, round, smooth stone, was in

each end  of the canoe, for the double  purpose of seats and ballast; one of  these was within reach of his feet.

This  stone he contrived to get so  far between his legs, as to reach it with his  hands, and then he  managed to

roll it to the side of its fellow in the bows,  where the  two served to keep the trim of the light boat, while he

worked his  own  body as far aft as possible. Before quitting the shore, and as soon as  he  perceived that the

paddles were gone, Deerslayer had thrown a bit  of dead  branch into the canoe, and this was within reach of

his arm.  Removing the cap  he wore, he put it on the end of this stick, and just  let it appear over the  edge of

the canoe, as far as possible from his  own person. This ruse was  scarcely adopted, before the young man had

a  proof how much he had underrated  the intelligence of his enemies. In  contempt of an artifice so shallow and

common place, a bullet was  fired directly through another part of the canoe,  which actually  raised his skin.

He dropped the cap, and instantly raised it  immediately over his head, as a safeguard. It would seem that this

second  artifice was unseen, or what was more probable, the Hurons  feeling certain of  recovering their

captive, wished to take him alive. 

Deerslayer lay passive a few minutes longer, his eye at the bullet  hole,  however, and much did he rejoice at

seeing that he was drifting,  gradually,  farther and farther, from the shore. When he looked upward,  the

treetops had  disappeared, but he soon found that the canoe was  slowly turning, so as to  prevent his getting a

view of any thing at  his peephole, but of the two  extremities of the lake. He now  bethought him of the stick,

which was  crooked, and offered some  facilities for rowing, without the necessity of  rising. The experiment

succeeded on trial, better even than he had hoped,  though his great  embarrassment was to keep the canoe

straight. That his  present  manoeuvre was seen, soon became apparent by the clamor on the shore,  and a bullet

entering the stern of the canoe, traversed its length  whistling  between the arms of our hero, and passed out at

the head.  This satisfied the  fugitive that he was getting away with tolerable  speed, and induced him to

increase his efforts. He was making a  stronger push than common, when another  messenger from the point,

broke the stick outboard, and at once deprived him  of his oar. As the  sound of voices seemed to grow more

and more distant,  however,  Deerslayer determined to leave all to the drift, until he believed  himself beyond

the reach of bullets. This was nervous work, but it was  the  wisest of all the expedients that offered, and the

young man was  encouraged  to persevere in it, by the circumstance that he felt his  face fanned by the  air, a

proof that there was a little more wind. 

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Chapter XXX.

"Nor widows' tears, nor tender orphans' cries

Can stop th' invader's force;

Nor swelling seas, nor threatening skies,

Prevent the pirate's course:

Their lives to selfish ends decreed

Through blood and rapine they proceed;

No anxious thoughts of ill repute,

Suspend the impetuous and unjust pursuit;

But power and wealth obtain'd, guilty and great,

Their fellow creatures' fears they raise, or urge their hate."

Congreve, "Pindaric Ode," ii.

By this time, Deerslayer had been twenty minutes in the canoe, and  he began  to grow a little impatient for

some signs of relief from his  friends. The  position of the boat still prevented his seeing in any  direction,

unless it  were up or down the lake, and, though he knew  that his line of sight must  pass within a hundred

yards of the castle,  it, in fact, passed that distance  to the westward of the buildings.  The profound stillness

troubled him also,  for he knew not whether to  ascribe it to the increasing space between him and  the Indians,

or to  some new artifice. At length, wearied with fruitless  watchfulness, the  young man turned himself on his

back, closed his eyes, and  awaited the  result in determined acquiescence. If the savages could so  completely

control their thirst for revenge, he was resolved to be as calm as  themselves, and to trust his fate to the

interposition of the currents  and  air. 

Some additional ten minutes may have passed in this quiescent  manner, on both  sides, when Deerslayer

thought he heard a slight  noise, like a low rubbing  against the bottom of his canoe. He opened  his eyes of

course, in expectation  of seeing the face or arm of an  Indian rising from the water, and found that  a canopy of

leaves was  impending directly over his head. Starting to his  feet, the first  object that met his eye was

Rivenoak, who had so far aided  the slow  progress of the boat, as to draw it on the point, the grating on the

strand being the sound that had first given our hero the alarm. The  change in  the drift of the canoe, had been

altogether owing to the  baffling nature of  the light currents of the air, aided by some eddies  in the water. 

"Come," said the Huron with a quiet gesture of authority, to order  his  prisoner to land, 'my young friend has

sailed about till he is  tired; he will  forget how to run again, unless he uses his legs." 

"You've the best of it, Huron," returned Deerslayer, stepping  steadily from  the canoe, and passively following

his leader to the  open area of the point;  "Providence has helped you in an onexpected  manner. I'm your

prisoner ag'in,  and I hope you'll allow that I'm as  good at breaking gaol, as I am at keeping  furloughs." 

"My young friend is a Moose!" exclaimed the Huron. "His legs are  very long;  they have given my young men

trouble. But he is not a fish;  he cannot find  his way in the lake. We did not shoot him; fish are  taken in nets,

and not  killed by bullets. When he turns Moose, again,  he will be treated like a  Moose." 

'Ay, have your talk, Rivenoak; make the most of your advantage.  'Tis your  right, I suppose, and I know it is

your gift. On that p'int  there'll be no  words atween us, for all men must and ought to follow  their gifts.

Howsever,  when your women begin to ta'nt and abuse me, as  I suppose will soon happen,  let 'em remember

that if a pale face  struggles for life so long as it's  lawful and manful, he knows how to  loosen his hold on it,

decently, when he  feels that the time has come.  I'm your captyve; work your will on me." 

"My brother has had a long run on the hills, and a pleasant sail on  the  water," returned Rivenoak, more

mildly, smiling, at the same time,  in a way  that his listener knew denoted pacific intentions. 'He has  seen the

woods; he  has seen the water. Which does he like best?  Perhaps, he has seen enough, to  change his mind, and

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make him hear  reason." 

"Speak out, Huron. Something is in your thoughts, and the sooner it  is said,  the sooner you'll get my answer." 

"That is straight! There is no turning in the talk of my pale face  friend,  though he is a fox in running. I will

speak to him; his ears  are now open  wider than before, and his eyes are not shut. The Sumach  is poorer than

ever.  Once she had a brother and a husband. She had  children, too. The time came  and the husband started for

the Happy  Hunting Grounds, without saying  farewell; he left her alone with his  children. This he could not

help, or he  would not have done it; le  Loup Cervier was a good husband. It was pleasant  to see the venison,

and wild ducks, and geese, and bear's meat, that hung in  his lodge, in  winter. It is now gone; it will not keep

in warm weather. Who  shall  bring it back again? Some thought the brother would not forget his  sister, and

that, next winter, he would see that the lodge should not  be  empty. We thought this; but the Panther yelled,

and followed the  husband on  the path of death. They are now trying which shall first  reach the Happy

Hunting Grounds. Some think the Lynx can run fastest,  and some think the  Panther can jump the farthest.

The Sumach thinks  both will travel so fast and  so far that neither will ever come back.  Who shall feed her and

her young?  The man who told her husband and her  brother to quit her lodge, that there  might be room for him

to come  into it. He is a great hunter, and we know that  the woman will never  want." 

"Ay, Huron this is soon settled, accordin' to your notions, but it  goes  sorely ag'in the grain of a white man's

feelin's. I've heard of  men's saving  their lives thisaway, and I've know'd them that would  prefar death to

such  a sort of captivity. For my part, I do not seek  my end, nor do I seek  matrimony." 

'The pale face will think of this, while my people get ready for  the council.  He will be told what will happen.

Let him remember how  hard it is to lose a  husband and a brother. Go; when we want him, the  name of

Deerslayer will be  called." 

This conversation had been held with no one near but the speakers.  Of all the  band that had so lately thronged

the place, Rivenoak alone  was visible. The  rest seemed to have totally abandoned the spot. Even  the furniture,

clothes,  arms, and other property of the camp had  entirely disappeared, and the place  bore no other proofs of

the crowd  that had so lately occupied it, than the  traces of their fires and  resting places, and the trodden earth,

that still  showed the marks of  their feet. So sudden and unexpected a change caused  Deerslayer a good  deal

of surprise and some uneasiness, for he had never  known it to  occur, in the course of his experience among

the Delawares. He  suspected, however, and rightly, that a change of encampment was  intended,  and that the

mystery of the movement was resorted to, in  order to work on his  apprehensions. 

Rivenoak walked up the vista of trees, as soon as he ceased  speaking, leaving  Deerslayer by himself. The

chief disappeared behind  the covers of the forest,  and one unpractised in such scenes might  have believed the

prisoner left to  the dictates of his own judgment.  But the young man, while he felt a little  amazement at the

dramatic  aspect of things, knew his enemies too well to  fancy himself at  liberty, or a free agent. Still, he was

ignorant how far the  Hurons  meant to carry their artifices, and he determined to bring the  question, as soon as

practicable, to the proof. Affecting an  indifference he  was far from feeling, he strolled about the area,

gradually getting nearer  and nearer to the spot where he had landed,  when he suddenly quickened his  pace,

though carefully avoiding all  appearance of flight, and pushing aside  the bushes, he stepped upon  the beach.

The canoe was gone, nor could he see  any traces of it,  after walking to the northern and southern verges of

the  point, and  examining the shores in both directions. It was evidently removed  beyond his reach and

knowledge, and under circumstances to show that  such had  been the intention of the savages. 

Deerslayer now better understood his actual situation. He was a  prisoner on  the narrow tongue of land,

vigilantly watched beyond a  question, and with no  other means of escape than that of swimming. He,  again,

thought of this last  expedient, but the certainty that the  canoe would be sent in chase, and the  desperate nature

of the chances  of success deterred him from the undertaking.  While on the strand, he  came to a spot where

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the bushes had been cut, and  thrust into a small  pile. Removing a few of the upper branches, he found  beneath

them the  dead body of the Panther. He knew that it was kept until the  savages  might find a place to inter it,

where it would be beyond the reach of  the scalping knife. He gazed wistfully towards the castle, but there  all

seemed to be silent and desolate, and a feeling of loneliness and  desertion  came over him to increase the

gloom of the moment. 

'God's will be done!" murmured the young man, as he walked  sorrowfully away  from the beach, entering

again beneath the arches of  the wood. 'God's will be  done, on 'arth as it is in heaven! I did hope  that my days

would not be  numbered so soon, but it matters little  a'ter all. A few more winters, and a  few more summers,

and 'twould  have been over, accordin' to natur'. Ah's! me,  the young and actyve  seldom think death possible,

till he grins in their  faces, and tells  'em the hour is come!" 

While this soliloquy was being pronounced, the hunter advanced into  the area,  where to his surprise he saw

Hetty alone, evidently awaiting  his return. The  girl carried the bible under her arm, and her face,  over which a

shadow of  gentle melancholy was usually thrown, now  seemed sad, and downcast. Moving  nearer,

Deerslayer spoke. 

"Poor Hetty," he said, "times have been so troublesome, of late,  that I'd  altogether forgotten you; we meet, as

it might be to mourn  over what is to  happen. I wonder what has become of Chingachgook and  Wah!" 

"Why did you kill the Huron, Deerslayer? " returned the girl  reproachfully.  'Don't you know your

commandments, which say 'Thou  shalt not kill!' They tell  me you have now slain the woman's husband  and


"It's true, my good Hetty'tis gospel truth, and I'll not deny what  has come  to pass. But, you must remember,

gal, that many things are  lawful in war,  which would be onlawful in peace. The husband was shot  in open

fightor, open  so far as I was consarned, while he had a  better cover than commonand the  brother brought

his end on himself,  by casting his tomahawk at an unarmed  prisoner. Did you witness that  deed, gal?" 

"I saw it, and was sorry it happened, Deerslayer, for I hoped you  wouldn't  have returned blow for blow, but

good for evil." 

"Ah, Hetty, that may do among the Missionaries, but 'twould make an  onsartain  life in the woods! The

Panther craved my blood, and he was  foolish enough to  throw arms into my hands, at the very moment he

was  striving a'ter it.  'Twould have been ag'in natur? not to raise a hand  in such a trial, and  'twould have done

discredit to my training and  gifts. No no I'm as willing  to give every man his own, as another,  and so I

hope you'll testify to them  that will be likely to question  you as to what you've seen this day." 

"Deerslayer, do you mean to marry Sumach, now she has neither  husband nor  brother to feed her?" 

"Are such your idees of matrimony, Hetty! Ought the young to wive  with the  oldthe pale face with the red

skinthe christian with the  heathen? It's  ag'in reason and natur', and so you'll see, if you think  of it a


"I've always heard mother say," returned Hetty, averting her face  more from a  feminine instinct, than from

any consciousness of wrong,  "that people should  never marry, until they loved each other better  than brothers

and sisters,  and I suppose that is what you mean. Sumach  is old, and you are young!" 

"Ay and she's red, and I'm white. Beside, Hetty, suppose you was a  wife, now,  having married some young

man of your own years, and state,  and colourHurry  Harry, for instance" Deerslayer selected this  example,

simply from the  circumstance that he was the only young man  known to both"and that he had  fallen on a

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war path, would you wish to  take to your bosom, for a husband,  the man that slew him?" 

'Oh! no, no, no" returned the girl shuddering"That would be  wicked as well  as heartless! No christian girl

could, or would do  that! I never shall be the  wife of Hurry, I know, but were he my  husband no man should

ever be it,  again, after his death!" 

"I thought it would get to this, Hetty, when you come to understand  sarcumstances. 'Tis a moral impossibility

that I should ever marry  Sumach,  and, though Injin weddin's have no priests and not much  religion, a white

man  who knows his gifts and duties can't profit by  that, and so make his escape  at the fitting time. I do think,

death  would be more nat'ral like, and  welcome, than wedlock with this  woman." 

"Don't say it too loud," interrupted Hetty impatiently; "I suppose  she will  not like to hear it. I'm sure Hurry

would rather marry even  me than suffer  torments, though I am feeble minded; and I am sure it  would kill me

to think  he'd prefer death to being my husband." 

"Ay, gal, you an't Sumach, but a comely young Christian, with a  good heart,  pleasant smile, and kind eye.

Hurry might be proud to get  you, and that, too,  not in misery and sorrow, but in his best and  happiest days.

Howsever, take  my advice, and never talk to Hurry about  these things; he's only a borderer,  at the best." 

"I would n't tell him, for the world!" exclaimed the girl, looking  about her,  like one affrighted, and blushing,

she knew not why.  "Mother always said  young women should n't be forward, and speak their  minds before

they're  asked; Oh! I never forget what mother told me.  Tis a pity Hurry is so  handsome, Deerslayer; I do

think fewer girls  would like him then, and he  would sooner know his own mind." 

"Poor gal, poor gal, it's plain enough how it is, but the Lord will  bear in  mind one of your simple heart, and

kind feelin's! We'll talk  no more of these  things; if you had reason, you'd be sorrowful at  having let others so

much  into your secret. Tell me, Hetty, what has  become of all the Hurons, and why  they let you roam about

the p'int,  as if you, too, was a prisoner?" 

'I'm no prisoner, Deerslayer, but a free girl, and go when and  where I  please. Nobody dare hurt me! If they

did, God would be angry,  as I can show  them in the bible. Nono Hetty Hutter is not afraid;  she's in good

hands.  The Hurons are up yonder in the woods, and keep a  good watch on us both, I'll  answer for it, since all

the women and  children are on the lookout. Some are  burying the body of the poor  girl who was shot, so

that the enemy and the  wild beasts can't find  it. I told 'em that father and mother lay in the lake,  but I would

n't  let them know, in what part of it, for Judith and I don't  want any of  their heathenish company, in our

burying ground." 

"Ahs! me;Well, it is an awful despatch to be standing here, alive  and angry,  and with the feelin's up and

ferocious, one hour, and then  to be carried away  at the next, and put out of sight of mankind in a  hole in the

'arth! No one  knows what will happen to him on a warpath,  that's sartain." 

Here the stirring of leaves and the cracking of dried twigs  interrupted the  discourse, and apprised Deerslayer

of the approach of  his enemies. The Hurons  closed around the spot that had been prepared  for the coming

scene, and in  the centre of which the intended victim  now stood, in a circle, the armed men  being so

distributed, among the  feebler members of the band, that there was  no safe opening through  which the

prisoner could break. But the latter no  longer contemplated  flight, the recent trial having satisfied him of his

inability to  escape when pursued so closely by numbers. On the contrary, all  his  energies were aroused, in

order to meet his expected fate, with a  calmness that should do credit to his colour and his manhood; one

equally  removed from recreant alarm, and savage boasting. 

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When Rivenoak reappeared in the circle, he occupied his old place  at the  head of the area. Several of the

elder warriors stood near him,  but, now that  the brother of Sumach had fallen, there was no longer  any

recognised chief  present, whose influence and authority offered a  dangerous rivalry to his  own. Nevertheless,

it is well known that  little which could be called  monarchical, or despotic entered into the  politics of the

North American  tribes, although the first colonists,  bringing with them to this hemisphere,  the notions and

opinions of  their own countries, often dignified the chief  men of those primitive  nations, with the titles of

kings and princes.  Hereditary influence  did certainly exist, but there is much reason to believe  it existed

rather as a consequence of hereditary merit and acquired  qualifications, than as a birthright. Rivenoak,

however, had not even  this  claim, having risen to consideration purely by the force of  talents,  sagacity, and,

as Bacon expresses it, in relation to all  distinguished  statesmen, "by a union of great and mean qualities;" a

truth of which the  career of the profound Englishman himself furnishes  so apt an illustration.  Next to arms,

eloquence offers the great  avenue to popular favor, whether it  be in civilized or savage life,  and Rivenoak had

succeeded, as so many have  succeeded, before him,  quite as much by rendering fallacies acceptable to his

listeners, as  by any profound or learned expositions of truth, or the  accuracy of  his logic. Nevertheless, he had

influence; and was far from being  altogether without just claims to its possession. Like most men who  reason

more than they feel, the Huron was not addicted to the  indulgence of the more  ferocious passions of his

people: he had been  commonly found on the side of  mercy, in all the scenes of vindictive  torture and revenge

that had occurred  in his tribe, since his own  attainment to power. On the present occasion, he  was reluctant to

proceed to extremities, although the provocation was so  great. Still  it exceeded his ingenuity to see how that

alternative could well  be  avoided. Sumach resented her rejection more than she did the deaths of  her  husband

and brother, and there was little probability that the  woman would  pardon a man who had so unequivocally

preferred death to  her embraces.  Without her forgiveness, there was scarce a hope that  the tribe could be

induced to overlook its loss, and even to Rivenoak,  himself, much as he was  disposed to pardon, the fate of

our hero now  appeared to be almost hopelessly  sealed. 

When the whole band was arrayed around the captive, a grave  silence, so much  the more threatening from its

profound quiet,  pervaded the place. Deerslayer  perceived that the women and boys had  been preparing

splinters of the fat  pine roots, which he well knew  were to be stuck into his flesh, and set in  flames, while two

or three  of the young men held the thongs of bark with  which he was to be  bound. The smoke of a distant lire

announced that the  burning brands  were in preparation, arid several of the elder warriors passed  their  fingers

over the edges of their tomahawks, as if to prove their  keenness and temper. Even the knives seemed

loosened in their  sheathes,  impatient for the bloody and merciless work to begin. 

"Killer of the Deer," recommenced Rivenoak, certainly without any  signs of  sympathy or pity in his manner,

though with calmness and  dignity, "Killer of  the Deer, it is time that my people knew their  minds. The sun is

no longer  over our heads; tired of waiting on the  Hurons, he has begun to fall near the  pines on this side of

the  valley. He is travelling fast towards the country  of our French  fathers; it is to warn his children that their

lodges are  empty, and  that they ought to be at home. The roaming wolf has his den, and  he  goes to it, when he

wishes to see his young. The Iroquois are not  poorer  than the wolves. They have villages, and wigwams, and

fields of  corn; the  Good Spirits will be tired of watching them alone. My people  must go back,  and see to

their own business. There will be joy in the  lodges when they hear  our whoop from the forest! It will he a

sorrowful whoop; when it is  understood, grief will come after it.  There will be one scalpwhoop, but  there

will be only one. We have the  fur of the Muskrat; his body is among the  fishes. Deerslayer must say  whether

another scalp shall he on our pole. Two  lodges are empty; a  scalp, living or dead, is wanted at each door." 

"Then take 'em dead, Huron," firmly, but altogether without  dramatic  boasting, returned the captive. "My

hour is come, I do  suppose, and what must  be, must. If you are bent on the tortur', I'll  do my indivours to bear

up  ag'in it, though no man can say how far his  natur' will stand pain, until  he's been tried." 

"The pale face cur begins to put his tail between his legs!" cried  a young  and garrulous savage, who bore the

appropriate title of the  Corbeau Rouge; a  sobriquet he had gained from the French, by his  facility in making

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unseasonable noises, and an undue tendency to hear  his own voice; "he is no  warrior; he has killed the Loup

Cervier when  looking behind him not to see  the flash of his own rifle. He grunts  like a hog, already; when the

Huron  women begin to torment him, he  will cry like the young of the catamount. He  is a Delaware woman,

dressed in the skin of a Yengeese!" 

"Have your say, young man; have your say," returned Deerslayer,  unmoved; "you  know no better, and I can

overlook it. Talking may  aggravate women, but can  hardly make knives sharper, fire hotter, or  rifles more


Rivenoak now interposed, reproving the Red Crow for his premature  interference, and then directing the

proper persons to bind the  captive. This  expedient was adopted, not from any apprehensions that  he would

escape, or  from any necessity, that was yet apparent, of his  being unable to endure the  torture with his limbs

free, but from an  ingenious design of making him feel  his helplessness, and of gradually  sapping his

resolution, by undermining it,  as it might be, little by  little. Deerslayer offered no resistance. He  submitted his

arms and  legs, freely if not cheerfully, to the ligaments of  bark, which were  bound around them, by order of

the chief, in a way to  produce as  little pain as possible. These directions were secret, and given  in  the hope

that the captive would finally save himself from any serious  bodily suffering, by consenting to take the

Sumach for a wife. As soon  as the  body of Deerslayer was withed in bark sufficiently to create a  lively sense

of helplessness, he was literally carried to a young  tree, and bound against  it, in a way that effectually

prevented him  from moving, as well as from  falling. The hands were laid flat against  the legs, and thongs

were passed  over all, in a way nearly to  incorporate the prisoner with the tree. His cap  was then removed, and

he was left halfstanding, halfsustained by his bonds,  to face the  coming scene, in the best manner he could. 

Previously to proceeding to any thing like extremities, it was the  wish of  Rivenoak to put his captive's

resolution to the proof, by  renewing the  attempt at a compromise. This could be effected only in  one manner,

the  acquiescence of the Sumach being indispensably  necessary to a compromise of  her right to be revenged.

With this view,  then, the woman was next desired to  advance, and to look to her own  interests; no agent being

considered as  efficient as the principal,  herself, in this negotiation. The Indian females,  when girls, are

usually mild, and submissive, with musical tones, pleasant  voices, and  merry laughs, but toil and suffering

generally deprive them of  most of  these advantages, by the time they have reached an age which the  Sumach

had long before passed. To render their voices harsh, it would  seem to  require active, malignant, passions,

though, when excited,  their screams can  rise to a sufficiently conspicuous degree of  discordancy, to assert

their  claim to possess this distinctive  peculiarity of the sex. The Sumach was not  altogether without feminine

attraction, however, and had so recently been  deemed handsome in her  tribe, as not to have yet learned the

full influence  that time and  exposure produce on man, as well as on woman. By an arrangement  of

Rivenoak's, some of the women around her, had been employing the time  in  endeavoring to persuade the

bereaved widow, that there was still a  hope  Deerslayer might be prevailed on to enter her wigwam, in

preference to  entering the world of spirits, and this, too, with a  success that previous  symptoms scarcely

justified. All this was the  result of a resolution on the  part of the chief to leave no proper  means unemployed,

in order to get  transferred to his own nation the  greatest hunter that was then thought to  exist in all that

region, as  well as a husband for a woman who he felt would  be likely to be  troublesome, were any of her

claims to the attention and care  of the  tribe overlooked. 

In conformity with this scheme, the Sumach had been secretly  advised to  advance into the circle, and to make

her appeal to the  prisoner's sense of  justice, before the band had recourse to the last  experiment. The woman,

nothing loth, consented, for there was some  such attraction in becoming the  wife of a noted hunter, among the

females of the tribes, as is experienced by  the sex, in more refined  life, when they bestow their hands on the

affluent.  As the duties of a  mother were thought to be paramount to all other  considerations, the  widow felt

none of that embarrassment, in preferring her  claims, to  which even a female fortune hunter among ourselves,

might be  liable.  When she stood forth, before the whole party, therefore, the children  that she led by the

hands, fully justified all she did. 

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"You see me before you, cruel pale face," the woman commenced;  "your spirit  must tell you my errand. I

have found you; I cannot find  le Loup Cervier, nor  the Panther; I have looked for them, in the lake,  in the

woods, in the  clouds. I cannot say where they have gone." 

"No man knows, good Sumach, no man knows," interposed the captive.  "When the  spirit leaves the body, it

passes into a world beyond our  knowledge, and the  wisest way, for them that are left behind, is to  hope for

the best. No doubt  both your warriors, have gone to the Happy  Hunting Grounds, and at the proper  time you

will see 'em ag'in, in  their improved state. The wife and sister of  braves, must have looked  forward to some

such tarmination of their 'arthly  careers." 

"Cruel paleface, what had my warriors done that you should slay  them! They  were the best hunters, and the

boldest young men of their  tribe; the Great  Spirit intended that they should live until they  withered like the

branches  of the hemlock, and fell of their own  weight" 

"Nay  nay  good Sumach," interrupted Deerslayer, whose love of  truth was  too indomitable to listen to

such hyperbole, with patience,  even though it  came from the torn breast of a widow"Naynay, good

Sumach, this is a little  outdoing red skin privileges. Young man was  neither, any more than you can  be

called a young woman, and as to the  Great Spirit's intending that they  should fall otherwise than they  did,

that's a grievous mistake, inasmuch as  what the Great Spirit  intends, is sartain to come to pass. Then, agin, it's

plain enough  neither of your fri'nds did me any harm; ~ raised my hand ag'in  'em on  account of what they

were striving to do, rather than what they did.  This is nat'ral law, 'to do lest you should be done by.'" 

"It is so. Sumach has but one tongue; she can tell but one story.  The Pale  face struck the Hurons lest the

Hurons should strike him. The  Hurons are a  just nation; they will forget it. The chiefs will shut  their eyes and

pretend  not to have seen it; the young men will believe  the Panther and the Lynx have  gone to far off hunts,

and the Sumach,  will take her children by the hand,  and go into the lodge of the pale  face and say 'See; these

are your  children; they are also minefeed  us, and we will live with you.' 

"The tarms are onadmissable, woman, and though I feel for your  losses, which  must he hard to bear, the

tarms cannot be accepted. As  to givin' you ven'son,  in case we lived near enough together, that  would be no

great expl'ite; but  as for becomin' your husband, and the  father of your children, to be honest  with you, I feel

no callin'  thataway." 

"Look at this boy, cruel pale face; he has no father to teach him  to kill the  deer, or to take scalps. See this girl;

what young man  will come to look for  a wife in a lodge that has no head? There are  more among my people

in the  Canadas, and the Killer of Deer will find  as many mouths to feed, as his  heart can wish for." 

"I tell you, woman," exclaimed Deerslayer, whose imagination was  far from  seconding the appeal of the

widow, and who began to grow  restive under the  vivid pictures she was drawing, "all this is nothing  to me.

People and  kindred must take care of their own fatherless,  leaving them that have no  children to their own

loneliness. As for me,  I have no offspring, and I want  no wife. Now, go away Sumach; leave me  in the hands

of your chiefs, for my  colour, and gifts, and natur'  itself cry out ag'in the idee of taking you for  a wife." 

It is unnecessary to expatiate on the effect of this downright  refusal of the  woman's proposals. If there was

any thing like  tenderness in her bosomand no  woman was probably ever entirely  without that feminine

qualityit all  disappeared at this plain  announcement. Fury, rage, mortified pride, and a  volcano of wrath

burst out, at one explosion, converting her into a sort of  maniac, as  it might beat the touch of a magician's

wand. Without deigning a  reply in words, she made the arches of the forest ring with screams,  and then  flew

forward at her victim, seizing him by the hair, which  she appeared  resolute to draw out by the roots. It was

some time  before her grasp could be  loosened. Fortunately for the prisoner her  rage was blind; since his total

helplessness left him entirely at her  mercy. Had it been better directed it  might have proved fatal before  any

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relief could have been offered. As it was,  she did succeed in  wrenching out two or three handsful of hair,

before the  young men  could tear her away from her victim. 

The insult that had been offered to the Sumach was deemed an insult  to the  whole tribe; not so much,

however, on account of any respect  that was felt  for the woman, as on account of the honor of the Huron

nation. Sumach,  herself, was generally considered to be as acid as the  berry from which she  derived her

name, and now that her great  supporters, her husband and brother,  were both gone, few cared about

concealing their aversion. Nevertheless, it  had become a point of  honor to punish the pale face who disdained

a Huron  woman, and more  particularly one who coolly preferred death to relieving the  tribe  from the support

of a widow and her children. The young men showed an  impatience to begin to torture, that Rivenoak

understood, and, as his  older  associates manifested no disposition to permit any longer delay,  he was

compelled to give the signal, for the infernal work to proceed. 

Chapter XXXI.

"The ugly bear now minded not the stake,

Nor how the cruel mastiffs do him tear,

The stag lay still unroused from the brake,

The foamy boar feared not the hunter's spear:

All thing was still in desert, bush, and briar:"

Thomas Sackville; "The Complaint of Henry Duke of Buckingham," lxxxi.

Twas one of the common expedients of the savages, on such  occasions, to put  the nerves of their victims to

the severest proofs.  On the other hand, it was  a matter of Indian pride to betray no  yielding to terror, or pain,

but for  the prisoner to provoke his  enemies to such acts of violence as would soonest  produce death. Many  a

warrior had been known to bring his own sufferings to a  more speedy  termination, by taunting reproaches and

reviling language, when  he  found that his physical system was giving way under the agony of  sufferings

produced by a hellish ingenuity that might well eclipse all  that  has been said of the infernal devices of

religious persecution.  This happy  expedient of taking refuge from the ferocity of his foes,  in their passions,

was denied Deerslayer however, by his peculiar  notions of the duty of a white  man, and he had stoutly made

up his  mind to endure every thing, in preference  to disgracing his colour. 

No sooner did the young men understand that they were at liberty to  commence,  than some of the boldest and

most forward among them sprang  into the arena,  tomahawk in hand. Here they prepared to throw that

dangerous weapon, the  object being to strike the tree as near as  possible to the victim's head,  without

absolutely hitting him. This  was so hazardous an experiment, that  none but those who were known to  be

exceedingly expert with the weapon, were  allowed to enter the  lists, at all, lest an early death might interfere

with  the expected  entertainment. In the truest hands it was seldom that the  captive  escaped injury in these

trials, and it often happened that death  followed, even when the blow was not premeditated. In the particular

case of  our hero, Rivenoak and the older warriors were apprehensive  that the example  of. the Panther's fate

might prove a motive with some  fiery spirit suddenly  to sacrifice his conqueror, when the temptation  of

effecting it in precisely  the same manner, and possibly with the  identical weapon with which the  warrior had

fallen, offered. This  circumstance of itself, rendered the ordeal  of the tomahawk doubly  critical for the

Deerslayer. It would seem, however,  that all who now  entered, what we shall call the lists, were more

disposed to  exhibit  their own dexterity, than to resent the deaths of their comrades.  Each  prepared himself for

the trial, with the feelings of rivalry, rather  than with the desire for vengeance, and, for the first few minutes,

the  prisoner had little more connection with the result, than grew out  of the  interest that necessarily attached

itself to a living target.  The young men  were eager, instead of being fierce, and Rivenoak  thought he still saw

signs  of being able to save the life of the  captive, when the vanity of the young  men had been gratified;

always  admitting, that it was not sacrificed to the  delicate experiments that  were about to be made. The first

youth who  presented himself, for the  trial, was called The Raven, having as yet had no  opportunity of

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obtaining a more warlike sobriquet. He was remarkable for high  pretension, rather than for skill,, or exploits,

and those who knew  his  character thought the captive in imminent danger, when he took his  stand, and  poised

the tomahawk. Nevertheless, the young man was good  natured, and no  thought was uppermost in his mind,

other than the  desire to make a better  cast, than any of his fellows. Deerslayer got  an inkling of this warrior's

want of reputation, by the injunctions  that he had received from the seniors,  who, indeed, would have

objected to his appearing in the arena, at all, but  for an influence  derived from his father; an aged warrior of

great merit, who  was then  in the lodges of the tribe. Still, our hero maintained an appearance  of

selfpossession. He had made up his mind that his hour was come,  and it  would have been a mercy, instead

of a calamity, to fall by the  unsteadiness  of the first hand that was raised against him. After a  suitable number

of  flourishes, and gesticulations that promised much  more than he could perform,  the Raven let the tomahawk

quit his hand.  The weapon whirled through the air,  with the usual evolutions, cut a  chip from the sapling to

which the prisoner  was bound, within a few  inches of his cheek, and stuck in a large oak that  grew several

yards  behind him. This was decidedly a bad effort, and a common  sneer  proclaimed as much, to the great

mortification of the young man On the  other hand, there was a general but suppressed murmur of admiration

at  the  steadiness with which the captive stood the trial. The head was  the only part  he could move, and this

had been purposely left free,  that the tormentors  might have the amusement, and the tormented endure  the

shame, of his dodging,  and otherwise attempting to avoid the  blows. Deerslayer disappointed these  hopes, by

a command of nerve that  rendered his whole body as immovable as the  tree to which he was  bound. Nor did

he even adopt the natural and usual  expedient of  shutting his eyes, the firmest and oldest warrior of the

redmen  never  having more disdainfully denied himself this advantage under similar  circumstances. 

The Raven had no sooner made his unsuccessful and puerile effort,  than he was  succeeded by le DaimMose,

or the Moose; a middle aged  warrior, who was  particularly skilful in the use of the tomahawk, and  from

whose attempt the  spectators confidently looked for  gratification. This man had none of the  good nature of

the Raven, but  he would gladly have sacrificed the captive to  his hatred of the pale  faces generally, were it

not for the greater interest  he felt in his  own success as one particularly skilled in the use of this  weapon. He

took his stand quietly, but with an air of confidence, poised his  little axe but a single instant, advanced a foot

with a quick motion,  and  threw. Deerslayer saw the keen instrument whirling towards him,  and believed  all

was over; still, he was not touched. The tomahawk had  actually bound the  head of the captive to the tree, by

carrying before  it some of his hair,  having buried itself deep beneath the soft bark.  A general yell expressed

the  delight of the spectators, and the Moose  felt his heart soften a little  towards the prisoner, whose steadiness

of nerve alone, enabled him to give  this evidence of his consummate  skill. 

Le DaimMose was succeeded by the Bounding Boy, or le Garcon qui  Bondi who  came leaping into the

circle, like a hound, or a goat, at  play. This was one  of those elastic youths, whose muscles seemed  always in

motion, and who  either affected, or who from habit was  actually unable, to move in any other  manner, than

by showing the  antics just mentioned. Nevertheless, he was both  brave and skilful,  and had gained the respect

of his people, by deeds in war,  as well as  success in the hunts. A far nobler name would long since have

fallen  to his share, had not a Frenchman of rank inadvertently given him  this sobriquet, which he religiously

preserved as coming from his  Great  Father, who lived beyond the Wide Salt Lake. The Bounding Boy

skipped about  in front of the captive, menacing him with his tomahawk,  now on one side and  now on another,

and then again in front, in the  vain hope of being able to  extort some sign of fear by this parade of  danger. At

length Deerslayer's  patience became exhausted by all this  mummery, and he spoke for the first  time, since the

trial had actually  commenced. 

"Throw away, Huron," he cried, "or your tomahawk will forget its  ar'n'd. Why  do you keep loping about like

a fa'a'n that's showing its  dam how well it can  skip, when you're a warrior grown, yourself, and a  warrior

grown defies you  and all your silly antiks. Throw, or the  Huron gals will laugh in your face." 

Although not intended to produce such an effect, the last words  aroused the  "Bounding" warrior to fury. The

same nervous excitability  which rendered him  so active in his person, made it difficult to  repress his feelings,

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and the  words were scarcely past the lips of the  speaker, than the tomahawk left the  hand of the Indian. Nor

was it  cast without illwill, and a fierce  determination to slay. Had the  intention been less deadly, the danger

might  have been greater. The  aim was uncertain, and the weapon glanced near the  cheek of the  captive,

slightly cutting the shoulder in its evolutions. This  was the  first instance in which any other object, than that

of terrifying the  prisoner, and of displaying skill had been manifested, and the  Bounding Boy  was

immediately led from the arena, and was warmly  rebuked for his  intemperate haste, which had come so near

defeating  all the hopes of the  band.To this irritable person succeeded several  other young warriors, who not

only hurled the tomahawk, but who cast  the knife, a far more dangerous  experiment, with reckless

indifference; yet they always manifested a skill  that prevented any  injury to the captive. Several times

Deerslayer was  grazed, but in no  instance did he receive what might be termed a wound. The  unflinching

firmness with which he faced his assailants, more especially in  the  sort of rally with which this trial

terminated, excited a profound  respect in the spectators, and when the chiefs announced that the  prisoner  had

well withstood the trials of the, knife and the tomahawk,  there was not a  single individual in the band who

really felt any  hostility towards him, with  the exception 'of Sumach and the Bounding  Boy. These two

discontented spirits  got together, it is true, feeding  each other's ire, but, as yet, their  malignant feelings were

confined  very much to themselves, though there  existed the danger that the  others, ere long, could not fail to

be excited by  their own efforts,  into that demoniacal state which usually accompanied all  similar  scenes

among the red men. 

Rivenoak now told his people that the pale face had proved himself  to be a  man. He might live with the

Delawares, but he had not been  made woman, with  that tribe. He wished to know whether it was the  desire of

the Hurons to  proceed any further. Even the gentlest of the  females, however, had received  too much

satisfaction in the late  trials, to forego their expectations of a  gratifying exhibition, and  there was but one

voice, in the request to  proceed. The politic chief,  who had some such desire to receive so celebrated  a hunter

into his  tribe, as a European Minister has to devise a new and  available means  of taxation, sought every

plausible means of arresting the  trial in  season, for, he well knew, if permitted to go far enough to arouse  the

more ferocious passions of the tormentors, it would be as easy to dam  the  waters of the great lakes of his own

region, as to attempt to  arrest them in  their bloody career. He therefore called four or five  of the best

marksmen to  him, and bid them put the captive to the proof  of the rifle, while, at the  same time he cautioned

them touching the  necessity of their maintaining their  own credit, by the closest  attention to the manner of

exhibiting their skill. 

When Deerslayer saw the chosen warriors step into the circle, with  their arms  prepared for service, he felt

some such relief, as the  miserable sufferer,  who has long endured the agonies of disease, feels  at the certain

approach of  death. Any trifling variance in the aim of  this formidable weapon, would  prove fatal; since, the

head being the  target, or rather the point it was  desired to graze without injuring,  an inch or two of difference

in the line  of projection, must at once  determine the question of life or death. 

In the torture by the rifle there was none of the latitude  permitted that  appeared in the case of even Gessler's

apple, a hair's  breadth being, in  fact, the utmost limits that an expert marksman  would allow himself on an

occasion like this. Victims were frequently  shot through the head by too  eager, or unskilful hands, and it often

occurred that, exasperated by the  fortitude and taunts of the  prisoner, death was dealt intentionally, in a

moment of ungovernable  irritation. All this Deerslayer well knew, for it was  in relating the  traditions of such

scenes, as well as of the battles and  victories of  their people, that the old men beguiled the long winter

evenings, in  their cabins. He now fully expected the end of his career, and  experienced a sort of melancholy

pleasure in the idea that he was to  fall by  a weapon as much beloved as the rifle. A slight interruption,

however, took  place before the business was allowed to proceed. 

Hetty Hutter witnessed all that passed, and the scene at first had  pressed  upon her feeble mind in a way to

paralyze it entirely; but, by  this time, she  had rallied, and was growing indignant at the unmerited  suffering

the Indians  were inflicting on her friend. Though timid, and  shy as the young of the  deer, on so many

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occasions, this rightfeeling  girl was always intrepid in  the cause of humanity; the lessons of her  mother, and

the impulses of her own  heart,  perhaps we might say the  promptings of that unseen and pure spirit  that

seemed ever to watch  over and direct her actions  uniting to keep down  the apprehensions  of woman, and to

impel her to be bold and resolute. She now  appeared  in the circle, gentle, feminine, even bashful in mien, as

usual, but  earnest in her words and countenance, speaking like one who knew  herself to  be sustained by the

high authority of God. 

"Why do you torment Deerslayer, redmen?" she asked "What has he  done that  you trifle with his life; who

has given you the right to be  his judges?  Suppose one of your knives, tomahawks had hit him; what  Indian

among you all  could cure the wound you would make. Besides, in  harming Deerslayer, you  injure your own

friend; when father and Hurry  Harry came after your scalps,  he refused to be of the party, and staid  in the

canoe by himself. You are  tormenting a good friend, in  tormenting this young man!" 

The Hurons listened with grave attention, and one among them, who  understood  English, translated what had

been said into their native  tongue. As soon as  Rivenoak was made acquainted with the purport of  her address

he answered it  in his own dialect; the interpreter  conveying it to the girl in English. 

"My daughter is very welcome to speak," said the stern old orator,  using  gentle intonations and smiling as

kindly as if addressing a  child"The Hurons  are glad to hear her voice; they listen to what she  says. The

Great Spirit  often speaks to men with such tongues. This  time, her eyes have not been open  wide enough, to

see all that has  happened. Deerslayer did not come for our  scalps; that is true; why  did he not come? Here

they are; on our heads; the  warlocks are ready  to be taken hold of; a bold enemy ought to stretch out  his

hand to  seize them. The Iroquois are too great a nation to punish men  that  take scalps. What they do

themselves, they like to see others do. Let  my  daughter look around her and count my warriors. Had I as

many hands  as four  warriors, their fingers would be fewer than my people, when  they came into  your hunting

grounds. Now, a whole hand is missing.  Where are the fingers?  Two have been cut off by this pale face; my

Hurons wish to see if he did this  by means of a stout heart, or by  treachery. Like a skulking fox, or like a

leaping panther." 

"You know yourself, Huron, how one of them fell. I saw it, and you  all saw  it, too. 'Twas too bloody to look

at; but it was not  Deerslayer's fault. Your  warrior sought his life, and he defended  himself. I do n't know

whether this  good book says that it was right,  but all men will do that. Come, if you want  to know which of

you, can  shoot best, give Deerslayer a rifle, and then you  will find how much  more expert he is, than any of

your warriors; yes, than  all of them  together!" 

Could one have looked upon such a scene with indifference, he would  have been  amused at the gravity with

which the savages listened to the  translation of  this unusual request. No taunt, no smile mingled with  their

surprise, for  Hetty had a character and a manner too saintly to  subject her infirmity to  the mockings of the

rude and ferocious. On  the contrary, she was answered  with respectful attention. 

"My daughter does not always talk, like a chief at a Council Fire,"  returned  Rivenoak, "or she would not have

said this. Two of my  warriors have fallen by  the blows of our prisoner; their grave is too  small to hold a third.

The  Hurons do not like to crowd their dead. If  there is another spirit about to  set out for the far off world, it

must not be the spirit of a Huron; it must  be the spirit of a pale  face. Go, daughter, and sit by Sumach, who is

in  grief; let the Huron  warriors show how well they can shoot; let the pale face  show how  little he cares for

their bullets." 

Hetty's mind was unequal to a sustained discussion, and accustomed  to defer  to the directions of her seniors

she did as told, seating  herself passively  on a log, by the side of the Sumach, and averting  her face from the

painful  scene that was occurring within the circle. 

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The warriors, as soon as this interruption had ceased, resumed  their places,  and again prepared to exhibit their

skill. As there was  a double object in  view, that of putting the constancy of the captive  to the proof, and that

of  showing how steady were the hands of the  marksmen, under circumstances of  excitement, the distance was

small,  and, in one sense, safe. But in  diminishing the distance taken by the  tormentors, the trial to the nerves

of  the captive was essentially  increased. The face of Deerslayer, indeed, was  just removed  sufficiently from

the ends of the guns to escape the effects of  the  flash, and his steady eye was enabled to look directly into

their  muzzles, as it might be, in anticipation of the fatal messenger that  was to  issue from each. The cunning

Hurons well knew this fact, and  scarce one  levelled his piece without first causing it to point as  near as

possible at  the forehead of the prisoner, in the hope that his  fortitude would fail him,  and that the band would

enjoy the triumph of  seeing a victim quail under  their ingenious cruelty. Nevertheless each  of the competitors

was still  careful not to injure, the disgrace of  striking prematurely, being second  only to that of failing

altogether  in attaining the object. Shot after shot  was made; all the bullets  coming in close proximity to the

Deerslayer's head,  without touching  it. Still no one could detect even the twitching of a muscle  on the  part of

the captive, or the slightest winking of an eye. This  indomitable resolution, which so much exceeded every

thing of its kind  that  any present had before witnessed, might be referred to three  distinct causes.  The first

was resignation to his fate, blended with  natural steadiness of  deportment; for our hero had calmly made up

his  mind that he must die, and  preferred this mode to any other; the  second was his great familiarity with  this

particular weapon, which  deprived it of all the terror that is usually  connected with the mere  form of the

danger; and the third was this  familiarity carried out in  practice, to a degree so nice as to enable the  intended

victim to  tell, within an inch, the precise spot where each bullet  must strike,  for he calculated its range by

looking in at the bore of the  piece. So  exact was Deerslayer's estimation of the line of fire, that his  pride  of

feeling finally got the better of his resignation, and when five or  six had discharged their bullets into the tree,

he could not refrain  from  expresing his contempt at their want of hand and eye. 

"You may call this shooting, Mingos!" he exclaimed, "but we've  squaws among  the Delawares, and I have

known Dutch gals on the Mohawk,  that could outdo  your greatest indivours. Ondo these arms of mine, put  a

rifle into my hands,  and I'll pin the thinnest warlock in your  party, to any tree you can show me,  and this at a

hundred yardsay, or  at two hundred if the objects can be seen,  nineteen shots in twenty;  or, for that matter

twenty in twenty, if the piece  is creditable and  trusty!" 

A low menacing murmur followed this cool taunt. The ire of the  warriors  kindled at listening to such a

reproach from one, who so far  disdained their  efforts as to refuse even to wink, when a rifle was  discharged

as near his  face as could be done without burning it.  Rivenoak perceived that the moment  was critical, and,

still retaining  his hope of adopting so noted a hunter  into his tribe, the politic old  chief interposed in time,

probably to prevent  an immediate resort to  that portion of the torture, which must necessarily  have produced

death through extreme bodily suffering, if in no other manner.  Moving  into the centre of the irritated groupe,

he addressed them with his  usual wily logic, and plausible manner, at once suppressing the fierce  movement

that had commenced. 

"I see how it is," he said. "We have been like the pale faces when  they  fasten their doors at night, out of fear

of the red men. They use  so many  bars that the fire comes and burns them, before they can get  out. We have

bound the Deerslayer too tight: the thongs keep his limbs  from shaking and  his eyes from shutting. Loosen

him; let us see what  his own body is really  made of." 

It is often the case when we are thwarted in a cherished scheme,  that any  expedient, however unlikely to

succeed, is gladly resorted to  in preference  to a total abandonment of the project. So it was with  the Hurons.

The  proposal of the chief found instant favor, and several  hands were immediately  at work, cutting and

tearing the ropes of bark  from the body of our hero. In  half a minute Deerslayer stood as free  from bonds, as

when, an hour before he  had commenced his flight on the  side of the mountain. Some little time was

necessary that he should  recover the use of his limbs, the circulation of the  blood having been  checked by the

tightness of the ligatures, and this was  accorded to  him by the politic Rivenoak, under the pretence that his

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body  would be  more likely to submit to apprehension, if its true tone were  restored;  though really with a view

to give time to the fierce passions which  hadbeen awakened in the bosoms of his young men, to subside.

This  ruse  succeeded, and Deerslayer by rubbing his limbs, stamping his  feet, and moving  about, soon

regained the circulation, recovering all  his physical powers, as  effectually as if nothing had occurred to

disturb them. 

It is seldom men think of death in the pride of their health and  strength. So  it was with Deerslayer. Having

been helplessly bound and,  as he had every  reason to suppose, so lately on the very verge of the  other world,

to find  himself so unexpectedly liberated, in possession  of his strength and with a  full command of limb,

acted on him like a  sudden restoration to life,  reanimating hopes that he had once  absolutely abandoned.

From that instant  all his plans changed. In  this, he simply obeyed a law of nature; for while  we have wished

to  represent our hero as being resigned to his fate, it has  been far from  our intention to represent him as

anxious to die. From the  instant  that his buoyancy of feeling revived, his thoughts were keenly bent  on  the

various projects that presented themselves as modes of evading the  designs of his enemies, and he again

became, the quick witted,  ingenious and  determined woodsman, alive to all his own powers and  resources.

The change  was so great, that his mind resumed its  elasticity, and no longer thinking of  submission, it dwelt

only on the  devices of thesort of warfare in which he  was engaged. 

As soon as Deerslayer was released, the band divided itself in a  circle  around him, in order to hedge him in,

and the desire to break  down his spirit  grew in them, precisely as they saw proofs of the  difficulty there

would be  in subduing it. The honor of the band was  now involved in the issue, and even  the sex lost all its

sympathy with  suffering, in the desire to save the  reputation of the tribe. The  voices of the girls, soft and

melodious as  nature had made them, were  heard mingling with the menaces of the men, and  the wrongs of

Sumach  suddenly assumed the character of injuries inflicted on  every Huron  female. Yielding to this rising

tumult, the men drew back a  little,  signifying to the females, that they left the captive, for a time, in  their

hands, it being a common practice on such occasions, for the  women to  endeavor to throw the victim into a

rage, by their taunts and  revilings, and  then to turn him suddenly over to the men, in a state  of mind that was

little  favorable to resisting the agony of bodily  suffering. Nor was this party  without the proper instruments

for  effecting such a purpose. Sumach had a  notoriety as a scold, and one  or two crones, like the She Bear, had

come out  with the party, most  probably as the conservators of its decency and moral  discipline; such  things

occurring in savage as well as in civilized life. It  is  unnecessary to repeat all that ferocity and ignorance could

invent for  such a purpose, the only difference between this outbreaking of  feminine  anger, and a similar scene

among ourselves, consisting in the  figures of  speech and the epithets, the Huron women calling their  prisoner

by the names  of the lower and least respected animals that  were known to themselves. 

But Deerslayer's mind was too much occupied, to permit him to be  disturbed by  the abuse of excited hags,

and their rage necessarily  increasing with his  indifference, as his indifference increased with  their rage, the

furies soon  rendered themselves impotent by their own  excesses. Perceiving that the  attempt was a complete

failure, the  warriors interfered to put a stop to this  scene, and this so much the  more, because preparations

were now seriously  making for the  commencement of the real tortures, or that which would put the  fortitude

of the sufferer to the test of severe bodily pain. A sudden  and  unlooked for announcement, that proceeded

from one of the  lookouts, a boy  ten or twelve years old, however, put a momentary  check to the whole

proceedings. As this interruption has a close  connection with the dénouemnent  of our story, it shall be given

in a  separate chapter. 

Chapter XXXII.

"So deem'st thou  so each mortal deems

Of that which is from that which seems;

But other harvest here

Than that which peasant's scythe demands,

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Was gather'd in by sterner hands,

With bayonet, blade, and spear."

Scott, "The Field of Waterloo," V.i6.

It exceeded Deerslayer's power to ascertain what had produced the  sudden  pause in the movements of his

enemies, until the fact was  revealed in the due  course of events. He perceived that much agitation  prevailed

among the women  in particular, while the warriors rested on  their arms, in a sort of  dignified expectation. It

was plain no alarm  was excited, though it was not  equally apparent that a friendly  occurrence produced the

delay. Rivenoak was  evidently apprised of all,  and by a gesture of his arm he appeared to direct  the circle to

remain  unbroken, and for each person to await the issue in the  situation he,  or she, then occupied. It required

but a minute or two, to  bring an  explanation of this singular and mysterious pause, which was soon

terminated by the appearance of Judith on the exterior of the line of  bodies,  and her ready admission within

its circle. 

If Deerslayer was startled by this unexpected arrival, well knowing  that the  quick witted girl could claim

none of that exemption from the  penalties of  captivity, that was so cheerfully accorded to her feebler  minded

sister, he  was equally astonished at the guise in which she  came. All her ordinary  forest attire, neat and

becoming as this  usually was, had been laid aside for  the brocade that has been already  mentioned, and which

had once before  wrought so great and magical an  effect in her appearance. Nor was this all.  Accustomed to

see the  ladies of the garrison, in the formal, gala attire of  the day, and  familiar with the more critical niceties

of these matters, the  girl  had managed to complete her dress, in a way to leave nothing strikingly  defective in

its details, or even to betray an in congruity that would  have  been detected by one practised in the mysteries

of the toilet.  Head, feet,  arms, hands, bust, and drapery, were all ~n harmony, as  female attire was  then

deemed attractive and harmonious, and the end  she aimed at, that of  imposing on the uninstructed senses of

the  savages, by causing them to  believe their guest was a woman of rank  and importance, might well have

succeeded with those whose habits had  taught them to discriminate between  persons. Judith, in addition to

her rare native beauty, had a singular grace  of person, and her mother  had imparted enough of her own

deportment, to  prevent any striking or  offensive vulgarity of manner; so that, sooth to say,  the gorgeous  dress

might have been worse bestowed in nearly every particular.  Had  it been displayed in a capital, a thousand

might have worn it, before  one  could have been found to do more credit to its gay colours, glossy  satins,  and

rich laces, than the beautiful creature whose person it  now aided to  adorn. The effect of such an apparition

had not been  miscalculated. The  instant Judith found herself within the circle, she  was, in a degree,

compensated for the fearful personal risk she ran,  by the unequivocal  sensation of surprise and admiration

produced by  her appearance. The grim old  warriors uttered their favorite  exclamation "hugh!" The younger

men were  still more sensibly overcome,  and even the women were not backward in letting  open

manifestations of  pleasure escape them. It was seldom that these  untutored children of  the forest had ever

seen any white female above the  commonest sort,  and, as to dress, never before had so much splendor shone

before their  eyes. The gayest uniforms of both French and English seemed dull  compared with the lustre of

the brocade, and while the rare personal  beauty  of the wearer added to the effect produced by its hues, the

attire did not  fail to adorn that beauty in a way which surpassed even  the hopes of its  wearer. Deerslayer

himself was astounded, and this  quite as much by the  brilliant picture the girl presented, as at the  indifference

to consequences  with which she had braved the danger of  the step she had taken. Under such  circumstances,

all waited for the  visiter to explain her object, which to  most of the spectators seemed  as inexplicable as her


"Which of these warriors is the principal chief?" demanded Judith  of  Deerslayer, as soon as she found it was

expected that she should  open the  communications; "my errand is too important to be delivered  to any of

inferior rank. First explain to the Hurons, what I say; then  give an answer  to the question I have put." 

Deerslayer quietly complied, his auditors greedily listening to the  interpretation of the first words that fell

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from so extraordinary a  vision.  The demand seemed perfectly in character for one who had every  appearance

of  an exalted rank, herself. Rivenoak gave an appropriate  reply, by presenting  himself before his fair visiter in

a way to leave  no doubt that he was  entitled to all the consideration he claimed. 

"I can believe this, Huron," resumed Judith, enacting her assumed  part, with  a steadiness and dignity that did

credit to her powers of  imitation, for she  strove to impart to her manner the condescending  courtesy she had

once  observed in the wife of a general officer, at a  similar though a more  amicable scene:  "I can believe you

to be the  principal person of this party; I see in your  countenance the marks of  thought and reflection. To you,

then, I must make my  communication." 

"Let the Flower of the Woods speak," returned the old chief  courteously, as  soon as her address had been

translated so that all  might understand it"If  her words are as pleasant as her looks, they  will never quit my

ears; I shall  hear them long after the winter of  Canada has killed all the flowers, and  frozen all the speeches of


This admiration was grateful to one constituted like Judith, and  contributed  to aid her selfpossession, quite

as much as it fed her  vanity. Smiling  involuntarily, or in spite of her wish to seem  reserved, she proceeded in

her  plot. 

"Now, Huron," she continued, "listen to my words. Your eyes tell  you that I  am no common woman. I will

not say I am queen of this  country; she is afar  off, in a distant land; but under our gracious  monarchs, there

are many  degrees of rank; one of these I fill. What  that rank is precisely, it is  unnecessary for me to say, since

you  would not understand it. For that  information you must trust your  eyes. You see what I am; you must feel

that  in listening to my words,  you listen to one who can be your friend, or your  enemy, as you treat  her." 

This was well uttered, with a due attention to manner, and a  steadiness of  tone, that was really surprising,

considering all the  circumstances of the  case. It was well, though simply rendered into  the Indian dialect too,

and it  was received with a respect and gravity  that augured favourably for the  girl's success. But Indian

thought is  not easily traced to its sources.  Judith waited with anxiety to hear  the answer, filled with hope even

while  she doubted. Rivenoak was a  ready speaker, and he answered as promptly as  comported with the

notions of Indian decorum; that peculiar people seeming to  think a  short delay respectful, inasmuch as it

manifests that the words  already heard, have been duly weighed. 

"My daughter is handsomer than the wild roses of Ontario; her voice  is  pleasant to the ear as the song of the

wren," answered the cautious  and wily  chief, who of all the band, stood alone in not being fully  imposed on

by the  magnificent and unusual appearance of Judith; but  who distrusted even while  he wondered: "the

humming bird is not much  larger than the bee; yet, its  feathers are as gay as the tail of the  peacock. The Great

Spirit sometimes  puts very bright clothes on very  little animals. Still He covers the Moose  with coarse hair.

These  things are beyond the understanding of poor Indians,  who can only  comprehend what they see and

hear. No doubt my daughter has a  very  large wigwam, somewhere about the lake; the Hurons have not found

it,  on  account of their ignorance?" 

"I have told you, chief, that it would be useless to state my rank  and  residence, in as much as you would not

comprehend them. You must  trust to  your eyes for this knowledge; what red man is there who  cannot see?

This  blanket that I wear, is not the blanket of a common  squaw; these ornaments  are such as the wives and

daughters of chiefs  only appear in. Now, listen and  hear why I have come alone, among your  people, and

hearken to the errand that  has brought me here. The  Yengeese have young men, as well as the Hurons; and

plenty of them,  too; this you well know." 

"The Yengeese are as plenty as the leaves on the trees! This every  Huron  knows, and feels." 

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"I understand you, chief. Had I brought a party with me, it might  have caused  trouble. My young men and

your young men, would have  looked angrily at each  other; especially had my young men seen that  pale face

bound for the torture.  He is a great hunter, and is much  loved by all the garrisons, far and near.  There would

have been blows  about him, and the trail of the Iroquois back to  the Canadas would  have been marked with


"There is so much blood on it, now," returned the chief, gloomily,  "that it  blinds our eyes. My young men see

that it is all Huron." 

"No doubt; and more Huron blood would be spilt had I come  surrounded with  pale faces. I have heard of

Rivenoak, and have thought  it would be better to  send him back in peace to his village, that he  might leave

his women and  children behind him; if he then wished to  come for our scalps, we would meet  him. He loves

animals made of  ivory, and little rifles. See; I have brought  some with me to show  him. I am his friend. When

he has packed up these things  among his  goods, he will start for his village, before any of my young men  can

overtake him, and then he will show his people in Canada what riches  they  can come to seek, now that our

great fathers, across the Salt  Lake, have sent  each other the war hatchet. I will lead back with me,  this great

hunter, of  whom I have need to keep my house in venison." 

Judith, who was sufficiently familiar with Indian phraseology,  endeavored to  express her ideas in the

sententious manner common to  those people, and she  succeeded even beyond her own expectations.

Deerslayer did her full justice  in the translation, and this so much  the more readily, since the girl  carefully

abstained from uttering any  direct untruth; a homage she paid to  the young man's known aversion to

falsehood, which he deemed a meanness  altogether unworthy of a white  man's gifts. The offering of the two

remaining  elephants, and of the  pistols already mentioned, one of which was all the  worse for the  recent

accident, produced a lively sensation among the Hurons,  generally, though Rivenoak received it coldly,

notwithstanding the  delight  with which he had first discovered the probable existence of a  creature with  two

tails. In a word, this cool and sagacious savage was  not so easily  imposed on, as his followers, and with a

sentiment of  honor, that half the  civilized world would have deemed supererogatory,  he declined the

acceptance  of a bribe that he felt no disposition to  earn by a compliance with the  donor's wishes. 

"Let my daughter keep her twotailed hog, to eat, when venison is  scarce," he  drily answered, "and the little

gun, which has two  muzzles. The Hurons will  kill deer when they are hungry, and they have  long rifles to

fight with. This  hunter cannot quit my young men now;  they wish to know if he is as stout  hearted, as he

boasts himself to  be." 

"That I deny, Huron" interrupted Deerslayer, with warmth"Yes,  that I down  right deny, as ag'in truth and

reason. No man has heard me  boast, and no man  shall, though ye flay me alive, and then roast the  quivering

flesh, with your  own infarnal devices and cruelties! I may  be humble, and misfortunate, and  your prisoner;

but I'm no boaster, by  my very gifts." 

"My young paleface boasts he is no boaster," returned the crafty  chief: "he  must be right. I hear a strange

bird singing. It has very  rich feathers. No  Huron ever before saw such feathers! They will be  ashamed to go

back to their  village, and tell their people that they  let their prisoner go on account of  the song of this strange

bird and  not be able to give the name of the bird.  They do not know how to say  whether it is a wren, or a cat

bird. This would  be a great disgrace;  my young men would not be allowed to travel in the  woods, without

taking their mothers with them, to tell them the names of the  birds!"  "You can ask my name of your

prisoner," returned the girl. "It is  Judith; and  there is a great deal of the history of Judith in the Pale  face's best

book,  the bible. If I am a bird of fine feathers, I have  also my name." 

"No," answered the wily Huron, betraying the artifice he had so  long  practised, by speaking in English, with

tolerable accuracy, "I  not ask  prisoner. He tired; he want rest. I ask my daughter, with  feeble mind. She  speak

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truth. Come here, daughter; you answer. Your  name, Hetty?" 

"Yes, that's what they call me," returned the girl, "though it's  written  Esther in the bible." 

"He write him in bible, too! All write in bible. No matter what  her name?"  "That's Judith, and it's so written

in the bible, though  father sometimes  called her Jude. That's my sister Judith. Thomas  Hutter's

daughterThomas  Hutter, whom you called the Muskrat; though  he was no muskrat, but a man like

yourselveshe lived in a house on  the water, and that was enough for you. 

A smile of triumph gleamed on the hard wrinkled countenance of the  chief,  when he found how completely

his appeal to the truthloving  Hcttv had  succeeded. As for Judith, herself, the moment her sister was

questioned, she  saw that all was lost; for no sign, or even intreaty  could have induced the  right feeling girl to

utter a falsehood. To  attempt to impose a daughter of  the Muskrat on the savages, as a  princess, or a great

lady, she knew would be  idle, and she saw her  bold and ingenious expedient for liberating the captive  fail,

through  one of the simplest and most natural causes that could be  imagined.  She turned her eye on

Deerslayer, therefore, as if imploring him to  interfere, to save them both. 

"It will not do, Judith," said the young man, in answer to this  appeal, which  he understood, though he saw its

uselessness; "it will  not do. Twas a bold  idea, and fit for a general's lady, but yonder  Mingo " Rivenoak had

withdrawn  to a little distance, and was out of  earshot "but yonder Mingo, is au  oncommon man, and not to

he  deceived by any unnat'ral sarcumvcntion. Things  must come afore him,  in their right order, to draw a (loud

afore his eves!  Twas too much to  attempt making him fancy that a queen, or a great lady,  lived in these

mountains, and no doubt lie thinks the line clothes you wear,  is some  of the plunder of' your own fatheror, at

least, of him who once  passed for your father; as 1tiite likely it was, if all they  say is  true." 

"At all events, Deerslayer , my presence here, will save you for a  time. They  will hardly attempt torturing you

before my face!" 

"Why not, Judith? Do you think they will treat a woman of the pale  faces,  more tenderly than they treat their

own? It's true that your  sex will most  likely save you from the torments, but it will not save  your liberty, and

may  not save your scalp. I wish you had not come, my  good Judith; it can do no  good to me, while it may do

great harm to  yourself. 

I can share your fate," the girl answered with generous enthusiasm.  "They  shall not injure you, while I stand

by, if in my power to  prevent itbesides  "  "Besides, what, Judith? What means have you to  stop Injin

cruelties, or to  avart Injin deviltries?" 

"None, perhaps, Deerslayer," answered the girl, with firmness, "but  I can  suffer with my friendsdie with

them if necessary." 

"Ah! Judithsuffer you may; but die you will not, until the Lord's  time shall  come. It's little likely that one of

your sex and beauty  will meet with a  harder fate than to become the wife of a chief, if,  indeed your white

inclinations can stoop to match with an Injin.  'Twould have been better had  you said in the Ark, or the castle,

but  what has been done, is done. You was  about to say something, when you  stopped at 'besides'?" 

"It might not be safe to mention it here, Deerslayer," the girl  hurriedly  answered, moving past him carelessly,

that she might speak  in a lower tone;  "half an hour, is all in all to us. None of your  friends are idle." 

The hunter replied merely by a grateful look. Then he turned  towards his  enemies, as if ready again to face

their torments. A short  consultation had  passed among the elders of the band, and by this time  they also were

prepared  with their decision. The merciful purpose of  Rivenoak had been much weakened  by the artifice of

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Judith, which,  failing of its real object, was likely to  produce results the very  opposite of those she had

anticipated. This was  natural; the feeling  being aided by the resentment of an Indian, who found  how near hr

had  been to becoming the dupe of an inexperienced girl. By this  time,  Judith's real character was fully

understood, the wide spread  reputation of her beauty contributing to the exposure. As for the  unusual  attire, it

was confounded with the profound mystery of the  animals with two  tails, and, for the moment lost its


When Rivenoak, therefore, faced the captive again, it was with an  altered  countenance. He had abandoned the

wish of saving him, and was  no longer  disposed to retard the more serious part of the torture This  change of

sentiment was, in effect, communicated to the young men, who  were already  eagerly engaged in making their

preparations for the  contemplated scene.  Fragments of dried wood were rapidly collected,  near the sapling,

the  splinters which it was intended to thrust into  the flesh of the victim,  previously to lighting, were all

collected,  and the thongs were already  produced that were again to bind him to  the tree. All this was done in

profound silence, Judith watching every  movement with breathless expectation,  while Deerslayer himself,

stood  seemingly as unmoved, as one of the pines of  the hills. When the  warriors advanced to bind him,

however, the young man  glanced at  Judith, as if to enquire whether resistance or submission were  most

advisable. By a significant gesture she counselled the last, and, in a  minute, he was once more fastened to the

tree, a helpless object of  any  insult, or wrong, that might be offered. So eagerly did every one  now act,  that

nothing was said. The fire was immediately lighted in  the pile, and the  end of all was anxiously expected. 

It was not the intention of the Hurons absolutely to destroy the  life of  their victim by means of fire. They

designed merely to put his  physical  fortitude to the severest proofs it could endure, short of  that extremity. In

the end, they fully intended to carry his scalp  with them into their village,  but it was their wish first to break

down his resolution, and to reduce him  to the level of a complaining  sufferer. With this view, the pile of

brush and  branches had been  placed at a proper distance, or, one at which it was  thought the heat  would soon

become intolerable, though it might not be  immediately  dangerous. As often happened, however, on these

occasions, this  distance had been miscalculated, and the flames began to wave their  forked  tongues in a

proximity to the face of the victim, that would  have proved  fatal, in another instant, had not Hetty rushed

through  the crowd, armed with  a stick, and scattered the blazing pile, in a  dozen directions. More than one

hand was raised to strike this  presumptuous intruder to the earth, but the  chiefs prevented the  blows, by

reminding their irritated followers of the  state of her  mind. Hetty, herself, was insensible to the risk she ran,

but,  as soon  as she had performed this bold act, she stood looking about her, in  frowning resentment, as if to

rebuke the crowd of attentive savages,  for  their cruelty.I 

"God bless you, dearest sister, for that brave and ready act!"  murmured  Judith, herself unnerved so much as

to be incapable of  exertion"Heaven,  itself, has sent you on its holy errand." 

"Twas well meant, Judith" rejoined the victim"twas excellently  meant, and  'twas timely; though it may

prove ontimely in the ind! What  is to come to  pass, must come to pass soon, or 'twill quickly be too  late. Had

I drawn in  one mouthful of that flame in breathing, the  power of man could not save my  life, and you see that,

this time,  they've so bound my forehead, as not to  leave my head the smallest  chance. Twas well meant, but it

might have been  more marciful to let  the flames act their part." 

"Cruel, heartless Hurons!" exclaimed the still indignant  Hetty"Would you  burn a man and a christian, as you

would burn a log  of wood! Do you never  read your bibles?Or do you think God will  forget such things?" 

A gesture from Rivenoak caused the scattered brands to be  collected. Fresh  wood., was brought, even the

women and children  busying themselves eagerly,  in the gathering of dried sticks. The  flame was just kindling

a second time,  when an Indian female pushed  through the circle, advanced to the heap, and  with her foot

dashed  aside the lighted twigs, in time to prevent the  conflagration. A yell  followed this second

disappointment, but when the  offender turned,  towards the circle, and presented the countenance of Hist,  it

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was  succeeded by a common exclamation of pleasure and surprise. For a  minute, all thought of pursuing the

business in hand was forgotten.  Young and  old crowded around the girl, in haste to demand an  explanation of

her sudden  and unlookedfor return. It was at this  critical instant that Hist spoke to  Judith in a low voice,

placed some  small object unseen in her hand, and then  turned to meet the  salutations of the Huron girls, with

whom she was  personally a great  favorite. Judith recovered her selfpossession, and acted  promptly. The

small, keen edged knife, that Hist had given to the other, was  passed  by the latter into the hands of Hetty, as

the safest and least  suspected medium of transferring it to Deerslayer. But the feeble  intellect  of the last,

defeated the wellgrounded hopes of all three.  Instead of first  cutting loose the hands of the victim, and then

concealing the knife in his  clothes, in readiness for action, at the  most available instant, she went to  work

herself, with earnestness and  simplicity, to cut the thongs that bound  his head, that he might not  again be in

danger of inhaling flames. Of course  this deliberate  procedure was seen, and the hands of Hetty were

arrested, ere  she had  more than liberated the upper portion of the captive's body, not  including his arms,

below the elbows. This discovery at once pointed  distrust  towards Hist, and to Judith's surprise, when

questioned on  the subject, that  spirited girl was not disposed to deny her agency in  what had passed.  "Why

should I not help the Deerslayer?" the girl  demanded, in the tones of a  firm minded woman. "He is the

brother of a  Delaware chief; my heart is all  Delaware. Come forth, miserable  Briarthorn, and wash the

Iroquois paint from  your face; stand be'fore  the Hurons, the crow that you are. You would eat the  carrion of

your  own dead, rather than starve. Put him face to face with  Deerslayer,  chiefs and warriors; I will show you

how great a knave you have  been  keeping in your tribe." 

This bold language, uttered in their own dialect, and with a manner  full of  confidence, produced a deep

sensation among the Hurons.  Treachery is always  liable to distrust, and though the recreant  Briarthorn had

endeavoured to  serve the enemy well, his exertions and  assiduities had gained for him little  more than

toleration. His wish  to obtain Hist for a wife, had first induced  him to betray her, and  his own people, but

serious rivals to his first  project had risen up  among his new friends, weakening still more their  sympathies

with  treason. In a word, Briarthorn had been barely permitted to  remain in  the Huron encampment, where he

was as closely and as jealously  watched  as Hist, herself, seldom appearing before the chiefs, and sedulously

keeping out of view of Deerslayer, who, until this moment, was  ignorant even  of hi~ presence. Thus

summoned, however, it was  impossible to remain in the  back ground. "Wash the Iroquois paint from  his

face," he did not, for when he  stood in the centre of the circle,  he was so disguised in these new colours,  that

at first, the hunter  did not recognise him. He assumed an air of  defiance, notwithstanding,  and haughtily

demanded what any could say against  "Briarthorn." 

"Ask yourself that," continued Hist with spirit, though her manner  grew less  concentrated, and there was a

slight air of abstraction that  became  observable to Deerslayer and Judith, if to no others  "Ask  that of your

own  heart, sneaking woodchuck of the Delawares; come not  here with the face of an  innocent man. Go look

into the spring; see  the colours of your enemies on  your lying skin; then come back and  boast how you run

from your tribe and  took the blanket of the French  for your covering! Paint yourself as bright as  the humming

bird, you  will still be black as the crow!" 

Hist had been so uniformly gentle, while living with the Hurons,  that they  now listened to her language with

surprise. As for the  delinquent, his blood  boiled in his veins, and it was well for the  pretty speaker that it was

not  in his power to execute the revenge he  burned to inflict on her, in spite of  his pretended love. 

"Who wishes Briarthorn?" he sternly asked"If this pale face is  tired of  life, if afraid of Indian torments,

speak, Rivenoak; I will  send him after  the warriors we have lost." 

"No, chiefs no, Rivenoak" eagerly interrupted Hist "Deerslayer  fears  nothing; least of all a crow! Unbind

him cut his withes, place  him face to  face with this cawing bird; then let us see which is tired  of life!" 

The Deerslayer; or, The First Warpath 

Chapter XXXII. 282


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Hist made a forward movement, as if to take a knife from a young  man, and  perform the office she had

mentioned in person, but an aged  warrior  interposed, at a sign from Rivenoak. This chief watched all  the girl

did with  distrust, for, even while speaking in her most  boastful language, and in the  steadiest manner, there

was an air of  uncertainty and expectation about her,  that could not escape so close  an observer. She acted

well; but two or three  of the old men were  equally satisfied that it was merely acting. Her proposal  to release

Deerslayer, therefore, was rejected, and the disappointed Hist  found  herself driven back from the sapling, at

the very moment she fancied  herself about to be successful. At the same time, the circle, which  had got  to be

crowded and confused, was enlarged, and brought once  more into order.  Rivenoak now announced the

intention of the old men  again to proceed, the  delay having continued long enough, and leading  to no result. 

"Stop Huron  stay chiefs! " exclaimed Judith, scarce knowing what  she said,  or why she interposed, unless

to obtain time. "For God's  sake, a single  minute longer" 

The words were cut short, by another and a still more extraordinary  interruption. A young Indian came

bounding through the Huron ranks,  leaping  into the very centre of the circle, in a way to denote the  utmost

confidence,  or a temerity bordering on foolhardiness. Five or  six sentinels were still  watching the lake at

different and distant  points, and it was the first  impression of Rivenoak that one of these  had come in, with

tidings of import.  Still the movements of the  stranger were so rapid, and his war dress, which  scarcely left

him  more drapery than an antique statue, had so little  distinguishing  about it, that, at the first moment, it was

impossible to  ascertain  whether he were friend or foe. Three leaps carried this warrior to  the  side of

Deerslayer, whose withes were cut, in the twinkling of an eye,  with a quickness and precision that left the

prisoner perfect master  of his  limbs. Not till this was effected, did the stranger bestow a  glance on any  other

object; then he turned and showed the astonished  Hurons, the noble  brow, fine person, and eagleeye, of a

young  warrior, in the paint and  panoply of a Delaware. He held a rifle in  each hand, the butts of both,  resting

on the earth, while from one  dangled its proper pouch and horn. This  was Killdeer which, even as he  looked

boldly and in defiance at the crowd  around him, he suffered to  fall back into the hands of its proper owner.

The  presence of two  armed men, though it was in their midst, startled the Hurons.  Their  rifles were scattered

about against the different trees, and their only  weapons were their knives and tomahawks. Still they had too

much self  possession to betray fear. It was little likely that so small a force  would  assail so strong a band,

and each man expected some  extraordinary proposition  to succeed so decisive a step. The stranger  did not

seem disposed to  disappoint them; he prepared to speak. 

"Hurons," he said, "this earth is very big. The Great Lakes are  big, too;  there is room beyond them for the

Iroquois; there is room  for the Delawares  on this side. I am Chingachgook the Son of Uncas;  the kinsman of

Tamenund.  This is my betrothed; that pale face is my  friend. My heart was heavy, when I  missed him; I

followed him to your  camp, to see that no harm happened to him.  All the Delaware girls are  waiting for Wah;

they wonder that she stays away  so long. Come, let us  say farewell, and  go on our path." 

"Hurons, this is your mortal enemy, the Great Serpent of  them you  hate!" cried Briarthorn. "If he escape,

blood will be  in your moccasin  prints, from this spot to the Canadas. I am all Huron!"  As the last  words were

uttered, the traitor cast his knife at the naked  breast of  the Delaware. A quick movement of the arm, on the

part of Hist, who  stood near, turned aside the blow, the dangerous weapon burying its  point in  a pine. At the

next instant, a similar weapon glanced from  the hand of the  Serpent, and quivered in the recreant's heart. A

minute had scarcely elapsed  from the moment in which Chingachgook  bounded into the circle, and that in

which Briarthorn fell, like a  log, dead in his tracks. The rapidity of events  had prevented the  Hurons from

acting; but this catastrophe permitted no  farther delay. A  common exclamation followed, and the whole party

was in  motion. At  this instant a sound unusual to the woods was heard, and every  Huron,  male and female,

paused to listen, with ears erect and faces filled  with expectation. The sound was regular and heavy, as if the

earth  were  struck with beetles. Objects became visible among the trees of  the back  ground, and a body of

troops, was seen advancing with  measured tread. They  came upon the charge, the scarlet of the King's  livery

shining among the  bright green foliage of the forest. 

The Deerslayer; or, The First Warpath 

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The scene that followed is not easily described. It was one in  which wild  confusion, despair, and frenzied

efforts, were so blended,  as to destroy the  unity and distinctness of the action. A general yell  burst from the

enclosed  Hurons; it was succeeded by the hearty cheers  of England. Still not a musket  or rifle was fired,

though that steady,  measured, tramp continued, and the  bayonet was seen gleaming in  advance of a line that

counted nearly sixty men.  The Hurons were taken  at a fearful disadvantage. On three sides was the  water,

while their  formidable and trained foes, cut them off from flight, on  the fourth.  Each warrior rushed for his

arms, and then all on the point, man,  woman and child, eagerly sought the covers. In this scene of confusion

and  dismay, however, nothing could surpass the discretion and coolness  of  Deerslayer. His first care was to

place Judith and Hist, behind  trees, and he  looked for Hetty; but she had been hurried away in the  crowd of

Huron women.  This effected, he threw himself on a flank of  the retiring Hurons, who were  inclining off

towards the southern  margin of the point, in the hope of  escaping through the water.  Deerslayer watched his

opportunity, and finding  two of his recent  tormentors in a range, his rifle first broke the silence of  the  terrific

scene. The bullet brought down both at one discharge. This  drew  a general fire from the Hurons, and the rifle

and war cry of the  Serpent were  heard in the clamor. Still the trained men returned no  answering volley, the

whoop and piece of Hurry alone being heard on  their side, if we except, the  short, prompt word of authority,

and  that heavy, measured and menacing tread.  Presently, however, the  shrieks, groans, and denunciations that

usually  accompany the use of  the bayonet followed. That terrible and deadly weapon  was glutted in

vengeance. The scene that succeeded was one of those, of which  so many  have occurred in our own times, in

which neither age nor sex forms an  exemption to the lot of a savage warfare. 

Chapter XXXIII.

"The flower that smiles today

Tomorrow dies;

All that we wish to stay,

Tempts and then flies:

What is this world's delight? 

Lightning that mocks the night,

Brief even as bright."

Shelley, "Mutability," 11. iv.

The  picture next presented, by the point of land that the  unfortunate Hurons  had selected for their last place of

encampment,  need scarcely be laid before  the eyes of the reader. Happily for the  more tenderminded and the

more  timid, the trunks of the trees, the  leaves, and the smoke had concealed much  of that which passed, and

night shortly after drew its veil over the lake,  and the whole of that  seemingly interminable wilderness; which

may be said to  have then  stretched, with few and immaterial interruptions, from the banks of  the Hudson to

the shores of the Pacific Ocean. Our business carries us  into  the following day, when light returned upon the

earth, as sunny  and as  smiling, as if nothing extraordinary had occurred. 

When the sun rose on the following morning, every sign of hostility  and alarm  had vanished from the basin of

the Glimmerglass The  frightful event of the  preceding evening had left no impression on the  placid sheet, and

the  untiring hours pursued their course in the  placid order prescribed by the  powerful hand that set them in

motion.  The birds were again skimming the  water, or were seen poised on the  wing, high above the tops of

the tallest  pines of the mountains, ready  to make their swoops, in obedience to the  irresistable law of their

natures. In a word, nothing was changed, but the  air of movement and  life that prevailed in and around the

castle. Here,  indeed, was an  alteration that must have struck the least observant eye. A  sentinel,  who wore the

light infantry uniform of a royal regiment, paced the  platform with measured tread, and some twenty more of

the same corps,  lounged  about the place, or were seated in the ark. Their arms were  stacked under the  eye of

their comrade on post. Two officers stood  examining the shore, with  the ship's glass so often mentioned.

Their  looks were directed to that fatal  point, where scarlet coats were  still to be seen gliding among the trees,

and  where the magnifying  power of the instrument also showed spades at work, and  the sad duty  of interment

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going on. Several of the common men bore proofs on  their  persons, that their enemies had not been overcome

entirely without  resistance, and the youngest of the two officers on the platform, wore  an arm  in a sling. His

companion, who commanded the party, had been  more fortunate.  He it was who used the glass, in making the

reconnoissances in which the two  were engaged. 

A serjeant approached to make a report. He addressed the senior of  these  officers, as Capt. Warley, while the

other was alluded to as Mr.   which was  equivalent to Ensign  Thornton. The former it will at once  be seen

was the  officer who had been named with so much feeling, in  the parting dialogue  between Judith and Hurry.

He was, in truth, the  very individual with whom the  scandal of the garrisons had most freely  connected the

name of this beautiful  but indiscreet girl. He was a  hard featured, red faced, man, of about five  and thirty; but

of a  military carriage, and with an air of fashion that might  easily impose  on the imagination of one as

ignorant of the world, as Judith. 

"Craig is covering us with benedictions," observed this person to  his young  ensign, with an air of indifference

as he shut the glass,  and handed it to  his servant; "to say the truth, not without reason;  it is certainly more

agreeable to be here in attendance on Miss Judith  Hutter, than to be burying  Indians, on a point of the lake,

however  romantic the position, or brilliant  the victory. By the way, Wrightis  Davis still living?" 

"He died about ten minutes since, your honor," returned the  sergeant to whom  this question was addressed. "I

knew how it would be,  as soon as I found the  bullet had touched the stomach. I never knew a  man who could

hold out long,  if he had a hole in his stomach." 

"No; it is rather inconvenient for carrying away any thing very  nourishing,"  observed Warley gaping. "This

being up two nights de  suite, Arthur, plays the  devil with a man's faculties! I'm as stupid,  as one of those

Dutch parsons on  the Mohawk I hope your arm is not  painful, my dear boy?"  ~It draws a few grimaces from

me, sir, as I  suppose you see," answered the  youth, laughing at the very moment, his  countenance was a little

awry with  pain. "But it may be borne. I  suppose Graham can spare a few minutes, soon,  to look at my hurt." 

"She is a lovely creature, this Judith Hutter, after all, Thornton;  and it  shall not be my fault if she is not seen

and admired in the  Parks!" resumed  Warley, who thought little of his companion's  wound"your arm, eh!

Quite  trueGo into the ark, serjeant, and tell  Dr. Graham I desire he would look at  Mr. Thornton's injury, as

soon as  he has done with the poor fellow with the  broken leg. A lovely  creature! and she looked like a queen

in that brocade  dress in which  we met her. I find all changed here; father and mother both  gone, the  sister

dying, if not dead, and none of the family left, but the  beauty! This has been a lucky expedition all round, and

promises to  terminate  better than Indian skirmishes in general." 

"Am I to suppose, sir, that you are about to desert your colours,  in the  great corps of bachelors, and close the

campaign with  matrimony?" 

"I, Tom Warley, turn Benedict! Faith, my dear boy, you little know  the corps  you speak of, if you fancy any

such thing. I do suppose  there are women in  the colonies, that a captain of Light Infantry need  not disdain;

but they are  not to be found up here, on a mountain lake;  or even down on the Dutch river  where we are

posted. It is true, my  uncle, the general, once did me the favor  to choose a wife for me in  Yorkshire; but she

had no beauty, and I would not  marry a princess,  unless she were handsome." 

"If handsome, you would marry a beggar?" 

"Ay, these are the notions of an ensign! Love in a cottage doors  and  windows the old story, for the

hundredth time. The twenty  th do  n't marry.  We are not a marrying corps, my dear boy. There's the  Colonel,

Old Sir Edwin  , now; though a full General he has never  thought of a wife; and when a man  gets as high as

a Lieutenant  General, without matrimony, he is pretty safe.  Then the Lieutenant  Colonel is confirmed, as I

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tell my cousin 'he Bishop. The  Major is a  widower, having tried matrimony, for twelve months in his youth,

and  we look upon him, now, as one of our most certain men. Out of ten  captains, but one is in the dilemma,

and he, poor devil, is always  kept at  regimental head quarters, as a sort of memento mori, to the  young men as

they  join. As for the subalterns, not one has ever yet  had the audacity to speak  of introducing a wife into the

regiment. But  your arm is troublesome, and  we'll go ourselves and see what has  become of Graham." 

The Surgeon who had accompanied the party, was employed very  differently from  what the captain

supposed. When the assault was over,  and the dead and  wounded were collected, poor Hetty had been found

among the latter. A rifle  bullet had passed through her body,  inflicting an injury that was known at a  glance,

to be mortal. How  this wound was received, no one knew; it was  probably one of those  casualties that ever

accompany scenes like that related  in the  previous chapter. 

The Sumach, all the elderly women, and some of the Huron girls, had  fallen by  the bayonet, either in the

confusion of the m~1ée, or from  the difficulty of  distinguishing the sexes, when the dress was so  simple.

Much the greater  portion of the warriors suffered on the spot.  A few had escaped, however, and  two or three

had been taken unharmed.  As for the wounded, the bayonet saved  the surgeon much trouble.  Rivenoak had

escaped with life and limb, but was  injured and a  prisoner. As Captain Warley, and his ensign, went into the

Ark,  they  passed him, seated, in dignified silence, in one end of the scow, his  head and leg bound, but

betraying no visible sign of despondency or  despair.  That he mourned the loss of his tribe, is certain; still he

did it in a  manner that best became a warrior and a chief. 

The two soldiers found their surgeon in the principal room of the  Ark. He was  just quitting the pallet of

Hetty, with an expression of  sorrowful regret, on  his hard, pockmarked Scottish features, that it  was not

usual to see there.  All his assiduity had been useless, and he  was compelled, reluctantly to  abandon the

expectation of seeing the  girl survive many hours. Dr. Graham was  accustomed to deathbed  scenes, and

ordinarily they produced but little  impression on him. In  all that relates to religion, his was one of those

minds which, in  consequence of reasoning much on material things, logically  and  consecutively, and

overlooking the total want of premises which such a  theory must ever possess, through its want of a primary

agent, had  become  sceptical; leaving a vague opinion concerning the origin of  things, that,  with high

pretentions to philosophy, failed in the first  of all philosophical  principles, a cause. To him religious

dependence  appeared a weakness, but  when he found one gentle and young like  Hetty, with a mind beneath

the level  of her race, sustained at such a  moment by these pious sentiments, and that,  too, in a way that many

a  sturdy warrior, and reputed hero might have looked  upon with envy, he  found himself affected by the sight,

to a degree that he  would have  been ashamed to confess. Edinburgh and Aberdeen, then as now,  supplied  no

small portion of the medical men of the British service, and Dr.  Graham, as indeed his name and countenance

equally indicated, was, by  birth,  a North Briton. 

"Here is an extraordinary exhibition for a forest, and one but  halfgifted  with reason," he observed with a

decided Scotch accent, as  Warley and the  ensign entered; "I just hope, gentlemen, that when we  three shall be

called  on to quit the twenty  th, we may be found as  resigned to go on the half pay  of another existence, as

this poor  demented chief!" 

"Is there no hope that she can survive the hurt?" demanded Warley,  turning  his eyes towards the pallid Judith,

on whose cheeks, however,  two large spots  of red had settled, as soon as he came into the cabin. 

"No more than there is for Chairlie Stuart! Approach and judge for  yourselves, gentlemen; ye'll see faith

exemplified in an exceeding and  wonderful manner. There is a sort of bitrium between life and death,  in

actual conflict in the poor girl's mind, that renders her an  interesting  study to a philosopher. Mr. Thornton, I'm

at your service,  now; we can just  look at the arm, in the next room, while we speculate  as much as we please

on  the operations and sinuosities of the human  mind." 

The Deerslayer; or, The First Warpath 

Chapter XXXIII. 286


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The surgeon and ensign retired, and Warley had an opportunity of  looking  about him, more at leisure, and

with a better understanding of  the nature and  feelings of the group collected in the cabin. Poor  Hetty had been

placed on  her own simple bed, and was reclining in a  half seated attitude, with the  approaches of death on her

countenance,  though they were singularly dimmed by  the lustre of an expression, in  which all the intelligence

of her entire  being appeared to be  concentrated. Judith and Hist were near her, the former  seated in deep

grief; the latter standing, in readiness to offer any of the  gentle  attentions of feminine care. Deerslayer stood

at the end of the  pallet, leaning on Kilideer, unharmed in person, all the fine martial  ardor  that had so lately

glowed in his countenance, having given place  to the usual  look of honesty and benevolence, qualities of

which the  expression was now  softened by manly regret and pity. The Serpent was  in the background of the

picture, erect, and motionless as a statue;  but so observant that not a look  of the eye, escaped his own keen

glances. Hurry completed the group, being  seated on a stool near the  door, like one who felt himself out of

place in  such a scene, but who  was ashamed to quit it, unbidden. 

"Who is that, in scarlet?" asked Hetty, as soon as the Captain's  uniform  caught her eye. "Tell me, Judith, is it

the friend of Hurry?" 

"'Tis the officer who commands the troops, that have rescued us all  from the  hands of the Hurons," was the

low answer of the sister.  

"Am I rescued, too!  I thought they said I was shot, and about to  die.  Mother is dead; and so is father; but

you are living, Judith, and  so is  Hurry. I was afraid Hurry would be killed, when I heard him  shouting among

the soldiers." 

"Never mindnever mind, dear Hetty" interrupted Judith,  sensitively alive to  the preservation of her sister's

secret, more,  perhaps at such a moment, than  at any other. "Hurry is well, and  Deerslayer is well, and the

Delaware is  well, too." 

"How came they to shoot a poor girl like me, and let so many men go  unharmed?  I did n't know that the

Hurons were so wicked, Judith!" 

"'Twas an accident, poor Hetty; a sad sad accident it has been!  No one  would willingly have injured you." 

"I'm glad of that!I thought it strange; lam feeble minded, and the  red men  have never harmed me before. I

should he sorry to think that  they had changed  their minds. I am glad too, Judith, that they haven't  hurt Hurry.

Deerslayer,  I don't think God will suffer any one to harm.  It was very fortunate the  soldiers came as they did

though. for fire  will burn!" 

"It was, indeed fortunate, my sister; God's holy name be forever  blessed for  the mercy!" 

"I dare say, Judith, you know some of the officers; you used to  know so  many!" 

Judith made no reply; she hid her face in her hands and groaned.  Hetty gazed  at her in wonder; but naturally

supposing her own  situation was the cause of  this grief, she kindly offered to console  her sister. 

"Don't mind me, dear Judith," said the affectionate and  purehearted  creature"! don't suffer; if I do die, why

father and  mother are both dead,  and what happens to them, may well happen to me.  You know I am of less

account than any of the family; therefore few  will think of me after I'm in  the lake." 

"No  no  no  poor, dear, dear Hetty!" exclaimed Judith, in an  uncontrollable burst of sorrow, "I, at least,

will ever think of you;  and  gladly, oh! how gladly would I exchange places with you, to be the  pure,

excellent, sinless creature you are!" 

The Deerslayer; or, The First Warpath 

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Until now, Captain Warley had stood leaning against the door of the  cabin;  when this outbreak of feeling, and

perchance of penitence,  however, escaped  the beautiful girl, he walked slowly and thoughtfully  away; even

passing the  ensign, then suffering under the surgeon's  care, without noticing him. 

"I have got my bible here, Judith," returned her sister, in a voice  of  triumph. "It's true, I can't read any longer,

there's something the  matter  with my eyesyou look dim and distantand so does Hurry, now I  look at him

well, I never could have believed that Henry March would  have so dull a  look!What can be the reason,

Judith, that! see so  badly, today? I, who  mother always said, had the best eyes in the  whole family. Yes, that

was it:  my mind was feeblewhat people call  halfwittedbut my eyes were so good!" 

Again Judith groaned; this time no feeling of self, no retrospect  of the past  caused the pain. It was the  pure,

Heartfelt sorrow of  sisterly love, heightened by a sense of the meek humility  and perfect  truth of the being

before her. At that moment, she would gladly  have  given up her own life to save that of Hetty. As the last,

however, was  beyond the reach of human power, she felt there was nothing left her  but  sorrow. At this

moment Warley returned to the cabin, drawn by a  secret  impulse he could not withstand, though he felt, just

then, as  if he would  gladly abandon the American continent for ever, were it  practicable. Instead  of pausing at

the door, he now advanced so near  the pallet of the sufferer as  to come more plainly within her gaze.  Hetty

could still distinguish large  objects, and her look soon  fastened on him. 

"Are you the officer that came with Hurry?" she asked "If you are,  we ought  all to thank you, for, though I

am hurt, the rest have saved  their lives. Did  Harry March tell you, where to find us, and how much  need there

was for your  services?" 

"The news of the party reached us by means of a friendly runner,'  returned  the Captain, glad to relieve his

feelings by this appearance  of a friendly  communication, "and I was immediately sent out to cut it  off. It was

fortunate, certainly, that we met Hurry Harry, as you call  him, for he acted  as a guide, and it was not less

fortunate, that we  heard a firing, which I  now understand was merely a shooting at the  mark, for it not only

quickened  our march, but called us to the right  side of the lake. The Delaware saw us  on the shore, with the

glass it  would seem, and he and Hist, as I find his  squaw is named, did us  excellent service. It was really

altogether, a  fortunate concurrence  of circumstances, Judith?" 

"Talk not to me of any thing fortunate, sir," returned the girl  huskily,  again concealing her face. "To me the

world is full of  misery. I wish never  to hear of marks, or rifles, or soldiers, or men,  again!" 

"Do you know my sister?" asked Hetty, ere the rebuked soldier had  time to  rally for an answer. "How came

you to know that her name is  Judith? You are  right, for that is her name; and I am Hetty, Thomas  Hutter's


"For heaven's sake, dearest sister, for my sake, beloved Hetty,"  interposed  Judith, imploringly, "say no more

of this!" 

Hetty looked surprised, but accustomed to comply, she ceased her  awkward and  painful interrogations of

Warley, bending her eyes towards  the bible which  she still held between her hands, as one would cling  to a

casket of precious  stones, in a shipwreck, or a conflagration.  Her mind now adverted to the  future, losing

sight, in a great measure,  of the scenes of the past. 

"We shall not long be parted, Judith," she said; "when you die, you  must be  brought and be buried in the lake,

by the side of mother too." 

"Would to God, Hetty, that I lay there, at this moment!" 

The Deerslayer; or, The First Warpath 

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"No, that cannot be, Judith; people must die before they have any  right to be  buried. 'Twould be wicked to

bury you, or for you to bury  yourself, while  living. Once I thought of burying myself; God kept me  from that


"You! You, Hetty Hutter, think of such an act!" exclaimed Judith,  looking up  in uncontrollable surprise, for

she well knew nothing  passed the lips of her  conscientious sister, that was not religiously  true. 

"Yes, I did, Judith, but God has forgottenno he forgets  nothingbut he has  forgiven it," returned the dying

girl, with the  subdued manner of a repentant  child. " 'Twas after mother's death; I  felt I had lost the best friend

I had  on earth, if not the only  friend. 'Tis true, you and father were kind to me,  Judith, but I was  so

feebleminded, I knew I should only give you trouble;  and then you  were so often ashamed of such a sister

and daughter, and 'tis  hard to  live in a world where all look upon you as below them. I thought  then,  if I could

bury myself by the side of mother, I should be happier in  the lake, than in the hut." 

"Forgive mepardon me, dearest Hettyon my bended knees, I beg you  to pardon  me, sweet sister, if any

word, or act of mine drove you to  so maddening and  cruel a thought!" 

"Get up, Judithkneel to God; do n't kneel to me. Just so I felt  when mother  was dying! I remembered every

thing I had said and done to  vex her, and could  have kissed her feet for forgiveness. I think it  must be so with

all dying  people; though, now I think of it, I don't  remember to have had such feelings  on account of father." 

Judith arose, hid her face in her apron, and wept. A long pauseone  of more  than two hours succeeded,

during which Warley entered and left  the cabin  several times; apparently uneasy when absent, and yet unable

to remain. He  issued various orders, which his men proceeded to  execute, and there was an  air of movement

in the party, more  especially as Mr. Craig, the lieutenant,  had got through the  unpleasant duty of burying the

dead, and had sent for  instructions  from the shore, desiring to know what he was to do with his  detachment.

During this interval Hetty slept a little, and Deerslayer  and  Chingachgook left the Ark to confer together. But,

at the end of  the time  mentioned, the Surgeon passed upon the platform, and with a  degree of feeling  his

comrades had never before observed in one of his  habits, he announced  that the patient was rapidly drawing

near her  end. On receiving this  intelligence the group collected again,  curiosity to witness such a deathor  a

better feelingdrawing to the  spot, men who had so lately been actors in a  scene seemingly~ of so  much

greater interest and moment. By this time, Judith  had got to be  inactive through grief, and Hist alone was

performing the  little  offices of feminine attention that are so appropriate to the sick bed.  Hetty herself, had

undergone no other apparent change, than the  general  failing that indicated the near approach of dissolution.

All  that she  possessed of mind was as clear as ever, and, in some  respects, her intellect  perhaps was more

than usually active. 

"Don't grieve for me so much, Judith," said the gentle sufferer,  after a  pause in her remarks"I shall soon see

motherI think I see  her now; her face  is just as sweet and smiling as it used to be!  Perhaps when I'm dead,

God  will give me all my mind, and I shall  become a more fitting companion for  mother, than I ever was

before."  "You will be an angel in heaven, Hetty," sobbed the sister; "no spirit  there  will be more worthy of its

holy residence!" 

"I don't understand it quite; still, I know it must be all true;  I've read it  in the bible. How dark it's becoming!

Can it be night so  soon? I can hardly  see you at allwhere is Hist?" 

"I here, poor girlWhy you no see me." 

"I do see you; but I could n't tell whether 'twas you, or Judith. I  believe I  shan't see you much longer, Hist." 

"Sorry for that, poor Hetty. Never mind  pale face got a heaven  for girls as  well as for warrior." 

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"Where's the Serpentlet me speak to himGive me his handsoI feel  it.  Delaware you will love and cherish

this young Indian woman  I  know how fond  she is of you; you must be fond of her. Don't treat her  as some

of your  people treat their wives; be a real husband to her.  Now, bring Deerslayer  near me; give me his hand." 

This request was complied with, and the hunter stood by the side of  the  pallet, submitting to the wishes of the

girl, with the docility of  a child. 

"I feel, Deerslayer,' she resumed  ' though I could n't tell why   but I  feel that you and I are not going to

part for ever. "Tis a  strange feeling!    I never had it before  I wonder what it comes  from!" 

"Tis God encoraging you in extremity, Hetty; as such it ought to be  harbored  and respected. Yes, we shall

meet ag'in, though it may be a  long time, first,  and in a far distant land." 

"Do you mean to be buried in the lake, too? If so, that may account  for the  feeling." 

"'Tis little likely, gal; 'tis little likely but there's a region  for  christian souls, where ther's no lakes, nor

woods, they say;  though why there  should be none of the last, is more than I can  account for; seeing that

pleasantness and peace is the object in view.  My grave will be found in he  foes, most likely, but I hope my

spirit  will not be far from yourn." 

"So it must be, then. I am too weakminded to understand these  things, but I  feel that you and I will meet

again,  Sister, where  are you?  I feel that  you and I will meet again, Sister, where are  you  I can't

see, now, any  ting but darknessit must be night,  surely!" 

"Oh! Hetty, I am hereat your side  these are my arms that are  around  you," sobbed Judith, ' Speak,

dearest; is there any thing you  wish to say, or  have done, in this awful moment." 

By this time Hetty's sight had enirely failed her. Nevertheless  death  approached with less than usual of its

horrors, as if in  tenderness to one of  her half endowed faculties. She was pale as a  corpse, but her breathing

was  easy and unbroken, while her voice,  though lowered almost to a whisper,  remained clear and distinct.

When  her sister put this question, however, a  blush diffused itself over he  features of the dying girl, so faint

however as  to be nearly  imperceptible; resembling that hue of the rose which is thought  to  portray the tint of

modesty, rather than the dye of the flower in its  richer bloom. No one but Judith detected this exposure of

feeling, one  of he  gentle expressions of womanly sensibility even in death. On her  however, it  was not lost,

nor did she conceal from herself the cause. 

"Hurry is here, dearest Hetty " whispered the sister, with her  face so near  the sufferer, as to keep the words

from other ears.  "Shall I tell him to come  and receive your good wishes?" 

A gentle pressure of the hand answered in the affirmative. Then  Hurry was  brought to the side of the pallet.  It

is probable that this  handsom, but  rude woodsman had never before found himself so awkwardly  placed,

though the  inclination whic Hetty felt for him  was to pure  and ounobrusive to have  created the slightes

suspicion of the  circumstance in his mind.  He allowed  Judith to put hishard colossal  hand between those of

Hetty, and stood waiting  the result in awkward  silence. 

"This is Hurry, dearest,: whispered Judith, bending over her  sister, ashamed  to utter the words so as to be

audible to herself.  "Speak to him, and let him  go." 

"What shall I say, Judith?" 

"Nay, whatever your own pure spirit teaches, my love. Trust to  that, and you  need fear nothing." 

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"Good bye, Hurry  " murmured the girl, with a gentle pressure of  his hand   "I wish you would try and

be more like Deerslayer." 

These words were uttered with difficulty; a faint flush succeeded  them for a  single instant.  Then the hand was

relinquished, and Hetty  turned her face  aside, as if done with the world.  The mysterious  feling that bound her

to  the young man, a sentiment so gentle as to be  almost imperceptible to  herself, and which could never have

existed at  all, had her reason possessed  more command over her senses, was  forever lost in thoughts of a

more  elevated, though scarcely of a  purer character. 

"Of what are you thinking, my sweet sister?" whispered Judith   "Tell me,  that I may aid you, at this


"Mother  I see Mother, now, and bright beings around her in the  lake.  Why  is n't father there?  It's odd,

that I can see mother,  when I cn't see you!   Farewell, Judith. 

The last words were uttered after a pause, and her sister had hung  over her  some time, in anxious

watchfulness, before she perceived that  the gentle  spirit had departed.  Thus died Hetty Hutter, one of those

mysterious links  between the material and immaterial world, which,  while they appear to be  deprived of so

much that it is esteemed and  necessary for this state of  being, draw so near to, and offer so  beautiful an

illustration of the truth,  purity, and simplicity of  another. 

Chapter XXXIV

"A baron's chylde to be begylde! it were a cursed dede:

To be felàwe with an outlàwe! Almighty God forbede!

Yea, better were, the pore squyère alone to forest yede,

Then ye sholde say another day, that by my cursed dede

Ye were betrayed: wherefore, good mayde, the best rede that I can,

Is, that I to the grene wode go, alone, a banyshed man."

Thomas Percy, 'Notbrowne

Mayde,' 11. 26576 from Reliques of Ancient

English Poetriy, Vol. II.

THE day that followed, proved to be melancholy, though one of much  activity.  The soldiers, who had so

lately been employed in interring  their victims,  were now called on to bury their own dead. The scene of  the

morning had left  a saddened feeling on all the gentlemen of the  party, and the rest felt the  influence of a

similar sensation, in a  variety of ways, and from many causes.  Hour dragged on after hour,  until evening

arrived, and then came the last  melancholy offices in  honor of poor Hetty Hutter. Her body was laid in the

lake, by the side  of that of the mother she had so loved and reverenced, the  surgeon,  though actually an

unbeliever, so far complying with the received  decencies of life, as to read the funeral service over her grave,

as  he had  previously done over those of the other christian slain! It  mattered not;   that all seeing eye which

reads the heart, could not  fail to discriminate  between the living and the dead, and the gentle  soul of the

unfortunate girl,  was already far removed beyond the  errors, or deceptions, of any human  ritual. These simple

rites,  however, were not wholly wanting in suitable  accompaniments. The tears  of Judith and Hist were shed

freely, and Deerslayer  gazed upon the  limpid water, that now flowed over one whose spirit was even  purer

than its own mountain springs, with glistening eyes. Even the Delaware  turned aside to conceal his weakness,

while the common men gazed on  the  ceremony with wondering eyes and chastened feelings. 

The business of the day closed with this pious office. By order of  the  commanding officer, all retired early to

rest, for it  was  intended to begin the march homeward, with the return of light. One  party, indeed, bearing the

wounded, the prisoners, and the trophies,  had left  the castle in the middle of the day, under the guidance of

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Hurry, intending  to reach the fort by shorter marches. It had been  landed on the point, so  often mentioned, or

that described in our  opening pages, and, when the sun  set, was already encamped on the brow  of the long,

broken, and ridgy hills,  that fell away towards the  valley of the Mohawk. The departure of this  detachment

had greatly  simplified the duty of the succeeding day,  disencumbering its march of  its baggage and wounded,

and otherwise leaving  him who had issued the  order greater liberty of action. 

Judith held no communications with any but Hist, after the death of  her  sister, until she retired for the night.

Her sorrow had been  respected, and  both the females had been left with the body,  unintruded on, to the last

moment. The rattling of the drum broke the  silence of that tranquil water,  and the echoes of the tattoo were

heard among the mountains, so soon after  the ceremony was over, as to  preclude the danger of interruption.

That star  which had been the  guide of Hist, rose on a scene as silent as if the quiet  of nature had  never yet

been disturbed, by the labors or passions of man. One  solitary sentinel, with his relief, paced the platform

throughout the  night,  and morning was ushered in, as usual, by the martial beat of  the reveille. 

Military precision succeeded to the desultory proceedings of border  men, and  when a hasty and frugal

breakfast was taken, the party began  its movement  towards the shore, with a regularity and order, that

prevented noise or  confusion. Of all the officers, Warley alone  remained. Craig headed the  detachment in

advance, Thornton was with  the wounded, and Graham accompanied  his patients as a matter of  course. Even

the chest of Hutter, with all the  more valuable of his  effects, was borne away, leaving nothing behind that was

worth the  labor of a removal. Judith was not sorry to see that the captain  respected her feelings, and that he

occupied himself entirely with the  duty  of his command, leaving her to her own discretion and feelings.  It

was  understood by all, that the place was to be totally abandoned;  but beyond  this no explanations were asked

or given.' 

The soldiers embarked in the Ark, with the captain at their head.  He had  enquired of Judith in what way she

chose to proceed, and  understanding her  wish to remain with Hist to the last moment, he  neither molested her

with  requests, nor offended her with advice.  There was but one safe and familiar  trail to the Mohawk, and on

that,  at the proper hour, he doubted not that  they should meet in amity, if  not in renewed intercourse. When

all were on  board, the sweeps were  manned, and the Ark moved in its sluggish manner  towards the distant

point. Deerslayer and Chingachgook, now lifted two of the  canoes from  the water, and placed them in the

castle. The windows and door  were  then barred, and the house was left by means of the trap, in the manner

already described. On quitting the palisades, Hist was seen in the  remaining  canoe, where the Delaware

immediately joined her, and  paddled away, leaving  Judith standing alone on the platform. Owing to  this

prompt proceeding,  Deerslayer found himself alone with the  beautiful and still weeping mourner.  Too simple

to suspect any thing,  the young man swept the light boat round,  and received its mistress in  it, when he

followed the course already taken by  his friend. The  direction to the point, led diagonally past, and at no great

distance  from, the graves of the dead. As the canoe glided by, Judith, for  the  first time that morning spoke to

her companion. She said but little;  merely uttering a simple request to stop, for a minute or two, ere she  left

the place. 

"I may never see this spot again, Deerslayer," she said, "and it  contains the  bodies of my mother and sister! Is

it not possible, think  you, that the  innocence of one of these beings, may answer in the eyes  of God, for the

salvation of both?" 

"I do n't understand it so, Judith, though I'm no missionary, and  am but  poorly taught. Each spirit answers for

its own backslidings,  though a hearty  repentance will satisfy God's laws." 

"Then must my poor poor mother be in heaven!  Bitterly  bitterlyhas she  repented of her sins, and surely

her sufferings in  this life, ought to count  as something against her sufferings in the  next!"    "All this goes

beyond me, Judith  I strive to do right,  here, as the surest  means of keeping all right, hereafter. Hetty was

oncommon, as all that know'd  her must allow, and her soul was as fit  to consart with angels the hour it  left its

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body, as that of any saint  in the bible!" 

"I do believe you only do her justice! Alas!  Alas!  that there  should be  so great differences between those

who were nursed at the  same breast, slept  in the same bed, and dwelt under the same roof!  But, no

mattermove the  canoe, a little farther east, Deerslayer the  sun so dazzles my eyes that I  cannot see the

graves. This is Hetty's,  on the right of mother's?" 

"Sartain  you ask'd that of us, and all are glad to do as you  wish, Judith,  when you do that which is right." 

The girl gazed at him near a minute, in silent attention; then she  turned her  eyes backward, at the castle. "This

lake will soon be  entirely deserted," she  said"and this, too, at a moment when it will  be a more secure

dwelling place  than ever. What has so lately happened  will prevent the Iroquois from  venturing again to visit

it, for a long  time to come." 

"That it will!  yes, that may be set down as sartain. I do not  mean to pass  thisaway, ag'in, so long as the

war lasts, for, to my  mind no Huron  moccasin will leave its print on the leaves of this  forest, until their

traditions have forgotten to tell their young men  of their disgrace and  rout." 

"And do you so delight in violence and bloodshed?! had thought  better of  you, Deerslayerbelieved you

one, who could find his  happiness in a quiet  domestic home, with an attached and loving wife,  ready to study

your wishes,  and healthy and dutiful children, anxious  to follow in your footsteps, and to  become as honest

and just as  yourself." 

"Lord, Judith, what a tongue you're mistress of! Speech and looks  go hand in  hand, like, and what one can't

do, the other is pretty  sartain to perform!  Such a gal, in a month, might spoil the stoutest  warrior in the


"And am I then so mistaken?Do you really love war, Deerslayer,  better than  the hearth, and the affections?" 

"I understand your meaning, gal; yes, I do understand what  you  mean, I  believe, though I do n't think you

altogether understand me.  Warrior I may  now call myself, I suppose, for I've both fou't and  conquered, which

is  sufficient for the name; neither will I deny that  I've feelin's for the  callin', which is both manful and

honorable,  when carried on accordin' to  nat'ral gifts, but I've no relish for  blood. Youth is youth, howsever,

and a  Mingo is a Mingo. If the young  men of this region stood by, and suffered the  vagabonds to overrun the

land, why, we might as well all turn Frenchers at  once, and give up  country and kin. I'm no fire eater, Judith,

or one that  likes fightin'  for fightin's sake, but I can see no great difference atween  givin' up  territory afore a

war, out of a dread of war, and givin' it up  a'ter a  war, because we can't help ii, onless it be that the last is the

most  manful and honorable." 

"No woman would ever wish to see her husband, or brother, stand by,  and  submit to insult and wrong,

Deerslayer, however she might mourn  the necessity  of his running into the dangers of battle. But, you've  done

enough already,  in clearing this region of the Hurons; since to  you is principally owing the  credit of our late

victory. Now, listen  to me patiently, and answer me with  that native honesty, which it is  as pleasant to regard

in one of your sex, as  it is unusual to meet  with." 

Judith paused, for now that she was on the very point of explaining  herself,  native modesty asserted its

power, notwithstanding the  encouragement and  confidence she derived from the great simplicity of  her

companion's  character. Her cheeks, which had so lately been pale,  flushed, and her eyes  lighted with some of

their former brilliancy.  Feeling gave expression to her  countenance and softness to her voice,  rendering her

who was always  beautiful, trebly seductive and winning. 

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"Deerslayer," she said, after a considerable pause, "this is not a  moment for  affectation, deception, or a want

of frankness of any sort.  Here, over my  mother's grave, and over the grave of truthloving,  truthtelling

Hetty,  every thing like unfair dealing seems to be out  of place. I will, therefore,  speak to you without any

reserve, and  without any dread of being  misunderstood. You are not an acquaintance  of a week, but it appears

to me as  if I had known you for years. So  much, and so much that is important has  taken place, within that

short  time, that the sorrows, and dangers, and  escapes of a whole life have  been crowded into a few days, and

they who have  suffered and acted  together in such scenes, ought not to feel like strangers.  I know that  what I

am about to say might be misunderstood by most men, but I  hope  for a generous construction of my course

from you. We are not here,  dwelling among the arts and deceptions of the settlements, but young  people  who

have no occasion to deceive each other, in any manner or  form.  I hope I  make myself understood?" 

"Sartain, Judith; few convarse better than yourself, and none more  agreeable,  like. Your words are as pleasant

as your looks." 

"It is the manner in which you have so often praised those looks,  that gives  me courage to proceed  Still,

Deerslayer, it is not easy,  for one of my sex  and years to forget all her lessons of infancy, all  her habits, and

her  natural diffidence, and say openly what her heart  feels!" 

"Why not, Judith? Why should n't women as well as men deal fairly  and  honestly by their fellow creatur's? I

see no reason why you should  not speak  as plainly as myself, when there is any thing ra'ally  important to be


This indomitable diffidence, which still prevented the young man  from  suspecting the truth, would have

completely discouraged the girl,  had not her  whole soul, as well as her whole heart, been set upon  making a

desperate  effort to rescue herself from a future that she  dreaded with a horror as  vivid, as the distinctness with

which she  fancied she foresaw it. This  motive, however, raised her above all  common considerations, and she

persevered even to her own surprise, if  not to her great confusion. 

"I willI must deal as plainly with you, as I would with poor, dear  Hetty,  were that sweet child living!" she

continued, turning pale,  instead of  blushing, the high resolution by which she was prompted  reversing the

effect  that such a procedure would ordinarily produce on  one of her sex; "yes, I  will smother all other

feelings, in the one  that is now uppermost! You love  the woods and the life that we pass,  here, in the

wilderness, away from the  dwellings and towns of the  whites." 

"As I loved my parents, Judith, when they was living! This very  spot, would  be all creation to me, could this

war be fairly over,  once; and the settlers  kept at a distance." 

"Why quit it then?It has no ownerat least none who can claim a  better right  than mine, and that I freely

give to you. Were it a  kingdom, Deerslayer, I  think I should delight to say the same. Let us  then return to it,

after we  have seen the priest at the fort, and  never quit it again, until God calls us  away to that world where

we  shall find the spirits of my poor mother and  sister."  A long,  thoughtful pause succeeded; Judith here

covered her face with both  her  hands, after forcing herself to utter so plain a proposal, and  Deerslayer  musing

equally in sorrow and surprise, on the meaning of  the language he had  just heard. At length the hunter broke

the  silence, speaking in a tone that  was softened to gentleness by his  desire not to offend. 

"You have n't thought well of this, Judith" he said"no, your  feelin's are  awakened by all that has lately

happened, and believin'  yourself to be  without kindred in the world, you are in too great  haste to find some to

fill  the places of them that's lost." 

"Were I living in a crowd of friends, Deerslayer, I should still  think, as I  now thinksay as I now say,"

returned Judith, speaking  with her hands still  shading her lovely face. 

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"Thank you, gal thank you, from the bottom of my heart. Howsever,  I am not  one to take advantage of a

weak moment, when you're forgetful  of your own  great advantages, and fancy 'arth and all it holds, is in  this

little canoe.  NonoJudith 'twould be onginerous in me; what  you've offered can never come  to pass!" 

"It all may be, and that without leaving cause of repentance to  any"  answered Judith, with an impetuosity of

feeling and manner, that  at once  unveiled her eyes. "We can cause the soldiers to leave our  goods on the road,

till we return, when they can easily be brought  back to the house; the lake  will be no more visited by the

enemy, this  war at least; all your skins may  be readily sold at the garrison;  thereyou can buy the few

necessaries we  shall want, for I wish never  to see the spot, again; and Deerslayer," added  the girl smiling with

a  sweetness and nature that the young man found it hard  to resist"as a  proof how wholly I am and wish to be

yours,  how completely  I desire  to be nothing but your wife, the very first fire that we kindle,  after  our

return, shall be  lighted with the brocade dress, and fed by every  article I have that you may  think unfit for the

woman you wish to live  with!" 

"Ah's! meyou're a winning and a lovely creatur', Judith; yes, you  are all  that, and no one can deny it, and

speak truth. These pictur's  are pleasant to  the thoughts, but they mightn't prove so happy as you  now think

'em. Forget  it all, therefore, and let us paddle after the  Sarpent and Hist, as if  nothing had been said on the


Judith was deeply mortified, and, what is more, she was profoundly  grieved.  Still there was a steadiness and

quiet in the manner of  Deerslayer that  completely smothered her hopes, and told her that for  once, her

exceeding  beauty had Failed to excite the admiration and  homage it was wont to receive.  Women are said

seldom to forgive those  who slight their advances, but this  high spirited and impetuous girl  entertained no

shadow of resentment, then or  ever, against the fair  lealing and ingenuous hunter. At the moment, the

prevailing Feeling  was the wish to be certain that there was no  misunderstanding. After  another painful

pause, therefore, she brought the  matter to an issue  by a question too direct to admit of equivocation. 

"God forbid, that we lay up regrets, in after life, through my want  of  sincerity now," she said. "I hope we

understand each other, at  least. You  will not accept me for a wife, Deer ;layer?" 

"Tis better for both that I should n't take advantage of your own  forgetfulness, Judith. We can never marry." 

"You do not love me,  cannot find it in your heart, perhaps, to  esteem me,  Deerslayer!" 

"Every thing in the way of fri'ndship, Judithevery thing, Even to  sarvices  and life itself. Yes, I'd risk as

much for you, at his  moment, as I would  risk in behalf of Hist, and that is sayin' as much  as I can say of any

darter  of woman. I do not think I feel towards  eithermind I say either, Judithas  if I wished to quit father

and  mother if father and mother was livin',  which, howsever, neither  isbut if both was livin', I do not feel

towards any  woman as if I  wish'd to quit 'em in order to cleave unto her." 

"This is enough!" answered Judith, in a rebuked and smothered  voice"!  understand all that you mean. Marry

you cannot with loving,  and that love you  do not feel for me. Make no answer, if I am right,  for I shalll

understand  your silence  That will be painful enough of  itself." 

Deerslayer obeyed her, and he made no reply. For more than a  minute, the girl  riveted her bright eyes on him,

as if to read his  soul, while he was playing  with the water, like a corrected school  boy. Then Judith, herself,

dropped  the end of her paddle, and urged  the canoe away fom the spot, with a movement  as reluctant as the

feelings which controlled it. Deerslayer quietly aided  the effort,  however, and they were soon on the trackless

line taken by the  Delaware. 

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In their way to the point, not another syllable was exchanged  between  Deerslayer and his fair companion. As

Judith sat in the bow of  the canoe, her  back was turned towards him, else it is probable the  expression of her

countenance might have induced him to venture some  soothing terms of  friendship and regard. Contrary to

what would have  been expected, resentment  was still absent, though the colour  frequently changed, from the

deep flush  of mortification to the  paleness of disappointment.  Sorrow, deep, heartfelt  sorrow, however,  was

the predominant emotion, and this was betrayed in a  manner not to  be mistaken. 

As neither labored hard at the paddle, the ark had already arrived  and the  soldiers had disembarked, before

the canoe of the two  loiterers reached the  point. Chingachgook had preceded it, and was  already some

distance in the  wood, at a spot, where the two trails,  that to the garrison, and that to the  villages of the

Delawares  separated. The soldiers, too, had taken up their  line of march, first  setting the Ark adrift again,

with a reckless disregard  of its fate.  All this Judith saw, but she heeded it not. The glimmerglass had  no

longer any charms for her, and when she put her foot on the strand, she  immediately proceeded on the trail of

the soldiers, without casting a  single  glance behind her. Even Hist was passed unnoticed, that modest  young

creature  shrinking from the averted face of Judith, as if guilyy  herself of some  wrongdoing. 

"Wait you here, Sarpent," said Deerslayer as he followed in the  footsteps of  the dejected beauty, while

passing his friend  "I will  just see Judith among  her parth, and come and j'ine you." 

A hundred yards had hid the couple from those in front, as well as  those in  their rear, when Judith turned, and


"This will do, Deerslayer," she said sadly"! understand your  kindness but  shall not need it. In a few minutes

I shall reach the  soldiers. As you cannot  go with me on the journey of life, I do not  wish you to go further on

this.  But, stopbefore we part, I would ask  you a single question. And I require of  you, as you fear God, and

reverence the truth, not to deceive me in your  answer. I know you do  not love another and I can see but one

reason why you  cannot, will not  love me. Tell me then, Deerslayer, " The girl paused, the  words she  was

about to utter seeming to choke her. Then rallying all her  resolution, with a face that flushed and paled at

every breath she  drew, she  continued. 

"Tell me then, Deerslayer, if any thing light of me, that Henry  March has  said may not have influenced your


Truth was the Deerslayer's polar star. He ever kept it in view, and  it was  nearly impossible for him to avoid

uttering it, even when  prudence demanded  silence. Judith read his answer in his countenance,  and with a

heart nearly  broken by the consciousness of undue erring,  she signed to him an adieu, and  buried herself in

the woods. For some  time Deerslayer was irresolute as to  his course; but, in the end, he  retraced his steps, and

joined the Delaware.  That night the three  'camped on the head waters of their own river, and the  succeeding

evening they entered the village of the tribe, Chingachgook and  his  betrothed in triumph; their companion

honored and admired, but in a  sorrow that it required months of activity to remove. 

The war that then had its rise was stirring and bloody. The  Delaware chief  rose among his people, until his

name was never  mentioned without eulogiums,  while another Uncas, the last of his  race, was added to the

long line of  warriors who bore that  distinguishing appellation. As for the Deerslayer,  under the sobriquet  of

Hawkeye, he made his fame spread far and near, until  the crack of  his rifle became as terrible to the ears of

the Mingos, as the  thunders of the Manitou. His services were soon required by the  officers of  the crown, and

he especially attached himself, in the  field, to one in  particular, with whose after life, he had a close and

important connection. 

Fifteen years had passed away, ere it was in the power of the  Deerslayer to  revisit the Glimmerglass. A peace

had intervened, and it  was on the eve of  another and still more important war, when he and  his constant

The Deerslayer; or, The First Warpath 

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friend,  Chingachgook, were hastening to the forts to join  their allies. A stripling  accompanied them, for Hist

already slumbered  beneath the pines of the  Delawares, and the three survivors had now  become in separable.

They reached  the lake just as the sun was  setting. Here all was unchanged. The river still  rushed through its

bower of trees; the little rock was washing away, by the  slow action  of the waves, in the course of centuries,

the mountains stood in  their  native dress, dark, rich and mysterious, while the sheet glistened in  its solitude, a

beautiful gem of the forest. 

The following morning, the youth discovered one of the canoes  drifted on the  shore, in a state of decay. A

little labor put it in a  state for service, and  they all embarked, with a desire to examine the  place. All the

points were  passed, and Chingachgook pointed out to his  son, the spot where the Hurons  had first encamped,

and the point  whence he had succeeded in stealing his  bride. Here they even landed,  but all traces of the

former visit had  disappeared. Next they  proceeded to the scene of the battle, and there they  found a few of  the

signs that linger around such localities. Wild beasts had  disinterred many of the bodies, and human bones

were bleaching in the  rains  of summer. Uncas regarded all with reverence and pity, though  traditions were

already rousing his young mind to the ambition and  sternness of a warrior. 

From the point, the canoe took its way toward the shoal, where the  remains of  the castle were still visible, a

picturesque ruin. The  storms of winter had  long since unroofed the house, and decay had  eaten into the logs.

All the  fastenings were un touched, but the  seasons rioted in the place, as if in  mockery at the attempt to

exclude them. The palisades were rotting, as were  the piles, and it  was evident that a few more recurrences of

winter, a few  more gales  and tempests, would sweep all into the lake, and blot the building  from the face of

that magnificent solitude. The graves could not be  found.  Either the elements had obliterated their traces, or

time had  caused those  who looked for them, to forget their position. 

The Ark was discovered stranded on the eastern shore, where it had  long  before been driven with the

prevalent northwest winds. It lay on  the sandy  extremity of a long low point, that is situated about two  miles

from the  outlet, and which is itself fast disappearing before  the action of the  elements. The scow was filled

with water, the cabin  unroofed, and the logs  were decaying. Some of its coarser furniture  still remained, and

the heart of  Deerslayer beat quick, as he found a  ribband of Judith's fluttering from a  log. It recalled all her

beauty,  and we may add all her failings. Although  the girl had never touched  his heart, the Hawkeye, for so

we ought now to  call him, still  retained a kind and sincere interest in her welfare. He tore  away the  ribband,

and knotted it to the stock of Killdeer, which had been the  gift of the girl herself. 

A few miles farther up the lake, another of the canoes was  discovered, and on  the point where the party

finally landed, were  found those which had been  left there upon the shore. That in which  the present

navigation was made, and  the one discovered on the eastern  shore, had dropped through the decayed  floor of

the castle, drifted  past the falling palisades, and had been thrown  as waifs upon the  beach. 

From all these signs, it was probable the lake had not been  visited, since  the occurrence of the final scene of

our tale.  Accident, or tradition, had  rendered it again, a spot sacred to  nature, the frequent wars, and the feeble

population of the colonies,  still confining the settlements within narrow  boundaries. Chingachgook  and his

friend left the spot with melancholy  feelings. It had been the  region of their First War Path, and it carried

back  the minds of both  to scenes of tenderness, as well as to hours of triumph.  They held  their way towards

the Mohawk in silence, however, to rush into new  adventures, as stirring and as remarkable as those which

had attended  their  opening careers, on this lovely lake. At a later day, they  returned to the  place, where the

Indian found a grave. 

Time and circumstances have drawn an impenetrable mystery around  all else  connected with the Hutters.

They lived, erred, died, and are  forgotten. None  connected have felt sufficient interest in the  disgraced and

disgracing to  withdraw the veil, and a century is about  to erase even the recollection of  their names. The

history of crime is  ever revolting, and it is fortunate that  few love to dwell on its  incidents. The sins of the

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family have long since  been arraigned at  the judgment seat of God, or are registered for the  terrible  settlement

of the last great day. 

The same fate attended Judith. When Hawkeye reached the garrison on  the  Mohawk he enquired anxiously

after that lovely but misguided  creature. None  knew hereven her person was no longer remembered.  Other

officers had, again  and again, succeeded the Warleys and Craigs  and Grahams, though an old  sergeant of the

garrison, who had lately  come from England, was enabled to  tell our hero, that Sir Robert  Warley lived on his

paternal estates, and that  there was a lady of  rare beauty in the Lodge, who had great influence over  him,

though she  did not bear his name. Whether this was Judith relapsed into  her early  failing, or some other

victim of the soldier's, Hawkeye never knew,  nor would it be pleasant or profitable to inquire. We live in a

world  of  transgressions and selfishness, and no pictures that represent us  otherwise  can be true, though,

happily, for human nature, gleamings of  that pure spirit  in whose likeness man has been fashioned, are to be

seen relieving its  deformities, and mitigating if not excusing its  crimes. 

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1. Table of Contents, page = 3

2. The Deerslayer; or, The First Warpath , page = 4

   3. James Fenimore Cooper, page = 4

   4. Chapter I, page = 4

   5. Chapter II., page = 12

   6. Chapter III., page = 20

   7. Chapter IV., page = 30

   8. Chapter V., page = 38

   9. Chapter VI, page = 48

   10. Chapter VII., page = 56

   11. Chapter VIII., page = 64

   12. Chapter IX., page = 73

   13. Chapter X, page = 82

   14. Chapter XI., page = 92

   15. Chapter XII., page = 101

   16. Chapter XIII., page = 111

   17. Chapter XIV., page = 121

   18. Chapter XV, page = 130

   19. Chapter XVI, page = 134

   20. Chapter XVII, page = 143

   21. Chapter XVIII, page = 153

   22. Chapter XVIX, page = 159

   23. Chapter XX, page = 168

   24. Chapter XXI., page = 177

   25. Chapter XXII., page = 186

   26. Chapter XXIII., page = 194

   27. Chapter XXIV, page = 204

   28. Chapter XXV, page = 215

   29. Chapter XXVI, page = 226

   30. Chapter XXVII, page = 237

   31. Chapter XXVIII., page = 248

   32. Chapter XXIX., page = 258

   33. Chapter XXX., page = 267

   34. Chapter XXXI., page = 274

   35. Chapter XXXII., page = 279

   36. Chapter XXXIII., page = 287

   37. Chapter XXXIV, page = 294