Title:   The Dominion of the Air: The Story of Aerial Navigation


Author:   J. M. Bacon



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The Dominion of the Air: The Story of Aerial Navigation

J. M. Bacon


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Table of Contents

The Dominion of the Air: The Story of Aerial Navigation ..............................................................................1

J. M. Bacon .............................................................................................................................................1

CHAPTER I.  THE DAWN OF AERONAUTICS.................................................................................1

CHAPTER II. THE INVENTION OF THE BALLOON. .......................................................................6

CHAPTER III. THE FIRST BALLOON ASCENT IN ENGLAND....................................................11

CHAPTER IV. THE DEVELOPMENT OF BALLOON PHILOSOPHY. ...........................................16

CHAPTER V. SOME FAMOUS EARLY VOYAGERS.....................................................................20

CHAPTER VI. CHARLES GREEN AND THE NASSAU BALLOON. .............................................24

CHAPTER VII. CHARLES GREENFURTHER ADVENTURES. .................................................28

CHAPTER VIII. JOHN WISETHE AMERICAN AERONAUT. ....................................................32

CHAPTER IX. EARLY METHODS AND IDEAS. .............................................................................36

CHAPTER X. THE COMMENCEMENT OF A NEW ERA...............................................................39

CHAPTER XI. THE BALLOON IN THE SERVICE OF SCIENCE. ..................................................43

CHAPTER XII. HENRY COXWELL AND HIS CONTEMPORARIES............................................47

CHAPTER XIII. SOME NOTEWORTHY ASCENTS........................................................................51

CHAPTER XIV. THE HIGHEST ASCENT ON RECORD. ................................................................55


CHAPTER XVI. SOME FAMOUS FRENCH AERONAUTS............................................................63

CHAPTER XVII. ADVENTURE AND ENTERPRISE. ......................................................................67

CHAPTER XVIII. THE BALLOON IN THE SIEGE OF PARIS. .......................................................71


CHAPTER XX.  A CHAPTER OF ACCIDENTS. ...............................................................................79

CHAPTER XXI. THE COMING OF THE FLYING MACHINE. .......................................................83

CHAPTER XXII.  THE STORY OF THE SPENCERS.......................................................................87

CHAPTER XXIII. NEW DEPARTURES IN AEROSTATION..........................................................90

CHAPTER XXIV.  ANDREE AND HIS VOYAGES ..........................................................................94


CHAPTER XXVI.  RECENT AERONAUTICAL EVENTS.............................................................102

CHAPTER XXVII.  THE POSSIBILITIES OF BALLOONS IN WARFARE. .................................107

CHAPTER XXVIII.  THE CONSTITUTION OF THE AIR. .............................................................111

CHAPTER XXIX.  CONCLUSION. ...................................................................................................115

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The Dominion of the Air: The Story of Aerial


J. M. Bacon 































"He that would learn to fly must be brought up to the constant

practice of it from his youth, trying first only to use his

wings as a tame goose will do, so by degrees learning to rise

higher till he attain unto skill and confidence."

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So wrote Wilkins, Bishop of Chester, who was reckoned a man of  genius and learning in the days of the

Commonwealth.  But so  soon as  we come to inquire into the matter we find that this  good Bishop was

borrowing from the ideas of others who had gone  before him; and, look  back as far as we will, mankind is

discovered to have entertained  persistent and often plausible  ideas of human flight.  And those ideas  had in

some sort of  way, for good or ill, taken practical shape.  Thus, as long ago  as the days when Xenophon was

leading back his  warriors to the  shores of the Black Sea, and ere the Gauls had first  burned  Rome, there was a

philosopher, Archytas, who invented a pigeon  which could fly, partly by means of mechanism, and partly

also,  it is  said, by aid of an aura or spirit.  And here arises a  question.  Was  this aura a gas, or did men use it as

spiritualists do today, as  merely a word to conjure with? 

Four centuries later, in the days of Nero, there was a man in  Rome  who flew so well and high as to lose his

life thereby.  Here, at any  rate, was an honest man, or the story would not  have ended thus; but  of the

restand there are many who in  early ages aspired to the  attainment of flightwe have no more  reason to

credit their claims  than those of charlatans who  flourish in every age. 

In medieval times we are seriously told by a saintly writer  (St.  Remigius) of folks who created clouds which

rose to heaven  by means of  "an earthen pot in which a little imp had been  enclosed."  We need no  more.  That

was an age of flying saints,  as also of flying dragons.  Flying in those days of yore may  have been real enough

to the  multitude, but it was at best  delusion.  In the good old times it did  not need the genius of  a Maskelyne to

do a "levitation" trick.  We can  picture the  scene at a "flying seance."  On the one side the decidedly

professional showman possessed of sufficient low cunning; on  the  other the ignorant and highly superstitious

audience, eager  to hear or  see some new thingthe same audience that, deceived  by a simple trick  of

schoolboy science, would listen to  supernatural voices in their  groves, or oracular utterances in  their temples,

or watch the urns of  Bacchus fill themselves  with wine.  Surely for their eyes it would  need no more than  the

simplest phantasmagoria, or maybe only a little  black  thread, to make a pigeon rise and fly. 

It is interesting to note, however, that in the case last cited  there is unquestionably an allusion to some crude

form of  firework,  and what more likely or better calculated to impress  the ignorant!  Our firework makers still

manufacture a "little  Devil."  Pyrotechnic  is as old as history itself; we have an  excellent description of a

rocket in a document at least as  ancient as the ninth century.  And  that a species of pyrotechny  was resorted to

by those who sought to  imitate flight we have  proof in the following recipe for a flying body  given by a

Doctor, eke a Friar, in Paris in the days of our King  John: 

"Take one pound of sulphur, two pounds of willowcarbon, six  pounds  of rock salt ground very fine in a

marble mortar.  Place, when you  please, in a covering made of flying papyrus to  produce thunder.  The

covering in order to ascend and float  away should be long, graceful,  well filled with this fine  powder; but to

produce thunder the covering  should be short,  thick, and half full." 

Nor does this recipe stand alone.  Take another sample, of  which  chapter and verse are to be found in the

MSS. of a  Jesuit, Gaspard  Schott, of Palermo and Rome, born three hundred  years ago: 

"The shells of heneggs, if properly filled and well secured  against the penetration of the air, and exposed to

solar rays,  will  ascend to the skies and sometimes suffer a natural change.  And if the  eggs of the larger

description of swans, or leather  balls stitched  with fine thongs, be filled with nitre, the  purest  sulphur

quicksilver, or kindred materials which rarify by  their caloric  energy, and if they externally resemble pigeons,

they will easily be  mistaken for flying animals." 

Thus it would seem that, hunting back in history, there were  three  main ideas on which wouldbe aeronauts

of old exercised  their  ingenuity.  There was the lastmentioned method, which,  by the way,  Jules Verne partly

relies on when he takes his  heroes to the moon, and  which in its highest practical  development may be seen

annually on the  night of "Brock's  Benefit" at the Crystal Palace.  There is, again,  the "tame  goose" method, to

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which we must return presently; and,  lastly,  there is a third method, to which, as also to the brilliant  genius

who conceived it, we must without further delay be  introduced.  This may be called the method of "a hollow


Roger Bacon, Melchisedeckfashion, came into existence at  Ilchester in 1214 of parentage that is hard to

trace.  He was,  however, a born philosopher, and possessed of intellect and  penetration that placed him

incalculably ahead of his  generation.  A  man of marvellous insight and research, he  grasped, and as far as

possible carried out, ideas which dawned  on other men only after  centuries.  Thus, many of his utterances

have been prophetic.  It is  probable that among his chemical  discoveries he reinvented gunpowder.  It is

certain that he  divined the properties of a lens, and diving  deep into  experimental and mechanical sciences,

actually foresaw the  time  when, in his own words, "men would construct engines to traverse  land and water

with great speed and carry with them persons and  merchandise."  Clearly in his dreams Bacon saw the

Atlantic not  merely explored, but on its bosom the White Star liners breaking  records, contemptuous of its

angriest seas.  He saw, too, a  future  Dumont circling in the air, and not only in a dead calm,  but holding  his

own with the feathered race.  He tells his  dream thus:  "There may  be made some flying instrument so that  a

man sitting in the middle of  the instrument and turning some  mechanism may put in motion some  artificial

wings which may  beat the air like a bird flying." 

But he lived too long before his time.  His ruin lay not only  in  his superior genius, but also in his fearless

outspokenness.  He  presently fell under the ban of the Church, through which he  lost  alike his liberty and the

means of pursuing investigation.  Had it been  otherwise we may fairly believe that the "admirable  Doctor," as

he was  called, would have been the first to show  mankind how to navigate the  air.  His ideas are perfectly

easy  to grasp.  He conceived that the  air was a true fluid, and as  such must have an upper limit, and it  would

be on this upper  surface, he supposed, as on the bosom of the  ocean, that man  would sail his airship.  A fine,

bold guess truly.  He would  watch the cirrus clouds sailing grandly ten miles above him  on  some stream that

never approached nearer.  Up there, in his  imagination, would be tossing the waves of our ocean of air.  Wait

for  some little better cylinders of oxygen and an improved  footwarmer,  and a future Coxwell will go aloft

and see; but as  to an upper sea, it  is truly there, and we may visit and view  its sunlit tossing billows

stretching out to a limitless  horizon at such times as the nether  world is shrouded in densest  gloom.  Bacon's

method of reaching such  an upper sea as he  postulated was, as we have said, by a hollow globe. 

"The machine must be a large hollow globe, of copper or other  suitable metal, wrought extremely thin so as

to have it as  light as  possible," and "it must be filled with ethereal air or  liquid fire."  This was written in the

thirteenth century, and  it is scarcely  edifying to find four hundred years after this  the Jesuit Father Lana,  who

contrived to make his name live in  history as a theoriser in  aeronautics, arrogating to himself  the bold

conception of the English  Friar, with certain  unfortunate differences, however, which in  fairness we must

here clearly point out.  Lana proclaimed his  speculations  standing on a giant's shoulders.  Torricelli, with his

closed  bent tube, had just shown the world how heavily the air lies  above us.  It then required little

mathematical skill to  calculate  what would be the lifting power of any vessel void of  air on the  earth's

surface.  Thus Lana proposed the  construction of an air ship  which possibly because of its  picturesquesness

has won him notoriety.  But it was a fraud.  We  have but to conceive a dainty boat in which  the aeronaut would

sit at ease handling a little rudder and a simple  sail.  These,  though a schoolboy would have known better, he

thought  would  guide his vessel when in the air. 

So much has been claimed for Father Lana and his mathematical  and  other attainments that it seems only

right to insist on the  weakness  of his reasoning.  An air ship simply drifting with the  wind is  incapable of

altering its course in the slightest  degree by either  sail or rudder.  It is simply like a log borne  along in a

torrent; but  to compare such a log properly with the  air ship we must conceive it  WHOLLY submerged in the

water and  having no sail or other appendage  projecting into the air,  which would, of course, introduce other

conditions.  If,  however, a man were to sit astride of the log and  begin to  propel it so that it travels either faster

or slower than the  stream, then in that case, either by paddle or rudder, the log  could  be guided, and the same

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might be said of Lana's air boat  if only he  had thought of some adequate paddle, fan, or other  propeller.  But

he  did not.  One further explanatory sentence  may here be needed; for we  hear of balloons which are capable

of being guided to a small extent  by sail and rudder.  In these  cases, however, the rudder is a guide  rope

trailing on earth or  sea, so introducing a fresh element and  fresh conditions which  are easy to explain. 

Suppose a free balloon drifting down the wind to have a sail  suddenly hoisted on one side, what happens?

The balloon will  simply  swing till this sail is in front, and thus continue its  straightforward course.  Suppose,

however, that as soon as the  side  sail is hoisted a trail rope is also dropped aft from a  spar in the  rigging.  The

tendency of the sail to fly round in  front is now  checked by the dragging rope, and it is  constrained to remain

slanting  at an angle on one side; at the  same time the rate of the balloon is  reduced by the dragging  rope, so

that it travels slower than the wind,  which, now  acting on its slant sail, imparts a certain sidelong motion

much as it does in the case of a sailing boat. 

Lana having in imagination built his ship, proceeds to make it  float up into space, for which purpose he

proposes four thin  copper  globes exhausted of air.  Had this last been his own  idea we might  have pardoned

him.  We have, however, pointed out  that it was not, and  we must further point out that in copying  his great

predecessor he  fails to see that he would lose  enormous advantage by using four  globes instead of one.  But,

beyond all, he failed to see what the  master genius of Bacon  saw clearlythat his thin globes when

exhausted must  infallibly collapse by virtue of that very pressure of  the air  which he sought to make use of. 

It cannot be too strongly insisted on that if the too much  belauded speculations of Lana have any value at all

it is that  they  throw into stronger contrast the wonderful insight of the  philosopher  who so long preceded him.

By sheer genius Bacon had  foreseen that the  emptied globe must be filled with SOMETHING,  and for this

something he  suggests "ethereal air" or "liquid  fire," neither of which, we  contend, were empty terms.  With

Bacon's knowledge of experimental  chemistry it is a question,  and a most interesting one, whether he had  not

in his mind those  two actual principles respectively of gas and  air rarefied by  heat on which we launch our

balloons into space  today. 

Early progress in any art or science is commonly intermittent.  It  was so in the story of aeronautics.  Advance

was like that  of the  incoming tide, throwing an occasional wave far in front  of its rising  flood.  It was a

phenomenal wave that bore Roger  Bacon and left his  mark on the sand where none other approached  for

centuries.  In those  centuries men were either too  priestridden to lend an ear to Science,  or, like children,

followed only the Willo'theWisp floating above  the quagmire  which held them fast.  They ran after the

stone that was  to  turn all to gold, or the elixir that should conquer death, or  the  signs in the heavens that

should foretell their destinies;  and the  taint of this may be traced even when the dark period  that followed  was

clearing away.  Four hundred years after  Roger's death, his  illustrious namesake, Francis Bacon, was

formulating his Inductive  Philosophy, and with complete  cocksureness was teaching mankind all  about

everything.  Let  us look at some of his utterances which may  help to throw light  on the way he regarded the

problem we are dealing  with. 

"It is reported," Francis Bacon writes, "that the Leucacians in  ancient time did use to precipitate a man from a

high cliffe  into the  sea; tying about him, with strings, at some distance,  many great  fowles; and fixing unto

his body divers feathers,  spread, to breake  the fall.  Certainly many birds of good wing  (as Kites and the like)

would beare up a good weight as they  flie.  And spreading of feathers,  thin and close, and in great  breadth,

will likewise beare up a great  weight, being even laid  without tilting upon the sides.  The further  extension of

this  experiment of flying may be thought upon." 

To say the least, this is hardly mechanical.  But let us next  follow the philosopher into the domain of Physics.

Referring  to a  strange assertion, that "salt water will dissolve salt put  into it in  less time than fresh water will

dissolve it," he is  at once ready with  an explanation to fit the case.  "The salt,"  he says, "in the  precedent water

doth by similitude of  substance draw the salt new put  in unto it."  Again, in his  finding, well water is warmer

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in winter  than summer, and "the  cause is the subterranean heat which shut close  in (as in  winter) is the more,

but if it perspire (as it doth in  summer)  it is the less."  This was Bacon the Lord.  What a falling  offfrom the

experimentalist's point of viewfrom Bacon the  Friar!  We can fancy him watching a falcon poised

motionless in  the sky, and  reflecting on that problem which to this day  fairly puzzles our ablest  scientists,

settling the matter in a  sentence:  "The cause is that  feathers doe possess upward  attractions."  During four

hundred years  preceding Lord Verulam  philosophers would have flown by aid of a  broomstick.  Bacon

himself would have merely parried the problem with  a platitude! 

At any rate, physicists, even in the brilliant seventeenth  century, made no material progress towards the

navigation of  the air,  and thus presently let the simple mechanic step in  before them.  Ere  that century had

closed something in the  nature of flight had been  accomplished.  It is exceedingly hard  to arrive at actual fact,

but it  seems pretty clear that more  than one individual, by starting from  some eminence, could let  himself fall

into space and waft himself away  for some distance  with fair success and safety, It is stated that an  English

Monk, Elmerus, flew the space of a furlong from a tower in  Spain, a feat of the same kind having been

accomplished by  another  adventurer from the top of St. Mark's at Venice. 

In these attempts it would seem that the principle of the  parachute was to some extent at least brought into

play.  If  also  circumstantial accounts can be credited, it would appear  that a  working model of a flying

machine was publicly exhibited  by one John  Muller before the Emperor Charles V. at Nuremberg.  Whatever

exaggeration or embellishment history may be guilty of  it is pretty  clear that some genuine attempts of a

practical  and not unsuccessful  nature had been made here and there, and  these prompted the flowery  and

visionary Bishop Wilkins already  quoted to predict confidently  that the day was approaching when  it "would

be as common for a man to  call for his wings as for  boots and spurs." 

We have now to return to the "tame goose" method, which found  its  best and boldest exponent in a humble

craftsman, by name  Besnier,  living at Sable, about the year 1678.  This mechanical  genius was by  trade a

locksmith, and must have been possessed  of sufficient skill to  construct an efficient apparatus out of  such

materials as came to his  hand, of the simplest possible  design.  It may be compared to the  earliest type of

bicycle,  the ancient "bone shaker," now almost  forgotten save by those  who, like the writer, had experience of

it on  its first  appearance.  Besnier's wings, as it would appear, were  essentially a pair of doublebladed

paddles and nothing more,  roughly  resembling the doublepaddle of an oldfashioned canoe,  only the  blades

were large, roughly rectangular, and curved or  hollowed.  The  operator would commence by standing erect

and  balancing these paddles,  one on each shoulder, so that the  hollows of the blades should be  towards the

ground.  The  forward part of each paddle was then grasped  by the hands,  while the hinder part of each was

connected to the  corresponding leg.  This, presumably, would be effected after  the  arms had been raised

vertically, the leg attachment being  contrived in  some way which experience would dictate. 

The flyer was now fully equipped, and nothing remained for him  save to mount some eminence and,

throwing himself forward into  space  and assuming the position of a flying bird, to commence  flapping and

beating the air with a reciprocal motion.  First,  he would buffet the  air downwards with the left arm and right

leg simultaneously, and  while these recovered their position  would strike with the right hand  and left leg, and

so on  alternately.  With this crude method the  enterprising inventor  succeeded in raising himself by short

stages  from one height to  another, reaching thus the top of a house, whence  he could pass  over others, or

cross a river or the like. 

The perfecting of his system became then simply a question of  practice and experience, and had young

athletes only been  trained  from early years to the new art it seems reasonable to  suppose that  some crude

approach to human flight would have  been effected.  Modifications and improvements in construction  would

soon have  suggested themselves, as was the case with the  bicycle, which in its  latest developments can

scarcely be  recognised as springing from the  primitive "boneshaker" of  thirtythree years ago.  We would

suggest  the idea to the  modern inventor.  He will in these days, of course,  find  lighter materials to hand.  Then

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he will adopt some link motion  for the legs in place of leather thongs, and will hinge the  paddle  blades so that

they open out with the forward stroke,  but collapse  with the return.  Then look on another  thirtythree

yearsa fresh  generationand our youth of both  sexes may find a popular recreation  in graceful aerial

exercise.  The pace is not likely to be excessive,  and  molestations from disguised policemennot physically

adapted,  by  the way, to rapid flightneed not be apprehended. 

One of the best tests of Besnier's measure of success is  supplied  by the fact that he had pupils as well as

imitators.  First on this  list must be mentioned a Mr. Baldwin, a name  which, curiously enough,  twice over in

modern times comes into  the records of bold aerial  exploits.  This individual, it  appears, purchased a flying

outfit of  Besnier himself, and  surpassed his master in achievement.  A little  later one Dante  contrived some

modification of the same apparatus,  with which  he pursued the new mode of progress till he met with a

fractured thigh. 

But whatever the imitators of Besnier may have accomplished, to  the honest smith must be accorded the full

credit of their  success,  and with his simple, but brilliant, record left at  flood mark, the  tide of progress ebbed

back again, while  mankind ruminated over the  great problem in apparent  inactivity.  But not for long.  The

airpump  about this period  was given to the world, and chemists were already  busy  investigating the nature

of gases.  Cavallo was experimenting on  kindred lines, while in our own land the rival geniuses of  Priestley

and Cavendish were clearing the way to make with  respect to the  atmosphere the most important discovery

yet  dreamed of.  In recording  this dawn of a new era, however, we  should certainly not forget how,  across the

Atlantic, had arisen  a Rumford and a Franklin, whose  labours were destined to throw  an allimportant

sidelight on the pages  of progress which we  have now to chronicle. 


It was a November night of the year 1782, in the little town of  Annonay, near Lyons.  Two young men,

Stephen and Joseph  Montgolfier,  the representatives of a firm of paper makers,  were sitting together  over

their parlour fire.  While watching  the smoke curling up the  chimney one propounded an idea by way  of a

sudden inspiration:  "Why  shouldn't smoke be made to raise  bodies into the air?" 

The world was waiting for this utterance, which, it would seem,  was on the tip of the tongue with many

others. Cavendish had  already  discovered what he designated "inflammable air," though  no one had as  yet

given it its later title of hydrogen gas.  Moreover, in treating of  this gasDr. Black of Edinburgh, as  much as

fifteen years before the  date we have now arrived at,  had suggested that it should be made  capable of raising a

thin  bladder in the air.  With a shade more of  good fortune, or  maybe with a modicum more of leisure, the

learned  Doctor would  have won the invention of the balloon for his own  country.  Cavallo came almost

nearer, and actually putting the same  idea  into practice, had succeeded in the spring of 1782 in making  soap

bubbles blown with hydrogen gas float upwards.  But he had  accomplished no more when, as related, in the

autumn of the  same year  the brothers Montgolfier conceived the notion of  making bodies  "levitate" by the

simpler expedient of filling  them with smoke. 

This was the crude idea, the application of which in their  hands  was soon marked with notable success.  Their

own trade  supplied ready  and suitable materials for a first experiment,  and, making an oblong  bag of thin

paper a few feet in length,  they proceeded to introduce a  cloud of smoke into it by holding  crumpled paper

kindled in a chafing  dish beneath the open  mouth.  What a subject is there here for an  imaginative  painter!  As

the smoky cloud formed within, the bag  distended  itself, became buoyant, and presently floated to the  ceiling.

The simple trial proved a complete success, due, as it  appeared  to them, to the ascensive power of a cloud of


An interesting and more detailed version of the story is  extant.  While the experiment was in progress a

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neighbour, the  widow of a  tradesman who had been connected in business with  the firm, seeing  smoke

escaping into the room, entered and  stood watching the  proceedings, which were not unattended with

difficulties.  The bag,  half inflated, was not easy to hold in  position over the chafing dish,  and rapidly cooled

and  collapsed on being removed from it.  The widow  noting this, as  also the perplexity of the young men,

suggested that  they  should try the result of tying the dish on at the bottom of the  bag.  This was the one thing

wanted to secure success, and that  good  lady, whose very name is unhappily lost, deserves an  honoured place

in  history.  It was unquestionably the adoption  of her idea which  launched the first balloon into space. 

The same experiment repeated in the open air proving a yet more  pronounced success, more elaborate trials

were quickly  developed, and  the infant balloon grew fast.  One worthy of the  name, spherical in  shape and of

some 600 cubic feet capacity,  was now made and treated as  before, with the result that ere it  was fully

inflated it broke the  strings that held it and sailed  away hundreds of feet into the air.  The infant was fast

becoming a prodigy.  Encouraged by their fresh  success, the  inventors at once set about preparations for the

construction  of a much larger balloon some thirtyfive feet diameter  (that  is, of about 23,000 cubic feet

capacity), to be made of linen  lined with paper and this machine, launched on a favourable day  in  the

following spring, rose with great swiftness to fully a  thousand  feet, and travelled nearly a mile from its

starting  ground. 

Enough; the time was already ripe for a public demonstration of  the new invention, and accordingly the 5th of

the following  June  witnessed the ascent of the same balloon with due ceremony  and  advertisement.  Special

pains were taken with the  inflation, which was  conducted over a pit above which the  balloon envelope was

slung; and  in accordance with the view  that smoke was the chief lifting power,  the fuel was composed  of

straw largely mixed with wool.  It is  recorded that the  management of the furnace needed the attention of  two

men only,  while eight men could hardly hold the impatient balloon  in  restraint.  The inflation, in spite of the

fact that the fuel  chosen was scarcely the best for the purpose, was conducted  remarkable expedition, and on

being released, the  craft  travelled  one and a half miles into the air, attaining a height  estimated at  over 6,000


From this time the tide of events in the aeronautical world  rolls  on in full flood, almost every halfyear

marking a fresh  epoch, until  a new departure in the infant art of ballooning was  already on the  point of being

reached.  It had been erroneously  supposed that the  ascent of the Montgolfier balloon had been  due, not to the

rarefaction  of the air within itwhich was its  true causebut to the evolution  of some light gas disengaged

by  the nature of the fuel used.  It  followed, therefore, almost as  a matter of course, that chemists, who,  as

stated in the last  chapter, were already acquainted with socalled  "inflammable  air," or hydrogen gas, grasped

the fact that this gas  would  serve better than any other for the purposes of a balloon.  And  no sooner had the

news of the Montgolfiers' success reached  Paris  than a subscription was raised, and M. Charles, Professor  of

Experimental Philosophy, was appointed, with the assistance  of M.  Roberts, to superintend the construction

of a suitable  balloon and its  inflation by the proposed new method. 

The task was one of considerable difficulty, owing partly to  the  necessity of procuring some material which

would prevent  the escape of  the lightest and most subtle gas known, and no  less by reason of the  difficulty of

preparing under pressure a  sufficient quantity of gas  itself.  The experiment, sound  enough in theory, was

eventually  carried through after several  instructive failures.  A suitable  material was found in  "lustring," a

glossy silk cloth varnished with a  solution of  caoutchouc, and this being formed into a balloon only  thirteen

feet in diameter and fitted without other aperture than a  stopcock, was after several attempts filled with

hydrogen gas  prepared in the usual way by the action of dilute sulphuric  acid on  scrap iron. 

The preparations completed, one last and allimportant mistake  was  made by closing the stopcock before

the balloon was  dismissed, the  disastrous and unavoidable result of this being  at the time  overlooked. 

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On August 25, 1783, the balloon was liberated on the Champ de  Mars  before an enormous concourse, and in

less than two minutes  had reached  an elevation of half a mile, when it was temporarily  lost in cloud,  through

which, however, it penetrated, climbing  into yet higher cloud,  when, disappearing from sight, it  presently

burst and descended to  earth after remaining in the  air some threequarters of an hour. 

The bursting of this little craft taught the future balloonist  his  first great lesson, namely, that on leaving earth

he must  open the  neck of his balloon; and the reason of this is obvious.  While yet on  earth the imprisoned gas

of a properly filled  balloon distends the  silk by virtue of its expansive force, and  in spite of the enormous

outside pressure which the weight of  air exerts upon it.  Then, as the  balloon rises high in the air  and the

outside pressure grows less, the  struggling gas within,  if allowed no vent, stretches the balloon more  and

more until  the slender fabric bursts under the strain. 

At the risk of being tedious, we have dwelt at some length on  the  initial experiments which in less than a

single year had led  to the  discovery and development of two distinct methodsstill  employed and  in

competition with each otherof dismissing  balloons into the  heavens.  We are now prepared to enter fully

into the romantic history  of our subject which from this point  rapidly unfolds itself. 

Some eleven months only after the two Montgolfiers were  discovered  toying with their inflated paper bag, the

younger of  the two brothers  was engaged to make an exhibition of his new  art before the King at  Versailles,

and this was destined to be  the first occasion when a  balloon was to carry a living freight  into the sky.  The

stately  structure, which was gorgeously  decorated, towered some seventy feet  into the air, and was  furnished

with a wicker car in which the  passengers were duly  installed.  These were three in number, a sheep,  a cock,

and a  duck, and amid the acclamations of the multitude, rose a  few  hundred feet and descended half a mile

away.  The cock was  found  to have sustained an unexplained mishap:  its leg was  broken; but the  sheep was

feeding complacently, and the duck  was quacking with much  apparent satisfaction. 

Now, who among mortals will come forward and win the honour of  being the first to sail the skies?  M. Pilitre

de Rozier at  once  volunteered, and by the month of November a new air ship  was built, 74  feet high, 48 feet

in largest diameter, and 15  feet across the neck,  outside which a wicker gallery was  constructed, while an iron

brazier  was slung below all.  But to  trim the boat properly two passengers  were needed, and de  Rozier found a

ready colleague in the Marquis  d'Arlandes.  By  way of precaution, de Rozier made a few preliminary  ascents

with the balloon held captive, and then the two intrepid  Frenchmen took their stand on opposite sides of the

gallery,  each  furnished with bundles of fuel to feed the furnace, each  also carrying  a large wet sponge with

which to extinguish the  flames whenever the  machine might catch fire.  On casting off  the balloon rose

readily,  and reaching 3,000 feet, drifted away  on an upper current. 

The rest of the narrative, much condensed from a letter of the  Marquis, written a week later, runs somewhat

thus:  "Our  departure  was at fiftyfour minutes past one, and occasioned  little stir among  the spectators.

Thinking they might be  frightened and stand in need  of encouragement, I waved my arm.  M. de Rozier cried,

'You are doing  nothing, and we are not  rising!'  I stirred the fire, and then began  to scan the river,  but Pilitre

cried again, 'See the river; we are  dropping into  it!'  We again urged the fire, but still clung to the  river bed.

Presently I heard a noise in the upper part of the balloon,  which gave a shock as though it had burst.  I called

to my  companion,  'Are you dancing?'  The balloon by now had many holes  burned in it,  and using my sponge

I cried that we must descend.  My companion,  however, explained that we were over Paris, and  must now

cross it.  Therefore, raising the fire once more, we  turned south till we passed  the Luxemburg, when,

extinguishing  the flame, the balloon came down  spent and empty." 

Daring as was this ascent, it was in achievement eclipsed two  months later at Lyons, when a mammoth

balloon, 130 feet in  height and  lifting 18 tons, was inflated in seventeen minutes,  and ascended with  no less

than seven passengers.  When more than  half a mile aloft this  machine, which was made of too slender

material for its huge size,  suddenly developed a rent of half  its length, causing it to descend  with immense

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velocity; but  without the smallest injury to any of the  passengers.  This was  a memorable performance, and

the account,  sensational as it may  read, is by no means unworthy of credit; for, as  will be seen  hereafter, a

balloon even when burst or badly torn in  midair  may, on the principle of the parachute, effect its own


In the meanwhile, the rival balloon of hydrogen gasthe  Charliere, as it has been calledhad had its first

innings.  Before  the close of the year MM. Roberts and Charles  constructed and inflated  a hydrogen balloon,

this time fitted  with a practicable valve, and in  partnership accomplished an  ascent beating all previous

records.  The  day, December 17, was  one of winter temperature; yet the aeronauts  quickly reached  6,000 feet,

and when, after remaining aloft for one  and a half  hours, they descended, Roberts got out, leaving Charles in

sole  possession.  Left to himself, this young recruit seems to have  met with experiences which are certainly

unusual, and which  must be  attributed largely to the novelty of his situation.  He  declared that  at 9,000 feet, or

less than two miles, all  objects on the earth had  disappeared from view, a statement  which can only be taken

to mean  that he had entered cloud.  Further, at this moderate elevation he not  only became benumbed  with

cold, but felt severe pain in his right ear  and jaw.  He  held on, however, ascending till 10,500 feet were

reached, when  he descended, having made a journey of thirty miles from  the  start. 

Ascents, all on the Continent, now followed one another in rapid  succession, and shortly the MM. Roberts

essayed a venture on new  lines.  They attempted the guidance of a balloon by means of  oars,  and though they

failed in this they were fortunate in  making a fresh  record.  They also encountered a thunderstorm,  and by

adopting a  perfectly scientific methodof which more  hereaftersucceeded in  eluding it.  The storm broke

around them  when they were 14,000 feet  high, and at this altitude, noting  that there were diverse currents

aloft, they managed to  manoeuvre their balloon higher or lower at will  and to suit  their purpose, and by this

stratagem drew away from the  storm  centre.  After six and a half hours their voyage ended, but not  until 150

miles had been covered. 

It must be freely granted that prodigious progress had been  made  in an art that as yet was little more than a

year old; but  assuredly  not enough to justify the absurdly inflated ideas  that the Continental  public now began

to indulge in.  Men lost  their mental balance,  allowing their imagination to run riot,  and speculation became

extravagant in the extreme.  There was  to be no limit henceforward to  the attainment of fresh  knowledge, nor

any bounds placed to where man  might roam.  The  universe was open to him:  he might voyage if he  willed to

the  moon or elsewhere:  Paris was to be the starting point  for other  worlds:  Heaven itself had been taken by


Moderation had to be learned ere long by the discipline of more  than one stern lesson.  Hitherto a

marvellouscall it a  Providentialgood fortune had attended the first aerial  travellers;  and even when

mishaps presently came to be reckoned  with, it may  fairly be questioned whether so many lives were

sacrificed among those  who sought to voyage through the sky as  were lost among such as first  attempted to

navigate the sea. 

It is in such ventures as we are now regarding that fortune  seems  readiest to favour the daring, and if I may

digress  briefly to adduce  experiences coming within my own knowledge, I  would say that it is to  his very

impulsiveness that the  enthusiast often owes the safety of  his neck.  It is the timid,  not the bold rider, that

comes to grief at  the fence.  It is  the man who draws back who is knocked over by a  tramcar.  Sheer  impetus,

moral or physical, often carries you through,  as in  the case of a fall from horseback.  To tumble off when

your  horse is standing still and receive a dead blow from the ground  might  easily break a limb.  But at full

gallop immunity often  lies in the  fact that you strike the earth at an angle, and  being carried forward,  impact

is less abrupt.  I can only say  that I have on more than one  occasion found the greatest safety  in a balloon

venture involving the  element of risk to lie in  complete abandonment to circumstances, and  in the increased

life and activity which the delirium of excitement  calls forth.  In comparing, however, man's first ventures by

sky with  those  by sea, we must remember what far greater demand the former  must have made upon the spirit

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of enterprise and daring. 

We can picture the earliest sea voyager taking his first lesson  astride of a log with one foot on the bottom, and

thus  proceeding by  sure stages till he had built his coracle and  learned to paddle it in  shoal water.  But the case

was wholly  different when the first frail  air ship stood at her moorings  with straining gear and fiercely

burning furnace, and when the  sky sailor knew that no course was left  him but to dive boldly  up into an

element whence there was no stepping  back, and  separated from earth by a gulf which man instinctively

dreads  to look down upon. 

Taking events in their due sequence, we have now to record a  voyage which the terrors of sky and sea

together combined to  make  memorable.  Winter had comeearly January of 1785when,  in spite of  short

dark days and frosty air, M. Blanchard,  accompanied by an  American, Dr. Jeffries, determined on an  attempt

to cross the Channel.  They chose the English side, and  inflating their balloon with  hydrogen at Dover, boldly

cast  off, and immediately drifted out to  sea.  Probably they had not  paid due thought to the effect of low sun

and chilly  atmosphere, for their balloon rose sluggishly and began  settling down ere little more than a quarter

of their course  was run.  Thereupon they parted with a large portion of their  ballast, with  the result that they

crept on as far as mid  Channel, when they began  descending again, and cast out the  residue of their sand,

together  with some books, and this, too,  with the uncomfortable feeling that  even these measures would  not

suffice to secure their safety. 

This was in reality the first time that a sea passage had been  made by sky, and the gravity of their situation

must not be  underestimated.  We are so accustomed in a sea passage to the  constant passing of other vessels

that we allow ourselves to  imagine  that a frequented portion of the ocean, such as the  Channel, is  thickly

dotted over with shipping of some sort.  But  in entertaining  this idea we are forgetful of the fact that we  are all

the while on a  steamer track.  The truth, however, is  that anywhere outside such a  track, even from the

commanding  point of view of a highflying  balloon, the ocean is seen to be  more vast than we suppose, and

bears  exceedingly little but the  restless waves upon its surface.  Once  fairly in the water with  a fallen balloon,

there is clearly no rising  again, and the life  of the balloon in this its wrong element is not  likely to be a  long

one.  The globe of gas may under favourable  circumstances  continue to float for some while, but the open

wicker  car is the  worst possible boat for the luckless voyagers, while to  leave it  and cling to the rigging is but

a forlorn hope, owing to the  massof netting which surrounds the silk, and which would prove a  deathtrap in

the water.  There are many instances of lives  having  been lost in such a dilemma, even when help was near at


Our voyagers, whom we left in midair and stream, were soon  descending again, and this time they threw out

their  tackleanchor,  ropes, and other gear, still without adequately  mending matters.  Then  their case grew

desperate.  The French  coast was, indeed, well in  sight, but there seemed but slender  chance of reaching it,

when they  began divesting themselves  of clothing as a last resort.  The upshot  of this was  remarkable, and

deserves a moment's consideration.  When a  balloon has been lightened almost to the utmost the discharge  of

a  small weight sometimes has a magical effect, as is not  difficult to  understand.  Throwing out ten pounds at

an early  stage, when there may  be five hundred pounds more of  superfluous weight, will tell but  little, but

when those five  hundred pounds are expended then an extra  ten pounds scraped  together from somewhere

and cast overboard may  cause a balloon  to make a giant stride into space by way of final  effort; and  it was so

with M. Blanchard.  His expiring balloon shot up  and  over the approaching land, and came safely to earth near

the  Forest of Guiennes.  A magnificent feast was held at Calais to  celebrate the above event.  M. Blanchard

was presented with the  freedom of the city in a gold box, and application was made to  the  Ministry to have

the balloon purchased and deposited as a  memorial in  the church.  On the testimony of the grandson of  Dr.

Jeffries the car  of this balloon is now in the museum of  the same city. 

A very noteworthy example of how a balloon may be made to take  a  fresh lease of life is supplied by a

voyage of M. Testu about  this  date, which must find brief mention in these pages.  In  one aspect it  is

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laughable, in another it is sublime.  From  every point of view it  is romantic. 

It was four o'clock on a threatening day in June when the  solitary  aeronaut took flight from Paris in a small

hydrogen  balloon only  partially filled, but rigged with somencontrivance  of wings which were  designed to

render it selfpropelling.  Discovering, however, that this  device was inoperative, M.  Testu, after about an

hour and a half,  allowed the balloon to  descend to earth in a corn field, when, without  quitting hold of  the car,

he commenced collecting stones for ballast.  But as yet  he knew not the ways of churlish proprietors of land,

and  in  consequence was presently surprised by a troublesome crowd, who  proceeded, as they supposed, to

take him prisoner till he should  pay  heavy compensation, dragging him off to the nearest village  by the  trail

rope of his balloon. 

M. Testu now had leisure to consider his situation, and  presently  hit on a stratagem the like of which has

often since  been adopted by  aeronauts in like predicament.  Representing to  his captors that  without his wings

he would be powerless, he  suffered them to remove  these weighty appendages, when also  dropping a heavy

cloak, he  suddenly cut the cord by which he was  being dragged, and, regaining  freedom, soared away into the

sky.  He was quickly high aloft, and  heard thunder below him, soon  after which, the chill of evening

beginning to bring him  earthward, he descried a hunt in full cry, and  succeeded in  coming down near the

huntsmen, some of whom galloped up  to him,  and for their benefit he ascended again, passing this time  into

dense cloud with thunder and lightning.  He saw the sun go down  and the lightning gather round, yet with

admirable courage he  lived  the night out aloft till the storms were spent and the  midsummer sun  rose once

more.  With daylight restored, his  journey ended at a spot  over sixty miles from Paris. 

We have, of course, recounted only a few of the more noteworthy  early ballooning ventures.  In reality there

had up to the  present  time been scores of ascents made in different  localities and in all  conditions of wind and

weather, yet not a  life had been lost.  We have  now, however, to record a casualty  which cost the first and

boldest  aeronaut his life, and which  is all the more regrettable as being due  to circumstances that  should never

have occurred. 

M. Pilatre de Rosier, accompanied by M. Romain, determined on  crossing the Channel from the French side;

and, thinking to add  to  their buoyancy and avoid the risk of falling in the sea, hit  on the  extraordinary idea of

using a fire balloon beneath  another filled with  hydrogen gas!  With this deadly compound  machine they

actually  ascended from Boulogne, and had not left  the land when the inevitable  catastrophe took place. 

The balloons caught fire and blew up at a height of 3,000 feet,  while the unfortunate voyagers were dashed to



As may be supposed, it was not long before the balloon was  introduced into England.  Indeed, the first

successful ascent  on  record made in our own country took place in the summer of  1784, ten  months previous

to the fatal venture narrated at the  close of the last  chapter.  Now, it is a remarkable and equally  regrettable

circumstance  that though the first ascent on  British soil was undoubtedly made by  one of our own

countrymen,  the fact is almost universally forgotten,  or ignored, and the  credit is accorded to a foreigner. 

Let us in strict honesty examine into the case.  Vincent  Lunardi,  an Italian, Secretary to the Neapolitan

Ambassador,  Prince Caramanico,  being in England in the year 1784,  determined on organising and  personally

executing an ascent  from London; and his splendid  enterprise, which was presently  carried to a successful

issue, will  form the principal subject  of the present chapter.  It will be seen  that remarkable  success crowned

his efforts, and that his first and  ever  memorable voyage was carried through on September 15th of that  year. 

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More than a month previously, however, attention had been  called  to the fact that a Mr. Tytler was preparing

to make an  ascent from  Edinburgh in a hot air balloon, and in the London  Chronicle of August  27th occurs

the following circumstantial  and remarkable letter from a  correspondent to that journal:Ä 

"Edinburgh, Aug.  27, 1784. 

"Mr. Tytler has made several improvements upon his fire balloon.  The reason of its failure formerly was its

being made of porous  linen, through which the air made its escape.  To remedy this  defect,  Mr. Tytler has got

it covered with a varnish to retain  the inflammable  air after the balloon is filled. 

"Early this morning this bold adventurer took his first aerial  flight.  The balloon being filled at Comely

Garden, he seated  himself  in the basket, and the ropes being cut he ascended very  high and  descended quite

gradually on the road to Restalrig,  about half a mile  from the place where he rose, to the great  satisfaction of

those  spectators who were present.  Mr. Tytler  went up without the furnace  this morning; when that is added

he  will be able to feed the balloon  with inflammable air, and  continue his aerial excursions as long as he


"Mr. Tytler is now in high spirits, and in his turn laughs at  those infidels who ridiculed his scheme as

visionary and  impracticable.  Mr. Tytler is the first person in Great Britain  who  has navigated the air." 

Referring to this exploit, Tytler, in a laudatory epistle  addressed to Lunardi, tells of the difficulties he had had

to  contend  with, and artlessly reveals the cool, confident courage  he must have  displayed.  No shelter being

available for the  inflation, and a strong  wind blowing, his first misfortune was  the setting fire to his wicker

gallery.  The next was the  capsizing and damaging of his balloon,  which he had lined with  paper.  He now

substituted a coat of varnish  for the paper, and  his gallery being destroyed, so that he could no  longer attempt

to take up a stove, he resolved to ascend without one.  In the  end the balloon was successfully inflated, when

he had the  hardihood to entrust himself to a small basket (used for  carrying  earthenware) slung below, and

thus to launch himself  into the sky.  He  did so under the conviction that the risk he  ran was greater than it

really was, for he argued that his  craft was now only like a  projectile, and "must undoubtedly  come to the

ground with the same  velocity with which it  ascended."  On this occasion the crowd tried  for some time to

hold him near the ground by one of the restraining  ropes, so  that his flight was curtailed.  In a second

experiment,  however, he succeeded in rising some hundreds of feet, and came  to  earth without mishap. 

But little further information respecting Mr. Tytler is  apparently  forthcoming, and therefore beyond recording

the fact  that he was the  first British aeronaut, and also that he was  the first to achieve a  balloon ascent in

Great Britain, we are  unable to make further mention  of him in this history. 

Of his illustrious contemporary already mentioned there is, on  the  contrary, much to record, and we would

desire to give full  credit to  his admirable courage and perseverance.  It was with  a certain  national and

pardonable pride that the young Italian  planned his bold  exploit, feeling with a sense of self  satisfaction,

which he is at no  pains to hide, that he aimed  at winning honour for his country as well  as for himself.  In a

letter which he wrote to his guardian, Chevalier  Gherardo  Compagni, he alludes to the stolid indifference of

the  English  people and philosophers to the brilliant achievements in  aeronautics which had been made and so

much belauded on the  Continent.  He proclaims the rivalry as regards science and art  existing between France

and England, attributing to the latter  an  attitude of sullen jealousy.  At the same time he is fully  alive to  the

necessity of gaining English patronage, and sets  about securing  this with tactful diplomacy.  First he casts

about for a suitable spot  where his enterprise would not fail  to enlist general attention and  perhaps powerful

patrons, and  here he is struck by the attractions and  facilities offered by  Chelsea Hospital.  He therefore

applies to Sir  George Howard,  the Governor, asking for the use of the famous  hospital, to  which, on the

occasion of his experiments, he desires  that  admittance should only be granted to subscribers, while any

profits should be devoted to the pensioners of the hospital.  His  application having been granted, he assures

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his guardian  that he  "still maintains his mental balance, and his sleep is  not banished by  the magnitude of his

enterprise, which is  destined to lead him through  the path of danger to glory." 

This letter was dated the 15th of July, and by the beginning of  August his advertisement was already before

the public,  inviting  subscribers and announcing a private view of his  balloon at the  Lyceum, where it was m

course of construction,  and was being fitted  with contrivances of his own in the shape  of oars and sails.  He

had  by this time not only enlisted the  interest of Sir George Howard, and  of Sir Joseph Banks, but had

secured the direct patronage of the King. 

But within a fortnight a most unforeseen mishap had occurred,  which threatened to overwhelm Lunardi in

disappointment and  ruin.  A  Frenchman of the name of Moret, designing to turn to  his own  advertisement the

attention attracted by Lunardi's  approaching trials,  attempted to forestall the event by an  enterprise of his

own,  announcing that he would make an ascent  with a hot air balloon in some  gardens near Chelsea Hospital,

and at a date previous to that fixed  upon by Lunardi.  In  attempting, however, to carry out this unworthy

project the  adventurer met with the discomfiture he deserved.  He  failed to  effect his inflation, and when after

fruitless attempts  continued for three hours, his balloon refused to rise, a large  crowd, estimated at 60,000,

assembled outside, broke into the  enclosure, committing havoc on all sides, not unattended with  acts of

violence and robbery. 

The whole neighbourhood became alarmed, and it followed as a  matter of course that Lunardi was

peremptorily ordered to  discontinue  his preparations, and to announce in the public  press that his ascent  from

Chelsea Hospital was forbidden.  Failure and ruin now stared the  young enthusiast in the face,  and it was

simply the generous feeling  of the British public,  and the desire to see fair play, that gave him  another

chance.  As it was, he became the hero of the hour; thousands  flocked to  the show rooms at the Lyceum, and

he shortly obtained fresh  grounds, together with needful protection for his project, at  the  hands of the

Hon.Artillery Company.  By the 15th of  September all  incidental difficulties, the mere enumeration of  which

would unduly  swell these pages, had been overcome by sheer  persistence, and Lunardi  stood in the

inenclosure allotted him,  his preparations in due order,  with 150,000 souls, who had  formed for hours a dense

mass of  spectators, watching intently  and now confidently the issue of his  bold endeavour. 

But his anxieties were as yet far from over, for a London crowd  had never yet witnessed a balloon ascent,

while but a month ago  they  had seen and wreaked their wrath upon the failure of an  adventurer.  They were

not likely to be more tolerant now.  And  when the  advertised hour for departure had arrived, and the  balloon

remained  inadequately inflated, matters began to take a  more serious turn.  Half an hour later they approached

a  crisis, when it began to be  known that the balloon still lacked  buoyancy, and that the supply of  gas was

manifestly  insufficient.  The impatience of the mob indeed was  kept in  restraint by one man alone.  This man

was the Prince of Wales  who, refusing to join the company within the building and  careless of  the attitude of

the crowd, remained near the  balloon to check disorder  and unfair treatment. 

But an hour after time the balloon still rested inert and then,  with fine resolution, Lunardi tried one last

expedient.  He  bade his  colleague, Mr. Biggen, who was to have ascended with  him, remain  behind, and

quietly substituting a smaller and  lighter wicker car, or  rather gallery, took his place within  and severed the

cords just as  the last gun fired.  The Prince  of Wales raised his hat, imitated at  once by all the  bystanders, and

the first balloon that ever quitted  English  soil rose into the air amid the extravagant enthusiasm of the

multitude.  The intrepid aeronaut, pardonably excited, and  fearful  lest he should not be seen within the gallery,

made  frantic efforts to  attract attention by waving his flag, and  worked his oars so  vigorously that one of

them broke and fell.  A pigeon also gained its  freedom and escaped.  The voyager,  however, still retained

companions  in his venturea dog and a  cat. 

Following his own account, Lunardi's first act on finding  himself  fairly above the town was to fortify himself

with some  glasses of  wine, and to devour the leg of a chicken.  He  describes the city as a  vast beehive, St.

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Paul's and other  churches standing out prominently;  the streets shrunk to lines,  and all humanity apparently

transfixed  and watching him.  A  little later he is equally struck with the view  of the open  country, and his

ecstasy is pardonable in a novice.  The  verdant pastures eclipsed the visions of his own lands.  The  precision of

boundaries impressed him with a sense of law and  order,  and of good administration in the country where he

was  a sojourner. 

By this time he found his balloon, which had been only  twothirds  full at starting, to be so distended that he

was  obliged to untie the  mouth to release the strain.  He also  found that the condensed  moisture round the

neck had frozen.  These two statements point to his  having reached a considerable  altitude, which is

intelligible enough.  It is, however,  difficult to believe his further assertion that by  the use of  his single oar he

succeeded in working himself down to  within a  few hundred feet of the earth.  The descent of the balloon

must, in point of fact, have been due to a copious outrush of  gas at  his former altitude.  Had his oar really been

effective  in working the  balloon down it would not have needed the  discharge of ballast  presently spoken of

to cause it to  reascend.  Anyhow, he found himself  sufficiently near the earth  to land a passenger who was

anxious to get  out.  His cat had not  been comfortable in the cold upper regions, and  now at its  urgent appeal

was deposited in a corn field, which was the  point  of first contact with the earth.  It was carefully received by

a  countrywoman, who promptly sold it to a gentleman on the other  side  of the hedge, who had been

pursuing the balloon. 

The first ascent of a balloon in England was deserving of some  record, and an account alike circumstantial

and picturesque is  forthcoming.  The novel and astonishing sight was witnessed by  a  Hertfordshire farmer,

whose testimony, published by Lunardi  in the  same year, runs as follows: 

This deponent on his oath sayeth that, being on Wednesday, the  15th day of September instant, between the

hours of three and  four in  the afternoon, in a certain field called Etna, in the  parish of North  Mimms

aforesaid, he perceived a large machine  sailing in the air, near  the place where he was on horseback;  that the

machine continuing to  approach the earth, the part of  it in which this deponent perceived a  gentleman

standing came  to the ground and dragged a short way on the  ground in a  slanting direction; that the time

when this machine thus  touched the earth was, as near as this deponent could judge,  about a  quarter before

four in the afternoon.  That this  deponent being on  horseback, and his horse restive, he could not  approach

nearer to the  machine than about four poles, but that  he could plainly perceive  therein gentleman dressed in

light  coloured cloaths, holding in his  hand a trumpet, which had the  appearance of silver or bright tin.  That by

this time several  harvest men coming up from the other part  of the field, to the  number of twelve men and

thirteen women, this  deponent called  to them to endeavour to stop the machine, which the  men  attempted, but

the gentleman in the machine desiring them to  desist, and the machine moving with considerable rapidity,

and  clearing the earth, went off in a north direction and continued  in  sight at a very great height for near an

hour afterwards.  And this  deponent further saith that the part of the machine in  the which the  gentleman stood

did not actually touch the ground  for more than half a  minute, during which time the gentleman  threw out a

parcel of what  appeared to this deponent as dry  sand.  That after the machine had  ascended again from the

earth  this deponent perceived a grapple with  four hooks, which hung  from the bottom of the machine,

dragging along  the ground,  which carried up with it into the air a small parcel of  loose  oats, which the women

were raking in the field.  And this  deponent further on his oath sayeth that when the machine had  risen  clear

from the ground about twenty yards the gentleman  spoke to this  deponent and to the rest of the people with

his  trumpet, wishing them  goodbye and saying that he should soon go  out of sight.  And this  deponent further

on his oath sayeth  that the machine in which the  gentleman came down to earth  appeared to consist of two

distinct parts  connected together by  ropes, namely that in which the gentleman  appeared to be, a  stage

boarded at the bottom, and covered with  netting and ropes  on the sides about four feet and a half high, and  the

other  part of the machine appeared in the shape of an urn, about  thirty feet high and of about the same

diameter, made of canvas  like  oil skin, with green, red, and yellow stripes. 


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Sworn before me this twentieth day of September, 1784, WILLIAM  BAKER. 

It was a curious fact, pointed out to the brave Italian by a  resident, that the field in which the temporary

descent had  been made  was called indifferently Etna or Italy, "from the  circumstance which  attended the late

enclosure of a large  quantity of roots, rubbish,  etc., having been collected there,  and having continued

burning for  many days.  The common people  having heard of a burning mountain in  Italy gave the field that


But the voyage did not end at Etna.  The, as yet, inexperienced  aeronaut now cast out all available ballast in

the shape of  sand, as  also his provisions, and rising with great speed, soon  reached a  greater altitude than

before, which he sought to  still farther  increase by throwing down his plates, knives, and  forks.  In this

somewhat reckless expenditure he thought  himself justified by the  reliance he placed on his oar, and it  is not

surprising that in the  end he owns that he owed his  safety in his final descent to his good  fortune.  The

narrative  condensed concludes thus: 

"At twenty minutes past four I descended in a meadow near Ware.  Some labourers were at work in it.  I

requested their  assistance, but  they exclaimed they would have nothing to do  with one who came on the

Devil's Horse, and no entreaties could  prevail on them to approach me.  I at last owed my deliverance  to a

young woman in the field who took  hold of a cord I had  thrown out, and, calling to the men, they yielded  that

assistance at her request which they had refused to mine." 

As may be supposed, Lunardi's return to London resembled a  royal  progress.  Indeed, he was welcomed as a

conqueror to whom  the whole  town sought to do honour, and perhaps his greatest  gratification came  by way

of the accounts he gathered of  incidents which occurred during  his eventful voyage.  At a  dinner at which he

was being entertained by  the Lord Mayor and  judges he learned that a lady seeing his falling  oar, and

fancying that he himself was dashed to pieces, received a  shock  thereby which caused her death.

Commenting on this, one of the  judges bade him be reassured, inasmuch as he had, as if by  compensation,

saved the life of a young man who might live to  be  reformed.  The young man was a criminal whose

condemnation  was  regarded as certain at the hands of the jury before whom he  was being  arraigned, when

tidings reached the court that  Lunardi's balloon was  in the air.  On this so much confusion  arose that the jury

were unable  to give due deliberation to the  case, and, fearing to miss the great  sight, actually agreed to  acquit

the prisoner, that they themselves  might be free to  leave the court! 

But he was flattered by a compliment of a yet higher order.  He  was told that while he hovered over London

the King was in  conference  with his principal Ministers, and his Majesty,  learning that he was in  the sky, is

reported to have said to  his councillors, "We may resume  our own deliberations at  pleasure, but we may

never see poor Lunardi  again!"  On this,  it is further stated that the conference broke up,  and the  King,

attended by Mr. Pitt and other chief officers of State,  continued to view Lunardi through telescopes as long as

he  remained  in the horizon. 

The public Press, notably the Morning Post of September 16,  paid a  worthy tribute to the hero of the hour,

and one last act  of an  exceptional character was carried out in his honour, and  remains in  evidence to this

hour.  In a meadow in the parish of  Standon, near  Ware, there stands a rough hewn stone, now  protected by an

iron rail.  It marks the spot where Lunardi  landed, and on it is cut a legend  which runs thus: 

Let Posterity know  And knowing be astonished  that  On the 15th  day of September 1784  Vincent Lunardi of

Lusca in Tuscany  The first  aerial traveller in Britain  Mounting from the Artillery Ground  In  London  And

Traversing the Regions of the Air  For Two Hours and  Fifteen Minutes  In this Spot Revisited the Earth.  On

this rude  monument  For ages be recorded  That Wondrous Enterprise  Successfully  atchieved  By the Powers of

Chemistry  And the Fortitude of Man  That  Improvement in Science  Which  The Great Author of all

Knowledge  Patronyzing by His Providence  The Invention of Mankind  Hath  graciously permitted  To Their

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Benefit  And  His own Eternal Glory. 


In less than two years not only had the science of ballooning  reached almost its highest development, but the

balloon itself,  as an  aerostatic machine, had been brought to a state of  perfection which  has been but little

improved upon up to the  present t hour.  Better or  cheaper methods of inflation were  yet to be discovered,

lighter and  more suitable material  remained to be manufactured; but the navigation  of the air,  which hitherto

through all time had been beyond man's  grasp,  had been attained, as it were, at a bound, and at the hands of

many different and independent experimentalists was being  pursued  with almost the same degree of success

and safety as  today. 

Nor was this all.  There was yet another triumph of the  aeronautical art which, within the same brief period,

had been  to all  intents and purposes achieved, even if it had not been  brought to the  same state of perfection

as at the present hour.  This was the  Parachute.  This fact is one which for a  sufficient reason is not  generally

known.  It is very commonly  supposed that the parachute, in  anything like its present form,  is a very modern

device, and that the  art of successfully using  it had not been introduced to the world even  so lately as  thirty

years ago.  Thus, we find it stated in works of  that  date dealing with the subject that disastrous consequences

almost necessarily attended the use of the parachute, "the  defects of  which had been attempted to be remedied

in various  ways, but up to  this time without success."  A more correct  statement, however, would  have been

that the art of  constructing and using a practicable  parachute had through many  years been lost or forgotten.

In actual  fact, it had been  adopted with every assurance of complete success by  the year  1785, when

Blanchard by its means lowered dogs and other  animals with safety from a balloon.  A few years later he

descended  himself in a like apparatus from Basle, meeting,  however, with the  misadventure of a broken leg. 

But we must go much further back for the actual conception of  the  parachute, which, we might suppose, may

originally have  been suggested  by the easy floating motion with which certain  seeds or leaves will  descend

from lofty trees, or by the mode  adopted by birds of dropping  softly to earth with outstretched  wings.  M. de

la Loubere, in his  historical account of Siam,  which he visited in 168788, speaks of an  ingenious athlete

who  exceedingly diverted the King and his court by  leaping from a  height and supporting himself in the air

by two  umbrellas, the  handles of which were affixed to his girdle.  In 1783,  that is,  the same year as that in

which the balloon was invented, M.  le  Normand experimented with a like umbrellashaped contrivance,  with

a view to its adoption as a fire escape, and he  demonstrated the  soundness of the principle by descending

himself from the windows of a  lofty house at Lyons. 

It was, however, reserved for M. Jacques Garnerin in 1797 to  make  the first parachute descent that attracted

general  attention.  Garnerin had previously been detained as a State  prisoner in the  fortress of Bade, in

Hungary, after the battle  of Marchiennes in 1793,  and during his confinement had pondered  on the possibility

of  effecting his escape by a parachute.  His  solitary cogitations and  calculations resulted, after his  release, in

the invention and  construction of an apparatus  which he put to a practical test at Paris  before the court of

France on October 22nd, 1797.  Ascending in a  hydrogen balloon  to the height of about 2,000 feet, he

unhesitatingly  cut  himself adrift, when for some distance he dropped like a stone.  The folds of his apparatus,

however, opening suddenly, his fall  became instantly checked.  The remainder of his descent, though

leisurely, occupying, in fact, some twelve minutes, appeared to  the  spectators to be attended with uncertainty,

owing to a  swinging motion  set up in the car to which he was clinging.  But the fact remains that  he reached

the earth with only slight  impact, and entirely without  injury. 

It appears that Garnerin subsequently made many equally  successful  parachute descents in France, and during

the short  peace of 1802  visited London, where he gave an exhibition of  his art.  From the most  reliable

accounts of his exploit it  would seem that his drop was from  a very great height, and that  a strong ground

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wind was blowing at the  time, the result of  which was that wild, wide oscillations were set up  in the car,

which narrowly escaped bringing him in contact with the  house  tops in St. Pancreas, and eventually swung

him down into a  field, not without some unpleasant scratches. 

Nor was Garnerin the only successful parachutist at this  period.  A Polish aeronaut, Jordaki Kuparento,

ascended from  Warsaw on the  24th of July, 1804 in a hot air balloon, taking  up, as was the custom,  an

attached furnace, which caused the  balloon to take fire when at a  great height.  Kuparento,  however, who was

alone, had as a precaution  provided himself  with a parachute, and with this he seems to have  found no

difficulty in effecting a safe descent to earth. 

It was many years after this that fresh experimentalists,  introducing parachutes on new lines and faulty in

construction,  met  with death or disaster.  Enough, however, has already been  said to  show that in the early

years we are now traversing in  this history a  perfectly practicable parachute had become an  accomplished

fact.  The  early form is well described by Mr.  Monck Mason in a letter to the  Morning Herald in 1837, written

on the eve of an unrehearsed and fatal  experiment made by Mr.  Cocking, which must receive notice in due

course.  "The  principle," writes Mr. Monck Mason, "upon which all  these  parachutes were constructed is the

same, and consists simply of  a flattened dome of silk or linen from 24 feet to 28 feet in  diameter.  From the

outer margin all around at stated intervals  proceed a large number of cords, in length about the diameter  of

the  dome itself, which, being collected together in one  point and made  fast to another of superior dimensions

attached  to the apex of the  machine, serve to maintain it in its form  when expanded in the  progress of the

descent.  To this centre  cord likewise, at a distance  below the point of junction,  varying according to the fancy

of the  aeronaut, is fixed the  car or basket in which he is seated, and the  whole suspended  from the network of

the balloon in such a manner as to  be  capable of being detached in an instant at the will of the  individual by

cutting the rope by which it is made fast above." 

It followed almost as a matter of course that so soon as the  balloon had been made subject to something like

due control,  and thus  had become recognised as a new machine fairly reduced  to the service  of man, it began

to be regarded as an instrument  which should be made  capable of being devoted to scientific  research.  Indeed,

it may be  claimed that, among the very  earliest aeronauts, those who had sailed  away into the skies  and

brought back intelligent observations or  impressions of the  realm of cloudland, or who had only described

their own  sensations at lofty altitudes, had already contributed facts  of  value to science.  It is time then, taking

events in their due  sequence, that mention should be made of the endeavours of  various  savants, who began

about the commencement of the  nineteenth century to  gather fresh knowledge from the  exploration of the air

by balloon  ascents organised with  fitting equipment.  The time had now come for  promoting the  balloon to

higher purposes than those of mere exhibition  or  amusement.  In point of fact, it had already in one way been

turned to serious practical account.  It had been used by the  French  during military operations in the

revolutionary war as a  mode of  reconnoitring, and not without success, so that when  after due trial  the war

balloon was judged of value a number of  similar balloons were  constructed for the use of the various

divisions of the French army,  and, as will be told in its  proper place, one, at least, of these was  put to a

positive  test before the battle of Fleurus. 

But, returning to more strictly scientific ascents, which began  to  be mooted at this period, we are at once

impressed with the  widespread  influence which the balloon was exercising on  thinking minds.  We note  this

from the fact that what must be  claimed to be the first genuine  ascent for scientific  observation was made in

altogether fresh ground,  and at so  distant a spot as St. Petersburg. 

It was now the year 1804, and the Russian Academy had  determined  on attempting an examination of the

physical  condition of the higher  atmosphere by means of the balloon.  The idea had probably been  suggested

by scientific observations  which had already been made on  mountain heights by such  explorers as De Luc,

Saussure, Humboldt, and  others.  And now it  was determined that their results should be tested  alongside  such

observations as could be gathered in the free heaven  far  removed from any disturbing effects that might be

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caused by  contiguity to earth.  The lines of enquiry to which special  attention  was required were such as

would be naturally  suggested by the  scientific knowledge of the hour, though they  may read somewhat

quaintly today.  Would there be any change  in the intensity of the  magnetic force?  Any change in the

inclination of the magnetised  needle?  Would evaporation find a  new law?  Would solar rays increase  in

power?  What amount of  electric matter would be found?  What change  in the colours  produced by the prism?

What would be the constitution  of the  higher and more attenuated air?  What physical effect would it  have on

human and bird life? 

The ascent was made at 7.15 on a summer evening by M. Robertson  and the Academician, M. Sacharof, to

whom we are indebted for  the  following resume of notes, which have a special value as  being the  first of their

class.  Rising slowly, a difference of  atmosphere over  the Neva gave the balloon a downward motion,

necessitating the  discharge of ballast.  As late as 8.45 p.m.  a fine view was obtained  of the Newski Islands,

and the whole  course of the neighbouring river.  At 9.20 p.m., when the  barometer had fallen from 30 inches

to 23  inches, a canary and  a dove were dismissed, the former falling  precipitately, while  the latter sailed down

to a village below.  All  available  ballast was now thrown out, including a spare great coat and  the remains of

supper, with the result that at 9.30 the  barometer had  fallen to 22 inches, and at this height they  caught sight

of the upper  rim of the sun.  The action of heart  and lungs remained normal.  No  stars were seen, though the

sky  was mainly clear, such clouds as were  visible appearing white  and at a great height.  The echo of a

speaking  trumpet was  heard after an interval of ten seconds.  This was  substantially  the outcome of the

experiments.  The practical  difficulties of  carrying out prearranged observations amid the  inconvenience of

balloon travel were much felt.  Their instruments  were  seriously damaged, and their results, despite most

painstaking  and praiseworthy efforts, must be regarded as somewhat  disappointing. 

But ere the autumn of the same year two other scientific  ascents,  admirably schemed and financed at the

public expense,  had been  successfully carried out at Paris in a war balloon  which, as will be  told, had at this

time been returned from  military operations in  Egypt.  In the first of these, Gay  Lussac ascended in company

with M.  Biot, with very complete  equipment.  Choosing ten o'clock in the  morning for their hour  of departure,

they quickly entered a region of  thin, but wet  fog, after which they shot up into denser cloud, which  they

completely surmounted at a height of 6,500 feet, when they  described the upper surface as bearing the

resemblance,  familiar  enough to aeronauts and mountaineers, as of a white  sea broken up into  gently swelling

billows, or of an extended  plain covered with snow. 

A series of simple experiments now embarked upon showed the  behaviour of magnetised iron, as also of a

galvanic pile or  battery,  to remain unaltered.  As their altitude increased  their pulses  quickened, though

beyond feeling keenly the  contrast of a colder air  and of scorching rays of the sun they  experienced no

physical  discomfort.  At 11,000 feet a linnet  which they liberated fell to the  earth almost helplessly, while  a

pigeon with difficulty maintained an  irregular and  precipitate flight.  A carefully compiled record was  made of

variations of temperature and humidity, and they succeeded in  determining that the upper air was charged

with negative  electricity.  In all this these two accomplished physicists may  be said to have  carried out a

brilliant achievement, even  though their actual results  may seem somewhat meagre.  They not  only were their

own aeronauts, but  succeeded in arranging and  carrying out continuous and systematic  observations

throughout  the period of their remaining in the sky. 

This voyage was regarded as such a pronounced success that  three  weeks later, in midSeptember, Gay

Lussac was induced to  ascend again,  this time alone, and under circumstances that  should enable him to  reach

an exceptionally high altitude.  Experience had taught the  advisability of certain modifications  in his

equipment.  A magnet was  ingeniously slung with a view  of testing its oscillation even in spite  of accidental

gyrations in the balloon.  Thermometers and hygrometers  were  carefully sheltered from the direct action of

the sun, and  exhausted flasks were supplied with the object of bringing down  samples of upper air for

subsequent analysis. 

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Again it was an early morning ascent, with a barometer on the  ground standing at 30.6 inches, and a slightly

misty air.  Lussac  appears to have accomplished the exceedingly difficult  task of  counting the oscillations of

his magnet with  satisfaction to himself.  At 10,000 feet twenty vibrations  occupied 83 seconds, as compared

with 84.33 seconds at the  earth's surface.  The variation of the  compass remained  unaltered, as also the

behaviour of magnetised iron  at all  altitudes.  Keeping his balloon under perfect control, and  maintaining a

uniform and steady ascent, he at the same time  succeeded in compiling an accurate table of readings

recording  atmospheric pressure, temperature and humidity, and it is  interesting  to find that he was confronted

with an apparent  anomaly which will  commonly present itself to the aeronaut  observer.  Up to 12,000 feet  the

temperature had decreased  consistently from 82 degrees to 47  degrees, after which it  increased 6 degrees in

the next 2,000 feet.  This by no means  uncommon experience shall be presently discussed.  The balloon  was

now steadily manoeuvred up to 18,636 feet, at which  height  freezing point was practically reached.  Then with

a further  climb 20,000 feet is recorded, at which altitude the ardent  philosopher could still attend to his

magnetic observations,  nor is  his arduous and unassisted task abandoned here, but with  marvellous

pertinacity he yet struggled upwards till a height  of no less than  23,000 feet is recorded, and the thermometer

had sunk to 14 degrees F.  Four miles and a quarter above the  level of the sea, reached by a  solitary aerial

explorer, whose  legitimate training lay apart from  aeronautics, and whose main  care was the observation of

the  philosophical instruments he  carried!  The achievement of this French  savant makes a  brilliant record in

the early pages of our history. 

It is not surprising that Lussac should own to having felt no  inconsiderable personal discomfort before his

venture was over.  In  spite of warm clothing he suffered greatly from cold and  benumbed  fingers, not less also

from laboured breathing and a  quickened pulse;  headache supervened, and his throat became  parched and

unable to  swallow food.  In spite of all, he  conducted the descent with the  utmost skill, climbing down  quietly

and gradually till he alighted  with gentle ease at St.  Gourgen, near Rouen.  It may be mentioned here  that the

analysis of the samples of air which he had brought down  proved  them to contain the normal proportion of

oxygen, and to be  essentially identical, as tested in the laboratory, with the  free air  secured at the surface of

the earth. 

The sudden and apparently unaccountable variation in  temperature  recorded by Lussac is a striking revelation

to an  aerial observer, and  becomes yet more marked when more  sensitive instruments are used than  those

which were taken up  on the occasion just related.  It will be  recorded in a future  chapter how more suitable

instruments came in  course of time to  be devised.  It is only necessary to point out at  this stage  that

instruments which lack due sensibility will  unavoidably  read too high in ascents, and too low in descents

where,  according to the general law, the air is found to grow  constantly  colder with elevation above the

earth's surface.  It  is strong  evidence of considerable efficiency in the  instruments, and of careful  attention on

the part of the  observer, that Lussac was able to record  the temporary  inversion of the law of change of

temperature  abovementioned.  Had he possessed modern instrumental equipment he  would have  brought

down a yet more remarkable account of the upper  regions  which he visited, and learned that the variations of

heat and  cold were considerably more striking than he supposed. 

With a specially devised instrument used with special  precautions,  the writer, as will be shown hereafter, has

been  able to prove that  the temperature of the air, as traversed in  the wayward course of a  balloon, is probably

far more variable  and complex than has been  recorded by most observers. 

The exceptional height claimed to have been reached by Gay  Lassac  need not for a moment be questioned,

and the fact that  he did not  experience the same personal inconvenience as has  been complained of  by

mountain climbers at far less altitudes  admits of ready  explanation.  The physical exertion demanded of  the

mountaineer is  entirely absent in the case of an aeronaut  who is sailing at perfect  ease in a free balloon.

Moreover, it  must be remembered thata most  important considerationthe  aerial voyager, necessarily

travelling  with the wind, is  unconscious, save at exceptional moments, of any  breeze  whatever, and it is a

wellestablished fact that a degree of  cold which might be insupportable when a breeze is stirring may  be  but

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little felt in dead calm.  It should also be remembered,  in duly  regarding Gay Lussac's remarkable record, that

this was  not his first  experience of high altitudes, and it is an  acknowledged truth that an  aeronaut, especially

if he be an  enthusiast, quickly becomes  acclimatised to his new element,  and sufficiently inured to its

occasional rigours. 


During certain years which now follow it will possibly be  thought  that our history, so far as incidents of

special  interest are  concerned, somewhat languishes.  Yet it may be  wrong to regard this  period as one of

stagnation or  retrogression. 

Before passing on to later annals, however, we must duly  chronicle  certain exceptional achievements and

endeavours as  yet unmentioned,  which stand out prominently in the period we  have been regarding as  also in

the advancing years of the new  century Among these must in  justice be included those which  come into the

remarkable, if somewhat  pathetic subsequent  career of the brilliant, intrepid Lunardi. 

Compelling everywhere unbounded admiration he readily secured  the  means necessary for carrying out

further exploits wherever  he desired  while at the same time he met with a measure of good  fortune in  freedom

from misadventure such as has generally been  denied to less  bold adventurers.  Within a few months of the

time when we left him,  the popular hero and happy recipient of  civic and royal favours, we  find him in

Scotland attempting  feats which a knowledge of practical  difficulties bids us  regard as extraordinary. 

To begin with, nothing appears more remarkable than the ease,  expedition, and certainty with which in days

when necessary  facilities must have been far harder to come by than now, he  could  always fill his balloon by

the usually tedious and  troublesome mode  attending hydrogen inflation.  We see him at  his first Scottish

ascent, completing the operation in little  more than two hours.  It is  the same later at Glasgow, where,

commencing with only a portion of  his apparatus, he finds the  inflation actually to proceed too rapidly  for his

purpose, and  has to hold the powers at his command strongly in  check.  Later, in December weather, having

still further improved his  apparatus, he makes his balloon support itself after  the  inflation  of only ten minutes.

Then, as if assured of  impunity, he treats  recognised risks with a species of  contempt.  At Kelso he hails

almost  with joy the fact that the  wind must carry him rapidly towards the  sea, which in the end  he narrowly

escapes.  At Glasgow the chances of  safe landing  are still more against him, yet he has no hesitation in

starting, and at last the catastrophe he seemed to court  actually  overtook him, and he plumped into the sea

near  Berwick, where no sail  was even in sight, and a winter's night  coming on.  From this  predicament he was

rescued by a special  providence which once before  had not deserted him, when in a  tumult of violent and

contrary  currents, and at a great height  to boot, his gallery was almost  completely carried away, and he  had to

cling on to the hoop  desperately with both hands. 

Then we lose sight of the dauntless, lighthearted Italian for  oneandtwenty years, when in the Gentleman's

Magazine of July  31,  1806, appears the brief line, "Died in the convent of  Barbadinas, of a  decline, Mr.

Vincent Lunardi, the celebrated  aeronaut." 

Garnerin, of whom mention has already been made, accomplished  in  the summer of 1802 two aerial voyages

marked by extreme  velocity in  the rate of travel.  The first of these is also  remarkable as having  been the first

to fairly cross the heart  of London.  Captain Snowdon,  R.N., accompanied the aeronaut.  The ascent took place

from Chelsea  Gardens, and proved so great  an attraction that the crowd overflowed  into the neighbouring

parts of the town, choking up the thoroughfares  with vehicles,  and covering the river with boats.  On being

liberated,  the  balloon sped rapidly away, taking a course midway between the  river and the main highway of

the Strand, Fleet Street, and  Cheapside, and so passed from view of the multitude.  Such a  departure could

hardly fail to lead to subsequent adventures,  and  this is pithily told in a letter written by Garnerin  himself:  "I

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take  the earliest opportunity of informing you  that after a very pleasant  journey, but after the most  dangerous

descent I ever made, on account  of the boisterous  weather and the vicinity of the sea, we alighted at  the

distance of four miles from this place and sixty from Ranelagh.  We were only threequarters of an hour on

the way.  Tonight I  intend  to be in London with the balloon, which is torn to  pieces.  We  ourselves are all

over bruises." 

Only a week after the same aeronaut ascended again from  Marylebone, when he attained almost the same

velocity, reaching  Chingford, a distance of seventeen miles, in fifteen minutes. 

The chief danger attending a balloon journey in a high wind,  supposing no injury has been sustained in filling

and  launching,  results not so much from impact with the ground on  alighting as from  the subsequent almost

inevitable dragging  along the ground.  The  grapnels, spurning the open, will often  obtain no grip save in a

hedge  or tree, and even then large  boughs will be broken through or dragged  away, releasing the  balloon on a

fresh career which may, for a while,  increase in  mad impetuosity as the emptying silk offers a deeper  hollow

for  the wind to catch. 

The element of risk is of another nature in the case of a night  ascent, when the actual alighting ground cannot

be duly chosen  or  foreseen.  Among many record night ascents may here,  somewhat by  anticipation of events,

be mentioned two embarked  upon by the hero of  our last adventure.  M. Garnerin was  engaged to make a

spectacular  ascent from Tivoli at Paris,  leaving the grounds at night with  attached lamps illuminating  his

balloon.  His first essay was on a  night of ear]y August,  when he ascended at 11 p.m., reaching a height  of

nearly three  miles.  Remaining aloft through the hours of darkness,  he  witnessed the sun rise at halfpast two

in the morning, and  eventually came to earth after a journey of some seven hours,  during  which time he had

covered considerably more than a  hundred miles.  A  like bold adventure carried out from the same  grounds

the following  month was attended with graver peril.  A  heavy thunderstorm appearing  imminent, Garnerin

elected to  ascend with great rapidity, with the  result that his balloon,  under the diminished pressure, quickly

became  distended to an  alarming degree, and he was reduced to the necessity  of  piercing a hole in the silk,

while for safety's sake he  endeavoured to extinguish all lamps within reach.  He now lost  all  control over his

balloon, which became unmanageable in the  conflict of  the storm.  Having exhausted his ballast, he  presently

was rudely  brought to earth and then borne against a  mountain side, finally  losing consciousness until the

balloon  had found anchorage three  hundred miles away from Paris. 

A night ascent, which reads as yet more sensational and  extraordinary, is reported to have been made a year

or two  previously, and when it is considered that the balloon used was  of  the Montgolfier type the account as

it is handed down will  be allowed  to be without parallel.  It runs thus:  Count  Zambeccari, Dr. Grassati  of

Rome, and M. Pascal Andreoli of  Antona ascended on a November night  from Bologna, allowing  their

balloon to rise with excessive velocity.  In consequence  of this rapid transition to an extreme altitude the

Count and  the Doctor became insensible, leaving Andreoli alone in  possession of his faculties.  At two o'clock

in the morning  they  found themselves descending over the Adriatic, at which  time a lantern  which they

carried expired and was with  difficulty relighted.  Continuing to descend, they presently  pitched in to the sea

and  became drenched with salt water.  It  may seem surprising that the  balloon, which could not be  prevented

falling in the water, is yet  enabled to ascend from  the grip of the waves by the mere discharge of  ballast.  (It

would be interesting to inquire what meanwhile happened  to the  fire which they presumably carried with

them.)  They now rose  into regions of cloud, where they became covered with hoar  frost and  also stone deaf.

At 3 a.m. they were off the coast  of Istria, once  more battling with the waves till picked up by  a shore boat.

The  balloon, relieved of their weight, then flew  away into Turkey. 

However overdrawn this narrative may appear, it must be read in  the light of another account, the bare, hard

facts of which can  admit  of no question.  It is five years later, and once again  Count  Zambeccari is ascending

from Bologna, this time in  company with Signor  Bonagna.  Again it is a Montgolfier or fire  balloon, and on

nearing  earth it becomes entangled in a tree  and catches fire.  The aeronauts  jump for their lives, and the

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Count is killed on the spot.  Certainly,  when every allowance  is made for pardonable or unintentional

exaggeration, it must  be conceded that there were giants in those  days.  Giants in  the conception and

accomplishment of deeds of lofty  daring.  Men who came scathless through supreme danger by virtue of the

calmness and courage with which they withstood it. 

Among other appalling disasters we have an example of a  terrific  descent from a vast height in which the

adventurers  yet escape with  their lives.  It was the summer of 1808, and  the aeronauts, MM.  Andreoli and

Brioschi, ascending from Padua,  reach a height at which a  barometer sinks to eight inches,  indicating

upwards of 30,000 feet.  At this point the balloon  bursts, and falls precipitately near  Petrarch's tomb.

Commenting on this, Mr. Glaisher, the value of whose  opinion is  second to none, is not disposed to question

the general  truth  of the narrative.  In regard to Zambeccari's escape from the  sea related above, it should be

stated that in the case of a  gasinflated balloon which has no more than dipped its car or  gallery  in the waves,

it is generally perfectly possible to  raise it again  from the water, provided there is on board a  store of ballast,

the  discharge of which will sufficiently  lighten the balloon.  A case in  point occurred in a most  romantic and

perilous voyage accomplished by  Mr. Sadler on the  1st of October, 1812. 

His adventure is one of extraordinary interest, and of no  little  value to the practical aeronaut.  The following

account  is condensed  from Mr. Sadler's own narrative.  He started from  the grounds of  Belvedere House,

Dublin, with the expressed  intention of endeavouring  to cross over the Irish Channel to  Liverpool. There

appear to have  been two principal air drifts,  an upper and a lower, by means of which  he entertained fair

hopes of steering his desired course.  But from  the outset he  was menaced with dangers and difficulties.  Ere

he had  left the  land he discovered a rent in his silk which, occasioned by  some  accident before leaving,

showed signs of extending.  To reach  this, it was necessary to extemporise by means of a rope a  species of

ratlins by which he could climb the rigging.  He  then contrived to  close the rent with his neckcloth.  He was,

by this time, over the  sea, and, manoeuvring his craft by aid  of the two currents at his  disposal, he was carried

to the  south shore of the Isle of Man, whence  he was confident of  being able, had he desired it, of landing in

Cumberland.  This,  however, being contrary to his intention, he  entrusted himself  to the higher current, and by

it was carried to the  northwest  of Holyhead.  Here he dropped once again to the lower  current,  drifting south

of the Skerry Lighthouse across the Isle of  Anglesea, and at 4.30 p.m. found himself abreast of the Great

Orme's  Head.  Evening now approaching, he had determined to  seek a landing,  but at this critical juncture the

wind shifted  to the southward, and  he became blown out to sea.  Then, for an  hour, he appears to have  tried

high and low for a more  favourable current, but without success;  and, feeling the  danger of his situation, and,

moreover, sighting no  less than  five vessels beating down the Channel, he boldly descended  in  the sea about a

mile astern of them.  He must for certain have  been observed by these vessels; but each and all held on their

course, and, thus deserted, the aeronaut had no choice but to  discharge ballast, and, quitting the waves, to

regain his  legitimate  element.  His experiences at this period of his  extraordinary voyage  are best told in his

own words.  "At the  time I descended the sun was  near setting Already the shadows  of evening had cast a

dusky hue over  the face of the ocean, and  a crimson glow purpled the tops of the  waves as, heaving in the

evening breeze, they died away in distance,  or broke in foam  against the sides of the vessels, and before I rose

from the  sea the orb had sunk below the horizon, leaving only the  twilight glimmer to light the vast expanse

around me.  How  great,  therefore, was my astonishment, and how incapable is  expression to  convey an

adequate idea of my feelings when,  rising to the upper  region of the air, the sun, whose parting  beams I had

already  witnessed, again burst on my view, and  encompassed me with the full  blaze of day.  Beneath me hung

the  shadows of even, whilst the clear  beams of the sun glittered on  the floating vehicle which bore me along

rapidly before the  wind." 

After a while he sights three more vessels, which signify their  willingness to stand by, whereupon he

promptly descends,  dropping  beneath the two rearmost of them.  From this point  the narrative of  the sinking

man, and the gallant attempt at  rescue, will rival any  like tale of the sea.  For the wind, now  fast rising, caught

the half  empty balloon so soon as the car  touched the sea, and the vessel  astern, though in full pursuit,  was

wholly unable to come up.  Observing this, Mr. Sadler,  trusting more to the vessel ahead,  dropped his

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grappling iron  by way of drag, and shortly afterwards  tried the further  expedient of taking off his clothes and

attaching  them to the  iron.  The vessels, despite these endeavours, failing to  overhaul him, he at last, though

with reasonable reluctance,  determined to further cripple the craft that bore him so  rapidly by  liberating a

large quantity of gas, a desperate,  though necessary,  expedient which nearly cost him his life. 

For the car now instantly sank, and the unfortunate man,  clutching  at the hoop, found he could not even so

keep himself  above the water,  and was reduced to clinging, as a last hope,  to the netting.  The  result of this

could be foreseen, for he  was frequently plunged under  water by the mere rolling of the  balloon.  Cold and

exertion soon told  on him, as he clung  frantically to the valve rope, and when his  strength failed him  he

actually risked the expedient of passing his  head through  the meshes of the net.  It was obvious that for avail

help must  soon come; yet the pursuing vessel, now close, appeared to  hold  off, fearing to become entangled

in the net, and in this  desperate extremity, fainting from exhaustion and scarcely able  to  cry aloud, Mr. Sadler

himself seems to have divined the  chance yet  left; for, summoning his failing strength, he  shouted to the

sailors  to run their bowsprit through his  balloon.  This was done, and the  drowning man was hauled on  board

with the life scarcely in him. 

A fitting sequel to the above adventure followed five years  afterwards.  The Irish Sea remained unconquered.

No balloonist  had  as yet ever crossed its waters. Who would attempt the feat  once more?  Who more worthy

than the hero's own son, Mr.  Windham Sadler? 

This aspiring aeronaut, emulating his father's enterprising  spirit, chose the same starting ground at Dublin,

and on the  longest  day of 1817, when winds seemed favourable, left the  Porto Bello  barracks at 1.20 p.m.  His

endeavour was to "tack"  his course by such  currents as he should find, in the manner  attempted by his father,

and  at starting the ground current  blew favourably from the W.S.W.  He,  however, allowed his  balloon to rise

to too high an altitude, where he  must have  been taken aback by a contrary drift; for, on descending  again

through a shower of snow, he found himself no further than Ben  Howth, as yet only ten miles on his long

journey.  Profiting by  his  mistake, he thenceforward, by skilful regulation, kept his  balloon  within due limits,

and successfully maintained a direct  course across  the sea, reaching a spot in Wales not far from  Holyhead an

hour and a  half before sundown.  The course taken  was absolutely the shortest  possible, being little more than

seventy miles, which he traversed in  five hours. 

From this period of our story, noteworthy events in  aeronautical  history grow few and far between.  As a mere

exhibition the novelty of  a balloon ascent had much worn off.  No experimentalist was ready with  any new

departure in the art.  No fresh adventure presented itself to  the minds of the more  enterprising spirits; and,

whereas a few years  previously  ballooning exploits crowded into every summer season and  were  not

neglected even in winter months, there is now for a while  little to chronicle, either abroad or in our own

country.  A  certain  revival of the sensational element in ballooning was  occasionally  witnessed, and not

without mishap, as in the case  of Madame Blanchard,  who, in the summer of 1819, ascending at  night with

fireworks from the  Tivoli Gardens, Paris, managed to  set fire to her balloon and lost her  life in her terrific

fall.  Half a dozen years later a Mr., as also  Mrs., Graham figure  before the public in some bold spectacular


But the fame of any aeronaut of that date must inevitably pale  before the dawning light shed by two stars of

the first  magnitude  that were arising in two opposite parts of the  worldMr. John Wise in  America, and Mr.

Charles Green in our  own country.  The latter of  these, who has been well styled the  "Father of English

Aeronautics,"  now entered on a long and  honoured career of so great importance and  success that we must

reserve for him a separate and special chapter. 

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The balloon, which had gradually been dropping out of favour,  had  now been virtually laid aside, and, to all

appearance,  might have  continued so, when, as if by chance concurrence of  events, there  arrived both the

hour and the man to restore it  to the world, and to  invest it with a new practicability and  importance.  The

coronation of  George the Fourth was at hand,  and this became a befitting occasion  for the rare genius

mentioned at the end of the last chapter, and now  in his  thirtysixth year, to put in practice a new method of

balloon  management and inflation, the entire credit of which must be  accorded  to him alone. 

From its very introduction and inception the gas balloon, an  expensive and fragile structure in itself, had

proved at all  times  exceedingly costly in actual use.  Indeed, we find that  at the date at  which we have now

arrived the estimate for  filling a balloon of 70,000  cubic feetno extraordinary  capacitywith hydrogen

gas was about  L250.  When, then, to  this great outlay was added the difficulty and  delay of  producing a

sufficient supply by what was at best a clumsy  process, as also the positive failure and consequent

disappointment  which not infrequently ensued, it is easy to  understand how through  many years balloon

ascents, no longer a  novelty, had begun to be  regarded with distrust, and the  profession of a balloonist was

doomed  to become unremunerative.  A simpler and cheaper mode of inflation was  not only a  desideratum, but

an absolute necessity.  The full truth of  this  may be gathered from the fact that we find there were not  seldom

instances where two or three days of continuous and  anxious labour  were expended in generating and passing

hydrogen  into a balloon,  through the fabric of which the subtle gas  would escape almost as fast  as it was


It was at this juncture, then, that Charles Green conceived the  happy idea of substituting for hydrogen gas the

ordinary  household  gas, which at this time was to be found ready to hand  and in  sufficient quantity in all

towns of any consequence; and  by the day of  the coronation all was in readiness for a public  exhibition of this

method of inflation, which was carried out  with complete success,  though not altogether without unrehearsed

and amusing incident, as  must be told. 

The day, July 18, was one of summer heat, and Green at the  conclusion of his preparations, fatigued with

anxious labour  and  oppressed by the crowding of the populace, took refuge  within the car  of his balloon,

which was by that time already  inflated, and only  awaiting the gun signal that was to announce  the moment

for its  departure.  To allow of his gaining the  refreshment of somewhat purer  air he begged his friends who

were holding the car of his balloon in  restraint to keep it  suspended at a few feet from the earth, while he

rested himself  within, and, this being done, it would appear that he  fell into  a doze, from which he did not

awake till he found that the  balloon, which had slipped from his friends' hold, was already  high  above the

crowd and requiring his prompt attention.  This  was,  however, by no means an untoward accident, and Green's

triumph was  complete.  By this one venture alone the success of  the new method was  entirely assured.  The

cost of the inflation  had been reduced  tenfold, the labour and uncertainty a  hundredfold, and, over and

above all, the confidence of the  public was restored.  It is little  wonder, then, that in the  years that now follow

we find the balloon  returning to all the  favour it had enjoyed in its palmiest days.  But  Green proved  himself

something more than a practical balloonist of the  first  rank.  He brought to the aid of his profession ideas

which were  matured by due thought and scientifically sound.  It is true he  still  clung for a while to the

antiquated notion that  mechanical means  could, with advantage, be used to cause a  balloon to ascend or

descend, or to alter its direction in a  tranquil atmosphere.  But he  saw clearly that the true method  of

navigating a balloon should be by  a study of upper currents,  and this he was able to put to practical  proof on a

memorable  occasion, and in a striking manner, as we shall  presently  relate. 

He learned the lesson early in his career while acquiring facts  and experience, unassisted, in a number of

solitary voyages  made from  different parts of the country.  Among these he is  careful to record  an occasion

when, making a daylight ascent  from Boston, Lincolnshire,  he maintained a lofty course, which  promised to

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take him direct to  Grantham; but, presently  descending to a lower level, and his balloon  diverging at an  angle

of some 45 degrees, he now headed for Newark.  This  experience he stored away. 

A month later we find him making a night voyage from Vauxhall  Gardens, destined to be the scene of many

memorable ascents in  the  near future; and on this occasion he gave proof of his  capability as a  close and

intelligent observer.  It was a July  night, near 11 p.m.,  moonless and cloudy, yet the earth was  visible, and

under these  circumstances his simple narrative  becomes of scientific value.  He  accurately distinguished the

reflective properties of the face of the  diversified country he  traversed.  Over Battersea and

Wandsworththis  was in  1826there were white sheets spread over the land, which  proved  to be corn

crops ready for the sickle.  Where crops were not  the  ground was darker, with, here and there, objects

absolutely  blackin other words, trees and houses.  Then he mentions the  river  in a memorandum, which

reads strangely to the aeronaut who  has made  the same night voyage in these latter days.  The stream  was

crossed in  places with rows of lamps apparently resting on  the water.  These were  the lighted bridges; but,

here and there,  were dark planks, and these  too were bridgesat Battersea and  Putneybut without a light

upon  them! 

In these and many other simple, but graphic, narratives Green  draws his own pictures of Nature in her quieter

moods.  But he  was  not without early experience of her horse play, a highly  instructive  record of which should

not be omitted here, and  which, as coming from  so careful and conscientious an observer,  is best gathered

from his  own words.  The ascent was from  Newbury, and it can have been no mean  feat to fill, under  ordinary

circumstances, a balloon carrying two  passengers and a  considerable weight of ballast at the small  gasholder

which  served the town eightyfive years ago.  But the  circumstances  were not ordinary, for the wind was

extremely squally; a  tremendous hail and thunderstorm blew up, and a hurricane swept  the  balloon with such

force that two tons weight of iron and a  hundred men  scarce sufficed to hold it in check. 

Green on this occasion had indeed a companion, whose usefulness  however at a pinch may be doubted when

we learn that he was  both deaf  and dumb.  The rest of the narrative runs thus:  "Between 4 and 5 p.m.  the

clouds dispersed, but the wind  continued to rage with unabated  fury the whole of the evening.  At 6 p.m. I

stepped into the car with  Mr. Simmons and gave the  word 'Away!'  The moment the machine was

disencumbered of its  weights it was torn by the violence of the wind  from the  assistants, bounded off with the

velocity of lightning in a  southeasterly direction, and in a very short space of time  attained  an elevation of

two miles.  At this altitude we  perceived two immense  bodies of clouds operated on by contrary  currents of air

until at  length they became united, and at that  moment my ears were assailed by  the most awful and longest

continued peal of thunder I have ever  heard.  These clouds were  a full mile beneath us, but perceiving other

strata floating at  the same elevation at which we were sailing, which  from their  appearance I judged to be

highly charged with electricity,  I  considered it prudent to discharge twenty pounds of ballast,  and we  rose half

a mile above our former elevation, where I  considered we  were perfectly safe and beyond their influence.  I

observed, amongst  other phenomena, that at every discharge of  thunder all the detached  pillars of clouds

within the distance  of a mile around became  attracted and appeared to concentrate  their force towards the first

body of clouds alluded to,  leaving the atmosphere clear and calm  beneath and around us. 

"With very trifling variations we continued the same course  until  7.15 p.m., when we descended to within

500 feet of the  earth; but,  perceiving from the disturbed surface of the rivers  and lakes that a  strong wind

existed near the earth, we again  ascended and continued  our course till 7.30 p.m., when a final  descent was

safely effected in  a meadow field in the parish of  Crawley in Surrey, situated between  Guildford and

Horsham, and  fiftyeight miles from Newbury.  This  stormy voyage was  performed in one hour and a half." 

It was after Green had followed his profession for fifteen  years  that he was called upon to undertake the

management of an  aerial  venture, which, all things considered, has never been  surpassed in  genuine

enterprise and daring.  The conception of  the project was due  to Mr. Robert Hollond, and it took shape in  this

way.  This gentleman,  fresh from Cambridge, possessed of  all the ardour of early manhood, as  also of

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adequate means, had  begun to devote himself with the true zeal  of the enthusiast to  the pursuit of ballooning,

finding due  opportunity for this in  his friendship with Mr. Green, who enjoyed the  management of  the fine

balloon made for ascents at the then popular  Vauxhall  Gardens.  In the autumn of 1836 the proprietors of this

balloon,  contemplating making an exhibition of an ascent from Paris,  and  requiring their somewhat fragile

property to be conveyed to  that  city, Mr. Hollond boldly came forward and offered to  transfer it  thither, and,

as nearly as this might be possible,  by passage through  the sky.  The proposal was accepted, and Mr.  Holland,

in conjunction  with Green, set about the needful  preparations.  These, as will  appear, were on an extraordinary

scale, and no blame is to be imputed  on that account, as a  little consideration will show.  For the venture

proposed was  not to be that of merely crossing the Channel, which, as  we  have seen, had been successfully

effected no less than fifty  years  before.  The voyage in contemplation was to be from  London; it was,

moreover, to be pursued through a long,  moonless winter's night, and  under conditions of which no  living

aeronaut had had actual  experience. 

Calculation, based on a sufficient knowledge of fast upper  currents, told that their course, ere finished, might

be one of  almost indefinite length, and it is not too much to say that no  one,  with the knowledge of that day,

could predict within a  thousand miles  where the dawn of the next day might find them.  The equipment,

therefore, was commensurate with the possible  task before them.  To  begin with, they limited their number to

three in allMr. Hollond, as  chief and keeper of the log; Mr.  Green, as aeronaut; and an  enthusiastic

colleague, Mr. Monck  Mason, as the chronicler of the  party.  Next, they provided  themselves with passports to

all parts of  the Continent; and  then came the fitting out and victualling of the  aerial craft  itself, calculated to

carry some 90,000 cubic feet of  gas, and  a counterpoise of a ton of ballast, which took the form  partly  of

actual provisions in large quantity, partly of gear and  apparatus, and for the rest of sand and also lime, of

which  more  anon.  Across the middle of the car was fixed a bench to  serve as  table, and also as a stage for the

winding in and out  of an enormous  trail rope a thousand feet long, designed by Mr.  Green to meet the  special

emergencies of the voyage.  At the  bottom of the car was  spread a large cushion to serve the  purposes of rest.

When all was in  readiness unfitness of  weather baulked the travellers for some days,  but Monday, the  7th of

November, was judged a favourable day, so that  the  inflation was rapidly proceeded with, and at 1.30 p.m.

the  "Monstre Balloon," as it was entitled in the "Ingoldsby  Legends,"  left the earth on her eventful and ever

memorable  voyage.  The weather  was fine and promising, and, rising with a  moderate breeze from the  N.W.,

they began to traverse the  northern parts of Kent, while light,  drifting upper clouds gave  indication of other

possible currents.  Mr.  Hollond was precise  in the determination of times and of all readings  and we learn  that

at exactly 2.48 p.m. they were crossing the Medway,  six  miles west of Rochester, while at 4.5 p.m. the lofty

towers of  Canterbury were well in view, two miles to the east, and here a  little function was well carried out.

Green had twice ascended  from  this city under patronage of the authorities, and the idea  occurred to  the party

that it would be a graceful compliment to  drop a message to  the Mayor as they passed.  A suitable note,

therefore, quickly  written, was dismissed in a parachute, and it  may be mentioned that  this, as also a similar

missive addressed  later to the Mayor of Dover,  were duly received and  acknowledged. 

At a quarter past four they sighted the sea, and here, the air  beginning to grow chill, the balloon dropped

earthward, and for  some  miles they skimmed the ground, disturbing the partridges,  scattering  the rooks, and

keeping up a running conversation the  while with  labourers and passers below.  In this there was  exercise of

perfectly  proper aerial seamanship, such as  moreover presently led to an  exhibition of true science.  To  save

ballast is, with a balloon, to  prolong life, and this may  often best be done by flying low, which  doubtless was

Green's  present intention.  But soon his trained eye saw  that the  ground current which now carried them was

leading them  astray.  They were trending to the northward, and so far out of their  course that they would soon

make the North Foreland, and so be  carried out over the North Sea far from their desired  direction.

Thereupon Green attempted to put in practice his  theory, already  spoken of, of steering by upper currents, and

the event proved his  judgment peculiarly correct.  "Nothing,"  wrote Mr. Monck Mason, "could  exceed the

beauty of the  manoeuvre, to which the balloon at once  responded, regaining her  due course, and, in a matter

of a few minutes  only, bearing the  voyagers almost vertically over the castle of Dover  in the exact  line for

crossing the straits between that town and  Calais." 

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So far all was well, and success had been extraordinary; but  from  this moment they became faced with new

conditions, and with  the grave  trouble of uncertainty.  Light was failing, the sea  was before them,  andwhat

else thenceforth?  4.48 p.m. was  recorded as the moment when  the first line of breaking waves was  seen

directly below them, and  then the English coast line began  rapidly to fade out from their view.  But, ahead, the

obscurity  was yet more intense, for clouds, banked up  like a solid wall,  crowned along its frowning heights,

with "parapets  and turrets  and batteries and bastions," and, plunging into this  opposing  barrier, they were

quickly buried in blackness, losing at the  same time over the sea all sound from earth soever.  So for a  short

hour's space, when the sound of waves once again broke in  upon them,  and immediately afterwards emerging

from the dense  cloud (a seafog  merely) they found themselves immediately over  the brilliantly lighted  town

of Calais.  Seeing this, the  travellers attempted to signal by  igniting and lowering a Bengal  Light, which was

directly followed by  the beating of drums from  below. 

It adds a touch of reality, as well as cheerfulness, to the  narrative to read that at this period of their long

journey the  travellers apply themselves to a fair, square meal, the first  for  twelve hours, despite the day's

excitement and toil.  We  have an entry  among the stores of the balloon of wine bottles  and spirit flasks, but

there is no mention of these being  requisitioned at this period.  The  demand seems rather to have  been for

coffeecoffee hot; and this by a  novel device was  soon prepared.  It goes without saying that a fire or  flame

of  any kind, except with special precautions, is inadmissable in  a  balloon; but a cooking heat, sufficient for

the present purpose,  was supplied from the store of lime, a portion of which, being  placed  in a suitably

contrived vessel and slaked quickly,  procured the  desired beverage. 

This meal now indulged in seems to have been heartily and  happily  enjoyed; and from this point, for a while,

the  narrative becomes that  of enthusiastic and delighted  travellers. In the gloom below, for  leagues around,

they  regarded the scattered fires of a watchful  population, with  here and there the lights of larger towns, and

the  contemplation begot romantic reveries.  "Were they not amid the  vast  solitudes of the skies, in the dead of

night, unknown and  unnoticed,  secretly and silently reviewing kingdoms, exploring  territories, and  surveying

cities all clothed in the dark mantle  of mystery?"  Presently they identified the blazing city of  Liege, with the

lurid  lights of extensive outlying iron works,  and this was the last visible  sign they caught of earth that  night;

save, at least, when occasional  glimpses of lightning  momentarily and dimly outlined the world in the  abyss


Ere long, they met with their first discomfort, which they seem  to  have regarded as a most serious one,

namely, the accidental  dropping  overboard of their cherished coffeeboiling apparatus.  With its loss  their

store of lime became useless, save as  ballast, and for this it  was forthwith utilised until nothing  remained but

the empty lime  barrel itself, which, being  regarded as an objectionable encumbrance,  it was desirable to  get

rid of, were it not for the risk involved in  rudely  dropping it to earth.  But the difficulty was met.  They

possessed a suitable small parachute, and, attached to this, the  barrel was allowed to float earthward. 

As hours advanced, the blackness of night increased, and their  impressions appear somewhat strange to

anyone familiar with  ordinary  night travel in the sky.  Mr. Monck Mason compares  their progress  through the

darkness to "cleaving their way  through an interminable  mass of black marble."  Then,  presently, an

unaccountable object  puzzles and absorbs the  attention of all the party for a long period.  They were gazing

openmouthed at a long narrow avenue of feeble  light, which,  though apparently belonging to earth, was too

long and  regular  for a river, and too broad for a canal or road, and it was  only  after many futile imaginings

that they discovered they were  simply looking at a stay rope of the balloon hanging far out  over the  side. 

Somewhat later still, there was a more serious claim upon the  imagination.  It was halfpast three in the

morning, and the  balloon,  which, to escape from too low an altitude, had been  liberally  lightened, had now at

high speed mounted to a vast  height.  And then,  amid the black darkness and dead silence of  that appalling

region,  suddenly overhead came the sound of an  explosion, followed by the  violent rustling of the silk, while

the car jerked violently, as  though suddenly detached from its  hold.  This was the idea, leading to  the belief

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that the  balloon had suddenly exploded, and that they were  falling  headlong to earth.  Their suspense,

however, cannot have been  long, and the incident was intelligible enough, being due to  the  sudden yielding of

stiffened net and silk under rapid  expansion caused  by their speedy and lofty ascent. 

The chief incidents of the night were now over, until the dawn  arrived and began to reveal a strange land,

with large tracts  of  snow, giving place, as the light strengthened, to vast  forests.  To  their minds these

suggested the plains of Poland,  if not the steppes  of Russia, and, fearing that the country  further forward

might prove  more inhospitable, they decided to  come to earth as speedily as  possible.  This, in spite of

difficult landing, they effected about  the hour that the waking  population were moving abroad, and then, and

not till then,  they learned the land of their haventhe heart of the  German  forests.  Five hundred miles had

been covered in eighteen hours  from start to finish! 


All history is liable to repeat itself, and that of aeronautics  forms no exception to the rule.  The second year

after the  invention  of the balloon the famous M. Blanchard, ascending  from Frankfort,  landed near Weilburg,

and, in commemoration of  the event, the flag he  bore was deposited among the archives in  the ducal palace of

that  town.  Fiftyone years passed by when,  outside the same city, a yet  more famous balloon effected its

landing, and with due ceremony its  flag is presently laid  beside that of Blanchard in the same ducal  palace.

The balloon  of the "Immortal Three," whose splendid voyage  has just been  recounted, will ever be known by

the title of the Great  Nassau  Balloon, but the neighbourhood of its landing was that of the  town of Weilburg,

in the Duchy of Nassau, whither the party  betook  themselves, and where, during many days, they were

entertained with  extravagant hospitality and honour until  business recalled Mr. Hollond  home. 

Green had now made upwards of two hundred ascents, and, though  he  lived to make a thousand, it was

impossible that he could  ever eclipse  this last record.  It is true that the same Nassau  balloon, under his

guidance, made many other most memorable  voyages, some of which it  will be necessary to dwell on.  But,  to

preserve a better chronology,  we must first, without further  digression, approach an event which  fills a dark

page in our  annals; and, in so doing, we have to transfer  our attention  from the balloon itself to its accessory,

the parachute. 

Twentythree years before our present date, that is to say in  1814, Mr. Cocking delivered his views as to the

proper form of  the  parachute before the Society of Arts, who, as a mark of  approval,  awarded him a medal.

This parachute, however, having  never taken  practical shape, and only existing, figuratively  speaking, in the

clouds, seemed unlikely to find its way there  in reality until the  success of the Nassau adventure stirred  its

inventor to strenuous  efforts to give it an actual trial.  Thus it came about that he  obtained Mr. Green's

cooperation in  the attempt he now undertook,  and, though this ended  disastrously, for Mr. Cocking, the

great  professional aeronaut  can in no way soever be blamed for the tragic  event. 

The date of the trial was in July, 1837.  Mr. Cocking's  parachute  was totally different in principle from that

form  which, as we have  seen, had met with a fair measure of success  at the hands of early  experimenters; and

on the eve of its  trial it was strongly denounced  and condemned in the London  Press by the critic whom we

have recently  so freely quoted, Mr.  Monck Mason. 

This able reasoner and aeronaut pointed out that the  contrivance  about to be tested aimed at obviating two

principal  drawbacks which  the parachute had up to that time presented,  namely (1) the length of  time which

elapses before it becomes  sufficiently expanded, and (2)  the oscillatory movement which  accompanies the

descent.  In this new  endeavour the inventor  caused his machine to be fixed rigidly open,  and to assume the

shape of an inverted cone.  In other words, instead  of its  being like an umbrella opened, it rather resembled an

umbrella  blown inside out.  Taking, then, the shape and dimensions of  Mr.  Cocking's structure as a basis for

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mathematical  calculation, as also  its weight, which for required strength he  put at 500 lbs.  Mr. Monck  Mason

estimated that the adventurer  and his machine must attain in  falling a velocity of some  twelve miles an hour.

In fact, his  positive prediction was  that one of two events must inevitably take  place.  "Either the  parachute

would come to the ground with a force  incompatible  with the safety of the individual, or should it be

attempted to  make it sufficiently light to resist this conclusion, it  must  give way beneath the forces which will

develop in the descent." 

This emphatic word of warning was neglected, and the result of  the  terrible experiment can best be gathered

from two principal  sources.  First, that of a special reporter writing from  terrafirma, and,  secondly, that of

Mr. Green himself, who  gives his own observations as  made from the balloon in which he  took the

unfortunate man and his  invention into the sky. 

The journalist, who first speaks of the enormous concourse that  gathered to see the ascent, not only within

Vauxhall Gardens,  but on  every vantage ground without, proceeds to tell of his  interview with  Mr. Cocking

himself, who, when questioned as to  the danger involved,  remarked that none existed for him, and  that the

greatest peril, if  any, would attend the balloon when  suddenly relieved of his weight.  The proprietors of the

Gardens, as the hour approached, did their  best to dissuade the  overconfident inventor, offering, themselves,

to  take the  consequences of any public disappointment.  This was again  without avail, and so, towards 6 p.m.,

Mr. Green, accompanied  by Mr.  Spencer, a solicitor of whom this history will have more  to tell,  entered the

balloon, which was then let up about 40  feet that the  parachute might be affixed below.  A little  later, Mr.

Cocking,  casting aside his heavy coat and tossing  off a glass of wine, entered  his car and, amid deafening

acclamations, with the band playing the  National Anthem, the  balloon and aeronauts above, and he himself in

his parachute  swinging below, mounted into the heavens, passing  presently, in  the gathering dusk, out of

view of the Gardens. 

The sequel should be gathered from Mr. Green's own narrative.  Previous to starting, 650 lbs. of ballast had to

be discarded  to gain  buoyancy sufficient to raise the massive machine.  This, together with  another 100 lbs.,

which was also required  to be ejected owing to the  cooling of the air, was passed out  through a canvas tube

leading  downwards through a hole in the  parachute, an ingenious contrivance  which would prevent the  sand

thrown out from the balloon falling on  the slender  structure itself.  On quitting the earth, however, this  latter

set up such violent oscillations that the canvas tube was torn  away, and then it became the troublesome task

of the aeronauts  to  make up their ballast into little parcels, and, as occasion  required,  to throw these into

space clear of the swinging  parachute below. 

Despite all efforts, however, it was soon evident that the  cumbersome nature of the huge parachute would

prevent its being  carried up quite so high as the inventor desired.  Mr. Cocking  had  stipulated for an elevation

of 7,000 feet, and, as things  were, only  5,000 feet could be reached, at any rate, before  darkness set in.  This

fact was communicated to Mr. Cocking,  who promptly intimated his  intention of leaving, only  requesting to

know whereabouts he was, to  which query Mr.  Spencer replied that they were on a level with  Greenwich.  The

brief colloquy that ensued is thus given by Mr.  Green: 

"I asked him if he felt quite comfortable, and if the practical  trial bore out his calculation.  Mr. Cocking

replied, 'Yes, I  never  felt more comfortable or more delighted in my life,'  presently adding,  'Well, now I think

I shall leave you.'  I  answered, 'I wish you a very  "Good Night!" and a safe descent  if you are determined to

make it and  not use the tackle' (a  contrivance for enabling him to retreat up into  the balloon if  he desired).

Mr. Cocking's only reply was,  'Goodnight,  Spencer; Goodnight, Green!'  Mr. Cocking then pulled the  rope

that was to liberate himself, but too feebly, and a moment  afterwards more violently, and in an instant the

balloon shot  upwards  with the velocity of a sky rocket.  The effect upon us  at this moment  was almost beyond

description.  The immense  machine which suspended us  between heaven and earth, whilst it  appeared to be

forced upwards with  terrific violence and  rapidity through unknown and untravelled regions  amidst the

howlings of a fearful hurricane, rolled about as though  revelling in a freedom for which it had long struggled,

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but of  which  until that moment it had been kept in utter ignorance.  It, at length,  as if somewhat fatigued by its

exertions,  gradually assumed the  motions of a snake working its way with  extraordinary speed towards a

given object.  During this  frightful operation the gas was rushing in  torrents from the  upper and lower valve,

but more particularly from  the latter,  as the density of the atmosphere through which we were  forcing  our

progress pressed so heavily on the valve at the top of the  balloon as to admit of but a comparatively small

escape by this  aperture.  At this juncture, had it not been for the application  to  our mouths of two pipes

leading into an air bag, with which  we had  furnished ourselves previous to starting, we must within  a minute

have  been suffocated, and so, but by different means,  have shared the  melancholy fate of our friend.  This bag

was  formed of silk,  sufficiently capacious to contain 100 gallons of  atmospheric air.  Prior to our ascent, the

bag was inflated with  the assistance of a  pair of bellows with fifty gallons of air,  so allowing for any

expansion which might be produced in the  upper regions.  Into the end  of this bag were introduced two

flexible tubes, and the moment we felt  ourselves to be going up  in the manner just described, Mr. Spencer, as

well as myself,  placed either of them in our mouths.  By this simple  contrivance  we preserved ourselves from

instantaneous suffocation, a  result  which must have ensued from the apparently endless volume of  gas  with

which the car was enveloped.  The gas, notwithstanding all  our precautions, from the violence of its operation

on the human  frame, almost immediately deprived us of sight, and we were  both, as  far as our visionary

powers were concerned, in a state  of total  darkness for four or five minutes." 

Messrs. Green and Spencer eventually reached earth in safety  near  Maidstone, knowing nothing of the fate of

their late  companion.  But  of this we are sufficiently informed through a  Mr. R. Underwood, who  was on

horseback near Blackheath and  watching the aeronauts at the  moment when the parachute was  separated from

the balloon.  He noticed  that the former  descended with the utmost rapidity, at the same time  swaying

fearfully from side to side, until the basket and its  occupant,  actually parting from the parachute, fell together

to earth  through several hundred feet and were dashed to pieces. 

It would appear that the liberation of the parachute from below  the balloon had been carried out without

hitch; indeed, all so  far  had worked well, and the wind at the time was but a gentle  breeze.  The misadventure,

therefore, must be entirely  attributed to the  faulty manner in which the parachute was  constructed.  There

could, of  course, be only one issue to the  sheer drop from such a height, which  became the unfortunate Mr.

Cocking's fate, but the very interesting  question will have to  be discussed as to the chances in favour of the

aeronaut who,  within his wicker car, while still duly attached to the  balloon, may meet with a precipitate


We may here fitly mention an early perilous experience of Mr.  Green, due simply to the malice of someone

never discovered.  It  appears that while Green's balloon, previous to an ascent,  was on the  ground, the cords

attaching the car had been partly  severed in such a  way as to escape detection.  So that as soon  as the balloon

rose the  car commenced breaking away, and its  occupants, Mr. Green and Mr.  Griffiths, had to clutch at the

ring, to which with difficulty they  continued to cling.  Meanwhile, the car remaining suspended by one cord

only, the  balloon was caused to hang awry, with the result that its  upper  netting began giving way, allowing

the balloon proper gradually  to escape through the bursting meshes, thus threatening the  distracted voyagers

with terrible disaster.  The disaster, in  fact,  actually came to pass ere the party completed their  descent, "the

balloon, rushing through the opening in the  network with a tremendous  explosion, and the two passengers

clinging to the rest of the gear,  falling through a height said  to be near a hundred feet.  Both, though  only with

much time  and difficulty, recovered from the shock." 

In 1840, three years after the tragic adventure connected with  Mr.  Cocking's parachute trial, we find Charles

Green giving his  views as  to the practicability of carrying out a ballooning  enterprise which  should far excel

all others that had hitherto  been attempted.  This  was nothing less than the crossing of the  Atlantic from

America to  England.  There is no shadow of doubt  that the adventurous aeronaut  was wholly in earnest in the

readiness he expressed to embark on the  undertaking should  adequate funds be forthcoming; and he discusses

the  possibilities with singular clearness and candour.  He  maintains that  the actual difficulties resolve

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themselves into  two only:  first, the  maintenance of the balloon in the sky for  the requisite period of  time; and,

secondly, the adequate  control of its direction in space.  With respect to the first  difficulty, he points out the

fact to which  we have already  referred, namely, that it is impossible to avoid the  fluctuations of level in a

balloon's course, "by which it  constantly  becomes alternately subjected to escape of gas by  expansion, and

consequent loss of ballast, to furnish an  equivalent diminution of  weight."  Taking his own balloon of  80,000

cubic feet by way of  example, he shows that this, fully  inflated on the earth, would lose  8,000 cubic feet of

gas by  expansion in ascending only 3,000 feet.  Moreover, the approach  of night or passage through cloud or

falling  rain would  occasion chilling of the gas or accumulation of moisture on  the  silk, in either case

necessitating the loss of ballast, the  store  of which is always the true measure of the balloon's  life. 

To combat the above difficulty Green sanguinely relies on his  favourite device of a trail or guide rope, whose

function,  being that  of relieving the balloon of a material weight as it  approaches the  earth, could, he

supposed, be made to act yet  more efficiently when  over the sea in the following manner.  Its length,

suspended from the  ring, being not less than 2,000  feet, it should have attached at its  lower end at certain

intervals a number of small, stout waterproof  canvas bags, the  apertures of which should be contrived to

admit  water, but to  oppose its return.  Between these bags were to be  conical  floats, to support any length of

the rope that might descend  on  the sea.  Now, should the balloon commence descending, it would  simply

deposit a certain portion of rope on the water until it  regained equilibrium at no great decrease of altitude, and

would thus  continue its course until alteration of conditions  should cause it to  recommence rising, when the

weight of water  now collected in the bags  would play its part in preventing the  balloon from soaring up into

space.  With such a contrivance  Green allowed himself to imagine that  he could keep a properly  made balloon

at practically the same altitude  for a period of  three months if required. 

The difficulty of maintaining a due course was next discussed,  and  somewhat speedily disposed of.  Here

Green relied on the  results of  his own observation, gathered during 275 ascents,  and stated his  conviction that

there prevails a uniformity of  upper wind currents  that would enable him to carry out his bold  projects

successfully.  His contention is best given in his own  words:Ä 

"Under whatever circumstances," he says, "I made my ascent,  however contrary the direction of the winds

below, I uniformly  found  that at a certain elevation, varying occasionally, but  always within  10,000 feet of

the earth, a current from the west  or rather from the  north of west, invariably travailed, nor do  I recollect a

single  instance in which a different result  ensued."  Green's complete scheme  is now sufficiently evident.  He

was to cross the Atlantic practically  by the sole assistance  of upper currents and his guide rope, but on  this

latter  expedient, should adverse conditions prevail, he yet  further  relied, for he conceived that the rope could

have attached to  its floating end a water drag, which would hold the balloon in  check  until favouring gales


Funds, apparently, were not forthcoming to allow of Mr. Green's  putting his bold method to the test; but we

find him still  adhering  with so much zeal to his project that, five years  later, he made,  though again

unsuccessfully, a second proposal  to cross the Atlantic  by balloon.  He still continued to make  many and most

enterprising  ascents, and one of a specially  sensational nature must be briefly  mentioned before we pass on  to

regard the exploits of other aeronauts. 

It was in 1841 on the occasion of a fete at Cremorne House,  when  Mr. Green, using his famous Nassau

balloon, ascended with  a Mr.  Macdonnell.  The wind was blowing with such extreme  violence that  Rainham,

in Essex, about twenty miles distant,  was reached in little  more than a quarter of an hour, and here,  on nearing

the earth, the  grapnel, finding good hold, gave a  wrench to the balloon that broke  the ring and jerked the car

completely upside down, the aeronauts only  escaping  precipitation by holding hard to the ropes.  A terrific

steeplechase ensued, in which the travellers were dragged  through  stout fencing and other obstacles till the

balloon,  fairly emptied of  gas, finally came to rest, but not until some  severe injuries had been  received. 

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By this period the domination of the air was being pursued in a  fresh part of the world.  England and her

Continental  neighbours had  vied with each in adding to the roll of  conquests, and it could hardly  other be

supposed that America  would stand by without taking part in  the campaign which was  now being revived

with so much fresh energy in  the skies. 

The American champion who stepped forward was Mr. John Wise, of  Lancaster, Pa., whose career,

commencing in the year 1835, we  must  now for a while follow.  Few attempts at ballooning of any  kind had

up  to that time been made in all America.  There is a  record that in  December, 1783, Messrs. Rittenhouse and

Hopkins,  Members of the  Philosophical Academy of Philadelphia,  instituted experiments with an  aerial

machine consisting of a  cage to which fortyseven small  balloons were harnessed.  In  this strange craft a

carpenter, by name  Wilcox, was induced to  ascend, which, it is said, he did successfully,  remaining in  the air

for ten minutes, when, finding himself near a  river, he  sought to come to earth again by opening several of his

balloons.  This brought about an awkward descent, attended,  however,  by no more serious accident than a

dislocated wrist.  Mr. Wise, on the  other hand, states that Blanchard had won the  distinction of making  the

first ascent in the New World in 1793  in Philadelphia on which  occasion Washington was a spectator;  and a

few years afterwards other  Frenchmen gave ex hibitions,  which, however, led to no real  development of the

new art on  this, the further side of the Atlantic.  Thus the endeavours we  are about to describe were those of

an  independent and, at the  same time, highly, practical experimentalist,  and on this  account have a special

value of their own. 

The records that Wise has left of his investigations begin at  the  earliest stage, and possess the charm of an

obvious and  somewhat  quaint reality.  They commence with certain crude  calculations which  would seem to

place no limit to the  capabilities of a balloon.  Thus,  he points out that one of  "the very moderate size of 400

feet  diameter" would convey  13,000 men.  "No wonder, then," he continues,  "the citizens of  London became

alarmed during the French War, when  they mistook  the appearance of a vast flock of birds coming towards

the  Metropolis for Napoleon's army apparently coming down upon them  with this new contrivance." 

Proceeding to practical measures, Wise's first care was to  procure  some proper material of which to build an

experimental  balloon of  sufficient size to lift and convey himself alone.  For this he chose  ordinary

longcloth, rendered gastight by  coats of suitable varnish,  the preparation of which became with  him, as,

indeed, it remains to  this day, a problem of chief  importance and difficulty.  Perhaps it  hardly needs pointing

out that the varnish of a balloon must not only  be sufficiently  elastic not to crack or scale off with folding or

unavoidable  rough usage, but it must also be of a nature to resist the  common tendency of such substances to

become adherent or  "tacky."  Wise determined on bird lime thinned with linseed oil  and ordinary  driers.  With

this preparation he coated his  material several times  both before and after the making up, and  having

procured a net, of  which he speaks with pride, and a  primitive sort of car, of which he  bitterly complains, he

thought himself sufficiently equipped to embark  on an actual  ascent, which he found a task of much greater

practical  difficulty than the mere manufacture of his air ship.  For the  inflation by hydrogen of so small a

balloon as his was he made  more  than ample provision in procuring no less than fifteen  casks of 130  gallons

capacity each.  He also duly secured a  suitable filling ground  at the corner of Ninth and Green  Streets,

Philadelphia, but he made a  miscalculation as to the  time the inflation would demand, and this led  to

unforeseen  complications, for as yet he knew not the way of a crowd  which  comes to witness a balloon


Having all things in readiness, and prudently waiting for fair  weather, he embarked on his grand experiment

on the 2nd of May,  1835,  announcing 4 p.m. as the hour of departure.  But by that  time the  inflation, having

only proceeded for three hours, the  balloon was but  half full, and then the populace began to  behave as in

such  circumstances they always will.  They were  incredulous, and presently  grew troublesome.  In vain the

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harnessing of the car was proceeded  with as though all were  well.  For all was not well, and when the  aeronaut

stepped into  his car with only fifteen pounds of sand and a  few instruments  he must have done so with much

misgiving.  Still, he  had friends  around who might have been useful had they been less eager  to  help.  But

these simply crowded round him, giving him no elbow  room, nor opportunity for trying the "lift" of his

alltooempty  globe.  Moreover, some would endeavour to throw  the machine upward,  while others as

strenuously strove to keep  it down, and at last the  former party prevailed, and the  balloon, being fairly cast

into the  air, grazed a neighbouring  chimney and then plunged into an adjacent  plot, not, however,  before the

distracted traveller had flung away all  his little  stock of sand.  There now was brief opportunity for free  action,

and to the first bystander who came running up Wise  gave the  task of holding the car in check.  To the next he

handed out his  instruments, his coat, and also his boots,  hoping thus to get away;  but his chance had not yet

come, for  once again the crowd swarmed  round him, keeping him prisoner  with goodnatured but mistaken

interference, and drowning his  voice with excited shouting.  Somehow,  by word and gesture, he  gave his

persecutors to understand that he  wished to speak, and  then he begged them only to give him a chance,

whereupon the  crowd fell back, forming a ring, and leaving only one  man  holding the car.  It was a moment of

suspense, for Wise  calculated that he had only parted with some eighteen pounds  since  his first ineffectual

start from the filling ground; but  it was  enough, and in another moment he was sailing up clear  above the

crowd.  So great, as has been already shewn, is often  the effect of parting  with the last few pounds of dead

weight  in a wellbalanced balloon. 

Such was the first "send off" of the future great balloonist,  destined to become the pioneer in aeronautics on

the far side  of the  Atlantic.  The balloon ascended to upwards of a mile,  floating  gradually away, but at its

highest point it reached a  conflict of  currents, causing eddies from which Wise escaped by  a slight decrease

of weight, effected by merely cutting away  the wreaths of flowers that  were tied about his car.  A further  small

substitute for ballast he  extemporised in the metal tube  inserted in the neck of his fabric, and  this he cast out

when  over the breadth of the Delaware, and he  describes it as  falling with a rustling sound, and striking the

water  with a  splash plainly heard at more than a mile in the sky.  After an  hour and a quarter the balloon

spontaneously and steadily  settled to  earth. 

An ascent carried out later in the same summer led to a mishap,  which taught the young aeronaut an

allimportant lesson.  Using  the  same balloon and the same mode of inflation, he got safely  and  satisfactorily

away from his station in the town of  Lebanon, Pa., and  soon found himself over a toll gate in the  open

country, where the  gate keeper in banter called up to him  for his due.  To this summons  Wise, with heedless

alacrity,  responded in a manner which might well  have cost him dear.  He  threw out a bag of sand to represent

his toll,  and, though he  estimated this at only six pounds, it so greatly  accelerated  his ascent that he shortly

found himself at a greater  altitude  than he ever after attained.  He passed through mist into  upper  sunshine,

where he experienced extreme cold and earache, at  which time, seeking the natural escape from such

trouble, he  found to  his dismay that the valve rope was out of reach.  Thus  he was  compelled to allow the

balloon to ascend yet higher, at  its own will;  and then a terrible event happened. 

By mischance the neck of his balloon, which should have been  open,  was out of reach and folded inwards in

such a way as to  prevent the  free escape of the gas, which, at this great  altitude, struggled for  egress with a

loud humming noise,  giving him apprehensions of an  accident which very shortly  occurred, namely, the

bursting of the  lower part of his balloon  with a loud report.  It happened, however,  that no extreme loss  of gas

ensued, and he commenced descending with a  speed which,  though considerable, was not very excessive.

Still, he  was  eager to alight in safety, until a chance occurrence made him a  second time that afternoon guilty

of an act of boyish  impetuosity.  A  party of volunteers firing a salute in his  honour as he neared the  ground, he

instantly flung out papers,  ballast, anything he could lay  his hands on, and once again  soared to a great height

with his damaged  balloon.  He could  then do no more, and presently subsiding to earth  again, he  acquired the

welcome knowledge that even in such precarious  circumstances a balloon may make a long fall with safety to

its  freight. 

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Mr. Wise's zeal and indomitable spirit of enterprise led to  speedy  developments of the art which he had

espoused; the road  to success  being frequently pointed out by failure or mishap.  He quickly  discarded the

linen balloon for one of silk on which  he tried a new  varnish composed of linseed oil and  indiarubber, and,

dressing  several gores with this, he rolled  them up and left them through a  night in a drying loft, with  the

result that the next day they were  disintegrated and on the  point of bursting into flame by spontaneous

combustion.  Fresh  silk and other varnish were then tried, but with  indifferent  success.  Next he endeavoured

to dispense with sewing, and  united the gores of yet another balloon by the mere  adhesiveness of  the varnish

and application of a hot iron.  This led to a gaping seam  developing at the moment of an  ascent, and then there

followed a hasty  and hazardous descent  on a housetop and an exciting rescue by a  gentleman who  appeared

opportunely at a third storey window.  Further,  another balloon had been destroyed, and Wise badly burned, at

a  descent, owing to a naked light having been brought near the  escaping  gas.  It is then without wonder that

we find him after  this  temporarily bankrupt, and resorting to his skill in  instrumentmaking  to recover his

fortunes.  Only, however, for  a few months, after which  he is before the public once more as  a professional

aeronaut.  He now  adopts coal gas for inflation,  and incidents of an impressive nature  crowd into his career,

forcing important facts upon him.  The special  characteristics  of his own country present peculiar difficulties;

broad rivers  and vast forests become serious obstacles.  He is caught  in the  embrace of a whirlwind; he

narrowly escapes falling into a  forest fire; he is precipitated, but harmlessly, into a pine  wood.  Among other

experiments, he makes a small copy of Mr.  Cocking's  parachute, and drops it to earth with a cat as  passenger,

proving  thereby that that unfortunate gentleman's  principle was really less in  fault than the actual slenderness

of the material used in his machine. 

We now approach one of Wise's boldest, and at the same time  most  valuable, experiments.  It was the summer

of 1839, and  once again the  old trouble of spontaneous combustion had  destroyed a silk balloon  which was to

have ascended at Easton,  Pa.  Undeterred, however, Wise  resolutely advertised a fresh  attempt, and, with only

a clear month  before the engagement,  determined on hastily rigging up a cambric  muslin balloon,  soaking it

in linseed oil and essaying the best  exhibition that  this improvised experiment could afford.  It was  intended to

become a memorable one, inasmuch as, should he meet with  no  hindrance, his determination was nothing less

than that of  bursting this balloon at a great height, having firmly  convinced  himself that the machine in these

circumstances would  form itself into  a natural parachute, and bring him to earth  with every chance in  favour

of safety.  In his own words,  "Scientific calculations were on  his side with a certainty as  great and principles

as comprehensive as  that a  pockethandkerchief will not fall as rapidly to the ground when  thrown out of a

third storey window as will a brick." 

His balloon was specially contrived for the experiment in hand,  having cords sewn to the upper parts of its

seams, and then led  down  through the neck, where they were secured within reach,  their office  being that of

rending the whole head of the  balloon should this be  desired.  On this occasion a cat and a  dog were taken up,

one of these  being let fall from a height of  2,000 feet in a Cocking's parachute,  and landing in safety, the

other being similarly dismissed at an  altitude of 4,000 feet in  an oiled silk balloon made in the form of a

collapsed balloon,  which, after falling a little distance, expanded  sufficiently  to allow of its descending with a

safe though somewhat  vibratory motion.  Its behaviour, at any rate, fully determined  Wise  on carrying out his

own experiment. 

Being constructed entirely for the main object in view, the  balloon had no true opening in the neck beyond an

orifice of  about an  inch, and by the time a height of 13,000 feet had been  reached the gas  was streaming

violently through this small  hole, the entire globe  being expanded nearly to bursting point,  and the cords

designed for  rending the balloon very tense.  At  this critical period Wise owns to  having experienced

considerable nervous excitement, and observing far  down a  thunderstorm in progress he began to waver in his

mind, and  inclined towards relieving the balloon of its strain, and so  abandoning his experiment, at least for

the present.  He  remembers  pulling out his watch to make a note of the hour,  and, while thus  occupied, the

straining cords, growing tenser  every moment, suddenly  took charge of the experiment and burst  the balloon

of their own  accord.  The gas now rushed from the  huge rent above tumultuously and  in some ten seconds had

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entirely escaped, causing the balloon to  descend rapidly, until  the lower part of the muslin, doubling in

upwards, formed a  species of parachute after the manner intended.  The  balloon  now came down with zigzag

descent, and finally the car,  striking the earth obliquely, tossed its occupant out into a  field  unharmed.  Shortly

after this Wise experimented with  further success  with an exploded balloon. 

It is not a little remarkable that this pioneer of aeronautics  in  Americana contemporary of Charles Green in

England, but  working and  investigating singlehanded on perfectly  independent linesshould  have arrived

at the same conclusions  as did Green himself as to the  possibility, which, in his  opinion, amounted to a

certainty, of being  able to cross the  Atlantic by balloon if only adequate funds were  forthcoming.  So intent

was he on his bold scheme that, in the summer  of  1843, he handed to the Lancaster Intelligencer a

proclamation,  which he desired might be conveyed to all publishers of  newspapers on  the globe.  It contained,

among other clauses,  the following: 

"Having from a long experience in aeronautics been convinced  that  a constant and regular current of air is

blowing at all  times from  west to east, with a velocity of from twenty to  forty and even sixty  miles per hour,

according to its height  from the earth, and having  discovered a composition which  renders silk or muslin

impervious to  hydrogen gas, so that a  balloon may be kept afloat for many weeks, I  feel confident  with these

advantages that a trip across the Atlantic  will not  be attended with as much real danger as by the common

mode of  transition.  The balloon is to be 100 feet in diameter, giving  it a  net ascending power of 25,000 lbs."

It was further stated  that the  crew would consist of three persons, including a sea  navigator, and a  scientific

landsman.  The specifications for  the transatlantic vessel  were also to include a seaworthy boat  in place of the

ordinary car.  The sum requisite for this  enterprise was, at the time, not realised;  but it should be  mentioned

that several years later a sufficient sum  of money  was actually subscribed.  In the summer of 1873 the

proprietors  of the New York Daily Graphic provided for the  construction of  a balloon of no less than 400,000

cubic feet capacity,  and  calculated to lift 14,000 lbs.  It was, however, made of bad  material; and, becoming

torn in inflation, Wise condemned and  declined to use it.  A few months later, when it had been  repaired,  one

Donaldson and two other adventurers, attempting a  voyage with this  illformed monster, ascended from New

York,  and were fortunate in  coming down safely, though not without  peril, somewhere in  Connecticut. 

Failing in his grand endeavour, Wise continued to follow the  career of a professional aeronaut for some years

longer, of  which he  has left a full record, terminating with the spring of  1848.  His  ascents were always

marked by carefulness of detail,  and a coolness  and courage in trying circumstances that secured  him uniform

success  and universal regard.  He was, moreover,  always a close and  intelligent observer, and many of his

memoranda are of scientific  value. 

His description of an encounter with a stormcloud in the June  of  1843 has an interest of its own, and may

not be considered  overdrawn.  It was an ascent from Carlisle, Pa., to celebrate  the anniversary of  Bunker's

Hill, and Wise was anxious to  gratify the large concourse of  people assembled, and thus was  tempted, soon

after leaving the ground,  to dive up into a huge  black cloud of peculiarly forbidding aspect.  This cloud

appeared to remain stationary while he swept beneath it,  and,  having reached its central position, he observed

that its under  surface was concave towards the earth, and at that moment he  became  swept upwards in a

vortex that set his balloon spinning  and swinging  violently, while he himself was afflicted with  violent

nausea and a  feeling of suffocation.  The cold  experienced now became intense, and  the cordage became

glazed  with ice, yet this had no effect in checking  the upward  whirling of the balloon.  Sunshine was beyond

the upper  limits  of the cloud; but this was no sooner reached than the balloon,  escaping from the uprush,

plunged down several hundred feet,  only to  be whirled up again, and this reciprocal motion was  repeated

eight or  ten times during an interval of twenty  minutes, in all of which time  no expenditure of gas or

discharge of ballast enabled the aeronaut to  regain any control  over his vessel. 

Statements concerning a thunderstorm witnessed at short range  by  Wise will compare with other accounts.

The thunder  "rattled" without  any reverberations, and when the storm was  passing, and some dense  clouds

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moving in the upper currents,  the "surface of the lower stratum  swelled up suddenly like a  boiling cauldron,

which was immediately  followed by the most  brilliant ebullition of sparkling coruscations."  Green, in his

stormy ascent from Newbury, England, witnessed a  thunderstorm  below him, as will be remembered, while

an upper cloud  stratum  lay at his own level.  It was then that Green observed that  "at  every discharge of

thunder all the detached pillars of clouds  within the distance of a mile around became attracted." 

The author will have occasion, in due place, to give personal  experiences of an encounter with a thunderstorm

which will  compare  with the foregoing description. 


Before proceeding to introduce the chief actors and their  achievements in the period next before us, it will be

instructive to  glance at some of the principal ideas and  methods in favour with  aeronauts up to the date now

reached.  It will be seen that Wise in  America, contrary to the practice  of Green in our own country, had a

strong attachment to the  antique mode of inflation with hydrogen  prepared by the  vitriolic process; and his

balloons were specially  made and  varnished for the use of this gas.  The advantage which he  thus  bought at

the expense of much trouble and the providing of  cumbersome equipment was obvious enough, and may be

well  expressed by  a formula which holds good today, namely, that  whereas 1,000 cubic  feet of hydrogen is

capable of lifting 7  lbs., the same quantity of  coal gas of ordinary quality will  raise but 35 lbs.  The lighter gas

came into all Wise's  calculations for bolder schemes.  Thus, when he  discusses the  possibility of using a metal

balloon, his figures work  out as  follows:  If a balloon of 200 feet diameter were constructed  out of copper,

weighing one pound to the square foot; if,  moreover,  some six tons were allowed for the weight of car and

fastenings, an  available lifting power would remain capable of  raising 45 tons to an  altitude of two miles.

This calculation  may appear somewhat  startling, yet it is not only substantially  correct, but Wise  entertained

no doubt as to the practicability  of such a machine.  For  its inflation he suggests inserting a  muslin balloon

filled with air  within the copper globe, and  then passing hydrogen gas between the  muslin and copper

surfaces, which would exclude the inner balloon as  the copper  one filled up. 

His method of preparing hydrogen was practically that still  adopted in the field, and seems in his hands to

have been  seldom  attended with difficulty.  With eight common 130gallon  rum puncheons  he could reckon

on evolving 5,000 cubic feet of  gas in an hour, using  his elements in the following  proportions:  water, 560

lbs.; sulphuric  acid (sp. g. 1.85),  144 lbs.; iron turnings, 125 lbs.  The gas, as  given off, was  cooled and

purified by being passed through a head of  water  kept cool and containing lime in solution.  Contrasted with

this, we find it estimated, according to the practice of this  time,  that a ton of good bituminous coal should

yield 10,000  cubic feet of  carburetted hydrogen fit for lighting purposes,  and a further quantity  which, though

useless as an illuminant,  is still of excellent quality  for the aeronaut. 

It would even seem from a statement of Mr. Monck Mason that the  value of coke in his day largely

compensated for the cost of  producing coal gas, so that in a large number of Green's  ascents no  charge

whatever was made for gas by the companies  that supplied him. 

Some, at least, of the methods formerly recommended for the  management of free balloons must in these

days be modified.  Green, as  we have seen, was in favour of a trail rope of  inordinate length,  which he

recommended both as an aid to  steering and for a saving of  ballast.  In special  circumstances, and more

particularly over the  sea, this may be  reckoned a serviceable adjunct, but over land its  use, in this  country at

least, would be open to serious objection.  The  writer has seen the consternation, not to say havoc, that a  trail

rope may occasion when crossing a town, or even private  grounds, and the actual damage done to a garden of

hops, or to  telegraph or telephone wires, may be very serious indeed.  Moreover,  the statement made by some

early practitioners that a  trail rope will  not catch so as to hold fast in a wood or the  like, is not to be  relied on,

for an instance could be  mentioned coming under the  writer's knowledge where such a rope  was the source of

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so much trouble  in a high wind that it had to  be cut away. 

The trouble arose in this way.  The rope dragged harmlessly  enough  along the open ground.  It would,

likewise, negotiate  exceedingly well  a single tree or a whole plantation, catching  and releasing itself  with

only such moderate tugs at the car as  were not disturbing; but,  presently, its end, which had been  caught and

again released by one  tree, swung free in air  through a considerable gap to another tree,  where, striking a

horizontal bough, it coiled itself several times  around, and  thus held the balloon fast, which now, with the

strength  of the  wind, was borne to the earth again and again, rebounding high  in air after each impact, until

freedom was gained only by the  sacrifice of a portion of the rope. 

Wise recommends a pendant line of 600 or 800 feet, capable of  bearing a strain of 100 lbs., and with

characteristic  ingenuity  suggests a special use which can be made of it,  namely, that of having  light ribbons

tied on at every hundred  feet, by means of which the  drifts of lower currents may be  detected.  In this

suggestion there  is, indeed, a great deal of  sound sense; for there is, as will be  shown hereafter, very  much

value to be attached to a knowledge of  those air rivers  that are flowing, often wholly unsuspected, at  various

heights.  Small parachutes, crumpled paper, and other suchlike  bodies as  are commonly thrown out and

relied on to declare the lower  drifts, are not wholly trustworthy, for this reasonthat  airstreams  are often

very slender, mere filaments, as they are  sometimes called,  and these, though setting in some definite

direction, and capable of  entrapping and wafting away some  small body which may come within  their

influence, may not  affect the travel of so big an object as a  balloon, which can  only partake of some more

general air movement. 

Wise, by his expedient of tying ribbons at different points to  his  trail rope, would obtain much more correct

and constant  information  respecting those general streams through which the  pendant rope was  moving.  A

similar expedient adopted by the  same ingenious aeronaut is  worthy of imitation, namely, that of  tying

ribbons on to a rod  projecting laterally from the car.  These form a handy and constant  telltale as to the flight

of  the balloon, for should they be  fluttering upwards the sky  sailor at once knows that his craft is  descending,

and that he  must act accordingly. 

The material, pure silk, which was universally adopted up to  and  after the period we are now regarding, is not

on every  account to be  reckoned the most desirable.  In the first place,  its cost alone is  prohibitive, and next,

although lighter than  any kind of linen,  strength for strength, it requires a greater  weight of varnish, which,

moreover, it does not take so kindly  as does fabric made of vegetable  tissue.  Further, paradoxical  as it may

appear,its great strength is  not entirely an  advantage.  There are occasions which must come into  the

experience of every zealous aeronaut when his balloon has  descended in a rough wind, and in awkward

country.  This may,  indeed,  happen even when the ascent has been made in calm.  Squalls of wind may  spring

up at short notice, or after  traversing only two or three  counties a strong gale may be  found on the earth,

though such was  absent in the starting  ground.  This is more particularly the case  when the landing  chances to

be on high ground in the neighbourhood of  the sea.  In these circumstances, the careful balloonist, who will

generally be forewarned by the ruffle on any water he may pass,  or by  the drift of smoke, the tossing of trees,

or by their  very rustling or  "singing" wafted upwards to him, will, if  possible, seek for his  landing place the

lee of a wood or some  other sheltered spot.  But,  even with all his care, he will  sometimes find himself, on

reaching  earth, being dragged  violently across country on a mad course which  the anchor  cannot check.  Now,

the country through which he is making  an  unwilling steeplechase may be difficult, or even dangerous.

Rivers, railway cuttings, or other undesirable obstacles may  lie  ahead, or, worse yet, such a death trap as in

such  circumstances  almost any part of Derbyshire affords, with its  stone walls, its  precipitous cliffs, and deep

rocky dells.  To  be dragged at the speed  of an express train through territory  of this description will  presently

mean damage to something,  perhaps to telegraph poles, to  roofs, or crops, and if not,  then to the balloon

itself.  Something  appertaining to it must  be victimised, and it is in all ways best that  this should be  the fabric

of the balloon itself.  If made of some  form, or at  least some proportion of linen, this will probably rend  ere

long, and, allowing the gas to escape, will soon bring itself  to  rest.  On the other hand, if the balloon proper is

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a silk  one, with  sound net and in good condition, it is probable that  something else  will give way first, and

that something may  prove to be the hapless  passenger or passengers. 

And here be it laid down as one first and allimportant  principle,  that in any such awkward predicament as

that just  described, if there  be more than one passenger aboard, let none  attempt to get out.  In  the first place,

he may very probably  break a limb in so doing,  inasmuch as the tangle of the ropes  will not allow of his

getting cut  readily; or, when actually on  the ground, he may be caught and impaled  by the anchor charging

and leaping behind.  But, worse than all, he  may, in any case,  jeopardise the lives of his companions, who

stand in  need of  all the available weight and help that the car contains up to  the moment Of coming to final


We have already touched on the early notions as to the means of  steering a balloon.  Oars had been tested

without satisfactory  result, and the conception of a rotary screw found favour among  theorists at this time, the

principle being actually tried with  success in working models, which, by mechanical means, could be  made  to

flit about in the still air of the lecture room; but  the only  feasible method advocated was that already alluded

to,  which depended  on the undesirable action of a trail rope  dragging over the ground or  through water.  The

idea was, of  course, perfectly practical, and was  simply analogous to the  method adopted by sailors, who,

when floating  with the stream  but without wind, are desirous of gaining "steerage  way."  While simply

drifting with the flood, they are unable to guide  their vessel in any way, and this, in practice, is commonly

effected  by simply propelling the vessel faster than the  stream, in which case  the rudder at once becomes

available.  But the same result is equally  well obtained by slowing the  vessel, and this is easily accomplished

by a cable, with a  small anchor or other weight attached, dragging  below the  vessel.  This cable is essentially

the same as the  guiderope  of the older aeronauts. 

It is when we come to consider the impressions and sensations  described by sky voyagers of bygone times

that we find them  curiously  at variance with our own.  As an instance, we may  state that the  earth, as seen

from a highflying balloon, used  to be almost always  described as appearing concave, or like a  huge basin, and

ingenious  attempts were made to prove  mathematically that this must be so.  The  laws of refraction  are

brought in to prove the fact; or, again, the  case is stated  thus:  Supposing the extreme horizon to be seen when

the  balloon is little more than a mile high, the range of view on  all  sides will then be, roughly, some eighty

miles.  If, then,  a line were  drawn from the aerial observer to this remote  distance, that line  would be almost

horizontal; so nearly so  that he cannot persuade  himself that his horizon is otherwise  than still on a level with

his  eye; yet the earth below him  lies, as it seems, at the bottom of a  huge gulf.  Thus the  whole visible earth

appears as a vast bowl or  basin.  This is  extremely ingenious reasoning, and not to be  disregarded; but  the fact

remains that in the experience of the writer  and of  many others whom he has consulted, there is no such

optical  illusion as I have just discussed, and to their vision it is  impossible to regard the earth as anything but

uniformly flat. 

Another impression invariably insisted on by early balloonists  is  that the earth, on quitting it, appears to drop

away into an  abyss,  leaving the voyagers motionless, and this illusion must,  indeed, be  probably universal.  It

is the same illusion as the  apparent gliding  backwards of objects to a traveller in a  railway carriage; only in

this latter case the rattling and  shaking of the carriage helps the  mind to grasp the real fact  that the motion

belongs to the train  itself; whereas it is  otherwise with a balloon, whose motion is so  perfectly smooth  as to

be quite imperceptible. 

Old ideas, formed upon insufficient observations, even if  erroneous, were slow to die.  Thus it used to be

stated that an  upper  cloud floor adapted itself to the contour of the land  over which it  rested, giving what Mr.

Monck Mason has called a  "phrenological  estimate" of the character of the earth below;  the clouds, "even

when  under the influence of rapid motion,  seeming to accommodate themselves  to all variations of form in

the surface of the subjacent soil, rising  with its prominences  and sinking with its depressions."  Probably few

aeronauts of  the present time will accept the statement. 

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It used commonly to be asserted, and is so often to this day,  that  a feeling as of seasickness is experienced in

balloon  travel, and the  notion has undoubtedly arisen from the  circumstances attending an  ascent in a captive

balloon.  It  were well, now that ballooning bids  fair to become popular, to  disabuse the public mind of such a

wholly  false idea.  The  truth is that a balloon let up with a lengthy rope  and held  captive will, with a fitful

breeze, pitch and sway in a  manner  which may induce all the unpleasant feelings attending a rough  passage at

sea.  It may do worse, and even be borne to earth  with a  puff of wind which may come unexpectedly, and

considerably unsettle  the nerves of any holiday passenger.  I  could tell of a "captive" that  had been behaving

itself  creditably on a not very settled day suddenly  swooping over a  roadway and down into public gardens,

where it lay  incontinently along the ground, and then, before the astonished  passengers could attempt to

alight, it was seized with another  mood,  and, mounting once again majestically skyward, submitted  to be

hauled  down with all becoming grace and ease.  It is  owing to their vagaries  and want of manageability that,

as will  be shown, "captives" are of  uncertain use in war.  On the other  hand, a free balloon is exempt  from

such disadvantages, and at  moderate heights not the smallest  feeling of nausea is ever  experienced.  The only

unpleasant sensation,  and that not of  any gravity, ever complained of, is a peculiar tension  in the  ears

experienced in a rapid ascent, or more often, perhaps, in  a descent.  The cause, which is trivial and easily

removed,  should be  properly understood, and cannot be given in clearer  language than that  used by Professor

Tyndall:"Behind the  tympanic membrane exists a  cavitythe drum of the earin part  crossed by a series

of bones, and  in part occupied by air.  This cavity communicates with the mouth by  means of a duct  called the

Eustachian tube.  This tube is generally  closed, the  air space behind the tympanic membrane being thus cut off

from  the external air.  If, under these circumstances, the external  air becomes denser, it will press the

tympanic membrane  inwards; if,  on the other hand, the air on the other side  becomes rarer, while the

Eustachian tube becomes closed, the  membrane will be pressed outwards.  Pain is felt in both cases,  and

partial deafness is experienced....  By the act of swallowing  the Eustachian tube is opened, and thus

equilibrium is  established between the external and internal  pressure." 

Founded on physical facts more or less correct in themselves,  come  a number of tales of olden days, which

are at least more  marvellous  than credible, the following serving as an example.  The scientific  truth

underlying the story is the wellknown  expedient of placing a  shrivelled apple under the receiver of  an air

pump.  As the air  becomes rarefied the apple swells,  smooths itself out, and presently  becomes round and rosy

as it  was in the summer time.  It is recorded  that on one occasion a  man of mature years made an ascent,

accompanied  by his son,  and, after reaching some height, the youth remarked on how  young his father was

looking.  They still continued to ascend,  and  the same remark was repeated more than once.  And at last,

having now  reached attenuated regions, the son cried in  astonishment, "Why, dad,  you ought to be at school!"

The cause  of this remark was that in the  rarefied air all the wrinkles  had come out of the old man's face, and

his cheeks were as  chubby as his son's. 

This discussion of old ideas should not be closed without  mention  of a plausible plea for the balloon made by

Wise and  others on the  score of its value to health.  Lofty ascents have  proved a strain on  even robust

constitutionsthe heart may  begin to suffer, or ills akin  to mountain sickness may  intervene before a height

equal to that of  our loftiest  mountain is reached.  But many have spoken of an  exhilaration  of spirits not

inferior to that of the mountaineer, which  is  experienced, and without fatigue, in sky voyages reasonably

indulged inof a lightheartedness, a glow of health, a  sharpened  appetite, and the keen enjoyment of mere

existence.  Nay, it has been  seriously affirmed that "more good may be got  by the invalid in an  hour or two

while two miles up on a fine  summer's day than is to be  gained in an entire voyage from New  York to

Madeira by sea." 


Resuming the roll of progressive aeronauts in England whose  labours were devoted to the practical conquest

of the air, and  whose  methods and mechanical achievements mark the road of  advance by which  the

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successes of today have been obtained,  there stand out  prominently two individuals, of whom one has

already received mention  in these pages. 

The period of a single life is seldom sufficient to allow within  its span the full development of any new

departure in art or  science,  and it cannot, therefore, be wondered at if Charles  Green, though  reviving and

remodelling the art of ballooning in  our own country,  even after an exceptionally long and successful  career,

left that  pursuit to which he had given new birth  virtually still in its  infancy. 

The year following that in which Green conducted the famous  Nassau  voyage we find him experimenting in

the same balloon  with his chosen  friend and colleague, Edward Spencer,  solicitor, of Barnsbury, who,  only

nine years later, compiles  memoranda of thirtyfour  ascents,  made under every variety of  circumstance,

many being of a highly  enterprising nature.  We  find him writing enthusiastically of the  raptures he

experienced when sailing over London in night hours, of  lofty  ascents and extremely low temperatures, of

speeding  twentyeight miles in twenty minutes, of grapnel ropes  breaking, and  of a crosscountry race of

four miles through  woods and hedges.  Such  was Mr. Spencer the elder, and if  further evidence were needed

of his  practical acquaintance  with, as well as personal devotion to, his  adopted profession  of aeronautics, we

have it in the store of working  calculations  and other minutiae of the craft, most carefully compiled  in

manuscript by his own hand; these memoranda being to this day  constantly consulted by his grandsons, the

present eminent  aeronauts,  Messrs. Spencer Brothers, as supplying a manual of  reliable data for  the execution

of much of the most important  parts of their work. 

In the terrific ordeal and risk entailed by the daring and  fatal  parachute descent of Cocking, Green required an

assistant  of  exceptional nerve and reliability, and, as has been  recorded, his  choice at once fell on Edward

Spencer.  In this  choice it has already  been shown that he was well justified,  and in the trying circumstances

that ensued Green frankly owns  that it was his competent companion who  was the first to  recover himself.  A

few years later, when a  distinguished  company, among whom were Albert Smith and Shirley  Brooks, made  a

memorable ascent from Cremorne, Edward Spencer is one  of the  select party. 

Some account of this voyage should be given, and it need not be  said that no more graphic account is to be

found than that  given by  the facile pen of Albert Smith himself.  His personal  narrative also  forms an

instructive contrast to another which  he had occasion to give  to the world shortly afterwards, and  which shall

be duly noticed.  The  enthusiastic writer first  describes, with apparent pride, the company  that ascended with

him.  Besides Mr. Shirley Brooks, there were  Messrs. Davidson,  of the Garrick Club; Mr. John Lee, well

known in  theatrical  circles; Mr. P.  Thompson, of Guy's Hospital, and  othersten  in all, including Charles

Green as skipper, and Edward  Spencer,  who, sitting in the rigging, was entrusted with the  allimportant

management of the valve rope. 

"The first sensation experienced," Albert Smith continues, "was  not that we were rising, but that the balloon

remained fixed,  whilst  all the world below was rapidly falling away; while the  cheers with  which they greeted

our departure grew fainter, and  the cheerers  themselves began to look like the inmates of many  sixpenny

Noah's Arks  grouped upon a billiard table.... Our  hats would have held  millions.... And most strange is the

roar  of the city as it comes  surging into the welkin as though the  whole metropolis cheered you  with one

voice.... Yet none  beyond the ordinary passengers are to be  seen.  The noise is as  inexplicable as the murmur

in the air at hot  summer noontide." 

The significance of this last remark will be insisted on when  the  writer has to tell his own experiences aloft

over London,  as also a  note to the effect that there were seen "large  enclosed fields and  gardens and pleasure

grounds where none  were supposed to exist by  ordinary passengers."  Another  interesting note, having

reference to a  once familiar feature  on the river, now disappearing, related to the  paddle boats of  those days,

the steamers making a very beautiful  effect,  "leaving two long wings of foam behind them similar to the  train

of a table rocket."  Highly suggestive, too, of the  experiences  of railway travellers in the year 1847 is the

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account of the  alighting, which, by the way, was obviously of  no very rude nature.  "Every time," says the

writer, "the  grapnel catches in the ground the  balloon is pulled up suddenly  with a shock that would soon

send  anybody from his seat, a jerk  like that which occurs when fresh  carriages are brought up to a  railway

train."  But the concluding  paragraph in this rosy  narrative affords another and a very notable  contrast to the

story which that same writer had occasion to put on  record  before that same year had passed. 

"We counsel everybody to go up in a balloon... In spite of the  apparent frightful fragility of cane and network

nothing can in  reality be more secure... The stories of pressure on the ears,  intense cold, and the danger of

coming down are all  fictions....  Indeed, we almost wanted a few perils to give a  little excitement to  the trip,

and have some notion, if  possible, of going up the next time  at midnight with fireworks  in a thunderstorm,

throwing away all the  ballast, fastening  down the valve, and seeing where the wind will send  us." 

The fireworks, the thunderstorm, and the throwing away of  ballast,  all came off on the 15th of the following

October,  when Albert Smith  made his second ascent, this time from  Vauxhall Gardens, under the  guidance of

Mr. Gypson, and  accompanied by two fellowpassengers.  Fireworks, which were to  be displayed when aloft,

were suspended on a  framework forty  feet below the car.  Lightning was also playing around  as they  cast off.

The description which Albert Smith gives of London  by night as seen from an estimated elevation of 4,000

feet,  should be  compared with other descriptions that will be given  in these pages: 

"In the obscurity all traces of houses and enclosures are lost  sight of.  I can compare it to nothing else than

floating over  dark  blue and boundless sea spangled with hundreds of thousands  of stars.  These stars were the

lamps.  We could see them  stretching over the  river at the bridges, edging its banks,  forming squares and long

parallel lines of light in the streets  and solitary parks.  Further  and further apart until they were  altogether lost

in the suburbs.  The  effect was bewildering." 

At 7,000 feet, one of the passengers, sitting in the ring,  remarked that the balloon was getting very tense, and

the order  was  given to "ease her" by opening the top valve.  The valve  line was  accordingly pulled, "and

immediately afterwards we  heard a noise  similar to the escape of steam in a locomotive,  and the lower part of

the balloon collapsed rapidly, and  appeared to fly up into the upper  portion.  At the same instant  the balloon

began to fall with appalling  velocity, the immense  mass of loose silk surging and rustling  frightfully over our

heads.... retreating up away from us more and  more into the  head of the balloon.  The suggestion was made to

throw  everything over that might lighten the balloon.  I had two  sandbags  in my lap, which were cast away

directly.... There  were several large  bags of ballast, and some bottles of wine,  and these were instantly  thrown

away, but no effect was  perceptible.  The wind still appeared  to be rushing up past us  at a fearful rate, and, to

add to the horror,  we came among the  still expiring discharge of the fireworks which  floated in the  air, so that

little bits of exploded cases and  touchpaper,  still incandescent, attached themselves to the cordage of  the

balloon and were blown into sparks.... I presume we must have  been upwards of a mile from the earth.... How

long we were  descending  I have not the slightest idea, but two minutes must  have been the  outside.... We now

saw the houses, the roofs of  which appeared  advancing to meet us, and the next instant, as  we dashed by their

summits, the words, 'Hold hard!' burst  simultaneously from all the  party.... We were all directly  thrown out of

the car along the ground,  and, incomprehensible  as it now appears to me, nobody was seriously  hurt." 

But "not so incomprehensible, after all," will be the verdict  of  all who compare the above narrative with the

ascents given  in a  foregoing account of how Wise had fared more than once  when his  balloon had burst.  For,

as will be readily guessed,  the balloon had  in this case also burst, owing to the release  of the upper valve

being  delayed too long, and the balloon had  in the natural way transformed  itself into a true parachute.

Moreover, the fall, which, by Albert  Smith's own showing, was  that of about a mile in two minutes, was not

more excessive  than one which will presently be recorded of Mr.  Glaisher, who  escaped with no material

injury beyond a few bruises. 

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One fact has till now been omitted with regard to the above  sensational voyage, namely, the name of the

passenger who,  sitting in  the ring, was the first to point out the imminent  danger of the  balloon.  This

individual was none other than Mr.  Henry Coxwell, the  second, indeed, of the two who were  mentioned in

the opening paragraph  of this chapter as marking  the road of progress which it is the scope  of these pages to

trace, and to whom we must now formally introduce  our readers. 

This justly famous sky pilot, whose practical acquaintance with  ballooning extends over more than forty

years, was the son of a  naval  officer residing near Chatham, and in his autobiography  he describes

enthusiastically how, a lad of nine years old, he  watched through a  sea telescope a balloon, piloted by Charles

Green, ascend from  Rochester and, crossing the Thames,  disappear in distance over the  Essex flats.  He goes

on to  describe how the incident started him in  those early days on  boyish endeavours to construct fire

balloons and  paper  parachutes.  Some years later his home, on the death of his  father, being transferred to

Eltham, he came within frequent  view of  such balloons as, starting from the neighbourhood of  London, will

through the summer drift with the prevailing winds  over that part of  Kent.  And it was here that, ere long, he

came in at the death of  another balloon of which Green was in  charge. 

And from this time onwards the schoolboy with the strange hobby  was constantly able to witness the flights

and even the  inflations of  those ships of the air, which, his family  associations notwithstanding  took

precedence of all boyish  diversions. 

His elder brother, now a naval officer, entirely failed to  divert  his aspirations into other channels, and it was

when the  boy had  completed sixteen summers that an aeronautic enterprise  attracted not  only his own, but

public attention also.  It was  the building of a  mammoth balloon at Vauxhall under the  superintendence of Mr.

Green.  The launching of this huge craft  when completed was regarded as so  great an occasion that the  young

Coxwell, who had by this time  obtained a commercial  opening abroad, was allowed, at his earnest  entreaty, to

stay  till the event had come off, and fifty years after  the hardened  sky sailor is found describing with a boyish

enthusiasm  how  thirtysix policemen were needed round that balloon; how  enormous  weights were attached

to the cordage, only to be  lifted feet above the  ground; while the police were compelled  to pass their staves

through  the meshes to prevent the cords  cutting their hands.  At this ascent  Mr. Hollond was a  passenger, and

by the middle of the following  November all  Europe was ringing with the great Nassau venture. 

Commercial business did not suit the young Coxwell, and at the  age  of oneandtwenty we find him trying

his hand at the  profession of  surgeondentist, not, however, with any prospect  of its keeping him  from the

longing of his soul, which grew  stronger and stronger upon  him.  It was not till the summer of  1844 that Mr.

Hampton, giving an  exhibition from the White  Conduit Gardens, Pentonville, offered the  young man, then

twentyfive years old, his first ascent. 

In after years Coxwell referred to his first sensations in  characteristic language, contrasting them with the

experiences  of the  mountaineer.  "In Alpine travels," he says, "the process  is so slow,  and contact with the

crust of the earth so  palpable, that the  traveller is gradually prepared for each  successive phase of view as  it

presents itself.  But in the  balloon survey, cities, villages, and  vast tracts for  observation spring almost

magically before the eye,  and change  in aspect and size so pleasingly that bewilderment first  and  then

unbounded admiration is sure to follow." 

The ice was now fairly broken, and, not suffering professional  duties to be any hindrance, Coxwell began to

make a series of  ascents  under the leadership of two rival balloonists, Gale and  Gypson.  One  voyage made

with the latter he describes as  leading to the most  perilous descent in the annals of  aerostation.  This was the

occasion,  given above, on which  Albert Smith was a passenger, and which that  talented writer  describes in

his own fashion.  He does not, however,  add the  fact, worthy of being chronicled, that exactly a week after  the

appalling adventure Gypson and Coxwell, accompanied by a  Captain  whose name does not transpire, and

loaded with twice  the previous  weight of fireworks, made a perfectly successful  night ascent and  descent in

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the same balloon. 

It is very shortly after this that we find Coxwell seduced into  undertaking for its owners the actual

management of a balloon,  the  property of Gale, and now to be known as the "Sylph."  With  this craft  he

practically began his career as a professional  balloonist, and  after a few preliminary ascents made in  England,

was told off to carry  on engagements in Belgium. 

A long series of ascents was now made on the Continent, and in  the  troubled state of affairs some stirring

scenes were  visited, not  without some real adventure.  One occasion  attended with imminent risk  occurred at

Berlin in 1851.  Coxwell relates that a Prussian labourer  whom he had dismissed  for bad conduct, and who

almost too manifestly  harboured  revenge, nevertheless begged hard for a reengagement,  which,  as the man

was a handy fellow, Coxwell at length assented to.  He took up three passengers beside himself, and at an

elevation  of  some 3,000 feet found it necessary to open the valve, when,  on pulling  the cord, one of the top

shutters broke and remained  open, leaving a  free aperture of 26 inches by 12 inches, and  occasioning such a

copious discharge of gas that nothing short  of a providential landing  could save disaster.  But the  providential

landing came, the party  falling into the embrace  of a fruit tree in an orchard.  It transpired  afterwards that  the

labourer had been seen to tamper with the valve,  the  connecting lines of which he had partially severed. 

Returning to England in 1852 Coxwell, through the accidents  inseparable from his profession, found himself

virtually in  possession of the field.  Green, now advanced in years, was  retiring  from the public life in which

he had won so much fame  and honour.  Gale was dead, killed in an ascent at Bordeaux.  Only one aspirant

contested the place of public aeronautone  Goulston, who had been  Gale's patron.  Before many months,

however, he too met with a  balloonist's death, being dashed  against some stone walls when  ascending near


It will not be difficult to form an estimate of how entirely  the  popularity of the balloon was now reestablished

in England,  from the  mere fact that before the expiration of the year  Coxwell had been  called upon to make

thirtysix voyages.  Some  of these were from  Glasgow, and here a certain coincidence took  place which is too

curious to be omitted.  A descent effected  near Milngavie took place  in the same field in which Sadler,

twentynine years before, had also  descended, and the same man  who caught the rope of Mr. Sadler's  balloon

performed the same  service once again for a fresh visitor from  the skies. 

The following autumn Coxwell, in fulfilling one out of many  engagements, found himself in a dilemma

which bore resemblance  in a  slight degree to a far more serious predicament in which  the writer  became

involved, and which must be told in due  place.  The  preparations for the ascent, which was from the  Mile End

Road, had  been hurried, and after finally getting away  at a late hour in the  evening, it was found that the

valve line  had got caught in a fold of  the silk, and could not be  operated.  In consequence, the balloon was,  of

necessity, left  to take its own chance through the night, and,  after rising to  a considerable height, it slowly

lost buoyancy during  the  chilly hours, and, gradually settling, came to earth near  Basingstoke, where the

voyager, failing to get help or shelter,  made  his bed within his own car, lying in an open field, as  other

aeronauts  have had to do in like circumstances. 

Coxwell tells of a striking phenomenon seen during that voyage.  "A  splendid meteor was below the car, and

apparently about 600  feet  distant.  It was blue and yellow, moving rapidly in a N.E.  direction,  and became

extinguished without noise or sparks." 


At this point we must, for a brief while, drop the history of  the  famous aeronaut whose early career we have

been briefly  sketching in  the last chapter, and turn our attention to a new  feature of English  ballooning.  We

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have, at last, to record  some genuinely scientific  ascents, which our country now, all  too tardily, instituted.  It

was  the British Association that  took the initiative, and the two men they  chose for their  purpose were both

exceptionally qualified for the task  they had  in hand.  The practical balloonist was none other than the  veteran

Charles Green, now in his sixtyseventh year, but  destined  yet to enjoy nearly twenty years more of life.  The

scientific expert  was Mr. John Welsh, well fitted for the  projected work by long  training at Kew Observatory.

The  balloon which they used is itself  worthy of mention, being the  great Nassau Balloon of olden fame. 

Welsh was quick to realise more clearly than any former  experimentalist that on account of the absence of

breeze in a  free  balloon, as also on account of great solar radiation, the  indications  of thermometers would,

without special precautions,  be falsified.  He  therefore invented a form of aspirating  thermometer, the earliest

to  be met with, and far in advance of  any that were subsequently used by  other scientists.  It  consisted of a

polished tube, in which  thermometers were  enclosed, and through which a stream of air was  forced by


The difficulty of obtaining really accurate readings where  thermometers are being quickly transported

through varying  temperatures is generally not duly appreciated.  In the case of  instruments carried m a balloon

it should be remembered that  the  balloon itself conveys, clinging about it, no  inconsiderable quantity  of air,

brought from other levels,  while the temperature of its own  mass will be liable to affect  any thermometer in

close neighbourhood.  Moreover, any ordinary  form of thermometer is necessarily sluggish in  action, as may

be readily noticed.  If, for example, one be carried  from a  warm room to a cold passage, or vice versa it will

be seen that  the column moves very deliberately, and quite a long interval  will  elapse before it reaches its

final position, the cause  being that the  entire instrument, with any stand or mounting  that it may have, will

have to adapt itself to the change of  temperature before a true record  will be obtained.  This  difficulty applies

unavoidably to all  thermometers in some  degree, and the skill of instrument makers has  been taxed to  reduce

the errors to a minimum.  It is necessary, in any  case,  that a constant stream of surrounding air should play

upon the  instrument, and though this is most readily effected when  instruments  are carried aloft by kites, yet

even thus it is  thought that an  interval of some minutes has to elapse before  any form of thermometer  will

faithfully record any definite  change of temperature.  It is on  this account that some  allowance must be made

for observations which  will, in due  place, be recorded of scientific explorers; the point to  be  borne in mind

being that, as was mentioned in a former chapter,  such observations will have to be regarded as giving

readings  which  are somewhat too high in ascents and too low in descents.  Two forms of  thermometers at

extremely simple construction, yet  possessed of great  sensibility, will be discussed in later  chapters. 

The thermometers that Welsh used were undoubtedIy far superior  to  any that were devised before his time

and it is much to be  regretted  that they were allowed to fall into disuse.  Perhaps  the most  important stricture

on the observations that will have  to be recorded  is that the observers were not provided with a  base station,

on which  account the value of results was  impaired.  It was not realised that  it was necessary to make

observations on the ground to compare with  those that were  being made at high altitudes. 

Welsh made, in all, four ascents in the summer and autumn of  1852  and in his report he is careful to give the

highest praise  to his  colleague, Green, whose control over his balloon he  describes as "so  complete that none

who accompanied him can be  otherwise than relieved  from all apprehension, and free to  devote attention

calmly to the work  before him." 

The first ascent was made at 3.49 p.m. on August the 17th, under  a  south wind and with clouds covering

some threequarters of the  sky.  Welsh's first remark significant, and will be appreciated  by anyone  who has

attempted observational work in a balloon.  He  states naively  that "a short time was lost at first in an  attempt

to put the  instruments into more convenient order, and  also from the novelty of  the situation."  Then he

mentions an  observation which, in the  experience of the writer, is a  common one.  The lowest clouds, which

were about 2,500 feet  high and not near the balloon, were passed  without being  noticed; other clouds were

passed at different heights;  and,  finally, a few starshaped crystals of snow; but the sun shone  almost

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constantly.  Little variation occurred in the direction  of  travel, which averaged thirtyeight miles an hour, and

the  descent  took place at 5.20 p.m. at Swavesey, near Cambridge. 

The second ascent took place at 4.43 p.m. on August 26th, under  a  gentle east wind and a partially obscured

sky.  The clouds  were again  passed without being perceived.  This was at the  height of 3,000 feet,  beyond

which was very clear sky of deep  blue.  The air currents up to  the limits of 12,000 feet set  from varying

directions.  The descent  occurred near Chesham at  7.45 p.m. 

The third ascent, at 2.35 p.m. on October the 21st was made  into a  sky covered with dense cloud masses lying

within 3,000  and 3,700 feet.  The sun was then seen shining through cirrus  far up.  The shadow of  the balloon

was also seen on the cloud,  fringed with a glory, and  about this time there was seen  "stretching for a

considerable length  in a serpentine course,  over the surface of the cloud, a welldefined  belt, having the

appearance of a broad road." 

Being now at 12,000 feet, Green thought it prudent to  reconnoitre  his position, and, finding they were near

the sea,  descended at 4.20  p.m. at Rayleigh, in Essex.  Some important  notes on the polarisation  of the clouds

were made. 

The fourth and final voyage was made in a fast wind averaging  fifty knots from the northeast.  Thin scud

was met at 1,900  feet,  and an upper stratum at 4,500 feet, beyond which was  bright sun.  The  main shift of

wind took place just as the  upper surface of the first  stratum was reached.  In this ascent  Welsh reached his

greatest  elevation, 22,930 feet, when both  Green and himself experienced  considerable difficulty in

respiration and much fatigue.  The sea  being now perceived  rapidly approaching, a hasty descent was made,

and  many of the  instruments were broken. 

In summarising his results Welsh states that "the temperature  of  the air decreases uniformly with height

above the earth's  surface  until at a certain elevation, varying on different  days, decrease is  arrested, and for

the space of 2,000 or 3,000  feet the temperature  remains nearly constant, or even  increases, the regular

diminution  being again resumed and  generally maintained at a rate slightly less  rapid than in the  lower part of

the atmosphere, and commencing from a  higher  temperature than would have existed but for the interruption

noticed."  The analysis of the upper air showed the proportion  of  oxygen and nitrogen to vary scarcely more

than at different  spots on  the earth. 

As it is necessary at this point to take leave of the veteran  Green as a practical aeronaut, we may here refer to

one or two  noteworthy facts and incidents relating to his eventful career.  In  1850 M. Poitevin is said to have

attracted 140,000 people to  Paris to  look at an exhibition of himself ascending in a  balloon seated on

horseback, after which Madame Poitevin  ascended from Cremorne Gardens  in the same manner, the

exhibition being intended as a representation  of "Europa on a  Bull."  This, however, was discountenanced by

the  authorities  and withdrawn.  The feats were, in reality, merely the  repetitions of one that had been

conceived and extremely well  carried  out by Green many years beforeas long ago, in fact,  as 1828, when

he  arranged to make an ascent from the Eagle  Tavern, City Road, seated on  a pony.  To carry out his

intention, he discarded the ordinary car,  replacing it with a  small platform, which was provided with places to

receive the  pony's feet; while straps attached to the hoop were passed  under the animal's body, preventing it

from lying down or from  making  any violent movement.  This the creature seemed in no  way disposed to

attempt, and when all had been successfully  carried out and an easy  descent effected at Beckenham, the pony

was discovered eating a meal  of beans with which it had been  supplied. 

Several interesting observations have been recorded by Green on  different occasions, some of which are

highly instructive from  a  practical or scientific point of view.  On an ascent from  Vauxhall, in  which he was

accompanied by his friend Spencer and  Mr. Rush, he  recorded how, as he constantly and somewhat  rapidly

rose, the wind  changed its direction from N.W. through  N. to N.E., while he remained  over the metropolis,

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the balloon  all the while rotating on its axis.  This continual swinging or  revolving of the balloon Green

considers  an accompaniment of  either a rapid ascent or descent, but it may be  questioned  whether it is not

merely a consequence of changing  currents,  or, sometimes, of an initial spin given inadvertently to the

balloon at the moment of its being liberated.  The phenomenon  of  marked change which he describes in the

upper currents is  highly  interesting, and tallies with what the writer has  frequently  experienced over London

proper.  Such higher  currents may be due to  natural environment, and to conditions  necessarily prevailing over

so  vast and varied a city, and they  may be able to play an allimportant  part in the dispersal of  London smoke

or fog.  This point will be  touched on later.  In  this particular voyage Green records that as he  was rising at  the

moment when his barometer reached 19 inches, the  thermometer he carried registered 46 degrees, while on

coming  down,  when the barometer again marked 19 inches, the same  thermometer  recorded only 22 degrees.

It will not fail to be  recognised that  there is doubtless here an example of the  errors alluded to above,

inseparable from readings taken in  ascent and descent. 

A calculation made by Green in his earlier years has a certain  value.  By the time he had accomplished 200

ascents he was at  pains  to compute that he had travelled across country some  6,000 miles,  which had been

traversed in 240 hours.  From this  it would follow that  the mean rate of travel in aerial voyages  will be about

twentyfive  miles per hour.  Towards the end of  his career we find it stated by  Lieutenant G. Grover, R.E.,

that "the Messrs. Green, Father and Son,  have made between them  some 930 ascents, in none of which have

they  met with any  material accident or failure."  This is wonderful  testimony,  indeed, and we may here add

the fact that the father took  up  his own father, then at the age of eightythree, in a balloon  ascent of 1845,

without any serious consequences.  But it is  time  that some account should be given of a particular occasion

which at  least provided the famous aeronaut with an adventure  spiced with no  small amount of risk.  It was on

the 5th of  July, 1850, that Green  ascended, with Rush as his companion,  from Vauxhall, at the somewhat  late

hour of 7.50 p.m., using,  as always, the great Nassau balloon.  The rate of rise must  have been very

considerable, and they presently  record an  altitude of no less than 20,000 feet, and a temperature of  12

degrees below freezing.  They were now above the clouds, where  all  view of earth was lost, and, not venturing

to remain long  in this  situation, they commenced a rapid descent, and on  emerging below found  themselves

sailing down Sea Reach in the  direction of Nore Sands, when  they observed a vessel.  Their  chance of making

land was, to say the  least, uncertain, and  Green, considering that his safety lay in  bespeaking the  vessel's

assistance, opened the valve and brought the  car down  in the water some two miles north of Sheerness, the

hour  being  8.45, and only fiftyfive minutes since the start.  The wind  was blowing stiffly, and, catching the

hollow of the  halfinflated  balloon, carried the voyagers rapidly down the  river, too fast,  indeed, to allow of

the vessel's overtaking  them.  This being soon  apparent, Green cast out his anchor, and  not without result, for

it  shortly became entangled in a sunken  wreck, and the balloon was  promptly "brought up," though  struggling

and tossing in the broken  water.  A neighbouring  barge at once put off a boat to the rescue, and  other boats

were  despatched by H.M. cutter Fly, under Commander  Gurling.  Green  and Rush were speedily rescued, but

the balloon itself  was too  restive and dangerous an object to approach with safety.  At  Green's suggestion,

therefore, a volley of musketry was fired  into  the silk' after which it became possible to pass a rope  around it

and  expel the gas.  Green subsequently relates how it  took a fortnight to  restore the damage, consisting of

sixtytwo  bullet rents and nineteen  torn gores. 

Green's name will always be famous, if only for the fact that  it  was he who first adopted the use of coal gas in

his calling.  This, it  will be remembered, was in 1821, and it should be  borne in mind that  at that time

household gas had only recently  been introduced.  In  point of fact, it first lighted Pall Mall  in 1805, and it was

not used  for the general lighting of London  till 1814. 

We are not surprised to find that the great aeronaut at one  time  turned his attention to the construction of

models, and  this with no  inconsiderable success.  A model of his was  exhibited in 1840 at the  Polytechnic

Institution, and is  described in the Times as consisting  of a miniature balloon of  three feet diameter, inflated

with coal gas.  It was acted on  by fans, which were operated by mechanism placed in  the car.  A  series of three

experiments was exhibited.  First, the  balloon  being weighted so as to remain poised in the still air of the

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building, the mechanism was started, and the machine rose  steadily to  the ceiling.  The fans were then

reversed, when the  model, equally  gracefully, descended to the floor.  Lastly, the  balloon, with a  weighted

trail rope, being once more balanced  in midair, the fans  were applied laterally, when the machine  would

take a horizontal  flight, pulling the trail rope after  it, with an attached weight  dragging along the floor until

the  mechanism had run down, when it  again remained stationary.  The  correspondent of the Times continues,

"Mr. Green states that by  these simple means a voyage across the  Atlantic may be  performed in three or four

days, as easily as from  Vauxhall  Gardens to Nassau." 

We can hardly attribute this statement seriously to one who  knew  as well as did Green how fickle are the

winds, and how  utterly  different are the conditions between the still air of a  room and those  of the open sky.

His insight into the  difficulties of the problem  cannot have been less than that of  his successor, Coxwell, who,

as the  result of his own equally  wide experience, states positively, "I could  never imagine a  motive power of

sufficient force to direct and guide a  balloon,  much less to enable a man or a machine to fly."  Even when

modern invention had produced a motive power undreamed of in  the days  we are now considering, Coxwell

declares his  conviction that inherent  difficulties would not be overcome  "unless the air should invariably

remain in a calm state." 

It would be tedious and scarcely instructive to inquire into  the  various forms of flying machines that were

elaborated at  this period;  but one that was designed in America by Mr.  Henson, and with which it  was

seriously contemplated to attempt  to cross the Atlantic, may be  briefly described.  In theory it  was supposed to

be capable of being  sustained in the air by  virtue of the speed mechanically imparted to  it, and of the  angle at

which its advancing under surface would meet  the air.  The inventor claimed to have produced a steam engine

of  extreme  lightness as well as efficiency, and for the rest his machine  consisted of a huge aeroplane

propelled by fans with oblique  vanes,  while a tail somewhat resembling that of a bird was  added, as also a

rudder, the functions of which were to direct  the craft vertically and  horizontally respectively.  Be it here

recorded that the machine did  not cross the Atlantic. 

One word as to the instruments used up to this time for  determining altitudes.  These were, in general,

ordinary  mercurial  barometers, protected in various ways.  Green encased  his instrument  in a simple metal

tube, which admitted of the  column of mercury being  easily read.  This instrument, which is  generally to be

seen held in  his hand in Green's old portraits,  might be mistaken for a mariner's  telescope.  It is now in the

possession of the family of Spencers, the  grandchildren of his  old aeronautical friend and colleague, and it is

stated that  with all his care the glass was not infrequently broken in  a  descent. 

Wise, with characteristic ingenuity, devised a roughandready  height instrument, which he claims to have

answered well.  It  consisted simply of a common porter bottle, to the neck of  which was  joined a bladder of

the same capacity.  The bottle  being filled with  air of the density of that on the ground, and  the bladder tied on

in a  collapsed state, the expansion of the  air in the bottle would  gradually fill the bladder as it rose  into the

rarer regions of the  atmosphere.  Experience would  then be trusted to enable the aeronaut  to judge his height

from  the amount of inflation noticeable in the  bladder. 


Mention should be made in these pages of a night sail of a  hundred  miles, boldly carried out in 1849 by M.

Arban, which  took the voyager  from Marseilles to Turin fairly over the Alps.  The main summit was  reached

at 11 p.m., when the "snow,  cascades, and rivers were all  sparkling under the moon, and the  ravines and rocks

produced masses of  darkness which served as  shadows to the gigantic picture."  Arban was  at one time on a

level with the highest point of Mont Blanc, the top  of which,  standing out well above the clouds, resembled

"an immense  block  of crystal sparkling with a thousand fires." 

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In London, in the year of the Great Exhibition, and while the  building was still standing in Hyde  Park, there

occurred a  balloon  incident small in itself, but sufficient to cause much  sensation at  the crowded spot where it

took place.  The ascent  was made from  the  Hippodrome by Mr. and Mrs. Graham in very  boisterous weather,

and, on  being liberated, the balloon seems  to have fouled a mast, suffering a  considerable rent.  After  this the

aeronauts succeeded in clearing the  trees in  Kensington Gardens, and in descending fairly in the Park,  but,

still at the mercy of the winds, they were carried on to the  roof of a house in Arlington Street, and thence on

to another  in Park  Place, where, becoming lodged against a stack of  chimneys, they were  eventually rescued

by the police without  any material damage having  been done. 

But this same summer saw the return to England of Henry  Coxwell,  and for some years the story of the

conquest of the  air is best told  by following his stirring career, and his own  comments on aeronautical  events

of this date.  We find him  shortly setting about carrying out  some reconnoitring and  signalling experiments,

designed to be of use  in time of war.  This was an old idea of his, and one which had, of  course, been  long

entertained by others, having, indeed, been put to  some  practical test in time of warfare.  It will be well to

make  note  of what attention the matter had already received, and of  what  progress had been made both in

theory and practice. 

We have already made some mention in Chapter IV. of the use  which  the French had made of balloons in

their military  operations at the  end of the eighteenth and beginning of  nineteenth the century.  It  was, indeed,

within the first ten  years after the first invention of  the balloon that, under the  superintendence of the savants

of the  French Academy, a  practical school of aeronautics was established at  Meudon.  The  names of Guyton,

De Morveau (a distinguished French  chemist),  and Colonel Coutelle are chiefly associated with the

movement,  and under them some fifty students received necessary  training.  The practising balloon had a

capacity of 17,000 cubic feet,  and  was inflated with pure hydrogen, made by what was then a new  process as

applied to ballooning, and which will be described  in a  future chapter.  It appears that the balloon was kept

always full, so  that any opportunity of calm weather would be  taken advantage of for  practice.  And it is

further stated that  a balloon was constructed so  sound and impervious that after  the lapse of two months it

was still  capable, without being  replenished, of raising into the air two men,  with necessary  ballast and

equipment.  The practical trial for the  balloon in  real service came off in June, 1794, when Coutelle in  person,

accompanied by two staff officers, in one of the four balloons  which the French Army had provided, made an

ascent to  reconnoitre the  Austrian forces at Fleurus.  They ascended  twice in one day, remaining  aloft for

some four hours, and, on  their second ascent being sighted,  drew a brisk fire from the  enemy.  They were

unharmed, however, and  the successful  termination of the battle of Fleurus has been claimed  as due in  large

measure to the service rendered by that balloon. 

The extraordinary fact that the use of the balloon was for many  years discontinued in the French Army is

attributed to a  strangely  superstitious prejudice entertained by Napoleon.  Las  Cases (in his  "Private Life of

Napoleon at St. Helena ")  relates an almost  miraculous story of Napoleon's coronation.  It appears that a sum

of  23,500 francs was given to M. Garnerin  to provide a balloon ascent to  aid in the celebrations, and, in

consequence, a colossal machine was  made to ascend at 11 p.m.  on December 16th from the front of Notre

Dame, carrying 3,000  lights.  This balloon was unmanned, and at its  departure  apparently behaved extremely

well, causing universal  delight.  During the hours of darkness, however, it seems to have  acquitted itself in a

strange and wellnigh preternatural  manner, for  at daybreak it is sighted on the horizon by the  inhabitants of

Rome,  and seen to be coming towards their city.  So true was its course that,  as though with predetermined

purpose, it sails on till it is  positively over St. Peter's and  the Vatican, when, its mission being  apparently

fulfilled, it  settles to earth, and finally ends its career  in the Lake  Bracciano.  Regarded from whatever point of

view, the  flight  was certainly extraordinary, and it is not surprising that in  that age it was regarded as nothing

less than a portent.  Moreover,  little details of the wonderful story were quickly  endowed with grave

significance.  The balloon on reaching the  ground rent itself.  Next,  ere it plunged into the water, it  carefully

deposited a portion of its  crown on the tomb of Nero.  Napoleon, on learning the facts, forbade  that they

should ever  be referred to.  Further, he thenceforward  discountenanced the  balloon in his army, and the

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establishment at  Meudon was  abandoned. 

There is record of an attempt of some sort that was made to  revive  the French military ballooning school in

the African  campaign of 1830,  but it was barren of results.  Again, it has  been stated that the  Austrians used

balloons for  reconnaissance, before Venice in 1849, and  yet again the same  thing is related of the Russians at

the time of the  siege of  Sebastopol, though Kinglake does not mention the  circumstance.  In 1846 Wise drew

up and laid before the American War  Office an  elaborate scheme for the reduction of Vera Cruz.  This will  be

discussed in its due place, though it will be doubtless  considered  as chimerical. 

On the other hand, eminently practical were the experiments  coordinated and begun to be put to an actual

test by Mr.  Coxwell,  who, before he could duly impress his project upon the  military  authorities, had to make

preliminary trials in private  ventures.  The  earliest of these was at the Surrey Zoological  Gardens in the

autumn  of 1854, and it will be granted that much  ingenuity and originality  were displayed when it is

considered  that at that date neither  wireless telegraphy, electric  flashlight, nor even Morse Code  signalling

was in vogue.  According to his announcement, the spectators  were to regard  his balloon, captive or free, as

floating at a certain  altitude  over a beleaguered fortress, the authorities in communication  with it having the

key of the signals and seeking to obtain  through  these means information as to the approach of an enemy.  It

was to be  supposed that, by the aid of glasses, a vast  distance around could be  subjected to careful scrutiny,

and a  constant communication kept up  with the authorities in the  fortress.  Further, the flags or other  signals

were supposed  preconcerted and unknown to the enemy, being  formed by  variations of shape and colour.

Pigeons were also  despatched  from a considerable height to test their efficiency under  novel  conditions.  The

public press commented favourably on the  performance and result of this initial experiment. 

Mr. Coxwell's account of an occasion when he had to try  conclusions with a very boisterous wind, and of the

way in  which he  negotiated a very trying and dangerous landing, will  be found alike  interesting and

instructive.  It was an ascent  from the Crystal  Palace, and the morning was fair and of bright  promise

outwardly; but  Coxwell confesses to have disregarded a  falling glass.  The inflation  having been progressing

satisfactorily, he retired to partake of  luncheon, entirely  free from apprehensions; but while thus occupied,  he

was  presently sought out and summoned by a gardener, who told him  that his balloon had torn away, and was

now completely out of  control, dragging his men about the bushes.  On reaching the  scene,  the men, in great

strength, were about to attempt a more  strenuous  effort to drag the balloon back against the wind,  which

Coxwell  promptly forbade, warning them that so they would  tear all to pieces.  He then commenced, as it

were, to "take in  a reef," by gathering in  the slack of the silk, which chiefly  was catching the wind, and by

drawing in the net, mesh by mesh,  until the more inflated portion of  the balloon was left snug  and offering

but little resistance to the  gale, when he got her  dragged in a direction slanting to the wind and  under the lee

of trees. 

Eventually a hazardous and difficult departure was effected,  Mr.  Chandler, a passenger already booked,

insisting on  accompanying the  aeronaut, in spite of the latter's strongest  protestations.  And their  first peril

came quickly, in a near  shave of fouling the balcony of  the North Tower, which they  avoided only by a

prompt discharge of  sand, the crowd cheering  loudly as they saw how the crisis was  avoided.  The car, adds

Mr. Coxwell in his memoirs, "was apparently  trailing behind the  balloon with a pendulous swing, which is

not often  the case...  In less than two minutes we entered the lower clouds,  passing  through them quickly, and

noticing that their tops, which are  usually of white, rounded conformation, were torn into shreds  and  crests of

vapour.  Above, there was a second wildlooking  stratum of  another order.  We could hear, as we hastened on,

the hum of the West  End of London; but we were bowling along,  having little time to look  about us, though

some extra sandbags  were turned to good account by  making a bed of them at the  bottom ends of the car,

which we occupied  in anticipation of a  rough landing." 

As it came on to rain hard the voyagers agreed to descend, and  Coxwell, choosing open ground, succeeded in

the oftattempted  endeavour to drop his grapnel in front of a bank or hedgerow.  The  balloon pulled up with

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such a shock as inevitably follows  when flying  at sixty miles an hour, and Mr. Coxwell continues:  "We

were at this  time suspended like a kite, and it was not so  much the quantity of gas  which kept us up as the

hollow surface  of loose silk, which acted like  a falling kite, and the obvious  game of skill consisted in not

letting  out too much gas to make  the balloon pitch heavily with a thud that  would have been  awfully

unpleasant; but to jockey our final touch in a  gradual  manner, and yet to do it as quickly as possible for fear

of  the  machine getting adrift, since, under the peculiar circumstances  in which we were placed, it would have

inevitably fallen with a  crushing blow, which might have proved fatal.  I never remember  to  have been in a

situation when more coolness and nicety were  required  to overcome the peril which here beset us; while on

that day the  strong wind was, strange as it may sound, helping  us to alight easily,  that is to say as long as the

grapnel held  fast and the balloon did  not turn over like an unsteady kite."  Such peril as there was soon

terminated without injury to  either voyager. 

The same remark will apply to an occasion when Coxwell was  caught  in a thunderstorm, which he thus

describes in brief:"On  a second  ascent from Chesterfield we were carried into the  midst of gathering

clouds, which began to flash vividly, and in  the end culminated in a  storm.  There were indications, before  we

left the earth, as to what  might be expected.  The lower  breeze took us in another direction as  we rose, but a

gentle,  whirling current higher up got us into the  vortex of a highly  charged cloud.... We had to prove by

absolute  experience  whether the balloon was insulated and a nonconductor.  Beyond  a drenching, no

untoward incident occurred during a voyage  lasting in all threequarters of an hour." 

A voyage which Coxwell (referring, doubtless, to aerial travel  over English soil only) describes as "being so

very much in  excess of  accustomary trips in balloons" will be seen to fall  short of one  memorable voyage of

which the writer will have to  give his own  experiences.  Some account, however, of what the  famous aeronaut

has  to tell will find a fitting place here. 

It was an ascent on a summer night from North Woolwich, and on  this occasion Coxwell was accom panied

by two friends, one  being  Henry Youens, who subsequently became a professional  balloonist of  considerable

repute, and who at this time was an  ardent amateur.  It  was half an hour before midnight when the  party took

their places,  and, getting smartly away from the  crowd in the gala grounds, shot  over the river, and shortly

were  over the town of Greenwich with the  lights of London well  ahead.  Then their course took them over

Kennington Oval,  Vauxhall Bridge, and Battersea, when they presently  heard the  strains of a Scotch polka.

This came up from the then  famous  Gardens of Cremorne, and, the breeze freshening, it was but a  few

minutes later when they stood over Kingston, by which time  it  became a question whether, being now clear

of London, they  should  descend or else live out the night and take what thus  might come their  way.  This

course, as the most prudent, as  well as the most  fascinating, was that which commended itself,  and at that

moment the  hour of midnight was heard striking,  showing that a fairly long  distance had been covered in a

short  interval of time. 

From this period they would seem to have lost their way, and  though scattered lights were sighted ahead, they

were soon in  doubt  as to whether they might not already be nearing the sea,  a doubt that  was strengthened by

their hearing the cry of  seafowl.  After a pause,  lights were seen looming under the  haze to seaward, which

at times  resembled water; and a tail  like that of a comet was discerned, beyond  which was a black  patch of

considerable size. 

The patch was the Isle of Wight, and the tail the Water from  Southampton.  They were thus wearing more

south and towards  danger.  They had no Davy lamp with which to read their  aneroid, and could  only tell from

the upward flight of  fragments of paper that they were  descending.  Another  deficiency in their equipment was

the lack of a  trail rope to  break their fall, and for some time they were under  unpleasant  apprehension of an

unexpected and rude impact with the  ground,  or collision with some undesirable object.  This induced them  to

discharge sand and to risk the consequences of another rise  into  space, and as they mounted they were not

reassured by  sighting to the  south a ridge of lighter colour, which strongly  suggested the coast  line. 

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But it was midsummer, and it was not long before bird life  awakening was heard below, and then a streak of

dawn revealed  their  locality, which was over the Exe, with Sidmouth and Tor  Bay hard by on  their left.  Then

from here, the land jutting  seawards, they  confidently traversed Dartmoor, and effected a  safe, if somewhat

unseasonable, descent near Tavistock.  The  distance travelled was  considerable, but the duration, on the

aeronaut's own showing, was  less than five hours. 

In the year 1859 the Times commented on the usefulness of  military  balloons in language that fully justified

all that  Coxwell had  previously claimed for them.  A war correspondent,  who had accompanied  the Austrian

Army during that year, asks  pertinently how it had  happened that the French had been ready  at six o'clock to

make a  combined attack against the Austrians,  who, on their part, had but  just taken up positions on the

previous evening.  The correspondent  goes on to supply the  answer thus:"No sooner was the first Austrian

battalion out  of Vallegio than a balloon was observed to rise in the  air from  the vicinity of Monsambanoa

signal, no doubt, for the  French  in Castiglione.  I have a full conviction that the Emperor of  the French knew

overnight the exact position of every Austrian  corps,  while the Emperor of Austria was unable to ascertain

the  number or  distribution of the forces of the allies." 

It appears that M. Godard was the aeronaut employed to observe  the  enemy, and that fresh balloons for the

French Army were  proceeded  with. 

The date was now near at hand when Coxwell, in partnership with  Mr. Glaisher, was to take part in the

classical work which has  rendered their names famous throughout the world.  Before  proceeding  to tell of that

period, however, Mr. Coxwell has  done well to record  one aerial adventure, which, while but  narrowly

missing the most  serious consequences, gives a very  practical illustration of the  chances in favour of the

aeronaut  under extreme circumstances. 

It was an ascent at Congleton in a gale of wind, a and the  company  of two passengersMessrs. Pearson, of

Lawton  Hallwas pressed upon  him.  Everything foretold a rough  landing, and some time after the  start was

made the outlook was  not improved by the fact that the  dreaded county of Derbyshire  was seen approaching;

and it was  presently apparent that the  spot on which they had decided to descend  was faced by rocks  and a

formidable gorge.  On this, Coxwell attempted  to drop his  grapnel in front of a stone wall, and so far with

success;  but  the wall went down, as also another and another, the wicker car  passing, with its great impetus,

clean through the solid  obstacles,  till at last the balloon slit from top to bottom.  Very serious  injuries to heads

and limbs were sustained, but no  lives were lost,  and Coxwell himself, after being laid up at  Buxton, got

home on  crutches. 


It was the year 1862, and the scientific world in England  determined once again on attempting observational

work in  connection  with balloons.  There had been a meeting of the  British Association at  Wolverhampton,

and, under their  auspices, and with the professional  services of Thomas Lythgoe,  Mr. Creswick, of

Greenwich Observatory,  was commissioned to  make a lofty scientific ascent with a Cremorne  balloon.  The

attempt, however, was unsatisfactory; and the balloon  being  condemned, an application was made to Mr.

Coxwell to provide a  suitable craft, and to undertake its management.  The  principals of  the working

committee were Colonel Sykes, M.P.,  Dr. Lee, and Mr. James  Glaisher, F.R.S., and a short conference

between these gentlemen and  the experienced aeronaut soon made  it clear that a mammoth balloon far  larger

than any in  existence was needed for the work in hand.  But  here a fatal  obstacle presented itself in lack of

funds, for it  transpired  that the grant voted was only to be devoted to trial  ascents. 

It was then that Mr. Coxwell, with characteristic enterprise,  undertook, at his own cost, to build a suitable

balloon, and,  moreover, to have it ready by Midsummer Day.  It was a bold, as  well  as a generous, offer; for it

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was now March, and, according  to Mr.  Coxwell's statement, if silk were employed, the  preparation and

manufacture would occupy six months and cost  not less than L2,000.  The fabric chosen was a sort of

American  cloth, and by unremitting  efforts the task was performed to  time, and the balloon forwarded to

Wolverhampton, its  dimensions being 55 feet in diameter, 80 feet in  height from  the ground, with a capacity

of 93,000 cubic feet.  But the  best  feature in connection with it was the fact that Mr. Glaisher  himself was to

make the ascents as scientific observer. 

No time was lost in getting to work, but twice over the chosen  days were unsuitable, and it was not till July

17th that the  two  colleagues, of whom so much is to be told, got away at 9.30  a.m. with  their balloon only

twothirds full, to allow of  expansion to take  place in such a lofty ascent as was  contemplated.  And, when it

is  considered that an altitude of  five miles was reached, it will be  granted that the scientific  gentleman who

was making his maiden ascent  that day showed  remarkable endurance and tenacity of purposethe

allimportant  essential for the onerous and trying work before him.  At 9.56  the balloon had disappeared from

sight, climbing far into the  sky in the E.N.E.  The story of the voyage we must leave in Mr.  Glaisher's hands.

Certain events, however, associated with  other  aeronauts, which had already happened, and which should  be

considered  in connection with the new drama now to be  introduced, may fittingly  here meet with brief


The trouble arising from the coasting across country of a  fallen  and still halfinflated balloon has already

been  sufficiently  illustrated, and needs little further discussion.  It is common enough  to see a balloon, when

full and round,  struggling restively under a  moderate breeze with a score of  men, and dragging them, and near

a ton  of sandbags as well,  about the starting ground.  But, as has already  been pointed  out, the power of the

wind on the globe is vastly  increased  when the silk becomes slack and forms a hollow to hold the  wind, like a

bellying sail.  Various means to deal with this  difficulty have been devised, one of these being an emergency,

or  ripping valve, in addition to the ordinary valve, consisting  of an  arrangement for tearing a large opening in

the upper part  of one of  the gores, so that on reaching earth the balloon may  be immediately  crippled and

emptied of so large a quantity of  gas as to render  dragging impossible.  Such a method is not  altogether

without  drawbacks, one of these being the confusion  liable to arise from there  being more than one valve line

to  reckon with.  To obviate this, it  has been suggested that the  emergency line should be of a distinctive


But an experiment with a safeguard to somewhat of this nature  was  attended with fatal consequence in the

year 1824.  A Mr.  Harris, a  lieutenant in the British Navy, ascended from the  Eagle Tavern, City  Road, with a

balloon fitted with a  contrivance of his own invention,  consisting of a large hinged  upper valve, having

within it a smaller  valve of the same  description, the idea being that, should the  operation of the  smaller

outlet not suffice for any occasion, then the  shutter  of the larger opening might be resorted to, to effect a more

liberal discharge of gas. 

Mr. Harris took with him a young lady, Miss Stocks by name, and  apparently the afternoonit being late

May was favourable  for an  aerial voyage; for, with full reliance on his apparatus,  he left his  grapnel

behind, and was content with such  assistance as the girl might  be able to render him.  It was not  long before

the balloon was found  descending, and with a  rapidity that seemed somewhat to disturb the  aeronaut; and

when, after a reascent, effected by a discharge of  ballast,  another decided downward tendency ensued, Mr.

Harris clearly  realised that something was wrong, without, however, divining  the  cause.  The story

subsequently told by the girl was to the  effect that  when the balloon was descending the second time she  was

spoken to by  her unfortunate companion in an anxious  manner.  "I then heard the  balloon go 'Clap! clap!' and

Mr.  Harris said he was afraid it was  bursting, at which I fainted,  and knew no more until I found myself in

bed."  A gamekeeper  tells the sequel, relating that he observed the  balloon, which  was descending with great

velocity, strike and break  the head  of an oak tree, after which it also struck the ground.  Hurrying up, he found

the girl insensible, and Mr. Harris  already  dead, with his breast bone and several ribs broken.  The explanation

of  the accident given by Mr. Edward Spencer is  alike convincing and  instructive.  This eminently practical

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authority points out that the  valve lines must have been made  taut to the hoop at the time that the  balloon was

full and  globular.  Thus, subsequently, when from  diminution of gas the  balloon's shape elongated, the valve

line would  become strained  and begin to open the valve, but in such a gradual  manner as to  escape the notice

of the aeronaut.  Miss Stocks, far from  being  unnerved by the terrible experience, actually made three

subsequent ascents in company with Mr. Green. 

It deserves mention that another disaster, equally instructive,  but happily not attended with loss of life,

occurred in Dublin  in  1844 to Mr. Hampton, who about this time made several public  and  enterprising

voyages.  He evidently was possessed of  admirable nerve  and decision, and did not hesitate to make an  ascent

from the  PortoBello Gardens in face of strong wind  blowing seawards, and in  spite of many protestations

from the  onlookers that he was placing  himself in danger.  This danger  he fully realised, more particularly

when he recognised that  the headland on which he hoped to alight was  not in the  direction of the wind's

course.  Resolved, however, on  gratifying the crowd, Mr. Hampton ascended rapidly, and then  with  equal

expedition commenced a precipitate descent, which he  accomplished with skill and without mishap.  But the

wind was  still  boisterous, and the balloon sped onward along the ground  towards fresh  danger unforeseen,

and perhaps not duly reckoned  with.  Ahead was a  cottage, the chimney of which was on fire.  A balloonist in

these  circumstances is apt to think little of a  single small object in his  way, knowing how many are the

chances of missing or of successfully  negotiating any such  obstacle.  The writer on one occasion was, in the

judgment of  onlookers below, drifting in dangerous proximity to the  awful  Cwmavon stack in

Glamorganshire, then in full blast; yet it was  a fact that that vast vent of flame and smoke passed almost

unheeded  by the party in the descending car.  It may have been  thus, also, with  Mr. Hampton, who only fully

realised his  danger when his balloon blew  up "with an awfully grand  explosion," and he was reduced to the

extremity of jumping for  his life, happily escaping the mass of  burning silk and ropes. 

The awful predicament of falling into the sea, which has been  illustrated already, and which will recur again

in these pages,  was  ably and successfully met by Mr. Cunningham, who made an  afternoon  ascent from the

Artillery Barracks at Clevedon,  reaching Snake Island  at nightfall, where, owing to the  gathering darkness, he

felt  constrained to open his valve.  He  quickly commenced descending into  the sea, and when within ten  feet

of the water, turned the "detaching  screw" which connected  the car with the balloon.  The effect of this  was at

once to  launch him on the waves, but, being still able to keep  control  over the valve, he allowed just enough

gas to remain within  the  silk to hold the balloon above water.  He then betook himself  to  the paddles with

which his craft was provided, and reached  Snake  Island with the balloon in tow.  Here he seems to have  found

good use  for a further portion of his very complete  equipment; for, lighting a  signal rocket, he presently

brought  a fouroared gig to his succour  from Portsmouth Harbour. 

The teaching of the above incident is manifest enough.  If it  should be contemplated to use the balloon for

serious or  lengthened  travel anywhere within possible reach of the  seaboardand this must  apply to all

parts of the British  Islesit must become a wise  precaution, if not an absolute  necessity, to adopt some form

of car  that would be of avail in  the event of a fall taking place in the sea.  Sufficient  confirmation of this

statement will be shortly afforded by  a  memorable voyage accomplished during the partnership of Messrs.

Glaisher and Coxwell, one which would certainly have found the  travellers in far less jeopardy had their car

been convertible  into a  boat.  We have already seen how essential Wise  considered this  expedient in his own

bolder schemes, and it may  further be mentioned  here that modern air ships have been  designed with the

intention of  making the water a perfectly  safe landing. 

The ballooning exploits which, however, we have now to recount  had  quite another and more special object

consistently in  viewthat of  scientific investigation; and we would here  premise that the proper  appreciation

of these investigations  will depend on a due  understanding of the attendant  circumstances, as also of the

constant  characteristic behaviour  of balloons, whether despatched for mere  travel or research. 

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First let us regard the actual path of a balloon in space when  being manoeuvred in the way we read of in Mr.

Glaisher's own  accounts.  This part is in most cases approximately indicated  in that  most attractive volume of

his entitled, "Travels in the  Air," by  diagrams giving a sectional presentment of his more  important voyages;

but a little commonplace consideration may  take the place of diagrams. 

It has been common to assert that a balloon poised in space is  the  most delicate balance conceivable.  Its

intrinsic weight  must be  exactly equal to the weight of the air it displaces,  and since the  density of the air

decreases according to a fixed  law, amounting,  approximately, to a difference in barometric  reading of 0.1

inch for  every 90 feet, it follows,  theoretically, that if a balloon is poised  at 1,000 feet above  sea level, then it

would not be in equilibrium at  any other  height, so long as its weight and volume remain the same.  If  it were

50 feet higher it must commence descending, and, if  lower, then it must ascend till it reaches its true level;

and,  more  than that, in the event of either such excursion mere  impetus would  carry it beyond this level,

about which it would  oscillate for a short  time, after the manner of the pendulum.  This is substantially true,

but it must be taken in connection  with other facts which have a far  greater influence on a  balloon's position

or motion. 

For instance, in the volume just referred to it is stated by M.  Gaston Tissandier that on one occasion when

aloft he threw  overboard  a chicken bone, and, immediately consulting a  barometer, had to admit  on "clearest

evidence that the bone had  caused a rise of from twenty  to thirty yards, so delicately is  a balloon equipoised

in the air."  Here, without pausing to  calculate whether the discharge of an ounce  or so would suffice  to cause

a large balloon to ascend through ninety  feet, it may  be pointed out that the record cannot be trustworthy,

from the  mere fact that a free balloon is from moment to moment being  subjected to other potent influences,

which necessarily affect  its  position in space.  In daytime the sun's influence is an  allimportant  factor, and

whether shining brightly or partially  hidden by clouds, a  slight difference in obscuration will have  a ready

and marked effect  on the balloon's altitude.  Again, a  balloon in transit may pass  almost momentarily from a

warmer  layer of air to a colder, or vice  versa, the plane of  demarcation between the two being very definite

and abrupt, and  in this case altitude is at once affected; or, yet  again, there  are the descending and ascending

currents, met with  constantly  and unexpectedly, which have to be reckoned with. 

Thus it becomes a fact that a balloon's vertical course is  subjected to constant checks and vicissitudes from a

variety of  causes, and these will have to be duly borne in mind when we  are  confronted with the often

surprising results and readings  which are  supplied by scientific observers.  With regard to the  close proximity,

without appreciable intermingling, of widely  differing currents, it  should be mentioned that explorers have

found in regions where winds  of different directions pass each  other that one air stream appears  actually to

drag against the  surface of the other, as though admitting  no interspace where  the streams might mingle.

Indeed, trustworthy  observers have  stated that even a hurricane can rage over a tranquil  atmosphere with a

sharply defined surface of demarcation  between calm  and storm.  Thus, to quote the actual words of  Charles

Darwin, than  whom it is impossible to adduce a more  careful witness, we find him  recording how on

mountain heights  he met with winds turbulent and  unconfined, yet holding courses  "like rivers within their


It is in tracing the trend of upper air streams, to whose  wayward  courses and ever varying conditions we are

now to be  introduced, that  much of our most valuable information has  come, affecting the  possibility of

forecasting British wind and  weather.  It should need  no insisting on that the data required  by meteorologists

are not  sufficiently supplied by the readings  of instruments placed on or near  the ground, or by the set of  the

wind as determined by a vane planted  on the top of a pole  or roof of a building.  The chief factors in our

meteorology  are rather those broader and deeper conditions which  obtain in  higher regions necessarily

beyond our ken, until those  regions  are duly and diligently explored. 

Mr. Glaisher's estimate of the utility of the balloon as an  instrument of research, formed at the conclusion of

his  aeronautical  labours, has a special value and significance.  Speaking with all the  weight attaching to so

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trained and  eminent an observer, he declares,  "The balloon, considered as  an instrument for vertical

exploration,  presents itself to us  under a variety of aspects, each of which is  fertile in  suggestions.  Regarding

the atmosphere as the great  laboratory  of changes which contain the germ of future dis  discoveries, to  belong

respectively, as they unfold, to the chemist  and  meteorologist, the physical relation to animal life of  different

heights, the form of death which at certain  elevations waits to  accomplish its destruction, the effect of

diminished pressure upon  individuals similarly placed, the  comparison of mountain ascents with  the

experiences of  aeronauts, are some of the questions which suggest  themselves  and faintly indicate enquiries

which naturally ally  themselves  to the course of balloon experiments.  Sufficiently varied  and  important, they

will be seen to rank the balloon as a valuable  aid to the uses of philosophy, and rescue it from the impending

degradation of continuing a toy fit only to be exhibited or to  administer to the pleasures of the curious and

lovers of  adventure." 

The words of the same authority as to the possible practical  development of the balloon as an aerial machine

should likewise  be  quoted, and will appear almost prophetic.  "In England the  subject of  aerostation has

made but little progress, and no  valuable invention  has arisen to facilitate travelling in the  air.  In all my

ascents I  used the balloon as I found it.  The  desire which influenced me was to  ascend to the higher regions

and travel by its means in furtherance of  a better knowledge of  atmospheric phenomena.  Neither its

management  nor its  improvement formed a part of my plan.  I soon found that  balloon travelling was at the

mercy of the wind, and I saw no  probability of any method of steering balloons being obtained.  It  even

appeared to me that the balloon itself, admirable for  vertical  ascents, was not necessarily a first step in aerial

navigation, and  might possibly have no share in the solution of  the problem.  It was  this conviction that led to

the formation  of the Aeronautical Society  a few years since under the  presidency of the Duke of Argyll.  In

the  number of  communications made to this society it is evident that many  minds are taxing their ingenuity to

discover a mode of  navigating the  air; all kinds of imaginary projects have been  suggested, some showing

great mechanical ingenuity, but all  indicating the want of more  knowledge of the atmosphere itself.  The first

great aim of this  society is the connecting the  velocity of the air with its pressure on  plane surfaces at  various


"There seems no prospect of obtaining this relation otherwise  than  by a careful series of experiments." 


Mr. Glaisher's instrumental outfit was on an elaborate and  costly  scale, and the programme of experimental

work drawn up  for him by the  Committee of the British Association did not err  on the side of too  much

modesty.  In the first place the  temperature and moisture of the  atmosphere were to be examined.

Observations on mountain sides had  determined that thermometers  showed a decrease of 1 degree F. for

every 300 feet, and the  accuracy of this law was particularly to be  tested.  Also,  investigations were to be

made as to the distribution  of vapour  below the clouds, in them, and above them.  Then careful  observations

respecting the dew point were to be undertaken at  all  accessible heights, and, more particularly, up to those

heights where  man may be resident or troops may be located.  The comparatively new  instrument, the aneroid

barometer,  extremely valuable, if only  trustworthy, by reason of its  sensibility, portability and safety, was  to

be tested and  compared with the behaviour of a reliable mercurial  barometer.  Electrical conditions were to be

examined; the presence of  ozone tested; the vibration of a magnet was again to be  resorted to  to determine

how far the magnetism of the earth  might be affected by  height.  The solar spectrum was to be  observed; air

was to be  collected at different heights for  analysis; clouds, also upper  currents, were to be reported on.

Further observations were to be made  on sound, on solar  radiation, on the actinic action of the sun, and on

atmospheric  phenomena in general. 

All this must be regarded as a large order where only a very  limited number of ascents were contemplated,

and it may be  mentioned  that some of the methods of investigation, as, for  instance, the use  of ozone papers,

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would now be generally  considered obsolete; while the  mechanical aspiration of  thermometers by a stream of

air, which, as we  have pointed out,  was introduced by Welsh, and which is strongly  insisted on at  the present

day, was considered unnecessary by Mr.  Glaisher in  the case of wet and dry bulb hygrometers.  The entire list

of  instruments, as minutely described by the talented observer,  numbered twentytwo articles, among which

were such  irreproachable  items as a bottle of water and a pair of  scissors. 

The following is a condensed account, gathered from Mr.  Glaisher's  own narrative, of his first ascent, which

has been  already briefly  sketched in these pages by the hand of Mr.  Coxwell.  Very great  difficulties were

experienced in the  inflation, which operation  appeared as if it would never be  completed, for a terrible

W.S.W. wind  was constantly blowing,  and the movements of the balloon were so great  and so rapid  that it

was impossible to fix a single instrument in its  position before quitting the earth, a position of affairs  which,

says  Mr. Glaisher, "was by no means cheering to a novice  who had never  before put his foot in the car of a

balloon," and  when, at last, at  9.42 a.m., Mr. Coxwell cast off, there was no  upward motion, the car  simply

dragging on its side till the  expiration  of a whole minute,  when the balloon lifted, and in  six minutes reached

the first cloud at  an altitude of 4,467  feet.  This cloud was passed at 5,802 feet, and  further cloud  encountered

at 2,000 feet further aloft.  Four minutes  later,  the ascent proceeding, the sun shone out brightly, expanding

the balloon into a perfect globe and displaying a magnificent  view,  which, however, the incipient voyager did

not allow  himself to enjoy  until the instruments were arranged in due  order, by which time a  height of 10,000

feet was recorded. 

Mr. Glaisher apparently now had opportunity for observing the  clouds, which he describes as very beautiful,

and he records  the  hearing of a band of music at a height of 12,709 feet,  which was  attained in exactly twenty

minutes from the start.  A  minute later the  earth was sighted through a break in the  clouds, and at 16,914 feet

the clouds were far below, the sky  above being perfectly cloudless,  and of an intense Prussian  blue. 

By this time Mr. Glaisher had received his first surprise, as  imparted by the record of his instruments.  At

starting, the  temperature of the air had stood at 59 degrees.  Then at 4,000  feet  this was reduced to 45 degrees;

and, further, to 26 degrees  at 10,000  feet, when it remained stationary through an ascent of  3,000 feet  more,

during which period both travellers added to  their clothing,  anticipating much accession of cold.  However,  at

15,500 feet the  temperature had actually risen to 31  degrees, increasing to no less  than 42 degrees at 19,500


Astonishing as this discovery was, it was not the end of the  wonder, for two minutes later, on somewhat

descending, the  temperature commenced decreasing so rapidly as to show a fall  of 27  degrees in 26 minutes.

As to personal experiences, Mr.  Glaisher  should be left to tell his own story.  "At the height  of 18,844 feet  18

vibrations of a horizontal magnet occupied  26.8 seconds, and at the  same height my pulse beat at the rate  of

100 pulsations per minute.  At 19,415 feet palpitation of  the heart became perceptible, the  beating of the

chronometer  seemed very loud, and my breathing became  affected.  At 19,435  feet my pulse had accelerated,

and it was with  increasing  difficulty that I could read the instruments; the  palpitation  of the heart was very

perceptible; the hands and lips  assumed a  dark bluish colour, but not the face.  At 20,238 feet 28  vibrations of

a horizontal magnet occupied 43 seconds.  At  21,792  feet I experienced a feeling analogous to seasickness,

though there  was neither pitching nor rolling in the balloon,  and through this  illness I was unable to watch the

instrument  long enough to lower the  temperature to get a deposit of dew.  The sky at this elevation was of  a

very deep blue colour, and  the clouds were far below us.  At 22,357  feet I endeavoured to  make the magnet

vibrate, but could not; it moved  through arcs  of about 20 degrees, and then settled suddenly. 

"Our descent began a little after 11 a.m., Mr. Coxwell  experiencing considerable uneasiness at our too close

vicinity  to the  Wash.  We came down quickly from a height of 16,300 feet  to one of  12,400 feet in one

minute; at this elevation we  entered into a dense  cloud which proved to be no less than 8,000  feet in thickness

and  whilst passing through this the balloon  was invisible from the car.  From the rapidity of the descent  the

balloon assumed the shape of a  parachute, and though Mr.  Coxwell had reserved a large amount of  ballast,

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which he  discharged as quickly as possible, we collected so  much weight  by the condensation of the immense

amount of vapour  through  which we passed that, notwithstanding all his exertions, we  came to the earth with

a very considerable shock, which broke  nearly  all the instruments.... The descent took place at  Langham, near


Just a month later Mr. Glaisher, bent on a yet loftier  climb, made  his second ascent, again under Mr.

Coxwell's  guidance, and again from  Wolverhampton.  Besides attending to  his instruments he found leisure  to

make other chance notes by  the way.  He was particularly struck by  the beauty of masses  of cloud, which, by

the time 12,000 feet were  reached, were far  below, "presenting at times mountain scenes of  endless variety

and grandeur, while fine domelike clouds dazzled and  charmed  the eye with alternations and brilliant effects

of light and  shade." 

When a height of about 20,000 feet had been reached thunder was  heard twice over, coming from below,

though no clouds could be  seen.  A height of 4,000 feet more was attained, and shortly  after this Mr.  Glaisher

speaks of feeling unwell.  It was  difficult to obtain a  deposit of dew on the hygrometer, and the  working of the

aspirator  became troublesome.  While in this  region a sound like that of loud  thunder came from the sky.

Observations were practically completed at  this point, and a  speedy and safe return to earth was effected, the

landing being  at Solihull, seven miles from Birmingham. 

It was on the 5th of September following that the same two  colleagues carried out an exploit which will

always stand alone  in  the history of aeronautics, namely, that of ascending to an  altitude  which, based on the

best estimate they were able to  make, they  calculated to be no less than seven miles.  Whatever  error may

have  unavoidably come into the actual estimate, which  is to some extent  conjectural, is in reality a small

matter,  not the least affecting the  fact that the feat in itself will  probably remain without a parallel  of its kind.

In these days,  when aeronauts attempt to reach an  exceptionally lofty  altitude, they invariably provide

themselves with  a cylinder of  oxygen gas to meet the special emergencies of the  situation, so  that when

regions of such attenuated air are reached  that the  action of heart and lungs becomes seriously affected, it is

still within their power to inhale the lifegiving gas which  affords  the greatest available restorative to their

energies.  Forty years ago,  however, cylinders of compressed oxygen gas  were not available, and on  this

account alone we may state  without hesitation that the enterprise  which follows stands  unparalleled at the

present hour. 

The filling station at Wolverhampton was quitted at 1.3 p.m.,  the  temperature of the air being 59 degrees on

the ground, and  falling to  41 degrees at an altitude of 5,000 feet, directly  after which a dense  cloud was

entered, which brought the  temperature down to 36 degrees.  At this elevation the report of  a gun was heard.

Here Mr. Glaisher  attempted (probably for the  first time in history) to take a  cloudscape photograph, the

illumination being brilliant, and the  plates with which he was  furnished being considered extremely  sensitive.

The attempt,  however, was unsuccessful.  The height of two  miles was reached  in 19 minutes, and here the

temperature was at  freezing point.  In six minutes later three miles was reached, and the  thermometer was

down to 18 degrees.  In another twelve minutes  four  miles was attained, with the thermometer recording 8

degrees, and by  further discharge of sand the fifth aerial  milestone was passed at  1.50 p.m., i.e. in 47 minutes

from the  start, with the thermometer 2  degrees below zero. 

Mr. Glaisher relates that up to this point he had taken  observations with comfort, and experienced no trouble

in  respiration,  whilst Mr. Coxwell, in consequence of the  exertions he had to make,  was breathing with

difficulty.  More  sand was now thrown out, and as  the balloon rose higher Mr.  Glaisher states that he found

some  difficulty in seeing  clearly.  But from this point his experiences  should be  gathered from his own


"About 1.52 p.m., or later, I read the dry bulb thermometer as  minus five; after this I could not see the column

of mercury in  the  wet bulb thermometer, nor the hands of the watch, nor the  fine  divisions on any instrument.

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I asked Mr. Coxwell to help  me to read  the instruments.  In consequence, however, of the  rotatory motion of

the balloon, which had continued without  ceasing since leaving the  earth, the valve line had become

entangled, and he had to leave the  car and mount into the ring  to readjust it.  I then looked at the  barometer,

and found its  reading to be 9 3/4 inches, still decreasing  fast, implying a  height exceeding 29,000 feet.

Shortly after, I laid  my arm  upon the table, possessed of its full vigour; but on being  desirous of using it I

found it powerlessit must have lost  its  power momentarily.  Trying to move the other arm, I found  it

powerless  also.  Then I tried to shake myself, and  succeeded, but I seemed to  have no limbs.  In looking at the

barometer my head fell over my left  shoulder.  I struggled and  shook my body again, but could not move my

arms.  Getting my  head upright for an instant only, it fell on my  right shoulder;  then I fell backwards, my back

resting against the  side of the  car and my head on its edge.  In this position my eyes  were  directed to Mr.

Coxwell in the ring.  When I shook my body I  seemed to have full power over the muscles of the back, and

considerably so over those of the neck, but none over either my  arms  or my legs.  As in the case of the arms,

so all muscular  power was  lost in an instant from my back and neck.  I dimly  saw Mr. Coxwell,  and

endeavoured to speak, but could not.  In  an instant intense  darkness overcame me, so that the optic  nerve lost

power suddenly; but  I was still conscious, with as  active a brain as at the present moment  whilst writing this.

I  thought I had been seized with asphyxia, and  believed I should  experience nothing more, as death would

come unless  we speedily  descended.  Other thoughts were entering my mind when I  suddenly became

unconscious, as on going to sleep.  I cannot  tell  anything of the sense of hearing, as no sound reaches the  ear

to break  the perfect stillness and silence of the regions  between six and seven  miles above the earth.  My last

observation was made at 1.54 p.m.,  above 29,000 feet.  I  suppose two or three minutes to have elapsed

between my eyes  becoming insensible to seeing fine divisions and 1.54  p.m., and  then two or three minutes

more to have passed till I was  insensible, which I think, therefore, took place about 1.56  p.m. or  1.57 p.m. 

"Whilst powerless, I heard the words 'Temperature' and  'Observation,' and I knew Mr. Coxwell was in the car

speaking  to and  endeavouring to rouse metherefore consciousness and  hearing had  returned.  I then heard

him speak more  emphatically, but could not  see, speak, or move.  I heard him  again say, 'Do try, now do!'

Then  the instruments became dimly  visible, then Mr. Coxwell, and very  shortly I saw clearly.  Next, I arose in

my seat and looked around, as  though waking  from sleep, though not refreshed, and said to Mr.  Coxwell, 'I

have been insensible.'  He said, 'You have, and I too,  very  nearly.'  I then drew up my legs, which had been

extended, and  took a pencil in my hand to begin observations.  Mr. Coxwell  told me  that he had lost the use of

his hands, which were  black, and I poured  brandy over them." 

Mr. Glaisher considers that he must have been totally  insensible  for a period of about seven minutes, at the

end of  which time the  water reserved for the wet bulb thermometer,  which he had carefully  kept from

freezing, had become a solid  block of ice.  Mr. Coxwell's  hands had become frostbitten, so  that, being in the

ring and desirous  of coming to his friend's  assistance, he was forced to rest his arms  on the ring and drop

down.  Even then, the table being in the way, he  was unable to  approach, and, feeling insensibility stealing

over  himself, he  became anxious to open the valve.  "But in consequence of  having lost the use of his hands

he could not do this.  Ultimately he  succeeded by seizing the cord in his teeth and  dipping his head two or

three times until the balloon took a  decided turn downwards."  Mr.  Glaisher adds that no  inconvenience

followed his insensibility, and  presently  dropping in a country where no conveyance of any kind could  be

obtained, he was able to walk between seven and eight miles. 

The interesting question of the actual height attained is thus  discussed by Mr. Glaisher:"I have already said

that my last  observation was made at a height of 29,000 feet.  At this time,  1.54  p.m., we were ascending at

the rate of 1,000 feet per  minute, and when  I resumed observations we were descending at  the rate of 2,000

feet  per minute.  These two positions must be  connected, taking into  account the interval of time between,

namely, thirteen minutes; and on  these considerations the  balloon must have attained the altitude of  36,000 or

37,000  feet.  Again, a very delicate minimum thermometer  read minus  11.9, and this would give a height of

37,000 feet.  Mr.  Coxwell, on coming from the ring, noticed that the centre of  the  aneroid barometer, its blue

hand, and a rope attached to  the car, were  all in the same straight line, and this gave a  reading of seven

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inches, and leads to the same result.  Therefore, these independent  means all lead to about the same  elevation,

namely, fully seven  miles." 

So far we have followed Mr. Glaisher's account only, but Mr.  Coxwell has added testimony of his own to this

remarkable  adventure,  which renders the narrative more complete.  He  speaks of the continued  rotation of the

balloon and the  necessity for mounting into the ring  to get possession of the  valve line.  "I had previously," he

adds,  "taken off a thick  pair of gloves so as to be the better able to  manipulate the  sandbags, and the moment

my unprotected hands rested  on the  ring, which retained the temperature of the air, I found that  they were

frostbitten; but I did manage to bring down with me  the  valve line, after noticing the hand of the aneroid

barometer, and it  was not long before I succeeded in opening  the shutters in the way  described by Mr.

Glaisher.... Again, on  letting off more gas, I  perceived that the lower part of the  balloon was rapidly

shrinking,  and I heard a sighing, as if it  were in the network and the ruffled  surface of the cloth.  I  then looked

round, although it seemed  advisable to let off more  gas, to see if I could in any way assist Mr.  Glaisher, but

the  table of instruments blocked the way, and I could  not, with  disabled hands, pass beneath.  My last hope,

then, was in  seeking the restorative effects of a warmer stratum of  atmosphere....  Again I tugged at the valve

line, taking stock,  meanwhile, of the  reserve ballast in store, and this, happily,  was ample. 

"Never shall I forget those painful moments of doubt and  suspense  as to Mr. Glaisher's fate, when no

response came to my  questions.  I  began to fear that he would never take any more  readings.  I could  feel the

reviving effects of a warmer  temperature, and wondered that  no signs of animation were  noticeable.  The hand

of the aneroid that I  had looked at was  fast moving, while the under part of the balloon had  risen high  above

the car.  I had looked towards the earth, and felt  the  rush of air as it passed upwards, but was still in despair

when  Mr. Glaisher gasped with a sigh, and the next moment he drew  himself  up and looked at me rather in

confusion, and said he  had been  insensible, but did not seem to have any clear idea of  how long until  he

caught up his pencil and noted the time and  the reading of the  instruments." 

The descent, which was at first very rapid, was effected  without  difficulty at Cold Weston. 



Early in the following spring we find the same two aeronauts  going  aloft again on a scientific excursion

which had a  termination nearly  as sensational as the last.  The ascent was  from the Crystal Palace,  and the

intention being to make a very  early start the balloon for  this purpose had been partially  filled overnight; but

by the morning  the wind blew strongly,  and, though the ground current would have  carried the voyagers  in

comparative safety to the southwest, several  pilots which  were dismissed became, at no great height, carried

away  due  south.  On this account the start was delayed till 1 p.m., by  which time the sky had nearly filled in,

with only occasional  gleams  of sun between the clouds.  It seemed as if the  travellers would have  to face the

chance of crossing the  Channel, and while, already in the  car, they were actually  discussing this point, their

restraining rope  broke, and they  were launched unceremoniously into the skies.  This  occasioned  an

unexpected lurch to the car, which threw Mr. Glaisher  among  his instruments, to the immediate destruction of

some of them. 

Another result of this abrupt departure was a very rapid rise,  which took the balloon a height of 3,000 feet in

three minutes'  space, and another 4,000 feet higher in six minutes more.  Seven  thousand feet vertically in

nine minutes is fast pace;  but the  voyagers were to know higher speed yet that day when  the vertical  motion

was to be in the reverse and wrong  direction.  At the height  now reached they were in cloud, and  while thus

enveloped the  temperature, as often happens,  remained practically stationary at  about 32 degrees, while  that

of the dew point increased several  degrees.  But, on  passing out of the cloud, the two temperatures were  very

suddenly separated, the latter decreasing rapidly under a deep  blue upper sky that was now without a cloud.

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Shortly after  this the  temperature dropped suddenly some 8 degrees, and then,  during the next  12,000 feet,

crept slowly down by small stages.  Presently the balloon,  reaching more than twenty thousand feet,  or,

roughly, four miles, and  still ascending, the thermometer  was taken with small fits of rising  and falling

alternately  till an altitude of 24,000 feet was recorded,  at which point  other and more serious matters intruded


The earth had been for a considerable time lost to view, and  the  rate and direction of recent progress had

become merely  conjectural.  What might be taking place in these obscured and  lofty regions?  It  would be as

well to discover.  So the valve  was opened rather freely,  with the result that the balloon  dropped a mile in

three minutes.  Then another mile slower, by a  shade.  Then at 12,000 feet a cloud  layer was reached, and

shortly after the voyagers broke through into  the clear below. 

At that moment Mr. Glaisher, who was busy with his instruments,  heard Mr. Coxwell make an exclamation

which caused him to look  over  the car, and he writes, "The sea seemed to be under us.  Mr. Coxwell  again

exclaimed, 'There's not a moment to spare:  we  must save the  land at all risks.  Leave the instruments.'  Mr.

Coxwell almost hung  to the valve line, and told me to do the  same, and not to mind its  cutting my hand.  It

was a bold  decision opening the valve in this  way, and it was boldly  carried out."  As may be supposed, the

bold  decision ended with  a crash.  The whole time of descending the four  and a quarter  miles was a quarter of

an hour, the last two miles  taking four  minutes only.  For all that, there was no penalty beyond a  few  bruises

and the wrecking of the instruments, and when land was  reached there was no rebound; the balloon simply

lay inert hard  by  the margin of the sea.  This terrific experience in its  salient  details is strangely similar to that

already recorded  by Albert Smith. 

In further experimental labours conducted during the summer of  this year, many interesting facts stand out

prominently among a  voluminous mass of observations.  In an ascent in an east wind  from  the Crystal Palace

in early July it was found that the  upper limit of  that wind was reached at 2,400 feet, at which  level an

airstream from  the north was encountered; but at  3,000 feet higher the wind again  changed to a current from

the  N.N.W.  At the height, then, of little  more than half a mile,  these upper currents were travelling leisurely;

but what was  more noteworthy was their humidity, which greatly  increased  with altitude, and a fact which

may often be noted here  obtruded itself, namely, when the aeronauts were at the  upperlimits  of the east wind,

flatbottomed cumulus clouds were  floating at their  level.  These clouds were entirely within the  influence of

the upper  or north wind, so that their under sides  were in contact with the east  wind, i.e. with a much drier  air,

which at once dissipated all vapour  in contact with it,  and thus presented the appearance of flatbottomed

clouds.  It  is a common experience to find the lower surface of a  cloud  mowed off flat by an east wind

blowing beneath it. 

At the end of June a voyage from Wolverton was accomplished,  which  yielded remarkable results of much

real value and  interest.  The  previous night had been perfectly calm, and  through nearly the whole  morning the

sun shone in a clear blue  sky, without a symptom of wind  or coming change.  Shortly  before noon, however,

clouds appeared  aloft, and the sky  assumed an altered aspect.  Then the state of  things quickly  changed.  Wind

currents reached the earth blowing  strongly, and  the halffilled balloon began to lurch to such an extent  that

the inflation could only with difficulty be proceeded with.  Fifty men were unable to hold it in sufficient

restraint to  prevent  rude bumping of the car on the ground, and when, at  length,  arrangements were complete

and release effected, rapid  discharge of  ballast alone saved collision with neighbouring  buildings. 

It was now that the disturbance overhead came under  investigation;  and, considering the short period it had

been in  progress, proved most  remarkable, the more so the further it  was explored.  At 4,000 feet  they plunged

into the cloud  canopy, through which as it was painfully  cold, they, sought to  penetrate into the clear above,

feeling  confident of finding  themselves, according to their usual experience,  in bright  blue sky, with the sun

brilliantly shining.  On the  contrary,  however, the region they now entered was further obscured  with  another

canopy of cloud far up.  It was while they were  traversing this clear interval that a sound unwonted in balloon

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travel assailed their ears. This was the "sighing, or rather  moaning,  of the wind as preceding a storm."

Rustling of the  silk within the  cordage is often heard aloft, being due to  expansion of gas or similar  cause; but

the aeronauts soon  convinced themselves that what they  heard was attributable to  nothing else than the actual

conflict of air  currents beneath.  Then they reached foga dry fogand, passing  through it,  entered a further

fog, but wetting this time, and within  the  next 1,000 feet they were once again in fog that was dry; and  then,

reaching three miles high and seeing struggling sunbeams,  they  looked around and saw cloud everywhere,

below, above, and  far clouds  on their own level.  The whole sky had filled in  most completely since  the hours

but recently passed, when they  had been expatiating on the  perfect serenity of the empty  heavens. 

Still they climbed upwards, and in the next 2,000 feet had  entered  further fog, dry at first, but turning wetter

as they  rose.  At four  miles high they found themselves on a level with  clouds, whose dark  masses and fringed

edges proved them to be  veritable rain clouds; and,  while still observing them, the fog  surged up again and

shut out the  view, and by the time they had  surmounted it they were no less than  23,000 feet up, or higher

than the loftiest of the Andes. Even here,  with cloud masses  still piling high overhead, the eager observer,

bent  on further  quests, was for pursuing the voyage; but Mr. Coxwell  interposed  with an emphatic, "Too short

of sand!" and the downward  journey  had to be commenced.  Then phenomena similar to those already

described were experienced againfog banks (sometimes wet,  sometimes  dry), rain showers, and cloud

strata of piercing  cold.  Presently,  too, a new wonder for a midsummer  afternoona snow scene all around,

and spicules of ice  settling and remaining frozen on the coatsleeve.  Finally  dropping to earth helplessly

through the last 5,000 feet,  with  all ballast spent, Ely Cathedral was passed at close quarters;  yet even that

vast pile was hidden in the gloom that now lay  over all  the land. 

It was just a month later, and day broke with thoroughly dirty  weather, a heavy sky, and falling showers. This

was the day of  all  others that Mr. Glaisher was waiting for, having determined  on making  special

investigations concerning the formation of  rain in the clouds  themselves.  It had long been noticed that,  in an

ordinary way, if  there be two rain gauges placed, one  near the surface of the ground,  and another at a

somewhat  higher elevation, then the lower gauge will  collect most water.  Does, then, rain condense in some

appreciable  quantity out of  the lowest level?  Again, during rain, is the air  saturated  completely, and what

regulates the quality of rainfall, for  rain sometimes falls in large drops and sometimes in minute  particles?

These were questions which Mr. Glaisher sought to  solve,  and there was another. 

Charles Green had stated as his conviction that whenever rain  was  falling from an overcast sky there would

always be found a  higher  canopy of cloud overhanging the lower stratum.  On the  day, then,  which we are

now describing, Mr. Glaisher wished to  put this his  theory to the test; and, if correct, then he  desired to

measure the  space between the cloud layers, to gauge  their thickness, and to see  if above the second stratum

the sun  was shining.  The main details of  the ascent read thus: 

In ten seconds they were in mist, and in ten seconds more were  level with the cloud.  At 1,200 feet they were

out of the rain,  though not yet out of the cloud.  Emerging from the lower cloud  at  2,300 feet, they saw, what

Green would have foretold, an  upper stratum  of dark cloud above.  Then they made excursions  up and down,

trying  high and low to verify these conditions,  and passing through fogs both  wet and dry, at last drifting

earthward, through squalls of wind and  rain with drops as large  as fourpenny pieces, to find that on the

ground heavy wet had  been ceaselessly falling. 

A day trip over the eastern suburbs of London in the same year  seems greatly to have impressed Mr. Glaisher.

The noise of  London  streets as heard from above has much diminished during  the last  fifteen years' probably

owing to the introduction of  wood paving.  But, forty years ago, Mr. Glaisher describes the  deep sound of

London  as resembling the roar of the sea, when at  a mile high; while at  greater elevations it was heard at a

murmuring noise.  But the view  must have been yet more striking  than the hearing, for in one  direction the

white cliffs from  Margate to Dover were visible, while  Brighton and the sea  beyond were sighted, and again

all the coast line  up to  Yarmouth yet the atmosphere that day, one might have thought,  should have been in

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turmoil, by reason of a conflict of  aircurrents;  for, within two miles of the earth, the wind was  from the east;

between two and three miles high it was exactly  opposite, being from  the west; but at three miles it was N.E.;

while, higher, it was again  directly opposite, or S.W. 

During his researches so far Mr. Glaisher had found much that  was  anomalous in the way of the winds, and in

other elements  of weather.  He was destined to find much more.  It had been  commonly accepted  that the

temperature of the air decreases at  the average rate of 10  degrees  for every 300 feet of elevation,  and various

computations,  as, for example, those which relate  to the coefficient of refraction,  have been founded on this

basis; but Mr. Glaisher soon established  that the above  generalisation had to be much modified.  The

following,  gathered from his notes is a typical example of such surprises  as the  aeronaut with due

instrumental equipment may not  unfrequently meet  with. 

It was the 12th of January, 1864, with an aircurrent on the  ground from the S.E., of temperature 41 degrees,,

which very  slowly  decreased up to 1,600 feet when a warm S.W. current was  met with, and  at 3,000 feet the

temperature was 3 1/2 degrees  higher than on the  earth.  Above the S.W. stream the air became  dry, and here

the  temperature decreased reasonably and  consistently with altitude; while  fine snow was found falling  out of

this upper space into the warmer  stream below.  Mr.  Glaisher discusses the peculiarity and formation of  this

stream  in terms which will repay consideration. 

"The meeting with this S.W. current is of the highest  importance,  for it goes far to explain why England

possesses a  winter temperature  so much higher than is due to her northern  latitude.  Our high winter

temperature has hitherto been mostly  referred to the influence of the  Gulf Stream.  Without doubting  the

influence of this natural agent, it  is necessary to add the  effect of a parallel atmospheric current to  the oceanic

current  coming from the same regiona true aerial Gulf  Stream.  This  great energetic current meets with no

obstruction in  coming to  us, or to Norway, but passes over the level Atlantic without  interruption from

mountains.  It cannot, however, reach France  without crossing Spain and the lofty range of the Pyrenees, and

the  effect of these cold mountains in reducing its temperature  is so great  that the former country derives but

little warmth  from it." 

An ascent from Woolwich, arranged as near the equinox of that  year  as could be managed, supplied some

further remarkable  results.  The  temperature, which was 45 degrees to begin with,  at 4.7 p.m., crept  down

fairly steadily till 4,000 feet  altitude was registered, when, in  a region of warm fog, it  commenced rising

abruptly, and at 7,500 feet,  in blue sky,  stood at the same reading as when the balloon had risen  only  1,500

feet.  Then, amid many anomalous vicissitudes, the most  curious, perhaps, was that recorded late in the

afternoon,  when, at  10,000 feet, the air was actually warmer than when the  ascent began. 

That the temperature of the upper air commonly commences to  rise  after nightfall as the warmth radiated

through day hours  off the earth  collects aloft, is a fact well known to the  balloonist, and Mr.  Glaisher carried

out with considerable  success a wellarranged  programme for investigating the facts  of the case.  Starting

from  Windsor on an afternoon of late  May, he so arranged matters that his  departure from earth took  place

about an hour and three quarters  before sunset, his  intention being to rise to a definite height, and  with as

uniform a speed as possible to time his descent so as to reach  earth at the moment of sundown; and then to

reascend and  descend  again m a precisely similar manner during an hour and  threequarters  after sunset,

taking observations all the way.  Ascending for the first  flight, he left a temperature of 58  degrees  on the earth,

and found  it 55 degrees at 1,200 feet,  then 43 degrees at 3,600 feet, and 29 1/2  degrees at the  culminating

point of 6,200 feet.  Then, during the  descent, the  temperature increased, though not uniformly, till he was

nearly  brushing the tops of the trees, where it was some 3 degrees  colder than at starting. 

It was now that the balloon, showing a little waywardness,  slightly upset a portion of the experiment, for,

instead of  getting  to the neighbourhood of earth just at the moment of  sunset, the  travellers found themselves

at that epoch 600 feet  above the ground,  and over the ridge of a hill, on passing  which the balloon became

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sucked down with a down draught,  necessitating a liberal discharge of  sand to prevent contact  with the

ground.  This circumstance, slight in  itself, caused  the lowest point of the descent to be reached some  minutes

late, and, still more unfortunate, occasioned the ascent which  immediately followed to be a rapid one, too

rapid, doubtless,  to give  the registering instruments a fair chance; but one  principal record  aimed at was

obtained at least with sufficient  truth, namely, that at  the culminating point, which again was  6,200 feet, the

temperature  read 35 degrees, or about 6 degrees  warmer than when the balloon was  at the same altitude a

little  more than an hour before.  This  comparatively warm temperature  was practically maintained for a

considerable portion of the  descent. 

We may summarise the principal of Mr. Glaisher's  generalisations  thus, using as nearly as possible his own


"The decrease of temperature, with increase of elevation, has a  diurnal range, and depends upon the hour of

the day, the  changes  being the greatest at midday and the early part of the  afternoon, and  decreasing to

about sunset, when, with a clear  sky, there is little or  no change of temperature for several  hundred feet from

the earth;  whilst, with a cloudy sky, the  change decreases from the midday hours  at a less rapid rate to  about

sunset, when the decrease is nearly  uniform and at the  rate of 1 degree in 2,000 feet. 

"Air currents differing in direction are almost always to be  met  with.  The thicknesses of these were found to

vary greatly.  The  direction of the wind on the earth was sometimes that of  the whole  mass of air up to 20,000

feet nearly, whilst at other  times the  direction changed within 500 feet of the earth  Sometimes directly

opposite currents were met with." 

With regard to the velocity of upper currents, as shown by the  travel of balloons, when the distances between

the places of  ascent  and descent are measured, it was always found that these  distances  were very much

greater than the horizontal movement  of the air, as  measured by anemometers near the ground. 


By this period a revival of aeronautics in the land of its  birth  had fairly set in.  Since the last ascents of Gay

Lussac,  in 1804,  already recorded, there had been a lull in ballooning  enterprise in  France, and no serious

scientific expeditions are  recorded until the  year 1850, when MM. Baral and Bixio  undertook some

investigations  respecting the upper air, which  were to deal with its laws of  temperature and humidity, with  the

proportion of carbonic acid present  in it, with solar heat  at different altitudes, with radiation and the

polarisation of  light, and certain other interesting enquiries. 

The first ascent, made in June from the Paris Observatory,  though  a lofty one, was attended with so much

danger and  confusion as to be  barren of results.  The departure, owing to  stormy weather, was  hurried and

illordered, so that the  velocity in rising was excessive,  the net constricted the  rapidlyswelling globe, and the

volumes of  outrushing gas  halfsuffocated the voyagers.  Then a large rent  occurred,  which caused an

alarmingly rapid fall, and the two  philosophers  were reduced to the necessity of flinging away all they

possessed, their instruments only excepted.  The landing, in a  vineyard, was happily not attended with

disaster, and within a  month  the same two colleagues attempted a second aerial  excursion, again in  wet


It would seem as if on this occasion, as on the former one,  there  was some lack of due management, for the

car, suspended  at a long  distance from the balloon proper, acquired violent  oscillations on  leaving the ground,

and dashing first against a  tree, and then against  a mast, broke some of the instruments.  A little later there

occurred a  repetition on a minor scale of  the aeronauts' previous mishap, for a  rent appeared in the  silk,

though, luckily, so low down in the balloon  as to be of  small consequence, and eventually an altitude of some

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19,000  feet was attained. At one time needles of ice were encountered  settling abundantly with a crackling

sound upon their  notebooks.  But  the most remarkable observation made during this  voyage related to an

extraordinary fall of temperature which,  as recorded, is without  parallel.  It took place in a cloud  mass, 15,000

feet thick, and  amounted to a drop of from 15  degrees to 39 degrees. 

In 1867 M. C. Flammarion made a few balloon ascents, ostensibly  for scientific research.  His account of

these, translated by  Dr. T.  L. Phipson, is edited by Mr. Glaisher, and many of the  experiences he  relates will

be found to contrast with those of  others.  His physical  symptoms alone were remarkable, for on  one occasion,

at an altitude of  apparently little over 10,000  feet, he became unwell being affected  with a sensation of

drowsiness, palpitation, shortness of breath, and  singing in  the ears, which, after landing gave place to a "fit

of  incessant gaping" while he states that in later voyages, at but  slightly greater altitudes, his throat and lungs

became  affected, and  he was troubled with presence of blood upon the  lips.  This draws  forth a footnote from

Mr. Glaisher, which  should be commended to all  wouldbe sky voyagers.  It runs  thus:"I have never

experienced any  of these effects till I  had long passed the heights reached by M.  Flammarion, and at no

elevation was there the presence of blood."  However, M.  Flammarion adduces, at least, one reassuring fact,

which  will  be read with interest.  Once, having, against the entreaties of  his friends, ascended with an attack of

influenza upon him, he  came  down to earth again an hour or two afterwards with this  troublesome  complaint

completely cured. 

It would seem as if the soil of France supplied the aeronaut  with  certain phenomena not known in England,

one of these  apparently being  the occasional presence of butterflies  hovering round the car when at

considerable heights.  M.  Flammarion mentions more than one occasion  when he thus saw  them, and found

them to be without sense of alarm at  the  balloon or its passengers.  Again, the French observer seems  seldom

to have detected those opposite airstreams which English  balloonists may frequently observe, and have such

cause to be  wary  of.  His words, as translated, are:" t appears to me  that two or  more currents, flowing in

different directions, are  very rarely met  with as we rise in the air, and when two layers  of cloud appear to

travel in opposite directions the effect is  generally caused by the  motion of one layer being more rapid  than

the other, when the latter  appears to be moving in a  contrary direction."  In continuation of  these experiences,

he  speaks of an occasion when, speeding through the  air at the rate  of an ordinary express train, he was drawn

towards a  tempest by  a species of attraction. 

The French aeronaut's estimate of what constitutes a terrific  rate  of fall differs somewhat from that of others

whose  testimony we have  been recording.  In one descent, falling  (without reaching earth,  however) a distance

of 2,130 feet in  two minutes, he describes the  earth rising up with frightful  rapidity, though, as will be

observed,  this is not nearly half  the speed at which either Mr. Glaisher or  Albert Smith and his  companions

were precipitated on to bare ground.  Very many  cases which we have cited go to show that the knowledge of

the  great elasticity of a wellmade wicker car may rob a fall  otherwise alarming of its terrors, while the

practical  certainty that  a balloon descending headlong will form itself  into a natural  parachute, if properly

managed, reduces  enormously the risk attending  any mere impact with earth.  It  will be allowed by all

experienced  aeronauts that far worse  chances lie in some awkward alighting ground,  or in the  dragging

against dangerous obstacles after the balloon has  fallen. 

Many of M. Flammarion's experiments are remarkable for their  simplicity.  Indeed, in some cases he would

seem to have  applied  himself to making trials the result of which could not  have been  seriously questioned.

The following, quoting from  Dr. Phipson's  translation, will serve as an example: 

"Another mechanical experiment was made in the evening, and  renewed next day.  I wished to verify Galileo's

principle of  the  independence of simultaneous motions.  According to this  principle, a  body which is allowed

to fall from another body in  motion participates  in the motion of the latter; thus, if we  drop a marble from the

masthead of a ship, it preserves during  its fall the rate of motion of  the vessel, and falls at the  foot of the mast

as if the ship were  still.  Now, if a body  falls from a balloon, does it also follow the  motion of the  latter, or

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does it fall directly to the earth in a line  which  is perpendicular to the point at which we let it fall?  In the  first

case its fall would be described by an oblique line. The  latter  was found to be the fact, as we proved by letting

a  bottle fall.  During its descent it partakes of the balloon's  motion, and until it  reaches the earth is always seen

perpendicularly below the car." 

An interesting phenomenon, relating to the formation of fog was  witnessed by M. Flammarion in one of his

voyages.  He was  flying low  with a fast wind, and while traversing a forest he  noticed here and  there patches

of light clouds, which,  remaining motionless in defiance  of the strong wind, continued  to hang above the

summits of the trees.  The explanation of  this can hardly be doubtful, being analogous to  the formation  of a

nightcap on a mountain peak where warm moist  aircurrents  become chilled against the cold rock surface,

forming,  momentarily, a patch of cloud which, though constantly being  blown  away, is as constantly

reformed, and thus is made to  appear as if  stationary. 

The above instructive phenomenon could hardly have been noticed  save by an aeronaut, and the same may be

said of the  following.  Passing in a clear sky over the spot where the  Marne flows into the  Seine, M.

Flammarion notes that the water  of the Marne, which, as he  says, is as yellow now as it was in  the time of

Julius Caesar, does  not mix with the green water of  the Seine, which flows to the left of  the current, nor with

the  blue water of the canal, which flows to the  right.  Thus, a  yellow river was seen flowing between two

distinct  brooks,  green and blue respectively. 

Here was optical evidence of the way in which streams of water  which actually unite may continue to

maintain independent  courses.  We have seen that the same is true of streams of air,  and, where  these traverse

one another in a copious and complex  manner, we find,  as will be shown, conditions produced that  cause a

great deadening of  sound; thus, great differences in  the travel of sound in the silent  upper air can be noticed

on  different days, and, indeed, in different  periods of the same  aerial voyage.  M. Flammarion bears

undeniable  testimony to the  manner in which the equable condition of the  atmosphere  attending fog

enhances, to the aeronaut, the hearing of  sounds  from below.  But when he gives definite heights as the range

limits of definite sounds it must be understood that these  ranges  will be found to vary greatly according to

circumstances.  Thus, where  it is stated that a man's voice  may make itself heard at 3,255 feet,  it might be

added that  sometimes it cannot be heard at a considerably  less altitude;  and, again, the statement that the

whistle of a  locomotive  rises to near 10,000 feet, and the noise of a railway train  to  8,200 feet, should be

qualified an additional note to the  effect  that both may be occasionally heard at distances vastly  greater.  But

perhaps the most curious observation of M.  Flammarion respecting  sounds aloft relates to that of echo.  To  his

fancy, this had a vague  depth, appearing also to  rise from  the horizon with a curious tone,  as if it came from

another  world.  To the writer, on the contrary, and  to many fellow  observers who have specially experimented

with this  test of  sound, the echo has always appeared to come very much from the  right placethe spot

nearly immediately belowand if this  suggested  its coming from another world then the same would  have to

be said of  all echoes generally. 

About the same period when M. Flammarion was conducting his  early  ascents, MM. de Fonvielle and

Tissandier embarked on  experimental  voyages, which deserve some particular notice.  Interest in the new

revival of the art of aeronautics was  manifestly be coming  reestablished in France, and though we  find

enthusiasts more than once  bitterly complaining of the  lack of financial assistance, still  ballooning

exhibitions,  wherever accomplished, never failed to arouse  popular  appreciation.  But enthusiasm was by no

means the universal  attitude with which the world regarded aerial enterprise.  A  remarkable and instructive

instance is given to the contrary by  M. W.  de Fonvielle himself. 

He records an original ballooning exploit, organised at  Algiers,  which one might have supposed would have

caused a  great sensation, and  to which he himself had called public  attention in the local journals.  The

brothers Braguet were to  make an ascent from the Mustapha Plain  in a small fire balloon  heated with burning

straw, and this risky  performance was  successfully carried out by the enterprising  aeronauts.  But,  to the

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onlooker, the most striking feature of the  proceeding  was the fact that while the Europeans present regarded

the  spectacle with curiosity and pleasure, the native Mussulmans  did not  appear to take the slightest interest

in it; "And  this," remarked de  Fonvielle, "was not the first time that  ignorant and fanatic people  have been

noted as manifesting  complete indifference to balloon  ascents.  After the taking of  Cairo, when General

Buonaparte wished to  produce an effect upon  the inhabitants, he not only made them a  speech, but

supplemented it with the ascent of a fire balloon.  The  attempt  was a complete failure, for the French alone

looked up to the  clouds to see what became of the balloon." 

In the summer of 1867 an attempt was made to revive the long  extinct Aeronautic Company of France,

established by De Guyton.  The  undertaking was worked with considerable energy.  Some  forty or fifty  active

recruits were pressed into the service, a  suitable captive  balloon was obtained, thousands of spectators  came

to watch the  evolutions; and many were found to pay the  handsome fee of 100 francs  for a short excursion in

the air.  For all this, the effort was  entirely abortive, and the  ballooning corps, as such, dropped out of


A little while after this de Fonvielle, on a visit to England,  had  a most pathetic interview with the veteran

Charles Green,  who was  living in comfortable retirement at Upper Holloway.  The grand old man  pointed to a

wellfilled portfolio in the  corner of his room, in  which, he said, were accounts of all his  travels, that would

require a  lifetime to peruse and put in  order.  Green then took his visitor to  the end of the narrow  court, and,

opening the door of an outhouse,  showed him the old  Nassau balloon.  "Here is my car," he said,  touching it

with a  kind of solemn respect, "which, like its old pilot,  now reposes  quietly after a long and active career.

Here is the guide  rope  which I imagined in former years, and which has been found very  useful to

aeronauts.... Now my life has past and my time has  gone  by.... Though my hair is white and my body too

weak to  help you, I can  still give you my advice, and you have my  hearty wishes for your  future." 

It was but shortly after this, on March 26, 1870, that Charles  Green passed away in the 85th year of his age. 

De Fonvielle's colleague, M. Gaston Tissandier, was on one  occasion accidentally brought to visit the resting

place of the  earliest among aeronauts, whose tragic death occurred while  Charles  Green himself was yet a

boy.  In a stormy and hazardous  descent  Tissandier, under the guidance of M. Duruof, landed  with difficulty

on  the sea coast of France, when one of the  first to render help was a  lightkeeper of the Griznez  lighthouse,

who gave the information that  on the other side of  the hills, a few hundred yards from the spot  where they

had  landed, was the tomb of Pilatre de Rozier, whose  tragical death  has been recorded in an early chapter.  A

visit to the  actual  locality the next day revealed the fact that a humble stone  still marked the spot. 

Certain scientific facts and memoranda collected by the  talented  French aeronaut whom we are following are

too  interesting to be  omitted.  In the same journey to which we  have just referred the  voyagers, when nearly

over Calais, were  witnesses from their  commanding standpoint of a very striking  phenomenon of mirage.

Looking in the direction of England, the  far coast line was hidden by  an immense veil of leadencoloured

cloud, and, following this cloud  wall upward to detect where it  terminated, the travellers saw above it  a

greenish layer like  that of the surface of the sea, on which was  detected a little  black point suggesting a

walnut shell.  Fixing their  eyes on  this black spot, they presently discerned it to be a ship  sailing upside down

upon an aerial ocean.  Soon after, a  steamer  blowing smoke, and then other vessels, added themselves  to the

illusory spectacle. 

Another wonder detected, equally striking though less uncommon,  was of an acoustical nature, the locality

this time being over  Paris.  The height of the balloon at this moment was not great,  and,  moreover, was

diminishing as it settled down.  Suddenly  there broke in  upon the voyagers a sound as of a confused kind  of

murmur.  It was not  unlike the distant breaking of waves  against a sandy coast, and  scarcely less monotonous.

It was  the noise of Paris that reached  them, as soon as they sank to  within 2,600 feet of the ground, but it

disappeared at once  when they threw out just sufficient ballast to  rise above that  altitude. 

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It might appear to many that so strange and sudden a shutting  out  of a vast sound occurring abruptly in the

free upper air  must have  been more imaginary than real, yet the phenomenon is  almost precisely  similar to

one coming within the experience  the writer, and vouched  for by his son and daughter, as also by  Mr.

Percival Spencer, all of  whom were joint observers at the  time, the main point of difference in  the two cases

being the  fact that the "region of silence" was recorded  by the French  observers as occurring at a somewhat

lower level.  In  both  cases there is little doubt that the phenomenon can be referred  to a stratum of disturbed or

nonhomogeneous air, which may  have been  very far spread, and which is capable of acting as a  most

opaque sound  barrier. 

Attention has often been called in these pages to the fact that  the action of the sun on an inflated balloon,

even when the  solar  rays may be partially obscured and only operative for a  few passing  moments, is to give

sudden and great buoyancy to  the balloon.  An  admirable opportunity for fairly estimating  the dynamic effect

of the  sun's rays on a silk globe, whose  fabric was half translucent, was  offered to the French  aeronauts when

their balloon was spread on the  grass under  repair, and for this purpose inflated with the  circumambient  air by

means of a simple rotatory fan.  The sun coming  out, the  interior of the globe quickly became suffocating, and

it was  found that, while the external temperature recorded 77 degrees,  that  of the interior was in excess of 91



A balloon which has become famous in history was frequently  used  in the researches of the French aeronauts

mentioned in our  last  chapter.  This was known as "The Giant," the creation of  M. Nadar, a  progressive and

practical aeronaut, who had always  entertained  ambitious ideas about aerial travel. 

M. Nadar had been editor of L'Aeronaut, a French journal  devoted  to the advancement of aerostation

generally.  He had  also strongly  expressed his own views respecting the  possibility of constructing air  ships

that should be subject to  control and guidance when winds were  blowing.  His great  contention was that the

dirigible air ship would,  like a bird,  have to be made heavier than the medium in which it was  to fly.  As he

put it, a balloon could never properly become a vessel.  It would only be a buoy.  In spite of any number of

accessories,  paddles, wings, fans, sails, it could not possibly  prevent the wind  from bodily carrying away the

whole concern. 

After this strong expression of opinion, it may appear somewhat  strange that such a bold theoriser should at

once have set  himself to  construct the largest gas balloon on record.  Such,  however, was the  case and the

reason urged was not otherwise  than plausible.  For,  seeing that a vast sum of money would be  needed to put

his theories  into practice, M. Nadar conceived  the idea of first constructing a  balloon so unique and  unrivalled

that it should compel public  attention in a way that  no other balloon had done before, and so by  popular

exhibitions  bring to his hand such sums as he required.  A  proper idea of  the scale of this huge machine can be

easily gathered.  The  largest balloons at present exhibited in this country are  seldom  much in excess of 50,000

cubic feet capacity.  Compared  with these the  "Great Nassau Balloon," built by Charles Green,  which has

been already  sufficiently described, was a true  leviathan; while Coxwell's  "Mammoth" was larger yet,

possessing  a content, when fully inflated,  of no less than 93,000 cubic  feet, and measuring over 55 feet in

diameter.  This, however,  as will be seen, was but a mere pigmy when  compared with "The  Giant," which,

measuring some 74 feet in diameter,  possessed  the prodigious capacity of 215,000 cubic feet. 

But the huge craft possessed another novelty besides that of  exceptional size.  It was provided with a

subsidiary balloon,  called  the "Compensator," and properly the idea of M. L.  Godard, the function  of which

was to receive any expulsion of  gas in ascending, and thus to  prevent loss during any voyage.  The

specification of this really  remarkable structure may be  taken from M. Nadar's own description.  The globe in

itself was  for greater strength virtually double,  consisting of two  identical balloons, one within the other, each

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made  of white  silk of the finest quality, and costing about 5s. 4d. per  yard.  No less than 22,000 yards of this

silk were required, and the  sewing up of the gores was entirely done by hand.  The small  compensating

balloon was constructed to have a capacity of  about  3,500 cubic feet, and the whole machine, when fully

inflated, was  calculated to lift 4 1/2 tons.  With this  enormous margin of buoyancy,  M. Nadar determined on

making the  car of proportionate and  unparalleled dimensions, and of most  elaborate design.  It contained  two

floors, of which the upper  one was open, the height of all being  nearly 7 feet, with a  width of about 13 feet.

Then what was thought  to be due  provision was made for possible emergencies.  It might  descend  far from

help or habitations, therefore means were provided  for  attaching wheels and axles.  Again, the chance of

rough impact  had to be considered, and so canes, to act as springs, were  fitted  around and below.  Once again,

there was the contingency  of immersion  to be reckoned with; therefore there were provided  buoys and

watertight compartments.  Further than this, unusual  luxuries were  added, for there were cabins, one for the

captain  at one end, and  another with three berths for passengers at the  other.  Nor was this  all, for there was, in

addition, a larder,  a lavatory, a photographic  room, and a printing office.  It  remains now only to tell the tale

of  how this leviathan of the  air acquitted itself. 

The first ascent was made on the 4th of October, 1853, from the  Champ de Mars, and no fewer than fifteen

living souls were  launched  together into the sky.  Of these Nadar was captain,  with the brothers  Godard

lieutenants.  There was the Prince de  SaynWittgenstein; there  was the Count de St. Martin; above  all, there

was a lady, the Princess  de la Tour d'Auvergne.  The  balloon came to earth at 9 o'clock at  night near Meaux,

and,  considering all the provision which had been  made to guard  against rough landing, it can hardly be said

that the  descent  was a happy one.  It appears that the car dragged on its side  for nearly a mile, and the

passengers, far from finding  security in  the seclusion of the inner chambers, were glad to  clamber out above

and cling, as best they might, to the ropes. 

Many of the party were bruised more or less severely, though no  one was seriously injured, and it was

reported that such  fragile  articles as crockery, cakes, confectionery, and wine  bottles to the  number of no less

than thirtyseven, were  afterwards discovered to be  intact, and received due attention.  It is further stated that

the  descent was decided on contrary  to the wishes of the captain, but in  deference to the judgment  of the

experienced MM. Godard, it being  apparently their  conviction that the balloon was heading out to sea,

whereas, in  reality, they were going due east, "with no sea at all  before  them nearer than the Caspian." 

This was certainly an unpropitious trial trip for the vessel  that  had so ambitiously sought dominion over the

air, and the  next trial,  which was embarked upon a fortnight later, Sunday,  October 18th, was  hardly less

unfortunate.  Again the ascent  was from the Champ de Mars,  and the sendoff lacked nothing in  the way of

splendour and  circumstance.  The Emperor was  present, for two hours an interested  observer of the

proceedings; the King of Greece also attended, and  even entered  the car, while another famous spectator was

the popular  Meyerbeer.  "The Giant" first gave a preliminary demonstration  of his  power by taking up, for a

cable's length, a living  freight of some  thirty individuals, and then, at 5.10 p.m.,  started on its second free

voyage, with nine souls on board,  among them again being a lady, in  the person of Madame Nadar.  For

nearly twentyfour hours no tidings of  the voyage were  forthcoming, when a telegram was received stating

that  the  balloon had passed over Compiegne, more than seventy miles from  Paris, at 8.30 on the previous

evening, and that Nadar had  dropped  the simple message, "All goes well!"  A later telegram  the same  evening

stated that the balloon had at midnight on  Sunday passed the  Belgian frontier over Erquelines, where the

Custom House officials had  challenged the travellers without  receiving an answer. 

But eightandforty hours since the start went by without  further  news, and excitement in Paris grew intense.

When the  news came at  last it was from Bremen, to say that Nadar's  balloon had descended at  Eystrup,

Hanover, with five of the  passengers injured, three  seriously.  These three were M.  Nadar, his wife, and M. St.

Felix.  M.  Nadar, in communicating  this intelligence, added, "We owe our lives to  the courage of  Jules

Godard."  The following signed testimony of M.  Louis  Godard is forthcoming, and as it refers to an occasion

which is  among the most thrilling in aerial adventure, it may well be  given  without abridgment.  It is here

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transcribed almost  literatim from Mr.  H. Turner's valuable work, "Astra Castra." 

"The Giant," after passing Lisle, proceeded in the direction of  Belgium, where a fresh current, coming from

the Channel, drove  it  over the marshes of Holland.  It was there that M. Louis  Godard  proposed to descend to

await the break of day, in order  to recognise  the situation and again to depart.  It was one in  the morning, the

night was dark, but the weather calm.  Unfortunately, this advice,  supported by long experience, was  not

listened to.  "The Giant" went  on its way, and then Louis  Godard no longer considered himself  responsible for

the  consequences of the voyage. 

The balloon coasted the Zuyder Zee, and then entered Hanover.  The  sun began to appear, drying  the netting

and sides of the  balloon, wet  from its  passage through the clouds, and produced  a dilatation which  elevated

the aeronauts to 15,000 feet.  At  eight o'clock the wind,  blowing suddenly from the  west, drove  the balloon in

a right line  towards the  North Sea.  It was  necessary, at all hazards, to  effect  a descent.  This was a  perilous

affair, as the  wind was blowing with  extreme  violence.  The brothers Godard assisted, by M. Gabriel, opened

the valve and got out the anchors; but, unfortunately, the  horizontal  progress of the balloon augmented from

second to  second.  The first  obstacle which the anchors encountered was  a tree; it was instantly  uprooted, and

dragged along to a  second obstacle, a house, whose roof  was carried off.  At this  moment  the two cables of the

anchors were  broken without the  voyagers being aware of it.  Foreseeing the  successive shocks  that were

about to ensuethe moment was  criticalthe least  forgetfulness might cause death.  To add to the  difficulty,

the  balloon's inclined  position did not permit of  operating the  valve, except on the hoop. 

At the request of his brother, Jules Godard attempted the  difficult work of climbing to this hoop, and, in spite

of his  known  agility, he was obliged several times to renew the  effort.  Alone, and  not being able to detach the

cord, M. Louis  Godard begged M. Yon to  join his brother on the hoop.  The two  made themselves masters of

the  rope, which they passed to Louis  Godard.  The latter secured it  firmly, in spite of the shocks  he received.

A violent impact shook  the car and M. de St.  Felix became entangled under the car as it was  ploughing the

ground.  It was impossible to render him any assistance;  notwithstanding, Jules Godard, stimulated by his

brother, leapt  out  to attempt mooring the balloon to the trees by means of the  ropes.  M.  Montgolfier,

entangled in the same manner, was  reseated in time and  saved by Louis Godard. 

At this moment others leapt out and escaped with a few  contusions.  The car, dragged along by the balloon,

broke trees  more than half a  yard in diameter and overthrew everything that  opposed it. 

Louis Godard made M. Yon leap out of the car to assist Madame  Nadar; but a terrible shock threw out MM.

Nadar, Louis Godard,  and  Montgolfier, the two first against the ground, the third  into the  water.  Madame

Nadar, in spite of the efforts of the  voyagers,  remained the last, and found herself squeezed between  the

ground and  the car, which had fallen upon her.  More than  twenty minutes elapsed  before it was possible to

disentangle  her, in spite of the most  vigorous efforts on the part of  everyone.  It was at this moment the

balloon burst and, like a  furious monster, destroyed everything around  it.  Immediately  afterwards they ran to

the assistance of M. de St.  Felix, who  had been left behind, and whose face was one ghastly wound,  and

covered with blood and mire.  He had an arm broken, his chest  grazed and bruised. 

After this accident, though a creditable future lay in store  for  "The Giant," its monstrous and unwieldy car

was condemned,  and  presently removed to the Crystal Palace, where it was daily  visited by  large crowds. 

It is impossible to dismiss this brief sketch of French  balloonists of this period without paying some due

tribute to  M.  Depuis Delcourt, equally well known in the literary and  scientific  world, and regarded in his

own country as a father  among aeronauts.  Born in 1802, his recollection went back to  the time of Montgolfier

and Charles, to the feats of Garnerin,  and the death of Madame  Blanchard.  He established the  Aerostatic and

Meteorological Society  of France, and was the  author of many works, as well as of a journal  dealing with

aerial navigation.  He closed a life devoted to the  pursuit and  advancement of aerostation in April, 1864. 

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Before very long, events began shaping themselves in the  political  world which were destined to bring the

balloon in  France into yet  greater prominence.  But we should mention that  already its  capabilities in time of

war to meet the  requirements of military  operations had been scientifically and  systematically tested, and of

these trials it will be necessary  to speak without further delay. 

Reference has already been made in these pages to a valuable  article contributed in 1862 by Lieutenant G.

Grover, R.E., to  the  Royal Engineers' papers.  From this report it would appear  that the  balloon, as a means of

reconnoitring, was employed  with somewhat  uncertain success at the battle of Solferino, the  brothers Godard

being engaged as aeronauts.  The balloon used  was a Montgolfier, or  fire balloon, and, in spite of its ready

inflation, MM. Godard  considered it, from the difficulty of  maintaining within it the  necessary degree of

buoyancy, far  inferior to the gas inflated  balloon.  On the other hand, the  Austrian Engineer Committee were

of a  contrary opinion.  It  would seem that no very definite conclusions had  been arrived  at with respect to the

use and value of the military  balloon up  to the time of the commencement of the American War in  1862. 

It was now that the practice of ballooning became a recognised  department of military manoeuvres, and a

valuable report  appears in  the abovementioned papers from the pen of Captain  F. Beaumont, R.E.

According to this officer, the Americans  made trial of two different  balloons, both hydrogen inflated,  one

having a capacity of about  13,000 cubic feet, and the other  about twice as large.  It was this  latter that the

Americans  used almost exclusively, it being found to  afford more  steadiness and safety, and to be the means,

sometimes  desirable, of taking up more than two persons.  The difficulty  of  sufficient gas supply seems to

have been well met.  Two  generators  sufficed, these being "nothing more than large tanks  of wood,

acidproof inside, and of sufficient strength to  resist the expansive  action of the gas; they were provided with

suitable stopcocks for  regulating the admission of the gas, and  with manhole covers for  introducing the

necessary materials."  The gas, as evolved, being made  to pass successively through  two vessels containing

lime water, was  delivered cool and  purified into the balloon, and as the sulphuric  acid needed for  the process

was found sufficiently cheap, and scrap  iron also  required was readily come by, it would seem that practical

difficulties in the field were reduced to a minimum. 

According to Captain Beaumont, the difficulties which might  have  been expected from windy weather were

not considerable,  and  twentyfive or thirty men sufficed to convey the balloon  easily, when  inflated, over all

obstacles. The transport of the  bulk of the rest of  the apparatus does not read, on paper, a  very serious matter.

The two  generators required four horses  each, and the acid and balloon carts  as many more.  Arrived on  the

scene of action, the drill itself was a  simple matter.  A  squad of thirty men under an officer sufficed to get  the

balloon into position, and to arrange the ballast so that, with  all in, there was a lifting power of some thirty

pounds.  Then,  at  the word of command, the men together drop the car, and  seize the  three guy ropes, of

which one is made to pass through  a snatch block  firmly secured.  The guy ropes are then payed  out according

to the  directions of the aeronaut, as conveyed  through the officer. 

The balloon accompanied the army's advance where its services  could be turned to the greatest advantage.  It

was employed in  making  continual ascents, and furnishing daily reports to  General M'Clellan,  and it was

supposed that by constant  observation the aeronaut could,  at a glance, assure himself  that no change had

taken place in the  occupation of the  country.  Captain Beaumont, speaking, be it  remembered, of the  military

operations and manoeuvres then in vogue,  declared that  earthworks could be seen even at the distance of

eight  miles,  though their character could not be distinctly stated.  Wooded  country was unfitted for balloon

reconnaissance, and only in a  plain  could any considerable body of troops be made known.  Then  follows  such

a description as one would be expecting to find: 

"During the battle of Hanover Court House, which was the first  engagement of importance before Richmond,

I happened to be  close to  the balloon when the heavy firing began.  The wind was  rather high;  but I was

anxious to see, if possible, what was  going on, and I went  up with the father of the aeronaut.  The  balloon was,

however, short  of gas, and as the wind was high we  were obliged to come down.  I then  went up by myself,

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the  diminished weight giving increased steadiness;  but it was not  considered safe to go more than 500 feet, on

account of  the  unsettled state of the weather.  The balloon was very unsteady,  so much so that it was difficult

to fix my sight on any  particular  object.  At that distance I could see nothing of the  fight." 

Following this is another significant sentence: 

"In the case of a siege, I am inclined to think that a balloon  reconnaissance would be of less value than in

almost any other  case  where a reconnaissance can be required; but, even here, if  useless, it  is, at any rate, also

harmless.  I once saw the  fire of artillery  directed from the balloon; this became  necessary, as it was only in

this way that the picket which it  was desired to dislodge could be  seen.  However, I cannot say  that I thought

the fire of artillery was  of much effect against  the unseen object; not that this was the fault  of the balloon,  for

had it not told the artillerists which way the  shots were  falling their fire would have been more useless still." 

It will be observed that at this time photography had not been  adopted as an adjunct to military ballooning. 

Full details have been given in this chapter of the monster  balloon constructed by M. Nadar; but in 1864

Eugene Godard  built one  larger yet of the Montgolfier type.  Its capacity was  nearly half a  million cubic feet,

while the stove which  inflated it stood 18 feet  high, and weighed nearly 1,000  pounds.  Two  free ascents were

made  without mishap from  Cremorne Gardens.  Five years later Ashburnham  Park was the  scene of captive

ascents made with another mammoth  balloon,  containing no less than 350,000 cubic feet of pure hydrogen,

and capable of lifting 11 tons.  It was built at a cost of  28,000  francs by M. Giffard, the wellknown engineer

and  inventor of the  injector for feeding steam engines. 

These aerial leviathans do not appear to have been, in any true  sense successful. 


Within a few months of the completion of the period covered by  the  records of the last chapter, France was

destined to receive  a more  urgent stimulus than ever before to develop the  resources of  ballooning, and, in hot

haste, to turn to the most  serious and  practical account all the best resources of aerial  locomotion.  The  stern

necessity of war was upon her, and  during four months the sole  mode of exit from Parisnay, the  only

possible means of conveying a  simple message beyond the  boundary of her fortificationswas by  balloon. 

Hitherto, from the very inception of the art from the earliest  Montgolfier with its blazing furnace, the balloon

had gone up  from  the gay capital under every variety of circumstancefor  pleasure, for  exhibition, for

scientific research.  It was now  put in requisition to  mitigate the emergency occasioned by the  long and close

investment of  the city by the Prussian forces. 

Recognising, at an early stage, the possibilities of the  balloon,  an enquiry was at once made by the military

authorities as to the  existing resources of the city, when it  was quickly discovered that,  with certain

exceptions to be  presently mentioned, such balloons as  were in existence within  the walls were either

unserviceable or  inadequate for the work  that was demanded of them.  Thereupon, with  admirable  promptness

and enterprise, it was forthwith determined to  organise the building and equipment of a regular fleet of

balloons of  sufficient size and strength. 

It chanced that there were in Paris at the time two  professional  aeronauts of proved experience and skill, both

of  whom had become well  known in London only the season before in  connection with M. Giffard's  huge

captive balloon at Ashburnham  Park.  These were MM. Godard and  Yon, and to them was entrusted  the

establishment of two separate  factories in spacious  buildings, which were at once available and  admirably

adapted  for the purpose.  These were at the Orleans and the  Northern  Railway stations respectively, where

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spacious roofs and  abundant elbow room, the chief requisites, were to be found.  The  firstmentioned station

was presided over Godard, the  latter by M.  Yon, assisted by M. Dartois. 

It was not doubted that the resources of the city would be able  to  supply the large demand that would be made

for suitable  material; but  silk as a fabric was at once barred on the score  of expense alone.  A  single journey

was all that needed to be  calculated on for each craft,  and thus calico would serve the  purpose, and would

admit of speedy  making up.  Slight  differences in manufacture were adopted at the two  factories.  At the

Northern station plain white calico was used, sewn  with  a sewing machine, whereas at the Orleans station the

material  was coloured and entrusted only to hand stitching.  The  allimportant  detail of varnish was supplied

by a mixture of  linseed oil and the  active principle of ordinary driers, and  this, laid on with a rubber,  rendered

the material gastight  and quickly dry enough for use.  Hundreds of hands, men and  women, were employed

at the two factories,  at which some sixty  balloons were produced before the end of the  siege.  Much of  the

more important work was entrusted to sailors, who  showed  special aptness, not only in fitting out and rigging

the  balloons, but also in their management when entrusted to the  winds. 

It must have been an impressive sight for friend or foe to  witness  the departure of each aerial vessel on its

venturesome  mission.  The  bold plunge into space above the roofs of the  imprisoned city; the  rapid climb into

the sky and, later, the  pearl drop high in air  floating away to its uncertain and  hazardous haven, running the

gauntlet of the enemy's fire by  day or braving what at first appeared  to be equal danger,  attending the

darkness of night.  It will be seen,  however,  that, of the two evils, that of the darkness was considered  the  less,

even though, with strange and unreasonable excess of  caution, the aeronauts would not suffer the use of the

perfectly safe  and almost indispensable Davy lamp. 

Before any free ascents were ventured on, two old balloons were  put to some practical trial as stationary

observatories.  One  of  these was moored at Montmartre, the other at Montsouris.  From these  centres daily,

when the weather permitted, captive  ascents were  madefour by day and two by nightto watch and  locate

the movements  of the enemy.  The system, as far as it  went, was well planned.  It  was safe, and, to favour

expedition, messages were written in the car  of the balloon and  slid down the cable to the attendants below.

The  net result,  however, from a strategic point of view, does not appear  to  have been of great value. 

Ere yet the balloons were ready, certain bold and eventful  escapes  were ventured on.  M. Duruof, already

introduced in  these pages,  trusting himself to the old craft, "Le Neptune,"  in unskyworthy  condition, made a

fast plunge into space, and,  catching the upper  winds, was borne away for as long a period  as could be

maintained at  the cost of a prodigal expenditure of  ballast.  The balloon is said to  have described a visible

parabola, like the trajectory of a  projectile, and fell at  Evreux in safety and beyond the range of the  enemy's

fire,  though not far from their lines.  This was on the 23rd  of  September.  Two days afterwards the first

practical trial was  made  with homing pigeons, with the idea of using them in  connection with  balloons for the

establishment of an officially  sanctioned post.  MM.  Maugin and Grandchamp conducted this  voyage in the

"Ville de  Florence," and descended near  Vernouillet, not far beyond Le Foret de  St. Germain, and less  than

twenty miles from Paris.  The  serviceability of the  pigeon, however, was clearly established, and a  note

contributed by Mr. Glaisher, relating to the breeding and  choice  of these birds, may be considered of interest.

Mr. R.  W. Aldridge, of  Charlton, as quoted by Mr. Glaisher, stated  that his experience went  to show that

these birds can be  produced with different powers of  orientation to meet the  requirements of particular cases.

"The bird  required to make  journeys under fifty miles would materially differ in  its  pedigree from one

capable of flying 100 or 600 miles.  Attention,  in particular, must be given to the colour of the  eye; if wanted

for  broad daylight the bird known as the 'Pearl  Eye,' from its colour,  should be selected; but if for foggy

weather or for twilight flying  the black or blueeyed bird  should receive the preference." 

Only a small minority, amounting to about sixty out of 360  birds  taken up, returned to Paris, but these are

calculated to  have conveyed  among them some 100,000 messages.  To reduce  these pigeon messages to  the

smallest possible compass a method  of reduction by photography was  employed with much success.  A  long

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letter might, in this way, be  faithfully recorded on a  surface of thinnest photographic paper, not  exceeding the

dimensions of a postage stamp, and, when received, no  more was  necessary than to subject it to

magnification, and then to  transcribe it and send a fair copy to the addressee. 

The third voyage from Paris, on September 29th was undertaken  by  Louis Godard in two small balloons,

united together,  carrying both  despatches and pigeons, and a safe landing was  effected at Mantes This

successful feat was rival led the next  day by M. Tissandier, who  ascended alone in a balloon of only  some

26,000 cubic feet capacity  and reached earth at Dreux, in  Normandy. 

These voyages exhausted the store of readymade balloons, but  by a  week later the first of those being

specially manufactured  was ready,  and conveyed in safety from the city no less a  personage than M.


The courageous resolve of the great man caused much sensation  in  Paris, the more so because, owing to

contrary winds, the  departure had  to be postponed from day to day.  And when, at  length, on October 7th,

Gambetta and his secretary, with the  aeronaut Trichet, actually got  away, in company with another  balloon,

they were vigorously fired at  with shot and shell  before they had cleared St. Denis.  Farther out  over the

German  posts they were again under fire, and escaped by  discharging  ballast, not, however, before Gambetta

had been grazed by  a  bullet.  Yet once more they were assailed by German volleys  before,  about 3 p.m., they

found a haven near Montdidier. 

The usual dimensions of the new balloons gave a capacity of  70,000  cubic feet, and each of these, when

inflated with coal  gas, was  calculated to convey a freight of passengers, ballast,  and despatches  amounting to

some 2,000 pounds.  Their despatch  became frequent,  sometimes two in the same twentyfour hours.  In less

than a single  week in October as many as four balloons  had fallen in Belgium, and as  many more elsewhere.

Up till now  some sixteen ventures had ended  well, but presently there came  trouble.  On October 22nd MM.

Iglesia  and Jouvencel fell at  Meaux, occupied by the Prussians; their  despatches, however,  were saved in a

dung cart.  The twentythird  voyage ended more  unhappily.  On this occasion a sailor acted as  aeronaut,

accompanied by an engineer, Etienne Antonin, and carrying  nearly 1,000 pounds of letters. It chanced that

they descended  near  Orleans on the very day when that town was reoccupied by  the enemy,  and both

voyagers were made prisoners. The engineer,  however,  subsequently escaped.  Three days later another  sailor,

also  accompanied by an engineer, fell at the town of  Ferrieres, then  occupied by the Prussians, when both

were made  prisoners. In this  case, also, the engineer succeeded in making  his escape; while the  despatches

were rescued by a forester and  forwarded in safety. 

At about this date W. de Fonvielle, acting as aeronaut, and  taking  passengers, made a successful escape, of

which he has  given a graphic  account.  He had been baulked by more than one  serious contretemps.  It had

been determined that the departure  should be by night, and  November 19th being fixed upon, the  balloon was

in process of  inflation under a gentle wind that  threatened a travel towards  Prussian soil, when, as the

moment  of departure approached, a large  hole was accidentally made in  the fabric by the end of the metal

pipe,  and it was then too  late to effect repairs.  The next and following  days the weather  was foul, and the

departure was not effected till the  25th,  when he sailed away over the familiar but desolated country.  He  and

his companions were fired at, but only when they were  well beyond  range, and in less than two hours the

party reached  Louvain, beyond  Brussels, some 180 English miles in a direct  line from their starting  point.

This was the day after the  "Ville d'Orleans" balloon had made  the record voyage and  distance of all the siege,

falling in Norway,  600 miles north  of Christiania, after a flight of fifteen hours. 

At the end of November, when over thirty escape voyages had  been  made, two fatal disasters occurred.  A

sailor of the name  of Prince  ascended alone on a moonless night, and at dawn, away  on the north  coast of

Scotland, some fishermen sighted a  balloon in the sky  dropping to the westward in the ocean.  The  only

subsequent trace of  this balloon was a bag of despatches  picked up in the Channel.  Curiously enough, two

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days later  almost the same story was repeated.  Two aeronauts, this time  in charge of despatches and pigeons,

were  carried out to sea  and never traced. 

Undeterred by these disasters, a notable escape was now  attempted.  An important total eclipse of the sun was

to occur  in a track  crossing southern Spain and Algeria on December  22nd.  An enthusiastic  astronomer,

Janssen, was commissioned by  the Academy of Sciences to  attend and make observations of this  eclipse.  But

M. Janssen was in  Paris, as were also his  instruments, and the eclipse track lay nearly  a thousand miles  away.

The one and only possible mode of fulfilling  his  commission was to try the offchance afforded by balloon,

and  this chance he resorted to only twenty days before the eclipse  was  due. 

Taking with him the essential parts of a reflecting telescope,  and  an active young sailor as assistant, he left

Paris at 6  a.m. and rose  at once to 3,600 feet, dipping again somewhat at  sunrise (owing, as he  supposed, to

loss of heat through  radiation), but subsequently  ascending again rapidly under the  increased altitude of the

sun till  his balloon attained its  highest level of 7,200 feet.  From this  elevation, shortly  after 11 a.m., he

sighted the sea, when he  commenced a descent  which brought him to earth at the mouth of the  Loire.  It had

been fast travellingsome 300 miles in little more  than three  hoursand the ground wind was strong.

Nevertheless,  neither  passengers nor instruments were injured, and M. Janssen was  fully established by the

day of eclipse on his observing ground  at  Oran, on the Algerian coast.  It is distressing to add that  the

phenomenon was hidden by cloud.  In the month that followed  this  splendid venture no fewer than fifteen

balloons escaped  from Paris, of  which four fell into the hands of the enemy,  although for greater  security all

ascents were now being made  by night. 

On January 13th, 1871, a new device for the return post was  tried,  and, in addition to pigeons, sheep dogs

were taken up,  with the idea  of their being returned to the city with messages  concealed within  their collars.

There is apparently no record  of any message having  been returned to the town by this  ingenious method.  On

January 24th a  balloon, piloted by a  sailor, and containing a large freight of  letters, fell within  the Prussian

lines, but the patriotism of the  country was  strong enough to secure the despatches being saved and  entrusted

to the safe conveyance of the Post Office.  Then  followed  the total loss of a balloon at sea; but this was

destined to be the  last, save one, that was to attempt the  dangerous mission.  The next  day, January 28th, the

last  official balloon left the town, manned by  a single sailor,  carrying but a small weight of despatches, but

ordering the  ships to proceed to Dieppe for the revictualling of  Paris. 

Five additional balloons at that time in readiness were never  required for the risky service for which they

were designed. 

There can be little doubt that had the siege continued a more  elaborate use of balloons would have been

developed. Schemes  were  being mooted to attempt the vastly more difficult task of  conveying  balloons into

Paris from outside.  When hostilities  terminated there  were actually six balloons in readiness for  this venture

at Lisle, and  waiting only for a northerly wind.  M. de Fonvielle, possessed of both  courage and experience,

was  prepared to put in practice a method of  guiding by a small  propelling force a balloon that was being

carried  by  sufficiently favouring winds within a few degrees of its  desired  goaland in the case of Paris the

goal was an area of  some twenty  miles in diameter.  Within the invested area  several attempts were  actually

made to control balloons by  methods of steering.  The names  of Vert and Dupuy de Lome must  here be

specially mentioned.  The  former had elaborated an  invention which received much assistance, and  was

subsequently  exhibited at the Crystal Palace.  The latter received  a grant  of L1,600 to perfect a complex

machine, having within its gas  envelope an air chamber, suggested by the swimming bladder of a  fish,  having

also a sail helm and a propelling screw, to be  operated by  manual labour. 

The relation of this invention to others of similar purpose  will  be further discussed later on.  But an actual trial

of a  dirigible  craft, the design of Admiral Labrousse, was made from  the Orleans  railway station on January

9th. This machine  consisted of a balloon of  about the standard capacity of the  siege balloons, namely some

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70,000  cubic feet, fitted with two  screws of about 12 feet diameter, but  capable of being readily  worked at

moderate speed.  It was not a  success.  M. Richard,  with three sailors, made a tentative ascent, and  used their

best endeavours to control their vessel, but practically  without avail, and the machine presently coming to

earth  clumsily, a  portion of the gear caught in the ground and the  travellers were  thrown over and roughly

dragged for a long  distance. 

Fairly looked at, the aerial post of the siege of Paris must be  regarded as an ambitious and, on the whole,

successful  enterprise.  Some two million and a half of letters, amounting  in weight to some  ten tons, were

conveyed through the four  months, in addition to which  at least an equal weight of other  freight was taken up,

exclusive of  actual passengers, of whom  no fewer than two hundred were transported  from the beleaguered

city.  Of these only one returned, seven or eight  were drowned,  twice this number were taken prisoners, and as

many  again more  or less injured in descents.  From a purely financial point  of  view the undertaking was no

failure, as the cost, great as it  necessarily became, was, it is said, fairly covered by the  postage,  which it was

possible and by no means unreasonable to  levy.  The  recognised tariff seems to have been 20 centimes  for 4

grammes, or at  the rate of not greatly more than a  shilling per English ounce.  Surely hardly on a par with

famein  prices in a time of siege. 

It has already been stated that the defenders of Paris did not  derive substantial assistance from the services of

such a  reconnoitring balloon as is generally used in warfare at every  available opportunity.  It is possible that

the peculiar  circumstances of the investment of the town rendered such  reconnaissance of comparatively

small value.  But, at any rate,  it  seems clear that due opportunity was not given to this  strategic  method.  M.

Giffard, who at the commencement of the  siege was in  Paris, and whose experience with a captive balloon

was second to none,  made early overtures to the Government,  offering to build for L40,000  a suitable

balloon, capable of  raising forty persons to a heightm of  3,000 feet.  Forty aerial  scouts, it may be said, are

hardly needed  for purposes of  outlook at one time; but it appears that this was not  the  consideration which

stood in the way of M. Giffard's offer being  accepted.  According to M. de Fonvielle, the Government refused

the  experienced aeronaut's proposal on the ground that he  required a place  in the Champs Elysees, "which it

would be  necessary to clear of a few  shrubs"! 



The mechanical air ship had, by this time, as may be inferred,  begun seriously to occupy the attention of both

theoretical and  practical aeronauts.  One of the earliest machines deserving of  special mention was designed

by M. Giffard, and consisted of an  elongated balloon, 104 feet in length and 39 feet in greatest  diameter,

furnished with a triangular rudder, and a steam  engine  operating a screw.  The fire of the engine, which

burned  coke, was  skilfully protected, and the fuel and water required  were taken into  calculation as so much

ballast to be gradually  expended.  In this  vessel, inflated only with coal gas, and  somewhat unmanageable and

difficult to balance, the  enthusiastic inventor ascended alone from  the Hippodrome and  executed sundry

desired movements, not  unsuccessfully.  But the  trial was not of long duration, and the  descent proved both

rapid and perilous.  Had the trial been made in  such a perfect  calm as that which prevailed when certain

subsequent  inventions  were tested, it was considered that M. Giffard's vessel  would  have been as navigable as

a boat in the water.  This unrivalled  mechanician, after having made great advances in the direction  of  high

speed engines of sufficient lightness, proceeded to  design a  vastly improved dirigible balloon, when his

endeavours  were frustrated  by blindness. 

As has been already stated, M. Dupuy de Lome, at the end of the  siege of Paris, was engaged in building a

navigable balloon,  which,  owing to the unsettled state of affairs in France, did  not receive its  trial till two

years later.  This balloon, which  was inflated with  pure hydrogen, was of greater capacity than  that of M.

Giffard, being  cigar shaped and measuring 118 feet  by 48 feet.  It was also provided  with an ingenious

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arrangement  consisting of an internal air bag,  capable of being either  inflated or discharged, for the purpose

of  keeping the  principal envelope always distended, and thus offering the  least possible resistance to the

wind.  The propelling power  was the  manual labour of eight men working the screw, and the  steerage was

provided for by a triangular rudder.  The trial,  which was carried out  without mishap, took place in February,

1872, in the Fort of  Vincennes, under the personal direction of  the inventor, when it was  found that the vessel

readily obeyed  the helm, and was capable of a  speed exceeding six miles an  hour. 

It was not till nine years after this that the next important  trial with air ships was made.  The brothers

Tissandier will  then be  found taking the lead, and an appalling incident in the  aeronautical  career of one of

these has now to be recorded. 

In the spring of 1875, and with the cooperation of French  scientific societies, it was determined to make two

experimental  voyages in a balloon called the "Zenith," one of  these to be of long  duration, the other of great

height.  The  first of these had been  successfully accomplished in a flight  of twentyfour hours' duration  from

Paris to Bordeaux.  It was  now April the 15th, and the lofty  flight was embarked upon by  M. Gaston

Tissandier, accompanied by MM.  CroceSpinelli and  Sivel.  Under competent advice, provision for

respiration on  emergency was provided in three small balloons, filled  with a  mixture of air and oxygen, and

fitted with indiarubber hose  pipes, which would allow the mixture, when inhaled, to pass  first  through a wash

bottle containing aromatic fluid.  The  experiments  determined on included an analysis of the  proportion of

carbonic acid  gas at different heights by means  of special apparatus; spectroscopic  observations, and the

readings registered by certain barometers and  thermometers. A  novel and valuable experiment, also arranged,

was that  of  testing the internal temperature of the balloon as compared  with  that of the external air. 

Ascending at 11.30 a.m. under a warm sun, the balloon had by 1  p.m. reached an altitude of 16,000 feet,

when the external air  was at  freezing point, the gas high in the balloon being 72  degrees, and at  the centre 66

degrees.  Ere this height had  been fully reached,  however, the voyagers had begun to breathe  oxygen.  At

11.57, an hour  previously, Spinelli had written in  his notebook, "Slight pain in the  earssomewhat

oppressedit  is the gas."  At 23,000 feet Sivel wrote  in his notebook, "I am  inhaling oxygenthe effect is

excellent,"  after which he  proceeded to urge the balloon higher by a discharge of  ballast.  The rest of the

terrible narrative has now to be taken from  the  notes of M. Tissandier, and as these constitute one of the most

thrilling narratives in aeronautical records we transcribe them  nearly in full, as given by Mr. Glaisher: 

"At 23,000 feet we were standing up in the car.  Sivel, who had  given up for a moment, is reinvigorated.

CroceSpinelli is  motionless in front of me.... I felt stupefied and frozen.  I  wished  to put on my fur gloves,

but, without being conscious of  it, the  action of taking them from my pocket necessitated an  effort that I

could no longer make.... I copy, verbatim, the  following lines which  were written by me, although I have no

very distinct remembrance of  doing so.  They are traced in a  hardly legible manner by a hand  trembling with

cold:  'My hands  are frozen.  I am all right.  We are  all all right.  Fog in the  horizon, with little rounded cirrus.

We  are ascending.  Croce  pants; he inhales oxygen.  Sivel closes his  eyes.  Croce also  closes his eyes.... Sivel

throws out ballast'these  last words  are hardly readable.  Sivel seized his knife and cut  successively three

cords, and the three bags emptied themselves  and  we ascended rapidly.  The last remembrance of this ascent

which  remains clear to me relates to a moment earlier.  CroceSpinelli was  seated, holding in one hand a

wash bottle of  oxygen gas.  His head was  slightly inclined and he seemed  oppressed.  I had still strength to  tap

the aneroid barometer  to facilitate the movement of the needle.  Sivel had just  raised his hand towards the sky.

As for myself, I  remained  perfectly still, without suspecting that I had, perhaps,  already lost the power of

moving.  About the height of 25,000  feet  the condition of stupefaction which ensues is  extraordinary.  The

mind  and body weaken by degrees, and  imperceptibly, without consciousness  of it.  No suffering is  then

experienced; on the contrary, an inner  joy is felt like an  irradiation from the surrounding flood of light.  One

becomes  indifferent.  One thinks no more of the perilous position  or of  danger.  One ascends, and is happy to

ascend.  The vertigo of  the upper regions is not an idle word; but, so far as I can  judge  from my personal

impression, vertigo appears at the last  moment; it  immediately precedes annihilation, sudden,  unexpected,

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and  irresistible. 

"When Sivel cut away the bags of ballast at the height of about  24,000 feet, I seemed to remember that he

was sitting at the  bottom  of the car, and nearly in the same position as  CroceSpinelli.  For my  part, I was in

the angle of the car,  thanks to which support I was  able to hold up; but I soon felt  too weak even to turn my

head to look  at my companions.  Soon I  wished to take hold of the tube of oxygen,  but it was  impossible to

raise my arm.  My mind, nevertheless, was  quite  clear.  I wished to explain, 'We are 8,000 metres high'; but my

tongue was, as it were, paralysed.  All at once I closed my  eyes,  and, sinking down inert, became insensible.

This was  about 1.30 p.m.  At 2.8 p.m. I awoke for a moment, and found  the balloon rapidly  descending.  I was

able to cut away a bag  of ballast to check the  speed and write in my notebook the  following lines, which I


" 'We are descending.  Temperature, 3 degrees.  I throw out  ballast.  Barometer, 12.4 inches.  We are

descending.  Sivel  and  Croce still in a fainting state at the bottom of the car.  Descending  very rapidly.' 

"Hardly had I written these lines when a kind of trembling  seized  me, and I fell back weakened again.  There

was a violent  wind from  below, upwards, denoting a very rapid descent.  After  some minutes I  felt myself

shaken by the arm, and I recognised  Croce, who had  revived.  'Throw out ballast,' he said to me,  'we are

descending ';  but I could hardly open my eyes, and did  not see whether Sivel was  awake.  I called to mind that

Croce  unfastened the aspirator, which he  then threw overboard, and  then he threw out ballast, rugs, etc. 

"All this is an extremely confused remembrance, quickly  extinguished, for again I fell back inert more

completely than  before, and it seemed to me that I was dying.  What happened?  It is  certain that the balloon,

relieved of a great weight of  ballast, at  once ascended to the higher regions. 

"At 3.30 p.m. I opened my eyes again.  I felt dreadfully giddy  and  oppressed, but gradually came to myself.

The balloon was  descending  with frightful speed and making great oscillations.  I crept along on  my knees,

and I pulled Sivel and Croce by the  arm.  'Sivel! Croce!' I  exclaimed, 'Wake up!'  My two  companions were

huddled up motionless in  the car, covered by  their cloaks. I collected all my strength, and  endeavoured to

raise them up.  Sivel's face was black, his eyes dull,  and his  mouth was open and full of blood.  Croce's eyes

were half  closed and his mouth was bloody. 

"To relate what happened afterwards is quite impossible.  I  felt a  frightful wind; we were still 9,700 feet high.

There  remained in the  car two bags of ballast, which I threw out.  I  was drawing near the  earth.  I looked for

my knife to cut the  small rope which held the  anchor, but could not find it.  I was  like a madman, and

continued to  call 'Sivel! Sivel!'  By good  fortune I was able to put my hand upon  my knife and detach the

anchor at the right moment.  The shock on  coming to the ground  was dreadful. The balloon seemed as if it

were  being flattened.  I thought it was going to remain where it had fallen,  but the  wind was high, and it was

dragged across fields, the anchor  not  catching.  The bodies of my unfortunate friends were shaken  about  in the

car, and I thought every moment they would be  jerked out.  At  length, however, I seized the valve line, and

the gas soon escaped  from the balloon, which lodged against a  tree.  It was then four  o'clock.  On stepping out,

I was seized  with a feverish attack, and  sank down and thought for a moment  that I was going to join my

friends  in the next world; but I  came to.  I found the bodies of my friends  cold and stiff.  I  had them put under

shelter in an adjacent barn.  The descent of  the 'Zenith' took place in the plains 155 miles from  Paris as  the

crow flies.  The greatest height attained in this ascent  is  estimated at 28,000 feet." 

It was in 1884 that the brothers Tissandier commenced  experiments  with a screwpropelled air ship

resembling in shape  those constructed  by Giffard and Dupuy de Lome, but smaller,  measuring only 91 feet by

30 feet, and operated by an electric  motor placed in circuit with a  powerful battery of bichromate  cells.  Two

trials were made with this  vessel in October, 1883,  and again in the following September, when it  proved

itself  capable of holding its course in calm air and of being  readily  controlled by the rudder. 

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But, ere this, a number of somewhat similar experiments, on  behalf  of the French Government, had been

entered upon by  Captains Renard and  Krebs at ChalaisMeudon.  Their balloon may  be described as

fishshaped, 165 feet long, and 27.5 feet in  principal diameter. It  was operated by an electric motor, which

was capable of driving a  screw of large dimensions at  fortyeight revolutions per minute.  At  its first trial, in

August, 1884, in dead calm, it attained a velocity  of over  twelve miles per hour, travelling some two and a

half miles in  a forward direction, when, by application of the rudder and  judicious  management, it was

manoeuvred homewards, and  practically brought to  earth at the point of departure. 

A more important trial was made on the 12th of the following  month, and was witnessed by M. Tissandier,

according to whom  the  aerostat conveying the inventors ascended gently and  steadily,  drifting with an

appreciable breeze until the screw  was set in motion  and the helm put down, when the vessel was  brought

round to the wind  and held its own until the motor, by  an accident, ceased working.  A  little later the same air

ship  met with more signal success.  On one  occasion, starting from  ChalaisMeudon, it took a direct course to

the  N.E., crossing  the railway and the Seine, where the aeronauts,  stopping the  screw, ascertained the velocity

of the wind to be  approximately  five miles an hour.  The screw being again put in  motion, the  balloon was

steered to the right, and, following a path  parallel to its first, returned to its point of departure.  Starting  again

the same afternoon, it was caused to perform a  variety of aerial  evolutions, and after thirtyfive minutes

returned once more to its  starting place. 

A tabular comparison of the four navigable balloons which we  have  now described has been given as


Date.  Name.  Motor.  Vel. p. Sec.  1852  M. Henri Giffard  Steam  engine  13.12 ft.  1872  M. Dupuy de Lome

Muscular force  9.18 ft.  1883  MM. Tissandier  Electric motor  9.84 ft.  1884  MM. Renard Krebs  Electric motor

18.04 ft. 

About this period, that is in 1883, and really prior to the  Meudon  experiments, there were other attempts at

aerial  locomotion not to be  altogether passed over, which were made  also in France, but financed  by English

money.  The experiments  were performed by Mr. F. A. Gower,  who, writing to Professor  Tyndall, claims to

have succeeded in  "driving a large balloon  fairly against the wind by steam power."  A  melancholy interest

will always belong to these trials from the fact  that Mr. Gower  was subsequently blown out to sea with his

balloon,  leaving no  trace behind. 

At this stage it will be well to glance at some of the more  important theories which were being mooted as to

the  possibility of  aerial locomotion properly so called.  Broadly,  there were two rival  schools at this time.  We

will call them  the "lighterthanairites"  and the "heavierthanairites,"  respectively.  The former were the

advocates of the air vessel  of which the balloon is a type.  The  latter school maintained  that, as birds are

heavier than air, so the  air locomotive of  the future would be a machine itself heavier than  air, but  capable of

being navigated by a motor yet to be discovered,  which would develop proportionate power.  Sir H. Maxim's

words  may be  aptly quoted here.  "In all Nature," he says, "we do not  find a single  balloon.  All Nature's flying

machines are  heavier than the air, and  depend altogether upon the  development of dynamic energy." 

The faculty of soaring, possessed by many birds, of which the  albatross may be considered a type, led to

numerous  speculations as  to what would constitute the ideal principle of  the air motor.  Sir G.  Cayley, as far

back as 1809, wrote a  classical article on this  subject, without, however, adding  much to its elucidation.

Others  after his time conceived that  the bird, by sheer habit and practice,  could perform, as it  were, a trick in

balancing by making use of the  complex air  streams varying in speed and direction that were supposed  to

intermingle above. 

Mr. R. A. Proctor discusses the matter with his usual  clearsightedness.  He premises that the bird may, in

actual  fact,  only poise itself for some ten minutesan interval which  many will  consider far too

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smallwithout flap of the wings,  and, while  contending that the problem must be simply a  mechanical one,

is ready  to admit that "the sustaining power of  the air on bodies of a  particular form travelling swiftly  through

it may be much greater or  very different in character  from what is supposed."  In his opinion,  it is a fact that a

flat body travelling swiftly and horizontally will  sink towards  the ground much more slowly than a similar

body moving  similarly but with less speed.  In proof of this he gives the  homely  illustration of a flat stone

caused to make " ducks and  drakes."  Thus  he contends that the bird accomplishes its  floating feat simply by

occasional powerful propulsive efforts,  combined with perfect balance.  From which he deduces the  corollary

that "if ever the art of flying,  or rather of making  flying machines, is attained by man, it will be by  combining

rapid motion with the power of perfect balancing." 

It will now appear as a natural and certain consequence that a  feature to be introduced by experimentalists

into flying  machines  should be the "Aeroplane," or, in other words, a plane  which, at a  desired angle, should

be driven at speed through  the air.  Most  notable attempts with this expedient were now  shortly made by

Hiram  Maxim, Langley, and others. 

But, contemporaneously with these attempts, certain feats with  the  rival aerostatthe balloonwere

accomplished, which will  be most  fittingly told in this place. 


It will have been gathered from what has been already stated  that  the balloonist is commonly in much

uncertainty as to his  precise  course when he is above the clouds, or when unable from  darkness to  see the

earth beneath him.  With a view of  overcoming this  disadvantage some original experiments were  suggested

by a  distinguished officer, who during the seventies  had begun to interest  himself in aeronautics. 

This was Captain Burnaby. His method was to employ two small  silk  parachutes, which, if required, might

carry burning  magnesium wires,  and which were to be attached to each other by  a length of silk  thread.  On

dropping one parachute, it would  first partake of the  motion of the balloon, but would presently  drop below,

when the second  parachute would be dismissed, and  then an imaginary line drawn between  the two bodies

was  supposed to betray the balloon's course.  It should  be  mentioned, however, that if a careful study is made

of the  course  of many descending parachutes it will be found that  their behaviour is  too uncertain to be relied

upon for such a  purpose as the above.  They  will often float behind the  balloon's wake, but sometimes again

will  be found in front, and  sometimes striking off in some side direction,  so wayward and  complex are the

currents which control such small  bodies.  Mr.  Glaisher has stated that a balloon's course above the  clouds

may be detected by observing the grapnel, supposed to be  hanging below the car, as this would be seen to be

out of the  vertical as the balloon drifted, and thus serve to indicate the  course.  However this may be, the most

experienced sky sailors  will  be found to be in perplexity as to their direction, as  also their  speed, when view

of the earth is obscured. 

But Captain Burnaby is associated notably with the adventurous  side of ballooning, the most famous of his

aerial exploits  being,  perhaps, that of crossing the English Channel alone from  Dover on  March 23rd, 1882.

Outwardly, he made presence of  sailing to Paris by  sky to dine there that evening; inwardly,  he had

determined to start  simply with a wind which bid fair  for a crossChannel trip, and to  take whatever chances

it might  bring him. 

Thus, at 10.30 a.m., just as the mail packet left the pier, he  cast off with a lifting power which rapidly carried

him to a  height  of 2,000 feet, when he found his course to be towards  Folkestone.  But  by shortly after 11

o'clock he had decided  that he was changing his  direction, and when, as he judged,  some seven miles from

Boulogne, the  wind was carrying him not  across, but down the Channel.  Then, for  nearly four hours, the

balloon shifted about with no improvement in  the outlook, after  which the wind fell calm, and the balloon

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remained  motionless  at 2,000 feet above the sea.  This state of things  continuing  for an hour, the Captain

resolved on the heroic expedient  of  casting out all his ballast and philosophically abiding the  issue.  The

manoeuvre turned out a happy one, for the balloon,  shooting up to  11,000 feet, caught a current, on which it

was  rapidly carried towards  and over the main land; and, when twelve  miles beyond Dieppe, it  became easy

to descend to a lower level  by manipulation of the valve,  and finally to make a successful  landing in open

country beyond. 

A few years before, an attempt to cross the Channel from the  other  side ended far more disastrously.  Jules

Duruof, already  mentioned as  having piloted the first runaway balloon from  beleaguered Paris, had

determined on an attempt to cross over  to England from Calais; and,  duly advertising the event, a  large

concourse assembled on the day  announced, clamouring  loudly for the ascent.  But the wind proved

unsuitable, setting  out over the North Sea, and the mayor thought fit  to interfere,  and had the car removed so

as to prevent proceedings. On  this  the crowd grew impatient, and Duruof, determining to keep faith  with

them, succeeded by an artifice in regaining his car, which  he  hastily carried back to the balloon, and

immediately taking  his seat,  and accompanied by his wife, the intrepid pair  commenced their bold  flight just

as the shades of evening were  settling down.  Shortly the  balloon disappeared into the  gathering darkness, and

then for three  days Calais knew no more  of balloon or balloonists. 

Neither could the voyagers see aught for certain of their own  course, and thus through the long night hours

their attention  was  wholly needed, without chance of sleep, in closely watching  their  situation, lest unawares

they should be borne down on the  waves.  When  morning broke they discovered that they were still  being

carried out  over the sea on a furious gale, being  apparently off the Danish coast,  with the distant mountains of

Norway dimly visible on the starboard  bow.  It was at this  point, and possibly owing to the chill commonly

experienced  aloft soon after dawn, that the balloon suddenly took a  downward course and plunged into the

sea, happily,  however,fairly in  the track of vessels.  Presently a ship came  in sight, but cruelly  kept on its

course, leaving the castaways  in despair, with their car  fast succumbing to the waves. 

Help, nevertheless, was really at hand.  The captain of an  English  fishing smack, the Grand Charge, had

sighted the  sinking balloon, and  was already bearing down to the rescue.  It is said that when, at  length, a boat

came alongside as near  as it was possible, Madame  Duruof was unable to make the  necessary effort to jump

on board, and  her husband had to throw  her into the arms of the sailors.  A fitting  sequel to the  story comes

from Paris, where the heroic couple, after a  sojourn in England, were given a splendid reception and a purse

of  money, with which M. Duruof forthwith constructed a new  balloon, named  the "Ville de Calais." 

On the 4th of March, 1882, the ardent amateur balloonist, Mr.  Simmons, had a narrow escape in

circumstances somewhat similar  to the  above.  He was attempting, in company with Colonel  Brine, to cross

the  Channel from Canterbury, when a change of  wind carried them out  towards the North Sea.  Falling in the

water, they abandoned their  balloon, but were rescued by the  mail packet Foam. 

The same amateur aeronaut met with an exciting experience not  long  after, when in company with Sir Claude

C. de Crespigny.  The two  adventurers left Maldon, in Essex, at 11 p.m., on an  August night,  and, sailing at a

great height out to sea, lost  all sight of land till  6 a.m. the next morning, when, at 17,000  feet altitude, they

sighted  the opposite coast and descended in  safety near Flushing. 

Yet another adventure at sea, and one which proved fatal and  unspeakably regrettable, occurred about this

time, namely, on  the  10th of December, 1881, when Captain Templer, Mr. W.  Powell, M.P., and  Mr.

AggGardner ascended from Bath.  We  prefer to give the account as  it appears in a leading article  in the

Times for December 13th of that  year. 

After sailing over Glastonbury, "Crewkerne was presently  sighted,  then Beaminster.  The roar of the sea gave

the next  indication of the  locality to which the balloon had drifted and  the first hint of the  possible perils of

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the voyage.  A descent  was now effected to within a  few hundred feet of earth, and an  endeavour was made to

ascertain the  exact position they had  reached.  The course taken by the balloon  between Beaminster  and the

sea is not stated in Captain Templer's  letter.  The  wind, as far as we can gather, must have shifted, or  different

currents of air must have been found at the different  altitudes.  What Captain Templer says is that they coasted

along to  Symonsbury, passing, it would seem, in an easterly  direction and  keeping still very near to the earth.

Soon after  they had left  Symonsbury, Captain Templer shouted to a man  below to tell them how  far they were

from Bridport, and he  received for answer that Bridport  was about a mile off.  The  pace at which the balloon

was moving had  now increased to  thirtyfive miles an hour.  The sea was dangerously  close, and  a few

minutes in a southerly current of air would have been  enough to carry them over it.  They seem, however, to

have been  confident in their own powers of management.  They threw out  ballast,  and rose to a height of

1,500 feet, and thence came  down again only  just in time, touching the ground at a distance  of about 150

yards  from the cliff.  The balloon here dragged  for a few feet, and Captain  Templer, who had been letting off

the gas, rolled out of the car,  still holding the valve line in  his hand.  This was the last chance of  a safe escape

for  anybody.  The balloon, with its weight lightened,  went up about  eight feet.  Mr. AggGardner dropped out

and broke his  leg.  Mr. Powell now remained as the sole occupant of the car.  Captain  Templer, who had still

hold of the rope, shouted to Mr.  Powell to come  down the line.  This he attempted to do, but in  a few seconds,

and  before he could commence his perilous  descent, the line was torn out  of Captain Templer's hands.  All

communication with the earth was cut  off, and the balloon rose  rapidly, taking Mr. Powell with it in a

southeasterly  direction out to sea." 

It was a few seasons previous to this, namely, on the 8th of  July,  1874, when Mr. Simmons was concerned in

a balloon  fatality of a  peculiarly distressing nature.  A Belgian,  Vincent de Groof, styling  himself the "Flying

Man," announced  his intention of descending in a  parachute from a balloon  piloted by Mr. Simmons, who

was to start from  Cremorne Gardens.  The balloon duly ascended, with De Groof in his  machine  suspended

below, and when over St. Luke's Church, and at a  height estimated at 80 feet, it is thought that the unfortunate

man  overbalanced himself after detaching his apparatus, and  fell forward,  clinging to the ropes.  The machine

failed to  open, and De Groof was  precipitated into Robert Street,  Chelsea, expiring almost immediately.  The

porter of Chelsea  Infirmary, who was watching the balloon,  asserted that he  fancied the falling man called out

twice, "Drop into  the  churchyard; look out!"  Mr. Simmons, shooting upwards in his  balloon, thus suddenly

lightened, to a great height, became  insensible, and when he recovered consciousness found himself  over

Victoria Park.  He made a descent, without mishap, on a  line of  railway in Essex. 

On the 19th of August, 1887, occurred an important total  eclipse  of the sun, the track of which lay across

Germany,  Russia, Western  Siberia, and Japan.  At all suitable stations  along the shadow track  astronomers

from all parts of the world  established themselves; but at  many eclipses observers had had  bad fortune owing

to the phenomenon at  the critical moment  being obscured.  And on this account one  astronomer determined  on

measures which should render his chances of a  clear view a  practical certainty.  Professor Mendeleef, in

Russia,  resolved  to engage a balloon, and by rising above the cloud barrier,  should there be one, to have the

eclipse all to himself.  It  was an  example of fine enthusiasm, which, moreover, was  presently put to a  severe

and unexpected test, for the balloon,  when inflated, proved  unable to take up both the aeronaut and  the

astronomer, whereupon the  latter, though wholly  inexperienced, had no alternative but to ascend  alone,

which,  either by accident or choice, he actually did.  Shooting  up  into space, he soon reached an altitude of

11,500 feet, where  he  obtained, even if he did not enjoy, an unobstructed view of  the  Corona.  It may be

supposed, however, that, owing to the  novelty of  his situation, his scientific observations may not  have been

so  complete as they would have been on terra firma. 

In the same month an attempt to reach a record height was made  by  MM. Jovis and Mallet at Paris, with the

net result that an  elevation  of 23,000 feet was reached.  It will have been noted  that the  difficulty through

physical exhaustion of inhaling  oxygen from either  a bag or cylinder is a serious matter not  easily overcome,

and it has  been suggested that the helmet  invented by M. Fleuss might prove of  value.  This contrivance,

which has scarcely attracted the attention  it has merited,  provides a receptacle for respiration, containing

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oxygen and  certain purifying media, by means of which the inventor was  able to remain for hours under

water without any communication  with  the outward air. 

About the period at which we have now arrived two fatal  accidents  befel English aeronauts.  We have related

how Maldon,  in Essex, was  associated with one of the more adventurous  exploits in Mr. Simmons's  career.  It

was fated also to be  associated with the voyage with which  his career closed.  On  August 27th, 1888, he

ascended from Olympia in  company with Mr.  Field, of West Brighton, and Mr. Myers, of the  Natural History

Museum, with the intention, if practicable, of  crossing to  Flanders; and the voyage proceeded happily until

the  neighbourhood of Maldon was reached, when, as the sea coast was  in  sight, and it was already past five

o'clock, it appeared  prudent to  Mr. Simmons to descend and moor the balloon for the  night.  Some  labourers

some three miles from Maldon sighted the  balloon coming up  at speed, and at the same time descending  until

its grapnel commenced  tearing through a field of barley,  when ballast was thrown out,  causing the balloon to

rise again  towards and over some tall elms,  which became the cause of the  disaster which followed.  The

grapnel,  catching in the upper  boughs of one of these trees, held fast, while  the balloon,  borne by the force of

a strong wind, was repeatedly blown  down  to earth with violence, rebounding each time to a considerable

height, only to be flung down again on the same spot.  After  three or  four impacts the balloon is reported to

have burst  with a loud noise,  when high in the air, the silk being blown  about over the field, and  the car and

its occupants dashed to  the ground.  Help was unavailing  till this final catastrophe,  and when, at length, the

labourers were  able to extricate the  party, Mr. Simmons was found with a fractured  skull and both

companions badly injured. 

Four summers later, June 30th, 1892, Captain Dale, the aeronaut  to  the Crystal Palace, was announced to

make an ascent from the  usual  balloon grounds, weather permitting.  Through the night  and morning a  violent

storm prevailed, and it was contemplated  that the exhibition  would be withdrawn; but the wind abating in  the

afternoon, the  inflation was proceeded with, and the ascent  took place shortly before  6 p.m., not, however,

before a large  rent had been discovered and  repaired as far as possible by  Mrs. Dale.  As passengers, there

ascended the Captain's son  William, aged nineteen, Mr. J. Macintosh,  and Mr. Cecil  Shadbolt.  When the

balloon had reached an altitude  estimated  at 600 feet the onlookers were horrified to see it suddenly  collapse,

a large rent having developed near the top part of  the  silk, from which the gas "rushed out in a dense mass,

allowing the  balloon to fall like a rag."  The occupants of the  car were seen to be  throwing out everything

madly, even  wrenching the buttons from their  clothing.  All, however, with  little avail, for the balloon fell

"with  a sickening thud,"  midway between the Maze and lower lake.  All were  found alive;  but Captain Dale,

who had alighted on his back, died in a  few  minutes; Mr. Shadbolt succumbed later, and both remaining

passengers sustained terrible injuries. 

Few balloon mishaps, unattended with fatal results, have proved  more exciting than the following.  A large

party had ascended  from  Belfast, in a monster balloon, under the guidance of Mr.  Coxwell, on a  day which

was very unfit for the purpose by  reason of stormy weather.  A more serious trouble than the  wind, however,

lay in several of the  passengers themselves, who  seem to have been highly excitable  Irishmen, incapable at

the  critical moment of quietly obeying orders 

The principal hero of the story, a German.  Mr. Runge, in  writing  afterwards to the Ulster Observer, entirely

exonerates  Mr. Coxwell  from any blame, attributing his mischances solely  to the reprehensible  conduct of his

companions.  On approaching  the ground, Mr. Coxwell  gave clear instructions.  The  passengers were to sit

down in an  unconstrained position facing  each other, and be prepared for some  heavy shocks.  Above all

things they were to be careful to get out one  by one, and on no  account to leave hold of the car.  Many of the

passengers,  however, refused to sit down, and, according to Mr. Runge,  "behaved in the wildest manner,

losing completely their  selfcontrol.  Seizing the valve rope themselves, they tore it  away from its  attachment,

the stronger pushing back the weaker,  and refusing to lend  help when they had got out.  In  consequence of this

the car, relieved  of their weight, tore  away from the grasp of Mr. Coxwell and those who  still clung to  it, and

rose above the trees, with Mr. Runge and one  other  passenger, Mr. Halferty, alone within.  As the balloon

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came  earthwards again, they shouted to the countrymen for succour,  but  without the slightest avail, and

presently, the anchor  catching, the  car struck the earth with a shock which threw Mr.  Halferty out on the

ground, leaving Mr. Runge to rise again  into the air, this time  alone."  He thus continues the story: 

"The balloon moved on, very soon, in a horizontal direction  straight towards the sea, which we were then

rapidly nearing.  Coming  to a farm, I shouted out to the people standing there.  Some women,  with their quick

humane instincts, were the first  to perceive my  danger, and exhorted the men to hurry to my  assistance, they

themselves running as fast as they could to  tender what little help  they might be able to give me.  The  anchor

stuck in a willow tree.  I  shouted out to the people  below to secure the cable and anchor by  ropes, which they

did.  The evening was now beautifully still, the  breeze had died  away, and the balloon was swinging calmly at

her  moorings above  the farmhouse.  One of the men asked me whether I had a  rope  with me, and how I

intended to get out.  I told them only to  take care of the cable, because the balloon would settle down  by

herself before long.  I was congratulating myself on a  speedy escape  from my dangerous position.  I had not

counted on  the wind.  A breeze  in about six or eight minutes sprang up,  tossed the balloon about like  a large

sail, then a crash,  andthe anchor was loose again.  It tore  through the trees,  flinging limbs and branches

about like matches.  It  struck the  roof of the farmhouse, splintering the chimneys and tiles  like  glass. 

"On I went; I came near another farm; shouted out for help, and  told the men to secure the anchor to the foot

of a large tree  close  by.  The anchor was soon made fast, but this was only a  momentary  relief.  The breeze

again filled the halfempty  balloon like a sail,  there was a severe strain on the cable,  then a dull sound, and a

severe concussion of the basketthe  cable, strange fatality, had  broken, and the anchor, my last  and only

hope, was gone.  I was now  carried on in a straight  direction towards the sea, which was but a  short distance

ahead.  The anchor being lost I gave up all hope.  I  sat down  resigned in the car, and prepared for the end.  All

at once I  discovered that a side current was drifting me towards the  mountain;  the car struck the ground, and

was dashing along at a  fearful rate,  knocking down stone fences and breaking  everything it came in contact

with in its wild career.  Byandby the knocks became less frequent.  We were passing  over a cultivated

country, and the car was, as it  were skimming  the surface and grazing the top of the hedges.  I saw a  thick

hawthorn hedge at some distance before me, and the balloon  rapidly sweeping towards it.  That was my only

chance.  I  rushed to  the edge of the car and flung myself down upon the  hedge." 


In the early nineties the air ship was engaging the attention  of  many inventors, and was making important

strides in the  hands of Mr.  Maxim.  This unrivalled mechanician, in stating  the case, premises  that a motive

power has to be discovered  which can develop at least as  much power in proportion to its  weight as a bird is

able to develop.  He asserts that a heavy  bird, with relatively small wingssuch as a  goosecarries  about

150 lb. to the horse power, while the albatross  or the  vulture, possessed of proportionately greater winged

surface,  can carry about 250 lbs. per horse power. 

Professor Langley, of Washington, working contemporaneously,  but  independently of Mr. Maxim, had tried

exhaustive  experiments on a  rotating arm (characteristically designated by  Mr. Maxim a  "merrygoround"),

thirty feet long, applying  screw propellers.  He  used, for the most part, small planes,  carrying loads of only

two or  three pounds, and, under these  circumstances, the weight carried was  at the rate of 250 lbs.  per horse

power.  His important statements  with regard to these  trials are that onehorse power will transport a  larger

weight  at twenty miles an hour than at ten, and a still larger  at  forty miles than at twenty, and so on; that "the

sustaining  pressure of the air on a plane moving at a small angle of  inclination  to a horizontal path is many

times greater than  would result from the  formula implicitly given by Newton,  while, whereas in land or

marine  transport increased speed is  maintained only by a disproportionate  expenditure of power  within the

limits of experiment, in aerial  horizontal transport  the higher speeds are more economical of power  than the

lower  ones." 

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This Mr. Maxim is evidently ready to endorse, stating, in his  own  words, that birds obtain the greater part of

their support  by moving  forward with sufficient velocity so as to be  constantly resting on new  air, the inertia

of which has not  been disturbed.  Mr. Maxim's trials  were on a scale comparable  with all his mechanical

achievements.  He  employed for his  experiments a rotating arm, sweeping out a circle,  the  circumference of

which was 200 feet.  To the end of this arm he  attached a cigarshaped apparatus, driven by a screw, and

arranged in  such a manner that aeroplanes could be attached to  it at any angle.  These planes were on a large

scale, carrying  weights of from 20 lbs.  to 100 lbs.  With this contrivance he  found that, whatever push the

screw communicated to the  aeroplane, "the plane would lift in a  vertical direction from  ten to fifteen times

as much as the horizontal  push that it  received from the screw, and which depended upon the  angle at  which

the plane was set, and the speed at which the apparatus  was travelling through the air."  Next, having

determined by  experiment the power required to perform artificial flight, Mr.  Maxim  applied himself to

designing the requisite motor.  "I  constructed," he  states, "two sets of compound engines of  tempered steel, all

the parts  being made very light and strong,  and a steam generator of peculiar  construction, the greater  part of

the heating surface consisting of  small and thin copper  tubes. For fuel I employed naphtha." 

This Mr. Maxim wrote in 1892, adding that he was then  experimenting with a large machine, having a spread

of over 100  feet.  Labour, skill, and money were lavishly devoted  henceforward to the  great task undertaken,

and it was not long  before the giant flying  machine, the outcome of so much patient  experimenting, was

completed  and put to a practical trial.  Its  weight was 7,500 lbs.  The screw  propellers were nearly 18 feet  in

diameter, each with two blades,  while the engines were  capable of being run up to 360 horse power.  The

entire machine  was mounted on an inner railway track of 9 feet  and an outer of  35 feet gauge, while above

there was a reversed rail  along  which the machine would begin to run so soon as with increase  of speed it

commenced to lift itself off the inner track. 

In one of the latest experiments it was found that when a speed  of  42 miles an hour was attained all the

wheels were running on  the upper  track, and revolving in the opposite direction from  those on the lower

track.  However, after running about 1,000  feet, an axle tree doubled  up, and immediately afterwards the

upper track broke away, and the  machine, becoming liberated,  floated in the air, "giving those on  board a

sensation of being  in a boat." 

The experiment proved conclusively to the inventor that a  machine  could be made on a large scale, in which

the lifting  effect should be  considerably greater than the weight of the  machine, and this, too,  when a steam

engine was the motor.  When, therefore, in the years  shortly following, the steam  engine was for the purposes

of aerial  locomotion superseded by  the lighter and more suitable petrol engine,  the construction  of a

navigable air ship became vastly more  practicable.  Still,  in Sir H. Maxim's opinion, lately expressed,  "those

who seek to  navigate the air by machines lighter than the air  have come,  practically, to the end of their

tether," while, on the  other  hand, "those who seek to navigate the air with machines heavier  than the air have

not even made a start as yet, and the  possibilities  before them are very great indeed." 

As to the assertion that the aerial navigators last mentioned  "have not even made a start as yet," we can only

say that Sir  H.  Maxim speaks with far too much modesty.  His own colossal  labours in  the direction of that

mode of aerial flight, which  he considers to be  alone feasible, are of the first importance  and value, and, as far

as  they have gone, exhaustive.  Had his  experiments been simply confined  to his classical  investigations of the

proper form of the screw  propeller his  name would still have been handed down as a true pioneer  in

aeronautics.  His work, however, covers far wider ground, and  he  has, in a variety of ways, furnished practical

and reliable  data,  which must always be an indispensable guide to every  future worker in  the same field. 

Professor Langley, in attacking the same problem, first studied  the principle and behaviour of a wellknown

toythe model  invented  by Penaud, which, driven by the tension of  indiarubber, sustains  itself in the air for

a few seconds.  He constructed over thirty  modifications of this model, and  spent many months in trying from

these to as certain what he  terms the "laws of balancing leading to  horizontal flight."  His best endeavours at

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first, however, showed that  he needed  three or four feet of sustaining surface to a pound of  weight,  whereas

he calculated that a bird could soar with a surface of  less than half a foot to the pound.  He next proceeded to

steamdriven models in which for a time he found an insuperable  difficulty in keeping down the weight,

which, in practice,  always  exceeded his calculation; and it was not till the end of  1893 that he  felt himself

prepared for a fair trial.  At this  time he had prepared  a model weighing between nine and ten  pounds, and he

needed only a  suitable launching apparatus to be  used over water.  The model would,  like a bird, require an

initial velocity imparted to it, and the  discovery of a  suitable apparatus gave him great trouble.  For the  rest the

facilities for launching were supplied by a houseboat moored  on  the Potomac.  Foiled again and again by

many difficulties, it  was  not till after repeated failures and the lapse of many  months, when,  as the Professor

himself puts it, hope was low,  that success finally  came.  It was in the early part of 1896  that a successful

flight was  accomplished in the presence of  Dr. Bell, of telephone fame, and the  following is a brief  epitome

of the account that this accomplished  scientist  contributed to the columns of Nature: 

"The flying machine, built, apparently, almost entirely of  metal,  was driven by an engine said to weigh, with

fuel and  water, about 25  lbs., the supporting surface from tip to tip  being 12 or 14 feet.  Starting from a

platform about 20 feet  high, the machine rose at  first directly in the face of the  wind, moving with great

steadiness,  and subsequently wheeling  in large curves until steam was exhausted,  when, from a height  of 80

or 100 feet, it shortly settled down.  The  experiment was  then repeated with similar results.  Its motion was so

steady  that a glass of water might have remained unspilled.  The  actual length of flight each time, which lasted

for a minute  and a  half, exceeded half a mile, while the velocity was  between twenty and  twentyfive miles

an hour in a course that  was constantly taking it  'up hill.'  A yet more successful  flight was subsequently


But flight of another nature was being courageously attempted  at  this time.  Otto Lilienthal, of Berlin, in

imitation of the  motion of  birds, constructed a flying apparatus which he  operated himself, and  with which he

could float down from  considerable elevations.  "The  feat," he warns tyros, "requires  practice.  In the

beginning the  height should be moderate, and  the wings not too large, or the wind  will soon show that it is

not to be trifled with."  The inventor  commenced with all due  caution, making his first attempt over a grass

plot from a  spring board one metre high, and subsequently increasing  this  height to two and a half metres,

from which elevation he could  safely cross the entire grass plot.  Later he launched himself  from  the lower

ridges of a hill 250 feet high, when he sailed  to a distance  of over 250 yards, and this time he writes

enthusiastically of his  selftaught accomplishment: 

"To those who, from a modest beginning and with gradually  increased extent and elevation of flight have

gained full  control  over the apparatus, it is not in the least dangerous to  cross deep and  broad ravines.  It is a

difficult task to convey  to one who has never  enjoyed aerial flight a clear perception  of the exhilarating

pleasure  of this elastic motion.  The  elevation above the ground loses its  terrors, because we have  learned by

experience what sure dependence  may be placed upon  the buoyancy of the air." 

As a commentary to the above we extract the following:"We  have  to record the death of Otto Lilienthal,

whose soaring  machine, during  a gliding flight, suddenly tilted over at a  height of about 60 feet,  by which

mishap he met an untimely  death on August 9th, 1896."  Mr. O.  Chanute, C.E. of Chicago,  took up the study

of gliding flight at the  point where  Lilienthal left it, and, later, Professor Fitzgerald and  others.  Besides that

invented by Penaud, other aeroplane  models  demanding mention had been produced by Tatin, Moy,

Stringfellow, and  Lawrence Hargrave, of Australia, the  subsequent inventor of the  wellknown cellular kite.

These  models, for the most part, aim at the  mechanical solution of  the problem connected with the soaring

flight  of a bird. 

The theoretical solution of the same problem had been attacked  by  Professor Langley in a masterly

monograph, entitled "The  Internal Work  of the Wind."  By painstaking experiment with  delicate instruments,

specially constructed, the Professor  shows that wind in general, so  far from being, as was commonly

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assumed, mere air put in motion with  an approximately uniform  velocity in the same strata, is, in reality,

variable and  irregular in its movements beyond anything which had been  anticipated, being made up, in fact,

of a succession of brief  pulsations in different directions, and of great complexity.  These  pulsations, he

argues, if of sufficient amplitude and  frequency, would  be capable, by reason of their own "internal  work," of

sustaining or  even raising a suitably curved surface  which was being carried along  by the main mean air

stream.  This would account for the phenomenon of  "soaring."  Lord  Rayleigh, discussing the same problem,

premises that  when a  bird is soaring the air cannot be moving uniformly and  horizontally.  Then comes the

natural question, Is it moving in  ascending currents?  Lord Rayleigh has frequently noticed such  currents,

particularly above a cliff facing the wind.  Again,  to  quote another eminent authority, Major BadenPowell,

on an  occasion  when flying one of his own kites, found it getting to  so high an angle  that it presently rose

absolutely overhead,  with the string  perpendicular.  He then took up a heavy piece  of wood, which, when  tied

to the string, began to rise in the  air.  He satisfied himself  that this curious result was solely  due to a strong

uptake of the air. 

But, again, Lord Rayleigh, lending support to Professor  Langley's  argument, points out that the apparent

cause of  soaring may be the  nonuniformity of the wind.  The upper  currents are generally stronger  than the

lower, and it is  mechanically possible for a bird, taking  advantage of two  adjacent air streams, different in

velocity, to  maintain itself  in air without effort on its own part. 

Lord Rayleigh, proceeding to give his views on artificial  flight,  declares the main problem of the flying

machine to be  the problem of  the aerial plane.  He states the case thus:  "Supposing a plane  surface to be

falling vertically at the rate  of four miles an hour,  and also moving horizontally at the rate  of twenty miles an

hour, it  might have been supposed that the  horizontal motion would make no  difference to the pressure on  its

under surface which the falling  plane must experience.  We  are told, however, that in actual trial the

horizontal motion  much increases the pressure under the falling plane,  and it is  this fact on which the

possibility of natural and artificial  flight depends. 

Ere this opinion had been stated by Lord Rayleigh in his  discourse  on "Flight," at the Royal Institution, there

were  already at work upon  the aeroplane a small army of inventors,  of whom it will be only  possible in a

future chapter to mention  some. Due reference, however,  should here be made to Mr. W. F.  Wenham, of

Boston, U.S.A., who had  been at work on artificial  flight for many years, and to whose labours  in

determining  whether man's power is sufficient to raise his own  weight Lord  Rayleigh paid a high tribute.  As

far back as 1866 Mr.  Wenham  had published a paper on aerial locomotion, in which he shows  that any

imitation by man of the farextended wings of a bird  might  be impracticable, the alternative being to arrange

the  necessary  length of wing as a series of aeroplanes, a  conception far in advance  of many theorists of his


But there had been developments in aerostation in other lines,  and  it is time to turn from the somewhat

tedious technicalities  of  mechanical flight and the theory or practice of soaring, to  another  important means

for traversing the airthe parachute.  This aerial  machine, long laid aside, was to lend its aid to  the

navigation of the  air with a reliability never before  realised.  Professor Baldwin, as  he was termed, an

American  aeronaut, arrived in England in the summer  of 1888, and  commenced giving a series of exhibitions

from the  Alexandra  Palace with a parachute of his own invention, which, in  actual  performance, seems to

have been the most perfect instrument of  the kind up to that time devised.  It was said to be about 18  feet in

diameter, whereas that of Garnerin, already mentioned,  had a diameter  of some 30 feet, and was distinctly

topheavy,  owing to its being thus  inadequately ballasted; for it was  calculated that its enormous size  would

have served for the  safe descent, not of one man, but of four or  five.  Baldwin's  parachute, on the contrary,

was reckoned to give safe  descent  to 250 lbs., which would include weight of man and apparatus,  and reduce

the ultimate fall to one not exceeding 8 feet. The  parachute was attached to the ring of a small balloon of

12,000  cubic  feet, and the Professor ascended, sitting on a mere sling  of rope,  which did duty for a car. 

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Mr. Thomas Moy, who investigated the mechanics of the  contrivance,  estimated that after a drop of 16 feet,

the upward  pressure, amounting  to over 2 lb. per square foot, would act on  a surface of not less than  254

square feet.  There was, at the  time, much foolish comment on the  great distance which the  parachute fell

before it opened, a complete  delusion due to the  fact that observers failed to see that at the  moment of

separation the balloon itself sprang upward. 


It has been in the hands of the Spencers that the parachute, as  also many other practical details of aeronautics,

has been  perfected,  and some due sketch of the career of this family of  eminent aeronauts  must be no longer


Charles Green had stood godfather to the youngest son of his  friend and colleague, Mr. Edward Spencer, and

in later years,  as  though to vindicate the fact, this same son took up the  science of  aeronautics at the point

where his father had left  it.  We find his  name in the records of the Patent Office of  1868 as the inventor of a

manumetric flying machine, and there  are accounts of the flying leaps  of several hundred feet which  he was

enabled to take by means of the  machine he constructed.  Again, in 1882 we find him an inventor, this  time of

the patent  asbestos fire balloon, by means of which the  principal danger  to such balloons was overcome. 

At this point it is needful to make mention of the third  generationthe several sons who early showed their

zeal and  aptitude  for perpetuating the family tradition.  It was from  his school  playground that the eldest son,

Percival, witnessed  with intense  interest what appeared like a drop floating in the  sky at an immense  altitude.

This proved to be Simmons's  balloon, which had just risen  to a vast elevation over Cremorne  Gardens, after

having liberated the  unfortunate De Groof, as  mentioned in a former chapter.  And one may  be sure that the

terrible reality of the disaster that had happened  was not lost  on the young schoolboy.  But his wish was to

become an  aeronauts, and from this desire nothing deterred him, so that  school  days were scarcely over

before he began to accompany his  father aloft,  and in a very few years, i.e. in 1888, he had  assumed the full

responsibilities of a professional balloonist. 

It was in this year that Professor Baldwin appeared in England,  and it is easy to understand that the parachute

became an  object of  interest to the young Spencer, who commenced on his  own account a  series of trials at

the Alexandra Palace, and it  was now, also, that  chance good fortune came his way.  An  Indian gentleman,

who was  witness of his experiments, and  convinced that a favourable field for  their further development

existed in his own country, proposed to the  young aspirant that  he should accompany him to India, with

equipment  suited for the  making of a successful campaign. 

Thus it came about that in the early days of 1889, in the  height  of the season, Mr. Percival Spencer arrived at

Bombay,  and at once  commenced professional business in earnest.  Coal  gas being here  available, a maiden

ascent was quickly arranged,  and duly announced to  take place at the Government House,  Paral, the chief

attraction being  the parachute descent, the  first ever attempted in India. 

This preliminary exhibition proving in all ways a complete  success, Mr. Spencer, after a few repetitions of his

performance,  repaired to Calcutta; but here great difficulties  were experienced in  the matter of gas.  The coal

gas available  was inadequate, and when  recourse was had to pure hydrogen the  supply proved too sluggish.

At  the advertised hour of  departure the balloon was not sufficiently  inflated, while the  spectators were

growing impatient.  It was at this  critical  moment that Mr. Spencer resolved on a surprise.  Suddenly  casting

off the parachute, and seated on a mere sling below the  halfinflated balloon, without ballast, without

grapnel, and  unprovided with a valve, he sailed away over the heads of the  multitude. 

The afternoon was already far advanced, and the short tropical  twilight soon gave way to darkness, when the

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intrepid voyager  disappeared completely from sight.  Excitement was intense that  night  in Calcutta, and

greater still the next day when, as hour  after hour  went by, no news save a series of wild and false  reports

reached the  city.  Trains arriving from the country  brought no intelligence, and  telegraphic enquiries sent in all

directions proved fruitless.  The  Great Eastern Hotel, where  the young man had been staying, was  literally

besieged for  hours by a large crowd eager for any tidings.  Then the Press  gave expression to the gloomiest

forebodings, and the  town was  in a fever of unrest.  From the direction the balloon had  taken  it was thought

that, even if the aeronaut had descended in  safety, he could only have been landed in the jungle of the

Sunderbunds, beset with perils, and without a chance of  succour.  A  large reward was offered for reliable

information,  and orders were  issued to every likely station to organise a  search.  But ere this was  fully carried

into effect messages  were telegraphed to England  definitely asserting that Mr.  Spencer had lost his life.  For

all  this, after three days he  returned to Calcutta, none the worse for the  exploit. 

Then the true tale was unravelled.  The balloon had changed its  course from S.E. to E. after passing out of

sight of Calcutta,  and  eventually came to earth the same evening in the  neighbourhood of  Hossainabad,

thirtysix miles distant.  During  his aerial flight the  voyager's main trouble had been caused by  his cramped

position, the  galling of his sling seat, and the  numbing effect of cold as he  reached high altitudes; but, as

twilight darkened into gloom, his real  anxiety was with respect  to his place of landing, for he could with

difficulty see the  earth underneath.  He heard the distant roll of the  waters,  caused by the numerous creeks

which intersect the delta of the  Ganges, and when darkness completely shut out the view it was  impossible to

tell whether he was over land or sea.  Fortune  favoured  him, however, and reaching dry ground, he sprang

from  his seat,  relinquishing at the same moment his hold of the  balloon, which  instantly disappeared into the


Then his wanderings began.  He was in an unknown country,  without  knowledge of the language, and with

only a few rupees  in his pocket.  Presently, however, seeing a light, he  proceeded towards it, but only  to find

himself stopped by a  creek.  Foiled more than once in this  way, he at length arrived  at the dwelling of a family

of natives, who  promptly fled in  terror.  To inspire confidence and prove that he was  mortal,  Mr. Spencer

threw his coat over the mud wall of the compound,  with the result that, after examination of the garment, he

was  received and cared for in true native fashion, fed with rice  and  goat's milk, and allowed the use of the

verandah to sleep  in.  He  succeeded in communing with the natives by dint of lead  pencil  sketches and dumb

show, and learned, among other things,  that he had  descended in a little clearing surrounded by woods,  and

bounded by  tidal creeks, which were infested with  alligators.  Yet, in the end,  the waterways befriended him;

for, as he was being ferried across, he  chanced on his balloon  sailing down on the tide, recovered it, and  used

the tidal  waters for the return journey. 

The greeting upon his arrival in Calcutta was enthusiastic  beyond  description from both Europeans and

natives.  The hero  of the  adventure was visited by rajahs and notables, who vied  with each other  in

expressions of welcome, in making presents,  even inviting him to  visit the sacred precincts of their  zenanas.

The promised parachute  descent was subsequently  successfully made at Cossipore, and then  followed a busy,

brilliant season, after which the wanderer returned  to England.  By September he is in Dublin, and makes the

first  parachute  descent ever witnessed in Ireland; but by November he is in  Bombay again, whence,

proceeding to Calcutta, he repeats his  success  of the year before.  Next he visits Allahabad, where  the same

fortune  attends him, though his balloon flies away in  a temporary escape into  the Jumna.  By May he is

ascending at  Singapore, armed here, however,  with a cork jacket. 

Hence, flushed with success, he repairs to the Dutch Indies,  and  demonstrates to the Dutch officers the use of

the balloon  in war.  As  a natural consequence, he is moved up to the seat  of the Achinese War  in Sumatra,

where, his balloon being moored  to the rear of an armoured  train, an immediate move is made to  the front,

and orders are  forthwith telephoned from various  centres to open fire on the enemy.  Mr. Spencer, the while

accompanied by an officer, makes a captive  ascent, in which for  some time he is actually under the enemy's

fire.  The result of  this plucky experiment is a most flattering official  report.  In all the abovementioned

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ascents he made his own gas without  a hitch. 

Thence he travels on with the same trusty little 12,000 cubic  feet  balloon, the same programme, and the same

success.  This  is slightly  varied, however, at Kobe, Japan, where his  impatient craft fairly  breaks away with

him, and, soaring high,  flies overhead of a  manofwar, and plumps into the water a  mile out at sea.  But

"Smartly" was the word.  The ship's crew  was beat to quarters, and  within one minute a boat was to the  rescue.

An ascent at Cairo, where  he made a parachute descent  in sight of the Pyramids and landed in the  desert,

completed  this oriental tour, and home duties necessitated his  return to  England.  Among exploits far too

many to enumerate may be  mentioned four several occasions when Mr. Percival Spencer has  crossed the

English Channel. 

It fell to the lot of the second son, Arthur, to carry fame  into  fresh fields.  In the year 1897 he visited

Australia,  taking with him  two balloons, one of these being a noble craft  of 80,000 cubic feet,  considerably

larger than any balloon used  in England, and the singular  fate of this aerial monster is  deserving of mention. 

Its trial trip in the new country was arranged to take place on  Boxing Day in the Melbourne Exhibition

ground, and for the  lengthy  and critical work of inflation the able assistance of  British  bluejackets  was

secured.  To all appearance, the main  difficulties to  be provided against were likely to arise simply  from a

somewhat  inadequate supply of gas, and on this account  filling commenced as  early as 10 a.m. on the

morning of the day  previous to the exhibition,  and was continued till 6 o'clock in  the afternoon, by which

time the  balloon, being about half  full, was staved down with sandbags through  the night till 4  o'clock the

next morning, when the inflation was  again  proceeded with without hindrance and apparently under

favourable conditions.  The morning was beautifully fine, warm,  brilliant, and still, and so remained until

halfpast six,  when, with  startling rapidity, there blew up a sudden squall  known in the country  as a "Hot

Buster," and in two or three  minutes' space a terrific wind  storm was sweeping the ground.  A dozen men,

aiding a dead weight of  220 sandbags, endeavoured  to control the plunging balloon, but wholly  without avail.

Men  and bags together were lifted clean up in the air  on the  windward side, and the silk envelope, not yet

completely  filled, at once escaped from the net and, flying upwards to a  height  estimated at 10,000 feet, came

to earth again ninety  miles away in a  score of fragments.  Nothing daunted, however,  Mr. Spencer at once

endeavoured to retrieve his fortunes, and  started straightway for the  goldmining districts of Ballarat  and

Bendigo with a hotair balloon,  with which he successfully  gave a series of popular exhibitions of  parachute

descents.  Few aeronauts are more consistently reliable than  Mr. Arthur  Spencer.  A few summers ago in this

country he was suddenly  called upon to give proof of his prowess and presence of mind  in a  very remarkable

manner.  It was at an engagement at  Reading, where he  had been conducting captive ascents  throughout the

afternoon, and was  requested to conclude the  evening with a "right away," in which two  passengers had

agreed  to accompany him.  The balloon had been hauled  down for the  last time, when, by some mistake, the

engine used for the  purpose proceeded to work its pump without previously  disconnecting  the hauling gear.

The consequence of this was  that the cable  instantly snapped, and in a moment the large  balloon, devoid of

ballast, grapnel, or other appliances, and  with neck still tied, was  free, and started skyward. 

The inevitable result of this accident must have been that the  balloon in a few seconds would rise to a height

where the  expansion  of the imprisoned gas would burst and destroy it.  Mr. Spencer,  however, was standing

near, and, grasping the  situation in a moment,  caught at the car as it swung upwards,  and, getting hold,

succeeded in  drawing himself up and so  climbing into the ring. Quickly as this was  done, the balloon  was

already distended to the point of bursting, and  only the  promptest release of gas averted catastrophe. 

Mr. Stanley Spencer made himself early known to the world by a  series of parachute descents, performed

from the roof of  Olympia.  It  was a bold and sensational exhibition, and on the  expiration of his  engagement

the young athlete, profiting by  home training, felt fully  qualified to attempt any aerial feat  connected with the

profession of  an aeronaut.  And at this  juncture an eminent American cyclist,  visiting the father's  factory,

suggested to Stanley a business tour in  South America. 

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As an extra attraction it was proposed that a young lady  parachutist should be one of the company; so, after a

few  satisfactory trial exhibitions in England, the party made their  way  to Rio, Brazil.  Here an ascent was

arranged, and by the  day and hour  appointed the balloon was successfully inflated  with hydrogen, an

enormous concourse collected, and the lady  performer already seated in  the sling.  Then a strange  mischance

happened.  By some means, never  satisfactorily  explained, the young woman, at the moment of release,

slipped  from her seat, and the balloon, escaping into the air, turned  over and fell among the people, who

vindictively destroyed it.  Then  the crowd grew ungovernable, and threatened the lives of  the  aeronauts, who

eventually were, with difficulty, rescued by  the  soldiery. 

This was a bad start; but with a spare balloon a fresh attempt  at  an ascent was arranged, though, from another

cause, with no  better  success.  This time a furious storm arose, before the  inflation was  completed, and the

balloon, carrying away, was  torn to ribbons.  Yet a  third time, with a hot air balloon now,  a performance was

advertised  and successfully carried out; but,  immediately after, Mr. Spencer's  American friend succumbed to

yellow fever, and the young man, being  thrown on his own  resources, had to fight his own way until his

fortunes had been  sufficiently restored to return to England. 

A few months later he set sail for Canada, where for several  months he had a most profitable career, on one

occasion only  meeting  with some difficulty.  He was giving an exhibition on  Prince Edward's  Island, not far

from the sea, but on a day so  calm that he did not  hesitate to ascend.  On reaching 3,000  feet, however, he was

suddenly  caught by a strong land breeze,  which, ere he could reach the water,  had carried him a mile out  to

sea, and here he was only rescued after  a long interval,  during which he had become much exhausted in his

attempts to  save his parachute from sinking. 

Early in 1892 our traveller visited South Africa with a hot air  balloon, and, fortune continuing to favour him,

he subsequently  returned to Canada, and proceeded thence to the United States  and  Cuba.  It was at Havannah

that popular enthusiasm in his  favour ran so  high that he was presented with a medal by the  townsfolk.  It was

from  here also that, a little while after,  tidings of his own death reached  him, together with most  gratifying

obituary notices.  It would seem  that, after his  departure, an adventurer, attempting to personate him,  met with

his death. 

In November, 1897, he followed his elder brother's footsteps to  the East, and exhibited in Calcutta,

Singapore, Canton, and  also  HongKong, where, for the first and only time in his  experience, he  met with

serious accident.  He was about to  ascend for the ordinary  parachute performance with a hot air  balloon,

which was being held  down by about thirty men, one  among them being a Chinaman possessed of  much

excitability and  very long finger nails.  By means of these  latter the man  contrived to gouge a considerable

hole in the fabric of  the  balloon.  Mr. Spencer, to avoid a disappointment, risked an  ascent, and it was not till

the balloon had reached 600 feet  that the  rent developed into a long slit, and so brought about  a sudden fall to

earth.  Alighting on the side of a mountain,  Mr. Spencer lay helpless  with a broken leg till the arrival of  some

British bluejackets, who  conveyed him to the nearest  surgeon, when, after due attention, he was  sent home.

Other  remarkable exploits, which Mr. Stanley Spencer  shared with Dr.  Berson and with the writer and his

daughter, will be  recorded  later. 


After Mr. Coxwell's experiments at Aldershot in 1862 the  military  balloon, as far as England was concerned,

remained in  abeyance for  nine long years, when the Government appointed a  Commission to enquire  into its

utility, and to conduct further  experiments.  The members of  this committee were Colonel Noble,  R.E., Sir F.

Abel, Captain Lee,  R.E., assisted by Captain  Elsdale, R.E., and Captain (now Colonel)  Templer.  Yet another

nine years, however, elapsed before much more  was heard of this  modernised military engine. 

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But about the beginning of the eighties the Government had  become  fully alive to the importance of the

subject, and Royal  Engineers at  Woolwich grew busy with balloon manufacture and  experiment.  Soon "the

sky around London became speckled with  balloons."  The method of  making socalled pure hydrogen by

passing steam over redhot iron was  fully tested, and for a  time gained favour.  The apparatus, weighing  some

three tons,  was calculated to be not beyond the carrying powers  of three  service waggons, while it was

capable of generating enough  gas  to inflate two balloons in twentyfour hours, a single  inflation  holding

good, under favourable circumstances, for a  long period.  At  the Brighton Volunteer Review of 1880, Captain

Templer, with nine men,  conducted the operations of a captive  reconnoitring balloon.  This was  inflated at the

Lewes gas  works, and then towed two and a half miles  across a river, a  railway, and a line of telegraph wires,

after which  it was let  up to a height of 1,500 feet, whence, it was stated, that  so  good a view was obtained that

"every man was clearly seen."  Be  it  remembered, however, that the country was not the South  African veldt,

and every man was in the striking English  uniform of that date. 

Just at this juncture came the Egyptian War, and it will be  recalled that in the beginning of that war balloons

were  conspicuous  by their absence.  The difficulties of  reconnaissance were keenly felt  and commented on,

and among  other statements we find the following in  the war intelligence  of the Times: 

"As the want of a balloon equipment has been mentioned in  letters  from Egypt, it may be stated that all the

War  Department balloons  remain in store at the Royal Dockyard at  Woolwich, but have been  recently

examined and found perfectly  serviceable."  An assertion had  been made to the effect that  the nature of the

sand in Egypt would  impede the transport of  the heavy material necessary for inflation.  At last, however,  the

order came for the despatch of the balloon  equipment to the  front, and though this arrived long after

TelelKebir, yet it  is recorded that the first ascent in real active  service in the  British Army took place on

the 25th of March, 1885, at  Suakin,  and balloons becoming regarded as an allimportant part of the

equipment of war, they were sent out in the Bechuanaland  Expedition  under Sir Charles Warren, the supply

of gas being  shipped to Cape Town  in cylinders. 

It was at this period that, according to Mr. Coxwell, Lord  Wolseley made ascents at home in a war balloon to

form his own  personal opinion of their capabilities, and, expressing this  opinion  to one of his staff, said that

had he been able to  employ balloons in  the earlier stages of the Soudan campaign  the affair would not have

lasted as many months as it did  years.  This statement, however,  should be read in conjunction  with another of

the same officer in the  "Soldier's Pocket  Book," that "in a windy country balloons are  useless."  In the  Boer

War the usefulness of the balloon was  frequently tested,  more particularly during the siege of Ladysmith,

when it was  deemed of great value in directing the fire of the British  artillery, and again in Buller's advance,

where the balloon is  credited with having located a "deathtrap" of the enemy at  Spion  Kop.  Other

allimportant service was rendered at  Magersfontein.  The  Service balloon principally used was made  of

goldbeaters' skin,  containing about 10,000 cubic feet of  hydrogen, which had been  produced by the action of

sulphuric  acid on zinc, and compressed in  steel cylinders.  A special gas  factory was, for the purpose of the

campaign, established at  Cape Town. 

It is here that reference must be made to some of the special  work  undertaken by Mr. Eric S. Bruce, which

dealt with the  management of  captive balloons under different conditions, and  with a system of  signalling

thus rendered feasible.  Mr. Bruce,  who, since Major  BadenPowell's retirement from the office, has  devoted

his best  energies as secretary to the advancement of  the British Aeronautical  Society, was the inventor of the

system of electric balloon signalling  which he supplied to the  British Government, as well as to the Belgian

and Italian  Governments.  This system requires but a very small  balloon,  made of three or four thicknesses of

goldbeaters' skin,  measuring from 7 to 10 feet in diameter, and needing only two  or  three gas cylinders for

inflation.  Within the balloon,  which is  sufficiently translucent, are placed several  incandescent lamps in

metallic circuit, with a source of  electricity on the ground.  This  source of electricity may  consist of batteries

of moderate size or a  portable hand  dynamo.  In the circuit is placed an apparatus for  making and  breaking

contact rapidly, and by varying the duration of  the  flashes in the balloon telegraphic messages may be easily

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transmitted.  To overcome the difficulty of unsteadiness, under  circumstances of rough weather, in the captive

balloon which  carried  the glow lamps, Mr. Bruce experimented with guy ropes,  and gave a most  successful

exhibition of their efficiency  before military experts at  Stamford Bridge grounds, though a  stiff wind was

blowing at the time. 

It must be perfectly obvious, however, that a captive balloon  in a  wind is greatly at a disadvantage, and to

counteract this,  attempts  have been made in the direction of a combination  between the balloon  and a kite.

This endeavour has been  attended with some measure of  success in the German army.  Mr.  Douglas

Archibald, in England, was  one of the first to advocate  the kite balloon.  In 1888 he called  attention to the

unsatisfactory behaviour of captive balloons in  variable winds,  dropping with every gust and rising again

with a lull.  In  proof he described an expedient of Major Templer's, where an  attempt was being made to

operate a photographic camera hoisted  by  two tandem kites.  "The balloon," he writes, "went up  majestically,

and all seemed very satisfactory until a mile of  cable had been run  out, and the winder locked."  It was then

that troubles began which  threatened the wreckage of the  apparatus, and Mr. Archibald, in  consequence,

strongly  recommended a kite balloon at that time.  Twelve  years later  the same able experimentalist,

impressed with the splendid  work  done by kites alone for meteorological purposes at least,  allowed that he

was quite content to "let the kite balloon go  by." 

But the German school of aeronauts were doing bigger things  than  making trials with kite balloons.  The

German Society for  the  Promotion of Aerial Navigation, assisted by the Army  Balloon Corps,  were busy in

1888, when a series of important  ascents were commenced.  Under the direction of Dr. Assmann,  the

energetic president of the  aeronautical society above  named, captive ascents were arranged in  connection

with free  ascents for meteorological purposes, and it was  thus  practicable to make simultaneous observations

at different  levels.  These experiments, which were largely taken up on the  Continent, led to others of yet

higher importance, in which the  unmanned balloon took a part.  But the Continental annals of  this  date contain

one unhappy record of another nature, the  recounting of  which will, at least, break the monotony  attending

mere experimental  details. 

In October, 1893, Captain Charbonnet, an enthusiastic French  aeronaut, resolved on spending his

honeymoon, with the full  consent  of his bride, in a prolonged balloon excursion.  The  start was to be  made

from Turin, and, the direction of travel  lying across the Alps,  it was the hope of the voyagers  eventually to

reach French territory.  The ascent was made in  perfect safety, as was also the first descent,  at the little  village

of Piobesi, ten miles away.  Here a halt was  made for  the night, and the next morning, when a fresh start was

determined on, two young Italians, Signori Botto and Durando,  were  taken on board as assistants, for the

exploit began to  assume an  appearance of some gravity, and this the more so when  storm clouds  began

brewing.  At an altitude of 10,000 feet  crosscurrents were  encountered, and the course becoming  obscured

the captain descended to  near the earth, where he  discovered himself to be in dangerous  proximity to gaunt

mountain peaks.  On observing this, he promptly  cast out sand  so liberally that the balloon rose to a height

approaching  20,000 feet, when a rapid descent presently began, and  refused  to be checked, even with the

expenditure of all available  ballast. 

All the while the earth remained obscured, but, anticipating a  fall among the mountains, Captain Charbonnet

bade his  companions lie  down in the car while he endeavoured to catch  sight of some landmark;  but, quite

suddenly, the balloon struck  some mountain slope with such  force as to throw the captain  back into the car

with a heavy blow over  the eye; then,  bounding across a gulley, it struck again and yet  again,  falling and

rebounding between rocky walls, till it settled on  a steep and snowy ridge.  Darkness was now closing in, and

the  party,  without food or proper shelter, had to pass the night as  best they  might on the bare spot where they

fell, hoping for  encouragement with  the return of day.  But dawn showed them to  be on a dangerous peak,

10,000 feet high, whence they must  descend by their own unassisted  efforts.  After a little  clambering the

captain, who was in a very  exhausted state, fell  through a hidden crevasse, fracturing his skull  sixty feet

below.  The remaining three struggled on throughout the  day,  and had to pass a second night on the mountain,

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this time  without covering.  On the third day they met with a shepherd,  who  conducted them with difficulty to

the little village of  Balme. 

This story, by virtue of its romance, finds a place in these  pages; but, save for its tragic ending, it hardly

stands alone.  Ballooning enterprise and adventure were growing every year  more and  more common on the

Continent.  In Scandinavia we find  the names of  Andree, Fraenkal, and Strindberg; in Denmark that  of

Captain Rambusch.  Berlin and Paris had virtually become the  chief centres of the  development of ballooning

as a science.  In the former city a chief  among aeronauts had arisen in Dr. A.  Berson, who, in December,

1894,  not only reached 30,000 feet,  ascending alone, but at that height  sustained himself  sufficiently, by

inhaling oxygen, to take systematic  observations throughout the entire voyage of five hours.  The  year  before,

in company with Lieutenant Gross, he barely  escaped with his  life, owing to tangled ropes getting foul of  the

valve.  Toulet and  those who accompanied him lost their  lives near Brussels.  Later  Wolfert and his engineer

were  killed near Berlin, while Johannsen and  Loyal fell into the  Sound.  Thus ever fresh and more extended

enterprise was  embarked upon with good fortune and ill.  In fact, it  had  become evident to all that the

Continent afforded facilities  for  the advancement of aerial exploration which could be met  with in no  other

parts of the world, America only excepted.  And it was at this  period that the expedient of the ballon  sonde, or

unmanned balloon,  was happily thought of.  One of  these balloons, the "Cirrus," among  several trials, rose to

a  height, selfregistered, of 61,000 feet,  while a possible  greater height has been accorded to it.  On one

occasion,  ascending from Berlin, it fell in Western Russia, on another  in  Bosnia.  Then, in 1896, at the

Meteorological Conference at  Paris,  with Mascart as President, Gustave Hermite, with  characteristic  ardour,

introduced a scheme of national ascents  with balloons manned  and unmanned, and this scheme was soon put

in effect under a  commission of famous namesAndree, Assmann,  Berson, Besancon,  Cailletet, Erk, de

Fonvielle, Hergesell,  Hermite, Jaubert, Pomotzew  (of St. Petersburg), and Rotch (of  Boston, Mass.). 

In November, 1896, five manned balloons and three unmanned  ascended simultaneously from France,

Germany, and Russia.  The  next  year saw, with the enterprise of these nations, the  cooperation of  Austria

and Belgium.  Messrs. Hermite and  Besancon, both French  aeronauts, were the first to make  practical trial of

the method of  sounding the upper air by  unmanned balloons, and, as a preliminary  attempt, dismissed  from

Paris a number of small balloons, a large  proportion of  which were recovered, having returned to earth after

less than  100 miles' flight.  Larger paper balloons were now  constructed,  capable of carrying simple

selfrecording instruments,  also  postcards, which became detached at regular intervals by the  burning away

of slow match, and thus indicated the path of the  balloon.  The next attempt was more ambitious, made with a

goldbeaters' skin balloon containing 4,000 cubic feet of gas,  and  carrying automatic instruments of precision.

This balloon  fell in the  Department of the Yonne, and was returned to Paris  with the  instruments, which

remained uninjured, and which  indicated that an  altitude of 49,000 feet had been reached, and  a minimum

temperature of  60 degrees encountered.  Yet larger  balloons of the same nature were  then experimented with

in  Germany, as well as France. 

A lack of public support has crippled the attempts of  experimentalists in this country, but abroad this method

of  aerial  exploration continues to gain favour. 

Distinct from, and supplementing, the records obtained by free  balloons, manned or unmanned, are those to

be gathered from an  aerostat moored to earth.  It is here that the captive balloon  has  done good service to

meteorology, as we have shown, but  still more so  has the highflying kite.  It must long have been  recognised

that  instruments placed on or near the ground are  insufficient for  meteorological purposes, and, as far back as

1749, we find Dr. Wilson,  of Glasgow, employing kites to  determine the upper currents, and to  carry

thermometers into  higher strata of the air.  Franklin's kite and  its application  is matter of history.  Many since

that period made  experiments  more or less in earnest to obtain atmospheric observations  by  means of kites,

but probably the first in England, at least to  obtain satisfactory results, was Mr. Douglas Archibald, who,

during  the eighties, was successful in obtaining valuable wind  measurements,  as also other results, including

aerial  photographs, at varying  altitudes up to 1,000 or 1,200 feet.  From that period the records of  serious and

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systematic kite  flying must be sought in America.  Mr. W.  A. Eddy was one of the  pioneers, and a very

serviceable tailless kite,  in which the  crossbar is bowed away from the wind, is his invention,  and  has been

much in use.  Mr. Eddy established his kite at Blue  Hillthe now famous kite observatoryand succeeded

in lifting  selfrecording meteorological instruments to considerable  heights.  The superiority of readings thus

obtained is obvious  from the fact  that fresh airstreams are constantly playing on  the instruments. 

A year or two later a totally dissimilar kite was introduced by  Mr. Lawrence Hargrave, of Sydney, Australia.

This invention,  which  has proved of the greatest utility and efficiency, would,  from its  appearance, upset all

conventional ideas of what a  kite should be,  resembling in its simplest form a mere box,  minus the back and

front.  Nevertheless, these kites, in their  present form, have carried  instruments to heights of upwards of  two

miles, the restraining line  being fine steel piano wire. 

But another and most efficient kite, admirably adapted for many  most important purposes, is that invented by

Major  BadenPowell.  The  main objects originally aimed at in the  construction of this kite  related to military

operations, such  as signalling, photography, and  the raising of a man to an  elevation for observational

purposes.  In  the opinion of the  inventor, who is a practiced aeronaut, a wind of  over thirty  miles an hour

renders a captive balloon useless, while a  kite  under such conditions should be capable of taking its place in

the field.  Describing his early experiments, Major, then  Captain,  BadenPowell, stated that in 1894, after a

number of  failures, he  succeeded with a hexagonal structure of cambric,  stretched on a bamboo  framework 36

feet high, in lifting a  mannot far, but far enough to  prove that his theories were  right.  Later on, substituting

a number  of small kites for one  big one, he was, on several occasions, raised  to a height of  100 feet, and had

sent up sand bags, weighing 9 stone,  to 300  feet, at which height they remained suspended nearly a whole


This form of kite, which has been further developed, has been  used  in the South African campaign in

connection with wireless  telegraphy  for the taking of photographs at great heights,  notably at Modder  River,

and for other purposes. 

It has been claimed that the first wellauthenticated occasion  of  a man being raised by a kite was when at

Pirbright Camp a  BadenPowell  kite, 30 feet high, flown by two lines, from which  a basket was  suspended,

took a man up to a height of 10 feet.  It is only fair,  however, to state that it is related that more  than fifty

years ago a  lady was lifted some hundred feet by a  great kite constructed by one  George Pocock, whose

machine was  designed for an observatory in war,  and also for drawing  carriages along highways. 


Among many suggestions, alike important and original, due to  Major  BadenPowell, and coming within the

field of aeronautics,  is one  having reference to the use of balloons for geographical  research  generally and

more particularly for the exploration of  Egypt, which,  in his opinion, is a country possessing many most

desirable  qualifications on the score of prevailing winds, of  suitable base, and  of ground adapted for such

steering as may be  effected with a trail  rope.  At the Bristol meeting of the  British Association the Major  thus

propounded his method: "I  should suggest several balloons, one of  about 60,000 cubic feet,  and, say, six

smaller ones of about 7,000  cubic feet; then, if  one gets torn or damaged, the others might remain  intact.

After  a time, when gas is lost, one of the smaller ones could  be  emptied into the others, and the exhausted

envelope discharged  as  ballast; the smaller balloons would be easier to transport by  porters  than one big one,

and they could be more easily secured  on the earth  during contrary winds.  Over the main balloon a  light

awning might be  rigged to neutralise, as far as possible,  the changes of temperature.  A lightning conductor to

the top of  the balloon might be desirable.  A large sail would be arranged,  and a bifurcated guide rope attached

to the end of a horizontal  pole would form an efficient means of  steering.  The car would  be boatshaped and

waterproof, so that it  could be used for a  return journey down a river.  Water tanks would be  fitted." 

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The reasonableness of such a scheme is beyond question, even  without the working calculations with which it

is accompanied;  but,  ere these words were spoken, one of the most daring  explorers that the  world has known

had begun to put in practice  a yet bolder and rasher  scheme of his own.  The idea of  reaching the North Pole

by means of  balloons appears to have  been entertained many years ago.  In a  curious work, published  in Paris

in 1863 by Delaville Dedreux, there  is a suggestion  for reaching the North Pole by an aerostat which  should

be  launched from the nearest accessible point, the calculation  being that the distance from such a starting

place to the Pole  and  back again would be only some 1,200 miles, which could be  covered in  two days,

supposing only that there could be found a  moderate and  favourable wind in each direction.  Mr. C. G.

Spencer also wrote on  the subject, and subsequently Commander  Cheyne proposed a method of  reaching the

Pole by means of  triple balloons.  A similar scheme was  advocated in yet more  serious earnest by M. Hermite

in the early  eighties. 

Some ten years later than this M. S. A. Andree, having obtained  sufficient assistance, took up the idea with

the determined  intention  of pushing it to a practical issue.  He had already  won his spurs as  an aeronaut, as

may be briefly told.  In  October, 1893, when making an  ascent for scientific purposes,  his balloon got carried

out over the  Baltic.  It may have been  the strength of the wind that had taken him  by surprise; but,  there being

now no remedy, it was clearly the speed  and  persistence of the wind that alone could save him.  If a chance

vessel could not, or would not, "stand by," he must make the  coast of  Finland or fall in the sea, and several

times the fall  in the sea  seemed imminent as his balloon commenced dropping.  This threatened  danger

induced him to cast away his anchor,  after which the verge of  the Finland shore was nearly reached,  when a

change of wind began to  carry him along the rocky coast,  just as night was setting in. 

Recognising his extreme danger, Andree stood on the edge of the  car, with a bag of ballast ready for

emergencies.  He actually  passed  over an island, on which was a building with a light;  but failed to  effect a

landing, and so fell in the sea on the  farther side; but, the  balloon presently righting itself,  Andree, now

greatly exhausted, made  his last effort, and as he  rose over the next cliff jumped for his  life.  It was past 7  p.m.

when he found himself once again on firm  ground, but with  a sprained leg and with no one within call.

Seeking  what  shelter he could, he lived out the long night, and, being now  scarce able to stand, took off his

clothes and waved them for a  signal.  This signal was not seen, yet shortly a boat put off  from an  islandthe

same that he had passed the evening before  and rowed  towards him.  The boatman overnight had seen a

strange sail sweeping  over land and sea, and he had come in  quest of it, bringing timely  succour to the


Briefly stated, Andree's grand scheme was to convey a suitable  balloon, with means for inflating it, as also all

necessary  equipment, as far towards the Pole as a ship could proceed, and  thence, waiting for a favourable

wind, to sail by sky until the  region of the Pole should be crossed, and some inhabited  country  reached

beyond.  The balloon was to be kept near the  earth, and  steered, as far as this might be practicable, by  means

of a trail  rope.  The balloon, which had a capacity of  nearly 162,000 cubic feet,  was made in Paris, and was

provided  with a rudder sail and an  arrangement whereby the hang of the  trail rope could be readily  shifted to

different positions on  the ring.  Further, to obviate  unnecessary diffusion and loss  of gas at the mouth, the

balloon was  fitted with a lower valve,  which would only open at a moderate  pressure, namely, that of  four

inches of water. 

All preparations were completed by the summer of 1896, and on  June  7th the party embarked at Gothenburg

with all necessaries  on board,  arriving at Spitzbergen on June 21st.  Andree, who  was to be  accompanied on

his aerial voyage by two companions,  M. Nils Strindberg  and Dr.  Ekholm, spent some time in  selecting a spot

that would seem  suitable for their momentous  start, and this was finally found on  Dane's Island, where their

cargo was accordingly landed. 

The first operation was the erection of a wooden shed, the  materials for which they had brought with them, as

a protection  from  the wind.  It was a work which entailed some loss of time,  after which  the gas apparatus had

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to be got into order, so  that, in spite of all  efforts, it was the 27th of July before  the balloon was inflated and

in readiness. 

A member of an advance party of an eclipse  expedition arriving  in  Spitzbergen at this period, and paying a

visit to Andree for  the  purpose of taking him letters, wrote:" We watched him  deal out the  letters to his

men.  They are all volunteers and  include seven sea  captains, a lawyer, and other people some  forty in all.

Andree  chaffed each man to whom he gave a  letter, and all were as merry as  crickets over the business....  We

spent our time in watching  preparations.  The vaseline (for  soaking the guide ropes) caught fire  today, but,

luckily no  rope was in the pot." 

But the wind as yet was contrary, and day after day passed  without  any shift to a favourable quarter, until the

captain of  the ship which  had conveyed them was compelled to bring matters  to an issue by saying  that they

must return home without delay  if he was to avoid getting  frozen in for the winter.  The  balloon had now

remained inflated for  twentyone days, and Dr.  Ekholm, calculating that the leakage of gas  amounted to

nearly  1 per cent. per day, became distrustful of the  capability of  such a vessel to cope with such a voyage as

had been  aimed at.  The party had now no choice but to return home with their  balloon, leaving, however, the

shed and gasgenerating  apparatus for  another occasion. 

This occasion came the following summer, when the dauntless  explorers returned to their task, leaving

Gothenburg on May  28th,  1897, in a vessel lent by the King of Sweden, and  reaching Dane's  Island on the

30th of the same month.  Dr.  Ekholm had retired from the  enterprise, but in his place were  two volunteers,

Messrs. Frankel and  Svedenborg, the latter as  "odd man," to fill the place of any of the  other three who  might

be prevented from making the final venture. 

It was found that the shed had suffered during the winter, and  some time was spent in making the repairs and

needful  preparation, so  that the month of June was half over before all  was in readiness for  the inflation.  This

operation was then  accomplished in four days, and  by midnight of June 22nd the  balloon was at her

moorings, full and in  readiness; but, as in  the previous year, the wind was contrary, and  remained so for

nearly three weeks.  This, of course, was a less  serious  matter, inasmuch as the voyagers were a month earlier

with  their preparation, but so long a delay must needs have told  prejudicially against the buoyancy of the

balloon, and Andree  is  hardly to be blamed for having, in the end, committed  himself to a  wind that was not

wholly favourable. 

The wind, if entirely from the right direction, should have  been  due south, but on July 11th it had veered to a

direction  somewhat west  of south, and Andree, tolerating no further  delay, seized this as his  best opportunity,

and with a wind  "whistling through the woodwork of  the shed and flapping the  canvas," accompanied by

Frankel and  Svedenborg, started on his  illfated voyage. 

A telegram which Andree wrote for the Press at that epoch ran  thus:" At this moment, 2.30 p.m., we are

ready to start.  We  shall  probably be driven in a northnortheasterly direction." 

On July 22nd a carrier pigeon was recovered by the fishing boat  Alken between North Cape, Spitzbergen, and

Seven Islands,  bearing a  message, "July 13th, 12.30 p.m., 82 degrees  2  minutes north lat., 15  degrees 5

minutes east long.  Good  journey eastward.  All goes well on  board.  Andree." 

Not till August 31st was there picked up in the Arctic zone a  buoy, which is preserved in the Museum of

Stockholm.  It bears  the  message, "Buoy No. 4.  First to be thrown out.  11th July,  10 p.m.,  Greenwich mean

time.  All well up till now.  We are  pursuing our  course at an altitude of about 250 metres  Direction at first

northerly  10 degrees east; later; northerly  45 degrees east.  Four carrier  pigeons were despatched at 5.40  p.m.

They flew westwards.  We are now  above the ice, which is  very cut up in all directions.  Weather  splendid.  In

excellent  spirits.Andree, Svedenborg, Frankel.  (Postscript later on.)  Above the clouds, 7.45, Greenwich

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mean time." 

According to Reuter, the Anthropological and Geological Society  at  Stockholm received the following

telegram from a ship owner  at  Mandal:"Captain Hueland, of the steamship Vaagen who  arrived there  on

Monday morning, reports that when off Kola  Fjord, Iceland, in 65  degrees 34 minutes north lat., 21 degrees

28 minutes west long., on  May 14th he found a drifting buoy,  marked 'No. 7.'  Inside the buoy  was a capsule

marked 'Andree's  Polar Expedition,' containing a slip of  paper, on which was  given the following: 'Drifting

Buoy No. 7.  This  buoy was  thrown out from Andree's balloon on July 11th 1897, 10.55  p.m.,  Greenwich

mean time, 82 degrees north lat., 25 degrees east  lon.  We are at an altitude of 600 metres.  All well.Andree,

Svedenborg, Frankel.' " 

Commenting on the first message, Mr. Percival Spencer says:"I  cannot place reliance upon the accuracy of

either the date or  else  the lat. and long. given, as I am confident that the  balloon would  have travelled a

greater distance in two days."  It should be noted  that Dane's Island lies in 79 degrees 30  minutes north lat.

and 10  degrees 10 minutes east long. 

Mr. Spencer's opinion, carefully considered and expressed  eighteen  months afterwards, will be read with real


"The distance from Dane's Island to the Pole is about 750  miles,  and to Alaska on the other side about 1,500

miles.  The  course of the  balloon, however, was not direct to the Pole, but  towards Franz Josef  Land (about

600 miles) and to the Siberian  coast (another 800 miles).  Judging from the description of  the wind at the start,

and comparing  it with my own ballooning  experience, I estimate its speed as 40 miles  per hour, and it  will,

therefore, be evident that a distance of 2,000  miles  would be covered in 50 hours, that is two days and two

hours  after the start.  I regard all theories as to the balloon being  capable of remaining in the air for a month as

illusory.  No  free  balloon has ever remained aloft for more than 36 hours,  but with the  favourable conditions

at the northern regions  (where the sun does not  set and where the temperature remains  equable) a balloon

might remain  in the air for double the  length of time which I consider ample for  the purpose of Polar


A record of the direction of the wind was made after Andree's  departure, and proved that there was a

fluctuation in direction  from  S.W. to N.W., indicating that the voyagers may have been  borne across  towards

Siberia.  This, however, can be but  surmise.  All aeronauts of  experience know that it is an  exceedingly

difficult manoeuvre to keep  a trail rope dragging  on the ground if it is desirable to prevent  contact with the

earth on the one hand, or on the other to avoid loss  of gas.  A  slight increase of temperature or drying off of

condensed  moisture mayindeed, is sure to after a whilelift the rope  off the  ground, in which case the

balloon, rising into upper  levels, may be  borne away on currents which may be of almost  any direction, and

of  which the observer below may know  nothing.  As to the actual  divergence from the wind's direction  which

a trail rope and side sail  might be hoped to effect, it  may be confidently stated that,  notwithstanding some

wonderful  accounts that have gone abroad, it must  not be relied on as  commonly amounting to much more

than one or, at  the most, two  points. 

Although it is to be feared that trustworthy information as to  the  ultimate destination of Andree's balloon may

never be  gained, yet we  may safely state that his ever famous, though  regrettable, voyage was  the longest in

duration ever attained.  At the end of 48 hours his  vessel would seem to have been still  well up and going

strong.  The  only other previous voyage that  had in duration of travel approached  this record was that made  by

M.  Mallet, in 1892, and maintained for  36 hours.  Next we  may mention that of M. Herve, in 1886, occupying

24  1/2 hours,  which feat, however, was almost equal led by the great  Leipzig  balloon in 1897, which, with

eight people in the car, remained  up for 24 1/4 hours, and did not touch earth till 1,032 miles  had  been


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The fabric of Andree's balloon may not be considered to have  been  the best for such an exceptional purpose.

Dismissing  considerations  of cost, goldbeaters' skin would doubtless have  been more suitable.  The military

balloons at Aldershot are  made of this, and one such  balloon has been known to remain  inflated for three

months with very  little loss.  It is  conceivable, therefore, that the chances of the  voyagers, whose  ultimate

safety depended so largely upon the staying  power of  their aerial vessel, might have been considerably


One other expedient, wholly impracticable, but often seriously  discussed, may be briefly referred to, namely,

the idea of  taking up  apparatus for pumping gas into metal receivers as the  voyage proceeds,  in order to raise

or lower a balloon, and in  this way to prolong its  life.  Mr. Wenham has investigated the  point with his usual

painstaking care, and reduced its  absurdity to a simple calculation,  which should serve to banish  for good

such a mere extravagant theory. 

Suppose, he says, the gas were compressed to onetwentieth part  of  its bulk, which would mean a pressure

within its receiver of  300 lbs.  per square inch, and that each receiver had a capacity  of 1 cubic  foot, while for

safety sake it was made of steel  plates onetwentieth  of an inch thick, then each receiver would  weigh 10

lbs., and to  liberate 1,000 feet clearly a weight of  500 lbs. would have to be  taken up.  Now, when it is

considered  that 1,000 cubic feet of  hydrogen will only lift 72 lbs., the  scheme begins to look hope less

enough.  But when the question  of the pumping apparatus, to be worked  by hand, is contemplated  the

difficulties introduced become yet more  insuperable.  The  only feasible suggestion with respect the use of

compressed gas  is that of taking on board charged cylinders under high  pressure, which, after being

discharged to supply the leakage  of the  balloon could, in an uninhabited country, be cast out as  ballast last.  It

will need no pointing out, however, that such  an idea would be  practically as futile as another which has

gravely been recommended,  namely, that of heating the gas of  the balloon by a Davy lamp, so as  to increase

its buoyancy at  will.  Major BadenPowell has aptly  described this as  resembling "an attempt to warm a large

hall with a  small spirit  lamp.' 

In any future attempt to reach the Pole by balloon it is  not  unreasonable to suppose that wireless telegraphy

will be  put in  practice to maintain communication with the base.  The  writer's  personal experience of the

possibilities afforded by  this mode of  communication, yet in its infancy, will be given. 


In the autumn of 1898 the aeronautical world was interested to  hear that a young Brazilian, M. Santos

Dumont, had completed a  somewhat novel dirigible balloon, cylindrical in shape, with  conical  ends, 83 feet

long by 12 feet in diameter, holding  6,500 cubic feet of  gas, and having a small compensating  balloon of 880

cubic feet  capacity.  For a net was substituted  a simple contrivance, consisting  of two side pockets, running

the length of the balloon, and containing  battens of wood, to  which were affixed the suspension cords, bands

being also sewn  over the upper part of the balloon connecting the two  pockets.  The most important novelty,

however, was the introduction of  a  small petroleum motor similar to those used for motor  tricycles. 

The inventor ascended in this balloon, inflated with pure  hydrogen, from the Jardin d'Acclimatation, Paris,

and circled  several  times round the large captive balloon in the Gardens,  after which,  moving towards the

Bois de Boulogne, he made  several sweeps of 100  yards radius.  Then the pump of the  compensator caused

the engine to  stop, and the machine,  partially collapsing, fell to the ground.  Santos Dumont was  somewhat

shaken, but announced his intention of  making other  trials.  In this bold and successful attempt there was  clear

indication of a fresh phase in the construction of the airship,  consisting in the happy adoption of the modern

type of  petroleum  motor.  Two other hying machines were heard of about  this date, one by  Professor

Giampietre, of Pavia, cigarshaped,  driven by screws, and  rigged with masts and sails.  The other,  which had

been constructed  and tested in strict privacy, was  the invention of a French engineer,  M. Ader, and was

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imagined  to imitate the essential structure of a  bird.  Two steam motors  of 20horse power supplied the

power.  It was  started by being  run on the ground on small wheels attached to it, and  it was  claimed that

before a breakdown occurred the machine had  actually raised itself into the air. 

Of Santos Dumont the world was presently to know more, and the  same must be said of another inventor, Dr.

Barton, of  Beckenham, who  shortly completed an airship model carrying  aeroplanes and operated by

clockwork.  In an early experiment  this model travelled four miles in  twentythree minutes. 

But another airship, a true leviathan, had been growing into  stately and graceful proportions on the shores of

the Bodenzee  in  Wurtemberg, and was already on the eve of completion.  Count  Zeppelin,  a lieut.general in

the German Army, who had seen  service in the  FrancoGerman War, had for some years devoted  his fortune

and energy  to the practical study of aerial  navigation, and had prosecuted  experiments on a large scale.

Eventually, having formed a company with  a large capital, he  was enabled to construct an airship which in

size  has been  compared to a British manofwar.  Cigarshaped, its length  was  no less than 420 feet, and

diameter 40 feet, while its weight  amounted to no more than 7,250 lbs.  The framework, which for  lightness

had been made of aluminium, was, with the object of  preventing all the gas collecting at one end of its

elongated  form,  subdivided into seventeen compartments, each of these  compartments  containing a

completely fitted gas balloon, made  of oiled cotton and  marvellously gas tight.  A steering  apparatus was

placed both fore and  aft, and at a safe distance  below the main structure were fixed, also  forward and aft, on

aluminium platforms, two Daimler motor engines of  16horse  power, working aluminium propellers of four

blades at the  rate  of 1,000 revolutions a minute.  Finally, firmly attached to the  inner framework by rods of

aluminium, were two cars of the same  metal, furnished with buffer springs to break the force of a  fall.  The

trial trip was not made till the summer  followingJune,  1900and, in the meanwhile, experiments had

gone forward with another  mode of flight, terminating,  unhappily, in the death of one of the  most expert and

ingenious  of mechanical aeronauts. 

Mr. Percy S.  Pilcher, now thirtythree years of age, having  received his early training in the Navy, retired

from the  Service to  become a civil engineer, and had been for some time  a partner in the  firm of Wilson and

Pilcher.  For four or five  years he had been  experimenting in soaring flight, using a  Lilienthal machine, which

he  improved to suit his own methods.  Among these was the device of rising  off the ground by being  rapidly

towed by a line against the wind. 

At the end of September he gave an exhibition at Stamford Park  before Lord Bray and a select party of

friendsthis in spite  of an  unsuitable afternoon of unsteady wind and occasional  showers.  A long  towing

line was provided, which, being passed  round pulley blocks and  dragged by a couple of horses, was  capable

of being hauled in at high  speed.  The first trial,  though ending in an accident, was eminently  satisfactory.  The

apparatus, running against the wind, had risen some  distance,  when the line broke, yet the inventor descended

slowly and  safely with outstretched wings.  The next trial also commenced  well,  with an easy rise to a height

of some thirty feet.  At  that point,  however, the tail broke with a snap, and the  machine, pitching over,  fell a

complete wreck.  Mr. Pilcher was  found insensible, with his  thigh broken, and though no other  serious injury

was apparent, he  succumbed two days afterwards  without recovering consciousness.  It  was surmised that

shrinkage of the canvas of the tail, through getting  wet, had  strained and broken its bamboo stretcher. 

This autumn died Gaston Tissandier, at the age of fiftysix;  and  in the month of December, at a ripe old age,

while still in  full  possession of intellectual vigour, Mr. Coxwell somewhat  suddenly  passed away.  Always

keenly interested in the progress  of aeronautics;  he had but recently, in a letter to the  Standard, proposed a

wellconsidered and practical method of  employing Montgolfier  reconnoitring balloons, portable, readily

inflated, and especially  suited to the war in South Africa.  Perhaps the last letters of a  private nature penned by

Mr.  Coxwell were to the writer and his  daughter, full of friendly  and valuable suggestion, and more

particularly commenting on a  recent scientific aerial voyage, which  proved to be not only  sensational, but

established a record in English  ballooning. 

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The great train of the November meteors, known as the Leonids,  which at regular periods of thirtythree

years had in the past  encountered the earth's atmosphere, was due, and overdue.  The  cause  of this, and of

their finally eluding observation, need  only be very  briefly touched on here.  The actual meteoric  train is

known to travel  in an elongated ellipse, the far end  of which lies near the confines  of the solar system, while

at a  point near the hither end the earth's  orbit runs slantingly  athwart it, forming, as it were, a level  crossing

common to the  two orbits, the earth taking some five or six  hours in transit.  Calculation shows that the

meteor train is to be  expected at  this crossing every thirtythree and a third years, while  the  train is extended

to such an enormous lengthtaking more than  a  year to draw clearthat the earth must needs encounter it

ere it gets  by, possibly even two years running.  There could  be no absolute  certainty about the exact year, nor

the exact  night when the earth and  the meteors would foregather, owing to  the uncertain disturbance which

the latter must suffer from the  pull of the planetary bodies in the  long journey out and home  again among

them.  As is now known, this  disturbing effect had  actually dispersed the train. 

The shower, which was well seen in 1866, was pretty confidently  expected in 1899, and to guard against the

mischance of cloudy  weather, it was arranged that the writer should, on behalf of  the  Times newspaper, make

an ascent on the right night to  secure  observations.  Moreover, it was arranged that he should  have, as chief

assistant, his own daughter, an enthusiastic  lady aeronaut, who had  also taken part in previous astronomical


Unfortunately there were two nights, those of November 14th and  15th, when the expected shower seemed

equally probable, and,  taking  counsel with the best authorities in the astronomical  world, it seemed  that the

only course to avoid disappointment  would be to have a  balloon filled and moored in readiness for  an

immediate start, either  on the first night or on the second. 

This settled the matter from the astronomical side, but there  was  the aeronautical side also to be considered.

A balloon of  56,000  cubic feet capacity was the largest available for the  occasion, and a  night ascent with

three passengers and  instruments would need plenty  of lifting power to meet chance  emergencies.  Thus it

seemed that a  possible delay of  fortyeight hours might entail a greater leakage of  gas than  could be afforded. 

The leakage might be expected chiefly to occur at the valve in  the  head of the balloon, it being extremely

difficult to render  any form  of mechanical valve gas tight, however carefully its  joints be stopped  with luting.

On this account, therefore, it  was determined that the  balloon should be fitted with what is  known as a solid

or rending  valve, consisting simply of balloon  fabric tied hard and fast over the  entire upper outlet, after  the

fashion of a jam pot cover.  The outlet  itself was a gaping  hole of over 2 feet across; but by the time its

covering had  been carefully varnished over all leakage was  sufficiently  prevented, the one drawback to this

method being the fact  that  the liberation of gas now admitted of no regulation.  Pulling  the valve line would

simply mean opening the entire wide  aperture,  which could in no way be closed again. 

The management of such a valve consists in allowing the balloon  to  sink spontaneously earthwards, and when

it has settled near  the  ground, having chosen a desirable landing place, to tear  open the  socalled valve once

and for all. 

This expedient, dictated by necessity, seeming sufficient for  the  purpose at hand, preparations were

proceeded with, and,  under the  management of Mr. Stanley Spencer, who agreed to act  as aeronaut, a  large

balloon, with solid valve, was brought  down to Newbury gas works  on November 14th, and, being inflated

during the afternoon, was full  and made snug by sundown.  But  as the meteor radiant would not be well  above

the horizon till  after midnight, the aeronautical party retired  for refreshment,  and subsequently for rest, when,

as the night wore  on, it  became evident that, though the sky remained clear, there would  be no meteor display

that night.  The next day was overcast,  and by  nightfall hopelessly so, the clouds ever thickening,  with

absence of  wind or any indication which might give promise  of a change.  Thus by  midnight it became

impossible to tell  whether any display were in  progress or not.  Under these  circumstances, it might have been

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difficult to decide when to  make the start with the best show of  reason.  Clearly too early  a start could not

subsequently be  rectified; the balloon, once  off, could not come back again; while,  once liberated, it would  be

highly unwise for it to remain aloft and  hidden by clouds  for more than some two hours, lest it should be

carried out to  sea. 

Happily the right decision under these circumstances was  perfectly  clear.  Other things being equal, the best

time would  be about 4 a.m.,  by which period the moon, then near the full,  would be getting low,  and the two

hours of darkness left would  afford the best seeing.  Leaving, then, an efficient outlook on  the balloon ground,

the party  enjoyed for some hours the  entertainment offered them by the Newbury  Guildhall Club, and  at 4

a.m. taking their seats in the car, sailed up  into the  calm chilly air of the November night. 

But the chilliness did not last for long.  A height of 1,500  feet  was read by the Davy lamp, and then we

entered fogwarm,  wetting fog,  through which the balloon would make no progress  in spite of a  prodigal

discharge of sand.  The fact was that  the balloon, which had  become chilled through the night hours,  was

gathering a great weight  of moisture from condensation on  its surface, and when, at last, the  whole depth of

the cloud,  1,500 feet, had been penetrated, the chill  of the upper air  crippled the balloon and sent her plunging

down again  into the  mist, necessitating yet further expenditure of sand, which by  this time had amounted to

no less than 3 1/2 cwt. in twenty  minutes.  And then at last we reached our level, a region on  the upper margin

of the cloud floor, where evaporation reduced  the temperature, that  had recently been that of greenhouse

warmth, to intense cold. 

That evaporation was going on around us on a gigantic scale was  made very manifest.  The surface of the vast

cloud floor below  us was  in a perfect turmoil, like that of a troubled sea.  If  the cloud  surface could be

compared to anything on earth it  most resembled sea  where waves are running mountains high.  At  one

moment we should be  sailing over a trough, wide and deep  below us, the next a mighty  billow would toss

itself aloft and  vanish utterly into space.  Everywhere wreaths of mist with  ragged fringes were withering

away  into empty air, and, more  remarkable yet, was the conflict of wind  which sent the cloud  wrack flying

simply in all directions. 

For two hours now there was opportunity for observing at  leisure  all that could be made of the falling

meteors.  There  were a few, and  these, owing to our clear, elevated region,  were exceptionally bright.  The

majority, too, were true  Leonids, issuing from the radiant point  in the "Sickle," but  these were not more

numerous than may be counted  on that night  in any year, and served to emphasise the fact that no  real  display

was in progress.  The outlook was maintained, and  careful notes made for two hours, at the end of which time

the  dawn  began to break, the stars went in, and we were ready to  pack up and  come down. 

But the point was that we were not coming down.  We were at  that  time, 6 a.m., 4,000 feet high, and it needs

no pointing  out that at  such an altitude it would have been madness to tear  open our huge  rending valve, thus

emptying the balloon of gas.  It may also be  unnecessary to point out that in an ordinary  afternoon ascent such

a  valve would be perfectly satisfactory,  for under these circumstances  the sun presently must go down,  the air

must grow chill, and the  balloon must come earthward,  allowing of an easy descent until a safe  and suitable

opportunity for rending the valve occurred; but now we  knew  that conditions were reversed, and that the sun

was just going  to rise. 

And then it was we realised that we were caught in a trap.  From  that moment it was painfully evident that we

were  powerless to act,  and were at the mercy of circumstances.  By  this time the light was  strong, and, being

well above the  tossing billows of mist, we  commanded an extended view on every  side, which revealed,

however,  only the upper unbroken surface  of the dense cloud canopy that lay  over all the British Isles.  We

could only make a rough guess as to our  probable locality.  We knew that our course at starting lay towards

the  west, and  if we were maintaining that course a travel of scarcely more  than sixty miles would carry us out

to the open sea.  We had  already  been aloft for two hours, and as we were at an altitude  at which fast  upper

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currents are commonly met with, it was high  time that, for  safety, we should be coming down; yet it was

morally certain that it  would be now many hours before our  balloon would commence to descend  of its own

accord by sheer  slow leakage of gas, by which time, beyond  all reasonable  doubt, we must be carried far out

over the Atlantic.  All we  could do was to listen intently for any sounds that might  reach  us from earth, and

assure us that we were still over the land;  and for a length of time such sounds were vouchsafed usthe  bark

of  a dog, the lowing of cattle, the ringing trot of a  horse on some hard  road far down. 

And then, as we were expecting, the sun climbed up into an  unsullied sky, and, mounting by leaps and

bounds, we watched  the  cloud floor receding beneath us.  The effect was extremely  beautiful.  A description

written to the Times the next  morning, while the  impression was still fresh, and from notes  made at this

period, ran  thus:" Away to an infinitely distant  horizon stretched rolling  billows of snowy whiteness,

broken up  here and there into seeming  icefields, with huge fantastic  hummocks.  Elsewhere domes and spires

reared themselves above  the general surface, or an isolated Matterhorn  towered into  space.  In some quarters it

was impossible to look  without the  conviction that we actually beheld the outline of lofty  cliffs  overhanging a

none too distant sea."  Shortly we began to hear  loud reports overhead, resembling small explosions, and we

knew  what  these werethe moist, shrunken netting was giving out  under the hot  sun and yielding now and

again with sudden  release to the rapidly  expanding gas.  It was, therefore, with  grave concern, but with no

surprise, that when we next turned  to the aneroid we found the index  pointing to 9,000 feet, and  still moving


Hour after hour passed by, and, sounds having ceased to reach  us,  it remains uncertain whether or no we were

actually carried  out to sea  and headed back again by contrary currents, an  experience with which  aeronauts,

including the writer, have  been familiar; but, at length,  there was borne up to us the  distant sound of heavy

hammers and of  frequent trains, from  which we gathered that we were probably over  Bristol, and it  was then

that the thought occurred to my daughter that  we might  possibly communicate with those below with a view

to succour.  This led to our writing the following message many times over  on  blank telegraph forms and

casting them down: "Urgent.  Large balloon  from Newbury travelling overhead above the  clouds.  Cannot

descend.  Telegraph to sea coast (coastguards)  to be ready to rescue.Bacon  and Spencer." 

While thus occupied we caught the sound of waves, and the  shriek  of a ship's siren.  We were crossing a reach

of the  Severn, and most  of our missives probably fell in the sea.  But  over the estuary there  must have been a

cold upper current  blowing, which crippled our  balloon, for the aneroid presently  told of a fall of 2,000 feet.

It  was now past noon, and to us  the turn of the tide was come.  Very  slowly, and with strange  fluctuations, the

balloon crept down till it  reached and became  enveloped in the cloud below, and then the end was  near.  The

actual descent occupied nearly two hours, and affords a  curious  study in aerostation.  The details of the

balloon's dying  struggles and of our own rough descent, entailing the fracture  of my  daughter's arm, are told

in another volume.* 

We fell near Neath, Glamorganshire, only one and a half miles  short of the sea, completing a voyage which is

a record in  English  ballooningten hours from start to finish. 

* "By Land and Sky," by the Author. 


The first trial of the Zeppelin air ship was arranged to take  place on June 30th, 1900, a day which, from

absence of wind,  was  eminently well suited for the purpose; but the inflation  proved too  slow a process, and

operations were postponed to the  morrow.  The  morrow, however, was somewhat windy, causing  delay, and

by the time  all was in readiness darkness had set in  and the start was once more  postponed.  On the evening of

the  third day the monster craft was  skilfully and successfully  manoeuvred, and, rising with a very light  wind,

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got fairly  away, carrying Count Zeppelin and four other persons  in the two  cars.  Drifting with the wind, it

attained a height of some  800  or 900 feet, at which point the steering apparatus being  brought  into play it

circled round and faced the wind, when it  remained  stationary.  But not for long.  Shortly it began to  descend

and,  sinking gradually, gracefully, and in perfect  safety, in about nine  minutes it reached and rested on the

water, when it was towed home. 

A little later in the month, July, another trial was made, when  a  wind was blowing estimated at sixteen miles

an hour.  As on  the  previous occasion, the direct influence of the sun was  avoided by  waiting till evening

hours.  It ascended at 8 p.m.,  and the engines  getting to work it made a slow progress of  about two miles an

hour  against the wind for about 3 1/2 miles,  when one of the rudders gave  way, and the machine was obliged

to descend. 

On the evening of October 24th of the same year, in very calm  weather and with better hope, another ascent

was made.  On this  occasion, however, success was frustrated by one of the rear  rudders  getting foul of the

gear, followed by the escape of gas  from one of  the balloons. 

Another and more successful trial took place in the same month,  again in calm atmosphere.  Inferior gas was

employed, and it  would  appear that the vessel had not sufficient buoyancy.  It  remained aloft  for a period of

twenty minutes, during which it  proved perfectly  manageable, making a graceful journey out and  home, and

returning  close to its point of departure.  This  magnificent air ship, the  result of twenty years of experiment,

has since been abandoned and  broken up; yet the sacrifice has  not been without result.  Over and  above the

stimulus which  Count Zeppelin's great endeavour has given to  the aeronautical  world, two special triumphs

are his.  He has shown  balloonists  how to make a perfectly gastight material, and has raised  powerful

petroleum motors in a balloon with safety. 

In the early part of 1900 it was announced that a member of the  Paris Aero Club, who at the time withheld his

name (M. Deutsch)  offered a prize of 100,000 francs to the aeronaut who, either  in a  balloon or flying

machine, starting from the grounds of  the Aero Club  at Longchamps, would make a journey round the  Eiffel

Tower, returning  to the starting place within half an  hour.  The donor would withdraw  his prize if not won

within  five years, and in the meanwhile would pay  4,000 francs  annually towards the encouragement of

worthy  experimenters. 

It was from this time that flying machines in great variety and  goodly number began to be heard of, if not

actually seen.  One  of the  earliest to be announced in the Press was a machine  invented by the  Russian,

Feedoroff, and the Frenchman, Dupont.  Dr. Danilewsky came  forward with a flying machine combining

balloon and aeroplane, the  steering of which would be worked  like a velocipede by the feet of the  aeronaut. 

Mr. P. Y. Alexander, of Bath, who had long been an enthusiastic  balloonist, and who had devoted a vast

amount of pains,  originality,  and engineering skill to the pursuit of  aeronautics, was at this time  giving much

attention to the  flying machine, and was, indeed, one of  the assistants in the  first successful launching of the

Zeppelin  airship.  In concert  with Mr. W. G. Walker, A.M.I.C.E., Mr. Alexander  carried out  some valuable

and exhaustive experiments on the lifting  power  of air propellers, 30 feet in diameter, driven by a portable

engine.  The results, which were of a purely technical nature,  have  been embodied in a carefully compiled


An air ship now appeared, invented by M. Rose, consisting of  two  elongated vessels filled with gas, and

carrying the working  gear and  car between them.  The machine was intentionally made  heavier than  air, and

was operated by a petrol motor of  12horse power. 

It was now that announcements began to be made to the effect  that,  next to the Zeppelin air ship, M. Santos

Dumont's balloon  was probably  attracting most of the attention of experts.  The  account given of  this air

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vessel] by the Daily Express was  somewhat startling.  The  balloon proper was compared to a large  torpedo.

Three feet beneath  this hangs the gasoline motor  which is to supply the power.  The  propeller is 12 feet in

diameter, and is revolved so rapidly by the  motor that the  engine frequently gets red hot.  The only

accommodation  for the  traveller is a little bicycle seat, from which the aeronaut  will direct his motor and

steering gear by means of treadles.  Then  the inclination or declination of his machine must be  noted on the

spirit level at his side, and the 200 odd pounds  of ballast must be  regulated as the course requires. 

A more detailed account of this navigable balloon was furnished  by  a member of the Paris Aero Club.  From

this authority we  learn that  the capacity of the balloon was 10,700 cubic feet.  It contained an  inner balloon

and an air fan, the function of  which was to maintain  the shape of the balloon when meeting the  wind, and the

whole was  operated by a 10horse power motor  capable of working the screw at 100  revolutions per minute. 

But before the aerial exploits of Santos Dumont had become  famous,  balloons had again claimed public

attention.  On August  1st Captain  Spelterini, with two companions, taking a balloon  and 180 cylinders of

hydrogen to the top of the Rigi and  ascending thence, pursued a  northeast course, across extensive  and

beautiful tracts of icefield  and mountain fastnesses  unvisited by men.  The descent, which was  difficult and

critical, was happily manoeuvred.  This took place on  the  Gnuetseven, a peak over 5,000 feet high, the plateau

on which  the  voyagers landed being described as only 50 yards square,  surrounded by  precipices. 

On the 10th of September following the writer was fortunate in  carrying out some wireless telegraphy

experiments in a balloon,  the  success of which is entirely due to the unrivalled skill of  Mr. Nevil  Maskelyne,

F.R.A.S., and to his clever adaptation of  the special  apparatus of his own invention to the exigencies of  a free

balloon.  The occasion was the garden party at the  Bradford meeting of the  British Association, Admiral Sir

Edmund  Fremantle taking part in the  voyage, with Mr. Percival Spencer  in charge.  The experiment was to

include the firing of a mine  in the grounds two minutes after the  balloon had left, and this  item was entirely

successful.  The main  idea was to attempt to  establish communication between a base and a  free balloon

retreating through space at a height beyond practicable  gun  shot.  The wind was fast and squally, and the

unavoidable rough  jolting which the car received at the start put the  transmitting  instrument out of action.  The

messages, however,  which were sent from  the grounds at Lister Park were received  and watched by the

occupants  of the car up to a distance of  twenty miles, at which point the voyage  terminated. 

On September 30th, and also on October 9th, of this year, took  place two principal balloon races from

Vincennes in connection  with  the Paris Exposition.  In the first race, among those who  competed  were M.

Jacques Faure, the Count de la Vaulx, and M.  Jacques Balsan.  The Count was the winner, reaching

Wocawek, in  Russian Poland, a  travel of 706 miles, in 21 hours 34 minutes.  M. Balsan was second,

descending near Dantzig in East Prussia,  757 miles, in 22 hours.  M.  Jacques Faure reached Mamlitz, in  East

Prussia, a distance of 753  miles. 

In the final race the Count de la Vaulx made a record voyage of  1,193 miles, reaching Korosticheff, in

Russia, in 35 hours 45  minutes, attaining a maximum altitude of 18,810 feet.  M. J.  Balsan  reached a greater

height, namely, 21,582 feet,  travelling to Rodom, in  Russia, a distance of 843 miles, in 27  hours 25 minutes. 

Some phenomenal altitudes were attained at this time.  In  September, 1898, Dr. Berson, of Berlin, ascended

from the  Crystal  Palace in a balloon inflated with hydrogen, under the  management of  Mr. Stanley Spencer,

oxygen being an essential  part of the equipment.  The start was made at 5 p.m., and the  balloon at first drifted

southeast, out over the mouth of the  Thames, until at an altitude of  10,000 feet an upper current  changed the

course to southwest, the  balloon mounting rapidly  till 23,000 feet was reached, at which height  the coast of

France was plainly seen.  At 25,000 feet both voyagers  were  gasping, and compelled to inhale oxygen.  At

27,500 feet, only  four bags of ballast being left, the descent was commenced, and  a  safe landing was effected

at Romford. 

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Subsequently Dr.  Berson, in company with Dr. Suring, ascending  from Berlin, attained an altitude of 34,000

feet.  At 30,000  feet the  aeronauts were inhaling oxygen, and before reaching  their highest  point both had for a

considerable time remained  unconscious. 

In 1901 a new aeroplane flying machine began to attract  attention,  the invention of Herr Kress.  A novel

feature of the  machine was a  device to render it of avail for Arctic travel.  In shape it might be  compared to an

iceboat with two keels and  a long stem, the keels being  adapted to run on ice or snow,  while the boat would

float on water.  Power was to be derived  from a petrol motor. 

At the same period M. Henry Sutor was busy on Lake Constance  with  an air ship designed also to float on

water.  Then Mr.  Buchanan  followed with a fishshaped vessel, one of the most  important  specialities of

which consisted in side propellers,  the surfaces of  which were roughened with minute diagonal  grooves to

effect a greater  grip on the air. 

No less original was the air ship, 100 feet long, and carrying  18,000 cubic feet of gas, which Mr. W. Beedle

was engaged upon.  In  this machine, besides the propellers for controlling the  horizontal  motion, there was

one to regulate vertical motion,  with a view of  obviating expenditure of gas or ballast. 

But by this time M. Santos Dumont, pursuing his hobby with  unparalleled perseverance, had built in

succession no less than  six  air ships, meeting with no mean success, profiting by every  lesson  taught by

failures, and making light of all accidents,  great or small.  On July 15th, 1901, he made a famous try for  the

Deutsch prize in a  cigarshaped balloon, 110 feet long,  19,000 cubic feet capacity,  carrying a Daimler oil

motor of  15horse power.  The day was not  favourable, but, starting from  the Parc d'Aerostation, he was

abreast  of the Eiffel Tower in  thirteen minutes, circling round which, and  battling against a  head wind, he

reached the grounds of the Aero Club  in 41  minutes from the start, or 11 minutes late by the conditions of  the

prize.  A cylinder had broken down, and the balance of the  vessel  had become upset. 

Within a fortnightJuly 29thin favourable weather, he made  another flight, lasting fifteen minutes, at the

end of which he  had  returned to his starting ground.  Then on August 8th a more  momentous  attempt came

off.  Sailing up with a rapid ascent,  and flying with the  wind, Santos Dumont covered the distance to  the

Tower in five minutes  only, and gracefully swung round;  but, immediately after, the wind  played havoc,

slowing down the  motor, at the same time damaging the  balloon, and causing an  escape of gas.  On this

Santos Dumont,  ascending higher into  the sky, quitted the car, and climbed along the  keel to  inspect, and, if

possible, rectify the motor, but with little  success.  The balloon was emptying, and the machine pitched  badly,

till a further rent occurred, when it commenced falling  hopelessly and  with a speed momentarily increasing. 

Slanting over a roof, the balloon caught a chimney and tore  asunder; but the wreck, also catching, held fast,

while the car  hung  helplessly down a blank wall.  In this perilous  predicament great  coolness and agility alone

averted disaster,  till firemen were able to  come to the rescue. 

The air ship was damaged beyond repair, but by September 6th  another was completed, and on trial appeared

to work well  until,  while travelling at speed, it was brought up and badly  strained by the  trail rope catching in


Early in the next month the young Brazilian was aloft again,  with  weather conditions entirely in his favour;

but again  certain minor  mishaps prevented his next struggle for the  prize, which did not take  place till the

19th.  On this day a  light cross wind was blowing, not  sufficient, however,  seriously to influence the first

stage of the  time race, and  the outward journey was accomplished with a direct  flight in  nine minutes.  On

rounding the tower, however, the wind  began  to tell prejudicially, and the propeller became deranged.  On

this, letting his vessel fall off from the wind, Santos Dumont  crawled along the framework till he reached the

motor, which he  succeeded in again setting in working order, though not without  a  delay of several minutes

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and some loss of ground.  From that  point the  return journey was accomplished in eight minutes, and  the race

was, at  the time, declared lost by 40 seconds only. 

The most important and novel feature in the air ships  constructed  by Santos Dumont was the internal

ballonet,  inflated automatically by  a ventilator, the expedient being  designed to preserve the shape of  the

main balloon itself while  meeting the wind.  On the whole, it  answered well, and took the  place of the heavy

wire cage used by  Zeppelin. 

M. de Fonvielle, commenting on the achievements of Santos  Dumont,  wrote:"It does not appear that he

has navigated his  balloon against  more than very light winds, but in his  machinery he has shown such

attention to detail that it may  reasonably be expected that if he  continues to increase his  motive power he will,

ere long, exceed past  performances." 

Mr. Chanute has a further word to say about the possibility of  making balloons navigable.  He considers that

their size will  have to  be great to the verge of impracticability and the power  of the motor  enormous in

proportion to its weight.  As to  flying machines, properly  so called, he calculates the best  that has been done

to be the  sustaining of from 27 lbs. to 55  lbs. per horse power by impact upon  the air.  But Mr. Chanute  also

argues that the equilibrium is of prime  importance, and on  this point there could scarcely be a greater

authority.  No one  of living men has given more attention to the  problem of  "soaring," and it is stated that he

has had about a  thousand  "slides" made by assistants, with different types of machine,  and all without the

slightest accident. 

Many other aerial vessels might be mentioned.  Mr. T. H.  Bastin,  of Clapham, has been engaged for many

years on a  machine which should  imitate bird flight as nearly as this may  be practicable. 

Baron Bradsky aims at a navigable balloon on an ambitious  scale.  M. Tatin is another candidate for the

Deutsch prize.  Of Dr. Barton's  air ship more is looked for, as being designed  for the War Office.  It  is

understood that the official  requirements demand a machine which,  while capable of  transporting a man

through the air at a speed of 13  miles an  hour, can remain fully inflated for 48 hours.  One of the  most

sanguine, as well as enterprising, imitators of Santos Dumont  was a fellow countryman, Auguste Severo.  Of

his machine during  construction little could be gathered, and still less seen,  from the  fact that the various

parts were being manufactured at  different  workshops, but it was known to be of large size and  to be fitted

with  powerful motors.  This was an illfated  vessel.  At an early hour on  May 12th of this year, 1902, all  Paris

was startled by a report that  M. Severo and his  assistant, M. Sachet had been killed while making a  trial

excursion.  It appears that at daybreak it had been decided  that the favourable moment for trial had arrived.

The  machinery was  got ready, and with little delay the air vessel  was dismissed and rose  quietly and steadily

into the calm sky.  The Daily Mail gives the  following account of what ensued: 

"For the first few minutes all went well, and the motor seemed  to  be working satisfactorily.  The air ship

answered the helm  readily,  and admiring exclamations rose from the crowd.... But  as the vessel  rose higher

she was seen to fall off from the  wind, while the  aeronauts could be seen vainly endeavouring to  keep her

head on.  Then  M. Severo commenced throwing out  ballast.... All this time the ship  was gradually soaring

higher  and higher until, just  as it was over  the Montparnasse  Cemetery, at the height of 2,000 feet, a sheet of

flame was  seen to shoot up from one of the motors, and instantly the  immense silk envelope containing 9,000

cubicfeet of hydrogen  was  enveloped in leaping tongues of fire.... As soon as the  flames came in  contact with

the gas a tremendous explosion  followed, and in an  instant all that was left of the air ship  fell to the earth."

Both  aeronauts were dashed to pieces.  It  was thought that the fatality was  caused through faulty  construction,

the escape valve for the gas being  situated only  about nine feet from the motor.  It was announced by  Count de

la Vaulx that during the summer of 1901 he would attempt to  cross the Mediterranean by a balloon,

provisioned for three  weeks,  maintaining communication with the coast during his  voyage by wireless

telegraphy and other methods of signalling.  He was to make use of the  "Herve Deviator," or steering

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apparatus, which may be described as a  series of cupshaped  plates dipping in the water at the end of a trail

rope.  By  means of controlling cords worked from the car, the whole  series of plates could be turned at an

angle to the direction  of the  wind, by which the balloon's course would be altered.  Count de la  Vaulx

attempted this grand journey on October 12th,  starting from  Toulon with the intention of reaching Algiers,

taking the precaution,  however, of having a cruiser in  attendance.  When fifty miles out from  Marseilles a

passing  steamer received from the balloon the signal,  "All's well"; but  the wind had veered round to the east,

and,  remaining  persistently in this quarter, the Count abandoned his  venture,  and, signalling to the cruiser,

succeeded in alighting on her  deck, not, however, before he had completed the splendid and  record  voyage of

41 hours' duration. 


Clearly the time has not yet arrived when the flying machine  will  be serviceable in war.  Yet we are not

without those  theorisers who,  at the present moment, would seriously propose  schemes for conveying

dynamite and other explosives by air  ship, or dropping them over  hostile forces or fortresses, or  even fleets at

sea.  They go yet  further, and gravely discuss  the point whether such warfare would be  legitimate.  We,

however, may say at once, emphatically, that any such  scheme is  simply impracticable.  It must be abundantly

evident that,  so  far, no form of dirigible air ship exists which could be relied  on  to carry out any required

manoeuvre in such atmospheric  conditions as  generally prevail.  If, even in calm and  favourable weather,

more  often than not motors break down, or  gear carries away, what hope is  there for any aerial craft  which

would attempt to battle with such  wind currents as  commonly blow aloft? 

And when we turn to the balloon proper, are chances greatly  improved?  The eminently practical aeronaut,

John Wise, as was  told  in Chapter XII., prepared a scheme for the reduction of  Vera Cruz by  the agency of a

balloon.  Let us glance at it.  A  single balloon was  to suffice, measuring 100 feet in diameter,  and capable of

raising in  the gross 30,000 lbs.  To manoeuvre  this monstrous engine he  calculates he would require a cable

five miles long, by means of which  he hoped, in some manner, to  work his way directly over the fortress,  and

to remain poised  at that point at the height of a mile in the sky.  Once granted  that he could arrive and

maintain himself at that  position, the  throwing out of combustibles would be simple, though  even then  the

spot where they would alight after the drop of a mile  would  be by no means certain.  It is also obvious that a

vast amount  of gas would have to be sacrificed to compensate for the  prodigal  discharge of ballast in the form

of missiles. 

The idea of manoeuvring a balloon in a wind, and poising it in  the  manner suggested, is, of course,

preposterous; and when one  considers  the attempt to aim bombs from a moving balloon high  in air the case

becomes yet more absurd.  Any such missile  would partake of the motion  of the balloon itself, and it would  be

impossible to tell where it  would strike the earth. 

To give an example which is often enough tried in balloon  travel  when the ground below is clear.  A glass

bottle  (presumably empty) is  cast overboard and its fall watched.  It  is seen not to be left  behind, but to keep

pace with the  balloon, shrinking gradually to an  object  too small to be  discerned, except when every now and

then a  ray of sunlight  reflected off it reveals it for a moment as it  continues to  plunge downwards.  After a

very few seconds the  impression is  that it is about to reach the earth, and the eye forms a  guess  at some spot

which it will strike; but the spot is quickly  passed, and the bottle travels far beyond across a field, over  the

further fence, and vastly further yet; indeed, inasmuch as  to fall a  mile in air a heavy body may take over

twenty  secondsand twenty  seconds is long to those who watchit is  often impossible to tell to  two or

three fields where it will  finally settle. 

All this while the risk that a balloon would run of being  riddled  by bullets, shrapnel, or pompoms has not

been taken  into account, and  as to the estimate of this risk there is some  difference of opinion.  The balloon

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corps and the artillery  apparently approach the question  with different bias.  On the  one hand, it is stated with

perfect truth  that a free balloon,  which is generally either rising or falling, as  well as moving  across country,

is a hard object to hit, and a marksman  would  only strike it with a chance or blundering shot; but, on the  other

hand let us take the following report of three years ago. 

The German artillery had been testing the efficiency of a  quickfiring gun when used against a balloon, and

they decided  that  the latter would have no chance of escape except at night.  A German  kiteballoon was kept

moving at an altitude of 600  metres, and the  guns trained upon it were distant 3,000 metres.  It was then stated

that after the third discharge of the rapid  firing battery the range  was found, when all was at once over  with

the balloon; for, not only  was it hit with every  discharge, but it was presently set on fire and  annihilated. 

But, in any case, the antique mode of keeping a balloon moored  at  any spot as a post of observation must be

abandoned in  modern warfare.  Major BadenPowell, speaking from personal  experience in South  Africa, has

shown how dangerous, or else  how useless, such a form of  reconnaissance has become.  "I  remember," he

says, "at the battle of  Magersfontein my company  was lying down in extended order towards the  left of our

line.  We were perfectly safe from musketry fire, as we  lay, perhaps,  two miles from the Boer trenches, which

were being  shelled by  some of our guns close by.  The enemy's artillery was  practically silent.  Presently, on

looking round, I descried  our  balloon away out behind us about two miles off.  Then she  steadily  rose and

made several trips to a good height, but what  could be seen  from that distance?  When a large number of our

troops were ranged up  within 800 yards of the trenches, and  many more at all points behind  them, what useful

information  could be obtained by means of the  balloon four miles off?" 

The same eminent authority insists on the necessity of an  observing war balloon making short ascents.  The

balloon, in  his  opinion, should be allowed to ascend rapidly to its full  height, and  with as little delay as

possible be hauled down  again.  Under these  conditions it may then be well worth  testing whether the

primitive  form of balloon, the Montgolfier,  might not be the most valuable.  Instead of being made, as the  war

balloon is now, of fragile  material, and filled with costly  gas difficult to procure, and which  has to be

conveyed in heavy  and cumbersome cylinders, a hot air  balloon could be rapidly  carried by hand anywhere

where a few men  could push their way.  It is of strong material, readily mended if  torn, and could be  inflated

for short ascents, if not by mere brush  wood, then by  a portable blast furnace and petroleum. 

But there is a further use for balloons in warfare not yet  exploited.  The Siege of Paris showed the utility of

free  balloons,  and occasions arise when their use might be still  further extended.  The writer pointed out that it

might have  been very possible for an  aeronaut of experience, by choosing  the right weather and the right

position along the British  lines, to have skilfully manoeuvred a free  balloon by means of  upper currents, so as

to convey allimportant  intelligence to  besieged Mafeking, and he proved that it would have  sufficed if  the

balloon could have been "tacked" across the sky to  within  some fifteen miles of the desired goal. 

The mode of signalling which he proposed was by means of a  "collapsing drum," an instrument of occasional

use in the Navy.  A  modification of this instrument, as employed by the writer,  consisted  of a light, spherical,

drumshaped frame of large  size, which, when  covered with dark material and hung in the  clear below the

car of a  lofty balloon, could be well seen  either against blue sky or grey at a  great distance.  The  socalled

drum could, by a very simple  contrivance, readily  worked from the car, be made to collapse into a  very

inconspicuous object, and thus be capable of displaying Morse  Code signals.  A long pause with the drum

extendedlike the  long  wave of a signalling flagwould denote a "dash," and a  short pause a  "dot," and

these motions would be at once  intelligible to anyone  acquainted with the now universal Morse  Code system. 

Provided with an apparatus of the kind, the writer made an  ascent  from Newbury at a time when the military

camps were  lying on Salisbury  Plain at a distance of nearly twenty miles  to the southwest.  The  ground wind

up to 2,500 feet on  starting was nearly due north, and  would have defeated the  attempt; again, the air stream

blowing above  that height was  nearly due east, which again would have proved  unsuitable.  But  it was

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manifestly possible to utilise the two  currents, and  with good luck to zigzag one's course so as to come

within  easy signalling distance of the various camps; and, as a matter  of fact, we actually passed immediately

over Bulford Camp, with  which  we exchanged signals, while two other camps lay close to  right and  left of us.

Fortune favouring us, we had actually  hit our mark,  though it would have been sufficient for the  experiment

had our course  lain within ten miles right or left. 

Yet a further use for the balloon in warfare remains untried in  this country.  Acting under the advice of experts

in the  Service, the  writer, in the early part of the present year,  suggested to the  Admiralty the desirability of

experimenting  with balloons as a means  of detecting submarine engines of war.  It is well known that reefs

and  shoals can generally be seen  from a cliff or mast head far more  clearly than from the deck  or other

position near the surface of the  water.  Would not,  then, a balloon, if skilfully manoeuvred, serve as  a valuable

post of observation?  The Admiralty, in acknowledging the  communication, promised to give the matter their

attention; but  by  the month of June the Press had announcements of how the  selfsame  experiments had been

successfully carried through by  French  authorities, while a few days later the Admiralty wrote,  "For the

present no need is seen for the use of a captive  balloon to detect  submarines." 

Among many and varied ballooning incidents which have occurred  to  the writer, there are some which may

not unprofitably be  compared with  certain experiences already recorded of other  aeronauts.  Thunderstorms,

as witnessed from a balloon, have  already been  casually described, and it may reasonably be hoped  that the

observations which have, under varying circumstances,  been made at  high altitudes may throw some

additional light on  this familiar,  though somewhat perplexing, phenomenon. 

To begin with, it seems a moot point whether a balloon caught  in a  thunderstorm is, or is not, in any special

danger of being  struck.  It  has been argued that immunity under such  circumstances must depend  upon

whether a sufficiently long time  has elapsed since the balloon  left the earth to allow of its  becoming

positively electrified by  induction from the clouds or  by rain falling upon its surface.  But  there are many

other  points to be considered.  There is the constant  escape of gas  from the mouth; there is the mass of pointed

metal in  the  anchor; and, again, it is conceivable that a balloon rapidly  descending out of a thunderstorm

might carry with it a charge  residing on its moistened surface which might manifest itself  disastrously as the

balloon reached the earth. 

Instances seem to have been not infrequent of balloons  encountering thunderstorms; but, unfortunately, in

most cases  the  observers have not had any scientific training, or the  accounts which  are to hand are those of

the type of journalist  who is chiefly in  quest of sensational copy. 

Thus there is an account from America of a Professor King who  made  an ascent from Burlington, Iowa, just

as a thunderstorm  was  approaching, with the result that, instead of scudding away  with the  wind before the

storm, he was actually, as if by some  attraction,  drawn into it.  On this his aim was to pierce  through the cloud

above,  and then follows a description which  it is hard to realise:"There  came down in front of him, and

apparently not more than 50 feet  distant, a grand discharge of  electricity."  Then he feels the car  lifted, the gas

suddenly  expands to overflowing, and the balloon is  hurled through the  cloud with inconceivable velocity,

this happening  several  times, with tremendous oscillations of the car, until the  balloon is borne to earth in a

torrent of rain.  We fancy that  many  practical balloonists will hardly endorse this  description. 

But we have another, relating to one of the most distinguished  aeronauts, M. Eugene Godard, who, in an

ascent with local  journalists, was caught in a thunderstorm.  Here we are  toldpresumably by the

journaliststhat "twice the lightning  flashed within a few yards of the terrorstricken crew." 

Once again, in an ascent at Derby, a spectator writes:"The  lightning played upon the sphere of the balloon,

lighting it up  and  making things visible through it."  This, however, one must  suppose,  can hardly apply to the

balloon when liberated. 

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But a graphic description of a very different character given  in  the "Quarterly Journal of the Royal

Meteorological Society"  for  January, 1901, is of real value.  It appears that three  lieutenants of  the Prussian

Balloon Corps took charge of a  balloon that ascended at  Berlin, and, when at a height of 2,300  feet, became

enveloped in the  mist, through which only  occasional glimpses of earth were seen.  At  this point a sharp,

crackling sound was heard at the ring, like the  sparking of a  huge electrical machine, and, looking up, the

voyagers  beheld  sparks apparently some halfinch thick, and over two feet in  length, playing from the ring.

Thunder was heard, butand  this may  have significanceonly before and after the above  phenomenon. 

Another instructive experience is recorded of the younger Green  in  an ascent which he made from

FrankfortontheMaine.  On  this occasion  he relates that he encountered a thunderstorm,  and at a height of

4,400 feet found himself at the level where  the storm clouds were  discharging themselves in a deluge.  He

seems to have had no  difficulty in ascending through the storm  into the clear sky above,  where a breeze from

another quarter  quickly carried him away from the  storm centre. 

This coexistence, or conflict of opposite currents, is held to  be  the common characteristic, if not the main

cause, of  thunderstorms,  and tallies with the following personal  experience.  It was in typical  July weather of

1900 that the  writer and his son, accompanied by  Admiral Sir Edmund Fremantle  and Mr. Percival Spencer,

made an evening  ascent from Newbury.  It had been a day of storms, but about 5 p.m.,  after what  appeared to

be a clearing shower, the sky brightened, and  we  sailed up into a cloudless heaven.  The wind, at 3,000 feet,

was  travelling at some thirty miles an hour, and ere the  distance of ten  miles had been covered a formidable

thunder  pack was seen approaching  and coming up dead against the wind.  Nothing could be more evident

than that the balloon was  travelling rapidly with a lower wind, while  the storm was being  borne equally

rapidly on an upper and  diametrically opposite  current.  It proved one of the most severe  thunderstorms

remembered in the country.  It brooded for five hours  over  Devizes, a few miles ahead.  A homestead on our

right was  struck  and burned to the ground, while on our left two soldiers  were killed  on Salisbury Plain.  The

sky immediately overhead  was, of course,  hidden by the large globe of the balloon, but  around and beneath us

the storm seemed to gather in a blue grey  mist, which quickly  broadened and deepened till, almost before  we

could realise it, we  found ourselves in the very heart of  the storm, the lightning playing  all around us, and the

sharp  hail stinging our faces. 

The countrymen below described the balloon as apparently  enveloped  by the lightning, but with ourselves,

though the  flashes were  incessant, and on all sides, the reverberations of  the thunder were  not remarkable,

being rather brief explosions  in which they resembled  the thunder claps not infrequently  described by

travellers on mountain  heights. 

The balloon was now descending from a double cause: the weight  of  moisture suddenly accurnulated on its

surface, and the very  obvious  downrush of cold air that accompanied the storm of  pelting hail.  With  a very

limited store of ballast, it seemed  impossible to make a  further ascent, nor was this desirable.  The signalling

experiments on  which we were intent could not be  carried on in such weather.  The  only course was to

descend,  and though this was not at once  practicable, owing to Savernake  Forest being beneath us, we

effected a  safe landing in the  first available  clearing. 

As has been mentioned, Mr. Glaisher and other observers have  recorded several remarkable instances of

opposite wind currents  being  met with at moderate altitudes.  None, however, can have  been more  noteworthy

or surprising than the following  experience Of the writer  on Whit Monday of 1899.  The ascent  was under an

overcast sky, from  the Crystal Palace at 3 p.m.,  at which hour a cold drizzle was  settling in with a moderate

breeze from the east.  Thus, starting from  the usual filling  ground near the north tower, the balloon sailed over

the body  of the Palace, and thence over the suburbs towards the west  till lost in the mist.  We then ascended

through 1,500 feet of  dense,  wetting cloud, and, emerging in bright sunshine,  continued to drift  for two hours

at an average altitude of some  3,000 feet; 1,000 feet  below us was the illdefined, ever  changing upper

surface of the dense  cloud floor, and it was no  longer possible to determine our course,  which we therefore

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assumed to have remained unchanged.  At length,  however, as a  measure of prudence, we determined to

descend through  the  clouds sufficiently to learn something of our whereabouts,  which  we reasonably

expected to be somewhere in Surrey or  Berks.  On  emerging, however, below the cloud, the first object  that

loomed out  of the mist irnmediately below us was a cargo  vessel, in the rigging  of which our trail rope was

entangling  itself.  Only by degrees the  fact dawned upon us that we were  in the estuary of the Thames, and

beating up towards London  once again with an cast wind.  Thus it  became evident that at  the higher level,

unknown to ourselves, we had  been headed back  on our course, for two hours, by a wind diametrically

opposed  to that blowing on the ground. 

Two recent developments of the hotair war balloon suggest  great  possibilities in the near future.  One takes

the form of  a small  captive, carrying aloft a photographic camera directed  and operated  electrically from the

ground.  The other is a  selfcontained passenger  balloon of large dimensions, carrying  in complete safety a

special  petroleum burner of great power.  These new and important departures  are mainly due to the

mechanical genius of Mr. J. N. Maskelyne, who  has patented and  perfected them in conjunction with the



Some fair idea of the conditions prevailing in the upper air  may  have been gathered from the many and

various observations  already  recorded.  Stating the case broadly, we may assert that  the same  atmospheric

changes with which we are familiar at the  level of the  earth are to be found also at all accessible  heights,

equally  extensive and equally sudden. 

Standing on an open heath on a gusty day, we may often note the  rhythmic buffeting of the wind, resembling

the assault of  rolling  billows of air.  The evidence of these billows has been  actually  traced far aloft in balloon

travel, when aeronauts,  looking down on a  windswept surface of cloud, have observed  this surface to be

thrown  into a series of rolls of vapour,  which were but vast and veritable  waves of air.  The interval  between

successive crests of these waves  has on one occasion  been estimated at approximately half a mile.  We  have

seen how  these air streams sometimes hold wide and independent  sway at  different levels.  We have seen, too,

how they sometimes meet  and mingle, not infrequently attended with electrical  disturbance 

Through broad drifts of air minor air streams would seem often  literally to "thread" their way, breakng up

into filaments or  wandering rills of air.  In the voyage across Salisbury Plain  lately  described, while the

balloon was being carried with the  more sluggish  current, a number of small parachutes were dropped  out at

frequent  intervals and carefully watched.  These would  commonly attend the  balloon for a little while, until,

getting  into some minor air stream,  they would suddenly and rapidly  diverge at such wide angles as to

suggest that crossing our  actual course there were side paths, down  which the smaller  bodies became wafted. 

On another occasion the writer met with strongly marked and  altogether exceptional evidence of the

vehemence and  persistence of  these minor aerial streamlets.  It was on an  occasion in April  weather, when a

heavy overcast sky blotted  out the upper heavens.  In  the cloud levels the wind was  somewhat sluggish, and

for an hour we  travelled at an average  speed of a little over twenty miles an hour,  never higher than  3,000

feet.  At this point, while flying over  Hertfordshire, we  threw out sufficient ballast to cause the balloon to  rise

clear  of the hazy lower air, and coming under the full influence  of  the sun, then in the meridian, we shot

upwards at considerable  speed, and soon attained an altitude of three miles.  But for a  considerable portion of

this climbwhile, in fact, we were  ascending  through little less than a mile of our upward  coursewe were

assailed  by impetuous cross currents, which  whistled through car and rigging  and smote us fairly on the

cheek.  It was altogether a novel  experience, and the more  remarkable from the fact that our main onward

course was not  appreciably diverted. 

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Then we got above these currents, and remained at our maximum  level, while we floated, still at only a

moderate speed, the  length  of a county.  The descent then began, and once again,  while we dropped  through

the same  disturbed region, the same  farreaching and  obtrusive crosscurrent assailed us.  It was  quite

obvious that the  vehement currents were too slender to  tell largely upon the huge  surface of the balloon, as it

was  being swept steadily onwards by the  main wind, which never  varied in direction from ground levels up to

the greatest  height attained. 

This experience is but confirmation of the story of the wind  told  by the wind gauges on the Forth Bridge.

Here the maximum  pressure  measured on the large gauge of 300 square feet is  commonly  considerably less

than that on the smaller gauge,  suggesting that the  latter must be due to threads of air of  limited area and high


Further and very valuable light is thrown on the peculiar ways  of  the wind, now being considered, by

Professor Langley in the  special  researches of his to which reference has already been  made.  This  eminent

observer and mathematician, suspecting that  the oldfashioned  instruments, which only told what the wind

had been doing every hour,  or at best every minute, gave but a  most imperfect record, constructed  delicate

gauges, which would  respond to every impulse and give  readings from second to  second. 

In this way he established the fact that the wind, far from  being  a body of even approximate uniformity, is

under most  ordinary  conditions irregular almost beyond conception.  Further, that the  greater the speed the

greater the  fluctuations, so that a high wind  has to be regarded as "air  moving in a tumultuous mass," the

velocity  at one moment  perhaps forty miles an hour, then diminishing to an  almost  instantaneous calm, and

then resuming."  In fact, in the very  nature of the case, wind is not the result of one simple cause,  but  of an

infinite number of impulses and changes, perhaps long  passed,  which are preserved in it, and which die only

slowly  away." 

When we come to take observations of temperature we find the  conditions in the atmosphere above us to be

at first sight not  a  little complex, and altogether different in day and night  hours.  From  observations already

recorded in this  volumenotably those of Gay  Lussac, Welsh, and Glaisherit  has been made to appear

that, in  ascending into the sky in  daytime, the temperature usually falls  according to a general  law; but there

are found regions where the fall  of temperature  becomes arrested, such regions being commonly, though  by

no  means invariably, associated with visible cloud.  It is  probable, however, that it would be more correct not

to  interpret the  presence of cloud as causing manifestation of  cold, but rather to  regard the meeting of warm

and cold  currents as the cause of cloud. 

The writer has experimented in the upper regions with a special  form of air thermometer of great sensibility,

designed to  respond  rapidly to slight variations of temperature.  Testing  this instrument  on one occasion in a

room of equable warmth,  and without draughts, he  was puzzled by seeing the index in a  capillary tube

suddenly mounting  rapidly, due to some cause  which was not apparent, till it was noticed  that the parlour  cat,

attracted by the proceedings, had approached  near the  apparatus.  The behaviour of this instrument when slung

in  the  clear some distance over the side of the balloon car, and  carefully watched, suggests by its fitful,

sudden, and rapid  changes  that warmer currents are often making their way in such  slender  wandering rills as

have been already pictured as  permeating the  broader air streams.  During night hours  conditions are reversed.

The  warmer air radiated off the earth  through the day has then ascended.  It will be found at  different heights,

lying in pools or strata,  possibly  resembling in form, could they be seen, masses of visible  cloud. 

The writer has gathered from night voyages instructive and  suggestive facts with reference to the ascent of air

streams,  due to  differences of temperature, particularly over London and  the suburbs,  and it is conceivable

that in such ascending  streams may lie a means  of dealing successfully with  visitations of smoke and fog. 

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One lesson taught by balloon travel has been that fog or haze  will  come or go in obedience to temperature

variations at low  levels.  Thus  thick haze has lain over London, more  particularly over the lower  parts, at

sundown.  Then through  night hours, as the temperature of  the lower air has become  equalised, the haze has

completely  disappeared, but only to  reassert itself at dawn. 

A description of the very impressive experience of a night sail  over London has been reserved, but should not

be altogether  omitted.  Glaisher, writing of the spectacle as he observed it  nearly forty  years ago, describes

London seen at night from a  balloon at a distance  as resembling a vast conflagration.  When  actually over the

town, a  main thoroughfare like the Commercial  Road shone up like a line of  brilliant fire; but, travelling

westward, Oxford Street presented an  appearance which puzzled  him.  "Here the two thickly studded rows of

brilliant lights  were seen on either side of the street, with a  narrow, dark  space between, and this dark space

was bounded, as it  were, on  both sides by a bright fringe like frosted silver."  Presently  he discovered that  this

rich effect was caused by the  bright  illumination of the shop lights on the pavements." 

London, as seen from a balloon on a clear moonlight night in  August a year ago (1901), wore a somewhat

altered appearance.  There  were the fairy lamps tracing out the streets, which,  though dark  centred, wore their

silver lining; but in irregular  patches a whiter  light from electric arc lamps broadened and  brightened and

shone out  like some pyrotechnic display above  the black housetops.  Through the  vast town ran a blank, black

channel, the river, winding on into  distance, crossed here and  there by bridges showing as bright bands,  and

with bright spots  occasionally to mark where lay the river craft.  But what was  most striking was the silence.

Though the noise of  London  traffic as heard from a balloon has diminished of late years  owing to the better

paving, yet in day hours the roar of the  streets  is heard up to a great height as a hard, harsh,  grinding din.  But

at  night, after the last 'bus has ceased to  ply, and before the market  carts begin lumbering in, the  balloonist, as

he sails over the town,  might imagine that he  was traversing a City of the Dead. 

It is at such times that a shout through a speaking trumpet has  a  most startling effect, and more particularly a

blast on a  horn.  In  this case after an interval of some seconds a wild  note will be flung  back from the

housetops below, answered and  reanswered on all sides  as it echoes from roof to roofa  wild, weird

uproar that awakes  suddenly, and then dies out  slowly far away. 

Experiments with echoes from a balloon have proved instructive.  If, when riding at a height, say, of 2,000

feet, a charge of  guncotton be fired electrically 100 feet below the car, the  report,  though really as loud as a

cannon, sounds no more than  a mere pistol  shot, possibly partly owing to the greater rarity  of the air, but

chiefly because the sound, having no background  to reflect it, simply  spends itself in the air.  Then, always

and under all conditions of  atmosphere soever, there ensues  absolute silence until the time for  the echo back

from earth  has fully elapsed, when a deafening outburst  of thunder rises  from below, rolling on often for

more than half a  minute.  Two  noteworthy facts, at least, the writer has established  from a  very large number

of trials: first, that the theory of aerial  echoes thrown back from empty space, which physicists have held  to

exist constantly, and to be part of the cause of thunder,  will have to  be abandoned; and, secondly, that from

some cause  yet to be fully  explained the echo back from the earth is  always behind its time. 

But balloons have revealed further suggestive facts with regard  to  sound, and more particularly with regard to

the varying  acoustic  properties of the air.  It is a familiar experience  how distant sounds  will come and go,

rising and falling, often  being wafted over  extraordinary distances, and again failing  altogether, or sometimes

being lost at near range, but  appearing in strength further away.  A  free balloon, moving in  the profound

silence of the upper air, becomes  an admirable  sound observatory.  It may be clearly detected that in  certain

conditions of atmosphere, at least, there are what may be  conceived to be aerial sound channels, through

which sounds are  ,momentarily conveyed with abnormal intensity.  This phenomenon  does  but serve to give

an intelligible presentment of the  unseen conditions  existing in the realm of air. 

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It would be reasonable to suppose that were an eye so  constituted  as to be able to see, say, cumulus masses of

warmer  air, strata  mottled with traces of other gases, and beds of  invisible matter in  suspension, one might

suppose that what we  deem the clearest sky would  then appear flecked with forms as  many and various as the

clouds that  adorn our summer heavens. 

But there is matter in suspension in the atmosphere which is  very  far from invisible, and which in the case of

large towns  is very  commonly lying in thick strata overhead, stopping back  the sunlight,  and forming the

nucleus round which noisome fogs  may form.  Experimenting with suitable apparatus, the writer  has found on

a  still afternoon in May, at 2,000 feet above  Kingston in Surrey, that  the air was charged far more heavily

with dust than that of the London  streets the next day; and,  again, at half a mile above the city in the  month of

August  last dust, much of it being of a gross and even  fibrous nature,  was far more abundant than on grass

enclosures in the  town  during the forenoon of the day following. 

An attempt has been made to include England in a series of  international balloon ascents arranged expressly

for the  purpose of  taking simultaneous observations at a large number  of stations over  Europe, by which

means it is hoped that much  fresh knowledge will be  forthcoming with respect to the  constitution of the

atmosphere up to  the highest levels  accessible by balloons manned and unmanned.  It is  very much to  be

regretted that in the case of England the attempt here  spoken of has rested entirely on private enterprise.  First

and  foremost in personal liberality and the work of organisation  must be  mentioned Mr. P. Y. Alexander,

whose zeal in the  progress of  aeronautics is second to none in this country.  Twice through his  efforts England

has been represented in the  important work for which  Continental nations have no difficulty  in obtaining

public grants.  The first occasion was on November  8th, 1900, when the writer was  privileged to occupy a seat

in  the balloon furnished by Mr. Alexander,  and equipped with the  most modern type of instruments.  It was a

stormy and fast  voyage from the Crystal Palace to Halstead, in Essex,  48 miles  in 40 minutes.  Simultaneously

with this, Mr. Alexander  dismissed an unmanned balloon from Bath, which ascended 8,000  feet,  and landed

at Cricklade.  Other balloons which took part  in the  combined experiment were two from Paris, three from

Chalais Meudon,  three from Strasburg, two from Vienna, two from  Berlin, and two from  St. Petersburg. 

The section of our countrymen specially interested in  aeronauticsa growing communityis represented by

the  Aeronautical  Society, formed in 1865, with the Duke of Argyll  for president, and  for thirty years under

the most energetic  management of Mr. F. W.  Brearey, succeeding whom as hon. secs.  have been Major

BadenPowell  and Mr. Eric S. Bruce.  Mr.  Brearey was one of the most successful  inventors of flying  models.

Mr. Chanute, speaking as President of the  American  Society of Civil Engineers, paid him a high and

welldeserved  compliment in saying that it was through his influence that  aerial  navigation had been cleared

of much rubbish and placed  upon a  scientific and firm basis. 

Another community devoting itself to the pursuit of balloon  trips  and matters aeronautical generally is the

newlyformed  Aero Club, of  whom one of the most prominent and energetic  members is the Hon. C. S.


It had been announced that M. SantosDumont would bring an air  ship to England, and during the summer of

the present year  would give  exhibitions of its capability.  It was even rumoured  that he might  circle round St.

Paul's and accomplish other  aerial feats unknown in  England.  The promise was fulfilled so  far as bringing the

air ship to  England was concerned, for one  of his vessels which had seen service  was deposited at the  Crystal

Palace.  In some mysterious manner,  however, never  sufficiently made clear to the public, this machine was

one  morning found damaged, and M. SantosDumont has withdrawn from  his proposed engagements. 

In thus doing he left the field open to one of our own  countrymen,  who, in his first attempt at flight with an

air  ship of his own  invention and construction, has proved himself  no unworthy rival of  the wealthy young


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Mr. Stanley Spencer, in a very brief space of time, designed  and  built completely in the workshops of the

firm an elongated  motor  balloon, 75 feet long by 20 feet diameter, worked by a  screw and  petrol motor.  This

motor is placed in the prow, 25  feet away from,  and in front of, the safety valve, by which  precaution any

danger of  igniting the escaping gas is avoided.  Should, however, a collapse of  the machine arise from any

cause, there is an arrangement for throwing  the balloon into  the form of a parachute.  Further, there is

provided  means for  admitting air at will into the balloon, by which the  necessity  for much ballast is obviated. 

Mr. Spencer having filled the balloon with pure hydrogen, made  his  first trial with this machine late in an

evening at the end  of June.  The performance of the vessel is thus described in  the Westminster

Gazette:"The huge balloon filled slowly, so  that the light was  rapidly failing when at last the doors of  the

big shed slid open and  the ship was brought carefully out,  her motor started, and her maiden  voyage

commenced.  With Mr.  Stanley Spencer in the car, she sailed  gracefully down the  football field, wheeled

round in a circlea small  circle,  tooand for perhaps a quarter of an hour sailed a tortuous  course over the

heads of a small but enthusiastic crowd of  spectators.  The ship was handicapped to some extent by the  fact

that  in their anxiety to make the trial the aeronauts had  not waited to  inflate it fully, but still it did its work

well,  answered its helm  readily, showed no signs of rolling, and, in  short, appeared to give  entire satisfaction

to everybody  concernedso much so, indeed, that  Mr. Stanley Spencer  informed the crowd after the ascent

that he was  quite ready to  take up any challenge that M. Santos Dumont might throw  down."  Within a few

weeks of this his first success Mr. Spencer was  able to prove to the world that he had only claimed for his

machine  what its powers fully justified.  On a still September  afternoon,  ascending alone, he steered his aerial

ship in an  easy and graceful  flight over London, from the Crystal Palace  to Harrow. 


The future development of aerostation is necessarily difficult  to  forecast.  Having reviewed its history from its

inception we  have to  allow that the balloon in itself, as an instrument of  aerial  locomotion, remains

practically only where it was 120  years ago.  Nor,  in the nature of the case, is this to be  wondered at.  The

wind, which  alone guides the balloon, is  beyond man's control, while, as a source  of lifting power, a  lighter

and therefore more suitable gas than  hydrogen is not to  be found in nature. 

It is, however, conceivable that a superior mode of inflation  may  yet be discovered.  Now that the liquefaction

of gases has  become an  accomplished fact, it seems almost theoretically  possible that a  balloonist may

presently be able to provide  himself with an unlimited  reserve of potential energy so as to  be fitted for travel

of  indefinite duration.  Endowed with  increased powers of this nature,  the aeronaut could utilise a  balloon for

voyages of discovery over  regions of the earth  which bar man's progress by any other mode of  travel.  A

future  Andree, provided with a means of maintaining his gas  supply for  six weeks, need have no hesitation in

laying his course  towards  the North Pole, being confident that the winds must ultimately  waft him to some

safe haven.  He could, indeed, well afford,  having  reached the Pole, to descend and build his cairn, or  even to

stop a  week, if he so desired, before continuing on his  way. 

But it may fairly be claimed for the balloon, even as it now  is,  that a great and important future is open to it as

a means  for  exploring inaccessible country.  It may, indeed, be urged  that  Andree's task was, in the very

nature of the case, well  nigh  impracticable, and his unfortunate miscarriage will be  used as  argument against

such a method of exploration.  But it  must always be  remembered that in Andree's case the rigours of  climate

which he was  compelled to face were the most serious of  all obstacles to balloon  travel.  The extreme cold

would not  only cause constant shrinkage of  the gas, but would entail the  deposition of a weight of moisture, if

not of snow, upon the  surface of the balloon, which must greatly  shorten its life. 

It would be entirely otherwise if the country it were sought to  explore were in lower latitudes, in Australia, or

within the  vast  unknown belt of earth lying nearer the equator.  The  writer's scheme  for exploring the wholly

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unknown regions of  Arabia is already before  the public.  The fact, thought to be  established by the most

experienced aeronauts of old times, and  already referred to in these  pages, that at some height a  strong west

wind is to be found blowing  with great constancy  all round the globe, is in accordance with the  view

entertained  by modern meteorologists.  Such a wind, too, may be  expected to  be a fairly fast wind, the

calculation being that, as a  general  rule, the velocity of currents increases from the ground at  the  rate of about

three miles per hour for each thousand feet of  height; thus the chance of a balloon drifting speedily across  the

breadth of Arabia is a strong one, and, regarded in this  light, the  distance to be traversed is certainly not

excessive,  being probably  well within the lasting power of such a balloon  as that employed by  Andree.  If, for

the sake of gas supply,  Aden were chosen for the  starting ground, then 1,200 miles  E.N.E. would carry the

voyager to  Muscat; 1,100 miles N.E. by  E. would land him at Sohar; while some 800  miles would suffice  to

take him to the seaboard if his course lay N.E.  It must  also be borne in mind that the Arabian sun by day, and

the  heat  radiated off the desert by night, would be all in favour of the  buoyancy of the balloon. 

But there are other persistent winds that, for purposes of  exploration, would prove equally serviceable and

sure.  From  time  immemorial the dweller on the Nile has been led to regard  his river in  the light of a

benignant deity.  If he wished to  travel down its  course he had but to entrust his vessel to the  stream, and this

would  carry him.  If, again, he wished to  retrace his course, he had but to  raise a sail, and the  prevalent wind,

conquering the flood, would bear  him against  the stream.  This constant north wind, following the Nile  valley,

and thence trending still southward towards Uganda, has  been  regarded as a means to hand well adapted for

the  exploration of  important unsurveyed country by balloon.  This  scheme has been  conceived and elaborated

by Major B.F.S.  BadenPowell, and, so far,  the only apparent obstacle in the  way has proved the lack of

necessary  funds. 

It will be urged, however, that for purposes of exploration  some  form of dirigible balloon is desirable, and we

have  already had proof  that where it is not sought to combat winds  strongly opposed to their  course such air

ships as  SantosDumont or Messrs. Spencer have already  constructed  acquit themselves well; and it requires

no stretch of  imagination to conceive that before the present century is  closed  many great gaps in the map of

the world will have been  filled in by  aerial survey. 

But, leaving the balloon to its proper function, we turn to the  flying machine properly so called with more

sanguine hopes of  seeing  the real conquest of the air achieved.  It was as it  were but  yesterday when the air

ship, unhampered by huge globes  of gas, and  controlled by mechanical means alone, was first  fairly tried, yet

it  is already considered by those best able  to judge that its ultimate  success is assured. 

This success rests now solely in the hands of the mechanical  engineer.  He must, and surely can, build the ship

of such  strength  that some essential part does not at the critical  moment break down or  carry away.  He may

have to improve his  motive power, and here, again,  we do not doubt his cunning.  Motor engines,

selfcontained and burning  liquid fuel, are yet  in their infancy, and the extraordinary emulation  now existing

in their production puts it beyond doubt that every year  will  see rapid improvement in their efficiency. 

We do not expect, nor do we desire, that the world may see the  fulfilment of the poet's dream, "Argosies of

magic sails" or  "Airy  navies grappling in the central blue."  We would not  befog our vision  of the future with

any wild imaginings,  seeking, as some have done, to  see in the electricity or other  hidden power of heaven

the means for  its subjugation by man;  but it is far from unreasonable to hope that  but a little while  shall pass,

and we shall have more perfect and  reliable  knowledge of the tides and currents in the vast ocean of air,  and

when that day may have come then it may be claimed that the  grand  problem of aerial navigation will be

already solved. 

The Dominion of the Air: The Story of Aerial Navigation




1. Table of Contents, page = 3

2. The Dominion of the Air: The Story of Aerial Navigation, page = 4

   3. J. M. Bacon , page = 4





























   32. CHAPTER XXIX.  CONCLUSION., page = 118