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Advanced eBook Selling Techniques - Category Featured Example

OK, to give it to you straight, here is how to make real money with eBooks (Category Featured):

Pick just one eBook. Yes, ONLY one. The topic should be any of the below, as they are the top genres:

    A. Stocks or any other type of investing.
    B. How to make money on eBay.
    C. How to win the lottery.
    D. How to win at gambling.
    E. How to make money on the net.

And related topics (horse race betting, Making money in other ways, etc).

These type of eBooks can be sold at the top of the page.. This is called "Category featured".


ALSO, I am not sure if I pointed this out yet, but selling at the top of the category is generally how most of the top sellers make the most money off eBooks..

Selling at the top of the page will cost you maybe $25 bucks, but it is worth it, if you have a killer ad, killer title, and in the best category.. You can get 10+ sales at $9.95 and that is about $100 bucks.. Then, you just pay about $30 to eBay..


Here is probably the most profitable eBook auction I have ever seen:

[ eBay Auction Link - Click Here ]

Here is how many he sold:

HE SOLD 120 OF THEM!!!!!

That is $1200 minus about $65 in eBay fees..

Thats over $1000 PROFIT off ONE EBOOK AUCTION.

He did EXACTLY as I mentioned above.. He has it as a dutch auction, digital delivery, category featured, killer ad, killer title, great icon and the best category..

I have been doing this type of auction style since 2001. My best record of all time only sold 48 total at $15 bucks each.. That was for the INFORMATIONAL TV projector kit.. Its basically a manual with one component..

My record for software selling in this style was about 34+ sales on a BIBLE SOFTWARE product back about 3 years ago.. Same style, top of the category, etc..

So, I would say, this would be the best way to sell your eBooks. The problem is most no one has the balls to do it.. Even when I tell them the above.. Doesn't bother me though, as I don't loose out..

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