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Hi Jim,
95% of those who sell ebooks on ebay sell them wrongly.   They also sell them for rediculously low prices like 10 cents.
I am one of the other 5%.  I can teach you how to really sell these ebooks. 
The trick with ebooks is that its all about the marketing.
Here are some quick facts:
1. Why your competitors price is irrelevant: 
2. Put the maximum price one is willing to spend: 
How do you set the maximum price and how do you know what it is?
You do an search on ebay's history for the item and you will see what one was willing to pay last week:
Forex eBook:
All the green prices are the ones that sold.  Someone was willing to pay $200, but I wonder if it is a fake purchase..  The $25 is a real purchase..
So, $25 for an ebook..  Happens more often than you think.
OR, how about this guy, who uses my Dutch Auction Method for selling ebooks.  I can send you the step by step process for this method if you would like..
Here is probably the most profitable eBook auction I have ever seen:
Here is how many he sold:
HE SOLD 120 OF THEM!!!!!  
That is $1200 minus about $65 in eBay fees..
Thats over $1000 PROFIT off ONE EBOOK AUCTION. 
He did EXACTLY as I do it, using my 1st of 3 methods..  Namely, the dutch auction method.
SO, once again, it is HOW you sell the ebooks, not WHAT you sell. 
Notice the auction above does not even tell you what the ebook is.  All it tells you is what it will do for your life..  And, he sells it way too good..
My record is 48 sales at $18.90 for my TV projector kit.  Its not an ebook, but it is an information product.  I send them printed plans and a lens..  Essentially an information product. I used the Dutch Auction Method for this also..
So, if you would like to see the dutch auction method and how to pick the right ebook, just write back.. 
Tony wrote:
Hi Tony,
I bought item # 290015135839 thinking it was an ebook collection you were selling on Ebay auctions. I looked at auctions on ebooks there and they seem a little slow in selling and priced low.
I am looking for a way in a few months to be making enough income to replace my current job. I also am working with a small budget to start with so I need to start small and build from there. Your information is greatly appreciated! Thanks,
              Jim Nixon

O'REILLY: All right, Lis ... I sell bibles in Tarzana, CA. Lenny comes in, & he's got a ... beard. He's wearing a dress ... I have to hire him?
LIS WIEHL: You can't not hire Lenny.
O'REILLY: Yes, but ... Don't you see my business point here? ... the state of Calif .. is forcing me to hire people that may be detrimental to my business.
LIS WIEHL: appearance shouldn't matter. When you're selling bibles.
O'REILLY: Ms. Rivers, you understand ... better than Lis because she went to Harvard Law School, and that disqualifies her from common sense.

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