Isn't the Ad Description Enough?

Rather than just giving you the ad description, I decided I would spend sometime explaining how to sell an eBook such as this one. The temptation is to just do what everybody else is doing.. But, by doing so, you are taking the lazy route and you loose all potential for real value and profit.

The idea of getting killer sales comes from your input into selling the product, rather than the product itself. As some of you might know, the sale is 65% your marketing and 35% the product itself. So, rather than assuming it will sell itself, you should spend most of your time figuring out how to sell it and how to make the most money selling it.

You need an edge over everyone else. With this type of product, those who succeed and make the most money are the ones that perfect the sale of it. I have seen with this type of product that it is ALL the seller and little the product.. Finding a good product to sell is the EASY part. The hard part is beating the competition. Whats very cool, though, is once you figure out the best way to sell it and spend a couple months perfecting it, there is LITTLE or NO WORK thereafter in this respect.. So, putting in those couple months of testing into your eBooks is worth its weight in gold, as when you are done perfecting them, you rarely have to change anything ever again and can just keep banking on its sales.

I have noticed with almost any business, it follows this pattern of building and then sitting back.. With a normal job, you just work, work and work some more.. With a business, you do all the hard work at first, putting your faith into your ideas and sales capability. Then, after you have maximized your sales system, you are done and can sit back, watching it run (doing just the routine work, or hiring someone to do it). I have product that I spent months and months perfecting, but as soon as I got it maximized, I didn't change anything again for YEARS. For instance, I have auctions that I made so long ago and have not changed, that the "feedback comments" I put in the auction say 2002 on them!

Save $5 Bucks at Best Buy

Rather than giving you some advertisement to use, I am going to give you some pointers.. I am teaching you how to fish, rather than giving you a fish.. Obviously, this is far more valuable. And, if you thinking in your mind that you would rather just have some ad to post, you are thinking wrong. This way of thinking is ineffective at making money on eBay. Yes, it can work some, but as soon as one of your competitors gets "smart" he will take your sales by putting something in his ad to get an edge over you. BUT, as I mentioned above, if you do testing for a few months, and increase your edge greatly over your competitors, you will find that eventually, it will not matter what they come up with, you will win everytime and they will not be able to steal your sales.

Well, for this item, I am going to give you some solid tips:

  1. it should be obvious that you should not charge more than $5 bucks for it.
  2. I would charge maybe $2.00+ for it. You have to build, though, the value of it in their minds. Make it clear that they can save far more than $5 bucks buying it. Tell them they can use this technique over and over and over and this $2 bucks is such a small price compared to what they will save.
  3. If you have a lot of competition for this item, distinguish yourself from them. Make yours sound unique. Put doubt in their mind about the competitor's product. Put doubt in their mind about your competitor (feedback ratings, trustworthness, etc). The idea is to build up your value, your reliability, your case and break down the competitor's case. Do not spend too much time on breaking down your competitor and do not name their price.. This way, you just hit the topic, but not dwell on it too long.
  4. Make it clear your guarantee. Tell them if it does not work, there is an iron-clad money back guarantee. Do not worry about returns, as it is rare anyways..
  5. Take all the doubts out of your customer's mind.. One doubt that came to my mind reading the product is whether some Best Buys have these gift cards still and if they will always allow it. Your job is to remove all excuses and doubt.
  6. I think you are starting to get the idea.. Build up your product, build up your case, your value, remove all doubts, barriers, remove all those ideas that would make the guy say no.
  7. Be thorough. A long ad is not bad. Often, you can make it longer than you think. A short ad can be good if you cover all of your bases. The important part is to cover every base.
  8. Seems like a lot of work, but look at it this way. You make a winner ad, you battle test it, THEN you can bank on it for years to come. You make money over and over and over.. Your time in the end is well paid..
  9. Last, use tools from my website and books on selling to make a professional ad. By professional ad, I mean cover the basics of sale ad creation to make sure you are employing the fundamentals into your ad. For instance, using subtitles, color physcology, benefits vs. features, etc. If you have no clue what I am talking about, you need to definitely get a book on it or check out my website here: Click Here

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